PMS Model Paper

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  • 8/13/2019 PMS Model Paper



    MBA III Semester (2012-14)

    E! Semester E"#m$#t$%

    Subject Code: 10MB&1H0 Subject Name: 'er%rm#e M##*emet S+stems

    Max Marks: &0 Date: Duration: , Hrs

    Set$% A

    1 #// est$%s 10 " 1 3 10 M#rs

    a. Define Performance.

    b. What is Performance Planning?

    c. What is an ssessment Centre?

    d. !x"lain the term #enchmarking.

    e. What is $e%ard?

    f. What are the objecti&es at different le&els?

    g. What is the need of in'house "erformance consultant?

    h. What are different t("es of "erformance relationshi" ma"s?

    i. What are the different Performance Measurement techni)ues?

    j. !x"lain the conce"tual difference bet%een counseling and coaching.

    Set$% B A+ 5%r est$%s 4 " 10 3 40 M#rs

    *. a+ Wh( do organi,ations set "erformance standards? (6M)

    b+ -o% is "erformance management different from the "erformance a""raisal "ractices

    that are common in man( organi,ations? (6M)

    . a+ !x"lain the Performance Management C(cle. (6M)b+ -o% "erformance a""raisal hel"s in creating a "erformance oriented culture in the

    organi,ation? (6M)

    /. a+ !x"lain 0oal Setting 1heor( and its im"lication to%ards high em"lo(ee "erformance.

    (6M)b+ 21eam 3eader as a !nerg( Manager4. Comment. (6M)

    5. a+ Define Com"etenc( Ma""ing. !x"lain its a""lications in Performance Management.


    b+ !x"lain the a""lications of #alanced Score Card. (6M)

    6. a+ !x"lain briefl( about the elements and their interrelationshi"s of $e%ard

    Management. (6M)b+ 7llustrate b( differentiating bet%een different t("es of re%ards. (6M)

    8. a+ !x"lain the functioning of 69'degree feedback and its im"lications on "erformance

    management. (6M)

    b+ !x"lain the role of external consultant in im"ro&ising the "erformance of em"lo(ees

  • 8/13/2019 PMS Model Paper


    in an organi,ation. (6M)

    Set$% C

    C#se St!+ 1 " 10 3 10 M#rs

    7$eret$#t$* t#s r%m %te"t#/ 8er%rm#e

    Consider the follo%ing ada"tation of a job descri"tion for the "osition of a district business

    manager for a sales organi,ation in #ristol'M(ers Suibb #MS+. #MS "roduces "harmaceuticals; infantformulas and nutritional "roducts and ad&anced %ound care "roducts and o&er'the'counter "roducts.

    Some of their brands include !nfamil; Cardiolite; and Pla&ix. 1heir stated mission is to 2extend and

    enhance human life b( "ro&iding highest )ualit( "harmaceutical and related health'care "roducts.4 7n

    addition; all em"lo(ees li&e b( the #MS "ledge: 2We "ledge < to our "atients and customers; to our

    em"lo(ees and "artners; to our shareholders and neighbors; and to our %orld %e ser&e < to act on our

    belief that the "riceless ingredient of e&er( "roduct is the honor and integrit( of its maker.4

    a. De&elo" job descri"tion for D#M "osition. (6M)

    b. !xtract a list of task and contextual "erformance beha&iors for the abo&e listed job descri"tion.
