Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish...

Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio ...... Csre and lilsHo. IWiO -......—• « Caulinn Will M«Klc Vtillfy. ISSO.... H MftKlo Vilify, ISiiO .. VOL. ‘U, NO. :ic:{ Police Planning To Get Escapee, Protect Hostage ' Pl!I.ASKI, \ ’a., A|iri! I'J (/I’)— Ue.sicKinjr police, under scnllcred Kimfire fmm a youtijf hii.sband holed up for 2C liourH in a brick biniKalow w ilh his lO-year-old .si.stcr-in' law, srniKlit some way loday to him out without on^ (lanReriMK the Kiri's life. Thci'-t* were reports slate police hati worked out, n plan ami rtMiiicstcd permission from their Richmond hea<l(iunrterH-lo put it-into operntion, Thny hopei! lo he able In cnpliirn Jack JenniiiKS, 18. with- ------------------------ [out further unneceM."».iry iaty licarill"^ bnmButts- --- •' , 'm e ilcelalon lh#t Aomethlnit had Over Zoning Changes Set :ltj- commlMlonerj Oregon 3Ian Breeds Curly Horses lie lirnriiiR Mny 3 on ronliiK ommtntLitloiis iiiadc by the plnn- nlns nnd zoning commlulon. ClmnKc.i to be coiitldcred iiiMlly Involves projJerly locatet! on Blue Lake* boulevard north and Addl- Ron avenue enst. Tlio plnnnlnK «n« ' mihiR commlulon iirld ii hrnrlnu reb. 2 and hM mnde rteommen' <Iaimiu to (he cliy board. Dul Inw ronliiit climitteA ran be made only nlier public lirarlnii.i by both boards. Mrsl leual advcrltseineii of ihe hearlUK »lll be made Tliura- day In the Tlmu-Ncws. A lolal of 18 llemi will b* dl<. cuiuied lit Uie hearing. Tliey IncIuilB Ui6 east one-half or lotj on* and two. Unda-Qalne aiibdlvlslon pre.<emly roned R -1 to be reioned lo a C-2. commerclul, _xliU4UlCiiUQa-by.alcn m u . Hie IJlanfiJfie tii<t zoning eommii.yii>n haa recommended the C-2 daislfl'' cnilon chanKe. Item two will b9 the wett one' half of lotj one'nnd l»o, Unda> Illalne lubdlvlslon. preicnily Mnec n-J. to be rewned to a C*J. by E W. McRobcrt*. Tlie planning !■••• t. L'.l<» Weather Eye Satellite Sees Big Cyclone WASmNaTON. April 13 W - Tha laraest aweep of weather ever obMrved by man — a aWO*mlle broad cyclonic cloud movement ncroM tlie eenlrtil Pacific—showed lip ye»terday on Tlroit I films flown Iiere from Hawaii. The slant whirlpool of cloud formatloR* covered much of the ncean area between Hawaii and the tqtifttor. and U haa endured ior much of the 11 dayi that the weather aalelllla has been In hit. Wimaa Stroud. Tiroi project fflanofier for the jiallonal aero- naiillu and apace administration, told newwnen tht* wa* Uie laneji cyclonic weather formation ever obAcn,'rd. He etplnlned that he waa lulng the meteoroloslcat term lor a large circulator; movement, nnd was nol talking of tha more localized hurricane and tornado movement*. There was no relaUonshIp, eith- er. tKtween thLi ilghtlnK nnd the more recent location. )n films tak- en Sunday, of % hurrlcftna off Auslraltft. Stroud Aald the scale of the Pk> clflc cyclone, which had a radliii of at least J.OOO mlle.i. »«* much larger Itinn wenther experts had aupixMed existed. •'We never could are a clrcula- tlnn of that alze from the ground, nn matter how ninny nt>.«r%'alIorf atntlons we had," he jald. "A pattern nf cloud behavior U bfRlnnlng (o come out nf this.’ to be done apparently JeiinlHKs. unemployed mill hand, shot out an arrow- with a note nt> tuched. threatening harm (o hU xl.iter-in-Inw If a conference not arrunged. •■How would nil you all like it If a 10-ycar-old Rlrl got raped?" the note rend. "I don't think you wiitild like It. so Id's get some* body out Usere to talk to me fast." The note van algned "Jackie. At one point Jennlnc-i demtinded that his 10-year-old wife. Snndi be brought to the bungalow. Jennings broke away from J lice taVlng him lo Jail ye.^tcrclay I court hearing on a charge lUUiorlMd u«e < lorcrd the gUt to accompany him. nnd took refuse in the house, the residence of C. W. Dutts. his fatli •In-law. Ksmall wmy Il^pollce surrounds Uic home. Except for occasional stiouted lnve.Hlve.1, Ui« night hours j>ossed quietly, Thert at a:20 a-m, Jennings fired two shots—apparently w: □ut-atty apedflc Largcl—Uilo-» in t Jot acTOM Ujc slreet. A few mlnute.1 later he apotted photograpiiers Doug Le.itcr and Sonny Willis. ChrIstUnaburg, crouched behind a tree arid yelled, -Oet the hell out from behind that tree." Pcileis from a thol apntlered around b tree, forcing the men lo hus the sround. As Jennings re loaded. Uie two broke to aitfely. After ho Jlred the arrow nnt note Into the parldng lot of a aerv< Ice station acro.u the alreet, Jen- nings Ilrcd three more tlme.^. Tlis telephone company dlscon' nected the phone to the BulLi home, after Jennings had talked durlnrthe night to nevsnen from Uiroughout -the country. During ft call placed by The A*, soclaled Press. Jennings said he would slvfl up his flsht lor Tree pnuAse out of town and * Job eLiewhere. At that time he said little Bsi barft was Jiut fine. He was ftsked what he thcrught the escapade would sain him. "A couple of desd cope. I Just don't like them. They’re ftlways 1 my back about something." He had been clvirEed with unau- thorlMd uAeof h)« Mlher-ln-jBB's. Hut Wolf, readleton. Ore. aays ihe borse he holds It a bit different from elber horses. Wolf uys lU hsir It eurlr. and tiiayt that way winter and nmnier. Welf now has ID hrsd of Ihe curlyhesded varirly nn his nneh and hopei lo set up » reglairy. He said he caught (he first curly oae In Ihe nrarhy Kiue mDUntsini. (AI* wlrephoto) South Africa Embarks on Move To Bring in White Immigrants Tlie Tennessee board of edueition ordered today that any stiidentt al a state-supported ImUlutlon “arrested and convicted of chai-gcs Involving personal misconduct” shall be dlnmLued from school. Al- mo.1t xlmultaneoaily. Kegro studenLi appeared at Naihvllie lunch counters lor the second consecutive dny. NEWS BULLETINS By llBli Kimberly Man Convicted for Tipsy Driving Clyde M, I'hllllps. 29. Kimberly, ■wn.^ lined SIDO and caMs nnil ‘ drlvcr'.i llcrn.ie automnlicaliy ■RU.ipcnded for one year Tuesday m'ornlns when he appeartd befc Twin FalL^ Police Judge J. Pumphrey for dnmk driving, Phliilp.% wa.'« srreattrt about . n,m. Tuesday In the 3000 block of Kimberly road by Twin Fall* po- lice. Police reported stopping Phil, llpn In hl,i 1W9 Ford -earllrr ant n'nrning him not to drive, but to go home. Phillips was observed shortly After the wnmlns driving hli ctir on Kimberly road and was stopped and srrested. He was given a blood Alcohol leit. PhlUlpa had nol paid the fine and was being held In the city Jail. Allen Dale Sptuldlng. U. Burley, . ru> t. c*ii» I) “3(TSchoois Are Said Defrauders WASHINOTON, April 13 Tlie U. 6. oflice of educslion has Accused 30 "Alleged educational In- stltuuons" of defrauding the public b'y peddling mail-order college “de- <rees." Tlie list wAJi made public yes. terday at a sews coivference by Arthur 8. Flemming, seerelAry of healUt. education and welfare. : He sAld It was the flr«txuch ILU' to emerge from a continuing tlbnwlde investigation by ihn lice of eduentlon into the "degree m lir racket, and that other schools doubUeai wlU b« added Uler. Car Accident Victim Fair; One Released Richard Sayre, 31, Buhl, whose cull was fractured In a one>car accldenl we.it of Flier Monday noon,.wafl report«d In fair condi- Ion al Magic Valley Memorial lospitnl Tue.'iday. AttendnntJi al the hiMplul said he exleiit of Sayre's injurle.1 U lot known, but he Is responding 0 trealmeni. Sayre's eondltlon ^fonday was critical. Mrs. Lucetta Clark, Filer, « lenger In the Sayre car, ww ea.ied from thOk hospital Tuesday morning. She was reported In fair condition Monday and had abdom, innl nnd back Injuries. Sayre's lOiJ Ford overturned or A country roul about one mlli wuih and one-fourth mile wesi ol Filer Monday. Two other piuaen- gers. LouLi Reed. Bliss, and Donnie Whited. Buril, were trented for minor Injuries and released Mon. Sheriff James H. Benham said Tuesday Uial no elutions have been luued, pending furUier ta- fesllgalion. • SUITS RULED OUT WASIIINOTON, Aprtl 12 OiflV- The V. S. court of appeals ruled today thftt citizens cannot sue the ledeml government lo prevenl It from carrj'lng out nuclenr lest*. JOllASSESBVliG, South Africa, April 32 !/P) — The South Afriain government, fully alert to the maffnitudo of it.s race problem, announced today it is embarking on 1 large scale profcram to brlntr in white immifrmnt.s. Interior lijUnister J. F. Nnude ;old parliament the Rovcrnment now considers immifrrntion “of the utmost importance or the union,” The nationalist Rovernment has been under fire for years from the op- position for failing to pro- mole immigration and im> prove the balance of three million w h ite s against 10 tnillion blacks. Naudc d e n ie d long standing nllegntlons tlial the NatlonallsU have Impeded Immigration by English-speaking people because of U)e fenr tlicr would vote against the /iatlontUst govemmea^ by men of Dutch descent A spokesman for the opposition to the government of Ihe wounded prime minister, Hendrik F. Ver- woerd, called for an inquiry Into the baslo cau.ies of African dis- content. Sir de Vllllers Oraaff, United party leader, said ho and his fol- lower* Intend to bring pressure thi govemmenl lor an Inves- . aUoa of the reasons for Negro unrest oiko tha present itat« ot WASIHNGTON. April 12 (/P) — Fidel Ca.slro’s Cuban government ha.** rejected an Amprican plea to return two American fliers shot down 'in (^uba after a snenk flight from Florida. Tlio stale depiirlmeiit, disclosing this yc.iterday nn ' ' nounced ni.so ils own rcjcc tion of three (luban-protest.i on other matters. At the time tiie two filers Arrested. Cuba lald they \ver« Ing to spirit oul ot the country a former agent of ex-Prcsldcnl Fulgenclo BaUsta. wlio wits po.ied by Castro’s revolution. U. e. atithorlUra later snid (hev obUfned a sCaUmffit {ram one nl the American fliers, William J, Schergales, J4. lhat Cnsiro's re- gime cooked up the flight to em- barrnu the United States.. _ Cuba’s refusal'lo retOrn'the men heightened Wasliington suspicions on this score. Cuba said Schcr- gales and Howard Rundijulst, 3S, e tubjpcl lo Cuban court Aclion r n crimr against Cuba. •nie Unlti'd Slntfs..lind wanted invcr.tlgalo Sciiergairs and Rundquist for paulble vlolntlon of American laws In making their secret liighl. One of three Uj S. notes delivered lo Cuba spumed a Cuban protest over a new UiJ. clampdown on of helicopters to Cub*. T^te U. S. reply snld a policy begun two yeara ago of closcly atudyinr-kll-C«hbbean-nnn.T-«- quesLi. It said nrms shipments <C>allnar4 r4i« t. Csic SAN FRANCISCO. AprU It W-Two BriUsh terieanlt sUrted-w.lk. Inr ocron the Hulled SUIes today towmrd New Yertc. t,m mJlea away. RAF Flight.Brt. Patrick Moloney, Kilmalleck, Cottnly Limerick. Ire- laad, and array 8ft. Jllerrrn Evaaa.' Wale*, slothed ihelr feet In cold PaelflB ocean tarf at ibe south pier of the Golden Gale bridge «nd then started traaplag. WASHINOTON. April 13 (ITO—The U. S.. British and fYench foreign ministers today began hammering out western ilrategy lo meet Soviet Premier Nikita Khnishchev's unknown plans for tha summit confer- next month. Search Starts WASHINOTON. April 13 W _ n ie National Science founda- lion today announced (he be- ginning of "mtnklnd's llrsi ■si'stematlc search for signals from inleiiigenl belnst on other planeli.'*' .Tlie starph, kJiown m Pro- ject Ozma, got under way for- mally last night at the Nstionol Radio Astronomy obscr^’atory, Oreen Bank. W. Va.. Tlie project was mimed after Ihe queen of U)e Falryule land of oi, ’'a place very far away, dlffleull to reach, and popu- lated by slranga and exotic be- Inp." For the nexl month. Dr. Frank D. Drake will focus the observatory’s BS.foot r a d io telescope alternately on two netrby start "lhat mlgtii h»ve planets suscepllbte of sustain- ing life." tho Science founda* tion said. Spiid Bargaining Group Gets Pacts BLACKFOOT, April 13 tfl — The Idaho PoUto Safiriintng assocU' has been recognlwd by Uiree ... . spud firms as bargaining agent for area potato grovcra, the group's vice p r e s id e n t. Albert Longhurst. Biyackfool, ssid yes- terday. Longhiirst said negoUallons have een completed with the American Potalo company, the R. T. French company and Rogers Brolhert, Tlie lo c a l dlstriel reached nn agreement earlier with Ui« J . R. Simplot company. Elementary Summer Session Planne(^ for Six-Week Term Heybui'nWill Discuss Plan Of New Ai'ca ! HEVBURN. April 13—Keybum village officials Wednesday will discuss poMiblllty of Annexing ir* acres of land, on bolh aides i highway 31. along Uie north aide of the Snake river. The land In question Is the aam< parcel that was discussed Satur- day at'.a special meeting of tlie Burley-clty council, At lhat lime. Interested parties asked the Bur- ley officials If the area could be annexed by Burley. Prime concern seemt lo be that btiiider.s of a protpectlve nubdl- vlsion developmenl wanted to b( served by eleclrlc power of the city of Burley. Burley officials Monday said they did not see any legal obstacles In le way If the city sliould decide I annex ihe property, b u t ---- 0 decision has been made. Burley Mayor J. Leonard Salmon said It would require •■considerable aiudy." He added that the city would not be able lo provide wa- ter and sefrer *errlca to UJe area acro.« Ihe river, and that auch services would have to be provided by the builders. Salmon said It would be posaibli for Ute city lo Uke over tuch aerv* IcM sometime la the future. Harold Hiirst, chairman of the Heyburn village board, said s parlies Interested In the areA hni been Inviced .lo attend the board meeting Wedne.vl&y night. He anid Heybum mighl Ilki inex the area if it should prove financially feasible. emergency Is ended. “ uff ipoke at a' new confer- In Cape 'Town while police prcs.ied further raids for alleged subversives. The cabinet made clear there will be no eating of South Africa's strici segregaUon policies during the cocvaiescenee of Verwoerd. A noon medical bulletin aald there had been a dUUnct Im- provement In Verwoerd's condl- (c.niii.iM M ri(. I. r.i... 4) T h t second sl*-weelc elementary summer., school for ’Twin Falls student* from grades two through >i!t_wiJl.bC8ln-iunejLsM»i_J«cic Watlj, Momlngsldt eiemenury school principal, as director. The first elementary summer school AX held In IMS. The school will bg open to stu- dents not severely handlcApped physically -or-mentallyr-Readlng, and arlthmetio 'will b« given to Ihoso below grade level or who desire- additional work on aome pha-w of the program already covered. The summer school will b« In session five days per week with no Saturday sessions. Classes wlU begin at 7:30 a.m. and ench clnas period'will last DO minutes.- ’The number of claues and length of school day will be determined by enroUxaent, and c lu iu ora limit- ed lo IS persons. •A 115 enrollment fee will bi Jiarged for each class and text* I booXt_anjUlPrj5l»oKt-HllU>ft_lur:.| nlshed. Birollment blanks may] be secured from any elementary, school principal, puplts msy en*. roll after May 1, and deadline for registration Is .June l. After rcglitrallon Is complete, students will be coDlaeled-*boufr-e!aa»-**-7 slgnment, meeting time, place and teacher. j Attendance will not entitle lents lo be promoted to the next grade level, W atu says. The class- room teacher and school principal where the student regularly at- ' Ing the school yesr will decide on promotion of a pupil. HtGHLIGHTSin Toddy'* Timei-News Page 1 -> AnU-Coslro band vanishes and return of U. S.- filers Is denied. South Africa embarks on move to bring In -whll«-lmmlgranlvBlt|A-to-boost- nugar Industry proposed. Polite plan to capture tscapee, Unre.'tt grows in Cuba under CaAiro rptlme. ' j*age ■4''->*-Edltorlal: "Absurd Politics.’ ale lesUval planned. Page I — Burley girls gel scholarships. Page 11 — Baseball le a io n opens. n*. _ - Paga T J. honor atudenU named. Further Information may be ob- tained by contncling Jack Watu. Momlngslde elementary school, REdwood 1-6507. RANOF. CONDITIONS GOOD BOISE.'April 13 m — Idnho'A range feed condltloni oi of April 1 wex» aboT* aTcng*. Scliool Board Trustee Vote To Be May 10 Election of two trwlecs of cta.u t school dlsuicl No. 411 wa.^ scheduled for May 10 at a meeting f the trustees Monday night. Polling places for the annual election will be the Lincoln and Bickel schools wlUi the polls open from 1 to 7 pm. At the Monday night meeting Carl Boyd, board clialrman. an- nounced he would not seek rcelec- lion from zone nve. Boyd is com- pleting nine yeitrs on Uie board four as chairman. J. T. Anderson •.. representing tone two, and who as served the past three years 111 be a candidate for reclection Nominating petitions are avail- able at the office of the auperln- tendent of schools at the Junior high school. PeUtlons require live ' - ten signatures of qualified vou I In zones affected, only eleclcrs of rpnts two and five may vote May 10. Anderson's peUUon- wss submit- ted Monday night as was the pe- tition of Elmer J. Sommer for zoni five. Anti-Castro Bands Vanish; Return of U.S. Fliers Denied Cassia Ai'ea Fire Disti-ict Balloting Set BURLEY. April 13-Ca.vila coun- ty resldcnti nre voUng loday for a proposed Nortli Caula ruml fire dlslrict. VoUng places are Jackson. Decio Tillage office, Claremont Orange hAll. John Jacobson residence. West 10th street. Burley, and the PelU LH5 church. The proposed district Includes: all of the area outside of the Bur- ley, city. JimlU, with the Snake river as north boundory. and ex- tending to the Oakley, Albion and Malta lire dlstricU, which form the south boundary. Tha steering committee for the district Is made up of Gerald Rob- bins. Jackson; RobertSuqua, Declo; Harry Berg. fiprlngdale-Unity; Kay Freymliler, View, Willow creek and Claremont; Rex Madden. Burley rural area; Gordon Wnlker, Ken- yon and Pella: William Beck. Beet- VlUe and Starrhs Ferr}-, and Edgaj Moorman. Milner. The committee has reported that there will be a small levy on prop- erty In the district to support and malnlaln the district’s equipment. The liroposed levy will be from .7 r a mill to one mill. Tlie fire truck and equipment now used for fire protecUon In lh» rural areas Is owned by Snake River Mutual Insurance company, which has offered to turn the truck and equipment over lo the r district If 11 Is organized. Again . BATON ROUGE, La., April 13 m —Oov. Earl Long. IM, has announced that he will run for the governor again In 10C4 and got a standing ovation from slate labor leaders., Long, who battled his way oul of three mental haipital wards la^l summer, dbcloeed his In- tention to seek reetectlon In nd- dreulng a session of the LouLtl* ana AFL-CfO tabor council'an- nual convention. He tossed off a remnrk about a recent InvesUgatlon of his Income taxes and another offer. Ing “the right advice" to the ^man who apparently will suc- ceed him. FUND DRIVE STARTED PARMA. April 13 HTO-A fund- raLMng campaign to pay expenses, of little Jeanett Stubblefield who died Saturday in a Porllnnd liu- plliU has'been launched by the Parma Junior Chamber of Com-' merce. Jobless Hike Is Blamed on Bad Weather WASHINOTON. AprU 13 (fl - Unemployment Jumjie'd 275,000'In Mnrcli, the biggest increase for a March since World war IL Em- ployment declined by 353.000. )or department reporting thrse figures today, blamed Ihe darkened picture almost entirely on heavy snowt and generally bad wcftther in March. II predicted liinrp rebound In April. Employment dropped from 64.- s::0.000 in Fvlininry to 04.307.000 In Miirdi. NanniUIy. employmeni In- creases during March by about 450.000. Unemploj-ment rose from 3J3I.- . n to 4^00,000. Normally, tlie idle tolAl declines by about 160.000 In March AS compared with Februar}'. 'File figures mcanl that 84.0 per itMl.of.BlLAmtrlcanj.nerl'lnt^otX Ixod JoUi In ^Sarth, but lhat 5.4 per cent of job seekers couldn't find employment. Seymour Wolfbeln. labor depart- lenl manpower chief, said that he iw nothing In tiio figures wor- rnnllng (ear of an economic de« clliie. He noted, however, Uiat there have been soma Job layoffs n the DUlo Industry. One factor contributing to the employment decllna was a drop of nbout B50.000 In farm employ- ment to n March toul of 4.505,000 —the lowest farm Job total lor any month In many deendes, possibly since before the turn of the tury... .. HAVANA, April 12 (/P)-The Sierra Macstra mountain.? of east Cuba have swal- lowed up nil traces of a fleeing fonner revolutionary officer and his hand of d«^• fpclors, regarded by sotne as the first nrnied opposition to Primo Minister Fidel Castro'K rev- olutionary regime. Officially headfjunrtcrs of the Cuban armed forces and the regional militar)' command In eastemmoat Orlenle province said today they had no information on tha fugl- Uve. Capt, Manuel Beaton. Earlier reports that armed peu- nnu had surrounded Beaton and his band, estimated to number belween 40 and 50, could not be confirmed. Castro’ himself waj reported somewhere In the Orlente moun- Ulns, and there was speculatloa that he was peraonally directing the military opemUon against the guerrlllss. MaJ. Callxton Garcia, command- r of the mountain area, refused to dL«uss the reporU with news- men who reached him by tele- phone'at his headquarters In Pal- a Sorlono. Military authorities In Havana and officials In Orlente prorlnca said they knew nothing aboul Beaton or his guerrillas. The semi-official Revoluelon said Saturdiyr that Benton was heading a gang of bandlM In the area. The paper ac-— cused Uie band of killing a peas- anl, Francisco ’Tamayo, who had been associated with Castro dur- ing the revolution. But the Rsvana newspaper El Crlsol later Idrnll- fled Tamayo as chief of a govern- ment army unit. Another unconfirmed report said a second guerrHla bond was roam- ing the Sierra CrUUl. a mountain range north of the Sierra Maestra. Beaton recently escaped trm Havana's La Cabana military fort-. rm . where he had been held on charges ot killing an army major and two soldiers at tha gates oC Camp Llbertad. QUtslde the c»Dlt i tat, amra] months ago^ . Bills to Boost Sugar Beet Industry Eyed WASHINGTON, April 12 (/P)_Thrce related bills do- signed to increase domestic sugar beet production were in> troduced yesterdtiy by Rep. Walter Rogers; D., Tex. Th* first would eliminate tho present acreage aliotmenta on sugar beets. Siigar production in the United States now is limited lo 65 per cent of the domestic demand. Market- ing quota.i are given to fiugor manufncturers who in.turn have to contact American producers with sugar beet ' acreage quotas. The second increases s u g a r marketing, quotas for domestic produc- ers from the present 56 per cent, thereby decreasing off-shore sugar quotas from 45 per cent to 36 per cent of domestic connmip- tion, . The third provides for atlocatlon of 85 per cent of the increase In dome.nUc sugar markeUng quota* each year to states pretently grow- ing sugar iKCts and having a po^ tentlal production sufficient to permit the profitable operation of a sugar manufacturing pUnt.____ - Stales which woiild sniroin UiT as per cent' portion, however; would have to have actual pro- ducUon now of less than 30,000 acres'. - , Idaho Told “Think Big” OnGemJFete LEWISTON, April 13 «^-aoT. Robert E. Smylle called on Idaho- ans yesterdoy lo "think big" in laying plans for the celebration In 10C3 of the lOOUi annlvertnry of the founding,of_ihe Idaho territory. He urged the staging of centdi- nlal celebratioM In every comer of Idaho and asked Uiat ihe ob- servances be ’ brtndly based and broadly portrayed." Smylle addres.<;ed about 150 . chamber of commerce luncheon In honor of the Id a h o Territorial Centennlnl commission executive committee, which held nn aU-day meeting here—the flrat since Its establishment last year. Tlieodore Holf, Horae.'hoe Bend, commls.'lon chalrmnn. t o ld the gathering that 5,000 to 6.000 will take part in the planning and pro- gramming of the community, re- gional and alatewide celebraUons, which will aUrl next August at pierce where gold was discovered in I860. Smylle pmlsed the woit .cLJhe state commlulon and Its executive commlltce. “1 think their plans ore moving ahead most saibfactorlly now." hi said. "The master planning Is tak- ing shnpe In efficient form." Smylle said he hsd been "afraid (r»<ii»>a «■i*M« J. c. Highway Board. Schedules Meet BOISE, April 13 im —The sUte highway board opens Its three-day April meeting her® tomorrow, planning to meet with the gover- nor and representaUves of the Auoclatcd General Contracton thi first day. Tlte highway deparlmcnt'i pub- lic information office said the board would meet with Oov. Rob- ert E. Smylle at ll am. and with the AGC at 1:30 pjn. The nslurs of the discussions waa not dls- cloud although the department Indieated It was routine. On Tliursday.the board meets.at' 11 ajn. with t n H ^ I <?hamber o( Commerce, to discuss a request for > federal aid monies for the Castl^ ' ford to mlssll6 base road. Unrest Grows in Cuba Under Castro Regime Fxllinr'i iwi^-waiUm U »ulii Slowlr. arid With obvloiu relue- Tlier« Is fear loo that relentlesu PCilnos (Dcasants) and 'TOAen. ,11k. li>. Ci.lro . BY WILLIAM I . RTAN CAMAGlJEy, Cuba, April 13 —More and more In Cuban clUes Uiese days you hear remarks like tills: "I am not against the revolu- ,tion but— , Cubans cling desperaUb’ to their hopes In the SSth of July move- menl which toppled the Fulgenelo BatlilA dictatorship 15 months ago. Baasla's dictatorship'resorted to cruelty when organized resistance ppcared. Some wonder if history I'ill repeal as the prejenl beglil- nlngs of rrslstance to the Havana goverrunent of Fidel Cutro gather I strength. ’There's a feellnc 'In tht these Cubans tell you. it is difficult to tee how the Castro regime will avoid severe crtslA. The year 18(» may tell the story of CMba's future lor years lo come. A lour around the country discloses growing resentment at what appeared to'the Injured to be acts of economic lunacy. Per- manent damage. Incurable under ' democratic system, may result. There is fear that shortages, wage deductions, confiscations, in - terventions and domlnauon, along wlUi. wor«enlng economic condi- tions, can stir resentment to a point where only unremltilng, op- pretutlvt force can keep Castro In power. Tliere Is fear loo that relentlesu propaganda a iu ^ s on the United T'lTh thf embrace with communism. wIL provoke a final break with Wash' inglon. Ohe results of that might ever be repnlrtd. This city in central Cuba seemt more apprehensive than any other. One-time ardent suppirlen of and fighters lor Castro privaUly - prus fear lhat blood will flow. Vou hear bolas — rumors. The fact that the nimon are repeated at all In itself has significance. You hear that desperation has driven a businessman to sulc'de. You hear lhat Kores of persoiu are being rounded up and Jailed. You hear there are Informers al every turn, alert for whispers of “counter - rerolutlonaiy" grlpea. You hear et friction among cam- 13 and IS per cent. Most such rumors cannot be!' checked out. But a worker jeeretlyl shows you a pink alip to Illustrate'. what he is up against. H r must, give up five per cent of hi* pay for' a retirement fund, three per ccnf' tw under a new law. 0.3S per cenC^ tax for maternity beneftu, one per; . cent for union due* and »^“Telun- '. tary" four per cent for indutrtal-i Uatlon. I ■ forced fishermen Into coopentivt*.: Vou hear reporU of-orgtnlsing: resistance. Vou hear ot vthreaU' and preuure* by .the. communlit«‘ (C«>Uaw4 m fan (. Ctloa.I) A

Transcript of Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish...

Page 1: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and

T r a f f ic D e a th

S co rc boa rd

trilllf (•Ctllllti

l o i o ......Csre and lilsHo. IWiO - ......—• «

Caulinn Will M«Klc Vtillfy. ISSO....HMftKlo Vilify, ISiiO ..

V OL. ‘U , NO. :ic:{

Police Planning To Get Escapee, Protect Hostage

' P l!I.A SK I, \’a., A|iri! I'J (/I’)— Ue.sicKinjr police, under

scnllcred Kimfire fmm a youtijf hii.sband holed up for 2C liourH in a brick biniKalow w ilh his lO-year-old .si.stcr-in' law, srniKlit some way loday to him out w ithout on (lanReriMK the Kiri's life. Thci'-t* were reports slate police hati worked out, n plan am i rtMiiicstcd permission from the ir Richmond hea<l(iunrterH-lo p u t it-into operntion,

Thny hopei! lo he able In cnpliirn Jack JenniiiKS, 18. with- ------------------------ [out further unneceM ."» .iry

ia ty licarill"^ bnm Butts- ---•' , 'me ilcelalon lh#t Aomethlnit had

Over Zoning Changes Set

:ltj- commlMlonerj

Oregon 3Ian Breeds Curly Horses

lie lirnriiiR Mny 3 on ronliiK ommtntLitloiis iiiadc by the plnn- nlns nnd zoning commlulon.

ClmnKc.i to be coiitldcred iiiMlly Involves projJerly locatet! on Blue Lake* boulevard north and Addl- Ron avenue enst. Tlio plnnnlnK «n«

' mihiR commlulon iirld ii hrnrlnu reb. 2 and hM mnde rteommen' <Iaimiu to (he cliy board. Dul Inw ronliiit climitteA ran be made only nlier public lirarlnii.i by both boards. Mrsl leual advcrltseineii of ihe hearlUK »lll be made Tliura- day In the Tlmu-Ncws.

A lolal of 18 llemi will b* dl<. cuiuied lit Uie hearing.

Tliey IncIuilB Ui6 east one-half or lotj on* and two. Unda-Qalne aiibdlvlslon pre.<emly roned R-1 to be reioned lo a C-2. commerclul,

_xliU4UlCiiUQa-by.alcn m u . Hie IJlanfiJfie tii<t zoning eommii.yii>n haa recommended the C-2 daislfl'' cnilon chanKe.

Item two will b9 the wett one' half of lotj one'nnd l»o, Unda> Illalne lubdlvlslon. preicnily Mnec n-J. to be rewned to a C*J. by E W. McRobcrt*. Tlie planning

!■••• t. L'.l<»

Weather Eye Satellite Sees Big Cyclone

WASmNaTON. April 13 W - Tha laraest aweep of weather ever obMrved by man — a aWO*mlle broad cyclonic cloud movement ncroM tlie eenlrtil Pacific—showed lip ye»terday on Tlroit I films flown Iiere from Hawaii.

The slant whirlpool of cloud formatloR* covered much of the ncean area between Hawaii and the tqtifttor. and U haa endured ior much of the 11 dayi that the weather aalelllla has been In hit.

Wimaa Stroud. Tiroi project fflanofier for the jiallonal aero- naiillu and apace administration, told newwnen tht* wa* Uie laneji cyclonic weather formation ever obAcn,'rd. He etplnlned that he waa lulng the meteoroloslcat term lor a large circulator; movement, nnd was nol talking of tha more localized hurricane and tornado movement*.

There was no relaUonshIp, eith­er. tKtween thLi ilghtlnK nnd the more recent location. )n films tak­en Sunday, of % hurrlcftna off Auslraltft.

Stroud Aald the scale of the Pk> clflc cyclone, which had a radliii of at least J.OOO mlle.i. »«* much larger Itinn wenther experts had aupixMed existed.

•'We never could are a clrcula- tlnn of that alze from the ground, nn matter how ninny nt>.«r%'alIorf atntlons we had," he jald.

"A pattern nf cloud behavior U bfRlnnlng (o come out nf this.’

to be done apparently JeiinlHKs. unemployed mill hand, shot out an arrow- with a note nt> tuched. threatening harm (o hU xl.iter-in-Inw If a conference not arrunged.

•■How would nil you all like it If a 10-ycar-old Rlrl got raped?" the note rend. "I don't think you wiitild like It. so Id's get some* body out Usere to talk to me fast."

The note van algned "Jackie.At one point Jennlnc-i demtinded

that his 10-year-old wife. Snndi be brought to the bungalow.

Jennings broke away from J lice taVlng him lo Jail ye. tcrclay

I court hearing on a charge lUUiorlMd u«e <

lorcrd the gUt to accompany him. nnd took refuse in the house, the residence of C. W. Dutts. his fatli

•In-law.K small wmy Il pollce surrounds

Uic home.Except for occasional stiouted

lnve.Hlve.1, Ui« night hours j>ossed quietly, Thert at a:20 a-m, Jennings fired two shots—apparently w: □ut-atty apedflc Largcl—Uilo-»int Jot acTOM Ujc slreet.A few mlnute.1 later he apotted

photograpiiers Doug Le.itcr and Sonny Willis. C h r Is tU n ab u rg , crouched behind a tree arid yelled, -Oet the hell out from behind that tree."

Pcileis from a thol apntlered around b tree, forcing the men lo hus the sround. As Jennings re loaded. Uie two broke to aitfely.

After ho Jlred the arrow nnt note Into the parldng lot of a aerv< Ice station acro.u the alreet, Jen- nings Ilrcd three more tlme. .

Tlis telephone company dlscon' nected the phone to the BulLi home, after Jennings had talked durlnrthe night to nevsnen from Uiroughout -the country.

During ft call placed by The A*, soclaled Press. Jennings said he would slvfl up his flsht lor Tree pnuAse out of town and * Job eLiewhere.

At that time he said little Bsi barft was Jiut fine.

