Plano Prayer Vigil. (week #11 update)

Hi folks, Last Saturday was dedicated to David Allen, my favorite shofar blower ... and lo and behold a shofarist from Israel showed up and blew the shofar over Planned Parenthood and later over the traffic clogged highway. He did not know David Allen. Talk about a coincidence! You can see the shofarist and others in this week's pictures: The pictures can also be viewed here: During the day Paul Borchard walked up to me and showed me some pamphlets that he'd printed out for the skatepark event that we sponsored that was orchestrated by Shaun Burgess. He said, "If the traffic ever backs up again we could hand these out." The flyers have information about the prayer vigil for people interested in joining us. And of course you can guess what happened shortly thereafter. The highway traffic came to a standstill and the feeder road (service drive) become a slow moving parking lot. And those pamphlets were handed out! One woman rolled her window down and began screaming that we only cared about the baby and we didn't care about the women. She was in the lane furthest away from us so we weren't able to communicate with her very well -- but that is a common complaint that those who support abortion repeat again and again. The truth is that we care about everyone. The baby, the parents, the clinic workers, and the fallen world that surrounds them. It also came up the previous night when we were standing outside of the abortuary on Greenville Ave. for 40 Days for Life. Except this woman had gotten out of her car and stood next to us with her Bible as she fought back tears. She was clearly post abortive... and this time we had a chance to explain to her how we love the women specifically. The same people who stand on the grass in Plano are also funding a crises pregnancy home for expectant mothers who have no place else to go -- it's called Bella House. There will be an open house this coming Saturday, October 3rd that you're all invited to attend. We will be going from the Plano Prayer Vigil over to Bella House at 1 pm after next week's prayer vigil ends. But wait ... it gets better! John Shuman will be grilling brats and hamburgers for everyone at Bella House. The address is 1809 Cortez Drive, Plano, TX 75074. The open house will be from 10 am to 5 pm with a blessing from Father Bruce Bradley at 11 am. As I mentioned, all of us from the prayer vigil will be heading over there at 1 pm and we will tour the house and have lunch together. Here is a link to directions from the Plano Prayer Vigil to Bella House:


A brief summary of how God moved outside of the Plano Planned Parenthood on Sept. 26th, 2015.

Transcript of Plano Prayer Vigil. (week #11 update)

Page 1: Plano Prayer Vigil. (week #11 update)

Hi folks,

Last Saturday was dedicated to David Allen, my favorite shofar blower ... and

lo and behold a shofarist from Israel showed up and blew the shofar over

Planned Parenthood and later over the traffic clogged highway.

He did not know David Allen. Talk about a coincidence!

You can see the shofarist and others in this week's pictures:

The pictures can also be viewed here:

During the day Paul Borchard walked up to me and showed me some pamphlets

that he'd printed out for the skatepark event that we sponsored that was

orchestrated by Shaun Burgess. He said, "If the traffic ever backs up again

we could hand these out."

The flyers have information about the prayer vigil for people interested in

joining us.

And of course you can guess what happened shortly thereafter. The highway

traffic came to a standstill and the feeder road (service drive) become a

slow moving parking lot. And those pamphlets were handed out!

One woman rolled her window down and began screaming that we only cared about

the baby and we didn't care about the women. She was in the lane furthest

away from us so we weren't able to communicate with her very well -- but that

is a common complaint that those who support abortion repeat again and again.

The truth is that we care about everyone. The baby, the parents, the clinic

workers, and the fallen world that surrounds them. It also came up the

previous night when we were standing outside of the abortuary on Greenville

Ave. for 40 Days for Life.

Except this woman had gotten out of her car and stood next to us with her

Bible as she fought back tears. She was clearly post abortive... and this

time we had a chance to explain to her how we love the women specifically.

The same people who stand on the grass in Plano are also funding a crises

pregnancy home for expectant mothers who have no place else to go -- it's

called Bella House. There will be an open house this coming Saturday, October

3rd that you're all invited to attend. We will be going from the Plano Prayer

Vigil over to Bella House at 1 pm after next week's prayer vigil ends.

But wait ... it gets better! John Shuman will be grilling brats and

hamburgers for everyone at Bella House.

The address is 1809 Cortez Drive, Plano, TX 75074. The open house will be

from 10 am to 5 pm with a blessing from Father Bruce Bradley at 11 am. As I

mentioned, all of us from the prayer vigil will be heading over there at 1 pm

and we will tour the house and have lunch together.

Here is a link to directions from the Plano Prayer Vigil to Bella House:

Page 2: Plano Prayer Vigil. (week #11 update)

The directions can also be viewed here:

Getting back to the events of last Saturday... I thanked Paul for having the

forethought to bring them ... and then he said someone else had brought them.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

We were blessed by the presence of several new people who were standing with

us for the first time. One of them is a Christian drummer name Ed who has

been ministering for 40 years. I first noticed Ed because he was carrying a

stool with him as he walked through the bushes.

It turns out that Ed has a bad knee. It inspires me to see people who are in

physical pain walking through it to serve God on the spiritual battlefield. I

was reminded of Elizabeth Muzyka who showed up with a cane as she walked

through the pain of a knee replacement to stand with us.

As humans we are going to get sick physically and spiritually. I can remember

what is was like to be broken down physically and spiritually when I was

separated from God. It's a very lonely and hopeless feeling.

But when we are weak standing next to God everything is different... because

God takes the broken and rebuilds them into something beautiful. And

sometimes it is God breaking us down spiritually to rebuild us into His


All humans confront the symptoms of the cancer called sin. Except we have the

antidote in Jesus Christ. And that is why we stand in front of the abortion

clinics and other places where sinners congregate.

To offer them the cure to sin.

On that note, later God's nurse showed up with a stethoscope hanging from her

neck. She was not just any nurse -- but one who works for the great


And the great Physician heals our souls. The fallen world kept asking Jesus

to heal physical ailments and missed the much greater gift of healing the

spiritual wounds that plague us as a result of our sinful choices.

Jesus said he came to give us life... but of course the fallen world thought

it meant life here on Earth where rust and time destroy. He was talking about

another kind of life whether neither rust, nor time -- nor anything else can

tarnish it.

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you

unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." - John 14:3

Jesus is coming... and every day we stand on the grass together we prepare

the way.


P.S. 40 Days or Life has officially kicked off and National Life Chain is

Sunday, Oct 4th: