Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012



2012 Seed brochure

Transcript of Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

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Page 2: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

2 New Varieties& Favourites

17 Aubergines18 Beetroot19 Beetroot &

Swiss Chard20 Borecole & Broccoli21 Sprouting Broccoli

& Brussel Sprouts

22 Broad Beans23 Climbing Beans 24 Dwarf Beans25 Runner Beans26 Cabbages27 Cauliflowers28 Carrots30 Courgettes &


31 Courgettes32 Winter Squash33 Pumpkin &

Summer Squash34 Cucumbers36 Herbs38 Leeks39 Lettuces40 Salad Leaves

43 Salad BowlCompanions

44 Melons &Watermelons

45 Onions46 Pak Choi &

Parsnips47 Peas48 Peppers Galore

53 Radishes54 The Best of

The Rest56 Spinach, Swede

& Sweet Corn57 Heirloom

Tomatoes64 Modern




If you ‘missed the boat’ in the April planting time thenhere is your chance to sow as late as August and stillcrop in Feb/March. A particularly useful partner toSantee. Sow ApriL/Aug. Harvest Feb/March.0125 (50seeds) £2.75

BROAD BEAN MONICAEarly high yielding variety packed with flavour and becausea high proportion of beans, on the same plant, maturetogether a meal can be had from one or two plants only. 2'6".0122B (25seeds) £1.50

For the fastest despatch of your order please use our online Hotline: 0844 856 0763(Quote: POD)

Weekend & Evening: 01449 721720Customer Service: 01449 721720


Hello! We’ve some rather ‘tasty treats’ in store thisseason - it’s hard to know where to start! Our popularFlakkee Carrot has been given a facelift and we arepleased to unveil Carrot Flakkee Bastia F1. It’sabsolutely delicious with an exceptional colour.

Brand new this season is Beetroot Rhonda F1, with high quality smooth skinned roots and an extremely highsugar content. We’ve also a new Parsnip Picador F1with lovely ivory white canker resistant roots. Forsomething a little different why not try Courgette SiestaF1. Yellow Courgettes are now so popular and thisvariety stands out from the crowd - it’s striped!

We do hope our selection will ‘whet your appetite’ and again many thanks for all the business you haveplaced with us.

Kind regards, David Tostevin & Sarah Missing

FREE TomatoGardener’s Delight with all vegetable orders

Page 3: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

newvarieties for 2012

3Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763


PARSNIP PICADOR F1A fresh cankerresistant varietyproducing ivorywhite roots and very ‘fast out of theblocks’. An earlyMarch sowing willproduce lovely rootsfrom Sept onwards.Most highlyrecommended.0229F £2.05(200seeds)

Another Flakkee type suitable for early sowing and anexceptional colour to be proud of. There are about 124 daysfrom sowing to harvest and professional growers have notbeen disappointed yet. Absolutely delicious. 0132D (650seeds) £2.30


COURGETTE SIESTA F1Brand new variety sporting the suggestion of awhite stripe down each fruit and the unusual abilityto produce fruit in multiples. Pick regularly whenyoung and keep the plants well apart to allow air toflow freely between them.0140B (10seeds) £2.35

Dark green glossy and stringlessproducing a bumper crop in just 56 days.Resistant to the common bean disordersand definitely a dinner party candidate.0185A (75seeds) £2.05

BEETROOT RHONDA F1An exciting new introduction, Rhonda is about 10 days later than the standardmaturing varieties. Sow from mid April and you will enjoy high qualityround, smooth skinned roots with anunusually high sugar level enabling the variety to store well and retain itsflavour during the winter.0112A (150seeds) £2.05

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MELON ALVARO F1AGM. Possibly the only Melon to ripen outdoors in the UK.

Fruit are round,sweet and power-fully aromatic.The rind turnsyellow when ripewhen it’s at itsjuiciest. In additionit has a Brixreading (Sweetnessindicator) of 12%outdoors so judgefor yourself howdelightful thismust be.0221D £3.25(5seeds)

newvarieties for 2012MINI AUBERGINE AMETHYST F1

Jewel-like colourwith masses offruit on a smallplant; spineless andperfect Gro-Bag or containercandidate. Add tothat purple flowersand silver foliageand you’ve got anedible gem. 22".0107B £2.25 (10seeds)

MINI AUBERGINE POT BLACK F1 Prolific cropperover a longperiod. It’s early, vigorousand equallyimportant,spineless. Ideallysuited for theLilliput Gardenand equally at home incontainers.Dazzling blackfruit completesthe ‘frame’. 22".0107C (10seeds)£2.35


Both compact and erect habit makes this attractive ribbed Courgette both novel after cooking andhardly recognizable ‘raw’ in a green salad.Ribbing is so pronounced it should have beencalled ‘cartwheel’. Harvest with the flower stillattached and serve whole as a ‘starter’. 0141C (8seeds) £2.85


Rich red cherry Tomato with a superlative flavour.Resists cracking and can be harvested fruit byfruit. An excellent resistant variety. Cordon. 92 days from transplanting.0453 (8seeds) £2.95

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BUNCHINGONIONLILLIABrilliant red shanks at thescallion stagewhich really lightup a green salad.By using the‘thinnings’ first the remainingOnions willproduce mightyhealthy bulbs.0226A £1.75 (250seeds)

PARSLEYLAURAThis is the latest in flat leaved Parsley withstand-ing the winter in the South. Remarkably intense flavour and tall young stems and a very heavy cropper.0201B £1.70(500seeds)


newvarieties for 2012

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763

SWEET CORN MIRAI BICOLOUR F1Early cropping(71 days) with cobs up to 9" long.Particularlysweet andattractive onthe plate andcan also be eaten raw. Equalslast year’swinner ‘MiraiYellow’.Lipsmackin!!5-6'.0317D (50 seeds)£2.50


A slow growing selection for outdoor croppingand which rarely bolts or splits. Roots are round,bright violet with snowhite flesh which can bedecoratively presented in a salad. 0298I (350 seeds) £1.65


A very attractive light coloured root vegetableremarkably smooth and round. The foliage isupright and generally resistant to the commondiseases. Excellent keeping quality and a decidedlymoreish flavour for cooking or just plain salads.0136E (100 seeds) £1.95

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LETTUCE MULTI-LEAF MIXEDFive professional ‘Salad Bag’ varieties

unique in habit and shape. Simply cut

off the root and the whole head obligingly falls

apart with equal sized fancyleaves. Decidely crisp and sweet, perfect for the SaladBowl and even better for Salad Beds. A Chef’s Choice!0210B (500seeds) £2.20

TOMATO RAINBOW PLUM F1 MIXEDA veryexclusive mix of ‘plumcherries’ inthree distinctcolours. All are F1Hybrids and will provide anenormous crop of SaladTomatoes fit for eating whole or cut up in a salad. 0396B (12seeds)£3.25

BROCCOLI APOLLO F1A deliberateinter-specificcross hasresulted in‘Stem Broccoli’.Long juicystems whichcan be eatenright up to theflower budstage give very attractiveyields andshould be tried by anyBroccoli grower.0123G (35seeds) £2.95

SWEETCORNRISINGSUN F1A very earlyvariety from the ‘Super Sweet’ Stablewith a mediumsized cob and resistant to rust. Deliciousand reliable.0318 £2.50 (50seeds)

favourite vegetables

ONIONKARMENA ratherattractivewhite fleshedbulb withcrimson red circlesbetween the scales.Highlyacceptable for salads and has a nice long shelf life.0224B (250seeds)£1.75



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BRUSSELSPROUT PETIT POSYBasically grown as aBrussel Sprout butthere the similarityends. This variety has open frilly floretsinstead of closed buttons which in turnhave a milder, sweeter,nuttier taste thantraditional Sprouts and are perfect formicrowave, steaming or stir-frying. Extremely novel,versatile and nutritious.0126C £2.95(30seeds)


Very vigorous semi-globed fruit with a deep orange skin and yellow/orange flesh. Exceptionalflavour and sweetness and even more so as thefruit matures. 0310B (6seeds) £2.05

SQUASH AUTUMN CROWN F1A brand new varietyspecially bredfor the UKclimate andwith a verydistinct flavourof Melon.Very moreishand ideal forwinter use.One of the best keepersfor eating freshor cooked.0310C (8seeds)£2.40

LEEK NORTHERN LIGHTS F1A real stunner in the winter veg plot! The leaves are aneye-catching bright purple during the winter months and

look as much at home in thewinter flowerborder as in the veg garden.British bred, verywinter hardy andtasty Leeks can be harvested from Dec well into the followingSpring from anApril sowing.0209A (50seeds)£2.75

A real Mangetout type. A connoisseurs choice withsmall beans and a delicious flavour cooked whole.Quite the best of its type. 0120A (25seeds) £1.65



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CLIMBINGBEANBINGOProbably theprettiest of theClimbing Beanswith a marbledshell andstrikingly brightBeans which can be used for drying or eatingfresh. A truecontinental flavour easilygrown in ourclimate. (50seeds)0184G £1.85

SWEET CORN MIRAI YELLOW F1 A brand new F1 Hybrid withexceptionaleating qualities and fully formedcobs. Vigorous in poor soilconditions and amazinglysweet if eatenraw in salads.0317A (50seeds)£2.50

SWEET CORN MIRAI WHITE F1 Equally as sweet as theYellow filling outto the very top.Recommended by a ConsumerMagazine and can be eaten raw in salads orcooked for 10mins and thendipped in butter.Scrumptious -we’ve tried it.0317B (50seeds)£2.50


A stunning new British bred globe shaped green stripy Courgette. Produces an abundance of fruitwhich can also be allowed to mature into small roundMarrows which look just great stuffed for starters.Highly recommended. 0138C (10seeds) £2.25


Having ressurrected this variety we have now gone one step further and given it a good overhaul.Smaller Cabbage with delicate leaves and muchbetter for pickling and cooking. Retains its colourwhen cooked. 0128 (150seeds) £1.80



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RUNNER BEAN MOONLIGHTTotally unique in the Bean World this absolutelydelicious variety is the culmination of many yearsbreeding work. It contains some of the elements of Climbing French Beans but with a Runner Beanflavour, shape and habit and uniquely it also has thepotential for self pollination - that’s got to be good!0302 (25seeds) £1.85

PEPPER GUSTO PURPLE F1Medium hot Pepper for croppingindoors or outdoors.Finally matures from purple through to red and trialsshow great promisein our moderateclimate and possibly the firstopportunity to tryoutdoor cropping.0266D £2.10(10seeds)

ROCKET SWEET OAK LEAFA brand new Salad Rocket with a very attractive Oak

Leaf shape. Veryvigorous and agreat flavourwhich combinesan unusualsweetness with a pungent WildRocket kick.British bred toensure goodperformance inour cooler climate.0203B £1.75 (500seeds)

TOMATO RAMBLING RED STRIPEThe next generation of Basket Tomatoes. More compactbut still trailing with a unique rather different colourshowing red streaked fruit and around 80 fruit per plant.Can be easily grown as a conventional Bush Tomato ifpreferred. Very different and British bred.0451 (15seeds) £2.35



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favourite vegetables


Small pointed head Savoy ideal where space is at apremium. Dark green crinkly heads with good flavoured‘wrapper’ leaves. First class in professional trials and highlyrecommended. 0128B (50seeds) £2.70


Another dual purpose Summer/Autumn ‘Cauli’. A fewdays earlier than Locris and stands a few days longerbut otherwise a reliable stocky plant with hybrid vigourand dense curds throughout its harvest life. Sow lateFeb. Harvest late June onwards.0135M (40seeds) £2.50

BROCCOLI SANTEE F1The very next best thing to Bordeaux which it replaces. A never endingproducer ofimmaculate juicycurds. A veryrewarding varietywhich if sownsuccessively fromMarch to June willprovide enormouscrops from June-November.0124E £2.75(50seeds)

COURGETTE GREEN TIGER F1A new early variety for any type of soil bearing light green and

dark greenstripes. Verycompact plantswith an openhabit thusensuring acontinuous fruitset. Resistant to a host ofviruses too. Just 55 days tomaturity.0142D(8seeds)£2.65


An unusually bright orange colour with a flavour tomatch. Very healthy strong foliage and has showngood tolerance to Carrot Root Fly and cavity spot.Very high in Vitamin A and for good clean Carrots anorganic candidate. Highly recommended.0135C (650seeds) £2.30

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Years old but with the distinct ‘Mushy Pea’ textureand flavour. Delicious even after the beans havepassed maturity, when remarkably, they remaintender. Allow to ripen and they become a Soup Beanfor winter use. A rare discovery this past year.0184I (50seeds) £1.85

CABBAGE CARAFLEX F1Lovely littleSpring/SummerCabbagewith everypossibility of becominga patio veg.Small dense,very pointedhearts andentirelyedible - notso much asa single leafwasted.0128C(50seeds)£2.95

PARSNIP LANCERThoroughlyrecom-mendedinexpensivevariety withslenderwhite rootsand a raisedcrown whichfacilitateswashing.British bred andBritishquality.0229E (500seeds)£1.75

LEEK SNOWDON F1Superbmeaty leek forNovember/Decembercropping.AnotherBritish bred master-piece ifyou’relooking for the very best.0209 (50seeds)£2.75

The very first British bred F1 Hybrid with exceptional flavour. Nicely shaped roots offer a rich purple top and acream base and will prove a very popular up and comingvegetable. 0314C (250seeds) £1.95



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favouritevegetablesLETTUCE LITTLE GEM DAZZLEAll the attributes of Little Gem but with red tipped outerleaves. Cut open to reveal a pale green interior giving avery natural leaf blend. Recommended.0216E (250seeds) £1.95


Spineless and uncommonly early. Being spineless there’s no fruit damage and the extra neck length -where all the flavour is, remains unblemished. 48-56days from transplanting. 0137B (8seeds) £2.25

PEA VADADwarf darkgreen Pea and areliable year onyear cropper. 4"pods are firmand easy to pickand this Pea isusually the firstto be sown.Expect a crop in 90 days.0235B(250seeds)£1.95


Unique Thai Basil cross with an overpowering scent bred specifically as an edible pot plant. Can even be usedas a natural ‘air freshener’ if placed on a windowsilwhere it will flower over a considerable period of time.18". HHA. 0194A (75seeds) £1.95

RADISH RED HEADWhite or ivory base, cherry belle shape and nicelykissed with a feminine pink top. Charming radishideal for todays palate.0299H (250seeds) £1.65

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COCKTAIL CUCUMBER IZNIK F1An astonishing variety, quite happy in a 7-9" pot andequally happy in a porch or conservatory. Delicious, oldfashioned nuttyflavour and simplydozens of fruit inclusters of 3 or 4growing from themain stem.Minimum supportby 3 short canes issufficient and thefruit can be eatenlike a banana orsliced for dips...whichever, the flavour remains very tempting. 0169(6seeds) £3.95



Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763

PEA NORLIA really sweet Mangetout Peawith excellentflavour andamongst thefastest growingPeas ever.Grows well in a container ifsupported andwill be ready injust 2 months.0235A(150seeds)£1.75