He was ftsked what he thcrught the escapade would sain him.

"A couple of desd cope. I Just don't like them. They’re ftlways 1 my back about something."He had been clvirEed with unau-

thorlMd uAeof h)« Mlher-ln-jBB's.

Hut Wolf, readleton. Ore. aays ihe borse he holds It a bit different from elber horses. Wolf uys lU hsir It eurlr. and tiiayt that way winter and nmnier. Welf now has ID hrsd of Ihe curlyhesded varirly nn his nneh and hopei lo set up » reglairy. He said he caught (he first curly oae In Ihe nrarhy Kiue mDUntsini. (AI* wlrephoto)

S o u t h A f r i c a E m b a r k s o n M o v e

T o B r i n g i n W h i t e I m m i g r a n t s

Tlie Tennessee board of edueition ordered today that any stiidentt al a state-supported ImUlutlon “arrested and convicted of chai-gcs Involving personal misconduct” shall be dlnmLued from school. Al- mo.1t xlmultaneoaily. Kegro studenLi appeared at Naihvllie lunch counters lor the second consecutive dny.


Kimberly Man Convicted for Tipsy DrivingClyde M, I'hllllps. 29. Kimberly,

■wn. lined SIDO and caMs nnil ‘ drlvcr'.i llcrn.ie automnlicaliy

■ RU.ipcnded for one year Tuesday m'ornlns when he appeartd befc Twin FalL Police Judge J. Pumphrey for dnmk driving,

Phliilp.% wa.'« srreattrt about . n,m. Tuesday In the 3000 block of Kimberly road by Twin Fall* po- lice. Police reported stopping Phil, llpn In hl,i 1W9 Ford -earllrr ant n'nrning him not to drive, but to go home.

Phillips was observed shortly After the wnmlns driving hli ctir on Kimberly road and was stopped and srrested. He was given a blood Alcohol leit. PhlUlpa had nol paid the fine and was being held In the city Jail.

Allen Dale Sptuldlng. U. Burley,. ru> t. c * ii» I)

“3(TSchoois Are Said Defrauders

WASHINOTON, April 13 Tlie U. 6. oflice of educslion has Accused 30 "Alleged educational In- stltuuons" of defrauding the public b'y peddling mail-order college “de- <rees."

Tlie list wAJi made public yes. terday at a sews coivference by Arthur 8. Flemming, seerelAry of healUt. education and welfare. :

He sAld It was the flr«txuch ILU' to emerge from a continuing tlbnwlde investigation by ihn lice of eduentlon into the "degree mlir racket, and that other schools doubUeai wlU b« added Uler.

Car Accident Victim Fair; One Released

Richard Sayre, 31, Buhl, whose cull was fractured In a one>car

accldenl we.it of Flier Monday noon,.wafl report«d In fair condi- Ion al Magic Valley Memorial lospitnl Tue.'iday.AttendnntJi al the hiMplul said

he exleiit of Sayre's injurle.1 U lot known, but he Is responding 0 trealmeni. Sayre's eondltlon ^fonday was critical.

Mrs. Lucetta Clark, Filer, « lenger In the Sayre car, ww ea.ied from thOk hospital Tuesday morning. She was reported In fair condition Monday and had abdom, innl nnd back Injuries.

Sayre's lOiJ Ford overturned or A country roul about one mlli wuih and one-fourth mile wesi ol Filer Monday. Two other piuaen- gers. LouLi Reed. Bliss, and Donnie Whited. Buril, were trented for minor Injuries and released Mon.

Sheriff James H. Benham said Tuesday Uial no elutions have been luued, pending furUier ta- fesllgalion.


The V. S. court of appeals ruled today thftt citizens cannot sue the ledeml government lo prevenl It from carrj'lng out nuclenr lest*.

JOllASSESBVliG, South Africa, April 32 !/P) — The South Afriain government, fully alert to the maffnitudo o f it.s race problem, announced today it is embarking on 1 large scale profcram to brlntr in white immifrmnt.s. In te rior lijUnister J . F. Nnude ;old parliament the Rovcrnment now considers imm ifrrntion “of the utmost importance or the union,” The nationalist Rovernment has been under fire for years from the op­

position for failing to pro- mole immigration and im> prove the balance of three million w h i t e s against 10 tnillion blacks.

Naudc den ied long standing nllegntlons tlial the NatlonallsU have Impeded Immigration by English-speaking people because of U)e fenr tlicr would vote against the /iatlontUst govemmea^ by men of Dutch descent

A spokesman for the opposition to the government of Ihe wounded prime minister, Hendrik F. Ver- woerd, called for an inquiry Into the baslo cau.ies of African dis­content.

Sir de Vllllers Oraaff, United party leader, said ho and his fol­lower* Intend to bring pressure

thi govemmenl lor an Inves- . aUoa of the reasons for Negro

unrest oiko tha present itat« ot

W ASIHNGTON . A pril 12 (/P) — F id e l Ca.slro’s Cuban government ha.** rejected an Amprican plea to return two American flie rs shot down 'in (^uba after a snenk f l ig h t from Florida. Tlio stale depiirlmeiit, disclosing this yc.iterday nn ' '

nounced ni.so ils own rcjcc

t ion of three (luban-protest.i on other matters.

At the time tiie two filers Arrested. Cuba lald they \ver«Ing to spirit oul ot the country a former agent of ex-Prcsldcnl Fulgenclo BaUsta. wlio wits po.ied by Castro’s revolution.

U. e. atithorlUra later snid (hev obUfned a sCaUmffit {ram one nl the American fliers, William J,Schergales, J4. lhat Cnsiro's re­gime cooked up the flight to em- barrnu the United States.. _

Cuba’s refusal'lo retOrn'the men heightened Wasliington suspicions on this score. Cuba said Schcr- gales and Howard Rundijulst, 3S,

e tubjpcl lo Cuban court Aclion r n crimr against Cuba.•nie Unlti'd Slntfs..lind wanted

invcr.tlgalo Sciiergairs and Rundquist for paulble vlolntlon of American laws In making their secret liighl.

One of three UjS. notes delivered lo Cuba spumed a Cuban protest over a new UiJ. clampdown on of helicopters to Cub*.

T^te U. S. reply snld a policy begun two yeara ago of closcly atudyinr-kll-C«hbbean-nnn.T-«- quesLi. It said nrms shipments

<C>allnar4 r4i« t. Csic

SAN FRANCISCO. AprU I t W-Two BriUsh terieanlt sUrted-w.lk. Inr ocron the Hulled SUIes today towmrd New Yertc. t ,m mJlea away. RAF Flight.Brt. Patrick Moloney, Kilmalleck, Cottnly Limerick. Ire- laad, and array 8ft. Jllerrrn Evaaa.' Wale*, slothed ihelr feet In cold PaelflB ocean tarf at ibe south pier of the Golden Gale bridge «nd then started traaplag.

WASHINOTON. April 13 (ITO—The U. S.. British and fYench foreign ministers today began hammering out western ilrategy lo meet Soviet Premier Nikita Khnishchev's unknown plans for tha summit confer-

next month.

Search StartsWASHINOTON. April 13 W

_n ie National Science founda- lion today announced (he be­ginning of "mtnklnd's llrsi

■si'stematlc search for signals from inleiiigenl belnst on other planeli.'*'.Tlie starph, kJiown m Pro­

ject Ozma, got under way for­mally last night at the Nstionol Radio Astronomy obscr ’atory, Oreen Bank. W. Va..

Tlie project was mimed after Ihe queen of U)e Falryule land of o i, ’'a place very far away, dlffleull to reach, and popu­lated by slranga and exotic be- Inp."

For the nexl month. Dr. Frank D. Drake will focus the observatory’s BS.foot rad io telescope alternately on two netrby start "lhat mlgtii h»ve planets suscepllbte of sustain­ing life." tho Science founda* tion said.

Spiid Bargaining

Group Gets PactsBLACKFOOT, April 13 tfl — The

Idaho PoUto Safiriintng assocU'

has been recognlwd by Uiree ... . spud firms as bargaining agent for area potato grovcra, the group's vice p re s id en t. Albert Longhurst. Biyackfool, ssid yes­terday.

Longhiirst said negoUallons have een completed with the American

Potalo company, the R. T. French company and Rogers Brolhert, Tlie lo ca l dlstriel reached nn agreement earlier with Ui« J . R. Simplot company.

Elementary Summer Session Planne(^ for Six-Week Term

Heybui'nWill Discuss Plan Of New Ai'ca

! HEVBURN. April 13—Keybum village officials Wednesday will discuss poMiblllty of Annexing ir* acres of land, on bolh aides i highway 31. along Uie north aide of the Snake river.

The land In question Is the aam< parcel that was discussed Satur­day at'.a special meeting of tlie Burley-clty council, At lhat lime. Interested parties asked the Bur­ley officials If the area could be annexed by Burley.

Prime concern seemt lo be that btiiider.s of a protpectlve nubdl- vlsion developmenl wanted to b( served by eleclrlc power of the city of Burley.

Burley officials Monday said they did not see any legal obstacles In

le way If the city sliould decideI annex ihe property, b u t----0 decision has been made.Burley Mayor J. Leonard Salmon

said It would require •■considerable aiudy." He added that the city would not be able lo provide wa­ter and sefrer *errlca to UJe area acro.« Ihe river, and that auch services would have to be provided by the builders.

Salmon said It would be posaibli for Ute city lo Uke over tuch aerv* IcM sometime la the future.

Harold Hiirst, chairman of the Heyburn village board, said s parlies Interested In the areA hni been Inviced .lo attend the board meeting Wedne.vl&y night.

He anid Heybum mighl Ilki inex the area if it should prove

financially feasible.

emergency Is ended.“ u f f ipoke at a' new confer-

In Cape 'Town while police prcs.ied further raids for alleged subversives. The cabinet made clear there will be no eating of South Africa's strici segregaUon policies during the cocvaiescenee of Verwoerd.

A noon medical bulletin aald there had been a dUUnct Im­provement In Verwoerd's condl-

(c.niii.iM M ri(. I. r . i . . . 4)

Tht second sl*-weelc elementary summer., school for ’Twin Falls student* from grades two through >i!t_wiJl.bC8ln-iunejLsM»i_J«cic Watlj, Momlngsldt eiemenury school principal, as director. The first elementary summer school

AX held In IMS.The school will bg open to stu­

dents not severely handlcAppedphysically - or-mentallyr-Readlng, and arlthmetio 'will b« given to Ihoso below grade level or who desire- additional work on aome pha-w of the program already covered.

The summer school will b« In session five days per week with no Saturday sessions. Classes wlU begin at 7:30 a.m. and ench clnas period'will last DO minutes.- ’The number of claues and length of school day will be determined by enroUxaent, and c lu iu ora lim it­

ed lo IS persons.•A 115 enrollment fee will bi Jiarged for each class and text* I booXt_anjUlPrj5l»oKt-HllU>ft_lur:.| nlshed. Birollment blanks may] be secured from any elementary, school principal, puplts msy en*. roll after May 1, and deadline for registration Is .June l. After rcglitrallon Is complete, studentswill be coDlaeled-*boufr-e!aa»-**-7 slgnment, meeting time, place and teacher. j

Attendance will not entitle lents lo be promoted to the next grade level, Watu says. The class- room teacher and school principal where the student regularly at-

' Ing the school yesr will decide on promotion of a pupil.

HtGHLIGHTSinT o d d y '* T im e i-N ew s

Page 1 -> AnU-Coslro band vanishes and return of U. S.- filers Is denied. South Africa embarks on move to bring In

-whll«-lmmlgranlvBlt|A-to-boost- nugar Industry proposed. Polite plan to capture tscapee, Unre.'tt grows in Cuba under CaAiro rptlme. '

j*age ■4''->*-Edltorlal: "Absurd Politics.’

ale lesUval planned.Page I — Burley girls gel

scholarships.Page 11 — Baseball le a io n

opens. n*. _ -Paga T J. honor atudenU


Further Information may be ob­tained by contncling Jack Watu. Momlngslde elementary school, REdwood 1-6507.


range feed condltloni oi of April 1 wex» aboT* aTcng*.

Scliool Board Trustee Vote To Be May 10

Election of two trwlecs of cta.u t school dlsuicl No. 411 wa.

scheduled for May 10 at a meeting f the trustees Monday night. Polling places for the annual

election will be the Lincoln and Bickel schools wlUi the polls open from 1 to 7 pm.

At the Monday night meeting Carl Boyd, board clialrman. an­nounced he would not seek rcelec- lion from zone nve. Boyd is com- pleting nine yeitrs on Uie board four as chairman. J. T. Anderson •.. representing tone two, and who as served the past three years 111 be a candidate for reclection Nominating petitions are avail­

able at the office of the auperln- tendent of schools at the Junior high school. PeUtlons require live ' - ten signatures of qualified vou

I In zones affected, only eleclcrs of rpnts two and five may vote May 10.

Anderson's peUUon- wss submit­ted Monday night as was the pe­tition of Elmer J. Sommer for zonifive.

Anti-Castro Bands Vanish; Return of U.S. Fliers Denied

Cassia Ai'ea Fire Disti-ict Balloting Set

BURLEY. April 13-Ca.vila coun­ty resldcnti nre voUng loday for a proposed Nortli Caula ruml fire dlslrict.

VoUng places are Jackson. Decio Tillage office, Claremont Orange hAll. John Jacobson residence. West 10th street. Burley, and the PelU LH5 church.

The proposed district Includes: all of the area outside of the Bur­ley, city. JimlU, with the Snake river as north boundory. and ex­tending to the Oakley, Albion and Malta lire dlstricU, which form the south boundary.

Tha steering committee for the district Is made up of Gerald Rob­bins. Jackson; RobertSuqua, Declo; Harry Berg. fiprlngdale-Unity; Kay Freymliler, View, Willow creek and Claremont; Rex Madden. Burley rural area; Gordon Wnlker, Ken­yon and Pella: William Beck. Beet- VlUe and Starrhs Ferr}-, and Edgaj Moorman. Milner.

The committee has reported that there will be a small levy on prop­erty In the district to support and malnlaln the district’s equipment. The liroposed levy will be from .7r a mill to one mill.Tlie fire truck and equipment

now used for fire protecUon In lh» rural areas Is owned by Snake River Mutual Insurance company, which has offered to turn the truck and equipment over lo the

r district If 11 Is organized.

Again. BATON ROUGE, La., April 13 m —Oov. Earl Long. IM, has announced that he will run for the governor again In 10C4 and got a standing ovation from slate labor leaders.,

Long, who battled his way oul of three mental haipital wards la^l summer, dbcloeed his In­tention to seek reetectlon In nd- dreulng a session of the LouLtl* ana AFL-CfO tabor council'an­nual convention.

He tossed off a remnrk about a recent InvesUgatlon of his Income taxes and another offer. Ing “the right advice" to the

^man who apparently will suc­ceed him.


raLMng campaign to pay expenses, of little Jeanett Stubblefield who died Saturday in a Porllnnd liu- plliU has'been launched by the Parma Junior Chamber of Com-' merce.

Jobless Hike Is Blamed on Bad Weather

WASHINOTON. AprU 13 (fl - Unemployment Jumjie'd 275,000'In Mnrcli, the biggest increase for a March since World war IL Em­

ployment declined by 353.000.)or department reporting

thrse figures today, blamed Ihe darkened picture almost entirely on heavy snowt and generally bad wcftther in March. II predicted liinrp rebound In April.

Employment dropped from 64.- s::0.000 in Fvlininry to 04.307.000 In Miirdi. NanniUIy. employmeni In­creases during March by about 450.000.

Unemploj-ment rose from 3J3I.- . n to 4 00,000. Normally, tlie idle tolAl declines by about 160.000 In March AS compared with Februar}'.

'File figures mcanl that 84.0 peritMl.of.BlLAmtrlcanj.nerl'lnt^otXIxod JoUi In ^Sarth, but lhat 5.4 per cent of job seekers couldn't find employment.

Seymour Wolfbeln. labor depart- lenl manpower chief, said that he iw nothing In tiio figures wor-

rnnllng (ear of an economic de« clliie. He noted, however, Uiat there have been soma Job layoffs n the DUlo Industry.

One factor contributing to the employment decllna was a drop of nbout B50.000 In farm employ­ment to n March toul of 4.505,000 —the lowest farm Job total lor any month In many deendes, possibly since before the turn of the tury...

.. H A V A N A , April 12 (/P)-The S i e r r a

Macstra mountain.? of east Cuba have swal­lowed up nil traces of a fleeing fonner revolutionary officer and his hand of d« • fpclors, regarded by sotne as the first

nrnied opposition to Primo M inister Fidel Castro'K rev­olutionary regime. Officially headfjunrtcrs o f the Cuban armed forces and the regional militar)' command In eastemmoat Orlenle province said today they had no information on tha fugl- Uve. Capt, Manuel Beaton.

Earlier reports that armed peu- nnu had surrounded Beaton and his band, estimated to number belween 40 and 50, could not be confirmed.

Castro’ himself waj reported somewhere In the Orlente moun- Ulns, and there was speculatloa that he was peraonally directing the military opemUon against the guerrlllss.

MaJ. Callxton Garcia, command- r of the mountain area, refused

to dL«uss the reporU with news­men who reached him by tele­phone'at his headquarters In Pal-

a Sorlono.Military authorities In Havana

and officials In Orlente prorlnca said they knew nothing aboul Beaton or his guerrillas.

The semi-officialRevoluelon said Saturdiyr that Benton was heading a gang of bandlM In the area. The paper ac-— cused Uie band of killing a peas- anl, Francisco ’Tamayo, who had been associated with Castro dur­ing the revolution. But the Rsvana newspaper El Crlsol later Idrnll- fled Tamayo as chief of a govern­ment army unit.

Another unconfirmed report said a second guerrHla bond was roam­ing the Sierra CrUUl. a mountain range north of the Sierra Maestra.

Beaton recently escaped trm Havana's La Cabana military fort-. rm . where he had been held on charges ot killing an army major and two soldiers at tha gates oC Camp Llbertad. QUtslde the c»Dlt i tat, amra] months ago .

B i l l s t o B o o s t S u g a r

B e e t I n d u s t r y E y e dW ASHINGTON, April 12 (/P )_T h rce related bills do-

signed to increase domestic sugar beet production were in> troduced yesterdtiy by Rep. W alter Rogers; D ., Tex. Th*

firs t would eliminate tho present acreage aliotmenta on sugar beets. Siigar production in the United States now is lim ited lo 65 per cent o f the domestic demand. Market­

ing quota.i are given to fiugor manufncturers who in .turn have to contact American producers w ith sugar beet '

acreage quotas. The second increases s u g a r marketing,

quotas fo r domestic produc­ers from the present 56 percent, thereby decreasing off-shore sugar quotas from 45 per cent to 36 per cent of domestic connmip- tion,. The third provides for atlocatlon of 85 per cent of the increase In dome.nUc sugar markeUng quota* each year to states pretently grow­ing sugar iKCts and having a po tentlal production sufficient to permit the profitable operation ofa sugar manufacturing pUnt.____- Stales which woiild sniroin UiT as per cent' portion, however; would have to have actual pro- ducUon now of less than 30,000 acres'. - • ,

Idaho Told “Think Big” OnGemJFete

LEWISTON, April 13 «^-aoT. Robert E. Smylle called on Idaho­ans yesterdoy lo "think big" in laying plans for the celebration In 10C3 of the lOOUi annlvertnry of the founding,of_ihe Idaho territory.

He urged the staging of centdi- nlal celebratioM In every comer of Idaho and asked Uiat ihe ob­servances be ’brtndly based and broadly portrayed."

Smylle addres.<;ed about 150 . chamber of commerce luncheon In honor of the Idaho Territorial Centennlnl commission executive committee, which held nn aU-day meeting here—the flrat since Its establishment last year.

Tlieodore Holf, Horae.'hoe Bend, commls.'lon chalrmnn. to ld the gathering that 5,000 to 6.000 will take part in the planning and pro­gramming of the community, re­gional and alatewide celebraUons, which will aUrl next August at pierce where gold was discovered in I860.

Smylle pmlsed the woit .cLJhe state commlulon and Its executive commlltce.

“1 think their plans ore moving ahead most saibfactorlly now." hi said. "The master planning Is tak­ing shnpe In efficient form."

Smylle said he hsd been "afraid (r»<ii»>a «■ i*M« J. c.

Highway Board. Schedules Meet

BOISE, April 13 im —The sUte highway board opens Its three-day April meeting her® tomorrow, planning to meet with the gover­nor and representaUves of the Auoclatcd General Contracton thi first day.

Tlte highway deparlmcnt'i pub­lic information office said the board would meet with Oov. Rob­ert E. Smylle at l l am. and with the AGC at 1:30 pjn. The nslurs of the discussions waa not dls- cloud although the department Indieated It was routine.

On Tliursday.the board meets.at' 11 ajn. with t n H ^ I <?hamber o( Commerce, to discuss a request for > federal aid monies for the Castl^ ' ford to mlssll6 base road.

U n r e s t G r o w s i n C u b a U n d e r C a s t r o R e g i m eFxllinr'i iwi^-waiUm U »u lii Slowlr. arid With obvloiu relue- Tlier« Is fear loo that relentlesu PCilnos (Dcasants) and 'TOAen.

,11k. li>. Ci.lro .


—More and more In Cuban clUes Uiese days you hear remarks like tills: "I am not against the revolu-

, tion but—, Cubans cling desperaUb’ to their hopes In the SSth of July move- menl which toppled the Fulgenelo BatlilA dictatorship 15 months ago.

Baasla's dictatorship'resorted to cruelty when organized resistance ppcared. Some wonder if history I'ill repeal as the prejenl beglil-

nlngs of rrslstance to the Havana goverrunent of Fidel Cutro gather

I strength.

’There's a feellnc 'In tht these Cubans tell you.

i t is difficult to tee how the Castro regime will avoid severe crtslA. The year 18(» may tell the story of CMba's future lor years lo come. A lour around the country discloses growing resentment at what appeared to'the Injured to be acts of economic lunacy. Per­manent damage. Incurable under ' democratic system, may result.

There is fear that shortages, wage deductions, confiscations, in­terventions and domlnauon, along wlUi. wor«enlng economic condi­tions, can stir resentment to a point where only unremltilng, op- pretutlvt force can keep Castro In power.

Tliere Is fear loo that relentlesu propaganda a iu ^s on the United

T'lTh thf embrace with communism. wIL provoke a final break with Wash' inglon. Ohe results of that might ever be repnlrtd.This city in central Cuba seemt

more apprehensive than any other. One-time ardent suppirlen of and fighters lor Castro privaUly - prus fear lhat blood will flow.

Vou hear bolas — rumors. The fact that the nimon are repeated at all In itself has significance. You hear that desperation has driven a businessman to sulc'de. You hear lhat Kores of persoiu are being rounded up and Jailed. You hear there are Informers al every turn, alert for whispers of “counter - rerolutlonaiy" grlpea.

You hear et friction among cam-

13 and IS per cent.Most such rumors cannot be!'

checked out. But a worker jeeretlyl shows you a pink alip to Illustrate'. what he is up against. H r must, give up five per cent of hi* pay for' a retirement fund, three per ccnf' tw under a new law. 0.3S per cenC tax for maternity beneftu, one per; . cent for union due* and »^“Telun- '. tary" four per cent for indutrtal-i Uatlon. ■ • ■ I ■

forced fishermen Into coopentivt*.: Vou hear reporU of-orgtnlsing:

resistance. Vou hear ot vthreaU' and preuure* by .the. communlit«‘

(C«>Uaw4 m fa n (. Ctloa.I)


Page 2: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


IGmlierlyMan Convicted for

Ti])sy DrivingplMdrrt locf'iii to n charKr '

.irlfl rlKlil ot ttjiy wht h" npprafcil '1‘UK.tlay mornlnn hi Jrrr C.iMln County Proliale JutlKC \>m Carter. lie pwteiJ n bond mill (t.iip lor II licsritiR wus no'

cUf<l by EherUf Lc.r

(V5 the driver of.t 15J1 Chrvi.kr. nwuea by hli falhcr. in.bv. i.c(iii:ircl Glmplc, RuiHTt ulilch involved In a rurtil In. tcrsrc:ln:i cr:i-.li .■lOUlliMst of Bur. iry March :0 which clotmcd ilir

, 1!(b r>f 111.'. 'Alfc. Mm. Shlrlf-y Kp.Mililliii:. in. The couplc'a wn, Allrn W:ivi)r SpftUldlnR. 3, .ilnl :ii.- mornlnu of JDjurii:ncriini 111 me craih. i

Mth;n I/'Kler. J3. Buhl, ft.riii- rrii'. VrnturA. Calif.. v.m tiiinl tw mill c(»t.i by Buhl l>r.;.r.- JiKic? Hcrnard SUrr lor Mill n rpvoktd - clrlvrr'.'t Ui ' H'- 3Ic nbo clvcn a fivr.<l,iy i..;l ^nucnce to be eiUpendrrt,

of fine.J!e Li bcinK Ucid in thf Hniil cy-\

jail in lieu ot Ihe fine. ll;x l;cra'." WM revoked In Culiforiiin ->n charKe of neellRent ririm nnd ho fftlUd to complyJtnnnclnl rc5pon.ilbiliiy UM arrested MoikI:Buhl Police Clilrf T

Juan Trcvliio, 37 «ll«d for f.illiire to ylrlii of way nfler tlir IMl'

• fh iilf • •

South Africa Seeks White

Immigrants•.Ui-.-.iniTa .-.;*U'J:ictory niaht.1 ulif) iihot Vrr*I-. hc'iiu' held umler the band

Twin Falls News in Brief

r lUllArtII «

fllird I

: Vslley Darrsck.i No, it)0. n of World Wnr I. »illI 8 p. III. 'IliurMlay nl lllv :vn U-«loii hall.

)l fur n

Cuba Refuses ToSend Back

2 U. S. FhcrsMf.i. n. 0. McCnll lioldlnj hands

jtraii-jt lirr hnlr iryiiiK to keep *ind lr<-m runi nt: hairdo . . . Ulscr -una Willie IrylnB lo Miucrrr lliluuiili hole II

■ iiiiu blue (can or

MainII tookliiK a

val WiUlnian londlnx cl; uf Iruck , . . Cray i; Iraf 1;luv|iie alontc

ni'.i handimc Drivr

drlrli 4on\\’

north of Iiuprrt.Deputy Kherlff Housrd

who liivc.<llKi»lP<l. .i'.na I'ri-viiiu h.i atoppeil for lUe «!<'P (he pulled out In /rout of a ms; I'on- llac ned.Mi, driven by Kvcrndo Hemaiider., 30, Rupei , aiRii.illfiR /nr n rlplit turn from rofl N.

Diiniflse to 111*' Poll mated at J200 ^nd the inick wa* not dnmiificd. thn drpuiy llerititnder. wiu cited Inr di with an rxplri'd ilriver's Ilcci

C, Den llcviklll-i. J7. Jerome /Itied 125 nnd Klven 30 den 1

Ins. IIU driver-* llcensa was , pcmlfd for 30 iluy-i.

noderlclc M. W cIrI. 21. Jen--- WAi-fmM llO (Uitl cojta and given

SS demcrlt4 Monday by Jerome Justice of Uie Pence Leo Terrill for ipcedltw 10 mlle.i per hour In a CO-inlle Mnr. HU citation wnx l.uutd by State Patrolman James Gerke,

Dran A. Earl. 40, Jerome. fined tl5 and co. U! and Riven 20 demerit* Tueiday by Judi;» Ter­rill for a stop »lRil vlolatloiu ]

Dennt* Herbold. Rupert was fined »2S and cosL,t Monday b) Ruptrl Police Judce Georse lUd. ford {or dlslurblTiR the peace bj


OUrl.*coll 'iiiiil rltea «lll tie hrid at the RU' ert ecmi'iery. I'rleiids miiy calf a tie .McCuIloch funeral homs Tum. ay and iinill time of lenlcej /edne.vlay. '

TWIN FALLS-Funernl Rcnlces for John A. Johnson will be held

.0 a.m. Thur-iday »l thfl Whi tuary chapel with the llev. 1 MacArthur offlclatlnK. Mnnl ttlll bu conducicd by Kaylei

ludRe No, D4. AP antfA.M. al Sun­set Memorial park. '

TWIN FAI.L3-Orftvp,*.lde iifrv- ;ta lor Tcreaa Kay Bchhmd. In- *nt_d«UHhl«r-of-Wr,-«iid-Mf*-

IloiiBld i;. Schtund, will be held It 2 p, in. Wediie3d.iy at 8un.wt '.fcmorlal park with the Rev, Don- lilt Jloffninn of/lclattni;. 'I1ir (u- lernl procc.wlon will leave While

l : « p.

Iiin. ^Tld:ly nt tile •IM.in LUS .MTiind ward chapel Bishop HoM Word of/iclaJli

WENDKLI, — >-un*rn\ «rrv5ccs for trlch Carl Asmii.--ieii M.HI b coiiductcd a l l p.m. Wednnilsy ii Ihu pre-'.byti-rlnn church by Ih nev. Child ilnllek.- Final Hit will be hflil in the Wendell cemv lery. Friends may call at ih Wraver mnrUiary from 1 p.ii *i\jr.\dny Hntll lime of Mrvlcea.

TWIN FALLS-^^lncral frvlcr for Mrs. Ltlioni M. O'Connor wll be h<-lcJ at 3:30 p.m. Thursday n IliB Ilcynold.n funeral cliajirl v.111 the Rev. W. A. MncArthur olJl

'iiU.% cemelory. Krlrnd: la Ihe fiiiirral hnini mill time of .vrvlctj.

— RUPKifr-J*nnrral-inTv)ert-{oi— irTTticrrsnnnwtjfrrerDyrdTJ:Ronald Orne 4ichenk will b« held .......nt 2 jj.m. •nmr.' diiy nt the 'f^liiliy Luthcrnn church wllh ilie “Allred Klclmuin officlailm;. ■

East Primary

Gro wing Into (Crucial VoteIt.v Tlie Auorlaltd Trm

Whtthcr Uiere'4 an ontanlzcd •>lop Kennedy" move afoot In Wc.M VlrRlnla's primary campalun 118.1 become a bl* political qucs- ilDii- And the Republicans' likely .Mandiirclbcnrer, Vice Prmldeni; lllchard M. Nlxnn. lald If the .\ts.«iicJiUMtCj< wln i thel>rlmnry he's In «.» ihe Democratic pre.ildenllal nominee.

Scru. John F, Kennedy and Hu­bert II. Jfumphrey. Mlnne.vota. are ■ vlROrous competition for pref-

nco In W m i Vlrfjlnla'j May JO primary which resarded a.» important rrmaleh atirr 1 week'.t Wiwoa^ln prlmarj-. won Kennedy.

inedy Oppowi Olhem"

Jerry W. Kep •- lind cu^lsMc

feuce Oeo

I'Prnilon Informatlnn Available n; Inforniatlon conctrnmr the i:r' I pension law that koc.i mto rffcc 'July 1 may be nblatiied by vetrr •in.% and their families nt any vet rrans adniiiilMraiinn nincp, ac

Arnold H. Helvveze, V, •prfjentative for.MaRi

. .Marriaee Ureiue A iiiarrlaKe Her

I Monday by the T»

Irioy Karl Ilerinia; , iiicnto. Cilir.

'^Mlendi M « t l ~

iiiiplal ng of ha nfie

I Jackvl for j nan brUiK a-Nked i.

r , ;>rlL, lii b,t»led 0 . by huji-

liud. been flieit a'

; hoi Illy briny struck by M-.v,>lierl in nilddin >11 violrnllybaniilni; , . . And o.erhrnrii; *■. lone you could

elin>fl 111 SI. 1-oul', Mil. ?k-end. He bi prp-'lilriit yf ;ue's L'lah'Idalio district.

inklln Jr..rdy nupporter. said fl.Hly ;

Va., that hl.i inim inst tlic comblne<l o|

pniltlon of Humphrey, Sen. l.yi B, Johnson. D.. Tr*.. Sc t SymUiKlon. D, Mi>., nr E. Sicvcii.wn altliouiih Hun li Ihe only opponent on tl



Tarmenl SnunlilMitKlc Valley Credit Burn.ii, Inc

flleij ftult in iiiobate court Moi; day niiBliwt Wayne U, Short un Charles Tappan for coIlcctlon .c debla owed the bureau un promt.- aory note.i. The action charci Short ewe. (22G.31 and Tappii

; S«2.35. The firm ot May an May represen ts Uje collectio •BCncj’.-

Korean Port Police Want Help for Riot

;lnln.I Wes Vlr

Larry Mettler. Rupert, forfeited A m bond In Judge Redford' rourt /or dlslurblnc Ihe peace b flulo.

Don Lee ^Jelson. Oakley, wa fined and costa by Probat Judce Vem carter Monday for maklns en lllefifti left turn., He Was Involved In R recent nccldenl Miith of Durley.

Paul C. Meyers, ID, Jerome, was fined *15 and cost.n by Burley Jus­tice of the Peace Alfred Crane Tuesday for speeding 75 mllei per hour In a (lO-mlle

M a p le V a l le y M em o ria l

Vlslllnz hour* In the matcmlty ward are from 2 to 4 and 7

n.: In nil other wards, /rom 11 n, lo 8 p.m.

Af>:MITTKl>•fr.1. Donald E. fionlm.

WlJlle, Joyce Harr. Mr.v LwU and Nadine Oay, all Twin J.'nlla: Mra, Dean LfBault. Paul;

I. Edward 'Hiompson, Klir.ber- Earl Clontr. Jeronie: Jay lio;, Klell: Olenna McCleary. Wen­

dell ;LlAA Miller. Ca.-illpJord: Hrian Wnrc Geor

S t . B e n e d ic t ’s, Je rom e

VUltlnR hours at St. Benfiilet'd ho.->pltal nre Irom 2 to t nnd from 7 to B vm .

A nM irn ;nMr,i. Duane Soulli. lln^j M.uon:

Laro' Sliiirtr, PameU Cibwin am: Cynlhln G ib s o n , all Jerome: Shelley Fciii.-;rr and Mr.% P.iul Jacobsen, Iwth Shoshone,

mS.MIS.SKl)Shellev I-'ou.MT. Kho.shnni

itotantlally the »li taken by Nixon In an Interview San Krancl.ico, Re nald a defe

Vlri:lnla wouldn't p Kennedy out "but a victory Ihe should clo,^ It oul for him."

