Planning, resources and sechedule

{ Planning, Resources and Schedule. By: Swara Sawirs

Transcript of Planning, resources and sechedule

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Planning, Resources and Schedule.

By: Swara Sawirs

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Week One

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Week Two

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Week Three

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Week Four

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Week Five

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Campaign Name:


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Timetable for Makeup and Model

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Unsigned Consent Form

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Resource List

Camera I will need a camera to be able to take the images with a professional camera so the images are crystal clear.

Tripod and Camera Lens I will also need to ensure that my camera is very still so I can capture a very still image of the model . I will have a clear and clean lens to ensure I get the best quality images.

Model and Media Makeup Artist To be able to finish my project, I will need a model and a makeup artist. I will need a model who can clearly play the part as well as a make up artist that knows how to create the right look for domestic abuse.

Photography Room I will need a photography room where I can set up my equipment easily, a room that has a background white screen and good lighting. This room will be where the photography takes place.

Photoshop, PowerPoint, Internet, and Word

I will need Photoshop to be able to create my posters, the editing required for the model, and to be able to create my final merchandise piece. I will need PowerPoint and word to be able to write everything I'm doing as I'm going along and to make sure my images are stored safely. The Internet I need to get some plain images from and gather some information about advertising and merchandising.

A Phone and a up-to-date Computer

I will need a phone to be able to keep an eye on the time as well as being able to get in contact with the model and the artist incase of any delays. I will need a up to date computer to be able to create my products and be able to work with no problem. I will need to use this website to get some good fonts from which I can use.

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The audience I’m aiming my campaign at, are women who are currently suffering from domestic abuse by their partners. I’m aiming more at the older side of women such as from 20 onwards. Obviously, some women would have been suffering from this social issue for longer than others so therefore my posters need to be relatable to as many women at different age gaps so they can build a relationship with the subject and therefor they will be able to come forward and tell us how they feel hopefully.

Women are sensitive in general, some may pretend that they are a ‘tough cookie’, when in reality, they are just so sensitive. I need to make sure that nothing that is being said by my campaign is offensive or rude to any women in any way possible. I need to be careful with my choice of words so I don’t offend or get too personal with the audience because it could result in them feeling worse.

The Audience

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Existing Logos

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My logo will be a rough heart that has two hands holding each other inside of the heart. The font I will use will either be blood lust, sensory overload, oh no, scream again, crimes times six, true lies or love bombs because it’s all rough with unfinished endings which will show the rough patch the victim is going through or already has gone through and I'm targeting the adult audience. If I was targeting a younger audience I would of used Lilly belle or Walter. The colours I'm using will be very calm, it will be reds, whites and maybe an outline of black so it doesn’t put my target audience off.

I will use Photoshop to create my logo, I will have a few attempts at creating my logo and I will attach them all onto this PowerPoint to see how much I can improve or have already improved.

Logo Idea

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This is my first attempt at creating a logo. My campaigns name is on the red heart. The black heart is suppose to represent the pain is growing in her heart and moving out of her heart into her body. The cracks going down the heart is to show she's broken hearts. The font I used was True Lies simply because it’s rough and harsh.

Logo One

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This is my second attempt at creating a logo. My campaigns name is on the bottom of the speech bubbles. The red speech bubble is the women saying sorry and the black speech bubble is the husband or partner saying how dare you not show me your phone. The black bubble has capitals to show shouting and violence. Red is used for the women to show hurt and pain and the black is used for the partner to show evilness, dullness and being harsh. Logo Two

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This logo is very simple, it’s just the campaigns name with the ribbon. Inside the ribbon is a women that’s trying to protect herself and her arms are out and she's turning her face the other way. The ribbon is usually common with cancer and domestic violence. It’s a well known ribbon, however its usually pink so I have changed the colours to my companies colours.

