Polite c Nicod i Milano School of Civil Engineering

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  • Politecnico di Milano Facolt di Architettura Civile

    School of Civil Architecture


    Handbook Information for visiting students

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010



    1. Preface 4 History Urban and regional context

    2. School of Civil Architecture 5 General information

    3. Study courses 6 Lectures Didactic course ECTS Credits Grade system Study courses Research doctorates (PhD)

    4. Curriculum 9 Information about the academic year

    5. International cooperations 16 Erasmus-Socrates Programs Extra UE International agreement European Association of Architectural Education Double Degree programme

    6. General information for incoming students 19 How to get there Studesk4 Services for Incoming Students Accomodation in Milan ESN Erasmus Student Network

    7. School servies 22 Library Piero Bottoni archives Documentation center Computer access Cafeteria

    8. City of Milan: general info 23

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    1. Preface

    History The School of Civil Architecture is quite young and it was born from a split of a single department, where some members of the School found it difficult to define a unified educational approach and project. Therefore, the deep desire for clarity and the exigency to define a unified, shared training project, were the main reasons that caused this schism. At this point the enactment of the law to implement a reform of the university system, offers our school a great opportunity: that of developing an educational project, meeting the challenges of the reform and making a great effort of reorganization and teaching. This is the necessary condition for building a new cultural identity able to duly respond to the radical transformations, which are taking place in our society and in the culture of the cities. The school of architecture in Milan has a strong tradition that the School of Civil Architecture fully acknowledges and preserves. This tradition has developed over the time, with the contribution of architects like Franco Albini, Piero Bottoni, Carlo De Carli and Ernesto Rogers, who believed that every historical period must construct its own architecture, in continuity with history, and start with a positive critique of the architecture of the past. These architects, and some of their students who still teach in this School, share the same conviction that architecture is, above all, a matter of civil conscience.

    Urban and regional context The creation of urban territories endowed with a specific image represented in the years of the true great Italian urban project: a project without any intentional form, and any contribution of an urbanistic and architectural culture that reflected the cultural and civic crisis of the country. In this way, a new physical and social landscape (the landscape of contemporaneity) began to grow in the most developed parts of the country. Here nothing appears as it used to be: the distribution of wealth reorganization of space. These phenomena are especially readable in the region of Milan, more than in any other Italian territory. The new School of Civil Architecture, located close to the Bovisa old gas factories of the town, corresponds to the needs of these physical and social territories, also thanks to the place where it is settled. Sited at the intersection of the railway and road infrastructures which connect it with the most developed sectors of the region of Milan, with the Malpensa airport on one side and the traditional centre of Milan on the other, the School of Architecture takes up the renovated sheds of an old factory; it is therefore provided with ideal spaces and equipment and it is ideal for all those European and Italian students who are once again interested in the study of the architecture as an interpreter and builder of the city. This school is more and more expanding on the territory, particularly in its studies and historical references; and it also boasts a research tradition with other cities of the Lombardia region like Pavia, Vigevano and Como which can be considered as parts of the territory where the school is settled and to which it is related.

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    2. School of Civil Architecture in Milan

    MAIL ADDRESS: Via Durando, 10 20158 Milano, Italy

    Getting there: You reach the Facolt di Architettura Civile by taking the Passante Ferroviario, FS railway (blue line) or the train, FNM railways and get off at Bovisa-Politecnico station; otherwise, by taking tram number 8 or buses number 52, 82 or 92 and get off at Bausan square.

    DEAN OFFICE: Dean of the School: Prof. Angelo Torricelli Vice-Dean: Prof. Vincenzo Petrini Presidents of the Degree Courses Prof. Vincenzo Petrini and

    Prof. Rosaldo Bonicalzi phone +39 022399.7102 fax +39 022399.7138 e-mail: [email protected] web-site: www.arch2.polimi.it

    STUDENT SECRETARY Dott.ssa Claudia Scrufari phone: +39 022399.7102 fax: +39 022399.7135 Opening time: 9.30 to 12.00: Monday Wednesday Thursday

    INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS arch. Marco Grassi phone: +39 022399.7140 fax: +39 022399.7135 e-mail: [email protected] Opening time: from 10.00 to 12.30 / from 14.30 to 16.30:

    Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    3. Study courses

    Bachelor of Science, 3-year programmes:

    Bachelor of Science in Architecture degree, garantees admission to all Master programmes. Number of admitted students at 1st year 300. Title: BSc Architecture Bachelor of Science in Building Architecture degree, garantess admission to all Master programmes. Number of admitted students at 1st year 150. Title: BSc Architecture

    Maters of Science, 2-year programmes:

    Master of Science in Architecture degree, garantees accreditation upon completion at Register of Architects. Enrollment: 200 students a year. Title: MSc Architecture Master Science in Building Architecture degree, garantees accreditation upon completion at Register of Architects. Enrollment: 100 students a year. Title: MSc Architecture

    Total students 3000 ca. Master 3 + 1 Research Doctorates (PhD) 3 Teaching staff The school employs 85 permanent

    professors and 175 professors by contract.

    Following the reform, the School of Civil Architecture articulates the academic offer into 4-degree courses: B.Sc. or First Degree in Architecture Science 3 years 1st level diploma (laurea) (L), B.Sc. or Degree in Constructions Architecture 3 years - 1st level diploma (laurea) (L), M.Sc. or Higher Degree in Architecture Science - 2 years after obtaining an L - 2nd Level diploma (laurea Magistrale) (LM), M.Sc. or Higher Degree in Constructions Architecture - 2 years after obtaining an L - 2nd Level diploma (laurea Magistrale) (LM)

    The following courses are also held: - 1st and 2nd Degree Master Courses in the field of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Architecture, Architecture of Building and Structure, of Preservation and of Architectural Restoration. The Degree Courses (L) in Architecture and Architecture of Constructions have the 1st year in common so that students can enjoy a greater flexibility in choosing their own courses.

    The diploma (laurea) (L) in Architecture allows admittance to the Specialized Degree (LS) in Architecture without any prerequisites.

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    The diploma (laurea) (L) in Architecture of Constructions entitles the admission to the Specialized Degree (LM) in Architecture and Architecture of Constructions without any didactic prerequisites. The resulting 3+2 study course system in Architecture and in Architecture of Constructions meets to all requirements the European Union requires.