Other* Commenl Blevetvion returned from a Lj

In-Amcclcatx tour and told York what he'


len everywhere foi twice-defeated Dcm-

,itlc nominee aald ot a poalbli ifl. 'T il crw that brIcJRC wher ome to It nnd I don't expect tc

chluncl IMrs.

rited by State I*ntrolninn Roy iiawHTilt

wmiani C, Connor. 3t. Paul.w.rv fined *15 and cost.i by Judi;e' Crane Tuesday for Rolni: 75 mlleij per h6ur In ^ 00-mlle rone, Hlsl citation wn.1 l.«ued by state P, . imlman Marvin Snyder.

Edward J. Kochevnr. 2<. Rurley. wa.1 fined $25 nnd clven 2 di merltj by ‘ Burley Police Judi Henry Tucker TdP-sday for a sK •Iffn rlolallon.

Douiila.s G. WliUe. 18. 135 Sec­ond avenue ea.«. wa.s fined S15 nnd co. l.s and ns.vlKiird 25 llrrav demerlU Monday by Jusllie of tin Peace Georce K. Scott for failure to slop al a alop slun. lie wa: died by Stale Pnlrolmtin H. Y. Carr.

Whlte’.i father, Glen Ovei 'Wlilte. was fined tto and com.i fo

ttlnc the youth lo drive hi •Ithoufhavinu a drlvtr'.i 11.

Earl W. Ward. ! atreet, waa bound < court Monday by 1 JudRe J. O, Pumplirc of < inken drlvl

:0J Adir to dut u Fall. Cliy on a charyr repeated of-

fen>f.Ward prevlou.''ly had requested

n preliminary hearlnR afler his «rre:t by clly police on Match 20. but rlianced his mind. IIU bom

at $750.Ward w.1.1 convicted of dninkei

rtriuiii; In Julv. 10S4. In a Ju.silc court In the exsl end of the conn

Walk PlannedRarbar

:e Lre Wynn nnd Gnllln on. nil Buhl: MrK. Luis Alf ind Mrs. Hrnry Orihrl, l>oi

tr.s. Von Nrbfkrr, Hnii sen: Mr.s. W, 11. I'liipps, llaafi m»n: Mrs, Charles ll.srt, Mlcr. and Carmen Miller, Dot;

DISSnSSKI)Mra, WnlKT Carlson

Mr.n. Allen Kldredse. Mrs,Grrrn. Mr.s. ' llobert Blrver Daker nnd <Kails; Mrs. Vson. Hanaen; DeiiL«e Mar.n Paul, and Mrs.' Raymond CIt

Donald S

Major, f

xny. N.y. Cor.. Rockefeller made a nia

mlcht (ll.snrl a .small cloi

MASAN, Kor a.v\n


demons tratoKor I por

e of r, for

. In this South

nnd ilr.sinicllcn ihrouKh the ci'iitci of thr city,

Tlircfl pcr,wn.s were killed laM nlKlit when police Ilred Into a mot atlucktntr their liradquarters anc A »;ur« nf-«>lliiix«—liioludUit[-ju>vi'ra policemen—were wounded, Tliere were new demoiutratloiu today bui no reporta of-any ca-suivlilr.s.

Local police auUiorlllrs c.xtrnd- rd the curfew today from five K 10 hours. At Ihe s.\me time. ihe<. n.'.ked that another 1,000 polli

had I■, More than 400 / irrlved fro learbj

prei the demoiLM: : Into the :iUht,

report-s Indicated th lent foreea were complyliii he order.

C»y hall, all of the clly's police tatloM and oiher official or j-c.-nl- ifflrlal bulldlnM wcrn destroyed If diiniaRed by U ie ............

Anti-Collision Idea Is Tested

uppnrt .Mrs. Ilasel Lucille Durn«n,t filed v<-i;etablc» III in district court Monday fs!n.sl 'William Gr«[(on Green, v , , .

,» ln Fall*, for support of minor |cxiba ha ciilldrcn under the uniform arree- c

t enforcement act, Tliey were -led May 21. 10«. al OilJen.


iluUo Club (o .Meet Members of St. Sdusrd’.t JunI

Mu.slc club will meet al 3:30 p.i Wednesday at St. Edward's school lUditorliim lo attend the IV ln Kalli .chools band program In a croup It 4 p.m. at the junior high school ludltorlum. Tlie children will te­am to St. Edward's school aftei he program and parenLs may pick iiem up Uicre al about i pjn.

Utend Serrleea IV in Falls Exchange club me

bera held a'ahorl buslne.M me Inc end luncheon at ihe Aipi

I.Ci:lon hall after attend E.'i.Mer church servlce.s al n< Tuesday at the Presbyter

' Ronald Rurdcn, n sci:. McPh


School Site’s Future Asked At Local Meet

questions about poislble plans .0 abandon W.-ishlnslon scliool .ipflrked an o therw ise Toiitlne moiithl.v meetlnir of Ihe 'fV'ln

alls .school board Monday nlcht. Tliree rc.sldcnts of Addison ave-

,,,ie ca.sl, .Merwin E. Helmboldt. D. A. MncQulre und Cornells Vis- sera, questioned the board on re­ports the school would be aban­doned in the next few years. Wllh Rreement of other iKard mem- )crs, Chairman Carl Boyd pointed ml replacement of Ilie Khool bulldlnc Itself should Involve half ft-mllllon dollars nnd a new slti would coal additional money. Hi said there are ne plans whatai

for t ual nof the i.chi other buMne--.s, bo.srd mem-

illow the principals

idiitds /or fiuit-v

te said the !ii.'iiec led elsewhere and i been notified la.st

at they would be a- the end of }Vbru:ir

-Idal.o Told “Think Big”

On Gem Fete

and CubA ami. na.. fliUhl ere;

uuk pUce 11 rie Cubuna ai lUKht ilKir Bit

hen n.sked foriKjlitlcal n.sylum. Tlie three crew mrmbetii, joined y one pu senRer, said the Cuban

he sue of the bill." Kill require money

" he aald. Smyll'e

t l.sr iK."V appen

U. s. Nuclear Rocket Plans Are Reported!™

................. oiild. "encournge ihiromnilulnn, Ihe Iciclslatuj }dulin.iiis to think blK . . we may adi.qu»lely recreate ih color and rciimiiice ot our history.

• ictedlls

ind all •hat

•jUk:'. Robe Cowle.

put avehicle

e the por.siblllly i.tate leRlslalure slogan on Idaho

n 1IKI3.

WASnrNGTON, April 5J m-\ MlMlle Expert Wernher von Hraun ficial

dlsclu' ed the United States Is'charK

ler slage rock-

'Stlinony pub-


Vlons Mibcommntee, predicted ihe! •'•iwri:

let non-profit use of Ihe of- iblem wllhouC

'. Cunmirrrlal ori:anlrji(loni till- emblem lor profit will (|uirid to inake donations X Iriiin j:5 lo POO depend- I ihrir volume of biLslneu. ciinmltiee approved U;e rec- idailKiis ol fiKiniy commls- i lur oiKinlMiVlun of eounly

_______ nial coiiimlllrr.s In _IdahO.Nei i’erce, I.einlil. Camas, Ooo<5-


iial , nd nucica ;e packaKe.

npable of placing 000-pound lastrument p.ackagi

300-mlIe lilgh orbit around li-vrlh.

11i9 German-born (iclcntlst anid the rocket also would be capable if t&klnK a 14.800-pound payload « a "soft" landing on the moon.

Furthermore, he »ald. Uie nu. tlcic-llqsilil fu e l comblnaUon "makes 11 definitely poulblG to fly

portion of this back to Uie Earth 0 you can bring samples back rom the aurfnce of '

Tlie Von Braun team, which ha.s eveloped the elRht-enRine auper ooiter nl the army balll.slle lie BRency In Jlunt.svllle, Ala,

nslerred to Uie en

Ronald G. Schenk Claimed by DeathRUPERT, Aptll 12 — Ronald

Gene Schrnk. a , son of Mr, and ,Mrs. John Sclienk, died Sunday morning at the U. S. navnl hos­pital at Sin Diejo, Calif,

He was barn July 18, 1BJ9. al Rupe.ci and Miendtd SHnliloka county scliooli. enlisting In tlin navy Aug. 14, 1W8. He completed hLi hlKh school work while in the service. Prior to his enlistment he had worked for tlie Idalio Power ' and Rural Electric companies.

He married Delores Dor.sey, Paul. July 10, 1957. Survivors. In nddl- lion lo his widnw and parenta, m-

suttr, Joan Schenk.


w fruils and cUnited States calorie dally dii vcRelables and cra.s-s juice.s,

TJie Ravslan-born English eald .slie exp«U to make the 3.200 trek on U. s. highway <0 In 40 t< SO day.s. siaylne In hotels anc motels along the way nnd walklnt. n-? much a.s pos.'.lble In Ihe early morning and late evening hour sihen traffic la lighl.

Western Man

Sentenced in Big Shortage

I.XD3 A N O E l^ , April 13 «fS- John R. Kendrlck.snn, llafiiel. Cullf,. enlcnced yesterday to 2i ) federal prl.'on lor eml)fr-*-lii 710.000 from the Long Beai ilonnl bank.

It was one of Ihe Isrce. be.v.lcmenf.i In the hbiory of Miicrlcan b.inklng, the Kovernment ihiirRcd nl Ilendrlck.son's iclnl. The former plumber «a.i zcn-

0.-0 uie, ifncd to .serve the maximum term lo 400- t>f five years on each of five lilt, •tirf'eniiiil.^ nt niL-Jipplylng fUniU and

'piracy. Twenty-one o t h e i nLs au.iln.st him were awpend-

. by Kedernl Judge Alexandei Blckfl.

Keep the W liltc Flng 0^ Safety Flying,

■ Now nine days wtlhout traffic death in our Magic Valleif.

during Uie t

ndrlct-wn was Indicted la.it year w'hen Bank CiLshlrr’Oeorge Ileweloll commllled *ulcide ami ilell nole# lmp»eaimg,lfendr1clt.sbn n the UiefC. Hewlett in hl.i death lOte said lie stole the money from Ihe bank to finance llcndrlcksoi' baslness venturei.

The bank employe claimed he did not ahnre In the profiu from hLs thefts, althou^ hi motive for, lumlng the money oi to Kendrlctson.


Snake River Republican Women') club will feature the Goodlnri county Republican candldaie.i a< main speakers at ihe mre 2 p.m. Monday at the Clrnn la Bliss. T b i public Is iflvl

Page 3: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


'M ag ic V a lley 's Largest and Finest D epartm en t Store"

■ F U R N IT U R E - Lo w er Level

r o v i i i c e t o w n

f y ^ n ie u 'c a i ^ i n o U

. by D E A R B O R N

We Will Be

CLOSED12 to 3 P.M.

FRIDAYa t t e n d

t h e c h u r c h


V O U R C H O IC E '

Davenport ond Wing Chair oi Provincetown Lifetime Quality Maple Guaranteed by DearbornOnly Dearborn ouaronl«ei lolid "bowjlno pin" tnopU. Lifellme jtylinfl. Dovenport

and Wing Chair upholtlered In beoutiful Provlncio! d«tign fabric of fineil quality.

Toilofing accented by boMon tuftinfl. Foom rubb*r r#r«f»lbU cuihlon*.

■THIS MAPLE BREAKFROD n n n c S f T k S c E n t r v B l n n k in O u r S fo r e B e f o r a M a v 7 f h

U's so e a s y to p rove to yourself th a t

P rov incetow n M a p le Furniture i$ the

finest m o p lo furniture m o d e l Lift the

p ie ce s . . . c o m p a re its solid w e ig h t

w ith o th e r m a p le you 've seen.

Page 4: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


T U C K E R 'S N A T IO N A L '"W A S H IN G T O N C A L L IN G " B Y


Boyle Qiioties Remarks Wliich Psychiatrists Tire of Hearing

n, iiAi, k m - f I

Occasionally, however, l!ilni;.s

loo absurd to be pa.s.spcl ovrr I jiucli m a tte r camc up In Wi.-icoi

Sen. H ubert Humpliri-.v. an-swc - lion about-relative rxp'-ntlUiiri

h im a n d his opponciii, Sen. Jol: flared:

‘'Let's not kid niir.sclvr.s. 1know a Greyhound bii.s co;;Us k.ss tliiin ii Convalr ."

The p la in import of ihLs statement was th a t Humphrey, tlir iwor man's caiidldiite, traveled everj-whcrc by bus. U'lille Kennedy hixurlated In the Convalr h is /anilly boiislii

him .A li rlffhJ, senator. Icfs m l kid oitrsclDocs Humphrey Intend to convey tliat he

rode a Greyhoimd bii.s every time he went back an d forth from Washington to Wiscon­sin? O f course ho did not. He flew—albeit

in a commercial piano on .schedules not governed by him .

Docs ho' al.so contend th a t every place Kennedy went he flew In his own plane?

The fa c t Is that there nro no votes In the sky. Kennedy campaigned on the ground from tow n to town, just like Humphrey. He used a private automobile, a.i untold thou- fiands o f politicians, rich and poor, have used before him .

In po litica l campaign.'? the bu.s Is not n

poor m an 's conveyance a t a ll. I t Is In plain fact a m odern convenience m uch favored by

—poU tlc lam ond^ewsmciuas-an casy .way_to

transport substantial numbers from town to town.

A ric h m an. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York , used the bus extensively In his 1058 campaign. And he probably could buy the bus company.

One columnist even suggested that the private automobile was a Kennedy luxury unavailable to hard-pressed Hubert. I t was said th a t Kennedy could thus conserve his energies better than Humphrey, jostled In his bus. Anyone who ever saw Sen. Estes Ke- fauvcr dead asleep In a campaign bus un ­told tim es In 1050 would have to question how unrclax ing it Is.

Certain ly Keiuiedy has his own plane, Certain ly he flew It from Wa.shlngton to W isconsin, and within Wlscon.sln between more o r less distant points. (Humphrey did the sam e w ithin the .state.)

But none of us should buy this fooli.shne; about bus vs. plane. Humphrey Is simply riding In the style to which the Rockcfeller.s are accustomed.

MUST rnoDiiCK iu<: siAJOtury ovkii iih m -I-mtKV-m Vic-A- of IIIP fnct Hint Iho Ulllltcl .SlMr.i b prcdomliiniiUy n Proir.Mniil coiitilry. ihf worrlcil

fftllc It'ndtT.n ttill li!ir<Uy {ln!« to iioinltinin tlie ;huittu man, if hr <lnc-s noi come Soa-n me

mounlttlns wlili n ircmcndoim mMorliy nvrr llir MlnntwUin. IIm.-; lilmi.rjf In Mif Conf;rfw<lniin1 directory b« R ••inrmb'r of Iho I'lrsl CminrrKntlnn.il Cluircll of Mlntior;ol.i."

nator Kfiinudy doM not iclve lil.< rfllKloiu (if 111 liLi offlcliil blriKniphv, nUlioilh-li Ills niimi

•rd,'( from Cnilinitc univcrsltU-s lilciittfy lili:hl.i cctloii.

olher fnrlor nclif < .MirclDl siK I, mill lliat Inlior voir.


• for .S r Htimplir.

r Ken' as It. i-the

IN D K CIS IV E T R IU M PHTlie're is one serious flaw In Senal<

nedy’s Wisconsin triumph, insofar cffect u po n the uncommitted and i fence leaders of large and key delcRatlon.s — New York , Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michi gan, California , etc.— Is conccnied.

I t was too close, and there were too many _ u n k n o w n factors involved for them to “stick

the ir head 'd u t” .so early In the game.A lthough many of these bo.sses, Includ­

ing governors, mayors, senators and organ' Izatlon chieftains, praised the Bay Slater for his run . they also had kind words for Senator Humphrey’s showing. Tliey will need th e Humphrey typo of Democrat li November, no matter who Is nominated.

Since m any of these Im portant figure arc C atholic—Governor Lawrence of Penn sylvania, do Sapio and W arner of New York, Governor Brown of California. Governor McNlchols of Colorado—It U obvloiu that they aro s till worried over the religious Is'

sue.Several have said publicly or privately

th a t thoy were not certain th a t Senator Kennedy could win in a n ational contest because o f this questlbn.-

Tlielr reticence is all the more slgnlfli because, to a great extent, they must rely on the Catholic vote to carry their local electlon.s.

For these reasons they w ill be watching the result, as well as the county-by-counly breakdown, in the overwhelmingly Protest' an t state o f West Virginia on May 10.

A N D AN OTHER T H IN GEvery tim e we th ink we’ve heard all that's

W’rong w ith the farm program along comes another Item .

We have enough surplus wheat on hand to make a pancake tha t would blanket the M iddle W est, and yet It turns out th a t wc'ie having to Import wheat. And this a t a (Imc when the unfavorable balancc of trude l.'i cau.sing government leaders siecplos? nlfjhts,

■* \v>iy u ra wc imiwi^nTg’H T O ff tt7 '^ i i ," i lseems th a t the government support program doesn't^'dlstlngulsh much between varieties

-o tjghea t. ~A.poctloa-ot-hard-wlntcr-wheat Is needed to make quality flour. But -the supports system, together w ith special pay- m ents .fo r plow ing your land and letting It lie fa llow through the sumracr months, have caused a shortage of w inter .wheat grown in the U. S.

D cJ^ite n il the demonstrations of the staggering costs and gross bum bling that

Is bound to occur under a rigid government farm program , there's a bill befori congress now to Increase the controls. It 's the family farm Income bill, and It should be declared surplus a n d stored away w ithout further


ii.vvu_tu f;u—i.v-UMON VOTKS-rhe MtiinMotnii miRlil linif nil fdne ulili

, voiInK flemcnt bfcntme of JiH idirallljtni views liibor fliirsiloti.i, (ind becnuie of ilir Krnnrdy

\jtollKis' ti'!« In lh« McClflltin lnvcsilRt.tloHicimeiit nf iKe lOSfl l.ibor reform Act. nrnih- , WM lUe hurd-hlllliiK counsel of tli« com-

nitllee.Oldly, the new president of ill# Unllfd Mine /orkerji 'riiomiiii Kennpdy. niid Ills chief luvilMnm

U Josciili T. Kennedy, Wllke.vUarre. I’n,Vlwlrilft wns ueirmiilly n ncinibllcsn nt.-vle ic 1030 depression. Lewl.V early «ui>porl of

FDR ivnd llie new dtrvi inbor IfRLslnllon irrin.rformed oublfiil terrlloo', hUIioiikU rallicr Demo-

crnllc In recent ye.ir.s. Even when Jnlin L. rteclnrrd for Wrndell Willklt In 1040, It voted for Roo.'iovpli THe miners ndnrcd ttielr chlcf'.s economliliU IM.11HK.

Ilie rc.vilt lifre mny niso ,'liow which c I the crcnler nppenl lo wnrKliu-mi'n niid tore speciflMlIy. a i.nuy .siion’ wliciluT

nedv'.% iirbnn. i;ibor MrenKlli will officl lil’ |>o viilneriibltliy on Ihr rcllKloiix front in siie)i key lornl sinte.s ns NV«,- York. New Jrnry. Pena'jl' Illlnot5. Ohin> illclilRnn nnd Cnllfornin.


A crntkdawn on peri’Cirnlor* of bnniD lio.ixe nnnounced In Wo.\lilnRton liut week, AVill b« conicd cenernlly.

While A iMiiiblnif lionx Ls much preferred ro ttie genuine nrilcle, llic hundreds of fube bomb repo recrlvcil throiichnul Ihe countn- Ilie InM mo je: hnvT become nn Inlolernble nnnoynnre, Seirrnl n bnnibini;.s linve niiide 11 linpawible lor iiirlme n U«- cntorcenient ofllclftlj to reciird .Midi fi'l.'e nliiri liKlitly.

Homb ho.ixM rejiill In tniiold flniinclnl low*. 1 convrnlenee nnd nnKiilsli nnd dHuy* in-plniie fllwli A bin ha.n been introdiiceci In eiingre.-. lo nuike iik NTverp ll1 piirilslwirin li->r Inhtly upnriir.i: bun- on plniir.s. Already .under 'Public I.;iw TO;', iitiyn perpctrnllni: n bomb lio.ix Ls .snbjecl to » ni;i.\tniv lino of 11,000 or one yenr In Jnll, or both. '

Mcnnilme, however, a few well publleWd cil of denllnc promptly wlih b«tib totvxers .■should d coursrr-thU blt.itTe'"k1nd of prnctlc.il JnkinR. MlchlKim .Etiite Unlver.slty ntiident i»ho Mlil hf w "Jiwi lifivins n little fun" wm *enitnced to irn dj in Jiill nnd fined S« the other dny, Tlie Jiudei , ft psycholoci’ mnjor. IncldenLilly, hnd reinnrUeri, "I hope my bomb Roe.s off In time" m he w lo boftrd a Mlnml-ljound plnne. Tlic p!i tcdrched and aim delayed Imlt an '

We believe llml publicity nbout bomb hn^Ins .lent to Jail will do more to dLscournRC mirli piw

. Ihe limber looms crrnl , nlr the :-cpnt of pinr Is

—Helen Ore Wood* ildnhn I'nllsj

M f t l l ADO A«Ot:T NOTHINGPot SllDt. ;

lliere ftre mmr Uilmtn to do In IhLs world, and oditT fbli lo i And also. Oretley once Mid. *• Wrj.t,- lo which r proceeded di

veddlnftl Dut there wc icopir mllllns «round. t

by belns dl.sRuMti) with Mich c ■ wnlke<! nway,

My fMndnmenlAl reliictnnce I compens.Hrrt to Mme exte:10 Advance of knowledffe tc her directions. Somebody nlona le roadside n.\Xed me, •'Wlwt nr( ill doliiR wnlklns with chnlrx Ir inds at niRlit bv Uie moonllshtr I nnswcred, •'Oh. lt'j» woiiderfu I rest in the Jhiida of the Oockle.s.’

t«cnnle Drrom (Twin Falls)

ith M c d ._ . . . . .PiU'S von K ins d k i 't .

Pot Shni.s:T«f) puppies, DInnh nnd Frisky,

need Rood homes. They hftvi! hiRhIQ-.s nd n K toy .shepherd «

riinne TtKdiceod 3>87<S (Twin Falls)

WAIT A yr.W YEAItSl i'nl Slinls;

ti have helped many oihc I wonder If ymrcoiild help m«

■ hnvtt\’i htnl many tinlta itlmc.s I Jiut don't know whnt

ihKt Kennedy nnd Kennedy »moni Ihe Democrailc hoptliil.' can defcit the RrpubllMn.s,

Tlic lie.rl of till! cliilm Is a n-» eoinblnstton »lmll>r lo ilii»t pin tORclher by Pfeildeni Triim.ni

tn he won liU stunning upsd ..w.ory by dfleillnc nioma.s F. Dewey‘in 1018. U lake.s lull iic.

. of Ihe llktly dpfenion n! ernjisnleA snd perhBp.5 even .T V’io bottSti Mntri:

;h tli/t Miullirm pbn for •'In­dependent elector*'- Kennedy ar- i;ue.s (list the Democrai.s arc likely tu lose'four or five aoutliern s!a no matter who Is the cnndida Truman In '48 lo.st the 30 eli (oral votes of Alabama, I.otilRlai Mlul.sjilppl. Soiilh Carolina a

ite, which went for t rlEhls candidate. Si

■niurmond. Yri, TTiim Ih a total of 303 lo )80. edy'A ca. c re.sU on hi* cc

vlctlon that he can carry all the In the North and'We.st lies. He ^oiild Ineludo New

York, which Triiman lest. 1 he pun forft-ttrd. Kith

detcrmtriPd coiilidence he s ank4 10 Uie farm dliaffe rry a number of midwi ilr.s, including Ohio and ii.sln. Pan ol the ca.se li ler.t who croMfd over for him (he prlmar; «ill ctay with him

In Novn«b«t.;h mast elpctlon itatlMli illa In WlscoiLsln c.-vn provB anyailns about 11

llrelluloui tvu«. »\>r the most part In WLscoruln It u».s brlnur Ih face, with Proie.Uiini.s .»hn»t; p.vi trndency lo vo:e In i ,'llh thrlr religion than Cathollca. i . l i in-Wctt-Viftlala-wltere-Ken-. ledy again meeia Sen. Hubert

Humphrey on .May 20 that It could ' s explosive.

Th« KtiMvtdy cisnp 5» acutcly ware that Wetl VlrRlnla'.s Sen.

Robert C. Byrd wm. In hl« 20'.s, a member of the Ku Klux Klan. They iiwpect that ho will try to

iLse ths rellKloiK U.iue In a itate here peihap.s not more than five

per cent of ihe population la Cath- ollc. The Klan vfrJUi the church call.i up Rrialy niemorlr* of the quarrel that tore th« Demoerata apm flr.st In m\ and whe;i Al Smith wA.s the defeated candidate for prer.ldcnt In IK28.

Byrd, who favon Sen. Lyndor John.son for the nomination, rc' Jccti (uiy MPKeatlon.that he wouU exploit Kennedy’ religion. But hi polntii to the returna In a poll he took of 1.200 membera of the Dem. ocraUo executive committee* Ir Wf.st Vlrglnlft'i as counlle/i, .Man] were returned, he wyi, with writ, ten commentjs to the effect that i Catholic tould not bo elfclfrt pres.____ John-son Ird the poll by iullllht marRln. aecordlnj to nyrd.

•iRht rWhfit both

ea.shif: the pennlty ii nnbly, 'mi.-, np-t of falac ftlirnis-

TIIK CnrSSMAN QUESTIONUntil la.-.t ’nmra r.ir.s 111 or near San QUi ..M-mlnute reprieve

unuiunl puiiWimeni prevli

lid II

his I ictlor the Ithe

perlenced - ir/.viian'a ca.-ie itvik oi

t, however, when hlr. r: e of fears thnt his dp,> stirred dcnion.sirallo!is President Ebicnhower'.s

reprieve raue.i the que.Mlot will be put to death when

' ’.her hij execution . WIN tir »:,iyea e nn unfavorable ntmnspliere for ■•IMLi to U18 Soviet Union and tl:

an entirely different •cuiuiii \va.s .siayed be­lli I--rld-iy nlKhi mlRh: in Souih Ainrrlca dur visit ihiTC. The lalf.sl nf whether Che.v.man the Pi'r.-.ldent return II be »:.ived nealn le.

e Pre.sl-

Prolonulnff Che.wni .st.incoa con.stllulra punWhment uhich 1

maklnc. Tor lli lUon ahould be olf pennanenily. NO'.v

srace.—IdBha State Jour

thfullyt look*

DEFENSE Each year, a-s.the butlget_come.a lntfl_

platnta about defease policy and perfom Mirlll. TliLs annual "oulbur.st ha.s been fall ported In recent weeLi, Crltlc-s point lo »Ilkg Mrtoua wcakne.siea In deferue. and Uie theae crtUthm»-ial.sr.s an obvious QUW.lon. Are the per.sona who ihape our defease program—the Pre.si- dent, aecretar - of atate, ftwretary of trcft-sury. sec­retary of defense, budset director, national tecurliy council and the Joint chief* nf ataff—really a* de- fecUv# In judffment aa the crltlcLvni make" them out to be?

obvloits ihat they are not, incompelrnt. a.s IndlvldunU at any rate, nnd yet (he uneaalnr.y per-

Why?TliB abort r v.niild be Hint there ran

V perfect deleav proKraiii, \ * not cnoiu:h.—Dattlmore 6u:

Pot Shots note: W# have x fiil feellnc th.it fomeone la ti :ic to pull .someone's lee! But 111’ leniDlr chance ihat your qu1 Ion Is nn llie up and up. j>e wot ikr to iw>liil out lliat yimr problc ! . erlous and rjiiiie per.sonal. Son,

lhase tlilriR.s1 In

> wait a few years.

FAMOirS I.AST MNE r . . Ile'i afftlcled with •

rnmbtnatlnn of aprlnr fcTtr and vaeaUonlllO •



A u c t i o n


Conliict Uie TWiei • Newa Parra Sale department for complete advertlslne coveraRo of your farm tale: hand bills, newspaper .covcrafifl (over 20,000j, advance billinc. All at ons ap»clal low rate Ei'er? «als lUttd In thti Farm Calendar for 10 dayi bi- fore uils time it no coiL

" A r n im

AdveKobeft Myer

Jim .Meuer«ml(h

A P R IL l llhFred IJuff and Qtherf

Adtrrtliemenl April Il-lJ Kdlnboroufh A I.araen


AIMUL IfiMrs. r., J. EsrliJi

Adverll.emrnU April 13-H


• don-( tell me whal l need ■w linbby. My huaband hu hobby, and thafa why J'm

lioiiby Ls hi* aecrelary.- ly I dlai:no.sc It mywlf ii KOI an lilferlorlly corn, •ly I been RetUnR ih« ,I dumber than my bow,'

11 Given Orders F(ir Draft Tests

boys have been ordered lic.s;cnl examination* on ; Ilolse, according to Mr*,

rich, tel«Uv» lervlci

p I.yle Morrbi Kullk, rnmv r.rwin Kay. Thomas Ed- lid Mrunirr. Robert I.enoy Ja.sp.. Wiltiim Chnrlrs Routh, Charlei ii.iiia.v Hansen, Norman Henry

Junrs Eugene ScojKins, in .Icilm Umdholm, Emeiit s O Oorman and David Rosi

_I)IUVER.F1NED_________JEUOME, April 13 - Eme*t f.

Wudilie. M. Jerome, w»a fined U . 1 K.iturday by Justice of e I,ro Terrill for driving »Tarinii Rln.vse.s aa wu on hbi driver's llcerue.

ritrd by State Patrolman .Marvin fi Wrlcht.

Construction Report Given

Total construetlon In Twin Falls luring March waa about 10 per ;cnt le.« tiian reporied durmg March of la.st year, according fi

gures compiled by the T<vin Fall, ank and Truat company,Permlt;( for nine new dwelling

unlt.s, valued at »91,000. compari vlth 17 imlt* la.st year with a valui .f lIM.OOO, New fonjtnictlon val. led at J47J0O thU year galnec

5Ut«tnntJMly-6v#r-iaitT<*r-anc represented ttie third consecutive month nf lncrea.sed actlvlty during 10(10. Alterations Md repaira val­ued at t3S,7O0 urra more than dou­ble the toial during March, 1659.

Tout coiuirucUon during the fir.sl three months of I»60 In T»'In FalLt. valued al J378J00. wai U per cent belov one year ago. large­ly by fewer nev dK'CIIIng unlta. Parmlti for JI new unlu were vaU led at 107,000 compared with 34 inlU !aal year at a value of MffJ,*too. jNew commercial eoutructlon to«:

aled WJOO s’hlch gained three jcr eenl tor thb quarter, Altera- ;loiw and repair* valued at $87,000 represented an Increase of 4S.1 per cent. I

ly last hope, doe. Jusl >n*aer me one quesllon. Can piy- rhlaio' help baldnw?"

•'.You paychlalrLM* mu.'l have your own troubles, loo. Who do

u tell Ihem'lo?"'We ha»e a molhtr-ln-I^w prob- n In our home. \Vha«e *tory do

to llaien to first—hrra.Mfe'.' mine?'-



Prove it

Every Day

aboutfny elRliUi maninl, my nvtnd be­gin* to wander. Do you think 1 .iliould aulich to vodka?'-

fnt? me

LEGAL a d v e r t is e m e n t s '

Boyd’s Flavor Stan(3s Up!

Song and Instruction

BOOKS(or All M c k » of





'For livestock Iiuyinjr. p lant mnnnKcmenl nnd other po* .‘sillnns. I’rcfcr men w ith .nfrrictilluml Iwtcltfn'ound. Akc 21 tn (Jive Kumniary of Horking or bufiinejw cxpcricncc. Write:

NoHonol InsHfute of Meat PackingTlmei-Newa Box D-:8 Twin Falls, Idaho

STUDEBAKie EOQNOIVIY PROVED AGAiI n R H o b i lg a s E c o n o m y R u n !


2 3 .2 8 m iles per gallon w ith au tom alic transm ission !

Miiinf,ip<ilis, .Minn. (,Sj)Ci i.il). Fnr ilir Jmnui \r,ir in n ri

livclic.siof .ill the rom]i.ift oni-fKinoiiii/cil n c iv \‘.H c,

cinl njile;iRC icu. A ll t;ir.5 entered \veic sloik c.im . •j'lic ciiii

U'.is closcly .Mipervised by ilie Uhiicd .Stain .Ai.mClul}. VVir

, . . proof thnt Tlic Lark coinbine.i ecoiioniy u'itli pcrfovm.ini

iiiR I..1.irk V-S.


c .Mfibili-.n I'xonomy R un

Tfsulis! Look ,ii liic figures


2 2 .9 9 m iles per gallon oiit-econon]izes all Low M ed ium Price cars m ade !

lo iyhyT lic Ih tu 'k-overn io ii And it mndc tl;

Aion, pou cr br.ik«, power steering. Il(

A .MiinsliinR

o( (ioll,ir.tin n iit ic tr.mji

M R K m

nn .1 do/cn rosiinj? liiiiitlrcdsimprc.«vc ,„ ,ka;c rcron l f„lly r,|„ip,,„l .nuio-

yoi. ilriofu T/it !/„ ,,» iliij


2 1 .8 6 m iles per g a l l o n . . . l i i i t t h a t ’s only v< o f th e .litfiiy

ij fnile.iRc is ju « one way yon s-ivc u'itii Tlic Luk , .S.r

n ieni,'m ajor collision work, insurance,- liifili traiic in value. 1

you four diflcrent w»)t.~‘J'h'e1.ark-more pleiuiije lo Hi


repairs, parlj repl.icc-

Toial Economy saves

cvfry moHC)!-i£

T IIE IS E N M OTOns, INC. '701 M nin Avc. East. Twin Falls


1301 Onklcy Avenue. Durlcy


1.16 South Lincoln Avc., Jerome


Highwny 30 South, K uperl

Page 5: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


Bel Canto Trio to Appear at Burley retum«<l to th» iUg« of Tovn lUI) for wiBlbfr m Io propitm which dl»pl*y«l Jitr milurlly u » vocsl krtUC. She hu loured Cantdft atii) Nova ^o :u .

in prtvate^'tAljf 1* Mrs. Wil- Urd Malkan snd in Nc»Cmaan. Conn. Tlify hiva

i. & and 3.

