Plegable biomol

Designer protein 'blocks all known strains of HIV‘ & Treatments to stop Alzheimer's step closer as scientists discover key inhibitor molecule INGRID JOHANNA ESCUDERO HERNÁNDEZ. 3 rd Semester Molecular Biology Teacher: Lina Maria Martinez Sanchez 2015

Transcript of Plegable biomol

Designer protein 'blocks all known strains of HIV‘

&Treatments to stop Alzheimer's

step closer as scientists discover key inhibitor molecule


Molecular Biology

Teacher: Lina Maria Martinez Sanchez



The proteins are macromolecules between the functions, they stand:

Catalyze chemical reactions

Transmit information between specific cells

The control the pass of molecules through the cell membrane

Principal control in the genetic expression

The proteins are made up for amino acids. The amino acids are 20 different they have a structure in common:

The proteins have a different structures, they depend their functions in the organism

Designer protein 'blocks all known strains of HIV'

A drug candidate against HIV potent and effective that it could form the basis of a vaccine.

The scientists designed a protein that mimics the receptor and simultaneously binds to two sites on the surface of the virus, which prevents it from entering a host cell.

Using the CCR5 work as a point of departure.

Designer protein 'blocks all known strains of HIV'

"Unlike antibodies, which fail to neutralize a large fraction of HIV-1 strains," continues Farzan, "our protein has been effective against all strains tested, raising the possibility it could offer an effective HIV vaccine alternative."

Designer protein 'blocks all known strains of HIV'

When a cell is infected by HIV, it inserts its own RNA. This insert of genetic code allows the virus transform the cell into a "manufacturing site" for HIV.

The new drug candidate blocking every strain of HIV-1, HIV-2 and SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus).

Designer protein 'blocks all known strains of HIV'

It has been successful against SIV in a macaque model.

Designer protein 'blocks all known strains of HIV'


Though the infections for HIV have diminished worldwide, if we compare 1998 where in number of infected it was coming to 33,4 million persons and 13,9 million deaths for this; and from 2011 they have been diminished to 2,5 millions of infected worldwide; even they continue being many deaths because of a virus.

All that that helps to improve the quality of the persons and to allow that they satisfy his normal life cycle, without so much suffering, should be the prop of the investigations of medicine.

For this, for my, it is a very gratifying advance, to know that this little mas near the vaccine.

Treatments to stop Alzheimer's step closer as scientists discover

key inhibitor molecule

A molecule that can interrupt in the development of Alzheimer's disease, that sticks to faulty proteins and stops them forming toxic clusters in the brain.

Treatments to stop Alzheimer's step closer as scientists discover

key inhibitor molecule

A key step in the development of

Alzheimer's diseases is the accumulation or

"nucleation" of misfolded proteins, amyloid fibrils - that do not disperse or dissolve away forming toxic clusters called

oligomers, this process is called secondary


These are highly toxic to nerve cells and are thought to be responsible for the devastating

effect of Alzheimer's


The molecule that has discovered is a chaperone called BRICHOS that sticks to threads of amyloid fibrils and stops them coming into contact with each other, thus breaking the toxic clusters reaction and effectively blocks secondary nucleation

Treatments to stop Alzheimer's step closer as scientists discover

key inhibitor molecule

In humans, Brichos helps proteins avoid misfolding.

Tests in living mice confirmed that the molecule suppressed the chain reaction from secondary nucleation.

Treatments to stop Alzheimer's step closer as scientists discover

key inhibitor molecule

Lead author Dr. Samuel Cohen adds: "Our study shows, for the first time, one of these critical processes being specifically inhibited, and reveals that by doing so we can prevent the toxic effects of protein aggregation that are associated with this terrible condition."

Treatments to stop Alzheimer's step closer as scientists discover key inhibitor molecule


Us all forgot Something and this is not a good feeling for us and less if there is a person involved in this.

Taking starting that, knowing that at any moment you will not remember their own children, is not something very rewarding at the end of life and therefore know that les will do much damage to them and the family in general, is even worse.

For this, this protein would help all to live better in the last epoch of our life with the family and of the best way.



Though there is no priest for the HIV, a

treatment with antiretroviral

diminishes the evolution of the

infection, causing a good quality of life

for the persons infected

At the end of 2013, 11,7 million

persons in the countries of low

and medium income they were

receiving treatment with antiretroviral, these act stopping

or altering the reproduction of the

virus in the organism,

diminishing the viral load.

Now, we imagining with the

implementation the vaccine in the world could be the end of one of the biggest

pandemics that has cost many innocent

persons lives.


At present it thinks that approximately 25 million

persons suffer Alzheimer in the world, and probably in

the next 20 years, there will be registered approximately

70 million new cases.

With the implementation of this discovery in the persons to have for factors that they predispose, to suffering to this one this disease and those who already suffer

them, it might cause a very good impact, increasing the

quality of life both to the adults and to the major adults and his families, causing this way the

experience of a happy oldness and in peace.


• Designer protein 'blocks all known strains of HIV‘. Medical News Today. Wednesday 18 February 2015 at 8am [Consultado el 21 de febrero del 2015 a las 9:30 p.m.]. Disponible en:

• Treatments to stop Alzheimer's step closer as scientists discover key inhibitor molecule. Medical News Today.  Wednesday 18 February 2015 at 3am [Consultado el 21 de febrero del 2015 a las 9:30 p.m.]. Disponible en:

• MARTINEZ SÁNCHEZ, Lina María. Biología molecular. 7. ed. Medellín: UPB. Fac. de Medicina, 2012. 112,113,114 p.