    Lectures The reform of the university courses modified the whole Italian university study system and it was conceived to pursuit 3 main goals: - the reduction of the drops-out and of the years needed to obtain a degree; - the creation of professional figures who can more properly respond to the needs of the economic system; - the harmonization of the study courses at a European level. The reform contemplates the following degrees: - 1st Level diploma: (laurea) (L); - 2nd Level specialized diploma: (laurea Magistrale) (LM); - Research Doctorate (PhD) (DR) Admittance to an LS (2nd Level specialized diploma) is possible only after obtaining an L (laurea) and passing an entry test that, in some cases, can erase a number of didactic prerequisites, which vary according to the type of LM chosen. Admittance to a DR (Research Doctorate) is possible only after obtaining an LM. In conceiving his 3+2 (L+LM) study course, the student has a wide choice Universities can also activate post-degree courses that grant the following degrees: 1st level Master (after L) 2nd level Master (after LM)

    ECTS Credits The recent project to reform the Italian University System has introduced some important innovations in the organization of the academic study courses, implementing the decisions taken by EU Ministers in Bologna in 1998. The reform has introduced study courses based on didactic credits. One credit is a unit that measures the volume of learning (including individual study), required to properly prepare a student; in this way, the student will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge and ability to follow lectures. Please remark that one CFU corresponds to 30 working hours while the average workload carried out in one year by a full-time student can reach up to 60 credits. Credits released for each didactic activity are issued to the student once he passes the exam or some other form of examination. It is expected that time devoted to personal study or to other individual activities corresponds at least 50% of the total workload.

    Grade system Exams are graded using a grading scale of 30, where 18 is the minimum passing grade and 30 cum laude the highest grade. 0-17 fail; 18-22 pass; 23-26 good pass; 27-29 very good pass; 30-30L excellent

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    Research Doctorates (PhD) Research Doctorate (PhD) in Architecture, Urban Planning, Preservation of living places and of the landscape Department of Architectural Design This course aims at shaping a professional figure and a researcher who is aware of the problems that arise nowadays in the transformation of the physical environment and of the living spaces: rational use of resources (both environmental and cultural), sustainable development and attention to the new social needs set by the economic and cultural globalisation. Given the complexity of the issues, the approach can only be multidisciplinary, although it cannot disregard the duty of synthesis and design experimentation even in more specific fields discussed in the courses of doctorate. In this sense the programme of studies includes three educational courses, distinct but strongly interdependent, as those subjects common to the three study courses prove.

    Research Doctorate (PhD) in Architectural Composition Department of Architectural Design The research doctorate (PhD) is intended as a high culture school, rooted in the history of the architect's practice and discipline and very rich in technical contents. It aims at shaping architects who are able to acquire a general point of view, with a solid historical humanistic training and theoretical education and also who boast a wide range of urban-planning and building notions as well as design abilities. The educational process occurs through the communication of organized contents, shared moments of research works and participation to cultural debates. Compositions, as well as other arts, are conceived as an ensemble of conceptual and technical foundations on which the projects are based. The course is institutionally based on the useful confrontation among members of the teaching staff and the most relevant personalities of the international debate. This dialectic is therefore the reference and the nourishment of the research. The courses are built by integrated phases.

    Research Doctorate (PhD) in Interior Architecture and Installations Department of Architectural Design This field of studies gives the opportunity to develop the research, organize, record and re-elaborate abilities with the purpose of knowing and divulging historical as well as contemporary documents in the interior design discipline (architecture, furnishing, decoration, scenography, installations, museology, furniture production). Doctorate students learn to develop their abilities in the problem framing, programming, technical elaboration and management of particularly complex projects for specific areas related to the disciplinary sector. Besides the development of a specific individual curriculum, the candidates will be able to span the whole discipline of Interior Architecture and Installations, articulating their studies according to appropriate analytical and design scales in different sectors.

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    4. Curriculum

    BSc PROGRAMME The first level degree in Architecture Science and Building Architecture enables the graduate to contribute and cooperate to architectural design within the terms of the D.P.R. 328/01, that defines the figure of the"Junior Architect". The Junior Architect will be employed by public or private institutions and bodies working on urban construction and transformation (institutions, public or private bodies and firms). The Course requires a full time involvement and includes: - Courses, constituted by lectures and practicing; - Design Laboratories multi-disciplinary with compulsory attendance; Seminars.

    B.Sc. in Architecture Science As specified in the didactic regulations, 180 credits are required to obtain the degree (first level). More specifically, for the basic courses (Mathematics, History of architecture, History of art, Basic drawing, Basic drawing with applied computer science) 36 credits; 99 credits are required, for distinguishing courses Architectural design, Interior design, Restoration, Urbanism, Technological culture of Architecture, Energy systems for indoor comfort , Structural mechanics, Constructive systems, Transportation); for other activities electives 27 credits; 18 credits are required for professional practice and final work. The knowledge of English Language is a prerequisite for the matriculation.

    CODE SEM COURSES AND STUDIOS ECTS 084100 A Architectural design studio I 18 084101 A Interior design studio 12 084106 2 Analysis of urban morphology and building typologies 4 084107 1 Introduction to historical building preservation 4 084108 1 Analysis of city and region 4 084109 1 Mathematics I: algebra and geometry 4 084110 A History of architecture and history of art 8


    ST YE


    084113 2 Introduction to technology, science and materials technology 6

    TOTAL ECTS 60 071328 A Architectural design studio II 18 071334 A Restoration studio 12

    024560 1 Structural mechanics 6 024562 2 Energy systems for indoor comfort 6 071336 2 Urbanism 4 071337 2 Planning legislation 2 071338 1 Mathematics II: elements analisys 4





    078243 A History of contemporary architecture 8

    TOTAL ECTS 60 071329 A Architectural design studio III 18

    071370 A Urban design studio 12

    084068 1 History of modern architecture 4

    Electives 18

    081201 1 Survey and professional practice 4 THIR

    D YE


    081071 Final work 4


  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    B.Sc. in Building Architecture As specified in the didactic regulations, 180 credits are required to obtain the first level degree. More specifically: for the basic activities (Drawing, History of architecture, Computer graphics, Mathematics) 34 credits are required; for characteristic and distinguishing activities (Architectural composition, Technological culture of architecture, Interior design, Restoration , Urban design, Structural Mechanics, Survey and professional practice, Applied Physics) 104 credits are required; for integrating and elective activities are required 27credits; 15 credits are required for professional practice and final work. The knowledge of English Language is a prerequisite for the matriculation.


