Planning With Vision

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Planning With Vision

Transcript of Planning With Vision

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FOREWORDA cly is defined os o hoblol or humqn settlemenl where ils res clenlscompele for progressive developmenl ond oclvoncement n coreerond weolth, reflecting ihe groMh of iis sociely. Since the r inceptonthe cities of Kuolo Lumpul Penong ond Johor Boru molured ondbeckons o redefinition in ils structure, plonning ond lmoge. As odeveloping noiion, ctes ore cufiently undergoing o tronsformotonof imoge lo ref ect ts lmportonce os o metropolilon cly w'fh n oglobol confeir. Consequenly, new ponning opprooches onclopplicoiions ore needed to identify Mooysion ciies os developedand lechno og colly odvqnced meiropolis thot exempif es amoden ond efficient cily

ln the lost two decodes, MoLo\,,sion cilies hove foced lremendouscholenges in fhe lerms of plonning ond development thot w l

specificolly benefit the groMh ol the country Todoy, c tes reflect odeveoped ond compelilve country The moge of o safe onclcentrol environmenl hos o'drocled forelgn investments, feeding tothe growth of ihe copitols economy The dynomc re qtionsh pbetween the env ronmenl oncJ mon hos been slrong y emphosizedbv ocodemics ond theoisls ond is deemed imporloni wth n theconlext of socjol, economic ond physicol developrnenlConseqLrenty, ihe environmeni hos become o mqn elen'reni n

ponn ng for lhe impiovemeni ond odvoncemenl of o ciiy. Cii es wullimoielv miror o responsive, c vilized ond developed soc ely thoi is

sensilive iowords globo ssues

As o counlrv with lslom os ihe officiol relgion, eoch deveop.neri !s

plonned ond mp emenled io ossure ihe integrot on of eihn c vo !9stowords developing o cv societ ond qdherng io susic noblsdeveopmenl p ncipes Ctes ore olmng io ochev-- o oeveopeoslolus lhol symbolzes susloinobi iy, culuro :niegroiioi ondocceeroted economic developrneni. Glidelines ond pcl.cles icrmihe bockbone of suslo nob e lown ond cly pcnn ng icr c ies . i'recounlry. Ihe Vlson 2020, siruclure pons, sL-rsio nob e devecpn_eriond lows ond ocis hove provided significoni lmpoionce i. lheformotjon of o globo secl copito c iy o cily of e comr-ierce, k

economy, rch culuTo ond soco dversiry, p'ooressve deveopmeniond economic importonce

As o growlng nolon, every sngle deve opi-ren; rs occu.oieyponned ond impleaienied io ossure the iniegroiion oi oll s noturolelements oi ils besi. Ih s book ref.ecis some oi ihe molor e emenlsihol forms ond shopes thoi hove been derlved irofi. odher ng to theplonned deveopment Suppoded by sirong gudng prnciples ondplons, proper cly ponnng hos heped heghlen ond redefine ihemoge of clties. This s the notioas bggesi step iowords reo sing ourvision of q developed naloncommend lhose thot hove been nsirL-rmentol in seeng this timey

book published Ths is cleorlv o londrnork conlrllulon iowordsreo sing our vision of o developed nolon

Direclor GenerolDeportment of Town oncl Counlry Plonn ng

Peninsulor Moloysio

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wilh Vision

beller lMng envlronmenh lor sustqlnqble developmenf

To d€slgn ond develop Moloyslon clllgs thot willbe cenlers of excellence for lMng, lecreolionond commerce wilh dlsllncllve choroclers.

The Mdloysion clly would enhonce lheMoloyslon woy of llte emphoslzlng on ourcullurol hedtsge while b€lng a portlclpqnt inlhe globcl villoge. $ would be on Enlily lhotr€spEch the nqturql environment, lMng withinnoture ond pEseMng it for posledv. lhe civond lh sociely will be tdendly, w€lcomlng ondblessed wlth noble spirituol yolues. Knowledgewlll be o comerslone ol lhe clly. A ploce ryherechildren would develop ond di6cov€r Moloysionvolues, odopling new ldeos ond lechnologiesnoi only tor Molqysio but olso lor lhe world. Ihepgople will be efficienl qnd compellllve lo lqcelhe chollenges of lhe 2lsl cenlury ln ochievinglhe vlslon 2020. Cities ore lhe culmlnotion ofcurrenl proclices ond lhe rollonole for tulureones.

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Tolol Plonning & Developmenl Docline

New plonning ond redevelopmenl ol cilies currenlly odopl lhis doclrine. The moin ingredienl ol lheTolol Plonnlng & Developmenl Doclrine is lhe inlegrolion of spiriiuol volues in plonning onddevelopmenl. Spirituol volues ore the combined resull of lhree symblotic reloiionships lhol form lhecrux ot ony society,

- Relotionship beiween Mon ond lhe Creolor- Relolionship beiween Mon ond Mon- Relotionship between Mon ond ltre Environmenl


Mon ond the Environment(M-A)l\,4on os the odminislrotor on eorlhis entrusied wiih ihe tosk ofmonoging ond enrlching iheenvironment. lvlon is required topreserye ihe envlronment ond ilsresources while mointoining iheeco system. Plonning forsustqinqble deveiopment in mindwlll ensure thoi vorlous eodhresources such os mounloins, iver s

ond our colleclion of floro ondfouno will be enjoyed endlessly.

Mon ond Mon (M-M)Deve opment is o physicomonilestolion of ihe collective eiforof rnon ond hls socieiy'. Consiont\fluctuoiing needs moke urborplonning ond deve opment creot€o communol liMng gnvironmenl thois complete. ll would olso b€

copoble of fostering ihe spkit oneighborliness while encourogin!interoction omong oll level osociety

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:55'Tolol Plonning Philosophy

The tronsloiion ond implementotion of the TotolPlonning ond Development Doctrine is through thephilosophy of five chorocte slcs.

ComprehensiveThe 1olql plonning ond development should covetoll volues, morol ond spiiituol os wel os thephysicol ond moierlol ospecls of our sociely. Theseeiemenis ore inseporoble becouse they form 'lhe

core of o susiolned well being objective.

Mqn qs lhe Focus of DevelopmenlMon's needs, olJiludes ond ospirotions ore some olihe mosi importoni ospects thqi ore token inioconsiderotion in formuloting be it policy oldevelopment opptooch Neverfheless, oil issuesshould siress on fjnding q bqlonce beiween iheneeds of mon ond the cqpqcily of iheenvironment 1o fulfill ond supporl these needs

Mulli Dimensionol AclivitiesPlqnned development tqkes into occounl omullitude of voriobles, All ospects ol mon's llfe onddiverce development activities must be glven dueconsideroUon ond thus would be q compleie ondbo anced model.

Quonlilotive qnd Quolitolive ChongeTotol plonning ond developmeni stresses on thebolonce belween odjuslmenls whereby eochprogress ond chonge will moke [,,lon groteful 10 thebenevolence of lhe Cteolor,

Equilqble Utilizotion ond Dislribulion of ResourcesTolql plonning ond developmenl emphosizes onthe optimum use ond equiloble distrlbulion of ollnqlurol resources between N,4on, bosed on ohtsond justice.

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It is the hollmqrk of o civilizotion to hove o dlsclplinedond orderly ciiy Wiih ihe proper guidonce ondreguloiions n ploce, ihe fiomework of how the city wouldgrow how iis lnhobilonls would conducl lhemselves ondtne slructure of orgonizotions wiihin itre cily, would becieai. Tne cily is plonned by Govenmenl reloledogencies 10 tneir respective locol City'ri ogetcy roles ore more lowords plonning ofthe civ ihe deveiopmenl thol would be o lowed ond thecirecion ihe plonn nq wolld loke. CitV Council tokes onlhe iole of irnplenrenler ond os o reguloior of theseplons ond reievont gude nes

An od.r-r nisiroi:on c.a/ such os Kuo o Lumpur is noi only obusiress ceaie but oso o benchmork for goodgovernonce crd clr" n-roacaemeni fol othgr counl esorouid ile v/ofd Pulcloyo is o new eleclronicgovern,'neii odn a;sl.of:ve cenire onc will bring ihestondord ot ciiy mono9e..eni to greoter height.Elemenis oi qdmlrisiroiion con be seen in vorlous clliessuch os co|rdhouses, whlch represent the role of owmosques, which represent relgion ond governrnenloffices, which represenl lhe do y business of govemlng onotion.

