


Our Polish Film Presentation

Transcript of Polciģ

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POLCIĢ A Polish film with English subtitles. The main theme of our

opening scene is a chase that goes over roads and through fields. It will start with our title sequence which will be followed by a couple of men in a van or room observing computer screens showing security cameras. They will then realise that the man on their screen is actually their target then they be to chase their target through the scary setting…

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POLCIĢ The setting is very important so that the man has a chance of

escaping we know the setting very well which makes it a safe bet.

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POLCIĢ Ideal Characters:

Andy Beckwith- Played a frightening gangster in Snatch where he intimidated others which is exactly what we need for our Polish thugs. He is not actually Polish

Marcin Kowalczyk- Discovery of Year (Odkrycie roku) 2012 award nominee after the film You Are God. A young Polish actor who would be perfect to play the role of the boy bike.

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POLCIĢ Enigma codes- The audience will have questions asked of the

straight away for example:

Who is the boy on the bike?

Who are the people chasing him?

What’s in the briefcase?

Why did the need to shoot him?

Where is the set?

Why does he feel the need to run?

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POLCIĢ Genre- World cinema and Action, we only see the opening

to the film however we still see a chase which instantly shows our audience the genre of the film. We hope the film will maintain a high pace throughout. The film will contain some intense violence and intimate sex scenes which is the reason for our 15 certificate.

We aim to make a low budget typical independent Polish films.. We will need to make our shots crisp and accurate in order to achieve this.

We will take ideas from other block buster films such as James Bond and Safe House when making our film. We will use the idea of putting the title sequence after the first small snippet of action instead of during the start of the film.

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POLCIĢ Conventions of Polish cinema we studied:

Sound of gun shots.

Dull lighting.

Our music will have to be fast paced to match our film.

Heavy breathing over music.

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POLCIĢ Distrubuter

Vivarto- A traditional polish distributor that features at many film festivals which is the role we believe our film can undertake. A world cinema film made in the U.K by British students.

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POLCIĢ Our target audience:

We aim to appeal to as many people as possible above the age of 15, sex and violence will be included in our film which will attract a range of customers to the film. Also the nature of these topics and events will require 15 rating as it would be inappropriate for people under that age to see the content of the film.

Things that bbfc classify to be a 15:

• Strong violence

• Frequent strong language (eg 'f***').

• Portrayals of sexual activity

• Strong verbal references to sex

• Sexual nudity

• Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence

• Discriminatory language or behaviour

• Drug taking