PLAR Candidate Guide · Educational Assistant Certificate Program Profile COURSE CODE COURSE NAME...

Educational Assistant PLAR Candidate Guide Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Transcript of PLAR Candidate Guide · Educational Assistant Certificate Program Profile COURSE CODE COURSE NAME...

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Educational Assistant

PLAR Candidate Guide

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Program PLAR Candidate Guide

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

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Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Educat iona l Ass is tant Ce r t i f i c ate Page 2


Saskatchewan Polytechnic No part of the work(s) contained herein may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping of information and retrieval systems – without written consent of Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

The Educational Assistant certificate program is dedicated to removing barriers and broadening the access to programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. We believe that adults acquire knowledge and skills through life and work experience that may align with courses within our programs.

Developed by program February 2008

Revised by program June 2009 February 2015 September 2015 August 2017

Revised template by

RPL program June 2012 December 2014

Web ready – PLAR

office September 2009 June 2012 June 2013 November 2015

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Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Educat iona l Ass is tant Ce r t i f i c ate Page 3

Table of contents

Why consider a PLAR assessment? ...................................................................................... 5

Are there other ways to gain Saskatchewan Polytechnic credits for prior learning? ................... 5

Is it easier to challenge a course through PLAR or take the course? ....................................... 5

Am I eligible to register for PLAR challenges in this program? ................................................ 5

What are the PLAR options? ................................................................................................ 6

Option A: Individual course challenge ............................................................................. 6

Option B: Block assessment ........................................................................................... 6

Fees: ...................................................................................................................... 6

How many courses can be challenged through PLAR in this program? .................................... 6

Which courses are PLAR-ready? .......................................................................................... 7

Is PLAR available at any time of the year? ............................................................................ 8

Methods of assessing prior learning ..................................................................................... 8

How are documents and assignments submitted for assessment? .......................................... 8

If I live out of town, do I have to travel to a main campus to do PLAR? .................................. 9

What if I have a disability & need equity accommodations? ................................................... 9

Contact us ......................................................................................................................... 9

The PLAR Process ............................................................................................................. 10

How long will it take to prepare evidence for PLAR? ............................................................. 11

Steps to complete a self-audit ............................................................................................ 11

Self-audit guide(s) ............................................................................................................ 12

CLTR 180 – Culture and Diversity ................................................................................... 12

EDUC 180 – Supporting Instruction 1 ............................................................................. 15

EDUC 181 – Supporting Instruction 2 ............................................................................. 19

FMLY 181 – Family Dynamics ......................................................................................... 22

HUMD 100 – Child and Adolescent Development ............................................................. 25

HUMD 101 – Guiding Behaviour ..................................................................................... 28

HUMR 180 – Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................... 31

PERS 180 – Basic Care Skills .......................................................................................... 35

SFTY 184 – Crisis Prevention ......................................................................................... 39

SPSY 281 – Studies of Exceptionality A ........................................................................... 41

SPSY 282 – Studies of Exceptionality B ........................................................................... 44

PRAC 175 – Practicum 2 ................................................................................................ 47

Practicum Block 1 – PRAC 174 & SEM 106 ...................................................................... 49

Practicum Block 2 – SEM 106, PRAC 174, & PRAC 175 ..................................................... 52

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Appendices ....................................................................................................................... 56

Appendix A – CLTR 180 Employer validation checklist ...................................................... 57

Appendix B – EDUC 180 Teacher validation letter ............................................................ 60

Appendix C – EDUC 180 Employment validation checklist ................................................. 61

Appendix D – EDUC 181 Employer validation checklist ..................................................... 64

Appendix E – FMLY 181 Employer validation checklist ...................................................... 66

Appendix F – HUMD 100 Employer validation checklist ..................................................... 68

Appendix G – HUMD 101 Employer validation checklist .................................................... 70

Appendix H – HUMR 180 Employer validation checklist ..................................................... 73

Appendix I – PERS 180 Employer validation checklist ....................................................... 76

Appendix J – SFTY 184 Employment validation checklist .................................................. 78

Appendix J – SFTY 184 Preparation for the structured interview ....................................... 79

Appendix L – SPSY 281 Employer validation checklist ....................................................... 81

Appendix M – SPSY 282 Employer validation checklist ...................................................... 83

Appendix N – PRAC 174 and/or PRAC 175 – PLAR Practicum evaluations ........................... 85

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Why consider a PLAR assessment?

PLAR refers to the combination of flexible ways of evaluating people’s lifelong learning, both formal and informal, against a set of established standards for academic credit. The Educational Assistant program recognizes prior learning in two ways:

Previous formal learning from a recognized institution through transfer of credit.

Previous informal or experiential learning through a prior learning assessment process. Are there other ways to gain Saskatchewan Polytechnic credits for prior learning?

Transfer Credit

Saskatchewan Polytechnic will grant credit for previous training that is similar in content, objectives, and evaluation standards to Saskatchewan Polytechnic training. Transfer of credit is different from the PLAR process. Transfer Credit guidelines may be found at: It is the student’s responsibility to check with Registration Services for specific campus procedures on this policy. For specific information and guidelines regarding transfer of credit, contact a Saskatchewan Polytechnic educational counsellor. Equivalency Credit

Equivalency credit refers to the application of credit you may have earned in a previously taken Saskatchewan Polytechnic course to your current Saskatchewan Polytechnic course. Apply at registration services for equivalency credit. This process should also be completed prior to your PLAR challenge. If these credits cannot be used for equivalency credit, you may use these accredited courses as part of your evidence for your PLAR challenge.

Is it easier to challenge a course through PLAR or take the course?

Neither is easier. By using PLAR, you may avoid instruction and study for content that you already know, but you will need to meet the same academic standards for assessing your mastery of course learning outcomes. The self-audit section found later in this guide will help you decide if you have a good match of skill and knowledge for a specific course.

Am I eligible to register for PLAR challenges in this program?

To be eligible for PLAR in the majority of Educational Assistant courses you need a minimum of one year successful paid employment within the last five years in the Educational Assistant field (K – 12 school system). Two years paid employment in the field is required for PLAR of the practicums, either singly or in blocks. Volunteer hours do not count for employment experience because employees have different responsibilities and professional development opportunities than do volunteers. The following 6 courses in this program may be challenged through PLAR or taken by part-time continuing education without first being admitted to the program:

CLTR 180 Culture and Diversity

COMM 291 Interpersonal Communication

EMPL 180 Employability Skills

PERS 180 Basic Care Skills

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SFTY 184 Crisis Prevention

HUMD 100 Child and Adolescent Development

For all other courses in this program, you must apply and meet admission requirements for this program before you can register to complete them by either PLAR or continuing education.

What are the PLAR options?

Option A: Individual course challenge

All courses in the program except PRAC 174 (Practicum 1) and SEM 106 (Integration Seminar) can be completed as individual course challenges. SEM 106 is included with block challenge 1 for PRAC 174 or with a block challenge 2 for PRAC 174 and PRAC 175 combined (see below). Option B: Block assessment

A block challenge involves a combined assessment for 2 or more courses. Successful completion of the block assessment will result in credit for all courses within the block. The following two block challenges are available for the Educational Assistant program. Since the block challenges involve practicums, employer verification of two years minimum paid employment is required at either the elementary or secondary levels.

Block 1: SEM 106, Integration Seminar and PRAC 174, Practicum 1

Block 2: SEM 106, Integration Seminar; PRAC 174, Practicum 1; and PRAC 175, Practicum 2.

Fees: There will be a charge for each individual course or block assessment. For a listing of the specific PLAR fees, check the PLAR Inventory Database for this program. How many courses can be challenged through PLAR in this program?

Currently we have 16 out of 16 certificate courses with PLAR challenges available. There is no limit. You may challenge as many of these courses, individually or in blocks, as you are able to prove prior skills and knowledge through assessment.

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Which courses are PLAR-ready?

Educat ional Ass i stant Cer t i f i cate Program Prof i le



available through program

PLAR Challenge(s)

not available

CLTR 180 Culture and Diversity

COMM 291 Interpersonal Communications *see note below

EDUC 180 Supporting Instruction 1

EDUC 181 Supporting Instruction 2

EMPL 180 Employability Skills *see note below

FMLY 181 Family Dynamics

HUMD 100 Child and Adolescent Development

HUMR 180 Roles and Responsibilities

HUMD 101 Guiding Behaviour

PERS 180 Basic Care Skills

SFTY 184 Crisis Prevention

SPSY 281 Studies of Exceptionality A

SPSY 282 Studies of Exceptionality B

PRAC 175 Practicum 2

Practicum Blocks

Block 1:

PRAC 174 &

SEM 106

Practicum 1 Integration Seminar

Block 2:

PRAC 174

PRAC 175 &

SEM 106

Practicum 1

Practicum 2

Integration Seminar

*Note*: COMM 291 and EMPL 180 are delivered by the Department of Arts and Sciences. Click on the course code above to open the Arts & Sciences PLAR Candidate Guide and then search the table of contents to find PLAR self-assessment for these courses. If you want to pursue PLAR for either of these courses, ask the Educational Assistant program PLAR consultant to refer you to the appropriate Arts and Sciences PLAR assessor.

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Is PLAR available at any time of the year?

PLAR challenges for this program are currently being offered during September 1 – May 15 each year.

Methods of assessing prior learning

Assessment methods measure your skills and knowledge related to the learning outcomes for courses in a program. The following PLAR assessment methods are those most commonly used in the Educational Assistant program though other methods may be considered.

verification of work experience

detailed resume

work samples

employer validation checklists

written assignments

practical skills demonstrations

structured interviews

written exams

verification of learning from non-credit training or workshops

How are documents and assignments submitted for assessment?

All documents and assignments requested for PLAR assessment must be submitted electronically to a DROPBOX through your course page. Upon registration for the PLAR section of one or more courses, you will receive one hardcopy letter from Registration Services with instructions to log on to your online student account and course page. All further communication will be sent to your Saskatchewan Polytechnic email address. Follow these instructions to submit requested documents to the PLAR Assessor:

1. Sign into your mySaskPolytech account.

2. Click on the Student Home tab.

3. Click on myCourses.

4. Click on the appropriate courses you are completing through PLAR.

5. Click on the assignment tab.

6. Click on DROPBOX.

7. Upload your assignment under each specified section. If you have any questions about how to submit your assignment electronically, please contact the PLAR Assessor at (306) 659-4903 or [email protected]

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If I live out of town, do I have to travel to a main campus to do PLAR?

There will be times that you will need to meet with the program on campus. However, we will try to keep travel to a minimum.

What if I have a disability & need equity accommodations?