There is o muliil-Jde of gu:delnes, suggestions ondproposols regarding the developmeni oi ihe ciry. t is lherole of lhe odmi|,]islroto. io siFi ihrougn cll of these ondchoose lhe mosi eileclive one ond moke ii legol Onlythe odminisjroiion hcs the ouThoity to moke ii so ondenforce its stotus. Ths roe is one of powef ond of stofus.This con be seen by the vorous forms thcl odmin sirotiontokes in the city. From the Clly Holl lo lhe Courthouse,th-ose ploces generote on ouro of discplne ondsirenglh.

ln oddlion to plonning the cily, odminisirolion tokes onmony more roles. they p oy the roie of guiding theinhobiiont's woy of life. They show ti're dkeciion in which itwould be ideol for the inhobilonis lo ioke. Plonning,


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P,jme Minjsle^ offce - putrojoyo




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Condomiri'rm Mng

There is q growlng lrend in N,4oloysion cities lolorge scoLe ond comprehensive houslngdevelopment with better iving envlronmenis.The cily would be o ploce where lvoloysions conlve in comlod wiih o wide choice ol housingiypes ond locqiions. Creoting homes closel io thework oreqs qnd strengthening lhe imoge of lheresidenliol oreos, pqrticulorly new housingschemes would creote o more conduciveenvironment for living. The imp(ovemenls ofpub' ic tronsport ond other infloslructure js geo€dtowords mokrng the city o more humone ondlivoble hobitot. From the ospecl ot lecreotion,Lelsure, work ond heallhcole, these loctols needlo be token nlo consideroUon. Urbon centres ln

the clly need 10 be in o stote of minlmumdisrupton io be ob' e to p qy its role effeclively

Good ne ghboury relotions, the co ng N,4oloyslon

soc elv ond hqving a good reloilonship wlth thenoturo londscope hove mqde our new housingdevelopmenis into o modem urbon socielyembrocing the spirt of o Ny'oloysion villqge,Regordless ol sociol closs, provlding goodoflordoble homes hos remoined ihecommitmenl in our morch towolds excellence.

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lnlegoi on ol ond$ope \dil jhe irous ng schenre

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ln keeping with ils lmportont role, lvoloyslon cilieshove the followlng oulstonding chqrocterlslicsi

Hislory - Preserving ond conseNing buildings whlchore historic ond syrnboljse the noble volues of ocivilisotion;(nowledgeoble - The urbon centre os o centre ofocodemic excellence ihrough the provision ofintegroted focilities such os schools, mosques ondscience cenlrcs;Beneflclql - The economic octivities ond focilities ofthe urbon centre is of benefit to oll levels of usersjThe Mosque os q tocus - ln its role os the pulse of osuccessful neiwork of developmentjlnleroclion cenlre - Urllon octlvitles thoJ provideoppodunities for lnteroclion lowords ochievlngunilyjHdrmonious - Design of o city thot is in hormonywith ils environmentjBequliful ond cleon - Syslemolic ponning onddevelopment of Infrostructure, public qnd soclolfocililles so thot they wil oppeqr hormonious,beoutilul qnd godly mointoined;Accessible - ln plonning for the urbon cenlre,focuses on the occessiblliiy c terio which should beodequote, shqlegic ond integroted.

lhe city centre is the pulse of the Ciry, Mon is thegenerolor of qclivliy ond the mqgnet of octivily,Both of these need feeders lhot ore nelwork orcolleciive connection tools.

Cilies thot ore bosed on piely ond devotion conbecome lhe polnl thql connecls the hormony ofhumon oc'tlvlly ond ihe envircnmenl, The conceptof o clly bosed on devollon ond pleiy need to plqnthe folowing elementsl- The moin focol point of ihe City is communjtyinstitutions ihol prioitize religion (mosque),odminislrolion, fomihl educoJion ond sociely;- The mosque hos been lhe focol point of the cilysince the time of the Prophel lvJuhqmmod (peocebe upon himl. The mosque os o ploce for personolond sociol devotion ond deeds. odminislrotioncenlrc, nelghbourhood centre, sociol developmentcenfre, informoiion centre ond cenires foreconomy ond educotion;- A rood system thot centres on the moin mosques.Cilies should not hove more thon 100,000 residentsto ovoid increosing sociol problerns ond when theresidentiol populolion reoches thol number, o newciiy would be neededl- The mosque is ploced os the centre of foco pointof the cltt/, Shoh Alom hos been plonned with themosque os o primory cenlre ond cleor precincldisirlcts thqt ploce odmhistrollon ond educo'lioninslilullon withln them ond commerciol centres inneor by precincts.


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...good relqiionshiB with ihe noiu!'ol londseepe har,'e made our newhousing development into q modern urbon sociely enrbreie ing ii-ie spiritof Moloysion villoge



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The vlsion is for Moloysion cites lo become oneconomic hub of ihe ASEAN region. The uliimateobjective is 10 provide o totol business environmentwilh conducive worlcpoces, omenities qnd slote ofthe ort infrostruclure to creole on envlronment ofexcellence for the highly tolenled people. Apod fromthot, the city will offer o comprehensive ronge ofbusiness focilities whjch ore inclusive of o g obofnonciol centre wth the relevonl T fiomework. Soaaeof lhe deos tho't woud be developed orel

- Creoiion of o finonciol cenlre ond lnsttL,ton os thenucleus for buslness deve opmenl oninvestmenf.- the creotion of on ideol ombionce cnd v/orkngenvironmeni lo otlroct worklorce ond invesimenito the cllv' Provlslon of convenlon centres ond hoiels wiihnthe bus ness cenire.- To creqte on ideol living ond esure spocesclarse to the business hubs.- To creote lT fromeworks os o bosis fo. o srnoriond

'nlelllgenl city for business.

i) To mqintoin o green environmenl ond cleonlinessof woletwoys, restucted developmenl qreqs oTeneeded, os wos procticed in the time of the PropheiMuhommod Ipbuh].

A. Methods to creole green woyt which ore innercily green oreos.This method is simibllo preporing o iver €serye ondo green bell or bufier zone os hqs been prociiced,but it needs on effective implementotion ond wouldnol ollow ony d sruplion to ihese oreosBr The method of creoting blue woys which ore iveloreo nelworks, pro'iec'ied by cleody denned reseNesond used comprehensively os o city londscope.

ii) Sociol elements siress on the ospect to produce oclvlized communily in line with lhe ospirolion toochieve on ldeol cltizenrv,

A: The moin encourcgement towords this objectiveis ihrough stengthening communiiy, fomily ondreligious volues. A community ihol hos o strongreligious belief will overcome volues thot ore noicompqtible wiih the needs of religion.

concepl oflhe Prosperous Clly Br lhe points thol need io be stressed on orePrepore o cily envlron thol is peoceful from the educolion, creoling on envkonment thotphvslcol ond sociol eement pont of view Heolhy encouroges sociol integrotion ond thephysicol elemenis encomposs cleon iness ond odvoncemeni of culture thot wiil strengdhen thepolluiion fiee (oll forms of pollution). The docirLne nqtionol idenlity \.ifiile protebting the communllyprjnciples thol need 10 be opplied within this process .. from infuence! of ddiimentol io€ion cullues.lo creote such o cit is , '

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i-iCompossion - c€ole foci tles for ihe communily wh e :

toL,l^g into occoJ']'the effects o'deveoo-nent 01 ..-he indvduol, societv o.d e,)vholmenl. nL-. :

Toleronce - developmerl tho' does not donoge. e:ih.'bolonced when tulfillrng the needs ol oll pores. ti'tn i'c*^ 'plonning ond implementotion lhot is slructured. ' '.

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rn!hormonious ond ensures rights ond symbiosis.e5 irgi rrs ulu ry,, 'uu!r5. i:Creon cleo.lliness ond oeouV f'or ll'e phvscol t

ospect o.d even th- -e1to V O' lhe C:hzel^S. tAa^"h/ - +^ta in+^ ^^.^"^+ t^a a^\,ir^^ma.t^l 'Beouly - toke into occounl the environmeniol r -;.conditions, for exomple woter, plont life ond oir i ;Conseryotion - sensilive environmentol oreos thotentoil plont life needs ond the citys ecology.

Crilerio for lhe creolion of q Ptosperous Cily:

Three lmportonl foundotions thot hos been theguiding prlnciple in moklng Moloysion clt esprosperous ore ceoniness, heolthy ond peoce. cleonoir, woter ond environs will ensure the heolth of plonts,onimols ond therefore humons ioo. c@enery lhot )

provides cleon oil ocl os o nolurol oit wqter, noisefilier ond shopes locol weo'ther lhot is pleosont. Cleonwoter provides for humqn, onimol ond plqnlconsumption whlle f te ng oil pollullon ond obsorbingheot. \ hile urbon ocllvllies ensure o reevonl peocefor the comfort of the communily.

These foundqlions ensure the prosperity of lhe cily ondils' residents. A cleon environment will form o goodond slrong sociol foundoiion.

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Finonciol focilities ore the key element to ossist oureconomic groMh. With systemotic ond efflcientfnonciol systems throughoul ihe country belnginked through ihe mojor cities, L4oloysio js o plocethoi provides o sloble foundotion for finonciolociivilies. ln oddition to bonking focilities there oremony other fqciliies in the city. There oreExchqnges, not just limited to stock trqding bui qplethoro of olher finqnciol instruments, flnonciqlservice componies ond olso Govenment relotedfinqnciql serylces such os Tobung Hoji. Theseinstilulions do nol slond qlone bdr wok hond nhond with .ek'ied insliMions elther in the p voiesector or in the Govenment sector. ft is 'lhis

cooperolion thot gives sLength ond credit io lheciiy os o finqnciol hub.

Mqoysos obiiy io soil through ihe recent Aslqneconomic crlsis is proof thqt not only our KuqlqLumpur Siock Exchonge bul olso our finonciolfundomenlols ond slFlems ore slrong enough toweoiier ony inlemJption to our glowth. Theexistence ol lorcign Rnonciol gionts in mojor ciiesglves credt 10 our economlc policy ond system.MoLqysq is olso o pioneer of lsqmlc bonking thqi is

offered sde by side with irodllionoL bonkingservices. The lslomic finonciol sysiem is onoiheroption for the globol morket ihol Moloysio ploys onimporiont role in. Although lhere is no dlsticlfinonciol cenLe os yel,lhere is one in lhe moking nthe neighbourhood of Kuoo Lumpur SlockExchonge.