Logo Three

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This is my final logo, this ribbon is very known for raising awareness for something serious such as cancer or domestic abuse, so therefore people known straight away that this campaign is about a sensitive subject. The woman and the man are cut into the ribbon to show that it’s to do with domestic abuse. Red and black shows pain and dullness, the pain will be in the victim and the dullness will be in the abuser. Logo Four

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This is my final logo. I used a rose to represent people standing up against domestic abuse. A rose is usually beautiful and it attracts people because of how pretty it is as well as the smell of it. The rose represents the victims who have stood against domestic violence. I’ve also put STAND in bold because the rose is stood up strong and therefore, the victims should stand strong also against domestic violence.

I used the red colour to show love and pain.

Logo Five

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I have chose this as my final logo, simply because from looking at it you will know what my campaign is about. The rose speaks for itself along side the words. The colours are very simple but yet they show pain and love at the same time.

From the headlines next to the logo, you would understand what the purpose of my campaign is.

Final Logo

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Existing Posters

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My layout needs to be something simple so the image can speak more than the words do. To attract the audience attention, you need to make them feel as if you know exactly how they feel, they want to see themselves in that poster.

The layout needs to also include subtle colours, nothing too bright so it doesn’t put the audience off. The colours are important, I need to use like a nice dark calm red, greys, and maybe faded blacks to create a more angry and upset theme.

The Layout

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Mind Map


Beaten Up Girl

A man hitting

his partner

Just writing,

no images

Having a bruised girl could create a a strong relationship with the

audience because they will be able to relate to the picture and therefor they will start to read

the poster.

Having a man hitting his partner

shows what my campaign is about

without putting any words in the

poster. People will understand

straight away what the campaign is


Having a strong message with a symbol to

represent the abused women could work pretty

good. It would have a different effect on people. They wont know what the poster is about straight

away so they will start to read it and find out more.

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This is my first attempt at creating a poster. I think I could improve this a lot by adding real images of people who look like they have suffered from Domestic Abuse. I like this poster because it’s comparing the situation to something else that the person will feel like inside. The poster is telling people what to do and not to do and I don’t think that’s a good idea if they are not feeling too good about themselves already.Poster One

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I like this poster because I think the image speaks for itself. We can see straight away what is going on and I don’t think the poster needs any words to describe what’s going on. The logo is on the bottom right hand corner which then shows my campaign to the views. The quote at the top left corner is there to try to get the audience to think twice about the situation, domestic abuse doesn’t happen for one reason, it’s happens for many reasons. Poster Two

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I like this poster, I could of done a lot more to it. I could off added in real facts and also added in my logo. I like the image because it shows a beaten up girl ion two different side, depending on which side of her face you look at first, you may find a nice shiny clear side or you might find a dull, dark and bruised side. I think the way the photo is captured is great because it all depends on which side of her face the viewers notice first.

Poster Three

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This poster is slightly different, I think it may work better for merchandise. The original image is the exact same as the silhouette but it just has the models faces in as well as being in full colour. I turned the models in silhouette to create a different poster with a different effect on the audience to the rest of my posters.

Poster Four

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This is my fifth poster but not my last or final poster. At this point, my posters are improving a lot and using a lot more technical skills. As you look down the poster, the model fades. Which is suppose to show how she may be feeling inside; weak and faded. It’s telling you that you should seek help if you are suffering from abuse, it’s trying to reach out to people. Poster Five

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I like this poster because you can see the bruising clearly on the models face. It’s telling the audience that domestic abuse isn’t just physical, it’s asking the audience if they can see how she's hurting inside as well. The fading of her body is to hide her better half of her physical appearance to show that people only care when it appears on your skin.

Poster Six

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This is my seventh poster and I like it because it’s very plain.

The image speaks louder than the words.

I used different fonts for NO and HEP to make it stand out and show people that it’s not acceptable and that it’s hard to say NO to it happening and you’re scared to ask for help when you’re the victim.

I put my logo on the bottom left corner to show my campaign name and raise awareness of it. Poster Seven

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This is my eighth poster and I like it because it’s very plain, once again the image speaks louder than the words and you can see for yourself what a beaten up woman looks like.

