Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid

i HubNet Position Paper Series Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid Title: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid Author(s): Oluwole Daniel Adeuyi, Jianzhong Wu, Jun Liang, Carlos Ugalde-Loo and Nick Jenkins. Author Contact: [email protected] Version Control: Version Date Comments 1.0 16/07/2015 Draft version for peer review 1.1 14/03/2016 Revised in response to peer review comments 2.0 05/05/2016 Final version for publication Status: Published Date Issued: 05/05/2016 Available from

Transcript of Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid

Page 1: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


HubNet Position Paper Series

Planning and Operation of the

North Sea Grid

Title: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid

Author(s): Oluwole Daniel Adeuyi, Jianzhong Wu, Jun Liang, Carlos Ugalde-Loo

and Nick Jenkins.

Author Contact: [email protected]

Version Control: Version Date Comments

1.0 16/07/2015 Draft version for peer review

1.1 14/03/2016 Revised in response to peer review comments

2.0 05/05/2016 Final version for publication

Status: Published

Date Issued: 05/05/2016

Available from

Page 2: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid



About HubNet.............................................................................................................................iii

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 North Sea Grid Proposals ........................................................................................... 1

1.2 Drivers for Development of Offshore Grids in the UK ................................................ 1

1.3 Submarine Cables....................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Opportunities for UK Research and Innovation .......................................................... 4

2 TOPOLOGIES OF THE NORTH SEA GRID ..................................................................... 6

2.1 Submarine Electrical Power Systems......................................................................... 6

2.2 Status of HVDC technology ........................................................................................ 6

2.3 National Strategies ...................................................................................................... 8

2.4 Development of Electricity Interconnectors in the North Sea..................................... 9

2.5 Visions of the future North Sea Grid ......................................................................... 10

3 OPERATION OF THE NORTH SEA GRID...................................................................... 11

3.1 Physical Structure of VSCs ....................................................................................... 11

3.1.1 Converter Bridges .................................................................................................. 11

3.2 Operating Characteristics of a VSC .......................................................................... 12

3.3 VSC Topologies ........................................................................................................ 13

3.4 HVDC Configuration and Operating Modes ............................................................. 17

3.5 Multi-Terminal HVDC Systems ................................................................................. 20

3.6 Modelling and Testing of MTDC Grids...................................................................... 24

3.7 Potential Interactions between HVAC and HVDC systems ..................................... 24


4.1 Regions ..................................................................................................................... 26

4.2 National ..................................................................................................................... 27

4.3 European ................................................................................................................... 29

5 Summary........................................................................................................................... 32

5.1 Research Opportunities ............................................................................................ 32

5.2 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 32

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 33

REFERENCES......................................................................................................................... 46

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About HubNet

HubNet is a consortium of researchers from eight universities (Imperial College and the

universities of Bristol, Cardiff, Manchester, Nottingham, Southampton, Strathclyde and

Warwick) tasked with coordinating research in energy networks in the UK. HubNet is funded by the Energy Programme of Research Councils UK under grant number EP/I013636/1.

This hub will provide research leadership in the field through the publication of in-depth

position papers written by leaders in the field and the organisation of workshops and other

mechanisms for the exchange of ideas between researchers and between researchers, industry and the public sector.

HubNet also aims to spur the development of innovative solutions by sponsoring speculative

research. The activities of the members of the hub will focus on seven areas that have been identified as key to the development of future energy networks:

Design of smart grids, in particular the application of communication technologies to the operation of electricity networks and the harnessing of the demand-side for the control and optimisation of the power system.

Development of a mega-grid that would link the UK's energy network to renewable energy sources off shore, across Europe and beyond.

Research on how new materials (such as nano-composites, ceramic composites and graphene-based materials) can be used to design power equipment that are more efficient and more compact.

Progress the use of power electronics in electricity systems though fundamental work on semiconductor materials and power converter design.

Development of new techniques to study the interaction between multiple energy vectors and optimally coordinate the planning and operation of energy networks under uncertainty.

Management of transition assets: while a significant amount of new network equipment will need to be installed in the coming decades, this new construction is dwarfed by the existing asset base.

Energy storage: determining how and where storage brings value to operation of an electricity grid and determining technology-neutral specification targets for the development of grid scale energy storage.

The HubNet Association is a free-to-join grouping of researchers and research users. Join

via the “HubNet Registration” tab at to get access to working document

versions of positions papers, an archive of workshop and symposium presentations and to receive notification of future events.

Page 4: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid

Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid



The North Sea Grid is a concept that is intended to facilitate the transfer of power generated

from offshore wind farms installed in the North Sea to land, interconnect the grids of adjacent

countries and encourage the creation of a European internal electricity market. This HubNet

Position Paper on the North Sea Grid follows a workshop titled “Planning and Operation of the

North Sea Grid”, which took place in Glasgow during HubNet Smart Grid Symposium in

September 2014. The aim of the workshop was to take the opportunity afforded by the annual

HubNet Symposium to consult attendees from UK industry and the academic community on

the research gaps and opportunities offered by the North Sea Grid. The Position Paper

describes the proposed North Sea Grid, reviews the basic principles of high voltage direct

current (HVDC) transmission, highlights potential opportunities for UK research and innovation

and complements the technical annex of National Grid’s Electricity Ten Year Statement.

1.1 North Sea Grid Proposals

Several proposals of the North Sea Grid concept exist in the literature. The Airtricity

Foundation Project [1] proposed 10 Gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind farms to be connected

to the grids of the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. Greenpeace [2] reported that about 65

GW of offshore wind capacity could be connected to the grids of 7 countries around the North

Sea. The Friends of the Supergrid (FOSG) proposed to develop the North Sea Grid in phases

[3]. The first phase is to integrate 23 GW of offshore wind capacity from the UK, German and

Belgian offshore wind farm clusters into the grids of 4 countries (the UK, Germany, Belgium

and Norway). The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity

(ENTSO-E) [4], estimated that 33 GW of offshore wind capacity will be installed in the North

Sea by 2020 and 83 GW by 2030. In 2010, ten countries (Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the

Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, the UK, Ireland, Norway and Belgium) signed a

Memorandum of Understanding to develop an integrated North Sea Grid and formed the North

Sea Countries Offshore Grid Initiative [5].

The proposed North Sea Grid would use both high voltage direct current and high voltage

alternating current for submarine electrical power transmission. HVAC transmission is mature

and well understood. HVDC has better control capabilities, reduced asset footprint and lower

power losses. In addition, HVDC can interconnect power systems operating at different

frequencies and phase angles. At transmission distances typically beyond 80 km and at

transmission voltages typically above 150 kilovolts (kV), HVAC is not practical due to the

capacitance and hence charging current of the submarine cable [6].

1.2 Drivers for Development of Offshore Grids in the UK

The key drivers for the development of offshore grids in the UK are renewable energy targets,

the offshore transmission owner regime, electricity interconnection targets and electricity

market reforms (EMR).

1.2.1 Renewable Energy Targets

The UK Government has set a target for 15 percent of the UK’s energy needs to be met from

renewable energy sources by 2020 [7]–[10]. Electricity generated from offshore wind is

important to achieving this renewable energy target. At present, the UK has about 4 GW of

offshore wind capacity [11]–[13] and this is set to increase to about 9 GW by 2020 [14]. The

Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force reported that about 40 per cent reduction in the

cost of offshore wind energy was possible by 2020, through improved technology, more

industry alliances, and supply chain development [15].

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1.2.2 Offshore Transmission Owner Regime

The Offshore Transmission Owner (OFTO) regime was established in 2009, by the Office for

Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), to deliver transmission infrastructure to connect offshore

generation, at an affordable cost to consumers, and attract new investors to the sector. At

present, Great Britain (GB) has about 4 GW of HVAC offshore wind transmission capacity

through 13 OFTOs [16]. A summary of the concluded OFTO tenders is included in the

Appendix A. It is expected that the first GB HVDC offshore wind transmission connections

could be installed by 2018 and rated up to 1.2 GW [17]–[19].