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The commercioi secior in Moloysio hos developedvery strong bose in lerms of its versotility ond vo ety

the€ is one nnoln shopping oieo supported byshopping oreqs such os shoplots. lt is okin lo hovingonchor lenqnl suppoding smoller tenonts but this is

on q neighbouhood scole.


The locotion of these shopping cenites hove becomefm ni cent es of 9row15 os s-poort ng oclivit'es qnd lo'd,su'roundilg l^ese shopp:ng ce^tres benefrt from 'he:

economic ociiviiies generoted by them. FurthermoleJshopping cenlres in the city ore bosed on nodes wher€'

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comprises o wide ronge of shopping fqcilities ronging

from smoll lroders lo lhe huge shopping complexesiShopping is on importont ospecl oi ciiv life os it colers -ol

moteriol needs lhol connot be fullled i1 rurql oreos, In5l

oclivity hos olso become o mojo|lourism ottrocion. Thh:

being the cose, l\,4oloys o hos o'odLced some of the

reg ons finesi shoop'19 ce.)l es thot ore eosiv occess'bl€for veh culor troh c os well os g ving o mojor emphos:s opedestrion lroffic.

Snopplng porodse

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Although Moloysio is set to become odeveloped notion by the yeor 2020, l\,4oloysioncilies will hove its own unique idenli'iy byincorporoting ond conserving our noturolvegetotion ond wotelwqys in the plqnnlng ofour cilies. ln on ideolly plonned cily, green lungswould oct os o bolonce by obsorbing fhe heoiond by'produc'is of humon octivily ond inexchonge, provide the breoth of the city. ThePutrojqyq Wet onds oreo is lhe besl exomple ofour omplified vision of o cily where peoplework, live ond plqy close to noture, ThePutrojoyo Wetlonds covers 160 heclores ondwos built over 19 monlhs. Creoted using ihelqtesl envlronmentol technologi\4 it functions oso nolurol fillering syslem for fhe Putrojqyo Lqke,ond provides lood mlligolion meosures for lhewhole oreo,

[,4qny other sonctuories within the city limits werecreoted olrned ot preserving the notutollondscope ond wild life os well os o ploce ioescope for q brief respite from the huste ondbusile of the cily, lncoporqting elements olnoiure in the build n9 of roods, i)oulevqrds ondsquores, enhonce lhe chorocter of o tropicolcity ond gives clues to our continuing pride olouI nqlurol identity.

By ensh nlng lhe closeness to noture in our woyof lite, Environmentol lmpoct Assessnnents (ElAl

ond Envlronmentql l\,4onogernent Systenls (El\,4S)

plov on imporlonl role,

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wilh Vision

The relo'iionship bgv-egn mqn ond noture hos beenove ooked in the dost tiu'l there hos been o shift whenplqnners recognized thoi iolvn plonning had to beintegroled wiih regiono plonning, ond thoi bolh of ihesehod lo be incorporoled wiihin ihe contexl ol slrotegicplonning, which hos o onger-term future orientoiion, Inorder to fullill long term gools, ihere wos increosingevidence thol ihe environmenl would ploy o lorger port inthe Success of o p on.

By undersionding noture ond lhs relolionship 1o


Lr,. ::r:. B-r Feinlg ..turouPnonS

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E.o-touRrsMFolowing the Prosperous CiJy cile o, cilies hove10 Jind o wqy lo hove their oreos of preseNedqreenbet ond wotelwovs ore benefclol io thecommunily There ore mqny octviiies thol con beconducted within these qreos. They ore octjvitiesthot do nol horm thol poriiculor environment orneed onv forrn of properlv develoomenl.

Ecologico Tou sm ls o form of tourlsm thotrespects the consirolnts of the enviaonmeni byconducting octivities such os mountoin biking,river rofting or bird woiching. Other noturollondmorks or uniqueness con olso benefit fromlhis iype of tourlsm Bqlu Coves olihough nolplonned lo hove qn ospect of eco touism, it hosfound o niche in covlng Areos lhot ore plonnedore oble lo use theh nolurol choroctedslics toenhonce lhis experience,


B!['iCecloh Noilic ond .non mode goden wilh n lf€ city

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Moloysio hqs the qdvontoge of o yeor round sunnyclimote with o good onnuol roinfoll. Thls is beneficiql nolonly for the residents but olso for plont life. A look oroundthe cily is enough evidence of this. Well monicured roodshouldeF which ore olso londscoped with o vorieiy ofplonls ore o common sight oround the cit ond subudronoreos. This would give o clue os to how importont greeneryis within the plonning of o cily. Thg gqrdens thot oreovoiloble wilhin o ciy ore the epftome of this plonning, Thegordens ole o showcose of Moloyslos folq ond founo,giving emphosis io procljcolity qnd funclion of ihe plontlife ovoiloble. The focus of o gorden in lhe city is lhevoiely of plont life ond ils beouty. The gordens oredesigned following lhe needs ot lhe environmenl ondconnected with green bets. An exomple could be seen inhow g.eenery complements lhe vo ous loke gordens lnKuolo Lumpu, The gordens ore siruciurolly plqnned in orodiol formotion.

lhe townscope of o gorden in the city is o s\6Jem otgreenery ft]ol is comprehensive. lt mointoins o green oreoof 20% oF toiol lond oreo. There is o dislincl system ofgodens ond moinloins the ospect of beouty, culture onddesign. The moin component of o gorden in the ciiy is

odmlnistrotion of the gordens, comrnerciol complexesond os such, Suppod components would include pub cporks such os f nge godens, prlmory gorden, pockelgorden, housing goden qnd os such,

Beoutitul Cily Concept

one cite o of plonning'ihot is reflecied In Mooysiqn cilJesis 'beouty which is o reflecion of lhe communiiyspersonolity. The vqlles of this ciiy ore directed moretowords strengihening lhe relotionship between mon ondthe environmeni, the responsibility of mon lowords lheCreqlor ond nol only bosed on oeslhelic building voluebecouse buildlngs qre only one personolity ospect Beoulyis olso the culiurol beouil rep.esentoiive of Moloysion /Eosiem volues, iiend jness, peoceful ond loleronl

Doctrine p nciples thot need to be shessed upon ls

cleonliness ond bequty; which ore- Design ond plocemenl of ordedy ond effective spoces jn

creoting cleonliness, beouty, comfort ond sowing lheseecls of lesponslbility lowords the environmeni in lhe soulof the residenfs.- Conserve greenery, bodies of woter ond olso theenvkonmentol quoljly, wlthoui loklng into occountprof itoblllty of discrlminotory clossif icqtion of f ocllities,

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, .:1lnndscope otgggdng cente .:'rE;;!i- ti,. iltil!

Page 37: Planning With Vision

Moloysio hos o ch histoicol bqckground ond multlrociol socletv thql hos formed ihe foundotion for thedevelopment of Molol6ion cities. These foctors-.hoyeproduced dlffe.ent orchilectuiqt sytes ltrot ld6€S'iii 'the vo ous influences on Moloysion lffe. Theseinfluences ore rnosl evidenl in colonlol buildings whenMoloysjq wos undergoing one of tls phoses of roplddevelopmenl, lhese building ollhough old, slill serve lnlhe form of ofilces, shops qnd even museums. Theyprovide o volue'fhqi is ouistonding to the generolpublic ond to thg fuiure the poinl of vlew ofhistory

cut'ru.ql lqndscopes represenl lhe comblned works ofnqture ond ot mon, They ore ltluslrotive of lheevolution of humon soclely ond settlement inMoloyslo over iime, under the hfluence of theph!5lcol constrqints ond oppodunlties presenied bytheir noturol envkonment ond of successive soclol,economic ond culturol forces, both externol qndinlemol.

\y'hile some of lhe orchitecturol londscop€ thol ls

bequeqthed to lhis generollon ls piceless, cliles olsohove o livlng hedtoge thol ls on pqr or even morepdceless thqt Is embodled ln the oris. Venues forexpression of these orts hqve been neglecled in ourrush towqrds developmenl There ls now o shltt lnthinking liowords develoFing lhls slde of ou hedtogeos well, Ihe Nolionol lheqtre Is one of the first modernconlribullons lowords this effod.


Hsloicor uridrE n Jcnor Sohor!

Page 38: Planning With Vision

slliollbu hb' JiiCng .lahorSonoiJ

Ihe R')ol S.Jor€or C !b . l/le'cehJ Sq$€






Irh' 8!r j'e u!.)nr o :l lecllre

Page 39: Planning With Vision

l(*on*EDeE ctrY




Page 40: Planning With Vision

order to qchieve the Vision 2020, the Moqyslonlvernment hos given much emphosis on developingjucqlion. This includes the disseminoiion of knowledgerd the reseorch into goining new knowledge. Only by,'veloping lhe mind ond qtlitude thot comes wittl rf, con,'ochleve lhe vislon Anhough Motoysiqn cilies ore knownr centres of educolion wiihin ihis region, more effort wlll beven in promoting this role of the cily to greoter heghts Thegvelopmenl of knowledge bosed focililies such os schools,stilulions of higher leorning, instiluiions of continuinglLrcoion, libra es, reseorch ond deveopment is constontlyeng exponded.

lost Moloysion cities olreqdy hove thei own univelslties,clleges ond lnstiMes of higher leorning besides theavelopmeni of smod schoos for the pimory ondlcondorv leves There is on exponsjon of the number ofniveBities in Moloysio, some In lhe plonning sioge, some ofEm just compleied ond some of them being upgroded in'olus. The city will keep on increosing lhe number ofniversl'lies ond insiiMions of higher leqnlng becouse the,lmber of siudents enroling lnto locol unlversilies is on these. lt is olso becouse one of ihe'ienets of city developmenti the developmeni of knowledge cenires. lvlqnyrienqionol schools os well os p vqie colleges with links iorelgn universities ore ovoiloble oi regionoi offordobilily, This

)Jlrocts noi onlv locol siudenis to continue lheir studles in

,lo oysio br,,i olso foreign studenfs. The cliy not only seryesccol needs but olso future ond foreign needs.

