PLEDOntO BTOLBM ix] jp...Bemired members, this break in tito liish Demo eratic rote in this secti m...

e. Cari flcllirrert ft nnrrinc "peech, wiil-h RBI oust eui gnstastteslty reeelved, Tiie DemeerstH teH-erslast Weela sreSS I d ii IlaiH'iiek Vet- ian < mb. BBd thc nairns Bl' stgaeN ta thaetaV-reM were imbil .odin lbs Dc >r itt* argea. Throe ir t BB BB B nave BUMS published cards iu The iiii-n dec-anag ike! iii v woold vote fur Oir Bell', nnd that Its ir atcoatare to the Hancock cub toll mis anantborla d Hu resell ls a ruction nvalnst the Detnoi r .'.a. wbo boped to li lister uv a wanl'ia cause. The ohi a.'Idler element here i* tliorongbly srooaed Ht the stn i. ni i" I- ¦<! iben, iate the DesseerBits eessp Ba¬ iler tn- ii 0,.ck banner. Aiumn- tee abreats M Ike HirBeld rtnb-roll are several aaeo who have heretofore acted with Un- i> mn. rai.c party, aad ll la tbooahl that Him ck wid rt celie a smaller soldiers' vote niau any lumer I'lualiliile of tin li..|,ii'er.:.-.v. Tm- R 'I'"1' "' " * of t li ih ii tm are wide iiwuke joni ii'iiUli nt ol making giTiii gain a oe their rete ol l *.".'> THE REBEL YELL STILL HEARD. argy Ban-Boo in ALABAMA Of s man whd OIVOOBB un- DBHrOCRA-O. mr TiLi.i.nifti to im: TiiintNE ) WBORIS ll IOB. Auc .-M..J. B. Kiiiilall. the fire: :il»:' Ba-OROaOry BO A taltarni*, writs as fol¬ lows of Ins lota cxti-tit tn-cs . To The i Wares' IBs gerti set flew; Tin tchoti mit cxir.i'.-t from ii le'.ter g.Md AOgBsl 10, lS-ai), in a, letta Us own story : H wea eerreaUj reported in re thal roo was klllsd st Bliei tnida. and ihe Bourbon* w i |_n!l_al over lt I .an nit ii a. a, abused, and threatened al the in 1 ¦«. which were eon'rot led byaboatoae hundred buUooaer*, for sxpre an opinion agaiusl hen conduct, i iii-iit. aft ¦¦ tb en-. Hon, ibej ass t bl td ne ir my house. threw ti.(in..n is into my yard nm! tiir atoned me with vioh icc.nud sahl that I should and .mi-i leave, limy ntnr.v ii lenten il my mu Iv to il ate ic k ii i: in il fruthifui yelling uni pas, mldahriit. They Intimidated tbe fns In.eooated aaoai aad counted themselves in. ne many other rouutiea are like thia. We 1'iHt bom av 500 majority, bal met cant. I us um hy _i>*> m. ;.. ny. making a chan sj ol 700 votes. \\e ti.,ai and mast have United wtatee Marshals here to secure a fair cha ti-n in Novell ur ni It, 1 BIB BOB IB daii-eroi mob violence any algut, bal ahab ita araaaduunlkilled. Yon Doald not seas hereagala; they SUI iour.iel i .m. Wo WlthbsM tue i.a.ii of tli" man ami the pac Whence thi* Ictlcr cane, list Ra pablleatioa iv, ubi stiiiiuia s the wrath af Ike Baau boa Beads RothtoRtbat bbb Be deas win he icu aaaOaa ta "egeeleh" any hui thelieriiiK'iHiie, Hancock, Ragtwh ai istocraey vote ol the Bsitd B -uth. Huw lo: o. ni), h >W iortK, iilil't fr SdSBBB, BaprOtected, Rs lt "i to endare sad i-uT.: fi om tbs uv-ge hate of toe offloc haag! v wolves tint call tl-ems ives tho groat party Bf labor, thc real nany nf slave, labor, cheap labai, dishrsa hised labor 1 Mas) nc be ruled over by a Preat- dent sash aa ii selects, and have ail si parttaeBta '.: c, ,v ernmint pregtded ov: i By Ita luili-ozmg leeebeal Hay this cup of bille: BOSa he p i-s -tl ii. ¦ ns, am if lt be n BOB* aary to apaa the eyes <>. tim latelitgeatpaopleol this oountiv a .il Bftag them to theil BSOSSBt BB they will and wipe '.it Hus massa! of a feudal ami t fTo'f aristoc¬ racy gBlag mad, let lt como. EX-GOVERNOB CLARK FOR OABFIELD. IK. C. I.'.Mlg TO DBI UH IMP i-sci OB TRBOW AWAY 1IIIS VllIF Kill! NV. A I. DOW, Lam a-in:, Peon., Ai-. 21..Tue following letter litwi int ti r eeived by Black, treaaar 1 si lbs Prol ii ition National Coiiiiniit B, ex-Governor Myi ni H.Clark, of New-Tort: y .Vu-, te, lBSO, TAe ll< m. .1 imi s Bl SOX, L«nrtister, I run. Ililli mk; I have rcc-ivo I lour letter sollc- ItiOR Bay subscription to aid tint eiecjion of the Hon. Ni al bu.. as 1'rc-idt nt of tm- Undid Mates. Mr. Dew is a laotlefl sa whoas prlaelplea upon the bqnor-probl- btttna gneatlee 1 admire ard app.-ove. Iwoaldbeglsd les d bim la sar praeuesl w ty whleh woold enable him leprosBote thal K">d noosa itu*, in tin ap-prooeblag rresiti ii il to ellon I shall nive m v aid, htBOS-OB Bod vote for tan Bee. Jaaaeo .. QarBeld. tbaeaadtdsteot thc Repa itt in Rational party tor thal eflee. Ylewlog tho gaeatlon In a pi.etle i! light, ve all know that ti tn er the Ile; ir.Hean or ihe 1>, inociaiic. eaadidats lor that office he elected. And I should (.res! ly deplore the alsetloa of tbs candidate et ti." Bsothere rebel brigs- dler* and Iii' ir lilies, the North' ra cm peril ead-, under tho nani of ti is Democratk RAtionsl party. I consider tht political situation of oar Ration at ih.-t time a- ex- tn no '.;> ,. ,. ,n nm- and alarming; ai much so us nt any tune «'.-, rr ire Were g_atlag fer ont Radons existence ami pt a lutiou acalaal the orgauiaed Bontbern Re¬ bellion ano Confederacy. We mu.-i first aeenre sud gsake sara a free eoautry, a fi cc na <>t and au hom si cobbi n. thi same, without toe 8wut_ern practice ol hull goaiBg mid nae of sbntsnaa at t-tlons, bf re wi eu cte n in m l'rtihiliitloit part. National elOOtloB. And ls de that ws must now elect ibe Republican porty 'a candidate, and thereby defeal the oandldate ol the ex ronni .. Hoiiii Hoiiib," the sspperbead Heath.ead th* nina)., t psriy. bow (tom him-a auder the name ut 1 tie Ral100al Democratic part.t I tsink lt would be wise for all ile friends ot -fr. Daw to vote as I shall. Very respectfully your obedient seivnui. Al hms H. 1 a 1.:; BE COULDN'T SIAM) IT. A mOR 011'ICl.K IB THK IU.1JIL BANKS FOB A .SHOUT TIMK. nv R-BBRAra to nih rBnoRR; W 1. mmuon, Auir. _1.---litcjiitly tho Democrats Ot Iii s I- t illly wire made baggy hy the conversion to theil faith of an ex-Union Armv ofleer, a protctre and Irienil of General Grant. Tho o ilk or had fallen imo bod habits, and. although a man of good natu¬ ral sbilitieBi bad lost his bosroesg nml beeOHM very much rodeoed. He tried to get a position in one of tbe D ]' ituients hore, hut his habits wen against him, ami hg was BOBO toBBBfat Hence ho beeaBM an aili ot atc ol Hui.cock uni) a chango. Yosteid.iy he roapjtc 11 .al umong bis old BefobliOBB frieiids am! uiiiH'iio' cd bis recoil version to a belief in Republican pi mci plus. " 1 couldn't stand it," bo said. " A short time Bince ive hag a little private meeting, anil I was the only lo>al man in tho looa. Dr. Hamilton, tho utan who iiaiued his son after Wilkes Boot., made a spam h. in wliioii ho saut: Just wait until the Boaeeek inaugural g ionialtIWl starts for the fain, ol aud nt'J show 'eui what art-hel yell"-.' 'Look here,'saul 1 ' I'm B loyal iniin, and I've hail ali I want of tho Democracy already.' " IRISH REPUBLlCA-tfl IN VF.KMONT. 4 LAItliK OABftRUl ANO AUTHUR f'Ll'n PMUCRR AT ltUTI.lNH. KiTi.ANi), Vt., Aug. 21..The Didi Repablicao Ineetiiiij nt West Kutlaiul, under Ibo at_s- plt'os ol the Li.tlal..1 Galil' ld and Arthur Club, nus a er nt success. It was! by General Jamis (yili r.-ie, of New-York, and tlio Hon. A. L. lief- riaon, ul inn :n'ii. l-.xir 1 trains were ran from ilil- ferr-nt parts of the town, and tbcre was a large aailience, eoBBgesed Brtoatoally ol Iri-h vnt'rs. Jmise .Moiiisijii'e elogoaal appeal at thc close ot his speech liron_iit lorivuril 1 ina Bombers of them.wbo sigtid tba rolla ol sn Irish llartieid und Arthur C'lub. The club will nonber within a week several Bemired members, this break in tito liish Demo eratic rote in this secti m creates croat eatbaataam atnoi -- Uegeblieaaa here. MASSACHUSKT'IM KKl'DBLlCANS. Boston. Atiir. 21..The EzeooUrg Courimit- tec of thc lt pubin au state OBBtral Osssssitles lulita BBSSttOfl hine t'¦ d..y. and chose a presiding oilier for tbe grete CoaoaaUee at Wsraeater. lur boom of tin mau mr ii bsgcsssret eatU be BaaseeepU^ tbs piot- tti n oiin-c. NOMINATION ny THU GRKKNliACKKIiS. Wil.uiisha 1*.un, Penn.. Am?. 21..Agib Side** et it., of ima c.ty, aaa nereiaated to-day for Aaaauwt law Ja igi of Laserne Ceoat] bj thc National f}reen back labai < satreettaa GK.MTtVL AKTHL'K AT ROVDOI I. ¦OWOVT, N. V., Aug. 21..Gt nirnl Chtsfci A. Ari imi ll in lul-t Stty, lbs gai sf ol ggaafeet tieori:'; ll buri*-.. Ile will v sit Oit-i.uuk Mouulaiu anti uluru to wOMfarbaa Mem.ay. fcv' ^OT^.S Of THK CANVAS8. Tlu- H(|iiii.licai)» of Ne mk will befcin aaah'eareealga awaadly bv m graai m-asn sansilBg sen week, tba reaattagwIU bs aOdreeasd i>v sat-Raeatoi Vte-BRhayeSO BBdetb-rdlet-HPUsbog spenkers. l-'re erii k A. l'oit-., ihe lu»i ubnciu >aaiaaa t,-r Ueeeraer win 1.1*0 be pi-sriit. TB-work ul IBe can raes la bal na Stillvii.v pro* uti ii lil ile- Cit v an,tv, a ld the un paiK" eluba ihsmre rai'idiy ibeu raaka un beiua nailloiiii<«l an 1 i-ijil l']"'. 1. Inc ael.v.l. of tin* Reuob llC-U IB ti.'- c::> la slroliifiy in Conlia-i mtii int- anpiaeti'-ss which tbus tar ba- abaraet r _e,i I hr Demo eri»t-. wkc hare aa yet d iaa very iit.lo in im aray sf 01 gaiii-a'.l..ii beyond tba fo: mati ,u ot fen ward elabs. 'Jiu; Uiiiiiu uii.-i 1 of Northport, Loaj bUod, bave foi iireil a tia) ll, ll and Arthur Club wiln 108 men, bert-, wi.i: Ihe loicmusl mtiu of tlie Village foi ii, Ofli : K. A G-tlic'tl and Arthur Club has boo fl 01- gauiz d al Montci in, N. J wltb a atareberaaip <d srei one 1 undi esl, and ls eoii-ljiu y BSeNaataR. Tba C.utt a ni.u.u.-r ol very -ciivi.' vuike..a A call bas lit-en issiirtl signed by Blty-fooi Teteiain for a uncling on luca.lay mimi, lae _-ih m ,i at Mondeville Il_li, Orni,;; , N. J, of all bsa wabli du tbesRuB aaldtara sag sailors io feral ea ersaolaauon tu e assspaseg sebrely mt rsteraasel Um Ibm obi un" t purpose m " io vole as tney fought, aKaiio-t Hie sam enemy ged loan Billee." Bi:iija«iini I'at'e, PlggMgRt of the I'ionei 1 Oarncil ,nd Artliu.- Club, linn re. eiv.-d » latter fro Rciiauir Kisooo Conklmgtbaoktag him fm tba Bal 1 n theo ul,-eui u-i li sn,iv. nu. Wi. Hm, k Au* td ll: "h eoubiiiiK U.e eaiL'at work y,u will de, I Std iou li" amid, joi_in_ you lu ail Hie luttitst you teni in i. Baas--' IIJISH LANW-OKDISM. LKTTT.K FROM JAMES Kl'DPATH. NOTKS Of A TtifR IN IlIK sol li\ll>l I'ABT or lltEl AND* -HOW LOUD lAM-M.WMi USRKPB1 BR'S r-i HIS TKVANTltY. |niOH Tin: BTBCIAL -ORfl-BU-ORRBB. ok fRl TBIBOBO. 1 Driu.iN, Arni, l..f>n my nai lo Kerry I Bad to slav linc hours in the town ol Mallniv, ni Uni Count v i in j.. Taara ie aa old eeetls there tbat tbs tioi>|»s of Cromwell cannonaded mid i:ipi oreti. Il is Ibe property of -*"ir Deaboat Not revs, Barooet. iii* ancestor, 1 was told, came over erith tbs Porltan oooqneror, ood wog Mifi'oted erith all tbe loads in tbe neighbsrbeod. Bs I oat neither writing a bn> lory nor fl guule-litiok, I shrill Bcrapoloosly refrniu noni deoeriM.g BSORcry. oariqatttea ami titiee, cx- c piing as thev iiiu.stiat .. aad tbeo only .s i iiet, t xp aili, iv liv one of the, most imintji uni- mill (rOgOl races once lace of tim .ariii . aiiil ct-i- tatnly one I' tbs plumiest peoples o' our tim..lives always on thc precipice ul pauperism, and iviiv Antorlea should be called bo bo often, aod ab pit- emi-lv. for help to k" ip the Irish peBSBOtS fi dui the horn -, nf hunger Bad of death by starvation Irishmen In America nay nol hoi dnl roi saint 1 remember rightly, to rob early ami of len, ami to take both then whiskoj und demoeraej ati eight -bal no ooo caa preload tbat ibo Irish ii America ara "leay'ead "inaproTidont," that they would soooer cai potatoes and eoar url!: thrice a day thoa a unod aansare -auksa sseal the sans mi niter of nuns, or thai i hej prefer to t;.> ragged, bareheaded and barefooted rather then weer decca< strife. Oatrideoftbt greal oities,too, mii lr.-h .soon snow ttint they prefer good bornes io mean horeb cr toni teBoment-hogsca Why, theo, are tiny different in Ireland, aod arbj gre ilny di-oreo I in different paris ol Irelaad t Fot exiiuiple, ivliy, in Mallow, .-rc tho BfflOll 00t« tOgBS li tbs hill not as tidy as the B uno class nf cot¬ tages owned and built by Hie lush,in Ann nea 1 BeOBOOB no lum ni all tlie tOWfl ol .Mallow owns thc land on winch his liOOM is built. M ('ruin wei i's carse" is still on the load. Iii" richer citi- sena in thc liash cities have long leaoea -lor 00 cr 00 m 250 tuc pom can get leaaes la Mallow for twenty or thirty years only, and theae looses ire norer renewed. I mot in my walks afloat Hallow au In- .-American, who hail lr, cd lor many yean IU Kew-Tork, snd he showed me whole streets ot oot- tagos on tim hill thai hod been baili hy bard-work- ing men who paid b ground rent for tweotyor twenty-one yens, .'inil then bad theil boases ooufls- cated on the expiration of tho lease! [f they con¬ tinued to occupy thom they were ooargs l aa high a rent as ii .--ir Daobam had baili t b cottages hiin- telf, Ii tlici'i.iil not t'uiiscnt to nay the new roots a root for tbe groond and a teni tor tim innis' tiiev bad boill tliemselics.they were Bommarily evicted without eompeaeariool lo yon wonder that Irish industry ls gsfferiog as bal a blight as Irish potatoes t What is true of Mill""'ia trna of rery cry sod loom In Ireland -nol one mau in a thousand, I am told, owns tbe ground oe which bia boase or bis is built. Andabool nine-tenths of the land of Ireland was oooflsoated and is still held bj the descendants of the Elizabethan or Crom¬ wellian or W,lim.Hilo soldiers who OOW so lii-'oi- ou-l.v shunt '. ConflsootiooI" wheoeTcr soy.ths faintest-.attempt is mads t<» seoare any protect nm to Irish Industry, No American m i'l ever oodorstend Irish politica until he uuderataoda that Irish laadlorda ure sa di. fei.iit frons Ainci !. :i a 1 ni.iliids ns i-l ITeholders weredlfferenl bom abolitionists, rhe distinction is quite as broad, 1 went the'-* of Killarney to Tralee, bot immediately rcturne I sad took tbe jaunting ear to Kenmare. At Kenmare 1 remaioed shoat a week, making excursioua to Dareen and ttleugariK From K nu.aiH 1 travelled by steam toCahircaveea and visited tbs Island of Valentia, tbs Irish ter¬ minus of the A; ian ic cable. i'i a,a Cahir* aareefl I erasBed tho bay to Dm., le ia bb bobo boot-.rt is a teo-miles row.and from Dingle (sgBiB thc cat) I drove to Traloiv. From Tralco by rail 1 caine back to Dublin. I, is of this tour that 1 shall ante. Just ono word about Ireland a- BOOB bj tlictiavcllcr hy rail and jaiiutingcar. From Dublin to (mk or irom Dahlia to Killaraey tbe coaotry is i-vei vn'iiere beautiful. Tho soil is rich and fertile, and it should rapport a flense population m comfort. Bot it is in ns'I vin pasture. After tbe famine ot 1847 the peasants were turned off ani' mo bullocka were turned in. THK mimi 8WIT7.kpi.and. Kerry is calli il the Switzerland of Irelaad. It is a wild am! mountainous country, nnd of marvellous and weird loveliness. Liku Now-llampsliirc, it is a great country to travel in.daring summer.aad to eadgrate from IB all seasons. Tho lulls.or mnun- t a o bleak and barren ami rocky. Even ni New-England tho lands would not sell for the annual rent tliat is charged for them boro. I recommend a tour through Karry to Americans who desire to boc scenery as sbarmiag as our own AdiroodaokS.a sort of mild Vermont and to see Irish peasantry at home. But they must make ' -elusions on foot "'er tim hills ut t uno-, away Irom Hie tourist's line ol travel, and enter tba cabins of the peasantry unexpectedly, it they desire to know tbe truth, ami thc whole truth, about tbe condition of tbe people. Lord Lansdowne owns over 120,000 acres in Dublin, 1,183] ia Queens. 