Water Delivery Set During Suit

WASHINOTON. April JS i.r- Tlif &cr.ulc hn.1 pa.\jfd » bill lo autlionrr lUe Intfricr dppaitmciu

'to contlnur ihrouRli I9(!I Ihr dr' Kapjm born Walnnrr rrcclvcd # nv„y „f „„„

bacliclor of mta;c drsrre Irom Uip , ................................ . ,Univeriiiy of Wichiln bcJore ' ' “•'•’inR'oi* IrriKHllOH dljirlcisIcrlnR hLi profCMlonnl *;nKtns'P'‘''duiK the RPtllrmrnt ol rrpsy-' carccr. l iu firm vocnl n.viRn- '‘'m l coniincis, jmrni uoa a» !olo:»t uiiK Oie Si * litr nira.iure iiuvr eq» lo the Louis riiUlinrniotilc, Ihr Muii!cl[>iii huii.vr - iopern and choruA in n llodK.-u »iid ,( ihr roiittniircl'

Jclivrrv of Wiiur nnd Ihr con-

.10,, .«a »p„..r,a

i’ttjiiniB Ounif ~Uji oralorlu cxpcrlcncr lnclmlr.\

music of Mor-iri, Uiicli. MvniU'U-i sohii. Ilandcl and lliiydn.

He wnA ctio'tn by I^ojwld S!o- Itov'Aki lo be Icnur m IoLi : for tin prc!iilcrc of "Yunus Diirc" at tin special United Nallon.i prrfortn Biicc in November, 1958/Kolloi.ini:UiLi he w.1.1 ensaccd by Blokntt.^ki 1 ftololil with ihe llu.Mon tym- hony.Wiunnrr hold.<i a nia.*.Icr of nui.'lr

educaUon drsrce from Columbia university.

Y ouiib baM-bwl(oiie- Douehrr from Jcffenou Clly, Mo,, tnfttle 111* opcratlc.debuts In Mllcn and Hor- eiieu In (he nitnmer of IDSa as d winner 'Of the Amerlc.ui Opera auditions. He received his DA dc.Rree from Westminster eollcRe. milton. Mo., and recelved-a crniil from the French ROvcrnment in leclurs abroad oil American liter- ftlure. — •

understudy for the lead In the new opera ".\fana Colovlij" when It prcmlrrtd at the nrii.vch World fair and again when It had Its premier In New York.

Shoshone NewsfiHOSIIONE, April J2-Mr. and

Mrs. L. T. Sorensen atteiidfid ?s- slon« at the LD3 temple ai Idaho Palb Friday.

Mrs. Denlna Rodeback, aeorce- town, nnd Mrs. AgnM McCammon, [H)Cfltello. arrived Saturday to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. ITarrcU Tlioriic.

Report Award Is

Given to LeaderMis. John Tool. Ttt'In f'lvH.'.

leader of ihr Wa-Kon-Yn Cnmp Fire Olrl« crou|i. has recrivrd word she hr„i rrceived llic "wnkan" nwutd for hrr nuniial Kroiip rrixtt sent In national Camp Fiio GIrli headfiiiairers.- -llip ■ wnkan" award Mcnifif.' ex* rellcncp nf ideii and rxprc"lnn. Mrs. JnmM Vnndcnbnrk, Ta'ln Fall.< council c.tecutlve director, says ihLi h.llic .ircond sucli.n'Aur<l received by n leader In the Twin Falls council- A similar award Is avnllBbte for Blue Bird lenders.

The national award will be pre­sented to Mrs. Pool durlne the an­nual cnind council iire June IS at Jaycpp park. Mrs. Pool lias been a Blue Eird and Camp Fire Girls leader for about four years.

1.1k# Mlehlsanb the only oi.. .. Uie Great Lakes which Is entirely a-lthln U. a. lerrllOD'.

Events SetSHOSHONF:. April 13 — Slake

family night will be held at 8 pjn. iTluirsday at the Carty LDS church.

A sutke dance Is planned for April 30 at Uic Carey church,

Gradual Rise For Business Is Predicted

WASHINGTON. April 1 3 ' , Tlip nation's miljiul alreiicVv hn.'>| topped the &00-bllIlon*dollnrs<n-, yi-.ir r,ilp and «n be eiprcled l‘>i ik 'f (jii-nler by tiuarlrr tlirouih lUi'O. Ihr I'hlrl fionoiiU't of ihr US, Ch.inibrr ot Commrnrr mif.

Dr, Finrr.'oii 1’. Sclimlilt iirr- dk'ifd Ihr priKluciioii rule will lu i, 530 billiun diplliiu annually by ilirl vrar-clid. a elln of <0 bllllnn^l ilom thf final quartrr ol lii.'t year.

".S'lnrtccn-iljly l.\ llkrlr lo be our br.vl yrar In hl.M5>fy In liTUi.s- c)f rcjl outpiil, ruiployniriii. rarn- ItiiiN and iirofllA," i.i>ld nr. .SiliinlUt.

Adilr<-.vlni: tlir .Sotlely of Hi>l- d<'ni:;<l AIlplul^r^ , Ur. SchniuU .^ald ilir bU'inr.'v oullook l.t belter llian Ihr bii.'liirM nrus »lilch ran be expectrd ui Ihr next few wer>;s.

Tlir vlijoroii recovery from lasl }T.u'\ Mi'cl Mrike has brrn b.i.M'il lariirly on the rebulldinx of liu is- Ir> N InvenloilMof sled and Mrrl' |iro;lucl.', hr kalri. From now on. however. Inventory buvlns Is Iikr- ly to br slower, nnd Ihr foirr.< of rxpaii‘ lon mu.M eomc Irom-bthrr .'.ource.v

Pay, No Working Claim Supported

pirrsBUROH. Apiir. 13 itn—ai formrr publbher of ihr Piit.*btnvli .Sun-Trieiiruph te.Mlflvd in ledr;,il cnurt Je.’terday (hal n Trninslrrs nlon olllcla] employed bv the ru, p.' l)er wa.' paid fi>r a in-hour rrk. plus ovrrllme. rtci'idlr.'S ol heilier hr worked or not,

i TtiecKliiir <T.-(Idvl Cor.?4i, pirM- dfiil of Tram'lers locrtl 311. "Ktail- iially n.NNUiiieil nulhurlly" nvrr !he Su n • Trlri;inplrs Irunsportal ilriiailmrnl. ex-Piibllshrr E:lni lirrkrr Ir.MKird. No fomial t IhiirlzaUnn chnncliiK Cor.’J'‘« MjiIus

'Tty Inick driver, uu.' made. Urcker','aiU,

Co.v.1 is brim: lilrtl for vlolal- Ini: Ihr •I'ali.Miirllry hnv by »e- I'l'pinii; money lor work not per* lohnrd, i

Reports Heard.SlI0r>M0SK. April 13-nrpnrls

»m- nivrn iii Ihr Wood Rlvrr Center arnni:r nirrllnK KaWrday nixht, Thrir iv.i.< no proKrani.

EUKenr Giithrlr. master, report- ihe lastdanrr, Donald San-

, . 'jinried for ihe acrleultural edinmiller and Ward Mills report­ed lor ilip ir.iolulion.s conimltirr.

nrfrr.shment.' wete sen'ed by Mr, nnd Mrs, Elden Oiithrle and Mr, and Mrs, Dran Guthrie.

Rites SlatedfiHOHllONE. April IJ-A fpedal

K.-»ier prouram will be held at tii* A.v.rmW)' uf God ehureh Bu««J*y Mliwl Bt lo am. Sunday with th« tliiiT scheduled lo provide spe- '■M niiu;c |,;r the worship aerylet i‘>irr tiui mcirnins.

Mrs. Joiiii .Hliaw. fiundiy achool Mil'ri inifiirtriii. Slid recltallons and

miHibrts Bill be featured , Jhr .Siinii.iy »chool program, all

111 »crii;,|. ttitii (hr Easter theme.

Speakers Told•''liasnoNK, April 12-Speakeri

•nr i!ic s.icrament •rrrlcea taiidiu. ^Jrl. Burtonliiiiiiir, »iio rr|iiirted on recent . .jwith (hr church, andliiNhiiji j. Oicar atlmpson. who rrportnl on »,vM,ms of conferenca111 .Sail ciij,

KkIiiIi .simih conducted tha I’lsy'r »rre given by L. ''n «ntl ii,ntey Handy.,'t .

GItASC.E TO MEI;T IIOlXrSTEll. April 13 — HOllU-

tfr Grange will meet at 8:30 pm. Wedne.iclay at Ilie Hollister Graniic Imll. An Easter protcram uHl be presented. Host.? will be Mr. and


40 i;t k i .ea I)ER n am edllOISi;, April 12 era—Tom Camp­

bell. I’cndleton. Ore.. Is the new chef dr care of the Idaho. OrcKon and Waihlnston district of Uie a et B,

Vnuf Twin Falla



Now Givei




lU Shoshone St. North

For Fine Cleaning of Good Carpets


will be no classes at the LDS Sunday school Sunday as a spe­cial Easter program uU be pre­sented. Tlie pro^am will begin at 10:30 aJn.


In cleaning carpela the best results depend on a superior quality shampoo. Blue Ltutre Is deslffned for usa In any typa ap­plicator or with fong handla brush. This b a premium qual­ity, soap-free cleaner that leaves no soapy residue to causa rapid resolllns. It brightens colors and nap Is left open and loft?. Blue Lustre Is safe for all ear-

.•if'Z'7 ‘ petlnj Including orlenuli. Clean <Pots nnd truffle lanes or waU

« .ii.

i l < ^ K R E N C E L ’S

Mini-Cassia Series Features Vocal Group on Tliurdaay

BURLEY, April J2 — Tlie neliOene Douclier combine their voices Canto irlo, which will appear hereUnd personalities to make up this at 8 pjn. Tliursday In the Mini- trio, now m Itj* second successful CiLula Community concert scries season, local concert officers note, at the Burley high achool auditor- The program Is chosen Irom the liim, Li composed of three Fitted /ifnlllar repertory of opera, ora- and personable younK American [orio. operetta, art sonc.V and ariL Lv tach has achieved illstlne- Uu.,io for the-conttmporary thea- llnn as solo arlLiia whose talents ter. Solos and duels are featured. Wend In ensemble AlnRlng. U t the highlight of the evening

iRg.Ml.' Bralnerd's public career

started when ahe won the Nation­al Federation of Music club.» vocal award of tl.OOO and a concert tour, which gave her seasoning Uouper.,

Site made a New York recital debuto In 1050 and last


< G{obe Sood & Feed Co. on truck Uns, Twla FalU


SPRING SUPER TUNE UP!We're giving a compleU set of Best Quality Spatt Plugs PRES

with each MAJORTUKEUP on any passenger car, pickup or.truek.




To get your cor, '

pickup or truck in

peak concfition

for summer driving.

H e r e 's W h a t W e D o . . .• Install now Spork Plugs. Dis­

tributor Poinis ond Condenser

0 Completely diognoso engine, .including cylinder compression

tost and inspection of manifolds for tightness

• Stroboscope-tcst distributor to odjust point dwell, centrifugal ond vocuum distributor advonco

• Completely Inspcct'ignilion sys­tem, clean distributor cap and rotor and reset timing.

• Overhoul ond adjust carburetor •

• Test fuel pump pressure ond clean fuel pump bow l.

9 Check ond adjust tension of all belts

• Check boftcry chorging rote, voltoge regulator condition

'# Inspect rodialor, hoses and en­

gine block for leaks

F o r A C o n v e n ie n t A p p o in tm e n t

C a l l O u r Se rv ic e M a n a g e r . .......... .. R E 3 - 5 1 1 0

Union Motors302 M A IN AVENUE >10RTH

LOOK SMART I Step out in the nev/est Easter fashion afoot!BUY SMART! Penney’s has beautiful buys for the whole family!


P e n n e y S^

Straight Tip Oxfords

In Rich Kip LeatherlYoutfl getting amartest styles ei

ney’s d

la of Penney'! r . i . and Pen-

j) qual­

ity right along with Itl'Choose black ir .brovni Sanitized®.

9 .9 5men'sslses6ti to IZ

Your Favorites . . . Plain Toe OxfordsFor style leadership, comfortAble fit .. . . Penney's 3>eyclet oxfords are the smartest bu>l Rubber heels, composition rubber soles. Burnish* ed bro«-n, blaeki

7 . 9 5men'aslMSli to n

Boy Sliei ..... ....... 5.95

Smart Stitch *N Turn

Cross Brace Slip-OnsToftTicrafl^J features you aslc fori }liuidBome cross braca desl^ . . . quality itltch "n turn treatment that tildes stitches . . . sives you a sleeker looking ihoet

8 . 9 5en'aalzMSHtaie

Boy Size* ............ 6>95

High-Tongue Slip-On '

For Town or CountryPenney's sleek new Towncraft^

caaual really tnveU-lD itylsl It'a

loDS-on>ire«r. too . . . check tha sturdy leather soles, rubber heelsi

-Brack' or'BurtiljhSl-litowB:-''----

9 . 9 5men's Atta (o 11


Textured Leather

Boy's Moc-Tip Oxford

Btyled Just like bic brother'sl In­verted. seam oxford In handsome, nissed, leather. Black or brown. Perfect for school and dress wear.

4 . 4 9no7i> sisca n, C, D, ISi to 1

Boys' Sturdy-Built

Quoiity Oxfords!

IUt«d high by mothOT because they're nrnda lo take dally rouRh- and'tumble wear from active youns feell Tle-froat itylel Black only.

4 . 4 9Toddlen> Q A D, lo S.

Easy On! Easy Off!

Front Gore Slip-On!No worry or lusslns with laccs In

our new sllp-ont'And he still s«t« a good comfortable fltl Styled with amart front gore In black or brovn Uather.

5 . 9 5Boya* aliea ll .to S. 0 and D width

Smart Slip-Ons Sport

A Low Penney Price!Choose Jet bisck smooth la nnr long wearing leatherl Feature escel- lent fit . . . . trta, Upered atyUngl lUibber composition sotes. lubber heels.

5 . 9 5boy^sisnStal

M on 't SUoi _______ 7.95

Page 6: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


City Hearing Over Zoning Changes Set

“ ~rnll!rff~commi?3lon hw rceom' nieiidrd no rczoninc b« mftde «i UiW iirtif.

Itfin Hirer will be lot 12 and Uie Mulh live led of lot H , Lincoln T rrrnco /lUbdlvLilon, prcarnlly roi'.ril U-1. tn be rcaonrd to m C-'i

■ iiv w. A. Van EnRelcn. which the flilvL^rj''commlislon hks rccoii niemlcd.

A loiirili recommendnllon to be■ wmldcffd will be lol«*2J. 23 aJiU

'2< ot blocK <ine, Blue Lake.t adill-Uon, prescnlly rAned B-JD, lo bf moiird lo c-:j. b7 James Lclghtoii

A flllti fliaiiKe to b# conaldprrd Involves ioi.i cue, two, three, four nnil fivfl a»<l tile south one*h:il( of Ini MX. iJlock two.,Blue Lakes

• adilitloii. jiriienUy toned R-ID. in• l,e rrMiifcl to C-2, by Lowcll Du I:.

'Jlie jil;iiinlnt{ and toning c(iiiinii%-• fi.in •fi'coinmcnda the ehniinr.

Aiiotlicr property to be coiimcIit*. , ed ni Die heftrlnB Include.i lu; r.ui,

l)l»ri: one. Ashton adilltlon, riilly loned R*1D. to be rc/niiH| (a n C-3 Miie, by Mrs. V<'lnr,i '1'. JonH. Tlio plnnnlns and ;ciiiiiu bosrd hfi5 recoinnicndfil .i o i di'- trlcl for the area.

___ ,lUm-tcvcn.wUUb"lnt-C..aatl-ktt'a aubUlvlaloii nt lo one. Jo ne s nddltloi roned n-lD, lo be n C-2. by Marlnn Blair, decision could be rrai'ln'd liy ili plsnnlnc and ronlns conimHslo

K A Y T(no SltMjelnl

K H A R(1230 KllocrcM)

KKKP(I4SI Rlloe;cle*)

K L IXII3I0 KIIqcjaIm )

KTFI(1£0 Rlloerelei)

» UlBct Tin..

K A R T(liOO KIliKTcIca)

- : i : LI t lN x i y« M Kin,ui;> aix»

'3 Sira oil


b reiiii[» Eboi

B Vbii;ijii Siwi

cM"™,Cas.sia Starts Cancer Drive

A re<jur*l by Hiram Vocii fo retonlni; lo C-2 tli<* norili "7 fee ol lots A anil Jl. llnrllrtl'.'. miUllvl'

■ Rion of jot one. block one. Jonfi addition, prc.irntly zoned U-IU. will be coii,*.iacrc\). No niajofliy dechloii.could, be rcaclsed b; Uie advisory board on tliM iirojtcrly.

Neither could n decLMon b< reaclird on a rc<iuc.<t by Li-o Mu*h' till on chanclnK Uie r ine of the aouth S3 feel of Iota A and U.Dart leti's Mibdlvlslon of lot nne, block one, Jonc.1 addition, from a R>1D lo a C-2 clD.vlflc.iUon.

ICeni 10 (or the public hearlnR will Include property described lot. seven. clRhl, tilne and the couth H5 feet of lot lo Butterfield »ubdlvl»lon prc.^cntly roned It-ID which Del Butterfield requc.a-i be rezoned to C-2. Tlie plannlnc and ton In K board rrcommendi no chnnse at thla time.-

Another Item to be considered will be Harvey Cook'a request that lol 10, Jolitiaon subdlvlnloii pres­ently zoned R-ID, to changed to C-2. A recommcndftllon of no

. tonlnR chance ha.i been -^ade.A rerjuest by Mrs. M. Murphy

for a chanite from U-ID to C-i tor lot II. Johnson aubdlvlslon will be considered, n ie plnnnlns nnd ton- Inu commission haa recommended, no cliange.

Hem u will b« a request by Sterllni; VauRhn for a change from C-4 lo C-3 property located In the Carrico-WarberR subdivision, A recommendallon of no clmnKe hoa been made by the plannlns and zoning board.

Item IS will be n tonlne change for block taro. Industrtnl dcvelop-

, meni subillvlslon. prMently snncd H-1,10 be re«incd M-2, Indu-nrln!. Tills properly wn.i annexed lo th city ».i R-l 111 accordance with th xonlne ortllnancp. Tlie chanse has been recommended.

TliB final three Items alll In dude parci'l.i of land located In the Washlndon couria area. Nolan Victor has soueht chunsca from R-ID cla-ulficatlon, uhlch per­mits one and two family conslnie- tloiw, to an R-2 claMlHcaUon, which would permit multiple fam

, lly coaiiniction.i. The plannlnif and zonlns commission has rtc-

- ommcnded no rcMidns be made at this time In tlil.i area.

In oliier biulsie.u Monday niRht (he city board authorlEcd a 10-year contract with Uio Idaho poi.'cr comp.iny for street llRhllns. In Home Instances Involvinc Mcrcury vapor llRhts, a rate raUe will be chnreed the city. The company al­so reserved the right to rnl. e the rales ir aulhorlzed lo do so by ihe public utlUlIes commb^lon.

The board pa.wd an ordinance adopting; Uie lOSO edition of Uie ’ □as piping and cms appliance In buildings" of_PU-o Underwrlicrs code No. M. Tlic new edition

, brlnt* vp to date the elty'a £a '' lllllnc ordinance.

Tlie commlasloners redlscii.ued action taken lost week on iji su-eel which made the street *-ay going aouth from Kimberly road. Alvin W iltc nnd Harry .Mus. craves apoke in iavor of a two.

■‘way street. ^Vhlt« contends Ihc action taken by Uie cUy will hin­der Ills developing properly on Ihe souih end of the block-long sirtel.

Tlie city took the acUoa la.tt wctit bccaif« U has only a Joot tlKhi of way, which Is i consiilmd wide enough for Iwo-aay jtreei. In order to nuKe theslceet n full 50 feet, (jon.iidcrcd necc.vwrj-, the additional 25 feel on Ihe north end of the street would have lo be obtained from Mr. and Mrs. Leonard DcWnll, owners of the AA moiel which Is located on Ihe we.'l side of the street, Tlie DeWaals do not want to rellnquUli Uie addilionni 25 feet and have even a-ikcd that the street be abandoned because oC truck ti«r- lie and nohc.

White lold the board he would donate the nddlUonal 35 feet e.uar}' along tlie south end of the street. He was told by Chairman Vernon Riddle that the city Is not financially In a po.dtlon to slart condemnaUon ptvceedlngi against the DeWaata for the nec- e.wrj- 25 feel along tlic north end. UoUi the extra right or way can .....................rstreet- '•

IiUIUJiV, April 12-"The cancer f<IucnUonal and (und mblng cni- i.Mdr W In full swing here," re- porLs Mrs, Uemell Kennlngton Ca.ula county clialmian of thi American Cancer fioclety.

"Tliti Is a concentrated Rive- and-lake drive.*' ahe aald. "Volun­teers »lll knock on every door In Ca.ula county. Tliey will give evei family In the county the llfe.u> Ing facia about cancer. Tliey will lake away with them,, we hope, a (tenerous contribution ‘ to support the soclety'a program.i of rc.search. servlce and educaUon." ahe said.

One of e»ery two cancer patleni could be saved, and one In three Li actually being aaved. Somi 000 Amerlcan.s died of cancer last year without need, almply because a waa diagnosed too late, n ie gosl of the .loclcty Is to aavc Ihe/.e, peo­ple by icftclilng Uie facta of cancer, she said.

Tlie long mnKe offcn.ilvevairaliwl . incer has been nccclernled nnil Uie ouUook Ls hopeful. Cancer can

itiucred. It W a que.'.tlon of Umo nnd money. Money Li needed lo keep the wheels of Mlence turn­ing until the work Is flnLihed. the cliatnnaii slre.VM.

•Bducallonal films about cancrr have been .icen by 23 million Amtrlcacw. Mrs, Oleii Kunau..Cas- sla county cducaUonal chairman of the American Cancer aoclely, will sJiow a film to any club ci organlKillon who wishes on< stiown. Call her for an appoint­ment." stale.i Mm. KcnnlnKtnn.

The films are not aliown U frlKhlcn people, bul lo Mive llvr; IhroURh educaUng people to can-

danger* ilgnala. aho aald.

This dally achedule nf lelerlilon and radlg protrama Is preaeoted ai a arrfice (o rearieri nf tlia Tlmrs-Nrita. IJsUnga are furnlihed by (he atailnn. Any errora nr rhantti itiould be reporttd to Uie aUUoa llaelf and onl the Tlmn-News.

* * * * ' . * • * *

T e l e v i s i o n L o g


KLIX Vl.»i li.. V

Former Resident Claimed by DeathBURl^y, April 12 — Mrs. Alin

Mae Draper Rlecher. 33. riled Sal- urdny at Samaritan hor.plinl, Moses Lake, Waali., S.-MUrday. She B’as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Slereawn. Burley.

She was bom In Buhl. Nov. 31, 1026. Slie and her hu.^bnnd. Henry J. Riecher, and family moved to M(»e.s LAke, Wish, from Yakima in ISSO.

Survivors. In addition to her parents and hu.\band, are two daughter.i. Linda Kay. 13; Joan. 10; a « ii. 7. and two alstcrs, Mrs. Jeim Snow. Aberdeen. Wash, nnd Mrs. Bonnie PYaalcr, SanUi Ana, Cnilf,

Coneludhig serrlcea were held In Lake.

one-way. but furUier study of the problem will be made.

The board approved curb cuts for Uie new scrvlce alatlon being built at SliftShone atrect north and FourUi avenue north.

Tlie commissioner* Buthorl7.ed. p.i)inenl of annual dues Idaho Municipal leaKue In the iim of ji.ioe.Tliey al.v> voted to proclaim thi •eek ot April n as Chamber of

Commerce week and appro%-ed supplying data to the Municipal

Kue to be used in aclectlon ot Idaho clly-of-Uie-year award.'

-lie commli.donera dtscusscd with City Attorney William Lang- ' 7 some changes Co be Included In .. propo.ied new planning and 7t)Inn ortllnance. Tlie board felt seven-man planning and rx>nlng bo.ird should be eslabll.ihed lo re­place the present 13-mcmber. ad- vLorj- board.

Tliree members of the new board rould make up lha toning board, .hlch would deal entirely with

problems on toting nnd zoning changes. Tlie full seTen-mon board would deal with long-range plsn-

Idaho Motor Officer Talks To Area Meet

BURLEY, April 12—"Instilling mr In a ,'afely prORram can dc lore to cause accidents Uian prt-

. ;nl lh?m," slAKd Kenneth Harti- ler. Dolse. trade a.isoclaUon man­ager for the Idaho MoUir Trans- portallon iiMOClallon. when he ad- dreMcd membera ot the Dutlcy Chamber of Commerce Mond.iy at Cousin Roy'«.

In all progmnia where mi facDil with a dangrmus ; IrnlnlnK program using never u.\ed, Effort;! ot Uie hlKhwny cnglneci-s. aiilamotlve eiiKinecrj law enforcement officers and edu­cators niuM be coordinated ax cael Is uiifiinilllar wlUi each other': point of view, lie pointed out.

Society has not been orjianlrci 1 achieve traffic safety. -W.

haven't caught up with our tech­nical rc.'.earch,- Uic speaker noted

Hie manager of Idaho Motor _.iwporU»llon nr.soclatloi lhal all fields of liidaMry

I Wr.Inndi>r Mchl Tie)

Some Two Million Expected to VoteCHICAGO, April 12 m-More

han two million Illinois cltiicns ire expected to iroop lo ihe prl- iinry polLi today lo pa.'.i Judgmenl in Vice President Ilicliard M. Nixon and tlw scandal-tainted Chicago Democratic machine,

number ot holly-contesled , plus Uie forecast of a brlRhl

-spring day, ahould .s«tll voter turnout for the third Jlate-wlde primary ot the Ifloo presidential campaign.

To be decided wera ih# third, lerm amblllona of Republican Oor William O. Slrtllon. a six-way doniiybrook for the GOP i

nomination and the tl , b:ittle for the De.Tiocrntlc

gubmiatorlal slot. wlUi two re Idaitai hurling chargc;

"eorruplloir’ and "bovlim" ai nachliic-hackfd nominee.

organlicd and ncquiilnl the public with Uiclr work:..

Among Uie dltfcrcnl vehicles In. eluded In Uils IndirMry are irana. ports, bus, common carriers, con. tTBcl carrler.i, household goods, hvc.Mocl:, private cwTlcra, carriers of s.ind, Kr.ivi-1 and loggltig. Tliey

million dollars ot moi Idaho. exclu.ilve lo »n

and tcder.ll luxi-s each year, p than U million dollars

lid 20 ......... .

visit the company'a new office nt 1131! Overland street, romia'i ope; Ing will be held won.

Members were urged to attend Uie MLvs Cas-sla county p.igcant

;eIljSalurday evening at tlie Burley.n. I hich 'H-hfl * ■high school auditorium.

A letter waa read troni Sen. Hi. . ry Dworaliak, R„ Idn., concerning Uie Howell canyon road. He stated he iMd written ihe reglonsl tores.' Ur In Ogden concerning Uils.mal. Icr. Ileglonnl l-'orcsler Ployd Iver­son stated Mint when-Uie program ot the Ihcal ycnr Is completed the forcit j.mlre w ill be belter <iuall- fled to ;.ny what funds If any will

illable for road.s. ir.ills and'

Six Divorces Are Granted In Twin Falls

Sit divorce dccrees have been awarded by District Judga Theron \V. Ward in Twin FalLi.-_A dlvorcc.ua$ granted Mn. Glor­ia June Mort from Eldon W’ayne Mon on grounds of extreme cruel, ty. She was awarded custody ot n minor child and he was ordered U pay JSO monthly child support. She WHS given the household goods and lie a 1055 Chevrolel, /our Kuni.fishing e<julpmenl, movls camera amiv auUiorlllu nnd two other ciimer.v;. She was Notxjdy knows when or why

ited_byMayandM.iy,-Avin j,,o„ „-in fall. A nevi'spaper m

Cuban Unrest Grows Under Castro Force

irtnm r>cv .....against Uioae who grumble, ^ou

lold n o b ^ Is safe to speak his mind.

Mostl}', you become acutely aware Uiat Cuba's big middle class realises lla back Is to ihe wsll that It Is headed toward a fight tor survival.

The middle claas ficM bank- ruptcy and what looks like tempt at deliberately destroying ir

Some middle ctaas Cubans ' cede their prcsenl woo are rr their own faults. The big middle class has the educated. Inlelllgent, able j>eople who could have pro­vided leadership. But tor year* It bowed t« whatever came along, iklng on p r 0 1 e c 11V e coloraUon lUi each succeeding ty ran i

paying Its way out.^f problcma Now Uie reckoning may be and.•'We've gone back 30 years, to

Uie lime of the Machado dlcuior- ihlp," said a grocer. “W« couldn’t :o on under him. We couldn't ,}n under Batista. We supported Hdel. When he won, we were liap- py. But now things get worse all

time."I Florida, a t<rwn near Cam-

.. ey, a businessman recenUy IwuRhl 55.000 pesos worth of span madilne ports. The iiaUonal In- sUtule of agrarian reform IINRA) took away 30.000 pcMS worth, wlUioul even giving a recelpl.-The Cuban who sUll Ules to

Ills facloo’. enierprlsc or r runs Into a mass of frustration. He cannot rcplace machinery parti, which are Imported, because Uie regime won't permit forelRtl exchange to leave the counUy. Money ts sciirce In any event.

Often, he run.i up agalait arbl- in rr INRA orders. He must start work ahead of schedule, before proper repalra can be made. INRA seizes machinery, traclors and other equipment. Union leaders frequenUy refuse to llie up to contracLi signed for tliLs year. More otlen than not. Uiey art up.

Fiills law firm.A decree granted Mrs. Jcaiiclle

S. Meyer a divorce Ii L. Meyer on ground cnii-lty. She also was reprcscnicd by May nnd May.

.May nnd May represcnu-il Mrs. Alina May Fouler who w.is Kiven n dlvorcc from Lcon;ird II. l\iwler

grounds of cxircme criirlly.Mrs. Mollle M. Jnncs divorce from fliiirr J,

extreme eniellv, eiip was nmird- a 1353 PlyiiiouUi, a lioa-e Irnil- lnlcre.st In a I3S3 Incnnie lax

return totaling WM nnd her iinme restored lo Molllr m . Childs.

She w.-ui reprc.-icnled by May and May.

learby town always confined .lelt to local news. Tliere was lalnl of the old dlcUtor^lp, 11 had been in exlsiance M years. Tlie only excuse the auUiorltlea could find wiui Uial I was lnter\'ened. taken under the lovcrnincnfs whig. Revtnuo fell )ff. Tlie paper one day Ju.it died,

ling companygiven lervtncd "on tho pasilbillly tiiere

nilshl bo labor trouble."An Intcrvcni'd lomaio farm n

the town of Florida tell behind picking, It rent out a call for JOO women pickers. At INHA's pay raif—SO ceiii:. for a 12;liour d.iy— only 10 showed up. The picking tell ' -hind by a month. Much of tlie

I last.Mrs. Dianna Mae Bruins wasiCrop ranted a divorce from Cecil fc.rll PiUtern Is being repeated

Brulna. She was given custody of|”'“'’>' minor child. Harry Turnir. Twin'

F»ills, rcprc.'ienied Mrs. llrulns.The Judge granted a dlvorcc In . Joyce Hahcl from M.irlln Ha- el on gro«inds of extreme cruelly.

She was given custody ot Iheir two minor children ami hecd I

Papefs Filed for Estate of Woman

A pcllllon for letters lc.ilamen- ..ir>' In the rstate ot Mrs. Alice

pay $23 monthly support for Wallace wa-i /lied Monday In pro- ach child. He al. n w:li ordered lo bate court by ft son. It. AujUn

pay Eiirl E, Walker nnd Guy L, Kinney.' Twin PnlM aliomey:., Ihc

of $122.30, balance due Jnr :es. She was represented by

Klnne>- In court, ‘


de.sU'oyed at least a million doll.us worth of chcmlcals at a stoce- hoo.ie of Mnther«n company. Jnc, ' icarby Norwood yeslcrdiiy.

Wallace, Burley,Mr.s. Wallnce died March 30 In

Twin P.ilLs couniy. Her e.siale of rrni and personal property la val­ued In exce.M of *10,000.

Heirs named In the peUtlon arc Gcrnld R. Wnllace. Con,’Bllls. Ore.. nnd Ihc petitioner. boUi son.i. At­torney Hnrry Povey represents Au.Mln Wallnce.


ed.Hie industry employes (1.100 per-

<.i« for hire nnd prlvaU earners ilone whMc volilcles coiuUluie about one-fltlh .of Idaho's enUre regulated irtick fleet. I t ., million doilrtia on new equipment :ach ycnr. ll.% trucks and bujcj paid more lhan 40 per cent of all Idaho's motor vehicle taxes or *10,- 265,000 plus of Ihr .sl;Hc'.s.{2:,m,- 05A total, he nddcd.

Tliero are npproxlmately flJOO trucks alone roKistrred In Idaho, Of Uiese « per ccnl nre. farm| vehicles whlcli pay 21 pe.Uie total mnlor vehicle taxes. iO per! cent are p.-lvatc carriers which pay,

cciit ot Ihe total nnd D per, cent are vehicles for hire which .lay 32 per cent of the tax, he adileil.

Tlie guest was Introduced b>- talo Rep. Leo Handy, D.. .Mini-

Tlie Rev. Emil HcLielh reminded members of the communiiy Good 1-Vld»y services to be held In the ChhsUan church at I3:in p.m.

le.vea will be elmcd from noon unUl 3 p.m. Friday.

In Dra 1 the






riticK.s 75c T IL fi;30 THEN 100



EVERYONE AGREES "Ifs the Fun Hit of Any YeaxJ


6:30 - (l;3i 10:30

Democrats Plan Meeting in T. F.

‘ A "get ■cqualnled" m eeting sponsored by the Twin Palis coun; ty DemocraUc central commlUee. will be conducted tl S p.m. to­day at the county courthouie. an­nounces commltteechainnanLloj'd

Walker.Walker said several candidate-i

for congreaalonal nominsUons will ■ aUend. BUI Brunt. Idaho f-alb: I Bob McLaughlin. Mountain Home;] Oreg Polvin, American >'alls. and Complon White, Clarks >'ork, all senatorial candidates, snrt Ralph Harding. BlackXoot, reprr«nt-Hl'e 'candidate, have accepted 1 Uons to attend tht meetini!.

“Cantata” Set For Richfield

RICHFIELD, April 11 - First performance of the cajitata. "Tlie Tliom' Crowned King." will be pre­sented at 8 pjn. Sunday at the Richfield high school audilormm.

Twenty membtri of Uie Rich-; field Chorslalrs will lake part, di­rected by Mrs, Ver It, Thoma.'.. Ur*. Ralph A. Lawrence and Mrj. Velma-Allen; both SUoslionr. stng solo numbers. . _ .

