1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pastor Scott Velain “PLEASE BE SURE TO HIT THE “REFREASH” BUTTON ON YOUR BROWSWER TO ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE THE MOST RESENT COPY” H.I.M. PRAYER LIST Updated 6/8/18 Sister Julie: The niece of sister Darla, Julie is suffering with pneumonia, an enlarged spleen, and a really bad kidney infection, prayers needed. Sister Kim Hourie: Please pray for my sister Jackie who has MS and Bipolar and struggles with crystal meth addiction. She is 55 years old. She has had struggles with addiction since young in her late teens and twenties...She has made several attempts to follow God but always gets sidetracked by someone or something. She does not understand Yehovah's ways. She is living in a motel next to a very abusive woman and she lives in constant fear. Also pray for strength for our family. On a different note: I have been on crutches for two years because of an infection in my hip bone. I am looking at surgery but believing for a miracle before I go that route. I am only 58. I take many supplements and I only have pain when I step down too hard or move a certain way. I am also looking at stem cell therapy but this is expensive. I also battle lymphedema a condition caused by cancer treatments where my body can no longer remove lymphatic fluid from my left leg so my leg swells and I can get cellulitis infections from this which is what led to the hip condition...these infections are life threatening Elder Tarone: Please put me on the prayer list. I have been having some problems in my stomach era. It seems to be getting worse. A discomfort that I have not felt before, that seems to be not going away. Thank you Brother Nelson Blessing: Who was married to Sister Hazell Hurst’s mother in law. He lost his life to cancer this past weekend. The family is heartbroken. May our Father send his angels and Ruach for comfort. Brother Rikki from Wills Point Texas: Brother Rikki is the stepfather of Nicole Velain, and has been battling congestive heart failure, and the loss of a son. In his darkest hour we ask for prayers, that our Father in heaven would send his angles upon him and his family to minister to them and give them comfort in these trying times.




Pastor Scott Velain




Updated 6/8/18

Sister Julie: The niece of sister Darla, Julie is suffering with pneumonia, an enlarged spleen,

and a really bad kidney infection, prayers needed.

Sister Kim Hourie: Please pray for my sister Jackie who has MS and Bipolar and struggles

with crystal meth addiction. She is 55 years old. She has had struggles with addiction since

young in her late teens and twenties...She has made several attempts to follow God but always

gets sidetracked by someone or something. She does not understand Yehovah's ways. She is

living in a motel next to a very abusive woman and she lives in constant fear. Also pray for

strength for our family.

On a different note: I have been on crutches for two years because of an infection in my hip

bone. I am looking at surgery but believing for a miracle before I go that route. I am only 58. I

take many supplements and I only have pain when I step down too hard or move a certain way.

I am also looking at stem cell therapy but this is expensive. I also battle lymphedema a

condition caused by cancer treatments where my body can no longer remove lymphatic fluid

from my left leg so my leg swells and I can get cellulitis infections from this which is what led

to the hip condition...these infections are life threatening

Elder Tarone: Please put me on the prayer list. I have been having some problems in my

stomach era. It seems to be getting worse. A discomfort that I have not felt before, that seems to

be not going away. Thank you

Brother Nelson Blessing: Who was married to Sister Hazell Hurst’s mother in law. He lost his

life to cancer this past weekend. The family is heartbroken. May our Father send his angels and

Ruach for comfort.

Brother Rikki from Wills Point Texas: Brother Rikki is the stepfather of Nicole Velain, and

has been battling congestive heart failure, and the loss of a son. In his darkest hour we ask for

prayers, that our Father in heaven would send his angles upon him and his family to minister to

them and give them comfort in these trying times.


Brother Jason from Wills Point Texas: Who is grieving the loss of both his father and a

childhood friend. Praying for strength and power over darkness, and for the comfort of our

Fathers hand to be upon him.

Sister Nicole Velain From Wills Point Texas: Who is a nurse who cares for people daily. Her

stepfather is ill and needs prayers for healing, and she is now also coping with a death in the

family. She needs to be the strength for the family both physically and spiritually. May our

Father grant her the power that she needs to cut through the darkness, and come to the light of

truth to know that our Messiah has taken away the sting of death for us all.

