P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County...

Safety is Your Job Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015 Busy Month of May photos by Tom Moore Flying Demonstration for Cub Scout Pack 35 in Forked River See Busy, page 2

Transcript of P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County...

Page 1: P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015 Busy Month

Safety is Your Job

Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines

P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015

Busy Month of May photos by Tom Moore

Flying Demonstration for

Cub Scout Pack 35

in Forked River

See Busy, page 2

Page 2: P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015 Busy Month


Edward Hollema


[email protected]


Joseph Acquisto


[email protected]


Tom Moore


[email protected]


William Martin



[email protected]


Tony Riccio


[email protected]


Sue Fevola


[email protected]




Paul Meier


[email protected]


Vince Scatuccio


[email protected]

Asst. Salvatore Piu


[email protected]

Asst. Steve Lew


[email protected]

Ocean County Modelers Page 2

Club Officers

Electric Fun Fly

see Busy, page 7

Busy, from page 1

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Ocean County Modelers Page 3

Minutes of OCM

Meeting on

May 27, 2015

P resident Ed Hollema called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm after the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were approximately 26 members present, including the five officers.

Secretary Bill Martin called for comments or corrections to the minutes of the April meeting

that were emailed and published in the newsletter. The minutes were accepted as presented,

after the normal motion, second, and vote process. Bill introduced a new member Jim Faugh-

nan bringing new members to 109, including 7 Junior members.

Treasurer Tom Moore reported that expenses for the month of May were $1,074.77, which

included $240.15 spent on the field and administrative items, with the balance on the Electric

Fun Fly. Total revenue for the month was $269.63 including the event proceeds. Tom advised

members that the financial statement is available at the Officer’s table for those members who

wish to review it.

Safety Officer Tony Riccio reported that there have been no problems or reported incidents at

the field. He reminded everyone that we all have to be safety officers. If you see something,

say something. We all get caught up in the moment and forget safety sometimes and most of us

appreciate a timely reminder. Bill Bollard pointed out that members should be flying from be-

hind the flight line fence and not standing in the opening. It is there to protect you.

Mike Cook presented his findings on the cost of putting an Automated External Defibrillator

(AED) at the field and CPR training for members. He pointed out that although AED’s save

lives, they are not cheap. The club’s challenge is that we do not have a climate controlled space

to store the unit, exposing it to both freezing and high temperatures. His research showed that a

recertified Zoll AED with all the required accessories would run the club just under $1,600.00.

After some intense discussion, Paul Meier suggested that the purchase be put to a club-wide

vote via email. President Ed Hollema and the officers agreed that this is a decision for the full

membership. Steve Lew pointed out that the purchase of an AED would qualify for an AMA

field improvement grant. Subsequent research by Mike Cook shows that the grant, if approved,

would only cover 10% of the purchase price.

Mike also spoke with the local Fire Department about CPR certification for anyone who is

interested. They would be happy to set up training at no cost to the club. The program is one

day and takes about 6 hours to cover both CPR and AED usage. An email will be sent to mem-

bers to gauge the interest before we proceed to work out dates for training. Several members

pointed out that as a club we have been fairly lucky as far as incidents at the field, but none of

us are getting any younger.

see Minutes, page 4

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Page 4 Ocean County Modelers

Minutes, from page 3

Old Business:

Bill Martin and Tony Riccio reviewed the conversation that they had with Dan Burke, the

Jackson Township engineer on Monday, May 4th. Bill outlined the key information on the ex-

pected location of the solar panels and the timeline for development. Mr. Burke restated several

times during the conversation that there was nothing in the proposal to remove OCM and no

objections raised by any of the bidders to the continued operations at Wiskow field. In fact, he

pointed out that our presence has been a benefit, in that we keep trespassers away. A summary

of the conversation was previously emailed to the membership. Ed Hollema welcomed the

good news and advised members that the club’s liaison, Jam Rabii, will continue to follow de-


Chris Segui recapped the results of the Electric Fun Fly. The weather forecast forced the

event to be moved to the rain date, which probably hurt attendance. But the flying conditions

on Sunday were the best in the history of the event and the field was busy all day. Unfortunate-

ly, only a total of 16 pilots turned out, so the event did not come close to breaking even. The

excess supplies will be turned over to the upcoming Pattern Contest to recoup some of the ex-


New Business:

Bill Bollard briefed the group on the upcoming CAP Day at OCM. The event is scheduled for

June 13th from 10:00 – 4:00 with no rain date and the field will remain open for OCM members

to fly. Bill has lined up four planes with bubby box setups, as well as a simulator, to teach the

kids at the field. The Civil Air Patrol has also acquired three simulators and three Flyzone Ca-

lypso powered gliders so that they will be able to continue the instruction on their own. Mem-

bers are encouraged to come out and support the kids and show them what this hobby is all

about. Again, the field will remain open to members. Volunteers should contact Bill Bollard.