PEPPER RED TOP F1Very thick juicywalled varietystarting offgreen, ready for eating andfinishing off redif you prefer.Particularlysweet and veryearly forunheatedgreenhousesand with huge4"x4" Peppers.0260 £2.75 (10seeds)


Semi cylindrical fruit, bright deep pink with a green caylx.Non-bitter plant, very robust and high yielding. 65 days.0107A (10seeds) £2.35

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LETTUCE TANTANDelightful little soul of the Little Gem tribe with distinctresistance to aphids and suitable for spring, summer orautumn production. Remarkably sweet and rarely runs toseed. 55 days from transplanting.0216B (250seeds) £1.95

BASIL ANTONUnusually compact Genovese type with large shiny leaves. Very fast growing and will be ready in just 8 weeks. Perfect windowsil variety.0195C £1.75 (300seeds)

TOMATOBERRY GARDEN F1Uniquestrawberryshaped fruit.Very highyielding and heart-likeappearance witha good sweetcherry flavour.Late fruit areslightly morepointed butwhat a gem.Cordon. 60 days fromtransplanting.0445 £3.25 (10seeds)

CUCUMBER SILOR F1All Female MiniCucumber. Fruitare just 6" longwith a gorgeoustaste and wonderof wonders, silkysmooth. Growboth indoors orout in a favourableposition and youcan enjoyCucumbers inonly 60 days.0171 £3.95(6seeds)

SWEET CORN VANILLA SWEETThis extrasweet type is really thetops. Eatenraw or cooked theflavour isoutstandingand every cob fills rightto the tip. An early typetoo. Ourfavourite in trials.0322 (50seeds)£2.50

MELON CHARANTAIS MAGENTA F1The very latest Hybrid Charantais. The powerfullyscented fruit has orange-red flesh, a very high sugarcontent and an excellent storage life. Can be grownindoors or outdoors. Nothing more could be asked ofthis superlative variety and its a real step forward. 95 days from transplanting.0220A (5seeds) £3.25

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WINTER SQUASH HARRIER F1Bred in the UK - tested in the UK and now used bysupermarkets in the UK. Lovely rich honey browncolour when ripe and keeps marvellously well.0313A (10seeds) £2.25BROAD BEAN RED EPICURE

Delightful beaujolais red beans. Novel, unusual and addsa bit of colour to the plate. (Best steamed when the colouris wholly maintained). 0121A (25seeds) £1.85



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Recently voted the best for flavour and has more than a respectable yield of stringless fine long beans.0300A (25seeds) £1.65

ONION CANTO F1The longest storing Onion yet. Harvest in August and store right through to June. Considered to be a veryearly main crop, it is both resistant to drought and doesnot sprout very readily. Very firm thick skins preventsaccidental damage. 0223A (250seeds) £1.95

BRUSSEL SPROUT BOSWORTH F1‘THE CHRISTMAS SPROUT’British bred for its sweetness and a crop which needs to be well spaced. Excellent variety and a ‘must have’ for every festive table. 0125G (50seeds) £2.75

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The quickest growing bean on earth! Sow and grow in60 days. Especially suitable for very early sowing it willproduce 6" pods of fleshy green beans in no time.0186B (75seeds) £2.10

BEETROOT DETROIT BOLIVARVery smooth dark red skin.Uniformly roundand extremelyvigorous withupright foliage. An advantage whenthinning. Resistsbolting to the veryend and is simplyquite delicious.0111A £1.85 (250seeds)


You’ll certainly fall in love with this variety! Mid early typefor harvest right into the Autumn and then the No 1Storage Carrot. Deep orange colour, very sweet and resistscracking. Could you ask for more?0132C (650seeds) £2.30



RUNNER BEAN ST GEORGEThe very latest in Runner Bean production.Massive 1' long beans are freely produced

throughout its life and qualify for exhibitionpurposes. Furthermore the beans can be pickedin bunches! Add to that the cut flower potential,

brilliant red and white bicolour flowers, andyou've surely got a winner with the highest

yields. This British bred bean cannot berecommended too highly! 2008 Wisley AGM.

0303C (25seeds) £1.85

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DIAMONDAn original Ukrainian variety withfruits set in clustersof 4-6 about 8" long and darkpurple. 65-75 daysfrom trans-planting.0105(30seeds)£1.70

STRIPED TOGAStunning striped fruit turning fromtwo tone green to two tone orange.Just 1" wide and 3" long. Strongflavoured but not bitter.0108C (30seeds) £1.70


PINGTUNG LONG (Pictured left)Shiny lavender fruits 12" long,disease free and very attractive. 65-75 days from transplanting.0107 (30seeds) £1.70


OPHELIA F1The perfect ‘Gro Bag’ candidate.Small fruit in clusters of 3 festoonthe bush in rich purple and black.The more you pick the more itgrows. Adorable and very earlybeing a mere 55 days. Pick when no more than 50gms.0109A (10seeds) £2.25


Small pale green fruit with darkgreen stripes and very popular forAsian cooking. 24".0107D (10seeds) £2.25

IVORY F1Compact, largely spineless fruit andthe plantshave anunusualsilver leaf.Bred forcontainersand openground if warmenough.24".0107E(10seeds)£2.25


LISTADA DE GANDIAOrnamental in appearance,reliable in production and verythin skins. Recommended. 80-90days from transplanting.0106A (30seeds) £1.70


AAS Winner. Very charming purpleand white striped mini fruit on dwarfcompact plants. A wonderful flavourand very few seeds. Can be harvestedin clusters. 65 days from transplanting.0105A (10seeds) £2.35


Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763

CALLIOPE F1 (Pictured left)Unique spineless plants miraculouslyproducing dozens of 4" fruit in abeautiful cream splashed mauve colour.Absolutely ideal for pot growing.0109D (10seeds) £2.25



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Beetroot Bonel

Beetroot Pablo

Beetroot Red Ace F1


Probably more Beetroot and Swiss Chard is grown by the home gardenerthan any other vegetable and can be stored as a root for months. Sowmid March-July.

MONETA MONOGERM(Each seed produces 1 plant, sothinning is not necessary). Simplyspace as you sow. Good qualityinternally as well as superb externalappearance. Main crop.0115C (150seeds) £1.75

PABLOVery uniform, good skin qualityand an exceptionally high yield.Now the professional growers mainchoice. Absolutely superb colour.Main crop but ideal for Baby Beet!0115D (150seeds) £1.80

RED ACE F1A superb culinary and showbenchvariety with unblemished deep redflesh and regular globe shaped roots.Quite obviously the F1 Hybrid that itis. This variety revels in dry weather.0117 (150seeds) £2.05

Beetroot Cylindra Beetroot Moneta Monogerm

BONELAGM. Globe shaped variety, resist-ant to bolting. Benefits by having anupright foliage making thinning andpicking easier but above all producessmooth flesh devoid of rings or pith.0112 (250seeds) £1.80

CYLINDRA AGM. Long stump rooted variety,easy to slice and superb texture andflavour. Being this shape permitscloser spacing and higher yields.0113 (200seeds) £1.60

KESTREL F1 (Not pictured)Early maturing, uniform globe shapefor Baby Beet or main crop. Verysweet flavour for bolt hardy roots.0115B (150seeds) £2.05

BEETROOTBOLTARDYAGM. Triedand testedvariety. Theyardstick bywhich allothers aremeasured.Globe shapedand resistantto bolting and a nearperfect colourand texture.0111(250seeds)£1.50

CHELTENHAM MONO These pointed tapering Beets arerenowned for their flavour andkeeping qualities. You won’t findthese in a supermarket - theytaste too good!0110A (150seeds) £1.90

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Beetroot Burpee’s Golden Beetroot ChioggiaBeetroot Blankoma

Beetroot Touchstone Gold

Ruby Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard Bright Lights


BEETROOTBLANKOMAIce white and globe shaped. Reput-edly better tasting than red beet andthe leaf is a secondary vegetable. 0118 (200seeds) £1.75

BURPEE’S GOLDEN Very novel globe shaped orangeroots turning an attractive yellowwhen cooked. Remains distinctlyedible when roots appear to be toolarge for use. Use delicate leaveslike Spinach.0114 (100seeds) £1.75

CHIOGGIA Pink and white globe shaped varietynot unlike a dartboard and partic-ularly attractive sliced carefully.0110 (200seeds) £1.75

TOUCHSTONE GOLD The latest in Golden Beet. Smoothround roots, very good internal colourand much higher germination thanthe old standard variety. Above allretains its colour after cooking. Wellworth growing for showing! 55 days.0117A (100seeds) £2.05

SWISS CHARDRUBYBrilliant ruby red stems in the deadof winter with deep green blisteredleaves and one of the few wintervegetables still growing.0116A (130seeds) £1.90

BRIGHT LIGHTSDecorative vegetable with attractivestems throughout the year in gold,pink, orange, purple, red and whiteplus green or bronze leaves. 0116 (150seeds) £2.25

BEETROOT SUNSET MIXEDFor the culinary wizards amongst you, here’s an opportunity to try the fullrange of colour, but economically so, Yellow, white, red, bicoloured varietiesall separately packed in one outer packet. Delicious for salads and anunusual winter bedding plant. 0118A (200seeds) £2.65

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763

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Borecole Curly Kale Afro

Broccoli Red Spear

Broccoli White Star

Borecole and Sprouting Broccoli are regularly eaten by the ton! Suffice tosay, the average British Gardener would not be short of ‘greens’ at anytime of the year. Sow March-May.

LATE WHITE SPROUTINGWHITE STARFor the very best spears in April youreally must sow White Star. Britishbred and totally reliable crops justwhen the very earliest varieties aregoing over. 0124A (150seeds) £1.60

MARATHON F1The World’s No. 1 Variety! Adaptable,reliable and very high yielding - asupermarket choice.0125B (50seeds) £2.05

Borecole Redbor F1 Broccoli Green Spears

BORECOLECURLY KALE AFROOld fashioned greens but as hardy asyou’ll find even with todays modernhybrids. Sow in May. Harvest inSeptember-March.0119 (150seeds) £1.70

REDBOR F1Distinctive red leaves and a bumpercrop from this different variety.Excellent winter hardiness!0119A (50seeds) £2.00

BROCCOLIGREEN SPEARS Experimental variety with thickcrunchy stems decidedly tender andideal for sowing in the early monthsof the year. Very distinct and servesbeautifully. Wickedly priced insupermarkets!0123F (50seeds) £2.30

EARLY PURPLE SPROUTINGRED SPEAR Very heavy cropper producingexcellent coloured spears. Sow inMay-July. Harvest in Feb-March.0124 (150seeds) £1.60


MATSURI F1So dwarf it will mature undercloches. From a February sowingyou’ll be harvesting heads in lateMay/June. Astonishing even today. 0125C (50seeds) £2.05

Broccoli Marathon F1

BROCCOLI PARTHENON F1The next logical improvementon Marathon whose tried andtested history would take somebeating. Parthenon does justthat. A week earlier and a weeklonger cropping with smooth‘beads’ and a very attractivedesigner colour. Even morerefined than Marathon andworth every penny.0124C (50seeds) £2.05


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SUMMER PURPLEBeautifully coloured spears and nowable to produce from late June to October depending on the sow-ing date. A real achievement. SowMarch/April. Harvest June/Oct.0124B (150seeds) £1.80

RUDOLPHMid season but at its very best fromNov to Feb. Very large frame - veryheavy crops. An absolute gem of alink between Summer Purple andCardinal. Sow March to May. 0123D (150seeds) £1.80

CARDINALThe latest cropping variety so that asowing of Summer Purple, followedby Rudolph and then Cardinal givesalmost 12 months of crop. Sow Aprilto May.0123C (150seeds) £1.80

sprouting broccoli

brussel sprouts

CHURCHILL F1A reliable British bred varietycropping from September on-wards. A new variety but alreadybecoming a ‘must have’ becauseof it’s mild flavour.0125E (50seeds) £2.75

RED BULLNovelty red sprout whichdeepens in colour as it getscolder. Sow March-April. Har-vest in November-January.0126 (150seeds) £2.15

BRETON F1Mid season variety croppingfrom early Nov to late Dec.Disease resistant and producesa very high yield of mediumsized bitter free sprouts.0126A (50seeds) £2.75

BRILLIANT F1Early variety for both Autumnand Spring and resistant topremature button ‘blowing’.Exceptionally firm sprouts. 0126B (50seeds) £2.75

You either love them or loathe them, however today’s modernvarieties are usually sweet and just as acceptable as a Cabbage.Sow March-April.


CRISPUS F1After the Cabbageand the Cauliflowerwe now have a Club Root ResistantBrussel Sprout.Equally as good,just as reliable andthe answer to manya prayer. Sow April-May. HarvestSept-Nov. A goodlate main variety.0125H £2.95(30seeds)


21Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763

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Broad Bean Aquadulce Claudia

Broad Bean The Sutton

Broad Bean Violetta


Broad Bean Giant Exhibition Broad Bean Imp. Green Longpod


CRIMSON FLOWEREDAges old and still going strong, if you can get them, but considered almost rare. Mostattractive bright crimson red flowers whichproduce acceptable smallish beans of irregularshape. Very delicious. Very scarce. 2'6"-3'.0121 (20seeds) £2.25

Broad Beans are amongst the most beneficial vegetables one can eatand home grown Climbing French Beans have no equal. Sow Broad Beans Nov & Feb-March. Sow Climbing Beans April-July.

for Autumn sowing too. 3'-4'.0122 (25seeds) £1.50

THE SUTTONAGM. Bushy, sturdy and dwarf, forexposed positions and tiny gardens.We have found an autumn sowing tobe in flower during March in EastAnglia. Very reliable. 2'.0123 (25seeds) £1.50

VIOLETTA A rather novel Broad Bean, violet incolour. If ‘steamed’ rather than boiledthe colour should remain. 0123A (35seeds) £1.50

AQUADULCE CLAUDIATried, tested and never wanting.Standard autumn sowing variety andagain in the spring if you wish. 3'6"-4'.0120 (25seeds) £1.50

GIANT EXHIBITIONProbably the longest podded varietyavailable today. Quite outstanding inevery way and a really heavy cropper.0121B (20seeds) £1.90

IMPERIAL GREEN LONGPODVery long green ‘nine seeder’ podseven from a spring sowing. Worth arisk, in milder parts of the country,

BROAD BEAN WITKIEM MANITA (Pictured above)Very early, spring sowing variety with 4-5 beans per podmaking it an uncommonly good yielder. Exceptionally healthyvariety with no bad habits. 0123B (25seeds) £1.50

BROAD BEAN WITKIEM MAJORSow successively for a prolonged crop in Autumn or Spring andcan be frozen for later use. 3-4'. 0122D (25seeds) £1.50

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COBRAGrow indoors or outdoors andmarvel at the enormous productionof long round, straight pods with asuperlative flavour.0184B (50seeds) £1.95

NECTARGOLDA lemon-yellow cousin of Blauhildeand equally as tasty. Another possible‘pigeon pair’ and very attractivegrown together. Stringless.0183D (50seeds) £1.95

round podded climbing beans

BLAUHILDEDelicious bunches of rich purplepods 11-12" in length lookfascinating with Barlotta Beans andboth are stringless. 0183C (50seeds) £1.95

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763

ITALIAN GOLDFlat stringless pods in alarmingyellow begins cropping in 65-75days. Very distinctive flavour.0184C (50seeds) £1.85

BARLOTTA LINGUA DI FUOCOPretty bean, almost too good toeat. Use the red pods fresh orallow to dry for winter use.Excellent flavour.0184A (50seeds) £1.85

italian flat podded climbing beans

TRIONFO VIOLETTAUnusual deep purple pods almost 1'long. Flat, stringless and tolerant ofcolder weather. (Beans return togreen on cooking).0184D (50seeds) £1.85


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YELLOW PODDEDMAXIDOR18" plants are crowded with round podded beans and almost 75% could be regarded as suitable forprocessing as they are souniform. Never shy toproduce and a real beanflavour too. (75seeds)0185C £1.90

LINGUA DI FUOCOFollowing the success ofthe climbing varietyhere’s a chance to try thedwarf one. Eat fresh orallow to ripen and shellfor winter use. Crops in65-70 days which is early.0186A £1.75(50seeds) (Pictured below)

GREEN ARROW (Pictured above)Disease resistant with deliciousround beans and a rich greencolour. Impressive and British bred! 0186 (75seeds) £1.85

GOLDEN TEEPEEPods of golden yellow are held well above thefoliage making picking dead easy, almost inbunches. Very tender and a refreshing colourchange.0185 £1.90(75seeds)

YIN YANGDwarf Bush Bean with a curiouslyattractive and decorative shell. Half black,

half white theycan be eatengreen straightfrom the bushor dried andshelled forwinter.0186C(40seeds) £1.75

dwarf beansFew other vegetables can give such a quick return as Dwarf Beans. Sow every 40-50 days.

