Plasticity of convergence-dependent variations of ...

Vision Research 41 (2001) 3353 – 3369 Plasticity of convergence-dependent variations of cyclovergence with vertical gaze C.M. Schor *, J.S. Maxwell, E.W. Graf School of Optometry, Uniersity of California, Berkeley CA 94720 -2020, USA Received 20 September 2000; received in revised form 16 March 2001 Abstract Binocular alignment of foveal images is facilitated by cross-couplings of vergence eye movements with distance and direction of gaze. These couplings reduce horizontal, vertical and cyclodisparities at the fovea without using feedback from retinal image disparity. Horizontal vergence is coupled with accommodation. Vertical vergence that aligns tertiary targets in asymmetric convergence is thought to be coupled with convergence and horizontal gaze. Cyclovergence aligns the horizontal retinal meridians during gaze elevation in symmetrical convergence and is coupled with convergence and vertical gaze. The latter vergence-depen- dent changes of cyclovergence have been described in terms of the orientation of Listing’s plane and have been referred to as the binocular extension of Listing’s law. Can these couplings be modified? Plasticity has been demonstrated previously for two of the three dimensions of vergence (horizontal and vertical). The current study demonstrates that convergence-dependent changes of the orientation of Listing’s plane can be adapted to either exaggerate or to reduce the cyclovergence that normally facilitates alignment of the horizontal meridians of the retinas with one another during gaze elevation in symmetrical convergence. The adaptability of cyclovergence demonstrates a neural mechanism that, in conjunction with the passive forces determined by biomechanical properties of the orbit, could play an active role in implementing Listing’s extended law and provide a means for calibrating binocular eye alignment in three dimensions. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Plasticity; Cyclovergence; Convergence; Vertical gaze; Listing’s law 1. Introduction The oculomotor system can align the two eyes without utilizing visual feedback from retinal image disparity by cross-coupling vergence in three dimensions with dis- tance and direction of gaze. Horizontal disparity at the fovea is reduced by convergence that is scaled inversely with viewing distance and by a coupling with accommo- dation (Alpern & Ellen, 1956). Vertical disparity sub- tended by elevated targets viewed in asymmetric convergence is reduced by vertical vergence that is scaled with convergence and horizontal gaze eccentricity (as- suming a non-Helmholtz coordinate system: see Collewijn, 1994; Schor, Maxwell, & Stevenson, 1994; Ygge & Zee, 1995). Cyclodisparity of elevated targets viewed in symmetrical convergence is reduced by tor- sional alignment of the horizontal meridians of the retinas with the visual plane (Allen & Carter, 1967; Mok, Cadera, Ro, Crawford, & Vilis, 1992; Van Rijn, Van der Steen, & Collewijn, 1994; Tweed, 1997; Somani, Des- ouza, Tweed, & Vilis, 1998). This cyclovergence (C ) is scaled (K ) with combinations of convergence (C ) and vertical eye position (V ) where K =C /(C V /2) (1) when the angles are expressed in radians and vertical and horizontal eye position are described in Helmholtz coor- dinates (Somani et al., 1998). When K equals 1.0, cyclodisparity is reduced to zero under open-loop condi- tions (i.e. without using feedback from cyclodisparity). Binocular torsional alignment of the horizontal retinal meridians is maintained at near viewing distances with incyclovergence in upward gaze and excyclovergence in downward gaze compared to the torsion pre-dicted by Listing’s law. In Fick coordinates, incyclovergence forms an ‘A’ pattern between the vertical meridi- * Corresponding author. Fax: +1-510-643-5109. E-mail address: [email protected] (C.M. Schor). 0042-6989/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII:S0042-6989(01)00149-3

Transcript of Plasticity of convergence-dependent variations of ...

Vision Research 41 (2001) 3353–3369

Plasticity of convergence-dependent variations of cyclovergencewith vertical gaze

C.M. Schor *, J.S. Maxwell, E.W. GrafSchool of Optometry, Uni�ersity of California, Berkeley CA 94720-2020, USA

Received 20 September 2000; received in revised form 16 March 2001


Binocular alignment of foveal images is facilitated by cross-couplings of vergence eye movements with distance and directionof gaze. These couplings reduce horizontal, vertical and cyclodisparities at the fovea without using feedback from retinal imagedisparity. Horizontal vergence is coupled with accommodation. Vertical vergence that aligns tertiary targets in asymmetricconvergence is thought to be coupled with convergence and horizontal gaze. Cyclovergence aligns the horizontal retinal meridiansduring gaze elevation in symmetrical convergence and is coupled with convergence and vertical gaze. The latter vergence-depen-dent changes of cyclovergence have been described in terms of the orientation of Listing’s plane and have been referred to as thebinocular extension of Listing’s law. Can these couplings be modified? Plasticity has been demonstrated previously for two of thethree dimensions of vergence (horizontal and vertical). The current study demonstrates that convergence-dependent changes of theorientation of Listing’s plane can be adapted to either exaggerate or to reduce the cyclovergence that normally facilitatesalignment of the horizontal meridians of the retinas with one another during gaze elevation in symmetrical convergence. Theadaptability of cyclovergence demonstrates a neural mechanism that, in conjunction with the passive forces determined bybiomechanical properties of the orbit, could play an active role in implementing Listing’s extended law and provide a means forcalibrating binocular eye alignment in three dimensions. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Plasticity; Cyclovergence; Convergence; Vertical gaze; Listing’s law

1. Introduction

The oculomotor system can align the two eyes withoututilizing visual feedback from retinal image disparity bycross-coupling vergence in three dimensions with dis-tance and direction of gaze. Horizontal disparity at thefovea is reduced by convergence that is scaled inverselywith viewing distance and by a coupling with accommo-dation (Alpern & Ellen, 1956). Vertical disparity sub-tended by elevated targets viewed in asymmetricconvergence is reduced by vertical vergence that is scaledwith convergence and horizontal gaze eccentricity (as-suming a non-Helmholtz coordinate system: seeCollewijn, 1994; Schor, Maxwell, & Stevenson, 1994;Ygge & Zee, 1995). Cyclodisparity of elevated targetsviewed in symmetrical convergence is reduced by tor-

sional alignment of the horizontal meridians of theretinas with the visual plane (Allen & Carter, 1967; Mok,Cadera, Ro, Crawford, & Vilis, 1992; Van Rijn, Van derSteen, & Collewijn, 1994; Tweed, 1997; Somani, Des-ouza, Tweed, & Vilis, 1998). This cyclovergence (C�) isscaled (K) with combinations of convergence (C) andvertical eye position (V) where

K=C�/(C�V/2) (1)

when the angles are expressed in radians and vertical andhorizontal eye position are described in Helmholtz coor-dinates (Somani et al., 1998). When K equals 1.0,cyclodisparity is reduced to zero under open-loop condi-tions (i.e. without using feedback from cyclodisparity).

Binocular torsional alignment of the horizontal retinalmeridians is maintained at near viewing distances withincyclovergence in upward gaze and excyclovergence indownward gaze compared to the torsion pre-dicted byListing’s law. In Fick coordinates, incyclovergenceforms an ‘A’ pattern between the vertical meridi-

* Corresponding author. Fax: +1-510-643-5109.E-mail address: [email protected] (C.M. Schor).