_ 'ttn[ttlr

Page 41: Planning With Vision

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The odvoncement of science ond technology is

expected to nfuence ond use octivities, besidesimprovlng the efficiency ol public ond prlvolelronspodoiion system, As o resull the pqtiern ofurbonlsqtion ond sefilement is expected toexpedence o chonge wherg more new oreos willbe developed, especiolly ot the outskiris of existingfownships. New odditions io the cily will be creoted.

The developmenl of the Ny'ullimedio Super Corrldor(N,4SC) will infuence the exponson of informoiontechnology ond ielecommlnlcoilon. Cybeioyq is oflogship lT cily ond will become ihe prototype of thenew lifestle of the digitol oge. The MuftimedioUniversiiy is specificolly geqred towords thedeveloprnent ond dissemlnotion of lT knowledge. Allthese hove encouroged the conslruction ofintelllgenl buildings in lorge cltles, Such progressrequires lhe suppod of ubon plonning ol lhe mocrolevel, lor lnslonce in the plonnlng of intelligent clliesond informotion infrostructure.

The odvoncemenl of sclence ond lechnologty oswelL os vo ous new concepts ore expecied 10influence'lhe scenorio ol urbqn ponnjnq in the 2lstcentury ond plonning ogencies hove on impodontrole to ploy ln monog ng thls motter

G onl €bclonic cornrnunicolion sce€n . Medeko SqLro€ Kuo o lu.iipur

Page 42: Planning With Vision

lnlelligeni Ciiy Concept

lnie ligent Cly concept odopts ond procticesinformqiion technology in oll opplicoble ospecls. ioso represents o smori c1y thot hos competefoc Ues thot ore bosed on informoiion lechnologyodvoncemenls. This cilv o so stresses on the ospeciof educoton through the ncreose n edlrcoionolinstitutions. lntelligent Cjty oso refers to lhe ociiveusage oi technology such os the prociices of e-Commerce. e-Bonking, k-Economy ond voiousother currenl octivilies thot involve elecfuoniclronsoctions ond ore bosed on knov!4edge.

Docirine p nciples lhol ore used in creoting onlnielligent City ore

o) Visiono.y - plonn ng lor ochieving the next levelof developmenlbl Knowledgeoble - encouroge the disseminoionof knowledge by preporing fociilies thoi cqnincreqse q knowledgeoble society using theKnowedge Gorden concepl ond formotion of qnideol socieiy,c) lndependenl - living wjth confidence wilhin osociejy ond ndependent from othe6.d) Sensitive - o living culture thol is sensitve with iheenvironment owore ond expedencing everydevelopment ospirqlion.e) Coreful ond Efficienl - proficienl usoge ofresources, through lechnologicol odvonces,opiimum, voriefy, informotive, foir, centered,inlelligenl, lnnovolive ond dimensionol.


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Mlllrned o Urivsljy in qbe'isyoC\ter oiice Compler .cvbeio}o

Page 43: Planning With Vision

\rmf@N m{trPlonne6 otten deol with lhe design of lhg sireehcope.This involves the coreful construclion of relqtionshlpsbetween people ond lhe immediole elements of lhepedestrion ond ouiomotive envkonment such ospoving, irees, slgns, bulldlng focodes, ond llghllngfixtures, Sireeiscope deslgn is very imporlont, Th€expedence oi lhe communtly by people on foot, onbicycles, ond ln qulomobiles or tonsit vehicles,sirucfures lhelr understqnding of the communiiy, lheirrole in it, qnd 'thelr perception of lhe communitysqttitude loword them. lt olso includes the fusion ofculturol deslgns ond resldclions in the Moloyslonconled. Cliles ore lncoporqiing more ond morevolues olhs lhon connectivity in designing their'lronsportofion ljnk. fhis is onolher effort lowqrds qmore beoutitul ciiy.

Movemeni ol people, goods qnd services hos olwqysbeen o generotor of grcv'4'n for lhe cities becousewithout these qcivllles o city connot exist These orethe lifeblood of ihe citles. The developmenl of efficienthlghwoys, motolwoys hove provided most Molo)tlonciiles essenliol meons of tronsport, Our cities orc olsoconnected to q compEhensive roilrood neiwok ihqtspons three countries, Singopore on the South ondlhoilqnd on lhe North. Trqveling by oir is of no problemqs the cilies ore equlpped lo hondle high volume olrlrofllc, The KLIA ls poised to be o regionol hub wilhin ocouple of !€ors ofler meeling the requked pqssengervolume level, lt would be sofe to soy lhqt KLIA wouldbe hondling close to the totol populqion ol Moloyslo,in terms of troffic volume, onnuolty in coming yeols.Molo)6lon ports ore improving in leops ond bounds,smqshlng recods ln terms of coeo hondled on olegulor bosls. Withln the cliy itse[ Kuolo Lumpur wouldbe the ilst city to enloy the benefits of o seomless'ironsll syslem thot connects oll corners of the city.

Erce lenl rcod nefuo* in lhe ciy



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Feq/ setuice lo Penong lond


udj tumpur ldeJnoio,nd A Jpo,l (KUA)


Page 45: Planning With Vision

n onticlpqtion for lhe ropjd groMh thol Mo oysqncities ore emborking upon, the Government i5

continuing efforts to imprcve ciiy services. Theselnvolve upgroding ond implemenlolion of newseryices infroslruclure. The KL lower ondlnlemolionol Broodcosting Centre ls o londmork in

our odvoncemgni in lelecommunicoiions ondbroodcosting. New doms, rgservoirs os well osenvironmenlollyjiendly woste treotment syslemsore being built to cope wifh the ever upworddemond of utilities The fire seryices ond policeservces ore oso belng upgroded to meel lhedemonds of the cltys progress, Good governonceond efficienl city mqnqgement system w ensureon excelleni quolity of cily services.

Concept ol lhe Fdendly City

A friendly clty provides focilues, comlorl ondintegrily io oll porties, from humons,environmeni or non living elements such osbuildingt trotfic ond u )on lond use. Prlnciplesinvolved in lhe Fiendly ciiy orel1l Foirness - plonning ond developmeni ihoifolows needs ond pqcements thol con beenjoyed evenly by everyone.iil Accessibiliiy - troffic, i(onspori and trovelsyslems lhot is simple, comFortoble ond sofe loroll users, molo zed vehjcle drivers, possengers,pedeskions, bicycllsts, senior citlzens, children orthe hqndicopped,liil lniimocy - encouroges interoclion ot o multiculturol society thot wjll enhonce the formoiionof on ideal sociefy.iv) Aworeness of on urbon form thol is boloncedfrom the ospecl of phvslcol, sociol ondeconomicol developmenl, formulqlion of ocoring soclety ond on excep'iionolenvironmentol quolity.v) Reloiionship between Mon ond lheEnvironmenl - thol emphosizes cleon, beouly,conseryotion, cohesiveness ond cultivolion.

A cily would be o Friendly City when ollelemenls contoined is connected lo oneonother in o symbiolic form lhql providesbenefits ond goodness. For exomple buildlngsthot ore built suitoble wiih ils use, environmenls,size ond scole, current ulilities ond lroffic ondtoking inlo occount direcl or lndirect users. AFriendly City emphosizes lhe welfore ondconvenience of the users lhol ore the Cilyscommunity. Therefore lhe elemenls of the cilythot need otlenlion in on etfori to creote lhlscity ore lnfrostructure ond ulillty,

fue norDft ohsYf on oEn

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To ensure o heolthy city, eoch Moloysioncity is plonned wilh their own generol-ospiicls in line with governnent polic:esP vote medlcol institutions ore expqndingin oll cilies. With Governrnent suppod formedicol reseorch ond developmenf,univeElly ofiilioted hospitols ore offeringstote of the o.l lechnology ond speciqlislteotment. Speciolist ieolment does nolend with privote institulions; thegovenmenl hos olso long esloblished oNotionol Heort lnslituie ond Notionol


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Concer lnstiiute to treoi the pubic. Even oNoionol Blood Centre hos beene$oblished 'o slreorrine bood donolion.coileclon ond dislribution oclivifies. Heolthfociit9s qre plonned to service lheimmediote communily while specioizedheollh fociliiies ore clustered in order tomo^i-nire tl_e po'e.]i.ol of co.e O_e sJcts(luler con be seen in K,olo Lurpur o'the Genero Hospitol oreo ihot is olsohome io the Notionql Bood Centre ondHeorl lnstitute. A new ero of poperlesshospilols thot ore ol linked wilh oneonother ore cufieniy undeMoy os ourdedcotion towords excellence in medicolservices continuous.