Pick by the handful. Sow April-Aug.

PURPLE QUEENAM. One of the finest beans everproduced. Heavy yielding, shiny beans in convenient handfuls, turning green when cooked. Recommended.0187 (75seeds) £1.90

MOLLYStorm resistant. The Dwarf Bean withthe strongest stems ever. Would groweasily in a pot or window box withoutfalling over and the beans are gatheredtowards the top of the plant makingpicking ‘a doddle’.0185B (75seeds) £2.10


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Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 25

Among the top three vegetables grown today. Sow May-July.


Runner Bean Polestar Runner Bean Celebration

Runner Bean Lady Di

Runner Bean Butler

Runner Bean Hestia

Runner Bean White Lady

HESTIAAll the colours of Painted Lady. All theattributes of standard stringless typesbut can actually be grown in con-tainers or on the patio.0307 (25seeds) £1.65

POLESTARStringless, bright green fleshy pods,early and heavy yielding. Recom-mended. Red flowered. 0305 (25seeds) £1.65

CELEBRATIONAGM. One of the highest yielding‘runners’ yet produced. Clear pinkflowers and almost stringless whenpicked reasonably young. 0300C (25seeds) £1.65

WHITE LADYLong slender smooth pods withvery high yields. Extremely fleshy.White flowered and sets uncom-monly well.0304 (25seeds) £1.65

LADY DI AGM. Stringless and vigorous cropper. Tolerates heat really welland is frequently used forexhibitions.0300D (25seeds) £1.65

BUTLERStringless and persistently croppingover a long period of time. Virusresistant and thoroughly reliable.0300B (25seeds) £1.65


Old reliable variety, almost part of the British way of life. Probablythe best Runner Bean of all timefor all places.0303A (25seeds) £1.65


A direct relative of Scarlet Emperor,however it’s STRINGLESS and 2"longer. We cannot recommendthis too highly. 0303B (25seeds) £1.85

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Cabbage Duchy F1

Cabbage Marabel F1

Cabbage Savoy Barbosa F1


Cabbages remain the good old British standby where green vegetables areconcerned. They come in every shape, form and texture and are remarkablyavailable for 12 months of the year.

TUNDRA F1Professional variety which is really aSavoy/White cross. Extremely winterhardy. Utterly reliable. Sow in April-May. Harvest in October-March.0129 (50seeds) £2.50

MARABEL F1 January King type maturing in Oct-Feb. This type of Cabbage is back infavour and has an excellent flavour.An April/May sowing will be wellrewarded. Superb British bredvariety for the British weather andBritish gardens.0129B (50seeds) £2.50

SAVOY BARBOSA F1A solid winter hardy Savoy forcutting from Oct to Feb. Crisp,tender and little waste from this newvariety. Sow Feb/April. HarvestOct/Feb.0127 (50seeds) £2.50

Cabbage Sherwood F1 Cabbage Tundra F1

DUCHY F1Outstanding new pointed variety, forextended cropping, almost 6 monthsand excellent sweetly flavouredvariety. Sow March/April. HarvestJuly/Dec.0127A (50seeds) £2.50

GREYHOUND (Not pictured)Fast and easy to grow - a favouriteearly variety with pointed heads andan excellent flavour. Sow Feb/March.Harvest June/July.0127D (500seeds) £1.75

SHERWOOD F1A breeder of 60 years standing hasfinally produced this superb Cabbagecropping late in the summer/earlyautumn. The sweet Cabbage is soattractive it can even be used as aSalad Cabbage. There is minimumcore and maximum soft white leaf.0128A (50seeds) £2.50

CABBAGE KILATON F1High yieldingAutumn/WinterCabbage andabove all ClubRoot resistant.Wonderfulstoring Cabbage which remainsgreen even after longstorage periods. 0129A(30seeds)£3.30

CABBAGE FILDERKRAUTAstonishing ancient Germanorigin from the region of ‘Filder’just south of Stuttgart producing7/8 kilo Cabbages with hugepointed ears and looking like anEastern Minaret. The thin tenderleaves are THE variety forshredding in salads, coleslaws orfor sauerkraut. 0127B (400seeds) £1.75


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CAULIFLOWERKALEIDOSCOPE MIXED Green, purple, orange! Wherewill it all end? A formula mix of 3colours plus ivory white whichshould cause a stir in the kitchengarden and allotment or even at the dining table.0135F (60 seeds) £3.75

CAULIFLOWERCLAPTONSow in May/Junefor the first everclub root resistantcrop. It’s early at 85 days but agreat step forwardin breeding.Wickedlyexpensive but at the end of the day worthevery penny.0135L £2.95(25seeds)



Cauliflower Fremont F1

Cauliflower Romanesco Veronica

Cauliflower Cendis F1

Cauliflower Romanesco Navona F1

Cauliflower Locris F1

No Sunday lunch would be complete without one or the other of these.Grown by the cartload and with the ‘Rainbow Cauliflowers’ adding theirweight, they would probably be the most commonly grown vegetables today.

ALL YEAR ROUND (Not pictured)Old reliable standby suitable forsuccessive sowings. Never lets youdown!0135K (250seeds) £1.50

CENDIS F1Follows Locris maturing in Dec-ember from May sowing. Wrapperleaves protect dense white curdfrom frost. (Sow May and harvestNovember/December).0135I (40seeds) £2.50

FREMONT F1For an early taste of Mini Cauli-flowers there’s nothing to comparewith Fremont. An early sowing willproduce an early July crop right on until October. Pure white minicurds with little core is veryappreciated.0135J (40seeds) £2.50

LOCRIS F1Summer and autumn variety whichdoubles as a Mini Cauliflower ifsown and grown closely. Denseheads with bright green wrapperleaves around the curd. Resistant tocommon diseases.0135G (40seeds) £2.50

ROMANESCO NAVONA F1F1 hybrid direct from Italy. Verydistinctive conical spears surround acentral core. Not only attractive rawin salads but equally deliciouscooked or stir fried.0124G (50seeds) £2.95

ROMANESCO VERONICA F1 Spring sowing for summer andautumn harvest. Novel cornet-likespears are always attractive whencooked in larger pieces. Jade greenin colour and absolutely delicious.As an F1 Hybrid it is very vigorous.0136 (50seeds) £2.95

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CARROT RAINBOW MIXEDYellow, White, Purple, Scarlet and Orange Carrots.Refreshingly different for main meals and we inviteyou to give them a whirl although we have to add,they are no more beneficial to the eye-sight than theorange ones!0135 (350 seeds) £2.10


Carrot Chantenay Royal

Carrot Oxheart

Carrot Parmex

Root crops lend themselves best for winter storage. Thunderingly good carrots,will store marvellously in sand for a whole winters use. Sink a dustbin into theground and add alternative layers of sand and roots. Sow Feb-June.

OXHEARTAn heirloom stump rooted varietywith huge shoulders. Early and anold fashioned carrot flavour. 0135A (500seeds) £1.75

PARMEXVery early with almost round rootsand just at home in a Gro-bag. Goodon heavy soil. Sow during March ina frame and continue throughoutthe spring for an extended harvest.0135B (2000seeds) £1.65

Baby Carrot Ideal Red Carrot Flyaway F1

CHANTENAY ROYALWedge shaped roots with shortstrong tops. Rich deep orange colourand slightly longer than the oldChantenay Red Core. Very reliable.0134B (2000seeds) £1.65

BABY CARROT IDEAL REDFast maturing strain of Nantes Carrot.Can be pulled when only 1/2 -3/4" atthe shoulder. Juicy and tender, theycan be cooked and presented with justthe suggestion of the tops left on.0131B (2000seeds) £1.75


FLYAWAY F1AGM. Specifically bred to deter Carrot Fly. Tried and tested nationally. Goodflavoured Autumn King type with tapering roots. Main season harvest.0131 (500seeds) £2.85

SWEETEST AND JUICIESTCARROTMOKUM F1The crunchiest,juiciest Carrot you’reever likely to find. Short healthyfoliage makes it ideal forbunching and indeed for growingin largecontainers or pots.Recommended.0133D (650seeds)£2.30NEW

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RESISTAFLY F1Follows on nicely after Flyaway extending the season into early winter.Bluntish roots but particularly sweet in the Autumn and very tempting skincolour when sliced. 0132A (350seeds) £2.25


Carrot Purple DragonCarrot Mignon

Carrot Resistafly F1

Carrot Sugar Snax F1

Carrot Tender Snax F1

Carrot Yellowstone

MIGNONSmooth, tender and juicy theseCarrots are ideal for ‘little fingerCarrots’ and the whole plant includingthe foliage is diminutive and perfectfor Gro-Bags, pots or even as an earlysowing in a cold frame. 0133A (200seeds) £1.75

PURPLE DRAGONPurple skinned, orange cored carrotsadd a touch of sparkle to the Sundaydinner. A refreshing change.0134 (350seeds) £2.20

RED SAMURAI (Not pictured)The deepest true red yet and veryappealing served with Yellowstone.Summer harvest.0132 (350seeds) £2.05

YELLOWSTONEA decidedly sweet root with a canaryyellow colour and appreciated just asmuch raw as when cooked. Longsmooth roots hold their colour

throughout the cooking process. 0133C (350seeds) £1.95

SUGAR SNAX F1Early, high Carotene content andexceptionally sweet. Eaten raw is a treat and keeps it’s flavour duringcooking. Expect 10" long taperingroots suitable for storage.0134C (350seeds) £2.05

TENDER SNAX F1 Exceptionally sweet tasting, highcarotene content, producing deeporange Carrots and little core. Veryjuicy 6-8" roots which will keep well.Sister variety of Sugar Snax.0134D (350seeds) £2.05

VOLCANO F1 A late main crop variety. Veryresistant to splitting - strong tops foreasy lifting and very resistant to frostdamage. Good Carrot for storageand flavour.0134A (650seeds) £2.30

CARROTGIANTFLAKKEEOld and reliablemain cropproducing hugejuicy roots with exceptionalcolour andflavour.Marvellousstorage qualityand remainsunspoilt forages prior topulling.0130B(2000seeds)£1.75

Carrot Volcano F1


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Courgette Eight Ball F1

Courgette Tuscany F1

Marrow Bush Baby

Courgettes come in every shape today and much tastier than Marrows. Ballshaped types tend to remain hotter when served. Yellow shaped torpedosalso look good. Sow April-June.

ONE BALL F1Very high yield of round yellow fruit.Bush habit. Great taste. Try servingwith Eight Ball for culinary interest.0141 (10seeds) £2.25

TUSCANY F1Dark green straight fruit, very highyielding and virtually spineless. As abonus, mildew tolerant.0142A (10seeds) £2.25

MARROWBUSH BABYHandy ‘small kitchen’ variety withbush habit and good flavour. Bred toproduce fruit two thirds the size of astandard Marrow and very productive.0217E (10seeds) £1.85

Courgette Firenze F1 Courgette One Ball F1

COURGETTEEIGHT BALL F1 Dark green round fruit with a bush habit and marvellous flowers.Keeps mighty hot after serving.0138 (10seeds) £2.25

KOJAC F1 (Not pictured)‘Scratch free’ variety both for the fruitand the picker! High yielding darkgreen Courgettes over a long harvest.0139 (10seeds) £2.25

FIRENZE F1Few or no spines. Very high yieldingand darkest green. You’ll need nomore than two plants and then youmay still have a cropping glut!Mildew resistant.0140A (10seeds) £2.25



BAMBINO (Pictured left)Very dark green baby fruit produced in abundance with a distinct flavour.0137 (10seeds) £2.25

BUCKINGHAMAnother balcony or patio variety or even a Gro’ Bag candidate. Decorative yellow fruit grow in abundance.0136H £2.25(10seeds)

BLACK HAWK F1Probably the best Trailing orClimbing Courgette with shortinternodes producing mid greenshiny fruit just 6-8" long. Neverstops producing and only 1 or 2plants would ever be needed.Outstanding!0138D (8seeds) £2.85


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COURGETTE EL GRECO F1‘Bursting at theseams’ productionwise, deliciouslyflavoured with no hintof bitterness andstarts cropping earlyand then throughoutthe summer. Veryattractive mid greenfruit produced in‘bunches’ because ofthe good diseaseresistance bred into it.0142B £2.25(10seeds)

COURGETTESOLEIL F1Straight, bright,yellow fruit with the mostamazingstamina in thatit produces fruitby the score,easily, probablybecause it’stolerant to pow-dery mildew -the scourge ofCourgettes!0142C £2.25 (10seeds)

COURGETTE PIN STRIPEAnother break incolour to add interest to your dinner plate. Dark green and light grey stripedCourgettes still retain their originalCourgette flavour - straight out of Italy. Very productive.0141A £1.95(20seeds)


A very versatile variety for early or late crops but aboveall it is self pollinating which is a real bonus when theweather is so unpredictable.0141B (10seeds) £2.60

delicious courgettes

COURGETTE SUMMER BALL F1Summer Ball Courgette is a new compact bush varietywhich when picked early is a delicious yellow/orangeround Courgette, but when 3-5 fruit are left on the plantto mature they develop into lovely deep orange Pumpkins.This dual purpose dwarf plant is ideal for patio growing and has the benefit of two distinct flavours as the plant matures to a 2kg

Pumpkin. 0139A (10seeds)



COURGETTE BEST OF BRITISH F1Bred in Britain to cope with our traditional dull andrainy summertime! Very open growth habit allowsmaximumsunshine to penetrate the plantassistingripening and diseaseresistance.Almostspineless forscratch-freepicking.0138B (10seeds)£2.25

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SQUASH FUTSU BLACKCurious squash with a decidedly

Hazelnut flavour. Suitable for long term storage when the

fruit turns nut brown. 120 days from transplanting.0312A (8seeds) £1.85

SQUASH STRIPETTISpaghetti Squash! Cook whole - then split in half and eat from the shell with a sauce of your choice. Lovely! 90 days from transplanting.0312B (8seeds) £1.95

SQUASH COBNUTRich, mango orange flesh, with a goodkeeping quality and makes an absolutelydelicious thick soup if used with sweetcorn.0314 (10seeds) £2.25

SQUASH RED KURIEXCLUSIVE.Another andprobably the best of the Potimarronchestnut flavouredtypes. Exceedinglyjuicy butterscotchcoloured flesh with butterscotchseeds and anexcellent keeper.The Queen of thePotimarrons. Justdon’t miss it. Seed is scarce this year.0312E £1.95(6seeds)

winter squash

SQUASH POTIMARRONFamous French heirloom for winter (potiron-pumpkin) - (marron chestnut). Chestnutflavour, stores well and has fruit of 3-4lbs.Very reliable. 85-95 days from transplanting.0311A (10seeds) £1.85

SQUASH HONEY BEAR AAS 2009 Winner. Compact, bush like plant, mildew resistant andsmooth, round, almost black fruit of family size. Stores for several weeks and the dry sweet flesh losesnothing in flavour. 0312F (8seeds) £1.90

SQUASH BUFFYA new mini WinterSquash with a shelf life of 6-8 months.Fruit has a beige or buttery colouredskin and is almostround. Excellentsweet flesh whichcan, at a pinch, bean ornament too.Recommended.0313B £1.95(8seeds)


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Squash - you either like them or loathe them - winter or summer. Absolutelysuperb for pies and soup or used just as a thickener.