0042-6989/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 0 4 2 -6989 (01 )00149 -3

C.M. Schor et al. / Vision Research 41 (2001) 3353–33693354

ans of the retinas and excyclovergence forms a ‘V’pattern. These changes in cyclovergence were originallydescribed by Allen (1954) as a violation of Listing’s lawwhich states that eye orientation can be described withtwo degrees of freedom in terms of eye rotations fromprimary position about axes that lie in a single plane(Listing’s plane). Primary position is in a direction thatis orthogonal to Listing’s plane. Recently the cyclover-gence observed with gaze elevation during convergencehas been reinterpreted as resulting from a divergence ofListing’s planes (i.e. temporal rotation of each plane) andtheir corresponding primary positions in proportion tothe angle of convergence (Mok et al., 1992; Van Rijn &Van den Berg, 1993; Minken & van Gisbergen, 1994). Inthis interpretation, Listing’s law has not been violatedbecause the cyclotorsion associated with eye elevationduring convergence can still be described by axes ofrotation lying in two planes, one for each eye. Anotherconsequence is that cyclodisparity between imagesformed on the horizontal meridians of the two retinasdoes not change with gaze elevation during symmetricalconvergence. The change in orientation of Listing’splanes with convergence has been called the binocularextension of Listing’s law, or L2 (Van Rijn & Van denBerg, 1993; Tweed, 1997). The constant K (Eq. (1))describes the ratio of the yaw-tilt difference or divergenceof Listing’s planes over the change in convergence.During symmetrical convergence, if the primary posi-tions were to diverge by the amount of convergence, thenK=1.0, and the resulting torsion would maintain align-ment of the horizontal retinal meridians during symmet-rical convergence and thereby maintain zerocyclodisparity. Targets in the visual plane that werenearer or farther from the point of fixation would beimaged with pure horizontal disparities. This wouldsimplify the binocular matching problem of determiningwhich retinal image points in the two eyes correspond toa single target in space by giving a preference to matchesof images formed on epipolar retinal meridians (Marr &Poggio, 1979; Van Ee & Schor, 1999).

Do binocular vergence couplings exhibit plasticity?Previously, plasticity has been demonstrated for two ofthe three dimensions of vergence. The gain of theaccommodative-vergence coupling can be increased ordecreased by adapting appropriately to mismatches be-tween the stimulus to accommodation and convergence(Judge & Miles, 1985; Eadie, Gray, Carlin, & Mon-Williams, 2000). Vertical vergence can be adapted tomagnifiers placed before one eye to either increase ordecrease with changes in tertiary gaze (McCandless &Schor, 1997; Schor & McCandless, 1997) and to varywith convergence (Schor & McCandless, 1995a,b). Thecurrent study demonstrates an adaptation of conver-gence-dependent changes in cyclovergence, as quantifiedby K and described by Listing’s extended law, thatnormally bring the horizontal meridians of the retinas

into close alignment with the visual plane during verticalgaze in symmetrical convergence. The following experi-ments demonstrate that we can either exaggerate orreduce the normal convergence-dependent variations ofcyclovergence with vertical gaze by adapting to appropri-ate patterns of cyclodisparity stimuli. Changes of cy-clovergence with vertical gaze and convergence aresummarized as changes in the angle made by the inter-section of the primary positions of the right and left eyes.We have used a biomechanics model of the oculomotorsystem to explore how these adaptations might beimplemented.

2. Methods

2.1. Apparatus

Three-dimensional eye position was recorded objec-tively using video-oculography, or VOG (SMI, Ger-many). The resolution of the system is better than 0.20°vertical, 0.01° horizontal and 0.025° torsional (Clarke,Teiwes, & Scherer, 1991; Clarke, 1994). Resolution is alsoestimated by the mean standard deviations of torsionfrom Listing’s plane that we report are equal to or lessthan 0.5° for measures taken over a 20° range of verticaland horizontal eye positions. The SMI system usesinfrared CCD cameras to image the two eyes, and insoftware it calculates eye position in three dimensions(horizontal, vertical and torsional). The two cameras,infrared-reflecting mirrors, and LEDs of the SMI systemwere mounted in a custom-made rigid aluminum framethat allowed reproducible positioning of the subjectrelative to the camera system by using a mouth-bite andhead restraint apparatus. Prior to the experiment, themirrors and cameras were adjusted so that their opticalaxes were parallel to the straight-ahead reference position(a direction that is orthogonal to a fronto-parallelprojection screen). Optical alignment was calibrated witha mechanical gimbaled eye with the axes nested in Fickcoordinates (earth-fixed vertical, eye-fixed horizontalaxis). The mechanical eye was positioned in the appara-tus so that its primary position coincided with thestraight-ahead reference direction. The angles betweenthe infrared-reflecting mirrors were adjusted to obtainzero torsion in Fick coordinates (for an explanation ofcoordinate systems, see Schor et al., 1994) with secondaryand tertiary movements of the mechanical eye fromprimary gaze. The SMI system measures eye position inFick coordinates. We defined zero torsion and zerohorizontal and vertical eye position as the orientation ofboth lines of sight while fixating the straight-aheaddistant target. Straight ahead was defined when theinter-auditory meatus, eye center and central fixationtarget were coplanar and parallel to the floor. The

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subject fixated targets on a tangent screen, the center ofwhich was 119 cm away, with anaglyphic targets sepa-rated by the interpupillary distance. In the straight-ahead position, this target stimulated parallel eyealignment and an accommodative stimulus of 0.84D.

Camera images of the two eyes were captured with aframe grabber at a rate of 60 Hz. Torsional change wasrepresented as an angular difference between iris fea-tures taken on successive frames and a reference seg-ment (Clarke et al., 1991). In this technique, aluminance-iris signature (reference segment) was ob-tained with a 90° arc taken from the lower region of theiris. The reference segment was obtained from each ofthe two irises at the beginning of each experimentalsession. This reference segment, obtained when the eyewas aimed straight ahead, was cross-correlated withsegments obtained in successive frames from the sameiris location. The shift of the peak of the cross-correla-tion between the reference and subsequent segmentswas taken as the torsional position of the eye. The samereference segment was also used after 2 h of training,allowing us to describe differences between pre-trainedand post-trained torsion, both of which were measuredrelative to torsion in the straight-ahead position at thebeginning of the experiment. All iris segments obtainedduring the experiment were corrected in real time forthe geometric distortion of an arc that occurs in eccen-tric gaze (Moore, Haslwanter, Curthoys, & Smith,1996). Additionally, because torsion itself is variable(Van Rijn et al., 1994), calibration data were collectedfor 5 s with the subject looking straight ahead andaveraged offline. The average for each eye was thensubtracted from all subsequent measures as our bestestimate of the true torsion associated with straight-ahead viewing. Horizontal and vertical eye positionswere calculated from measures of the pupil center.During calibration, subjects fixated targets subtendingzero vergence at five horizontal and five vertical posi-tions over a range of �10° along the vertical andhorizontal meridians. Measurements of the three di-mensions of eye position were presented in a real-timedisplay and saved to disk for off-line analysis.

