Politicians and a Contract With The Devil

Weekly Newsletter • Volume 3, Number 40 Politicians and a Contract With e Devil By Jackie Muhammad -Guest Columnist- e American political system, said by many to be the greatest system of government in the world, has a very seri- ous flaw: It is a system built on two of the seven deadly sins of the Bible. According to the Bible, the Book of Proverbs enumer- ates seven deadly sins. ey are (1) haughty eyes, (2) a lying tongue (3) hands that shed innocent blood, (4) a heart that devises wicked schemes, (5) feet that are quick to rush into evil, (6) a false witness who pours out lies, and (7) a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. According to the Book of Romans (6:23), all sin results in death, unless an act of atonement accompanies reconciliation. According to Mr. Webster, to lie means to make an un- true statement with the intent to deceive, an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with the intent to deceive. In short, a lie is the willful distortion of the truth. It is Satan who brought the evil of lying into the world; his native tongue, some say, is lying. Prior to the introduc- tion of Satan into the world, man did not participate in the artful skill of lying. Now lying has become a skill that Satan’s offspring has perfected, and that skill is no more evident than it is in America’s political arena. President George W. Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction being hidden in Iraq by Sadam Hussein. at lie led to hundreds of thousands of innocent people losing their lives. Bush’s apologists would say that his intelligence services provided him with false information. False information is the cynical manipulation of the truth. e net result is the same thing—a lie. Recently Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential can- didate, and his running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan, ad- dressed the American people and inundated the people with lies and distorted truths. For example: · Mr. Ryan accused President Barack Obama of closing a General Motors automobile plant in his district in Wisconsin. e future vice-presidential aspirant knowingly lied, because the plant was closed during the Bush administration. It was on a list to be closed in 2008. Mr. Obama had no ability to save the plant that was closed during the Bush administra- tion. · Further, Mr. Ryan attacked the President and alleged that Mr. Obama took $716 billion out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. Ryan never men- tioned to his information- challenged audience that his own budget proposal incorpo- rated those same cuts to pay for tax cuts for the rich or a deficit reduction. · A veteran GOP consul- tant is quoted in the Capitol Hill Blue on September 2, 2012, as saying that “lying is a way of life with Ryan” and that “e man is, and always has been, a serial liar …. he will be Mitt Romney’s Sarah Palin.” Romney lied at the recent Republican National Convention when he said he wanted to see the country’s first Black president succeed. Mean- while, his future running mate had conspired with a cabal of congressional representatives and political operatives to plot the downfall of Mr. Obama on the very night of his inaugura- tion. Robert Draper, the New York Times Magazine writer, correspondent for GQ and author of several other books on politics, details this treacherous and nefarious conspiracy in his recent publication called Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives. Among the conspirators was House Majority leader Eric Cantor. When asked by CNN Money on August 30, to comment on Mr. Ryan’s recent lie concerning Obama and


Politicians and a Contract With The Devil, Where are our other Gabrielle Douglases?

Transcript of Politicians and a Contract With The Devil

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Weekly Newsletter • Volume 3, Number 40

Politicians and a Contract With The Devil

By Jackie Muhammad -Guest Columnist-The American political system, said by many to be the

greatest system of government in the world, has a very seri-ous flaw: It is a system built on two of the seven deadly sins of the Bible.

According to the Bible, the Book of Proverbs enumer-ates seven deadly sins. They are (1) haughty eyes, (2) a lying tongue (3) hands that shed innocent blood, (4) a heart that devises wicked schemes, (5) feet that are quick to rush into evil, (6) a false witness who pours out lies, and (7) a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. According to the Book of Romans (6:23), all sin results in death, unless an act of atonement accompanies reconciliation.

According to Mr. Webster, to lie means to make an un-true statement with the intent to deceive, an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with the intent to deceive. In short, a lie is the willful distortion of the truth.

It is Satan who brought the evil of lying into the world; his native tongue, some say, is lying. Prior to the introduc-tion of Satan into the world, man did not participate in the artful skill of lying. Now lying has become a skill that Satan’s offspring has perfected, and that skill is no more evident than it is in America’s political arena.