    084121 A Architectural design studio I 18 084126 A Interior design studio 12 084131 1 Analysis of urban morphology and building typologies 4 084135 A History of architecture 8 084133 1 Analysis of city and region 4 084134 1 Mathematics I: algebra and geometry 4 084132 2 Introduction to historical building preservation 4


    ST YE


    084136 2 Introduction to technology with science and materials technology 6 TOTAL ECTS 60

    071316 A Architectural design studio II 18 071318 A Restoration studio 12 071322 2 Energy systems for indoor comfort 6 071323 1 Urbanism 4 071321 1 Structural mechanics 6 071325 1 Mathematics II: elements analysis 6 SE


    D YE


    071320 A History of contemporary architecture 8 TOTAL ECTS 60

    081202 A Architectural design studio III 22 071319 A Urban design studio 12 081201 1 Survey and professional practice 4

    Electives 12

    081200 Professional practice 6 THIR

    D YE


    084039 Final work 4 TOTAL ECTS 60


    CODE SEM COURSES AND STUDIOS ECTS 081375 2 Analysis and design of contemporary gardens 4 074632 2 Architectural composition 4 073733 1 Durability, maintenance and repair of metallic and reinforced

    concrete structures 4

    078286 2 Introduction to criticism of architecture 4 078288 1 Introduction to aesthetics 4 074590 2 Society and land management 4 081684 1 Architectural project in poverty and marginality contexts 4 076299 1 Architecture of steel structures 1 4 081678 2 Transportation planning 1 4 071187 1 Interior design and furniture 4 073895 1 Park, garden and landscape planning 4 084295

    Relations between arts and architecture 4 076307 1 Urban survey and cartography 4 074640 2 Scenography 4

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    071211 2 Experimentation of materials, models and structures 4 076297 1 Regulatory tools for town planning and building design 4 076414 2 Technology and morphology in environment recovery 4 080388 1 House technologies and design in the contemporary age 4 071207 1 Theories and history of restoration 4 078298 1 Protection and conservation of historical garden 4

    084296 Vulnerability and conservation of the historical sites 4

    M.Sc PROGRAMME The Master of Science is awarded after two more years of study and aims to provide rigorous, advanced training in more highly specialized areas . Those who already have a B.Sc. in a different field or have attended a vocational school and want to obtain a M.Sc. certificate must first obtain the necessary credits. Both master degree in Architecture and Building Architecture enables the graduate to operate as European Architect as well as being employed with high responsibilities by public or private institutions and bodies working on city and urban planning, construction and trasformation (institutions, public or private bodies and firms). A qualifying examination is required in order to obtain the enrolement in the professional register. The Course requires a full time involvement and includes Courses, constituted by lectures and practicing, and Laboratory activities with compulsory attendance.

    M.Sc. in Architecture As specified in the didactic regulations, 120 credits are required to obtain the degree, more specifically, for the basics courses (Mathematics, History of architecture) 8 credits are required; 52 credits are required for distinguishing courses (Architectural design, Technological culture of Architecture, Energy systems for in-door comfort, Structural mechanics, Constructive systems); for other activities electives 46 credits; 14 credits are required for professional practice and final work. The knowledge of English Language is a prerequisite for the matriculation.


    084229 A Architectural design studio 1 24

    A Free studio to choose among: 12

    084237 Interior design studio 1

    084242 Restoration design studio 1

    084251 Constructive systems studio 1

    084250 Urban design studio 1

    084254 Urban design and landscape architecture studio 1

    084257 Landscape architecture studio 1

    084257 Workshop in history, criticism and representation of architecture 1

    084267 A Matemathics and Solid mechanics 8

    084266 1 Aesthetic 4

    084265 2 History of contemporary architecture 4


    ST YE


    Electives 8


    084140 A Architectural design studio 2 24

    A Free studio to choose among: 12

    075925 A Interior design studio 2

    075926 A Restoration design studio 2:

    075924 A Constructive systems studio 2

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    075928 A Urban design studio 2

    080312 A Urban design and landscape architecture studio 2

    084155 A Workshop in history, criticism and representation of architecture 1

    Urban sociology 4

    Electives and Professional practice 12

    077123 Final work 8


    M.Sc. in Building Architecture As specified in the didactic regulations, 120 credits are required to obtain the master degree. More specifically: for the basic activities (Drawing, Mathematics, Numerical analysis) 8 credits are required; for characteristic and distinguishing activities (Architectural composition, Technological culture of architecture, Restoration, Urban design, Energy Sistems for in-door comfort, Survey and professional practice) 80 credits are required; for integrating and elective activities are required 19 credits; 13 credits are required for professional practice and final work. The knowledge of English Language is a prerequisite for the matriculation.


    084273 A Architecture and construction design studio 1 24 084290 A Methodology and techniques for building maintenance 12 084287 A Mathematical models in architecture and numerical analysis 6 084286 1 Planning legislation 4 084282 2 History of bulding construction 4 084284 Aesthetic 2

    084285 1 Urbanism and contemporary project 4


    ST YE


    Electives 4 TOTAL ECTS 60

    080273 A Architecture and construction design studio 2 24 084094 A Methodology and techniques for building maintenance 10 076295 2 Urbanism 4

    Electives 8

    081208 Professional practice 8





    084139 Final work 6 TOTAL ECTS 60



    074637 1 Exhibition and museography 4 081566 1 Archeo astronomy 4

    Architecture for historical site 4 081633 1 Sustainable architectures and city 4

    2 Distributive characters 4 081364 2 Cinema and architecture 4 080324 1 Consolidation of buildings 4

    Construction of architectural buildings 4 081626 1 Constructions in reinforced concrete 4 074650 2 Earthquake engineering 4

    Urban design culture 4 080321 2 Diagnostic for the conservation buildings 4 076306 2 Elements of architectural and environmental acoustics 4

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    081632 1 Photography of architecture 4 074590 2 Society and land management 4 076302 2 Architecture of steel structures 2 4 074666 2 Applied mathematics - probability and statistic 4 081679 2 Transportation planning 2 4 076305 2 Urban environmental planning 4 071184 1 Furniture design 4 081567 1 Design of public space 4 078289 1 Archeological restoration 4