Doctrine Principles thot ore used increoting o Heqlthy Cityl

o) lnterociion - communily octivities iholore octve ond posiiive.b) Peqcelul - o prosperous condiiion,encouroging the creotion of onenvironmeni ihot gives o positive physicolond mentol effect to ihe communily ondolso competitive economic ociiviliesc) Sovings ond Professionolism - plonningond development proctices ihol oreefficienl ond effective, usoge oftechnologicol odvoncements, optimummonogeanenl, vorely, inJormotive,intelllgenl innovqive ond dimensionowhich hos q cleor ond dslincl direction.

Crlledo for lhe Creolion of o Heollhy City

To fulfil the oim of o heolthy cily,developmenl needs lo be focused on theviobiily of the cily The vioblliiy of the cilydepends on ongoing ond incaeosingoctiviiies, to ensure thot these octivities oreos such, the imporlonce of fulfilling theresidentiol demonds needs lo be iokeninlo occounl. Heolthy City olso meons thevilolity of its residenls is octive, noljusl lromthe physcol ospecl bul from dynomicqlypositive volues. Guidei

i. P epo'ol,on of soecio.zed spoces 'o lco"rmunol ochvl'es sucl os recreolon, :oJolic speoker corlers o1o os sLcn.


Page 48: Planning With Vision

Noironol lleoJi hslilule

ufrv€Gdy l(€bogloon Moro\4 o llololol

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New cilies dnd Ulbon RegenerotionToiol plqnning gude nes ore curreniy bengimpemented n tfre desjgn of oLrr new Moloysoncliies ond n the regenerarlon of lhe exstng ubonstructure. A more bcr once ond susto nobleclevelopment ond regeneroion s och evedthrough the process of modernlsoton, upgrodingof ex sl ng c ]y iollr c and conservol onprogromme

(l ) Modernisqtion:The odvoncen_et'cl saence ond technoogy s' -1 ,gloO.-O. Oe.Oe oO,-qthe elficiency o' selvces ir lhe ciiies. l4oderntronsportolon orrd col]]mJnaclon hos been.t 06" -o j o -p .. ) o od a o oLclesNew concepl o: aie gent cies lhotncorporoijng nev, iec.iooQ'es ond lo coier forthe exponson of uir.edc cnd tiormolonTechnolog es ore cufieniy consituclonJ<-qr-o.eo 9o d --_ ).o ) ar

Multi N4edio Super Corridor {[4SC)The N4SC ls tfre deveop:re--lr. oi ih? notcn in

the 2lsiceniu.y r""iereby r_= -rc.o ^orslre: \rbe the mulaneoo _c-r:i:3s o'a niarinollctlechnoLogy opeioing r.ihr ir et!:o.meni.p^ o/d-g.o .. '')-- r-The cJm s io creole c,,,orC coss bJs atess ondlivlng env ronn-renl ih:clgt iia p:c\ s 3n o'srcre ollre o [.-,-aoo c ..''o- po_oro ,.e' ' _.o-oq.ol o-.^.. o. -heoth ond secLrrry iocrres. green eirrrormerlwlh proleciion ol ecology cnd -cpcgrcpi'r' oswe os eii c eni energy Supp 1,./ ond t|rmcr-i 3ro yurbon desjgn Deveopmenl Ce^ire o.rC N TeciPork

t.Mocanboilonollrompodqiem nonoro undeiconshrdon

Modem oflce comp ex ono Adm n:imi on cgnire

Page 50: Planning With Vision

PulroiqyoPutrojoyo in lhe centre of MSC, is Moloysio's newelecltonic Governmenl Admlnistrotlve centrewhich porirqy on lntelligent gorden clty imoge.The design ond developmenl of this new city is

guided by the 'iotol plonning' guidelines ondideos wilh emphosis on creoilng o hormonlousrelolionshlp belween nqlure ond the builtenvironment ond bolqnce between notionolldenlily ond odvoncemenl oftelecommunicollon, mult medio ond lT


CyberJoyoCyberjoyo is developing inlo o leoding edgemultimedio cenlre lhol ofirociing world clossmulfimedio gionls lT componies 1o Moloysio, lheponnlng concepi bosed on lT lond uses wiihemphosis on sophisiicoted lT syslems ondintegro'red inf rostructure syslem while moinloiningexisiing ecology ond noturol environmeni lhebuildings in Clbe4oyo will feqtu€ smod offices,houses ond publc focilties wiih ouiomotonsystem built-in lT feotures.Other development wlthln the MSC which locuson mode.nisolion includes the Airporl City { KUA ),

Cyber Villoge, Tele-Suburb, ondDevelopment Cenlre ond H -Tech Pork

Clbe'iqF $rloi!. slole or ltl€ od loc,h(*

nrrr rlrrJlrrlrtrl -11ri;I .:I:I;I{EG

',. .C\beicrw Crts Ofc€6. lrlbljle io ocol orchil€cturol iodilion

Page 51: Planning With Vision

Sroor*e rHE

(l) Upgroding:

Our c lies ore conlinuing to develop ond upgrodelhe exsling infroslructure ond the urbon fobac inordei lo moke c lies more lveable, sociolly ondenvlronmeniq y frlendly, more etf c eni bus ness ondfinonciq cenlre, more eff c enl lronspodolon syslemond new public foc ties ond recreolon oclivlljes.Regenerolion piogromme is olso intended to linkond creote new focus n ihe clles, io enhonce thecily imoge inio coherenl ond more recognisoblectes

(2) Conservolionr

Conserving lhe notuio ecology ond topogrophy oswell conservlng ond odoptlve reuse of the buitherltoge is one ol ihe moin ogendo for mosl ofMoloyslon cities. Alihough in the posi this noturro ondbuilt heritoge hos to moke woy for newdevelopment ond modernisotion, greoteroworeness couple with slicter conlro ond iegisoiionhos ensure lhese hedtoge ore prctecled ond wremoin crs pori of the fobric of our ctes

lClA -tuo o Lll.npu lnlemoionol AlFodr orc ol lhe {0l d mo$ soph $co:€n o poi

,W-nE i.

I N* r@i a,4sL- u,i", a..ia-ri"r c'.*L c-t*[-] co-.""i.t o'oon cu*,u.

. hf of lonlung Pelepc Johd Bohoru

Page 52: Planning With Vision


lpgndhg ond beo,r'icollof of oods ond pedeilion netuo( to creote mo€ser1rendvonde onmef'o tr liendv cdy

Uoa0d na of pl]brc ornen les

Page 53: Planning With Vision

Ptonr*rNe sYSTEM rN IVT^LAYSAThere ore three pincipol policies forrnulqted bythe l\.4oloyslqn Governmenl which hqve becomeporometers for the notionol developmeniplonning qnd implementotion,

i. Vision 2020

Vsion 2020 wos specqly formuoted to guide thenolon lowords o deveoped slotus by'the yeor 2020.The progress intended is not lmlled to economlcodvoncemeni only bul covers oll ospects of lifeinclud ng socio jlslce, quo ity of life ond politcolstob ly wiih emphosis glven lo posjtive sociol ondspiituol vo ues The emphosls on sociql ond spi iuolvoues is obvious, where oul of nlne chollenges in

Vslon 2020. five ore siressed on the cullurol ondrnentol deveopment of ihe people. Among thevolues ihot need 10 be inculcoted omong lhe peoplethrough these chollenges include lhot of ombtousond independenl self confidence, high moro ondelhcql, religious, compromislng ond coring

ii. Nolionol Development Policy

The objecive of the Nollonol Deveopment Policy(NDP) is 10 creole q more iust ond uniled socieiy,besldes mqintoining sociol stobility ond efiecliveeconomic monogement. This is oimed ot theprovlding o conducive envkonment for grovvlh wlthequliqble distrlbution of resources. The NDP

emphosises on ihe erodicotion of poverty ond therestrucluring of soclely in order to recify the sociol ondeconomic imbolonce omong the roces. A crit colospect of the NDP s the moulding of o sociely withposltive soclol ond splituol vo ues with o sense of prideond ove for one's counfry.

iii. The Five Yeor Moloysio Pldn

The Seventh Moloysio Plon (7th I/lP) mointo ns ondcontinues to emphosise on lhe boonceddevelopmenl concepl qs contoined in the NDR

T1e 8lh IVD (2001 20051 co.+i.Les 'o give sero-.otlenlon lo stroiegies thol will generote ropid ondcont nuoLrs economic groMh wh e ensuring o fo r

dislr bution of the weollh resulied from the counlrvseconomc groMh, omong the elhnic groups orbetween the urbon ond ruro populotion Thsequiloble distu bullon musl be in bo qnce with theconseryolon of lhe envkonment ond ihe noluroresources. Aporl irom the economy, sociodevelopmenl wos focussed In the 7th Moloyslo Plonwhere the fifth (sth) covenont stresses on socioldeveopment wh e improving the quolily of Lfe. ln the81h Moloysio Plqn suslolnobLe development hos beeno highlight os the Bih covenont which stresses on thedeols thot hove been dscussed vsuo y wthn thesepoges.

These three p.imqry policies were lqken inlo occounlin lhe formuloton of the lotol pqnnng onddevelopmenl opprooch.