At Saskatchewan Polytechnic, we understand that sometimes services must be provided to students in a variety of ways to achieve the goals of fair representation. Therefore, the range of services provided accessibility is as diverse as the needs of those students. We strive for equity (not uniformity) and provide varied services for students with differing needs. If more information is required, please contact Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Accessibility Services. Contact us

If you meet the PLAR eligibility criteria for this program, have thoroughly reviewed this Guide and completed the self-audit checklists, and are prepared to pursue PLAR for one or more courses, contact the PLAR consultant for this program at 306-659-4921. Please do not contact the consultant until you are prepared to provide evidence of employment and have identified the courses that appear promising for you to challenge with PLAR. If you are unsure whether this is the right program or career choice for you and want to explore other options, please contact a counsellor at a campus closest to you. Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Moose Jaw Counselling Services, Room 2.203 306-691-8311 or 306-691-8310 [email protected]

Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Prince Albert Counselling Services, Room F203 (Technical Centre) 306-765-1611 [email protected]

Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Regina Counselling Services, Room 228 306-775-7436 [email protected]

Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Saskatoon Counselling Services, Room 114 306-659-4050 [email protected]

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Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition process

Consult with PLAR designated contact

Complete application to PLAR

Schedule PLAR audit meeting

Develop an action plan

Pay assessment fees

Prepare for prior learning assessment

Challenge facilitated by assessor

Challenge evaluated by assessor

Results submitted to Saskatchewan Polytechnic registration services

Candidate notified of results

call 1-866-467-4278 extension 659-4921 & speak with the EA Academic Advisor

identify goals

discuss process & forms

identify courses for challenge

meet with program head/faculty

review the self-audit

determine eligibility

obtain approval for PLAR

consult with program faculty responsible for each PLAR

confirm assessment methods & procedures

follow an action plan

review your skills & knowledge

collect, create & compile evidence

obtain validations

meet timelines

Successful: see academic


Not successful: letter sent

consult with program head

register for course

grade appeal process available











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How long will it take to prepare evidence for PLAR?

Since the requirements are different for each course, and each candidate has different experiences, the amount of time it takes to prepare your evidence will vary. Steps to complete a self-audit

The following pages include self-audit checklists so you can assess your competence level for learning outcomes for each course in this program. Each self-audit page also includes details of assessment methods for that course so you know what to expect with a PLAR assessment.

Follow the directions below to complete the self-audit checklists.

1. Read through the levels of competence as listed below.

Mastery: I am able to demonstrate the learning outcome well enough to teach it to someone else.

Competent: I can work independently to apply the learning outcome.

Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome.

Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area.

None: I have no experience with the outcome.

Learning outcomes

For each learning outcome listed, please self-evaluate your competency levels and record in the

appropriate column for each self-audit.

2. Take a few minutes and read through the following self-audit for each course you are

interested in as a PLAR candidate. 3. Check your level of competence as you read through each of the learning outcomes for

each course. The information will help you in your decision to continue with your PLAR application.

4. In order to be successful in a PLAR assessment, your abilities must be at the competent or

mastery level for the majority of the learning outcomes. Some things to consider when determining your level of competence are:

How do I currently use this outcome?

What previous training have I had in this outcome: workshops, courses, on-the-job?

What personal development or volunteer experience do I have in this area?

Be prepared to explain the reason you chose this level if asked by an assessor. 5. Be prepared to discuss or share your self-audit results with the program’s PLAR

Consultant/Assessor as part of the process of determining whether PLAR is an appropriate option for you.

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Self-audit guide(s)

CLTR 180 – Culture and Diversity

You will be introduced to the many facets of culture. Your studies will focus on the personal attitudes and values involved in appreciating cultural differences. You will explore multiculturalism in Canadian society and discuss practices that promote acceptance of diversity in society. Credit unit(s): 3.0

CLTR 180 – Culture and Diversity Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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1. Describe diversity and social inequity in Canadian society.

Examine diversity in Canada from a variety of perspectives

Identify various causes of oppression

Examine the causes and effects of poverty

Evaluate racism and its effects on cultural identity

2. Identify your own personal and occupational diversity competence.

Reflect upon multiculturalism as a unifying and inclusive national identity

3. Examine diversity in Canadian culture.

Identify the overt and hidden acts of assimilation and oppression

forced on aboriginal peoples

Identify various ways of working with the aboriginal peoples

Demonstrate awareness of the changing religious demographics in Canada and the factors contributing to these changes

Identify the consequences of straying from the socially defined roles

of male and female

Explore practices that promote equity and inclusion

Identify differing characteristics of various generations

Analyze issues with Canada’s immigration system

4. Develop occupational activities that promote social inclusion and equity.

Construct strategies to combat prejudice and discrimination against

diverse populations

Increase your own culturally-competent practices

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PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide.

CLTR 180 employer PLAR validation checklist. Refer to Appendix A

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

If applicable, documentation of successful completion of any accredited training related to your work history

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (submit scanned copies)

If possible, include outlines stating the learning outcomes for all accredited training, private or non-credit courses, and workshops that you have identified as completed

2. Assignments

Complete the following written assignments and submit them electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify one or more of your assignment submissions.

Assignment #1 – Characteristics and Functions of Culture

In written format (1-2 pages) submit a description of the characteristics and functions of culture.

The following should be included:

a. Introductory paragraph

b. Definition of culture

c. Identification and explanation of cultural characteristics

d. Identification and explanation of cultural functions

e. Concluding paragraph

Assignment #2 – Cultural Events

In a report that is approximately 3 pages in length (one page for each event), typed double spaced, submit a description of three different cultural events that you have experienced. Suggested events may include: a POW WOW, Chinese New Year celebration, travel to a foreign country, or multicultural event.

The following should be included:

a. A clear description of each event

b. A discussion of the cultural practices that were observed

c. A discussion of your personal response to the event

d. Identification of how the event has increased your understanding of that culture

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3. Structured interview

The PLAR Assessor will complete a structured interview with you, either in person or over the phone. The interview consists of questions regarding the following topics:


Prejudice and discrimination

Canada’s immigration policy

Social inclusion and equity

Given a specific scenario, outline the impact of not belonging to the mainstream culture


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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EDUC 180 – Supporting Instruction 1

You will be introduced to individual learning styles and other factors that influence learning differences in students. You will learn strategies that facilitate student learning including instructional approaches, classroom management, and effective observation and recording. Credit units: 3.0

EDUC 180 – Supporting Instruction 1 Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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1. Explain the theory of multiple intelligences.

Describe each of the eight multiple intelligences

Recognize your own multiple intelligences

List methods of assessing students’ multiple intelligences

Identify activities used for teaching multiple intelligences theory

Discuss the importance to curriculum development, teaching

strategies and the classroom environment of multiple intelligences


Discuss multiple intelligences and special education, cognitive skills

and other applications

2. Discuss instructional planning as a team.

Describe the requirements for effective teamwork

Understand learning and child development and its importance to

instructional planning

Identify the parts of a lesson plan

Identify the role of a PPP or IEP

Describe an individualized education play (IEP) and personal program plan (PPP)

3. Describe various approaches to instruction.

Identify factors that influence the selection of teacher-directed or

student-centered instructional methods

Review guidelines for small group instruction

Explain the process for skill demonstration

Discuss student-centered learning

Discuss inquiry based instruction

Discuss the cooperative community classroom

Discuss the jigsaw technique as cooperative learning

Discuss independent study

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EDUC 180 – Supporting Instruction 1 Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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4. Describe skills required to support instruction.

Discuss techniques used to energize learners

Discuss techniques used in assisting students with organization

Describe techniques used for effective questioning

Discuss the importance of encouragement

Review techniques used in problem solving

5. Discuss the importance of Indigenization in Saskatchewan curriculum.

Examine how powerful education can be in exposing truth that will

lead to developing relationships and forming deep understanding

Understand why education within Saskatchewan is prioritizing Indigenization

List mandates and examples that reflect Indigenization within

Saskatchewan schools

Identify strategies for integrating Indigenization in curriculum

6. Discuss methods of evaluation and ways of collecting and recording data in education.

Identify purposes of evaluation

Identify various methods of evaluation

Describe accommodations for testing students with special needs

Identify methods of data recording

Recognize anecdotal records as a method of record keeping

Recognize observational checklists as a method of record keeping

Recognize rating scales as a method of record keeping

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide:

EDUC 180 Teacher Validation Letter. Refer to Appendix B

Employer validation checklist (validated by the employer). Refer to Appendix C

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Work sample documents

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If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file

2. Assignments

Complete the following assignments and submit them electronically as per instructions in this guide. The Program Head/PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify one or more of your assignment submissions.

Assignment #1 – Multiple Intelligences

In a report that is 2-4 pages in length, typed double space, explain Howard Gardner’s eight multiple intelligences:

Identify and provide a description for each one of the eight multiple intelligences

Then, for each multiple intelligence, identify two appropriate activities that you could use in the classroom that would promote the use of that multiple intelligence

Briefly describe the activity and how it is appropriate for the chosen intelligence

You can include personal examples from your work experience that prove your knowledge

Include the following:

a. Introductory paragraph

b. Sections/paragraphs addressing each of the eight multiple intelligences with two activities that are suitable for each multiple intelligence. Include personal examples/ideas that have been used in the classroom promoting Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences

c. Concluding paragraph

Assignment #2 – Teacher Directed Instructional Approaches

Describe two different teacher-directed instructional approaches:

Describe what defines teacher directed instructional approaches

Identify two different teacher directed instructional approaches

Explain when and why a teacher would use this type of approach

Describe a specific situation that you have observed where a teacher used each of the two instructional approaches

Assignment #3 – Student Centered Instructional Approaches

Describe two different student-centered instructional approaches:

Describe what defines student centered instructional approaches

Identify two different student centered instructional approaches

Explain when and why this type of approach would be used in an educational setting

Describe a specific situation that you have observed where student centered instructional approaches were used

Assignment #4 – Data Collection/Recording Samples

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Provide personal samples that you have used in your work experiences for data collection/recording. These samples may include anecdotal records, checklists, rating scales or any other type of data collection and recording you have used. Submit a minimum of two different samples and a brief description of the situation where each sample was used.

3. Structured interview

The PLAR Assessor will complete a structured interview with your, either in person or over the phone. The interview consists of questions regarding the following topics:

Role of educational assistants compared to role of teachers

Educational assistant labels


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to

prepare for assessment.

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EDUC 181 – Supporting Instruction 2

You will be provided with an overview of the Saskatchewan curriculum with focus in language arts, technology and basic mathematics. You will expand your knowledge of strategies to provide educational support under a teacher’s supervision. Credit Unit: 3.0 Prerequisite(s): EDUC 180

EDUC 181 – Supporting Instruction 2 Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Discuss the teaching-learning process.

Discuss the Saskatchewan curriculum

Describe the characteristics of students with learning and behaviour problems

Discuss teaching students with learning and behavioural problems

Discuss communication with parents

Review the context and players involved in the teaching process.

Discuss communicating with parents

Discuss communicating with professionals

Identify instructional methods and materials.

Discuss instructional methods and materials

Describe instructional methods

Use assistive technology and computers in the learning process.

Discuss the use of assistive technology (AT) in teaching and learning

Identify various means of assistive technology

Identify components of technology in the classroom and computer


Describe language development and emergent literacy.

Discuss the purposes, modes and teaching of oral language

Describe the stages of reading

Identify strategies to assist students in developing skills in the language arts.

Describe strategies for word identification and decoding strategies

Discuss how technology can help students with skills in the language arts

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EDUC 181 – Supporting Instruction 2 Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Review skills required in language arts instruction

Discuss arts education in the classroom.

Examine the Educational Assistants’ role in arts education

Discuss the arts education curriculum

Identify how Arts Education is linked to student engagement

Identify strategies to assist students in developing skills in mathematics.