I used a shocking fact to show people that this isn’t something that just happens in marriages, it happens everywhere and with everyone, mostly around the age when people are in university.

I put my logo on the bottom right corner to show my campaign name and raise awareness of it. I didn’t make it very big because I wanted people to be more focused on the shocking fact. Poster Eight

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Advertising and Merchandise

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Mind Map


Carrier Bags

Kitchen Equipme

ntPhone Case



Furniture extras

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Advertising is basically a competition, you are trying to show that your product is better than anyone else’s within the same business industry. You advertise using different media platforms, such as magazines, TV adverts, online adverts e.g. using YouTube etc…

The competition is always hard in any industry, as a campaign, all the details you display has to be true otherwise you could easily be sewed.

You need to have a purpose to why you are advertising the campaign, are you trying to raise awareness? Trying to build a relationship with the subject? Trying to change attitude towards the subject? Even if you have more than one purpose to why you are advertising your campaign, you have to show it in the advert.

You are trying to make your campaign have a wider audience from all over the world, try to find a way to attract people’s attention, originality is needed.

Advertising Tips

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The best way to get your campaign and merchandise out there is by using different media platforms. Advertising on YouTube and Spotify is great because I will be able to catch the young people’s attention. Using TV, radio, news and magazines, I will be able to get everyone else’s attention from different age gaps through using those 4 different platforms.

If I wanted to, I could send out little A5 or A6 poster cards with different makeup products such as AVON. So when AVON sends out their monthly booklet, the household will also get a little poster of my campaign.

Best Ways To Advertise

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Women’s Aid took the world by storm when they published their street advert which has attracted so many different people’s attention. As you look at the ad, all what you see at first is the bruised model, however, the longer you stare at it, the more the model’s face starts to heal. This shows that all it takes is someone to notice the violence for it to actually stop. This Ad is clearly raising awareness and create a relationship with the subject,

Women’s Aid

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The longer you look at the ad, the more the model starts to heal. However, the longer you look at the ad, you’ll start to see your face at the bottom of the poster. This happens because at the top of the ad, there is a camera which uses facial recognition technology which makes it possible for different members of the public’s face to appear on the ad. They will then receive a text message which is sent out by WEVE which you can easily opt out of if you wish so.

Women’s Aid

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Merchandising is tricky, you want to create a product that other campaigns haven't created, which makes life a little bit harder; simply because you have to come up with your own product that no one have come up with before. E.g. women’s aid ad in the street.

Your logo should be featured in the piece of merchandise, you are trying to get your campaign known in the industry as well as raising awareness for the subject you are fighting against.

Websites such as redbubble is really good to put your merchandise on, the only issue with it you don’t make any profit until you earn over £13.

Merchandise Tips

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Mood Board for Related Merchandise

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Examples of My Own Merchandise

This is my first design for some of my merchandise. I believe it’s worked fairly well. It’s worked well as a pillow, iPad case, sticker, notebook and a bag.

The only issue I have with some of these products is that you cant see the campaigns logo in some of them so therefore my campaigns name may take a little while to get recognized by the public.

All these products will be available for sale on redbubble, the website is easy to use and it’s available to everyone. It also means I don’t have to worry about printing anything out as they do all the work, all what I have to do is just design.

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This is a badge, I designer for my own idea of merchandise. I like this badge because I think it’s fairly obvious what we are fighting against. It has my logo in the middle and it has a title doing around the badge.

What I can do with this badge is create different types of it. So for example, I can create a survivor badge so they can feel they have achieved something from getting away from the subject.

Examples of My Own Merchandise

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As my fourth piece, I created a front page of what will be my website. On the left hand side you can click on different tabs to get to where you need to be.

I used three colours which were red, black and white. Those are the colours that represent pain, love and emptiness.

On the top left corner there is my logo and on the right hand corner there is a 24 hour help phone.

My Final Merchandise