Vson 2!23 !: c !::r:


Roco hormony in o mu f roc olsoc ery

Page 54: Planning With Vision

ln order io ensure lhe success of Totol PlonningConcept ond Doctrlne, o strong ond cleor legolfromewoak s needed to enoble lhe government toodminislel ihe new plonning opprooch ond to ensureol government pollc es ore Implemenfed, One of theopiions is ihrough the Physlcol Plonnlng System whichore co(ed out oi ihree levels. Al federol level theresponsibility of lormu oling ond odmin sterlng ollnotionol policies reloted to town ond country plonningis enhusted to The Federol Deportment of Town ondCountry Plonning. At stote level, lhe Slote deportmenlof Town ond County Plonnlng octs os on odvisory bodyto Stole Govenmenl on lssues eloted to town ondcounlry plonnhg. Simllorly lhe locol oriho ties with lheirown fown plonning commitlee ore responsible for olllown ond country plonning funclions ot the locollevel.

lhe Role ol Physicol Plqnning

Physlcol ponnlng plays on impodonl roe in ldentlfyingihe necessory course of oclion io ochieve notionolobjeclives in ine wilh the Vsion 2020, NoiionolDevelopment Plon (NDPI ond the F ve-Yeor MooysioPlqn such osl

' Tronslqllng lhe Soc;o-Economlc Oblecllves lntoSpqllql qnd Physicdl FormsConsistenl with the nolionol strotegy of ochieving ocohesive development, the oim is to ochieve optimumutilizotion of resou.ces shored by oli level of socielieswhile ol lhe some time, preserving these rcsou.ces forihe futurc generolion. Therefore oll notionol socio-economic policies musi be ossessed by spotiol ondphysicol implico'tlons.

. Tronsloling Development Policles lnlo PhysicolPlqnnlngDevelopment in f/oloyso is guided by the exisfence ofvo ous developmenl po ces ond strotegles, nol onyqt the notonol level, buf oso ot regionol ondinlernotiono ieve n impemenlng the physicolplonnng progrommes, eoch po cy ond strotegy s

ironsoled lnto spo'rol relotons ond coordlnoled inlothe physico plonning

' Consldering the lmportonce ol EnvlronmentqlOuqllt h PldnningDevelopment is ofien ossocioled with degrodoiion inthe quolily of the environmenl ond lhe destruclion ofthe noturol environmenl riselt The process ol physcoplonning mokes o owonces for environmenlol ospeclsn q more inlegroted monner so os io preserve theqi-rolily of the envronmenl.

' Plonnlng for Urbon FqcililiesBy the yeor 2020 obout 70% of ihe populoilon lnMoqysio s onticipoted to inhobit ubon oreqs, The roleof plonning ogencies is io ensure thot urbon foc Ues

ore odequotely plonned. This includes bosic omenities,housing needs, solid wosle monogement,lronsporlolion, economic oclivilies qnd employmentopportunilies, os wel! os demonds for other sociolfocililies.

' Contribuling ond Mdnoging Sclgnllrlc qndTechnologicql AdvoncemenlThe odvoncemenl of science ond technology os wellos vqTious new concepts ore expecled to inlluencethe scenqrio of ubon plonning in the 2lsrCentury ondplonnlng ogencies hove on imporiqnt tole io piqy lnmqnog ng this motter.

Ensrpb or Noliod tiyicd Pldl

Page 55: Planning With Vision






The Town ond Country Plonning Act

The ow ieLotng io lown ond country plonnlng s

conlo ned ln The Town ond Country Plonnng Acl1976l ci 172) This Act ensures ihe uniformitv of lownond country ponnng ows proctce by locqouihor lies throughout the country

'Jnder this Act the Stote Authorlly ossum-^ the overollresponsib liy for ponning the lond use ond thedeveloprnenl of lond within the stoteli oso provdes locol plonning outhoriies wiih theresponslb ly for plonning, cleveopment control ondconservotion of buiding ond lond in lher qreo.It oso gves specifc provisions lo cerloin issues,omong ihose ore

o. Public PodicipationSeclion 9 ond 13 of lhe Town ond Country PlonnlngAcl, 1976, provdes for pub c pq'licipouon n theprepcrrcdion of the cleveopmeni plon I o ows thepirblic to influence oncl shope the development plonoi lhe formotive stoge of the plqn preporolion.Locol plonning oulhorily prepores ond publshes thereporl of Survey, the Drofi Siructu.e Pon ond DroftDistrict Locol Plon for public nspeclion. The pub c hosthe right to pul their views forword ond these views wbe considered ond evoluoted by o sub commiiieeoppointed by the Stole Ponnng CommilJee

b. Developmenl ConlrolUnder Pori lV seclion l9 of the Act (l 72) provides lhotNo person, other ihon ocol plonning oufhority, shol

commence, undertoke, or corry out ony deveiopmenlunless plonning permjss on in respect of thedeveTopment hos been gronted io him'.

c. Preseruotion of Ndlurdl TopogrophyAs o further requirement in the environment ogendo

ihe locol plonning outho i/ is responsible io ensurethol odequqte condlUons ore mode for thepreservotion of the noturol topogrophy of lhe lond tobe developed when gronting plqnning permission,This is to piolecl the noiurol lond condilons fromexcesslve distubonces or domoges couse byeoirhwo*s corried out wlthout proper plons ondspecifcotions,

d. Tree Preservolion OrderTo this end empowers lhe locol plonning olthoity ioissue lree preservotion order which prohibiis the cutiingof ony portlculor.iree or trees unless with tho.wdfienpermission of the ocol filonnlng oLlthority.

Nonetheless ropid economic groMh ond the increqsein public oworeness on the protection .ji iheenvironmenl hos creoled new plonnlng issues whichrequke o mechonism to check ond bolonce in orderto increose lhe effecliveness of the plonning sysiem,



Eiomple ol R€gionql Plon .Kong Wlley

Page 56: Planning With Vision

Notionol Physicql Plon

Al the noliono level, o Notionol Physicol Plon is

prepored towords the ochlevement of sustoinobledevelopment in the country. lt is o long-term plqn ioindicote in brood outlines on lhe govenment deslrefo|the physico structure of lhe counhy, This plon is

revjewed every five yeols in tondenn with the revjewof lhe Nolionol Five Yeqr Development Plons. Thisplon ls build on ihe foundolion of socio economicplons ond ii gives the Stote Autho les o fi'omework loreview ond implemenl developmenl plons withregords io District Locol Plons,

Regionol PIqn

The regionol plon is plepqred ogoinsf thebockground of the Notionql Physicol Plon ondconsists of slotes sho ng the some border thot focecommon problems. These problerns ore overcomeby lhe creotlon of regionol bodles for plqnningpurposes.

Aompl€ ol $ructulP Phll . tul6u fir'oru



Sfole Slruclure Pldn

The funclion of il,e Stole Level Structure Plon is loprovide qn instrument fol the developmenl of lhestote in terms of deveTopmeni plonning, ln o nutshell,It combines the ideois of economic ond noneconomic forces to ochieve o physicol spoiiolhormony in the stote

Dislrict Locql Plqn

A cornmunitys Dist ct Locol Plon is nol jusl ocollection of plqns for future streets; porks ondrecreotion; housingi fire pfoteciion; environmentolproteclionj histo c preservolionj lond use zoningiseweroge: droinoge ond flood proleciionj woiersupply ond distibuijon; poking; school locotion; ondcommunity chqaqcter

More importrontly^jt isFn integroted slqtemgnl ol the 'ospkotipnsSof 'lhe :communlty linlegroted ..wlfh

Ndtlonbl, Reg'o'rol ond Stote Siructure Pronsl

.lllJstrcfing npw. the vor:ous fJlciio^-specit c plons inthe comrrLjnity o e l'ed togethe|to ochieve o broodoffoy of communiiy objectives,

Vlhile Distrlct Locol Plon typicolly include o lond usecomponent, it h not o zoning plon. The lond use elementol the comprehensive plon is o more generolizedstqlement of the objecives of fLrture ociions, to beimplemented, in tun, by detoiled ond immediotelyeffeclive zoning, subdivision regulotion, ond other londuse ordinonces. District Locql Plqns will directly ofiects theresidents of o podiculor community ond i6 used os thedevelopment tool by Locol Authorifies ln lhe iheirrespecive oreo, These plons orc otien pLrblicly gozelJedlo ensurc everyone opinion is heqrd ond token intoconsideroiion.

These plons olso hove to toke into occount some brcodGovenment plons os the porometers of plonning,



Eromple ol locol Plon . londor Kolo Inqqi Jonor

Page 57: Planning With Vision


One of the flrnclions of the physico plonnlng syslem ls

to provde q mechonlsm which coord nqles oll levei ofleorning to ensure systemotic integroton beiweenphj6icol plonning ond economic plonning ond theenvircnmenl. Ihis inlegrolion is incopo.oled belweenone pionning syslem ond process colled lnlegroledPlonning ond Monogement Sysiem (IRMS).