2.2. Stimuli and training

We investigated plasticity of the cross-coupling be-tween cyclovergence and convergence with vertical gazein response to computer generated torsional disparitiesthat varied with vertical eye position and convergenceangle. Two adaptation procedures were conducted, onethat reversed the normal pattern of convergence-depen-dent cyclodisparity variations with vertical gaze andanother that exaggerated the pattern. The two patternsof cyclodisparity are shown schematically in Fig. 1a, b.In the reversed condition (Fig. 1a), cyclodisparities werepresented in the midsagittal plane with incyclodisparity

in upward gaze and excyclodisparity in downward gazefor far fixation and the opposite pattern (excyclodispar-ity in up gaze and incyclodisparity in down gaze) waspresented for 10° convergence in near fixation. Fig. 1bis a schematic representation of the exaggerated condi-tion in which the pattern of cyclodisparities was oppo-site to that in the reversed condition. Eachcyclodisparity was 5° and vertical eccentricity was �10°. The disparate fusion patterns shown in Fig. 1cconsisted of a 53° rectangular grid with three concentriccircles superimposed on its center. During a 2-h train-ing period, subjects viewed the four torsional disparitystimuli one at a time and targets were selected bypressing a button on a game pad. Fixations averagedapproximately 10 s at each target location. The actualretinal image cyclodisparities subtended by these targetsdepended in part on the individual subject’s baselinecyclophoria. Pre-trained cyclophorias varied little withvertical gaze. Across subjects, pre-trained cyclophoriasranged from 0.12° to 2.2° over the 20° range of verticaleye positions. These baseline cyclophorias may haveincreased or decreased the retinal disparity of theadapting stimulus by at most 20%. In no case did thecyclophoria change the pattern of retinal torsional dis-parities subtended by the training stimulus from re-versed to exaggerated, or from exaggerated to reversed.

Each of the four subjects was trained and testedduring two sessions that were separated by at least 2days of normal binocular vision to avoid the possibilityof residual aftereffects from the first session. In onetraining session the subjects went through the reversedcondition and in the other the exaggerated condition.The three authors and one naive observer (MH) servedas subjects. All four subjects had normal eye alignmentand stereopsis. The subjects gave their written consentto participate in these experiments.

Anaglyphic (red–green) stimuli were displayed withan LCD rear-projection system. Targets were viewedthrough a red filter before the right eye and a greenfilter before the left eye so that each eye saw only onetarget. Because the training targets were projected ontoa tangent screen and rotated about the axes orthogonalto the screen and not the subject’s line of sight, therewas a slight nonuniformity of the cyclodisparities al-though this asymmetry was not apparent to the sub-jects.The horizontal separation between left and righteye targets was controlled to stimulate 0° of conver-gence (parallel visual axes) and 10° of convergence,which is equivalent to a viewing distance of approxi-mately 34 cm. The normal accommodative stimuli asso-ciated with these convergence angles are 0 and 2.9diopters, respectively. The rear-projection screen waslocated 1.19 m from the subject and presented a 0.84Dstimulus to accommodation for both the far and nearconvergence stimulus. Subjects reported that they could

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fuse and clear both combinations of accommodativeand convergence stimuli. Prior studies of Listing’s ex-tended law have used prisms to stimulate convergenceand these stimuli also produce a mismatch betweenstimuli for accommodation and convergence (Mikhael,Nicolle, & Vilis, 1995; Somani et al., 1998).

Open-loop cyclovergence (cyclophoria) responses toa non-fusable stimulus were measured objectively at thebeginning and end of the 2 hour training period at 25target locations in a 5×5 square grid configuration atpoints separated vertically and horizontally by 5°. Stim-uli were stepped vertically every 5 s through the fivetargets from up to down gaze along each verticalcolumn, starting with the center column, then to the leftcolumn and progressing to the right column. The open-loop stimuli were presented at the two test distances (0and 10° convergence). We also measured the open-loopcyclophoria along the center column presented with a

horizontal disparity corresponding to 15° ofconvergence.

The open-loop fixation target was a 2° diameter redcircle seen by the right eye surrounded by two 2° greenhorizontal lines seen by the left eye. This fixation targetprovided an open-loop stimulus for both vertical andtorsional vergence. Subjects controlled their horizontalvergence volitionally while they fixated the 25 points ateither the simulated near or far viewing distances. Verti-cal phoria was allowed to vary because extraocularmuscles used for vertical movements also may inducetorsion at certain version angles (Enright, 1980;Mikhael et al., 1995) and we were concerned that theeffort used to fuse targets vertically might affect mea-sured open-loop torsion. Differences between post-adapted and pre-adapted measures of cyclophoria wereused to quantify convergence-dependent changes in theprimary position vergence angles.

Fig. 1. The patterns of torsional disparity used in the exaggerated (lower left) and reversed (upper left) conditions are shown schematically. Tendegree changes in cyclodisparity are presented at a far and a 10° near convergence distance. At one distance incyclodisparity is presented inupward gaze and excyclodisparity in downward gaze and the reverse pattern is presented at the other convergence distance. The fusion patternconsisted of a 53° rectangular grid with three concentric circles superimposed on its center.

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2.3. Data analysis

The results are described in two ways, (1) as adaptedchanges in primary position or orientation of Listing’splane measured at a far and near convergence angle and(2) as adapted changes in cyclophoria with specificcombinations of convergence and vertical eye position.For the Listing’s plane analysis, three-dimensional mea-sures of eye position were converted from Fick coordi-nates to rotation vectors relative to the straight-aheadreference position (Haustein, 1989; Haslwanter, 1995).Rotations are about three head-fixed orthogonal axespointing forward, leftward and upward. Following theright-hand rule, positive rotations about these axesproduce clockwise, downward and leftward rotations.Measures of rotation vectors at the 25 test points werefit by a least squares analysis to a plane (displacementplane), and the parameters describing the plane were usedto quantify the change of torsion with vertical andhorizontal eye rotation. The thickness of the plane wasquantified as the standard deviation in degrees of tor-sional eye positions around the plane. The yaw slope ofthe displacement plane describes changes of torsion withvertical eye rotation and the pitch slope of the displace-ment plane describes change of torsion with horizontaleye rotation relative to the straight-ahead direction.Primary position is defined as the normal to Listing’splane (for explanation see Tweed, 1997). The primaryposition of gaze is found by doubling the displacementplane pitch and yaw tilt angles according to the half anglerule (Tweed & Vilis, 1990). Changes in horizontal (yaw)and vertical (pitch) components of primary position wereused to quantify the changes produced by the twotraining procedures.

We compared primary positions derived from pre- andpost-adapted conditions and observed how they changedwith convergence. We quantified the difference betweenthe right and left eyes’ primary positions (right– left) forboth yaw and pitch. The yaw tilt difference (YTD)describes the horizontal vergence angle between primarypositions and the pitch tilt difference (PTD) describes thevertical skew between the primary positions (Bruno &Van den Berg, 1997). Following the right hand rule, adivergence of primary positions is a positive YTD, anda right/left vertical skew (right eye higher) is a negativePTD. The gain of the change in YTD with convergence(K) equals the YTD (near– far) divided by the change ofconvergence (near– far).