President George W. Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction being hidden in Iraq by Sadam Hussein. That lie led to hundreds of thousands of innocent people losing their lives. Bush’s apologists would say that his intelligence services provided him with false information. False information is the cynical manipulation of the truth. The net result is the same thing—a lie.

Recently Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential can-didate, and his running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan, ad-

dressed the American people and inundated the people with lies and distorted truths. For example:

· Mr. Ryan accused President Barack Obama of closing a General Motors automobile plant in his district in Wisconsin. The future vice-presidential aspirant knowingly lied, because the plant was closed during the Bush administration. It was on a list to be closed in 2008. Mr. Obama had no ability to save the plant that was closed during the Bush administra-tion.

· Further, Mr. Ryan attacked the President and alleged that Mr. Obama took $716 billion out of Medicare to pay for

Obamacare. Ryan never men-tioned to his information-challenged audience that his own budget proposal incorpo-rated those same cuts to pay for tax cuts for the rich or a deficit reduction.

· A veteran GOP consul-tant is quoted in the Capitol Hill Blue on September 2, 2012, as saying that “lying is a way of life with Ryan” and that “The man is, and always has been, a serial liar …. he will be Mitt Romney’s Sarah Palin.”

Romney lied at the recent Republican National Convention when he said he wanted to see the country’s first Black president succeed. Mean-while, his future running mate had conspired with a cabal of congressional representatives and political operatives to plot the downfall of Mr. Obama on the very night of his inaugura-tion. Robert Draper, the New York Times Magazine writer, correspondent for GQ and author of several other books on politics, details this treacherous and nefarious conspiracy in his recent publication called Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives.

Among the conspirators was House Majority leader Eric Cantor. When asked by CNN Money on August 30, to comment on Mr. Ryan’s recent lie concerning Obama and

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Medicare, Mr. Cantor said, “the assumption was that, um, the, the, ah, again—I probably can’t speak to that in an exact way so I better just not.” Mr. Cantor appeared to be a victim of a malady called word salad, a mixture of random words that, while arranged in phrases that appear to give them meaning, actually carry no significance. James Brown used to call it “Talking loud and saying nothing.”

Senator Rick Santorum lied to the public when he refused to admit that he had said he would not give government money to Black people. His lie caught on videotape, Santo-rum later said he used the word “blah” people. That lie doesn’t fly because there are no known people as “blah people” on the planet Earth. Maybe NASA’s Mars Rover will “discover” such a people as it probes the Red Planet.

Republicans do not have a monopoly on lying and distorting the truth. Candidate Obama was forced by Hillary Clinton, then his opponent for the Democratic presi-dential nomination, to denounce Minister Farrakhan as being an “anti-Semite,” a lie that has been defeated by those knowl-edgeable of the truth, yet repeated by the Jewish-controlled media, which operate on the principle that if you repeat a lie often enough, the people will believe it. Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and their surrogates were the first to spread the lie that President Obama was a “stealth” Muslim.

If the Bible condemns lying as one of the principal sins and politicians make lying a staple of their political discourse, then what does that say about those who follow such politicians? Both Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan consider themselves religious men. Many of the Christian-right are staunch support-ers of both men. However, no one on the Christian-right or any other spokesperson among the Christian elite has corrected the anti-Godly behav-ior of these lying politicians. Jesus admonished his followers to speak the truth, yet the Christian-right speak of their love for Jesus but use the name of Jesus to shield their evil behav-ior. The Holy Qur’an puts it this way: “Who is more evil than the one who fabricates lies and attributes them to God?”

One of the central messages that Jesus came into the world to deliver was the truth of God and the devil. The reason Jesus got into trouble was that he exposed the truth of the identity of the chief enemies of God.

One of the principal lies circulating in the political arena is the lie of voter fraud or voter irregularity. Voter fraud in America largely does not exist; therefore, voter fraud is not a problem. Those on the political right who have created a false flag issue out of voter fraud are further dividing the nation

politically and racially. False flag operations are used as a pretext for war; they serve as a means to justify an attack on another nation on the basis of a lie.

Voter fraud has been used as a pretext for attacking Blacks, the elderly and the poor, who would most likely vote for Mr. Obama.

