Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing

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  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density throughVapor Induced Pung


    Lee Brandt

    August 2! 2"#$

    %us &hiteAli'a Di(on

    )*ily Bernier

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    +,-ecti.e/ 0he o,-ecti.e of this e(peri*ent 1as to synthesi'e .aporinduced pungthrough the application of heat to popcorn kernels3

    Procedure/#4 0o ,egin the e(peri*ent gather the follo1ing *aterials

    • # 5alculator

    • $ Popcorn Kernels of one ,rand

    • # 2$"*L )rlen*eyer Flask

    • # Singlehole ru,,er stopper

    • # 6ot plate

    • # pair of tongs

    • # %lass stirring rod

    • # electronic ,alance

    •# #""*L %raduated 5ylinder

    • 2"2$ *l dry sea sand

    • sa*ple holder

    • t1ee'ers

    24 After gathering the *aterials! create a sa*ple holder3 0his is ,est done1ith a piece of paper and a pen ,y dra1ing a circle and la,eling the* #through $3 0hen place one kernel in each sa*ple space374 indi.idually 1eigh kernel on the electronic ,alance and note kernel *assin the la, ,ook4 turn on hot plate to 8 and place one kernel in a 2$"*L )rlen*eyer Flask39sing the tongs! place :ask on hot plate and ,egin *o.ing the :ask to rollthe kernel inside the :ask3 5ontinue this process until kernel has popped3

    ;ote/ this high heat process pops the kernel the fastest! ,ut does notnecessarily create the ,iggest :ake3 0his high te*perature 1as the only*ethod 1hich popped the kernel in our e(peri*ent3 Also ,e careful not to,urn kernel or :ake ,y *o.ing the kernel constantly and in.erting the)rlen*eyer :ask as soon as the kernel pops3$4 using glass stirring rod! pull the :ake out of the :ask and 1eigh it on theelectronic ,alance3

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    ;ote/ this procedure or one of eual product 1as used to create all the datafor this report using three dierent ,rands of popcorn/ 5ousins &illies! Colly 0i*e! and +r.ille ?eden,acher popcorn3

    Data and 5alculations/

    For ?a1 Data on 5ousins &illies Popcorn! please see Appendi( #3For ?a1 Data on +r.ille ?eden,acher! please see Appendi( 2For ?a1 Data on Colly 0i*e Popcorn Popcorn! please see Appendi( 7

    9sing )(cel! Flake Density 1as calculated using the follo1ing )uation/DE>g4V>*L4

      Cousins Willies Jolly Time Orville Redenbacher

    Flake(g) Volume(mL)


    y(g!mL) Flake(g)




    (g!mL) Flake(g) Volume(mL) Densiy(g!mL)

    "3#$ "3< "32$=7"3#8=

    # #3 "3#7"3#7#

    < #3@ "3"=

    "3"@7$ "38 "3##

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    "3#7< "38 "3#="3#8"

    8 232 "3"82"3#28

    7 "32 "3

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    9sing )(cel! percent *ass lost 1as also calculated using the follo1ingeuation/

    G*>*i*f 4*iH#""








    G *asslost Kernel


    G *asslost


  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    $ 2#=

    "3#@2= "3#8$@73$288"#2


  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing






    G *asslost

    "3#8"# "3#7#<


    "3#2$2 "3##2@@38228#


    "3##$ "3#"#@##3

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing



    "3#$"2 "3#7##23$#

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    f>(4 "388( J "

    ? "3@

    +r.ille ?edn,acher

    Kernel *ass .s3 Flake *ass

    %raph 7

    %raph # sho1s the relation of 5ousins &illies Kernel *ass to Flake *ass 1ithlinear trend line3%raph 2 sho1s the relation of Colly 0i*e Kernel *ass to Flake *ass 1ithlinear trend line3%raph 7 sho1s the relation of +r.ille ?eden,acher Kernel *ass to Flake *ass1ith linear trend line3

    f>(4 "3"$( J "3=8

    ? "

    5ousins &illies

    Kernel *ass .s Flake Volu*e


    Brandt #"

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing



    ? "