Our three-dimensional measures of eye position werein Fick coordinates. The Fick system needs to be rotatedabout its optical axis by a correction factor called falsetorsion to describe radially symmetric rotation of the eyesthat obey Listing’s law. In our cyclophoria analysis, thetorsional component of the rotation vector (given indegrees) of each eye’s position was approximated bysubtracting the false torsion (F) from the measured Fick

torsion (T) (Porrill, Ivins, & Frisby, 1999).

F=2 tan−1(tan(V/2)× tan(H/2)) (2)

where V, H and T equal vertical and horizontal andtorsional components of eye position given in degrees inFick coordinates (Helmholtz, 1962). Our measure ofcyclophoria (C�) equalled the difference between thecorrected open-loop measures of Fick torsion of the right(r) and left (l) eyes (r– l).

C�= (Tr−Fr)– (T l−F l) (3)

The cyclophoria analysis evaluated the spread of cy-clovergence aftereffects from the trained zero horizontalversion meridian to untrained horizontal directions ofgaze.

Cyclophoria was plotted as a function of vertical eyeposition for each of the five tested horizontal gazedirections. Slopes of linear regression fits to the scatterplots yielded the change in cyclophoria in relation tovertical eye position (vertical-cyclophoria gradient) at agiven horizontal gaze direction, and the intercept of thefit described the overall offset or cyclophoria bias. Theslope of the regression in the example shown in Fig. 2represents the vertical-cyclophoria gradient measuredbefore and following training to excyclodisparity in upgaze and to incyclodisparity in down gaze. Differencesbetween slopes for post-adapted and pre-adapted condi-tions (post–pre) were used to quantify the adaptedchange in the vertical-cyclophoria gradient(�cyclophoria gradient). The gain of the adapted re-sponse equalled the ratio of �cyclophoria gradient/stim-ulus gradient. The stimulus gradient equalled the changein cyclodisparity (degrees) per degree change in verticalposition (10°/20° or 0.5). The same sign convention wasused to describe the stimulus-disparity gradient andresponse-cyclophoria gradients. Positive gains indicatethat the cyclophoria changed in the same direction as thetraining stimulus. The gains show how well subjectsadapted cyclovergence at a given convergence angle. Thegain of the adapted response was analyzed separately foreach of the five horizontal gaze directions at both the farand near (10° convergence) trained distances and at a 15°untrained vergence angle in symmetrical convergence. InSection 3, the cyclophoria analysis illustrates the spreadof aftereffects away from the trained direction anddistances of gaze. In Section 4, the displacement planeanalysis illustrates adapted changes in the gain (K) ofListing’s extended law.

3. Results: cyclophoria analysis

3.1. Does open-loop cyclo�ergence adapt to acyclodisparity gradient stimulus?

The reversed and exaggerated training conditions

C.M. Schor et al. / Vision Research 41 (2001) 3353–33693358

Fig. 2. Linear regression analysis of adapted changes in vertical cyclophoria gradients. Cyclophoria equals right– left eye torsion.

were designed to decrease or increase the normalchanges in cyclovergence that occur with convergenceand vertical gaze. Fig. 2 is an example of the change invertical-cyclophoria gradient at the far-vergencedistance that resulted from training with theexaggerated condition. Prior to training, the cyclo-phoria varied little with vertical eye position at the farconvergence distance. After training, cyclophoria variedwith vertical eye position from excyclo in up gaze toincyclo in down gaze.

Fig. 3 shows the gain of adapted changes in thevertical-cyclophoria gradient, measured along themidsagittal plane (symmetrical convergence) at the twotrained convergence distances of 0° and 10° and at anuntrained convergence distance of 15°. Gains werecalculated from post–pre measures of vertical-cyclo-phoria gradient/stimulus gradient. Positive and negativegains indicate whether the adapted cyclophoria was inthe same or the opposite direction as the disparity ofthe training stimulus. Vertical-cyclophoria gradientsthat changed in the same direction as the trainingstimulus are represented by positive gains, andcyclophoria gradients that changed in the oppositedirection as the stimulus gradient have negative gains.Inspection of Fig. 3 illustrates that the largest changesin cyclophoria for the reversed condition occurred atthe near-convergence test distance (striped bars)(ranging from 8% to 24% of the stimulus-disparitygradient), whereas the largest changes in cyclophoriafor the exaggerated condition occurred at the far testdistance (black bars) (ranging from 12% to 34% of thestimulus-disparity gradient). One exception is subjectJM whose gains increased at both vergence distances inthe reversed condition. The significance level of thegains was tested using an ANCOVA (analysis ofcovariance) that compared pre- and post-regression

slopes for individual subjects. All subjects’ pre andpost measures were significantly different at the 95%level of confidence. We also quantified the spread ofthe aftereffect trained at 10° of convergence to anuntrained 15° of symmetrical convergence. The�vertical-cyclophoria response gradients for 15° werescaled by the same stimulus gradient (0.5) so that themagnitude of changes in cyclophoria at the two neardistances could be compared. The gains shown inFig. 3 for the two near convergence distances

Fig. 3. Gain of adapted changes of vertical-cyclophoria gradients(post-pre) measured during symmetrical convergence in the midsaggi-tal plane at a far and two near test distances (10° and 15° ofconvergence). Gains equal the slopes shown in Table 1 divided by thecyclodisparity stimulus gradient (0.5). Positive values signify changesin cyclophoria that reduced the retinal image disparity subtended bythe training stimuli shown in Fig. 1. The largest changes occurred atthe far test distance following training to the exaggerated conditionand at the near test distances following adaptation to the reversedcondition.

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Fig. 4. Spread of aftereffects from the central horizontal traineddirection of gaze to untrained horizontal gaze directions of 5° and10°. Adapted gain change (post-pre), is averaged for the far and 10°convergence test distances, (far+near)/2. Positive values illustratechanges in cyclophoria that conformed to the disparity patternspresented at the two stimulus distances. Adapted changes in averagedgain for the reversed condition spread from the central traineddirection to untrained horizontal gaze directions of 5 and 10°. Incontrast, the adapted changes in averaged gain for the exaggeratedcondition were restricted to the central five-degree range of horizontaleye positions.

whole. If adaptation of cyclovergence was not coupledwith convergence and cyclophoria only adapted to thestimulus at one distance, then the same changes incyclophoria would occur at both the near and far testdistances. The gain that quantified this change wouldbe positive for one distance and negative for the otherdistance, and the average gain would be zero. If adapta-tion of cyclovergence were coupled with convergenceand cyclophoria adapted to conform to disparities atboth the far and near distances, then the gain would bepositive for both distances, and the average would bepositive. Adapted changes in coupling between cy-clovergence and convergence could also result fromunequal changes of cyclophoria in the same direction atboth test distances. For example there could be acombination of a positive gain at one distance and asmaller negative gain at the other distance. Fig. 4 testsfor coupling of convergence with cyclovergence adapta-tion by averaging the adaptation gain at the far ver-gence distance with the adaptation gain of the 10°convergence test distance. Black bars represent the av-erage gain of the trained central fixation direction andthe textured and open bars represent the average gainat untrained horizontal gaze eccentricities of 5° and 10°to the left and right of center. The black bars illustratethat all subjects had positive average gains for bothdisparity-training conditions that ranged from 5% to12% of the combined near and far cyclodisparity stimu-lus gradients. Textured and open bars illustrate thatspread of the trained aftereffect to untrained directionsdepended on the training condition. A moderate spreadof the trained aftereffect, over a 20° range of horizontaleye positions, was observed in the reversed condition.All four subjects had a narrower spread of aftereffectsfor the exaggerated condition. In this condition, theiraftereffects were restricted to a central 5° range ofhorizontal eye positions. One of the authors (C.S.)made perceptual observations during the exaggeratedtraining period that were consistent with the non-uni-form narrow spread of the aftereffect to untraineddirections of gaze. He noticed that the grid patternappeared fused and horizontal while fixating along thecenter horizontal direction (symmetrical convergence),but when he diverted his gaze by 10° to the right or leftof the center, the grid appeared to have a large tor-sional disparity. When he shifted his gaze back to thecenter, the pattern immediately appeared fused andhorizontal again.

