Pobrano z - The Eye · 2019. 1. 3. · Body Blow Follow-Up Special 144,400/3 hits Heavy Blow...

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Basic Moves

Chain CombosChain Combos can be made by hitting the basic attacks in order: Light, then Medium, and finally Hard. Depending on the character, additional combos can be created by stringing together crouching and jumping attacks, or reversing from Medium attacks to Light attacks.

Air CombosAir Combos are performed by launching the enemy into the air and quickly tapping up. From here you can execute a combo in a similar manner to on the ground. However, because they will fall quickly you must be extra swift with your attacks. Hitting the basics of Light to Medium to Hard will be a quick bet for getting in hits.

Special MovesSpecial Moves are attacks and moves specific to each character. Everyone has a range of attacks from projectiles and anti-air to grapples and counters. Check out each character's page to see a list of their special moves.

Hyper Combos

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Hyper combos are similar to special moves but require one to three hyper gauges to be performed. They typically use the same motions of special moves, but require pressing two attack buttons at the same time. Depending on the character's assist, they can also unleash a quick hyper by hitting both Partner buttons. Hypers are powerful and a great means of dealing pain to the opponent, however they can still be blocked like any other move to reduce the damage. It's best to leave hypers ready to hit the enemy when they are stunned from another attack, especially a long chain combo.

ThrowThrows can be done by moving close to the enemy and hitting Hard attack along with either back or forward. Throws are deadly in that they can bypass an enemy's guard. To avoid being thrown yourself, input the throw command just before you are thrown to escape.

Snap BackSnap Backs can be used from a quarter circle forward and either of the partner buttons. It will also use up a hyper gauge bar. If done correctly it will send the opponent flying off screen and summon one of his other teammates. If the partner one button is used, the enemy's first partner will appear, while partner two buttons sends in the second partner. This will also stop the enemy from calling in allies or using assists for a short time.

GuardGuarding is the basic defense for resisting attacks. Holding back can be used to reduce damage from standing, crouching, and jumping positions. It can be used to block off multi-hit hypers or stop powerful grapple hypers.

Advancing Guard

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Advancing Guard can be used while guarding close range attacks. Press two attack buttons while guarding to send the enemy back. This is great for creating distance and interrupting opponent combos.

Crossover AssistPrior to starting the match you can pick from a list of Crossover Assists. By tapping the Partner button you can call in one of your allies during the fight. They will use a special move before leaping back. Keep in mind however that they can be attacked while on screen, making assists somewhat punishable.

Crossover CounterCrossover Counters combine assists and guarding to make a great counter attack. While guarding an enemy attack, press forward and a partner button to switch out character and come in with a potent special move. While this can be brutal to the enemy, you will now be playing as one of your reserve team.

Team Hyper ComboTeam Hyper Combos can be performed by inputting another hyper command while the first one is still being used. This will switch out the current character and bring in one of the other team members. This will of course require at least two hyper bars, or three if you wish to use all three characters. You'll want to time in calling in an ally to just before the attack ends, as this will maximize the number of hits and overall damage. Keep in mind that some hypers finish to quickly too be chained in this way.

Crossover Combination

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Crossover Combinations uses all three members by hitting both Partner buttons. Crossover Combinations are similar to Team Hyper Combos, but instead of each team member attacking one at a time, all three will use their hypers at once. You will need to store up two gauges to use two characters, and three to use the whole team. It's best to use hypers that won't conflict each other, and instead build off one another. If you use an area attack such as Kikosho, try pairing it with another similar move such as Lightning Storm.

Team Aerial ComboDuring an Aerial Combo you can send the enemy flying by hitting the special button along with a direction. Pressing forward or back will deal a small amount of damage, pressing up will increase the damage, and pressing down will slam them and gain a hyper combo gauge. You'll want to mix up your attacks to avoid being countered.

Team Aerial CounterIf you are caught in a Team Aerial Combo you can break free and damage the enemy by inputting the same command as the enemy. If they try to send you upward, counter by pressing up and special. Remember that forward for them is back for you, so press the stick in the same direction that they are.

X-FactorX-Factor can be used per match by pressing all three attacks along with the special/launcher button. X-Factor can be used to boost damage, pile on defenses and restore lost life. The more teammates that are dead, the stronger and longer lasting X-Factor will be. It's best to wait on using X-Factor until two team members are down.

Power Ups and Debuffs

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Some hypers and specials don't cause direct damage, instead they power up your character or hinder the enemy from reaching their full potential. Some moves such as Thor's Mighty Speech will fill the hyper gauge, while others like Arthur's Gold Armor will boost all of his skills for a short time. Among the negative stats in the game include dizzy, slow, disable jump, and confusion.

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RyuRyu is a staple character of the Street Fighter series and a basis for many other fighters' move sets. His special moves allow for strong projectiles, quick anti-air attacks, and ease of combos. His hypers are powered up versions of his specials. His Shinku Hadoken can be shot vertically or horizontally by pressing in a direction during the hyper's start-up animation. It can be further adjusted during the move itself by pointing in the desired direct, though the movement is slow.

● Stamina: 1,000,000

● Standing Light: 50,000

● Standing Medium: 75,000

● Standing Hard: 90,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 68,000

● Crouching Hard: 90,000

● Jumping Light: 55,000

● Jumping Medium: 66,000

● Jumping Hard: 90,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Shoryuken Alpha Direct, Tilt Up Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

Hadoken Beta Shot, Front Shinku Hadoken

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Gamma Direct, Front Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Hadoken Special (in Air ok) 100,000

Shoryuken Special 100,000-120,000

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Special (in Air ok) 90,000-135,800/5 hits

Jodan Sokuto Geri Special 100,000

Shinku Hadoken Hyper (can be directed, in air ok) 261,700/25 hits

Shinku Hadoken (Vertical Up) Hyper (can be directed) 261,700/25 hits

Shinku Hadoken (Vertical Down) Hyper (can be directed) 261,700/25 hits

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Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Hyper (can be directed) 226,300/43 hits

Shinku Shoryuken Hyper (can be directed) 380,000/3 hits

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MorriganMorrigan is one of the main characters of Darkstalkers. Although she posses both a fireball and rising uppercut, she plays very little like Ryu. Using the Hard versions of her Soul Fist allows her to fire in alternate directions (Upward while on the ground, forward in the air). Her Dark Harmonizer assist allows her to boost the hyper combo meter quickly. While most of her hypers are offensive, Astral Vision will instead make a mirror image of Morrigan on the other side of the enemy. This clone will mirror all attacks and inputs, but will also be stunned by hits the real Morrigan takes.

● Stamina: 950,000

● Standing Light: 40,000

● Standing Medium: 55,000

● Standing Hard: 79,500/4 hits

● Crouching Light: 52,500/2 hits

● Crouching Medium: 53,000

● Crouching Hard: 60,000

● Jumping Light: 40,000

● Jumping Medium: 55,000

● Jumping Hard: 60,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Shadow Blade Alpha Direct, Tilt Up Shadow Servant

Soul Fist Beta Shot, Front Finishing Shower

Dark Harmonizer Gamma Extra, Instant Finishing Shower

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Soul Fist Special (in Air ok) 70,000

Shadow Blade Special(in Air ok) 80,00-114,500/5 hits

Vector Drain Special 120,000-170,000

Flight Stance(in Air ok) N/A (Stance)

Finishing Shower Hyper (in Air ok) 231,300/31 hits

Astral Vision Hyper N/A (Buff)

Shadow Servant Hyper 171,100/3 hits

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Dark Illusion Level 3 Hyper (in Air ok) 405,000/33 hits

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ChrisChris is star of the Resident Evil series, and makes his fighting game debut here. He uses different types of weapons and grenades as his special moves. Switching between Light, Medium, and Hard will cause Chris to draw a different weapon from machineguns to land mines. He can also move into a prone position that will allow instant pistol fire from Hard attacks. Additionally, he also has access to several special punch combos that can be stringed together for good damage.

● Stamina: 1,100,000

● Standing Light: 48,000

● Standing Medium: 65,000

● Standing Hard: 80,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 80,000

● Crouching Hard: 90,000

● Jumping Light: 50,000

● Jumping Medium: 70,000

● Jumping Hard: 90,000

Assist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Combination Punch Alpha Direct, Front Sweep Combo

Gun Fire Beta Shot, Front Grenade Launcher

Grenade Toss Gamma Shot, Tilt Down Grenade Launcher

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Combination Blow Special 104,000/2 hits

Body Blow Follow-Up Special 144,400/3 hits

Heavy Blow Follow-Up Special 180,800/4 hits

Payoff Follow-Up Special 257,400/7 hits

Magnum Combo Follow-Up Special 230,300/3 hits

Grenade Toss Special 130,000-195,000/6 hits

Gun Fire Special 120,900/8 hits-150,000

Prone Position Stance N/A (Stance)

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Grenade Launcher Hyper 343,700/4 hits

Combo Sweep Hyper 290,400/22 hits

Satellite Laser Level 3 Hyper 445,500/27 hits

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DanteDante is the main character of Devil May Cry. He has very powerful and useful assists in the form of Jam Session and Crystal. Dante has a huge array of specials that can be performed by using Light, Medium, or Hard after the command. Further, he can cancel out of nearly all of these moves to add in powerful follow ups such as Fireworks and Million Carats. His huge arsenal of close range sword attacks and long range gunfire provides Dante with a lot of option and variety, making it difficult to prepare for. His Devil Trigger is a buff that gives around a 15% damage boost. It further gives him access to two special moves that can only be used during Devil Trigger mode.