1.2.3 Electricity Interconnection Targets

The EU has set an electricity interconnection target for 10 per cent of the total electricity

generation capacity in each country to be provided from interconnectors by 2020 [20]. GB

Electricity interconnectors use HVDC submarine cables to connect the GB grid to

neighbouring countries for energy trading and balancing. At present, GB has 4 GW of

electricity interconnections through four interconnectors – 2 GW to France (through the

interconnector known as IFA), 1 GW to the Netherlands (BritNed), and two cables of 500 MW

each to the Irish grid (Moyle and East-West) [21]. This represents about 5 per cent of the UK’s

electricity generation capacity [22]. Figure 1 shows the existing and proposed electricity

interconnectors in the UK.

There are eight new interconnectors proposed to five countries (France, Belgium, Denmark,

Norway, and Republic of Ireland). The proposed interconnectors would have a total

interconnection capacity of about 9 GW and help the UK to meet the interconnection targets.

Also, two embedded HVDC links - Western Link and Eastern Link – are planned to increase

the power transfer capability across the Anglo-Scottish boundary of the GB transmission

system. At present, the Western HVDC link is under construction. It will have an installed

transmission capacity of 2.2 GW and increase the power transfer limits across the Anglo-

Scottish boundary from 2.55 GW in 2015 to 3.9 GW by 2017 [6], [23]. The proposed Eastern

link would have an installed capacity of 2 GW and is planned for implementation beyond 2021


Figure 1: Map of existing and proposed GB electricity interconnector project [26]

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1.2.4 Electricity Market Reforms

The UK’s Electricity Market Reform (EMR) is designed to decarbonise electricity generation,

increase security of electricity supply and minimise the cost of electricity to consumers. The

two main regulatory mechanisms under the EMR are the Contracts for Difference and the

Capacity Market [11], [25]. Contracts for Difference (CfD) is intended to provide certainty and

stability of revenues for large renewable generation through a 15-year contract period at a

guaranteed price. The Capacity Market is a mechanism that is intended to offer all electricity

capacity providers (new and existing power stations, energy storage schemes, demand side

response and interconnectors) a steady, predictable revenue stream on which they can base

their future investments [11], [26], [27]. In return for this revenue, capacity providers must

deliver the energy required to meet demand when needed or face penalties. In summary, there

is a strong regulatory encouragement for UK participation in the North Sea Grid.

1.3 Submarine Cables

The two functions of subsea cables in offshore wind farms are for the subsea array cables and

subsea export cables. Subsea array cables collect the power generated from offshore wind

turbines. Array cables operate at a voltage of 30 – 66 kV AC and connect offshore wind

turbines to offshore substations. The transformers of the offshore AC substations step up the

collection voltage from 30 kV to a high voltage of 132 kV and above.

Subsea export cables transfer the power from offshore wind farms to land using HVAC or

HVDC transmission. HVAC subsea export cables connect offshore AC substations to onshore

AC substations or HVDC networks. They use three-core cables with cross-linked polyethylene

(XLPE) insulation. HVDC subsea export cables connect offshore converter platforms and

onshore converter stations of the HVDC networks. The two designs of HVDC subsea cables

available on commercial terms are mass impregnated (MI) cables and extruded cross-linked

polyethylene (XLPE) cables.

The cost of subsea array and export cable supply and installation is about 14% of overall

capital costs of offshore wind farm projects [28]. Table 1 is a summary of the best information

found of cable manufacturers and their production capabilities [6], [17], [29], [30].

Table 1: Cable manufacturers and production capabilities (information taken from[6], [17], [29], [30])

Manufacturer Main Location

Array Cables[17], [30]

Export Cables[17], [29]



1 ABB Sweden

2 Exsym Japan


4 J-Power Japan

5 LS Cable South Korea

6 Nexans Norway

7 NKT Germany

8 NSW Germany

9 Parker Scanrope Norway

10 Prysmian Italy

11 Viscas Japan

Product available on commercial terms Lack of production capability

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At present, JDR Cable Systems (JDR) is the only UK manufacturer of subsea array cables

for the offshore wind industry [17], [18], [31]. The UK has no capacity to manufacture cable

cores for subsea array cables. The cost of cable cores is about 40 per cent of the overall cable

cost and JDR currently imports these from the EU [18]. The UK does not have a high voltage

subsea cable manufacturing capability [18], [29], [32]. Only ABB and Prysmian have supplied

extruded HVDC cables to the offshore wind industry [17], [18].

1.4 Opportunities for UK Research and Innovation

The proposed North Sea Grid could offer opportunities for the UK to reduce cost of offshore

wind generation, install 66 kV array cables, develop DC wind farm collection systems, reduce

the frequency of AC power transmission and increase production capability of subsea cables.

1.4.1 Offshore Wind Cost Reduction

The UK Cost Reduction Monitoring Framework (CRMF) reported that the levelised cost of

energy from offshore wind reduced from £136/MWh to £121/MWh during the period 2010-

2014 [33]–[35]. The biggest contribution to the cost reduction was due to industry’s adoption

of larger turbines rated up to 6 MW. Larger turbines reduce the required number of turbines

per GW and decrease the number of array cable circuits. However, they require increased

spacing between turbines and so increase the length of array cables.

1.4.2 66 kV Array Cable

Increasing the voltage of array cables from 30 kV to 66 kV could reduce electrical losses,

increase wind turbine spacing distance, increase the power transfer capacity for a given

conductor size and result in fewer offshore AC substations. The 66 kV array cables would

preserve the number of wind turbines in each string of the collection system as the turbine

ratings increase. The two types of 66 kV array cables are dry-type and wet-type. Dry-type

designs are mature and available on commercial terms. The wet-type designs are a more

recent development which are more cost-effective than the dry-type designs. Therefore,

project developers may choose the wet-type designs in future [17].

1.4.3 Medium Voltage DC Wind Farm Collection Systems

Medium-voltage DC collection is a concept that is intended to connect wind turbines directly

to a medium voltage direct current (MVDC) system. High power MVDC converters with high

step-up conversion ratio are the key components in the MVDC collection systems and could

eliminate the requirement for offshore AC substations and platforms in the wind farm collection

system [18], [36], [37].

1.4.4 Low-frequency AC Transmission

Low-frequency AC transmission is a concept that decreases the frequency of AC systems,

reduces the cable charging current and extends the distance at which HVAC systems can be

cost-effective [29], [36]. This could increase the power transfer capacity of a given cable and

reduce the number of subsea export cables. At the onshore station, frequency converters

would be required to transform the low-frequency AC supply back to the frequency of the

onshore grid [29]. There is a need to further research, develop and demonstrate this concept

for submarine power transmission systems.

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1.4.5 Increase Manufacturing Capability of Subsea Cables

The Crown Estate Round 3 Grid Study reported that about 1200 km of HVAC export cable

and 5200km of HVDC export cables will be required to connect 25 GW of offshore wind

capacity [32]. At present, cable supply may constrain UK wind farm projects requiring high

voltage subsea cables [17]. The two possible routes to increase the UK manufacturing

capacity for subsea cables are [29], [31]: (i) Increase the voltage capability of existing lower

voltage cable manufacturing plants; and (ii) Attract an existing export cable supplier to set up

manufacturing facilities in the UK.

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This section describes the basic principles of submarine electricity transmission and the status

of HVDC transmission technologies for the proposed North Sea grid. It also outlines the

development of electricity interconnectors in the North Sea and the visions of the future North

Sea grid.