4. Results: Listing’s plane analysis

4.1. Does Listing’s extended law exhibit plasticity?

Fig. 5 illustrates an example of pre-adapted front andtop-down views of displacement planes for a straight-

illustrates that the changes in cyclophoria at the trainednear vergence distance carry over to a nearer untrainedvergence distance.

The intercept of the linear regression analysis (notshown) revealed a fairly consistent cyclophoria biasfollowing training. In all but one subject in one condi-tion (EG exaggerated), the post-training bias increasedin the incyclophoria direction. The intercept valuesranged from 1° to 4° and they were independent ofwhether the gain change shown in Fig. 3 was positive ornegative. The combination of incyclophoria bias withthe gain changes shown in Fig. 3 produced the largestincreases of incyclophoria in the lower gaze direction.This corresponds to the near convergence distance inthe reversed condition and the far convergence distancein the exaggerated condition.

3.2. Can the coupling of cyclo�ergence withcon�ergence be changed by training, and do thesechanges spread from trained to untrained horizontaldirections of gaze?

The average of the gain for the near and far testdistances, (far+near)/2, represents how well cyclopho-ria adapted to the stimulus training condition as a

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ahead reference direction of the right and left eye.Displacement planes were obtained from VOG mea-sures of three-dimensional recordings of angular eyeposition represented in degrees as rotation vectorswith a straight-ahead reference direction (Haustein,1989; Haslwanter, 1995). Three-dimensional measure-ments of binocular eye position were taken with thetwo eyes viewing an open-loop stimulus presented in25 locations at the far test distance. The measureswere fit by least squared analysis to a plane. The fitparameters of the calculated planes were used to de-scribe the yaw, pitch and offset of the resulting dis-placement planes relative to a straight-ahead referencedirection. The yaw tilt corresponds to the slope of thehorizontal axis of the plane, the pitch tilt to the verti-cal axis slope and the offset to the nasal-occipitalshift of the planes. The goodness of fit described thethickness of the plane and it was quantified as thestandard deviation of torsional eye positions (de-grees). Standard deviations ranged from �0.27 to �0.73 and the mean value of the standard deviation forall test conditions was equal to or less than �0.5°which is comparable to the plane thickness measuredwith search coils (Bruno & Van den Berg 1997). Thedifferences between thickness of post- and pre-adapted planes for each test distance and adaptation

condition were evaluated by a paired samples t-testand found not to be significant (P�0.05).

The yaw and pitch orientations of displacementplanes were doubled to obtain estimates of the orien-tation of Listing’s plane. The orientations of the List-ing’s planes were described by the yaw and pitchangles of the normal to the plane (primary positions).The purpose of this analysis was to quantify differ-ences in the primary positions of the two eyes (right–left) and their changes following adaptation. Positiveyaw-tilt differences (YTD) between primary positionsrepresent an increase in excyclovergence in down gazeand a divergence of primary positions of the twoeyes. Positive pitch-tilt differences (PTD) represent anincrease of excyclovergence in left gaze and a left/right skew (left-hyper) deviation between primary po-sitions. Results following training that conformed tothe torsional disparity pattern presented in the re-versed training condition would be expected to havean increased positive or decreased negative YTD atthe far distance and a decreased positive or increasednegative YTD at the near convergence distance. Re-sults following training that conformed to the tor-sional disparity pattern presented in the exaggeratedcondition would have the opposite pattern of changesof YTD of primary position. Neither training condi-

Fig. 5. An example of pre-adapted front and top-down views of displacement planes for a straight-ahead reference direction of the right and lefteye. Measurements were taken with the two eyes viewing an open-loop stimulus presented in 25 locations at the far test distance.

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Fig. 6. Reversed condition: thin lines connect pre and post measures of the YTD (left column) and PTD (right column) between right and lefteye primary positions for individual subjects and the heavy line represents the mean. Results for the far (0° convergence) and 10° convergencedistance are plotted separately, and a third panel illustrates the difference between far and near measures of post-pre YTD and PTD. Negligiblechanges occurred in PTD. YTD changed in opposite directions at the two test distances and the change was larger at the near (10°) convergencedistance.

tion would be expected to produce any consistentchanges in PTD.

Results for the reversed and exaggerated conditionsare shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. They illustrateresults for individual subjects and the mean for allsubjects combined. Thin lines connect pre and postmeasures of the YTD and PTD of primary positionsfor individual subjects and the heavy line represents themean. Results for the far (0° convergence) and near(10° convergence) distances are plotted separately, anda third panel illustrates the difference between far andnear measures of post-pre YTD and PTD. Note thatthe data for the two training conditions were collectedon separate days and that the same optical alignment,head position, reference images and calibration wereused for pre- and post-tests on a given day. Althoughthe two pre-measures of yaw and pitch tilt differencesfor the reversed and exaggerated condition were mea-sured on separate days, they were within 2.5° of one

another. Pre-adapted YTD means for the far reversedand the far exaggerated condition were −1.6° and0.65° and means for the far pre-adapted PTD were 4.4°and 1.83°, respectively. Pre-adapted YTD means for thenear reversed and the near exaggerated conditions were6.6° and 8.8°, and means for the near pre-adapted PTDwere 3.1° and 1.8°, respectively. These changes are wellwithin the day-to-day variations of primary positionreported with search coil measures (Melis, Cruysberg,& van Gisbergen, 1996)

The adapted changes of YTD shown in Fig. 6 for thereversed condition follow the predicted trends. YTD forthe reversed condition became less negative or morepositive for three subjects at the far test distance andless positive or more negative for all four subjects at thenear convergence distance. Post-pre changes in farYTD ranged from 5.8° to −3.8° for individual subjectswith a mean change of 1.8°. Post-pre changes in nearYTD ranged from −1.5° to −6.6° for individual

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subjects with a mean change of −3.5°. Post-prechanges in YTD for the exaggerated condition (Fig. 7)were negative or less positive for all subjects at both thefar and near convergence test distance, however theywere larger at the far than near convergence distancewhich is consistent with the predicted trend. Post-prechanges in far YTD ranged from −3° to −14° forindividual subjects with a mean change of −7.5°.Post-pre changes in near YTD ranged from −0.6° to−10° for the individual subjects with a mean change of−5.3°. The changes in PTD were much smaller thanYTD for all conditions, averaging less than 2°.