● Stamina: 900,000

● Standing Light: 43,000

● Standing Medium: 55,000

● Standing Hard: 70,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 50,000

● Crouching Hard: 102,500/4 hits

● Jumping Light: 40,000

● Jumping Medium: 58,000

● Jumping Hard: 70,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Jam Session Alpha Direct, Front Million Dollars

Crystal Beta Shot, Front Million Dollars

Weasel Shot Gamma Shot, Tilt Down Million Dollars

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Multi-Lock Special (can be charged) 50,000-135,400/3 hits

Acid Rain Follow-Up Special 102,300/5 hits

Crystal Special 120,300/4 hits

Million Carats Follow-Up Special 130,000

Hysteric Special 113,600/8 hits

Grapple Follow-Up Special 60,000

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Reverb Shock Special 81,700/5 hits

Fireworks (Reverb Shock) Follow-Up Special 134,00/26 hits

Crazy Dance (Reverb Shock) Follow-Up Special 178,200/15 hits

Revolver Special 103,000/4 hits

Fireworks (Revolver) Follow-Up Special 145,300/14 hits

Crazy Dance(Revolver) Follow-Up Special 200,300/13 hits

Jet Stream Special 153,900/6 hits

Fireworks (Jet Stream) Follow-Up Special 196,400/22 hits

Crazy Dance (Jet Stream) Follow-Up Special 240,700/16 hits

Twister Special 97,300/10 hits

Tempest Follow-Up Special 139,800/17 hits

Volcano Special 110,000

Beehive Follow-Up Special 135,000/9 hits

Jam Session Special 90,800/10 hits

Killer Bee Special 80,000

The Hammer Follow-Up Special 90.000

Air Play Special (can be charged) 50,000-122,600/5 hits

Sky Dance Special 125,100/7 hits

Air Trick Special N/A (Movement)

Drive Special 143,000/2 hits

Million Dollars Hyper 254,200/28 hits

Devil Trigger Hyper N/A (Buff)

Air Raid Stance (while in Devil Trigger) N/A (Stance)

Thunder Bolt Special (while in Devil Trigger) 130,700/8 hits

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Vortex Special (while in Devil Trigger) 141,100/5 hits

Devil Must Die Level 3 Hyper 440,000/6 hits

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FeliciaFelicia is yet another Darkstalkers character. Several of her moves require following-up from a Rolling Buckler to produce more hits and damage. Her Hard Delta Kick has a long range, almost enough to over shoot enemies or miss a few hits if they are at the wrong distance. Her EX Charge allows for quick restoration of the hyper combo meter, but leaves her vulnerable during the animation. Kitty's Helper will call in a smaller cat girl that will leap each time Felicia make an attack, however this buff will disappear if you tag her out.

● Stamina: 875,000

● Standing Light: 35,000

● Standing Medium: 55,000

● Standing Hard: 77,100/3 hits

● Crouching Light: 44,000

● Crouching Medium: 53,000

● Crouching Hard: 65,000

● Jumping Light: 45,000

● Jumping Medium: 55,000

● Jumping Hard: 70,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Rolling Buckler Alpha Direct, Front Dancing Flash

Sand Splash Beta Shot, Front Dancing Flash

Cat Spike Gamma Direct, Front Dancing Flash

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Rolling Buckler Special 50,000-70,000

Neko Punch Follow-Up Special 86,000/2 hits-106,000/2 hits

Rolling Slide Follow-Up Special 104,000/2 hits-124,00/2 hits

Rolling Uppercut Follow-Up Special 147,400/4 hits-167,400/24 hits

Cat Spike Special 80,000-100,000

Delta Kick Special 101,000/3 hits

Sand Splash Special 25,000-85,900/4 hits

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Hell Cat Special 102,000/7 hits-156,000/13 hits

EX Charge Special N/A (Charges Hyper Meter)

Dancing Flash Hyper 246,700/12 hits

Kitty's Helper Hyper N/A (Buff)

Please Help Me Level 3 Hyper 400,000/30 hits

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TrishTrish is yet another new comer from the Devil My Cry games. Her main moves consist of the Trick traps that can be used to bait or surprise enemies, and several ranged attacks. The amount of bolts fired from Low Voltage increase when using Light, Medium or Hard. Switch signs can be used to slow down Round-Trip, adding in more hits and damage as it returns back to Trish. Round Harvest is a powered up version of Round-Trip that tracks the enemy. However, it quickly exits the hyper animation, making difficult to chain team hyper combos.

● Stamina: 850,000

● Standing Light: 38,000

● Standing Medium: 50,000

● Standing Hard: 70,000

● Crouching Light: 40,000

● Crouching Medium: 48,000

● Crouching Hard: 68,000

● Jumping Light: 43,000

● Jumping Medium: 52,000

● Jumping Hard: 75,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Trick Hopscotch Alpha Shot, Tilt Down Maximum Voltage

Trick Peekaboo Beta Shot, Tilt Up Round Harvest

Low Voltage Gamma Shot, Front Maximum Voltage

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Low Voltage Special (in air ok) 70,000-121,900/3 hits

Trick "Hopscotch" Special (in air ok) 80,000

Trick "Peekaboo" Special (in air ok) 10,000

Round-Trip Special (in air ok) 115,200/14 hits

Switch Sign Follow-Up Special (in air ok) 139,600/22 hits

Air Raid Stance (in air ok) N/A (Stance)

Round Harvest Hyper 2244,700/24 hits

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Maximum Voltage Hyper (in air ok) 269,300/30 hits

Duet Pain Level 3 Hyper (in air ok) 400,000/18 hits

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Chun-LiChun-Li is another star of the Street fighter series. Unlike Ryu and other characters projectiles, Chun-Li's Kikoken crosses a longer distance the slower it travels; using it with a Light command will cause it to cross a long distance at a slow rate, while a Hard will allow it to move quickly over a very short range. When used as an assist Chun-Li will opt for the Light Kikoken. Despite being the hyper version of her fireball, Chun-Li's Kikosho fires in an area of effect bubble rather than as a projectile or beam. For Crossover combinations you may want to consider pairing it with other circular burst attacks such as Super-Skrull's Inferno.

● Stamina: 850,000

● Standing Light: 35,000

● Standing Medium: 50,000

● Standing Hard: 70,000

● Crouching Light: 33,000

● Crouching Medium: 48,000

● Crouching Hard: 60,000

● Jumping Light: 40,000

● Jumping Medium: 55,000

● Jumping Hard: 70,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Kikoken Alpha Shot, Front Kikosho

Tenshokyaku Beta Direct, Tilt Up Kikosho

Hyakuretsukyaku Gamma Direct, Front Hoyokusen

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Kikoken Special 50,000-90,000

Kikoanken Follow-Up Special 100,000

Spinning Bird Kick Special (in air ok) 76,000/2 hits-113,400/4 hits

Hyakuretsukyaku (rapidly) Special (in air ok) 51,500/4 hits-78,000/7 hits

Tenshokyaku Special (in air ok) 78,400/3 hits-120,000/7 hits

Kikosho Hyper 286,300/14 hits

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Hoyokusen Hyper 230,000/14 hits

Shichisei Ranka Level 3 Hyper 410,000/14 hits

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AmaterasuAmaterasu is the main character of the Okami games. She uses three different weapons: Solar Flare, Thunder Edge, and Devout Beads. Equipping each of these items changes the attacks and special moves available to you at a given time. Vale of Mist will slow down the enemy's movements and fall speed, making it easer to evade their attacks and perform air juggles.