The lntegroted Plonning ond Monogemeni Syslem(IRMS). lt is bosed on the integroted plonningopprooch, which hos incorporoted the s'trotegicplonning fromework lor socio-economic objectivesond pollcles lt conloins lwo ly'pes of nlegrotion withinthe plqnning process for sustqinoble plonning onddevelopmenl

i. lnlegrolion belween physicol plonning ondeconomic plonning.This integrqtion enloils the intelpretoton of seclorolsocio-economic policies in spotiol form. This is

ochieved p morily though the preporotion ondimplemenlqtion of vorious lypes of developmentplons ot thg differenl levels of odministrolion.

belween physicol plonning ond

Level 2; Resource AllocqtionThs leveJ ls more concerned wlth choice ofollemotives in resource exploltoion ond deveopmentwhich is geored lowords conseryotion ondpreservolion lo mointoin o bolonce between nofurolomenities ond mon-mode goods ond services, whilest ving for notonol gool ond objectives. The StoteStructure Pon serves lo lll the gop between nolionolpolicies ond lond use plons ol the locol level.

l-evel 3: locql PlonningAt ihe locol level, efforts w ll be mode on them nimizqtion of odveGe environmenlq effects oris ngfrcm deveopmeni Locol Plon wil ossess the locolenvironmento{ suitobility of Stote Siructue PIon qndprogrommes. tt gives feedbock to the stqte level on'the impocl from the slole polic\1 strolegy ond form oso bosis ond fiomework for pteporolion ofimplemenlotion plon

Level 4: lmplemenlolionLevel 4 monilors the implernenlotion of policies, plon,ond projects ond iheir impocts This is done lhroughcoordinotion ond control of invesimenis inlo ihephysicol envronment vis-d-vis EnvironmentolMonogement Pon (EMP) ond is cor ed outvio Envi.onmeniol Monitoring Progromme [audiiing).Hence it con conclude lhot Level 4 moniiors lheochievement of sustqinoble developmenl ondprovides the most criticql npLrt to oll the other levels oiplonning ond monogement.

The integroted monogemeni system integrotesplonning, monitoring, control oclivilies oi ollgovenmeni level thot hos o ro e in line wilh itsgovernmeni odminisiroive hierorchy. To ochieve omore efficient ond efieciive plonning sysfem, omechonism is proposed to implement this systemlirrcugh the legislotion.

Physicql Plonning Guidelines

Effeciive implemeniotlon of development plqnpolicies ond development conlrol system is closelysuppoded by physicol plonning guidelines. Plonningguidelines ore impodont oid to plonners ond decislon-mokers to guide deveopment towords susioinobilily,they speclfu whot po icy meons in proclicol terms.This could be in the form of developmenl qnd designguidelines, or slondords ond citerio for the provision offocililies.

ln generol, the physicol plonning syslem procUced inMoloysio is copoble not only susiojn urbqndevelopment bui provlde good tools for o bellerquolity of life for its evel increqsing populolion ondurbon octivilies.


Rio Declorofion on Envl.onment ond Developmentond Agendo 2l serve os the iwo mojor guidingdocuments used in lhe fomulolion of environmentqlpolicies qnd the plon of oction for lvloloyso, e.9.,Nolionol Pollcy for Env ronment, Noionol Plon of Aclionfor Agendo 21 ond Notionol Conservotion Strotegy.


The two type iniegrotion mentioned obove is

incorporoled within one plonning syslem ond ihemonogement process.TOP-DOWN ' ensure implementotion of policiessftotegles, progrom ond notionol plonning is

lmplemented in o coordinqted monner lor boloncedevelopment in oll ospecis.BOTTOM-UP - ensure monitoing ond control overeffects towords lhe environmenl is used os feedbocktowords reviewing policles, strotegies, progrommeFond plonnlng qi voious levels,

Level l: Nolionol Plonnlngthe proposol for o 5 - Year Noiionol Physicol Plon inlevel I servgs os notionollrqm]ewo* ond guidonce forlond use plonning. This Is in line wilh lhe curenlproposol for o.Nofionol Physicol Plon, which is silllunder study. The two s,Yeor Notionol Plqns,suppLemented with Notionol Sectorol Policies, ote'trqnsloted Into lhe siole slrqlegies ond policies in theSlote Sirucfure Plons ln Level 2, from which theossessment of sustoinoble resource monogemenl wlllform the feedbock for regulor reviews.

Page 58: Planning With Vision



f _Fii-t{



EnvtoffHt-l€d polcles & da/€lopmenil plorE

Enviqrn€rnol Lnprci€nt€rf & prol€crlbn

& focllllles

Aeos for lndusldes & cornmerclol, focllote

A€os ior corrEerwllon & pr€c€rvollon

glies ior ruste dspocd

Mqlogflo ubdl growlh

Fllrfic podblpolbn

Ouolny phFlcol ll!4n9 envlronmer$

Coni€ll/ofiri of notrrol reso'rc6 / dls€f5

r,bnog€oble ubar growlh

Ad€qlole lntroslruchie, soclo-€conomb &

h€dlh foclliles

Gldly Cldcd Mng en*mm€nt

Conrsl/slton of noturd €sourcea

Envftonn€nl]ed ubon / d€lEloprn€fii plons

Page 59: Planning With Vision


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Page 61: Planning With Vision

1.0 Plonning Applicotion Procedure.

Development Proposol Report (LCP) for development control purposesThe present ponning syslem s olso o moreenvironmenlo y incllned plocess. ll is now o requiremenl for o opplicotions for plonnlng perrnission to beoccomponied by o'Development Proposol Repoid. This repod shq contoin the relevont informoiion on use oflond ond the proposed deveopmenl which will help ihe locol plonn ng oulhorilv 10 evoluole on the opplicotion.lhls report in focl is o reody o requiremenl in plocice, olbeil in dillerent forms ond terms.

i.l Plonning Applicolion FIow chort

Page 62: Planning With Vision

2.0 Physicdl Pldnnlng Guidelines

2.I Pldnning Guideline for univelsol Plonning ondqevclepmenl;t is o set of physcol ponn ng gu delines formuloted toprovide good volues in plonning.

2.2PlqnninqGuidellne-llgl-!ldCllllSf4qCSq .. .-

These guidelnes qre lo iegulole plonnjng onddeveLopaaenl contro for ndusftol oreo

2.3 Pldnning Guidelines tor Toxic ond Solid WosteDisposolSiies:these guidelnes cre speciijc sie crilerio for solid wostedisposol.

2.4 Plonning Guidelines on the Provision of Sites lorlncinerotor:These gudelines ore lo be lsed by o Locol PonningAuthorliies, Siole Plonning Authorlties, TechnicolDepodments ond pavole deveopers os o guide forthe ollocoiion of ste for ncinerolor ond ils bosicinfrostruclure

2.5 Curent Guidellnes ond Geomehic stdndqrds OnRood Network Syqlglll__Ths guideine covers lor rood hierorchy ond roodsystem n ter..s ol width ond principe forrood plonning.

2.6 Pldnnins Guidellnes !o!]!i!!!S g!MlC!:qSpecific plonning guidelines fq lhe siiing of energysub stoi on which includes the requirement for setbocks ond bulfers.

2.7 Plonning Guldellnes for Reiention Ponds os Podof Open Spoce;specflc ponnng guideines lor the developer toprovde relention ponds lor the preveniion of floods

2.8 Plonning Guidelines for Roof Top GordenDevelopmenl: . -These guidelines provide guidonce on the lypes offocililies, minimum spoce requiement for roof topgorden development so os to ensure sofety to iheresidence of condominiums ond oportmenls.

2.9 Plonning Guidellnes for Bosic AmenitiesAssocioted with Rokon Mudo:specific plonning gujde nes lo encouroge provlsion olspods ond recreollono octivities for the youth.

2.10 Plonning Guidelines for Developmenl of GolfCoulse; ---_.__This sel of guide ines is to enslre on integroiedopprooch in preporlng q oyout for golf course

2.1I Pldnninq Guldelines f,oj Cooslol DevelopmenliThis sei oi guidelines is to ensure lhot development ofcoostol oreos does nol couse disrup'tion lo theecologicol bolonce of lhe o,eo.

2.12 ttrysicol Plqnnlng ond Developmenl SlondordsrgtlllSlC Sgyglgp.nentTo co-ordinole ond regulole the developmeni of

islonds ihroughoul N4oloys o.

2.13 Plonning,. Guideline tq! Theme P9!!Developmenl;This set of gudelines outlnes deveopmeni slondodswhich hove lo be odopted in the development oftheme poks.

2,14 Plqnning Guideline for Service Prolocol (utlllty);Plonning ond deveopment contro guide nes for lheprovsion of ulility lines such os lelecommunicot on,eleclricifil gos ond woler supply.

3.L9 !!s!!Ds €!!ge!!4e le Dp!4e!t e!Houslng for lndustriql wo&ers;lhis set of guidelines includes vorious plonnlng ospectssuch os housing concepls ond supporling focililiesbosed on universot plonning princ ples with goodvolues.

2. 16 Physicol Plqnning Guideline for The MultiMediqSuper Corddor,Thls set of guidelines is spec f colly ouilined for lype oloclivlijes ond components desgn io the Mult -N4ed oSupet Corrdor oreo

2.17 Plonning Guideline fot CommerciolDevelopmenlThis set of guidelines provide guidonce in siil ng thecommerciql development by ocivities such os reioil,

@2.lE Plonning Guidelines for Open SpoceRecreolionol AreosSpecific plonning guidelines for the provision of openspoce ond recreolonol oreos such qs lypes off oci lt es: mlnimlm s!qc9_lqqu.l9!19!1 ,.g!li!g of!disirlbuilon.

2.19 Plonning Guidelines for Sociol FociliiiesPlonning ond development conlrol gude nes for theprovsion of sociol focilities such os educoton, heollh,pglice,.flre brigode, posl office, librory ond rnuli'purpose holl.