Identify general goals of math instruction

Define basic terms and processes used in math

Describe effective math instruction

Examine instructional games and software for mathematics

Review skills required in math instruction

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide

Employer validation checklist (validated by the employer). Refer to Appendix D

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Work sample documents

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file


Complete and electronically submit the following assignments as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify your submission for one or more assignments.

Assignment #1 – Supporting Reading, Language Arts and Math Skills

In a report that is 2-4 pages in length, typed double spaced explain how you have personally assisted students in the development of their reading, language arts (writing, spelling, language development) and math skills:

Identify and describe the strategies that you used for each of the three areas

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Also, describe any challenges that you may have experienced and how you overcame those challenges

The following should be included:

a. Introductory paragraph

b. Sections/paragraphs addressing each area: reading, language arts and math, including personal examples/ideas that have been used in the classroom supporting student improvement

c. Section on any challenges that were experienced and how they were overcome

d. Concluding paragraph

Assignment #2 – Assistive Technology

1) Interview the school administrator, and/or resource room teacher to obtain information about assistive technology that is used in the school and how computers are used. Obtain and report answers to the following questions:

What types of assistive technology are currently used in the school?

How has the assistive technology aided students in the school?

What assistive technology is not accessible but would enhance learning for students in the school?

How computer instruction time is allotted to different grade levels in the school?

How are computers utilized by staff members and students?

2) Develop some other questions that you would like to ask about assistive technology and computers. Report the additional questions and the responses to them.

3) Describe how you have personally worked with assistive technology as an educational assistant. Provide detailed information about two different assistive technology measures that you have used effectively. Describe how this benefitted the student(s).

2. Structured interview

The PLAR Assessor will complete a structured interview with your, either in person or over the phone. The interview consists of questions regarding the following topics:

Saskatchewan curriculum

Communication skills

Instructional methods

Teaching-learning process

Arts education


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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FMLY 181 – Family Dynamics

You will examine the dynamics of the Canadian family, the influence of family structure on the individual’s values and the mental, cultural and physical challenges faced by families of today. Credit Units: 3.0

FMLY 181 – Family Dynamics Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Discuss the concept of family.

Define the family

Understand the historical faces of Canadian families and how this has


Examine the experience of Canadian Immigrants

Describe aspects of marriage in Canada.

Examine the process of choosing a mate

Explain the social function of marriage

Explain how marriage fits into the family cycle

Discuss roles in marriage

Discuss unmarried cohabitation

Discuss same sex couples

Discuss happiness in marriage

Discuss the children in the family cycle.

Discuss the choice of having children or remaining childless in Canada

today and in the past

Describe birth rate issues in Canada

Discuss the options of unwanted children

Describe issues surrounding involuntary childlessness

Explain the place of socialization in the family life cycle.

Describe the role of parents as socializers

Discuss parenting styles

Describe the wider family circle

Discuss child care in Canada

Discuss education in Canada

Explore the effect of the media on children

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FMLY 181 – Family Dynamics Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Examine the issues of gender and age on raising children

Describe demographic and social changes that impact the family structure.

Describe life patterns and the quality of life of lone parents

Discuss the children of lone parents families

Discuss gay and lesbian parents and the realities and myths surrounding parenting

Describe divorce and issues surrounding divorce

Discuss the formation of a new family system and its relationship to

the family life cycle

Discuss social stressors and mental health challenges on the family.

Discuss the impact of employment/unemployment on the family

Discuss the impact of chronic illness or disability on the family

Explain the alcoholic family system

Discuss abuse and violence in the family

Discuss the prevention of family violence

Discuss poverty and the family

Discuss mental illness and the family

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify your evidence.

Employer validation checklist (completed by the employer). Refer to Appendix E

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Work sample documents

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file

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2. Assignment: Support for challenging issues

Complete and electronically submit the following assignments as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify your assignment submission. In a report that is 2-4 pages in length, typed double spaced:

Identify and describe a family issue that presented a challenge for a student’s family

that you have worked with. Some examples of an issue may include, but are not

limited to, homelessness, abuse, divorce, or family diversity.

Explain the role that you had as an educational assistant to support the student with

that issue

Describe any challenges that may have been experienced and how those challenges

were overcome. Include the following:

a. Introductory paragraph

b. Sections/paragraphs addressing each area: identification and explanation of the issue and your role as an educational assistant

c. Section on any challenges that were experienced and how they were overcome

d. Concluding paragraph 3. Challenge Exam

The PLAR exam will evaluate your skills and knowledge based on learning outcomes 1 - 6.

A minimum passing grade of 50% is required.


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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HUMD 100 – Child and Adolescent Development

Your studies will focus on the period of development from conception to adolescence. You will receive information about the effects of heredity and the environment on the emotional, social, cognitive and physical development of children and adolescents. The course also provides an introduction to the theories of learning and personality and methods of studying human behaviour. Credit Unit(s): 3.0

Equivalent Course(s): HUMD 143, NEPS 216

HUMD 100 – Child and Adolescent Development Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Identify the characteristics of the major philosophical and theoretical views of human development.

Define child development and its place within lifespan development

Describe the developmental periods of lifespan development

Describe the research process

Describe designs for studying development

Describe issues affecting prenatal development.

Describe the process of genetic transmission

Describe the stages of prenatal development

Describe neonatal development

Describe issues affecting the development of infants and toddlers.

Identify characteristics of infant physical development

Describe the intellectual development of infants

Describe how language develops in infants

Describe the emotional and personality development of infants

Describe the impact of social factors on infant development

Describe issues affecting the development of preschool children.

Describe the physical development of the preschool child

Describe factors that influence the health and wellness of the preschool child

Describe the intellectual or cognitive development of the preschool child

Describe the language development of the preschool child

Describe the impact of early childhood education on preschool


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HUMD 100 – Child and Adolescent Development Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Describe the emotional and personality development of the preschool child

Describe the impact of family, peers and television on the

development of the preschool child

Describe issues affecting the development of school age children.

Describe the physical development of the school age child

Describe the intellectual or cognitive development of the school age child

Describe the language development of the school age child

Describe the emotional and personality development of school age


Describe the impact of families, peers, and school on development of school age children

Describe issues that affect the development of the adolescent.

Describe the physical development of the adolescent

Describe the health concerns of the adolescent

Describe cognitive development of the adolescent

Describe the psychosocial development of the adolescent

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. Further information and criteria will be provided to the PLAR candidate following the consultation meeting.

Evidence File: All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide.

Employer validation checklist (completed by the employer). Refer to Appendix F

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Work sample documents

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file

Challenge exam – two challenge exams – 50% pass mark required

Each exam will consist of 50 multiple choice questions

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For each exam, you will be allocated a maximum of 2 hours to complete

The time and place for the exams will be arranged by the Educational Assistant program

The first exam will support the completion of learning outcomes 1-3

The second exam will support the completion of learning outcomes 4-6

Sample Exam Question:

The field of child development is often divided into which of following three domains?

a. Verbal development, mathematical development and conceptual development

b. Biological development, social development and intellectual development

c. Physical development, cognitive development and social and emotional development

d. Social development, cultural development and historical development


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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HUMD 101 – Guiding Behaviour You will discuss perspectives that educators have regarding the classroom and behavior. You will examine how cognitive development plays a role in guiding behavior. You will be able to describe the role that the environment plays in determining and guiding behavior. You will be introduced to an overview of positive guidance and have the opportunity to select and implement strategies that teach self-control and self-regulation. Credit unit(s): 3.0

HUMD 101 – Guiding Behaviour Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Discuss behaviour and its varied perspectives.

Identify the goal of positive guidance in an inclusive classroom

Describe the educator’s perspective on behaviour in the classroom

Examine the impact of the educator’s viewpoint on behaviour

Describe the role of the educator in guiding behaviour

Examine cognitive development.

Describe cognitive development and its role in behaviour

Examine the stages of cognitive development

Examine the relationship between cognitive development and attention span (adapted from Child Guidance pg. 59-60)

Identify the relationship between cognitive development and daily tasks

Describe the rights of children with disabilities and cognitive development delays

Examine the role of environment in guiding behaviour.

Discuss how environment can influence behaviour

Identify how the environment is an indirect guidance technique that educators can use to guide behaviour

Discuss behaviours considered inappropriate in classrooms and the role of the environment

Discuss the potential behaviour associated with an environment filled with choice

Examine ways to provide choices to students

Identify and implement positive guidance strategies.

Examine why ineffective methods are used to deal with behaviour

Identify ineffective strategies used to deal with behaviour

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HUMD 101 – Guiding Behaviour Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Describe direct positive guidance strategies that educators can use with students

Describe positive guidance strategies that can be used to prevent

inappropriate behaviour

Describe natural and logical consequences that can be used to guide behaviour

Explain how power struggles can be detrimental to successful implementation of a guidance strategy

Describe the educator’s role in guiding behaviour

Identify ways educators can work with students to solve problems

Discuss strategies for teaching self-control and self-regulation.

Examine why compliance does not work

Describe self-regulation

Identify strategies that educators can use to teach self-regulation and


Discuss the idea of a classroom community

PLAR assessment methods If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. Further information and criteria will be provided to you following the consultation meeting.

Evidence file: All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide

Employer validation checklist (completed by the employer). Refer to Appendix G.

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Work sample documents

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file


Complete the following written assignments and submit them electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify your submission for one or more assignments.

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Assignment 1: Case Study

You will be given a case study about Jennifer to review. Using your current knowledge regarding guiding behavior, answer the following questions regarding the case study:

a) Discuss how assumptions could impact how you approach working with Jennifer and the possible consequences of these assumptions.

b) List the strategies used to deal with Jennifer’s behavior in previous years and why these strategies were ineffective.

c) Describe how the environment is impacting Jennifer’s behavior.

d) List four environmental supports that you could use to support Jennifer.

e) List two things that you would suggest to the classroom teacher regarding how both of you can support Jennifer in terms of lessons and assignments.

f) Choose a strategy to address the two situations that occurred in the first week of school with Jennifer – include in this the name of the strategy, exactly how you would respond and how Jennifer would respond. Also include if there is an environmental support that could be done to prevent one or both of these situations from occurring again.

Your case study should be submitted using paragraph format – use the letters from the questions above to indicate which question you are answering.

Assignment 2 – Body Breaks

In a report that is approximately 2 - 3 pages in length, typed double spaced,

First, research why body breaks are effective in today’s classroom and provide a brief explanation of your research with references included (no more than 1 page).

Then describe two different types of body breaks that you have personally used with students. Provide a description, explain when it would be used and describe the results and benefits of using such a body break with students.

Finally, include some websites that promote these types of body breaks by providing a list that includes the websites’ URL.

Structured Interview The PLAR Assessor will complete a structured interview with you, either in person or over the phone. The interview consists of questions regarding the following topics:


Positive guidance

Ineffective guidance strategies

Student choice

Environmental support

Natural and logical consequences


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to

prepare for assessment.

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HUMR 180 – Roles and Responsibilities

You will learn the roles and responsibilities of an educational assistant within the school setting and society. You will explore the legal and ethical implications of your role as an educational assistant and develop an understanding of the importance of professional behaviour. Credit Unit(s): 3.0

HUMR 180 – Roles and Responsibilities Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Describe the role of the educational assistant.