FROM EXODUS 7 MINISTRIES a Holy Impact Ministries sister site:

UPDATE 6/6/18:

Hi Brothers & Sisters, I have another prayer request for our Brother Stan who was involved in a

serious accident today!

Yahovah God, In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach we pray that Brother stand has no brain

damage or permanent injuries due to his accident that caused him to crash into a tree. We also

pray that the small cyst in his head is completely gone and that he is able to return back to work

in 3 weeks. We ask these requests of this prayer to Yahovah God in the name of Yeshua

HaMashiach's Holy name Amen!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATE 5/31/18:

Hi Brothers & Sisters, Our Sister Eva is in need of prayer. She recently had a hysterectomy

operation that went well. However, she needs prayer for an abscess that has formed over our

surgical wound that is now requiring a lot of antibiotics. And the antibiotics will have to be

administered through a pic line for 3 weeks. Please pray that she would be healed of the abscess

and not need any antibiotics. Thank you for your prayers!

Exodus7 Prayer Link: https://exodus7.com/exodus-7-prayer-list

Brother Wilbert & Sister Lucille Brown:We are Praying for Brother Wilbert who has an

LVAD and pacemaker to keep his heart pumping. We are praying that his heart is strengthened

daily and able to self independent of these devices.

Update 05/01/2018: Sister Lucille Brown's had a 2nd successful surgery and is doing well. She

can now walk and drive with no pain now. Thank you for your prayers! Praise Yahovah with

thanks in Yeshua's name!! Amen!

Brother Greg Nance: We are Praying for Brother Greg who has cancer. We are praying that

Mr. Nance is healed and comforted of his cancer. Please keep him in your prayers daily.


Brother Eryn Young: We are Praying for our Brother 6 year old Eryn who is hospitalized for

swelling on his brain. He went into surgery but has some complications after the surgery and is

still hospitalized and has not awaken yet. Please pray that Yahovah continues to watch over and

heal him so he can go back home safely to his family.

Update 02/26/2018: Brother Eryn is recovering from his surgery and healing.

Sister Savannah Saunders: We are Praying for our Sister Savannah who will undergo surgery

Friday February 2018 for removal of her gall bladder and kidney stones. Please pray that

Yahovah will guide and bless the hands of her surgeons. Also pray that she will get through the

surgery without any post issues as the result of the surgery. Also that she would recovery

healthy and fully in the name of Yeshua (Jesus).

Update 05/01/2018: Sister Savannah is recovering from her surgery and healing very well.

Thank you for your prayers! Praise Yahovah with thanks in Yeshua's name!! Amen!


Sister Felicita Morales: I'm requesting prayers for my 83 year father, Jorge Morales, he has

been in a rehabilitation nursing home in California for five months now. We were informed that

he will have to stay there permanently, he is being fed through a feeding tube connected to his

stomach, at this moment my dad weighs113 pounds :(, his normal weigh was 165-170. He is

too weak to walk, so he is

bed bound. Last year at this time my dad was walking two to three miles a day, he has always

been a very active man. So is very difficult to see him the way he is now :(.

His wife (Carmin Morales) is bedbound as well and with partial dementia, she is being taken

care at home, but unfortunately my dad he will have to stay at the nursing home. He is in a

serious stage of depression. Please help me in prayers that our heavenly Father heal him from

the depression that he is in. My dad won't admit it, but I know he has things in his heart

specially from his childhood that need to be healed. I'm in constant communication with him

and talk to him about Yahova's love and mercy, he listens, but he does not express much.

Also for my brother and sisters to forgive my dad and call him more often, especially my oldest

sister, Naida.

Brother Abraham: An elderly brother who needs the hand of our Father. He needs medication

and has not been heard from. May our Father in Heaven send his angles to administer to him.

Sister Barb Rammano: She is in the hospital with a severe case of pancreatitis due to gall

stones in her gall bladder. The stones are in her intestines and are causing her a lot of pain. She

may need surgery.


Sister Anita Coleman: Willow Olivia Wilbourn was born by emergency C-section Monday

past. She is tongue tied and will require a 'snip' this next week (expected to occur Wednesday

the 25th Apr). Please pray for the guiding of the hand of the doctor in this matter. Please pray

for the grateful and proud first time new parents Nancy Nicholson and Tyler Wilbourne.