● Stamina: 800,000

● Standing Light: 30,000

● Standing Medium: 50,000

● Standing Hard: 60,000

● Crouching Light: 28,000

● Crouching Medium: 50,000

● Crouching Hard: 60,000

● Jumping Light: 35,000

● Jumping Medium: 48,000

● Jumping Hard: 60,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Solar Flare Alpha Extra, Instant Okami Shuffle

Cold Star Beta Shot, Tilt Down Okami Shuffle

Bloom Gamma Extra, Instant Okami Shuffle

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Head Charge Special 70,000

Power Slash Special 80,000

Weapon Change (Solar Flare) Stance N/A

Weapon Change (Thunder Edge) Stance N/A

Weapon Change (Devout Beads) Stance N/A

Solar Flare Special (with Solar Flare Weapon)

150,000 (Or enemy projectile reflect)

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Thunder Edge Special (with Thunder Edge Weapon)


Glaive Chop Special (with Thunder Edge Weapon)

87,400/7 hits

Cold Star (rapidly) Special (with Devout Beads Weapon)

113,600/8 hits

Okami Shuffle Hyper (in air ok) 251,400/19 hits

Vale of Mist Hyper (in air ok) N/A (Buff)

Divine Instruments Level 3 Hyper 400,000/25 hits

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Viewtiful JoeJoe has several moves that can be charged by holding down the attack button. In some cases this can increase the damage output, increase the move's distance, while other times it will simply delay the attack. His Air Joe move differs from other rapid tap attack in that it requires being in the air and will not continue upon reaching the ground. Unlike most massive projectile hypers that hit many times, Desperado only fires a single power shot.

● Stamina: 950,000

● Standing Light: 38,000

● Standing Medium: 50,000

● Standing Hard: 65,000

● Crouching Light: 35,000

● Crouching Medium: 48,000

● Crouching Hard: 60,000

● Jumping Light: 38,000

● Jumping Medium: 50,000

● Jumping Hard: 65,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Voomerang Alpha Shot, Front Desperado

Groovy Uppercut Beta Direct, Tilt Up Mach Speed

Shocking Pink Gamma Shot, Tilt Down Desperado

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Voomerang Special (in air ok) 70,000-50,000 x 3 (non-combo hits)

Shocking Pink Special 80,000

Red Hot Kick Special 80,000-94,800/3 hits

Air Joe (rapidly) Special 96,800/4 hits-136,800/4 hits

Groovy Uppercut Special 80,000-104,000/2 hits

Desperado Hyper (in air ok) 250,000

Viewtiful God Hand Hyper 145,000/2 hits + Slow Debuff

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Mach Speed Hyper 252,000/15 hits

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TronTron has several powerful multi-hit attacks just in her basic standing and crouching attacks. She can even unleash a constant projectile attack--throwing boulders--from her command standing Hard. In addition she is reasonably tough with a bonus amount of stamina. Her Beacon Bomb doesn't actually combo on its own, but can be used quickly in succession while the enemy is stunned.

● Stamina: 1,200,000

● Standing Light: 55,000

● Standing Medium: 73,800/4 hits

● Standing Hard: 100,000

● Crouching Light: 65,600/6 hits

● Crouching Medium: 75,000

● Crouching Hard: 95,500/4 hits

● Jumping Light: 69,300/3 hits

● Jumping Medium: 80,000

● Jumping Hard: 100,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Bonne Strike Alpha Direct, Front Servbot Surprise

Gustaff Fire Beta Shot, Tilt Up Servbot Surprise

Bandit Boulder Gamma Shot, Front Servbot Surprise

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Bonne Strike Special (in air ok) 75,900/4 hits-118,400/8 hits

Beacon Bomb Special 50,000-124,000/2 hits

Servbot Launcher Special 70,000

Bonne Mixer Special 120,000/4 hits-210,000/10 hits

Servbot Takeout Hyper 251,800/41 hits

Servbot Surprise Hyper 320,700/10 hits

Shakedown Mixer Level 3 Hyper 440,000/18 hits

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WeskerWesker relies on quick strings of deceptive attacks and elusive escapes. He can whip out his pistol during Hard command attacks while standing, crouching, and even jumping. His Phantom Move can be used to teleport all over the area; Light will bring him closer to the enemy, Medium will cause a retreat, and Heavy will warp him right above the opponent. This can be a great means for getting a jump on the enemy. His Tiger Uppercut is a counter attack that can punish attacks or reflect projectiles (the Hard version). His Rhino Charge is also a counter that requires the enemy to be making an attack in order to take damage.

● Stamina: 1,100,000

● Standing Light: 55,000

● Standing Medium: 73,000

● Standing Hard: 92,500/2 hits

● Crouching Light: 53,000

● Crouching Medium: 75,000

● Crouching Hard: 80,000

● Jumping Light: 55,000

● Jumping Medium: 73,000

● Jumping Hard: 88,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Ghost Butterfly Alpha Direct, Front Phantom Dance

Samurai Edge Beta Shot, Tilt Down Phantom Dance

Jaguar Kick Gamma Direct Front Phantom Dance

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Cobra Strike Special 100,000

Ghost Butterfly Special 120,000

Phantom Move Follow-Up Special N/A (Movement)

Jaguar Dash Special 122,600/5 hits

Jaguar Kick Follow-Up Special 152,100/6 hits

Cobra Strike Follow-Up Special 205,200/7 hits

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Phantom Move Special (in air ok) 120,000/2 hits

Tiger Uppercut Special Counter 120,000 (or enemy projectile reflect)

Phantom Dance Hyper 191,800/9 hits

Rhino Charge Hyper Counter 250,000

Lost in Nightmares Level 3 Hyper 450,000/12 hits

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ArthurArthur can make use of Gold armor to give himself a 20% defense boost and change the effects of several of his attacks. Scatter Crossbow for instance will gain an additional third hit. Other attacks will actually deal fewer hits but cause more damage, such as Lance Toss. When using gold Armor a meter will appear just above the hyper combo gauge. When this depletes Arthur's armor will break and he will instead take a 30% defense penalty. Gold Armor can be used again to restore him back to normal. Because of this, it's best to wait on changing armors until either you have a second bar or are able to call in a partner to build your gauge. Better yet, he will retain his boosts when being called in to assist, making him a very powerful reserve partner.

● Stamina: 800,000

● Standing Light: 30,000

● Standing Medium: 48,000

● Standing Hard: 65,000

● Crouching Light: 28,000

● Crouching Medium: 45,000

● Crouching Hard: 63,000

● Jumping Light: 30,000

● Jumping Medium: 47,000

● Jumping Hard: 63,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Heavy Slash Alpha Direct, Front Goddess' Bracelet

Dagger Toss Beta Shot, Front Goddess' Bracelet

Fire Bottle Toss Gamma Shot, Tilt Down Goddess' Bracelet

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Dagger Toss Special (in air ok) 108,300/3 hits

Lance Toss Special (in air ok) 114,000/2 hits

Scatter Crossbow Special (in air ok) 95,000/2 hits

Shield Deflect Special N/A (Counter)

Heavy Slash Special 90,000

Hellbound Slash Special 104,000/2 hits

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Fire Bottle Toss Special (in air ok) 40,000

Ax Toss Special (in air ok) 100,000

Scythe Toss Special (in air ok) 95,000/2 hits

Goddess' Bracelet Hyper 281,800/20 hits

Golden Armor Hyper N/A (Buff)

For the Princess Level 3 Hyper 400,000/10 hits

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SpencerSpencer combines an interesting blend of having a range grapple. He can use Wire Grapple to clutch an enemy in front or above of him and follow up with an attack, or simply drag them closer. Jaw Breaker and Smash Kick are also very power close range throws that can be used. Following-Up with Smash Kick very quickly can cause a Critical Smash for bonus damage. His Bionic Lancer will launch enemies into the air, so for team hyper combos its best used with attacks that will also hit vertically or at an angle, such as Zero's Rekkoha.

● Stamina: 1,050,000

● Standing Light: 48,000

● Standing Medium: 67,000

● Standing Hard: 88,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 70,000

● Crouching Hard: 80,000

● Jumping Light: 45,000

● Jumping Medium: 63,000

● Jumping Hard: 83,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Wire Grapple (H. Shot) Alpha Shot, Front Bionic Lancer

Wire Grapple (Slant Shot) Beta Shot, Tilt Up Bionic Lancer

Armor Piercer Gamma Direct, Front Bionic Lancer

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Wire Grapple Special (in air ok) 30,000

Reel in Punch Follow-Up Special 102,000/2 hits

Zip Kick Follow-Up Special 120,000/2 hits

Come 'ere! Follow-Up Special 30,000 + drag enemy

Jaw Breaker Special 35,000

Smash Kick or Follow-Up Special 129,500/2 hits

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Critical Smash or Follow-Up Special 192,500/2 hits

Armor Piercer Special 180,000

Bionic Maneuvers Hyper 304,500/6 hits

Bionic Lancer Hyper 250,000

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ZeroZero can make use of several projectile attacks, including both the Hadangeki sword beam and his charged Hyper Zero Blaster. The latter can be held on during other moves, including supers. His Hienkyaku can be used to travel close, behind, or even above the enemy quickly. His Sougenmu will create a Zero clone that will mirror all of his actions. You can even use this hyper combo and switch Zero out. Each time he is used as an assist the Sougenmu double will also appear to deal extra punishment.