Examine the history of education and the foundations for education assistants

Review instructional and non-instructional tasks of educational


Identify possible work assignments for educational assistants

Discuss the difference between the responsibilities of teachers and those of educational assistants

Review the working conditions of educational assistants

Describe how professionalism is influenced by legal and ethical obligations.

Define professionalism

Discuss ethics in education as it applies to educational assistants

Discuss how to prevent professional burnout

Identify opportunities for professional development

Identify the importance of privacy as it relates to professionalism

Describe effective communication strategies for educational assistants.

Describe strategies for effective teacher-educational assistant communication

Discuss language that communicates respect.

Discuss empathetic and respectful communication with parents of

students with special needs

Describe innovative and current school initiatives.

Examine the community school model of educational delivery to develop a philosophical understanding of this concept

Examine integrated services that enhance the philosophy of

community school learning activities

Identify possible work assignments that support cultural immersion and regional identity

Review alternative delivery systems that exist in educating Saskatchewan children

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HUMR 180 – Roles and Responsibilities Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Discuss the philosophy of inclusion and the strategies that support children with disabilities.

Explain how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects the diverse

needs of all candidates through inclusive and special education

Review the characteristics of inclusive education

Describe strategies for the successful inclusion of candidates with diverse needs

Describe the rights of children with disabilities

Describe the impact inclusive education has on students with and

without disabilities, educators and parents

Identify the components of nutrition and food safety

Describe the relationship between nutrition and your role and responsibilities as an educational assistant

Examine how nutrition will impact your role as an educational


Examine Canada’s Food Guide as a resource for achieving nutrition in

the school and in your own life

Examine the role of a menu

Examine the importance of understanding allergies and food choices

based on family, culture or religion

Examine your role in food safety

Explain how federal and provincial legislation impacts the role of the educational assistant

Explain standard of care as it applies to educational assistants

Describe the Criminal Code provisions on corporal punishment

Describe the Criminal Code provisions on sexual touching

Review access copyright regulations as they apply to schools

Describe the implications for schools of Canada’s Criminal Youth Justice Act

Explain the obligation of school personnel to report suspected abuse

Explain the obligation of school personnel to document the

attendance of students

Describe your rights and responsibilities as a school board employee.

Discuss your rights as an employee

Identify limits placed on your rights and how this impacts the

responsibilities you have as a school board employee

Demonstrate workplace safety.

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HUMR 180 – Roles and Responsibilities Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Discuss WHMIS and its implications on the educational assistant

Discuss Occupational Health and Safety regulations for the

educational assistant

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor.

Evidence file All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify evidence.

Employer validation checklist (completed by the employer). Refer to Appendix H

A copy of recent WHMIS certification

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Work sample documents

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file


Complete the following assignments and submit them electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify your submission for one or more assignments.

Assignment 1: Professionalism

In a report that is 3-5 pages in length, typed double space, explore professionalism and how

it relates to the roles and responsibilities of an educational assistant. Be sure to include

personal examples from your work experience that prove your knowledge. The following

should be included:

a. Introductory paragraph

b. Sections/paragraphs addressing the areas of competence, collegial integrity, reliability and empathy. Be sure to include personal examples for each section indicating how professionalism was portrayed in your workplace.

c. Concluding paragraph

Assignment 2: Innovative and/or Current Initiatives

Using the criteria given below, provide written examples, briefly describing two innovative and/or current school initiatives:

Identify two current/new school initiatives

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Submit sufficient written information (1 -2 paragraphs each)

Identify where the initiatives are implemented

Describe the rationale behind the use of this initiative in the school(s)

Assignment 3: Nutrition

1) Provide a two day menu plan that would be appropriate for a school aged child that outlines the recommended servings per day for each of the food groups. The age group would need to be identified and whether you have developed the plan for a girl or boy. Follow the recommendation of Health Canada and Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide as found on p. 5 from

2) Create a chart that includes a heading for each of the food groups and the food choices made for each food group. At the bottom of each column, include the total number of servings for each food group.

3) Provide a written description of the menu that was developed and the rationale for the choices that were made.

Structured Interview

The PLAR Assessor will complete a structured interview with you, either in person or over the phone. The interview consists of questions regarding the following topics:

Inclusion of individuals with disabilities

Acceptable duties/responsibilities of an educational assistant

Expressions promoting respect

Avoiding charges of negligence

Suspension or dismissal of an educational assistant

Role modelling


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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PERS 180 – Basic Care Skills

You will learn and demonstrate the attitudes and skills of providing personal and physical daily care to individuals and varying abilities. You will learn the essential role of dignity and respect in person-centered planning and care. You will develop skills for assisting individuals with activities on daily living to support their optimal levels of independence. Credit unit(s): 3.0

Equivalent course(s): HLTH 186, SPCR 182

PERS 180 – Basic Care Skills Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Describe the importance of dignity, respect, and optimal independence in the provision of personal care.

Examine feelings associated with providing care

Examine qualities of care providers most beneficial in a helping


Examine how respect is shown in the provision of care

Describe fundamentals components of safety, standard precautions, legal requirements and human rights standards that apply to providing personal care.

Examine purposes of providing care

Describe basic rights of persons who receive care

Examine legal and ethical responsibilities of providing care

Describe hand hygiene

Identify routine precautions

Describe the dining environment and strategies to assist an individual during mealtimes.

Examine the important aspects of preparing individuals for mealtime

Examine creating a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere at mealtimes

Describe the care provider’s role in serving meals and in assisting with meals

Examine eating aids that can be used to promote independence in


Examine strategies for assisting an individual to eat

Demonstrate assisting a classmate or adult family

member/acquaintance to eat

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of body mechanics and the assistive technology/equipment used to transfer, lift and assist with ambulation.

Describe the relationship between good body alignment and proper functioning of the body

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PERS 180 – Basic Care Skills Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Describe back lying, side lying, prone lying and sitting positions if client is in bed, or lying horizontally

Describe how body positions can be adapted to meet the special

needs of the person with a disability or the elderly

Demonstrate safe body repositions

Describe safety precautions for the individual and care provider in transferring, lifting, and moving

Demonstrate appropriate procedures for transferring and lifting


Describe the safe use, care and cleaning of lifting devices

Describe the equipment used by individuals to aid mobility

Describe types of bath equipment

Describe safety factors associated with using bath equipment

Identify the effects of immobility

Describe the importance of maintaining joint mobility, muscle tone,

and exercise

Discuss range of motion techniques

Demonstrate basic personal care, including assessment, grooming, oral care, dressing, bowel and bladder care, and washing/bathing.

Describe factors that influence body temperature, pulse and

respiratory rate

Describe procedures for taking measurements of temperature, pulse,

respirations and weight

Discuss the value of appropriate grooming, oral hygiene, and dressing for individuals

Discuss activities of daily living

Discuss assisting the individual to perform dressing tasks

Describe risk factors that may contribute to skin breakdown

Describe foot and nail care procedures

Describe specific problems that may occur in bowel and bladder control

Describe bowel and bladder training programs

Describe indwelling catheter, condom catheter care, disposable briefs

and pads

Identify the care provider’s role in providing support

Describe the use of rectal suppositories

Describe ostomy care

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PERS 180 – Basic Care Skills Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Explain the principles and protocols of medication administration and documentation.

Examine the two main types of medications

Examine how medication errors can be minimized

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide.

PERS 180 employer validation checklist. Refer to Appendix I

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of any accredited training relevant to the work history

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only) (Include outlines stating the learning outcomes of the course)

2. Assignment – Written Report

Complete the following assignment and submit it electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify your submission for one or more assignments. In a report that is 3-5 pages in length, typed and double spaced, explore ethical considerations when providing personal care to individuals with a disability. Be sure to include personal examples from your work experience that prove you knowledge. The following could be examined:

Feelings you had the first time you had to provide personal care to an individual

The role of “helping” versus “doing” for an individual

How to show respect to some when providing care

What are the rights of a person you are providing care

Legal responsibilities of providing care

3. Practical Demonstrations

Demonstration 1 – Hand Washing

Demonstrate proper hand washing technique

This demonstration will be completed at your worksite and will be validated by someone in the Health Care or Human Service profession

The assignment is PASS/FAIL

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Demonstration 2 - Repositioning, Transfers and Lifts

Satisfactory physical demonstration of one and two-person repositioning, transfers and lifts using safe body mechanics and accepted techniques

4. Challenge exam

The PLAR exam will evaluate your skills and knowledge based on learning outcomes 1-6. A minimum grade of 50% is required. The time and place for the exam will be arranged by the Educational Assistant program.


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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SFTY 184 – Crisis Prevention

You will develop strategies for crisis prevention in working with people based on the crisis prevention model. Credit unit(s): 1.0

Equivalent course(s): SFTY 194

SFTY 184 – Crisis Prevention Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Describe the Crisis Intervention Model and its Components.

Discuss the elements of a crisis situation

Describe the six components of the crisis intervention model

Identify current crisis prevention skills

Examine personal triggers

Recognize personal attitudes and prejudices

Assess feelings that might influence the ability to handle a crisis situation

Identify behavioural responses that influence the resolution of crises

Apply effective skills throughout the crisis intervention process.

Describe individual prevention techniques in a safe work environment

Identify ways to prevent crises by modifying the environment

Recognize the role of precipitating factors and early warning signs in preventing crises

Explain the principles of early intervention

Apply verbal skills required for early intervention

Discuss the elements of an effective crisis response team

Practice an effective crisis intervention

Describe the role of crisis debriefing

Recognize the steps of the crisis debriefing process

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. NOTE: You will be asked to complete either (a) the evidence file and structured interview or (b) the challenge exam. 1. Evidence file – assignment and employer validation checklist

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All items must be submitted electronically. Please follow the instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may ask for more information to clarify your submitted evidence.

Submit a written description of a crisis situation that you were involved in and the strategies that were used resolve it

SFTY 184 employer validation checklist to confirm techniques of crisis prevention. Refer to Appendix J

2. Structured interview

The PLAR Assessor will complete a structured interview with you, either in person or over the phone. The interview consists of questions regarding the following topic:

Given a specific scenario, outline the precipitating factors and the preferred intervention that should be considered. Use Appendix K to prepare for the interview.

3. Challenge exam – 50% pass mark required

A challenge exam (2 hrs.) assessing learning outcomes 1 and 2. The time and place for the exam will be arranged by the Educational Assistant program.


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to

prepare for assessment.

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SPSY 281 – Studies of Exceptionality A

You will be provided with an introduction to the area of exceptionalities. You will discuss issues and trends in the field and problems associated with defining and identifying individuals with exceptionalities. You will study in depth specific areas of exceptionality: speech and language differences, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and giftedness. Emphasis will be on the developmental consequences of having a disability and intervention strategies used with individuals with disabilities. Credit unit(s): 3.0 Equivalent course(s): ECD 223

SPSY 281 – Studies of Exceptionality A Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Explain the principles and practices that underlie the care and education of people with exceptionalities.

Describe the development of special services

Discuss students with special needs and exceptionalities

Discuss obtaining services for students with special needs

Explain assessment practices

Discuss individualized education programs

Identify the risk factors for the development of disabilities.

Discuss the types of students who are at risk

Describe strategies for curriculum and instruction for students who are at risk

Explain the issues and trends related to designing inclusive classrooms.