UPDATE 5/19/18:

Concerning Prayer Update for Willow Olivia Wilbourne. After her mommy took her for her

first visit, the pediatrician says that the doctor'e 'overreacted' and that she will probably

'outgrow' the minor tongue tying. PRAYER ANSWERED!

The day after Willow's birth, we were informed that my son-in-law's ( I live with him, my eldest

daughter and their 2 younger boys) older brother, Paul Chiarillo, attempted suicide using pool

chemicals. This was no 'cry for help', he intended to succeed. He is out of ICU as of Friday

early evening (20 Apr) and physically 'stable'. His wife wants a divorce (they had been going to

counseling) and now will not allow him to come home when he does leave the hospital. Please

pray for both he and his wife Diana. My daughter and son-in-law have extended an offer to him

to come stay with us when he gets out (he will need people around him). Please also pray for

our family: Anita Coleman, Greg & Christina Chiarillo and their 2 sons Michael and Andrew

Chiarillo that we can be of useful support in Paul's recovery.

UPDATE 5/19/18:

Concerning Paul Chiarillo (my son in law's brother, who is now staying with us). He wasn't

able to get an appointment with an actual psychologist until the 24th (almost another full week)

and hopefully they will set him up an appointment with their psychiatrist, so that depression he

has has 'since 2011' can be worked on. His leg and burns have healed enough that the doctor is

giving him a choice of plastic surgery, or 'letting it heal on its own'. He has been leaning

towards letting it heal on its own. Thank you all for prying for him, and please keep him on the

Prayer list.

Sabbath morning (21 Apr) I was informed that my youngest daughter's husband's sister (hence:

other son-in-law's sister) had committed suicide. Please pray for Steven & Daphne Cook, both

my daughter and her husband are very upset.

Thank you all

Bless Yahweh, he never gives us more than we CAN handle.

Sister Anita Coleman

UPDATE: Please pray for Paul and Diana's 3 girls which still live at home: Katie (age 21,

Heather (age 18), and Jennie aged 11.

Thank you

Sister Anita



Pastor Samuel: I also take care of 20 orphans…It is my kind request that you also remember

these needy orphans under my care in your daily prayers that God can open those ways for their

needs both in physical and spiritual growth.

Sister Nicole: Prayer for sleep, good health and overcoming grief in a healthy manner--

I have been having trouble sleeping, lately. Apparently, as I have been told by my doctor and

grief counselor, sleep depravation can be a part of the grieving process and can happen at

almost anytime during the process. I've been given clearance to have some time off work

for awhile, in order to properly grieve and be able to get through the process, in a healthy


We are working on the sleep issue. I need prayers to get some sleep and to be able to move

forward in my life, in a healthy manner. Through Messiah, I will overcome this. it's

just part of the process. The closer a person was to the person that passed away, the more

difficult it can be and the longer it can take. My husband and I had a very good relationship.

So, it's been quite a challenge. I can say that I have been noticing some improvement, over

time, so I am getting there. Thankful for that. It was much worse, before now. Please keep


Prayer for children--

I need prayer for all of my children (who are all adults) to learn to cope with the loss of their

father and for them to overcome their grief, in a healthy manner, as well. I also pray for their

salvation in Messiah Yeshua.

Prayer for my neighbor Rebecca--

Rebecca lost her husband of 68 years. She lives next door to me and will need prayer.

Prayer for a profitable home business--


Pastor Andrew Brunson: The situation just took a bleak turn for Pastor Andrew. After one day

of trial, the Turkish judge refused to release Pastor Andrew. The judge instead delayed the trial

until May 7th and ordered that Pastor Andrew be thrown in a notoriously overcrowded and grim


Instead of being returned to the prison where he had been held most recently, the judge ordered

Pastor Andrew to be taken back to an overcrowded and extremely grim prison where he was

held initially. As you can imagine, the news is devastating to Pastor Andrew and his family.

Pastor Andrew is innocent. But these next three weeks are VERY CRITICAL. We have to turn

up the pressure - work even harder to secure the release of Pastor Andrew.


Join the more than half million people who have signed our petition - demanding the release of

this father, this husband - this Pastor who could very well spend the rest of his life in a Turkish


Pastor Andrew must be freed. Pastor Andrew must come home now.