    1 Urban restoration 4 074645 1 History of city and region 4 081680 2 History of city 4 078294 1 History of architectural criticism 4 084301 2 History of art 4

    1 Theories of architectural design 1 4 2 Theories of architectural design 2 4

    074634 2 Theories of contemporary architectural research 4 1 Theories and techniques of architectural design 1 4 2 Theories and techniques of architectural design 2 4

    074661 Economic evaluation of projects 4 084299 Urban code in architecture 4 084303 Use and conservation of materials of historical architecture 1 4 084304 Use and conservation of materials of historical architecture 2 4 084305 Human geography 4

    Legend: SEM: 1 - First semester; 2 - Second semester; A Annual E.C.T.S.: European Credit Transfert System

    Information about the academic year Classes of the first level degree and Laurea Magistrali usually start in the first week of October and finish in the end of June. The studios run all over the year, which means that projects are completed in June. All lectures are taught in Italian but we can offer the assistance in English language in all the studios and, in some cases, also in theoretical course (like history of architecture, mathematics, etc). The students then have 3 examination sessions: in summer (June-July), autumn (September) and an extension of the autumn session that falls in February. During the exams period all classes are suspended. Please note that courses with the same title may be actually different since professors may employ a different approach to the same subject. A teacher may use a certain bibliography while another may prefer that the students work on their own projects; some teachers may favour group works while some others may suggest a project theme or may simply pose a problem to be solved leaving the choice of the theme up to the students themselves. Moreover, please be aware that those exchange students applying for a single semester will be able to obtain only: 12 ects for each Archietctural Design Studio and Architecture and Construction

    Design Studio 8 ects for each Restoration Design Studio, Interior Design Studio, Urban

    Design Studio and Constructive Systems Studio.

    You have the possibility to choose a maximum of 20 credits a year (10 for one semester) from other schools (Architecture Campus Leonardo and Design) under condition that students are not allowed to follow studios in other faculties.

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    Intensive Italian Language Courses The Politecnico di Milano organizes Italian language courses free of charge for its international students. Language courses at Leonardo and Bovisa Campus may be offered from October to December and from March to June. There are various levels such as beginners, intermediate and advanced. Classes are about 40/60 hours per course (twice or three times a week, usually in the late afternoon). The application deadline to the first semester of Italian Language Courses is usually in early October, with a subsequent admission test to verify your previous knowledge of the Italian Language.


    LLP - Erasmus Program The II School of Architecture takes part to the LLP/Erasmus programme network, offering its students the opportunity to spend a recognized study period abroad in one of the partner universities. Every year there are about 200 grants available. With regard to the three years of Laurea - first level (L), students can submit their application in order to spend an annual exchange in their second year of studies whereas students enrolled in the first year of Laurea Magistrale (LM - Master Degree) should apply for only one semester abroad. In many cases, both undergraduate and graduate students can extend their exchange period up to maximum one year with the consent of the professor of the Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica 3 (final Undergraduate Degree work). Besides, please note that students are allowed to spend an Erasmus period only once in their academic carrier; nevertheless, they may do an exchange study experience twice in their 3+2 study years, but one within the LLP/Erasmus programme and the other within the Extra European mobility programme.

    You will be able to find the up-dated list of the LLP/Erasmus partner institutions at the I.E.O. International Exchange Office - Studesk 4.

    EUROPEAN PARTNER UNIVERSITIES COUNTRY PROFESSOR Technische Universitt Wien Austria M. Manfredini Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic M. Meriggi Copenhagen Polytechnic Denmark M. Manfredini Ecole National Sup. dArchitecture de Lyon France M. G. Folli Ecole National Sup. dArchitecture de Normandie France M. G. Folli Ecole National Sup. dArchitecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux France M. Secchi Ecole National Sup. dArchitecture Paris La Villette France M. G. Folli Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine E. A. de Nancy France M. Secchi EIVP. Ecole du Genie Urban, Paris France M. G. Folli Manchester Metropolitan University United Kingdom A. Del Bo The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen United Kingdom A. Del Bo Fachhoschule Aachen Germany M. Manfredini Fachhoschule Salzburg Germany M. Manfredini Fachhoschule Regensburg Germany M. Manfredini Technische Fachhoschule Berlin Germany M. Manfredini Technische Universitt Berlin Germany M. Manfredini Technische Universitt Mnchen Germany M. Manfredini Universitt der Knste Berlin Germany M. Manfredini Universitt Stttgart Germany M. Manfredini Ethnicon Metsovian Polytechnion Athens Greece A. Torricelli

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    Ethnicon Metsovian Polytechnion Athens Greece C. A. Castiglioni Panepistimio Thessalias School of Architecture Greece L. M. Fabris Technical University of Budapest Hungary M. Meriggi Dublin Institute of Technology Irland A. Del Bo Universita Ta Malta Malta L. M. Fabris Politechnika Krakowska, Cracovia Poland M. Manfredini Wydzial Architectury Politechniki Gdanskiej, Danzica Poland M. Meriggi Instituto da Artes Visuais Design and Marketing Lisboa Portugal M. Meriggi Universidade de Coimbra Portugal H.A. Pessoa Universidade do Porto Portugal D. Vitale Universidade Luisofona do Porto Portugal M. Manfredini Unversidade de Evora Portugal H.A. Pessoa Unversidade Luisada, Lisbona Portugal A. Del Bo Unversidade Tcnica de Lisboa School of Architecture Portugal H.A. Pessoa Unversidade Tcnica de Lisboa School of Civil Engineering Portugal C. A. Castiglioni Technical University of Kosice Slovak M. Meriggi University of Ljubljana Slovenia M.P. Iarossi Universidad Cardenal Herrera, Valencia Spain M.P. Iarossi Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia Spain M.P. Iarossi Universidad de Alicante Spain L. Spagnoli Universidad de Granada E.T.S.A. Spain M.P. Iarossi Universidad de Granada E.U.A.T. Spain M.P. Iarossi Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife Spain M. Manfredini Universidad del Pais Vasco E.T.S.A. Bilbao Spain A. Del Bo Universidad San Pablo Ceu, Madrid Spain M. G. Folli Universitat Politcnica de Madrid Spain A. Del Bo Universidad Camilo Jos Cela, Madird Spain D. Vitale Universitat Internacional de Catalunya E.T.S.A. Spain G. Ottolini Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya E.T.S.A. Barcellona Spain M. Fosso Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya E.T.S.A. del Valles Spain A. Monestiroli Universitat Politcnica de Valencia E.U.I.T.I. Spain L. Spagnoli Chalmers Teckniska Hogskola, Goeteborg Sweden M. Manfredini Hogeschool Van Amsterdam The Netherlands L. Spagnoli Technische Universiteit Delft The Netherlands M.P. Iarossi Technische Universiteit Eindhoven The Netherlands M. Fosso Dokuz Eylul University Turkey C. A. Castiglioni Gazi University, Ankara Turkey M. Manfredini Istanbul Technical University Turkey M. Manfredini Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, Ankara Turkey M. Manfredini

