Plegable Biología Molecular

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  2. 2. The main purpose of DNA replication is to preserve the genetic information Enzymes involved in this process, ensure the integrity of the information. Any enzymatic mutation can cause a genomic damage.
  3. 3. Forks colliding: How DNA breaks during re-replication Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research (2015, June 4) With this new system, Orr-Weaver and her lab can begin to isolate the individual components involved in the repair pathways, resolve their precise roles, and perhaps determine whether other genomic locations are involved in the process.
  4. 4. The investigation was done with Drosophila ovarian follicle cells because this is a unique cell type whose DNA replication is tightly regulated during organismal development. Forks colliding: How DNA breaks during re-replication
  5. 5. Forks colliding: How DNA breaks during re- replication
  6. 6. Forks colliding: How DNA breaks during re- replication
  7. 7. Forks colliding: How DNA breaks during re- replication STUDENTS OBSERVATION Research such as this are very important, because knowing the cleavage sites of double -strand breaks and how cells try to repair the damage, science will have more and more elements to regulate DNA replication or failing to repair damage to this process , avoiding thus the proliferation of malignant cells as in the case of cancer .
  8. 8. Bacteria use DNA replication to time key decision Rice University (2015, July 9) Successful sporulation requires two complete copies of the bacterial chromosome, so coordination between the sporulation decision and the completion of DNA replication is very important. If the organism waits too long, it can starve before it finishes transforming into a spore. If it acts too early and forms a spore too soon, it can be overwhelmed and out-reproduced by competitors.
  9. 9. Bacteria use DNA replication to time key decision If food gets scarce,B. subtilismust decide between two possible paths: shut down, form a dormant spore "sporulation" and wait for better times or split into two cells and gamble that there is enough food for at least one more generation.
  10. 10. Bacteria use DNA replication to time key decision Spo0F excess inhibits the Kina activity through negative feedback ,which means the circuit output works to counteract the input that triggers it. This ensures a relatively constant cycle
  11. 11. Bacteria use DNA replication to time key decision The location of the KinA and Spo0F genes is crucial because If one were located near the point where DNA replication began, the cell would contain two copies of that gene, throughout the DNA replication period but If the other gene were located on the part of the circle that was copied last, the ratio of KinA to Spo0F would be one-to- one only when DNA replication was nearly completed.
  12. 12. Bacteria use DNA replication to time key decision STUDENTS OBSERVATION I think that research like this, are very important because knowing the mechanism by which more than 30 species of bacteria coupled DNA replication cycle in a critically form and to favor of one or another, gives benefits to current science to develop new modifications of this type of bacteria that represent a risk to human health and to bring him big impact; offering him greater quality in him health.
  13. 13. Medical Utility
  14. 14. Thanks to the replication of DNA, genetic information can be passed from one species another , retaining typical features to recognize and differentiate one organism from another Medical Utility
  15. 15. Medical UtilityMedical Utility Knowing carefully how DNA replication occurs in researches as these, These and new scientific have more facilities to recognize mutations or incorrect transmission of genetic material and thus can act more promptly.
  16. 16. Reproduction of cancer cells, in most cases , is given by poor replication. Now, with these new scientific advances , the cure for cancer or a less invasive treatment , is getting closer with the help of genetics The bacteria pose a serious threat to human health . By knowing how the cell cycle is given , medicine may intervene easier in their development and reproduction and thus lessen frequent infections and bacterial colonization Medical Utility
  17. 17. BIBLIOGRAPHYBIBLIOGRAPHY Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. (2015, June 4). Forks colliding: How DNA breaks during re-replication. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 1, 2015 from http:// Rice University. (2015, July 9). Bacteria use DNA replication to time key decision. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 1, 2015 from http:// Martinez Snchez, Lina Mara. Biologa Molecular. 7.ed. Medelln: UPB. Fac. Medicina, 2015. 101-115 p