Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration...


Transcript of Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration...

Page 1: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God
Page 2: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

We want to be true to the biblical mandate to make disciples. New churches best reach new generations residents, and people groups. The Population is growing 8x faster than we are currently starting churches.

The hearers of the Great Commission fulfilled it by planting churches. The best indication of what Jesus meant (in the Great Commission) can be found in how the hearers responded. - Ed Stetzer

“Planting new

churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under

heaven.” - Peter Wagner

Why Dallas? - 3 South Dallas - 4 Demographics - 4 Vision - 5 Strategy - 5 Discipleship Pathway - 6-7

Values - 8 The Houston’s - 9 Ways to Partner - 10 Budget - 10 Why the Edge? - 11 Contact Info - 12 Partners - 12

Page 3: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

The Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex contains approximately 7 million people. The population is projected to grow to 8.3 million people in 2020. 162 people groups can be found in the Metroplex and over 300 languages are spoken on a daily basis. 1.2 million are foreign born residents. Reaching Dallas is effectively reaching the nations. The economy and projections of city growth is strong. There are over 520 new residents and 400 jobs added daily. The tremendous and continued growth warrants new churches.

Page 4: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

The 75249 zip code is on the edge of the Dallas city limits. It’s an area that is often forgotten and neglected. The 75249 zip code only contains three churches for its16,000 residents. The community is racially diverse and comprised primarily of young families. A 5 mile radius from this area yields a population of approximately 200k. Growth for this community is tracking above the average for Dallas County. Currently hundreds of new homes and apartments are being built in the immediate area.

Population 16,265

Average Age 33.6 years

Average House hold size


Primary Language English

% Evangelical Christian

Approx. 30%

# of Evangelical churches


Page 5: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

We long to see our neighbors Receive, Display, and Extend the Gospel to the nations.

We glorify God by Evangelizing the lost, Discipleing the

found, Gathering to worship in community, and Empowering the body for multiplication.

Demonstrating and proclaiming

God’s story so that our neighbors have an opportunity to Receive the Gospel.

Guiding Jesus followers in the Word

to learn how to live and Display the Gospel in the world.

Joining together corporately to

worship through music, word, and communion as a Display of our reverence for the Lord Jesus.

Empowering and equipping the

body to Extend the Kingdom through multiplying disciples, groups, and churches.

Page 6: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

Missional Communities

Grow Groups


Primary Entry

Church Planting

Secondary Entry

Multiplying leaders

Page 7: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

A community of Christ followers on mission with God in obedience to the Holy Spirit proclaiming and extending the Gospel in a specific pocket of people. Missional communities engage their community to see their neighbors receive the Gospel. We engage the Bible in community with grace filled accountability to learn how to Display what it looks like to follow Jesus in every area of our lives. We do this through rhythms of prayer, Outreach, Bible engagement, and fellowship.

A group of 3-5 disciples dedicated to growing in spiritual disciplines. Grow groups are designed to equip disciple makers to be leaders of leaders for the purpose of extending the Gospel beyond our current area of influence. We will grow MC leaders, Grow group facilitators, and Church planters from the Grow groups.

Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God has done, and what God will do. Worship celebration will be a time of gathering in unity to reflect, remember, and regroup for the mission. Celebration will be contemporary But authentic. Celebration will serve as another entry point into the church.

Page 8: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

We believe each member is to serve in the ministry using their gifts given by the Holy Spirit for the benefit of the church and the expansion of the kingdom.

We seek to do every aspect of ministry in a way to funnel the Gospel out to unbelievers and into our own hearts.

We desire to be socially responsible through compassionate service because God calls us to seek justice and to serve the least of these.

We believe the Bible is our authority and the truth of the Bible is relevant to all cultures and ages.

The church should be a ethnic representation of the community. A great picture of the reconciliation of the Gospel is living out the heavenly call of every nation, tribe, and tongue worshiping King Jesus

Prayer must be the power source behind everything we do.

