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  • 8/8/2019 Plaque Writing


    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated on the

    28th of June, 1914 along with his wife Sophie, in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The Assassination of Archduke

    Ferdinand is notified as the trigger to the war, but other long term causes such as imperialistic

    foreign policies throughout Europe are seen as another role. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    ultimately invoked past alliances, leading to war within weeks after his death. The fighting then

    became pandemic. The initial conflict encompassed the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia, as well

    as other powers invading rival countries. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand triggered the hatred

    of all the countries with built up tension, and thus, World War 1 started.

    The United States Entry Into the War: Initially, the United States was acknowledging a non-intervention policy, avoiding conflict if at all possible while trying to promote peace. In January 1917,

    due to the continuance of German unrestricted submarine warfare versus the British, the USs ally,

    and intercepted a proposal from Germany for Mexico to join into the war against the United States,

    the US decided to join. Once Britain revealed the telegram to the United States, the Germans sunk 7

    of the US merchant ships . The United States then declared war on Germany on the 6th of April 1917.

    The United States caused such a large impact in the war because they sent 10,000 new soldiers to

    France daily. The US Navy also sent ships and submarines to a majority of the allied powers.

    Woodrow Wilson Neutrality:One of the aspects of World War I that sticks out is the fact that the

    United States remained neutral for so much of the war. The consensus was that America had no

    place in the war and so Woodrow Wilson declared neutrality in 1914. Wilson stated that people could

    loan money to the war effort for both sides, but as a country, America would not assist nor harm

    either side.

    Treaty of Versailles:The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty between Germany and the allied powers.

    While the war was over, this agreement sorted out who would control what from the war, and who

    had to take responsibility for different aspects. Germany took full responsibility for losses that

    resulted from the war. The United States did not punish Germany harshly in this treaty as to keep the

    Germans close and allow for the countries to trade with one another.

    Sinking of Lusitania:The Germans sinking Lusitania is thought to be the most critical impact to get

    the United States of America involved in World War One. Prior to this, May 1st, 1915, America was

    considered a neutral country regarding the war. Lusitania was a British ship but was setting sail from

    New York and obviously it was carrying American citizens. The German Embassy warned the world

    that any vessel that sailed into the European War Zone, was a target for German submarines. This

    warning wasnt taken seriously by those boarding Lusitania for various reasons. Many passengers

    believed that the luxury ship was not a legitimate target for the German; they were wrong. On May

    7th, 1915, German submarines released torpedoes at Lusitania, causing it to sink. 1,153 passengers

    drowned and 128 were American. The attacks on Lusitania seemed to be the last straw, thus bringing

    the United States of America into World War One.