Pop art grad school

Pop Art The Weird and Wonderful world of Pop Art, And The artists that brought it to life By: Abigail Powers


Art Education- Pop Art

Transcript of Pop art grad school

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Pop ArtThe Weird and Wonderful world of Pop Art,AndThe artists that brought it to life

By: Abigail Powers

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Once you “got” Pop, you could never see a sign the same way

again. And once you thought Pop, you could never see

America the same way again.

--Andy Warhol

Goals of this presentation:o To introduce you to the art movement “Pop Art.”o Learn about the key artistes during this time period. o Look at examples of Pop Art.o Talk about what is part of popular culture today.o Come up with your own idea for a piece of original Pop Art.

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When you are finished you should be able to answer the

following questions…

0What is Pop Art?0Who were the key players involved

in this movement? (name at least 3)0What are some of the main elements

that all Pop Art has?0What is Popular Culture?

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The Pop artists moved away from Abstract Expressionism which was the “in” style of art in the 50s. The Abstract Expressionist

evoked emotions, feelings and ideas through formal elements such as:



“Pop Artists did images that anybody walking down the street could recognize in a split second…all the great modern things that the Abstract Expressionists tried so hard not to notice at all.”—Gretchen Berg.

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Pop Artists used common images from

everyday culture as their sources including:

• Advertisements

• Consumer goods

• Celebrities

• Photographs

• Comic strips


Read all about the history of Pop Art @:

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Pop Artists used bold, flat colors and hard edge compositions adopted from commercial designs like those found in:


• Murals

• Magazines

• Newspapers

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Pop Artists reflected 60’s culture by using new materials in their artworks including:

•Acrylic Paints

• Plastics

• Photographs

• Fluorescent and

0 Metallic colors

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As well as new technologies and methods:

•Mass production

• Fabrication

• Photography

• Printing

• Serials

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Pop art was appealing to many viewers, while others felt it made fun of common people and their lives. It was hard for some people to understand why Pop Artists were painting cheap, everyday objects, when the function of art historically was to uphold and represent culture’s most valuable ideals.

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Andy Warhol was one of the most famous Pop Artists. Part of his artistic practice was using new technologies and new ways of making art including

• Photographic Silk-Screening

• Repetition

• Mass production

• Collaboration

• Media events

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Warhol used without permission images from magazines, newspapers, and press photos of the

most popular people of his time


Check out this website- you can create your own

Andy Warhol Painting

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Warhol used the repetition of media events to critique and reframe cultural ideas

through his art

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Warhol took common everyday items and gave them importance as “art” He raised questions about the nature of art:

What makes one work of art better than another?

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Other famous Pop Artists:

Claes Oldenburg

Check him out @:


Robert RauschenbergCheck him out @:Wikipedia

Jasper JohnsCheck him out @:


Wayne ThiebaudCheck him out @:Wikipedia

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Pop artists stretched the definitions of what art could be and how it can be made

“The Pop idea, after all, was that anybody could do anything, so naturally we were all trying to do it all…” ---Andy Warhol

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Let’s Test your Skills-

Question #1:

What kind of subjects did pop artistes depict?

a. Landscapesb. Portraits (just portraits)c. Abstract Artd. Everyday Objects

Answer: D

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Question #2:

Pop Artists reflected 60’s culture by using new ________________ in their artworks including?

a. Lightingb. Materialsc. Celebrities d. Cars

Answer: B

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Question #3:

Pop Artists inspiration could be found in what?

a. Billboards and Comic Stripsb. Magazines and Photographsc. Popular Cultured. All of the Above

Answer: D

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What we have learned-

0Pop Art started as a way to change the current art style, which was, Abstract Art.

0Pop Art took every day objects and depicted them as fine art.

0People challenged the Pop Artists at first, was this really art?

0Andy Warhol was one of the most famous Pop Artists in the 60’s. He used many new forms of technology to create new art.

0Pop Art used bold, flat colors. There was not a lot of shading and value.

0Pop Art was an exciting time in the art world.

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Now it is your turn…try to create your own Pop Art…

Now that we have learned what other Pop Artists have done it is time for you to try to create Pop Art for our decade. Using Popular Culture from the current time

period. Let’s talk about what some of our Popular Culture is right now?

Now that we have brainstormed some great ideas…get to the drawing board. Come up with 3 different ideas

for your painting and then pick the best one (with help from Mrs. Powers)

Your Assignment Sheet

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