Discuss educating students with exceptionalities

Describe programs in which students receive intervention in special education settings

Describe inclusive education programs

Discuss methods that enhance inclusion of students with


Discuss maintaining effective inclusive classrooms

Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people with communication disabilities.

Explain the basic concepts about communication disorders

Describe speech disorders

Describe language disorders

Discuss language differences

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SPSY 281 – Studies of Exceptionality A Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Describe future trends in the field of communication disorders

Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people with learning disabilities.

Explain the basic concepts about learning disabilities

Discuss cultural and linguistic diversity

Describe effective inclusive practices for students with learning disabilities

Discuss classroom adaptations for students with learning disabilities

Discuss promoting a sense of community and social acceptance for

individuals with learning disabilities

Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people with intellectual disabilities.

Discuss basic concepts about intellectual disabilities

Describe transition considerations

Describe strategies for curriculum and instruction

Describe classroom adaptations and accommodations for students with intellectual disabilities

Describe promoting inclusive practices for students with intellectual disabilities

Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people who are gifted, talented or creative.

Discuss basic concepts about students who are gifted and talented

Describe strategies for curriculum and instruction for students who are gifted

Describe adaptations and accommodations for students who are


Discuss enhancing inclusive classrooms for students who are gifted

Discuss the issues related to elementary special education.

Discuss general curricular considerations for teaching students with special needs in elementary schools

Discuss curricular content for teaching students with special needs in

elementary schools

Describe instructional adaptations and accommodations for teaching student with special needs in elementary schools

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PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to clarify expectations in consultation with the PLAR Consultant/Assessor. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically as per instructions in this guide. An interview with the program head/assessor may be requested to clarify submitted evidence.

Employer validation checklist completed by the employer. Refer to Appendix L

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Work sample documents

If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file

2. Assignment

Complete the following assignment and submit it electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify your submission.

Directions: In a report that is 2-4 pages in length, typed double spaced, explain how you

have personally supported inclusion, in an educational setting, for a student with an

exceptionality. Identify and describe the strategies that were used to promote inclusion and

the role that you had as an educational assistant for inclusion to be successful. Also,

describe any challenges that may have been experienced and how those challenges were

overcome. The following should be included:

a. Introductory paragraph

b. Sections/paragraphs addressing each area: strategies used to promote inclusion and your role as an educational assistant

c. Section on any challenges that were experienced and how they were overcome

d. Concluding paragraph 3. Challenge Exam

The PLAR challenge exam will evaluate your skills and knowledge based on learning

outcomes 1-8. A minimum passing grade of 50% is required. The time and place for the

exam will be arranged by the Educational Assistant program.


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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SPSY 282 – Studies of Exceptionality B

You will study in depth specific areas of exceptionality: emotional and behavioural disorders, sensory impairments, traumatic brain injury and other low-incidence disabilities, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Emphasis will be on the developmental consequences of having a disability and intervention strategies used with individuals with disabilities. You will review classroom organization and management with students with special learning needs, issues related to special education in secondary schools, and working with families of students with exceptionalities. Credit unit(s): 3.0

Equivalent course(s): ECD 224

Prerequisite(s): SPSY 281

SPSY 282 – Studies of Exceptionality B Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome.

Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people with emotional and behavioural disorders.

Discuss basic concepts about emotional and behavioural disorders

Describe strategies for curriculum and instruction for students with

emotional or behavioural disorders

Describe classroom adaptations for emotional and behavioural


Discuss enhancing inclusive classrooms for students with emotional or behavioural disorders

Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people with sensory impairments, traumatic brain injury, and other low-incidence disabilities.

Discuss sensory impairments

Describe auditory impairments

Describe visual impairments

Explain traumatic brain injury

Describe low-incidence health problems and physical disabilities

Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Explain basic concepts about attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Discuss the role of medication for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Describe the strategies for instruction and classroom adaptations and accommodations for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Discuss promoting inclusive practices for attention deficit/hyperactivity


Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people with autism.

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SPSY 282 – Studies of Exceptionality B Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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Explain the basic concepts of autism

Identify interventions for students with autism

Discuss the media’s influence on the normalization of autism

Describe the characteristics and intervention strategies of people with

fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Explain basic concepts of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Identify interventions for students with FASD

Discuss classroom organization and management for students with special learning needs.

Explain basic concepts about classroom management and


Describe the components of effective classroom organization and management

Discuss issues related to special education in secondary schools.

Discuss secondary school curricula

Discuss programs for students in secondary schools

Describe methods to facilitate students’ success in general education


Discuss the issues related to working with families of students with exceptionalities.

Describe the family of students with exceptionalities

Discuss specific collaboration activities for parents and family

members of students with exceptionalities

Explain home-based intervention for families of students with exceptionalities

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to discuss the expectations during a consultation meeting. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically as per instructions in this guide. An interview with the program head/assessor may be requested to clarify submitted evidence.

Employer validation checklist (validated by the employer). Refer to Appendix M

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Work sample documents

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If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file

2. Assignment –An Exceptionality

Complete the following assignment and submit it electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify your submitted assignment.

Directions: In a report that is 2-4 pages in length, typed double spaced, explain your

knowledge about a particular exceptionality based on your experience as an educational

assistant. Identify the exceptionality and describe your knowledge about the exceptionality,

how you were able to obtain information about the exceptionality and how you were able to

better support a student with this knowledge. The following should be included:

a. Introductory paragraph

b. Sections/paragraphs addressing each area: knowledge about the exceptionality, how information about the exceptionality was obtained, and how you were able to support a student with this exceptionality

c. Concluding paragraph 3. Challenge Exam

PLAR challenge exam will evaluate your skills and knowledge based on learning outcomes 1 -

8. A minimum passing grade of 50% is required. The time and place for the exam will be

arranged by the Educational Assistant program.


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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PRAC 175 – Practicum 2

You will participate in a four-week practicum in a K-6 or grade 7-12 classroom setting. Students must complete practicum placements in each setting. You will have the opportunity to apply theory to practice while supporting and assisting the classroom teacher. Under the supervision of classroom teachers, you will work with students who have challenging needs. Credit unit(s): 8.0

Equivalent course(s): WORK 188, PRAC 175CE

Prerequisite(s): EDUC 180, HUMR 180, SPSY 281, HUMD 101, PERS 180, HUMD 100, SFTY 184, CLTR 180, EMPL 180, FMLY 181, COMM 291, SPSY 282, EDUC 181, PRAC 174

PRAC 175 – Practicum 2 Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M
















1. Demonstrate professional behaviour.

2. Demonstrate rapport with candidates.

3. Provide team support.

4. Provide instructional support.

5. Provide social and behavioural support.

6. Assist in the implementation of individualized program plans.

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to discuss the expectations during a consultation meeting. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically as per instructions in this guide. An interview with the program head/assessor may be requested to clarify submitted evidence.

Written detail of job description and responsibilities

Employment validation of a minimum 2 years paid work experience from Human Resources. (See last page of Appendix N: Practicum Employment validation form)

Two performance evaluations, one completed by a supervising personnel, the second completed by a school administrator. (See Appendix N: PLAR Practicum Evaluations)

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Written detail or documentation of the following, if applicable

o If applicable, any work sample documents

o If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

o If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file

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2. Assignments

Complete the following assignments and submit them electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify one or more assignment submissions.

Assignment #1: Behaviour Management/Positive Guidance Strategy

1) Describe a situation in which you observed, implemented, or reflected on a guidance technique used or that could have been used. Paint a clear picture with your words when describing the situation.

2) Include reflection and discuss the reasons for choosing this particular strategy that includes: o Description of what happened with the behavior

o How successful was it? Why or why not?

o Would you do anything differently next time?

Assignment #2: Anecdotal Record

Complete an anecdotal record of a particular observation.

Assignment #3: Professional Development & Training

Provide a written description about professional development you have attended and any additional training you have received as an educational assistant. Include a list of all PD/training. Then briefly explain (a paragraph for each item) the knowledge/skills that were obtained from each professional development/training.


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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Practicum Block 1 – PRAC 174 and SEM 106

If approved for PLAR for PRAC 174, you will also be assessed for SEM 106. If successful, you will receive credit for both courses. SEM 106 – Integration Seminar You will learn the roles involved in an educational assistant practicum and workplace setting. You will develop an understanding of practicum expectations including professional standards. PRAC 174 – Practicum 1 You will participate in a four-week practicum in a K-6 or a grade 7-12 classroom setting. You will have the opportunity to apply theory to practice while supporting and assisting the classroom teacher. Under the supervision of the classroom teacher, you will work in basic subject areas with individuals or small groups. Combined Credit unit(s): 9.0 (for both courses)

Equivalent course(s): WORK 187, PRAC 174CE

Prerequisite(s): EDUC 180, HUMR 180, SPSY 281, HUMD 101, and SEM 106 concurrent with Block 1 PLAR

Practicum Block 1: SEM 106 and PRAC 174 Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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SEM 106 – Integration Seminar

1. Explain the various roles involved in an educational assistant practicum setting.

Describe the educational assistant practicum team

Identify types of programs educational assistants may support

2. Identify professional conduct expected during an educational assistant practicum.

Obtain background information from the practicum site

Identity student responsibilities

3. Demonstrate how to access and complete electronic practicum assignments.

Practice submitting weekly practicum assignments electronically

PRAC 174 – Practicum 1

1. Demonstrate professional behaviour.

2. Demonstrate rapport with candidates.

3. Provide team support.

4. Provide instructional support.

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Practicum Block 1: SEM 106 and PRAC 174

Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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5. Provide social and behavioural support.

6. Assist in the implementation of individualized program plans.

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to discuss the expectations during a consultation meeting. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically as per instructions in this guide. An interview with the program head/assessor may be requested to clarify submitted evidence.

Written detail of your job description and responsibilities

Employment validation of a minimum 2 years paid work experience from Human Resources. (See last page of Appendix N: Practicum Employment validation form)

Two performance evaluations, one completed by a supervising personnel, the second completed by a school administrator. (see Appendix N: PLAR Practicum Evaluations)

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Written detail or documentation of the following, if applicable: o If applicable, any work sample documents o If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training

courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only) o If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file

2. Assignments

Complete the following assignments and submit them electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify assignment submissions.

Assignment #1: Specialized Programs

1) Research specialized programs in the school division that you are currently working in

and provide a list of specialized programs offered to support students with a diverse

range of needs.

2) Include a brief description of each program offered within that school division and the

benefits it would provide for students accessing the program.

Assignment #2: Behaviour Management/Positive Guidance Strategy

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3) Describe a situation in which you observed, implemented, or reflected on a guidance

technique used or that could have been used. Paint a clear picture with your words

when describing the situation.

4) Include reflection and discuss reasons for choosing this particular strategy that includes:

o Description of what happened with the behavior o How successful was it? Why or why not? o Would you do anything differently next time?

Assignment #3: Anecdotal Record

Complete an anecdotal record of a particular observation.

Assignment #4: Professional Development & Training

Provide a written description about professional development you have attended and any additional training you have received as an educational assistant. Include a list of all PD/training. Then briefly explain (a paragraph for each item) the knowledge/skills that were obtained from each professional development/training.