Good eating qualities. Organic. 60-70days from transplanting.0311 (10seeds) £1.85

PATTERSON WHITE &SUNBURST MIXED Unique nutmeg flavour. Produces20/30 fruit per plant and is deliciouseither cooked or raw.0311E (8seeds) £1.85

SWEET LIGHTNING F1Now here’s a change. Microwaveablefruit. Remove the top, empty the seedsand microwave for just 5 minutes. Theyoung fruit are especially delicious.100 days from transplanting.0312C (8seeds) £1.95

TENNESSEE SWEET POTATOFirst listed in 1847. Excellent qualitywith dryish flesh. Early and doeswell in cool weather. 95-100 days.0313 (10seeds) £1.85

TURK’S TURBANIntroduced in 1869 and makes adistinctive Turban about 8-12" round.Reasonable eating quality but moreoften used for Autumn display. 80-100days from transplanting. 0309 (10seeds) £1.85

Squash Tennessee Sweet PotatoSquash Turk’s Turban

PUMPKINRACER F1Very large 19-20lb Pumpkins. An early variety with a good rich colour.0298 (10seeds) £1.95

SUMMER SQUASHCELEBRATION Multicoloured skin and rich orangeflesh and quite exceptional eatingquality. Contains 50% more sugarthan the average so should go downwell. 90-110 days from transplanting.0311C (8seeds) £1.95

CROWN PRINCESteely grey colour renowned for itseating quality and even more so for itskeeping quality. Flesh is deep orangeand lasts until the end of March. 90-110 days from transplanting.0311D (8seeds) £1.95

HARLEQUINSweet Dumpling shape with attractivemulticoloured pattern. Excellent eatingquality. 90 days from transplanting.0310 (10seeds) £1.95

PATTISON VERTE ET BLANCA french heirloom listed by Vilmorinin the 1800s. Scalloped white bushwith green stripes as the fruits mature.

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 33


Squash Celebration Squash Crown PrincePumpkin Racer

Squash Harlequin

Squash Pattison Verte Et Blanc

Squash Pattison White & Sunburst

Squash Sweet Lightning F1

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lunchbox cucumbers

CUCUMBERCRYSTALAPPLEFirst introduced in 1894. Easy to digest, usedprimarily in salads as a pickledCucumber.0180 (20seeds)£1.60

CUCUMBER BUSHY Originally from Southern Russia.Early and very compact with 3-5'vines - ideal for small gardens oreven patios. Good production forfresh eating or pickling. 46-49days from transplanting.0183 (20seeds) £1.60

WHITE WONDERBeen around since 1893. Hotweather resistant and a delight-ful ivory white at the slicingstage. Excellent eating qualityboth fresh and pickled. 58 daysfrom transplanting.0183A (20seeds) £1.60

CUCUMBER MINIATURE WHITEGenerations old but a real gem.Vines rarely exceed 3', a bonus,and fruits simply don’t want tostop cropping. Eat raw whenonly 3-4" long.0181 (20seeds) £1.60

CUCUMBER GREEN FINGERS F1Lunchbox variety just 3-4' longcan be grown indoors or outwith a smooth skin suitable foreating whole. Delicious dippedin salt and mildew resistant.0168 (5seeds) £3.45



CUCUMBER DIAMANT F1A very early heavy cropping varietywhich produces very firm fleshedfruit and are simply delicious with‘fish and chips’. Disease resistantand can also be used for dips.Recommended.0183B (8seeds) £1.95

CUCUMBER EUPHYA F1All female variety with long straightfruit, productive and resistant to abouteverything. Tolerates cooler conditionsmore than most. Highly recommended.0172 (6seeds) £3.95


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Cucumber Burpless Tasty Green F1 Cucumber Tanja Cucumber Carmen F1

CUCUMBERPASSANDRA F1Smallish, half size Cucum-bers by the bucketful andperfect for kids to eat raw.This new variety super-sedes Petita which hasbeen discontinued. 0176 (6seeds) £3.95


Cucumbers are Britains No 2 glasshouse crop and can be used in salads,cooked, or eaten raw like a banana. The Mini types are especially thirstquenching. Sow Feb in greenhouse and April-June outdoors.


Cucumber Bella F1

Cucumber Swing F1

TANJAIf you liked Burpless Tasty Greenthen you’ll love Tanja. Almost identi-cal with long straight fruit andperhaps even more prolific. Removethe male flower, ie. those flowershaving no mini Cucumber behind it.0179 (20seeds) £1.65

CARMEN F1All female variety with in-built res-istance to all known powdery mildew.Fruits produced in abundance ifsown when the day length is increa-sing. Wickedly expensive though.0177 (6seeds) £3.95

SWING F1Totally female slicing Cucumber.Fruits are 8" long and have dark greenshiny skin and an excellent taste.Resistant to powdery mildew and ingeneral very robust. Suitable forgrowing both indoors and out.0177A (6seeds) £3.95

BELLA F1 (Aurelia type improved)Keep frost free but not tropically hotand you’ll enjoy bitter free all femaleflowering Cucumbers. Prefers coolerconditions and is ideally suited forunheated greenhouses where it willrepay its seed cost 10 times over.0175 (6seeds) £3.95

BURPLESS TASTY GREEN F1Proved to be very reliable and bitterfree with a very dark skin.0170 (12seeds) £1.95

CUCUMBER MELEN F1A very early and cold tolerantPassandra type where the fruitare allowed to mature in clus-ters of 2-3 on the main stem.Vigorous and most certainlypays its way.0173 (6seeds) £3.95

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Thai Basil

White Borage

Coriander Zesty Lemon

Cinnamon Basil

Mrs Burn’s Lemon Basil

Basil Rubra Genovese Basil

CINNAMON BASILOriginally from Mexico with a beau-tiful scent of Cinnamon. Vigorousand highly productive. HHA.0192A (150seeds) £1.65

BASIL RUBRACompact even growth with uniformdark red/purple colour and lendsitself to pot production on thekitchen windowsil. There’s nothing like freshly picked Basil especiallyin such an attractive colour.0195B (300seeds) £1.70

GENOVESE BASILThe classic large leaved Italian SweetBasil prized for its spicy flavour and wonderful aroma. Should besuccessively sown throughout thesummer. 18-24". Annual.0195 (250seeds) £1.65

MRS BURN’S LEMON BASILFrom New Mexico, the finest strain ofLemon Basil available today! IntenseCitrus aroma, dries nicely and islovely with seafood. 12-18". Annual.0192 (200seeds) £1.65

THAI BASILThe most commonly used variety inThai dishes. Anise-clove scent and fla-vour. Stems and flower are purple andmake a super pot plant. 12-18". Annual.0194 (250seeds) £1.65

WHITE BORAGENow here’s a change! Pure un-blemished starry white flowerssmother the plant which in turnsmothers the weeds. 21/2-3'. HA. 0196A (30seeds) £1.65

LEAF CUTTING SOUP CELERYVery pungent - very moreish. Sling afew sprigs into any bland soup andgive it appeal. 12-18". Annual.(Not pictured)0197 (250seeds) £1.60

CORIANDER ZESTY LEMONLacking the bitterness of othervarieties - a fast growing sweetcoriander with a subtle lemonflavour. Recommended for pots.0198C (100seeds) £1.65

CORIANDERA Mexican and Thai dish speciality.Use very sparingly as salad leaves orin soup. Often the seeds are used toadd spice to curry powder. Annual.0197A (100seeds) £1.65

FERN LEAF CORIANDERCONFETTI (Not pictured)A new bright green type of Coriander,slow to bolt and very attractive fern-like leaves with the sameunmistakable Coriander flavour. HA.0198B (100seeds) £1.65

DILL EINCK’S STRAIN It’s been growing since 1920 byKatherine Einck. Very large fragrantheads produce masses of seed andlong lasting foliage can be used freshor even for bottling. 2-4'. Annual. (Not pictured)0198 (200seeds) £1.65

LIME BASILThe upmarket Lime Basilselection producing a beautifulzesty lime aroma. 12-24". Annual.0193 (200seeds) £1.70

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Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763


Dill Janos Greek Oregano Lemon Grass

planting in a pot or bucket sunk intothe ground. 12-15". Perennial.0197B (500seeds) £1.65

ROSEMARY (Not pictured)Evergreen shrubby appearance withupright stems and used extensivelyto season meat. 2-3'. Perennial.0204 (100seeds) £1.65

SAGE (Not pictured)A classic herb for flavouring meat.Great for Barbecues where the leavescan be allowed to char and the smokepermeates the meat. Perennial.0205 (100seeds) £1.65

THYME (Not pictured)Probably ‘the’ herb in cooking meat,vegetables or soup. (Kids used todrag a stem of thyme through theirteeth after dipping into thick soup -or at least this one did!!) 16-24".Perennial.0206 (500seeds) £1.65

DILL JANOS Dwarf, compact variety suitable forgrowing in pots because of its slowgrowth. Rich deep green andextremely pungent.0197C (200seeds) £1.70

GREEK OREGANOBetter than true Oregano. Delicious,pungent flavour and attractive lightgreen leaves. Reputedly repels flies ifgrown on a windowsil. Perennial.0200 (250seeds) £1.65

LEMON GRASSHas become an almost essentialingredient in cooking. Especiallynice when pickled. Really tangy. 18"-2'. Half hardy perennial. Pure seed.0199 (30seeds) £2.50

MINT (Not pictured)One of the best known and bestloved herbs used for mint sauce andmint tea. Keep well under control by

CORIANDER CALYPSO‘CUT & COME AGAIN’Equally at home in a pot or theborder this variety enjoysregular cutting and will keep onproducing more and more. 0198D (100seeds) £1.70


PARSLEY LISETTEUnbelievably curled with abright green colour and veryrapid repeat growth. Rarelybolts and has shown goodresults after overwintering. A good ‘domestic’ varietysuitable for kitchen windowsilgrowing. Sweet enough tochew fresh after eating Garlic!0201A (750seeds) £1.70(Pictured right)

PARSLEY GIGANTED’ITALIA HILMARA brand new selection with avery broad leaf and a reallyintense flavour. Deep green incolour and remarkably strongstems carry the leaf well clear of the soil. Recommended. (Pictured left)0200A (250seeds) £1.65



ORANGE SCENTED THYMEWould you believe it? You’ll needto grow it to settle a point - butwhat a surprise! 12". Perennial.0207 (100seeds) £1.70

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OLIVERA large leaved ice-green Lettuceideally suited for late Spring/Summer. A Butterhead type but withunusually closed heads. At least 40years old and still going strong.0210C (250seeds) £1.80

EDOXBeautiful multi-coloured Butter-head resistant to most mildew and aLettuce producing no waste. Delicate,dainty leaves are closely knit andhence the glorious colour formation.Thoroughly recommended.0210D (250seeds) £1.85

NAVARAA rather attractive oak leaf Lettucesuitable for summer or autumnproduction mainly due to itsmildew resistant properties.Burgundy red leaves enhance thewhole head and could possibly beused for bedding purposes too.0216F (250seeds) £1.85



PANCHO (Pictured right)The earliest of the Leeks. A Marchsowing will crop in August and onto December. Very long bulb freeshanks. Pretty useful variety forearly production and has a goodlevel of resistance to bolting.0207C (200seeds) £1.85

One of the few reliable winter hardy veggies, with an elastic harvesting period. Can be boiled, souped or stir-fried, the flavour

will always be the same and every vegetable garden needs at least a short row. Sow mid March.