8.9HO; in Meath, 1_.095; in Limerick, 1 .f52t>; and in Keny, 0-1,083 ucrts. 1 will write only of Lord Lacs- downe's Kerry estates to-day. 1_0population of Kerry is 10(5,58--. From the 1st of May. 1861, to the 151st of December, 1878. 114,0-12 persons BflSigratod from Kerry.chiefly lo tho 1,'iiitel Slates. This year lhere bas lieen a liirt'o emigration, and I was every whore told thal, it WRB limited only by tho jiovorty of tho people. Every young mau and youno WOBBBB who could raise tho money, ur whoso frionds in America mut tickets, made haste to liv beyond tlu¬ re ach of " famine and the landlords." These fuiri- tires ore the flower ol the youth, who have been educated dui*iag the last fifteen years al tho Nu tmnul schools.tbe class on whom every wiso gov¬ ernment relics for tbe luturo BtTeORth and wealth of nations. Yet the Irish landlonls urgo tliem to emiifiate! Tbeaverago size of " holdings'" or farms tn Keny is forty-liBSV acres; aud in 1871 thorn were over 18,000 tenant- in this county who h -I over one acre. But the average size of the farms is a deceptive standard of comfort--for if every tenant had forty-foot BerM of good land, ownine it or rent¬ ing it at " living rates," theie would never he such a calamity as a famine in Kerry. In Kerry 638,149 acres aro in psst ure; 153,889 acres are in tillage J 15.000 acres am in "planta¬ tions" in woods; ami 31t-),O00 acres are towoB. or waste, or beg, or mountain. Hadar peas aot-proprletary or resilient landlordism, most of tbs bog aod wasts lands nouid bo racial med aod sop. port a denne population. As it ls, Kerry raiaoa ita crops lorebseatas proprietors end its children foi loreiga countries. TH!'. HI (III Y KKNMAItK TRLU. The town of Kenmare, n village of 1,'JDO hil.alii tenta, is ono of tho mimi attractive in thc Booth ol Ireland. The scenery BTOaad it is charming. Along tba riret there are ii -,va ,,f e.vij iisite tn inn,'. But what I ooled with more BBtbv faciion was tiie fact I hat the BOORls were Inlier elad BOd tbs cinldren looked happier than I remembered tho peag felka ol Wi ai port, in County Main, lo bavo been Bl it. ii, ami te hain apnc.ied loot ti inter. 1 msatloned tins fuel to Ben ral petBODS in Kennion*, and .il 1 may deploy a phrase ir nt Um military aerriee BtrategicaUy loaded Lord Loosdewas al th peoss ol I. .iii Htigo. Hire, ian enough, ; semsd tbe ** 1 | hoooifori" tbal lin Leaden u preydhad pralaad tho imbli Marquis fm ti mg to Kenmare. Sal eat baud every eat nf tbi n "Wo lhanka i" Laoadoe n ''; bs was "ona ol ibo :m)..,t beortlaaaloodlerdaib Kerry, ".tba poi rei it bo wore shoi I and Ino ehildrefl Who B< rc di elad were iodebted te tbs Yankees md tbeNuuol Kenmare for it.foi lt was bister Pre a larc wbo had bagged tba money from doaWalu aod Aim rica, aa areli ss front Fran a and KbrLio l, i keep Lord Lanadewna-a tanaam from stares am! from li log n il;, il sad labam L "BotLaasdewoe baa epout meaay in haeroeh itesandtba town T" 1 asked "Mot th .iii.!' nol ono man, bul ovnry mau, answered, exceplitiit.and here comos the Hurst illiisliati m of "nollie" pliilantliropi.OB lena- (bal BU ..l|n' to reodsi tin- position of ibe tooan! border winn the preeeat bard times are over. Thc British 0or« ernnient. in erdBT tn . mpl'.yiiiniit -BB tho pena.mirv, iiUtliOli_ ti lOBBR nf the public money at low rate* ol Interest -ai "' '" oeresnt.tboamoBottbua losood tobe expended utdrahdag ladds that needed it. LaoBdowoo of- faged io borrow £3,000 i. !.¦ tims Bzpaods I on the I.linn of Ina Imante the tensats ibomTt1"**** '" do toe wot-. Only £30 waa spptted tot. vTbea ihe teoants petitioned lum foi a rodm tioa of rents for 'im l."d {amine year, bc ftei. d ss oas of a ''iii luiiieli ni reasons for n fi hiv* their room st, (hgt. I had 'uni bena Beran ti itt a ihle i'S't of Mis -int.' nu. i.: !. ihiia-- t ,.¦! ..,,¦... in prodaevtrem -< in ilia!-.:.a drain ina, a a.]-.> thai Biauj ol Hie smaller farmer* were appealing for a il'taiirc upoa tbe ail etd ground Hmm they had bobsbbbbb boppon- inn laiai laiuiiies. 1 prone 0 1, Inert lo 'av "Ul a "on-!.i r.1'ie mihi 111 the drainage of porttoo* of Iheeei eoaretag ibo taa_aie ft par ei-al na the eui av. roe po ."I ca.ii'-¦ v.iiiei b i-i. 11 '.ii bele* th« ralm ¦' ibeiir.i'.i ¦. toaa* eaterpr.lng teeaat, ablle ai lae ame Ha, tile i!r.'i.i.e VUTlU i.oilll gtvea iiiiiu'iiiit uni reuiuneretlve ''"" ">¦ ment to tbs nant* ami iltur families. of mrsarprtae whet Ifoaoi ihatmapite nf m ¦a: rm. ¦-,'1 e'i I ll-. ,1 recited BIT prepOBBt WSS vll- lililllv il". Iii... d. I b-d nun..1,:, it ml ieai;iii"-s ob j.-'.. 1. ired applicant n* for an eipcndiliu- ot not mme iii in BRO. Il Una la a fair aomide al tba e.liciyy ol lue luiiii.;!.., lue, 1 mao; BXPCI ll" *U a al. Now, I qaote thia passage bom Lord Lonsdowne's own nm in: -i-i in. It is un admirable specimen of Isndlora logie. Lei me supplement it by b short extract, also hom a private letter in my possess! n, from Lord I. nisii'iv, |.,'.-. fiiriiiii. agent, Mr. Trench, addi I. i'i Kev. Cai inn Bronson, tba | tod pries) "i Cahir- sveen, in replj los Bimilai n qu pr ferrcd ball of the "noble" Marqua, starving tenants, woo liad thc good loch to be bis r iris donors, sod b bo, therefore, did Bot starve, bet ins his Indomit¬ able pertinacity saved them from hunter. Lord Lansdowne** good repotatiop doo* nol iring f tn his own go d deeds, bal freon tbe fad tbal Ibe Nun of Kenmare ead Canon Broasoo, win m 1 chris! -i .in their pTcsenct.tbe " boss beggats ol Christen* dom," live on his estates, and beeanse thej iii J tbe kind sets foi which hs kc's tbe cr dil. "Darius Um wiatca thal hs inst paased b\," writes Mr.Treooh, "Lord Laosdowos offered te drain tbs laid on every farm "f bis property that requites drainage (bb much of it does), employing tbe tenants in draining tbeh owo farm sad ebarging them obs sbilling la tbe pound [29 ci ms on every S4 BO] on Ihe outlay, altbon himself would have to pay »;¦¦_. per eeotfor tbs money to speol ta tim Board of Works. By his L irdship'sdesire I laid oat £2.000 hoi sh ot drain- age) but hi* Lordship^ offer bas up to thia, I bbb*' say, been entirely neglected, ae the total extent to v. h di it hus been availed of lias not amounted !.. £30." Now, here is a clearly proved illustration of land¬ lord lilt'ral.ti and of peasant iinthrift. The Btote- ment is so adroitly made that, as Ure. Partington would ssy, " lt would deceive tbe rorj sch clim:,." But ivhai is ihe liuiah peosant'a defeuee I This: By paying B-Ht per cent in twenty-two years Lord Laaedowoe pays back, not tbe loteresl only, hui thc entire os pi tal tims borrowed for Imprennug hit otra estates, whereas the 6 per cou thor levied on the tenon! wss designed lo beayeryrisal in of rent. Wow, ii is only within a few tbal the tenants of Loni Lansdowne, estates in Cabin avon bad their rents loereaecd SB pei nt. and so sterile is tao sm!, so inclement the climate, w si ern tho itrogffle for e\ lr,'on ci: in Kel ry, ihat even in K"inl yesxsthe lalor of iho peaaeat, his wife and children dues nol tears thou morn than enough t" have three meals s dav ol pota- tnis ami t-k:m mill.. Tbs peasants of this county.and, I was told, by everyone 1 met of the whole Western coaal el Ireland lonol taate Bleat leon- than once a >.ai at Christmas,and sometimes el Esster, "I hem les of Ki itt" a Lo nu il in nil thc standard tn ail tea ol poiith al oe momy from Ricardo down, hut 1 have nowhere yat boob Ineidly slated tin- lilah land_ord?e theory of rootoe Ulos- troted timi enforce.1 la praetiee. It is, that rent ls tbe entire sorplos left sud due to the landlord after a tenant, bj the labor of hi* whole family In tooti ul ail HM var roaod, supplies himself with tbs lissi .,, "m ino tu, cai "oil en rj W-astern Anni ic in farm, li.-tiiiin redaeed them ti iii. t Lord Lansdowne propooed thut tba peeaaotry should pnv lum ferever .*) gai coal lor looney bs borrowed el l p< r cent sud this arraugemeut. oleo, was reodored all thc inmc onerous io tho tenant by the reel that thia Lord Lonedoa ne, oolike his grandfather, had n ha waa, refoeeato owtect hts tenants bv givtag them long leases, or any leese at all. JAMBS limiriiu. MB, 1>. L. MOODY Af HOME. ri.W ur lin: CHRI8TIAR OORRBRRRCB TO MRRT si rncmRg Mooor'a brmirary bob BUM its I'lioMisri) src.i ss. (noa a?. oot_tsBoo_t bmrrbpororbtortrbtrirrrRi i NouTiU'iK.i.i), Mass., Auk. 20..On Si-ptem- bsrlthen is to hs a Gsavsestloa of Obrlsttaaa from diff.-reiii pai ts ni this fuinlry and Berega at tala pl iee, ill ar -v.. to the -I'i-'i.' hlloli ot Mr. I). L Moody, -hu Uves here ta o eemtOrtabta sottege,a Cse yards awol irom ti.e lu Ho old-f-t.tuoacU Vew*_tagtead bouts lu winch he w.i* horn. Just in BtoBt, ned on ons of the ? .jie. wbers lin used to drive the cow* to pasture, hu lia* i anil a lar-o seminary whore youm; gida of moderate mean* can get a Chri*ll_n educ.Hon foi ir Hut a year. Into lld* enterprise he hos en t. re-, with hi* BSBSlSSB-SStaSaa Ile baa m d Illa in fl Jeiios ni'ii hi* inti reata an wisely Hist the Institution ls thoroughly rstaldisticd, rnmplrto lu all lt* arrangements, and aliiio-t fuiiiiaiiiii with iu c .uipl-imnt of 100 al um n.t. lui tan yeal. Girls are lo bu tU-L, t e .ulm/ _u.i house ii cpi i ii,*, und hy sunlit** with Hie minrosooi-o irom iiulme and readmit from tbe best BBB.BBB, and urn to he given a pracllcal education tiiat will flt the-n for thc duties of li.'n most ll.Bl/ to fall to their lut. II,,. Hilt ii will rex ul a tc Ibo daily lue ot ibu iiiHiltutiuu, mid it will he syilrra-lictiiv studied every lay, so that it I* expected not a fsW ot the younK ladle* will beUtted n* BBbBB.BaStSB and for other Christian Warfe, Haine twenty Indian girls, ths (taught rs of uioderntely well-to-do p.»n in . in the tar BTsStbeOBi, will ut tend tin* year, and several ot them will study wita Hu-.special iih|cct ot teeeBlagta ¦aadoy-sebosla Tmtp ¦.re ni: i.i' .md a few ol them mc pretty. Om- of them is trie daughter o: ojulgu. Mi if fOOag ladle* of mn..! respectable nntcea denn wi,l naomi Irimi t arums pints oi tba mum ry. Indi ed, inc prioalpei esaaUaa- (.iou io whick ai i Kaoota ure * ibinitted i* respecting their boalla nnd previous belinvior. A* the Kills will have more lree hon luau i* usually allowed at bon riling srlnioln, tbeir per sonni responsibility Hill tlc BHISIST ,ili. Al oi ely'a mea in BBVtBg tim chut,m. .turi la that a sp.i.mal MeSBMBg msy ho reel Veil Ot tue CiiiimIi_i,_ who .nc to meei, and through them BS _B.I iionateil umolu; 11(. chill eli I .vim li liny rc jil rsa tr.. __. tim SM On B inca Hie toil niter* ol lin al -p nt in prayer anil .un oin ali«>ii lust after His sscensloo, it w lo last ten dat s. All itriiit si'iritiial iiioTemi'iits m the hl'toty of Ci.rl- .miii v nata- peen prct-udcd by BOBS neoe-n.'. mid BaBed ujioii too sa in mil .c ci- tbat la aRpsBBad le he main fcKilXl till III lt DC .lalOII. Ain.'iie ih.i.e ti, le preeeal ure I)r. II alkie and rinfe-- Mir.M'.ioi. ol lalirilnii a'h, hcullai.d, sud mil ra Irom lihln.ul. Mr. Joan B. U HUTS v .in cm.luci tile Inciillii',-. na iseni -ni.ur 7, n im-n will be gri a over rBtlnlj to taa ell .11 ol ||| | ll',jee: ol I, i|i.-lillico. *-h'v i.u iiiiodr. it perrons ft an * dismace save sscmig iiu.uiih bera already aaa awol aaaw areeomtog. Mr. .io. ly it'll: u-i. Un iew fcmmaiT bBlldlag li. fore thu oe -a ¦)'.i, tor lae ina BUIBBda in of Bl* carat*. I'.olii ll.l.a p.nil Hie vim ol lue «.' -iiliui ll ut Vmle) hu,I i uer 1. line lo li a i-.a il hlgBiaad* r in n lu a. it iii .. M.ain in pea':i ;iini long alrrtoiiea et mesdows wits i. er ian yu.o eropj i-temi for sallee aluna tba trangali rivet banks. Any CBnatiaaa who t.d.e ptee.nre in tucB tl, lin:- wail I" .llilioai'' .uni Call emin WU bulli uillcil aaaaaas. ____________________ HIL FRAUDS L\ AI. I RAM A. WasaiiR-atoa, Aag. SI. rbofsUowbaRexttaet lg (ram a private letter al a gool leoma af the higboat e .. a! bara terreaadiagio Hootavillr, Ala.: I coi'.i nial )> lonnie!lt I BS lin., tlly,> ... ,i mp ll Ja.-, fj '... li ll .. per,air,,. I . ll lt. IV IlK tSl lia) flt li, ti . ,u ,,,,,,_ j 'li I io.I ..I. ld 1 p i|.n j,,, |, ,. rb a ii, i, te-li.fat oi I'l" B public.ui or lim,¦(,.i,,I .., i. 'lection itt" ri ,.i u ,. ni i, ,. VO|. _ .I e io .. In o.iln 4-1 . C..loll hf) il,. h..,n..." ..can..i lal. ...o .,;, ,., ,, / ... I. f lilli IIB ul lll.l'-ea. ric, I" H'l lilt Of III, ir a.'I Hi io OOO itfj an ; ,. In o i . '. | I ,. ., ..., il, 1. : In o loud, nt- e ,, .my br 1 ii "i nail ri ty. 'I a ,.., umag u ll la o|.j .iain, , ll Hie I i. in ,:,, (ri.. ,., ii a, 1-1 . m ion 1, du elva rn io IB* I, te now cari I -H.) iu.i| .nit \ laking tBe rete ol I Bi r.-.i, ie Ju a* m ...ul ai I « ¦.! apiirovlag ut tin m I.,' u h. bi ii i.a ai tua o ..rn a i, ot ,, ,, iiii., ... ..,.,,. io ,.' lb i.ii .leela,,i .. i ll ()NK Kui; RiM.*-***_port_u Uflcle i " Whoa yog . pour III 1 ¦.., o 1 t a .,., ii.- ai l ", v: .'i.u., ll.n.lii linn. | lum,, i be no,.., lil i. in gu ua tiiii turi, mu-uu. [PascS FRENCH TOPICS. CABINET AM> MttLBTARD. onn iai. and i*40KruiAi. niMtJrt.sioN-iiir CAMM CV .UK JBSSJIBB BSIBB BCBIlXBg OP B PUOfl BO OWRRROt/RO.f KOOi'aTIon' ol' PRIRCfl RA- I'l.l "V*. *.,lN>-. lliniM Tin. ma,il.ill BOBBBBrOBDI Bl OP nu milil'M. I'.wu-. Au-,'. 