Politics in Art 2016


Transcript of Politics in Art 2016




Politics in art is not propaganda.

The artist doesn't tell us what to think, but raises a question in all its ambiguity, irony, strange beauty, haunting evil -- using evocative color and brilliant sarcasm to enlighten, enrage and empower.

Gesture conveys action.

Color conveys mood.

Light conveys emotion (compassion or drama).

Texture provides a subtext.

Words can provoke or -- spin the meaning with irony.

The Blind Leading the Blind by Pieter Bruegel, 1568

Paris bar

Street art in Bethlehem

Street art in Egypt

Street art in London

The Raft of the Medusa by Theodore Gericault is a 23-foot painting done in 1819. It depicts the wreck of the French naval frigate Meduse in which 147 people were set adrift on a hurriedly constructed raft. All but 15 died in the 13 days before their rescue, and those who survived endured starvation, dehydration and cannibalism. The event became an international scandal because its cause was attributed to the incompetence of the French government.

Géricault interviewed two of the survivors and constructed a detailed scale model of the raft.

The painting represents a break from the calm and order of the prevailing Neoclassical school.

Patti Chandler

Ed Keinholz

Barbara Kruger

Banksy Pam Lanza

Deirdre Weinberg

Deirdre Weinberg

Hieronymus Bosch

Last Judgment 9/11G Hirsch

A. Hirsch

A. Hirsch

Weapons of Mass Destruction

A. Hirsch

A. Hirsch

Deirdre Weinberg

Deirdre Weinberg

Charles F. Quest

Marian Kemensky(Slovakian)

Yue Minjun

Yue Minjun – Contemporary Warriors

Do Ho Suh (Korea)