Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Pokedex

download Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Pokedex

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Copyright 2006-2007 Marriland / Devin Peltier-Robson Pokedex Version 2.00. _______________________________________________________________ / TABLE OF CONTENTS __________________________________________/ \___________________/ | | | 1. Introduction | [INTROD14] | | 2. Version History | [VERHIS26] | | 3. Legal Stuff | [LEGALS37] | | 4. How to use this Pokedex | [HOWTOP42] | | 5. List of Pokemon | [LISTPK59] | | 6. Pokedex | [POKEDX62] | | 7. Frequently Asked Questions | [FREASK74] | | 8. Contact In

Transcript of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Pokedex

Copyright 2006-2007 Marriland / Devin Peltier-Robson Pokedex Version 2.00. _______________________________________________________________ / TABLE OF CONTENTS __________________________________________/ \___________________/ | | | 1. Introduction | [INTROD14] | | 2. Version History | [VERHIS26] | | 3. Legal Stuff | [LEGALS37] | | 4. How to use this Pokedex | [HOWTOP42] | | 5. List of Pokemon | [LISTPK59] | | 6. Pokedex | [POKEDX62] | | 7. Frequently Asked Questions | [FREASK74] | | 8. Contact Info | [CONTCT81] | | 9. Credits | [CREDIT95] | |_________________________________|____________| Hint: Jump directly to a section by copying the search code (that block like this: [_ _ _ _ ]), then pressing CTRL + F and CTRL + V. It should take you right to where you need to go! \==================/_________________________________________________________ (| 1. INTRODUCTION |)==============================================[INTROD14] /==================\ Joe, meet Bob. Bob, Joe. Joe, Bob. Bob, Joe. Hello! This is the first In-Depth FAQ I have designed for GameFAQs (and any other site using this FAQ). A lot of you probably know me from the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Walkthrough that I wrote. One of the things that I would have loved to add to the Walkthrough was a Pokedex, but ultimately decided that I would just put one in a seperate FAQ someday rather than clogging up the Walkthrough. Quite some time has passed and I never did so, but after redesigning the Pokedex for my site, I got into a Pokedex fever and decided to make a FAQ version of the Pokedex for easy portability. That is really what prompted me to make this Pokedex: portability. The ability to take this text file and save it to your computer and have pretty much all of the information available when you want it rather than having to view it all online. Options are a good thing, and I can provide this information to people who might not have otherwise found it by converting the data from my online Pokedex into a nice, clean text file version, and then putting it on GameFAQs. All of the data in this Pokedex comes directly from my site's Pokedex. Of course it's used with permission - I own the dang thing! It took quite a lot of time getting it into a text-file format, though, so be appreciative. All names in this guide are now for the American version of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. I highly doubt any Japanese name or translation has slipped in by mistake, but it might have, as it's hard to go through this whole thing just to be sure. I would like to apologize to those of you on dial-up. I opted to make the most recent update to this FAQ easier to read and more informative, which unfortunately ended up drastically increasing the filesize. It is highly

recommended that you download this file to your local computer so you are able to access it at your leisure later, without having to wait a few days for it to load. If you require more information (things like in-depth stats, pictures, and data on the moves), then you should really visit the online version of this Pokedex on my website, which can be found at: - http://pokemon.marriland.com/diamond_pearl/pokedex Text files can only do so much... sorry. But, at least it's portable, and all in one place, which is handy. Also, for all you spoiler-paranoid people out there... THIS GUIDE IS NOT SPOILER-FREE! It doesn't go into the plot of the game itself at all, and only features data, but some of that data may be considered spoilers. Read at your own risk if you don't want the game "spoiled" for you. \=====================/______________________________________________________ (| 2. VERSION HISTORY |)===========================================[VERHIS26] /=====================\ Times change, FAQs change. Version 2.00 (6/28/07 - 2414KB) - I broke down and made "the big one." In other words, I opted to go with the pretty looking, easy to read, but 1400KB larger version of the FAQ. Sorry, dial-up'ers. - But, the good news is the whole FAQ should be infinitely easier to read and a lot more informative, too. - I'm marking this up a whole version because I am truly at a loss of what more content could possibly be added to this, and this version is so much better than the last. So it is now version 2.0, and will probably not be revised too often. - I revamped the attack listings so they now show each attack's Type, Category (i.e., Class), Power, and Accuracy. And it's in an ASCII-table. - Locations for all of the Pokemon are up and ripped directly from my site's Pokedex. They should be correct, with the possible exception of things like the Poke Radar and Honey Trees' frequency. I'm not 100% sure on the encounter rates of special locations, so some educated guesses had to take place. But, you should now be able to see where you can get them all. - Evolution methods for a few select Pokemon (Sneasel, Gligar, and Seadra) have been fixed so they are now correct. I apologize for the inaccurate information. - Hold Items for the Pokemon are now available, so you can see exactly what each Pokemon might be holding in the wild. - Clarified a question asked in the Frequently Asked Questions section about Steps to Hatch Eggs. It turns out that they might be somewhat random. Curious... - Alternate forms of certain Pokemon, like Deoxys and Wormadam, have been added to the Pokedex. Finally. Version 1.00 (4/23/07 - 967KB) - All Pokemon names, attack names, Ability names, and pretty much every other English name is now listed. This is what I consider to make this Pokedex "complete." - Removed the locations for Pokemon since they were half-baked. I'll work on re-entering the data at a future date. - Added the Pokemon Species and Pokedex Text for each of the Pokemon,