2.20 Plonning Guidelines lor lslomic ReligiousFocililiesSpecific plonning guidelines formuloled for theprovision of lslomic Religious focilities in oJoects like

locotion, hierorchy, exlernol design ond surroundinglond use

2,21 Plonning Guidelines for Mulli Siory HousesThese gu dellnes ore to reguloie plonnlng onddevelopment conlrol for muluple slory fiouses in terr.Ls

of locotion, minimum oreos, set bock, rood networkond provision of socioL focilities ond utililies.

2,22 Pldnning Guidelines For Seweroge

lhis set of quideline n sitinq tlgseweroge s'5tem, soil suitobility ond buffer zonerequiemenls.

2,23 Plqnning Guidelines For Opfimum loyoulThis guideiine provides the porometer ond lheoplimum size for lhe provsion of sociol ond

Page 63: Planning With Vision


2.24 Plonning cuidelines On The Prolectlon ofNqturol lopogrophy ond Physicol Development BoseOn The Town qnd Country Plonnlng Acl 1976 lAcl172)These guidelines define developments on highlondsond emphosise on nqtLro topogrqphy which ncludedevelopmenl on hills of highlond eorth wo (s, slopeoreos, iver reienton ponds, rood side qnd buildingconslruclon ondscopes ond plonting of trees,hlstoricol ond sclentilc pro'iecied qreos, logging offoresi oreos ond coosiol oreos development.

2,25 Guidelines for lmplemenlqlion of PlqnningLegislolionln odciicn io the physicol plonning guidelinesmenioned eorier, there ore oso guidellnesloimu cieo, especio ly io focililqle the implemeniotionof specifc ospecis of lhe Town ond Couniry PlonningAci 1976, iAct 172) ond Town ond CoL.rntry PlonningAme.rdn'e rl Aci 1995 (Aci 4933) The guidelinesprovide deioils on woys ond meons for fuf ing lherequ reme_'s oi'ihe Aci o.ld io ensue the i.rniformily ofrmpleme:rioio: oy Loco Aulhortes Among thegudelnes ore thoss !/h clr directly contrbule toenvironmenio irap'oveaie'r: ond susioiaobledevelopmeni, inc ud ng:

2.26 Guideline for Developmenl Proposol Repod{DPR]This quideline spels oui the co.:erls expecied . oDPR lhis nc Lde, e9se_'o ^'orr oi o..l 'o'development evoluotion regord ng the proposeddevelopment os well os deioils concening ihe londsite to be developed, such os lopogrophy geooev,londscope, nolurol droinoge ond exjsiing lcnd use.Additionolly, lhe guide jne olso specifies the lype olplons io be conioined in the repod, lnc udlng pons,which illustrote sieps for physicol environmenlproteclion ond jmprovemenl ond proleclion ofnolurol lopogrophy.

2.27 Guidelines lor Tree Preservotion OrderThis guideline defines lhe cotegory ot trees, whichshoud be preseNed. This includes trees, which oreconsidered os:Rore;Endemlc;EndongeredjlJniquejHlstoricol volues;Trees plonted by signiticonl persons; ondTrees wlthin prciected oreos,Guidellne for A Tree Preservotion Order con be servedby ony Locol Authority for o porticulor trees) or clustetof trees in on oreo. Moreovet the felling of trees wiiho girth size of more lhon 0.8 meter is prohibited wilhinthe oreo of Ju sdiction of o poriic! or Locol Allho lVunless with pior permission.

Page 64: Planning With Vision

DF,tffirffi.rt3.0 Orgonlsollon Chort -Deportmenl of lown qnd Counlry Plqnning Penin$ulor Moldysio

@E@@E@Em@@@E3.1 DevelopmenlPlonning





lP€aM, SELA\':aAl

I\,IAI.A'.-'A Mf UE'I OFI,:E

INEG€R| SEMS(-AN t\l,qtAa']A" J.,fi anE J



For fu irher lnlornotloniRes€orch ond Deve opmeni ljnliFederol Depoiimoni of Town ond Country PlonningMlnlslry of Housing ond Locol GovenmenlJolon Cendeosoi50646 Kuolo LumpurTel :603-2698 9211Fox | 603-2698 9994e.rnoil I uppl @tolvnplon.govmyw€trsiie|ww$/

Page 65: Planning With Vision


The publlsher ohd The Reseorch & Development Unll wish to express lhek deepesl grotilude to oll thepeople who contributed in so mqny difterenl woys lo lhe producllon of lhis publicdtion, Without yourvolued ossislonce lhis book would nol hove moleriqllsed. To oll who hove conlributed- lhdnk you.

Ad/bq:YBhg.Dqto'Won Mohomod Mukhlor bin lvlohd. NoorDirecior GenerolDepodment of Town ond Country Pon. ngPeninsulqr l\,4oloysio.

Tn. Hi. Abd. Mutollib bin JeloniDepuiy Direciol Generol (Development)Deportmeni of Town ond Country PlonningPeninsu or IVoloysio.

En. Mohd. Fodzil bin Mohd. KhlrDepuly Dkeclor Generol (Monogement)Depodmenl of Towl ond Couniry PlonningPeninsulor Molo\,sio.

Ooodlnqior / Chld EdnocPuon Hojjoh Nofqsioh binti Hoji YohvoUnit Heod, Reseorch ond Deveopmenl UntDepodmenl of Town ond County PlonningPeninsulor Molo!6io

EdlorEn.Zoln b,Mohd. YusofEn.Mohd lzonlb [/]qt

OorH-dllg Edlqr:Cybernole Sdn. Bhd:Yosmin Roshid binti AbdullohJeet SukumoronDr. R. Azmi bin Abdullohlsmel bln Md AliMohd skondor bin AbdulWohob

S€q€lqioiReseorch ond Development UnitDeportmenl of Town ond Country PlonningPeninsulor l\loloysio

En Soifuddin b. AhmodPn. Khotijoh bi,Che EmbiPn. So m oh b. NqshimEn. Mohd Yosr b. Hi. SoldCik Sobrino bt. Nordin

Re€eftfi dd ConceptPuon Hojjoh Norosioh binli HojiYohyoUnii Heod, Reseolch ond Deveopment UntDeporlment of Town ond Co!nlry PlonningPeninsu or Molovsio

RPLC-Rofot Plonning & londscqpe Consu/fonls S/8AN Network

\,!lli€r:Reseorch ond Developmenl UnlDeportment of Town ond Co!ntry PlonningPeninsulor l\lololslo

A&l NetwotkHussoin lshokJeffrey b HoshimCrbenole Sdn Bhdlsmet bin Md AiRPLC-Rofqr Plonning & lo.oScope Consu//onfs S/8En.Abd.Rofor bin Abd.AzzPn. A2lioh Bt. Abd.lolibPn.Norozion bl.Solomon

FtrologrcptMDepoirment ol Town ond Country PlonnlngPeninsulor MoloysloEn,Zo killi b.HosimCrbenole Sdn. Bhd:Khoidi bin KomoruddinEzzot bin Md AliAhmqd Jumoin bin N4uhtorMoszuqndi bin AdnonHomzhori N4d AliAfendi Md Shos b n Md Kho dAnnos bin AbdulAllm ArobyKhoirulAnuor bin lbrohimAA Network:Hoji Rusdi b,Abdul HomidA el Tunglo

euphb Oonc€pl dd DodgnrA&l Net"votk:Hussoin lshokAzqd Abdul HomidHoiun AhmodKhoirol Foizi Sihob

Page 66: Planning With Vision
Page 67: Planning With Vision

The objeclive of plonning with vision is to creote o mullifunclionol cily, keeplng inllne wlth lhe cily plonning process of Doclrlne - Poromeier - Concepl - Model -

To Creole a Cily tor Buslness

creqte the ciiy os o globql finonciol ond commercjol cenlre. ll would hove efficieniintoslruclue ond stqte of the ort technologv with ecologicolly fdendly lndustrigs ondservices. The cily would olso be lhs cmx ol economlc ociivity of ihe region,

To Creole o Cily wllh Betler Living Environmenls

Due lo the increqses ln urbon populqtionr which ore in line wilh the vision 2020, lhe olm Is

io plon more livoble environments, ecologicolly fliendly with vorious houslng fypes.

To Creole Susloinoble Humon Selllemenls

A cily thot is solely economicolly d ven ond noi bosed on noble spirliuol volues ls soullessond hos no heod. Only by ponnlng ond proMding s!,tficient sociol infroslruciures such ospofis, gordens, publc omeniies qnd poces of wo6hip, will o cily thrMe os o sustoinoblehunron setilement, The qim ls io ochieve q humon sefilement where o unlquely N4ololsioncullure con floursh ond develop.

To lnlegiote Tronsporl ond Lond Use

ln order tio ochiew on lnljegroted lronspod ond seMces nelwork for cities, ihe respecliveinfrostructure dernonds of lond use ore included in locol developmeni plons follo\MngNotionol Policies. The tronsportqlion sy$em hqs lo be constonily upgroded lokjng inlooccount lhe needs of residerfs ond lronsportotiofl innovolions.

C.eote o Humone Cily

Our oim ls o city thot con be opprecioted by qll people whlle encouroglng o closerrelotionship wlih noture, The plocement of infrqstructu€ such qs pedest on wolkwols wlllenhonce the cliles imoge os people con opprec;ote it more, lt is olso more televont thotlhe less qble porllon of the community be glven omple venues for thelr development.Accessible tunctions ore pqrt of the city qs qn insiitution,