PORBELLA (Pictured left)Outstanding yield, great winterhardiness, disease resistant,especially to rust and can becropped from Oct-Feb. Openpollinated variety.0208 (200seeds) £1.85

BABY LEEK ZERMATVery early with long‘skinny’’ shanks,by Leek standardswith moderate rustresistance and the tops for BabyLeeks. Absolutelyexcellent.0208A £1.85 (200seeds)(Pictured right)

OARSMAN F1Terrific vigourand uniformity.Medium lengthshank and darkerect leaves. Late mid seasonvariety but above all Britishbred for Britishclimates and isthe first BritishF1 Hybrid.0207B £2.75 (50seeds)

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LETTUCE CLAREMONTA mid sized Cos Lettuce highly resistant to mildew and better still resistant to bolting. Crisp, crunchy leaves, sweet and tender mades this variety verypopular. 0209B (250seeds) £1.80

RED ICEBERGFinally an Iceberg Lettuce that is asattractive as any of the looseleaftypes. Crisp, mild flavour and fairlylight heads that resist bolting. A rarefind! 70-80 days.0210A (250seeds) £1.80

RED ROMAINE (Not pictured)Should have been called GiantRomaine for this gourmet varietygrows 12" tall and 12" wide. Thecolour develops during coolerweather although the leaf will remainunique at all times.0216D (250seeds) £1.75

SHERWOOD (Not pictured)A mini cos Lettuce with compactleaves and an over the top flavour.Not often is a lettuce described assweet but this is and there’s nowastage either.0214A (300seeds) £2.00

TOM THUMB (Not pictured)Needs no introduction. A Grow Bagcandidate and an essential Lettuce ina 3x3 plot. It’s stood the test of time.0216A (250seeds) £1.50

BEDFORDIceberg type for growing the wholeseason, Spring to Autumn. Mediumlarge with a firm heart and a very summery appearance. Highlyrecommended.0216C (250seeds) £1.80

BUBBLES Little gem type with heavily blistered‘moonscape’ leaves of excellentflavour and what’s more, it’s mildewresistant. Cos type. 45-55 days.0210 (250seeds) £1.90

MASCARAVery curly and frilly leaves retainingtheir dark red colour even in hotweather. Looseleaf type. 65 days.0212 (250seeds) £1.85

MOTTISTONE A really delightful looking Lettucewith freckled and wavy leaves and acream heart. Mildew resistant socan be used for bedding and slowbolting making it an ideal culinaryvariety. Quite different.0211A (250seeds) £1.75

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 39


Lettuce Bubbles Lettuce MascaraLettuce Bedford

Lettuce Mottistone

Lettuce Red Iceberg

LETTUCE YUGOSLAVIAN REDMulti-purpose, multi-colouredancient Yugoslavian varietywhich when cut open exposes afurther bright greeny yellowcentre. ‘The’ Lettuce for alloccasions. Butterhead type.0217 (250seeds) £1.75

Page 40: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

Borecole Nero de Toscana

Greek Cress


Mustard Red Frills

Baby Leaf Rainbow Beet Mixed

Variegated Land Cress

Mustard Golden Frills

BABY LEAF RAINBOW BEET MIXEDThese mini plants in red, yellow,orange, pink and gold are seldomrecognized in a salad - always admirednonetheless. Mild flavoured, juicyand tender. If grown on to maturitythe thick stems and crinkly foliagecan be cooked like Spinach.0116C (150seeds) £1.85

BABY LEAF RED COS LETTUCEDeep cherry red leaf blades have aslightly savoyed texture which makesfor a real crunchy sound and flavour.What’s more it is mildew resistant andwill go on for ages.0217C (400seeds) £1.70

BABY LEAF ROMANA ROSSA LETTUCESpoon shaped leaves with a blend ofcolour culminating in deep pink.Popular in Supermarkets. Eatenfresh it’s simply wonderful.0215F (400seeds) £1.70

BORECOLE NERO DITOSCANA (BLACK CABBAGE)Not your normal run of the mill Cab-bage but incredibly crinkly uprightrabbit ear shaped leaves that can becooked or used sparingly in saladswhen the leaves are very young. SowMarch/July.0119B (200seeds) £1.60

GREEK CRESS A fine selection. Fast growing darkgreen flat dissected leaves with a sweet

nutty flavour. Absolutely gorgeous.0166B (1000seeds) £1.65

VARIEGATED LAND CRESS Watercress appearance but with verydistinctly variegated leaves and a softspicy flavour. (All year under cover). 0166A (1000seeds) £1.75

MUSTARD GOLDEN FRILLS Highly attractive finely dissected leafwith a hint of ‘new potato’ flavourfollowed by a sweet mustard flavour.Good for processing and in salads.0212J (400seeds) £1.70

MUSTARD RED FRILLS Deeply cut leaves for all roundinclusion in salads. Slightly pungentbut welcome flavour and lovely colour.0212G (400seeds) £1.70


Baby Leaf Red Cos Lettuce Baby Leaf Romana Rossa Lettuce

OLD ENGLISH MUSTARD MIXEDRed Giant, Red Zest, Red Lion,Red Frills. A new superb blendof all the red mustards we havewith both broad and serratedleaves and a majestic flower tomatch. Throw in a bit of cress ifyou like but it will be hard tobetter this mix for salads,sandwiches or plain snacking.45-55 days from transplanting. 0211E (400seeds) £1.75

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Mizuna Purple MizunaCorn Salad Valentin

Red Veined Sorrel

Red Stemmed Leaf Radish

Baby Spinach Leaves Emilia F1

Salsola komarovii okahijiki

SICILIAN ROCKET SALAD MIXEDOur very special mixture ofseven rockets. Some withbroad leaves, others withserrated leaves but eachwith its own subtle flavour.Cut up a couple of greenback Toms, sprinkle on afew pine nuts and a coupleof slices of orange, add tothat a drizzle of extra virginolive oil and there you haveit, insalata siciliana!! 21-28days. (1000seeds)0214C £1.85

should be used wherever you userocket. Smooth leaf, appealing shapeand long standing.0212E (200seeds) £1.65

RED VEINED SORRELRed stems and veins, dazzling greenleaves, sharp tangy flavour. Bestgrown in tunnel/greenhouse. Verydifferent.0205C (250seeds) £1.65

SPINACH EMILIA F1 Fast growing and slow bolting are thekey words here. Perfect as a baby leafvariety and blends well with mixedsalads. Disease resistant too.0308G (300seeds) £1.80

SALSOLA OKAHIJIKIA culinary herb very rich in vitaminsand minerals and reminiscent ofSamphire, that elusive plantharvested on the mud flats of EastAnglia. Crunchy stems which needto be eaten very young either raw or steamed.0212F (150seeds) £1.75

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 41

CORN SALAD VALENTINIdeal variety for autumn and winter.This variety has wide spoon shapedleaves almost round and deep green in colour and has a remarkable yield from the smallish foliage.Recommended.0213D (400seeds) £1.65

MIZUNACelery looking with thick white stemsand dark green feathery foliage. Thestems can be steamed or used in a stirfry and the leaves can be used raw insalads. Very fast growing so keep onsowing. Sow March-August.0222D (400seeds) £1.70

PURPLE MIZUNADistinctive purple tinged sharplyserrated leaves which intensifies incolour as the plant approaches thecutting stage. Much more delicate thanits green cousin and highly palatable.0222C (400seeds) £1.70

RED STEMMED LEAF RADISHBred for colour and flavour and

ROCKET SPEEDYFrom sowing to harvest in 30 days flat! The fastest, earliest Rocket wehave ever seen and a flavour to die for!0203C (350seeds) £1.75

Page 42: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

Easy to grow and far less expensive than the filled bags you buy. Six specifically bred, curiouslyshaped lettuce in several colours should ensure aregular ‘cut and come again’ supply.0215A (500seeds) £1.85

A beautifully balanced mixture of red, green,speckled and purple lettuce all ideally suited forsalad leaves and repeat cutting.0217A (500seeds) £1.85

baby salad leaves salad bowl lettuce

Matching the Italian locals we’ve included ChicoryItalico Rosso, Rocket Dentellata, Lettuce Lollo Rosso, Lettuce Catalogna Cerbiatta and Kale Nero di Toscana. Delicious to say the least. Toss in a fewgreenback Toms and you could be anywhere!0215B (500seeds) £1.85

Try this mix for a touch of France. Sorrel deBelleville, Corn Salad Verte de Cambrai, Cherviland Lettuce Rougette de Montpelier. Sneak in a few Spring Onions, a chopped clove of Garlic and a squeeze of lemon.0215C (500seeds) £1.85

tuscany provence

Favourite Salad Leaves


Page 43: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012


Celery Blush Celery Victoria F1Celeriac Diamant F1


Fennel Finale F1

CELERIAC DIAMANT F1The absolute best variety for shape,quality, colour and cooking andperfectly white for eating raw. Verylong storage ability after lifting.0136D (50seeds) £1.95

CELERY BLUSH Chance to be different. British bred,blue pink and a real change cut up ina mixed salad. A single stick isalways a talking point. 10-15".0136G (200seeds) £1.75

Turnip Scarlet Queen

CELERY VICTORIA F1The very first British bred hybridwith very pale to mid green stems.Very slow to bolt and performs wellunder difficult sowing conditions.0136F (200seeds) £1.75

CELTUCEThe leaf of a Lettuce - the stem of aCelery! A nutty crunchy pea-likeflavour and very moreish. 0212B (300seeds) £1.75

FENNEL FINALE F1Uniform and slow bolting producinghigh crowned round roots suitable forthe entire season. Lovely juicy aniseedflavour to quench any parched palate.0211H (50seeds) £1.85

TURNIP SCARLET QUEENBeautiful red salad Turnip with hairlesstops and irregularly pink splashed fleshadds appeal to any salad. Harvest when2-3" in diameter when they’re at theirmost juicy. Quite different! 43 days. 0521 (300seeds) £1.90

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 43

CHICORY ITALIANO MIXEDFour distinct chicories, not unlike Lettuce with justa hint of bitterness but used in a salad are delicious.Sowing in June for a continual supply of leaves untilNovember. 0156 (500seeds) £1.80


Contains all the traditional Chinese Stir-Fry ingredients including Mibuna, Mizuna, Green and Red Mustard,Pak Choi White and Tat-Soi. You can always add yourown favourites to suit your taste. Wok not included!!0164 (500seeds) £1.80

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CHARANTAISConsidered by many to bethe most divine flavouredMelon in the world.Greyish yellow skin, greenstripes and juicy salmoncoloured flesh. The size of a grapefruit and perfectfor two. 75-90 days fromtransplanting.0218 (10seeds) £1.65

NOIR DES CARMESOne of the easiest fruitto grow and this one isthe most luxurious.Very dark green skinwhen growing andripening to an orangemottled colour. Verysweet, aromatic orangeflesh and exceptionallyproductive. 75 days from transplanting.0221A £1.65(10seeds)

SWEET MEDLEYWe’ve put together a mixture of Melons allof which should do nicely in English gardens.Expect a complete contrast in skin colour,flesh colour and flavour. Very exciting mixfrom popular French varieties.0220B (10seeds) £1.65

RED STAR F1The Hybrid Melon forall occasions. Early tomature over a longperiod and the owner of dark green fruit andintense red flesh with a high sugar content.Weighs about 6 kilosand is disease resistant.80 days to harvest.0527 £2.95(5seeds)

Juicy Watermelons

Delicious MelonsNot difficult to grow and less of a problem than Cucumbers. Home grown Melons compared withSupermarket Melons will leave you speechless. Simply delicious! Sow Feb-March in greenhouse.

CHARANTAISLUNABEL F1Apricot flesh, thinpale green rind anda taste to die for.Wonderful aromasimply adds to thisreliable fruit whichcan even be grownin a sunny shelteredcorner. (5seeds)0220D £3.25

JENNY F1Very vigorous early variety but harvesting over a long period of time. Dark green skin contrasts beautifully with theintense red flesh and high sugar content. Recommended.0528 £2.95(5seeds)

SNOW LEOPARD F1The first Variegated

Honeydew Melon. The personal sized 2lb fruit are very sweet, disease tolerant with a vigorous habit.

Something just a little bit different from the norm

and bound to draw attention whenever seen. 71 days from

transplanting. 0220 (5seeds) £3.75

Page 45: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

Boiled, fried or raw. Onions are probably included in more dishes than anyother vegetable. Sow bulb Onions Feb-March.


Onion Elista

Salad Onion Red Beard

Onion Pink TorpedoOnion Kelsae

Onion Red Pearl F1

Onion Marco F1

KELSAEWhoppers weighing in the regionof 5lbs. Useless for storage but whocares if the photo is taken and therosette mounted!0228A (Raisers Pkt) £3.40

ELISTARather large elongated bulbs whichlend themselves conveniently forslicing. Try eating raw in salads too.0228B (250seeds) £1.85

PINK TORPEDO Lends itself to slicing and should beeaten raw in salads or just lightly stirfried. Attractive colour.0228C (300seeds) £1.70

MARKO F1A superb early main crop varietywith very long storage capacity. Thinnecks assist in drying. Good diseasetolerance. Highly recommended.0223 (250seeds) £1.95

Salad Onion Apache

Salad Onion Guardsman

RED PEARL F1Main crop variety with a deep redcolour. Firm bulbs - high quality andwill become popular for certain.0224 (250seeds) £2.05

SALAD ONION APACHERed throughout and peeling doesnot strip the Onion of its colour butleaves a good clean scallion. 0225C (250seeds) £1.75

SALAD ONION GUARDSMANVigorous roots maintain the upright‘guardsman’ habit of the leaves andproduces a bulbless salad onion forsummer or autumn.0227A (500seeds) £1.95

SALAD ONION RED BEARDBright red shanks at any age ortemperature. Novel bunching onionfor sharpening up salads. Sow in the spring or summer.0228 (250seeds) £1.75

SALAD ONION EIFFELThe newest in Salad Onions.British bred, upright habit andcan be used for Spring or Autumncrops. Mild but positive flavourand remains bulb free.0225A (500seeds) £1.95

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 45

SALAD ONION WHITE LISBONThe original Bunching Onion forsalads. Retains its pencil-like shapebetter than winter types. (Not pictured)0229 (650 seeds) £1.70

SALAD ONION WHITE LISBONWINTER HARDY (Not pictured)The best variety for over-wintering.Perfectly parallel Onions remaindelicious throughout the growing period.0228E (650 seeds) £1.70

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PAK CHOI GREENPopular Chinese Vegetable withspoon shaped leaves. Pick when just6" tall when they are at their best,halve them and steam or quarterthem to stir fry. Delicious. SowApril/May.0230C (200seeds) £1.75

PAK CHOI GLACIER F1A brand new Pak Choi with snow-white ribs and contrasting deepgreen leaf. British bred. Slowbolting and perfect for salad leavesas well.0230H (200seeds) £1.85

PAK CHOI COLOUR CRUNCHFour distinct colours with juicystems make this mix suitable forSalad Leaves, Micro Greens orgrowing on to maturity where theywill stirfry beautifully. The colourcombination is unique.0230G (200seeds) £1.70

pak choi

HAMBURG PARSLEYThis is Parsley grown for its root. Tastes ofParsley but can beroasted like Parsnip orbetter still grated ontosalads. Winter hardy socan be lifted well into thewinter. Sow March/May.0202A £1.75(300seeds)

parsnipsALBION F1The latest British bred variety highlyresistant to diseaseincluding Canker.Smooth white skinswhich rarely showdiscoloration. A good companionto Gladiator - possiblybetter! (200seeds)0229D £2.05

GUERNSEY HALFLONG (1852)Grown for generationsand even without the vigour of an F1Hybrid the flavourdoubly compensates. I can well rememberthis variety beinggrown in almost puresand as a boy,although the Tomatoeswere more appealing! Very rich flesh andbeautiful roasted.0230A £1.75(500seeds)

GLADIATORF1AGM. Britishbred. Cankerresistant, early to crop anddeliciouslyflavoured smoothwhite roots withhybrid vigour.0230 £1.90(200seeds)

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AVOLAVery good quality for an earlypicking. Try autumn sowing in themilder parts of the country andspring sowing elsewhere. 24". 0231 (250seeds) £1.90

CANOESemi leafless, twin pods containingup to 10 peas each. Self supporting.Mid season variety and the tendrilsare quite tender when cooked. 28".0232 (250seeds) £1.90

CAVALIER A thoroughly reliable main cropvariety producing nothing but twins -two pods per node! Multiply that by 10peas per pod and the crop is stagger-ing. Highly resistant to mildew. 36".0231B (250seeds) £1.90

CERESAVery small, very sweet tasting and

very heavy cropping Petit Pois typePeas. The very first Pea to be enjoyedwith roast duck! 28".0231C (250seeds) £1.90

GOLDEN SWEET (Not pictured)Rescued from an Indian market, thisedible podded variety with two tonedblue flowers and lemon yellow podsmust be eaten as a mangetout. 72".0236 (100seeds) £2.10

ZUCCOLASugar Snap, ‘eat whole’ type with verysucculent dark green pods. Mildewand Fusarium resistant. 22".0233 (150seeds) £1.85

OREGON SUGAR PODThe original Mangetout. One super-market sells 100,000 packs every weekso worth growing your own surely!Delicious when just undercooked. 36".0232A (150seeds) £1.75

Pea Oregon Sugar Pod


Pea Canoe

Pea Cavalier

Pea Ceresa

Pea Avola

Pea Zuccola

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 47

PURPLE PODDED PEA DESIREEPeas are green but the pods arepurple. Attractive purple and whiteflowers and tastes every bit as goodas it looks. 40".0232C (100seeds) £1.95

DORIANFantastic 12cm pods carrying 8-10peas per pod. Mildew resistantand good for Farmers Markets ordelayed shelling in that the Peasremain really fresh when the podis bursting. Commonly known inthe USA as ‘Mr Big’!! 30".0231A (150seeds) £2.25

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Peppers GaloreCHILLI Pepper Bhut JolokiaThis is probably, almost certainly the Hottest ChiliPepper ever produced. Spitefully hot - it cannot beeaten raw and even when dried or cooked has adangerously high ‘temperature’ but even so, verytempting for the culinary buff. 0261 (10seeds) £3.25

SERIOUS WARNING: Do not allow fresh fruit or seeds tocome into contact with mouth or eyes and rubber glovesshould be used when preparing for cooking. The merest ‘lick’will burn the tongue believe me! After preparation, washhands 10 times and ditch the gloves!!

