PolyU A4 Leaflet 2015 v5 done · 2016. 10. 5. · The Fellowshship will provide monthly stipend ip...

Enquiries &ƵƌƚŚĞƌ /ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ Date 1 September 201 to 1 December 201 [ at 12:00noon Hong Kong Time (GMT +8 hours) ] 1 December 201 [ at 23:59 Hong Kong Time (GMT +8 hours) ] December 201 March / April 201 Schedule of Events Applicants should first submit initial applications to the RGC to obtain a Hong Kong PhDFS reference number. Deadline for submission of full applications to PolyU Short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews. Notification of results Key Dat R e s e a r c h O c e , P o l y U Telephone: (852) 3400 3635 Fax: (852) 2355 7651 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/hkphd-fellowship/ http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro D e p a r t m e n t o f R e h a b i l i t a t i o n S c i e n c e s , P o l y U Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.rs.polyu.edu.hk Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme http://www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd/ PolyU’s admission requirements http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/hkphd-fellowship/ PolyU’s on-line admission system https://www40.polyu.edu.hk/rowas/jsp/home.jsf Research Areas in RS

Transcript of PolyU A4 Leaflet 2015 v5 done · 2016. 10. 5. · The Fellowshship will provide monthly stipend ip...

Page 1: PolyU A4 Leaflet 2015 v5 done · 2016. 10. 5. · The Fellowshship will provide monthly stipend ip ill d of HK$20,000 (approximately US$2,600) and Conference and o $20 nd Conferd



1 September 201 to 1 December 201[ at 12:00noon Hong Kong Time (GMT +8 hours) ]

1 December 201

[ at 23:59 Hong Kong Time (GMT +8 hours) ]

December 201

March / April 201

Schedule of EventsApplicants should first submit initial applications to the RGC to obtain a Hong Kong PhDFS reference number.

Deadline for submission of full applications to PolyU

Short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.

Notification of results

Key Dat

Research Office, PolyUTelephone: (852) 3400 3635Fax: (852) 2355 7651Email: [email protected]: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/hkphd-fellowship/ http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, PolyUEmail: [email protected]: http://www.rs.polyu.edu.hk

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Schemehttp://www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd/

PolyU’s admission requirementshttp://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/hkphd-fellowship/

PolyU’s on-line admission systemhttps://www40.polyu.edu.hk/rowas/jsp/home.jsf

Research Areas in RS

Page 2: PolyU A4 Leaflet 2015 v5 done · 2016. 10. 5. · The Fellowshship will provide monthly stipend ip ill d of HK$20,000 (approximately US$2,600) and Conference and o $20 nd Conferd

Admission Requirements:

To register for the degree of PhD, a student shall normally hold a postgraduate degree containing a significant research component, such as a dissertation, conferred by a recognised university.

In exceptional circumstances students other than those stipulated above may be permitted to register. For example, students with a Bachelor’s degree with First Class Honours, or the equivalent, may be admitted directly to the PhD programme. Such students may be required to pass an examination.

Applicants who have not obtained a degree of which the language of instruction was English from a recognised university are normally required to obtain:

All English language test scores are considered valid for five years after the date of the test. Consideration will be given to acceptable scores obtained in other inter-nationally recognised public examinations, such as GRE (Graduate Record Examination) or GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), as deemed appropriate.

an overall score of at least 6.5 (with score for the writing component at 6.0 or above) in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or

at least in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for the paperbased test (with a score of at least 4 out of 6 in the Test of Written English), or at least 0 in the internet-based test (with a writing score of 23 or above).



Who can apply

fulCandidates seeking admission as new l-timepective of PhD students in Hong Kong, irrespckground, their country of origin and ethnic bac research with evidence of academic excellence,

unication, ability and potential, and good commuinterpersonal and leadership abilities.

How to apply

eir Initial Eligible candidates should make theApplication he onlineto the RGC through thsystem at


to obtain a ubmission reference number before sufull application to PolyU via


AAbout the Fellowowshipwshoow

ence and The Fellowshipship will provide monthly stipend od of HK$20,000 (approximately US$2,600) and Conference and $20ill d Conference and nd Conferm oResearch relrelated travel allowance of HHK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year for a maximum of 000 year for a maximum ofof year for a maximu

three yearears. t

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

PolyU is a government-funded university in the Hong Kong We have the largest number of students among the eight government-funded institutions in Hong Kong, and have a long and proud history of providing internationally competitive professional oriented education. We conduct world-class research in a large number of areas and our research emphasizes high application value. With a strategic emphasis on research and innovation, the University firmly believes that research is an integral part of academic life. It informs teaching and advances the frontiers of knowledge and technology, thus enhancing the competitiveness of business and industry and facilitating Hong Kong’s move towards being a knowledge-based economy. At PolyU, we are delighted that our ideas have made the world we live in a better place.

About the Department of Rehabilita on Sciences (RS)

RS is the sole provider of tertiary education in occupational therapy and physiotherapy in Hong Kong. We have been a pioneer in the training of occupational therapists and physiotherapists and rehabilitation researchers for more than 35 years. We are committed to nurturing qualified health care professionals and advancing the frontiers of knowledge in these fields. Our faculties at Assistant Professor grade or above are100% PhD qualified, with various expertise. Researchers in RS have been actively engaging in studies on HEALTH PROMOTION and REHABILITATION that have led to significant improvement in the quality of life of healthy persons and those devastated by disabilities. Our efforts spread across LIFESPAN of a person from adulthood to old age which are bolstered by BASIC SCIENCE, TRANSLATIONAL and CLINICAL research. Our four research areas have positioned the Department to be one of the strongest knowledge acquisition hubs for rehabilitation. They are ‘East Meets West in Rehabilitation Sciences’, ‘Neuroscience and Neurological Rehabilitation’, ‘Orthopaedic and Sports Rehabilitation’, and ‘Geriatric Rehabilitation’. Multiple laboratories specifically for each research area are also established to strengthen students’ practical skills.