Sign Our Urgent Petition: Free Pastor Andrew.

Here is the address to sign the petition: https://beheardproject.com/andrew-



Jay Sekulow

ACLJ Chief Counsel

Sister Darla: Korbin is a15 years old friend of my granddaughters. Korbin has a brain tumor

that is spreading, and is having seizures. He is at this time going through radiation therapy for 6

weeks, then he will be starting chemotherapy.

Gracie, my granddaughter is being tested for POT syndrome (POTS, postural orthostatic

tachycardia syndrome).

Kathy, my sister has POT syndrome (POTS, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)with


Donald, my dad, 4-16-2018 had part of his toe removed, because of infection due to being


My nephew Colten, who is 3 was diagnosed last week with Type 1 Diabetes.

And myself, suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Thank you so much for your prayers.....

Your sister in Messiah

Darla Neighbors

Elder Brian VanNoord: For Sciatica, and a disabling pain that he is fighting through.

Sister Julia: Sister Julia writes: Brother Scott..I have some big changes in my life I am

petitioning the Father for in prayer..please..pray for these changes to come within His will and

authority to bring glory to Him and peace and continued holiness in my life under His precious

authority.. May our Father bring the same to you and yours in the name of Yeshua the Messiah!

Amen ..thank you brother Scott! The Father knows what I'm asking so I won't go in to

detail...Yahovah blessings today and everyday.. Please share my prayer and petition as you can

to bring about this much needed change in my life under the Father's authority.

Let us be in prayer over our Sister Julia for the answers that she seeks!


Dr. Hazel Richardson:

-get aligned with the true word of God... be in the right place establishing the kingdom of God.

- healed from stomach / digestive issues and weight issues Devine health (I live a vegan


-healed from hair falling out and skin issues

-learn the truth about tithing...applicable or not

- get connected to a man of God who is aligned with true word of God (I do desire to be


-learn how to share the true word of God with family , friends,community

-operate in all /talents the Lord has given me in my career that emulates a Godly walk

-divine connection with like minded believers to help me on the path of righteousness

- delivered from educational loan debt (owe no man nothing)

-God Judgement and Justice with Walden University Doctorate program.. 8 years and no

doctorate degree . to settle the lawsuit in my favor Relinquishing all of the hundreds of

thousands of dollars that was spent to a program that misused there authority.

Brother Greg Brown: Is a good friend of Brother Glens. Brother Greg was diagnosed with

throat cancer, and it has now spread to his lungs, and hip bones. His body no longer reacts to

treatments. His only hope of survival is through prayer.


Sister Yvette: For low sodium in her blood and high blood pressure. She will see her doctor

again at the end of April.

UPDATE 5/1/18:

I am still on blood pressure medication and will visit my doctor for a monthly check-up! I

would like continued prayers that my blood will become low enough that I can come off the

medication very soon! Also, please pray that the underline problem causing my blood pressure

spike can be discovered and treated naturally!


Sister Michaela Tierney: BABY AMARISSA IS HERE!!!!

Shalom brother pastor V

I gave birth to Amarissa today (24/3/18) @11:25am weighing 6lbs 10oz

Thank you to all my brothers and sisters for your prayers! Love you all dearly!

Love sister Michaela x


ALSO: My cousin Charlotte is due to get married on the 16th of April 2018, however

something is trying to mess things up for Charlotte and her partner Dan, they’ve had people tell

them they are not right for each other, they’ve had issues with the venue. I truly believe that the

adversary is trying whatever he can to achieve another failed marriage! Please could we all pray

for my cousin Charlotte and Dan that the wedding will go as planned with the protection of

Yeshua. Also can we pray for them to conceive a baby for once they are married

Thank you

Sister Michaela x

UPDATE 5/0/18:

Recently baby max sadly went to sleep! I’m not sure on the date exactly however his funeral is

today! So maybe prayers for his mum Hannah Johnson and his dad Wayne to bring comfort and

strength from our father in heaven

Also my cousin Charlotte is no longer getting married! Cut a long story short... her partner was

arrested and locked away in prison for driving offences! Maybe he ain’t the right man for her!