The Christian-right is one of the biggest supporters of those in the political arena who are promoting the lie of voter fraud. It has one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington. Yet, instead of standing up and speaking out in support of the truth concerning voter suppression, the Christian-right has joined the forces of evil in promoting the

lie of voter fraud.Jesus identified the devil and said the

devil is the father of lies. John 8:44 says: “You belong to your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is the father of lies.”

When Jesus spoke those words, he was referring to his enemies among the Jewish leadership in the Sanhedrin, the ancient Jewish court system. The Sanhedrin was composed of the politicians of that time. They were seeking to have him killed on the basis of a lie. However, lying has now become an integral part of the American political system—and the companion of all evil doers who are trying to kill a political system that speaks to the greater needs of the majority of the American people.

Donald Trump, the reputed billionaire real estate mogul and gambling casino czar and erstwhile presidential aspirant, con-stantly lies when he alleges that Mr. Obama is not an American, but a foreigner born in Africa. Other leading Republican political

operatives have constantly perpetuated the lie that Obama is a communist who wants to transform America into a Europe-an-style socialist state.

The same moral and ethical lapses Jesus accused the Jews of committing are an everyday occurrence among the nation’s leading politicians. If the American political system is to sur-vive, then lying must be removed from the political lexicon and be replaced with Truth. If these politicians are thrust into office on the basis of lies and distortions, then the American people will get exactly what they have voted for—a contract with the devil.

(Jackie Muhammad is a former presidential appointee, member of the Oxford Round Table, educator, youth-trainer and businessman.)


John 8:44 says: “You belong to your father the devil, and you

want to carry out your father’s de-sires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for

there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is the fa-

ther of lies.”

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Where are our other Gabrielle Douglases?

Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min MuhammadThe world has justifiably fallen in love with Amer-

ica’s gold medalist Gabrielle Douglas. However, the more we learn about her struggles, the more we must ask the question, “How many other great young Black people are out there that we will never know, because they were not as mentally and spiritually prepared as Gabrielle?” They may have great potential but they never made it through the agonizing reality of being Black in a world dominated by “White Supremacy.”

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan writes in A Torchlight for America: “There seems to be a practice of identifying young, brilliant black children, particularly black boys, and casting in their minds suggestions that stagnate their development and kill their upward movement.” Gabrielle Douglas gave an interview after the Olympics to Vanity Fair magazine. In this interview she stated that she felt isolated and was made the butt of “rac-ist jokes” while training in Virginia before moving to Iowa to be coached by her mentor Liang Chow. She felt bullied by the other white girls in the program to the point that she was afraid to show off more of her skill. Gabrielle had been training as a gymnast since she was six years old. Starting in 2004, when she was eight, Gabrielle mostly trained at Excalibur Gymnas-tics, in Virginia Beach, a well-regarded program that has produced 10 members of the U.S. national team since 1995. Her mother soon began working nights so she could homeschool Gabrielle, in large part because a gymnast’s daily training regimen makes going to regular school impossible.

Through all of the physical and emotional stress of such intensive training, Gabrielle still blossomed until 2009. Gabrielle said that some of her fellow white gymnasts had made fun of her appearance but when an Excalibur staff member suggested to her that she

might want to get a “nose job,” that was a severe blow to her self-esteem. But Gabrielle did not quit. She became determined to train at Chow’s gym, in West Des Moines, Iowa. “I’ve got to get a coach I can be-lieve in, and who believes in me,” she told her mother. Gabrielle said that her mother told her to “suck it up,” to which Gabrielle asked, “If this was happening to you, how well would you suck it up?” Her mother was then moved to make it possible for Gabrielle to move to Iowa to train under Chow.

What would have happened to Gabrielle if she were not so persistent and her mother were not so caring? Do you remember the story of Malcolm X when he was eight years old and the white teacher told him that he should forget about becoming a lawyer and think about learning carpentry? Malcolm eventu-ally dropped out of school to pursue a life of crime. In a previous article “Exposing the Aim and Purpose

of America’s Educational System,” we shared the statistic that 1 out of every 6 Black children was sus-pended from high school in the 2009-2010 school year compared to 1 out of 20 for white children. There is a direct relationship be-tween being suspended and eventually dropping out of school and eventually end-ing up in jail.