Other muale of the Ea.iter -Ml will be sung by the combined high school choruses of RIchflcId. Dietrich and Shoshone, directed by Mrs. Allen. VAImlchty Cod of Our PJithem" wlU be Uie conclud­ing number by Uie choruses and the Choralalrs.

Tlie canUta and choral i bers will be presented again Tues­day evening at Ihe flhoahone hlnh school auditorium.

TJie prosram li tpproxlmately10 hour long. The public is in­

vited.The Richfield Chorslalrs was or­

ganized-^ months ajit with Mra. Thomas as dlrecUir and Mra.. Ken­neth JohriBon as piano accompan- bt. The group Is open to any ■ munlly woman with practice slons held each Monday at Uie elementary school.

The Chorolalra have sunn by In' vlUtloif at many evcnu in Rich field and surrounding touiis. They have won two first prlics In talent compeUtlon.

Official Sees More Culture For America

SUN VALLEY, April IJ (OT — Rfcreallon In America Is going to center more and more on cultural octlvlUes in Uie future, tho pa. clflc NorUiwesl District Recrta- Uon conference has been told.

Dr. Lynn S. Rodney, chairman ot the recreation and outdoor education it Uie Onlveralty of Oregon, said America Is “on t Uireshold ot a great cultural r n.il.v.;ince." He addressed the‘2M delegates attending the group's 13U> annual cenfereDce.

Tlie eontercnce ends tonight. RepresentallTcs from ive atate.i and three Cumdlan provinces aro attending.I -•'Tlie American people will de- 'mand in ihclr leisure Ume living 'greal cultural centers, art centers nnd oUier facilities for the en. joyment and advancement of man m his leisure Ume hours," said Dr- Rodtiey.

Elmer JI. Anderson, supervisor of the recreation division ol tho 'stntr park.-i and rccrcaUon com- ■ mlr.Mon. Olympia. Wash., wUI Uko over as chairman of tlie dlsincc advUory conmilllce for Ihe t Inc year.

Enicst Cranec, - luperlnlendent ot the par^ and recreaUon de-

s named

WINS AWARD HANSEN, April 12-DennlsTan. er. Hansen bluh school, won an

Award al the recent regional scU fair at Caldwell with hU dis­

play concerning work tn radio- acUvlty.

$19,335 Suit Is Filed for Taxes

LEWISTON. April 13 tP-A Vice pre-iidenl of Uie Pirsi Security Bank or Iditho filed suit In tenth

Iricl court here ye.'terdny iin.1t Idiilio Tax Colieclor P. O.

Neill to collect S19J3S in Incoitic ixr.i paid In ID57.,Mr. and Mr*. Harry M. Emerson

tiled tlie .suit which mvoKrd c.ipl- u i gain rcallted from Uie •..ile ot their controlling lnlerest.i In ,!ie State Bivnlc of Clnrksloii, Wn.i;i.

Emerson aald h« paid tlie tIO,-, 335 under prole.-!t on jas.OOO In! caplUil galru which he .lald result-; ed from aixle of n buslne.v ouuidel the Alale of Idnho and slinuld noti be Included In taxablo Idaho In-j


Hedy Lnmnr • Victor Mature



Paul Muni . DivldWsyiie

'THE LAST ANGRY M AN " Plus Cninr Cartoon





JwaBuwi EnHauiii'liiDCua

hiiN itaMirsw



. ★ ----STARTS---- ic

Robert Pelerson of the Inter- mbuulain Gas company wa- troduced by Al Fulnnm who spoke briefly and Invited members to

C L U B 9 3 C A F E





3 j m


E v e r y W E D N E S D A Y Is F a m ily

N i g h t a t t h e T u r f C lu b

Page 7: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


Johnson Says Congress Will OKrioreBaisWABUINGTON. April t l rtW-

S;n:ilc Democrullc Lender Lyndon t . JotinMn u confident today tliai w;tli admlnlalratloii "cooptrntloii'

wtll psH n larm'blll and (leal with liJlf a rio7 n other mnjor Iv.i'cs before ndJournlnK Ifi July,

■nic Dcniocrntle lender has lln- rd farm, medlc.il liuurancc for the n'^ed, houMns, minimum wbrc. so- cMi security rvnd mine safety blllj n^ l:ey nicasurej likely to I ncted.

llrallh ISIII Ktprrled■ Jo'iii:.on simro Clic view of, iiiunv uthrr le iislatorx lh:it r!rc:ion-yoar bill lo provide voluntary health ln^urnnce system fur the eldeily Mill paaa coiigre« ih:s year.

That probabllltv was bol.strred by ttord that Vice Pfcsldeni nichiird M. NlMin «aius ■'coiiJtriifllve nlleniallve I'onmd ’'compulsory" hci*1i:i In- mrance bill iipprovcd nl ihU Alcn.

Ivlshl liberal Republican a (Ofs fncrotfuced R uiliiiiCary Iti.'.ur- niice bill ln.-.i week and pointed <nii ihst It was patterned on an

■ railin' inca.'iiri' co-sponforrd bv — Nixrn wlien he wnn ft heuw

l>er In 1013.I'arm illll Conililered

A. In the cBje of the medlcnl Aid Luue. there «‘ere stronR lndl> cHtlon.1 last vcelc that Uie Blsen* liQwer sdmlnlstratlon wax movlnR toward a compromise in mainly to nettle tlie dbpute over hoar to deal «llh lha mountlns

furpluu.JohnMn told newunen thkt “II

the administration wilt set In here fltid cooperaJe. men ot good will can puM A farm bill."

He said he was lalklns oboul Rcncrat fann measure, but en phaalted Uial wheat *'»» the cri of the fann problem sa ihe prin­ciple commodlly involved.

School mil rxpecird In Addition lo the l.uues noted

by John.win. action on n federal aid school conAlrueilon bill also 1$ rxpfcted. A P7J mlJIIon school con- Btniellon bill hoi pa.tsed Uie sen* nte and now lit AwaltlnR house comniltlee action.

LcRlMitlon 10 boost the »1 min­imum w«Be to $1.10 or $1.25 an hour U BwalllnB a final commit-, tfo to »end It lo the Mnale floor. Hearlnw on thU lubjeel are beloft held In the house.

Budge Notes Extra Funds

WASIHNOTON. April IJ W - Rep, Hamer H, BudRe. H., Ida. ha* AskNl the house public works Appropriation wbcomniitlee not to wlUidniw 1500,000 previously ap­propriated lor the Dtinu Creek retlamallon project.

‘•I Am not asking for any Addi­tional funds," Budce Mid, "All 1 Am requestlns Li Uiat the commit- U« not take any action to dlsttirb the fund* -which the cammltteFip- prm’ed two year* aro. pending AUthorlinilon, and which the < srcM appropriated."

Budge lAld the houie Irrlsatln. cubcommlttee haa completed hear- In n cn the senate approved proj. eet and j>robably will act on ii

Th» project. Budge aald. wotiW al<3re and reregulate water releases from PAllaadea dam, 30 mtles up- •tream on the upper Bnak# river In Idaho, and improve the power producin* «/«:Jenrr o! Palisade*

Pope Sees Child With Leukemia

Klrl »-ho hn.1 fatal leukemia, flew home today with her fondest wish fulfilled Pope John XX III Rave her An extraordinary. «-minute private Audience.

■■We never Imajlned Anything BO wonderful." exclaimed CAther-

• Jne’a wldon'ed mother, Mwlene Hudaon. Oklahoma City, •The AUdlenca was a miracle, a miracle."

Private papal audlence.i nonwii- ly are resUlcted to diplomats and outer hlRh officials.

Tlirough interpreters the 1*. year-old pontiff chatted with the dark-haired child and ahowed her nround the little throne room of the papal apartment, Catherine wore the white drt» and veil in which she mude her /Iwt cor munlon a^year aro.

Moscow’s Traffic Record-Praised

BOISE, April 11 M^-aov. Robert E. Smylle congratulated re.sldents of Mo.v:ow yesterday for ••maiit- tnlnlnic a 12-ycar period tree * traffic faWllUes.-

In A telejram to Mo.«ow Mayor S. L. Uw!s. Smylle aald, "OfJl- cliUi and residents of the city of Moscow have earned the m«t Alneere conRratulatlona from the cllir.eni ot Idaho."

He wild, "It Is with rincere ap. predation tliat 1 offer my per Mnal thanks and the gratitude of the people of thbi stAte for your dlllsent And successful efforts to help reduce Idaho's traffic toll. May other communities. In the

. Oem sUle be RUlded by the pat­tern you have set since the traijedy you cipcrtenced cn AprH s. 2S48."

On that date a lO-year-old Rlrl otj her way to school was struck

a car and killed. '


Radiators' NEfT AND USED

5erp(ce L Repairs

Phone RE 3-6080.10 Typev-Ktnda


ai-ffay 10—Ob Track U d« fUdUton Art Oor noilDeM—

Net a Sideline

Singers Rehearse for Stake MIA Music Festival

Kehearsinc for the Twin Falli LDS atake MIA muile festlral, “This l i My Father’s World," arr. from left, Ann Wllllami. Sharon Miller, Uanelle Thaxtnn and I’atny Je»rell. who will »lnr during the lestival. The fMtlval bejlns at 8 pjn. Wednesday at the Tuln Falls

] 50 T. F. Stake MIA Members To Appear in Music Festival

Knltnr.'wlth Shnron Miller. Ranelle Tlinxton and Pauy Jewell slnRliig solai.

Tlie folk. -sonRS will provldi b.ickKround for severn'i folk dnnce.i

Id a tableau.Sylvia IliUnlllon ls orcanlsl; Mr,*.

Garih Price, chorister; Mr, and MK, Nell AniJrr.-wj), rliorrosr.iphy; Janet Johftson. UiblMu director, and Gnrlh Price, nnrnuor,

Ar.-iL-!t,int cliorLilir.i are Ml.’» ’riinxlon. Mrs, Lynn Duttle and Msrieilft Clifford,

Tlift public U Invlied to attend.

■Uke tabernacle. More than ISO perHni will participate In the program, whieh will Include a boya rhnrus, girls chorus, mixed chorus, folk danee scenes and tableau. The festival Is an annual Affair. (Staff photo-engraving)

Mountain Home Accident Is Fatal

MOUNTAIN UO.ME. Ajirll 12 -Idalios trnfflc death toll for lOCO reached 43 yr.Merrtay with the death of r Porilniid. Ore.. man li:I cullblon A mile wuth of iivrc,CuKrne Tlioinp.son. <5, a con-

struciiou woiker, ua.< klllecT when ir he was drlvlnK collided' luc.stock (ruck im htchway

M, Drivel' of the iruck, Wallace Herd, MouiiUMn Home, w.is. not' injured.

A p.Viiciiser In Ihe Tlioiiipson veMicle. Melvin Lyalli, 2'.' BoLe, had minor Injuries.

Elmore county Sherilf E;irl Win­ter Nall] Thomivsan ua.< rclununt; to Ills f.iiliri's home in C:ild»eli litter o'jiiiJiDi)),- i-ji)ployjiir«l ui) Die Tliiin MiKiilc project at the Mouii-|

nc air bii.sr, . i

T T o n n p r lv I ^ P c I q U»“»hter. Carolyn arrlred yuUr* I V e n i lC U y IV e& lS day and moved into th# hoUl

• MONTEOOBAY, Jamaica, April 'here th« family will !!*• durluf12 W-Sen. John Kennedy, u l 'ts itay herr Mftv.. arrives here lodny lo brdn — — — — ^n brief le.st before he r>pens nethrl Chlanc Kai-sliek, president ot canipalRnlni: In the Muy 10 Wejilthe Chinese naUonallit republic, VlrKlnln pre.ildentlal primary, I received military training as a

Mrs. Kennedy and their m(nm I youUi while a student In Japan.



OPPORTUNITYWe liavc an ojieninp fnr l(ic:il mature man to cover eslab«

Ibhcd accounts hi Manic Valley. Callinc on Ilatdware. Garden Siipply. Super Market.*, etc. Nationally advertised lini-s r ’tabllshed several year* sko. Great f)iture, potential

thriitiKh expansion. II yciu aie looklns fnr a chanse In M'Ultii: and can tell, >ena re%ume to Staiidard’Supply Co.. Uo* 2323. Boise. Idaho. .

More than lliO members of the U3S Tv ln Falls stake MIA will participate In the IDCO stAkc MIA muslo fc. llvftl. “Tills U My Father's World," nt 6 p.m. Wed'

the Twin Kulls st.iketabernacle.

Tlie prosram will feature folk wnw and (Jjince.i wjljj uartl youth Rroup.1 from 'Twin KalL*, Duhl, Kimberly-n.m.ien, Muri,-iuKh and Kllcr partIclpntl»R.

Tlie prOKr.ini will liichide "One World,- by O-Hiira; "'Hil.i Is My Father's World," S'vtss folk xnnR "Swedl. h Slumber," a folk Mne. •'Waters nipple nnd KIow," C?.rch- o.*ilovaklan folk Mng. and "Car. len Carrnella." ^ t■xlcan folk .snnc •'Marlanliia." Italian folk .sonc:

"Pakarekare." Maori folk .inni '•VlROlln,’' Oerninn folk i.ong: "Old Cflisliolm IraMlofi.tl co«-boy sons: "Tnnko Hiusho," J»p- ane.ie folk .-lonK: "Volna Boiilmrn,'" Ru.«lan folk SDnR: •’SonR of Gal­ilee," Hebrew folk .ioiik; "lllt;h . Mountain Top." by Deesley. and '•UMtle Hymn," by Wllhoiuiky,

laslrumentAl tvolos will be pre. senled by Ann Williams, violin, Marjorie ItiUl, accordion: Diane Roskelley, flute, nnd Lee Gamble.

Expansion Seen At Reactor Site

IDAHO FALLS. April 12 ftTS- The huge nntlonnl reactor testing station near here Is Rolntr to con­tinue to ejcpaxid In the next few years, t;. 8. Sen. Henry Dnor.ilmk,R., Ida., predicts,

Dworshftk told n news conference ere ye.iterday tlint through June ) of laat year, the federal Rovern- lentppent 315J million dollans for

the Atomic enerfry prORram in Ida­ho, Ife aafd thLi compares wKh 63 million dollars expended In Utah.

Dworuliak was here to present ro awards to General Electric

company for ItA snfety record at

671 Morion Street

Fight at GOP Confab Seen

SALT LAKE CITV, April 12 tfl- Rcpiibllcan Sen, Hcno' C. Dwor- , hak, Idaho, suRRe.Meo tiisi nlRht tliat Vice Pri'.ildcnt Richard M. Nixon will.not net the presidential nomination without n battle at the national GOP convention In July.

DwonJiak, a dclcRatc to the Chi­cago convention. Mid in nn Inter­view. 'TlierCll be some excitement at tite convention, you wall

Prom New York Gov. NeUon RpcVe/eller? "No. not from Rocke­feller htm.'.elf, but from Hocketcllef supporter*. Dut I^lxon'a ahead,' Oworshak said.

"Of course Uie Republican mem­bers of congre.w would like lo see a Nlxon-Rockefeller tlckel, but Rockefeller says he won’t, run for vice president. But a lot of thinRS can happen." the Idaho senator Mid as he slopped In Sail Lake

en rout# back to Waslilnglon.

McClellan Plans Racket Hearing

WASinNOTOtf. April 12 TO-

Scn, John L, McClellan, D„ Ark., armed once SRaln with the broad InvcsllRallve powers, said today he planned new rackets hearlnR.*, pos. sibly tills fall,

McClellan was Jubilant over ttli scnale vote keepluR alive the pow-' ers held by the defunct rackets committee to lnve.>itlRaic alleRcd abuses In the Inbor-nianaKcmeni field.

Tlie authority wa.' trnn.'ferrcd lo McClellan’s ROvemnient upeia-

tloiw comnilttee by approval df hLv amcnd/neiit yesterday,

.McClellan told a reporter he planned some hearlnRs after co l;re. s adjourned but he declined dl.*clwe wtint fleld.i would be In- vejtlRalcd lii the new Inquiry.

Camera CenterEaiter

Camera Sale

PERRY'S T Y Service

ile said Idaho'fl atomic proRrnm 8 will get. as million dollars thLs|S year, which will be 20 million dot-js lars more than for Utah, In lOSt.ljK the expenditure In'the Oem stalelfi

slated to be 00 mllllnn dollar,*,^ ,;hlch win compare with BS mll-li lion dollars fnr Utah.

PHONE RE 3-1037

reilRY HKNDEllSON, 111 years experience

la all type* eleclronie*

If's M agic Valley's Greatest Offer!

Each time your cleoning order o'mounts to $3,50 (or

more) we will give you obsolutcly FREE a 4-piec«

setting of beautifu l "AnHqua" flotwarc. You'll bo

surprised how quickly you con build tho entire set.

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A Brand-New



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6 :70x15 R e g . n . 6 0

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WILLS MOTOR CO.236 Shoihon*

Street West

. ,Phone RE 3-2891

Twin FetU

g t A e i t f R a m b l e r A m e r i c a n C u s t o m T o p s A ll C o m p a c t s

r L n a n , in M o b l l g a s E c o n o m y R u n w ith 2 8 . 3 S M .P .G .

T o In troc iuG e-O u r N ew


To Introduce our' N « w TIRE

MART w« have m od i a very

ipeelal pureho ia of tlrei, which

We're p o llin g on to you ot GREATER SAVINGS IN T IR iS .



O P E N 7 A .M . T I L 9 P .M .

E v e ry D a y In c lu d in g

S u n d a y s

BRAND NEW 1st LINE TIRES6.70x15 Tube Type 7.10x15 Tube Typi

N Y L O N. /WKItf. n'lilll


iSo..........1 5 - 9 9 65....... - 1 6 . 9 98,25x20 10 Ply

t r u c k

6.70 and 10x15 H.D.


,M'25......5 9 * 9 5 ..... 2 J 9

U S E D 9 . 9 5



TREADS6 :7 0 x T 3 O ' S S

R Q g . 1 2 .7 58



6.70x15 Tube Typn

N Y L O N1 3 .9 9

8,00x14 Tuboletf

N Y L O N 1 9 . 9 9

7.50x14 Tubeleii

N Y L O NReg.

30.75 ................. 1 7 . 9 9

8.00x14 Tubeleis W /W

N Y L O N 2 3 . 9 9Reg.

41.30 ...................

Rog.-5 6 .4 ^ ..

8.00x14 Premium Tuboloti

N Y t O N

^ 3 ^


— ON-SALE!—NOTE: A il priccs plus tax and recappable tire


TIRE5»h & Mein W e it

O RLO ILIFFUnion '7 6 " Service


Page 8: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


Class Leaders Cell’s Change To Cancerous Stale Is Quick

Burley Girls Get Scholarships Paintings Shown

At Shoshone for

Ending of ClassJEHOME. April i:-An rxhlbl*

llDU 0} Oil pn:ntinc was held «i il'f BDoshone LtU cliuich Sunday aftrriioon. tlic work of an cx*' IfMloti clai.1 of til* Uiilvcislly of Id.ilio Itir la^t 32 wcelts nl Hit| Slin.rhoiip liliili Rcliool.

Mrj. Mar>' Loii^c \Vhrl;.tnnr, liijlructor, /.nia ilitrr Uiiutr:.i:y| crccllt.i 'vrrc Kiven lo rscti corn'' plctlnic llic cuursc. " I

t\jrly piuilllnsx were rxlilbltrtl.j ■Hio c nliniiltiiR the claM from, M;\Slc Vtillcy ineluclcanoy M.von,' niid Mcndchoii. WVndcll;'Mi.v Uarbnrn Alien. Mrr.. Ivn I’.l MllclK'lI. Mr.'. Baiicrofi. Mrs. An-1 ns McKc:-'-lclC. Mr*. Jane Ora-'

Migrant Worker Topic for Meet

r.IIOENIX. Arls, April J3 Ttie nallon’s forsollen m»n. U)e 'misrani (arm worker'and hli (am* lly. wa.» ihc malrj chartcitr Ln yrntcrday'B openins Kulorj o( tli< Western In tcrm ic conftrcnce on mUratory labor.

Under dlacmiion were Uit dlffl- cull itulc.n of pre«r^-lnB-liU hcallJi. rdiic.ntlnK hl.i children and pro.

ham'. MrA.”Cop^ M;j, Rulll Dllly ;irid Abby Diinuer, all Shwhonf; Mrs. Dorcnc Gomm and Mr.v Hni- rl Kllencroft. both Jcrumt; Mr.i. Sndy lloWoyr Mrj. Maybellc Milt- rr. Mr. and Mrs, Dale llutlei;. all Ooodlnc. nnd Mrs. Civrol WrlKlil. Mrs. Jose Dnvlcl.%011 and Mrs. Lois Oravr.i. all Eden.

vldlns BdniuBle tlielttr. Preildlnc was Colorodo'* hou«c rpeater— Ctinrles R. ConUln.

"He U much wugl^t itter dur« Ins Che uounal hm uU ," u id Murray A. Hlnir. director of pub­lic welfare In New Mexico

"Dul once the'Maaofj li past. Uc'i fxcfM baitgaKt »nd he haj IliUlc or no health protwtlpn."



For Patio*. Rldciralks. Drlrtwajrt and All ;our

Concrete N»«'di

■pKone RE 3-5500S & H Green Stampi

c a h o l jjank.'J dkann ch a ne l iv d a m ann ing. . . three Hurler hich nehnol iludenlii who lia«-e been ieleeted for lehoUnhlps at llricham Younr

unl»rr»lty. TroTo, Uiah. The sirls liave iifen leailef* In »ehool acdrliiM and are all top »cholar» In thrlr rlaai. areordlnc Ini .Mn. lU Difrlnttnn. (IrU counselor anil chairman of (he kchnlarship enni> mlllrr. Tlir whntanhlpv ralurri at tlOO each, are renewable for the «ccnnd nemraler If Ihs recipient miinlalni an acer{)lal)lp nrliol.tillc alandlni thn ( In t aemealrr. iStaff encriTlnpI

KAV ANNK . • . who liave lirrn named top

honor iludenl’ ot the .Murlauxh lilcli whofll. SIlM Youti£. it.iuth- ler of Mr. and Mr.. fjirl Youiiir. )ia-i'liecti named TatrdlclorhiK. She lia« an areruce nf !l! .iml N aenlor cla*« prenldcnl, nerved on the annual >laff. Ii artlve In VIIA, I'ep elub and Ihe drill learn. ,'Hl.i.i ^Vehb, whn«e pirenls are Mr. and Mr>. Illalne MVhU. haa an averace of K!l. She vh e prrnldrnt of the uludetil counrlt. ha» been elieer leader tlir pa«l four jean and li aclltr In I’ep rlub and KIIA.. Ilaeealaureate ■errlcm are net for Itlij H al Ihr LUS chapel and rommenrement «»ercHe« will be hflil at Ihe hith achnol .May 13. (Staff en*ra»* Ino)

( hante I’ IlaiilllnnrniAl 1.1 very

,iiiM, in'MMiM'il 'inly in ilic mm- lie. 11 ;i icll in <llvl;Ir, til KHiti:iM I ) ilii' nhoft cv'cnt,

ii- iiK'iinr.iHiry wb lonn.Uiiilnc till- fiiiiK inif'rval, the ccU

, uiih Ihc ciuicor eftii.-sni' iir i:ill:ini, iiiitl ah n rr.'.ull

rc.'trin many of Ihp Junc- lluni by which It derm theIMIll.'Ml,

III ihn Mai;p. neverlhelc.u. the ccll 1.1 Mill hiirinti’M,

luincnl of (llvlr.lon. Ilie cell forms » daUKhUr cell ■ hlch no lonucr b siibjcci to cl-

ihiT the In/luence of the canccr* cnnnlni: oRent or to the leliia of the uriiaiilsm.

Burley GirJs Get Stipends

-Vacation Setnum., April 12-An Easier

li.i.i l)prn annmincrd for ytiiiiiK:''.<.T.' In the Dulil .sclitxil .sys> Ifiii iiy Alvn O. Dordcr.', i.upcrln- Iciiileiil.

Schnol.i will be rrle.n.'.rdnj) Afjjlor* nl DurJey JjieIi Arlifiol.ifc.i'il-ir in»e Thui-diiy vUth ic;;.

fclplents of IcnderMilp •'■chol- I" at Ihc ....DrlKhnni YounK iinl-...........-

Duplicate Bridge

Results Are ToldTr,-ln Falls DupHcntP BrUlRe

club met Monday nlcht nl Mie Moose hall wllh 11 inlilw nt play.

North nnd soiilli wliincr.i t»re Mrs. Jerro Cover nnd Hobcrt .S.i.vr flrr.t; Mr. nnil Mrs, Uuclliy coJf. ffcatii}. ami Domlil Ld.’J: JUid Mr.v Joseph Shelby and Mr.',. J. C. McMlllIn and Mrs. H, Miller Proctor, tied for ihird nnd fourth,

Ea.M and we,it whincr.i are and Mrs. llobert Tucker, flrr.t: Mrs. E, W. Sinclair and Mrs- Irvin Towle, second; Mr.i. Ktchnrd Codl! nnd Dr. Herbert K, Biirrrr.r?, thfril,, ajid Mr.i. Donald Itan.-.iim and Mr.v KuKcno Walki'r, loiirlli.

Den Mothers Are Invited to SessionCub Scout den inoUier* from

llircnir.huut MbkIc Viilley are vlted lo allend ii nmnthly ort.n criifls w»rk.sho|) nl 1 i>.m. 'lliurs-tliiy III Ilie nr»t Uiiptli.1 cliurch,

Mrs: j. A. Mshrr will be I chnrKe of the fl(i»er <llvl. |on of ihp-worlohi)p; Mrs. itonnld A. Cox, rrRlMriillnn iiiid Ka,iter (It-cora- tlons; Mrs, K. Wayne Davl.s, fun- craft; Mrs. John Ucrlle. reulslra- tlon and Ea.nter decuratlon.s, nnd Mrs. Cecil E. Wnt.'.nn. Mother's day Klfl.v ~

Arftluittverslly. Provo. Utah,

77ift'e Julllon «/ioI,ir.'lilpi Valued nl tlOO c»ch and an' iicwable for tecnntl .luniciter II reclpleiil mftlnlalii.i an nccppt;iblr 5ctioM.ittc Rtnndlnif tfie fir.'t « • mr.sler. Jiiatcs Mis, lla DarrlnKton, RlrLi' counselor and chalrninn ol Ihe scholnrstilp cuinmltiee.

Tlie stndenu have been active in Varied school actlvlllp.i and nil toji wholnra In tlielr diuv'. Mrs, DiirrtnKlon saUl.

.MLvi llank.v dauitlilcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. 'nu-ad llnnlw, hw been standing In mu.\lc actlville.% ts manajlnK editor of the Dur Hur. senator, and wa* sophomore class president. Stie plans to major In home economics education and li Interested In tenehlnR, j

Mlu Crane, diiURhter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Alfred Crime. Jr- Is an out- standliiR commercial atudrni, ac­tive In I'Mliire UiisUU'.m l.c.uler.',

the Bob Cat at.iU nnil

Mannlnir. dnushlrr of Mr, and Mrs. LInfonI Mannini;. plaiu to major In lioine pcf>nn:nlr.< t ' DYU, She U ft pail I'HA .slai president.

i Is .also

Jerome Clothing Drive Is Success

JEROME. April IJ — Mr. and Mrs. Ij. W. SnnberR. chairmen of Ihp ii.si'd clnthlnn drive for the Ainprir;in l,c;!lnn and auxlllnry. repnrieil sm; poiuuLs of elothlnc collccled, pacltrd and .-JilppecI to Ihp Save tlie Children foundation Satiirdav.

Mr. and Mrs. Sanberc reported >ine nt the chlldren'.s clothlnR M kppl In Jerome tor unc In

child wi'lfnrc work, •lUry reported clothinK wn.i of .luperwr <jimllCy

thimki'd Ihp !.cln>ol.s. OrnnRW Individuals whi> helped.

I [XJe!lve In/ btUiMteM

Follow your (l(ict<'r's oriiers jis

carofully ns your r u i h to n- d

pharmacist docs ill filling liin


WIiPii prwcriliin;:, y o u r

tJocfor Jul.'S full ctnififJcrice

ill the skill Jiiiii iiitL’j»rity of

y o u i: rcKiHterod plmrmii-


Make our phnrmney your p r e s c r i p t i o n hc:i(ii|uiirter.'!. W'c arc nt v D u r .service al*


Profess ionally a t

Y our Service...

We take pride in our profc?-

flion find welcome your visit

to our prc.scriptioii depart­

ment. A rcRi.stcred pharniii-

ci.st i.9 d e v o te d to helping

mnintnin Rood health in his

community. KnowledRC, pre­

cision, dilicencc, coiirtcsy —

m i r o r m i ----------------

FREE Prescription Delivery

“Our Prccmon la Your Protection"


WASillNOTON. April 12 Ur- Tfflm'ter.<i Trc.MdeiU James U Iloffa wound up an anrry cniiti- rooin fc.v.ion yrMer<l;iy by flioiiiiii;: 'at a union iiionitrir. "Voii aln.ijj cry like a blR baby."

iloffft tllri'ctcd the taunt nl Mnr- tin I-'. O'OonoKliiie. clwlrnmi oi the wftlclido;: monlior.s (j.riril. O'Donoshuc had n;>;.frt«'d that ilii.' Tcam.-.tcr.i len>!er tta.-s •'playiui: n

BOISE, April 32 — JnfluciijA ent nml moii'C CRnu'." to hlncli el- 1.-.CS this year are lc5s than thelforts lo cU-iin up the union,

number reportoil Insi year in ihn | "Tliat's why the ... . unlim will Mate, the slate health cli'parlnicnl reniniii a force of evil," o;Di)ni)n-

Ul.ir time Tiie.vlay mornini;. Thrrc ttill he no .school on rritl:iy .Monday.

Less Flu

Words Exchanged

By Monitor, Hoi'fa

tcporLs,In li.s wccklv rei>ort Ilie depart­

ment. Mid the 2,1K8 ca.ie.1 of Inllu- enm reported Ihl.% year l.s iipprox- iHinlel}' CO per cent- the jwiiiber rejtorted Iasi year.

Thp depariincnl of defcn.-.e uns rslablWicd In 1947 a.s the national military eslnbllshmeni.

hue; a Wa/hlniiton attorney, de­clared ai a prc-uliil dcpiBltlon hearing. The liearlnK Involved chnrses that Iloffa niLu- ed union

III a yJorlilji m il rJinle de.il il .ilinuld be our.tecl as Teamilcr;.



tor. She plnn.^ to majiir 1 bail-'

Eaton's Barber Shopis now

O P E N !At 305 M ain Street - FILER, IDAHO

MEL W YM ER ord RALPH EATON extend a big welcome to everyone

G O I N G P L A C E S ?Travelers' Checks are the

. "magic carpet" thot will

take you anywhere in th«

world thot you wont to

go . . . without risking the

loss or thoft of import-

ont sums of money! They

are instonlly recognized

ond honored everywhere

fay everybody . . . ore as

"good os cosh" anywhere.

In fact, they're just like

cash, exccpf thof if fhey

ore lost or stolen, you

won't lose o penny. Get

yours here!


A B a n k in g Serv ice to M e e t E v e ry F a rm a n d B u s in e s s N e e d

Fadelity N a t i o n a l B a n kOF TWIN FALLS

' I 'u in F a l l s B r a n c h a t F i le r

_____ Motor Branch 132 Third Avenue Eojt


P R E S E N T I N G t h e c a r d e s i g n e d f o r 's p o r t



—Jt'njs-grace/iil as n-fi iirc-s niCT------ ;—

as litfic as o racing sloop

as lovely as a spring day on the Grcrn

as zcslful as a championship Icimis match

as eager as a Icttcer s Joil

n.’ joyjnl as a colt

as exhilarating as an Alpine climb

as (iislinctivc as a winner.

la llr ^ e J Ia w L i

minded people. And now even more so with its larger

morepowcrlulncw engine and massive finned hrah

__ drums. Add a dash of sport lo routine motoring. See

your Studehalccr Dealer and ask about the price. ■ - i'

Surprise! The Ilawh is about SJ.OOO under

its nearest competitor. Test drive it and sec how

much morcyouget }oryourmoncy!

R S . L o o k a t T h e L a r k , t o o ; it ’s t h e c o m p a c t w i t h o u t c o m p r o m i s e ;


Page 9: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


McLeiiiore to Be “Somebody”;He’s Planning Small Business

anil heu-. ;ou have onljr • cotnparaUrtlr (c«Hie fOTfmmtnt vorrlf* »bout wormj. ind. » rancher «hen you

Ihe imall buimessnutn aJl th« havt acr» tnd «ercs of vomu.u /orcv<r, wtien lh»i iJro? co:n«. I

. lO-uallon hilt.

Car Service for Services Slatedtime. 2 tnsw UiiJ. 71

I Bppalntlng commlllfw to seek you buy

Spefdlng towird Maine Is a let- raised, and lliftfll be fine, for I. , jt jsjuri pkmpJiJtLi islllns the >ou have. L „ f„ j aervleea and harlnsicr which I hope *111 enable me to lenn townrd uorms. They «re nd»'SDM how lo Brow Into a blR busl* i may b# drcamlnc bl*. bul.na iraniportatlon. aaja Oeae

The inter Is In anxwer lo thli "help wanted —I mnle or female"! tdreriiwhich appeared In' my mornlns pa-, per;

••Wftnted —men, women, nalfc ball] lor lu At home.l VMll, »pare lime.Doesn't lake up airUmnti npice. We farnlrli eicrj'th/jifr.

fulfill one of my lonR-tlme nrabl-jmlrnbly uncomplnlnlns uhfn one neumnn and hav* hla own r.iltes what'a wronj with that? I may , iion»-U> become a amall butineii eotv.ldera the *ori of hves thrylof office*, wall-io»wall carpL-tln?. flop as a worm,man. but already

lead, are rewonnbly friendly and.'nnd lot* of employes who « l l him i cm vbuallie bunthouaea for niy unlli:( C0U.4, horsu and doRt. arc by hts intlals. arfectlonately and norm hands (or wranctersl. banja not forever moolna. iieluhins.or oiherwi.ie. • 1 music comlns from etunpflre.i atbarWnK for (mention. Worm* don'll Tills li more ihnn the covem-'hlghi. excltms wcrm roundup.',Im Ut m or. nilinj., dn ihtyi lor n«.p>|.rr. toWm->"a • « r r - ------- -----Jump up on 3'ou wJiJi djri>-pan.t, j fu jf j.ft ,a g goi-fJt-,'9 Th" ......... -..................,-c

But cvtn If It Un't uoriM, but' mtnt pamphlet tcllln; a eolum. Drarcs should be somethlns lo^- wmcihlnR more formidable, llkelnlst how to improve his puncl'iu--5«- I'd probfibly have to get Joliil K0.1H 10 -be .'flipped to India and! Hon. much less his Ideas. I Wayne lo liUaa II up,

................ . . . .