Brother Dale Banks: My wife just called and it was not a stroke but it is Bells Paulsy. They

gave her antibiotics to help combat it. Please keep praying for her thank you. Your brother in

Messiah Dale Praise Yehovah it is not anything life threatening. I lost a wife 9 years ago due to

seizures I was the one who found her passed away.. I could not go through losing another wife. I

had two daughters that were 16 and 11 that was hard enough. I have now a 8 year old daughter

with autism and a 6 year old son with autism also. It would be real hard to raise them without

her. Thank Yehovah again in the Name of Yeshua the Messiah.

UPDATE 4/12/18: My daughter Lily is home schooled and her teacher canceled speech therapy

class this week. Her husband has to have emergency bypass surgery on his heart thursday. The

families name is Halstead. They have younger children about my daughters age of 8. I told her


that prayer request was going to go out as soon as we are done talking. She thanked me and

anyone else who will pray for her and her family Thank you and your prayer team from Mrs

Halstead for your prayers. Your brother in Messiah Yeshua Dale.


Sister Veronika Bogges: For the Lloyd family. Kimberly Lloyds 20-year-old son Joshua Lloyd

is in the hospital because of a drug overdose. He is in critical condition, and is now on life

support. Doctors say that Joshua’s braid activity is not good. Only our Father in Heaven can

intervene at this point in time. Prayers desperately needed!

UPDATE 3/3/18: From Sister Veronika:

Here is a picture of Joshua Lloyd!

Update: there is still poor brain activity and he is still on life support. The

doctors are working diligently and doing everything humanly possible but at

this point on YHWH can decide if he’ll be able to stay in the physical world!

Thank you to all the elders and everyone who is praying without ceasing!

UPDATE 3/3/18: It is with great regret that we announce the passing of

Joshua Lloyd. It was the will of our Father in Heaven that Joshua’s soul was

required of him this past week. We continue to pray for the Lloyd, and Bogges

families as they mourn the loss of a young man who will be dearly missed. We also continue in

prayer for his two brothers who are now dealing with the loss of dearly loved brother.


Pastor Jim Staley: Pastor Jim is still serving out his time in prison, and his father is not doing

well. We are continuing to keep both him, his father, and his wife and children in our prayers.

Pastor Jim Staley has been in our prayers over the past few years, and will continue to stay in

our prayers until his release. A good and faithful servant, and true brother of the body. We pray

for his soon release and for his work to continue!

UPDATE: Jims father is up for a liver transplant. He is holding water. Is going through more

tests next week for being fully approved. Prayers are working!!

UPDATE 4/13/18: Jims father is scheduled for a heart stress test Monday (4/16/18) to see if he

is strong enough to receive a liver transplant. Prayers needed. Also… if you are in need of

“Tzitzits” (blue chords for your hips Numb 15:38-40) you can email Sierra Stayley at:

[email protected] .




Sister Mary Walker: Is a new member of Holy Impact Ministries, and we are keeping her and

her family in our prayers and thanking our Father for her.


Akram Arif: Greetings in the mighty name of king Jesus Christ. I am humbly requested to you

please pray for the unity of believers. Please pray that God may open more gospel doors for us

in Pakistan. We want to win lost for His kingdom of heaven.

Please pray for sister Agenas. She has breath problem. Her lungs are not properly working. She

needs our prayer.

Please prayer for sister Sajjada. She has kidnies problem.

Please prayer for sister Gulnaz. She has cancer problem. She needs healing power from Jesus.

UPDATE: Please pray for the peace of Pakistan!

UPDATE 4/19/18: Dear faithful disciple of Jesus Christ, Greetings in the mighty and holy

name of Jesus Christ. I am humbly requested to you please prayer for our upcoming revival

meetings these are dates of our program

2nd May to 5th May 2018. please prayer for Revival movement.

God bless you richly.

your brother in Christ,

pastor akram

from Pakistan

UPDATE 6/6/18:

Dear follower of ChristPlease pray for these ladies. They want to get baby blessing from God.

1. Aysha arif 2. Asama 3. Busharan iqbal 4. Mrs Aslam 5. Mrs Azmat 6. Sister samina 7. Mrs shazad


Please pray for these young girls for their good life partners 1. Sister saima 2. Sister samina 3. Sister sonia 4. Sister maria These are addictions those who wants deliverance from this bad habit 1. Mr Faqoor 2. Mr. Shazad 3. Mr. Nasir 4. Mr. Peter 5. Mr. Pervaiz 6. Mr. Tooti masih 7. Mr. Shoukat 8.mr. Nelson God will touch them and change their lives. God bless you richly



Sister Deana Sayles: Was raised up in the Catholic church and is now in the process of being

Baptized properly and following after the truth of God’s word as found in the scriptures.