3. Structured Interview

The PLAR Assessor will complete a structured interview with you, either in person or over the phone. The interview consists of questions regarding the following topic:

Roles and responsibilities of an educational assistant and other personnel (Principal, teacher, Human Resource manager, other professionals) as part of the professional collaborative team. Be prepared to respond to the following questions:

o Describe the role and responsibilities of an educational assistant in your school.

o To attain employment as an educational assistant in your school, what qualities and skills do you see as most valuable to be successful?

o What role does the Principal play in the school team?

o How is the Human Resource Manager of a School division a support to an Educational Assistant?

o List three other professionals you as an educational assistant would work with in your school and describe the working relationship you have with them.


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to prepare for assessment.

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Practicum Block 2 – SEM 106, PRAC 174, and PRAC 175

If approved for the block PLAR assessment for PRAC 174 and PRAC 175, you will also be assessed for SEM 106. If successful, you will receive credit for all three courses. SEM 106 – Integration Seminar You will learn the roles involved in an educational assistant practicum and workplace setting. You will develop an understanding of practicum expectations including professional standards.

PRAC 174 – Practicum 1

You will participate in a four-week practicum in a K-6 or a grade 7-12 classroom setting. You will have the opportunity to apply theory to practice while supporting and assisting the classroom teacher. Under the supervision of the classroom teacher, you will work in basic subject areas with individuals or small groups. PRAC 175 – Practicum 2 You will participate in a four-week practicum in a K-6 or grade 7-12 classroom setting. Students must complete practicum placements in each setting. You will have the opportunity to apply theory to practice while supporting and assisting the classroom teacher. Under the supervision of classroom teachers, you will work with students who have challenging needs. Combined credit unit(s): 17.0 (for all three courses) Prerequisites(s): EDUC 180, HUMR 180, SPSY 281, HUMD 101, PERS 180, HUMD 100, SFTY 184,

CLTR 180, EMPL 180, FMLY 181, COMM 291, SPSY 282, EDUC 181, and PRAC 174 & SEM 106 concurrent with Block 2 PLAR.

Equivalent course(s): WORK 188, PRAC 175CE

Practicum Block 2 – SEM 106, PRAC 174, and PRAC 175 Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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SEM 106 – Integration Seminar

1. Explain the various roles involved in an educational assistant practicum setting.

Describe the educational assistant practicum team

Identify types of programs educational assistants may support

2. Identify professional conduct expected during an educational assistant practicum.

Obtain background information from the practicum site

Identity student responsibilities

3. Demonstrate how to access and complete electronic practicum assignments.

Practice submitting weekly practicum assignments electronically

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Practicum Block 2 – SEM 106, PRAC 174, and PRAC 175

Mastery: I am able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: I can work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: I need some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: I am developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: I have no experience with the outcome. M







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PRAC 174 – Practicum 1 and PRAC 175 – Practicum 2

1. Demonstrate professional behaviour.

2. Demonstrate rapport with candidates.

3. Provide team support.

4. Provide instructional support.

5. Provide social and behavioural support.

6. Assist in the implementation of individualized program plans.

PLAR assessment methods

If you qualify for PLAR, you may be asked to demonstrate your learning in the following ways. Be prepared to discuss the expectations during a consultation meeting. 1. Evidence file

All items must be submitted electronically as per instructions in this guide. An interview with the program head/assessor may be requested to clarify submitted evidence.

Written detail of your job description and responsibilities

Employment validation of a minimum 2 years paid work experience from Human Resources to verify either elementary and/or secondary level experience. (See last page of Appendix N: Practicum Employment validation form)

Two performance evaluations from either elementary and/or secondary levels. One is to be completed by a supervising personnel, the second is to be completed by a school administrator. (See Appendix N: PLAR Practicum Evaluations)

A resume detailing your relevant work history. The following website explains how to focus your resume:

Written detail or documentation of the following, if applicable:

o If applicable, any work sample documents

o If applicable, any relevant documentation of completion of private training courses, non-credit courses, and/or workshops (photocopies only)

o If applicable, any additional items to support the evidence file

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2. Assignments

Complete the following assignments and submit them electronically as per instructions in this guide. The PLAR Assessor may request an interview to clarify one or more assignment submissions.

Assignment #1: Specialized Programs

1) Research specialized programs in the school division that you are currently working in

and provide a list of specialized programs offered to support students with a diverse

range of needs.

2) Include a brief description of each program offered within that school division and the

benefits it would provide for students accessing the program.

Assignment #2: Behaviour Management/Positive Guidance Strategy

1) Describe a situation in which you observed, implemented, or reflected on a guidance technique used or that could have been used. Paint a clear picture with your words when describing the situation.

2) Include reflection and discuss the reasons for choosing this particular strategy that includes:

a. Description of what happened with the behavior

b. How successful was it? Why or why not?

c. Would you do anything differently next time?

Assignment #3: Anecdotal Record

Complete an anecdotal record of a particular observation.

Assignment #4: Professional Development & Training

Provide a written description about professional development you have attended and any additional training you have received as an educational assistant. Include a list of all PD/training. Then briefly explain (a paragraph for each item) the knowledge/skills that were obtained from each professional development/training. Assignment #5: Student Support

In a report that is 2-4 pages in length, typed double space, explain how you were assigned to a specific student during your experience as an educational assistant. Describe the reason for your assignment, needs of the student and how you were able to provide assistance to the student. Include self-reflection and explain how the knowledge and skills you have obtained from working with this student can also be transferred to other students you may be assigned to work with. Include the following:

a. Introductory paragraph

b. Sections/paragraphs addressing the outlined criteria in the directions above

c. Concluding paragraph

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3. Structured Interview

The PLAR Assessor will complete a structured interview with you, either in person or over the phone. The interview consists of questions regarding the following topic:

Roles and responsibilities of an educational assistant and other personnel (Principal, teacher, Human Resource manager, other professionals) as part of the professional collaborative team. Be prepared to respond to the following questions:

o Describe the role and responsibilities of an educational assistant in your school.

o To attain employment as an educational assistant in your school, what qualities and skills do you see as most valuable to be successful?

o What role does the Principal play in the school team?

o How is the Human Resource Manager of a School division a support to an Educational Assistant?

o List three other professionals you as an educational assistant would work with in your school and describe the working relationship you have with them.


Ask the PLAR Consultant/Assessor to recommend any learning resources that may be useful to

prepare for assessment.

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Educational Assistant


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Appendix A – CLTR 180 – Employer validation checklist – Culture and Diversity

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _______________________

CLTR 180 Student ID: ___________________

Culture & Diversity Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of CLTR 180 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing CLTR 180. Please validate the

employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome.

















1. Supports diversity of students in the classroom.

2. Supports social inequity of students in the classroom.

3. Demonstrates appropriate inclusive measures accepting multiculturalism.

4. Demonstrates various methods of working with Aboriginal people.

5. Demonstrates an awareness of changing religious demographics of students.

6. Respects students from diverse backgrounds.

7. Supports students to be individuals rather than having defined male and female roles.

8. Supports practices that promote equity and inclusion.

9. Identifies differing characteristics of various generations.

10. Respects issues with Canada’s immigration system.

11. Supports strategies to combat prejudice.

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12. Supports strategies to combat discrimination.

Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy) Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part-time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print) Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic CLTR 180

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

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Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print) Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________

Organization/employer: __________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ____________________________ Date:__________________

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Appendix B – EDUC 180 Teacher validation letter

Teacher validation letter – EDUC 180 Supporting Instruction 1 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Instructions: The teacher validation letter provides a statement of verification of the authenticity of the data collection/recording work samples. The teacher validation letter must be printed on letterhead of your current employer and signed by a direct supervisor. A letter template has been provided for your use. Please copy the content below and fill-in the fields as directed. The completed letter should be included with your PLAR evidence and submitted to the PLAR assessor for the Educational Assistant certificate program. Letter template: Date To Whom It May Concern: I have reviewed the work of [NAME OF EMPLOYEE/CANDIDATE] and can verify that the data collection/recording work samples are the authentic work of the above named employee, and was developed without assistance from me or any other person. Please contact me at [PHONE] or [EMAIL] with any questions or for additional information. Sincerely, [NAME] [TITLE]

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Appendix C – EDUC 180 Employment validation checklist

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _______________________

EDUC 180 Student ID: ___________________

Supporting Instruction 1 Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of EDUC 180 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing EDUC 180. Please validate the

employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome.

















1. Promotes the use of the multiple intelligences within the classroom setting.

2. Supports the teacher with instructional planning for student development.

3. Supports student-centered learning.

4. Supports student learning with small group instruction.

5. Supports student learning in independent study.

6. Demonstrates techniques to motivate learners.

7. Demonstrates techniques for effective questioning.

8. Supports indigenization of the curriculum.

9. Recognizes why education within Saskatchewan is prioritizing Indigenization as part of the curriculum.

10. Demonstrates appropriate guidelines for implementing adaptations for students with special needs.

11. Supports accommodations for testing students with special needs.

12. Demonstrates knowledge in using varied data recording methods.

13. Applies methods of effective observation and recording.

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Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy) Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part-time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print) Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic EDUC 180

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

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Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print)

Name: __________________________________________ Phone: _______________

Organization/employer: ___________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ______________________ Date: _______________

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Appendix D – EDUC 181 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _______________________

EDUC 181 Student ID: ___________________

Supporting Instruction 2 Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of EDUC 181 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing EDUC 181. Please validate the

employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome.

















1. Demonstrates knowledge of the Saskatchewan curriculum.

2. Supports students with learning and behavioural problems.

3. Demonstrates appropriate communication with parents.

4. Demonstrates appropriate communication with professionals.

5. Demonstrates appropriate use of instructional material and equipment.

6. Supports activities that match with educational objectives.

7. Supports the development and use of learning centers in the classroom.

8. Demonstrates appropriate use of assistive technology for teaching and learning.

9. Supports developmental reading strategies with students.

10. Supports language skills and language activities with students.

11. Recognizes the importance of arts education in a classroom setting.

12. Recognizes the general goals of math instruction.

13. Supports effective math practices with students.

14. Demonstrates appropriate math skill required for math instruction.

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Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________




Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy) Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part-time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print) Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic EDUC 181

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print) Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________

Organization/employer: __________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ____________________________ Date:__________________

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Appendix E – FMLY 181 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _______________________

FMLY 181 Student ID: ___________________

Family Dynamics Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of FMLY 181 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing FMLY 181. Please validate the

employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome. M
















1. Supports the concept of family and differences that exist in families.

2. Demonstrates knowledge regarding varying aspects of marriage in Canada.

3. Recognizes and manages the effects of media on children.

4. Demonstrates knowledge of demographic and social changes that impact the family.

5. Supports students with social stressors and mental health challenges on the family.

6. Demonstrates the ability to communicate appropriately with families.

Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





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Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)

Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part- time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print)

Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic FMLY 181

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print)

Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________

Organization/employer: __________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ____________________________ Date:__________________

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Appendix F – HUMD 100 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _______________________

HUMD 100 Student ID: ___________________

Child and Adolescent Development Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of HUMD 100 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing HUMD 100. Please validate the

employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else.

Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome.

Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome.

Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area.