DrouKhton. civic affalra chairman.He aald realdenU of Jerotne and

Immediate vicinity could tend a card to 92S We«t avenue D. Jerome, or phone EAil «-48U befora 1 pm. Saturday, atatlns church and time

drive all the n«y,of *rrvlce and Klvlnit either alreet — Herd erowinsij,dij,fc„ df/lnJte dlrecUoru.

iwed for tiKcr ball by inaharal:ihs.J if it is uorma Hint Maine wanu.! i haven't dccldcd Juat where r i l j i j ihe" wbrm baron. ahe’lL »ant I jiUll would, have written iho lei-, nnd I make a go of 11. what will aurt the worms oft—If It U w’orms.(half of 11; Mlnlt w'on’t b«. fOod I"- , •• 11 fsll inyttlf? I'm already bollier'-jl »ugge.Ued the spare bedroom. lor,(iiough for her.

To be a Rmall buslnrAsman inline ftiiQul thnl. . 'it Is atlll chilly «^slde._but. my| j tniit I am Eeltlnir InlliL country lo be a • soincbocly." Wliafs proper? Worm tarmer7,ui(c piit htr toot a«w’n. and tln l ground floor ef Use worm bualneai. If he huccceih lie Is poltiled out, Worm rancher? . |«xi (hat. A msif* tioaie may be for ic., (de enrly bird (h«S eaUAtt. . . . .. ... .... . . . . . . . . .. .... ..... ........... ....... .............. .j itn'i 1,11,thp worm.

fife atound.l gn.mi>n>.i it MfStmhl «niihcrwoM. (Icparlmtnt G-174. Mon- nnd If he falls he Is helped. Or Vo U probibly worlu out th it you' hla castle, 'but It mouth, Me. Ill stems lo me from uhat I read call your«lf a worm farmer when^wormery. Not with

tm iM / Idaho Industry for Idaho People



o subsidiary o f

(Thl$ Qdv«rff>em«nf (i nof an offer fo wlf or (N otflwr o f fh«f« eorporo(>o<t(.)

Experienced, Aggressive Management and Direction . . .

KF.SNETtf JENBBK, frMl- W. J. rAttaiEM. Tlr.l Vlt« rrMldnC. *H«cl-jM »»lfc■Im C«ip. In ]»l. rrnUailr h, »M •atrruni atiOKr

. «r fintral OCfoU «((lri la K.rlh D.k«t«.

noDEItT L. rAIlDBR. B.r. HfCHARD ANpERSOK, B.. Md Vlra PtMUint. U(»- r»Urr>Tr»uar*r. D*rn <

lla« iMlltnt af r«7MU. rilitJ In U«»i«. I Idih.. >I< li pirlnfr.i.>n- ' I'rajult •( Iki V. ai|t( •( Fitbtr'a 0»»t. Rlora >a ■llaratr In tlx I•B< Tair Mtha la raaiBianllr af An OMa, Xtafiain •ta< title aXilri. Anditiaa.


Approximately 5,000 people (stockholders

with families) throughout Idaho own both of

these companies. It is our purpose to hefp ID A ­

H O G RO W w ith t logical source of additional

capital for long term investments by the oper*

atiori, of a well capitalized, well regulated and

coflservitive J»/e i/wurance company.


One of the fjation’s greatest sources o f long

term capital is the life insurance companies. In-

vestments made by life injuraflce companiei axe

the very cornerstone of virtually every enter*

ptise in the U . S. . . . farms, homes, shopping

centers, warehouses, fac^rtes, schools, hospitals,

hotels, pipelines, etc. Insurance companiei are

also large holders of government, state, county

and municipal bonds.

1 B R I G H T F U T U R E F O R I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N I E S

The U. S. Onsus Bureau esttfnatcs that by

1976, the population of the U .S . w ill increase

by approximately 60 million. This increase in

population plus public recognition o f the need

for individual fife insurance programs oiTer a

bright future indeed for American Reserve

life. Accordins to Instirufc of Life Insurance.

1959 Year Book, American families boost^

their. life insurance ownership of all types to

some $550 billion on 124 m illion individual

policyholders. This is more than double the'fig*

ureof 1951 which escabiishes life insurance as

the moit widely used means of family thriftT

O U R I N S U R A N C E S E R V I C E i P L A N F O R T H E P U B L I C

American Reserve Life Insurance program

consists of policies which have, over a long per-

~lo3 of yearirBeciTusecJ, fcstcd and provcfi by

older life insurance companies for the protection

o f poJicyhoWcK across the U. S. Idaho rcsideno

can now get the finest type df life protectioQ

av'ailable through American Rescn'e Life and

at the same time, invest in the bright future of




Page 10: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


.Rose L o w , G a ry H o lm a n R e p e a t Vow s in G o o d in g

T ra d e P rom ises in G o o d in g .ynn T . C aspe r Weds R ir ie M iss

n T e m p le R ite sOCODINO. April 12-Roje Low,

h'r.'Ot :.\v: Hint Mm. Otto Low, 1.1 mirr;.;r:c vow', with Gtiry loliimi, ; im o! Mr. And M n

KUnr.fliMiaii. nl 2;30 p.m. (liiv, Apr;! 3. ni. Uip Ooodliiit ,;iry I.uUuran cliureli. •

:;.- i;rv, ji.H.Simude ofndatpi l',r (lo'iiilc ! inK crmnony briorc ,,K;;crn;inil nl Inli White floor ,;f:s r<r iiinl: mid while cliryft' ;u-:w;ir.-., Ijr.mchcd cnndclabr.i' "I!.- till wliilu'll’ihtcd caiullifi

ilc'coriitcd with pliiK

rlnii'l irl'l)nlliinr:

diryi.....Till- I'lviii In nmrrlav

jirr laUuT. '.viL. i:owiiccl In ii t il:i ! ii! Chantilly lacc;

'/aliii. 'I'hc tiari: of the Mllrt In >.r:il!f;;:nl t.trs fornjlli;: 11

lllf. 'l lll! botllcp WHS )i MMiiopcil necklitu'K ■ Her veil of illi .".c t| lo a crown nt p

l;:>rrti'.>r:l rn.ill Mf.t. Wllbllr I-T Sim e.irrl«I nti.hni

uliitc isiijli- which her mmin r iii.iiniisl cninilmDthcr c.irri' tlinr ttT(l<lli»!.i. The Jlibl- tii|iiii-d wlih fi ^prny of inriltns tinrt hlytof-thc-vnii- •, wore n pearl iiecKlaci-. ii i llie brltleKroom;

Jancl Low. hrr j.L'.ici, >:r. i o( liQtior In n bhir :in<l Wicd coltotl flllrUli vlllte laco ovrr hliii' Inuir rftltd with whlir .mi n.itir>ii:. ;■ Brldcsmnlds, MiirI.iii' Il.'litrr-| miin, Ooodlm:, niul Kil-'i ii Siruk-|

. llllB.Car,-nnCliy.N''v,-Aon(ti.-.-. 1,1.. Urt tdrnllcnl tn itip m.iirt ci! l\r)iinr imd Muiii.' cnch carried n laci* .'iiiti lilii.' intif! with wlilte rariiHliciii'. ,\in, UJ-lel.ir)inj-ui, M-.trr c.f Ilie j'.ijl.iKrooiil, Junior lirldi'. iii.ilcl in a \j.. KOUII of Ijlllr- illld while colUiii ullJi full i.l;lrl,

Jiillc.Strlrl;Iln.r anil Mil,I:i.Strl.-H-'w|„„„', ' Ilrw. Weiulrll. rouMiis of the iTliI.-i.st,,,,,,,,.:. Broom, wtre cnndlcllchlc-M In pl“k iind whlt<* pollMii-d cotton dr>• c■ ' , wllh uhllo cariinlloii% for thi'lr; ,Jlowm. ,1

Illcky I'li’Hctiman, hroihcr of 'In'l)! . brlrtrKroom, ninl I/i-,'.ll(» ]{yn'»n '

1 rlnit bearers. MUj

S o c ia l C a le n d a r

if Mr.Lynn!.,,II

and Mrs. Wriulpll. Prr.iitleni olliciaird for thf

lal .March -2i. !iiu or thc'cr ami Mr.i.j

ti'iided Ilii and Mrs

Mi,'nL'hata,! u,

.1 I like bf.'.t about 1 niiM-tliiK of llic Kin: pm. l-rl(l,n' in Hip Kliiipr Do:. PU.

lt and DuMlr.-. Sqiin

W e n d e ll W o rth y M a tro n S e lec ted A t OES C o n fa b

WENDKLt.. April n —Mr.v 0''rn

G if t P ro je c t Set By G o d d in g U n it

CCX3DINO. April l:-McInb.•r^ of the Lutheran Woiiun MU'iun- nrj- IraKur tlrcidcd In rc;nri'ibir p.illpnL\.n’. Ihe ilalr tubrrciili ho,-j)lt.il «llh April liinhdav an-iiiKT.'.arirs II.S n projrc


.irr invllcd, ■ni :l i:(•d 10 brlnx acnv iv i)otluc'r; (.upjifr aft

Goodwill uill n; the honir ol Mr;.. \V. pm

i' M.'.v LIcyci Snivrlv 1 I Ic .'tiidy on K.oter liv;i

; j wnii i;.,’nic rhariiy ku ;! llip piircliar.n of a nrw i I Tlir Idaho-Utah dl'l: lion tn le held Mnv

1 Likp City w;u dbcii.-M : II. il. Spaiulo v.ii. clK , <d two dtlrcali'.N K. ;

[New S la te fo r OES C h a p te r Is Chosen a t M e e t

Ofll:rr^ Tor the cwnttic yrar ,rrc ripcipd nt ihr M.ieic chaptcr ;u, t;’. ordir of EaNlern fiiarT ii rtiiii: UM «.Tk nl the M.uvm:c cinjilp mill Mr. , C. R. f’ox he.id- ii;: llie slate n.i worthy in.itroii.

Dr. J. Wood^on Creed «a.i clin*. a 'inrlhy patron; Mrs. noLcrt V.it:,oii, a .•.ocale niatroii; Rolicrl


lllx d ltai:lal . Mr;, p Juhtl.- r.iiiri

! JKIIO.ME- Lad.--. Id nl the hold- Ihe annual Rlrie. 'riie; bsti'iun

i: tlank chib d nine r<lie'be played allPr the banriiirl. All c S V

neckline'membeis are urKid to ntleiid. .Cuiii’uni ■r bridali if. H- =<■ : ,

relwilt-^-ilf niiel nl B i.iii. m ,*nuir,sd;.y nl ifie Iidiiip <if Mii. V</ ,

irnalion, Cii.\, 125 Uuch.man . lr.•pt. i' '

Eden N o te s V is it O f S ta te O f f ic ia l

I A t A W M Session• KDEN, April 12 - Mr.i Su an

• liiovui and Kave Howard lie Lrlilu'i. aLtciid.inL'.. Tlicy,""^ ' nncit in iiinl: .•he.ilh drci.nex '''“ ''V iiM il bimquiri, of p ink^^ l''" iiilu'inuinn and while lir< iii-Elli.'. CQUMn of the


P la tes M a d e by W o m e n in .K . H,

and Mr.-.. Gary 0:,bo

club, .Mi-.s. Glpnn HK tl.'iii'iti.-.lrated inakli

I iind cnnductfil tl . Ihr home of Mrs.

;) thr



riilal I) La

Koaned In n white imlhhed ''' cotton froclt and carried the rlmts| 'va' mailnali-d from Gnnd-; On ft whtt<> oatln pillow trlmnir.l ins hl;;li Mhonl luid ainii<Ic<l<:<iti- with liieo nnd pink ro^pliud.v 61ip ei>idia .•(illrcc, I’uriJand, and w.r. wor« A carnation cor.-inKP, rniploycd as •■.cTrc-iaiy m ilip Idaiio,

Oreanlsl, Mr*. L- H, Snlvcly. Mate .■■rhnid lor ilu-dral Ooodlnit. plnyed necoinpanltncnl al Goodiiii;. lor Roberl Cnron who miik "Oj -me brldcijrooin also ■Pcrfect Lovp" nnd "niP Wc<UlnK|imtrd from Gooding hkh Kchool. Prayer.’* Tli« proeesslonnl wa^ nttrndrd Hoi.-;c Junlo

III;'a I Home I>cmoii.*.lratlnli 1 l)i- ()b;.ervi'd the llrM lay Iind a nii'rtini; of dh> s will lie held Mny S nl m I-Vnv rltv hall. Tlir

•Ivll drlpnse.will hrA frn

"Mnrchfl Nupllale- nnd Ihp alonal vm ’Marche Trliimphnnt’

8.iunianruhnu.icn.Prill Rork. Gotxllnc, was be.*it

man. Uslicrs wrro F.irrrll Ihixton. Drlm : Monle strlcklhiR, Moscow, nnd GeorRP Low. GootllnK. brother of ths bride.

Tli« moUicr of Ui# brlile towncd In navy blue with m hut nnd n while carnation cor Tho mother of IhebrldeKrooiii a belRS bee nhealh wlUi mate accp.ssorlM and a cnrwKo nt white eamallnns lied with a sold ribbon.

Mor# than ICO KUrst.s nitendcd . reception In the rhnrch ba.semenl «fHr tlip cernnony.

•me four-llLTiil white wcddliealtf. trimmed In blue nml toppc<l witii n brldnl couple, eenieri'd ihi cream, laee-over-lilue covered in'

I-nllH 111ilovod ni I-ikP 'I'ahDe where Uip oiipln will liiiikL- Ihelr home.Oiil-of.iowii Kupsts Included Mr.

anil Mr.i. I'arrell Ihixtoii, UrlKiis; Mrs. Kinni'th Swallow, lloiildcr City. Ni'V,; Sharon lichral nnd Mr. aiKl Mrs, Donalil MolpswoiLli. nil ’lUIn I’alL',; Mrs. Marj- l>i)hlinati, LnkewiKHl. Calif.; Mr, nnd Mrs. Monte StrlpUlhiR, Moscow; Mr. mill Mrs, Arnold Tannlrr. Mr. nnd Mrs M. SanilRren. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arl aland. Adplla Kklnnd,- Robprl' Rchike. Mrs, Charli-s Conrnd. Mrs.l Dick Anilrcolf iind Mr. nnd Mr*.| Stnnlpy sirlekllni:, nil Diihl. nnd Mr. and Mrs. .Marvhi Lltrii- nnd; dnuKhtpr, niiil Mr. nml Mrs. Wn.vni' StrlekllnK nnd /nmlly. nil Wondpll,

, . ipllnl kitchen rihowcr Klvi-n by Mitrlerie Hcldcnnnn. Mrs,

M a ria n M a r t in P a t te rn '

.. cniln: nnd 1:

, Mrs■I Ilobir tui Mrs. PrnniMr . Harold Viin Sickle i:nve »

rppoil on the bread dPmon.Mratlmi Klvrn al tho Glenn.i Kerry Moo.« home,

Ilefreshim-nw were ser\ed by the . a'tp.vcs, Mr.s. Leo 'IVall and Mrs. William Ti-iil.


HKYHURN. April 12-Mr. nml Mr.s, Alma Dlacker. Emerson, en­tertained nt, dinner In honor of Mr.s. n. C, Whueler, Me.sa. AV.z. lOlhcr RUL-M.'s were Mr. and Mr*. iMarvln lllncker and Mr. nnd Mrs. \Vllll.s mauer. Pella,

\Vllb»ir Fnincn nnd Mr.i. Gary O.'- .IxiriiP honored the lirldp. Mrs. F/; wnrd Reny wns hostess for a coffc Ihoiir nltended by fellow workers of thn brldc ftt Llie Idnho stale school.

Core o f Y o u r C h ild renBy ANGELO PATRI

Till- brldu’.H molher wore n n.ivy >liip Jarktl dreM and D corsaKC of unl; anil while carniitlons. Tl'c iiiile»Tiiiiin'.s mother chose n pink are jacket dri'.'s nnd n pinic nnd iliitp ciirnallon corsacu.Al ft reception for Uie newly

ifdi April 1 nl tho Wendell LDS ■hurch they were fttlcnded by. .'aye Howard nnd Lloyd Petersen. .Mrs, McIvln Joni-.s wii.n In charRc

of the Kuest book. Mrs, Elaine ind Gloria Casiier. nhter of

the lirldCRriiom, Lola Chandler nnd Huniwm nrrimRcd the

Rift table. I•Hie bridal table was centerpd


'O m ii Boiai ral II

nUHL—No April nieetln held by the Ellit club, I nounced.

^ *Salmon Soclnl club will

I Thp M rhapter >.


•, for III!' <)f|K-l.il .1 i;u.irdlan, .Mr.v

I be 111 tliaice of

of the

iiiailc her < to the Eden hall.

Mai-y GladM) Namp.i,

50lh rhapter will be Mra. Nellie Hatiilltoii uiid H. liarton will be co-chalrmcn of event. Other committee member.i includc Mr.'. G. D. MacQuivey,

................ EMe Le-

Communlly ccnier.* * *

Sixth ward nellcf soclcty will meet at B;3U a.m. Wednesday with Mrx. Jiiy Merrl/I prwenfl/ic the Iheolocy le.ison. Mr.i, A. T. Hull will Klvc the VlsltlliR Tencher.i le; son nt 11 a.m. Nursery provided.

.•lih I foil veddliuile'd tn pink nnd white nnd

tnjiped with white bells nnd ro.'.e.i •riie cake rested on n mirror ant

Ircled with pink flowers, Speneer Petersen. Mrs

LInyd Nrlsnti nnd Mrs. Lloyd CnS' :er .served.

Norman Snnl wns mnolPr oi rereinonlps. Farren ChniidliT Ravi he prayer. Tlie proRram consLsled If tl Kultar nnd solo by Lloyd Cas. ,)pr; a qimrtet. KvercU Cox. Johr I'Vaiicls, Austin Durfce and Dav« Phillips, sanR with RUltnr accom­paniment; u clarinet, solo by Gloria Casper, nccompanled by Sharon DniiKiim; n readlnR by Mrs. Melvin Allri-<1 and n platio solo by Sharon

mull,Lillian Smith plnyed orRftn bnck-

Rroitnd miLslc throuRhour the nC' ceptlon.

'Ilio bride choss & blue nhentli wn with whlt« acces-sorle.s for vellnK. On return from a aliori

they are at home al iRcrman. where Die

brldeRroom Is enRnRed In fnrmltiR.Tho bride waa Bradualed from

Rlrln hiRh uchool nnd alicndert KIck.i eollpRe, RcxbiirK, for nboui two years.

■Ilie brideKroom wa.i Krnduated from Wendell hiRh nchool nnd at« teuded Rlck.s eollcRe for two years.

Tlie bride wns honored with a rrsonal show er recently by

friend* In Rlrle.Out-of-town Rue*l4 were Mr. nnd

Mrs. W. A. Moor# nnd Fay# How­ard, all Rlrle; Mr*. Elaine Lnter, RIfiby. nnd Mr. and Mrt. Ernest

Children nre very Intcre.sllni? their iwrentA. The ihlnR.s they m tho odd things they do, the fcrnpcj thpy KCt into mean a Rreivl deal lo ilifir parcnt-s who are ab;J>cbcd Ir MithhiR iheir Krowlh. All wel md Rood of cour.se, Uut mnny par- NiU cannot help tcllliiK a friend about the latest ihlmc a child did. in<l Hr.[enlnR wlih plensure lo that friend’s re.-;i)onsr.

Is Is natural but .someihnes it Is nni ivl.ie. If a child hiu> done

■thlnR thill would not l» ceptiible In nn older child, for liuiance helpiiu: lilm.self to bidden fruit."and his ese.ipnde Ls

to friend or ni-lRhbor ii.n a funny c.iper. that ix-rson Is likely

renu'inbrr tlial for yenr.s me nnd .'.hake his head when lOther occa:.lon this child has

miidp a mUtnke. "I remember •hen he wns n little shaver—’ Children, particularly Kiris, icllned lo tell tlielr mothers

tilings Ihey would tell nobody cl'c. • •n-ycar-iild •KlrrVamc home

,, .school In nay excitement nnd told her mother hiiw Trevelynn, the nice.'.l biiy in the class, had

liked home with hrr. "I Just love m, .Mother.’' Molher r-ald, "Tll.ifs

very nice. He’s a very nice boy nnd Kood friend to have."Hut Molher IhouRht this a Krenl

Joke #nd told It to her ntlRhbor who. fo.rRetllnK thnt her wniill dauRliter wnj lliitenliiR, told It to Father. Next day Mniill daughti told everybody In the clas.s nboi how her friend loved Trevclyn an the poor child wn.s embnrrn-wcd to the point of Ilhie.vs, Never aRalii • oiild thiit child tel! her moihti ny such ihlnR.P.irenls mu.vt talk about thtlr

children but they Uiould be im Ruard as to wluit Ihey tell and to whom. Grown people who have loni; forRottcn the feelhiKs of their childhood nnd youth, mennlnR nn harm, olien >nnke the mistake of ■telllnir soinetlJinK to .sonienne wlin should iioi have known abni Discretion Ls the virtue thnt will In time be cherl.shcd with crni tude by Uie children.

'Picre Ls ro much lo tell of llic fine thincs children do thnt there Is no need for spllIlnR their secret- Children need to know they ear coiilide In their parents nml Miri-ly the pnrcnt.i need Illdr chil­drens ronfldcnee, A lUtlo dlscrc' lion prevcnt.i trouble,

Ans»t,. V.trl off.r. r«.p.|.n

Rober. HsKermmu


SMAIIT, SLLM. YOUNG Wide collar poised on a nllmminc

nhesth—a imart line, nnd so fint terlnR to shorter, fuller flRure.' Choose coiton, .silk, or linen wlUi gay button trim.

Printed Pattern H032; Hivlf Slze.i'IC, 18‘j

Size 1H!> requires 4 yards 3S-lnch fabric.

Send 50 cent.s (coln.s) for this pnuern — ndd 10 cents for each pattern for fn-.st - cl.iu mnlllnR. Send lo Marian Marlin. Times-

—Kc'A*JiUUraJ3cpt:.J32-\V’t*i-18Ui St.. New York.. 11. N. Y. Print plainly name, nddrc.ss wUh zone. sl:e end style number.

Just outl BlR, new 1900 SprlnR find Summer Pnllem' CntaloR lu vivid, fuII-coIor. Over 100 smiut iitylu . . . all sl7u . V . nil occa- *loiu. Send nowl Only 25 cents.

Rug and FurnifurC' Cleaning

TROY NATIONALLaundry & Dry Cleaners

We N o w H ave S o m e th in g


D in n e r S et b y H a n se n G roup

.111 be Ml liter Kelly. Mrs. James Eati

,...J Mr.\ I’hlllp lllrrel. Mi Georse Waliler, .Mr.s, Denton Ai ants and Mrs. P. D. Marlow w ,be In clinrKc of refre.shments,

Rcrre.-.hments were served by Mrs. Paul FlnRcr.'.on, Mr.v Burrell Hendrrson. Mrs, S, G. Clower nnd Mr. and .Mrs, Rex Dradsbaw.

Eden T h e ta Rho C lu b H as G uestsHANSEN. April J2-A Pale;

Ian dinner win be held al 7 p.m.•niur.vlay al the Han.sen Com­munity Methodist church celebrat- Inic Mnundy Tliursday.• Tlie meal, planned nround lliP La.st Supper, will Im served by women of the church.

After the supper, the commun­ion will be Riven In the church .mnctuiiry.

Mrs. Riilph SlmmoiM Is Renern chairman. Mn, W. C. Klutu 1; chairman of the kitchen commit- tee nnd Mrs. Georiio LIndemood will have charRo of the dlnhik’ room, Wesleyan Kulld membersi WriKht, Ml.-s Ilraiilnirijer,Will wnsh the dli.he.s after the Mbs R<iK<i;.on nnd MKi Miller lUpper and service. “■’‘’p Iiislallwl ii* heralds of Hiela

Hlio; M1.M J-'lirpalrlck, lefi sup- IKirt. to the prc.sldent, «nd Mt -s Wilkins ns left .support to the vice prc.sldent. Mr.s. Georite Lnillmer conducted the Inslnllnllon with Mr.v Shnron Smith n» InstnlllnR marshal.

After the buslne.'J session, re­served lo 40 ni-

KDEN, April 12-NlncTlii RlrLs nnd three .senior officers. In- chiilinK the dislrici pre.siilenl, Mrs. I’fltra .Morrl.son, all Kelchum, were Ruest.s l.i.M week nl the lOOF hall of the locnl Rroup.

Initiated were .sU valley RlrLs, Judy BrnuburRer. Ellen noKcr;on. ICrbtl Wrli:hi. Rev.i Kit/palrlck. Ileverly Mlllec nnd Ireia Wilkins, nnd four senior menlbrr^. Mrs. Uanny RoRcrson, Mr.v Kenneth Tlaslcy. Mrs. Harold Beat nnd Mr.s, Cunts Metcalf, Nlrs, Morrl-

S how er Is H e ld F o r N e w M o th e r

JEROME, April'12-Mrs. Joseph ,WnRner wn-s honored ftl i and blue shower Baiurday

oon at ihe home of Mrx, . leti Smith. Mrs. Hnrrfetl Miller ns co-hft!ie.vv Tlie te. table was centered-with r pink cyclamen flojikcd with blue o indle.s In silver holders, Mrs, -

Erma Simpson, molher of Mr», WaRner. poured. Gucst.s Includrd Mrt. John Wnxner and Mrs. Eva WaRner. both Buhl.

Mrs. Wnjner. Mrs. Charlei Ho,'- man nnd Mrs. P.-iul Smith . celved the prize*.


- tendnntx

are pan-brolllnR n that your pour xiimulate.s.

prcsiiln , a ^pecinI rui-.s:. They were intKi- duced by Mrs. GeorRc I.attlmir and prc.'.enlcd corsaRes made by Mrs. Owen Hnnimund.

Mrs. Eivlnr: spoke on AWM work In Rcneral nnd Included the re­port on tho National convention held m September nl Loveland. Colo.

She reminded the Rroup lo vote In the comlnR election rcRardlcM of the party belonncd lo. She nl.so noted the importance of knowUiK the preamble of the constltuiKin.

Mrs. GIndson spoke briefly stre.-.-.lnK concentration on Ihe true concept of the collect,

Doniitlons of $5 each to the Red Crft,ss nnd cnncer funds were ap­proved, Gifts for the vclciiins Molhci's day Rill ta b le were brouRhl. PlaiL% weie made to pur-

;• for /placed In Ihe Harrlton crmctc

Mrs. Hammond nnd Mrs, Ada Davw were hQ.-.tc;--.es nnd carried out the EaMer theme In lunch and ta b le decorations. Yellow llKhted tapers In crystal candel­abra i-enlcred the lace-covered ta­ble with rabbit vases of Rladloll alrllhrr llie 1ext, 1

Inairoii iil the Griiiid chapter of rd.ihii, M.i.-' welcomed and c.'cnrt*

■ed to the East,A ni'iv alt.ir cloth, presented tn

iltf cliaiittr by .Mr, and Mrs. Mil­ton li.ill.ird. retlMiiR .Morthy pa- iriin and mntron, w.-u dedicated. P.irlicipslinK in ihe ceri'tnony wtre .Mrs. Ilallaid. Lloyd Mason, Mrs, lliiruld JiihtiMin.'Mrs. Watson nnd .Mi,s. CnUcr:.on,

Lunch w.is served hi Ihe dlnini ball hy the fetre.shment commit- lie. Mrs. HiiKh M.icMulIcn. rhalr- maii, Mr. nnd Mrs. CIvde Grren. Mr.-.. David McClusky. Mrs. Jennie Spallurd, Mrs. Mark Knull iiiid_ Mr, and .Mrs. Joe .McMillan. A icakcwalk provided entertainment.

* ^ ¥

L in c o ln C h a p te rPicks N e w S la te ■SHOSHONE.’April 12 — New of.

flceri have been elected for Lln- iln chapter No. 42, Order of East- •n Star, nnd will be Installed April

19.niiey arc Mr.s. Adelaide Ocratd.

worthy matr(/i: M. R. Drown, worthy patron; Mr.s. Helen Drown. Lsoclate.mntron; Ray Brown, m - iclale patron: Mrs. Beth Pen­

dleton, .'ecretnry; Mr.s. Rny Brown. iren.Mirer; Mr.s. Robert Vnden, indiiclies.v nnd Mr.s. WIlHe Boe- Rer. ii.s'oelale conductre.ss..Mr.v Zanie Alexander, worthy iatroii conducted the election .lellnR last week nt Ihe Mnsonlc

temple. A thnnk-you letter wn.i read frnin Mr.s. E.sthrr Gabrlfl, Frank Shaffer nnd Mr*. Loulss Ro:,e donated to the blrihdny fund.

Refre.'hment.s were served by Mr. md Mr.v GeorR# Kenaslon and Mr.s, Vllate Ufer.

C o m p F ire R a n k R ev iew Is G ivenMembers of Yan-Tn-WI-Gn

Camp' Fire Rroup were reviewed for TriilLsetkcr-« rank lasi week nl Ihc home of Mrs. Howard Al­len. RUiirdlan.

ConduclhiR the review wiu Mnr- Rnret SlelRcl. Pa!„',lnR rcfiuiremcnu for the rnnk were Judy Brock. Judy O'Donnell. Judy Allen. Frnn- ces Nlccum and Benltn Selaya,

Nfttlonal h o n o r* for memory boots wera. n« arded to Mlsi Allen nnd M lu Drock,





foihlon of cool

^ ju s t f o r

Y O U .

Crulslln. Setty Rot*

moitor-tailorod with

itralght boxy back and

leml-filfod front, vio

dijJincirvo wornj. Young

• rot/ndod lopeli ond mock

; pockct flopi. Brfghi bo}1i

for yoiff homo-and-frovel

wordrobcl Rod, Nolwol.

. Blue, Cocoa, Sage, Novy,

White.Sizes 9 }o 15.

1 4 .9 5

I N C U R .



Permanents ....8.00 up

Hair C u ts ............. 1.25

Onr NEW Uiidcet Bar h.ss been e.specljitly de.siRned for

the budRel-mlndcd Indy with A dlscrimlnnllni: tnsie . . . fo

Jhe Indy who cnresi how hri

hair looks vft Is .InUrcalldJl snvlnR iponey too.

l*rlce* xlUhtly

hither fn our

ily llnr fctlun

Dial RE 3-1749

T he B U D G E T B A R1227 Filer Eost LocotctJ in the Stylist Beauty Solon

Electric heat attracts

fast-growing popularity

J O W N E R S S A Y IT 'S-






"W e hare electric heat In our home and art most happy to U li you of

our feelings regarding if. It i i hard to anumeratt all tha wonderful advan-

tagei of th li typa of heat, but tha main reaioni ara that It Ji abiolutely la fa.

It It clean, convenient and tconomical and (hera art no drafti.

"W a eipeclally like tho room tempcraturo control. It It really wonderful

to be abla to maintain an even temperature in all rooms wifh a finsertip

control. W a can keep th# llWng arci of

tha houia comfortably warm without

haring overheated bedroomi, and -yet

nover have eloied doort.

“ Imagine an efficient heating plant

that requlrei no maintenjitce, no oiling,

no repairing!

'W frenjoy ourctee ftlrheaPnfT rte f:"

Mr. and M n . Lowall A. Dailey

Routa No. 2, Parmi, Idaho

r i m m e r m a n d

( D A H O ^ P O W E RSo MUCH-Colli So UTTLtI

Page 11: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


Four Games Slated in National Loop Openers; Giants to Use New Park

Ur Ttie AiMcdUd PrtM

.Sun Friiiicixcn's $15,000,000 Candlestick park w ill be opened Tuendav ns t)ie N a ­

tional Icatfue hascljall sc;.son starts with u four-Kamc proKram that indiuics n n isht . ^'ame in the Los A dkcIch Coliseum. W hile the Nationals are RCttinK down to serious

burtinosa, the American Icuruc wiji .sljll be playinR exhibition ttamcs in Floridn.'The

“ ■ American haH

W r i t e r s P i c k G i a n t s ,

S o x t o W i n P e n n a n t sKr The AuMlattd rm i

It ’s the San Krancisco Ginnls for the National league

pennant— with the worhl champion Los AnRcles DodRcra running no better than tliird—and the ChiciiKo W hite Sox to repejit in the American by a 2*1 choice in the Associated

• Pres.i annua! pre-season poll.


Hr I.AKKV novt;Tlsc tporl Dt track Js 0 iraBleaUy

aUiIellc evenl In liliilio mill there u little reflion (or It. A Kood track m«t, wlih tlio events c l lc k ln i: oir In Iircclsloi) order, otters ns mucli or more cuod xpcc* lalliiR Umn tno«l of I b t o th e r ,»I>orU. L

And If you hup- s pen to be Uie kl* l)ilxltiK type, tniclc wlU o f(efnr ttte locRl f»ns to liwh over itmn Uie other «|>orta.

Bn."iCball fRiw Mill tnlk nboiil I5;ibe Rulh jwlntlnit out hLi home- run (whcllier It Li trulli or Ilc- II011). Coney Sleni;et leUinFt the siinrrow fly out front under his Ji.it. Btid ihe lilKli-)liik.i thnt Im- nioruilwd EbbeW field In the hey- dny ol the uny DodRcr;.

^uthem Idalio'.t recent truck hlitory U filled with mecdotes »nd *torlc3. 'nirce or four more will proUibly be added UiU prlnc.

Take A few of these Into con- idderftllon:

In 1041 Uike of Twin Fnlls »e: tho exUiIng tltlo hish hurdle rccord and 11 vai a nationnl mark for awhile. How mnny i>eople member the Bruin fla.Oi tripped over the la.1t hiirille snd fell to one knee during that rccord- farraklnt; sprint.

sun fn Che Iiurdfe evenf. Bustfr Eoff. Uio all-round grenl for Nam- pn from IMS throuitli 19iO. M l llie then Ble Six eonfertncB 160-y&rd low hurdle rccord, On the way, h» aUo hit the la.it hurdle and In •omo irettk way knocked off Jils Khoo ftnd went Uie last SO yards barefoot.