Sister Hannah Johnson: For her son “Max” that turns 1 year hold on December 5th, 2017. He

has been diagnosed with ‘pulmonary veins stenosis that they say is incurable. The doctors have

told Hannah that baby Max will only have 3 - 12 months to live.

Mbite: Dear Beloved Brethren, many greetings through the exalted name of our Loving Savior

Jesus Christ from Kenya. I am very much pleased to tell you that your teachings on your

website are a great blessing to me, my family and the young independent Christian fellowship

that I founded when I got the call of the Lord to do so…The fellowship is of 58 members. I also

take care of 25 orphans…It is my kind request that you also remember these needy orphans

under my care in your daily prayers that God can open those ways for their needs both in

physical and spiritual growth


Sister Veronika Boggess: For her 12-year-old son, Brandon Boggess, who just had is 3rd brain

surgery. He has been battling “Mastoiditis (bone infection of the skull)” and Cholesteatoma that


was the size of a grapefruit that was pressing down on his brain and took a big chunk out of his

Mastoid bone in his left ear. Because of this, Brandon has lost his hearing in the left ear

permanently. Please also pray for the Boggess family as well.


Brother Dale: For the children of Tanzania’s albino children. Witchdoctors in the land are

kidnapping the children and are dismembering them and are selling their body parts to for

demonically charged ceremonies.





“The reason I am sending this also is because I am albino and have been teased and made fun

of and have gotten many a strange looks because I am different. I have learned over the years to

just shrug it off but what is happening to them goes beyond anything I ever went through as a

child. I do thank you for your prayers in this matter.”

Brother Dale



Sister Giovanna: For her health and the salvation of her brother Joseph.


Sister Annalise: For her hip and pin replacement, and for her journey in learning.

UPDATE 4/12/18: Sister Annalise has had one sergury and a heart murmur was found. She is

in pain, and needs our prayers.


Brother & Sister Roger and Beverly Burkhart, and their children James and Destiny:


Praying against the black mold in their home. Their children have contracted Tonsillitis, IBS,

Fatty Liver Disease, and are desperately searching for another home that they can afford.


Brother Mark

UPDATE 3/28/18: Sorry for late update, it's been crazy! We are all ok

We are in Pennsylvania right now and heading your way!

We ended up selling everything we had, bought a older 30 foot travel trailer and are on our way

to a piece of rural land we bought in Missouri.

We couldn't find anything in RI, So we packed what we could into the trailer and left.

Sister Elaine: For her 5-year-old grandson “Xander” who has just gone through “lymph node


UPDATE 11/6/17: Xander has been found to have “Lymphoma” and is in need

of all of our prayers!

UPDATE 12/1/18: Xander's test results showed that it is concentrated in

one spot, which is promising. They are going to get on it soon. Thank you for

continued prayers from everyone and just waiting for next step.

UPDATE 12/7/17: Xander’s Cancer is in his neck area. He had to have his tonsils removed

This past week, and to have bone marrow taken from his hip. We are continuing to pray

For Xander and his parents Leon, and his wife Christi for strength and for salvation.

UPDATE 12/14/17: Xander’s doctors say that they are confident and aren’t going to start

Treatments, but are going to monitor him closely. Prayers are being answered as we speak

and our Father’s hand is indeed upon Xander and his family!

UPDATE 1/26/18: Xander will be having a scan again this Monday 1/29/18 to see how

everything is.

UPDATE 2/27/18: Xander is doing well, next appointment is in the end of March!

UPDATE 3/24/18: Xander went for another MRI will get results next week!

UPDATE 4/13/18: Xander is going in for another scan sometime this month for a comparison of the last scan.

His parents don't talk much about things so I found out from Xander's other grandpa that doctor thinks

something may be going on , on the other side of his neck. Pray not😪🙏🏻.

Heartbreaking situations all over.

