Point Protection in Alaska “cabin protection”

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Point Protection in Alaska “cabin protection”. What is point protection?. Protection of a site threatened by a fire. A site can be: A single structure A compound of structures Materials Historical/Archeological sites Allotments Antennas Pipeline Protected habitat. Structures “cabins”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Point Protection in Alaska “cabin protection”

Point Protection in Alaska

Point Protection in Alaskacabin protection

Updated 02/2011 CS1What is point protection?Protection of a site threatened by a fire.A site can be:A single structureA compound of structuresMaterialsHistorical/Archeological sitesAllotmentsAntennasPipelineProtected habitat

Structures cabinsCabin/structure protection is the most common type of point protection in Alaska.Cabins vary greatly in scale and construction.Most cabins can be categorized somewhere between:MaintainedHistorical



Develop a planProtection strategy:Plumb and defendPlumb and runBurn out and mop-upConsiderations:Time FuelsNumber of structuresAvailable resourcesAvailability of suppliesIs cabin occupied?Triage

6Plumb and defend

Pros: Personnel on siteSpot firesPre-wetting Site prep Burnout may /may not be necessary Pumps/sprinklers adjusted as needed. After the fire has passed equipment and personnel may be pulled from site

Stress point of being proactive on all three protection strategies even if the fire is several miles away. 7Plumb and defendCons:Resources committed to structure(s) for long periods of timeresupply Fire threaten multiple structures at same time

Plumb and runPros:Minimal people protect multiple cabinsUses fire is far from cabinsSeveral cabins and fire is closeLack of resources to staff each cabinNo adequate safety zone

9Plumb and run

Cons:Pump/sprinklers System may failPump gas runs out before fire reaches cabinSmoke/time considerationsresources may not return in time to start pumpsEquipment needs to be retrieved at a later dateBurn out and mop-upPros:Black to secure cabinNo water neededGreat in tundraNo need to return to pull equipment Resources on scene to deal with problems during burnout operations Talk with FMO/ Agency Administrator before burning!!!!

Burnout and beat tactics should be discussed when h2o in not close to point being protected.11Burn out and mop-upCons:Fire may never reach siteLater spotting into unburned fuelsLoss of aesthetic valueDirty burn may not be effectiveTrees falling on cabinPossible lengthy mop-up

Cabin wrapNot commonly used anymoreNot very effectiveNo need for cabin wrap if sprinklers are availableLabor intensive to installMust be removed Damage to structures(staples and tacking)Require ladders for installation

Site preparationClear out wood and slash piles near structure.Cut trees bucked and stacked limbs scatteredThin and limb larger treesScatter problem dead and down( if you cant, then sprinkler the piles)Trench around cabinClear enough to accomplish the job, but remember why people have cabins in the woods!

Shindaiwa/ Honda Low on power.Minimal fuel consumptionGenerally less than 8 sprinklers Best for set up and leave operations near H20.Run time( 5 gal.) approx. 8 hrs.40:1 premix for both 2 stroke and 4 stroke

Mark III Lots of power,Higher fuel consumption for set up leave operations.Generally around 15 sprinklersBest for cabins far from H2O or high on the hill.Multiple structuresRun time (5 gal.) approx. 3 hours40:1 premix

Pumps Use the best pump for the job

Fuel mix for pumps may vary by region.15Sprinkler kitSprinkler Kits contain (Alaska Fire Service) :Shindaiwa fuel hose line 5 gal can adapter10 rolls / 50 garden hose 4 1 to reducers5 sprinkler heads5 gal. gas can(pump adapted)2 1 Y3 Y 2 extra spark plugsLength of P cordKit contents may vary by agency and regionOne kit does not equal one cabinSprinkler installationUse enough sprinklers to cover the entire structure. Vary set up heights (example): 2 above roof line on opposite corners, 2 below roof line on the other opposite cornersAdjust sprinklers as needed: short range mist long range sprayRemove all kinks from 3/4 hose.Adjust sprinkler head for desired coverage range.

Discuss several methods for sprinkler layout while stressing that every cabin is different and no set standard can be made to cover all situations one may encounter. The key is to wet the entire structure including the the roof and ground near the cabin. Sprinkler heads most commonly will be adjusted to spray 360 degrees.17Sprinkler installation cont.Use sprinklers on any receptive fuels surrounding the cabin.Make sure hose lays are protected from cabin to pumpAdapt Shindaiwa to run off 5 gal. gas can.Take several pictures for the zones/land managersIf pumps are left on a river/tidal waters, move the pump and fuel above the high water mark.Dont forget the out buildings!

Sprinkler installation cont.Do not set sprinklers up in a series connected with 5/8 hose (as shown below) the pressure loss is too great and the last sprinkler will have little to no pressure.

PumpSprinklers 3/4 hose1 1 hose

Sprinkler installation cont.Run each sprinkler off of one section of garden hose attached directly to one inch or larger hose. (see below)

PumpPump1 1 hose

1 1 hose

1 hoseGated wyeSprinklerhoseThere are several other way to set up sprinklers and many require the use of a double female hose fitting. The key point to stress is to ensure that each sprinkler head has adequate pressure to accomplish the task at hand. Rule of Thumb: Each sprinkler head has a dedicated 5/8 in. hose to supply water.20Sprinkler installation cont.Multiple sprinklers off gated wye

21Sprinkler installation cont.Tripod


Sprinkler installation cont.Tripod on roof

Check coverage

Sprinkler installation cont.Cut and notch methodSaw Cuts hose perpendicular to cut V notch to prevent sprinkler from rotating when chargedLash tightly

There are several notch variations that should be discussed. 24Set-upAlways test the system!Adequate coverageSprinkler tripods/poles are secure and stablePre wet areaNote best pump throttle settingNote run time on 5 gal. Fuel

Sprinklers wetting all sides of cabin25Make a mapGPS coordinates for:CabinPumps Pump property numbersList of supplies on siteList of site prep. completed Map structures especially if several structure in close area ie. around a lakeList any additional supplies needed

Additional supply needsExtra pump fuelExtra hoseExtra pumpBurning suppliesWater and food (very common to be smoked in for days with no resupply) Transportation??Local boat rentalZodiac via paracargo (with or without operator)ATV rentalExtended time between set-up and useAlways test pump and hose system.Move pump, hose, fuel and all equipment above high water line.If freezing temperatures are possible drain pump and hose.

Cabin etiquetteBe respectful of others propertyPick up your trashDont eat any stored foodLeave things as you found themLeave a noteRemember, someone may depend on the cabin regardless of its condition.

Common watch outsNails in treesOld outhouse holesUnstable roofFuel/hazmatExplosivesBear deterrents:Plywood and nailsPlywood and large treble hooksEtc..

What needs to be done?

What needs to be done?

What needs to be done?

Expect the unexpected

Be flexible, be creative and be proactive. 34