● Stamina: 800,000

● Standing Light: 35,000

● Standing Medium: 53,000

● Standing Hard: 64,200/3 hits

● Crouching Light: 30,000

● Crouching Medium: 56,000

● Crouching Hard: 70,000

● Jumping Light: 33,000

● Jumping Medium: 55,000

● Jumping Hard: 46,200/2 hits

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Ryuenjin Alpha Direct, Tilt Up Rekkoha

Hadangeki Beta Shot, Front Rekkoha

Shippuga Gamma Direct, Front Rekkoha

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Hadangeki Special 70,000-104,500/2 hits

Ryuenjin Special 70,000-102,300/5 hits

Raikousen Special 102,300/5 hits

Hienkyaku Special (in air ok) N/A (Movement)

Sentsuizan Special 60,000-80,000

Hyper Zero Blaster (hold) Special(in air ok) 70,000-108,300/3 hits

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Rekkoha Hyper 269,300/30 hits

Sougenmu Hyper N/A (Buff)

Genmu Zero Level 3 Hyper 350,000

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Crimson ViperC.Viper is a fighter introduced in Street Fighter IV. She can use EX version of her specials by using the Special/launcher button after the motion command. However, this will expend a hyper gauge. It's prudent to wait for at least two bars of hyper before recklessly using EX moves.

● Stamina: 900,000

● Standing Light: 40,000

● Standing Medium: 63,000

● Standing Hard: 75,000

● Crouching Light: 38,000

● Crouching Medium: 60,000

● Crouching Hard: 72,000

● Jumping Light: 43,000

● Jumping Medium: 60,000

● Jumping Hard: 73,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Thunder Knuckle Alpha Direct, Tilt Up Emergency Combination

Seismic Hammer Beta Shot, Tilt Down Burst Time

Burning Kick Gamma Direct, Front Burst Time

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Thunder Knuckle Special 90,000-100,000

EX Thunder Knuckle Special (Uses 1 Hyper Gauge) 150,000

Burning Kick Special (in air ok 90,000

EX Burning Kick Special (Uses 1 Hyper Gauge, in air ok) 119,700/4 hits

Seismic Hammer Special 80,000

EX Seismic Hammer Special (Uses 1 Hyper Gauge) 95,000/2 hits

Emergency Combination Hyper 274,400/4 hits

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Burst Time Hyper 273,200/5 hits

Viper Full Throttle Level 3 Hyper 430,000/22 hits

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HaggarHaggar is rather durable with an increased amount of stamina. His attacks use a series of grapples and close range hits to deal brutal damage. Because both his specials and a few hypers require grappling an enemy, they are difficult to combo or link into team hypers. However, the sheer amount of damage can out weight the number of hits.

● Stamina: 1,200,000

● Standing Light: 65,000

● Standing Medium: 83,000

● Standing Hard: 100,000

● Crouching Light: 62,000

● Crouching Medium: 80,000

● Crouching Hard: 97,000

● Jumping Light: 58,000

● Jumping Medium: 75,000

● Jumping Hard: 100,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Double Lariat Alpha Direct, Instant Giant Haggar Press

Violent Axe Beta Direct, Front Giant Haggar Press

Steel Pipe Gamma Direct, Front Giant Haggar Press

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Violent Axe Special 110,000-160,000/3 hits

Hoodlum Launcher Special 140,000/2 hits

Flying Pilediver Special 160,000-220,000

Skyhigh Back Drop Special 160,000-220,000

Double Lariat + Special 108,300/3 hits

Wild Swing Special 152,300/6 hits

Rapid Fire Fist Hyper 276,800/12 hits

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Giant Haggar Press Hyper 220,00/2 hits

Final Haggar Buster Level 3 Hyper 450,000/8 hits

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AkumaAkuma is boss from the Street Fighter series. He is the first character unlocked by acquiring player points. Akuma is similar to Ryu, but sacrifices stamina for more deadly offense options. His Zanku Hadoken fires at an angle rather than horizontally. His Hyakkishu allows for quick leaps and a diverse amount of follow-ups. Ashura Senku will quickly advance Akuma either closer or further from the enemy, and can be a great way to get behind them. The Ungyo version of his hypers can be achieved by holding down the Hard attack during the attack animation. This will turn the projectile into a single focused beam, rather than a series of multiple fireballs.

● Stamina: 800,000

● Standing Light: 53,000

● Standing Medium: 72,000/2 hits

● Standing Hard: 88,000

● Crouching Light: 48,000

● Crouching Medium: 75,000

● Crouching Hard: 85,000

● Jumping Light: 53,000

● Jumping Medium: 70,000

● Jumping Hard: 88,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Gohadoken Alpha Shot, Front Messatsu-Gohado Agyo/Ungyo (Hold H)

Tatsumaki Zamkukyaku Beta Direct, Front Messatsu-Goshoryu

Hyakki Gojin Gamma Direct, Tilt Down Messatsu-Gohado Agyo/Ungyo (Hold H)

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Gohadoken Special 90,000

Zanku Hadoken Special 90,000

Goshoryuken Special 90,000-132,600/3 hits

Tatsumaki Zankukyaku Special (in air ok) 110,000-166,200/5 hits

Hyakkishu Special N/A (Movement)

Hyakki Gosho Follow-Up Special 100,000

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Hyakki Gojin Follow-Up Special 90,000

Hyakki Goho Follow-Up Special 90,000

Ashura Senku or Special N/A (Movement)

Messatsu-Gohado Agyo Hyper 265,000/42 hits

Messatsu-Gohado Ungyo Hyper 260,300/25 hits

Tenma-Gozanku Agyo Hyper 218,100/30 hits

Tenma-Gozanku Ungyo Hyper 260,300/25 hits

Messatsu-Goshoryu Hyper 292,000/9 hits

Raging Demon Level 3 Hyper 456,000/15 hits

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Hsien-KoHsien-Ko is the third member of the Darkstalkers. She is the third character unlocked by gaining player points. Anki Hou will toss out random objects that can cause various damage or even cause a dizzy effect; in some rare cases it will also launch timed bombs. Senpu Bu can be used over and over, but due to the fact that it will likely send Hsien Ko to the other side of the enemy, you will have to constantly reverse the motion. Henkyo Ki fires a projectile, but can also be used to absorb or reflect some enemy projectiles; however some range attacks such as Deadpool's Trigger Happy can't be blocked in this way.

● Stamina: 900,000

● Standing Light: 40,000

● Standing Medium: 60,000

● Standing Hard: 84,800/3 hits

● Crouching Light: 40,000

● Crouching Medium: 60,000

● Crouching Hard: 70,000

● Jumping Light: 42,000

● Jumping Medium: 63,000

● Jumping Hard: 84,800/3 hits

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Senpu Bu Alpha Direct, Front Chireitou

Henkyo Ki Beta Shot, Front Tenrai Ha

Anki Hou Gamma Shot, Tilt Up Chireitou

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Anki Hou Special 70,000 (may Dizzy enemy)

Senpu Bu Special (in air ok) 102,300/5 hits-142,100/8 hits

Henkyo Ki Special (in air ok) 70,000

Houten Geki Special 96,000/8 hits-1920,000/16 hits

Chireitou Hyper 317,700/6 hits

Tenrai Ha Hyper 273,500/9 hits

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Rimoukon Hyper N/A (Buff)

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WolverineWolverine is among the most popular X-men. His attacks are all about rush downs and closing the distance with the enemy. Drill Claw is a great way to get up close and personal. Fatal Claw can be tricky to use, as it attacks in an "X" shaped burst around Wolverine; it can be used easier as an anti-air move.

● Stamina: 950,000

● Standing Light: 53,000

● Standing Medium: 67,000

● Standing Hard: 95,000

● Crouching Light: 48,000

● Crouching Medium: 70,000

● Crouching Hard: 78,000

● Jumping Light: 50,000

● Jumping Medium: 70,000

● Jumping Hard: 80,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Tornado Claw Alpha Direct, Tilt Up Fatal Claw

Berserker Slash Beta Direct, Front Berserker Barrage X

Berserker Barrage Gamma Direct, Front Berserker Barrage X

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Berserker Barrage Special (can be chained) 66,500/2 hits-131,000/6 hits

Tornado Claw Special (can be chained) 81,200/3 hits-122,600/5 hits

Drill Claw + Special 80,000

Berserker Slash Special 100,000

Berserker Barrage X Hyper 286,200/17 hits

Fatal Claw Hyper (in air ok) 302,100/13 hits

Berserker Charge Hyper N/A (Buff)

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Weapon X Level 3 Hyper 440,000/27 hits

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Iron ManIron Man can make use of several projectile attacks and has access to great range. UniBeam fires a constant beam that can land a series of nasty hits. Repulsor Blast can be used to drag the enemy in closer, while a quick Repulsor Spread will blast them back. Both forms of his Proton Cannon are excellent additions to any hyper team combo or crossover combination.

