Plant Jeopardy Relating structures to functions. Structures /Functions GraphingAbsorption...

Plant Jeopardy Relating structures to functions

Transcript of Plant Jeopardy Relating structures to functions. Structures /Functions GraphingAbsorption...

Plant JeopardyRelating structures to functions



Graphing Absorption


Photo-synthesis Tropisms

100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

What systems do plants have?

Answer: Roots and Shoots

Structures/Functions 100

What are the tube-like structures that make up the vascular tissue?

Answer: xylem and phloem

Structures/Functions 200

What is a flat structure that is attached to the stem?

Answer: Leaf

Structures/Functions 300

What are the two main functions of stomata?

Answer: let extra water out, and allow gasses (carbon dioxide and oxygen) to be exchanged

Structures/Functions 400

What are the main functions of the roots?

Answer: absorb water from the soil, hold the plant in place, and store extra food

Structures/Functions 500

Why do we make graphs to show data?

Answer: as a way of studying information collected that is easier to understand, to identify trends or patterns

Graphing 100

What type of data would be best shown using a line graph?

Answer: any data that shows how something changes over time (minutes, days, months, etc.)

Graphing 200

What type of graph shows comparisons?

Answer: bar graph

Graphing 300

When would you use a pie chart or circle graph?

Answer: anytime your data shows parts of a whole

Graphing 400

What is the difference between a stem-and-leaf plot and a histogram?

Answer: Stem-and-leaf plot shows frequencies of individual data and a histogram show frequencies of groups of data that are continuous.

Graphing 500

Why is the soil the best place to water a plant?

Answer: Because the roots, which are underground absorb the water from the soil.

Absorption 100

What does absorb mean?

Answer: take in, soak up, collect

Absorption 200

What happens to the water after the roots absorb it?

Answer: water is passed from the roots to the xylem

Absorption 300

How is water delivered to all the other plant parts?

Answer: Xylem

Absorption 400

What are all the structures that are responsible for absorption?

Answer: roots and xylem

Absorption 500

What is the process of transpiration?

Answer: the process in which the plant releases extra water

Transpiration 100

What structures within a leaf allows the water to be released?

Answer: stomata

Transpiration 200

Why don’t we see plants transpiring?

Answer: the stomata are tiny, and the amount of water released is so small that it evaporates quickly

Transpiration 300

What is a result of transpiration?

Answer: the roots need to absorb more water

Transpiration 400

Why would small leaves benefit desert plants?

Answer: there isn’t a lot of water, so small leaves would help a desert plant hold on to water…less leaf area to lose water

Transpiration 500

In which plant structure does photosynthesis take place?

Answer: leaves

Photosynthesis 100

What is photosynthesis?

Answer: the process in which plants make food

Photosynthesis 200

What are the ingredients that the plant needs to make food?

Answer: water, carbon dioxide, energy from the sun, chloroplasts

Photosynthesis 300

What does the plant get rid of during the photosynthesis process?

Answer: oxygen and water

Photosynthesis 400

Why would big leaves be helpful to plants in the rainforest?

Answer: so many plants competing for sunlight, so big leaves allow them to trap as much sunlight as possible

Photosynthesis 500

What is tropism?

Tropisms 100

Answer: A plants growth in response to a stimulus

What is the difference between a positive and negative tropism?

Tropisms 200

Answer: positive grows towards a stimulus, and negative grows away from the stimulus

How do the roots and shoots respond to light?

Tropisms 300

Answer: the roots respond negatively by growing away from the light, and the shoots grow positively by growing toward the light

How do roots and shoots respond in geotropism?

Tropisms 400

Answer: roots respond positively by growing toward gravity, and shoots grow negatively by growing against gravity

Why are roots only affected by hydrotropism?

Tropisms 500

Answer: one of the roots main functions is to absorb water from the soil, so they will grow toward a water source.