2.1 Submarine Electrical Power Systems

The electrical system of an offshore wind farm consists of a medium-voltage electrical

collection network and a high-voltage electrical transmission connection. Figure 2 shows the

simplified electrical system of an offshore wind farm in the North Sea. The collection grid uses

transformers in each wind turbine to step up the generation voltage of the wind turbines from

690 volts (V) to a medium voltage of 25 – 40 kV. A network of medium-voltage AC cables

connects the offshore wind turbines to an offshore AC substation. The transmission

connection uses the offshore AC substation to transform the medium voltage to a high voltage

of 130 – 150 kV for connection to an offshore converter station.

Remote offshore wind farms use offshore converter stations to transform the alternating

current generated from the offshore wind turbines into direct current. These offshore converter

stations are mounted on offshore converter platforms. HVDC submarine power cables connect

the offshore converter platforms to shore as shown in Figure 2. At the other end of the

submarine cables, the onshore converter stations receive the power from the wind farms and

convert it back to alternating current, which is fed into the terrestrial power grid.

2.2 Status of HVDC technology

The three key components of the HVDC networks of the proposed North Sea Grid are offshore

converter platforms, submarine power cables and onshore converter stations. The HVDC

submarine power cables can also interconnect the grids of two or more countries for energy


2.2.1 Offshore Converter Platforms

The two main components of an offshore converter platform are the topside and the foundation

support structure. Topsides house the offshore HVDC converter stations. Foundation support

structures host the topsides. Three possible foundation support structures are fixed, mobile

jack-up and gravity-base.


Converter Platform

80 km


Power Grid

Medium Voltage

Alternating Current


AC Substation

North Sea

High Voltage

Alternating CurrentHigh Voltage

Direct Current (HVDC)




High Voltage

Alternating Current

Figure 2: Simplified electrical system of an offshore wind farm. Copyright GE Grid

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The fixed platforms use jacket support structures which are attached into the seabed through

piles. The topsides and jackets are installed by lifting from a barge using a heavy-lift crane

vessel. The topside of a 1,000 MW HVDC converter platform could weigh up to 10,000 tons

and this will require a large crane vessel. This has implications for both costs and availability

and multiple offshore lifts [38].

A mobile jack-up platform has a self-installing topside which is mounted on a substructure.

These topsides house offshore converter platforms which have an embedded jack-up system.

The substructure is formed by steel piles which are installed around 50 metres deep into the

seabed. The floating topside is towed into position directly above the substructure and raised

up to about 20 metres above sea level by the embedded jack-up system. This approach has

no need for a large crane vessel. This concept was applied to the 864 MW Sylwin1 converter

platform with dimensions of 83 x 56 x 40 metres (length x width x height) and a total weight of

25,000 tons [39].

The gravity-base platform consists of a topside welded to a gravity base support (GBS)

structure. These GBS platforms are constructed onshore, towed into position and secured on

the seabed by their own weight and ballasting. This approach eliminates the need for heavy-

lift vessel or offshore jack-up operations. The 900 MW DolWin2 project under construction will

use the self-installing gravity-base structure platform for efficient production and ease of

installation [38].

2.2.2 Submarine Power Cables

According to the ENTSO-E [40] ten-year network development plan, about 20,000 km of

HVDC subsea power cables is required by 2030, of which 14,000 km (i.e. about 70%) are to

be installed in the North Sea. Cable manufacturers would need to expand their production

capabilities and more cable-laying vessels would be required to meet the predicted demand.

The two HVDC submarine power cable technologies available on commercial terms are mass-

impregnated (MI) paper cables and extruded cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) plastic cables.

The central conductor of these cables is made either of copper or aluminium. The insulation

of MI paper cables consists of clean paper impregnated with a high viscosity compound based

on mineral oil. The next generation of MI paper cables would use paper polypropylene

laminate as insulation to achieve ratings of 650 kV and 1500 MW per cable. A single core MI

paper cable could have conductor size up to 2,500 mm2 and weigh about 37 kg per metre [41].

HVDC submarine cables have a sheathed and armoured layer for protection against harsh

conditions associated with offshore installation and service [41]. Table 2 is a summary of the

latest HVDC submarine power cables [3], [6].

Table 2: Status of HVDC Cables



Maximum Ratings Per Cable

Installed (until 2014) Under construction Achievable (up to 2020)













XLPE 0.25 200 0.5 320 1 500

MI 0.6 500 0.8 500 1.5




XLPE- Extruded Cross Linked Polyethylene

MI – Mass Impregnated; PPLP – Paper Polypropylene Laminate

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2.2.3 Onshore Converter Stations

There are two main HVDC converter technologies: line commutated converter (LCC), and self-

commutated voltage source converter (VSC). Table 3 is a summary of the status of HVDC

converters [6], [42].

Table 3: Status of HVDC Converters



Maximum Ratings Per Converter

Installed (until 2014) Under construction Achievable (up to 2020)













LCC 7.2 ± 800 8 ± 800 10 ±1100

VSC 0.5 ± 200 1 ± 320

2 ± 500 0.7 500*

*Converters have one pole

LCC-HVDC is a mature technology and suitable for long distance bulk power transfers. VSC-

HVDC is a more recent development and has independent control of active and reactive

power, improved black start capability, and occupies less space than LCC-HVDC. It is easier

to reverse power flows and hence form DC grids with VSCs than LCCs. A reversal of the

power flow direction in VSCs does not require a change in the polarity of the DC voltage.

Therefore, VSC-HVDC is the key technology for offshore wind power transmission and the

North Sea Grid. The MI paper cables are suitable for both LCC and VSC applications.

Extruded XLPE insulation cables are suitable for VSC applications and are available at

voltages up to 500 kV.

2.3 National Strategies

In 1991, the first offshore wind farm to became operational was the 4.95 Megawatt (MW)

Vindeby project, which was located at a grid connection distance of 2.5 km from the shore of

Denmark [43], [44]. By 2014, around 8,045 MW offshore wind capacity had been installed in

and connected to the electricity grids of 11 European countries. The per cent share of the

installed offshore wind capacity was 63.3% in the North Sea, 22.5% in the Atlantic Ocean and

14.2% in the Baltic Sea [45]–[47]. The installed offshore wind capacity in Europe is expected

to increase to 23.5 GW by 2020 [48].

At present, UK offshore transmission owners (OFTOs) use HVAC technology to connect about

5 GW of installed offshore wind capacity to the national grid [49]. It is expected that the

transmission circuits for the proposed Dogger Bank offshore wind farm to be located off the

east coast of GB, will use VSC-HVDC technology each rated at 1 GW and ±320 kV [50].

In Germany, offshore wind farms have been grouped into 13 clusters, and most of the offshore

VSC-HVDC platforms are each rated at up to 900 MW and ±320 kV [51]. In Belgium the total

power from offshore wind farms will be aggregated through two offshore HVAC platforms with

combined capacity of 2.3 GW. The two platforms will be interconnected together and

connected to an onshore substation using 220 kV AC submarine cables. The Belgian offshore

network design includes future interconnectors with France and the UK through an

international HVDC platform rated at up to 3 GW and above ±500 kV [52]. From Norway, new

HVDC interconnectors are planned to Germany rated at up to 1.4 GW and ±500 kV [53].

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2.4 Development of Electricity Interconnectors in the North Sea

Interconnectors use submarine power cables to connect the electricity transmission systems

of adjacent countries. Interconnection could allow electricity to flow from one country to

another according to the market prices on either side of the interconnector. At present, four

countries (Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway) have 3.4 GW of

interconnection capacity through six HVDC interconnectors in the North Sea. Figure 2 shows

the existing and proposed HVDC interconnectors to be installed in the North Sea by 2020.

Table 3 is summary of the existing and proposed subsea interconnection capacities to be

installed in the North Sea by 2020.

Table 4: Subsea interconnection capacities in the North Sea by 2020

Country Project













1 DK-NO Skagerrak1&2 1977 500 127 ±250 LCC

2 DK-NO Skagerrak 3 1993 500 127 350 LCC

3 NL-NO NorNed 2009 700 580 ±450 LCC

4 GB-NL BritNed 2011 1000 250 ±450 LCC

5 DK-NO Skagerrak 4 2014 700 140 500 VSC

6 BE-GB NEMO 2018 1000 135 ±250 VSC

7 DE-NO Nord.Link 2018 1400 600 ±500 VSC

8 DK-NL COBRA 2019 700 350 ±320 VSC

9 GB-NO NSN 2020 1400 800 ±500 LCC

10 DK-GB Viking Link 2020 1400 700 - -

Total 9300 3809

BE-Belgium; DE-Germany; DK-Denmark; GB-Great Britain; NL-The Netherlands; NO-Norway


1. Skagerrak 1&2

2. Skagerrak 3

3. NorNed

4. BritNed

5. Skagerrak 4


7. Nord Link


9. NSN

10. Viking Link
















The Netherla





Great Britain


HVDC Interconnectors



North Sea

Figure 3: Existing and proposed HVDC interconnectors in the North Sea by 2020. Copyright

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It is estimated that ten HVDC subsea interconnectors – having a total capacity of about 9.3

GW and a total route length of about 3800 km – will be installed in the North Sea by 2020.

Two of these interconnectors are to use the VSC technology. In December 2014, the new

VSC-based Skagerrak 4 project, which connects Denmark and Norway, was commissioned

to work in parallel with the existing LCC-based Skagerrak 3. This hybrid of a VSC and an LCC

scheme is the first to operate in such a configuration. The proposed COBRA interconnector

would use a single subsea cable to integrate offshore windfarms and interconnect the grids of

Denmark and the Netherlands by 2019. This will exemplify first steps in the development of a

multi-terminal HVDC system in the North Sea.

2.5 Visions of the future North Sea Grid

Existing HVDC subsea cables of the North Sea Grid are point-to-point circuits, and each circuit

provides a single service either for interconnecting transmission grids or connecting offshore

generators to onshore grids [54]. Although the topology of the future North Sea Grid has not

been agreed, the ENTSO-E [4] has proposed two possible topologies: (i) Local Coordination;

and (ii) Fully Integrated. The Local Coordination Topology assumes a continuation of existing

offshore grid development regimes. This will result in a multiplication of point-to-point circuits

in the North Sea. The Fully Integrated Topology is intended to interconnect several point-to-

point circuits and offshore wind power generation units. This will create a multi-terminal HVDC

system, in which any unused transmission capacity when wind farms are operating below their

peak generation can be used for balancing and energy trading between the grids of different

countries [55]. However, reliable operation of such multi-terminal HVDC schemes will most

likely require high power DC circuit breakers and direct current flow control devices, which are

still being developed. In Europe, manufacturers of DC circuit breakers have announced the

results of prototype tests in 2013 [56], [57]; in which direct current exceeding 3 kA was

interrupted in less than 3 milliseconds. In 2015, another prototype DC circuit breaker with rated

voltage of 200 kV and maximum breaking current of 15 kA and breaking time of 3ms was

tested in China [58]. The next step is to deploy a 363 kV DC circuit breakers with a fibre optic

current sensor into real HVDC networks in China [59].

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In 1976, the first HVDC subsea cable in the North Sea, Skagerrak 1, was installed. This cable

was 127 km long, connected the grids of Denmark to Norway and had a rated capacity of 250

MW and 250 kV [60]. This was the beginning of submarine HVDC transmission across the

North Sea.

The two types of HVDC transmission technologies are Line Commutated Converters (LCC)

and Voltage Source Converters (VSC). LCC was used in the Skagerrak 1 project. VSCs are

a more recent development, which have independent control of real and reactive power,

improved black start capability and occupy less space than LCCs. It is easier to reverse power

flows and hence form DC grids with VSCs than LCCs. A reversal of the power flow direction

in VSCs does not require a change in the polarity of the DC voltage. Therefore VSC is now

the key technology for offshore wind power transmission and the proposed North Sea grid.

3.1 Physical Structure of VSCs

Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram of a VSC-HVDC transmission scheme. The main

components of the VSC scheme are the converter bridges, phase reactors, AC filters and


3.1.1 Converter Bridges

The converter bridge of VSCs use Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) to transform

electricity from AC to DC at a transmitting end (rectifier) and from DC to AC at the receiving

end (inverter) [61]. The IGBT is a three-terminal power semiconductor device which is

controlled by a voltage applied to its gate. It allows power flow in the ON state and stops power

flow in the OFF state. Many IGBT cells are connected in series to form an IGBT valve, increase

the blocking voltage capability of the converter and increase the dc bus voltage level of the

HVDC system [61]–[63].

The DC capacitors in the converter bridge (shown in Figure 4) store energy, enable the control

of power flow, provide a low inductive path for the turned-off current and reduce DC voltage

ripple [62]–[65]. The DC side of the transmitting station and the receiving station can be

connected through DC cables, DC overhead lines or a combination of the two [61], [66]. Each

converter station has a cooling system, auxiliary system and control system [66].

3.1.2 Phase Reactors

Phase reactors are connected in series between the converter bridge and the transformers of

the VSC scheme as shown in Figure 4. They create a voltage difference between the output

voltage of the converter bridge and the AC system. The alternating current flowing through the

phase reactors controls active and reactive power of the VSCs [62], [63], [67]. Phase reactors

also reduce high frequency harmonic components of the alternating current.






Station A






Station BAC


DC Cable or

Overhaed Line

Figure 4: VSC-HVDC transmission scheme

Page 15: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


3.1.3 AC Filters

Two-level VSCs can operate at a high frequency of about 1 kHz and above and create high

frequency harmonic components in their output voltage. AC filters are connected in parallel

between the phase reactors and the transformers to eliminate the high frequency harmonic

contents of the output voltage of the VSCs. Modular Multilevel Converters (see section 3.3)

do not need such a filter.

3.1.4 Transformers

Transformers interface the AC system to the AC filters, phase reactors and converter bridges

and regulate the voltage of the AC system to a value that is suitable for the HVDC system

[61], [63], [65].

3.2 Operating Characteristics of a VSC

VSC produce an output voltage waveform at their output and exchange active and reactive

power with the AC system. Figure 5 shows the schematic diagram and phasor diagram of two

AC voltage sources connected through a reactor. The voltage Vout at the sending end is

generated by a VSC and the voltage, Vac, at the receiving end is the voltage of the AC system.

Assuming that there are no power losses in the reactor shown in Figure 5a; and that the AC

system connected to the AC filter is ideal, then the active power (P) transferred through the

VSC, the reactive power (Q) at the sending end, and the apparent power (S) of the VSC are:

𝑃 = 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 sin 𝛿

𝑋𝐿 𝑉𝑎𝑐


𝑄 = 𝑉𝑎𝑐 − 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 cos𝛿

𝑋𝐿 𝑉𝑎𝑐


𝑆 = √𝑃2 + 𝑄2 (3)

where 𝛿 is the phase angle between the voltage phasor Vout and Vac (in Figure 5b) at the

fundamental frequency. Figure 6 shows the active power and reactive power capability curves

of a VSC during operation at ac voltages of 0.9 p.u, 1.0 p.u and 1.1 p.u. The three factors that

limit the operating range of the VSCs are the maximum active power transfer capability, the

maximum AC voltage of the power system and the maximum IGBT current capability.











Real Part





(a) (b)



Figure 5: Two AC voltage sources connected through an ideal reactor (a) Schematic diagram (b) Phasor diagram

Page 16: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


3.3 VSC Topologies

The major VSC-HVDC manufacturers in Europe are ABB, Siemens and GE Grid. Other

potential world suppliers such as C-EPRI, RXPE, NanRui and XiDian are also able to deliver

VSC solutions [38], [68]–[71]. The three main types of Voltage Source Converters topologies

are two-level, three-level and multilevel. Figure 7 shows the output line-to-neutral voltage

waveforms from the three VSC topologies.