● Stamina: 950,000

● Standing Light: 47,000

● Standing Medium: 70,000

● Standing Hard: 90,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 68,000

● Crouching Hard: 80,000

● Jumping Light: 50,000

● Jumping Medium: 70,000

● Jumping Hard: 80,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

UniBeam Alpha Shot, Front Proton Cannon

Repulsor Blast Beta Shot, Upward Angled Proton Cannon

Smart Bomb Gamma Shot, Tilt Down Proton Cannon

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

UniBeam Special 81,700/5 hits-129,900/10 hits

Repulsor Blast Special 81,700/5 hits-122,600/5 hits

Repulsor Spread Follow-Up Special 155,400/5 hits

Smart Bomb Special (in air ok) 57,000/2 hits-103,700/10 hits

Flight Stance N/A (Stance)

Proton Cannon Hyper 276,800/26 hits

Angled Proton Cannon Hyper 276,800/26 hits

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Iron Avenger Level 3 Hyper 430,000/68 hits

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HulkHulk has a high amount of defense, allowing him to survive some deadly attacks. His Hard attacks are nothing to scoff at either. His big advantage is being able to string together Gamma Charges. For his normal Gamma Chare, a Light attack will add a second horizontal attack, Medium will turn it into an anti-air, and Hard will provide an escape. For his anti-air Gamma Charge Light will perform a second anti-air, Medium will attack forward, and Hard will slam in a downward angle. To mix things even further Hulk has access to three different team hyper combos, allowing for a lot of versatility with his partners.

● Stamina: 1,200,000

● Standing Light: 85,000

● Standing Medium: 90,000

● Standing Hard: 120,000

● Crouching Light: 58,000

● Crouching Medium: 85,000

● Crouching Hard: 100,000

● Jumping Light: 60,000

● Jumping Medium: 90,000

● Jumping Hard: 110,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Gamma Wave Alpha Shot, Front Gamma Tsunami

Gamma Charge (Anti-Air) Beta Direct, Upward Gamma Quake

Gamma Charge Gamma Direct, Front Gamma Crush

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Game Wave Special 76,000/2 hits-108,300/3 hits

Gamma Charge Special 135,400/3 hits-204,600/5 hits

Gamma Charge 2nd Follow-Up Special 186,400/4 hits-245,900/6 hits

Gamma Charge (Anti-Air) Special 135,400/3 hits-204,600/5 hits

Gamma Charge 2nd (Anti-Air) Follow-Up Special 186,400/4 hits-245,900/6 hits

Gamma Tornado Special 60,000/2 hits

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Gamma Tsunami Hyper 216,700/3 hits

Gamma Crush Hyper 403,700/8 hits

Gamma Quake Hyper 301,400/11 hits

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DeadpoolDeadpool can use different levels of Light, Medium and Hard to change the properties of his Trigger Happy and Ninja Gift attacks. These can range from fire from an angle, to tossing out grenades. With his TELEPORT the attack command will correspond to his position on screen and not the distance from the enemy. Light attack will send him to the left of the screen, Medium to the center, and Hard to the right. Every third TELEPORT will cause a failure that will both damage Deadpool and the enemy.

● Stamina: 900,000

● Standing Light: 43,000

● Standing Medium: 63,000/2 hits

● Standing Hard: 80,000

● Crouching Light: 37,000

● Crouching Medium: 60,000

● Crouching Hard: 70,000

● Jumping Light: 44,000

● Jumping Medium: 60,000

● Jumping Hard: 75,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Quick Work Alpha Direct, Front Happy-Happy Trigger

Katana-Rama Beta Direct, Tilt Down Happy-Happy Trigger

Trigger Happy Gamma Shot, Tilt Up Happy-Happy Trigger

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Trigger Happy Special (in air ok) 97,300/10 hits

Ninja Gift Follow-Up Special (in air ok) 10,000-80,000

Quick Work Special 90,000-130,000

Katana-Rama! Special 70,000

Chimichangas!! Follow-Up Special 133,000/2 hits

TELEPORT Special 0-100,000 (after third use)

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Happy-Happy Trigger Hyper (in air ok) 238,400/40 hits

Cuttin' Time Hyper 322,800/8 hits

4th-Wall Crisis Level 3 Hyper Counter 400,000/3 hits

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Captain AmericaCaptain America's Shield Slash can hit twice: once when coming towards the enemy and a second time on the return. Charging Star can be a good way of rushing down the enemy and Stars & Stripes is Captain America's anti-air. Despite the name, Backflip will actually send Captain America closer to the enemy instead of being used as a retreat. However, it can also be used to get behind the opponent.

● Stamina: 1,050,000

● Standing Light: 46,000

● Standing Medium: 68,000

● Standing Hard: 80,000

● Crouching Light: 30,000

● Crouching Medium: 48,000

● Crouching Hard: 75,000

● Jumping Light: 50,000

● Jumping Medium: 65,000

● Jumping Hard: 70,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Shield Slash Alpha Shot, Front Hyper Charging Star

Stars & Stripes Beta Direct, Tilt Up Hyper Stars & Stripes

Charging Star Gamma Direct, Front Hyper Charging Star

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Shield Slash Special 50,000 x 2 (non-combo hits)

Stars & Stripes Special 80,000-135,000-3 hits

Charging Star Special 100,000-162,500/3 hits

Backflip + Special N/A (movement)

Hyper Stars & Stripes Hyper 290,800/5 hits

Hyper Charging Star Hyper 274,100/10 hits

Final Justice Level 3 Hyper 440,000/8 hits

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Doctor DoomDoctor Doom has a large array of projectiles in the form of plasma attacks. He can also use his Molecular Shield to great effect in covering allies that jump into the fray. He can even fire a hidden missile with his back standing Hard attack. He's excellent for both support and turtling.

● Stamina: 1,000,000

● Standing Light: 55,000

● Standing Medium: 72,000/2 hits

● Standing Hard: 101,700/2 hits

● Crouching Light: 53,000

● Crouching Medium: 70,000

● Crouching Hard: 80,000

● Jumping Light: 55,000

● Jumping Medium: 81,000/2 hits

● Jumping Hard: 66,500/2 hits

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Plasma Beam Alpha Shot, Front Photon Array

Hidden Missiles Beta Shot, Upward Photon Array

Molecular Shield Gamma Shot, Front Sphere Flame

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Plasma Beam Special (in air ok) 81,700/5 hits-143,000/12 hits

Photon Shot Special (in air ok) 122,600/5 hits

Molecular Shield Special 103,100/7 hits-118,900/11 hits

Flight Stance (in air ok) N/A (stance)

Photon Array Hyper (in air ok) 287,900/25 hits

Sphere Flame Hyper 340,000/57 hits

Doom's Time Level 3 Hyper 440,000/13 hits

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Super-SkrullSuper-Skrull has incredible means of rushing down and chipping away at the enemy. Tenderizer is excellent for adding in hits or forcing the enemy into the defensive. Orbital Grudge is also great for rushing the enemy. Much like Deadpool's TELEPORT, Super-Skrull's Meteor Smash doesn't factor in the position from the enemy; instead Light will cause a land on the left, Medium in the center, and Hard to the right. Inferno is a very powerful attack with good range and should be paired with other area burst hypers.

● Stamina: 1,000,000

● Standing Light: 50,000

● Standing Medium: 72,000/2 hits

● Standing Hard: 90,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 75,000

● Crouching Hard: 80,000

● Jumping Light: 55,000

● Jumping Medium: 75,000

● Jumping Hard: 85,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Stone Smite Alpha Direct, Front Inferno

Orbital Grudge Beta Direct, Front Inferno

Tenderizer Gamma Direct, Tilt Up Skrull Torch

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Orbital Grudge Special 94,800/3 hits-171,100/9 hits

Fatal Buster Follow-Up Special 112,900/3 hits-189,200/9 hits

Tenderizer (rapidly) Special (in air ok) 121,60/10 hits

Elastic Slam Special 180,000/5 hits

Meteor Smash Special 125,000/2 hits

Rolling Hook Special 130,000

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Worm Squash Special 37,800/2 hits

Skrull Torch Hyper (in air ok) 242,800/22 hits

Inferno Hyper (in air ok) 284,100/50 hits

Death Penalty Level 3 Hyper 450,000/13 hits

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ThorThor is rather slow but makes up for it will strong attacks and the second highest stamina in the game. Several of his attacks require getting very close to the enemy, but he doesn't have extra means of getting in close. His Mighty Speech can be used to quickly fill the hyper combo gauge, but can be risky if the enemy can still attack.