None: No experience with the outcome. Ma
















1. Supports the physical development of the school age child.

2. Supports the intellectual or cognitive development of the school age child.

3. Supports the language development of the school age child.

4. Supports the emotional and personality development of a school age child.

5. Supports the physical development of the adolescent.

6. Supports the intellectual or cognitive development of the adolescent.

7. Supports the psychosocial development of the adolescent.

8. Supports the emotional and personality development of the adolescent.

9. Demonstrates knowledge about theoretical views about child development.

10. Respects the family’s, peers’ and school’s influence on the development of school age children.

Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided.

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Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)

Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part-time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print)

Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic HUMD 100

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print)

Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________

Organization/employer: __________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ____________________________ Date:__________________

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Appendix G – HUMD 101 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _____________________________

HUMD 101 Student ID: _________________________

Guiding Behaviour Date: ______________________________

Completion date: ____________________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of HUMD 101 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing HUMD 101. Please validate the

employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome.

















1. Demonstrates positive guidance in the classroom.

2. Supports cognitive development and its role on behaviour.

3. Supports the rights of children with disabilities and cognitive developmental delays.

4. Supports ways to provide choices to students.

5. Demonstrates effective methods to deal with student behaviour.

6. Works with students to solve problems.

7. Promotes body breaks for students when required.

8. Models appropriate behavior.

9. Recognizes the difference between natural and logical consequences.

10. Identifies potential disruptive situations and implements preventative strategies.

11. Respects dignity of students when implementing guiding strategies.

12. Adapts the environment to support behavior needs of students.

13. Identifies strategies to teach self-regulation and self-control.

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Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy) Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part-time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print) Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic HUMD 101

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

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Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print) Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________

Organization/employer: __________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ____________________________ Date:__________________

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Appendix H – HUMR 180 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Program Name: _______________________

HUMR 180 Student ID: ___________________

Roles & Responsibilities Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of HUMR 180 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is

required to achieve in completing HUMR 180. Please rate the employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate descriptor column (Mastery, Competent, Functional, Learning or Not

Applicable). Supervisor/Employer must witness the skill being performed by the PLAR candidate and mark a in the Witnessed Skill Column

Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

HUMR 180 Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome. M
















1. Demonstrates the roles & responsibilities of an educational assistant effectively.

2. Demonstrates professionalism as influenced by legal & ethical obligations.

3. Promotes effective communication strategies as an EA with colleagues.

4. Promotes effective communication strategies as an EA with parents.

5. Promotes effective communication strategies as an EA with students.

6. Supports innovative and current school initiatives.

7. Implements the philosophy of inclusion and the strategies that support students with disabilities in an educational environment.

8. Demonstrates knowledge of the components of good nutrition and promotes proper food safety.

9. Demonstrates knowledge of the implications of Canadian law as applied to the role of an educational assistant.

10. Demonstrates knowledge of how federal and provincial legislation influence educational assistants’ relationships with students.

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HUMR 180 Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome.

Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome. M
















11. Demonstrates knowledge of their rights and responsibilities as a school board employee.

12. Demonstrates workplace safety.

Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy) Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part-time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print) Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the performance

checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic HUMR 180 requirements,

and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be appropriate for use in

all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

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Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print) Name ________________________________________________ Phone__________________

Organization/employer ___________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated, and

that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any other


Employer/supervisor’s signature _____________________________ Date__________________

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Appendix I – PERS 180 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _______________________

PERS 180 Student ID: ___________________

Basic Care Skills Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of PERS 180 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation

checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing PERS 180. Please validate the

employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome.

















1. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of respect in the provision of care.

2. Demonstrates understanding the fundamentals of providing care.

3. Demonstrates an understanding the dining environment and strategies to assist a participant during mealtimes.

4. Demonstrate proper positioning.

5. Assist participants to move.

6. Assist with grooming, oral/dental care and dressing.

7. Provide basic personal care.

8. Demonstrates an understanding of bowel and bladder care.

9. Demonstrates an understanding of range of motion exercises.

10. Measure temperature, pulse and respiration, and weight.

11. Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of mediation administration.

Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided.

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Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy) Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part-time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print) Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic PERS 180

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print) Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________

Organization/employer: __________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ____________________________ Date:__________________

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Appendix J – SFTY 184 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Program Name: _______________________

SFTY 184 Student ID: ___________________

Crisis Prevention Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

PLAR candidates for SFTY 184 must have this form completed by their direct supervisor/employer. The

supervisor/employer is responsible for that the checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area.

Directions to employer/supervisor: Below is a list of skills and knowledge required to earn credit for SFTY 184. Please rate the employee/candidate’s demonstrated performance as satisfactory or unsatisfactory by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Crisis Prevention Checklist

Skill: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Understands the principles underlying crisis response.

Has a procedure for intervening during a crisis to ensure safety.

Demonstrates non-verbal and verbal interventions.

Uses the six components of the crisis intervention model: Helper issues



Early interventions

Acting out


Reacts appropriately to crisis situations.

Can adapt or change environments to prevent a crisis.

Recognizes personal response patterns in conflict situations.

Recognizes the importance of self-awareness in conflict situations.

Responds appropriately to acting-out behaviour.

Understands the model of crisis debriefing and is able to

implement when needed.





Signature: _______________________________________



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Appendix K – SFTY 184 – Preparation for the structured interview

During a personal interview with the PLAR Assessor, you will discuss the importance of crisis prevention and how to appropriately assess and respond to critical situations. Prepare for the interview by responding to the following scenarios. Scenario #1 A thirteen year old male has a history of acting out behavior both at home and in school. His past behavior included defiance, yelling and throwing objects. He has hit adults and was charged at least once with assault. He seems intellectually capable but does little work in school and is academically delayed. One day he refused to do any work. The educational assistant tries to encourage him to complete his school work. He gets angry and pushes all his books off his desk on to the floor. He gets up and declares he is leaving. The educational assistant says no and the teacher comes to assist. The youth leaves the class. The teacher informs the principal. Assessment – precipitating factors



_____________________________________________________________________________ Preferred intervention



_____________________________________________________________________________ Scenario #2 Bob, a sixteen year old, comes into class in the morning late and very angry. The teacher asks the youth to sit and he does. About 30 minutes later, a second youth walks up to the front of the class and accidentally knocks Bob's elbow. Bob gets up and pushes the second boy and they start wrestling. The teacher yells at the two boys to stop. The teacher asks both boys to leave. The second boy leaves, but Bob does not. The teacher calls the principal who comes. Bob then throws his books at the principal and starts wrestling with the principal. Assessment – precipitating factors _____________________________________________________________________________



Preferred intervention _____________________________________________________________________________



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Scenario #3 A teacher is using an overhead to instruct the class. As the teacher turns her back, a fourteen year old girl (Alice) stands up and starts writing swear words on the overhead. When the teacher turns around, Alice sits down again. This happens three times. The teacher asks the girl to stop. The girl says no. The teacher asks Alice to leave. Alice leaves, but first knocks all the books and materials off the desks she passes. Assessment – precipitating factors _____________________________________________________________________________



Preferred intervention _____________________________________________________________________________



Scenario #4 A twenty-one year old client (Bill) tells his care worker that Steven is physically and verbally aggressive towards him. Bill says that he is going to beat Steven up and says that he is going to kill himself. Bill then gets mad and storms out the door. Assessment – precipitating factors _____________________________________________________________________________



Preferred intervention _____________________________________________________________________________



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Appendix L – SPSY 281 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _______________________

SPSY 281 Student ID: ___________________

Studies of Exceptionality A Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of SPSY 281 must have this form completed by their direct

supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation

checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing SPSY 281. Please validate the

employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome.

















1. Demonstrates knowledge to support students with special needs and exceptionalities.

2. Supports students with individualized education plans.

3. Demonstrates appropriate instructional strategies for students who are at risk.

4. Supports inclusive education.

5. Demonstrates knowledge to appropriately support students with communication disorders.

6. Demonstrates knowledge to appropriately support students with learning disabilities.

7. Supports adaptations for students with learning disabilities.

8. Demonstrates knowledge to appropriately support students with intellectual disabilities.

9. Supports developmental strategies for students who are gifted, talented or creative.

10. Supports instructional adaptations and accommodations for students with special needs.

Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided.

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Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)

Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part- time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print)

Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic SPSY 281

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print)

Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________

Organization/employer: __________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ____________________________ Date:__________________

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Appendix M – SPSY 282 – Employer validation checklist

Educational Assistant Certificate Name: _______________________

SPSY 282 Student ID: ___________________

Studies of Exceptionality B Date: ________________________

Completion date: _______________

Employee/PLAR candidates for the challenge of SPSY 282 must have this form completed by their direct supervisor/employer. The supervisor/employer is responsible for ensuring the employer validation

checklist accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

Directions: On the following page(s) there is a list of skill and knowledge factors that the employee is required to achieve in completing SPSY 282. Please validate the employee/candidate’s performance by placing a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Optional Comments” section. Sign and date below.

Mastery: Able to demonstrate it well enough to teach it to someone else. Competent: Work independently to apply the outcome. Functional: Some assistance in using the outcome. Learning: Developing skills and knowledge for this area. None: No experience with the outcome.

















1. Demonstrates knowledge to support students with emotional and behavioural disorders.

2. Demonstrates knowledge to support students with sensory impairments, traumatic brain injury, and other low-incidence disabilities.

3. Demonstrates knowledge to support students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

4. Demonstrates knowledge to support students with autism.

5. Demonstrate knowledge to support students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

6. Supports classroom organization and management for students with special learning needs.

7. Demonstrates knowledge regarding secondary school curriculum.

8. Supports adaptations and modifications for secondary students.

9. Supports and collaborates with the family of students with an exceptionality.

10. Enhances inclusion for students with emotional and behavioural disorders, sensory impairments, traumatic brain injury, low-incidence disabilities, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, and fetal alcohol syndrome.

Note: The employer/ supervisor may be contacted by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor to confirm/clarify information provided.

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Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________





Employee information (please print) Dates of employment: _________________ to _________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)

Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part- time Hours per week: ________

Position(s) held: ________________________________________________________________



Candidate information (please print)

Name ________________________________________ Student number__________________ I affirm that I am the person who has performed those items checked on this checklist. I acknowledge that the

performance checklists used are solely for the purpose of skills assessment for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic SPSY 282

requirements, and are not intended to replace or modify company operating or safety procedures, and may not be

appropriate for use in all circumstances.

PLAR candidate’s signature __________________________________ Date__________________

Employer/Supervisor’s information (please print)

Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________

Organization/employer: __________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this candidate’s skills

assessment with integrity. I also affirm that the above named candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated,

and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any

other person.

Employer/supervisor’s signature: ____________________________ Date:__________________

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Appendix N – PRAC 174 and/or PRAC 175 – PLAR Practicum evaluations

Important Note for Candidate: Two copies of this form are needed to PLAR PRAC 175, Practicum PLAR Block 1 (PRAC 174 plus SEM 106), or Practicum PLAR Block 2 (SEM 106, PRAC 174 and PRAC 175). One evaluation is to be completed by the supervising teacher and another completed independently by a school administrator. Print copies as needed and submit completed evaluation forms to your PLAR assessor. Directions for evaluator: On the following page(s) are rating scales to indicate the candidate’s competence level in skills and knowledge required to complete an Educational

Assistant program Practicum. Please rate the employee/candidate’s performance with a in the appropriate column. Add any clarifications/observations in the “Comments” section. Sign and date this page and complete the additional Employment validation form on the last page. Return all forms to the candidate for submission to the PLAR Assessor.