3.3.1 Two-level VSCs

Two-level VSCs use IGBTs valves (which consist of strings of series IGBTs) to switch between

the positive polarity and negative polarity of a charged DC capacitor as shown in Figure 7 [64],

[72]. Figure 8 shows the circuit for one phase of a two-level VSC with the DC capacitor

grounded at a midpoint. The two-level VSC has capability to generate output voltage with two

voltage levels 1

2𝑉𝑑𝑐 and −


2𝑉𝑑𝑐 between the midpoint of the DC capacitor and the point ‘a’

shown in Figure 8.

Figure 7: Output voltage waveforms from the two-level, three-level and multilevel topology of VSCs [72]

P [p.u]

Vac = 0.9 pu

Vac = 1.0 pu

Vac = 1.1 pu

Q [p.u]

Maximum AC Voltage Limit

Maximum IGBT Current Limit

Maximum Active Power Limit

Absorbing Vars

Supplying Vars

Figure 6: Power capability curve of a VSC. Limitation due to: (i) maximum active power capability (dotted); (ii) maximum AC voltage (dashed); and (iii) maximum IGBT current capability (solid)

Page 17: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


The IGBT valves of the two-level converters are controlled using a Pulse Width Modulation

(PWM) technique. The PWM enables independent control of the magnitude and phase angle

of the AC voltage output of the VSC [73]. The line to neutral voltage waveform of a two-level

converter is shown in Figure 7. Two-level VSCs operate at a high switching frequency of 1

kHz and above and produce high frequency harmonic components. They have high switching

losses and require large AC filters at their output. They also require a special converter

transformer with capability to withstand high voltage stresses due to the large DC voltage

steps at the converter output. The total power losses of a two-level converter is about 1.6% of

its rated transmission capacity [74].

3.3.2 Three-level VSCs

The four different types of three-level voltage source converters are neutral point clamped, T-

type, active neutral point clamped and hybrid neutral point clamped [75]. Figure 9 shows the

circuit of one-phase of a neutral point clamped converter. Three-level VSCs have the capability

to generate an output voltage with three different voltage levels (1

2𝑉𝑑𝑐, 0 and −


2𝑉𝑑𝑐) per phase

between the point ‘a’ and a neutral point ‘0’ as shown in Figure 9. The switching signals of

their IGBT valves are generated using the PWM technique. They operate at a reduced

switching frequency, have lower switching losses, and their transformers are exposed to lesser

voltage stresses than the two-level converters.

AC Filter








Vdc : DC Voltage with respect to ground

Vout : AC Voltage across IGBT Stack

ΔV : Voltage drop across phase reactor

Vac : Voltage across AC filter

Idc : Current through DC circuit

IL : Current through phase reactor

Iac : Current through AC filter

a : Interface point between phase

reactor and IGBT valves

List of symbols






Figure 8: One-phase of a two-level VSC














Figure 9: One-phase of a three-level neutral point clamped VSC

Page 18: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


3.3.3 Multilevel Converters

Multilevel Converters are a more recent development which have a lower switching frequency,

reduced switching power losses, reduced harmonic components and occupy less space than

the two-level and three-level topology of VSCs. The two types of multilevel converters

available on commercial terms are the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) [69], [72], [76],

[77] and the Cascaded Two Level (CTL) [60], [73], [78] design.

Figure 10 shows the schematic diagram of a Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC). Each multi-

valve arm of the MMC consists of multiple submodules connected in series with an arm

reactor. A submodule is formed by a DC capacitor, IGBTs and diodes. It has capability to

produce a voltage step at its output. The submodules in each phase arm (shown in Figure

10(b)-(d)) are switched in the correct sequence to generate a sinusoidal AC voltage at the

converter output as shown in Figure 7 [63], [64], [67]. The IGBTs of the submodules are in

principle turned on once every cycle during steady state operation. MMCs have the capability

to control the phase angle, frequency and magnitude of their output AC voltage. They can also

control the real and reactive power flow from the converter stations [73], [74], [79].

The transformers of MMCs connected in a symmetrical monopole configuration are not

exposed to DC voltage stresses and can utilize a simple two-winding transformer (with

star/delta connection) [64]. The arm reactors of the MMCs filter the phase currents and limit

the inrush current during capacitor voltage balancing and circulating currents between the

phase arms during unbalanced operation [67].

GE Grid have also proposed a hybrid topology, known as the alternate arm converter (AAC),

which combines the features of the two-level converter and MMC topologies [80], [81]. The

AAC has reduced number of submodule circuits and lower semi-conductor losses than the

MMC and has improved functional capabilities than the two-level converters [63], [67], [80].

Each converter arm of the AAC operates for 180 degrees. A director switch is utilised to

increase the voltage blocking capability of each arm and facilitate zero voltage switching

during direct current commutation from the upper arm to the lower arm [67], [80], [81].



























Phase arm Multi-valve arm Submodule (SM)











Full -Bridge










Clamp Double













Types of











(a) Three-phase Topology


Figure 10: Schematic diagram of an MMC-HVDC Scheme (a) Three-phase Topology (b) Half-bridge submodule (c) Full-

bridge submodule (d) Clamp double submodule

Page 19: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


3.3.4 Submodule Circuits

The three main types of switching circuits in the submodules of the MMCs are half-bridge, full-

bridge and clamp double. The half-bridge circuit is the simplest design and consists of two

IGBTS with anti-parallel diodes and a DC capacitor as shown in Figure 10b. The output voltage

of the half-bridge circuit is either 0 or the DC capacitor voltage (Vc) [82] and current flows

through only one IGBT during steady state operation. The half-bridge circuit has the lowest

cost and the least conduction losses [63], [64].

The full-bridge circuit has four IGBTs with anti-parallel diodes and a DC capacitor as shown

in Figure 10c [64], [79], [82]. The voltage output of the full bridge circuit is +Vc, 0 or -Vc and the

current flows through two IGBTs during steady state operation. MMCs with full-bridge circuits

have the advantage of blocking DC faults. They have higher capital costs and increased

conduction losses than the half-bridge circuits [83].

The clamp double circuit consists of two half-bridge designs connected in series. The positive

terminal of one half-bridge is connected to the negative terminal of the other as shown in

Figure 10d [67], [82], [83]. It has five IGBTs with anti-parallel diodes, two DC capacitors and

two additional diodes. The voltage output of the clamp double circuit is 0, Vc or 2Vc and the

current flows through three IGBTs during steady state operation [79], [82], [83]. The switch S5

is always in the ON state during normal operation and contributes only to conduction losses.

The clamp double circuit has improved efficiency over the full-bridge circuit and has higher

conduction losses than the half bridge circuit [79], [83].

3.3.5 Examples of VSC-HVDC Projects

Table 5 outlines some examples of existing and proposed VSC-HVDC submarine power

transmission schemes (information taken from [67], [72], [73], [84], [85]).

Table 5: Examples of existing and proposed VSC-HVDC schemes (information taken from [67], [72], [73], [84],


Project Name




Ratings per converter

Application Date Capacity





(Estonia-Finland) Two-level 350 ±150

Electricity interconnection and grid reinforcement


Borwin 1 (Germany)

Two-level 400 ±150 Connection of offshore wind farms


Cross Sound

(USA) Three-level 330 ±150

Electricity interconnection

and grid reinforcement 2002

Murray Link (Australia)

Three-level 220 ±150 Electricity interconnection and grid reinforcement


Trans Bay (USA)

Modular Multilevel

400 ±200 Electricity interconnection and grid reinforcement


Borwin 2 (Germany)

Modular Multilevel

800 ±300 Connection of offshore wind farms


Dolwin 1



Two-Level 800 ±320

Connection of offshore wind

farms 2015

Dolwin 3 (Germany)

- 900 ±320 Connection of offshore wind farms


Page 20: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


3.4 HVDC Configuration and Operating Modes

The five main configurations of a two-terminal HVDC scheme are back-to-back, asymmetrical

monopole, symmetrical monopole, bipolar and diode rectifier with VSC inverter. Table 6 is a

summary of the different configurations and operating modes of a two-terminal HVDC system.