5.- Mc Joslin tjuistiou is licinu'N iBOdod. lt is iniw kim iou iii ilel,al -tl iii the < '.ninnis ofGoveromeea wbethera MU should not he brooRbt in next scss-ion for fm reeoal of tbe De PaiToua law of 1800, in:inti>iit tba loligtofl ordV rs Um power te open sch.mia foi high sro hMotfoB. The Left Ceotre bas been badly boatoo in i'i" departmsBtaloleo- lions ami will in ali probability bs swamp I Bl tbs nexl renewal ol theSe-ate. Parliament being now to reeces it woold be rash to predial tbs sttitode tbat group will adopt at the ead ol tbe raeettoo. Bat it mar be Beaaoied tbal lt alli sodeavor to make trieuda with tbs nammon of Kcpablicsnlsm, i. li ll c solo ,,| v. Inch nilli els il BUflVsge most cm phill- umlly declared tteelf oo donday. Tua Left Ceotre ba' always baited b tuen two camps. Very recently 1:11..- lia, i: in-1 to tbs ti.oii..!. '». oertoln wirepullers. Tbs Immeoatty ol tba Bepobiioan majority at tba departmeotaJ slcetioos moat bavs napleaaaotly startled tba Left Cootra. lodivldaal m. inii'i''. of iha! gro ip who <l" oot eeeaoy 1Mb seats h ive bo ebotee bel weee ateeriag tefl wards lute thc Ucpubli ian carnot, or dissppeariuB altogether. It is :nv nunn ssion timi ti cy v.i.i sooopt tbs former alternative, aod that they will Bod themselves ls Bompony with more mr .md out reactionists wlm prefer <J localing tbelr i! lg n> losing tbelr seal -. II. Magoard. tba politic editor of Ibe Figaro, ia far sa mi.' Ung to the logie "f eve: ii m. He ashs the Roy¬ alists * bat they bare oblatoi d e itbio tho lost ten yeera by their ooeompromia igpohey. ead ba bo- tresta them to weigh welt the probable eoaseqoeoees of ths vote of Baaday before tbi ¦-. rejeet. tbs sdvioe he Sen. TH! (Ul BTS A*4D I UK JESUITS. /,/ l.'ii .'',//. ni tins morniog baa a leader In which it ia not hard to recognise tbs viv.nous pen of O.imbetts'a close friend. Bone. Il ison tbe new aspect "I tbs Josafl qaestioo, with which it exhorts Ibe Government to deal in no half-hearted, uncer¬ tain spirit. To cliecl.mal the JeSUitB tWO tllloi's ini*. according to M. Bane, needful -the sbr igati rn of the De Pallon- law ob higher iuetractioo, aod a new Investiture of the lodges, I.i theil against tbe o-ffli tels who bare oxecotod, bo far, ths (lei Ices, the Jesuits havel; .n in the greeter lium- bei .1 cases ths ii. tors In regard lo their propri¬ etary rights. It bes boon docided bj tbe majority of tnboaals to which they sppealed thal the Gov- i rmnenl can i. _:.llj shu; ap their chapel*, and, bs li. Baadry d'Aeson pul it, msks Hod In tim Univ -o uncut ii pris, in ; hut that tho pict'.fis wiro ordered locksmiths to force their doora, snd i men and soldiers to expel them from their booses, rendered tbemaelvea li ible to oivll ac! lo The diatribatiouof pris a in the Behool of St. Ig¬ natius, at which defiance wat burled h.nilly at tba Government, took plaoe oa tho eve of tbe depart¬ mental elections. 1 have poll.ted mil, I ll,ink, ill a previous bili r, the iacapai ny of tho Jesuits to dis¬ cern tbe feeling ol thomasa of toilets, wbo consti¬ tute-alverna! aoffrage. They oodewtaod thor- niiirhlt i,iiiiii, aad tbe higher classes of society. But lim. .mc mil of sympathy with Isa Stuoelle* Couch** Soeinlet, und oooblo to diteet them. What bapp me Iset Baaday took them by surprise. J bey ware astonished to lind that, tbs eeaaanta approya followed by tbe Govern.mot. Uthsdis- siB-BB of Loyola better Boderetood tbe sspirotiooi nf tba Nat am. Ita teodeoeies and Its Instioetsy they iv'iuol awt hovedepated Pathes Clere to make the brilliant, tho borniog ami til" doll nit, soseeh which bs thin-, md in the presence of Coadjutor Riobard at the School of St. Ignatias. Thc Coadjutor was there as tbe representative of tho Archbishop ol i'ai ia, ivhn c limco be virtually ruins ead whees chair ho is, on that prelate's death or retirement, to lill, lin is a man of LTcat force of will, nnd ultra- niontaiiist above every thiag '"iso. TbeCoedjatorbas bean ia favor of the bo.lashlag poUey pareaed by tile IsUgioaS orders. VATIIKK 0LBRO- UIMI.IIWT BPBOOK. Pstbsr Ctaee, whsee speech has bad such a loud reverberation, wan, we aro hound to n-snmo. the mero Bpekeaama ot bte order at tba pries dietributioa of Ibo Behool of Bb tgoatiOS. leaching has been hu vocation. Be le prefect of tbe eolleges tn tbe Bas tlc -kimi: id, and a man of gi-ntlo tOOO ol Voice and beaevnlanl maaaera, Hebaoaerar had nu oppor¬ tunity to shine as a oalpit orator, which niay ac¬ count fur thc effect his .speia li pi n. lilied on those nmi aatei.i ii, ii, i, ho ad ii in B candid spirit. Copies of it wi re B0| Joann lin v -' ..iii h pul,li,Im a dav liol'rn- tho of thu ballot IwiTen. aristocratic ears tho cfleut would Lava been powerful. But Frillier-, flin Nation, waa deaf lo tbe elia-.lenee of the Revprjiid Father, and dui not votiiihaafs I" lum a hcaruur. Tho only affect Ins eratiOB h:is thus far had, is tn force the (iovcrnmeiit into a new and more enoriretio campaign ugaitiHt ths religious orders. Tho ink which M. Kane used in writing bis article will not, you will see, bo wasted. A Kt Mnlll I) CONSPIRACY. Koine «ava sd afloat last night nu tho Petite lloiir-e a rumor that a consimacy hail boon dis¬ covered to an est thc three Presidents ut ChorbourK, to throw them into the hold of a man-of-war ami sand them ont to ana, whilst measures were being taken lo sot up ii in.itiaroliy. Thin rumor originated in something which the Mayor cf Cherbourg let fall tn a restaurant, allure he was dining. Ho tobi eome i mmd* wbo nure sharing his repast, that Admiral Itibouit was capable of joining in a plot against tho lie public, and that it was not safo for M. Qrevy and flambotte to trust tbemselees la thu dag-obla- a year uro thu tRHMROd SOespifOey BBlgbt Basil] .ve BR00SB.B_j tba army boin,' then headed by |BBfilBll inimical to tin- Kepniiiic. Olary, it np- pear.s, feels vory iiervom lo nOOSCQOBBse of tba .siiti.:or rumor which has come to her cara. She in¬ sists on BOttiK willi her iRflOgoltg to Chei- bonre, and arttaaastag thc naval review aud other maiilinic spectacles flinn au upper window of the l'n fa lure, it isa pity she does not go openly. There ara rory loo women in Normandy, amt there viill be no oppiiriunily for them to grace tho i'reai- tlcntiiil (dtea mr. BDO0A1TOR ok phixcks. Tri nen tfagoleOBal sons did not compete for prizes al lim Coiicour General at tim Ssrboooe, but -aggi aiivis'd to do BO by their profsBBOT, who thinks tho eldest above tim BommOB average Bf I'-renell boys in mat hemal ins and I.ngUOgCB. II- baa the myal pift nf toognre, .-ind sun-poms himself u ith eorroel flu¬ ency in English, Itnliiin .*it! Qermao. Thu but had two (Jarman graadatother-, tbe Prineees Cathertoe Ol \Vlllti.|ll.ill'«. alni tba I'll'ices-. A dei,'I. ile, ni Alia. ina. wile of \ udor Kmunimi. iii., moilun i* In d- monte-", anil Ibe rt iiiup:tiio., mn ot an li ilo-Corai- caaiaie. Prince Napoleoa is no; satisfied with Ibe btatorieal Btnaies ol his boos, lin, breaefa of I heir edncathm ho is lukin? lalo hts own beads. By waj ot iatsodaeti n bs a imw Buaosed >.n sbnwiag them i h mat rna; Bhatoous ol I, ure. lin v have passsd a levi dat- nt Drinan whichc' lateroetiog old moaoineota. Ii I IK l-Oll I AM) Ills IMI lt. It ii oat t bu blferred fr so tho choice Itocliefort ha- made of tho Citd llalaehorbe* as a place of ab'"le iou; ho intends to lend a fat and- I.¦ «x dence. Tn at odd place, is rn, tloiibl inn nb aile ot vice. li t it i* ula,, the dwelling-place of arils** Coeottee, polotnre. scalp ¦'' a.11 pl tv.. ix ii . live liiere in gaj 1. sin p. i.. i ii .oms,, U detselisd, ami doods tu ol it a Karden. Kochoforl aili pay, hotweeu mal aod hon, francs ys irly for ins msnsi rn, lo which there is a stadio whore bia snu-ia-lao will wor. ss o landscape pstuter. Tho loutaruier has b raia re capital ia baad, lin in p.nd weekly, I'bo pi >tt ta of bia journal ara aatfrmoua. lt oirou- lati io thi ol i action, as well as lo tim rt d fauliourifn. if it woreseiri baCorebaad to tba Boyslist in Ports andin Llio prortROSS iii order that BABSAS ni i U01 ls st FWESISG. To I hr Ld it or ol I h r Tribune. Slit: Will you pi unit nu; to ask hulp IbraORi vmir ti,nor for iho no urtu! n. ne""*. w.oas o;y i* Basel btrbbs. Baasot tatters . ~ n.u.y um dy. us tor wr_ui of bog .ii I cure, (trev -lu.MOO nf Un ne |.,)(>r ie nj.In m.- a,,ii^|,i In; ,|.mt 10.O0B td Uh-o liam rimi,ii ..iii-t ia uilni BtBIBB 1 SOB-tO.g of lim remuindoi BIB .mp!,.-, dii.irlarlv; BBOtRM "Int. I»« rbaP>.kl P »» lo,;, her liv dolli* 'fd |»BB Ml'" ¦'» ti,em to da; bul Ibe l isl th.r.l -re at k, -H ahead sb ¦¦. '''i'm'n'arc more .her-rs f mi cnn he sun .!«,'.' io Kan- si,: InlrfiiidliileexlMU.' d BBB I wy h-M *<*»>**> tn nirry liirttKi-. anl tlie R'llsi A",<',,,u_.,' . ti-a-eiiy la emptw. Mr. R. 1. ClimstOCO, scull, r nm Belief Assoc uiea, baa '"." «_£*J_wjli1 - irnmei to li teresl peoph ai tba Ea*l In Hen >>¦ ¦"mit, ami ki,.' no.. sapsB a i" me ct i a «f .s >w y»*- *¦.' I* at No. HR Irving pluto, where ale* .alli glanlj »¦*,*...__ notil-ie* and leee-.te eoiitiiaiiti na li iBSoasocailiBB for prompt a-o-t. n ; the angering greal bbb ".r Dombera appalling. Respectfully yoors, iii a n < OUdRR ..>>¦/. im-J-.-. An-/, gi, 1880, MIODLBMBB FOR TEACHERS. SUPPLYING .>('llooi.s THROUGH AGENTS. proportioxs i" v.iiii ii rug bystrm Rag OROWB .RRTHOM Of THO SORRCII PORRIOB DR* M V.ll Ul! Il I'ltl-IIS. "I have second positions for mon- than ..cia ni um last nitnii Iva years." Tea ipeaker waaa tall, pleaeaat-fioed man ol abeol ri rt y VPar* o'a;;e. with B loog White BBBOBtaebS whicli bad tba sppeereeca af batOKcarcfullv u-uded, and with bright, big eyes. " I weat toto thia IB i-*v>," ba sootlo- ii ,i." "There were two othei aaaa eagaged la tbs ... ii -i i he.-iiu. Both of them have lear etoee retir d, ead t am tba oldest of lbs aasata in bostaesfl now. .vt Irst there was very little to be done iu this linc i ii! the '.'nones, bs iboen m iresa ag rapldl] Bf late ta irs, Bud there ure live or -1\ dill." it BgaOBtSS in the edy now, thoogh two or Hire- of thea lo acarly ali tbs butti-.... rue method eiopl ijedbrsll lbs agents \- shoal me, if persona weal oostUoaa, they iced i" tba ¦.,;.,: :, noell retatotag les at from H m pg. They ¦aol with thia a atatemeat of their exparit nea, ago, etc. tin- 1.1..ii."ie. they ara h is ll d to leach, ami their terms. They slsossad their piotnres aad teatUaoatala, which arc then re-riled bj tbs seeat. If every tatag la - ii factory, tba bobbi pata tba oppticoBt mto cnn- i.iimieat.iii: aita Ihe trnateie ol tear « Br aaboola abe o ti ic her of ah,rn kttona, and BS very ii i fa.sta gel ap.-i:. n if bs ls a eoe! ama ead ,:. not bars bb axorbttaat Idea of tho vaiuo of hu .ellie, -." »Do these spplleaata alwaya send their ptetereste you 1" .i solly. [ bad aloaost as eeeo bore tho plotare of u:i a;, o III lani a.- li a iii :n or ber |i tnOB liv. All I B SOI in h«-e is tbe bead ol s person, and I can tell pro.ty nc.r.t won) i;e n. tte m iiiiciin n .ne nome w hal re¬ luctant toglve up their pf ni-- *. The loins are aol ,-n .o,. however. I Hi'- ali applications, and patin iii. ph ,ii -a ipb rn o li ii" at Hm bead ul bia application, so thu if any trustees or ethers .ii. mt ber ey have a ai aopala ol e ., ., nop.i. at I'i lil" ami. m tin- majority Ot ' a-es, his .ii...... i b,as ii bael* for opening a correspondence wini hi'a wi. a soy one gets sn engagement bis papers ai,il piciui are .elura <L" .. where d most ol jrour les h r- get po ittlonsl" "We send then to all perta ol tm-country. We abm Moil quite a ouuiber ouuida ol the United State*. ,.. .-ni poaltlona tor thirteen ladle* ai 0. linea, sades Dr. Murray, ile lum a Behool m i- c, .1 lied alter Hm pl d ol Ihe Munni Holyoke Si-1, ii ri. Host ol the i':: Bora we seni til ai were .Mm lioiv.ioi graduate- twenty Biara will «.> out there tut* fall rn take posit iona in a mbool which is i n Dr. Va a. rn aid mi tba Hot.tad govern- ii ut. Dr. Vauderwald was educai d in thu country, i.niiielieil Ina lebOOl i.ltei' Ml Uni IIoll oKc" .\i st will he the psy ot these teacher* 1" "They Mid receive 1800 a yeer. They gel their transportation nae, ami ail tin ir ozpeaaes paid, if the return before the ead of the third year, however, tiny inve f p.v tie ir ow li fare hack." .. Do j mi o.iyi: in my caiK r r music teaehera (" i ., und we have a sood deal ot trouble in supply. ingttiem. w"e bara very bard work, also, m getting r',.i ea n m ii with a imod education. Ant ip ia nt. ty of iii a. ii ii tm ' apply for positions, hm l do uoth- insfor tin a. of course, We have bard wor* In getting good tcacuera for reform schools Ab order from Kin dall's ls,and ls an ut ii, hard a one ta lld us tte eau g. 1-" .. Have y, ii sent many tascbera ni) there I" "'lure" ol f Mil', Sin! liicv .il ali- to Ot. IratclSSS mSB, TH. > uni*' hue executive ability ol the very hiitbeet \, i.-o oastonslly haveordera from Mboola lot- de 't mill' *. I inni ;i deuf mut-- In mi' lillico In io tor »evt ul t eera mt cine' niel k. ll- is now In eli tree or admit mata school In Baltimore. BoohaaIntell.tent ic low io, li., iv.i* ! Hceouidtell abai an) one wanted as soon:'-in o imo Into tn" cith e. ii< u .ed to assist Dr. «...|ialldet iii tim .lear lilli!.: inti! i'll h'le " .. Do you lia ve manj pct son* try io put- oil istgu. di- nnd r fereiu ai on you l" " No, ii. canto awm Hera nave loamed by experience thai we examina tbeae tao c;,.seiv for them to- H .no mtUMI ''ol at lc!. lion, VI r, hy p.-i¦-,, .* \t BO apply for p titlona lor walch they Lave aot the a ll-bi est un liiiicima. i'iis morning I received a letter from a tii.iii v.mi wauled B Professorship ot Kogllaii ld eretnrs umi Buetorhi tn wrns college, and yei ms le tel wa* badly spelled and wrtti. I wrote Bim, say m.- ii. ai I uni not think I cou! ifni St ia a po* it inn un Ul h. laarosd to spell. i receive letters beni persona clari now and tiien, iv.o ttiiiit me to luruisli ll), ni With dipt in is 'nun some corni Ci Hage, nnd to sci them a place h* wen. These letters, how ci er, arc moally froit; I'niimi.i. a Canadian iblnka hs eas rat aaythlag, you know, in tba I'mun htatea for money." " lin any graduate* of Oxford or Lumbrid-je ever ap- plv for pasHlonn I" ¦ OccaaioBaliy ; aad I alwaya receive them with open arma. An i-.ui.