     Colly 0i*e

    Kernel *ass .s Flake Volu*e

    %raph $

    "3"8 "3# "3#2 "3# "3#< "3#8 "32 "322

    f>(4 =3#( "3#? "3##

    +r.ille ?edn,acher

    Kernel *ass .s Flake Volu*e

    Flake Volu*e >*l "3#4

    %raph <

    %raph sho1s the relation of 5ousins &illies Kernel *ass to Flake .olu*e1ith linear trend line3%raph $ sho1s the relation of Colly 0i*e Kernel *ass to Flake .olu*e 1ith

    linear trend line3%raph < sho1s the relation of +r.ille ?eden,acher Kernel *ass to Flake.olu*e 1ith linear trend line3

    Brandt ##

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    5onclusion/ 0his e(peri*ent tests t1o hypotheses/

    #4 0he *ass of the :ake is proportional to the *ass of the kernel24 0he .olu*e of the :ake is proportional to the *ass of the kernel

    Data indicates a positi.e correlation for the rst hypothesis3 &hich

    conr*s a linear relationship of kernel *ass to :ake *ass3 0his is seen

    through graphs #! 2! and 7 1hich re-ect the null hypothesis that the :ake

    *ass is not correlated to kernel *ass and support the rst hypothesis3 0his

    can ,e conr*ed ,y e.aluation the ?.alues of each of the three ,rands3 All

    three ?.alues are a,o.e 3$ 1hich suggests a correlation3 0he strongest

    ,rand to suggest the strongest correlation is 5ousins &illies 1ith an ?

    .alue3@8$$3 0he ,rand 1ith the least correlation! Colly 0i*e! still sho1s a

    strong correlation ,et1een the :ake *ass and kernel *ass 1ith an ?


  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    hypothesis one! ,ut al*ost none supporting hypothesis t1o3 0his ho1e.er

    does not poise a pro,le* or uestion of the e(peri*ental conditions ,ecause

    of the strong correlation sho1n for hypothesis one3

    Interestingly! the *ost of the popcorn kernels used in this e(peri*ent

    contained less than the opti*al #2#G 1ater co*position that aids in .apor

    induced pung3 Eany kernels contained less than #"G 1ater! 1hich could

    attri,ute to the struggle of getting kernels to pop that *any groups

    e(perienced3 Another factor possi,ly aecting the popping of indi.idual

    kernels 1as kernel hull strength3 0his can .ary 1idely ,et1een ,rands and

    indi.idual kernels3 0his factor could e(plain so*e of the .ariation seen in the

    results3 Another factor is the e.enness 1ith 1hich the interior of the kernel is

    heated3 0o achie.e ,etter results! 1e took care to heat e.enly ,y ne.er

    letting the kernel stop *o.ing! so that all sides 1ere heated as e.enly as

    possi,le3 &hile high heat 1as used! the ,eaker ne.er stopped! and thus the

    high head did not aect the popping results3 If a high and hot :a*e 1ere

    used ho1e.er! the kernel has *ore of a possi,ility to ,urn or heat une.enly

    e.en possi,ly causing ,urning or scorching! 1hich 1ould aect the kernelMs

    a,ility to pop correctly thus di*inishing the .olu*e of a kernel3

    Eany :akes did not t 1ith the linear correlation ,et1een :ake .olu*e

    and kernel *ass! 1hile hea.ier kernels *ay contain larger a*ounts of starch!

    *any other factors can contri,ute to added 1eight3 0hus the .olu*e is not

    directly correlated to *ass3 Flakes are also uniueN no t1o are alike3 0his

    Brandt #7

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    de.iation and di.ersity aect the a,ility to dra1 a correlation ,et1een :ake

    .olu*e and kernel *ass3

    +ne additional e(peri*ental error is the .ariation in heat and heating

    techniues used ,y groups gathering data3 Eany dierent hot plates

    te*peratures and ,rands 1ere used gi.ing *any kernels distinct dierences3

    In looking at the ra1 data! one can see si*ilarities in groupings of .e!

    suggesting that dierent *ethods 1ere used to achie.e successful popping3

     0his factor could lead to uestion if there *ight ,e a correlation ,et1een

    :ake .olu*e and :ake *ass3 A possi,le follo1up e(peri*ent *ight look at

    dierent popping te*peratures*ethods in their aect on :ake .olu*e and

    *ass co*pared to kernel *ass3

    Brandt #

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing



    Appendi( #

    Brandt #$

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    Appendi( 2

    Brandt #

  • 8/19/2019 Popcorn Lab-A Study of Popcorn Kernel to Flake Density Through Vapor Induced Puffing


    Appendi( 7

    Brandt #=