for each version. - A few of the Japanese names are slightly incorrect because I'm too busy to go in and manually change them. Any Japanese name with an "x" in it is definitely wrong. The others are just purely romanized. Version 0.80 (4/3/07 - 942KB) - First version of the Pokedex In-depth FAQ. Marked version 0.80 due to the locations not being present on all Pokemon, particularly the ones that don't show up in the wild. I'll fix that in the next update, and it will probably be synchronized with the Walkthrough, too. - Also the Attack and Ability names are still using my translations. I AM NOT USING THE NAMES THAT SEREBII.NET REVEALED until I confirm it with my source on April 7th. - I am very leery about the filesize on this, although 942KB is much more reasonable than the 3500KB that I had on my first draft, but it did cost me my pretty formatting and a stat table for each Pokemon. Don't expect to see the filesize jump beyond 1500KB, ever. It's hard, though, with 493 of the little buggers to provide info for, now. - Using a JavE'd ASCII art rather than a custom-made one because I was lazy. X-) - Probably some other bugs and inconsistancies in here as well. But overall I'd say it's not too shabby for a first version. \==================/_________________________________________________________ (| 3. LEGAL STUFF |)===============================================[LEGALS37] /==================\ The stuff everyone should read but probably don't. This guide in its entirety may not be copied, reproduced, republished, or redistributed under any circumstances, with the exception of personal or private use. This guide may not be used on any website, commercial or personal, with the exception of the sites listed below, or used on any other publicly viewable resource (book, newspaper, etc.) without my permission. Failure to obey these rules is in direct violation of copyright and is strictly prohibited. I am in no way affiliated or associated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or any other parties involved in the creation, development, distribution, or marketing of this game. I am in no way affiliated or associated with GameFAQs or any other site using this guide (excluding http://www.marriland.com, http://pokemon.marriland.com, and http://www.dia-pearl.com), with the exception of allowing them to use this guide provided they have been approved to use this guide. This guide and all of its contents are Copyright 2006-2007 Devin PeltierRobson / Marriland. Pokemon and all related properties are Copyright their respective owners. To put it simply, don't copy this Pokedex without my permission. Don't put it on your website, your blog, your MySpace, whatever. Feel free to link to it and tell your friends all about it, but don't rip the thing off. That's just rude. Unlike my Walkthrough, though, the majority of this guide's content is factual information and data on each Pokemon rather than my own writing and descriptions. This information and data is public knowledge, and may be reused freely in Walkthroughs, Guides, other Pokedexes, websites, and so on without my permission. This means the DATA, like Base Stats and Learned Moves and

stuff; not things like my thoughts on certain Pokemon, or even this legal notice here. Of course, if you wish to provide credit to me or my Pokedex for providing you such information, it would be AWESOMELY appreciated and it shows that you have respect for other people's work at discovering the information in the first place. You don't have to, but it is really cool. If you do want to give me credit or even if you just want to use the data for some project, please feel free to e-mail me about it (address listed below), because I love hearing about these kind of things. If you wish to use this Pokedex in its entirety on your website, please let me know, and I will probably allow you to use it as long as you are able to provide a link back to my website as credit. YOU MUST ASK ME FOR PERMISSION TO USE IT ON YOUR SITE, REMEMBER! You can e-mail me about such things at: dp AT marriland DOTT com. (replace "AT" with "@" and "DOTT" with "." ... sorry, I really am a spamophobe!) To make sure your message gets through, try to include "Pokedex" or "Permission" in your subject line, and in your message, PLEASE FOR GOODNESS SAKE'S INCLUDE A LINK TO THE PAGE YOU WISH TO USE MY GUIDE ON! I won't give you permission until I see the page or site that it's going to be going on. That's not much to ask! If I don't respond, it means I'm either backlogged with e-mail (happens often) or I don't want to have to tell you no. You don't have permission to use anything until I write you back saying that you do, got it? I don't mean to sound like a grouchy pig here, but it's rude to take something from someone else that they have spent a great deal of time on. Here are a list of all of the websites that may use this Pokedex as of 4/23/07: http://www.marriland.com http://pokemon.marriland.com http://www.dia-pearl.com http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.1up.com http://www.mycheats.com

A current list can always be found at the following URL, just in case I don't get around to updating the Pokedex but want to allow someone to use it: - http://pokemon.marriland.com/diamond-pearl.php?page=dexsites If you see a site that is not listed on either of these two lists, please email with a link and let me know about it, because I don't appreciate people being rude jerks like that and I'd like to give them "the talk" about copyright theft. X-) And of course, if you want to print this Pokedex out, feel free to. It's your paper, not mine. I would encourage you to save a forest and just keep it on your computer, or just print out sections you really need, though, because the thing is really lengthy. \==============================/_____________________________________________ (| 4. HOW TO USE THIS POKEDEX |)===================================[HOWTOP42] /==============================\ Just in case you don't know how it works. It's a little weird trying to stuff so much data into a text file, and some of this data might leave you wondering "What the heck is this number for?!" So,

rather than leave you in the dark, I'll explain things that you'll see on each Pokedex entry and what it all means. For this example tutorial thing, I'll use Chansey as an example. The following is what Chansey's Pokedex entry will look like on this guide. All of my comments will . -------------------------------------------------____________________ | \ | #113. CHANSEY )=============================[KXXXSXXX] |____________________/ Sinnoh #: 97 Evolution: ---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 3 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 7 | Leech Seed | GRS | --- | 90 | Status | | 9 | Vine Whip | GRS | 35 | 100 | Physical | | 13 | Poisonpowder | PSN | --- | 75 | Status | | 13 | Sleep Powder | GRS | --- | 75 | Status | | 15 | Take Down | NRM | 90 | 85 | Physical | | 19 | Razor Leaf | GRS | 55 | 95 | Physical | | 21 | Sweet Scent | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 25 | Growth | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 27 | Double-edge | NRM | 120 | 100 | Physical | | 31 | Worry Seed | GRS | --- | 100 | Status | | 33 | Synthesis | GRS | --- | --- | Status | | 37 | Seed Bomb | GRS | 80 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 09 | Bullet Seed | GRS | 10 | 100 | Physical | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 19 | Giga Drain | GRS | 60 | 100 | Special | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 22 | Solarbeam | GRS | 120 | 100 | Special | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 36 | Sludge Bomb | PSN | 90 | 100 | Special | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 53 | Energy Ball | GRS | 80 | 100 | Special | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 70 | Flash | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 75 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 86 | Grass Knot | GRS | ??? | 100 | Special | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( EGG| EGG MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) `---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+--------- [@] #2. Ivysaur at Level 16 `--> [_] #3. Venusaur at Level 32 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 3' 3" (1m) Weight : 28.7 lbs. (13kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 87.5% M, 12.5% F Egg Group : Monster / Grass Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Ivysaur ]=======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen. (Unobtainable in Diamond and Pearl.) _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

1 | Leech Seed | GRS | --- | 90 | Status | 3 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 7 | Leech Seed | GRS | --- | 90 | Status | 9 | Vine Whip | GRS | 35 | 100 | Physical | 13 | Poisonpowder | PSN | --- | 75 | Status | 13 | Sleep Powder | GRS | --- | 75 | Status | 15 | Take Down | NRM | 90 | 85 | Physical | 20 | Razor Leaf | GRS | 55 | 95 | Physical | 23 | Sweet Scent | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 28 | Growth | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 31 | Double-edge | NRM | 120 | 100 | Physical | 36 | Worry Seed | GRS | --- | 100 | Status | 39 | Synthesis | GRS | --- | --- | Status | 44 | Solarbeam | GRS | 120 | 100 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 09 | Bullet Seed | GRS | 10 | 100 | Physical | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 19 | Giga Drain | GRS | 60 | 100 | Special | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 22 | Solarbeam | GRS | 120 | 100 | Special | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 36 | Sludge Bomb | PSN | 90 | 100 | Special | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 53 | Energy Ball | GRS | 80 | 100 | Special | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 70 | Flash | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 75 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 86 | Grass Knot | GRS | ??? | 100 | Special | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #3. VENUSAUR )=============================[K003S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: Fushigibana Grass / Poison Overgrow 1,059,860 [Irregular]