-li-li triad ile ia a kind of a gem lor ino." A Wuhan's BOHRRflfl MRT-OM, An agaai of ihe _:, ii tn-: lex, waa has necu in hus: ne** fur herself about four years, waa next seen. BhBtaB latlv imnut thirty year* ol aga apparently. with a pleaaaal sddreaa, and tim coon aaeeaaea in pat¬ ting al case th. baabfol yooog college gradaataawhe apply for s p..-inna, and who sm BBOBlly sotucwtiut fil^hletu.-'! hy Iit four or live linly BSStstaatt. Her ure!umi. sad experiences, ab sue related them, WON, of coin se. in niau) ri-pic'.a identical wltb Mr.Sobermer- hm n's. oilier telega, however, alie said : Winn I receive applications for poasttsas, I alway* send print'd blank* io the fippllcatit* to bo filled out. On thine sro gaastleoa os to thats education, wbetesbeel or eollagS th.y nero gruduutcil Croea, wtiat e\pi. ni i ¦<> 11. it-.,e; i e t.,,;y h_vc had, whut their ro- Itgioaa preferences me, to wlou denomination tOey l)c- Ioiik, sud wileiln.r they are married or not. Wo ah-o Itct tue plii'tu.-rnpiis of h .ih) 1 niuaj of th' m.'' " Why du iou a-k to waaf ehareh they heiouu 1" " In wet ul iii aebools, p irtleuiarlr Rautlsi an.i Meth otlixt schools, tbey u-uany thal tile teacher* m. ali neilin,,' to Hie in nominal om union couirula the .scii o.. lt is neall ohio to know wile lue r tho up' lieu ii ls ure married or not, un iu a good many bnardniK-sciiool* thi'V will li.ive only un named tOllebera.,, " H" voa have uiuuy application* tor kmdergsrum teaehera V '. Not Ba fD-UV as we had u few ye.,ra ugo Kinder gartea aebools are popular, I ihiak. inn not hy any Uk nus su popular us u was Hmu.'iil they would bo a /cw year* ugo. I supposu ouo ttttooa is Ulai ihe. ,tr.i rather oo.ailr." '.Doyou erport many IsoBbon f" " Wu have sent a nun ;o ('aloa, also to Cuha. We have also saat thea to Btaef aooairiea, bat tba tua- 1'illly ol them Inive irone to one nf Ilene two place*. Tiie.v usually go as tutors or gaveraesara ta private fam¬ ilies not. BBgSBl tu sp, ml .auniu Hint) away Inn.. homo.** .' Hare you furniilied any deaf unite iuatliutiou* with tassberet " Ye*; a iui'n')i;r. Them) have all Ive:) PCB BOBS. however, wbo use the new lunzuaire, tue lip laagaagu, und Wini do lint inakt) BBC Of SiROB.1* " Do you luive auy trouble in «cttinj{ coed BBOSBB leo lc n i" ¦.No. The musical standard of gmerlea has boca clo- rated io tho Isa! lew years Hist this ha* become OB n- parativel* rasy. Tbs plaaola toa favorite luau uuieut, sud itixt come* the BTaoa. Duwu iSoulh they still cliu-t to lbs k uiur." Milli |R I! WI'VWU UNI'. ? well known publisher baa u tree cducallonal luman m Park-ytaoe »hiob he SOfttSS en In eon- li.-uiiori with oilier baabmas, Hs s.,id that abeol twelve year* uiro h., opei,ed e Sanaa for Betetge ROBbsrs to help some of his countrymen who hml emile to I Im cittiitry withoitl knowing bow to spt ak BagbaR. Koiir y. alt ann Int ha'i eu a-ned Hu* xii nS to include of ull descriptions, on acoouut of com- pluuta of ezoeaalve cbaraesat Bonis other saeaeles. lt did ant pay>, however, aa it oatt atm a good deal every liar to run Uiik. und ihe peopiu ba IioIikhi wein aol grata* lui. lin ilona nm believe lu iuivuifr personal iu- u-iviett.a will) imp,ie un.-, us he Hunks Ui.u man'* ii indwrtUag i- a umi a better la.tsottoa of in* ibeisnii i Until nm appealaio c ,>r p. .on .. >. il. ////. GREAT STIUtAM ol- IBAtlGBATIOB. W-8HIROTOY, Au^. 21..Tho C'liiof of t!ie iiunaii iii Btatisi es farala.aa tba foUewlog latorma ilsa in ia u ir,I to iiiiuiik'i udoii lien arrived ls the easterns district* or HbIIIbibio. Beatso, !>¦ trott, Boree, Kay Vest, Mtanaseta, Rew-Of* laaes, N»w-York, Psasamsoeoudy, PatlaOelgbm aad Baa Praaeieeo larlag tba Breath aaded Ju y gi, 18-30. rt; r.'it paaaeagen, of ahem t9,P__ were oeml IiruiiU. sud MM rlttSBBS of lbs l.'nit. I :-it_tc, roto ned fi. i.: aim.mi. Of tbts total Bomber if huflBlgreets aa rivett, there were from Baslaad, B,98B; BeoUand l BSli \l..o»,.r)l; Inlutnl, 0.007 | (etui .my. |t.R7Bl Antill,' ._.<'tXi; fiwe.i, n. ii.770; Nore ey, 1.74_; Denmar. IMM{ Kr ince, 60S* OwuaerlBiiil. 6ii7| epala, 04 ; |-.d liol, N.I, ii. l_i.uu. 7.') ; Itulv. 74M ; itu*..», flo 7 ; !',_ mi, 1. IMRi HuiiMijr, 4.4; li.111 1, BOO; lltiiuililuii of 1 unalla, 1-.710 ; «'u ,». ii_. un lull < h ra, 4__. liurlu* m. ten cnn dJui go. 1180, 407,241 iremigreniaar¬ rived io Um United Rlataa, aa luoreaae cf 870,417 ovor ii.' mi ber itiOi u:riv,-i daring ibo preeeuiag lesa 1.1 rh" year il luiiuigr_i on tn, thc II-, il fia i-Y.t. wheo 450,803 ImmlKiuuULrrltcu, ei thc loUBlgrottaa o: U.c 1km H-4'_i year only _,f,oi) DBPABTMENl SEWS. W LgllUfGTOR, Aii^. 21..WDligm TOOBRR lina pj .duli d i'.-.iia a*ier ul li.d point ,. Utan*. ii w..» iu immissie iad nv iii Preetdeat. !'l ., ii-r..! U».la) i--u.,l an order il I re t* '"«' Ll"«- leoealaaa Bat ol Baall auttar eris mn' ag -n im- Daltaogtatea hs Bude spaa the tir*i .evandays m D reuther, ls*',o. ,\n over was i .,.,i i"' neting empto ss ta th* radwtgr mat] rerviea ie n lr n rj bouka aad retai aad rackace rm-cipt* until ta?y leave mea mes, obee they vii. mn ti.em tn to la cn UlV.*ton -a P. I In I.iU.IciiI l.,.i,l.te_ ,tr> iiix-'d inc .re ii iv praaervaeneaa reotetry hooka umi rteeipu no aa to he aoh le maww tau.un** or i.uc. i -i Xii lint, lu iu« rn lei td i'.tctaM.-* ">l PLEDOntO BTOLBM B ix] jp MOftECffA! OKBAI I | ¦; .,, ram i og twh oi ii kr ¦:; .uti. t'Mni.H ti i poon i ; tn p ii .< i lt.It! ¦¦ IXSFI i '.ni: I. Nea di vci'* iiiiiii .. wen mode yogfit tho rooo ol tho leeasod broker, _-.i n»i > J aili. K«r. rho p: oil tin ot two mun. M lillies. ni thi- V, 11 ., NRtioooJ Hil rik unit tue <¦! ;, .._,. tlmfl in tins city, li,'vi' l):«-:i i,.,.", Tin- <-\,'iniiii:i!i<)'.i hag boofl poetpoged i'¦ Moodily, and ii in ,/aitl that nine i1M tni-flRetiooi win Ix brought to light, A BAD < '.:. POK THE DBI \\ Tbsre woe a gaoaios aurariaa in stare f()r ti.,j fi mi: in Ila COOS Of Elijah, t lin ut a(r. of ilc-iluig in fi r cd bom!., of tho Hannibal .,. Joseph Kan..-ail Ci-uiuany, uhii t\o, prc, tipeii^l yesterday a' tbs Tombs i'a\^* Court. It ll'. I'll!'. ll ot !nek Jnstice Smith and all the other pen-on-i inter*"-.',* in tin.'c.'se ns-1 titi.led in lim pir, de e_aaBe_R ii.'iiit. Mr. Alttgersol bv bi* rotin-*el, ex*ilaa\ Hus ci d, alni BBSm ..! aim. f).d Mr. (yCcaiaer w preseot. ead ia better eoodition for leal if vine ii un. ashed by al bibi bi rt p rier for mihi of tho story of the loos el hs b a,¦!..,., ,,| .. ply he saiii : " I iiii.i taboo them -Tom mv boase, io 3 purnim L873, wrapped in a brown nap-r psi _a_e, a-nj »u mi mv nay to deposit t'lein in tia- Safe Di-o»it Con p-nv's vaults. In uni lg through V'eM>y-«t 1 stopped iii front of a *,t.ire, and a man called an-at, toution to something anil as I looked ),,. ... the paebsge from mv band ami rm. The bsBgj hm! just been registered, ead were aol warta a imo nt tho lagers to bias, " Do vim ktioiv the BBOO WOO t'-ok th om I" "Vet, I saw lum* I g-'tVd a description of li-m te a detective at tbe time, but he police did ootlai him. Three yeera afterwsrd they Rrrested sass but it was not the nehr, ooo; they dil nit prut* anything against a' least." " Is Mr. Alligcr iu the room t' salt .1 tua ; issrta lu 0 riling. Mr. O'Connor glanced around, and taking tbs ^ toiler's oote booh wrote the words; "Nextonny right" Theregevterlooked.ead Ixl,cid tbs portly fc^ of another sitting in calm um hum diudm* of the terrible sospicion resting n;>on hun. questioned aa to other detail-. O'conner ra .'lt is so long years.tbat 1 don't rs. member exactly.'' Lotei iu tbe moramg bs am took tbs anio ii p.., ii shore un Qtioi .1 forJbbbr Smith. Borne farther delay was censed by tbi foilureof Cashier Baylis,of the batiking home of Hamilton & Bishop, to appear, sod a uemsBga wa Beat after him. Tbe railroad company wa* nut ny reseated, Mr. Itoot n. lag absent on bis rasahsa, AXoTIH.K I RaROB Iii! I RRBR, " Am I to Baderstood, [nspectoi Byroeat-Btthaa ia soother oharge tobe preferred agaiao) tae pna- oner?' s.ii'i Jostios S'nitii Boddoaly, Bx-Judge Bosteod's attitude ol case un* chasn4 at once oe the Ioepeetot cane forward to tim liar ami sa il: "Ob or about Fobrusry io. ls-jo, the Fir-t National Bsnk ot Westport Ci*> I..neut, wsa ootored by hui..twa carried oft including valuable securities, »oum of whieh nen- ow.ed by Franois ttl ii mid r.tbo u present), nnd pail ol wooli wore loand mining I bose pledged as collat .' for a loun tibs Thai National Batik of thia ci tr, by Hr. Ailiger, lier included (111.000 In North Carolha a ..,¦.,! m bonds, tivo if 1.out) booda of the Chicago and Suth- Western, ami a.i-1,OuO bul.ti ul llic Nor.k. Weall rn sinking Hp il." Oeeeral surprise followed st Ibis news -"i-aloe. Mr, 8 norwood, bb elderly man ol -ali_:at figure, bbs gray hair and srtol hera, then retired _- h ihsla- or tu un adj niling room, where au alli st il va dla., ii tip,-tat iii: that tie following property ea stolen from the bank at Westport, ob toe data men- tii-iicil Storth COroHaa special tax bund* Of the v iltl» g pgOOO-H umbers70, 71. '«»a. l._oi. 1,075, I.fi7s.-..|R, 2.037. 3.061. _.!)--. 9,1-aV A -.1 li .ml V i l,,iii7 of 1*1 tcoaad Horthweaieru cooso'tdate-d slnBmg nui,7 lu c ni. ami I ito no iola o. -l.i.ili) each nf lilt ' ...tai .mi gortbwesbrn Int mortgage. Nos. -2.0 -h sa '-.ML All of Hasse were subeeqneatly kleotitled hy Mr. Sherwood sarene the securities plaoeti b>- Ur. Alu- get at the Third Rational Hank. .Iii-tico hiiiib th u said t at, as eoother ci.arm had beeo mode, aod ns thc evidence waa Betti h.uni. but WOBeasily attainable, it would hs M nell to adj urn tim examination ol mintaja in tho fire! BOOB until Hon iy il 10:30 a. m., when he utinuld cxi>-el thu prosccmioii lo have in court nil ino .v,:j M-|tne_-BBBS well as th" stolen property in ia Jet that Hit) case might he prompt iv disposed of. Bx"Judge Baateed Beaconed in the adjourn meat, ami saul be Mimili! tn io rpo se no na- BoeomRtf dolay. Mr. Alligt't was tart remanded to tbe eastody of laepeetoi Byrnes arni went, to companied bv a lew personal fi lends, to tts Ceniral Othce, where be .-.till romalo* Al a Wj hour yesterday afternoon the bepeotor sta'cd t-id no attempt bad beoB made to secure the prisou-tvi release on bail. Mr. .Sherwood sta*-d tn a TuiBtr-tr rsporfsr thal tbe total Bowan I io*t hy I.: n iu thu W .-., I- Ua'-K rohtiery wai Sib" uoo. Ho had originally $2,5M investefi tu Barth Cereliao itomls. issasd utnieufci act of lbfitl, for WRlob be etib-eguciitly IBBB_p BOW certificates, issued nailer tho act of Hf$. Hue inn uitotvsi uti the old boinia provided tor. "j wrote to thc treasorer of North Carolina, " when 1 loet my Ininti*, ami bs wrote back thai io ca»o they were tillered tor ORObOOge be would BBBg payment upon iiiom until I WBBtoformed. I »l*a gOVS notice to tho Chicago and Northitrimstoni Kail- road Oompooy, aod they promised tostsepig mont oo the lost bonds. 1 lost sight or tee diftertiit certificates of stock, but tl.c company pay* nie in¬ terest upon them n_ht ul< eg 1 also lost a Uio ia* soraace policy,*bot it wa* pani up." Mi. > i i. j mimi,, is a director and owner in tlio ware P< ri Hank, ililli tho securities, it appears, RMS . special deposit placed iberc temporarily. a rsi a with IBOBOSFBOa BTBuas, '. Will Aliigor be alilo to clear LunM'if, do J*a thiahf was asktd la'er iii ¦.. day. " Weil, tl looks worse for Mm,' rspliel thain* spectnr. " To-slay I otitaincd moro evidence. The proceeds of four distinct robberies hue so fat i**B traced to bun. Un Ootobet 15, 1m7'.i, a ***& robbery wai perpetrated ia bKatdileyligbtsltm ottee of Masare. MarriU dh Triioble, Ro. 21 th* lan ii-Mt. Boneo preeoaa satorsd ibo ottos saia> gaged tbe clerk'* attention ivhiio sccomplieaSlBSl from tte mils, tho door of Whisk **. op 'i, ho.nh* ami BOeeritiss reprtaisBtiBg g-^lW 'limy consisted of bonds of the dci.omina- tfOO ol ^l.uiii) each ot tho Itiirlingiou »M Cedar K.ilroul, Nos. 1,124 to M* JaeORRve ; eiRht KOO 8 per coot hoods of tin* JJI read.Bec0,770leS.784 tiiciusno. ead ohm $iiw hood ol umi road. Ali but one ol the 11.000 msg Were p.edge I as Collateral hy Alllger, al * « lblj* National Hank. BoudsNo. 3.77!) tu 5.7U3 <.! JP isaiHi denomination were pledged st the renie IbbRj " (Ju Ap ii g, li'sO, Allig, r depeeited ^l^.wW"1 tho i.tlt i s.t't-k al thal bank; Mit BMlUtBs BfM the booda were takes from Merritt A lunin < the Uetaolives attached io tbs bureau in tho-BsoOB Exohaoge bavs recovered nine ron ol the .fiaJJ bonds, ant! yi\ ol thu $.">00 ImiiuI*. h*J,K| .N.t. 1.1 lil, Ioi frl.OOO, ami ihe -MU*) ^ eran not um ng those plrdn l hy Br. ¦*¦* iigor, and hiv. mn y< t bei-n t:acod. IM bonds still miss ng are No. 1,143 f the Hurnegtes ami Cedar Kapui* Kailcml for gi,OOO. No* hTJJ ai i 0.7*-..-> of tho ji.iOii deiiomiiiai.ou, .,uu thurla bond. Merritt A Tumble have fully idenRim th. u properly." " How dui you trace thc atolm bo;.il» ot tb* WS_B PTi ISatikT" . " Wc kc-cp at the Central OlH.'ii a BM ag beag .'»¦ aecouota ur all u.o boah robbers. Un ""'"''S. lr rel renee tu Thb IkiiiL'.vk of l-'rnl..y to the n<* |K»rt lonhcry 1 iouked mid lolliiit tlie record 10 IBJ book. 1 then recall d tim tact ihai ailhis a lew Uiouihs tho pi.sdei.1 ot ibo hOBl ''*» written to me lm uni In interns IM proi mv. On finding that tho numbera iu wy *_2 book were tba boom as the nnmbera of th* ,,ol.J plsi. d aa oollataral at tho I hird Nat .mal Baas dj AJIiger, 1 ut once telegraphed to the wssa poit bank praeideot. Mr. hherwooil, ene ¦aod cfors, c.iinu on nini uieuti.icil lin-prt'is'tiyj Btovee er twelve of lh«*N ril. I'.-int'iu.i'st>i-',f* ai tim Hind Nan.m.i. Ila. k a blob purported re" worth :<.) ueots on Ibo dollar, oh t-xauiiuatiou afloa tiiuo a;o BBOTOd not t> bo ».' valuaoja ui d the bank ord red Alligei <y .**_: up Ins lo.m. He then wei right bcimbi tb* Bsww uni, th.--c. n.uv .ti. ... il wno ltiini"W"*3 ittsbop i i >.-'.;.'<?. nu " ... ... i.uoo i-u.-j*J* iheCnu-.u'o sod Bortbwiwtern ttuuving I""**n s.ih in ptmarealen oi ino i'nud Naitoual i>*uk ¦. "ilali ul" __________________ Nathiiai. li-i.iuiu.N.-Hislit>P (rtproviBg #| l.iiium.i.i..ii .vi .'.'*-'-.".".'.'rn nae Boan all oade tad iH> iiminio* i sm »vp t _._* a tull* I" l'-iie 1 'lue l__l»U», Ui/ tn** ll'lllll'll. Tub Lari Wogarl hut Fut; a crime, 'Jim a. ui / g de ot Ul, liu-.i.) " l>.in'4 keep mokilig st Jg} wetek, Al.> I Ono w.uid tbluk you wore lu oauresr- Ifaaaa,