3.4.1 Back-to-Back HVDC Scheme

Back-to-back systems have no transmission lines or high-voltage insulated cables and both

converters are located at the same site as shown in Figure 11 [66], [86]. They are used for

interconnection of AC systems operating at the same or different frequencies. Their power

transfer capability is limited by the relative capacities of the adjacent AC systems at the point

of connection [86]. The converter control system, cooling system and auxiliary systems can

be integrated into configurations common to the two converter ends.

3.4.2 Asymmetrical Monopole

Asymmetrical monopole systems are the simplest and least expensive systems for HVDC

transmission between two converter stations [63], [66], [76], [86]. They have a high-voltage

conductor (a cable or an overhead line) and a return path. The return conductor could be either

a low voltage metallic conductor (metallic return) or an earth or sea conductor (ground return)

as shown in Figure 12. At heavily congested areas, fresh water crossings and areas with high

soil resistivity, metallic return is more practical than ground return [66], [86].

3.4.3 Symmetrical Monopole

Symmetrical monopole systems have two high-voltage conductors connected in parallel

between the positive polarity and the negative polarity of the two converter ends as shown in

Figure 13. The centre point of the converters is connected to the ground through a high

impedance to provide a reference for the DC voltage. They are more suitable for VSC-based

HVDC transmission schemes. The drawback of monopolar HVDC systems (with a

symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration) is that their total power transfer capacity is lost

during a cable fault or a converter outage.

3.4.4 Bipolar HVDC Scheme

The bipolar configuration combines two monopolar schemes to form two DC circuits with two

high-voltage conductors and a common return path as shown in Figure 14 [63], [66]. They

have reduced costs and lower transmission loses than two separate monopole schemes [76].

Each DC circuit has the ability to operate at up to half of the rated HVDC transmission capacity.

The two DC circuits are arranged so that the neutral return current of the two poles partly or

completely cancel each other out [66], [86].

During a system disturbance, the bipolar system can either operate in a monopolar ground

return mode or the monopolar metallic return mode. Monopolar ground return operation is

suitable for converter outages or high-voltage conductor outages [66], [76].

Monopolar metallic return operation is possible, during converter outages only, by using the

conductor of the faulty pole as a metallic return path. This requires a converter by-pass switch

at each end of the faulty pole and a metallic-return transfer breaker (MRTB) as shown in Figure

15. The MRTB commutates the return current from the low resistance of the earth into that of

the high voltage conductor of the faulty pole [66], [86]. Monopolar metallic return operation is

the most suitable system for overhead HVDC transmission.

Page 21: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


3.4.5 Diode-Rectifier and VSC-Inverter Concept

An offshore diode-based rectifier connected to an onshore VSC-based inverter is a concept

that is intended to facilitate the connection of large offshore wind farms [87]–[89]. This concept

was proposed and developed by researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

in collaboration with industrial partners at Siemens, Germany [88], [90]. The offshore diode-

rectifier platform will have reduced costs, reduced power losses and occupy less space than

existing offshore VSC platforms [89].

Multiple diodes cells are connected in series to increase the voltage withstand capability of a

diode valve. The diode valves are arranged into a bridge to form an uncontrolled rectifier. The

HVDC transmission scheme shown in Figure 16 consists of an offshore 12-pulse diode-

rectifier and an onshore VSC. A recent press release indicated that this new offshore

converters are likely to be available by 2016 [89].

Page 22: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


Table 6: Configuration and Operating Modes of HVDC Systems

HVDC Scheme Configuration Number of Converters Number of Cables


Rectif ier Inverter HVDC LVDC

1. Back-to-Back

Figure 11: Back-to-back HVDC scheme with mid-point ground

1 1 0 0 Zero output during pole outages.




HVDC Cable

Metallic return

Figure 12: Asymmetric monopolar HVDC scheme with ground return or metallic return

1 1 1 1 Zero output during cable

or pole outages.


Symmetrical Monopole

HVDC Cable (+ve)

HVDC Cable (-ve)

Figure 13: Symmetric monopolar HVDC scheme with mid-point ground

1 1 2 0 Zero output during cable or pole outages.

4. Bipole

HVDC Cable

HVDC Cable

Figure 14: Bipole HVDC scheme with mid-point ground

2 2 2 0

Half capacity during pole

outages. Zero output during cable outages.

HVDC Cable

HVDC Cable


transfer breaker

Figure 15: Bipole HVDC scheme with metallic return for pole outage

2 2 2 1 Half capacity during cable or pole outages.

5. Diode-Rectif ier w ith VSC Inverter

HVDC Cable

HVDC Cable

Diode rectifier

Figure 16: HVDC scheme with uncontrolled diode-rectifier and VSC inverter

1 2 2 0 Zero output during cable or pole outages.

Page 23: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


3.5 Multi-Terminal HVDC Systems

Multi-terminal HVDC schemes are intended to facilitate the transfer of electricity generated

from offshore wind farms to land, supply electricity to offshore oil and gas installations and

interconnect the grids of adjacent countries. VSC has improved active and reactive power

control capabilities than LCC and its polarity does not change when the direction of power flow

changes. Multiple VSCs can be connected to a DC bus with fixed polarity to form a multi-

terminal HVDC (MTDC) system [91]–[93].

3.5.1 Control of MTDC Grids

The operation of MTDC grids requires at least one converter to regulate the DC voltage [93].

Onshore converters will connect the main AC systems, pumped hydro storage units or other

energy storage plants to MTDC grids, maintain the DC voltage and balance power flows in the

MTDC systems [91]. The four main concepts to achieve the desired DC load flow in the

onshore converters are [94]: (i) DC voltage versus active power droop together with dead

band; (ii) DC voltage versus DC current droop with dead band; (iii) DC voltage versus active

power droop; and (iv) DC voltage versus DC current droop.

Converter stations connected to offshore generation sources or loads regulate the frequency

of the offshore AC networks by varying the power transferred through the converters [91], [94].

They absorb the AC generation from offshore wind turbines into the MTDC system or transfer

power from the MTDC system to AC loads in offshore oil and gas platforms [91], [92].

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Supervisory Control and Data

Acquisition (SCADA) systems are likely to be required to maintain secure and optimal

operation of the MTDC grids or restore the grid in a fast and secure way after a power failure

[91]. The HVDC Grid Study Group proposed a HVDC Grid Controller. This concept is intended

to monitor the status of individual converter stations, optimize the power flow within the DC

network and transmit control characteristics and operating set points to individual converter

station controllers [91], [94], [95]. Figure 17 shows the signal flow between the proposed

HVDC Grid Controller and three VSC stations.

3.5.2 Direct Current Flow Control Devices

A meshed HVDC grid will have parallel circuits (i.e. cable or overhead line) between its

converter terminals. The power on the DC side of each converter terminal can be fully

controlled. The DC current flowing in each circuit may not be controllable, since it depends on

the resistance of the circuit and the DC voltage difference between the converters at both ends

of the circuit [96]. The direct current will flow from one converter terminal to another through

the path of least resistance and may overload the circuit with the least resistance.

HVDC Grid Controller






















Figure 17: Signal flow between the HVDC Grid Controller and three voltage source converter stations.