: 2 Sp. Atk, 1 Sp. Def ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 80 : 82 : 83 : 80 : 100 : 100 : 525 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #1. Bulbasaur `--> [_] #2. Ivysaur at Level 16 `--> [@] #3. Venusaur at Level 32 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 6' 7" (2m) Weight : 220.5 lbs. (100kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 87.5% M, 12.5% F Egg Group : Monster / Grass Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Venusaur ]======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen. (Unobtainable in Diamond and Pearl.) _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Leech Seed | GRS | --- | 90 | Status | | 1 | Vine Whip | GRS | 35 | 100 | Physical | | 3 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 7 | Leech Seed | GRS | --- | 90 | Status | | 9 | Vine Whip | GRS | 35 | 100 | Physical | | 13 | Poisonpowder | PSN | --- | 75 | Status | | 13 | Sleep Powder | GRS | --- | 75 | Status | | 15 | Take Down | NRM | 90 | 85 | Physical | | 20 | Razor Leaf | GRS | 55 | 95 | Physical | | 23 | Sweet Scent | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 28 | Growth | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 31 | Double-edge | NRM | 120 | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Petal Dance | GRS | 90 | 100 | Special | | 39 | Worry Seed | GRS | --- | 100 | Status | | 45 | Synthesis | GRS | --- | --- | Status | | 53 | Solarbeam | GRS | 120 | 100 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 05 | Roar | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 09 | Bullet Seed | GRS | 10 | 100 | Physical | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 19 | Giga Drain | GRS | 60 | 100 | Special | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 22 | Solarbeam | GRS | 120 | 100 | Special | 26 | Earthquake | GRD | 100 | 100 | Physical | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 36 | Sludge Bomb | PSN | 90 | 100 | Special | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 53 | Energy Ball | GRS | 80 | 100 | Special | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 68 | Giga Impact | NRM | 150 | 90 | Physical | 70 | Flash | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 75 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 86 | Grass Knot | GRS | ??? | 100 | Special | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | H8 | Rock Climb | NRM | 90 | 85 | Physical | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------`

____________________ | \ | #4. CHARMANDER )=============================[K004S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Hitokage Fire Blaze 1,059,860 [Irregular] 1 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 39 : 52 : 43 : 65 : 60 : 50 : 309 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [@] #4. Charmander `--> [_] #5. Charmeleon at Level 16 `--> [_] #6. Charizard at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 2' 0" (0.6m) Weight : 18.7 lbs. (8.5kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio Egg Group : 87.5% M, 12.5% F : Monster / Dragon

Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Charmander ]====~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen. (Unobtainable in Diamond and Pearl.) _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Scratch | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 7 | Ember | FIR | 40 | 100 | Special | | 10 | Smokescreen | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 16 | Dragon Rage | DRG | ??? | 100 | Special | | 19 | Scary Face | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 25 | Fire Fang | FIR | 65 | 95 | Physical | | 28 | Slash | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 34 | Flamethrower | FIR | 95 | 100 | Special | | 37 | Fire Spin | FIR | 15 | 70 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 01 | Focus Punch | FTG | 150 | 100 | Physical | | 02 | Dragon Claw | DRG | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 31 | Brick Break | FTG | 75 | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 35 | Flamethrower | FIR | 95 | 100 | Special | | 38 | Fire Blast | FIR | 120 | 85 | Special | | 39 | Rock Tomb | RCK | 50 | 80 | Physical | | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 50 | Overheat | FIR | 140 | 90 | Special | | 56 | Fling | DRK | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 61 | Will-o-wisp | FIR | --- | 75 | Status | | 65 | Shadow Claw | GHO | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 75 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 80 | Rock Slide | RCK | 75 | 90 | Physical | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status |

| H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( EGG| EGG MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) `---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | Ancientpower | RCK | 60 | 100 | Special | | Beat Up | DRK | 10 | 100 | Physical | | Belly Drum | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | Crunch | DRK | 80 | 100 | Physical | | Dragon Dance | DRG | --- | --- | Status | | Dragon Rush | DRG | 100 | 75 | Physical | | Flare Blitz | FIR | 120 | 100 | Physical | | Metal Claw | STL | 50 | 95 | Physical | | Outrage | DRG | 120 | 100 | Physical | | Rock Slide | RCK | 75 | 90 | Physical | | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | `-------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #5. CHARMELEON )=============================[K005S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Rizaado Fire Blaze 1,059,860 [Irregular] 1 Speed, 1 Sp. Atk ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 58 : 64 : 58 : 80 : 80 : 65 : 405 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #4. Charmander `--> [@] #5. Charmeleon at Level 16 `--> [_] #6. Charizard at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 3' 7" (1.1m) Weight : 41.9 lbs. (19kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 87.5% M, 12.5% F Egg Group : Monster / Dragon Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Charmeleon ]====~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen. (Unobtainable in Diamond and Pearl.) _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~------------

,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Scratch | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Ember | FIR | 40 | 100 | Special | | 7 | Ember | FIR | 40 | 100 | Special | | 10 | Smokescreen | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 17 | Dragon Rage | DRG | ??? | 100 | Special | | 21 | Scary Face | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 28 | Fire Fang | FIR | 65 | 95 | Physical | | 32 | Slash | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 39 | Flamethrower | FIR | 95 | 100 | Special | | 43 | Fire Spin | FIR | 15 | 70 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 01 | Focus Punch | FTG | 150 | 100 | Physical | | 02 | Dragon Claw | DRG | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 31 | Brick Break | FTG | 75 | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 35 | Flamethrower | FIR | 95 | 100 | Special | | 38 | Fire Blast | FIR | 120 | 85 | Special | | 39 | Rock Tomb | RCK | 50 | 80 | Physical | | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 50 | Overheat | FIR | 140 | 90 | Special | | 56 | Fling | DRK | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 61 | Will-o-wisp | FIR | --- | 75 | Status | | 65 | Shadow Claw | GHO | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 75 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 80 | Rock Slide | RCK | 75 | 90 | Physical | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #6. CHARIZARD )=============================[K006S000]