Transcript of PLEDOntO BTOLBM ix] jp...Bemired members, this break in tito liish Demo eratic rote in this secti m...

Page 1: PLEDOntO BTOLBM ix] jp...Bemired members, this break in tito liish Demo eratic rote in this secti m creates croat eatbaataam atnoi--Uegeblieaaahere. MASSACHUSKT'IM KKl'DBLlCANS. Boston.

e. Cari flcllirrert ft nnrrinc "peech, wiil-h RBI oust eui

gnstastteslty reeelved, Tiie DemeerstH teH-erslastWeela sreSS I d ii IlaiH'iiek Vet- ian < mb. BBd thc nairns

Bl' stgaeN ta thaetaV-reM were imbil .odin

lbs Dc >r itt* argea.Throe ir t BB BB B nave BUMS published cards iu The

iiii-n dec-anag ike! iii v woold vote fur Oir

Bell', nnd that Its ir atcoatare to the Hancock cub

toll mis anantborla d Hu resell ls a ruction nvalnstthe Detnoi r .'.a. wbo boped to li lister uv a wanl'ia cause.

The ohi a.'Idler element here i* tliorongbly srooaed Ht

the stn i. ni i" I- ¦<! iben, iate the DesseerBits eessp Ba¬iler tn- ii 0,.ck banner. Aiumn- tee abreats M IkeHirBeld rtnb-roll are several aaeo who have heretoforeacted with Un- i> mn. rai.c party, aad ll la tbooahl that

Him ck wid rt celie a smaller soldiers' vote niau anylumer I'lualiliile of tin li..|,ii'er.:.-.v. Tm- R 'I'"1' "' " *

of t li ih ii tm are wide iiwuke joni ii'iiUli nt ol makinggiTiii gaina oe their rete ol l *.".'>


un- TiLi.i.nifti to im: TiiintNE )

WBORIS ll IOB. Auc .-M..J. B. Kiiiilall. the

fire: :il»:' Ba-OROaOry BO A taltarni*, writs as fol¬

lows of Ins lota cxti-tit tn-cs .

To The i Wares' IBs gertiset flew;Tin tchoti mit cxir.i'.-t from ii le'.ter g.Md AOgBsl 10,

lS-ai), in a, letta Us own story :

Hwea eerreaUj reported in re thal roo was klllsd stBliei tnida. and ihe Bourbon* w i |_n!l_al over lt nit ii a. a, abused, and threatened al the in 1 ¦«. whichwere eon'rotled byaboatoae hundred buUooaer*, forsxpre an opinion agaiusl hen conduct, iiii-iit. aft ¦¦ tb en-. Hon, ibej ass t bl td ne ir my house.threw ti.(in..n is into my yard nm! tiir atoned me withvioh icc.nud sahl that I should and .mi-i leave, limyntnr.v ii lenten il my mu Iv to il ate ic k ii i: in il

fruthifui yelling uni pas, mldahriit. They Intimidatedtbe fns In.eooated aaoai aad counted themselvesin. ne many other rouutiea are like thia. We1'iHt bom av 500 majority, bal met cant. I us um hy_i>*> m. ;.. ny. making a chansj ol 700 votes.\\e ti.,ai and mast have United wtatee Marshals here

to secure a fair cha ti-n in Novell ur ni It, 1 BIB BOB IBdaii-eroi mob violence any algut, bal ahab itaaraaaduunlkilled. Yon Doald not seas hereagala;they SUI iour.iel i .m.

Wo WlthbsM tue i.a.ii of tli" man ami the pacWhence thi* Ictlcr cane, list Ra pablleatioa iv, ubi

stiiiiuia s the wrath af Ike Baau boa Beads RothtoRtbatbbb Be deas win he icu aaaOaa ta "egeeleh" any hui

thelieriiiK'iHiie, Hancock, Ragtwh ai istocraey vote ol

the Bsitd B -uth.Huw lo: o. ni), h >W iortK, iilil't fr SdSBBB, BaprOtected,

Rs lt "i to endare sad i-uT.: fi om tbs uv-ge hate of toeoffloc haag! v wolves tint call tl-ems ives tho groatparty Bf labor, thc real nany nf slave, labor, cheap labai,dishrsa hised labor 1 Mas) nc be ruled over by a Preat-dent sash aa ii selects, and have ail si parttaeBta '.: c, ,v

ernmint pregtded ov: i By Ita luili-ozmg leeebeal Haythis cup of bille: BOSa he p i-s -tl ii. ¦ ns, am if lt be n BOB*

aary to apaa the eyes <>. tim latelitgeatpaopleol thisoountiv a .il Bftag them to theil BSOSSBt BB they will

and wipe '.it Hus massa! of a feudal ami t fTo'f aristoc¬

racy gBlag mad, let lt como.


AWAY 1IIIS VllIF Kill! NV. A I. DOW,Lam a-in:, Peon., Ai-. 21..Tue following letter

litwi int ti r eeived by Black, treaaar 1 si lbsProl ii ition National Coiiiiniit B, ex-Governor

Myi ni H.Clark, of y .Vu-, te, lBSO,

TAe ll< m. .1 imi s Bl SOX, L«nrtister, I run.

Ililli mk; I have rcc-ivo I lour letter sollc-

ItiOR Bay subscription to aid tint eiecjion of the Hon.

Ni al bu.. as 1'rc-idt nt of tm- Undid Mates. Mr. Dewis a laotlefl sa whoas prlaelplea upon the bqnor-probl-btttna gneatlee 1 admire ard app.-ove. Iwoaldbeglsdles d bim la sar praeuesl w ty whleh woold enable himleprosBote thal K">d noosa itu*, in tin ap-prooeblagrresiti ii il to ellon I shall nive m v aid, htBOS-OB Bodvote for tan Bee. Jaaaeo .. QarBeld. tbaeaadtdsteotthc Repa itt in Rational party tor thal eflee. Ylewlogtho gaeatlon In a pi.etle i! light, ve all know that ti tn er

the Ile; ir.Hean or ihe 1>, inociaiic. eaadidats lor thatoffice he elected. And I should (.res! ly deplore the

alsetloa of tbs candidate et ti." Bsothere rebel brigs-dler* and Iii' ir lilies, the North' ra cm peril ead-, undertho nani of ti is Democratk RAtionsl party. I considertht political situation of oar Ration at ih.-t time a- ex-tn no '.;> ,. ,. ,n nm- and alarming; ai much so us nt anytune «'.-, rr ire Were g_atlag fer ont Radons existenceami pt a lutiou acalaal the orgauiaed Bontbern Re¬bellion ano Confederacy. We mu.-i first aeenre sudgsake sara a free eoautry, a fi cc na <>t and au hom sicobbi n. thi same, without toe 8wut_ern practice ol hullgoaiBg mid nae of sbntsnaa at t-tlons, bf re wieucte n in m l'rtihiliitloit part. National elOOtloB. Andls de that ws must now elect ibe Republican porty 'acandidate, and thereby defeal the oandldate ol the exronni .. Hoiiii Hoiiib," the sspperbead Heath.ead th*nina)., t psriy. bow (tomhim-a auder the name ut 1 tieRal100al Democratic part.t I tsink lt would be wisefor all ile friends ot -fr. Daw to vote as I shall. Veryrespectfully your obedient seivnui.

Al hms H. 1 a 1.:;


.SHOUT TIMK.nv R-BBRAra to nih rBnoRR;

W 1. mmuon, Auir. _1.---litcjiitly tho DemocratsOt Iii s I- t illly wire made baggy hy the conversionto theil faith of an ex-Union Armv ofleer, a protctreand Irienil of General Grant. Tho o ilkor had fallenimo bod habits, and. although a man of good natu¬ral sbilitieBi bad lost his bosroesg nml beeOHM very

much rodeoed. He tried to get a position in one oftbe D ]' ituients hore, hut his habits wen againsthim, ami hg was BOBOtoBBBfat Hence ho beeaBMan aili ot atc ol Hui.cock uni) a chango. Yosteid.iy he

roapjtc 11 .al umong bis old BefobliOBB frieiids am!uiiiH'iio' cd bis recoil version to a belief in Republicanpi mci plus." 1 couldn't stand it," bo said. " A short time

Bince ive hag a little private meeting, anil I was theonly lo>al man in tho looa. Dr. Hamilton, thoutan who iiaiued his son after Wilkes Boot., madea spam h. in wliioii ho saut: Just wait until theBoaeeek inaugural gionialtIWl starts for the fain, olaud nt'J show 'eui what art-hel yell"-.' 'Lookhere,'saul 1

' I'm B loyal iniin, and I've hail ali Iwant of tho Democracy already.' "



KiTi.ANi), Vt., Aug. 21..The Didi RepablicaoIneetiiiij nt West Kutlaiul, under Ibo at_s-

plt'os ol the Li.tlal..1 Galil' ld and Arthur Club, nus

a er nt success. It was! by General Jamis(yili r.-ie, of New-York, and tlio Hon. A. L. lief-riaon, ul inn :n'ii. l-.xir 1 trains were ran from ilil-ferr-nt parts of the town, and tbcre was a largeaailience, eoBBgesed Brtoatoally ol Iri-h vnt'rs.Jmise .Moiiisijii'e elogoaal appeal at thc close ot hisspeech liron_iit lorivuril 1 ina Bombers of them.wbosigtid tba rolla ol sn Irish llartieid und ArthurC'lub. The club will nonber within a week severalBemired members, this break in tito liish Demoeratic rote in this secti m creates croat eatbaataamatnoi -- Uegeblieaaa here.

MASSACHUSKT'IM KKl'DBLlCANS.Boston. Atiir. 21..The EzeooUrg Courimit-

tec of thc lt pubin au state OBBtral Osssssitles lulitaBBSSttOfl hine t'¦ d..y. and chose a presiding oilier fortbe greteCoaoaaUee at Wsraeater. lur boom of tinmau mr ii bsgcsssret eatU be BaaseeepU^ tbs piot-tti n oiin-c.

NOMINATION ny THU GRKKNliACKKIiS.Wil.uiisha 1*.un, Penn.. Am?. 21..Agib Side**

et it., of ima c.ty, aaa nereiaated to-day for Aaaauwtlaw Ja igi of Laserne Ceoat] bj thc National f}reenback labai < satreettaa


¦OWOVT, N. V., Aug. 21..Gt nirnl ChtsfciA. Ari imi ll in lul-t Stty, lbs gai sf ol ggaafeet tieori:'; ll

buri*-.. Ile will v sit Oit-i.uuk Mouulaiu anti uluru towOMfarbaa Mem.ay.


^OT^.S Of THK CANVAS8.Tlu- H(|iiii.licai)» of Ne mk will befcin

aaah'eareealga awaadly bv m graai m-asn sansilBg senweek, tba reaattagwIU bs aOdreeasd i>v sat-RaeatoiVte-BRhayeSO BBdetb-rdlet-HPUsbog spenkers. l-'reerii k A. l'oit-., ihe lu»i ubnciu >aaiaaa t,-r Ueeeraerwin 1.1*0 be pi-sriit. TB-work ul IBe canraes la balnaStillvii.v pro* uti ii lil ile- Cit v an,tv, a ld the un

paiK" eluba ihsmre rai'idiy ibeu raaka un beiuanailloiiii<«l an 1 i-ijil l']"'. 1. Inc ael.v.l. of tin* ReuobllC-U IB ti.'- c::> la slroliifiy in Conlia-i mtii int-anpiaeti'-ss which tbus tar ba- abaraet r _e,i Ihr Demoeri»t-. wkc hare aa yet d iaa very iit.lo in im aray sf 01gaiii-a'.l..ii beyond tba fo: mati ,u ot fen ward elabs.

'Jiu; Uiiiiiu uii.-i 1 of Northport, Loaj bUod,bave foi iireil a tia) ll, ll and Arthur Club wiln 108 men,bert-, wi.i: Ihe loicmusl mtiu of tlie Village foi ii,Ofli : K.

A G-tlic'tl and Arthur Club has boo fl 01-gauiz d al Montci in, N. J wltb a atareberaaip <d sreione 1 undi esl, and ls eoii-ljiu y BSeNaataR. TbaC.utt a ni.u.u.-r ol very -ciivi.' vuike..a

A call bas lit-en issiirtl signed by Blty-fooiTeteiain for a uncling on luca.lay mimi, lae _-ih m ,iat Mondeville Il_li, Orni,;; , N. J, of all bsawabli du

tbesRuB aaldtara sag sailors io feral ea ersaolaauon tue assspaseg sebrely mt rsteraasel Um Ibm obi un" t

purpose m " io vole as tney fought, aKaiio-t Hie samenemy ged loan Billee."

Bi:iija«iini I'at'e, PlggMgRt of the I'ionei 1

Oarncil ,nd Artliu.- Club, linn re. eiv.-d » latter froRciiauir Kisooo Conklmgtbaoktag him fm tba Bal 1 ntheo ul,-eui u-i li sn,iv. nu. Wi. Hm, k Au* td ll: "heoubiiiiK U.e eaiL'at work y,u will de, I Std iou li"amid, joi_in_ you lu ail Hie luttitst you teni in i.Baas--'


NOTKS Of A TtifR IN IlIK sol li\ll>l I'ABT or


|niOH Tin: BTBCIAL -ORfl-BU-ORRBB. ok fRl TBIBOBO. 1Driu.iN, Arni, l..f>n my nai lo Kerry I Bad to

slav linc hours in the town ol Mallniv, ni UniCount v i in j.. Taaraieaa old eeetls there tbat tbstioi>|»s of Cromwell cannonaded mid i:ipi oreti. Il is

Ibe property of -*"ir Deaboat Not revs, Barooet. iii*

ancestor, 1 was told, came over erith tbs Porltanoooqneror, ood wog Mifi'otederith all tbe loads intbe neighbsrbeod. Bs I oat neither writing a bn>lory nor fl guule-litiok, I shrill Bcrapoloosly refrniunoni deoeriM.g BSORcry. oariqatttea ami titiee, cx-

c piing as thev iiiu.stiat .. aad tbeo only.s i iiet, t xp aili, iv liv one of the, most imintji uni-

mill (rOgOl races once lace of tim .ariii. aiiil ct-i-

tatnly one I' tbs plumiest peoples o' our tim..livesalways on thc precipice ul pauperism, and iviiv

Antorlea should be called bo bo often, aod ab pit-emi-lv. for help to k" ip the Irish peBSBOtS fi dui thehorn -, nf hunger Bad of death by starvationIrishmen In America nay nol hoi dnl roi 1 remember rightly, to robearly ami of len, ami to take both then whiskoj und

demoeraej ati eight -bal no ooo caa preload tbatibo Irish ii America ara "leay'ead "inaproTidont,"that they would soooer cai potatoes and eoar url!:thrice a day thoa a unod aansare -auksa ssealthe sans mi niter of nuns, or thai i hej prefer to t;.>

ragged, bareheaded and barefooted rather thenweer decca < strife. Oatrideoftbt greal oities,too,mii lr.-h .soon snow ttint they prefer good bornesio mean horeb cr toni teBoment-hogsca Why,theo, are tiny different in Ireland, aod arbj gre

ilny di-oreo I in different paris ol Irelaad t

Fot exiiuiple, ivliy, in Mallow, .-rc tho BfflOll 00t«tOgBS li tbs hill not as tidy as the B uno class nf cot¬tages owned and built by Hie lush,in Ann nea 1BeOBOOB no lum ni all tlie tOWfl ol .Mallow owns thcland on winch his liOOM is built. M ('ruin wei i'scarse" is still on the load. Iii" richer citi-sena in thc liash cities have long leaoea -lor 00cr 00m 250 tuc pom can get leaaes la Mallowfor twenty or thirty years only, and theae looses ire

norer renewed. I mot in my walks afloat Hallowau In- .-American, who hail lr, cd lor many yean IU

Kew-Tork, snd he showed me whole streets ot oot-tagos on tim hill thai hod been baili hy bard-work-ing men who paid b ground rent for tweotyortwenty-one yens, .'inil then bad theil boases ooufls-cated on the expiration of tho lease! [f they con¬

tinued to occupy thom they were ooargs l aa high a

rent as ii .--ir Daobam had baili t b cottages hiin-telf, Ii tlici'i.iil not t'uiiscnt to nay the new rootsa root for tbe groond and a teni tor tim innis'tiiev bad boill tliemselics.they were Bommarilyevicted without eompeaeariool lo yon wonderthat Irish industry ls gsfferiog as bal a blight as

Irish potatoes t What is true of Mill""'ia trna ofrery cry sod loom In Ireland -nol one mau in a

thousand, I am told, owns tbe ground oe which biaboase or bis is built. Andabool nine-tenthsof the land of Ireland was oooflsoated and is still

held bj the descendants of the Elizabethan or Crom¬wellian or W,lim.Hilo soldiers who OOW so lii-'oi-ou-l.v shunt '. ConflsootiooI" wheoeTcr soy.thsfaintest-.attempt is mads t<» seoare any protect nmto Irish Industry,No American m i'l ever oodorstend Irish politica

until he uuderataoda that Irish laadlorda ure sa di.fei.iit frons Ainci !. :i a 1 ni.iliids ns i-l ITeholdersweredlfferenl bom abolitionists, rhe distinctionis quite as broad,

1 went the'-* of Killarney to Tralee, botimmediately rcturne I sad took tbe jaunting ear toKenmare. At Kenmare 1 remaioed shoat a week,making excursioua to Dareen and ttleugariK FromK nu.aiH 1 travelled by steam toCahircaveea andvisited tbs Island of Valentia, tbs Irish ter¬minus of the A; ian ic cable. i'i a,a Cahir*aareefl I erasBed tho bay to Dm., le ia bbbobo boot-.rt is a teo-miles row.and from Dingle(sgBiB thc cat) I drove to Traloiv. From Tralco byrail 1 caine back to Dublin. I, is of this tour that 1shall ante. Just ono word about Ireland a- BOOB bjtlictiavcllcr hy rail and jaiiutingcar. From Dublin to(mk or irom Dahlia to Killaraey tbe coaotry isi-vei vn'iiere beautiful. Tho soil is rich and fertile,and it should rapport a flense population m comfort.Bot it is in ns'I vin pasture. After tbe famine ot 1847the peasants were turned off ani' mo bullocka were

turned in.