You know the generous grace of our Lord

Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for

your sakes he became poor, so that by his

poverty he could make you rich.

- 2 Corinthians 8:9

But seek first the kingdom of God and

His righteousness, and all these things will

be provided for you.

- Matthew 6:33

All Scripture is inspired by God and is

useful to teach us what is true and to make

us realize what is wrong in our lives. It cor-

rects us when we are wrong and teaches us

to do what is right.—2 Timothy 3:16

All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of

you is a part of it… God has appointed for the church:

first are apostles, second are prophets, third are

teachers, then those who do miracles, those who have

the gift of healing, those who can help others, those

who have the gift of leadership, those who speak in

unknown languages. - 1 Corinthians 12:27-28

For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one

body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or

free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

-1 Corinthians 12:13

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every

occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your

prayers for all believers everywhere

- Ephesians 6:18

Page 9: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

Bud and Jessica have been married since 2006. They have 4 children; Cash (8), Quinn (6), Cannon (2), and Carsen (born in January 2017). Jessica followed the Lord at a young age. Bud did not come to follow Jesus until age 26. Shortly after salvation, Bud heard and obeyed the call to serve Jesus in His church. Through the process of discerning his call in ministry, Bud felt that God was leading him to church planting. Bud and Jessica began praying about a location and people. Unexpectedly in the Summer of 2016, Bud’s employer offered to relocate him and his family to DFW. Dallas was already one of a few locations they were considering. God ordained a very quick sale of their house in Tennessee which lead to the purchase of their new house in Dallas only days later.

Now in Dallas, Bud works as a Senior Instructor for an Automotive parts manufacturer. Jessica stays at home and home schools their children. Together they are making connections in the community and building relationships with the intention of expanding the Name and Fame of King Jesus. Bud has completed his undergraduate degree in Organizational Leadership at Union University. He has been enrolled at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Bud is on track to graduate with a Master of Theological Studies with a concentration in Cross-cultural Missions in 2017. Bud has served as a revitalization pastor, interim pastor, small group leader, Sunday School teacher, and various other ministry roles.

Page 10: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

Sign up for a monthly email and commit to pray daily for the

ministry, the community, the Houston’s, and the glory of God be made known in South Dallas and across the globe.

Come and become part of the work that God is doing in south

Dallas. Pray about joining us and serving with either a long term or short term commitment. Email to inquire for more information.

- Consider becoming a change partner by giving financially. Financial gifts will be used to directly impact the Kingdom and the eternity of many in the community.

Join the prayer team at Send Financial gifts to:

The Edge Church P.O. Box 542343

Grand Prairie, TX 75054

Missions Giving (Cooperative Program, Local Association, Future Church Planting)


Staff and Staff Support (Pastor ministry expenses, training and Administration costs)


Church/Community Ministry (Evangelism, Discipleship, Worship, and Community Engagement events)


Operational Expenses (Celebration Service and Misc. Expenses)


Total Budget Needs 24,000

Page 11: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

Followers of Jesus are called to the edge of society. Jesus on the eve of His crucifixion, prays to the Father.

I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth. - John 17:14-19

When Jesus says, we are not of the world, He makes that explicit with repetition. That is not our destination, but rather the starting point. Jesus is sending us out on mission into the world. We’ve been rescued from the darkness and given the Light not merely to flee the darkness, but to guide our steps as we go back in to rescue others. The only way that we can be in the world on mission, but not of the world is to live life on the edge. We want to live our lives on the edge and invite others to live on the edge to make the Name and Fame of Jesus made known to our neighbors and the nations.

Page 12: Planting new - THE EDGE CHURCH€¦ · Church planters from the Grow groups. Corporate Celebration is a time for Missional Communities to gather and celebrate who God is, what God

615-477-3596 [email protected]

P.O Box 542343

Grand Prairie, TX 75054