|____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Rizaadon Fire / Flying Blaze 1,059,860 [Irregular] 3 Sp. Atk ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 78 : 84 : 78 : 100 : 109 : 85 : 534 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #4. Charmander `--> [_] #5. Charmeleon at Level 16 `--> [@] #6. Charizard at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 5' 7" (1.7m) Weight : 199.5 lbs. (90.5kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 87.5% M, 12.5% F Egg Group : Monster / Dragon Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Charizard ]=====~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen. (Unobtainable in Diamond and Pearl.) _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Dragon Claw | DRG | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Shadow Claw | GHO | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Air Slash | FLY | 75 | 95 | Special | | 1 | Scratch | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Ember | FIR | 40 | 100 | Special | | 1 | Smokescreen | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 7 | Ember | FIR | 40 | 100 | Special | | 10 | Smokescreen | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 17 | Dragon Rage | DRG | ??? | 100 | Special | | 21 | Scary Face | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 28 | Fire Fang | FIR | 65 | 95 | Physical | | 32 | Slash | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 36 | Wing Attack | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 42 | Flamethrower | FIR | 95 | 100 | Special | | 49 | Fire Spin | FIR | 15 | 70 | Special | | 59 | Heat Wave | FIR | 100 | 90 | Special | | 66 | Flare Blitz | FIR | 120 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+------------+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 01 | Focus Punch | FTG | 150 | 100 | Physical | | 02 | Dragon Claw | DRG | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 05 | Roar | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 22 | Solarbeam | GRS | 120 | 100 | Special | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 26 | Earthquake | GRD | 100 | 100 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 31 | Brick Break | FTG | 75 | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 35 | Flamethrower | FIR | 95 | 100 | Special | | 38 | Fire Blast | FIR | 120 | 85 | Special | | 39 | Rock Tomb | RCK | 50 | 80 | Physical | | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 47 | Steel Wing | STL | 70 | 90 | Physical | | 50 | Overheat | FIR | 140 | 90 | Special | | 51 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 52 | Focus Blast | FTG | 120 | 70 | Special | | 56 | Fling | DRK | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 59 | Dragon Pulse | DRG | 90 | 100 | Special | | 61 | Will-o-wisp | FIR | --- | 75 | Status | | 65 | Shadow Claw | GHO | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 68 | Giga Impact | NRM | 150 | 90 | Physical | | 75 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 80 | Rock Slide | RCK | 75 | 90 | Physical | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | | H2 | Fly | FLY | 90 | 95 | Physical | | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | | H5 | Defog | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #7. SQUIRTLE )=============================[K007S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Zenigame

Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs :

Water Torrent 1,059,860 [Irregular] 1 Defense ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 44 : 48 : 65 : 43 : 50 : 64 : 314 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [@] #7. Squirtle `--> [_] #8. Wartortle at Level 16 `--> [_] #9. Blastoise at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 1' 8" (0.5m) Weight : 19.8 lbs. (9kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 87.5% M, 12.5% F Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Squirtle ]======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen. (Unobtainable in Diamond and Pearl.) _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 4 | Tail Whip | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 7 | Bubble | WTR | 20 | 100 | Special | | 10 | Withdraw | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 13 | Water Gun | WTR | 40 | 100 | Special | | 16 | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 19 | Rapid Spin | NRM | 20 | 100 | Physical | | 22 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 25 | Water Pulse | WTR | 60 | 100 | Special | | 28 | Aqua Tail | WTR | 90 | 90 | Physical | | 31 | Skull Bash | NRM | 100 | 100 | Physical | | 34 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 37 | Hydro Pump | WTR | 120 | 80 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 01 | Focus Punch | FTG | 150 | 100 | Physical | | 03 | Water Pulse | WTR | 60 | 100 | Special | | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 07 | Hail | ICE | --- | --- | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 13 | Ice Beam | ICE | 95 | 100 | Special | | 14 | Blizzard | ICE | 120 | 70 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | 31 | Brick Break | FTG | 75 | 100 | Physical | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 39 | Rock Tomb | RCK | 50 | 80 | Physical | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 55 | Brine | WTR | 65 | 100 | Special | 56 | Fling | DRK | ??? | 100 | Physical | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 74 | Gyro Ball | STL | ??? | 100 | Physical | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H3 | Surf | WTR | 95 | 100 | Special | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | H7 | Waterfall | WTR | 80 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( EGG| EGG MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) `---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | Aqua Jet | WTR | 40 | 100 | Physical | | Aqua Ring | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | Fake Out | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | Flail | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | Foresight | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | Haze | ICE | --- | --- | Status | | Mirror Coat | PSY | ??? | 100 | Special | | Mist | ICE | --- | --- | Status | | Mud Sport | GRD | --- | --- | Status | | Muddy Water | WTR | 95 | 85 | Special | | Refresh | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | Yawn | NRM | --- | --- | Status | `-------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #8. WARTORTLE )=============================[K008S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Kameeru Water Torrent 1,059,860 [Irregular] 1 Defense, 1 Sp. Def ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 59 : 63 : 80 : 58 : 65 : 80 : 405 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----`

[_] #7. Squirtle `--> [@] #8. Wartortle at Level 16 `--> [_] #9. Blastoise at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 3' 3" (1m) Weight : 49.6 lbs. (22.5kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 87.5% M, 12.5% F Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Wartortle ]=====~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen. (Unobtainable in Diamond and Pearl.) _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Tail Whip | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Bubble | WTR | 20 | 100 | Special | | 4 | Tail Whip | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 7 | Bubble | WTR | 20 | 100 | Special | | 10 | Withdraw | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 13 | Water Gun | WTR | 40 | 100 | Special | | 16 | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 20 | Rapid Spin | NRM | 20 | 100 | Physical | | 24 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 28 | Water Pulse | WTR | 60 | 100 | Special | | 32 | Aqua Tail | WTR | 90 | 90 | Physical | | 36 | Skull Bash | NRM | 100 | 100 | Physical | | 40 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 44 | Hydro Pump | WTR | 120 | 80 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 01 | Focus Punch | FTG | 150 | 100 | Physical | | 03 | Water Pulse | WTR | 60 | 100 | Special | | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 07 | Hail | ICE | --- | --- | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 13 | Ice Beam | ICE | 95 | 100 | Special | | 14 | Blizzard | ICE | 120 | 70 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 31 | Brick Break | FTG | 75 | 100 | Physical |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 39 | Rock Tomb | RCK | 50 | 80 | Physical | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 55 | Brine | WTR | 65 | 100 | Special | 56 | Fling | DRK | ??? | 100 | Physical | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 74 | Gyro Ball | STL | ??? | 100 | Physical | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H3 | Surf | WTR | 95 | 100 | Special | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | H7 | Waterfall | WTR | 80 | 100 | Physical | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------`

____________________ | \ | #9. BLASTOISE )=============================[K009S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Kamekkusu Water Torrent 1,059,860 [Irregular] 3 Sp. Def ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 79 : 83 : 100 : 78 : 85 : 105 : 530 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #7. Squirtle `--> [_] #8. Wartortle at Level 16 `--> [@] #9. Blastoise at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 5' 3" (1.6m) Weight : 188.5 lbs. (85.5kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 87.5% M, 12.5% F Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Blastoise ]=====~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen. (Unobtainable in Diamond and Pearl.) _______________

[ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Flash Cannon | STL | 80 | 100 | Special | | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Tail Whip | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Bubble | WTR | 20 | 100 | Special | | 1 | Withdraw | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 4 | Tail Whip | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 7 | Bubble | WTR | 20 | 100 | Special | | 10 | Withdraw | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 13 | Water Gun | WTR | 40 | 100 | Special | | 16 | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 20 | Rapid Spin | NRM | 20 | 100 | Physical | | 24 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 28 | Water Pulse | WTR | 60 | 100 | Special | | 32 | Aqua Tail | WTR | 90 | 90 | Physical | | 39 | Skull Bash | NRM | 100 | 100 | Physical | | 46 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 53 | Hydro Pump | WTR | 120 | 80 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 01 | Focus Punch | FTG | 150 | 100 | Physical | | 03 | Water Pulse | WTR | 60 | 100 | Special | | 05 | Roar | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 07 | Hail | ICE | --- | --- | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 13 | Ice Beam | ICE | 95 | 100 | Special | | 14 | Blizzard | ICE | 120 | 70 | Special | | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 26 | Earthquake | GRD | 100 | 100 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 31 | Brick Break | FTG | 75 | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 39 | Rock Tomb | RCK | 50 | 80 | Physical | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 52 | Focus Blast | FTG | 120 | 70 | Special | | 55 | Brine | WTR | 65 | 100 | Special | | 56 | Fling | DRK | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 68 | Giga Impact | NRM | 150 | 90 | Physical | | 72 | Avalanche | ICE | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 74 | Gyro Ball | STL | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 80 | Rock Slide | RCK | 75 | 90 | Physical | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status |

| | | | | | | | |

83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 91 | Flash Cannon | STL | 80 | 100 | Special | H3 | Surf | WTR | 95 | 100 | Special | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | H7 | Waterfall | WTR | 80 | 100 | Physical | H8 | Rock Climb | NRM | 90 | 85 | Physical | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------`

____________________ | \ | #10. CATERPIE )=============================[K010S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Kyatapii Bug Shield Dust 1,000,000 [Normal] 1 HP ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 45 : 30 : 35 : 45 : 20 : 20 : 195 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [@] #10. Caterpie `--> [_] #11. Metapod at Level 7 `--> [_] #12. Butterfree at Level 10 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 1' 0" (0.3m) Weight : 6.4 lbs. (2.9kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Bug Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Caterpie ]======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Route 204 (South) [FireRed in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 6 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | String Shot | BUG | --- | 95 | Status | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________

| \ | #11. METAPOD )=============================[K011S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Toranseru Bug Shed Skin 1,000,000 [Normal] 2 Defense ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 50 : 20 : 55 : 30 : 25 : 25 : 205 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #10. Caterpie `--> [@] #11. Metapod at Level 7 `--> [_] #12. Butterfree at Level 10 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 2' 4" (0.7m) Weight : 21.8 lbs. (9.9kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Bug Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Metapod ]=======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Eterna Forest [FireRed in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 12 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Harden | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 7 | Harden | NRM | --- | --- | Status | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #12. BUTTERFREE )=============================[K012S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: Held Item: EVs : Batafurii Bug / Flying Compoundeyes 1,000,000 [Normal] SilverPowder (5%) 2 Sp. Atk, 1 Sp. Def

,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 60 : 45 : 50 : 70 : 80 : 80 : 385 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #10. Caterpie `--> [_] #11. Metapod at Level 7 `--> [@] #12. Butterfree at Level 10 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 3' 7" (1.1m) Weight : 70.5 lbs. (32kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Bug Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Butterfree ]====~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Evolve from Metapod. _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Confusion | PSY | 50 | 100 | Special | | 10 | Confusion | PSY | 50 | 100 | Special | | 12 | Poisonpowder | PSN | --- | 75 | Status | | 12 | Stun Spore | GRS | --- | 75 | Status | | 12 | Sleep Powder | GRS | --- | 75 | Status | | 16 | Gust | FLY | 40 | 100 | Special | | 18 | Supersonic | NRM | --- | 55 | Status | | 22 | Whirlwind | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 24 | Psybeam | PSY | 65 | 100 | Special | | 28 | Silver Wind | BUG | 60 | 100 | Special | | 30 | Tailwind | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 34 | Safeguard | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 36 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 40 | Bug Buzz | BUG | 90 | 100 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 19 | Giga Drain | GRS | 60 | 100 | Special | | 20 | Safeguard | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 22 | Solarbeam | GRS | 120 | 100 | Special | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 29 | Psychic | PSY | 90 | 100 | Special |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

30 | Shadow Ball | GHO | 80 | 100 | Special | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | 48 | Skill Swap | PSY | --- | --- | Status | 51 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | 53 | Energy Ball | GRS | 80 | 100 | Special | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 62 | Silver Wind | BUG | 60 | 100 | Special | 68 | Giga Impact | NRM | 150 | 90 | Physical | 70 | Flash | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 77 | Psych Up | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 85 | Dream Eater | PSY | 100 | 100 | Special | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H5 | Defog | FLY | --- | --- | Status | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------`

____________________ | \ | #13. WEEDLE )=============================[K013S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Biidoru Bug / Poison Shield Dust 1,000,000 [Normal] 1 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 40 : 35 : 30 : 50 : 20 : 20 : 195 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [@] #13. Weedle `--> [_] #14. Kakuna at Level 7 `--> [_] #15. Beedrill at Level 10 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 1' 0" (0.3m) Weight : 7.1 lbs. (3.2kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Bug Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Weedle ]========~~~~~~~~~~~------------

Route 204 (South) [LeafGreen in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 6 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Poison Sting | PSN | 15 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | String Shot | BUG | --- | 95 | Status | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #14. KAKUNA )=============================[K014S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Kokuun Bug / Poison Shed Skin 1,000,000 [Normal] 2 Defense ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 45 : 25 : 50 : 35 : 25 : 25 : 205 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #13. Weedle `--> [@] #14. Kakuna at Level 7 `--> [_] #15. Beedrill at Level 10 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 2' 0" (0.6m) Weight : 22 lbs. (10kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Bug Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Kakuna ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Eterna Forest [LeafGreen in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 12 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Harden | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 7 | Harden | NRM | --- | --- | Status |