Page 24: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


The two methods for controlling the current flow around a meshed DC circuit are the switched

resistance method or the voltage insertion method [97]. Figure 18 shows the two methods for

controlling the current flow around a meshed DC circuit.

Multiple resistors (R1 to RN) are connected in series with a DC circuit and each resistor is

controlled using a parallel electronic switch or mechanical switch (S1 to SN) to change the

resistance of the conduction path as shown in Figure 18a. This solution has low cost, high

power losses and lacks the capability to reverse the direction of current flow in the DC cable

or line. In the voltage insertion method, a DC voltage of appropriate magnitude and polarity is

inserted in series with a direct current branch. Electronic switches control the polarity of the

voltage source and regulate the current magnitude and direction of current flow in the DC

circuit as shown in Figure 18b.

3.5.3 DC Circuit Breakers

The three types of DC circuit breakers are mechanical, solid state and hybrid [98]. Figure 19

shows the structure of the different types of DC circuit breakers.

Resonant DC circuit breakers combine mechanical AC circuit breakers in parallel with a surge

arrester and a commutation circuit, consisting of an LC resonant circuit as shown in Figure

19a [99], [100]. They have low cost and low conduction losses and their switching time is

within 30 – 50 milliseconds.

Solid state DC circuit breakers consist of a stack of semiconductor switches (IGBTs)

connected in parallel with a voltage limiting device (e.g. a string of varistors), as shown in

Figure 19b. The stack of switches is formed by series and anti-series IGBTs to avoid an

uncontrolled conduction of current through the diodes [101].






DC Cable

or Line 1

DC Cable

or Line 2

DC Cable

or Line 3




DC Cable

or Line 1

DC Cable

or Line 2

DC Cable

or Line 3



(a) (b)

Figure 18: Direct Current Control using (a) Switched Resistors and (b) Voltage Insertion.

Commutation CircuitMetal




Stack of IGBT



Load commutation switch

Mechanical Switch

Main DC Circuit Breaker

Residual DC

circuit breakerL

Series Inductor

Figure 19: Structure of different types of DC circuit breakers (a) Resonant (b) Solid state (c) Hybrid

Page 25: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


Solid state DC circuit breakers have the ability to quickly interrupt DC fault currents without

arcing and their switching time is in the order of a few microseconds. They are more expensive

and have higher conduction losses than resonant DC circuit breakers.

Hybrid DC circuit breakers combine the structure and functional capabilities of semiconductor

switches and mechanical DC circuit breakers, as shown in Figure 19c, to achieve reduced

conduction losses compared with semiconductor switches and have faster switching times

than mechanical switches [99], [100]. During the breaking operation, the load commutation

switch is turned off and the direct current is transferred to the main circuit breaker branch.

Then the mechanical switch opens and isolates the load commutation switch from the network

voltage and the main circuit breaker is turned off. The varistors decrease the resulting

inductive currents to zero and the residual DC circuit breaker shown in Figure 19c is opened


Voltage source converters with full bridge or clamp double submodule circuits have capability

to block DC fault currents. However, they have higher number of components and increased

power losses than VSCs with half-bridge submodule circuits as shown in Figure 10 [63], [64],


At present, original equipment manufacturers (ABB, GE Grid and C-EPRI) have developed

prototypes of hybrid HVDC circuit breakers operating at DC voltages up to 200 kV with a

maximum current breaking capacity of 15 kA and a breaking time of 3 ms [56]–[58]. The next

step is to install a DC circuit breaker with a rated DC voltage of 363 kV into real HVDC

networks at a substation in Fuping, Shanxi province, China, and coordinate their operation in

a multi-terminal HVDC system [59]

3.5.4 The Supernode Concept

The Supernode is a concept that is intended to facilitate bulk power transfer of offshore wind

power through multiple VSCs and eliminate the requirement for DC circuit breakers in HVDC

transmission. Figure 20 shows a Supernode for offshore wind power transmission. It consists

of an islanded AC network with multiple AC/DC converters. The converters of the Supernode

would be required to have fault ride through capabilities and regulate the frequency and AC

voltage of the AC island [3]. Additional offshore converter platforms would be required to

connect new HVDC circuits to the Supernode and this could result in high grid expansion costs

and increased power losses.

2×500 MW2×500 MW

2×500 MW2×500 MW

1 GW

1 GW

1 GW

1 GW

± 320 kV

± 320 kV

± 320 kV

± 320 kV




= 400 kVAC Hub

=Converter Station



Figure 20: A Supernode for offshore wind power transmission

Page 26: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


3.5.5 DC-DC Converters

DC-DC converters would connect DC systems operating at different DC voltage levels, enable

the integration of offshore wind farms through MVDC collection systems and facilitate multi

terminal HVDC transmission [37], [102]–[105]. They could be utilised to transfer power

between VSC-based and LCC-HVDC systems [105]. Also, some DC/DC converter topologies

have capability to block DC fault currents [99], [105]. The proposed North Sea Grid could be

built using a combination of DC-DC converters and Supernodes.

3.5.6 Wide Band Gap Devices

At present all semiconductor devices use Silicon (Si), which has low voltage blocking

capabilities and low current ratings. Wide band gap materials, such as Silicon Carbide (Sic),

Gallium Nitride (GaN) and diamond, have higher breakdown field strength than Silicon (Si:

0.3; SiC: 1.2-2.4; GaN: 3.3; and diamond: 5.6 MV/cm), but are not available on commercial

terms. Future HVDC systems with wide band gap devices would have thinner chips, reduced

number of components and decreased conduction losses than existing Si-based technologies.

There is a need to further research and develop wide band gap devices for HVDC systems


3.5.7 Requirements for Standardization and Interoperability

A new multi terminal HVDC system will consist of multiple converters, control systems and

protection devices supplied by different manufacturers. Each manufacturer’s technology differ

and cannot be easily combined with that of others [91], [94], [106]. Standardization will

facilitate the interoperability of equipment supplied by different manufacturers and develop an

efficient and competitive supply chain for MTDC network equipment [91], [107]. Error!

Reference source not found. is a summary of the technical activities related to

standardisation of multi-terminal HVDC Grids (information taken from [91], [94], [101], [107],


Table 7:Summary of activities related to standardisation of HVDC Grids

Technical Committee (TC) or Working Group (WG)

Description (Start date – End date)


CIGRE B4-52 HVDC Grids Feasibility Study (2009 – 2012)

Report published in [108]

CIGRE B4-56 Guidelines for Preparation of Connection Agreements or Grid Codes for HVDC Grids

(2011 – 2014)

To be published

CIGRE B4-57 Guide for the Development of Models for HVDC Converters in a HVDC Grid

(2011 – 2014)

Report published in [101]

CIGRE B4-58 Devices for Load Flow Control and Methodologies for Direct Voltage Control in a Meshed HVDC Grid

(2011 – 2014)

To be published

CIGRE B4/B5-59 Control and Protection of HVDC Grids (2011 – 2014)

To be published

CIGRE B4-60 Designing HVDC Grids for Optimal Reliability and Availability Performance

(2011 – 2014)

To be published

CIGRE B4/C1.65 Recommended voltage for HVDC Grids (2013 – 2015)

Work in progress

CENELEC TC8X European Study Group on Technical Guidelines for DC Grids

(2010 – 2012)

Findings published in [94], [107]


A continuation of the 2010-2012 Working Group

(2013 – Work in progress

IEC TC-57 WG13 CIM Power Systems Management and Associated Information Exchange

(2014 –

Reports available at [109]

Page 27: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


Standards are required to harmonise the basic principles of design and operation of MTDC

systems and guide investors on how to specify equipment for a multi-vendor HVDC grid [91],

[107], [110]. They shall consider that new technologies may be developed in future and not

create barriers to innovation [91].