The bottom panels of Figs. 6 and 7 plot the differ-ence between far and near measures of post-pre YTDand PTD. In both the reversed and exaggerated condi-tions, prior to training, the near YTD was more posi-tive than the far YTD, demonstrating a divergence ofListing’s planes with convergence as predicted by thebinocular extension of Listing’s law. Following train-

ing, the difference became smaller for the reversedcondition and larger for the exaggerated condition.Differences between near and far PTD were negligiblebefore training and changed idiosyncratically by smallamounts following training on average.

The coupling between convergence and the YTDbetween primary positions of the two eyes is quantifiedby K in Table 1 as the change in YTD with convergenceangle.

K= (near YTD− far YTD)/�convergence (4)

Table 1 compares the pre-adapted with the post-adapted measures of K for the reversed and exaggeratedconditions for individual subjects and their average.These ratios describe the changes in yaw angle betweenprimary positions per degree of convergence. The pre-trained values of K range from 0.66 to 0.85 with a meanof 0.82, illustrating that when the eyes converge, List-ing’s planes diverge. These values are in close agree-

Fig. 7. Exaggerated condition: thin lines connect pre and post measures of the YTD (left column) and PTD (right column) between right and lefteye primary positions for individual subjects and the heavy line represents the mean. Results for the far (0° convergence) and near (10°convergence) distance are plotted separately, and a third panel illustrates the difference between far and near measures of post-pre YTD and PTD.Negligible changes occurred in PTD. Larger negative changes in YTD occurred at the far than near test distance.

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Table 1Cross-link gains (K) between convergence and the yaw tilt difference(YTD) are derived from pre and post adapted measures of Listing’splane where K=change in YTD (near–far)/change in convergencedistance

Subject K-value


Re�ersed condition1.04Pre 0.660.74 0.85 0.820.26 0.00 0.57 0.290.33Post

Exaggerated condition0.94 0.82 0.66 0.82Pre 0.841.09 1.071.23 0.76Post 1.04

When K=1, coupling between convergence, vertical gaze, and cy-clovergence maintains a constant alignment or cyclodisparity betweenthe horizontal retinal meridians with gaze elevation at all fixationdistances. Following adaptation the average value of K decreasedfrom 0.82 to 0.29 for the reversed condition and it increased from0.82 to 1.04 for the exaggerated condition. On average, incyclover-gence bias for the post condition increased by 0.9° for both near andfar test distances

5. Discussion

5.1. Summary

Our adaptation procedure demonstrates that the cou-pling between cyclovergence, convergence and verticalgaze, known as the binocular extension of Listing’s law,can be modified in response to patterns of cyclodispar-ity that vary with horizontal convergence and eye eleva-tion. The modification is demonstrated in our analysisby changes in cyclophoria (open-loop cyclovergence) atthe far and near convergence distances after adapting topatterns of cyclodisparity stimuli that either exagger-ated or reversed the normal cyclovergence couplingwith vertical gaze. The average gain of open-loop cy-clovergence aftereffects (post–pre) to near and far stim-uli presented in the trained directions was 7.4% of theamount stimulated in the exaggerated condition and6.8% in the reversed condition (Fig. 4). These percent-ages correspond to near-far changes in cyclophoria ofapproximately 1.5° at a vertical gaze-eccentricity of 10°from the straight-ahead position. At a given conver-gence distance, the percentages also corresponds toup-down changes in cyclophoria of approximately 1.5°.Cyclophoria aftereffects of both training conditionsalso spread from the trained 10° convergence distanceto the non-trained 15° convergence distance (Fig. 3).However, the aftereffect at the 15° test distance did notincrease proportionally with the increase of conver-gence, suggesting that the adapted coupling diminishedat the non-trained convergence distance.

Three-dimensional measures of eye position wereused to derive the orientations of Listing’s plane at twoconvergence distances (0° and 10°). Both the reversedand exaggerated training conditions altered the yaw-tiltdifferences between primary positions of the right andleft eyes by different amounts at the two convergencedistances (Figs. 6 and 7). The ratio (K) of change inYTD with change of horizontal convergence describesthe magnitude of the coupling between cyclovergenceand convergence. K values equal to 1.0 would indicatethat the coupling between convergence (C), verticalgaze (V) and cyclovergence (C�) maintained a constantalignment or cyclodisparity between the horizontal reti-nal meridians during gaze elevation at all fixation dis-tances. This prediction follows the relationshipK=C�/(C�V/2), where all angles are expressed in radi-ans and cyclovergence is described in Listing’s coordi-nates (Somani et al., 1998). The average pre-adaptationratio for our subjects was K=0.82, which is similar tothe average values found in prior studies (Mok et al.,1992; Minken & van Gisbergen 1994; Mikhael et al.,1995; Somani et al. 1998). The pre-adaptation measuresof K varied between subjects over a 36% range. Similarvariations have been reported previously by Hooge andvan den Berg (2000). This range is surprising given our

ment with those derived by prior studies (Mok et al.,1992; Minken & van Gisbergen 1994; Mikhael et al.,1995; Somani et al., 1998).

Values of K unequal to 1.0 indicate that the cy-clophoria between horizontal retinal meridians ischanging with convergence distance and gaze elevation,and a ratio of zero indicates that YTD between List-ing’s planes is the same at near and far convergencedistances. Divergence of Listings planes during conver-gence was reduced by the reversed condition and in-creased slightly by the exaggerated condition. Prior totraining, K averaged 0.82. The post-trained values forthe reversed condition range from 0.0 to 0.57 with amean of 0.29, and the post-trained values for the exag-gerated condition range from 0.76 to 1.23 with a meanof 1.04. These results illustrate that the systematicchanges in cyclovergence with vertical gaze that arelinked to the amount of convergence are not rigid andthat they can be modified with experience.

As in the cyclophoria analysis, translation of theadapted displacement planes along the torsion axisrevealed a consistent incyclovergence bias between theright and left eye plane intercepts. In 14 of the 16measures of right-left plane intercepts, the post mea-sures were less positive or more negative than the premeasures, indicating a relative incyclovergence betweenthe two planes (constant positive translation along thetorsion axis in the left eye plane and negative transla-tion in the right eyes’ plane). The average increase inincyclovergence offset following training for all testconditions was 0.95°. These results are consistent withthe cyclophoria offsets computed from intercepts of theregression analysis of cyclophoria and vertical gaze.

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demonstration of adaptive plasticity for Listing’s ex-tended law. Why does the binocular system not have aconsistent value of K equal to 1.0 under natural condi-tions? Natural near stimuli are often small objects heldin the hand. Perhaps, near objects seen under naturalviewing conditions do not require perfect compensationbecause they are too small to stimulate perfect motorcompensation for cyclodisparities. Cyclofusion is pri-marily sensory for small field sizes under 20° in diame-ter, and a motor component dominates cyclofusionwith larger fields (Kertesz & Sullivan, 1978; Howard,Sun, & Shen, 1994). Larger and more consistent valuesof K might be found in natural conditions if cyclover-gence were stimulated by larger near field sizes such asthose used in the current study, rather than the smallfields usually presented under most natural near view-ing conditions.