● Stamina: 1,250,000

● Standing Light: 65,000

● Standing Medium: 90,000

● Standing Hard: 110,000

● Crouching Light: 63,000

● Crouching Medium: 97,600/3 hits

● Crouching Hard: 105,000

● Jumping Light: 68,000

● Jumping Medium: 85,000

● Jumping Hard: 100,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Might Spark Alpha Shot, Front Mighty Thunder

Mighty Smash Beta Direct, Tilt Up Mighty Tornado

Mighty Strike Gamma Direct, Tilt Up Mighty Tornado

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Mighty Spark Special (in air ok) 90,700/3 hits-154,000/11 hits

Mighty Smash or Special 133,000/2 hits-160,000/2 hits

Mighty Smash Special (charged) 203,700/5 hits-226,100/7 hits

Mighty Strike Special (charged, in the air ok) 133,000/2 hits

Mighty Hurricane Special (in air ok) 130,000180,000

Flight Stance N/A (Stance)

Mighty Speech Special N/A (Charges Hyper Meter)

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Mighty Tornado Hyper (in air ok) 321,600/15 hits

Mighty Thunder Hyper 234,000/2 hits

Mighty Punish Hyper 310,000/2 hits

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DormammuDormammu can mix together up to three spells. He can store three Destructions, three Creations, or a two-to-one combination. Dormammu can also use Liberation to launch these stored spells early, although they will be some what weaker. A full powered Creation doesn't do much damage, but can be used to cripple the enemy's movement options. Because casting spells will likely interrupt combos, it's best to store the spells before starting a serious chain of attacks.

● Stamina: 1,000,000

● Standing Light: 48,000

● Standing Medium: 70,000

● Standing Hard: 90,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 70,000

● Crouching Hard: 90,000

● Jumping Light: 50,000

● Jumping Medium: 70,000

● Jumping Hard: 85,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Dark Hole Alpha Shot, Front Chaotic Flame

Purification Beta Shot, Tilt Up Chaotic Flame

Liberation Gamma Shot, Front Stalking Flare

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Dark Spell:Destruction Special 94,800/3 hits-195,000/10 hits (single-max spell)

Dark Spell:Creation Special 0 + disable jump-140,300/6 hits (max-double spell)

Liberation Special 80,000 (no spell), 162,200/16 hits-218,200/30hits (Creation mixed spell), 124,600/17 hits (Destruction mixed spell)

Dark Hole Special (in air ok) 122,200/9 hits

Purification Special 120,300/4 hits

Mass Change Special (in air ok) N/A (movement)

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Flight Stance N/A (stance)

Chaotic Flame Hyper 281,400/30 hits

Stalking Flame Hyper 256,300/20 hits

Dark Dimension Level 3 Hyper 400,000

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X-23While X-23 is a clone of Wolverine in the Marvel comics, she plays nothing like him in this game. She is still a rush down character, but has even more options while both on the ground and in the air. All three of her Slice attacks can be charged up for extra power and speed. Mirage Feint can be used to get in close or even behind the enemy. Silent Kill will first turn X-23 invisible, allowing for some extra attacks. However, it's the deadly finisher used with the Special/Launcher button that will really hurt the enemy.

● Stamina: 850,000

● Standing Light: 40,000

● Standing Medium: 54,000/2 hits

● Standing Hard: 68,000

● Crouching Light: 35,000

● Crouching Medium: 50,400/2 hits

● Crouching Hard: 63,000

● Jumping Light: 40,000

● Jumping Medium: 50,000

● Jumping Hard: 70,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Neck Slice Alpha Direct, Front Rage Trigger

Ankle Slice Beta Direct, Front Rage Trigger

Crescent Scythe Gamma Direct, Tilt Up Rage Trigger

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Neck Slice Special (charged) 85,000-135,400/3 hits

Ankle Slice Special (charged) 85,000-135,400/3 hits

Decapitating Slice Special (charged) 120,000/3 hits

Talon Attack Special 90,000

Crescent Scythe Special (in air ok) 85,000-119,200/3 hits

Mirage Feint Special (charged) N/A (movement)

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Rage Trigger Hyper 245,400/13 hits

Weapon X Prime Hyper 280,900/14 hits

Silent Kill Level 3 Hyper 400,000

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Spider-ManLike many other character, Spider-Man takes several cues from Ryu. Spider-Man has access to a projectile in the form of Web Ball and an anti-air uppercut with Spider sting. This uppercut can be further followed up with a Spider-Bite that will do extra damage and slam down the opponent. Ultimate Web Throw can be hard to use as the enemy must already be in the air for it to work

● Stamina: 900,000

● Standing Light: 43,000

● Standing Medium: 60,000

● Standing Hard: 70,000

● Crouching Light: 40,000

● Crouching Medium: 57,000

● Crouching Hard: 67,000

● Jumping Light: 44,000

● Jumping Medium: 60,000

● Jumping Hard: 70,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Web Ball Alpha Shot, Front Crawler Assault

Web Swing Beta Direct, Front Crawler Assault

Spider Sting Gamma Direct, Tilt Up Crawler Assault

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Web Ball Special (in air ok) 10,000

Spider Sting Special 70,000-90,000

Spider Bite Follow-Up Special 115,000/2 hits-135,000/2 hits

Web Swing Special (in air ok) 70,000-90,000

Web Throw Special 150,000/3 hits

Web Glide + Special (in air ok) N/A (movement)

Maximum Spider Hyper (in air ok) 271,600/15 hits

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Crawler Assault Hyper 292,100/8 hits

Ultimate Web Throw Hyper 300,000

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M.O.D.O.K.M.O.D.O.K. can use Analyze Cube to store up Psionic Energy. This energy can be used to power up other moves such as Psionic High Blast, Jamming Bomb and even a powered Barrier. Pressing back and the Special button will launch a large shield that can block nearly every projectile. This can turn M.O.D.O.K. into the ultimate turtling character. Place up a Psionic barrier and send out bombs and blasts. If the enemy stays away, use Analyze Cube to restore energy and grab them with Killer Illumination when they get close. Barrier can also be used to protect enemy via assist, or even ones that linger after M.O.D.O.K. tags out.

● Stamina: 950,000

● Standing Light: 45,000

● Standing Medium: 67,100/5 hits

● Standing Hard: 80,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 60,000

● Crouching Hard: 80,000

● Jumping Light: 57,700/3 hits

● Jumping Medium: 70,000

● Jumping Hard: 80,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Barrier Alpha Shot, Front Hyper Psionic Blaster

Balloon Bomb Beta Shot, Front Hyper Psionic Blaster

Psionic Blast Gamma Shot, Front Hyper Psionic Blaster

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Battering Ram + Special (in air ok, can be directed) 90,000

Psionic Blast Special 81,200/3 hits-122,600/5 hits

Psionic High Blast Special (uses Psionic power) 163,600/5 hits

Analysis Cube Special (in air ok) 50,000 + builds Psionic power

Balloon Bomb Special (in air ok) 80,000

Jamming Bomb Special (uses Psionic power) 80,000 + inverts movement

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Flight Stance N/A (Stance)

Hyper Psionic Blast Hyper (in air ok) 129,100/22 hits

Hyper Battering Ram Hyper (in air ok) 72,700/3 hits

Killer Illumination Hyper 358,000/30 hits

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MagnetoMagneto has access to quite a plethora of ranged attacks. His Electromagnetic Disruptor fires a quick beam of energy, while his Magnetic Blast is a specific air attack that is one of the only moves that uses a downward quarter circle. Force Field is also a good counter that can deal damage or absorb projectiles. He has some excellent assists that can be paired with many other attacks such as Storm's Whirlwind and Double Typhoon.

● Stamina: 850,000

● Standing Light: 50,000

● Standing Medium: 65,000

● Standing Hard: 83,000

● Crouching Light: 43,000

● Crouching Medium: 70,000

● Crouching Hard: 75,000

● Jumping Light: 48,000

● Jumping Medium: 68,000

● Jumping Hard: 83,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Electromagnetic Disruptor Alpha Shot, Front Magnetic Shockwave

Hyper Gravitation Beta Shot, Front Magnetic Tempest

Force Field Gamma Extra Instant Magnetic Shockwave

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Electromagnetic Disruptor Special (in air ok) 90,000-121,900/3 hits

Hyper Gravitation Special (in air ok) 95,000/2 hits-99,000/2 hits

Magnetic Blast Special 70,000

Force Field Special Counter 100,000

Flight Stance N/A (stance)

Magnetic Shockwave Hyper 327,800/6 hits

Magnetic Tempest Hyper (in air ok) 261,600/37 hits

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Gravity Squeeze Level 3 Hyper 400,000/2 hits

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She-HulkShe-Hulk's moves require quite a lot of set ups that can take time. To counter act this start off with a Heavy Strike that will cause the enemy to become dizzy. Nearly all of her specials stem from Runner's Start and either Chariot or Catapult. Likewise, She-Hulk can gain more hits from Emerald Cannon by adding in Emerald Impulse and Emerald Disaster. Road Rage can be used at a distance if you want to use the car as a sort of projectile. However, it's only at close range that it will result in heavy damage.