THK mimi 8WIT7.kpi.and.

Kerry is calli il the Switzerland of Irelaad. It isa wild am! mountainous country, nnd of marvellousand weird loveliness. Liku Now-llampsliirc, it is a

great country to travel in.daring summer.aad to

eadgrate from IB all seasons. Tho lulls.or mnun-

t a o bleak and barren ami rocky. Even ni

New-England tho lands would not sell forthe annual rent tliat is charged forthem boro. I recommend a tour through Karryto Americans who desire to boc scenery as sbarmiagas our own AdiroodaokS.a sort of mild Vermontand to see Irish peasantry at home. But they must

make ' -elusions on foot "'er tim hills ut t uno-,away Irom Hie tourist's line ol travel, and enter tbacabins of the peasantry unexpectedly, it they desireto know tbe truth, ami thc whole truth, about tbecondition of tbe people.Lord Lansdowne owns over 120,000 acres in Dublin, 1,183] ia Queens. 8.9HO; inMeath, 1_.095; in Limerick, 1 .f52t>; and in Keny,0-1,083 ucrts. 1 will write only of Lord Lacs-downe's Kerry estates to-day.1_0population of Kerry is 10(5,58--. From the

1st of May. 1861, to the 151st of December, 1878.114,0-12 persons BflSigratod from Kerry.chiefly lo

tho 1,'iiitel Slates. This year lhere bas lieen a

liirt'o emigration, and I was every whore told thal,it WRB limited only by tho jiovorty of thopeople. Every young mau and youno WOBBBBwho could raise tho money, ur whoso frionds inAmerica mut tickets, made haste to liv beyond tlu¬reach of " famine and the landlords." These fuiri-tires ore the flower ol the youth, who have beeneducated dui*iag the last fifteen years al tho Nutmnul schools.tbe class on whom every wiso gov¬ernment relics for tbe luturo BtTeORth and wealthof nations. Yet the Irish landlonls urgo tliem to

emiifiate!Tbeaverago size of " holdings'" or farms tn Keny

is forty-liBSV acres; aud in 1871 thorn were

over 18,000 tenant- in this county who h -Iover one acre. But the average size of the farms isa deceptive standard of comfort--for if every tenanthad forty-foot BerM of good land, ownine it or rent¬

ing it at " living rates," theie would never he sucha calamity as a famine in Kerry. In Kerry 638,149acres aro in psst ure; 153,889 acres are

in tillage J 15.000 acres am in "planta¬tions" in woods; ami 31t-),O00 acres are

towoB. or waste, or beg, or mountain. Hadar peasaot-proprletary or resilient landlordism, most of tbsbog aod wasts lands nouid bo racialmed aod sop.port a denne population. As it ls, Kerry raiaoa itacrops lorebseatas proprietors end its children foiloreiga countries.

TH!'. HI (III Y KKNMAItK TRLU.The town of Kenmare, n village of 1,'JDO hil.alii

tenta, is ono of tho mimi attractive in thc Booth olIreland. The scenery BTOaad it is charming.Along tba riret there are ii -,va ,,f e.vij iisite

tn inn,'. But what I ooled with more BBtbvfaciion was tiie fact I hat the BOORls were

Inlier elad BOd tbs cinldren looked happierthan I remembered tho peag felka ol Wi ai

port, in County Main, lo bavo been Bl it. ii,ami te hain apnc.ied loot ti inter. 1 msatlonedtins fuel to Ben ral petBODS in Kennion*, and .il 1may deploy a phrase ir nt Um military aerrieeBtrategicaUy loaded Lord Loosdewas al thpeoss ol I. .iii Htigo. Hire, ian enough, ;semsd tbe ** 1 | hoooifori" tbal lin Leaden u

preydhad pralaad tho imbli Marquis fm timgto Kenmare. Sal eat baud everyeat nftbi n"Wo lhanka i" Laoadoe n ''; bs was "ona ol ibo:m)..,t beortlaaaloodlerdaib Kerry, ".tba poi reiit bo wore shoi I and Ino ehildrefl Who B< rc dielad were iodebted te tbs Yankees md tbeNuuolKenmare for it.foi lt was bister Pre a larcwbo had bagged tba money from doaWalu aodAim rica, aa areli ss front Fran a and KbrLio l, i

keep Lord Lanadewna-a tanaam from staresam! from li log n il;, il sad labam L"BotLaasdewoe baa epout meaay in haeroeh

itesandtba town T" 1 asked "Mot .¦ th.iii.!' nol ono man, bul ovnry mau, answered,

exceplitiit.and here comos the Hurst illiisliati mof "nollie" pliilantliropi.OB lena- (bal BU ..l|n'

to reodsi tin- position of ibe tooan! border winn

the preeeat bard times are over. Thc British 0or«ernnient. in erdBT tn . mpl'.yiiiniit -BB tho

pena.mirv, iiUtliOli_ ti lOBBR nf the publicmoney at low rate* ol Interest -ai "' '"

oeresnt.tboamoBottbua losood tobe expendedutdrahdag ladds that needed it. LaoBdowoo of-faged io borrow £3,000 i. !.¦ tims Bzpaods I on theI.linn of Ina Imante the tensats ibomTt1"**** '"

do toe wot-. Only £30 waa spptted tot. vTbeaihe teoants petitioned lum foi a rodm tioa of rentsfor 'im l."d {amine year, bc ftei. d ss oas of a ''iiiluiiieli ni reasons for n fi hiv* their room st, (hgt.

I had 'uni bena Beran ti itt a ihle i'S't of Mis-int.' nu. i.: !. ihiia-- .¦ t ,.¦! ..,,¦... in prodaevtrem -<

in ilia!-.:.a drain ina, a a.]-.> thai Biauj olHie smaller farmer* were appealing for a il'taiirc upoatbe ail etd ground Hmm they had bobsbbbbb boppon-inn laiai laiuiiies. 1 prone 0 1, Inert lo 'av "Ul a"on-!.i r.1'ie mihi 111 thedrainageof porttoo*of Iheeeieoaretag ibo taa_aie ft par ei-al na the eui av. roe po

."I ca.ii'-¦ v.iiiei b i-i. 11 '.ii bele* th« ralm ¦'

ibeiir.i'.i ¦. toaa* eaterpr.lng teeaat, ablle ai laeame Ha, tile i!r.'i.i.e VUTlU i.oilllgtvea iiiiiu'iiiit uni reuiuneretlve ''"" ">¦ment to tbs nant* ami iltur families.of mrsarprtae whet Ifoaoi ihatmapite nf m

¦a: rm. ¦-,'1 e'i I ll-. ,1 recited BIT prepOBBt WSS vll-lililllv il". Iii... d. I b-d nun..1,:, it ml ieai;iii"-sob j.-'.. 1. ired applicant n* for an eipcndiliu-ot not mme iii in BRO. Il Una la a fair aomide al tbae.liciyy ol lue luiiii.;!.., lue, 1 mao; BXPCI ll" *U a al.

Now, I qaote thia passage bom Lord Lonsdowne'sown nm in: -i-i in. It is un admirable specimen ofIsndlora logie.Lei me supplement it by b short extract, also

hom a private letter in my possess! n, from LordI. nisii'iv, |.,'.-. fiiriiiii. agent, Mr. Trench, addiI. i'i Kev. Cai inn Bronson, tba | tod pries) "i Cahir-sveen, in replj los Bimilai n qu pr ferrcd

ball of the "noble" Marqua, starving tenants,woo liad thc good loch to be bis r iris donors, sodb bo, therefore, did Bot starve, bet ins his Indomit¬able pertinacity saved them from hunter. LordLansdowne** good repotatiop doo* nol iring f tn

his own go d deeds, bal freon tbe fad tbal Ibe Nun

of Kenmare ead Canon Broasoo, win m 1 chris! -i

.in their pTcsenct.tbe " boss beggats ol Christen*dom," live on his estates, and beeanse thej iii J tbekind sets foi which hs kc's tbe cr dil."Darius Um wiatca thal hs inst paased b\,"

writes Mr.Treooh, "Lord Laosdowos offered tedrain tbs laid on every farm "f bis property that

requites drainage (bb much of it does),employing tbe tenants in draining tbeh owo farmsad ebarging them obs sbilling la tbe pound [29ci ms on every S4 BO] on Ihe outlay, altbonhimself would have to pay »;¦¦_. per eeotfor tbsmoney to speol ta tim Board of Works. By hisL irdship'sdesire I laid oat £2.000 hoi sh ot drain-age) but hi* Lordship^ offer bas up to thia, I bbb*'

say, been entirely neglected, ae the total extent tov. h di it hus been availed of lias not amounted!.. £30."Now, here is a clearly proved illustration of land¬

lord lilt'ral.ti and of peasant iinthrift. The Btote-ment is so adroitly made that, as Ure. Partingtonwould ssy, " lt would deceive tbe rorj sch clim:,."But ivhai is ihe liuiah peosant'a defeuee I This:

By paying B-Ht per cent in twenty-two years LordLaaedowoe pays back, not tbe loteresl only, huithc entire ospi tal tims borrowed for Imprennug hitotra estates, whereas the 6 per cou thor levied on

the tenon! wss designed lo beayeryrisal inof rent. Wow, ii is only within a few ye.istbal the tenants of Loni Lansdowne, estates

in Cabin avon bad their rents loereaecd SBpei nt. and so sterile is tao sm!, so inclement theclimate, w si ern tho itrogffle for e\ lr,'on ci: in Kel ry,

ihat even in K"inl yesxsthe lalor of iho peaaeat,his wife and children dues nol tears thou morn

than enough t" have three meals s dav ol pota-tnis ami t-k:m mill.. Tbs peasants of thiscounty.and, I was told, by everyone 1 met

of the whole Western coaal el Ireland lonol taateBleat leon- than once a >.ai at Christmas,andsometimes el Esster, "I hem les of Ki itt" a Lo nu il innil thc standard tn ail tea ol poiith al oe momy fromRicardo down, hut 1 have nowhere yat boob Ineidlyslated tin- lilah land_ord?e theory of rootoe Ulos-troted timi enforce.1 la praetiee. It is, that rent

ls tbe entire sorplos left sud due to the landlordafter a tenant, bj the labor of hi* whole family Intooti ul ail HM var roaod, supplies himself withtbs lissi .,, "m ino tu, cai "oil en rj W-asternAnni ic in farm, li.-tiiiin redaeed them iii. t Lord Lansdowne propooed thuttba peeaaotry should pnv lum ferever.*) gai coal lor looney bs borrowed el l p< r centsud this arraugemeut. oleo, was reodored all thc

inmc onerous io tho tenant by the reel that thiaLord Lonedoa ne, oolike his grandfather, had n hawaa, refoeeato owtect hts tenants bv givtag themlong leases, or any leese at all. JAMBS limiriiu.


ri.W ur lin: CHRI8TIAR OORRBRRRCB TO MRRTsi rncmRg Mooor'a brmirary bobBUM its I'lioMisri) src.i ss.

(noa a?. oot_tsBoo_t bmrrbpororbtortrbtrirrrRi iNouTiU'iK.i.i), Mass., Auk. 20..On Si-ptem-

bsrlthen is to hs a Gsavsestloa of Obrlsttaaa fromdiff.-reiii pai ts ni this fuinlry and Berega at tala pl iee,ill ar -v.. to the -I'i-'i.' hlloli ot Mr. I). L Moody, -huUves here ta o eemtOrtabta sottege,a Cse yards awolirom ti.e lu Ho old-f-t.tuoacU Vew*_tagtead bouts luwinch he w.i* horn. Just in BtoBt, ned on ons of the? .jie. wbers lin used to drive the cow* to pasture,hu lia* i anil a lar-o seminary whore youm;gida of moderate mean* can get a Chri*ll_neduc.Hon foi ir Hut a year. Into lld* enterprise he hos en

t. re-, with hi* BSBSlSSB-SStaSaa Ile baa m d Illa infl Jeiios ni'ii hi* inti reata an wisely Hist the Institution lsthoroughly rstaldisticd, rnmplrto lu all lt* arrangements,and aliiio-t fuiiiiaiiiii with iu c .uipl-imnt of 100al um n.t. lui tan yeal. Girls are lo bu tU-L, t e .ulm/ _u.i

house iicpi i ii,*, und hy sunlit** with Hie minrosooi-o irom

iiulme and readmit from tbe best BBB.BBB, and urn tohe given a pracllcal education tiiat will flt the-n for thcduties of li.'n most ll.Bl/ to fall to their lut. II,,.Hilt ii will rex ul a tc Ibo daily lue ot ibu iiiHiltutiuu,mid it will he syilrra-lictiiv studied everylay, so that it I* expected not a fsW ot the younK ladle*will beUtted n* BBbBB.BaStSB and for other ChristianWarfe, Haine twenty Indian girls, ths (taught rs ofuioderntely well-to-do p.»n in . in the tar BTsStbeOBi, willut tend tin* year, and several ot them will study wita

Hu-.special iih|cct ot teeeBlagta ¦aadoy-sebosla Tmtp¦.re ni: i.i' .md a few ol them mc pretty. Om- ofthem is trie daughter o: ojulgu. Mi if fOOag ladle* ofmn..! respectable nntcea denn wi,l naomi Irimi t arums

pints oi tba mum ry. Indi ed, inc prioalpei esaaUaa-(.iou io whick ai i Kaoota ure * ibinitted i*respecting their boalla nnd previous belinvior.A* the Kills will have more lree honluau i* usually allowed at bon riling srlnioln, tbeir personni responsibility Hill tlc BHISIST

,ili. Al oi ely'a mea in BBVtBg tim chut,m. .turi la that a

sp.i.mal MeSBMBg msy ho reel Veil Ot tue CiiiimIi_i,_ to meei, and through them BS _B.I iionateil umolu;11(. chill eli I .vim li liny rc jil rsa tr.. __. tim SM OnB inca Hie toil niter* ol lin al -p nt in prayer anil .un

oin ali«>ii lust after His sscensloo, it w lo last ten dat s.All itriiit si'iritiial iiioTemi'iits m the hl'toty of Ci.rl-.miii v nata- peen prct-udcd by BOBS neoe-n.'. mid BaBed

ujioii too sa in mil .c ci- tbat la aRpsBBad le he mainfcKilXl till III lt DC .lalOII.Ain.'iie ih.i.e ti, le preeeal ure I)r. II alkie and rinfe--

Mir.M'.ioi. ol lalirilnii a'h, hcullai.d, sud mil ra Iromlihln.ul. Mr. Joan B. U HUTS v .in cm.luci tile Inciillii', iseni -ni.ur 7, n im-n will be gri a over rBtlnlj to taa

ell .11 ol ||| | ll',jee: ol I, i|i.-lillico.*-h'v i.u iiiiodr. it perrons ft an * dismace save sscmig

iiu.uiih bera already aaa awol aaaw areeomtog. ly it'll: u-i. Un iew fcmmaiT bBlldlag li. fore thu

oe -a ¦)'.i, tor lae ina BUIBBda in of Bl* carat*.I'.olii ll.l.a p.nil Hie vim ol lue «.' -iiliui ll ut Vmle) hu,Ii uer 1. line lo li a i-.a il hlgBiaad* r in n lu a. it iii ..

M.ain in pea':i ;iini long alrrtoiiea et mesdows witsi. er ian yu.o eropj i-temi for sallee aluna tba trangalirivet banks. Any CBnatiaaa who t.d.e ptee.nre in tucBtl, lin:- wail I" .llilioai'' .uni Call emin WU bulli uillcilaaaaaas. ____________________


WasaiiR-atoa, Aag. SI. rbofsUowbaRexttaet lg(ram a private letter al a gool leoma af the higboate .. a! bara terreaadiagio Hootavillr, Ala.:

I coi'.i nial )> lonnie!lt I BS lin., tlly,> ... ,i mp ll Ja.-, fj '... li ll .. per,air,,.

I . ll lt. IV IlK tSl lia) flt li, ti . ,u ,,,,,,_ j'li I io.I ..I. ld 1 p i|.n j,,, |, ,.

rb a ii, i,

te-li.fat oi I'l" B public.ui or lim,¦(,.i,,I ..,i. 'lection itt" ri ,.i u ,. ni i, ,. VO|. _

.I e io .. In o.iln 4-1 . C..loll hf) il,. h..,n..."..can..i lal. ...o .,;, ,., ,, /


I. f lilli IIB ul lll.l'-ea. ric, I" H'l lilt Of III, ir a.'I Hiio OOO itfj an ; ,.

In o i . '. |I ,. ., ..., il, 1. : In o loud, nt- e ,,

.my br 1 ii "i nail ri ty. 'I a ,.., umag ull la o|.j .iain, ,

ll Hie I ,:,, (ri..,., ii a, 1-1 . m ion 1, du elva rn io IB*

I, te now cari '» I -H.) iu.i| .nit \laking tBe rete ol I Bi r.-.i, ieJu a* m ...ul ai

I « ¦.! apiirovlag ut tin m I.,'u h. bi ii i.a ai tua o ..rn a i, ot ,, ,,

iiii., ... ..,.,,.

io ,.' lb i.ii .leela,,i .. i ll

()NK Kui; RiM.*-***_port_u Uflcle i "Whoa yog. pour III 1 ¦.., o 1 t a .,.,

ii.- ai l ", v: .'i.u., ll.n.lii linn. | lum,,i be no,.., lil i. in gu ua tiiii turi, mu-uu.



onn iai. and i*40KruiAi. niMtJrt.sioN-iiir CAMMCV .UK JBSSJIBB BSIBB BCBIlXBg OP B PUOfl BO

OWRRROt/RO.f KOOi'aTIon' ol' PRIRCfl RA-I'l.l "V*. *.,lN>-.

lliniM Tin. ma,il.ill BOBBBBrOBDI Bl OP nu milil'M.

