PolarCircles Brochure Square

PolarCircles PURE power expeditions | polar guiding | public speaking | books & films Dixie Dansercoer — Julie Brown


Company program

Transcript of PolarCircles Brochure Square


PUREpowerexpeditions | polar guiding | public speaking | books & films Dixie Dansercoer — Julie Brown

PUREpowerexpeditions | polar guiding | public speaking | books & films Real power is often hidden under layers

of superficial distractions. Whether we focus on an extreme goal such as a polar expedition, or attempt an equally challenging professional or personal ambition, we can all tap into our pure power. Easy to find when our inner compass is pointed in the right direction ~ pure & simple.

The basis and inspiration for all Polar Circles activities. For two decades, Dixie has marveled at our earth’s polar regions while accomplishing stunning feats of sportive endurance and discovery quests. Since 1999 Julie has either accompanied or assisted on these grand adventures. The duo represents a dynamic interaction of execution and support.

expeditions |

“Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet.” ~ Victor Hugo

Dixie and Julie offer their cumulative expertise in order to share the grandeur of the most fragile, inspiring and raw places on the globe. We invite you to take part in an unforgettable and exhilarating adventure. Last Degree Expeditions to both North and South Poles, Arctic and Antarctic treks ... with Dixie as your guide out on the ice and Julie in your “back office” base-camp.

Polar Guiding |

“ You may find yourself in another part of the world ... you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?” ~ Once in a Lifetime — David Byrne

Dixie and Julie present their inspiring motivational speeches to a wide variety of audiences: corporate interventions, educative conferences, and public institutions.Their content incorporates spectacular expedition imagery with a myriad of specific themes which are customized to your needs.

Public Speaking |

“ When you’re safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you’re having an adventure you wish you were safe at home.” ~ Thornton Wilder

Keynote Speeches, Conference, Seminars

Avid authors and photographers, Dixie and Julie allow time and distance to ferment their adventures. Expedition thrillers, educative documentaries, moving texts ... creativity without boundaries.Books and Films |

“ Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” ~ Oscar Wilde

Polar Circles bvba

Kafmaasberg 4

B-3040 Huldenberg


Office phone & fax: +32 (0)2/ 688 37 62

E-mail: [email protected]


Design: www.ijsbreker.be

PolarCircles Dixie Dansercoer — Julie Brownexpeditions | polar guiding | public speaking | books & films