See you in the morning❤️




UPDATE 12/14/17: Baby Max had an operation today (Thursday Dec. 14th) We are awaiting an update. Prayers

are needed for both baby Max and his family.

UPDATE 12/14/17: Baby Max flew through a 5-hour surgery on December 14th and is doing well!!! He will

have another operation in 6-8weeks to check that everything is working ok. Once again, our Father in Heaven is

indeed the great Physician, and can do what no other Physician can do!

Brother Matthew Noble:

My wife's cousin: went in to have gallbladder surgery this morning and was found dead on the

floor. Her 2 kids and family are devastated.

Elizabeth Noble spiritual and emotional healing.

Alan Hamaker for health, has severe adema of the legs.

Eilish O'Driscoll for health from cancer (Dr says she has a few months to live)

Ulma Miculob for health, has a tumor on her lung

Cora O'Leary for spiritual and emotional strength

The O'Leary and Noble Families for well being

Jordan Bowen and family for health, his infant daughter has to have eye surgery.

Long and Stephanie Pham for well being.

Deanna Partridge, Meghan Fogg, Mandi Sumner, Leah Apatan, Dana Berndt for strength

in adversity.

Sarah Craft, Dylan Soriano, Justin Sutter, Nikki Vorce, Marissa Vorce, Mike Russell,

Natalie McClesky, Jahara Chaiz, Laura Rogers, David Moreno, Joey and Shiney

Bargeron for a guiding light to their purpose.

Of course ALL my brothers and sisters in HIM and God's faithful across the world.

If we can squeeze me in for healing from metastatic melanoma as well I'd certainly appreciate


Sister Michelle Torres: For the loss of her baby due to miscarriage. Prayers of comfort, and

healing are needed.

UPDATE: Brother Matthews father is home and Sister Tia is also recovering from her breast

cancer well!! PRAYERS ANSWERED!

Sister Naomi Fiona Hall… Johannesburg South Africa, cannot cope financially. Naomi has

been working for 15 years with the same company that will not allow her to advance. Needs

prayers to move forward so that she can support her children and family.



Rosemary Bryant: For Brother Tim and Sister April Bryant for their Marriage (Separation)

Now in counseling!

UPDATE 12/14/17: April and their 10 children are still living in Ohio 6 hours away from their

home in P.A. April wants Tim to return to the Baptist church and it’s denominational beliefs.

Continued prayers are needed for truth and wisdom to prevail!

UPDATE 2/10/18: Tim and April Bryant are finally meeting with their marriage counselor on

Feb. 12th and 13th. This unresolved relationship has been especially hard on the 5 younger


UPDATE 4/17/18: Tim’s wife April are back home with Tim in Pa, however the situation is

worse than ever. There is a demonically inspired rift that is working with in this family and it is

effecting all involved including their 7 children. Please pray, that this evil is rebuked from this


UPDATE 5/7/18: Tim and April are continuing to try and work things out. Tim is seeking

council with Pastor Donnelly, and needs our prayers for healing of this marriage.

UPDATE 5/21/18: Our son, Tim, and his wife, April, have another counseling session today

with Pastor Griffith. April wants Tim to move out of the house.

She still does not allow us to see the children or Tim. She won't even let the children see Tim's

90 year old grandmother. (He contacts our daughter occasionally and she relays information to

us.) He has tried to please her, but nothing makes her happy.

The 5 younger children are so happy to be with Tim. They had been sick and he took care of

them. They all want him to put them to bed at night. The more they love him the worse she


Thank you for your prayers.

We continue to keep you and your ministry in our prayers.


Tim and Rosemary Bryant

UPDATE 5/30/18:

Please pray for Caleb Bryant, 7 1/2 year old son of Tim and April Bryant. He rolled a 4 wheeler

and is at the hospital now with a twisted pelvis and a broken femur. Possible surgery tomorrow

or traction. Caleb has been begging to see us, but April refuses to allow us to see the children or

our son.


Thank you for keeping Tim, April, and family in your prayers and now special prayers for

Caleb. The home situation is not good.

In Yeshua,

Tim and Rosemary Bryant

UPDATE 6/4/18:

Surgery went well. Our grandson, Caleb, had split his upper femur in three pieces . The doctor

put a pin in the lower part of the femur and he now has a traction cast from his right ankle to

his chest. His left leg is free. He will need to have an x-ray in a week and another the

following week. He will probably be in the cast for 10 weeks. Maybe after 5 weeks he will be

able to walk with crutches. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

Again we thank you for your prayers.