    Extra UE Bilateral agreements The II School has stipulated several bilateral agreements with many universities of some extra-European countries. Students who have already taken part in the LLP/Erasmus programme but would like to live another useful experience abroad, can also take advantage of this opportunity. According to our academic system, students can apply in their 3rd year of Laurea Triennale or in their 1st and 2nd year of Laurea Specialistica; nevertheless, some partner universities can also accept students of the 2nd year of Laurea Triennale. The duration of these kind of exchanges is usually of one semester. The selection criteria and the participating modalities of the Extra-Eu programme are the same as those for the LLP/Erasmus exchanges, except for the grant that in this case is not foreseen. Nevertheless, since the selected students are exchange students, they will continue to be students of the Politecnico and to accomplish all their duties at the home university, without therefore paying the academic fees foreseen by the partner institutions. You will be able to find the up-dated list of the extra-European partner institutions at the I.E.O. International Exchange Office - Studesk 4.

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010


    EXTRA-EU PARTNER UNIVERSITIES COUNTRY PROFESSOR Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires Argentina M.P. Iarossi University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia M. Manfredini University of Western Austraia, Perth Australia E. Battisti Universidade do Estado do Par Brasil M. Manfredini Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, So Paulo Brasil H.A. Pessoa Univerisidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, So Paulo Brasil E. Bordogna Universidade de So Paulo Brasil D. Vitale Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Brasil H.A. Pessoa McGill University, Montreal Canada M. Secchi Universidad del Desarollo, Santiago del Cile Chile E. Bordogna Universidad de Chile, Santiago del Cile Chile M.P. Iarossi Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan E. Costa Monterrey Tech (ITESM), Monterrey Mexico M.P. Iarossi Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Citt del Messico Mexico M.P. Iarossi

    European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE) The School of Civil Architecture is an active member of the European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE). The EAAE is an international, non-profit organization, founded in 1975 and committed to promoting the exchange of ideas and people within the field of architectural education and research, and to encouraging the development of the subject throughout Europe.

    Double Degree programme With the aim of offering its students a scientific, technical and cultural experience of high level and the opportunity to live a first-hand company experience in a country other than the country of origin, the Politecnico di Milano promotes bilateral agreements in order to set up double degree programs. In case of double degrees, both the degree of Politecnico di Milano and the one of the partner Institution have a legal value in the country where they are obtained (this is true for both the old and the new educational systems). Students coming from one of the partner institutions, with which the bilateral agreement has been stipulated, are allowed to substitute one year at their home institution with two years at the Politecnico di Milano. All incoming students, who will come within the frame of these agreements, will be enrolled in a study courses at the level of "Laurea Magistrale" at the Politecnico di Milano. Students are required to spend two years at Politecnico di Milano and to face a workload of 120 ECTS. In order to be awarded the degree of Politecnico di Milano and the one by the home Institution, students have to fulfil all the requirements established in the bilateral agreements and explicitly made known to the students by the relevant study course regulations: the departmental coordinator of each study course has the role of tutor and he/she advices and helps double degree incoming students during their academic activities at the Politecnico di Milano. Students will also have to develop a final project under the supervision of one of the Professors of Politecnico di Milano and they will discuss it in front of a Committee.

    Double degree partners: Argentina - Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires

  • Facolt di Architettura Civile Handbook 2009/2010



    Studesk 4 is the proper office both Italian and foreign students should refer to for all the practical and bureaucratic matters concerning the mobility to and from partner institutions. The Studesk usually promotes scientific, cultural and educational exchanges between the School of Architecture - Milano Bovisa and the partner institutions, and it also contributes to gather, exchange and spread the information about cultural and scientific initiatives on an international level.

    Contacts: Studesk 4 for Outgoing Students - Fabio Leon phone: +39.02.2399.5720

    Studesk 4 for Incoming Students - Elena Belcredi: phone: +39 022399.5721

    Fax: +39.02.2399.5675 e-mail: [email protected]

    Opening time: from 10.00 am to 12.30 am from Monday to Thursday (Wednesday only by appointment)

    The Coordinator of the School for the International Relations is Prof. Arch. Maurizio Meriggi.

    How to get there STUDESK4 is located inside the Campus of Milano-Bovisa of the Politecnico di Milano, in via Durando 10, building F, ground floor. You reach the Student Desk in via Durando by taking the Passante Ferroviario, FS railway (blue line) or the train, FNM railways and get off at Bovisa-Politecnico station; otherwise, by taking tram number 8 or buses number 52, 82 or 92 and get off at Bausan square.

    Services for Incoming Students Please find herewith some information that could be useful to exchange students applying to our Faculty. Applying students need to send a complete application at the following address:

    Studesk 4 I.E.O. - International Exchange Office Politecnico di Milano Via Durando, 10 20158 Milano Italy

    The application should include: An application form with the usual personal students data (please find the

    document in attachment); A Learning Agreement with a proposal of the courses exchange students

    want to attend at the host Faculty; An original academic transcript or a certified copy

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    Applications for applying to Politecnico close every year on JUNE 1, for Semester 1 (September February) and DECEMBER 1, for Semester 2 (March July).

    Students have to contact the Studesk in order to receive the necessary documents and all the information concerning the students stays. As far as the courses are concerned, if you surf the English version of the website: http://www.polimi.it/english/ at the heading: Quick links Course Catalogue and click on see detailed descriptions, you will be able to find the content of the courses offered. Moreover, a complete description in Italian of all the subjects is to be found at the link of the School: www.arch2.polimi.it, at the heading Corsi. Once the learning agreement and the application form are checked by the Faculty Coordinator, we will commit ourselves to fax back both documents duly countersigned to your international office along with the official Letter of Acceptance. Once the learning agreement and the application form are checked by the Faculty Coordinator, we will commit ourselves to fax back both documents duly countersigned to your international office along with the official Letter of Acceptance.