CHILLI Pepper Amando F1Very hot fruit approx. 8" long with a decidedlypointed end which turns from green to pillarboxred on ripening. Bold plants carry a very heavycrop and are medium early in maturity. A first classhybrid by any standards.0266 (10seeds) £2.75



SWEET Pepper Sweet SunshineGiant Bell Peppers in a colourful mix of red, orange, yellow and green. Juicy and tender this mixture is a formula blend so expect a fairly even result. Very strongplants will need staking if the large fruit are to be preserved.0265(15seeds) £2.95


Pepper Mini Solero F1This is the succesor to Mini Chimes which takes some beating! A 9" pot ‘job’ and more fruit of delightful flavour than you could manage. Simply adds to the attraction.0264A £2.75(10seeds)

Pepper BasketOf Fire F1A leafy semi-trailingplant dripping with small hot fruit which changecolour from purpleto red. Plants have a long growing life and it is notunusual to see them fruiting well into theAutumn. 12".0264B £2.75(10seeds) NEW




Page 49: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

SWEET Pepper Planet F1Very sweet ‘bulls horn’Pepper turning red onmaturity with very highyielding crops of 9" fruit and an absolutely smoothskin. Easy to grow.0260B £2.75(10seeds)

SWEET Pepper Palladio F1The yellow counterpart of ‘Planet’. Exceptionallyhigh yielding, juicy thickwalled ‘bulls horn’ Pepper. 0260C £2.75(10seeds)

SWEET Pepper Ice-age F1Blocky ‘bull nose’ Pepper starting off life with an off white skin gradually becoming green and then on to an attractive flame orange. Outstanding cropper and the beauty of this variety is that thePeppers can be eaten at any stage, whether white,green or orange they are absolutely delicious andextremely juicy.0260D (10seeds) £2.75

Pepper Spanish Tapas Padron Named after the Spanish town. These Peppers need to be harvested when 1-11/2" long. The kick is, 1 in 20 fruit will be hot while the rest are mild unless you allow to grow larger. So something of a game of ‘Russian Roulette’! Delicious as an appetiser sprinkled with olive oil and sea salt. (Pictured right)0266C £2.15(20seeds)

Pepper Sumher F1The Turkish Pepper. Long, thin‘Joe’s Long’ type which is spicyrather than hot and an exceptionalcropper. Very attractive plant whenin heavy flush. (Pictured above)0266B (10seeds) £2.75


HEAT SCALE mild very hot0 5






Chilli PepperJalastar F1

Extremely hot Jalapeno type ripening from dark green to red. Very high yielding

but spitefully hot for a modest sized

Pepper. 0266A £1.95



Page 50: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

FEHER OZON PAPRIKAAn all round good quality Pepper forall conditions. 3-4" long fruit have adecidedly sweet flesh and are highlyproductive. 75 days from transplanting.0276B (25seeds) £1.95

FISHAfro American antique. Heavilymarbled foliage with pendant fish-like green fruit all bearing irregularstripes of orange, brown finallyturning to red. Never fails to drawremarks. 80 days from transplanting.0285 (25seeds) £1.95

GEORGIA FLAMETraditional hot pepper from theRepublic of Georgia. Flesh iscrunchy, but not tough, hot and notoverpowering. Fruit are 6-8" long. 90days from transplanting.0278 (25seeds) £1.95


Apart from their culinary uses fresh, peppers can also be dried and hungfor decoration. Sweet Peppers can be stuffed with meat, fish or prawns.Generally speaking, Peppers prefer to be grown in a greenhouse or framefor best results. Sow Jan-Feb. Heat Scale: 0-mild - 5-very hot.

PEPPER BURANExtremely sweet and productiveheirloom from Poland. 24" plantsbear fruit 4"x3". Very sweet, greenor red and remarkably reliable. 90 days from transplanting.0274 (25seeds) £1.95

ALMA PAPRIKAVery thick walled fruit, extremelysweet and with the ability to providemulticoloured crops. Fruit starts outcreamy white, moves on to orange andfinally red. 70 days from transplanting.0256 (25seeds) £1.95

AJI CRYSTAL Origin Chile. Very heavy cropper of11/2"-3" fruit ripening to red-orange.Attractive hot citrus flavour whenyoung. 100 days from transplanting.0267 (25seeds) £1.95

BLACK HUNGARIANOrnamental and culinary. Mildly hotwith black fruit ripening red. Heavycropper. 70-80 days from transplanting.0271 (25seeds) £1.95

CHILTEPINAlmost insignificant pea-like fruitpacking a mega hot wallop on 10-12"bushes. Extremely versatile forflavouring just about any dish youhave. 90 days from transplanting.0275B (25seeds) £1.95

CYKLONPolish origin. An early variety usedextensively for drying and spicing. 80 days from transplanting.0276 (25seeds) £1.95






Pepper Aji Crystal

Pepper Georgia Flame

Pepper Black HungarianPepper Alma Paprika

Pepper Chiltepin

Pepper Cyklon

Pepper Feher Ozon Paprika





Pepper Fish


Page 51: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012



y of


id C



PEPPER FATALIEPhew! Probably the hottest yetwith 3" fruit in brilliant orange.Ideal for pot growing. 90 daysfrom transplanting.0276A (25seeds) £1.95

HABANEROCaribbean favourite reputedly 30times hotter than Jalapeno withlantern-like fruits. Green thin fleshripens to deep red. 90-95 days fromtransplanting.0280 (25seeds) £1.95

HEALTHYEarly Russian variety with the abilityto ripen under cloudy inclementsummers. Wedge shaped fruit by thescore and very sweet. 70 days fromtransplanting.0281 (25seeds) £1.95

JIMMY NARDELLO’SOriginally from Southern Italy anddistributed in 1887 by GuiseppeNardello. One of the best sweetpeppers you will ever taste. 80-90days from transplanting.0282 (25seeds) £1.95

JOE’S LONG CAYENNEGreat heirloom from the SestitoFamily of Calabria, Italy. 8-12" longfruit, thin fleshed and sharply tap-ering. 60 days from transplanting.0282A (25seeds) £1.95

HOT PORTUGAL Been around since 1935. Sturdyupright plants with heavy yields ofsmooth glossy scarlet fruit of 6" orlonger. Hot as Hades! 65-75 daysfrom transplanting.0283 (25seeds) £1.95

LEMON DROPPeruvian seasoning pepper. Brightyellow, long conical crinkly fruit with very few seeds and an intenselyhot citrus flavour. Plants are 2' high and equally wide with dozens of fruit. 100 days from transplanting. 0284 (25seeds) £1.95

MAULES RED HOTAmazingly productive long taperedCayenne type. Does well in the northand perfect for Chili Sauce and hasbeen around since 1912. 90 daysfrom transplanting.0286A (25seeds) £1.95

MINI BELLE MIXEDFor those who prefer a ‘little ofeverything’, we’ve mixed, in equalproportions, all the Mini Belles. Itshould produce an interesting harvestof 2” fruit. 90 days from transplanting0286B (30seeds) £1.95


Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 51


Pepper HealthyPepper Habanero

Pepper Joe’s Long Cayenne

Pepper Hot Portugal

Pepper Lemon Drop

Pepper Maules Red Hot


Pepper Mini Belle Mixed





Pepper Jimmy Nardello’s




Page 52: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

KING OF THE NORTHCool season Pepper and arg-uably the best. Blocky fruitwith a superb sweet flavour. 70days from transplanting.0282B (25seeds) £1.95


ORANGE BELLThe very best tasting orange bellpepper available today. Blocky 4"fruit with thick flesh so old we’ve notbeen able to date it. Excellent sweetflavour, excellent yields. 60 daysfrom transplanting for green fruit, 90days for delicious orange fruit.0292 (25seeds) £1.95

ORANGE THAIBeautiful, ornamental and culinarypepper with 21/2" long finger shapedfruit. Start early and grow two crops in one season. 85 days fromtransplanting.0292A (25seeds) £1.95

PURPLE BEAUTYThe very best purple Bell Pepperavailable today. The fruit are almostsquare 3x 3". Crisp sweet pepper which turns from green to purple andfinally, if allowed, to red. 60-80 daysfrom transplanting.0292C (25seeds) £1.95

RED RICOTORare South American variety pre-ferring cooler conditions and partialshade. Fuzzy leaved plants whichcan be kept alive for years as a pot plant. Unique black seeds anddesperately hot. 0293D (10seeds) £1.95

SPANISH SPICE HYBRIDLooks like large green Chili Peppersbut has a pleasant spicy taste rather than ‘Chili heat’. 7" fruit are

sensational raw in salad or roastedand a remarkable yielder too. 63-70days from transplanting.0294A (25seeds) £1.95

SWEET CHOCOLATEDelicious Pepper ripens from greento chocolate coloured on the outsideand brick red on the inside. Verythick flesh will do well in the north.60-85 days from transplanting.0295A (25seeds) £1.95

THAI HOT A Chili Pepper which can double as apot plant and as a meal. This one isvery hot and very reliable as a plant.0263 (25seeds) £1.95

TOBAGO SWEET SEASONINGExtremely productive seasoningpepper collected in a market on theIsland of Tobago. Powerful smokycitrus flavour. 67-110 days fromtransplanting.0296A (25seeds) £1.95



Pepper Orange Thai Pepper Purple Beauty

Pepper Red Ricoto

Pepper Spanish Spice Hybrid

Pepper Sweet Chocolate

Pepper Thai Hot Pepper Tobago Sweet Seasoning


Pepper Orange Bell









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Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 53


Radish Patricia Radish Plum Purple

Radish Tarzan F1

Radish Gaudry

PATRICIAA very desirable semi-long roundred Radish with a white tip. Remainscrunchy and fresh for ages and theshape makes bunching a doddle.0298H (300 seeds) £1.45

GAUDRYA change! Round red radish with awhite tip. Very attractive ‘salad wise’.0299 (500 seeds) £1.50

PLUM PURPLEUnique deep purple round roots ofancient origin but possessingpristine white flesh and a novel pur-ple colour. 25-30 days.0299B (150 seeds) £1.55

TARZAN F1Round, crimson red roots remainingnon-pithy for ages. Sow as early asDecember indoors. Early cropper.0299A (300 seeds) £1.65

TOPSI Like its namesake it just keeps ongrowing from March to Sept orearlier under cloches. Brilliantscarlet, firm white flesh and a smallroot for easy pulling.0298F (300 seeds) £1.55

WHITE DREAM Not a winter Radish but a thoroughlygood summer root for eating whole.Mild, juicy and crunchy, it remainshealthy and ‘pithless’ even under theworst summer sun.0298G (250 seeds) £1.55

PINK LADY SLIPPERVery attractive salad radish inballroom pink which really addsglamour to a salad. Crisp, crunchyand a beautiful colour.0299G (250seeds) £1.60

BLACK SPANISHSow late in the season and enjoy veryjuicy roots when others are becomingpithy. Grow large and they can becooked like a turnip. 21-28 days. 0299I (250seeds) £1.50

Radish Topsi

Radish White Dream

Radish Pink Lady SlipperRadish Black Spanish

Radish need to be sown fortnightly throughout the growing season forthe best crisp roots and even a late sowing under cloches will providesurprisingly good results. Sow Feb-Sept.