● Stamina: 1,150,000

● Standing Light: 55,000

● Standing Medium: 70,000

● Standing Hard: 90,000

● Crouching Light: 48,000

● Crouching Medium: 67,000

● Crouching Hard: 80,000

● Jumping Light: 55,000

● Jumping Medium: 70,000

● Jumping Hard: 85,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Torpedo Alpha Direct, Front Taking out the Trash

Clothesline Beta Direct, Front Taking out the Trash

Somersault Kick+ Gamma Direct, Tilt Up Taking out the Trash

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Heavy Strike Special 56,000 + dizzy-106,400/2 hits + dizzy

Somersault Kick Special 100,000-162,500/3 hits

Runner's Start Stance N/A (Stance)

Chariot Follow-Up Special N/A (movement)

Torpedo Follow-Up Special 80,000

Clothesline Follow-Up Special 110,000

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Somersault Kick+ Follow-Up Special 133,000/2 hits

Emergency Stop Follow-Up Special N/A (movement cancel)

Catapult Follow-Up Special N/A (movement)

Shooting Star Follow-Up Special 90,000

Flying Drop Kick Follow-Up Special 110,000

Diving Senton Follow-Up Special 110,000

Emergency Landing Follow-Up Special N/A (movement cancel)

Emerald Cannon Hyper 120,000

Emerald Impulse Follow-Up Hyper 234,000/2 hits

Emerald Disaster Follow-Up Hyper 342,300/3 hits

Taking out the Trash Hyper 260,000/10 hits

Road Rage Level 3 Hyper 400,000/3 hits

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StormStorm uses a number of ranged attacks. However, some of them are either slow on their own or require a few seconds to fire. She does have the advantage of being able to use nearly all of her abilities in the air. Lightning Storm attacks in a large circular burst, and while it doesn't do a huge amount of hits it can be used to great effect in crossover combinations with other similar attacks such as Super-Skrull's Inferno.

● Stamina: 850,000

● Standing Light: 33,000

● Standing Medium: 55,000

● Standing Hard: 70,000

● Crouching Light: 30,000

● Crouching Medium: 53,000

● Crouching Hard: 67,000

● Jumping Light: 35,000

● Jumping Medium: 53,000

● Jumping Hard: 68,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Whirlwind Alpha Shot, Front Hail Storm

Double Typhoon Beta Shot, Tilt Up Hail Storm

Lightning Attack Gamma Direct, Tilt Up Lightning Storm

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Whirlwind Special (in air ok) 67,700/3 hits

Double Typhoon Special (in air ok) 140,300/6 hits

Lightning Attack + Special (in air ok, can be directed) 80,000

Lightning Sphere Special 110,100/5 hits

Flight Stance N/A (stance)

Hail Storm Hyper 282,900/35 hits

Lightning Storm Hyper 289,000/15 hits

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Elemental Rage Hyper (in air ok) 266,900/15 hits

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PhoenixPhoenix is the game's glass cannon: she can use very deadly attacks but has among the worst stamina of any fighter. She has only the third of the life of beefy characters such as Thor and Hulk. This can be very risky when the enemy has access to even level 1 hypers. However, Dark Phoenix Rising is very powerful. If you manage to store five hyper gauges when Phoenix dies, she will automatically be reborn as Dark Phoenix. She takes constant healable damage and her attacks get a damage boost. The best options are to put up Healing Field quickly and let loose an X-Factor. In this state she can kill most opponents with one hyper or a good combo. Remember though: Healing Field only works while the enemy is inside the bubble.

● Stamina: 420,000

● Standing Light: 30,000

● Standing Medium: 46,000

● Standing Hard: 67,000

● Crouching Light: 33,000

● Crouching Medium: 50,000

● Crouching Hard: 60,000

● Jumping Light: 33,000

● Jumping Medium: 47,000

● Jumping Hard: 70,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

TK Shot Alpha Shot, Front Phoenix Rage

TK Overdrive Beta Direct, Front Phoenix Rage

TK Trap Gamma Shot, Tilt Up Phoenix Rage

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

TK Shot Special (in air ok) 80,000-122,600/5 hits

TK Trap Special 90,000

TK Overdrive Special 103,000/4 hits-154,400/6 hits

Teleportation Special (in air ok) N/A (movement)

Flight Stance N/A (Stance)

Phoenix Rage Hyper 320,700/10 hits

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Healing Field Hyper N/A (Buff)

Dark Phoenix Rising Stamina must be 0 Level 5 Hyper N/A (Buff)

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SentinelSentinel is the second character unlocked with player points. He is a powerhouse with the highest stamina in the game and very deadly attacks. Both his standing and crouching Hard attacks fire a five hit projectile that can be great against unsuspecting enemies; it is however a little slow. His standing attacks can be hard to combo, so consider starting from a crouching position. His large stature also makes him susceptible to attacks that might pass over other characters. Most of his specials are short to medium range, so you'll want to close the distance as much as possible. However, Hard Drive works best when hitting an already airborne enemy from a medium distance.

● Stamina: 1,300,000

● Standing Light: 70,000

● Standing Medium: 100,000

● Standing Hard: 102,300/5 hits

● Crouching Light: 70

● Crouching Medium: 97,600/3 hits

● Crouching Hard: 102,300/5 hits

● Jumping Light: 75,000

● Jumping Medium: 100,000

● Jumping Hard: 110,000

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Sentinel Force (Charge) Alpha Shot, Tilt Up Hyper Sentinel Force

Sentinel Force (Bomb) Beta Shot, Tilt Down Hyper Sentinel Force

Rocket Punch Gamma Direct, Tilt Down Plasma Storm

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Rocket Punch Special (in air ok) 150,000

Sentinel Force Special 135,400/3 hits

Human Catapult Special 120,000-160,000

Flight Stance N/A (Stance)

Plasma Storm Hyper 282,200/20 hits

Hard Drive Hyper 240,500/10 hits

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Hyper Sentinel Force Hyper 306,000/9 hits

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TaskmasterTaskmaster is the fourth character gain from player points. He using a large series of counters and follow-ups to punish the enemy. His entire series of Head Butt attacks require his Sword Master attacks to be blocked. His Aim Master attacks can be altered with the various attack buttons: Light for forward, Medium for angled, and Heavy for straight above. Legion Arrow also works in the same manner: Light + Medium will fire forward, Light + Medium will fire at an angle, and Medium + Heavy will shoot upward.

● Stamina: 1,100,000

● Standing Light: 48,000

● Standing Medium: 72,000/2 hits

● Standing Hard: 90,000

● Crouching Light: 45,000

● Crouching Medium: 65,000

● Crouching Hard: 80,000

● Jumping Light: 50,000

● Jumping Medium: 68,000

● Jumping Hard: 92,500/2 hits

AssistsAssist Name Assist Slot Features Quick Hyper

Aim Master (H. Shot) Alpha Shot, Front Legion Arrow (L + M)

Aim Master (Parabolic Shot) Beta Shot, Tilt Up Legion Arrow (L + H)

Aim Master (Vertical Shot) Gamma Shot, Upward Legion Arrow (M + H)

MovesMove Name Command Move Type Damage

Aim Master Special 60,000

Guard Master Special Counter 100,000 or enemy projectile reflect

Sword Master Special 50,000

Head Butt (when blocked) Follow-Up Special


Lights Out (Light) (when blocked) Follow-Up Special

60,000/2 hits

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Below the Belt (Medium)

(when blocked) Follow-Up Special

55,200/2 hits

Low Kick (Medium) (when blocked) Follow-Up Special

79,400/3 hits

Lights Out (Medium)

(when blocked) Follow-Up Special

146,600/5 hits

Below the Belt (Heavy)

(when blocked) Follow-Up Special

55,200/2 hits

Low Kick (Heavy) (when blocked) Follow-Up Special

79,400/3 hits

Shield Bash (when blocked) Follow-Up Special

97,600/4 hits

Knee Kick (when blocked) Follow-Up Special

128,000/5 hits

Lights Out (Heavy) (when blocked) Follow-Up Special

193,800/7 hits

Legion Arrow Hyper 296,600/25 hits

Aegis Counter Hyper Counter 250,000/13 hits

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Against GalactusIn the seventh round of Arcade mode you will face against Galactus and his Heralds. You will first face off a dual combo of Wesker, Doctor Doom, Dormammu, and/or Akuma (if he's been unlocked). You will always fight one Capcom and one Marvel rep. You can only directly fight the first enemy that appears, which can be deadly if the second member gets behind you. Recklessly calling in assists or switching partners can be risky as you can easily be sandwiched between combos and hypers. Thankfully the Heralds share one life bar, making them easy targets to large scale hypers. Moves such as Iron Man's Proton Cannon and Super-Skrull's Inferno can quickly chip off these minions.

