Planning Commission Oct 22 2010

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Transcript of Planning Commission Oct 22 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Transforming ElementaryEducation

    Learning Learning

    Satish Jha, OLPC, [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    We are here becausewe are passionate

    about education as

    an agent of change

    Quality education for poor and rural population iscentral to the economic and social development

    What brings us together?

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Poor have aspirations beyond survival

    They recognize that

    only education can

    help achieve


    Can our current educational eco-system alone

    deliver on these aspirations?

    And they are willing to

    invest in the future.

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Significant progress in reducing out of school children

    But challenges of



    Adequacyof current education format

    remain.Can more of the same really make our children

    compete for opportunities in 2020?

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    A solution needs to not just address challenges of todaybut adjust to opportunities of tomorrow.

    What kind of education do we need to take 1%

    of our children into the service economy?

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    A Million questions.. A quarter billion children in India have little access to education

    They go to schools designed for another era

    Little infrastructure that resembles what the rest of the world calls schools

    A quarter of them have One room-One Teacher-Five Grades schools

    After 10 years of education they barely graduate to be domestic help

    A tenth make it to college: 9/10th

    Cannot speak well enough after college

    They are falling further behind the rest of the world.. Everyday


  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Six Decades Later: Results A majority have enrolled in schools and

    Since 1950s, India has:

    4 times more primary schools,

    6 times more primary teachers,

    17 times more in upper primary

    And 500 million illiterates against 360 million citizens we inherited in 50s

    Youth literacy rate of nearly 73%

    44% of Indian children aged 7 to 12 cannot read a basic paragraph

    50% cannot do simple subtraction

    By contrast, the youth literacy rate in both China and the USA is 99%

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Infrastructure: 75% of rural Indian schools lack electrical connections

    Only 41% of schools have book banks

    Only 7% of Indian primary schools and 10% of upper

    primary schools have computers: Mostly urban By contrast, in the US:

    90 percent of children have access to computers, and

    77% of households have access to Internet

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    What do the benchmarks tell? Despite rising rates of enrollment in schools at

    all levels, Indias children still dont receive elementary levels

    of education, and

    Even further from competing with a technologically

    oriented world

    Currently India ranks 109th

    on the WorldKnowledge Economy Index

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    A worms eye view.. Challenges of

    Cost of computers

    Software costs


    Basics of life




    School buildings




  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Our response

    Technologies afford us an opportunity

    Making learning fun

    To overcome infrastructure challenges

    Making learning affordable

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    The solution needs to be

    Future ready the cell-phone ofeducation

    Transformational generational leaps

    Doable practical, implementable andaccepted by the stakeholders

    Financially viable entrepreneurialthinking to make it available affordably

    Rs.10 a day

    OLPC - An idea triggered in the villages of India

    spreading across the globe

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Design a laptop for learning

    That takes little power, any source of power

    That can connect with or without internet That is village friendly or village proof


    Zero Maintenance

    No software costs


    Makes learning fun

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    A modern Shantiniketan XO Outside

    Learning under a Tree

    For the Child




    A couple Watts of power

    Solar powered

    Tablet like

    Open Source - Sugar

    Free Microsoft Windows

    And MS Office

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    5 years of text books* deforestation

    * chemicals to make paper

    * distribution costs



    1 laptop

    * RoHS compliant ++* 2W power (human recharge)

    * 5+ year life (including batteries)

    * recyclable

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Mechanical Design No moving parts

    No hard drive, no fans

    Droppable Extra rigid shell

    Bumper (replacable)

    Shock mounted LCD

    Moisture/dust/dirt resistant


    USB, microphone etc - protected

    Connector reinforcement

    Transformer hinge

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010





    wireless links

    (wifi, wimax)

    Cellularpacket-data link

    (2.5G, 3G)





    802.11sEvery Laptop


    With Each Other

    Without a Server

    or Wi-fi

    Every Laptop

    connects to


    With a built-in Wi-Fi

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Progress so farONE Country Every Few Weeks Embraces OLPC

    Uruguay 750 K

    Peru 1000 K

    Argentina 100 K

    Mexico 250 K Rwanda 100 K

    Turkey 100 K

    2600 K built and

    deployed to date

    MilestonesNov 2006 Laptops first available (beta)

    Nov 2007 Mass production ramp Year 1 1.2 Million units shipped

    Year 2 1 Million units - >

    Year 3 0.7 million so far with targeted 1.3 million

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    A birds eye view

    Laptops for the poorest???

    Too large a challenge to handle??

    Poor have little interest in education??

    Give the poor children food first??

    Let the children read and write first??

    A luxury we cannot afford..??

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    What is OLPC [one laptop per child]

    A project designed to help

    underprivileged children access

    sustainable education that is in

    sync with todays needs.

    A rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and

    software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning.A tool for education that creates skill sets that can transform lives

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    What is the Potential? We have 600,000+ villages

    Roughly 500,000 have the population averaging 1000 They typically have less than 50 children in primary school

    Aggregating at 10 villages offers

    About 500 students

    Up to Rs 150,000 pm gross revenue

    Aggregating Village Level SEs

    About 5000 coordinators or second order SEs

    Revenue potential overseen Rs 1,500,000 And so on..

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Success Stories I: Uruguay

    President of Uruguay met OLPC at Davos in 2008

    Decided to take it across Uruguay in 24 months

    Plan started in March 2008

    Inaugurated in July 2008 and issued a Postal Stamp on OLPC

    By Nov 2009, every single primary school student -390,000 children beganusing OLPC

    Uruguay decided to move ahead to Upper Primary and High School with it

    To make Uruguay the most competitive, capable and citizen orientedgovernment in Latin America

    Achieved: 100% attendance; Teachers engagement; Transformationalimpact; greater confidence besides better skills, knowledge and creativity

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Success Stories II: Peru

    The second most proactive deployment of OLPC

    Improved attendance Greater excitement among children

    More engaged teachers

    Improved capabilities

    Parents begin to learn as well

    The program has gone through 6 rounds of successivelaptop purchases and deployment

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Success Stories III: Khairat, India

    Children enjoy learning, they compete with each other

    Attendance since OLPC: Out of 27 students, up to a third seldom came to theschool before OLPC deployment. Now the attendance is 100%

    Parents want children to go to school

    They learn by themselves better than ever before

    Teacher is engaged with students

    Students get less distracted

    There is a great degree of interest

    Improved grasping

    Creativity: pride to show off their work

    Parents are excited, children show off to their parents; older siblings learn

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Financial Model.

    To reach the least developed countries and get laptops

    into the hands of the poorest children, a new model

    of partnership (and funding) is needed.To reach the least developed countries and get

    laptops into the hands of the poorest children, a

    new model of partnership (and funding) isneeded.

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Challenges ahead..

    Changing the mindset

    Persuading the leadership

    Cajoling the Corporations

    Informing the Socially Oriented

    Requesting the Affluent

    Empowering the motivated..

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Next Steps

    Start a large scale program for A Few States

    Start with the most underprivileged

    Start with a Model School program

    Start with any innovative model.

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    The Book of the Future.

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Sharing in the Future

  • 8/8/2019 Planning Commission Oct 22 2010


    Key Partners from Private & Public Sectors