Why should Gabrielle have to “suck up” a deliber-

ate psychological blow to her head? Why does society have to suffer the consequences of having to deal with a destroyed ego? What if these incidents are not isolated, but a planned method of control? Is there, as Minister Farrakhan stated, “a system in place to keep a plantation running, for the benefit of the rich and powerful?” Minister Farrakhan also describes the purpose of “true education”: to cultivate “the person—mind, body, and spirit—by bringing us closer to ful-filling our purpose for being, which is to reflect Allah (God).” If her mother had not pulled Gabrielle from the public school system and homeschooled her, and then sent her away to be trained by an Asian coach, would we now be enjoying the athletic feats and capti-vating smile and personality of Gabrielle Douglas?

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Minister Farrakhan is walking the streets of Chicago with the Fruit of Islam (FOI) trying to re-pair the broken souls of our young Black men who have formed “gangs” to express their manhood in a culture that has failed to acknowledge their human-ity. Their frustrations are turned on each other while the dominant society is training professional killers to gun them down when the order is given. What if this form of psychological destruction, followed by physi-cal annihilation, is not an anomaly but the American way? Jeff Schmidt in his book Disciplined Minds makes the point that this type of psychological warfare is not performed solely on Blacks as manifested in the dropout rate in high school, but is a planned method of selection that moves all the way up to the PhD level. The selection process is based not on academic skills or even race, but on a willingness to give over the core of one’s being to serve “the status quo,” the rich and powerful. The aspiring professional, no matter what the field, must demonstrate a willingness to be a “pro-fessional” slave without making waves.

Dr. Schmidt, who holds a PhD in physics, demon-strates how the “ideology of the status quo is built into the curriculum.” The curriculum establishes the goals, values, priorities and attitude of its students to en-sure future employers that the graduate is willing and able to set aside his or her values and do whatever is necessary to “get ahead.” If he changes employers, the graduate is flexible enough to change values to fit in to the new workplace at the drop of a hat. Sounds like a well-adjusted prostitute to me.

Dr. Schmidt goes into how the game is played on the graduate student to destroy the student’s self-esteem and then remold him or her into the image desired by that institution—much like what Gabrielle faced at her first gym. I remember being very clearly told when I was a PhD student at Michigan State Uni-versity (MSU) that the job of the faculty there was to tear down my old self and remake me into a product of MSU’s graduate school. Here are some of the tricks that Dr. Schmidt has documented:

(1) “The ‘successful’ students are the ones that check out faculty attitudes and beliefs so they can mimic them…”

(2) “Learning to play along meant learning to see yourself the way the system sees you.”

(3) The well-adjusted student does not spend time on areas of interest in his or her chosen field, but stud-ies what interests his/her professors, for those will be the items tested on in the qualifying exams.

(4) Students are not told their scores on the quali-fying exams—an act of concealment that gives the “faculty members the option of deciding that a student has failed the test even if that student has outscored someone they are going to pass.”

In other words, the PhD candidate’s whole profes-sional life is wrapped up in how he or she is perceived by the faculty and not necessarily by his or her grasp of the material. After 16 years of schooling, includ-ing getting through college, the graduate student must do another 4 to 8 years to get a PhD that comes down to whether or not the faculty “likes” him or her. Dr.

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Why Do Our Best Friends Sell Us?

5Schmidt devotes a subchapter of his book to acts of “Individual Violence,” where he docu-ments how students that have failed their quali-fying examinations have murdered former professors and students. Society seems to love to point to the acts of violence in the “hood,” while playing down violence at the other end of the spectrum in our “ivory towers.” It has been reported that the mass murderer who killed 12 people recently in Colorado had just failed one of his qualifying exams three days before he bought the guns.

The streets of America are red with the blood of our young Black boys and girls who could have been another Gabrielle Douglas. Our prisons are full of untapped talent that just did not know that they were a victim of a well-thought-out scheme. We must teach our young Black boys and girls that, as Minister Farrakhan says, “We are at war!” and that each person or institution that they may meet could be a “land mine” ready to detonate in their minds to destroy their self-esteem and their future. We must institutionalize some form of survival training to protect the minds of our children.

(Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad, Agricul-tural Economist, National Student Minister of Agriculture, Manager of Muhammad Farms. He can be reached at [email protected])