RADISH RAINBOW MIXEDRed, pink, white and yellow. Whynot brighten up a salad with thiscolourful mix. The roots remaincrisp and juicy and should be seenmuch more often!0298E (350seeds) £1.65


Page 54: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

AsparagusGUELPH MILLENNIUM Most modern Asparagusoriginates from Holland. Thisvariety has been very specificallybred in Northern Canada forhardiness and it’s sure to succeedeven in the North of England.Perennial. Sow April-May.0100 (12seeds) £2.850803 (10crowns) £17.95

PACIFIC PURPLE HYBRIDThe latest and greatest from NewZealand. High yielding, sweeterand much more tender than the green variety. Very low fibrecontent so it can be ‘scoffed’almost whole, raw or cooked.Perennial. Sow April-May.0101 (10seeds) £2.950804 (10crowns) £17.95

Delivery: March 2012Last Orders: Feb 2012

The Best of the Rest



TOCHLIAVRIOriginally from Georgia where DrPeter Hanelt had retained stock. A‘soft neck’ type which stores betterand the standard by which all Garlicflavours should be judged. 0187D (1bulb) £4.95Delivery: Nov-Feb. Last orders: Jan

GARLIC CHIVES SHIVA (Not pictured)Very vigorous and highly productivevariety with pleasant Garlic flavour. A cutand come again variety more than payingits way and can be used chopped or whole.0196B (100seeds) £1.70

PRISMA F1Sow at the same time as Onions andavoid the constant replanting ofconventional sets ‘whipped out’ byblackbirds. Generally seed grownshallots resist bolting and sufferlittle in the way of virus.0229A (100seeds) £2.05

SHALLOT OUDDORPSEBRUINEA decidedly ancient variety kindlymaintained by ‘The Count of Eden’Gene Bank in Utrecht. Extremelyaromatic and unbelievable keepingqualities (we’ve had some for a year)!Flesh has pale pink rings and thesquat bulbs are rock hard. A reallyexciting find!0812 (8bulbs) £6.95Delivery: November onwards Last Orders: Feb 12

SHALLOT HATIVE DE NIORT An exhibition variety almost as scarce as ‘hens teeth’ andconsequently very limited.Perfectly shaped beautifulshallots with a refined skin and dainty appearance.0808 (5bulbs) £6.95Delivery: Nov onwards Last Orders: Feb 12



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Asparagus Pea Golden Berry

Stevia Rebaudiana

Artichoke Imperial Star

ARTICHOKE IMPERIAL STAR Sweeter than the average and willproduce 6-8 fruit in the first season.Specifically bred for flavour and earli-ness. Sow in April/May for harvest-ing the following April/May. 3-4'.0099 (10seeds) £2.25

ASPARAGUS PEA (1596)Brilliant rusty orange flowersfollowed by three winged peas.Devour when no more than 11/2"long and you’ll love them.0101A (30seeds) £1.75

GOLDEN BERRY Fruit enclosed in its papery husk willkeep for three weeks. Generally only18" tall and 2' wide so easily contained.Pick when the fruit is a golden orange.70 days from transplanting.0191A (25seeds) £1.75

STEVIA REBAUDIANAA curious Herb for both ornamentalpurposes and for sweetening bever-ages. Presumably one dips the leaf inthe liquid when the concentrated

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 55

Kohl Rabi Vienna White


Salsify MammothScorzonera Lange Jan

MELON PEARCurious melon-like fruit with smallseeds and tasting for all the worldlike pears. Should be cultivatedlike tomatoes.0221C (20seeds) £2.35

sweetness makes its presence felt.Germination slow and erratic.0205A (20seeds) £2.10

KOHL RABI VIENNA WHITE Very popular for cooking likeTurnip, shredding or slicing for dips.Mild crisp flesh which doesn’t getwoody and can be grown indoors orout. Underrated.0207E (75seeds) £1.90

OKRA STAR OF DAVID (Not pictured)AAS in 1939. Harvest pods when 3"long. Very versatile vegetable suitablefor soups etc. 55-65 days to harvest.0222F (100seeds) £1.70

PEANUTS A chance for the kids to growsomething novel on the windowsil.Plant the shelled seed about 2" deepin well drained soil and simply standback and wait. 0255B (6seeds) £1.70

SALSIFY MAMMOTH Creamy coloured ‘Carrot like’ rootssaid by some to resemble Oysters orAsparagus in flavour. 0308C (100seeds) £1.70

SCORZONERA LANGE JANSpecifically bred for regular shapeto assist mechanical peeling andextra long roots. Thought to repelCarrot Fly so put a row between theroots. Easy peasy peeler!0308D (100seeds) £1.70

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Sweet Corn SPINACH COLUMBIA F1Highly disease resistant varietyfor later in the season. Exception-ally slow bolting. Sow from April-Sept for maximum production.0308H (300seeds) £1.80

SWEDE GOWRIEFinally a Club Root Resistantvariety with all the flavour youwould expect from a Hybrid. Atotally useable clean root.0314D (250seeds) £1.75


SWEDE TWEED F1British bred for British weather!Very appealing with lavenderpurple shoulders and a delicateflesh. Uniform, vigorous and early.Don’t miss the humble Swede!0314E (250seeds) £1.95


SWIFTSuperb taste and heavy cobs. One of the earliest varieties. Verydensely planted it could also beused for Mini Corn at a pinch.0315 (50seeds) £2.35(Pictured left)

LARK IMPROVED A decidedly markedimprovement over the alreadygood original. About 4-7 daysearlier which will make all thedifference in the North. A midseason ‘cold soil’ performer.0316A (50seeds) £2.35(Pictured right)

CANDY MOUNTAIN F1So sweet it can be eaten raw!Early maturing variety with 8-9"cobs and almost certainly twogood fruit per plant. Should dowell in the north. (Pictured right)0321 (50seeds) £2.50

MIRAI GIANT YELLOW F1(Pictured left)The Grandfather of all theAwarding Winning Mirais! Huge fatcobs filled to the very tip and ofsuperb flavour - a good 8-10" longand beyond imagination dipped inbutter. Early to mid season.0317C (50seeds) £2.50

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TOMATO RAINBOW BEEFSTEAK (pictured above)A mix of six legendary Beefsteaks. Yellow, red, pink,green, black and orange. Weight 12ozs - 3lbs. All cordonand all with terrific earning potential. Keep no more than2-3 fruit per truss for the biggest fruit. 77-100 days fromtransplanting.0395D (30seeds) £1.90

TOMATO LEGEND (pictured right)An outdoor type showing impressive blight resistance andproducing 6oz fruit of slightly flatter shape than the norm and is almost seedless. (Should appeal to our retired customers)!Excellent flavour. Bush. 70 days from transplanting.0386C (30seeds) £1.90


Here’s a collection worth tackling! We have put togethera mixture of sweet tasting black heirloom Tomatoesincluding Chocolate Cherry, Black Sea Man, CherokeePurple, Black Krim, Japanese Trifle Black and Nyagous.Simply ‘Scrumptious’!0356 (30seeds) £1.90



Last year Rainbow Beefsteaks were an enormous success. This year we’ve gone into the archives and resurrected aselection of Heirloom Cherries. Flavour is variable but mostare superlative and the colours lift a salad to new realms.0396A (30seeds) £1.90

Once again we’ve listed all the ancient and heirloom varieties we could lay our hands on and even if grown only for curiosity

they will always be a talking point with varieties, shapes, colours and sizes for every location and occasion.

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AMISH GOLD Claimed to be the most reliableyellow Tom yet. Huge solid flesh and fruit are perfect for frying,sandwiches or eating fresh. Cordon.80 days to transplanting.0357B (20seeds) £1.85

ANTIQUE ROMANGiant plum shaped fruit withexcellent flavour and dense flesh.Cordon. 90 days from transplanting.0358A (20seeds) £1.85

ANANAS NOIRMulti-coloured fruit (green, yellowand purple). Flesh is curiouslygreen with deep red streaks and hasan outstanding flavour. Cordon. 85days from transplanting.0358C (20seeds) £1.85

BEAM’S YELLOW PEAREndless supply of baby pear-shapedfruit with a great taste! Marvellousfor salads. Cordon. 70-80 days fromtransplanting.0361 (30seeds) £1.85

BLACK KRIMRussian origin. Flattened fruit withalmost black shoulders when ripe.Smashing flavour. Cordon. 69-90 daysfrom transplanting. 0362 (30seeds) £1.85

BLACK FROM TULARussian heirloom. Decidedly ugly tolook at but decidedly delicious to eat.3-4" fruit. Cordon. 80-85 days fromtransplanting. 0364 (30seeds) £1.85

BLACK SEA MANSmall plants with deep brown fruitand a very rich flavour. Potato leaved.Bush. 75 days from transplanting.0365 (20seeds) £1.85

BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINVery old standard heirloom from theAppalachian Mountains. Heavy yieldof 11/2lb fruit which are pink andglobe shaped. An excellent sweet taste.Cordon. 75-85 days from transplanting. 0365C (20seeds) £1.85

Tomatoes are the No 1 Greenhouse crop for the amateur vegetablegardener. We’ve listed all the very ancient and heirloom varieties we couldfind and if grown even for ornamental purposes alone, will be a talking pointin the greenhouse or shed! Sow Jan-May.


Tomato Black From Tula

Tomato Black Sea Man Tomato Blue Ridge Mountain

Tomato Amish Gold

Tomato Beam’s Yellow Pear

Tomato Black Krim

Tomato Antique Roman Tomato Ananas Noir

TOMATO ALASKAN FANCYExtremely early plum tomato,ahead of anything else, producingmassive crops and the earlinesstakes nothing from the flavour.Should do well in Scotland. Bush.55 days from transplanting.0357A (20seeds) £1.90


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PINK (SUDDUTHS STRAIN)Dates back to 1900. Large pink beef-steak fruit grow up to 2lbs. Incrediblyrich tomato flavour. Cordon. 90 daysfrom transplanting. 0366 (20seeds) £1.90

REDSister variety of Brandywine consideredby some to be the best old fashionedflavoured Tomato ever. Potato leavedand whopping 1-11/2lb fruit. Cordon. 90days from transplanting.0366B (20seeds) £1.90

YELLOWGolden version of Brandywine withprolific yields of semi irregular shapedfruit. Gorgeous taste. Cordon. 90 daysfrom transplanting.0366C (20seeds) £1.90

ORIGINALThe original source of the now wellknown heirloom originated by theAmish farmers. Large luscious redfruit and up to 1lb in weight. Bush. 80days from transplanting. 0366D (20seeds) £1.90


Tomato Crnkovic Yugoslavian Tomato Brandywine PinkTomato Cherry Roma

Tomato Brandywine Red

Tomato Brandywine Yellow

Tomato Brandywine Original

Tomato Cherry Snowball

CHERRY ROMAIncredibly heavy crops of 1" longplum shaped fruit with an addictivesweet spicy flavour. Cordon. 80 daysfrom transplanting. 0369 (30seeds) £1.85

CRNKOVIC YUGOSLAVIANLarge beefsteak fruit. Lovely flavourand rarely cracks inspite of its size.Cordon. 80-90 days from transplanting.0370 (20seeds) £1.85

CHERRY SNOWBALLProbably the nearest to white yetalthough in bright sunlight will turnprimrose yellow. Good cropper andlooks great with Chocolate Cherry ina salad. Cordon. 75 days fromtransplanting.0401B (20seeds) £1.85

CURRANT GOLDRUSHSelected by a Dutchman for its moremanageable growth habit and splendidtrusses of mini fruit just 1/2" across.Millions of them! A chef's dream!Cordon. 75-80 days from transplanting.0370A (30seeds) £1.85

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 59

TOMATO BLACK CHERRYBeautiful black fruit look likedark cherries. A very richflavour with an unbelievablecrop has made this variety amarket stall favourite. Cordon.70 days from transplanting.0361B (20seeds) £1.90

Tomato Currant Goldrush

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Tomato Federle Tomato German Red StrawberryTomato Currant Sweet Pea

Tomato Glacier

Tomato Green Grape

Tomato Greensleeves

Tomato Green Zebra

CURRANT SWEET PEAA worthy companion to Goldrush.Same habit, same clean flavour and same persistency to remain on the vine. Kids will pick these asthey ripen. Cordon. 75-80 days fromtransplanting.0370B (20seeds) £1.85

FEDERLEPepper shaped fruit almost seedlesswith a rich flavour. Ideal for juicing or sauces. Cordon. 85 days fromtransplanting. 0375 (30seeds) £1.85

GERMAN RED STRAWBERRYAn heirloom handed down by a Mar-jorie Morris from Indiana. Huge 2-3lb fruit with mega-size strawberryshaped fruit of the most lovely flavour.Cordon. 90 days from transplanting.0376A (20seeds) £1.85

GLACIERVery cold tolerant variety almostdown to a frost! Starts to fruit at just6-8" tall. We cannot trace the originbut stood the test of time andproduces one heck of a crop! SemiBush. 65 days from transplanting.0377A (20seeds) £1.85

GREEN GRAPERelatively young heirloom withyellowish-green grape like fruitwhich are spicy, full flavoured butvery sweet. Cordon/Bush. 80-90days from transplanting.0379A (20seeds) £1.85

GREENSLEEVES Beautiful elongated fruit with greenand yellow stripes. Solid fruit, idealfor sauce and remarkable flavour.Dwarf bushy plants require nostaking. Bush. 75-80 days fromtransplanting.0379B (20seeds) £1.85

GREEN ZEBRAGreen 11/2" fruit changing to shadesof greenish yellow. Sweet but strongflavour and quite early. Cordon. 77days from transplanting.0380 (30seeds) £1.85

HILL BILLY POTATO LEAFGorgeous slicing tomato from Ohio.Predominantly yellow with redstreaks, it produces fruit of 1lb andexceptionally juicy. Cordon. 85 daysfrom transplanting. 0381 (30seeds) £1.85


TOMATO CHOCOLATECHERRYRemarkably tasty and can bepicked early and allowed to ripenover several days. Particularlyattractive for salads or for therestaurant trade and never cracksor splits. Recommended. Cordon.70 days from transplanting.0369B (20seeds) £1.90

Tomato Hill Billy Potato Leaf

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Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 61


Tomato Japanese Trifle Black Tomato Jelly BeanTom Halladay’s Mortgage Lifter

Tomato John Baer

Tomato Large Red Cherry

Tomato Lemon Tree

Tomato Long TomTomato Marizol Gold

HALLADAY’S MORTGAGE LIFTEROne of the nicer strains of MortgageLifter. Heavy yields of 1-2lb fruit thatare always crack free. Great oldfashioned flavour hard to beat.Cordon. 90 days from transplanting.0380A (20seeds) £1.90

JAPANESE TRIFLE BLACKThis monster has tasty 4-5oz sweetfruit borne in huge clusters whichreally are the size and shape of a fullsized pear. Cordon. 80 days fromtransplanting.0383B (20seeds) £1.90

JELLY BEAN HYBRIDGrape-like fruit aptly named for their intense colour and sweetness.Remarkably disease resistant and anastonishingly long keeper. Expect upto 30 fruit per truss very early in the

season. 70-75 days from transplanting.0384A (20seeds) £1.85

JOHN BAERIntroduced in 1907. Renowned for itsearliness, enormous crop and thevery long season it enjoys. Vigorousred fruit with exceptional flavour.Cordon. 70 days from transplanting.0384C (20seeds) £1.85

LARGE RED CHERRYVery productive plants, with 11/2-2"fruit absolutely full of flavour. Bottlethis one whole. Originally from aTomato Collector’s Archive. Cordon.75-80 days from transplanting. 0386 (30seeds) £1.85

LEMON TREEPeculiar fruit reminiscent of a lemonin both shape and colour. Distinctsharp taste but different and usefulfor salads. Cordon. 75-80 days fromtransplanting.0386B (20seeds) £1.85

LONG TOMFamily heirloom from Pennsylvania.Fruit are 5" long, have few seeds andare very fleshy with a sweet flavour.Easy for salad slicing. Cordon. 85-90days from transplanting.0387 (30seeds) £1.85

MARIZOL GOLDBlack Forest origin since 1890.Heavy yield of flattened red-gold bi-coloured tomatoes with no problemsand a superb flavour. Cordon. 80-85days from transplanting. 0388 (20seeds) £1.85

TOMATO EVA PURPLE BALLDelicious German heirloom fromthe late 1800s. Beautiful deeppinkish purple globes weigh 6-8ozs. Extremely sweet, very juicyand marvellous crops. Cordon.80-85 days from transplanting.0374C (20seeds) £1.90

Page 62: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

PURPLE RUSSIANHails from the Ukraine, 3-4”plum shaped fruit weighing6ozs or so. Great taste, sweet andfleshy and has a very good coldtolerance. Probably the bestpurple/black Tomato for keepingas it seldom cracks. Cordon. 80days from transplanting.0395A (20seeds) £1.90


Tomato Neve’s Azorean Red

Tomato Red Zebra

Tomato New YorkerTomato Mexico Midget

MEXICO MIDGETVery prolific plant producing theentire season. Dark crimson fruit1/2" round, give an incredible richtomato flavour in salads. Cordon.60-70 days from transplanting. 0390 (30seeds) £1.85