I'.wu-. Au-,'. 5.- Mc Joslin tjuistiou is licinu'N

iBOdod. lt is iniw kim iou iii ilel,al -tl iii the < '.ninnisofGoveromeea wbethera MU should not he brooRbtin next scss-ion for fm reeoal of tbe De PaiToua lawof 1800, in:inti>iit tba loligtofl ordV rs Um power teopen sch.mia foi highsro hMotfoB. The Left Ceotrebas been badly boatoo in i'i" departmsBtaloleo-lions ami will in ali probability bs swamp I Bl tbsnexl renewal ol theSe-ate. Parliament being nowto reeces it woold be rash to predial tbs sttitodetbat group will adopt at the ead ol tbe raeettoo.Bat it mar be Beaaoied tbal lt alli sodeavor tomake trieuda with tbs nammon of Kcpablicsnlsm,i. li ll c solo ,,| v. Inch nilli els il BUflVsge most cm phill-umlly declared tteelf oo donday. Tua Left Ceotreba' always baited b tuen twocamps. Very recently1:11..- lia, i: in-1 to tbs ti.oii..!. '». oertolnwirepullers. Tbs Immeoatty ol tba Bepobiioanmajority at tba departmeotaJ slcetioos moat bavsnapleaaaotly startled tba Left Cootra. lodivldaalm. inii'i''. of iha! gro ip who <l" oot eeeaoy 1Mb seatsh ive bo ebotee bel weee ateeriag tefl wards lute thc

Ucpubli ian carnot, or dissppeariuB altogether. Itis :nv nunn ssion timi ti cy v.i.i sooopt tbs formeralternative, aod that they will Bod themselves lsBompony with more mr .md out reactionists wlm

prefer <J localing tbelr i! lg n> losing tbelr seal -. II.Magoard. tba politic editor of Ibe Figaro, ia farsa mi.' Ung to the logie "f eve: ii m. He ashs the Roy¬alists * bat they bare oblatoi d e itbio tho lost ten

yeera by their ooeompromia igpohey. ead ba bo-

tresta them to weigh welt the probableeoaseqoeoeesof ths vote of Baaday before tbi ¦-. rejeet. tbs sdvioehe Sen.

TH! (Ul BTS A*4D I UK JESUITS./,/ l.'ii .'',//. ni tins morniog baa a leader In

which it ia not hard to recognise tbs viv.nous penof O.imbetts'a close friend. Bone. Il ison tbe newaspect "I tbs Josafl qaestioo, with which it exhortsIbe Government to deal in no half-hearted, uncer¬

tain spirit. To cliecl.mal the JeSUitB tWO tllloi'sini*. according to M. Bane, needful -the sbr igati rn

of the De Pallon- law ob higher iuetractioo, aod a

new Investiture of the lodges, I.i theilagainst tbe o-ffli tels who bare oxecotod, bo far, ths(lei Ices, the Jesuits havel; .n in the greeter lium-

bei .1 cases ths ii. tors In regard lo their propri¬etary rights. It bes boon docided bj tbe majorityof tnboaals to which they sppealed thal the Gov-i rmnenl can i. _:.llj shu; ap their chapel*, and, bs

li. Baadry d'Aeson pul it, msks Hod In tim Univ-o uncut ii pris, in ; hut that tho pict'.fis wiroordered locksmiths to force their doora, snd i

men and soldiers to expel them from their booses,rendered tbemaelvea li ible to oivll ac! loThe diatribatiouof pris a in the Behool of St. Ig¬

natius, at which defiance wat burled h.nilly at tbaGovernment, took plaoe oa tho eve of tbe depart¬mental elections. 1 have poll.ted mil, I ll,ink, ill a

previous bili r, the iacapai ny of tho Jesuits to dis¬cern tbe feeling ol thomasa of toilets, wbo consti¬tute-alverna! aoffrage. They oodewtaod thor-niiirhlt i,iiiiii, aad tbe higher classes of society.But lim. .mc mil of sympathy with Isa Stuoelle*Couch** Soeinlet, und oooblo to diteet them. Whatbapp me Iset Baaday took them by surprise. J beyware astonished to lind that, tbs eeaaanta followed by tbe Govern.mot. Uthsdis-siB-BB of Loyola better Boderetood tbe sspirotiooinf tba Nat am. Ita teodeoeies and Its Instioetsy theyiv'iuol awt hovedepated Pathes Clere to make thebrilliant, tho borniog ami til" doll nit, soseeh whichbs thin-,md in the presence of Coadjutor Riobardat the School of St. Ignatias. Thc Coadjutor was

there as tbe representative of tho Archbishop oli'ai ia, ivhn c limco be virtually ruins ead wheeschair ho is, on that prelate's death or retirement, to

lill, lin is a man of LTcat force of will, nnd ultra-niontaiiist aboveeverythiag '"iso. TbeCoedjatorbasbean ia favor of the bo.lashlag poUey pareaed bytile IsUgioaS orders.

VATIIKK 0LBRO- UIMI.IIWT BPBOOK.Pstbsr Ctaee, whsee speech has bad such a loud

reverberation, wan, we aro hound to n-snmo. the meroBpekeaama ot bte order at tba pries dietributioa ofIbo Behool of Bb tgoatiOS. leaching has been huvocation. Be le prefect of tbe eolleges tn tbe Bastlc -kimi: id, and a man of gi-ntlo tOOO ol Voice andbeaevnlanl maaaera, Hebaoaerar had nu oppor¬tunity to shine as a oalpit orator, which niay ac¬

count fur thc effect his .speia li pi n. lilied on thosenmi aatei.i ii, ii, i, ho ad ii in B candid spirit.Copies of it wi re B0|Joannlin v -' ..iii h pul,li,Im a dav liol'rn- tho OROO.tgof thu ballot IwiTen. lfiiiiivnrs.ilsufTrivgebadh.nlaristocratic ears tho cfleut would Lava beenpowerful. But Frillier-, flin Nation, waa deaflo tbe elia-.lenee of the Revprjiid Father, and duinot votiiihaafs I" lum a hcaruur. Tho only affect InseratiOB h:is thus far had, is tn force the (iovcrnmeiitinto a new and more enoriretio campaign ugaitiHtths religious orders. Tho ink which M. Kane usedin writing bis article will not, you will see, bowasted.

A Kt Mnlll I) CONSPIRACY.Koine «ava sd afloat last night nu tho Petite

lloiir-e a rumor that a consimacy hail boon dis¬covered to an est thc three Presidents ut ChorbourK,to throw them into the hold of a man-of-war amisand them ont to ana, whilst measures were beingtaken lo sot up ii in.itiaroliy. Thin rumor originatedin something which the Mayor cf Cherbourg let falltn a restaurant, allure he was dining. Ho tobieome i mmd* wbo nure sharing his repast,that Admiral Itibouit was capable ofjoining in a plot against tho liepublic, and that it was not safo for M. Qrevy andflambotte to trust tbemselees la thu dag-obla- ayear uro thu tRHMROd SOespifOey BBlgbt Basil] .ve

BR00SB.B_j tba army boin,' then headed by |BBfilBllinimical to tin- Kepniiiic. Olary, it np-pear.s, feels vory iiervom lo nOOSCQOBBse of tba.siiti.:or rumor which has come to her cara. She in¬sists on BOttiK willi her iRflOgoltg to Chei-bonre, and arttaaastag thc naval review aud othermaiilinic spectacles flinn au upper window of thel'n fa lure, it isa pity she does not go openly.There ara rory loo women in Normandy, amt thereviill be no oppiiriunily for them to grace tho i'reai-tlcntiiil (dtea

mr. BDO0A1TOR ok phixcks.

Tri nen tfagoleOBal sons did not compete for prizesal lim Coiicour General at tim Ssrboooe, but -aggiaiivis'd to do BO by their profsBBOT, who thinks thoeldest above tim BommOB average Bf I'-renell boys inmat hemal ins and I.ngUOgCB. II- baa the myal piftnf toognre, .-ind sun-poms himself u ith eorroel flu¬ency in English, Itnliiin .*it! Qermao. Thu but hadtwo (Jarman graadatother-, tbe Prineees CathertoeOl \Vlllti.|ll.ill'«. alni tba I'll'ices-. A dei,'I. ile, ni Alia.ina. wile of \ udor Kmunimi. iii., moilun i* In d-monte-", anil Ibe rt iiiup:tiio., mn ot an li ilo-Corai-caaiaie. Prince Napoleoa is no; satisfied withIbe btatorieal Btnaies ol his boos, lin,breaefa of I heir edncathm ho is lukin? lalo hts ownbeads. By waj ot iatsodaeti n bs a imw Buaosed>.n sbnwiag them i h mat rna; Bhatoous olI, ure. lin v have passsd a levi dat- nt Drinanwhichc' lateroetiog old moaoineota.

Ii I IK l-Oll I AM) Ills IMI lt.

It ii oat t bu blferred fr so tho choice Itocliefortha- made of tho Citd llalaehorbe* as a place ofab'"le iou; ho intends to lend a fat and-I.¦ «x dence. Tn at odd place, is rn,

tloiibl inn nbaile ot vice. li t it i* ula,,the dwelling-place of arils** Coeottee, polotnre.scalp ¦'' a.11 pl tv.. ix ii . live liiere in gaj 1.sin p. i.. i ii .oms,, U detselisd, ami doods tu ol it aKarden. Kochoforl aili pay, hotweeu mal aod

hon, francs ys irly for ins msnsi rn, lowhich there is a stadio whore bia snu-ia-lao willwor. ss o landscape pstuter. Tho loutaruier hasb raia re capital ia baad, lin in p.nd weekly,I'bo pi >ttta of bia journal ara aatfrmoua. lt oirou-lati io thi ol i action, as well as lotim rt d fauliourifn.

if it woreseiri baCorebaad to tba Boyslistin Ports andin Llio prortROSS iii order that

BABSAS ni i U01 ls st FWESISG.To I hr Ld it or ol I h r Tribune.

Slit: Will you pi unit nu; to ask hulpIbraORi vmir ti,nor for iho no urtu! n.

ne""*. w.oas o;y i* Basel btrbbs. Baasot tatters. ~ n.u.y um dy. us tor wr_ui of bog.ii I cure, (trev -lu.MOO nf Un ne |.,)(>r ie nj.In m.- a,,ii^|,i

In; ,|.mt 10.O0B td Uh-o liam rimi,ii..iii-t ia uilni BtBIBB 1 SOB-tO.g of lim remuindoi BIB

.mp!,.-, dii.irlarlv; BBOtRM "Int. I»« rbaP>.kl P »» lo,;, her liv dolli* 'fd |»BB Ml'" ¦'»

ti,em to da; bul Ibe l isl th.r.l -re at k, -H ahead sb ¦¦.

'''i'm'n'arc more .her-rs f mi cnn he sun .!«,'.' io Kan-

si,: InlrfiiidliileexlMU.' d BBB I wy h-M *<*»>**>tn nirry liirttKi-. anl tlie R'llsi A",<',,,u_.,' .

ti-a-eiiy la emptw. Mr. R. 1. ClimstOCO, scull,

r nm Belief Assoc uiea, baa '"." «_£*J_wjli1- irnmei to li teresl peoph ai tba Ea*l In Hen >>¦ ¦"mit,ami ki,.' no.. sapsB a i" me ct i a «f .s >w y»*- *¦.'

I* at No. HR Irving pluto, where ale* .alli glanlj »¦*,*...__notil-ie* and leee-.te eoiitiiaiiti na li iBSoasocailiBBfor prompt a-o-t. n ; the angering greal bbb ".r

Dombera appalling. Respectfully yoors,iii a n < OUdRR

..>>¦/. im-J-.-. An-/, gi, 1880,


SUPPLYING .>('llooi.s THROUGH AGENTS.proportioxs i" v.iiii ii rug bystrm Rag OROWB


"I have second positions for mon- than..cia ni um last nitnii Iva years." Tea

ipeaker waaa tall, pleaeaat-fioed man ol abeol ri rt y

VPar* o'a;;e. with B loog White BBBOBtaebS whicli bad tba

sppeereeca af batOKcarcfullv u-uded, and with bright,big eyes. " I weat toto thia IB i-*v>," ba sootlo-

ii ,i." "There were two othei aaaa eagaged la tbs... ii -i i he.-iiu. Both of them have lear etoee

retir d, ead tam tba oldest of lbs aasata in bostaesflnow. .vt Irst there was very little to be done iu this

linc i ii! the '.'nones, bs iboen m iresa ag rapldl] Bf lateta irs, Bud there ure live or -1\ dill." it BgaOBtSS in the

edy now, thoogh two or Hire- of thea lo acarly ali tbsbutti-.... rue method eiopl ijedbrsll lbsagents \- shoal

me, if persona weal oostUoaa, they iced i" tba¦.,;.,: :, noell retatotag les at from H m pg. They¦aol with thia a atatemeat of their exparit nea, ago, etc.

tin- 1.1..ii."ie. they ara h is ll d to leach, ami theirterms. They slsossad their piotnres aad teatUaoatala,which arc then re-riled bj tbs seeat. If everytatag la- ii factory, tba bobbi pata tba oppticoBt mto cnn-

i.iimieat.iii: aita Ihe trnateie ol tear « Br aaboola abeo ti ic her of ah,rn kttona, and BS very

ii i fa.sta gel ap.-i:. n if bs ls a eoe! ama ead,:. not bars bb axorbttaat Idea of tho vaiuo of hu

.ellie, -."»Do these spplleaata alwaya send their ptetereste

you 1".i solly. [ bad aloaost as eeeo bore tho plotare of

u:i a;, o III lani a.- li a iii :n or ber |i tnOB liv. All I B SOIin h«-e is tbe bead ol s person, and I can tell pro.tync.r.t won) i;e n. tte m iiiiciin n .ne nome w hal re¬

luctant toglve up their pf ni-- *. The loins are aol,-n .o,. however. I Hi'- ali applications, and patiniii. ph ,ii -a ipb rn .¦ o li ii" at Hm beadul bia application, so thu if any trustees or ethers

.ii. mt ber ey have a ai aopala ole ., ., nop.i. at I'i lil" ami. m tin- majority Ot ' a-es, his.ii...... i b,as ii bael* for opening a correspondencewini hi'a wi. a soy one gets sn engagement bis papersai,il piciui are .elura <L"

.. where d most ol jrour les h r- get po ittlonsl""We send then to all perta ol tm-country. We abm

Moil quite a ouuiber ouuida ol the United State*.,.. .-ni poaltlona tor thirteen ladle* ai 0.

linea, sades Dr. Murray, ile lum a Behoolm i- c, .1 lied alter Hm pl d ol Ihe Munni HolyokeSi-1, ii ri. Host ol the i':: Bora we seni tilai were.Mm lioiv.ioi graduate- twenty Biara will «.> outthere tut* fall rn take positiona in a mbool which is

i n Dr. Va a. rn aid mi tba Hot.tad govern-ii ut. Dr. Vauderwald was educai d in thu country,

i.niiielieil Ina lebOOl i.ltei' Ml Uni IIoll oKc".\i st will he the psy ot these teacher* 1""They Mid receive 1800 a yeer. They gel their

transportation nae, ami ail tin ir ozpeaaes paid, ifthe return before the ead of the third year, however,tiny inve f p.v tie ir ow li fare hack."

.. Do j mi o.iyi: in my caiK r r music teaehera ("i ., und we have a sood deal ot trouble in supply.

ingttiem. w"e bara very bard work, also, m gettingr',.i ea n m ii with a imod education. Ant ip ia nt. ty ofiii a. ii ii tm ' apply for positions, hm l do uoth-insfor tin a. of course, We have bard wor* In gettinggood tcacuera for reform schools Ab order from Kindall's ls,and ls an ut ii, hard a one ta lld us tte eau

g. 1-".. Have y, ii sent many tascbera ni) there I""'lure" ol f Mil', Sin! liicv .il ali- to Ot. IratclSSS mSB,

TH. > uni*' hue executive ability ol the very hiitbeet\, i.-o oastonslly haveordera from Mboola

lot- de 't mill' *. I inni ;i deuf mut-- In mi' lillico In io tor»evt ul t eera *¦ mt cine' niel k. ll- is now In eli tree or

admit mata school In Baltimore. BoohaaIntell.tentic low io, li., iv.i* ! Hceouidtell abai an) one wanted assoon:'-in o imo Into tn" cith e. ii< u .ed to assist Dr.«...|ialldet iii tim .lear lilli!.: inti! i'll h'le "

.. Do you lia ve manj pct son* try io put- oil istgu. di-nnd r fereiu ai on you l"

" No, ii. canto awm Hera nave loamed by experiencethai we examina tbeae tao c;,.seiv for them to-H .no mtUMI ''ol at lc!. lion, VI r, hy p.-i¦-,, .* \t BO applyfor p titlona lor walch they Lave aot the all-bi estun liiiicima. i'iis morning I received a letter from atii.iii v.mi wauled B Professorship ot Kogllaiild eretnrs umi Buetorhi tn wrns college, and yei ms

le tel wa* badly spelled and wrtti. I wrote Bim, saym.- ii. ai I uni not think I cou! ifni St ia a po* it inn un Ulh. laarosd to spell. i receive letters beni personaclari now and tiien, iv.o ttiiiit me to luruisli ll), ni

With dipt in is 'nun some corni Ci Hage, nnd to sci thema place h* wen. These letters, how ci er, arc moallyfroit; I'niimi.i. a Canadian iblnka hs eas rat aaythlag,you know, in tba I'mun htatea for money."" lin any graduate* of Oxford or Lumbrid-je ever ap-

plv for pasHlonn I"¦ OccaaioBaliy ; aad I alwaya receive them with open

arma. An i-.ui.-li-li triad ile ia a kind of a gem lor ino."

A Wuhan's BOHRRflfl MRT-OM,An agaai of ihe _:, ii tn-: lex, waa has necu in hus:

ne** fur herself about four years, waa next seen.