The average ratio following adaptation to the re-versed adaptation condition decreased to K=0.29. Theratio was reduced to zero for one subject (EWG) whenYTD between primary positions became equal at thefar and 10° convergence distance. If the YTD betweenprimary positions had diverged more at the near dis-tance, the ratio would have become negative. In thatcase primary positions would have converged with hori-zontal convergence. On average, the exaggerated adap-tation condition increased K by half as much as it wasdecreased in the reversed adaptation condition. In theexaggerated condition, K increased from 0.82 to 1.04(an increase of 0.22) and in the reversed condition Kdecreased from 0.82 to 0.29 (a decrease of 0.53). Com-plete adaptation to the patterns of cyclodisparity wouldhave produced ratios equal to K= +10.6 for the exag-gerated condition and K= −10.6 for the reversed con-dition, however our largest aftereffect for any subjectwas only one-tenth this magnitude (see Table 1; sub-jects CMS, JSM and EWG, exaggerated condition).The smaller average change in K in the exaggeratedthan reversed condition is likely due to the difference inspread of cyclophoria aftereffects shown in Fig. 4 fromtrained to non-trained horizontal directions of gaze. Inthe exaggerated condition, aftereffects were seen mainlyin the trained center direction while in the reversedcondition they spread to non-trained horizontal gazeeccentricities of 5° and 10°. The regression analysisshowed that the gain of the aftereffects to the exagger-ated and reversed conditions were similar in the traineddirections of gaze. In the displacement plane analysishowever, all horizontal positions are included resultingin a smaller aftereffect for the exaggerated condition.The results of the exaggerated condition demonstratethat it is possible to selectively adapt the vertical-cy-clophoria gradient in a specific horizontal direction ofgaze.

The limited spread of aftereffects with lateral gaze inthe exaggerated condition is surprising given our prior

work on non-concomitant vertical phoria adaptation.Those studies found that non-concomitant vertical pho-ria aftereffects spread uniformly to untrained gaze di-rections and distances (Maxwell & Schor, 1994;McCandless, Schor, & Maxwell, 1996; Schor & Mc-Candless, 1997). The cyclophoria aftereffects at un-trained locations might become more uniform withlonger periods of training, or if the disparity stimuliwere presented in several horizontal gaze directions, i.e.with a more natural pattern of disparities over a longerperiod of time.

During training, subjects observed that incyclodispar-ities were easier to fuse than excyclodisparities whilealternating fixation between the upper and lowertargets. The incyclophoria offset was present at bothnear and far test distances with one exception (EWG’soffset in the exaggerated condition was negligible). Anincyclovergence offset between left and right eye dis-placement planes was also estimated from the right-lefteye difference between intercepts of displacementplanes. On average, this measure of incyclovergencebias increased by 0.9° for both near and far test dis-tances. Even when cyclophoria adapts to a single tor-sional disparity, cyclophoria aftereffects are greater inthe incyclo than excyclo direction (Maxwell, Graf, &Schor, 2001). Sullivan and Kertesz (1978) observed asimilar bias with more rapid incyclovergence than excy-clovergence movements in response to step changes incyclodisparity although the amplitude differences inthat study were negligible.

5.2. Central �ersus peripheral mechanisms

How might convergence-coupled modifications of cy-clovergence be implemented? Cyclovergence could beadapted by an active central process that couples theinnervation of the vertical recti and obliques with spe-cific combinations of convergence and vertical versionaleye position. In this model, cyclovergence would bedetermined by an equivalent look-up table for variouscombinations of convergence and vertical eye position.Alternatively, adaptation of cyclovergence could be me-diated by a central process that couples the innervationof the vertical oculomotor muscles (recti and obliques)with convergence, without explicit regard to versionaleye position. In the latter case, orbital mechanics wouldpassively constrain cyclovergence to vary with directionof gaze. The plausibility of the latter hypothesis wastested by simulating the normal convergence-dependentvariations of cyclovergence with a biomechanical model(Orbit™) by scaling the gain of vertical recti andobliques with convergence.

Orbit™ is a biomechanics model that simulatesbinocular eye position based upon the relationships ofthe six extraocular muscles, their tendons and support-ive connective tissues including muscle sheaths or pul-

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leys, innervation level and motor nucleus connectionweights (innervation gain) according to equationsgiven, in part, by Robinson (1975) and Miller andRobinson (1984). Orbit™ was designed to follow bothHering’s and Listing’s laws for distance viewing butcurrently does not automatically implement the binocu-lar extension of Listing’s law. Hering’s law is simulatedby finding the innervation to an assumed normal fol-lowing eye that would produce the same gaze directionas that of the fixating eye. Orbit™ simulates binocularalignment when the two eyes are dissociated (i.e. ver-gence is open-loop), such that one eye fixates varioustarget directions while the following eye is guided byListing’s and Hering’s innervations. Parameters of ei-ther eye or both eyes may be modified and torsion isallowed to deviate from Listing’s law in both the fixat-ing and following eye.

5.3. Coupling cyclo�ergence and horizontal �ergence

In Orbit™, we adjusted innervation levels to horizon-tal recti to simulate 20° of convergence and the innerva-tion gain to vertical recti and/or obliques to simulateconvergence dependent changes in ocular torsion thatare consistent with an ideal K ratio approximating 1.0.The same value of K was achieved by decreasing theinnervation gain for the obliques by 30% or the increas-ing the innervation gain for the vertical recti by 30% ora combination of 15% increased gain to vertical rectiand 15% decreased gain to obliques. Any combinationyielding a gain change of 30% produced equivalentresults. Simulations were conducted for 15 combina-tions of vertical and horizontal eye positions over a 60°range with 30° horizontal increments (left, center and

right vertical columns) and 15° vertical increments ineach column, in a 3×5 rectangular grid configurationcentered in the midsagittal plane. Simulations of three-dimensional eye positions were transformed from Fickcoordinates to rotation vectors relative to the straight-ahead reference position (Haustein, 1989; Haslwanter,1995). Rotation vectors were fit with a linear regressionto a plane and the top-down view of the displacementplanes for the left and right eye are plotted in Fig. 8 toillustrate changes in torsion along the yaw axis whenthe eyes converge 20°. The primary position of gaze iscalculated by doubling the displacement plane yaw andpitch angles.

Fig. 8 illustrates a top-down view of displacementplanes for a straight-ahead reference direction of theright and left eye while the eyes converged 20°. Planeswere derived from Orbit™ simulations of three-dimen-sional eye position with modified gains described above,during 20° of convergence. Rotation vectors of simu-lated eye positions in all three vertical test columns arecombined into a single plot. Primary positions of thetwo eyes that correspond to these displacement planeseach abducted 9.12°. The difference in the primarypositions of the two eyes was 18.25°, which correspondsto a K value of 0.925 for the simulated 20° of conver-gence. Pitch of the planes was near zero. Orbit simula-tions (not shown) with normal gain values and 0° ofconvergence (far fixation) resulted in displacementplanes that were parallel to one another in the fronto-parallel plane such that primary position was straightahead during far fixation. The simulation demonstratesthat simple convergence-related gain changes of thevertical ocular muscles are sufficient to transform theinnervation pattern appropriate for torsion at far view-

Fig. 8. A top-down view of simulated displacement planes for a straight-ahead reference direction are shown the right and left eye during 20° ofconvergence. Planes were derived from Orbit™ simulations of three-dimensional eye position with modified gains of the obliques and vertical recti.The Orbit™ simulations are for a 15% decreased gain of the obliques and 15% increased gain of the vertical recti. Torsion, plotted in degrees,is simulated for vertical and horizontal changes in eye positions over a 60° horizontal and vertical range. Fifteen test points ranged from the nearcentral fixation point in 30° horizontal increments and 15° vertical increments in a 3×5 rectangular matrix. YTD of the two displacement planesequals 9°, which corresponds to a YTD between primary positions of 18° and a K value equal to 0.9.