Name of candidate: ____________________________________________________________________

Course code/name: PRAC 175–Practicum 2 Practicum PLAR Block 1: PRAC 174 & SEM 106 Practicum PLAR Block 2: PRAC 174, PRAC 175, and SEM 106

This evaluation is for: Elementary level (K-6) or Secondary level (7-12)

Dates of employment: __________________________________________________________________

Agency/school & location: _______________________________________________________________

Contact person/telephone #:_____________________________________________________________

Evaluation Completed by: _________________________________________________________ (Name and position of supervising teacher/school administrator)

Date of evaluation: _____________________________________________________________________

Evaluators’ comments: _________________________________________________________________




I consider the candidate’s performance to be (check one)

Satisfactory Less than satisfactory Evaluator’s Signature: ________________________________ Date:_________________________

(for office use only)

Successful Unsuccessful

______________________________________ PLAR Assessor’s Signature Date: ________________________


PLAR Assessor Educational Assistant Certificate Program SASK Polytechnic, Saskatoon Campus Box 1520 SASKATOON SK S7K 3R5

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Educational Assistant Responsibilities In order to successfully complete PLAR assessment for a practicum, it is expected that candidates will have performed tasks related to the role of the educational assistant. As the role is varied and changes depending on the grade level and individual student needs, we assume that there will have been different opportunities available for different candidates. We have listed ten common tasks of the educational assistant and then left room for additional tasks that may be specific to your situation. Of the following, we expect that the candidate will satisfactorily perform at least six (6). The applicable tasks should be determined by the supervising teacher who will grade each criterion as satisfactory (S) or unable to perform (U).

CRITERIA LIST Satisfactory Unable to


1. Supports individual candidate during language arts or math. (This may

include re-teaching the lesson.)

2. Supports small groups of candidates during language arts or math.

(This may include re-teaching the lesson.)

3. Reads to candidates and listens to candidates read.

4. Adapts instructional materials to support diverse learner (with teacher


5. Participates in planning and supporting candidates in community


6. Makes a display, a bulletin board or instructional materials.

7. Makes phone calls or requests to support the teacher and educational


8. Researches resources for a unit of study, (with teacher guidance).

9. Performs clerical duties.

10. Researches learning patterns of candidates with a disability.

11. Specific additional criteria____________________________________


12. Specific additional criteria___________________________________


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Educational Assistant Competency Profile

The Educational Assistant competency profile lists specific job functions under several headings. For each job function, raters may use a five-point scale:

1 = Low 5 = High N/A = Not Applicable

For each function, circle the number that rates the educational assistant’s performance most accurately. Criteria for Rating Professional Competencies

1 3 5

Requires constant supervision to complete tasks. Depends on others to identify needs and solutions. Low interest in training. Does not follow established procedures and rules.

Requires little supervision to complete assigned tasks. Engages in activities with candidates. Accepts constructive advice and direction. Willing to participate in training sessions.

Self-starter. Carries out assigned tasks in an independent fashion. On-going self-evaluation. Actively seeks appropriate resources and training. Follows policies and procedures set by school or district. Dependable attendance. Provides as much notice as possible in the event of illness.


1. Promotes an atmosphere of respect for children and adults. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. Demonstrates ethical and confidential behaviour. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

3. Demonstrates an appropriate and independent use of time. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

4. Demonstrates responsible behaviour toward attendance and work schedule. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

5. Participates in school, district, and provincial in-service activities. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

7. Dresses appropriately for the tasks at hand. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A








Note to employee/PLAR candidate: Employee/PLAR candidates for the PLAR PRACTICUM challenge must have one evaluation completed by their supervising teacher and another one completed by a school administrator (i.e. Principal). The evaluators are responsible for ensuring the PLAR Practicum Evaluation accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

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Criteria for rating rapport with candidates

1 3 5

Lacks interest in candidates. Appears bored. Does not listen to candidates. Becomes irritated when candidates fail. Deals with candidates in an authoritarian way. Does not allow candidates to attempt activities independently.

Is as responsive to candidates at the end of the day as at the beginning. Provides opportunities for candidate success. Encourages candidates.

Keeps communication open and alive. Leads and directs candidate learning activities in a firm yet nurturing manner. Shows enthusiasm, patience, understanding and a sense of humor. Encourages candidates to grow in maturity.


Rating Scale

1. Displays enthusiasm when working with students. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. Demonstrates patience and understanding toward students. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

3. Demonstrates understanding of fostering independence among special needs students.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

4. Displays respect for all students. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

5. Builds effective and co-operative relationships with students. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

6. Demonstrates appropriate responses to candidate initiated interactions. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

7. Provides positive role model for candidates. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A








Note to employee/PLAR candidate: Employee/PLAR candidates for a PLAR PRACTICUM challenge must have one evaluation completed by their supervising teacher and another one completed by a school administrator (i.e. Principal). The evaluators are responsible for ensuring the PLAR Practicum Evaluation accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

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Criteria for rating team support

1 3 5

Avoids other staff. Responds defensively to new ideas. Critical of other staff or administration. Does not use established communication system.

A relationship exists, but it may be tenuous due to inadequate communication. In general, the quality of professional relationship is positive. Uses established communication system.

Interacts positively with team members, other staff, and administration. Uses appropriate communication skills. Attends meetings and makes a contribution.

TEAM SUPPORT Performance

Rating Scale

1. Participates cooperatively when acting as a member of a school-based team. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. Demonstrates effective communication skills with teachers and other personnel. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

3. Communicates with parents as directed by the classroom teacher. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A










Note to employee/PLAR candidate: Employee/PLAR candidates for the PLAR PRACTICUM challenge must have one evaluation completed by their supervising teacher and another one completed by a school administrator (i.e. Principal). The evaluators are responsible for ensuring the PLAR Practicum Evaluation accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

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Criteria for rating instructional support

1 3 5

Focuses on one candidate. Not aware of other candidates in the group or class. Little or no reinforcement given to candidates. Requires frequent supervision to carry out support duties.

Is aware of group needs but may require a lot of direction from classroom teacher for group management. Is able to attend to group or candidate requiring assistance, but only able to deal with one candidate at a time. Follows teacher’s directions in making, locating, and displaying instructional materials. Assists with supervision of candidates.

Demonstrates skill in anticipating needs of a group. Requires minimal direction from the classroom teacher in-group management. Spontaneously gives attention where needed. Looks for opportunities for transfer of skills learned through the day. Easily adapts to the situation at hand. Is eager and creative in making instructional materials. Understands their use and appropriateness. Performs clerical duties and anticipates their need.


Rating Scale

1. Assists students complete assigned tasks and class work, reinforcing concepts

presented by the teacher. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. Monitors independent or small group work. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

3. Reads to students and listens to students read. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

4. Demonstrates a sense of when the teacher or student needs assistance. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

5. Adapts material as planned and directed by the teacher. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

6. Assists students in meeting assigned goals in community settings. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

7. Records information on student activities as directed by the teacher. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

8 Creates displays, bulletin boards and instructional materials. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

9. Performs clerical duties (typing, duplicating, checking seatwork, recording, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A








Note to employee/PLAR candidate: Employee/PLAR candidates for the PLAR PRACTICUM challenge must have one evaluation completed by their supervising teacher and another one completed by a school administrator (i.e. Principal). The evaluators are responsible for ensuring the PLAR Practicum Evaluation accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

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Criteria for rating social and behavioural support

1 3 5

Focuses on negative behavior. Uses punishing or derogatory remarks. Inconsistent in providing consequences for inappropriate behaviour.

Inappropriate behaviour is redirected, but no attempt is made to enhance self-control in the candidate. The adult serves as the only controlling factor. Positive reinforcement of most appropriate target behaviours. The tone of the setting is usually positive.

Behavior support is established consistently. Expectancies are tailored to the unique needs of each candidate. Consequences are reasonable and administered with respect. Provides teacher with on-going feedback. Focuses on self-control and growth of candidates.


Rating Scale

1. Helps build candidates’ self-esteem. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. Reinforces and encourages appropriate behaviour in individuals and groups. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

4. Encourages caring and helping behaviour among students. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

5. Redirects inappropriate behaviours in a positive way. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

6. Provides opportunities for candidates to participate with peers. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

7. Assists with school supervision duties (bussing, playground, lunch, classroom,

etc. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A










Note to employee/PLAR candidate: Employee/PLAR candidates for the PLAR PRACTICUM challenge must have one evaluation completed by their supervising teacher and another one completed by a school administrator (i.e. Principal). The evaluators are responsible for ensuring the PLAR Practicum Evaluation accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

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Criteria for rating implementation of special education plans

1 3 5

Does not follow planned activities. Little follow through in carrying out recommendations of consultants. Little or no reinforcement given.

Assists in the planning of activities when appropriate. Organizes materials in advance. Follows teacher’s plan including objectives. Usually responds cooperatively to requests by consultants but may need reminding or assistance. Positive reinforcement is evident.

Develops rapport with candidates with special needs. Assists teachers in presenting appropriate materials and tasks. Assists teachers in adapting learning activities. Adjusts quickly to changes. Cooperates fully with consult-ants in carrying out recommendations. Shows appropriate expectations of candidates and promotes their independence.


1. Implements teacher-directed activities. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. Provides adaptations of physical space, learning activities and evaluation techniques

for candidates with special needs. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

3. Implements the recommendations provided by consultants (e.g. occupational

therapist, physiotherapist, speech/language therapist, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

4. Demonstrates appropriate reinforcement strategies such as prompting, modeling,

and shaping. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

5. Provides role modeling and guidance when implementing activities that integrate

children with special needs.

6. Assists individual students with physical needs 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

1 2 3 4 5 N/A










Note to employee/PLAR candidate: Employee/PLAR candidates for the PLAR PRAC 175 PRACTICUM challenge must have this form completed by their supervising teacher and school administrator (i.e. Principal). The validators are responsible for ensuring the PLAR PRAC 175 Practicum Evaluation accurately reflects your abilities in each area identified.

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Employment Validation Form

An essential part of Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition is documentation that serves as evidence for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic assessor that the employee/candidate has acquired skills and knowledge as they relate to the specific learning outcomes for the course(s) they are seeking credit. This Employment validation form together with the appropriate PLAR Practicum evaluation form provides an indirect, authenticated account of the employee/candidate’s performance in the profession.

Employee/PLAR candidate: __________________________________________

(Please print)

Employment information: (please print)

Employer: _____________________________________________________________

Employer address: _______________________________________________________

Employer phone number: _______________________ Fax: _____________________

Employer email: _________________________________________________________

Dates of employment: _____________________ to ____________________

(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)

Employment description: Full-time Hours per week: ________

Part-time Hours per week: ________

Job description and responsibilities (attach if more space needed):





Employer’s signature ___________________________ Date ______________

Note to employee/PLAR candidate:

The information on this form must be completed and signed by your employer/supervisor human

resources department or designate indicating the job description, and place and length of employment.

This form, together with the appropriate signed and dated PLAR Practicum evaluation form should be returned to your PLAR assessor at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.