BhBtaB latlv imnut thirty year* ol aga apparently.with a pleaaaal sddreaa, and tim coon aaeeaaea in pat¬ting al case th. baabfol yooog college gradaataawheapply for s p..-inna, and who sm BBOBlly sotucwtiut

fil^hletu.-'! hy Iit four or live linly BSStstaatt. Herure!umi. sad experiences, ab sue related them, WON, ofcoin se. in niau) ri-pic'.a identical wltb Mr.Sobermer-hm n's. oilier telega, however, alie said : WinnI receive applications for poasttsas, I alway* sendprint'd blank* io the fippllcatit* to bo filled out. Onthine sro gaastleoa os to thats education, wbetesbeelor eollagS th.y nero gruduutcil Croea, wtiat

e\pi. ni i ¦<> 11. it-.,e; i e t.,,;y h_vc had, whut their ro-Itgioaa preferences me, to wlou denomination tOey l)c-Ioiik, sud wileiln.r they are married or not. Wo ah-oItct tue plii'tu.-rnpiis of h .ih) 1 niuaj of th' m.''" Why du iou a-k to waaf ehareh they heiouu 1"" In wet ul iii aebools, p irtleuiarlr Rautlsi an.i Meth

otlixt schools, tbey u-uany thal tile teacher*m. ali neilin,,' to Hie in nominal om union couirula the.scii o.. lt is neall ohio to know wile lue r tho up' lieu ii lsure married or not, un iu a good many bnardniK-sciiool*thi'V will li.ive only un named tOllebera.,,

" H" voa have uiuuy application* tor kmdergsrumteaeheraV

'. Not Ba fD-UV as we had u few ye.,ra ugo Kindergartea aebools are popular, I ihiak. inn not hy anyUknus su popular us u was Hmu.'iil they would bo a /cwyear* ugo. I supposu ouo ttttooa is Ulai ihe. ,tr.i ratheroo.ailr."'.Doyou erport many IsoBbon f"" Wu have sent a nun ;o ('aloa, also to Cuha.

We have also saat thea to Btaef aooairiea, bat tba tua-1'illly ol them Inive irone to one nf Ilene two place*.Tiie.v usuallygo as tutors or gaveraesara ta private fam¬ilies not. BBgSBl tu sp, ml .auniu Hint) away Inn..homo.**

.' Hare you furniilied any deaf unite iuatliutiou* withtassberet" Ye*; a iui'n')i;r. Them) have all Ive:) PCB BOBS.

however, wbo use the new lunzuaire, tue lip laagaagu,und Wini do lint inakt) BBC Of SiROB.1*

" Do you luive auy trouble in «cttinj{ coed BBOSBBleo lc n i"¦.No. The musical standard of gmerlea has boca clo-

rated io tho Isa! lew years Hist this ha* become OB n-

parativel* rasy. Tbs plaaola toa favorite luau uuieut,sud itixt come* the BTaoa. Duwu iSoulh they still cliu-tto lbs k uiur."

Milli |R I! WI'VWU UNI'.

? well known publisher baa u tree cducallonalluman m Park-ytaoe »hiob he SOfttSS en In eon-

li.-uiiori with oilier baabmas, Hs s.,id that abeoltwelve year* uiro h., opei,ed e Sanaa for BetetgeROBbsrs to help some of his countrymen whohml emile to I Im cittiitry withoitl knowing bow to spt akBagbaR. Koiir y. alt ann Int ha'i eu a-ned Hu* xii nS toinclude of ull descriptions, on acoouut of com-pluuta of ezoeaalve cbaraesat Bonis other saeaeles. ltdid ant pay>, however, aa it oatt atm a good deal everyliar to run Uiik. und ihe peopiu ba IioIikhi wein aol grata*lui. lin ilona nm believe lu iuivuifr personal iu-u-iviett.a will) imp,ie un.-, us he Hunks Ui.u ,» man'*ii indwrtUag i- a umi a better la.tsottoa of in* ibeisnii iUntil nm appealaio c ,>r p. .on .. >. il.

////. GREAT STIUtAM ol- IBAtlGBATIOB.W-8HIROTOY, Au^. 21..Tho C'liiof of t!ie

iiunaii iii Btatisi es farala.aa tba foUewlog latormailsain ia u ir,I to iiiiuiik'i udoii

lien arrived ls the easterns district* or HbIIIbibio.Beatso, !>¦ trott, Boree, Kay Vest, Mtanaseta, Rew-Of*laaes, N»w-York, Psasamsoeoudy, PatlaOelgbm aadBaa Praaeieeo larlag tba Breath aaded Ju y gi, 18-30.rt; r.'it paaaeagen, of ahem t9,P__ were oemlIiruiiU. sudMM rlttSBBS of lbs l.'nit. I :-it_tc, roto nedfi. i.: aim.mi. Of tbts total Bomber if huflBlgreets aarivett, there were from Baslaad, B,98B; BeoUand l BSli\l..o»,.r)l; Inlutnl, 0.007 | (etui .my. |t.R7Bl Antill,'._.<'tXi; fiwe.i, n. ii.770; Nore ey, 1.74_; Denmar.IMM{ Kr ince, 60S* OwuaerlBiiil. 6ii7| epala, 04 ; |-.dliol, N.I, ii. l_i.uu. 7.') ; Itulv. 74M ; itu*..», flo7 ; !',_mi, 1. IMRi HuiiMijr, 4.4; li.111 1, BOO; lltiiuililuii of1 unalla, 1-.710 ; «'u ,». ii_. un lull < h ra, 4__. liurlu*m. ten cnn dJui go. 1180, 407,241 iremigreniaar¬rived io Um United Rlataa, aa luoreaae cf 870,417 ovorii.'mi ber itiOi u:riv,-i daring ibo preeeuiag lesa1.1 rh" year il luiiuigr_i on tn, thc II-, ilfia i-Y.t. wheo 450,803 ImmlKiuuULrrltcu, eithc loUBlgrottaa o: U.c 1km H-4'_i year only _,f,oi)


W LgllUfGTOR, Aii^. 21..WDligm TOOBRR linapj .duli d i'.-.iia a*ier ul li.d point ,. Utan*.

ii w..» iu immissie iad nv iii Preetdeat.!'l ., ii-r..! U».la) i--u.,l an order il I re t*

'"«' Ll"«- leoealaaa Bat ol Baall auttar erismn' ag -n im- Daltaogtatea hs Bude spaa the tir*i.evandays m D reuther, ls*',o. ,\n over was i .,.,ii"' neting empto ss ta th* radwtgr mat] rerviea ie n

lr n rj bouka aad retai aad rackace rm-cipt*until ta?y leave mea mes, obee they vii. mn ti.emtn to lacn UlV.*ton -a P. I In I.iU.IciiI l.,.i,l.te_ ,tr>

iiix-'d inc .re ii iv praaervaeneaa reotetry hooka umirteeipu no aa to he aoh le maww tau.un** or i.uc. i-i Xii lint, lu iu« rn lei td i'.tctaM.-*


PLEDOntO BTOLBM B ix] jpMOftECffA! OKBAI I | ¦; .,,

ram i og twh oi ii kr ¦:;

.uti. t'Mni.H ti i

poon i ; tn p ii .< i

lt.It! ¦¦

IXSFI i '.ni: I.

Nea di vci'* iiiiiii .. wen mode yogfittho rooo ol tho leeasod broker, _-.i

n»i>J aili.

K«r. rho p: oil tin ot two mun. Mlillies. ni thi- V, 11 .,

NRtioooJ Hil rik unit tue <¦! ;, .._,.

tlmfl in tins city, li,'vi' l):«-:i i,.,.",Tin- <-\,'iniiii:i!i<)'.i hag boofl poetpoged i'¦Moodily, and ii in ,/aitl that nine i1Mtni-flRetiooi win Ix brought to light,

A BAD < '.:. POK THE DBI \\Tbsre woe a gaoaios aurariaa in stare f()r ti.,j

fi mi: in Ila COOS Of Elijah, t lin ut a(r.of ilc-iluig in fi r cd bom!., of tho Hannibal .,.

Joseph Kan..-ail Ci-uiuany, uhii t\o, prc,

tipeii^l yesterday a' tbs Tombs i'a\^*Court. It ll'. I'll!'. ll ot !nekJnstice Smith and all the other pen-on-i inter*"-.',*in tin.'c.'se ns-1 titi.led in lim pir, de e_aaBe_Rii.'iiit. Mr. Alttgersol bv bi* rotin-*el, ex*ilaa\Hus ci d, alni BBSm ..! aim. f).d Mr. (yCcaiaer w

preseot. ead ia better eoodition for leal ifvine iiun. ashed by al bibi bi rt p rier formihi of tho story of the loos el hs b a,¦!..,., ,,| ..ply he saiii :

" I iiii.i taboo them -Tom mv boase, io 3 purnimL873, wrapped in a brown nap-r psi _a_e, a-nj »umi mv nay to deposit t'lein in tia- Safe Di-o»itCon p-nv's vaults. In uni lg through V'eM>y-«t 1stopped iii front of a *,t.ire, and a man called an-at,toution to something anil as I looked ),,. ...

the paebsge from mv band ami rm. The bsBgjhm! just been registered, ead were aol warta a imont tho lagers to bias,

" Do vim ktioiv the BBOO WOO t'-ok thom I""Vet, I saw lum* I g-'tVd a description of li-m te

a detective at tbe time, but he police did ootlaihim. Three yeera afterwsrd they Rrrested sassbut it was not the nehr, ooo; they dil nit prut*anything against a' least."

" Is Mr. Alligcr iu the room t' salt .1 tua ; issrtalu 0 riling.Mr. O'Connor glanced around, and taking tbs^

toiler's oote booh wrote the words; "Nextonnyright"Theregevterlooked.ead Ixl,cid tbs portly fc^

of another sitting in calm um hum diudm*of the terrible sospicion resting n;>on hun.

questioned aa to other detail-. O'conner ra.'lt is so long years.tbat 1 don't rs.

member exactly.'' Lotei iu tbe moramg bs amtook tbs anio ii p.., ii shore un Qtioi .1 forJbbbrSmith. Borne farther delay was censed by tbifoilureof Cashier Baylis,of the batiking home ofHamilton & Bishop, to appear, sod a uemsBga waBeat after him. Tbe railroad company wa* nut nyreseated, Mr. Itoot n. lag absent on bis rasahsa,

AXoTIH.K I RaROB Iii! I RRBR," Am I to Baderstood, [nspectoi Byroeat-Btthaa

ia soother oharge tobe preferred agaiao) tae pna-oner?' s.ii'i Jostios S'nitii Boddoaly,Bx-Judge Bosteod's attitude ol case un* chasn4

at once oe the Ioepeetot cane forward to tim liarami sa il: "Ob or about Fobrusry io. ls-jo,the Fir-t National Bsnk ot Westport Ci*>I..neut, wsaootored by hui..twacarried oft including valuable securities, »oum ofwhieh nen- ow.ed by Franois ttl ii mid r.tbo upresent), nnd pail ol wooli wore loand miningI bose pledged as collat .' for a loun tibs ThaiNational Batik of thia citr, by Hr. Ailiger, lierincluded (111.000 In North Carolha a ..,¦.,! mbonds, tivo if 1.out) booda of the Chicago and Suth-Western, ami a.i-1,OuO bul.ti ul llic Nor.k.Weall rn sinking Hp il."Oeeeral surprise followed st Ibis news -"i-aloe.

Mr, 8norwood, bb elderly man ol -ali_:at figure, bbsgray hair and srtol hera, then retired _- h ihsla-

or tu un adj niling room, where au alli st il vadla., ii tip,-tat iii: that tie following property eastolen from the bank at Westport, ob toe data men-tii-iicilStorth COroHaa special tax bund* Of the v iltl» g

pgOOO-H umbers70, 71. '«»a. l._oi. 1,075, I.fi7s.-..|R,2.037. 3.061. _.!)--. 9,1-aV A -.1 li .ml V i l,,iii7 of 1*1

tcoaad Horthweaieru cooso'tdate-d slnBmg nui,7lu c ni. ami I ito no iola o. -l.i.ili) each nf lilt ' ...tai.mi gortbwesbrn Int mortgage. Nos. -2.0 -h sa '-.ML

All of Hasse were subeeqneatly kleotitled hy Mr.Sherwood sarene the securities plaoeti b>- Ur. Alu-get at the Third Rational Hank.

.Iii-tico hiiiib th u said t at, as eoother ci.armhad beeo mode, aod ns thc evidence waa Bettih.uni. but WOBeasily attainable, it would hs Mnell to adj urn tim examination ol mintajain tho fire! BOOB until Hon iy il10:30 a. m., when he utinuld cxi>-elthu prosccmioii lo have in court nil ino .v,:jM-|tne_-BBBS well as th" stolen property in ia Jetthat Hit) case might he prompt iv disposed of.Bx"Judge Baateed Beaconed in the adjourn

meat, ami saul be Mimili! tn iorpose no na-

BoeomRtf dolay. Mr. Alligt't was tartremanded to tbe eastody of laepeetoi Byrnes arniwent, to companied bv a lew personal fi lends, to ttsCeniral Othce, where be .-.till romalo* Al a Wjhour yesterday afternoon the bepeotor sta'cd t-idno attempt bad beoB made to secure the prisou-tvirelease on bail.Mr. .Sherwood sta*-d tn a TuiBtr-tr rsporfsr thal

tbe total Bowan I io*t hy I.: n iu thu W .-., I- Ua'-Krohtiery wai Sib" uoo. Ho had originally $2,5Minvestefi tu Barth Cereliao itomls. issasd utnieufciact of lbfitl, for WRlob be etib-eguciitly IBBB_pBOW certificates, issued nailer tho act of Hf$.Hue inn uitotvsi uti the old boinia provided tor. "jwrote to thc treasorer of North Carolina," when 1 loet my Ininti*, ami bs wrote back thai io

ca»o they were tillered tor ORObOOge be would BBBgpayment upon iiiom until I WBBtoformed. I »l*agOVS notice to tho Chicago and Northitrimstoni Kail-road Oompooy, aod they promised tostsepigmont oo the lost bonds. 1 lost sight or tee diftertiitcertificates of stock, but tl.c company pay* nie in¬

terest upon them n_ht ul< eg 1 also lost a Uio ia*

soraace policy,*bot it wa* pani up."Mi. > i i. j mimi,, is a director and owner in tlio ware

P< ri Hank, ililli tho securities, it appears, RMS .

special deposit placed iberc temporarily.a rsi a with IBOBOSFBOa BTBuas,

'. Will Aliigor be alilo to clear LunM'if, do J*athiahf was asktd la'er iii ¦..

day." Weil, tl looks worse for Mm,' rspliel thain*

spectnr. " To-slay I otitaincd moro evidence. Theproceeds of four distinct robberies hue so fat i**B

traced to bun. Un Ootobet 15, 1m7'.i, a ***&robbery wai perpetrated ia bKatdileyligbtsltmottee of Masare. MarriU dh Triioble, Ro. 21 th*lan ii-Mt. Boneo preeoaa satorsd ibo ottos saia>gaged tbe clerk'* attention ivhiio sccomplieaSlBSlfrom tte mils, tho door of Whisk **.

op 'i, ho.nh* ami BOeeritiss reprtaisBtiBg g-^lW'limy consisted of bonds of the dci.omina-tfOO ol ^l.uiii) each ot tho Itiirlingiou »M

Cedar K.ilroul, Nos. 1,124 to M*JaeORRve ; eiRht KOO8 per coothoods of tin* JJIread.Bec0,770leS.784 tiiciusno. ead ohm $iiwhood ol umi road. Ali but one ol the 11.000 msgWere p.edge I as Collateral hy Alllger, al * « lblj*National Hank. BoudsNo. 3.77!) tu 5.7U3 <.! JPisaiHi denomination were pledged st the renie IbbRj

" (Ju Ap ii g, li'sO, Allig, r depeeited ^l^.wW"1tho i.tlt i s.t't-k al thal bank; Mit BMlUtBs BfMthe booda were takes from Merritt A lunin <

the Uetaolives attached io tbs bureau in tho-BsoOBExohaoge bavs recovered nine ron ol the .fiaJJbonds, ant! yi\ ol thu $.">00 ImiiuI*. h*J,K|.N.t. 1.1 lil, Ioi frl.OOO, ami ihe -MU*) ^eran not um ng those plrdn l hy Br. ¦*¦*

iigor, and hiv. mn y< t bei-n t:acod. IMbonds still miss ng are No. 1,143 f the Hurnegtesami Cedar Kapui* Kailcml for gi,OOO. No* hTJJai i 0.7*-..-> of tho ji.iOii deiiomiiiai.ou, .,uu thurlabond. Merritt A Tumble have fully idenRimth. u properly."" How dui you trace thc atolm bo;.il» ot tb* WS_B

PTi ISatikT" .

" Wc kc-cp at the Central OlH.'ii a BMag beag .'»¦

aecouota ur all u.o boah robbers. Un ""'"''S. lrrel renee tu Thb IkiiiL'.vk of l-'rnl..y to the n<*

|K»rt lonhcry 1 iouked mid lolliiit tlie record 10 IBJ

book. 1 then recall d tim tact ihai ailhis a

lew Uiouihs tho pi.sdei.1 ot ibo hOBl ''*»

written to me lm uni In interns IM

proi mv. On finding that tho numbera iu wy *_2book were tba boom as the nnmbera of th* ,,ol.Jplsi. d aa oollataral at tho I hird Nat .mal Baas dj

AJIiger, 1 ut once telegraphed to the wssa

poit bank praeideot. Mr. hherwooil, ene .»

¦aod cfors, c.iinu on nini uieuti.icil lin-prt'is'tiyjBtovee er twelve of lh«*N ril. I'.-int'iu.i'st>i-',f*ai tim Hind Nan.m.i. Ila. k a blob purported re"worth :<.) ueots on Ibo dollar, oh t-xauiiuatiou afloatiiuo a;o BBOTOd not t> bo ».' valuaojaui d the bank ord red Alligei <y .**_:up Ins lo.m. He then wei right bcimbi tb* Bswwuni, th.--c. n.uv .ti. ... il wno ltiini"W"*3ittsbop i i >.-'.;.'<?. nu " ... ... i.uoo i-u.-j*J*iheCnu-.u'o sod Bortbwiwtern ttuuving I""**ns.ih in ptmarealen oi ino i'nud Naitoual i>*uk ¦.

"ilaliul" __________________

Nathiiai. li-i.iuiu.N.-Hislit>P (rtproviBg #|l.iiium.i.i..ii .vi .'.'*-'-.".".'.'rnnae Boan all oade tad iH> iiminio* i sm »vp

t _._* a tull* I" l'-iie 1 'lue l__l»U», Ui/ tn**

ll'lllll'll.Tub Lari Wogarl hut Fut; a crime, 'Jim

a. ui / g de ot Ul, liu-.i.) " l>.in'4 keep mokilig stJg}wetek, Al.> I Ono w.uid tbluk you wore lu oauresr-Ifaaaa,