After taking out the goons you'll face Galactus right away. There will be no health restore or revival of fallen allies. On the plus side you will retain any built up hyper bars. At first Galactus will swing his fists a few times. Block these hits and when he finally stops, hit him hard with chain combos and level one hypers. He'll also attempt to Snap back with the flick of his finger. If a weakened teammate comes in, guard for as much as you can before tagging out when it's safe. If he pushes you back, quickly rush back to him by tapping forward or pressing two attacks.

As Galactus takes more damage he may enter the background. From here he will likely grasp you between his palms. Mash the attack buttons and stick to get out quickly. He may also shoot out a huge wave of lasers. Even while blocking this can deal out a combo worth hundreds of hits. If you can, try to leap up into the air before this can hit you. Galactus will let up every few seconds, allowing for a quick series of level one hypers to finish him off.

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Xbox 360 Achievements

Achievement Name How To Earn Reward

A Hero Stands Alone Win a match without calling your partners or switching out. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only)


A New Avenger Clear 320 missions in Mission mode. 40

Avengers Assemble! Make a team composed of the Big 3 and win a match (Captain America, Throw, Iron Man). (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only)


Average Joe Land a Viewtiful Combo. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 10

Back at 'Cha! Perform 10 successful Crossover Counters. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 10

Badds to the Bone Make a team of three who have altered their bodies, and win a match (Spencer, M.O.D.O.K., Iron Man). (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only)


Be Gone! Perform 10 Snap Backs. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 10

Big Bang Theory Perform 30 Hyper Combo Finishes. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 30

Brave New World Participate in any mode on Xbox LIVE. 10

Brusin' Bruce Land an Incredible Combo. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 20

Champion Edition Hero Earn 30,000 Player Points (PP). 30

Charles in Charge Land an Uncanny Combo. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 30

Combat Specialist In Ranked Match, surpass the "1st" class rank, or fight someone who has. 30

Comic Collector Unlock all items in the Gallery. 50

Copy This! Put an end to this game of spider and fly in a Xbox LIVE match (Spider-Man vs Taskmaster).


Darkstalkers Make a team composed of those who dwell in the darkness, and win a match (Morrigan, Felicia, Hsien-Ko). (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only)


Duty and Deus Ex Machina Make a match on Xbox LIVE between a national hero and a killing machine a reality (Captain America vs M.O.D.O.K.).


Excelsior! Perform 10 Team Aerial Combos. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 10

Fate of Satsui no Hadou Decide who is the true master of the fist in a Xbox LIVE match (Ryu vs Akuma).


Fate of Two Worlds Make a match on Xbox LIVE between the marquee characters for this game a reality (Ryu vs Wolverine).


Female Flyers Make a team composed of women who can fly, and win a match (Trish, Storm, Phoenix). (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only)


Full Roster Battle against all characters in a Xbox LIVE match. 40

Galactic Smash Perform 30 Crossover Combination Finishes. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 40

Herculean Task Beat Arcade mode on the hardest difficulty. 30

I Buy the Issues View one ending in Arcade mode. 10

Leading the Charge Surpass the rank of Fighter. 30

Master of Fate Unlock all achievements. 50

Mega Buster Use 1,000 Hyper Combo Gauge bars. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 20

Need a Healing Factor Win a match without blocking. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 10

One Step Ahead Land 50 First Attacks in a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 30

Passed the Field Test Clear 160 missions in Mission mode. 20

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Passport to Beatdown Country Fight in all of the stages. 10

Playtime Is Over Surpass the rank of Amateur. 10

Raccoon City Incident Settle things between former S.T.A.R.S. members in a Xbox LIVE match (Chris vs Wesker).


Saving my Quarters Beat Arcade mode without using any continues. 20

School for the Gifted Get a 5 game win streak in Ranked Match. 15

Steel Battalion Block 100 times. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 20

Super Trubo Brawler Earn 100,000 Player Points (PP). 50

Turn the Tables Land a Team Aerial Counter in a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 10

Ultimate Nullifier Perform 30 successful Advancing Guards. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 10

Waiting for the Trade View all endings in Arcade mode. 50

Weapon X Make a team composed of Weapon-X test subjects, and win a match (Wolverine, X-23, Deadpool). (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only)


Welcome to Avengers Academy! Clear 80 missions in Mission mode. 10

Who Will Answer the Call? Participate in an 8 player Lobby on Xbox LIVE. 10

Whose Side Are You On? Bring about an end to the Civil War in a Xbox LIVE match (Captain America vs Iron Man).


World Warrior Earn 5,000 Player Points (PP). 10

Wreak "Havok" Use X-Factor in a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) 10

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PlayStation 3 Trophies

Achievement Name How To Earn Reward

A Hero Stands Alone Win a match without calling your partners or switching out. (Arcade/online only)


A New Avenger Clear 320 missions in Mission mode. Silver

Avengers Assemble! Make a team composed of the Big 3 and win a match (Captain America, Throw, Iron Man). (Arcade/online only)


Average Joe Land a Viewtiful Combo. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Back at 'Cha! Perform 10 successful Crossover Counters. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Badds to the Bone Make a team of three who have altered their bodies, and win a match (Spencer, M.O.D.O.K., Iron Man). (Arcade/online only)


Be Gone! Perform 10 Snap Backs. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Big Bang Theory Perform 30 Hyper Combo Finishes. (Arcade/online only) Silver

Brave New World Participate in any mode online. Bronze

Brusin' Bruce Land an Incredible Combo. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Champion Edition Hero Earn 30,000 Player Points (PP). Silver

Charles in Charge Land an Uncanny Combo. (Arcade/online only) Silver

Combat Specialist In Ranked Match, surpass the "1st" class rank, or fight someone who has. Silver

Comic Collector Unlock all items in the Gallery. Gold

Copy This! Put an end to this game of spider and fly in an online match (Spider-Man vs Taskmaster).


Darkstalkers Make a team composed of those who dwell in the darkness, and win a match (Morrigan, Felica, Hsien-Ko). (Arcade/online only)


Duty and Deus Ex Machina Make a match on online between a national hero and a killing machine a reality (Captain America vs M.O.D.O.K.).


Excelsior! Perform 10 Team Aerial Combos. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Fate of Satsui no Hadou Decide who is the true master of the fist in an online match (Ryu vs Akuma). Bronze

Fate of Two Worlds Make a match on online between the marquee characters for this game a reality (Ryu vs Wolverine).


Female Flyers Make a team composed of women who can fly, and win a match (Trish, Storm, Phoenix). (Arcade/online only)


Full Roster Battle against all characters in an online match. Silver

Galactic Smash Perform 30 Crossover Combination Finishes. (Arcade/online only) Silver

Herculean Task Beat Arcade mode on the hardest difficulty. Silver

I Buy the Issues View one ending in Arcade mode. Bronze

Leading the Charge Surpass the rank of Fighter. Silver

Master of Fate Obtain all Trophies. Platinum

Mega Buster Use 1,000 Hyper Combo Gauge bars. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Need a Healing Factor Win a match without blocking. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

One Step Ahead Land 50 First Attacks in a match. (Arcade/online only) Silver

Passed the Field Test Clear 160 missions in Mission mode. Bronze

Passport to Beatdown Country Fight in all of the stages. Bronze

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Playtime Is Over Surpass the rank of Amateur. Bronze

Raccoon City Incident Settle things between former S.T.A.R.S. members in an online match (Chris vs Wesker).


Saving my Quarters Beat Arcade mode without using any continues. Bronze

School for the Gifted Get a 5 game win streak in Ranked Match. Bronze

Steel Battalion Block 100 times. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Super Trubo Brawler Earn 100,000 PlayerPoints (PP). Silver

Turn the Tables Land a Team Aerial Counter in a match. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Ultimate Nullifier Perform 30 successful Advancing Guards. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

Waiting for the Trade View all endings in Arcade mode. Gold

Weapon X Make a team composed of Weapon-X test subjects, and win a match (Wolverine, X-23, Deadpool). (Arcade/online only)


Welcome to Avengers Academy! Clear 80 missions in Mission mode. Bronze

Who Will Answer the Call? Participate in an 8 player Lobby online. Bronze

Whose Side Are You On? Bring about an end to the Civil War in a online match (Captain America vs Iron Man).


World Warrior Earn 5,000 Player Points (PP). Bronze

Wreak "Havok" Use X-Factor in a match. (Arcade/online only) Bronze

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