    The proposed learning agreement for a maximum of 80 credits per year should be arrange according to the programme of studies of the current academic year. Students are kindly recommended to mention all the courses they are going to follow, even those concerning the courses held in the second semester.

    Lectures are held in Italian but the Politecnico usually organizes Italian courses in the beginning of each semester (October/March). The courses are free of charge. For the intermediate and advanced levels, a starting test is foreseen and it will take place around the first week of October and March. Politecnico di Milano also organizes an intensive language course in the beginning of September (usually the first two weeks), held in Como Campus (about 100km from Milan); the application form will be available during the month of May. Students have to register themselves on-line before their arrival. They will receive the link and all the necessary instructions from the Studesk duly time in advance.

    For any further information or requests, please write to the Studesk: [email protected].

    Accommodation in Milan Incoming students can choose to lodge in some residential colleges in the city of Milan that the Politecnico di Milano offers:

    Residence Galileo Galilei: via Corridoni, 22; located downtown, only five minutes walk from p.zza Duomo.

    Residence I. Newton: via Mario Borsa, 22 (on the red line, stop San Leonardo)

    Casa dello Studente: v.le Romagna; 5 minutes walk from Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo

    As soon as you contact the Studesk, you will receive the application form to apply for the accommodation along with some information on the rooms and the services offered. Due to the few places available, this kind of housing is very competitive, therefore it is strongly recommended to send the application as soon as possible. If, for some reasons, students are not interested in applying for colleges, they can contact the E.S.N. office; an association which helps foreign students to find some reasonable offers and opportunities of accommodation through the private market. Among their activities, the ESN volunteers also organizes trips and parties during the academic year:

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    You can find another useful link for the search of an accommodation in Milan on our web page www.polimi.it under the link web casa.

    ESN Erasmus Student Network Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a Europe wide organization whose goal is to give support to foreign incoming students in every aspect of their everyday life. Among their activities, this association also helps International students in finding cheap private lodging solution in Milan. It also organizes trips and parties during the academic year! Here is right the addresses of ESN at the Politecnico: ESN Campus Leonardo: via Bonardi, 3, c/o studesk 1; T.: +39 (0)2 2399 2676;

    F.: +39 (0)2 2399 2677; [email protected] ESN Campus Bovisa: via Durando, 10, Building F; T.: +39 (0)2 2399 7114;

    [email protected]

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    7. School Services

    Library B.D.A.D.: Situated in building PK, opening hours: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm from monday to friday. It is a very rich library with over 160 reviews, (a large collection of books, reports, theses). E-mail: [email protected] - http://www.biblio.polimi.it/

    Piero Bottoni archives: Situated in via Durando 38/A it is a very rich archive with over 90.000 finds (drawings, models, furniture staff, objects, photographies, books, reviwes, etc.). It is the most important archive of the Politecnico di Milano and it is to Piero Bottoni s works, one of the best architects of the twentieth century, and to others important architects such as Le Corbusier e Terragni. http://bottoni.dpa.polimi.it/index800x600.html

    Documentation center C.E.D.A.T.: It is situated in building E, opening hours: 9.30 am - 5.00 pm. Here students can get a lot of useful information and consult specific periodicals, maps and plans of Italy. One of the main aims of this service is therefore that of initiating the students to the documentary research and assist them in the consulting of the documentary tools (catalogues, data files, CD-Romes, video-discs, or to direct the users towards other more specialised spots).

    Computer access: There is the possibility to open a personal mail account through the website www.ilpoli.lombardiacom.it, while to have access to computers inside the Politecnico students need to enter your PIN (personal Identification Number) and your matricola (student number identification) which will be released by the studesk at the moment of your enrolment. The computer rooms are: CS02, CS06, CS07, CS41, CS1.1, CS1.2, CS1.3 CS1.4, CT15 (the hours will be shown out of each room). Computers are also located in the POLITECA, a documentation centre situated in the building AR campus Bovisa; tel. 02 23997811. Access without PIN-Code; e-mail: www.politeca.polimi.it. Open time: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday: h 9.15 13.15; 14.15 18.15; Monday Friday: h 14.15 18.15.

    Model making workshop: It is situated in building E, opening hours: 9.30 am - 5.00 pm.

    Bar La Rossa - School cafeteria: It is the meeting point of all the students who fill like having a break during lectures, having a conversation or taking a snack. It is open from monday to friday 8.30 am 5.00 pm.

    POLI.shop: The official store of Politecnico it is open from monday to friday 9.30 am 5.30 pm.

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    8. City of Milan: general information

    TOURIST INFORMATION Apt (Azienda di Promozione Turistica) via Marconi, 1 ph: +39 02 72 52 41 mon-sat: h. 9:00-13:00 / 14:00-18:00 sunday and holidays: h. 9:00-13:00 / 14:00-17:00 www.milanoinfotourist.it

    Central Station info service - piazza Duca d'Aosta, 1 ph: +39 02 72 52 43 60 mon-sat: h. 9:00-13:00 / 14:00-18:00 sunday and holidays: 9:00-17:00


    Malpensa airport is the main international airport in Milan and lies at about 50 kilometres (31 miles) from the city. Thanks to its recent renovation it is now one of the most modern hubs in Europe with two different terminals linked by a shuttle bus. Make sure you check upon arrival and departure which terminal you will be landing at or taking off. Flight and bus info: ph: +39 02 74 85 22 00 Lost baggage: ph. +39 02 74 85 42 15 www.sea.aeroportimilano.it

    Getting to the airport with the Malpensa Express train - Malpensa Express is a railway link connecting Malpensa airport with Cadorna railway station. The trains can carry 415 passengers and are equipped with air conditioning, electronic display boards and a public announcement system, and access for the disabled. Connect to the Green or Red line and get off at Cadorna. The shuttle train leaves from Cadorna every 30 minutes from 5:50 to 20:20 and then every hour until 21:20 (this last train runs normally on Sundays, on Bank holidays and week days from August 1 to September 3). The service is operated by bus at 5:00, 22:20 and 23:10 and the journey lasts about 50 minutes. The one way fare is 9 and 12 for the round trip (only if done the same day). Leaving the airport with the Malpensa Express train - The shuttle train leaves from Cadorna every 30 minutes from 6:45 to 22:45 and then at 23:15, 0:15 and 1:30 (the 22:15 train runs normally on Sundays, on Bank holidays and week days from August 1 to September 3). The service is operated by bus at 6:00, 22:45, 23:15, 0:15 and 1:30 and the journey lasts about 50 minutes. The one way fare is 9 and 12 for the round trip (only if done on the same day). ph: +39 02 20 222 www.ferrovienord.it