`---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #15. BEEDRILL )=============================[K015S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: Held Item: EVs : Supiaa Bug / Poison Swarm 1,000,000 [Normal] Poison Barb (5%) 2 Attack, 1 Sp. Def ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 65 : 80 : 40 : 75 : 45 : 80 : 385 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #13. Weedle `--> [_] #14. Kakuna at Level 7 `--> [@] #15. Beedrill at Level 10 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 3' 3" (1m) Weight : 65 lbs. (29.5kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Bug Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Beedrill ]======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Evolve from Kakuna. _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Fury Attack | NRM | 15 | 85 | Physical | | 10 | Fury Attack | NRM | 15 | 85 | Physical | | 13 | Focus Energy | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 16 | Twineedle | BUG | 25 | 100 | Physical | | 19 | Rage | NRM | 20 | 100 | Physical | | 22 | Pursuit | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 25 | Toxic Spikes | PSN | --- | --- | Status | | 28 | Pin Missile | BUG | 14 | 85 | Physical | | 31 | Agility | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 34 | Assurance | DRK | 50 | 100 | Physical | | 37 | Poison Jab | PSN | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 40 | Endeavor | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS )

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

>---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 19 | Giga Drain | GRS | 60 | 100 | Special | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 22 | Solarbeam | GRS | 120 | 100 | Special | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 31 | Brick Break | FTG | 75 | 100 | Physical | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 36 | Sludge Bomb | PSN | 90 | 100 | Special | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | 51 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | 54 | False Swipe | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 62 | Silver Wind | BUG | 60 | 100 | Special | 66 | Payback | DRK | 50 | 100 | Physical | 68 | Giga Impact | NRM | 150 | 90 | Physical | 70 | Flash | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 75 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 81 | X-Scissor | BUG | 80 | 100 | Physical | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 84 | Poison Jab | PSN | 80 | 100 | Physical | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | H5 | Defog | FLY | --- | --- | Status | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------`

____________________ | \ | #16. PIDGEY )=============================[K016S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Poppo Normal / Flying Keen Eye / Tangled Feet 1,059,860 [Irregular] 1 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 40 : 45 : 40 : 56 : 35 : 35 : 251 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [@] #16. Pidgey `--> [_] #17. Pidgeotto at Level 18

`--> [_] #18. Pidgeot at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 1' 0" (0.3m) Weight : 4 lbs. (1.8kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Flying Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Pidgey ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Route 229 [Swarm]: 40% - Lv(s): 51 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 5 | Sand-Attack | GRD | --- | 100 | Status | | 9 | Gust | FLY | 40 | 100 | Special | | 13 | Quick Attack | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 17 | Whirlwind | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 21 | Twister | DRG | 40 | 100 | Special | | 25 | Featherdance | FLY | --- | 100 | Status | | 29 | Agility | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 33 | Wing Attack | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 37 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 41 | Tailwind | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Mirror Move | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 49 | Air Slash | FLY | 75 | 95 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 47 | Steel Wing | STL | 70 | 90 | Physical | | 51 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status |

| | | | | | | |

82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 88 | Pluck | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | 89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H2 | Fly | FLY | 90 | 95 | Physical | H5 | Defog | FLY | --- | --- | Status | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( EGG| EGG MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) `---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | Air Cutter | FLY | 55 | 95 | Special | | Air Slash | FLY | 75 | 95 | Special | | Brave Bird | FLY | 120 | 100 | Physical | | Faint Attack | DRK | 60 | --- | Physical | | Foresight | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | Pursuit | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | Steel Wing | STL | 70 | 90 | Physical | | Uproar | NRM | 50 | 100 | Special | `-------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #17. PIDGEOTTO )=============================[K017S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Pijon Normal / Flying Keen Eye / Tangled Feet 1,059,860 [Irregular] 2 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 63 : 60 : 55 : 71 : 50 : 50 : 349 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #16. Pidgey `--> [@] #17. Pidgeotto at Level 18 `--> [_] #18. Pidgeot at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 3' 7" (1.1m) Weight : 66.1 lbs. (30kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Flying Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Pidgeotto ]=====~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Evolve from Pidgey. _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~------------

,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Sand-Attack | GRD | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Gust | FLY | 40 | 100 | Special | | 5 | Sand-Attack | GRD | --- | 100 | Status | | 9 | Gust | FLY | 40 | 100 | Special | | 13 | Quick Attack | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 17 | Whirlwind | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 22 | Twister | DRG | 40 | 100 | Special | | 27 | Featherdance | FLY | --- | 100 | Status | | 32 | Agility | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 37 | Wing Attack | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 42 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 47 | Tailwind | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 52 | Mirror Move | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 57 | Air Slash | FLY | 75 | 95 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 47 | Steel Wing | STL | 70 | 90 | Physical | | 51 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 88 | Pluck | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | H2 | Fly | FLY | 90 | 95 | Physical | | H5 | Defog | FLY | --- | --- | Status | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #18. PIDGEOT )=============================[K018S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Pijotto

Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs :

Normal / Flying Keen Eye / Tangled Feet 1,059,860 [Irregular] 3 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 83 : 80 : 75 : 91 : 70 : 70 : 469 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #16. Pidgey `--> [_] #17. Pidgeotto at Level 18 `--> [@] #18. Pidgeot at Level 36 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 4' 11" (1.5m) Weight : 87.1 lbs. (39.5kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Flying Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Pidgeot ]=======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------SPECIAL: Evolve from Pidgeotto. _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Sand-Attack | GRD | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Gust | FLY | 40 | 100 | Special | | 1 | Quick Attack | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 5 | Sand-Attack | GRD | --- | 100 | Status | | 9 | Gust | FLY | 40 | 100 | Special | | 13 | Quick Attack | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 17 | Whirlwind | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 22 | Twister | DRG | 40 | 100 | Special | | 27 | Featherdance | FLY | --- | 100 | Status | | 32 | Agility | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 38 | Wing Attack | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 50 | Tailwind | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 56 | Mirror Move | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 62 | Air Slash | FLY | 75 | 95 | Special | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | 47 | Steel Wing | STL | 70 | 90 | Physical | 51 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 68 | Giga Impact | NRM | 150 | 90 | Physical | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 88 | Pluck | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | 89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H2 | Fly | FLY | 90 | 95 | Physical | H5 | Defog | FLY | --- | --- | Status | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------`

____________________ | \ | #19. RATTATA )=============================[K019S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: Held Item: EVs : Koratta Normal Run Away / Guts 1,000,000 [Normal] Chilan Berry (5%) 1 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 30 : 56 : 35 : 72 : 25 : 35 : 253 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [@] #19. Rattata `--> [_] #20. Raticate at Level 20 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 1' 0" (0.3m) Weight : 7.7 lbs. (3.5kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Field Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Rattata ]=======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Route 225:

5% - Lv(s): 20, 22 Route 226: 5% - Lv(s): 20, 22 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Tail Whip | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 4 | Quick Attack | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 7 | Focus Energy | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 10 | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 13 | Pursuit | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 16 | Hyper Fang | NRM | 80 | 90 | Physical | | 19 | Sucker Punch | DRK | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 22 | Crunch | DRK | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 25 | Assurance | DRK | 50 | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Super Fang | NRM | ??? | 90 | Physical | | 31 | Double-edge | NRM | 120 | 100 | Physical | | 34 | Endeavor | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 12 | Taunt | DRK | --- | 100 | Status | | 13 | Ice Beam | ICE | 95 | 100 | Special | | 14 | Blizzard | ICE | 120 | 70 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 24 | Thunderbolt | ELC | 95 | 100 | Special | | 25 | Thunder | ELC | 120 | 70 | Special | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 30 | Shadow Ball | GHO | 80 | 100 | Special | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 34 | Shock Wave | ELC | 60 | --- | Special | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 57 | Charge Beam | ELC | 50 | 90 | Special | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 73 | Thunder Wave | ELC | --- | 100 | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 86 | Grass Knot | GRS | ??? | 100 | Special | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 88 | Pluck | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical |

| | | |

89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( EGG| EGG MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) `---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | Counter | FTG | ??? | 100 | Physical | | Flame Wheel | FIR | 60 | 100 | Physical | | Fury Swipes | NRM | 18 | 80 | Physical | | Last Resort | NRM | 130 | 100 | Physical | | Me First | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | Reversal | FTG | ??? | 100 | Physical | | Screech | NRM | --- | 85 | Status | | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | Uproar | NRM | 50 | 100 | Special | `-------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #20. RATICATE )=============================[K020S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: Held Item: EVs : Ratta Normal Run Away / Guts 1,000,000 [Normal] Chilan Berry (5%) 2 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 55 : 81 : 60 : 97 : 50 : 70 : 413 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #19. Rattata `--> [@] #20. Raticate at Level 20 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 2' 4" (0.7m) Weight : 40.8 lbs. (18.5kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Field Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Raticate ]======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Route 225: 30% - Lv(s): 50, 52 Route 226: 30% - Lv(s): 51, 52

_______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 1 | Tackle | NRM | 35 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Tail Whip | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Quick Attack | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Focus Energy | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 4 | Quick Attack | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 7 | Focus Energy | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 10 | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 13 | Pursuit | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 16 | Hyper Fang | NRM | 80 | 90 | Physical | | 19 | Sucker Punch | DRK | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 20 | Scary Face | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 24 | Crunch | DRK | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 29 | Assurance | DRK | 50 | 100 | Physical | | 34 | Super Fang | NRM | ??? | 90 | Physical | | 39 | Double-edge | NRM | 120 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Endeavor | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 05 | Roar | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 12 | Taunt | DRK | --- | 100 | Status | | 13 | Ice Beam | ICE | 95 | 100 | Special | | 14 | Blizzard | ICE | 120 | 70 | Special | | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 24 | Thunderbolt | ELC | 95 | 100 | Special | | 25 | Thunder | ELC | 120 | 70 | Special | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 30 | Shadow Ball | GHO | 80 | 100 | Special | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 34 | Shock Wave | ELC | 60 | --- | Special | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 57 | Charge Beam | ELC | 50 | 90 | Special | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 68 | Giga Impact | NRM | 150 | 90 | Physical | | 73 | Thunder Wave | ELC | --- | 100 | Status | | 75 | Swords Dance | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical |

| | | | | | | |

86 | Grass Knot | GRS | ??? | 100 | Special | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 88 | Pluck | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | 89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H1 | Cut | NRM | 50 | 95 | Physical | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | H6 | Rock Smash | FTG | 40 | 100 | Physical | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------`

____________________ | \ | #21. SPEAROW )=============================[K021S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Onisuzume Normal / Flying Keen Eye 1,000,000 [Normal] 1 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 40 : 60 : 30 : 70 : 31 : 31 : 262 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [@] #21. Spearow `--> [_] #22. Fearow at Level 20 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 1' 0" (0.3m) Weight : 4.4 lbs. (2kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Flying Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Spearow ]=======~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Route 225: 5% - Lv(s): 20, 22 Route 226: 5% - Lv(s): 20, 22 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Peck | FLY | 35 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 5 | Leer | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 9 | Fury Attack | NRM | 15 | 85 | Physical |

| | | | | | |

13 | Pursuit | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | 17 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | 21 | Mirror Move | FLY | --- | --- | Status | 25 | Agility | PSY | --- | --- | Status | 29 | Assurance | DRK | 50 | 100 | Physical | 33 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | 37 | Drill Peck | FLY | 80 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 47 | Steel Wing | STL | 70 | 90 | Physical | | 51 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 88 | Pluck | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | H2 | Fly | FLY | 90 | 95 | Physical | | H5 | Defog | FLY | --- | --- | Status | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( EGG| EGG MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) `---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | Astonish | GHO | 30 | 100 | Physical | | Faint Attack | DRK | 60 | --- | Physical | | False Swipe | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | Quick Attack | NRM | 40 | 100 | Physical | | Scary Face | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | Sky Attack | FLY | 140 | 90 | Physical | | Tri Attack | NRM | 80 | 100 | Special | | Uproar | NRM | 50 | 100 | Special | | Whirlwind | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | `-------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #22. FEAROW )=============================[K022S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Onidoriru

Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: Held Item: EVs :

Normal / Flying Keen Eye 1,000,000 [Normal] Sharp Beak (5%) 2 Speed ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 65 : 90 : 65 : 100 : 61 : 61 : 442 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #21. Spearow `--> [@] #22. Fearow at Level 20 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 3' 11" (1.2m) Weight : 83.8 lbs. (38kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Flying Steps to Hatch: 4,096~ _______________________ [ Where to find Fearow ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Stark Mountain (Outside): Morn 20%, Day 20%, Night 10% - Lv(s): 54, 55 Route 225: Morn 40%, Day 40%, Night 20% - Lv(s): 50, 51, 52 Route 227: Morn 20%, Day 20%, Night 10% - Lv(s): 54, 55 Route 226: Morn 40%, Day 40%, Night 20% - Lv(s): 51, 52, 53 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Pluck | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Peck | FLY | 35 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Growl | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Leer | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Fury Attack | NRM | 15 | 85 | Physical | | 5 | Leer | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 9 | Fury Attack | NRM | 15 | 85 | Physical | | 13 | Pursuit | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 17 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | | 23 | Mirror Move | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 29 | Agility | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 35 | Assurance | DRK | 50 | 100 | Physical | | 41 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 47 | Drill Peck | FLY | 80 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+------------+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 40 | Aerial Ace | FLY | 60 | --- | Physical | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 47 | Steel Wing | STL | 70 | 90 | Physical | | 51 | Roost | FLY | --- | --- | Status | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 68 | Giga Impact | NRM | 150 | 90 | Physical | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | 88 | Pluck | FLY | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 89 | U-turn | BUG | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | H2 | Fly | FLY | 90 | 95 | Physical | | H5 | Defog | FLY | --- | --- | Status | `---'--------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #23. EKANS )=============================[K023S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Aabo Poison Intimidate / Shed Skin 1,000,000 [Normal] 1 Attack ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 35 : 60 : 44 : 55 : 40 : 54 : 288 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [@] #23. Ekans `--> [_] #24. Arbok at Level 22 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 6' 7" (2m) Weight : 15.2 lbs. (6.9kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~------------

Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Field / Dragon Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Ekans ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Route 212 (South) [FireRed in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 20, 18 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Wrap | NRM | 15 | 85 | Physical | | 1 | Leer | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 4 | Poison Sting | PSN | 15 | 100 | Physical | | 9 | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 12 | Glare | NRM | --- | 75 | Status | | 17 | Screech | NRM | --- | 85 | Status | | 20 | Acid | PSN | 40 | 100 | Special | | 25 | Spit Up | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 25 | Swallow | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 25 | Stockpile | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 28 | Mud Bomb | GRD | 65 | 85 | Special | | 33 | Gastro Acid | PSN | --- | 100 | Status | | 36 | Haze | ICE | --- | --- | Status | | 41 | Gunk Shot | PSN | 120 | 70 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 19 | Giga Drain | GRS | 60 | 100 | Special | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 26 | Earthquake | GRD | 100 | 100 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 36 | Sludge Bomb | PSN | 90 | 100 | Special | | 39 | Rock Tomb | RCK | 50 | 80 | Physical | | 41 | Torment | DRK | --- | 100 | Status | | 42 | Facade | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 43 | Secret Power | NRM | 70 | 100 | Physical | | 44 | Rest | PSY | --- | --- | Status | | 45 | Attract | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 46 | Thief | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | 49 | Snatch | DRK | --- | --- | Status | | 58 | Endure | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 66 | Payback | DRK | 50 | 100 | Physical | | 78 | Captivate | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 79 | Dark Pulse | DRK | 80 | 100 | Special | | 80 | Rock Slide | RCK | 75 | 90 | Physical |

| | | | | |

82 | Sleep Talk | NRM | --- | --- | Status | 83 | Natural Gift | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | 84 | Poison Jab | PSN | 80 | 100 | Physical | 87 | Swagger | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | 90 | Substitute | NRM | --- | --- | Status | H4 | Strength | NRM | 80 | 100 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( EGG| EGG MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) `---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | Beat Up | DRK | 10 | 100 | Physical | | Disable | NRM | --- | 80 | Status | | Poison Fang | PSN | 50 | 100 | Physical | | Poison Tail | PSN | 50 | 100 | Physical | | Pursuit | DRK | 40 | 100 | Physical | | Scary Face | NRM | --- | 90 | Status | | Slam | NRM | 80 | 75 | Physical | | Spite | GHO | --- | 100 | Status | `-------------'-----'-----'-----'---------` ____________________ | \ | #24. ARBOK )=============================[K024S000] |____________________/ ___________________ [ Vital Information ]===========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Japanese : Type : Abilities: EXP @L100: EVs : Aabokku Poison Intimidate / Shed Skin 1,000,000 [Normal] 2 Attack ,-HP-.-ATK-.-DEF-.-SPD-.-SAT-.-SDF-.-SUM. Base Stats : ( 60 : 85 : 69 : 80 : 65 : 79 : 438 ) Evolution: `----'-----'-----'-----'-----'-----'----` [_] #23. Ekans `--> [@] #24. Arbok at Level 22 _____________________ [ Pokedex Information ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Height : 11' 6" (3.5m) Weight : 143.3 lbs. (65kg) ______________________ [ Breeding Information ]========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Gender Ratio : 50% M, 50% F Egg Group : Field / Dragon Steps to Hatch: 5,376~ _______________________ [ Where to find Arbok ]=========~~~~~~~~~~~-----------Pastoria Great Marsh Game - Area 1 [FireRed in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 26, 24 Pastoria Great Marsh Game - Area 2 [FireRed in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 26, 24 Pastoria Great Marsh Game - Area 3 [FireRed in GBA Slot]:

8% - Lv(s): 24, 22 Pastoria Great Marsh Game - Area 4 [FireRed in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 24, 22 Pastoria Great Marsh Game - Area 5 [FireRed in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 22, 20 Pastoria Great Marsh Game - Area 6 [FireRed in GBA Slot]: 8% - Lv(s): 22, 20 _______________ [ Moves Learned ]===============~~~~~~~~~~~-----------,---.--------------.-----.-----.-----.---------. ( LV | LV UP MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 1 | Ice Fang | ICE | 65 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Poison Sting | PSN | 15 | 100 | Physical | | 1 | Leer | NRM | --- | 100 | Status | | 1 | Wrap | NRM | 15 | 85 | Physical | | 1 | Fire Fang | FIR | 65 | 95 | Physical | | 1 | Thunder Fang | ELC | 65 | 95 | Physical | | 4 | Poison Sting | PSN | 15 | 100 | Physical | | 9 | Bite | DRK | 60 | 100 | Physical | | 12 | Glare | NRM | --- | 75 | Status | | 17 | Screech | NRM | --- | 85 | Status | | 20 | Acid | PSN | 40 | 100 | Special | | 22 | Crunch | DRK | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Stockpile | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 28 | Swallow | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 28 | Spit Up | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 34 | Mud Bomb | GRD | 65 | 85 | Special | | 42 | Gastro Acid | PSN | --- | 100 | Status | | 48 | Haze | ICE | --- | --- | Status | | 56 | Gunk Shot | PSN | 120 | 70 | Physical | >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< ( TM | TM/HM MOVES |TYPE |POWER| ACC | CLASS ) >---+--------------+-----+-----+-----+---------< | 06 | Toxic | PSN | --- | 85 | Status | | 10 | Hidden Power | NRM | ??? | 100 | Special | | 11 | Sunny Day | FIR | --- | --- | Status | | 15 | Hyper Beam | NRM | 150 | 90 | Special | | 17 | Protect | NRM | --- | --- | Status | | 18 | Rain Dance | WTR | --- | --- | Status | | 19 | Giga Drain | GRS | 60 | 100 | Special | | 21 | Frustration | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 23 | Iron Tail | STL | 100 | 75 | Physical | | 26 | Earthquake | GRD | 100 | 100 | Physical | | 27 | Return | NRM | ??? | 100 | Physical | | 28 | Dig | GRD | 80 | 100 | Physical | | 32 | Double Team | NRM | ---