Pocket Concussion Awareness and Protocol Tool · Pocket Concussion Awareness and Protocol...


Transcript of Pocket Concussion Awareness and Protocol Tool · Pocket Concussion Awareness and Protocol...

Page 1: Pocket Concussion Awareness and Protocol Tool · Pocket Concussion Awareness and Protocol Tool-Spine or neck injury-Behavior pa ©erns change-Unable to recognize people/places-Less

-Confusion-Difficulty answering quesons-Seizures-Loss of consciousness-Abnormal physical behavior-Fague-Dizziness-Dizziness-Difficulty concentrang-Weakness-Sensivity to light-Blurriness-Drowsiness-Irritability

-Memory difficules-Neck pain-Sadness-Balance issues-Sensivity to noise-Headaches-Nausea-Nausea-Voming-Double Vision-Short aenon span-Slow reacon me-Slurred speech-Abnormal mental behavior

What are the signs and symptoms of a concussion?

-Loss of consciousness or responsiveness-Lying moonless on ground / Slow to get up-Unsteady on feet / Balance issues / Incoordinaon-Holding Head-Dazed look-Confusion / Unaware of events

When should you suspect a concussion?

How to idenfy a concussion in children and adults.

Pocket ConcussionAwareness andProtocol Tool

Page 2: Pocket Concussion Awareness and Protocol Tool · Pocket Concussion Awareness and Protocol Tool-Spine or neck injury-Behavior pa ©erns change-Unable to recognize people/places-Less

-Spine or neck injury-Behavior paerns change-Unable to recognize people/places-Less responsive than usual-Deteriorang conscious state-Seizures-Double vision-Double vision-Repeated voming-Headaches that worsen-Very drowsy-Increased confusion-Weakness / numbness in arms and legs

If ANY of the following are reported then the player should besafely removed from the field. If no qualified medical professionalis available, consider transporng via. ambulance for urgent medicalassessment:

*Do not aempt to move an unconscious player (other than requiredfor airway support) unless trained to do so. Remember to follow thebasic principles of first aid.*

Is emergency treatment needed?

What is the new ENYYSA Protocol?