    Getting to the airport with the Malpensa Shuttle bus - Malpensa Shuttle coaches connect Milan Stazione Centrale (East side) to Malpensa Airport In approx. 50 minutes. Coaches leave every 20 minutes from 5:20 to 20:00 and then every half an hour until 22:30 and stop at both Malpensa Terminals (1 and 2). The price of the ticket is 4,50 and can be bought at the Colombo newsstand on the East side of Stazione Centrale. Leaving the airport with the Malpensa Shuttle bus - Shuttle buses provide transportation from the airport to Stazione Centrale In Milan. You will find the buses outside the alrport gates. Coaches leave every 20 minutes from 6:20 to 21:00 and then every half an hour until 23:30. Last shuttle leaves at 0:15. Both Malpensa Terminals (1 and 2) stops are operated. The price of the ticket is 4,50 and can be bought at the AIRPORT 2000 office in Terminall or at the AIR PULLMAN office in Terminal 2 both located on the arrival floor.

    Leaving the airport by local bus - Taxi service is always available day and night at taxi ranks just

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    outside the exits of the airport. The fare includes a fixed rate of 2,58 plus 0,65 for each kilometre or 20,66 for each hour. Night service implies an additional fee of 3,10. Expect the fare for the centre town to be between 60 and 70.

    AIRPORTS-LINATE Linate lies at only 7 km from Milan city centre and makes it therefore very easy to reach it. Flights and bus information: Ph: +39 02 74 85 22 00 Lost baggage: ph. +39 02 79 12 44 51

    Getting to the airport by local bus - Bus 73 links San Babila Square, which is right in the heart of the city, with Linate Airport. The bus runs from 5:35 to 0:35 every ten minutes. The bus ticket is 1,00 and may be bought at tobacconists and newsagents close to the bus stop.

    Leaving the airport by local bus - Bus 73 links Linate Airport with San Babila Square. The bus runs from 6:00 to 0:00 every ten minutes. The bus ticket is 1,00 and may be bought at tobacconists and newsagents inside the airport.

    Getting to the airport by taxicabs - the fare from the airport to the centre town is between 12 and 20. Night service implies an additional fee of 3,10. Leaving the airport via taxicabs - the fare leaving from the town centre to the airport is between 12 and 20. Night service implies an additional fee of 3,10.

    AIRPORTS-ORIO AL SERIO (BERGAMO) Orio al Serio, Bergamo is located 45 kilometres from Milan city centre. It is a minor airport whose importance is increasing thanks to the many low fare airlines landing in Bergamo. Flights and bus information: ph: +39 035 32 63 23 Lost & Found: ph: +39 035 32 62 97

    Getting to the airport with the aerobus - Shuttle coaches connect Milan Stazione Centrale (East side) to Orio al Serio Airport in approximately 1 hour. First coach leaves at 4:15 and runs until 21:15. The price of the ticket is 6,70 one way and can be bought at the Colombo news-stand on the East side of Stazione Centrale or directly on the bus for early in the morning departures.

    Leaving the airport by aerobus - Shuttle coaches connect Orio al Serio Airport to Milan Stazione Centrale (East side) in approx. 1 hour. First coach leaves at 8:30 and runs until 00:30. The price of the ticket is 6,70 one way and can be bought at the Autostradale office inside the Airport.

    TRENITALIA RAILWAYS The latter is the national railway transport service and can be boarded at Stazione Garibaldi (Green line), Stazione Centrale (Green and Yellow line) or Stazione Lambrate (Green line). Visit www..trenitalia.com to check fares, times and schedules of trains. Call center, ph: 89 20 21, every day h. 7:00-21:00 Central Station - piazza Duca D'Aosta, ph: +39 02 63 71 20 16

    FERROVIE NORD MILANO RAILWAYS The former is a commuter rail and serves Milan's neighbouring cities such as Como and can be boarded at Cadorna Station (Red and Green line), see www.ferrovienord.it for updated timetables. General info, ph: +39 02 20 22 2, mon-sun h. 7:00-22:30

    PUBLIC TRANSPORT in Milan The Milan public transportation system is run by the Azienda Trasporti Milanese (ATM) and consists of buses, cable car (tram) and underground (metro). Service runs from Monday to Sunday from 5:00 to 14:00. Many buses have shorter hours and the metro runs from 6:00 to 0:15. Visit www.atm-mi.it/eng for up to date information on routes, exact time and schedules. Frequent travellers can purchase monthly passes (abbonamento) for savings and faster access Note that you cannot buy a ticket on buses and trams and if during a random check you are found in violation you will be fined at least 50. Tickets are on sale for 1 at newsstands, bars,

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    and tobacconists displaying the orange Vendita Biglietti sign. The ticket must be stamped at the beginning of the journey. The stamping machines are located near the entrance of the tram or bus and at the turnstiles for the metro where the ticket is valid for a single journey. If family or friends are visiting you can get special rate tickets such as the 24hr ticket for 3 or the 48hr ticket for 4,50 and travel freely on the network for the appropriate time. A relatively new service called Radio Bus is being offered in many areas of the city. It's a lift bus request run by ATM until 3am. Radiobus is a new service standing between the traditional public transportation system and the taxicab. The lift bus request service picks you up and takes you where you want within the area served, without making you wait. Use the service by calling the telephone number 02 48034803 and communicate the time and pick up place. The service runs from 20:00 to 2:00. Fares varies according to the situation you find yourself in: 2,50 if the radio bus additional ticket is bought at a sale point i.e. 1 for regular ticket + 1,50 for radio bus ticket; 3 if the radio bus additional ticket is bought on the bus i.e. 1 for regular ticket + 2 for radio bus ticket, 3 if you buy both the regular and the radio bus ticket on the bus

    Monthly and yearly student Passes are valid for all means of transport in Milan (trams, metro, buses, trains inside Milano) and are available in the A.T.M. Office (Uff icio A.T.M.) at the underground stations of Duomo, Loreto, Cadorna, Famagosta. ATM point: galleria Sagrato, stazione Duomo (MM1-MM3) (Opening time h 7:45-20:15 from mon. to Sat.) ph. 800 016 857 www.atm-mi.it e.mail: [email protected]