Paul Meier has volunteered to be the Chairman for the fall event, now titled 3D/RC Mania.

He outlined the preliminary plans for a one day event on Saturday, September 19th with a rain

date of the 20th. The event will include tie-ins with the charity organizations, Wounded Warrior

Project and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Paul is putting together a plan that will fea-

ture hourly activities and he is working on securing restaurant quality food along with prizes.

Many volunteers have already been lined up. If you wish to help out, please contact Paul Mei-


Vince Scatuccio gave members a brief update on the web site including the new home page,

posting items for sale, and the admin features under development. The ultimate goal is to pro-

vide members with more features and the club officers with better tools for communication.

Tony Riccio delivered the Field Committee report. He reported that the field is in pretty good

shape, but in real need of some rain. The equipment is also in the best shape it has been in for a

while thanks to Mike Alyea. Tony then advised the members that he was resigning from the

Field Committee. Tony has been involved in maintaining the field for a number of years and he

pointed out that it is a lot of work for one or two people to take on. This spring he has been cut-

ting the grass on Tuesdays and Fridays with the help of Rich Hresko. With both mowers run-

ning it can be done in about an hour. Ed Hollema told members that we need club members to

See Minutes, page 5

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Ocean County Modelers Page 5

Minutes, from page 4

pitch in and help out. With over 100 members we should be able to handle this job ourselves,

but without volunteers we will be forced to look at an outside service and absorb the cost with

additional dues, if necessary. Vince Scatuccio questioned whether we should build in a re-

quirement for member participation in maintenance and events. Joe Acquisto pointed out that

if we make those demands, we will lose membership. Currently the club is down 25 members

from this time last year. Ed closed the discussion saying that he would look for a new commit-

tee chair to coordinate maintenance, but that members must volunteer to help with the work or

we will be forced to look at paying a service.

Mike Cook discussed the third annual AMA Model Aviation Day which falls on August 15th

which is currently scheduled as the date for the club picnic. Mike proposed that we use the

AMA’s push to hold a Community Day to try to grow the membership by inviting people to

come in to fly on buddy boxes and learn about the hobby. There was a significant amount of

discussion about the pros and cons of trying to do this in conjunction with the picnic, as well as

why people do or don’t get involved in the hobby. The decision was to hold two separate votes

for the event. First up was voting for holding a Community Day on August 15th, which passed

with a strong majority. Second was to hold the event concurrently with the picnic, which end-

ed in a tie vote. Mike Cook will move forward with the planning for the event and the decision

was made to re-vote on the picnic at the next meeting.

Paul Meier brought up the question of putting up a bulletin board at the field. Paul’s idea is

to put one on the back of the pin board where everyone can see it. There are currently the re-

mains of an old board under the shelter, but it is in pretty bad shape and probably not worth re-

building. Ed Hollema advised Paul that he can go ahead with that project.

Model of the Month:

Bill Martin presented a rebuild AT-6 that he put together from a fuselage donated by Rich

Hresko and the remains of a wing from Jam Rabii. The fuselage is believed to be from a Top

Flite kit that was started but never completed. Jam’s AT-6 wing was from a Hangar 9 ARF.

The plane has a 68” wingspan, 48” fuselage, and weighs in at 9.5 lbs. The model was put to-

gether with all Hobby King parts, including an NGH GT-17 17cc gasoline motor, electric re-

tracts, voltage regulator, and assorted hardware. The first flight was not a shining success, but

hopes are high for the next attempt.

Joe Yuhasz showed us how to make simulated machine guns fire using two micro switches,

two servos, and an LED light. He drilled the splines out of one of the servos so that the poten-

tiometer would continue to run when engaged. The servo spins a wheel used to activate the

switch for the LED. Joe adds this touch of scale to models using the buddy box switch. The

buddy box switch is only on for as long as you hold it, so it operates just like a real machine


Dominic Pappagallo won the 50/50 drawing splitting a $68.00 pot.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Submitted by Bill Martin, Club Secretary

Page 6: P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015 Busy Month

Welcome to our New Member

Jim Faughnan

Page 6 Ocean County Modelers

Bill Martin shows his AT-6 with a 68” wingspan,

weight 9 lbs. The motor is a NGH GT-17 gas. It has

a JR XG8 radio. It is a crash rebuild with a fuselage

from Rich Hresko and wing from Jam Rabii.