Ono of the more trulc truck record woe In ]1)S3 xLole meet. Dp to that time, no one In the state had been able to beat the iwo-mlnule mark In the half mile. Melbourne Marku.i. Nampa, and ft lad named CiirtlJ, Bhelley, had been nirllnB wlU» It *nd that match wn» billed (i* Ute "race of the year,"

With Markus Ifadlnt: almost nil (he way. the pair quickly left the rest of the field far behind. With rne-half lap to ro. Curll.t stepped tip the pace, passed Marku% and

piling up a biR lead »hcn he Middenly toppled Into tlie Inlleld craAt. \VlUle MarkiB loped In for the win. curtli wrlUirU on thjj Rra.u wittr'a pulltd In; muMle. He had about a 30-yard lead and InereasInK 11 with every slcp. Markus came home In 2:03 nnd the two-mlnute banler was sttll there, atpcrienced track heaO.1 wild Curlls would h»»o been In well below two minute* and Idaho would have had the aub-two-mln- uto mark then rather than waiu In* for Urban Oasperl, KellORj, • - finally turn the trick In 195S.

Tlie year before that, llie fourth dlatrJcC track meeJ km Iiefd lit Rupert, and Larry Church. Twin Piilliw'-wns «kno»ledRed to be the prime con{«ndcr for state honors

More ,than h u lf o f the ICO members o f the B a s e b a l l Writers A . s s o c i a t i o n ofAmerlen who took part In the bsllBllnK. pul the Oinni.i on top in the National IciiRUV. Tiie Klants, who flnlJhed third l.vii tea.ion, drew W first pliicc votes, compared to Cl,for the Milwaukee Dmvca anil a mere 13 for Uie defending ehnm|ilon DocIi;crs.

On a polnl basin. Rlvlnir elKhl points for I ln l placc, settn foi cccond. etc.. the Qlanta toUiled !.■ 331, Milwaukee 1.102 and Los An' Ecle.i l.OSI.

Tlie WJiKc Sox. ttlio won (heir first pemianl since 1810 Iasi son, picked up 84 first-place roles to 41 forthe runner-up Cleveland Indians. Nev.- York, with 35 fIrsLi. and DeUoll, wlih seven flrsUv were phced third and fourth, dupllcatlnK the AL's fir.',t division finish of iBsi year.

The ^Vhlte Sox toUled 1.32! polnls. Cleveland 1.133, New York 1.10a and Delrolt 828.

Tlie elnht-tcam poll allimmeni for the National; 1—San Pran* ci'.co, 2—Milwaukee. 3—L0.1 An* geles, 4—PltLnburRh. S—Cincinnati. 6-St, Louto. 7-Chleaso Cubs, * Phllailelphla,

In (he AL It wa.4; l-ClilcaKO White Sox. 2—Clcvclnnd. 3—New York. 4-DeU'olt, 5—Balllmore, 9— ICaiisas City, 7—Boston, 8—Wash- InRion.

Milwaukee, which finished sec­ond in « i m pcnnaiil piayott with Lo.< AitReles. had a comfortable C8-47 edue over the Doduers in sccond place votes. Tlie DodRers. after an .unprecedented Jump from , seventh place (In tO&B) (0 Uie wnrld championship, drew al-| most half of their voles (81) at Uie UilrU pince level.

Vo biillot listed Uie Giants low- Ihsri fourUi, T»'o had Mllwau-

_ .j as lou- M fifth. Two other* placed the DodRcrs sixth.

In Uie AL, one ballol listed the White Sox fifth. Ta-o had Uie In­dians filth, nnd six ranked Uie Yankees Uiat low.

U-ist year’s poll aelected Mil­waukee in UiB NL nnd the Yan­kees in the AL. The DodRera then drew six flrat-placo votes, but

ranked fifth, white the Wlilte were Riven only snen firsts were placed third.

:heduk><i its “prc.sidentinr‘ o p e n e r al

WashinRton for Monday. April 18 but won't RCt down to a fu ll schedule un til April li).

The cnmes at San PraiicLio. Uis Anicelrs. Milwaukee and Cln. clnnaU are cxpecKd to draw 1 toUl of about l(>5JXW fan.i »hlch i ’ould be A iMcue record for open. InR dsy.

San mncLwo’s new park Li sold out. of eourie. wlih a J(un pack­ed throne ol 42M9; Includlne Vice Prcaidenl Richard Nixon, to watch Uie GlaoU face the St. LouU Cardinals, surprise champions of the league's cxhlblllon sexron.

Los Anselrs counU on &Q.DOO 01 more In the vasi concrete Coli­seum ahen the Doilzcrs open clc' frn4e of their leasue cliompioii- slilp aRaUnt Uie CtilcaKo Cubs Tlie Cubs have one of the Icosue's

k" monsBfrs. Charlie Orlmm, back for another term, Orlnun ha.i been manaKlnR Uic "uUn on and off since 1932.

Milwaukee Iruls oul the other •'new, boTJ In Charlie Drcwen, n Dodfrr cairii la.'it year but torm- erly mananer iil Brooklyn. Cin­cinnati and Washlnglon. For the first lime, the Braves do not hnvt

eompfete sellout tor Uie opcn- .Ho\i.'ever,aboul 43,000 are due to e them open ftKaltut ihe Pltts-

burgh Pirates.ClnclnnaU. openlnR at home for

the 75th time, will Iiave Its aiual' 31,000 crowd (0 see the Reds take 1 Uie Philadelphia Phllllc.i.Robin Rolieris. an old familiar

face on openInK day, will pltcli .the PhlWe.i‘ first riwhc for the H«i slraiRhl year, lie lias iMi record on opeiiUis day with

no-decislon. KoberU (12-17) will be oppceed b; Jim Brttuian (O-O). • pan lime ilarter and re- Uef man wiio dren- the eaU cm McUsh.

On Receiving End

UMsr Dark, illUor. finds on( whal (he other end Is like aa he Is knocked aui by Dartoln Soni (n the ninth round of (heir bout in 0{den, U(ab. Clark, who tuid sei a rrrord wKli 4( cDnxeu((re knocknu(». had dropped Sonl earikr for an eljht counL II waa" Clark’s flnt defeat.

'Somehow, the hurdle* weren’t aeC properly—An extra yard belnR added between' U» fourUi and fifUi fURhu. Only Bill Kayes. Rupert, and Dave Hoover.' Twin TtlU. h»d the ilrelch to make It. Church feU oul of the race, which nlthoush protciled by TR'In FnlLi coach Harold Brown, was never re* run and Church didn't have the opportunity of dcfcndlnR hb slnte hlith hurdle crown Uiat sprlnR '•• Boise. -

Almost every year you tan hear the story from tome track meet somewhere in the state where Uie first man on a relay team will ro the enUre dlsUnce of his race before dlscovcrlnR he has forRot' ten Uie baton. TTit' already has been pointed up this sear^n as Camaa County's mile relay teum aquelchetj Its chances for n meet victory la.1t week on this exact oltuaUOD.

Dupas Tops Briton In 100th Fight

SYDNEY. Aujlralla. April IJ CT — WeltcrwelRht conlender Ralph Dupas of New Orleans celebrated his lOOlh pro fiRht Monday niRhC

_hy.oulclaMlns BrlUrii Empire wel- ferweljfht champJon ahorse Barnes In a 13'round bout.

- A crowd of about 12.000 in Syd­ney stadium saw the fast punch- ln«, elusive American win crcry round. He bewildered the 33-year- old Australian wlUi his footwork and variety of punches.— '

Tlie 34-year-flld Invader, not rated much of a puncher on his home crounds, even had Barnes in trouble several times, especially Uj the third round.

Dupas Welshed 145V and Bam u 14a>4. It w'as a nontlUe bout be­cause only a boxer from the Brlt- li.h Empire can hold the eliam-' plunshlp. j


Made Valley Church Learue LuUieran No. 2 defeated Clover

muieran 4-0: K of C No. 1 defeat­ed LDS No. 1 4-0; MethodLil No. 4 defeated Christian 4-0: Choir Boys lied Lutheran No. 3 2-2; MeUiOdtst No, 2 Ued LDS No. 2 2-2.• Itljtli Individual Rame, Kuyken. dall-KnlLiek, 213; high Indlvldua Mrles. ICuykendftll. 8C7: hlRl wrotcli leatn (jome. Lulheran No 2. 828: hlRh handicap team same K of 0 No. 1. B50; high luindlcap learn aerfe.i, Lutheran No. 2 2,751; hlith scratch team series, Lutheran No. 2. 2J79.

lllRhllithla: Bowler of the week Kuykendoll. 507. Bowler of Uie month, Rees and Sehlund.

Busfneas Lc^gvo XfcRlU Auto Repair defeated

Duller Steclers 4-0; Mike's Market defeated American Reserre 3*1; Sundard StaUons spUt Mike's Cold StoraRe 2-2.

High Individual Bame. MUte Ur- niUs, 248; hlRh Individual series George Crowser. &40; high acralch Warn same. Mike'a Cold StoraRC BIS: Meft handicap taim e«me, Mike's Cold StoraRe, 1,013; lilsh luindlcap team series. Mike's Cold StoraRC. 2.750; Itixh scratcn team series. Mike’s CoW StoraRe, 2,402

lllRhllfthU-i: Bowler of the week. Ocorge Crowser. 646.

nowladrome Church I.eaeue St. Edward’s No. 3 defeated Our

Saviour Lulher/in 4-0; Baptist No 2 defeated KniRhu of Columbus 3-1: St. Edward'a No. 3 defeated Lutheran No. 4 3-1.

HlRli Indlvldunl Rame. Larry LowridRe-AI Knleht. 200: high In dividual serle.i. W. L. Strain, 50: high (icralch team Riune. St. Ed. ward’s No. 2, 877: high handicap team game. St. Edward’s No. 2, 9'}; hlRh handicap team series. St. Edward’s No.' a. 2,851: hlRh scratch team serle.i. St. Edward's No. 3. 2.455.

lllRhtlgliu: Bowler of the week. Jim SchmldL

tferehants LeaRiie Okay F\x>d Center defeated

tTnlon Motora 3-1; CIos Book Store fIfffPtrfI rtfilry 4-fl*Idaho Power Merchants defeated Idaho Power Eltww Bendera 3-1: Young's Dairy defeated United Oil Co.. 3-1; Home Lumber and Coat defeated Jaeardi'a Furniture S-1.

High Indirldual came, Bob Ver- on. 212: high Individual aeries,

Jfrry Tnylor. CM; high icrateh team game, Idaho Power Elbow Benden, fl08: hlnh handlup team Rame, Okay Fitad Center. C7«; hlgfi handicap team series. Idaho Power Merchants. 3.808: high scratch team series, Idaho Power Elbow Benders, 3.813.

T. F. to Host Regional Meet

Twin Falti hich school will host the tlilrd nnd fourth (ILi- Uiet reRlonal irnck meet May 14. Twin I'ftlls high school ath­letic director Hank Powers said ilonday.

Powers Mid he was liifonned of Uie decision in a telephone convtraaUon Monday afternoon wlih Ed Orlder, secretary of the Idaho InterKliolAstle acUvlUes aajoclatlon.

Burley, Gooding and Boise also had been suggested aa the hast teams.

Tho regional will pit the top Ujretf mea ta each crcnt from U19 two districts with the

and'runners-Up ad-

3-1.High Individual game, Donna

McCoy, 185; hlRh Individual scrle.i, Donna McCoy, 4( 1; high scratch team game. Mixers. 300; high handicap team ganie. Eager Beav­ers, 515; hlRh liandfcnp team series. Eager Beavers, 1.413; high scratch team scries. Mixers. 1,15B,

HlghllRliti; Donna McCoy. 185. >omia McCoy received her 115 pin.

MAGIC BOWL Monday Jr. High L«ar>B

JInies by forfeit defeated Holy Rollers. 4-0; Alley Oatora by for­feit defeated AHey CaU. 4»0; Blue Devils by forfeit defeated Pin Butters, 4-0: Wa. h Bowlers defeat­ed Wn Smo.ihcrs. 4-0.

High Individual game. Lynn Baird. 202: high individual aeries. L}'nn Baird, <C9; Iifgh scratch team Rame. Wash Bowlers, 030; hlRh handicap learn game. Wash Bowl­ers, 750: high liandlcap team aeries. Wa.i]i Bowlers. l.sai; hlRh scratch team series. Wash Bowlers, l,OBj.

?Iagtg Major League Reds Trading Post defeated Pep­

si Cola, .4-0; 7 Up defeated T J. Cigar Store. 3-1; Kays Rice Bowl defeated Snap-on.’Tool. 3-1; Bell WhDlmlB defeated W ilb Motor, 3-1; Methodlils Ued AreUc Circle, 2-2.

High Individual game. F. Flnncll. 340: high individual series, F. Fln- nell. 810: higli scratch team game. Bells Wholesale. 1.W5: hlRh han- ■' ) team game. Dell 'Wholesale. . .: high handicap team series.

Bell Wholesale, 3X02; hlRh scratch team series. Kays Rice Bowl. 5,819.

Hlghllghts-Two 600 series, P. Plnnell, 610; R. CunnlnRham. 603.

Cbureh League McUiodisl No. 1 defeated MeUio-

dlst No. 3. 4-0; Clirlstlan spill Lu> Iheran- No, 1. 2-3; Our Savior Lu­theran defeated BapUst, 4-o; Epis­copal defeated Filer BapUst. 4-0; St. Sdwarta defented Presbyterian. 3',4-l>i.

High Individual game. Hand. 214: high Individual series. Hanel. 8(4; high scratch team giune. Epis­copal, 808; high hatuUcap team game. Episcopal, »80: high handi­cap - Uaia_serlc»..^>iseopaj._2,7«0;high loatch team aeries. Metho­dist No. 1. «»fl.

Hl|hUghls-Al Westcrsren rolled all spare game.

m coHege wrestling, a fall acorts fire points, a decision three and draw iwo.


»E 3 - 7 3 7 1 (•r Q »"litr

Electronics To Count Out Beaten Boxer

BOZEMAN, Mont., April 13 M'- An elecronlc counUnx mnchlne wilt be used tor Uie flrsl llnii' in a title, match when NDA champion Oene] Fullmer nnd diallcnitcr Jocj' 01-1 ardello langle April so for the mld-j dieueluht cliamplonshlp. {

*nie mechanical wonder—called an electronic knockdoi^n llmekecp-l er—IlRlits up sliowlnK the number, 0! /.Kondf a IJgJiJer Js on Uie mjj-'

Tlie device mounted on Uie side of the ring, ti Mmilar to u ba.-J el-| ball scoreboard, ll flnalics .necond.i on a large board and when the count re.iches jo the machine au-. lomallcully plioiORraiilis the down­ed boxer.

Approved for use in the title bout—(he flni In Stoiitana In 37 years—the machine has been u-ed in California but never for n champlon.>.li1p match. The Mon tana boxing

. Monday. ••Fullmer, of West Jordan, Ut-ih,

Monday held his flrsl workout since arrirlnc In Montana for Uie slRnlnR of contracts Sunday. -He went Iwo rounds w»ii Brnie Dur- ford of Cleveland and Uien sparred Uiree rounds wlUi Leo Owens of Syracusr. N.Y.Glardello, of piiilndelphla, took

Uie day off bul resumes iralnlnR Tue.'iday.

Co-promoter Frank Haim and NormBn'noth.'.clilld mUI Ihe iid'

ticket sale has pa.ir.ed the 8.000 murk. T?if bout vlll be M i! in Uio 12.000..vat Montana 6t.-ite collese lleldliou.ie.

Larsen Collects Week-End Honors

Warren Larsen set the pace the week-end at Uie BKie Lakes Countrj- club wlUi an even 68 Saturday and his 73 was grcLu Sunday.

Tlie week-end sweepstakes play Matcli Play ARalnsl Par.

OUier winners S.iturday w Dr. Don Sonlus. Bill Blake, Jim Olson? Blll-SpaeUi. Charles Srlber. Bob Denton, Denny Horuc, Hel­mut Moss, Dudley Driscoll. Bob Youree. Hugh Call. Dick Cook, nnd Dr. Robert Sutclltf. Sunday kin- ner* were Dave Barry. Don Farnn, Leo Fillmore, Bob Olln, Vcrl Unan- der, L. H. Haslam, Jerry Gasscr, and Ellis Shawver,

Palmer Sets Sight on Golf “Grand Slam”

AUGUSTA, Gr., April 12 Lft — Arnold Palmer, the mldas of Uie falnrflya. hn.i cJiarled a Mursf which could carry him to the big­gest grand slam In golf since Bob­by Jones’ feat in ID30.

Tlie Pennsylvania strong mar with Rolfdflm's golden touch paS' ted his first landmark when he won the 24ih Masters tournament Sunday wlUt a pulsating itielch drive.

TJirce mare, big one.i remain—' Uie U. S. Open in Denver June Ifl- la, the lOOth nnnlversar}’ CrlUsh Open at historic St. Andrews July 4-0 and the Professional Golfcn' au>oclallon champlon.^hlp In Ak­in. Ohio. July 28-31.If the 20-year-old palmer car

add those three Jewels to his Mas­ters crown the'performance will rank on a par with Jones’ grand slam year.

In 1930. at the age of 28. Jonei on Uic US. Open, Uie UB. Ama­

teur, the British open nnd the BriU.'Oi amateur. ’The AtlanU oniaieur, of cour!<e. aw nol eligible for the PGA. After Uiat sweep, Jones retired from compeUUve golf, coming oul of rtllremenl in 1D34 to help Rct (fie Masters off

a succe.viful start.'My amblUon is to win Uie open

and the PDA,’- Palmer said after Ills second Masters triumph.

Chartrand Stirs Bowl Standings

TOLEDO. 0 ., April 13 tiO-Fran- cla Cliartnnd became Iho second

in two days to aliake up the singles division itandlnga al the American Bowling copgrcr.';. Tlie St, Louis bowler hit a 7KJ Monday to Uike fourth place in slnRle.i.

The 39-year-old a c c o u n t a : opened hts tingles with a 2 came right back ulUi another 333 and closed wlUi 247.

Paul Kulbaga of Cleveland leads singles wiUi 730, and Howie Zunk- er of L* Croue took second Sun­day wlU» 725.

Milwaukee Braves pitcher Jack Caffrey played four seasons of pro­fessional ice hockey.


;very eekend^

S tu d e n ts S a tu r d a y s

8 :00 a .tn . ’t i l 1 2 :00

3 lin e s $1


.340 2nd A v e n u e E a s t

Local Junior Bowlers Take Idaho Crown

An •'all-.'Ur" team of glrli from Magic Bowl's Junior high .vhool bowling JrsRUc Jias won the slate cliampln.i.'hlp In the American Junior Bowling Con- Rrcs.V "niaii-o-graplilc” touma- incnl.

Word was received Monday from national headqu:\rtcrs the Warn of Bonnie L*Jeune.w. Jo Cole, Linda ShelcnRo. kl. Mary SIcver aiid Anne t'ries posted Hie best score In Idaho.

in the tournament, the local teams’ .icores were /.ent Into na­tional headquarter. lo l>c com­pared v,‘llh iho.'te rolled lhrou;:h- oul Uie nation.

llie national' prlre list lias not been announced as yel.

Robertson, West, Imhoff Are Top Three Choices in NBA’s Collegiate Draft

N K W Y O R K . April 12 (yp)— Osiair Robe Kaon o f Cincinnati and two other all-ATncr-

Ican, .le rn ' Wc.Ht of W est Vii’Kinia and D arrn ll Imhoff, were amonK the 101 colleRO playcrH nclccted .Monday in the National Ra.skctball fissociation’.s annual draft. Robert­

son. H.t was expected, wim tajiped as a territo ria l choice by tlie Cincinnati Royals, who

had the fir.st nclection. W est, G-feet, Il-incho.s wn.s the first d ra ft choice of tho M inne­apolis Lakers and Im hoff, 6- feet, 10-iiiche.s,' tho No. 1 T pick of the New York Knick­

erbockers. The ciffht clubs f drafted for 14 rounds in in- , vene order of llieir final rt«ular seaMsn wliwlng percentage!.

John Johnson Is Traded to

HORSK INJUltEI)SAN MATEO. Calif., April 12

in—Linmold. upaet winner of the recent Santa Anlla handicap, suf­fered a amail bone fracture in hts left front leg. in his Intoit ouUng and will be out of action fo« at least a month.

PittsburghDETROIT, April 13 (.tv-The De.

troll Lloru Monday iratled fullback John Henry Johawn lo the I’iits- bur«h Sleelers for a lop Slecler draft choice in IDOl, and another 1 1002.Tlie deal between Uie two Ns-

llonal Football league clubs was made in a telephone conversation Monday between Coach Buddy i>arker of (in; Btcdent, a farmer Lions heiid couch nnd George Wil­son, head conch of the Lions.

Johnson. 30. « eradualr of Art- jn a suite, played hla first year of professional football in the Ca­nadian league and tlicn Joined the San Francisco 40'ere of llie NFL for Uie 1954-5-Oseason.v He Joined Uie Lions In 1057 and was a ke Ilgure in Uielr wUialng of th ItoRU# cliamplonshlp that year.

Badger Boxer Takes Turn For Worse

MADISON, 'Wls, April 12 W - CJjarJfs Mohr, university of 'Wis- coailn boxer who aulfered a cere­bral hemorrhBR# in a champion­ship bout, took an apparent turn for Uie worse Monday nlghl.

Mohr’s condlUon was listed as very crlUeal Instead of crlUcal and ■ c was reported to have a fever.

He suffered the head Injury In his bout In the National CollcRlate Athletic a-vwdation annual fiox- Ing tournamenl in Madison Salur. day nlRht.

Dr. Robert Roer.iler. chairman of the deparlmenl of psychiatry at Uie university medical achool. con­firmed ft report that Mohr recently had been a paUent in the psychl- atrlo unit of Uie ho.ipltaI.

Dr. John H. Fllnn. director of Uie student healUi center, said op> eraUng doclon suspected that a condition cxbted which made Mohr’s blood vessels “more than normally guscepUble lo Injuo'-"

A team of top university «u eon.1. headed by Dr. Manucher

Jnvld. profe.isor of neurosurgery. parUdpated in a three hour long operstlAn Jn an effort to stem the flow of blood resulting from Uie brain Injury.

The 22-year-old senior from Merglck. N. Y , received Uie last rite.1 of the Roman Catholic church while he was in Uie operat­ing r

Mohr, a defending champion, as pitted agalMt Stvi Bartell of

San Jose Blate In the ISS-pound division. The referee stopped Uie fight In Uie second round and de­clared B«rt4sll Uie winner.

Mohr left the ring unaided but collapsed In the dressing roor

OSC Beats Fresno In Track Meet

CORVALUS. Ore., April 12 <A- Oregoh State college cloaed out Its home track and field season here Monday with an easy 88-43 victory over Fresno SUte, winning I I of the 15 events.

Oregon State awept all three places in the lOO-yard dash, the low hurdlfis and In the hlgh jump.

Fresno Stale won the.4lA<u.%.Uie| pole vault, the high liurdlc.i andi llie 400-yard dash. I

“I feel confident Uiat Robertson will play for us next season,” said Pepper Wilson. UiB Itoyals’ general manager. "Oscar wants lo play comptUUve basketbaU."

77i« s-fool. J-Jneh jUr. wJio scored a record-breaking carter to. tal of 3.073 points and led Uie ma­jor college players three straight reasons, reportedly Is also being sought by the Harlem Olobetrot- tera. He ts a member of Uie U. S. Olympic learn wlilch will compcCe In Rome Uils summer. Itobertson was Ihe only territorial selecUon.

77ic □ e e r 0 < e Pistons selected Jackie Moreland of Louisiana Tech as llielr tlrst player. Moreland left North Carolina Slate Uiree years ago when that scliool wai placcd on probaUon by the NCAA for Uie manner In wiilcli More­land W0.1 recnilted..

OUier first-round choices were Lee Shaffer of North Carolina by tfie S}THCU« Nationals; Lea Wtfk- ens of Pn>viden6e by the St. LouU Hanks; Al Bunge of Maryland by the Philadelphia Warriors, and Tom Sander* of New York univer­sity by the champion BoiUm CelUci.

The'nbyaU. wh4 flnlslied In Uie western division cellar, dratted 31 players, more than any other team. New York wo.i next with ig draft­ees followed by Delrolt and St Louis wlUi 1 3 ........................

Mat Card to Begin With Battle Royal

A seven-man battle royal -will trigger acUon for the VFW's week­ly wTuUing match at 8:30 pin. Tuesday at Uie Radio Ronderoo..

Seven men. Including two local wre*»«rs, w«J try to heave each other out of the ring. Tlie last man will be dubbed Uie champion while Uie remainder will be polred for matches which will eooplele Uie evening's card.

Taking part In his first profes­sional match will be Wayna Kin­ney. ’Twin Falls, who picked Uie hard way to make his debut. With him will tK Bill Lewis, tnoUier Twin Falls hcav>-wclRht, who made Ills debut during last week’s card.

Both men hnve been working out under supervision tor the past two year*, reports promoter Cliff Thiede.Thlede added bothof Uiem, with experience, should be able to handle ihemselve.i and opponents

ell In a short time, l^lede also announced only

. !w more card.i wUl be presented before the summer lay-off.


WV-Daddy Shern'ood, an 81-1 long shot in Uie first race, and Bally Pit, S-t In the second race, boUi won Monday to make up a whop- piflg tSJBS.IO daily doubla at Lin­coln Downs. Daddy Sbers'ood paid $168.30 for <3. Bally PIC paid »S.


Whittle Takes Three Firsts In Golf Meet

BOISE, April l2'WW-Clltf Wlilt- Uo. Twin PalLv fired a 70 Monday aft«moon at the PlanlaUon golf coune here and edged out Don fla.mbUn. Las Vegas, and Ken Spar1cs,-nan)pa, who had 7K, for the aouthwest Idaho kcUodsI pro­golf championship.

In the team pro dirUlon, WhltUs teamed with Dale E\*ans, oulstant pro at Blue Lakes near Twin rails, for a (la and another rlctot;. Sec­ond with 60s were Bill Korns. Caldwell and Mario Qoiclc. Baker, Ore.. and Don ffamblta and Ar­nold Hanekc.

The pro-am division saw Whittle - lOre n l in t again. The Twin Falls

pro teamed wiu> George Bertman for a C3. Bul it was only good enough for a tie. Evans and BUI Graft of Boise also scored a 63.

In Uie amateur sweepslakes, KelUi sunwood of Boise won with

acorc of 87. ,

Indians Edge Detroit 5-3 In 11 Innings

By Tb# AKodaltd Prt«Rocky CoUvlto doubled home

plnchrunner Carroll Hardy,with Uie winning run Monday at the - Cleveland Indians defeated the Detroit Hgera In 11 Innings fr-9.

Tho TJgera batUed from behind to Uo the game at 3-1 In the ninth after Cleveland sUrter Jim Per­ry had held them to one run over tlie tlral alx InnUiRs. Jim Gmnt wna the victim of Ui« Tiger rally. CharUe Maxwell singled, Chico Pcmandez-trlpled, pinch hitter Em Llndbeek alngled and so did Steve Oemeter for the two n i u

Arnold Porlocarrero pitched aer- ea shutout-Innings u tho BaJU- loro Orioles scored a 6-3 victory ver the Kansas City AthIeU». Brooks Robinson and Qens

Green h it homeruns for the Or- lolea vho pasted their fourth straight victory. Robinson had two singles In nddlUon to hts homer and drove In two runs.

Jerry Caaale and Mlfe Fomleles- llmlted tho New York Yankees to three hits In leading the Boston Red Sox to a J-1 victor}'.

Caaale yielded two hits, lnclud> in* & aeeond Inning homer by Mickey Mantle, In the first alz In­nings. The only hit off Fomleles waa 'YoRt Berra's pinch alogle In tho ninth.I RooUe Don Ulncher, making - hLi first- appearanci against hit former teammates, rapped out three hits aa the tVasltfngton Sen­ators rallied In Uie eighth inning for a 7-3 vlctoTT over Uie Chicago White Sox.


Art Wall; Jr.. golfer of U» year in 1050. will end lUs long abscnce from the toumament.tour In the t37,000 Ofcater New Orleans open nextweet The slender Konesdale, Pa. Bolfer been Inactive aev- eral-weeka-becaui*-of-a-kidney— ailment and knee trouble.

ZITLAU MOTORSProudly Announce

the arrival of the fabulous

New ValiantCome In and Choose Your .

Color and”M<»(fel^ ^

Station Wagons or 4-Door Sedans



s h o td d haee .

3 tUnten&itM&J

When you m I oboul choosing an ExAculor-TruitM,

you'H wonf one nof only flovemed by Wgh prncf-

pltt, bul alto equipped with wido knowledge of tht

Iruit field, and long expenenes.

'ntct’t a lot lo txped of any Individual; bul ou r Inttilulion mtaivrtt itpl

CwhncW nii''Toiir“UiiirrTo-DlictBrHow-Otir^“ -

Trust Ssnrlcet Utj n t Into Ysnr Estiti PUni


Twin Falls Bank & Trust Co.Twin Falla Kimberly

Page 12: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and
Page 13: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


M A R K E T S A N D F I N A N C i E

Stocks Livestock Grains

Chiu-ch Slates Spccial Rites In Holy Week

,U ...........I


Apul 5:-8lit born punned to

r of Holv «rfK n •thcxilil cluirch. re !V. I'aiil V. LalUit

tman'* StKnciy of Chri:.lin ■rvlcc will bf'helcl tit 0 nm. \Vr< :Jav \Milj Mr.t. John h'nulkncr i inicf o! thp prostnm. Mr- Kn rndriclii.ni .n;id Mr», iifflry head llie pr.niniii: cnii

A Pnlrviminn funnrr «il1 I ■1(J ftt p in . •nr.iiMi.iv fr rill's foods Him urrr ii-'frl i ■:r.Mlnc nl, llic Jl”''- ‘’f J'"':

; kmb, fi.s

Chess Player in T.F.Wiiis First

Tfd narlwell, Knlls. hn.\rPcelveJ fir.il plncf In tlie 'P'alli club wim<T toitiirnl. Tli»* wlmrr toumnnipii

. Knn l:i NovcmtKT. • j' arconri plftci* wm won b)-* Lloyit Kliiiplon. Twill ML*, null lli: 'nl;ipp by Hill Cbrk. Tlircp Crrcl

c HAiiibo, Miirl.iui:li. v, [ilnct ln Ilir junior cc•.t Imd rlslil cont{^tnnI^; K<' Gmlf. ..MuriaiiKM* rrcciv

id plncp. (ind Roiwlrt Trin KnlH. ihlrd.

.•n-pphlr; Kill l)f pr^^fllt^rt I'

cliilr. o:iv ftui c

i i i rn Mouira

To>i uriM'.cit

Jajj owiit ^

41U. _Tm initfu

nj Tllloknl f>> Tim.Tnuirum Cp • Tutu Ct I-\)i

siiii»r Un OU C«i ’«InmlVTur


, null 1- :Wnlitrron

, \V»rn IlrM

Stock Averages

,1 rhok. ;ra.l.fi:t is. notVrn >nd

ilauiMfr 1.^- i '«n tMKv'and unrKtntxl^

Northwest Is AsldiigGash For Projects

r«npiM Tht

,111 I.'. 14 K.) r),int. A.« AS A,« A


Permits AskedCloycB Eilw.ird.1 filed nn nppll

tMlon Mondny for iv bulUlInc per mil lor a new 20-by fi^-fnoi Mn-' fiimlly home with 19-by 25-f>.„ niinchfrt c.im^c nt 1030 Ltncnl


Jnck ilkeld..» 2<-by sa-foot

[(iclied cftrport, Coit


Services Held' HKYDURN. April 12—Mrs. Rob- rr. Orr. Narlli Hollywood. Cullf.,

Mr, iincl Mrs. Dnte AlcCombi ttcfc f.pMker.i til ih^ccond LU3 M nl«s aundfty evening,

lUndy Dlclmon. Ted Smith nnd Earl Ballty were AUslRlned to be ordained M deacomi In the Aai prlcslliood,


innunl log drive of .PotlnUh Foi f.'W, Inc.. down th# Clciin»'«i rirer h u lUrtcd.

linVR Joined It nppcnl to(or (undx to fiUirl conslnii

Ion or Lower Monumenlfll lock ind dam on the Snalce river. Byron Price. EuRtne, Ore.. chal

nan of the Pacific North»< UtllltlM Conference eommltti ^ld n bulldlns ntart diirinR the 12 lontlw bcKlnninR July 1 would rhiK power on (he line In ISOS •htn 11 will be needed.Herbert O, Wc.il. Wftlla Walla.

Wwili.. txtciillvc vie# pre.ildcnl ol Inlnnrt Empire WiHerttTiys a-wo- :lallon. cnlled llie projcct nn Im- wri.mi step toward the,objective If cxtendlns nnvljaUon up theSaakcJlycr-to.LcwlatQii..Ida---

Tlieir plciv to a hoiwe nfiproprii ;lons *ul>commlti«o wa* supported by John A. Rlchnrri.ioi It Uin Columbia Daain commUiJilon ind mipervlior of tile Wn.ihlngton late dlvl.iloii of reclnmntlon.No provision wait pinde In Pri

Went Elsenhower'* budnet for ilnrilnc Lowel- Monumenul In the :omlni: yeiir. The Pnclflc North' vMl rcprfjenlAllves nugBesltd bowfvrr. ilial five million dollar; could be Blloltccl lo the projeci wtihnui iip,ieltlnt; the budget, rinci enrly Ilinl timch can be irnn.i' ■rrea.from the John Day proJeci t n reniilt of a (nvoroble bid.On behnlt of tlie comprehensive

proRrnm advocntcd by the Inland Kmnire Broup, West naked ih

' ' Ip budKet e«llm*i«.i for oUie,r projrcti

ui>;n'r or • Holy t i.ittoc »;>yr:,0;i C.oort Krlilii>

r l.ot(l

■n 'ld ' by Dnnlel Prothcioe : II the chinch.Delorls Chr.lik 'Mil pin

cir .,

■. .,,,1 .i,|,l.,w.,n

,1 th.v' I,nil.. 1

Dli'hl, Mr, LaRur. tc

The public I.'