    Bank Account The Politecnico di Milano has a special convention for students who are interested in opening a personal Bank Account with the "Banca Popolare di Sondrio". Bovisa Campus: Bank Agency n 5 in Via degli Imbriani, 54 - tel. +39 02 39 31 14 98-99

    RADIO TAXI Milan cabs are not cheap but the service is very good and cars are generally very clean. According to the car, you may be entitled to share the fare between up to five people. It normally takes about 5 to 10 minutes for a cab to arrive depending on the time of the day. You can book a cab for early in the morning or late night departures. When you order a cab the operator will tell you the minutes you will have to wait for the cab to arrive. Make sure you listen to this number as you will be charged for this time. Late night tariff and Sunday tariff surcharge are applied. Extra luggage is priced. Yellow Taxi Multiservlce, ph.02.69.69 Taxi Blu, ph. 02.40.40

    General Safety Tips & Advice Milan is not more dangerous than any other big city in Europe. However, when you first walk around to know and explore the city you may potentialIy be more exposed to harassment than a local inhabitant. For these reasons you should try to follow these simple tips. Make a copy of your passport Identification page and leave it at home. This will facilitate replacement if your passport is stolen or lost. Awareness. It is vital to pay attention at all times to what is going on around you. Stay aware even in familiar environments. Self-confidence. Be confident in your walk, using a firm, steady pace. Use appropriate body language and make sure your verbal message and tone is consistent. Act If necessary. When a situation is uncomfortable, take action in order to change it. If you think you are being followed, cross the street, or enter a populated building or store. Italian law requires all foreigners to have valid health insurance coverage. Failure to comply could result in a denial of permission to stay on Italian territory. If you are not an Italian citizen and possess a valid permit of stay you can register with the State Public Health Service, Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, to safeguard and take care of your health. The registration entitles

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    you to the same rights and responsibilities as any Italian citizen. Once registered you will have to choose your family doctor from a list of doctors available in your neighbourhood. EU students must bring proof of health care coverage through the E111 or E128 emergency medical treatment form with them in order to be entitled to the services provided by the Italia n Health Service. Please note that the E128 form should have been requested from your home country's health service before leaving. When you arrive in Milan, you should hand it into an office of the A.S.L. (Azienda Sanitaria Locale - Local Health Authority). Non EU students will have to show proof of a valid health insurance plan. The International Office at your visiting University will probably ask you to buy their plan.

    EMERGENCY Polizia di Stato (Police), ph: 113 Carabinieri, ph: 112 Ambulance, ph: 118 Fire department, ph: 115 Passports, ph: +39 02 62 26 57 77 Lost and found, ph: +39 02 54 68 118 Burns centre, ph: +39 02 644 426 25

    Doctor Guardia Medica, ph: +39 02 34 567 - The service is available everynight weekdays from 20:00 to 8:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 20:00 and from 8:00 to 20:00 on Sundays. You should call this service only if you need urgent medical advice on a therapy you're cur-rently following or to request a visit from a doctor when your chosen famiIy doctor in Milan is not available.

    HOSPITALS Milan offers many speclahsed hospltals and emergency rooms. The following are the non-emergency information numbers of Milan hospitals. Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo Borromeo ph. +39 02 40 22 29 00 Via Pio Il, 3 - Bus lines 78, 49 and 64

    Azienda Ospedaliera San Paolo ph. +39 02 81 84 44 57 Via Antonio Di Rudin, 8 - Green line Famagosta, Bus line 71

    C.T.O. - Orthopaedic Emergency Care ph. +39 02 57 99 32 28 Via Emilio Bignami, 1 - Trams 2, 11

    Clinica de Marchi Paediatric Emergency Care ph. +39 02 57 99 26 94 Via della Commenda, 9 - Yellow Une Crocetta or Bus Une 77

    Clinica Mangiagalli - Obstetrical and Gynaecologic Emergency Care ph. +39 02 57 99 22 52 Via della Commenda, 12 - Yellow line Crocetta or Bus Une 77 Clinica Odontoiatrica Dental Clinic ph. +39 02 57992514 Via della Commenda, 10 - Yellow line Crocetta or Bus Une 77

    Ospedale Luigi Sacco ph. +39 02 39043051 Via Giovan Battista Grassi, 74 - Trams 12 and 19

    Fatebenefratelli - Ophthalmic Emergency care ph. +39 02 63 63 22 39 Corso di Porta Nuova, 23 - Green line Moscova or Bus 41, 43 and 94.

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    Orthopaedic Emergency Care ph. +39 02 66 21 47 25 Via Galeazzi, 4 - Bus 46, 52, 41, 70 Ospedale Gaetano Pini - Orthopaedic Emergency Care Ph. +39 02 58 29 61 Piazza Cardinal Ferrari, 2 - Tram 15, 24 and Bus 65

    Ospedale San Giuseppe Fatebenefratelli Ph. +39 02 85 99 1 Via San Vittore, 12 - Tram 15, 24 and Bus 65

    NIGHT AND DAY PHARMACY 24H/24 Central Station - piazza Duca D'Aosta ph: +39 02 66 90 735

    PHONE SERVICES Telecom Italia, ph: 187 and ph: 412 International Information Service, ph: 4176

    ELECTRICITY SERVICES ENEL, ph: 800 900 800

    HOTEL CENTRAL BOOKING Central Booking agency - p.zza Missori, 3 ph: 02 80 54 242 fax 02 80 54 291

    URGENT DELIVERY City Ex, ph: +39 02 50 64 Pony Express, ph: +39 02 84 41 Bartolini, ph: +39 02 393381 TNT, ph: 803 868 DHL, ph: 199 199 345

    CAR RENTAL Renting a vehicle can be an affordable way to travel outside Milan especially when travelling in a group. Most companies require the driver to be at least 21 and 25 years of age with a major credit card and a valid 2 year old driving licence.

    AVIS, ph: 199 10 01 33 www.avisautonoleggio.it Maggiore, ph: 848 86 70 67 www.maggiore.it Hertz, ph: 199 11 22 11 www.hertz.it

    YELLOW PAGES ph: 89 24 24 www.paginebianche.it and www.paginegialle.it