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ing distances into ones consistent with Listing’s ex-tended law at near viewing distances. These gainchanges can be decreased or increased to describe theempirical measures of adaptive plasticity of K observedin current study. The empirical reductions of K thatresulted from the reversed adaptation condition couldbe modeled by reducing the gain changes in our simula-tion toward standard values for Orbit. Similarly, theincreases in K that resulted from the exaggerated adap-tation condition could be modeled by increasing thegain changes for Orbit that are described by the simula-tion shown in Fig. 8.

Other simulations (not shown) indicate that reducedinnervation of the superior oblique alone is insufficientto account for the convergence induced changes intorsion observed with vertical gaze (Allen & Carter,1967). As demonstrated in Fig. 8, in addition to re-duced innervation to the superior oblique, at the veryleast, there needs to be a reduction of innervation to theinferior oblique or increased innervation to the superiorrectus to account for the changes in torsion in bothupward and downward gaze that are consistent with thebinocular extension of Listing’s law. Prior reports ofbehavioral and physiological measures of ocular torsionduring convergence support this interpretation. Relax-ation of the obliques during convergence is suggestedby ocular translation (Enright, 1980). Mays, Zhang,Thorsdtad, and Gamlin (1991) demonstrated that con-vergence-dependent variations of cyclovergence withgaze elevation were associated with a reduced dischargerate of trochlear motor neurons and an implied relax-ation of the superior oblique muscle during conver-gence. The modulation of trochlear activity withconvergence varied systematically with gaze elevation,and was largest in downward gaze. The fact that theseauthors observed no net increase in trochlear activitywhen the eyes incyclorotate with eye elevation duringconvergence indicates that the forces of other verticalocular muscles were modulated during convergence toaccount for torsional adjustments in upward directionsof gaze.

5.4. Vertical alignment in tertiary gaze

Because the obliques and vertical recti are involved inboth elevation and torsion, changing the gain of thevertical movers to change torsion might be detrimentalfor vertical eye alignment. However behavioral mea-sures under open-loop conditions demonstrate thatbinocular vertical eye alignment is maintained duringconvergence in tertiary directions of gaze (Collewijn,1994; Schor et al., 1994; Ygge & Zee, 1995). Thecontribution of orbital mechanics to maintaining binoc-ular vertical eye alignment during cyclovergence wasrevealed by the Orbit™ simulation. Vertical eye align-ment in the Orbit™ simulation was preserved in tertiary

gaze during the gain adjustments to the vertical rectiand obliques. Fig. 9 plots the simulated open-loopvertical position of the following eye against closed-loop vertical position of the fixating eye for each of thefifteen fixation points. Results from test positions in allthree vertical columns are combined into a single plot.Vertical eye position is specified in Helmholtz coordi-nates such that a slope of 1.0 (equal vertical position ofthe following eye and fixating eye) signifies that botheyes were vertically aligned with the fixation target. Thetop plot shows an amplitude ratio of following overfixating eye of 1.0 indicating that changes in cyclopho-ria that were consistent with Listing’s extended law didnot disrupt vertical eye alignment in tertiary gaze. Thebottom plot shows a similar amplitude ratio of the twoeyes, demonstrating that vertical eye alignment is alsoachieved during convergence with normal (unaltered)gains to the vertical recti and obliques. In this simula-tion, the yoked innervation for vertical eye position tothe following eye is the same as during distance fixationwith parallel lines of sight. The simulation suggests thatbinocular vertical eye alignment is primarily a conse-quence of Hering’s law and the passive biomechanics ofthe oculomotor system (Enright, 1992; Miller & Demer,1992; Porrill, Warren, & Dean, 2000). For normal eyealignment, it is not necessary to postulate a higher levelof control to alter the innervation for vertical vergenceto obtain binocular alignment of tertiary targets at nearand far viewing distances (Ygge & Zee, 1995)

Using Orbit™, we also attempted to model the non-uniform changes in adapted cyclophoria with horizon-tal gaze direction that we observed followingadaptation to the exaggerated condition. Various ad-justments of the innervation to vertical ocular musclesdid not simulate the non-uniform changes in vertical-cyclophoria gradient with horizontal gaze. Althoughour simulations demonstrate that the normal andadapted forms of Listing’s extended law could beachieved passively with orbital mechanics, without re-gard for direction of gaze, the non-uniform horizontalspread of cyclovergence aftereffects observed in theexaggerated condition indicates that the oculomotorsystem has the ability to actively control cyclotorsionusing couplings with both direction and distance ofgaze. Listing’s plane, defined by a uniform spread ofaftereffects, could re-emerge with long-term trainingand adaptation to natural-occurring disparity patternsassociated with oculomotor deficits.

This adaptive mechanism could be useful in calibrat-ing K for minor binocular misalignments caused bydisturbances of individual extraocular muscles or ab-normal coupling between accommodation and conver-gence that can be reduced with disparity vergence.More extreme alignment anomalies do not alwaysdemonstrate normal K values. Melis et al. (1996)demonstrated that the orientation of primary positions

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Fig. 9. Simulations of open-loop vertical position of the following eye, is plotted against closed-loop vertical position of the fixating eye for eachof fifteen fixation test points. Simulated directions of gaze ranged from the near central fixation point in 30° horizontal increments and 15° verticalincrements in a 3×5 rectangular matrix. The Orbit™ simulations are for 20° of convergence with the gain of the obliques decreased by 15% andvertical recti increased by 15% (top) and with a normal (unaltered) set of parameters (bottom).

of a constant esotrope depended on which eye wasfixating. In their case report, primary positions did notdiverge with accommodative vergence in compliancewith Listing’s extended law. Instead there was an ab-normal coupling between vertical skew of primary posi-tions and convergence. Intermittent exotropes havebeen shown to have excessive divergence of primarypositions during binocular fusion, possibly as a resultof extreme convergence efforts (Van den Berg, Van

Rijn, & De Faber, 1995). It is possible that sensoryanomalies that accompany strabismus may interferewith adaptive processes that would normally calibratethe coupling between convergence and cyclovergence.Most cases of strabismus have a compromised sense ofbinocular disparity resulting from binocular suppres-sion, amblyopia and/or anomalous retinal correspon-dence (Schor, 1991). In most cases of strabismus,stereopsis is reduced or absent and there is no need or

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visual purpose for a binocular Listing’s law. In addi-tion, disparity provides feedback to guide disparityvergence and vergence adaptation. In its absence, thecoupling between convergence, vertical gaze and cy-clovergence does not appear have access to the feed-back necessary for calibration.


We wish to thank Joel Miller for his helpful sugges-tions on running the Orbit™ simulations. We wouldalso like to thank Chris Cantor for developing MATLAB

programs for the analysis of rotation vectors. Thisproject was supported by NIH grant no. EYO-3532.


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