I Twin l-alb; Ml

Merchants at Buhl Outline Future Plans

nUHL. April 11-Pbri.' for ro:ii;iu I'vrni.i to bp hf!d In juiu-tioij ullh the Duhl nirrc. Montli.v fvcniiiB opriitni!.'! oiiilliifci by Kruneih McNcv chairman of ihr infreh.inti mlttfr, ni ihr rfciilar Chaiiil Cnmniercp ineflinR'Monday a: liie R and.R-cali

) j.how■ ui which

■d fr

S:!.-. n.ni. Siiiidny ;i- for members of ihr- cliiircli membf)

s planned Unta

IMrlfr lid to >rrl• [>in>nl. cltllvrnd t


CHICAGO, April IS .lUPIl-ro

’• KI-TllUEfi

Ilownrd A. Hai«pn re.iervoirT »lOO.*|peniiure.i will .be jv little t 000. and Tlie DaUci lock nnd dam. lonltht bec>u.ia ot clfiud; c JH,00,000,

"Butter and Eggs

Frost HitsFRUITLAND. April 13 riTP-neV

low frecilne tcmpcrnlure.i f.nivnl "ly fro»l danniRC to delicious

.. e,i In one /lectlon of ihe Fnilt- l.ind fti n p.irly today.

imrold Hnrv»y. U. fl. wealhii bureau •'mcteorolocLit hrrc.' iMc lemperature.n dipped to 20 abari It Frutilnnd and 35 abovp al EiiV nett. He wild them were no rc- poft-i of dnmnRo m Ihe .Emmcll area. Hsrvcv Knid that taw ipm-

Twin FallsTWarkets

Wall Street Chatter

NEW YORK. April 12 HTT-All lavlnu been almosl forRoiicn I 0 ycnrs, the Dow theory Li nc ccelvlnff more publicity than It

..........................Ime. wpealiniui tha i 10 collemollor

liKic.Harrli, Uphain and company,

lolniji out the llicoo'. a.i In ihi )jst. liM Ijeen widely condfmnec ifter Rlvlnu iin unfavorable sluna ind widely acclnlnird when U Indl- :.He.i ft bullWi ■

tlm;ln(T leiw emollonnt in tl IS nnd decl.iloai, the fl

plle.i. particularly now thal there nairy more valuable inch lo biL'-c .'.ouiid JuclKincnl

tliaji there have been In the pa-M.It jiccnui we «U11 haven't con.

.iered our emotion* enouKh it jiuUfy complclc dUircRard for ihi ilieorjw which even Itic sccurltlca ajid exchnuRe commLvJon admit ted WM Uie larcc.ii ulncle Influ­ence In Uic ItMO decline. Harris. Upliam noten. *

FVe and ciuunlty company derwrltlnfr. In the black last for- the flrat time .-ance 1051 runnUiR well nhead of the first quarter luid there are Rood slRru of ft contlnulnR profitable

according to Century iu.it, U _ ’-ay* Ihe reee tiwea Rfnnted ihr.ie con

psnlM .^Ijould contribute .lubstai tlal lo earnlnRr. over an extended period.

Caplt.M Gains Re.iearch burcai rcporU that Canadian Pacific Railway company Li about M above lu $21 low for the pn.il.nlne yc.irj .and }l& below ILi SHO hlith In thi

period. It rccommrnils buy- nw, both for the Jlock'i «1) ■nl Income nnd for Inne term

Mpltnl. irRli« bCMiLia—the pricc looti rlsht. . . . the yield looks rlRht . . . t>nd the time bok.i rlfhl.

Standard and Poor’s "stock of le month" l.t ^oliimbiis

Soiillieni Ohio Electric, an hn.1 Eood KrowUi pot

. . . rnlnR.t cxpected to"H . j:.70 ihLi year from 12. 0 In IUSO, S and P polnt.1 out that Us "Mock of thetlip besliinlns of 1059. h.u outper- formed the Rcneral mafkct. a

Misured by Uie 500 atock index.

Water Schedule

Set at ShoshoneSHOSHONE, April 12 — AUi

nato lrrli:nllon days will isaln be oU'trved In ihl.t community Irrlnatlon swison. accordlnn ti lice from th» city wnterworlj. pcrlntcndenl, Bert Terry,

The n r.ldr 3t the willbe allowed lo irrlRnti

; inontli while south sldi lilfnta will use odd d!\ys. IrrlsaUon hours for rc.ildences U from 6 Sin lo 10 p.m.

Openlnsa In sprinklers must noi • more than one-fourth of nr ich In diameter nnd open hoiu re prohibited,DlsreKardlnu of the.-.e nilei will

re.iuli In a fine of |i and dl.icon- tinuance of water acrvlce until lh<

ne-1.1 paid, city officials slate. ■Die rcBUlfttlon.% are devised It uarantee proper service and pres- jte nnd the method has prot'cr itUfoctory In p.ial year.i. officials

Debt Suit FiledInc.. hied a cldlftOlwiMonday h Twin Falla dlSUlcl court nKain.it

r.{(i In luta .

;— lie-biireftu-cinUiis-xuhiz” j on n promLuory notejllO iJ lntere.*.t. - Attorney fee.i In the sum of nre sou:ht. Tl)c, burf.iH also charje.i (hat Kuntz owe* |72i9 lo the D and W Sal6i,

Ttic law firm of May and May. Tuln Falls. rcpre.<ienta Uie bureau.

lT»»i«il»rt «uoU<»-

rtlclp it111 be dl.-.plnycd

,irfct.i of Buhl. I’a irch-mts will be Ai Motor coniimny, Ciirtl

Chevrolet comp.my. l 'ord Moto nmpany nnd the Uiihl Iinpli-mcn ompnny, Andy AndcMon Ix rh.ilr mn of arranRcments and public

Ity,Other event.1 Include Youth dii; Monday. April 2S. llie Jlr.i

iinlverjnry of the Tecn-O Youth ■liter will be ob.ierved wl

. immunity dinner, followed w public rinncr nl Ihe Teen-0 nuslc lo be furnL-Oicd by Holland Hollyi Houlburs nnd his Doubli

H Biickaroos.Mcrchnnts will spoiwor tv bam meert May 2 nl iJie city park, eather permlltlnR. A downtown

barbecue Is planned for May D, McNew nl.to fmked members for iKRestloiis for proRram.i for Mo:i \y evenlnR store openlnR event l-arry E. Matjon, Tivln FalLi, itllned pUas for a quick

packa«e truck delivery service nnd .•lurroundliiK nrens, lid he has applied for a ;>r this type service with

utilities coinmlulon

Lloyd Ek-Byrne. secrclsr: Buhl Chamber of Commei

ucted.lo write a Iptlei public utllltirs commtvlon consideration to MnL .on'a . lion.

of thi

'to till a.sklni; ppllca.

Higher Costs Are Seen for Work in State

BOISE. April 12 arP-Tlie hlah' Kay deparimcnfa chief iittorticy :hlnks contract-i arc roIiir :he state more unless the board )f examiners stops lumlnR doi :lalms,W. n, PadRelt made that pre­

diction In n letter lo Secrelary of Slate Arnold Williams yesterday. He asked Williams to chance hi; mind about disapproving a claim )r .wme aerial photos.■nie claim was filed by eiSlce corporation twest .lit Lake City, but was t

down recently by the board c.......idvlee of Attorney General Frank 3enson. Ho said the firm wa.i nc qualified to do biislncH In Idahi.

Robert Smylle, however, said the claim Is vnlld nnd signed lu

Disservice Ciilmed 'If Ihc board of examiners rt les to pay the claim,” wrote

Padgett. "Ujo board will be dolnc n greai dKirrvlee to the clalma ' UiB hlfihway deportment nnd the people of the stale of Idah

He said It Iwo members of the board (Williams and Bensoni

lUnuc-tQ.rcIiire to_nay.-lccllr. Imate cljilms bf contra by forcing the contract :ult to colled their claims. It will orce anyone submitting ft bid <I state hlRhway contract to li ;lude an Item covering cost.i of ull lo collect their claims Ihere- ly Krenily increasing contrac costs."

Padgett said Ills letter was "ni ippeal to you n.i n responilbli official and n rea.ionnbto mnn ti set aside any pcr.ional feehngs'o petty parlLian politics . . ,"

He added the Aero company has complied with state law f30.405 claim Li a valid

. Signature Cut Off le Recretnrj- of stale slgnetl :!alm when It was r.enl around

to him la.ll week, but (he r.lcni' later was cut off, he said, oi advice of Benson, dgett snld the Idaho supremi

court has held "ihnt failure ti comply with section 30-501 of thi Idaho code doe.i not make cnn' tracts of a corporation void but inly unenforceable In the if this state."Benson had claimed that the

contract was not legal becau.ie U company had not filed Incorpori lion papers In the stale. The eon pnny later did so. Padgett said.

The nttomey Rcner*l said last week StAte Auditor Joe Witilams miRhl be Involved In a lawsuit whellier the Aero claim Li paid not. He said Aero could ro :ouTt to ftltempl,

io-iuthe auditor lor payinc n.

Parking FyiesPosUnR *1 overUme parking

bonds wllh Twin Falls police Monday were EuRcno Brlenholl. J. O: Jonr.i. Sally Bailey. Barbara I’erktnj, Geon;e Bllck. Tliurnjan L. Jackson. E. R. Bush. Wesley Wnuon and Haney Cook.


ford, Ooodlne. wns fined SSO and *3 co.'.Li by Jusllco of Itie Penci w,-L, Aiwtm Monday moming foi being drunk In iTlibllc and dtv lurblng the peace. He was arrestee by Sheriff Thomiu Conner at 13:J( Rjn,..6undfty.

Pews InstalledSHOSHONE. April 12-New pews

have been Installed al the loc.-il Assembly, of God church. The -worS wa.1 done Snturdny by Pastor John Shaw nnd members of the church.

The church floor was reflnlshed Ust week prior t« tha InilaUa

Morket Piece of

Mofl!c Vpiley




MW‘mMrrn. H

•r. l h.ii>. Oil S.U11,—Durkr.


iU"f and Oihln*.*’ »



Cnnl«l 111 for •••!? tnnlfoL (tfoim.l nr >lr •V|'U'«llnn. All (f<l<


F L Y IN G SEUVICE___________RE 3-5820________


• ’.H - Kf<iCall Collect RE a-MSJ

Tivin Falls


STUDIOIift.r ..tirf, » „,1 mnn>r imkln*

r, <>r»ni« a pniriuM* Al>n<l«r- '» .n.i „U th. wold f«nioU*• ulf Uf y»*n f.M, SutlnnAl Ad*#T-





LOST A N D FOUNDlAjhri niick


'. Ucalfrn h< i«. fxird

b>rh<x>d. AdulU onlr. No P*t<.

man. MoJtrn i Ldru.... I. oll.rr Un.ril.. lUrrr lloll.

Phnn» nil %;m.

r. rbon. UK '■

n Twin ttlli

•nd tialh. Ground floor.

1 roomi.-uUllUM ^Krvt

Irtirtlor. Ila** m^rm I Mroom irtll.r to liv* in. IS milt, •outh .. CiMlUi. Idaho. CoBlMt Darwin E,


\Z,S.In«toii, _________

tVAni'M>—(Mnvral (Tri

lIl'KNTKl! work. N«w et n

nunl In iJir»!el«n’a tf/a Tlm>i-H<-w.-______:1I1CK. hic<k. larlnc. Uualiir'workmii

rrlf". "■ ■

in and nin farm •

ATIKAOTIVK »mall tpartoinil for l*4r. CjMR furvljli>d. |>0:d0.


« Nn?lh*^W*s'p,mtONK KODU wiih kluh»tittu.

- iruund floor, t tilihi d, «4t !.« u.r‘ pho«.n‘Ks-»«r' l^niil. mulein )

- Adull* OQl,, U Jrd A>inu.

' 1 AhU 2 ruunii.' tr.nrt. utlilllt« 1

(llllln. £cinnfr>


Mrlraia lata aad an.


fo r LeaseTWtK rXLLH and HA7.Kt.TnN

idlint MaJnrOll'Compinr




R E d w o o d ^ 3 - 0 9 3 1 .



Un. Waud oa'tnala in»l«d bUtb-

around b..ln.«.

ouwlon. hallar kuHT. ThU cna lon-t Utt. •


WE 4«4Sfti OoodinK

■SK.';.r;s.i'ST- t. riwm Hg a-<in.

IIKUI100M8 <

i Uisiiaou ‘HOME at »« i u k m r SirMt. Call Uor< Sokmea Avraer/ RC *41U «r tn SlakoM StnH Worth. _________ .

Page 14: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and

i ’AGIC I'O U RT K EN TO lK .S- .\ 'EW S , T W IN ' F A L L S . ID A H OTL'KSIlAV, A P R IL 12, 1

.A M a rke t P loce o f

Magic V a lle y


O IL a @ ® H IF IB IB M I® ©

Page 15: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and

TUESDAY, A P K IL 12, 13C0 T I J I E S : K E W S ; T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O

M arket Place of

Magic V a lle y


RE 3-0931



:IE;=1.in-'su......a ra s

i e ....

; i S i

I K t ’i/i a n

M c M A H A N ’ S



•lust Arrivtil—

S’lS ^ iW il I



LESS THAN $5,0001



r n o s f ^

= 5


■ ■ m m m

....... 'V,,;;



S P E C I A L !



Curs Ji

T W I N F A L L S "

E Q U I P . C O .



I.ry GMAC Tcrm.^-I^E 3-8721


A U T O C O .

Hero Is n io


V„u Iliivo Been IVni


rsfs&m "iSi ’"s^ssssisriz.%,

.K M K|X

Hi'-as’™.,5;,W H E RE B U Y E R IS

“ K I N G ”

W Y L L I E ' S


On Trock Liitio

V W ------ V W

M c K e n z i e M o t o r


« , S

A N D Y & B O B ’S

M O T O R CO .


- 0

R '

T R A D E - I N S



N - O - W


inCOFORI) 52295

19G0 FOR I) 53250

19!59 FORD $2-195

1955 FORD



G O R E ’ S

A -1 U S E D C A R S

'5 8 F O R D ? 1 4 9 5

F.iirlnnc 4-(loor

’.59 R a m b l e r ? 1 9 9 5

’57 M E R C ? 1 7 6 5

Id n ir I ln r ^ '"

T H E I S E N ’S -


’54 P l y m o u t h ^ $ 5 9 5

'5 3 P o n t i a c .$395

’S S D e S o t o ^?fS_5

; 5 2 B u i c k .............. $3 4 5

’56 F o r d 4 - d r . p i 9 5

’56 M e r c $ 1295

K , “ -

'5 ^ D o d p ^ _ _ _ _ _$39J^


M O R E T O C H O O SE l



" m i S n EM t^””


■55 C H E V $ 1 0 9 5

''210" 4-door W nw n

|;r'£;'!i.r .S W !:

’5 4 D O D G E $ 6 4 5


S e le c t



C L > G A N - U P

’5 9 C H E V $ 1 8 9 5

G O R E ’S


R I C E C H E V R O L E T _________


iW i

i s S fw S iS s S


M O T O R C O .


N G .

Used Cars

In the Vnllcy

H a f s L l i js i


r .

Page 16: Police Planning Anti-Castro Bands To Get Escapee, Vanish ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Traffic Death Scorcboard trilllf (•Ctllllti loio..... Csre and


Winter Wlicat (jiicss Hints of I Sii'jic Surplus

April 12 m —

T. F. Hi<;h Scliool Honor Students Named

< iind J7 per ci'iii r.r .<-.1 i.i; • If Ihc tMlmnt'Hl ;p It will bu llic


A r- :. ./.*• of lilt: Apill 1f ■ ■. ;i tOlnl wlHMl <r. ;)

... ;; 1 'MO.OOO hlllUm Ik, I,. . u/l i:i- ;■ .xliic'cd. Thu ii'.fliK.. •

.1 .i.nal. crop of Vri 1 iirl;,, blUil'U OH 111'- i.iia

r: Ir|ii,i:iTi; Tlip sprlni; ulimt ■

1. . I.-: ocrii ci.llnililptl olhr: rr:.. ;:' ii ai'rPHKC tlilcritloii.\-:"-ii;.!!!

Tlif (Up.Tniiinil nlrcarty li:r r I:ati:(l. the Julj- I uhcaL .1! l-tSp.DOO.OOO liiniOH bii.r.;. .'II iiuticnuil llir July 1, lOfilvmllrl.................rlv1%0 crop miilcrliil);' nvpr 111 infil roiilri i 1.550,000,1100 Ijlllmn h

IWlittI.llr .S'.it

MAitv iinm:iiTS{t\. . .itr ..itrill< l.iri;.M ;.n.l

MITZt C.lllItlSIt I.iluut<irl.in\ tiir l!ICO friim Twin

............... . •>( Mr, .md Mrn, T.vein lr<l t.ilriJli (cirljM iillli » 4.01)Mliri (;.irrMi. il.iiichirr n( .Mr. and Mri. Krrlll.4mii. (l.mclilrr of Itr. »nd .Mr*.


■nud Ihr July 1, lOfil. I i ' 1 i • . « C r i ’’ I ’’ / ' I

Intel” ” ™;- I***’ *-•' I i;ts rci fect (iradcs Average

rluli. Ski rlill), ctioir, corn'crt clmlr nil li'ivm iir:il h OlrI.'( lr;ii;ui' aiidlin: rlialnnnii, «1»' pljuv. li:

III Ilninllilc- m cullnrc, S:ili

,.iiil Dm k-riKlc

Last Rites Held For Mrs. Smith

nUHLKV. A p r il i:-nitirrnl nwlccs for Mrs. raiiiilp Knillli Mere ticld Sninrdny nflfriiooi the Oaklrj—LU3-tnbmiarie-wlth JlLilio|> Wiirr oftlcliilliiK,

raiully prayer wiu clvfti Cltiirlei M, Wilron, liivocalioii l)y

. Rnlpli GorrliiRC otui dbUiinry wa-. read hy lll.'.liop Wnrr. Spi'akcrs wcrp Mnrtln W, Cniimry ami John A. Clark, ncnpdlction \va; Riven by Gulden Wocd.

, , I ’reliKlr iind pa.'lliiilc imi.\lo wa; jilnyrd by Miiy roiilKin. V'lJiliii MMUiw-i. Ixnla Martin niu Doriitliy WliliL'lcy. IVo sHrcllim.i ucrc simg by a diiiible mixed »iiiar-

Prtllbcarrrs wer« Nile Oorrlnre, Knrl OorrlHKc, Kenneth WILson. Allan Wllr,(i«. Hobcrt Malioncy and Philip Smilh,

J'lornl arranKi-nirnw wcrr under • the illrccllon nr LtU Pmillon,

Zralftnild Martin. Nrdra Whilllr. Jriinrrie Wlilltlc. ,Iii<ly .sjiiltli, Carol Jean .*;inlih,'Clien’I Rinlili, Karon .VcLton, JX'iml.i Smllh and Kim Smllli.

Final rllM xcrri* lirld In the Marlon cemetery with niilon Priee tlcdlcfttlns the prave.

iiihti'rt .Mr. :i|i.l Mr... !l<■ !i, Ann Kri';lkuiiip.'<Iiiin;li- r 'If .Ml. i:nd Mn. Ili-nuird X irllkaiiii), l!W^, ulid Jiilllco UK-- Nin. d^niiihlir of .Mr. ii .•illi.iin R l{lc-in;in. 3»:3.Mkv Hi)lirrtM>n plaiui to Hitnul

iliidcllfJi' c n 11 r i; r, Cunibrldi;i*,. Idler hlnh srlmM i;r:>dil;.- ,'!hc' !i;u bcrii acllvc in

rUib, iHtiirr Ti'.iclUT.s o: Ainri Tlicvpl:iiL-. iinil ua.i a <li-li'i:;il< Olrl.s" i-I.ite. .She l.i I’l'p rhib l priv.ldrni rind Niillanal Honor cicty pri-.'ldmt.

Oerrbh liopc.i to nitrnd Whllmnn rnlln:o, Walb Walla.

:hrHhfhas-pr<rflcipafrrt-in-thfi CiliU Alhlellc n.s'.orliilliiii. .Ski club. I’ep club. N.uioniil Il'mnr sfx-lriy

pw;<lcnt nml v (lent, of orchcMi'a.

Krc'ilkriinp l.s ft inpinlirr of Ihn Natitiiml Honor wiclcty. Prp

Ml-.'. l!l''in:in plan' ti> attriid rhi' ll:ili'ci:.|lv of Idjitio, .Mo. ou•. tilic

a inrniliiT of thi- OlrU Allih'tic v.iicliUinn, ilo'.ilin;: chib. Pep chib,

I'Mitiir H(iincinalcrr,N of America.nor Noelely, Ski club :iirlv .slate Hltcrnali

Sin- 1.1 Cilrb Irniuin vice prc.ilUcnt ' luro Teachers

America iirrMilriit |a.M year.■I'win l-'iills hiKh .'.choo! i.enlor.i

Uii> <|iiahlled a.i mrniber.i of th< ';.illoiial il'iniir .• nclely by otjl.iln. mr ;i as iiraclr averiil’c or hlKll'‘f ite Uarl Stront:. I'Vccl Koloiich. Vir>:lnl!i Dillon, JIrn Clark nnd I'ai.'.y Joluu.

Juniors who (jimlKled m n rrs of Ihft society arc Robert

AfidPr;ioii, Hu.tan Aiiilrr.Min, L-irry

“Huck Finn” Is Slated for Bliss

ni,I.S;4, April J2-Orvlllc Ut-d- dhii;ton, .Illlu fichoo l Mipcrlii* trndent, annotmcca the Junior and jieiilor classe.t will presonl"liiiekli'btrry Klnn" by Itoy 1-'.Uwln al 8 p.m. April 22 and 23. Ill the school Kl'mnnsliiin. '

Mejiibrr.s of the; ca.'.l are Karen Krohn. Anita Cox, Orant CIblwiis, Shirley 'rsiMhnni‘11, Unrry \Vooil. I.oiilru 7,pller. Judy PriieU. Oary Dnllc.". GaryColu iinil Doc Vnilcn.

Bmlnc.vi manaccr W L a r ry Orave. and publli'lly iiiaiinRcr l.i Dick unilot. Dirccior,'. are neddlnn.

and Wlm Taimina. IJKhllnc bo done by lUchard ond

Stanlry iTniwteln.

Ual ic

llrecki-nrklrc, Oenrttlna Enion, Ulll KIII.1, Chi?Dl V'tke, l.inda rrecouf

n (irntry. Wilnia Olbb.' Kiircii K liiii. Deanna I-ir.' on, Gi-oricl.T MiicnonaUI. Sharon Mat-

, Mike Melville, Pal Murphy [.iiry Murray. l--\rry Nye, Carol Orrln. 1/irivlle Pray. Vlckl Plfd Kay naniM-y, Jmlv Rli;., Fxlwlnn Itoiiinson, Allen Sanilrnuin. Pnl Schcw, JiinncII Sevy. Jackie Smilh, Ji'iinno Stcttler. Mary Sumner, Gortliin Tobin. Robert Whltwlde.^

Marjorie York.

Hearing Asked

Monday when he appeared before Police Juthe J, O. I’limphrcy rhiirirc of fnruery.

Jlo 1.1 charRPd with prc.ienttnc 1.13 check made oul to him And

alleRcdly iRned by LeeRoy SlanB- Tlic charce Matr.i Uis ehcck used M nn flltfinpl to defraud

the Manic Clly inarkcl. Bond wn.i -net at $1,000, Tlif heartnR U »iel for 3 p. m, Tliursday.



. ^O iir w a n t ;uls o f f e r c v c ry liiin ^ j f r o m A to Z ! M a n y Lusine.s.s-

tfi'on depend on W an t nds a lm o s t c n t ir c ly 't o s e ll I h e ir n€\v home.s,

used car.s, app ltances , nnytliin;,^ a n d c x e r y l lu n jr ! W h a t w a n t ads-

do f o r tlicm , t lic y ’ll do fo r y o u . . . « c t rc .su lls q u ic k c r ! So . w iiefli-

er y o u w a n t lo b »y o r w a n t to sc jl . w a n t to r e n t o r w a n t to (c ll,

w a n t to trade o r w a n t (o s a v e . . . tr y o u r w a n t ads f i r s t !

P H O N E R E 3 - 0 9 3 1

lUrnard l^r'Krrllkamp. and Jinlrr Itieman, diiUKhIrr...............:Mr<. WlllUm y. nidinan. all Twla ('*ll<. M l» Oerri»h iinri Ml>i KrpllVatnp both rerltlcred JJ74 «rade areratci and MIm Itlrnuii ba« a 3.971 mark. All four of Ihe Kbolari aro planninz lo attend fiillrtf. (.Staff ph»ln*enrriivtni>) .................... .......

Royal Family Social Stoek Handed Blow

I/DNDOrf. April 13 HTO-The bhle chi|) loclnl (tock of BrUaln> roy I.iinily lock a tumble today b«au.ie Ilf file poor rr.ipon.''e of European nobility to PrinccM MarcarcL'.' marfl»RB next month.

To many Britonji. (hg blow lo national pre.Mlse recalled the

rouRh-and-tumble dnyi when King Edward VlII waa courtinK the American divorcee, Wolly Simpaon.

With only 2+ dity» left before Ihe marri.iRe of Prlncws MarRarei to Antony Arnr;troni: - Jones—a commnnrr with a record irf divorce In 111* family—It already wa.i clear

the bulk of continental nobility pipferred to stay away.

The queen and all ihoie cl ke lo her iteadfa.illy refii.sed any iiirnt on thn rituaiion tiiil ahead with plaii.i lo nnikr Uii' prlnce.is'n weddlnR In Wc.-itmin.s Abbey May 0 a truly inemor.ible event, ,

•Hie pre.%,1 and public. hn;itvrr, illd not ntte.-npi to hide tncrua.'sin); Indlicnatlon over whia they run- .sldrred a nionuniriital ‘ .'tub" bv .Sc.indin.ivlan and other roy.il huu.iea — directly aiiribiiiabU- Margarei‘4 choice of a marriare partner.

.Mixed with the IndiKnatlon i:nc uncailne.v.. too. .luch o.i

recocnlred society leader would feel should he decide lo Invite nil lili aclmlrcrs to a hiiRe parly, only lo have no one .iho'.»- up when the blE dny iirrivrd.

Music Set Back? Beans Gro v Best to Sounds of RaceXars

CllAni.KSTON. K. C., April 13 '.V. 'nie Kioup that SURar Chile ».rr- — Roll oi'rr. Herthovri). and let the etiaded.. with .mch miblcal gpnin

11 the 1-Vrrarl throunh. ii.' •■rni'tration Boo;le" and •iKlnh-nradrr Irnin lii-iiiitnrt -Wlioi). V.’liup," fared lit:lr betier.

iiuy h^»c ,ie: niiiMC IwcK lit lea.M T.Mi op Ihr Ijenn' urew oul <if tlir iiUO yriiri iillh hli entry in a 9Cl- jnr, »nd Ihrreof lOLir put <iii Iravu. cnce fair hrrr. | [.-..r „-| ihr erforls of Ihr Pbll.i-

•nie exprnnii'nt ha.< 10 do with a tlilphla Ssmptionv ofl•he l:. , In- JIvry .-ri of IrKU,,,,-., iju: Je.iHv. (p, p, i.;.,,;. DvorakV ''rile Worldkiuiw ilirir beaiu about mu.Mc-or c;yi,||,|„„iv- ilie ihiril croup coiili o • , ri • j

only three ninnbrr^ thal O C i e i l t l S t S 0 81 (1

New HoursTORONTO, April 12 'IT* —

Pojr.dketprr Il-neM Leeds U under ordrrs tofl.iy to stasRer thn wr.rklni; hours of Yorlttounfhlps two doccntcher.v

The cliy l.-.:her)i ordered the ch-n-.iie .iftrr liarnm;: bo:h men wnrkrd the Mnie htiur.i and doR n.Mirr.i kept th^lr pel." o[f the -itreeti until tho doscatcher.i were oft fluty.

•me yoiins mnn. Maik Kry;rr- crov nbow the j;irncck.', .iltbouRlj ' lini:. eontlucieil the rxperliiinit |,u >, 1 jmi on Krceniriy Iwiih bi-.in phint.’, f o u r / o ( it »v;ir. the .spni:i c.ir'nioiip Hiai thrill, atul he p.il hLi roulu on-„..,i:y (iexid It.-, ^r'iuinlnoii.wn-i-*'

uudllorlulil- TJir flrst-pliitc wliine; IlKhl (III Itle I'lft.'

rh-.South C.U11- fli ,. The loi..........al .\|.;ininin;:iT ,1,^ i,:,ndiwori: of !'cxpriliiient. a lijfi cjiainpioii, ain

^hrd. <)lne clatkint! tu.stoni imt

;rd liVe

e J;ir

Kcy.NcrllnR dl.'covrn-d, for ihniK. th.il planM don't like t llinored, H1.1 •'control proup, ’ four lonel.v ihiia beiin.T-lrtt' tii ■■.hlffffrr them.'elvei In the confine. of (our Rlft.'s Jar.i, Rpenl 13 days In

SrSjCassia Deputy Is Sworn Into .lob

BURLEY. April 12- R Akm.i, 33, wa.i sivorti in a.i Ca.'MJ county deputy shrriff—Mnnanj afiernoon by County Comlnl^^^«n•er E. J, Jl.irper. ,_____ —

Akliw ha.'i been n re.'ldent oi Oa.yia county for the pasl ,'l> moiiths ciiiniiii; heie fiom Im Ani!cle,i. He Nlalccl, ’Tlll.i Li Iht be.1t country I've ever btcii In."

Hr wn.i n nicinber of the Los An- celrs couniy nherHf* office, work- ins for the county's corrections dl- vi.slon, the Wiiy.sldc Honor Hancho iLS well nj In the civil and patro: divlsioii.i under .vupervl.ilon of Peter J. Pitche.i, Lo.i AnRelc-

.iJicjlff. J.1 tjinrririidn uKhier,

Four other beam «ot trcatnient, rxcept th,il for one hour ■ach day Ihey were expwd Jarj*. pinno in^lc of one £uR,ir Chile RoblIi^of^

Another r.et of beans roI nn hour of cl.i.vilcal music cach d.iy. and lourtli .\et .ipent an hour <i day In I room whrre a record play : d Mil riiKlne nolse.s of spa .m a Si-brinK, i'l.'.. track.The ic.Miltx were unncivliiR. Al-;|,',',",“}j‘„,'

houch all four sel-i of beaiL re- iK,.iitlon held bv H:clve< the Mine nourWiment-!o, u.„„ell. wlio.e re.Msnation be- iiimuly, the mol.'.ture they eotild „me effective Mondny.Mick out of a wef blotter, which

their only company In Ihe Jar —they crew at surprl.iliiKly dlffrr*

Making Instant Sweet Potatoes

WA-SHINGTON. April 12 m —II <iiri Ilf In.'.iani swept polfttoes are on tho •d up en-;"*''' dinner tallr.

AiiiiL'ulturnI rr.M'arvh iervlca lid- ^Al'i)i .scimil.Ms a;rciidy have

made InsMnl i>wrel potatoes In the laburatoiy. but tuo major prob« Kni.i niu.'t be Aolved before pack- ni:e.» of the vei;et*blci reach food More shtlve.i In bulk. Tliese prob- lem.i are procr.i* englneerlnj and flavor siabllirfltlon,

: Tlir lir.1t problem will be wnrked ,oiii.,lnH ncw-sweet-pouto proce**.- sini: pilot i)lant now under eonr .ilruflijn at New Orlean.'," ’Hie flavor problem may be solv­ed liy parkaRins the potato flake* ;tn nitroRrn.


Rinm of local talent, busliie.M m e c lluR and refrrshmenw li

.planned h>r ihe Kimberly Com- lothlmt. Only one bran Rrew lo the! munity Farm Bureau mcetliiK at

helKht of the neck of the Jar. Only|a p.m. Wednesdav in the Kimberly one sprouted liave.i, thoUKh one.Leijion hall. Milton Ballard, chair- other gave premise of doing no, iman. reporw.

Dance Discussed AtDeMolayMeetJKllOME, April 12-Plana wera

dUcii.v^d for a dance lo be held April 23 'at the reKular meeilni; of Ihe Jerome DrMoIay la.il uerlc at Ihe .Masonic temple.

nie time and place will he an­nounced later. Ma.iler Councilor. Diivld £tunri conducted Iho meet­ing.

Chapter mothers, who met be­fore the boys' mcethiR. pre.'enwd two new robes lo the chapter,

Mni. .Maxwell, of the Idaho Stat* Pfbon. Kave nn Illustrated talk,

I'ollowiiiR the meeline. thn mother's club ,'ervcd refre.'hment.i.


Com pore w/7/i a n / other

6-passenger compacf w agon for gas

sa v in g s . . . low-cost m a in tenance . . .

one/ high acclaim !

The Ford

f^ d c o ti Wagon

has the

top score

on a ll 3 !

BEST GAS MILEAGE OF ANY AMERICAN-BUILT WAGON!The Falcon WaRon .<!core.s Lops in Ka-isavinfpl

Actually delivers up to TO m ilw per gallon

on regular pus . . . far heUer than any other

G-pa.s.songer, American-biiilL waRon. And tiio

new, G-cylinder Falcon engine tlolivers .spar­

kling performance in town or countr>' Rolngl

LOWEST MAINTENANCE COST!Y ou RO 4,000 miles between oil chanRC.<«,

thank-s to the Falcon’.s Full-Flow oil filtering

system that'.'! yours at no extra co.st. Falcon

ha.s a double*!ifo aluminized mufller, anil

D iam ond Lustre Fini.sh that never needs

wax. Y ou .'lave everj'^vhere . . . on tires,

insurance, parts, service, everything!

CAR EXPERTS ACCLAIM THE FALCON!Of the Falcon, Art Railton said, in Popular

Mcchniur.v " U ’s amazing how simple an

engine can be, and how acce.'Viible!” Molnr

Life said: "Particularly plea.sing i.s the free­

dom from creaks anti raltle.':.” The editors

of Sports Carx Jlluxiraird .>;aiil: "Mainlo-

nrince .should be ridiculously simple."

AKOTHER WINNER FROM AMERICA’S WAGON SPECIALISTS!' Ford’s new Falcon Wagon brings you eilra quality a t no cj-lra coal.

U'b got the longest load.space of any fi-pas.senger compact wagon,

insitle. 'I t ’s got lu.xury interiors, foam-padded front seat and many

olher quality extras that arc sUindard. See it today, at your Ford

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FORD . , .WorlcT* Most PopularCars . . • B«st sensr Ln 1959-D«:l'tetllns t960’s tc

S E E A L L 7 W A G O N W O N D E R SA T Y O U R F O R D D E A L E R ’S F O R D W A G O N W O N D E R L A N D

r It a t» UUUm* rtA-CQH — th* N tw-tht Fem C H T TU U N D eR am O — Tfi4 WafhTi Ueil WsnltgCtr

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Only Ford Dealers Sell ^ USED CARS AND TRUCKS