NEVE’S AZOREAN REDOriginally from the Azores. Possiblythe highest yielding Beefsteak varietyaround. Superb deep rich flavour.Cordon. 75-80 days from transplanting.0391A (20seeds) £1.85

NEW YORKERAnother early outdoor variety whichrarely splits or suffers from BlossomEnd Rot and remarkably sets fruit in cool short seasons. Bush. 66 daysfrom transplanting.0390B (20seeds) £1.90

OLD BROOKSGourmet quality flesh and resistant toBlossom End Rot for those gardenerswho forget to water regularly. Hasalso shown good tolerance to blight.Inclined to be tart but very tomato-ish!Cordon. 75-80 days from transplanting.0391C (30seeds) £1.85

TOMATO JERSEY DEVILEnormous yield of large 4-6" peppershaped fruit and amongst the best formaking Tomato sauce and paste.Very healthy looking plants insist oncropping until the first frost. Cordon.85-95 days from transplanting.0384B (20seeds) £1.90

OREGON SPRINGThe top choice for gardeners whodo not have a lot of space. Compact15" plants with good flavour andexceptionally productive. Early.Bush. 60 days from transplanting.0393A (20seeds) £1.85

PERONBush variety which seemingly needsno spraying for green or whitefly. Wecan’t claim its immune but certainlylooks resistant. Very high in VitaminC and a lovely flavour. Bush. 60-70days from transplanting.0393C (30seeds) £1.85

RED ZEBRABright red fruit overlaid with goldenstripes. Probably the best flavouredof all the ‘striped'’ varieties and theflesh is even deeper red and verydense, producing massive crops.Cordon. 85 days from transplanting.0395C (20seeds) £1.85


Tomato Old Brooks

Tomato Jersey Devil

Tomato Oregon Spring

Tomato Peron

Page 63: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012


TOMATO SIOUXA relic from 1944 and bred for extremesof climate.Many say it’sone of thefinest tastingTomatoesgoing.Extremely prolific.Cordon.75 days fromtransplanting.0401A (20seeds) £1.90

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 63


Tomato Silvery Fir Tree Tomato Speckled RomanTomato Russian Black

Tomato Stupice

Tomato Tasty Evergreen

Tomato White Beauty

Tomato White Tomesol

RUSSIAN BLACKA Russian heirloom. Charcoal blackflesh, lovely flavour and large fruit.Cordon. 80 days from transplanting. 0398 (20seeds) £1.90

SILVERY FIR TREEDistinctive carrot-like foliage on 24"plants. Very heavy crops of slightlyflattened 31/2" fruit. Extremely dec-orative and eye-catching in baskets.Bush. 58 days from transplanting. 0400 (30seeds) £1.85

SPECKLED ROMANGorgeous 5" long fruit with jaggedorange and yellow stripes. Veryfleshy traditional tomato flavour andexceptionally productive. Cordon.85 days from transplanting. 0402 (30seeds) £1.85

STUPICEExtremely early Czech variety findingits way to the United States at the turnof the century. Potato leaved, heavycropper with consistently high yields.Lovely flavour and cold tolerant.Cordon. 55-70 days from transplanting. 0405 (20seeds) £1.90

TASTY EVERGREENGreen to very light yellow. (Theflesh remains green when ripe).Luscious and tender with a strongsweet flavour. Medium sized fruit.Cordon. 75 days from transplanting. 0406 (20seeds) £1.85

WAPSIPINICON PEACH2" fruit with a ‘fuzz’ like a peach.Superb sweet flavour. Cordon. 80days from transplanting. (Not pictured)0409 (30seeds) £1.85

WHITE BEAUTYCreamy white flesh and a real acidflavour. Very uncommon with anuntraceable origin. Cordon. 75 daysfrom transplanting. 0410 (20seeds) £1.85

WHITE TOMESOLParchment white fruit with extrasmooth skins and a sweet citrus-likeflavour. 8oz fruit for eating straightoff the vine. Cordon. 85 days fromtransplanting. 0410A (20seeds) £1.85



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Page 64: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

PITENZA F1 (SPARTA IMPROVED)3-4oz fruit. Cordon. 0421 (8seeds) £2.95

PINK WONDER F1At last an indoor and outdoorBeefsteak Tomato in a reddishpink uniform. Fruits of 1/2 -1lb are easily achieved and it is bothmeaty and juicy due to its diseaseresistance. Cordon. 100 days fromtransplanting.0450 (8seeds) £2.95

JAKARTA F1Medium early Beefsteak with good keeping qualities. Resistant to Blossom end rot and splitting. A good ‘doer’ in the Beefsteak fieldespecially its fruit setting ability.0447 (8seeds) £2.95

THALASSA F1 (pictured left)Enormous crops of medium sized fruit. A very agreeable flavour.0444 (8seeds) £2.95

COUNTRY TASTE F1 Fruit up to 3/4lb. Surprisingly good flavour. 0446 (8seeds) £2.95(pictured right)

Modern tried and tested tomatoes

MARINDA F1Marmande type with decoratively ribbed fruit and the most intense red colour at maturity. So even it could be cut into regular segments. (right)0442 (8seeds) £2.95

CINDEL F1(left)5-6oz fruit. Cordon. 0417 (8seeds) £2.95


Page 65: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

REDCascadingvariety for thepatio. Regularbranching,high yieldingand sweet.Perfect forsalads andthe BBQ.Bush. 90days fromtransplanting.0415 (20seeds)£2.35

YELLOW Sister variety of TumblingTom Red with the sameappreciableflavour andornamental andcascadinghabit. Bush. 90 days fromtransplanting.0416 (20seeds)£2.35

TROPICAL F1Cherry tomato with an enviable flavour and does not crack. Full trusses of 20 or so tomatoes can be picked in one pass however it does prefer to begrown under glass. A professional variety. 0443 ( 8seeds) £3.75

SUMMER SWEET F1Baby plum Santatype. Very highsugar content with 1/2oz fruit. AnotherprofessionalTomato acquiring an AGM WisleyAward in 2004.Cordon. 75 daysfrom transplanting.0434 £2.95( 8seeds)

FERLINE F1Impressive variety showing good tolerance to Blight. Disease resistant and an interesting flavour. Very vigorous. Cordon. 70-80 days from transplanting.0433 (8seeds) £2.25

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 65


Santa type specifically bred for outdoor production and by far the easiest to grow. Crimson red fruit produced in multi-branched trusses over a very long period. Wonderful flavourcontinues to improve with age. Bush habit requiringminimum training. 0424 (8seeds) £2.95


Page 66: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

OLIVADE F1Elongated 4 ozfruit with an allover colour. Alovely modernTomato justreceiving an AGM WisleyAward in 2004.Cordon.0431 £2.95 (8seeds)

MINI CHARM F1Extremely sweet grape sized red baby plum thatcan be picked separatelyor as a whole truss.Exceptionally tempting for kids and an addedattraction is the threepronged calyx. Highlyresistant to disease too.Cordon but can easily be grown as a busharound a central stake.0422 (8seeds) £2.95

RAMBLING GOLD STRIPEThe next generation of Basket Tomatoes. More compact butstill trailing with a unique rather different colour showingyellow and gold streaked fruit and around 80 fruit per plant.Can beeasilygrown as aconventio-nal BushTomato ifpreferred.Verydifferentand Britishbred.0452(15seeds)£2.35

TOTEM F1Still the marketfavourite for patiogrowing. Early bushhabit with regularsized fruit of 2-2 1/2"across and a squatplant just 18-36" inheight. Offer asingle stake in thecentre and tie theweight of the fruit to it. Long lastingand compact. Bush. 80 days fromtransplanting.0432 £2.55(10seeds)


MICRO TOM Respectable fruit and easily grown in a 6" pot or bag.We’ve seen it growing on a kitchen windowsil. 8-12".0324 (10seeds) £2.20

TOMATO CHERRY FOUNTAINVery vigorous variety particularly suited for large basketsand containers. Cherry red fruits crops over a very long

harvestingperiod. A tidy habit and quickestablishmentmakes CherryFountain oneof the besttastingTomatoes ofrecent years.Bush.0455(15seeds)£2.35

RAVELLO F1Oval, uniform deep red fruit with true Tomato flavour and being a cordon promises a huge crop.0448 (8seeds) £2.95


Page 67: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

SHIRLEY F1AGM. Suitable for the cooler greenhouse where it willproduce very heavy crops of 3oz fruit. Cordon. 80 days from transplanting. 0336 £3.50( 15seeds)

GARDENER’SDELIGHTAGM. So wellknown it needslittle describing.1" cherry fruit ofsuperb flavourproduced in neattrusses. Cordon.70-75 days fromtransplanting. 0340(30seeds)£1.60

SUN-DRIED The real McCoy!Direct from Italy and easily dried if the whole truss iscut and hung in theshade. Cordon. 80-90 days fromtransplanting.0353 £1.75(40seeds)

SUPERMARMANDE Odd shaped French varietywhich hasremained popular forgenerationsbecause of itsoutstandingflavour. A touchof olive oil andbasil and youcould kid yourself you’re in France!Cordon. 80 days fromtransplanting.0341 (30seeds)£1.60

MONEYMAKER The gardener’sstandard choice. Oldas the hills but reliable and produces 2-3oz fruit with no trouble.Cordon. 80 days fromtransplanting. 0342 (30seeds)£1.60


The updated version of Santa! Almost identical with slightly larger elongated grape-like fruit and the sameenviable sweet and tangy flavour. Cordon. 70-80 daysfrom transplanting. 0412 (8seeds) £2.95

ILDI Solid masses of brilliant yellow cherrysized tomatoes.Remarkablytasty. Cordon. 80 days fromtransplanting.0357 (30seeds)£1.85

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 67

Page 68: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

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simplyvegetablesPlants of Distinction, Abacus House, Station Yard, Needham Market, Suffolk, IP6 8AS.

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 (Please quote: POD) Fax: 01449 721722 VAT No: 496 7225 04

Sub Total

Post & Packing: Seeds £1 95

Post & Packing: Plants £4 50

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BROCHURE REQUEST RECOMMENDATIONIf you know someone who would like to receiveone of our brochures, pleasefill in their details below:

Plants of Distinction Seed and Plant Brochure 2012

Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012




Complete your order and send it to us at:Plants of DistinctionAbacus House, Station Yard,Needham Market, SuffolkIP6 8AS Our secure online ordering service is the fastest method of ordering. Please check the site for details.

01449 721722

0844 856 0763 (Please quote: POD)Hours of Business: Mon-Fri (9am-5pm)Weekend & Evenings: 01449 721720

Your order will either be taken personally by us or should we be unavailable please leave your order details together with your credit card no. and expiry date and this will be dealt with immediately.

[email protected]

01449 721720Hours of Business: Mon-Sat (8am-5pm)






GIFT VOUCHERSWhy not purchase a gift voucher for friends orrelatives which can be used to purchase from our Seed & Plant Brochure or our Vegetable Brochure.Sold in multiples of £5.00.4001 £5.00 each


If there are further suggestions you would like tomake please feel free to comment.

HOW TO PAY1. By Credit Card: We can accept all the credit cards

shown on the order form overleaf.

2. By Cheque: Please make cheques payable to Plants of Distinction. All cheques will be cashed on receipt of order. Please accept this as acknowledgment that your order has been received safely and is being processed

3. By Postal Order: All postal orders will be cashed on receipt of order.

All seeds are despatched in excellent condition. Should you bedissatisfied with the condition of any seeds/plants purchased,please let us know in writing within 14 days of sowing. Obviouslywe cannot take responsibility for horticultural problems outsideour control, eg. drought, frost damage or insect damage.Liability is limited to the purchase price of each seed packet.All seeds are offered in good faith as being true to name anddescription and are intended for private gardeners only.

ORDER DESPATCH - IMPORTANTUK Seed Orders: All seed orders will be dealt withseparately from plants. Please allow 7-10 days for your orderto be processed. Peak season please allow up to 21 days.SEED DESPATCH COMMENCES 26TH OCTOBER 2011.Foreign Seed Orders: Seeds can be sent worldwidehowever due to changes made by the British Post Officepostage will be £4.50 per order.Plant Orders: Plants are available to UK and EC customersonly. A £3.50 surcharge will be levied to all EC Plant Orders.


Page 70: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

PEPOLINO F1(right)A really vigorous plant with numerous elongated fruit held very precisely along the truss - probably suitable for floral arrangements too! Exceptional flavour, disease resistant and can be grown both indoors

and out in sheltered spots. Bush. 70-80 days from transplanting. 0439 (10seeds) £2.75

SUN CHERRY EXTRA SWEET F1(left)Equal to Sungold at anytime but red in colour.

The next generation! Masses of 1-11/2" fruit which hang on the vine without splitting inspite of its thin skin. Cordon. 70-80 days from transplanting. 0414 (12seeds) £3.25

AFeast of Tomatoes

TOMATO SWEET ‘N’ NEAT CHERRY RED & YELLOWA true windowsill variety with all the hallmarks of a regular sizedplant. Crowded with mini trusses of fruit these plants grow happilyin 4-6" pots and reach no more than 18" in height. British bred forwindowsill growing! 12-18".Cherry Red (10seeds)0326 £2.25

Yellow (10seeds)0326A £2.25

Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 71

Page 71: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

SUNGOLD F1Among the sweetest Tomatoes yet produced. Inclined to crack if lefttoo late but otherwise11/2" fruit are producedvery freely. Cordon. 78 days fromtransplanting.0323 £2.95 (12seeds)


The very ‘Tops’ in Tomato

experience. Japanese bred

and most definitely outyields, outflavours,

outclasses even ‘Sungold’, once considered to be the gardener’s No. 1

for flavour. Add to that its resistance to cracking - its desire to remain on the vine

and its superlative flavour and you will then have some idea of what’s in store for you. An absolute outright winner, believe

us! Cordon. 70-75 days from transplanting. 0327 (12seeds) £3.25


SUN CHERRY PREMIUM F1 (pictured right)There are cherries and there are cherries! This one is the latest andgreatest and the Japanese breeders claim it is the best red yet.Exceptionally high brix reading (sweetness scale) and if the first year’strial is anything to go by, we're confident you’ll grow it again and again.Cordon. 70-80 days from transplanting.0428 (12seeds) £3.25

Wander your way through 2 pages of exceptional cherries which will leave you in no doubt that flavour

is still paramount and yield simply adds weight to the case for hybrids.

Deliciously Sweet Cherries


Page 72: Plants of Distinction Simply Vegetables Seed Brochure 2012

• Carries a large crop of cherry sized tomatoes

• Sweet and tangy flavour• Suitable for baskets,

windowboxes or containers • Bush/Cordon

0454 (8seeds) £2.95

Plants of Distinction, Abacus House, Station Yard, Needham Market, Suffolk, IP6 8AS. Order Hotline: 0844 856 0763 (Please quote: POD) Customer Service: 01449 721720 Fax: 01449 721722 [email protected] by Propeller. Tel: +44 (0)1473 287485. Printed by Five Castles Press. Tel: +44 (0)1473 718719.