Note from the Editor

I welcome any contributions (articles,

photos, tips, etc) from the members of

OCM. Send it to me at: [email protected].

In the Subject Line please put “FOR THE

NEWSLETTER.” If it is something that has

been published, I will attempt to get permis-

sion to reprint the article.

I also encourage you to write something

yourself, passing on your knowledge and

experiences to the other members. You

don’t need to be an expert in writing. I can

handle most anything—I’ll make you look


by Sue Fevola

Page 7: P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015 Busy Month

Ocean County Modelers Page 7

Busy, from page 2

See Busy, page 8

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Page 8 Ocean County Modelers

Night Flying

Busy, from page 7

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Ocean County Modelers Page 9

2015 Annual Oasis Pattern Contest

by Sal Piu

T hanks to a vote of confidence at a previ-

ous club meeting, I ran our traditional

one-day pattern contest on May 30th, 2015.

This year, we had 15 contestants and flew

with only one active pattern flight line using

the right set of yellow poles to mark the box

boundary. We also had two non-flying judg-

es, Joe Zeigenfus and Danny Ditursi, which

was greatly appreciated to reduce overall con-

testant workload. Weather was good for this

event. Wind conditions for the event varied

in direction and magnitude throughout the

day such that pilots were challenged to decide

which direction was currently upwind. Com-

petition in Sportsman and in Intermediate

class was tight down to the last round. FAI

class flew two rounds of P-15, and one round

of F-15. All classes flew three rounds total.

I flew my own small-sized Vanquish pat-

tern plane (with a 48” wingspan, as opposed

to a 78” typical pattern plane size) for the first

round. After that round, my competitor within

my same FAI class, Anthony Romano, let me

borrow one of his smaller practice planes, a

55” FMS Olympus, as that plane flies overall

better than mine. That effort actually in-

creased my score by 100 points between

rounds one and two: thank you Anthony!

Upon walking around the pit area, I noticed

pattern ships are getting a variety of design

features, such as contra-rotating props, can-

alizers on top of the canopy, anhedral in the

horizontal stabilizer, thick vertical fin trailing

edges, and staggered wing leading edg-

es: pattern planes may be evolving in design!

I also want to offer a special thanks to Bill

Bollard, a club member who came to the

event late in the day solely for the purpose to

help clean up the end of the event!

Here are the results of the event:


1) Tom Avedisian, 2000 points

2) Andy Sabol, 1992 points

3) Bruce Leach, 1940 point

4) Michael DiGennaro, 1890 points


1) Dana Beaton, 2000 points

2) Drake Marsaly, 1942 points

3) Lance Robbins, 1898 points

4) Bob Both, 1869 points


1) Dale Hart, 2000 points


1) Stuart Chale, 2000 points

2) Oliver Marsaly, 1940 points

3) Ron Lockhart, 1758 points


1) Dave Lockhart, 2000

2) Anthony Romano, 1745 points

3) Sal Piu, 1444 points

All photos from all four events

were taken by Tom Moore. Go to

the OCM website, www.ocmrc.us

to see more photos of these events.

Page 10: P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015 Busy Month

Ocean County Modelers Page 10

Busy, from page 8

Pattern Contest

Page 11: P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015 Busy Month

Ocean County Modelers




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Tuesday thru Friday: 11am-6pm

Saturday: 11am - 5pm

Monday - Closed




We carry Lionel trains “for the kid in you”

Stop in and shop! Lots of new inventory

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Show your OCM

club card for 10%


(See store personnel

for details.)

Page 9

Page 12: P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 0569 June 2015 Busy ... · Safety is Your Job Ocean County Modelers By-Lines & Fly-Lines P.O. Box 569, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0569 June 2015 Busy Month

Some Upcoming


“CAP Day at OCM”

Civil Air Patrol

June 13th 10:00am

Next OCM Meeting


June 24th



Municipal Building

3D/RC MANIA Saturday, Sep 19th

Rain date: Sunday Sep 20th Supporting

Wounded Warrior Project

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Community Day

August 15th