In Yeshua,

Tim and Rosemary Bryant

Brother Tito and Sister Adrianna: ARE NOW WITH CHILD!!!! And we are continuing to

pray for things to continue to go well as we walk with them through this pregnancy, and through

faith in our Father in Heaven and his only begotten Son we are looking forward to the birth of a

new member of the body of our Messiah!

UPDATE 12/27/17: IT’S A BOY !!!!!!

UPDATE 3/318: The baby is doing well and moving around a lot!

Brother Joseph: Would like prayers to also have a child. Prayers needed!!

Elder James:

Hi Brothers and Sisters, I am again asking you to pray for my father and great aunt who are currently ill and not doing too well at the moment. Your prayers are very much appreciated!:

Brother Wilbert's Cold and Low Blood Sugar (05/25/2018): Please pray for my Father's healing . He has a cold from his previous sickness and still not over it yet. Thank you for your prayers! Praise Yahovah with thanks in Yeshua's name!! Amen! Great Aunt Emma Lee (05/13/2018): Please pray for my Great Aunt is in and out of her sickness and losing strength again! Please pray that she has the strength and will to eat something and not to exert herself. Thank you for your prayers! Praise Yahovah with thanks in Yeshua's name!! Amen!


• Prayer for his street ministry,

• For his father’s stomach & heart to be strengthened while on a heart battery.

• For his mother’s Peripheral Artery Disease just out of surgery continuing to pray.

• Also, for reconciliation between brother James and his son.

• Also, for a friend who has Multiple Sclerosis (MS), who is now in remission because of


• For a Yahovah fearing and loving wife to have a family, and to minister together with.

• Prayer for all marriages to be saved and blessed within H.I.M. couples/families.

• Prayer for Pastor V. and H.I.M. Elders to be continuously edified and taught by the Ruach


• First Responders, and homeless in our communities.

UPDATE 5/13/18:

Brother Wilbert's Cold and Low Blood Sugar (05/13/2018): Please pray for my Father's

healing . He had to go to the emergency room today for a cold that has affected his immune

system. In addition, he is a diabetic and his blood sugar has dropped and pray that it gets

stabilized back to normal. Thank you for your prayers! Praise Yahovah with thanks in Yeshua's

name!! Amen!

Great Aunt Emma Lee (05/13/2018): Please pray for my Great Aunt is not eating and is

slowly slipping away due to her sickness and old age. Please pray that she has the strength and

will to eat something and not to exert herself. Thank you for your prayers! Praise Yahovah with

thanks in Yeshua's name!! Amen!


Prayer chain for people of Texas, and Florida, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, Las Vegas, New

York, Israel, The UK, China, Japan, Russia, North and South Korea, Iran, Iraq, Saudi

Arabia, Canada, India, Africa, Libya and all of our brothers and sisters around the world in

every nation who are being persecuted for the name of our Messiah. And all of our brothers and

sisters who are going through the refinement of life’s trials and tribulations. Pray for their

testing and ours!


Sister Yvette Threat and her mother Audrey Galloway both have “Arterial Fibrillation” and

have had it since 2005. Her mother Audrey has had this problem even longer. They are also on

blood thinners for life.


Brother Ed Simpson: For his daughter Hillary, and her husband Jake who are trying to have


more children. They have one, but have had two miscarriages.

UPDATE 5/19/18:

Update on my daughter Hillary: after a couple of months on the prayer list, Hillary is now with

child! HOWEVER, the doctors believe that this blessing is of "high risk" to both mother and

baby. Please continue to pray that all will be well and that this baby will go full term under the

loving hands of our heavenly Father.


Brother Darwin:

• For his sister who has become addicted to Oxycontin after being prescribed by a doctor

after a car accident that she had years ago. She is living out of wedlock with another user,

and both need help.

• Also for a brother who is dealing with mental health problems and depression

• Also for his older brother who is in the Air National Guard, and has been called to the

middle east in service of our country, and for his wife and children as well.

• Also, for his mother who is batteling a hypothyroid illness and who enables his sister and

his depressed brother.