The standardization of equipment functions, DC voltage levels, DC grid topologies, control

and protection principles, fault behaviour and communication (protocols) will be important for

grid expansion and planning [91], [107]. Functional specifications for interoperability of

equipment will be required for AC/DC converters, submarine cables, DC overhead lines, DC

choppers, charging resistors, DC circuit breakers and communication for network control and

protection [91], [94], [95].

Organisation such as International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE), European

Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC), International Electrotechnical

Commission (IEC) are preparing technical guidelines standards for multi-terminal HVDC

systems. Also, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity

(ENTSO-E) has published a draft network code on HVDC connections [106].

3.6 Modelling and Testing of MTDC Grids

A present, all the HVDC connections in the UK are independent circuits which transfer power

from one AC system to another and each solution is supplied by a single manufacturer. There

is a lack of experience in the operation and control of multi-vendor, multi-terminal HVDC

systems [111], [112].

Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission in collaboration with other Transmission Owners (i.e.

National Grid and Scottish Power), will build a Multi-Terminal Test Environment (MTTE) for

HVDC systems by 2017 [112]. This facility will combine real time simulators with physical

HVDC control panels to test the compatibility of the control and protection systems provided

by different manufacturers [113].

In Europe, 39 partners from 11 countries are working on the BEST PATHS project to develop

five demos consisting of full scale experiments and pilot projects to remove existing barriers

to multi-terminal HVDC grids by 2018 [114]. The experimental results will be integrated into

the European impact analyses and form the basis for development of the proposed North Sea

grid [115].

3.7 Potential Interactions between HVAC and HVDC systems

In the UK, electricity is mainly generated and transmitted using alternating current (AC) [23].

Direct current (DC) is not so widely used and to date has been applied in a small number of

submarine electricity interconnections [116], [117]. It is anticipated that by 2020, more HVDC

systems would be connected to the UK electricity transmission system to form a mixed AC-

DC system [6], [26]. The potential interactions between the HVAC and HVDC systems would

affect the planning, operation and control of electricity networks.

Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC systems are intended to transfer the power generated from offshore

wind farms to land and interconnect the grids of adjacent countries in order to replace

synchronous machines of power systems. This change in generation mix will result in a

reduction of system strength. The strength of a power system is a measure of its ability to

maintain stable operation during a grid disturbances such as switching events, faults on

transmission lines, loss of generation or load. The two indicators of power system strength are

system inertia and short-circuit level [6], [118].

Page 28: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


VSC-HVDC schemes are required to support AC grids with low inertia or low short-circuit level.

The capability of the VSCs to support weak AC systems depends on the configuration of the

mixed AC-DC system and the control mode and operating characteristics of the VSC. Further

discussions on the potential interactions between mixed AC-DC systems are included in the Appendix B.

Page 29: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid



The North Sea Grid is a concept that is intended to transfer power from offshore wind farms

in the North Sea to land and interconnect the grids of adjacent countries. The UK funding

landscape for the proposal to develop offshore wind power from the North Sea varies across

nine (9) technology readiness levels (TRLs). Discussions on the different TRLs and the

organisations who fund them are included in Appendix C [119], [120]. The three categories of

the funding organisations are regions, national and European.

4.1 Regions

The Devolved Administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales fund innovation in the

offshore wind industry across the different technology readiness levels (TRLs) through

different support schemes. These support schemes were published by the Department of

Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) in [121], and will help to develop a capability to address

market failures in the regions [122].

4.1.1 Northern Ireland

The support schemes for the development of the offshore wind industry in Northern Ireland

are [121]:

Collaborative Networks Programme – is an industry-led project intended to address

key challenges in the offshore wind sector. The existing collaborative networks are

Global Wind Alliance, Global Maritime Alliance, Total Marine Support Services, Energy

Skills and Training Network and Energy Storage Network.

Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI) – provide financial and non-financial incentives to

manufacturing companies to maximise efficiencies, research and develop new

products and export finished products. They provide an innovation voucher with a

value of £4,000 to be used to solve an innovation challenge for small businesses.

The Centre for Advance Sustainable Energy (CASE) – is a £10 million research centre

with focus on the development of turbines, integration and storage, energy efficiency

and energy from biomass.

4.1.2 Scotland

The support schemes for the development of the offshore wind industry in Scotland are:

Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise – is investing £40 million

through the Prototyping for Offshore Wind Energy Renewables Scotland (POWERS)

project to promote the deployment and testing of offshore wind turbines. The fund will

remain open until 2017 [123].

National Renewables Infrastructure Fund (N-RIF) – has a £70 million budget to support

the development of a National Renewables Infrastructure Plan (N-RIP) for the offshore

wind industry in Scotland. The fund will help to develop key infrastructures to support

manufacturing, deployment and operations and maintenance of offshore renewable

energy devices at 11 sites identified by the Scottish Enterprise in the N-RIP [123],


Scottish Innovative Foundation Technologies Fund (SIFT) – will provide £15 million for

the design, development, manufacture and deployment of innovative offshore wind

foundations in Scotland between June 2014 and July 2019 [123].

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Scottish Energy Laboratory (SEL) – is a network of energy research, development and

demonstration facilities in Scotland. It is formed by the European Marin Energy Centre

in Orkney, the Hydrogen Office in Fife and the European Offshore Wind Deployment

Centre in Aberdeen [121].

Renewable Energy Investment Fund (REIF) – will provide £103 million for the

development of marine renewable energy, community owned renewable energy,

renewable district hearing and innovative renewable technologies (including offshore

wind). It is available in the form of loans, equity investments and loan guarantees.

4.1.3 Wales

The support schemes for the development of the offshore wind industry in Wales are [121]:

SMART Cymru Research, Development and Innovation Funding – provides financial

assistance to Welsh-based businesses for the research and development of new and

innovative technologies.

Low Carbon Energy and Marine Power Institute – will offer initial, refresher,

progression and transitional training for the development of skills in power generation

and distribution technologies energy networks.

The Department for Economy, Science and Transport provide practical help and

guidance to companies in Wales in order to enhance the existing manufacturing

capabilities, improve profits and attract new investments.

4.2 National

The UK departments and organisations that support the development of offshore wind and

offshore grids are the Research Councils, Technology Strategy Board, Office for gas and

electricity markets (Ofgem), Energy Technologies Institute, Carbon Trust and the Department

of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). These organisations work together as the Low

Carbon Innovation Coordination Group.

4.2.1 Research Councils

The Research Councils support basic research into new technologies in the UK through an

Energy Programme designed to deliver energy-related research and post graduate training

with an annual budget of about £100 million. This includes support for the UK Energy

Research Council (UKERC). At present, the Engineering and Physical Science Research

Council (EPSRC) is investing about £42 million in 21 research projects, with grants above

£100,000 each, related to the proposed North Sea grid. Appendix D is a summary of the

EPSRC-funded research projects related to the proposed North Sea grid.

In 2013 and 2014, the EPSRC announced four new Doctoral Training Centres to ensure a

continued supply of scientists and engineers between 2014 and 2023 with skills focused on

the deployment of offshore wind technologies and their integration into power networks [121].

These are:

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind and Marine Energy Systems at the

University of Strathclyde and the University of Edinburgh with a grant of £3.89 million

[125], [126].

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Renewable Energy Marine Structures at the

Cranfield University and University of Oxford with a grant of £3.98 million [127], [128].

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids at the

University of Strathclyde and Imperial College London with a grant of £4.40 million

[129], [130].

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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Power Networks at the University of Manchester

with a grant of £3.95 million [131], [132].

4.2.2 Technology Strategy Board

The Technology Strategy Board helps UK companies to develop new technologies and

products in a number of sectors including energy and provides funding to an offshore

renewable energy catapult centre. The Technology Strategy Board is now called Innovate UK.

The Technology Strategy Board will [121]:

Collaborate with the EPSRC and DECC to provide up to £25 million through an Energy

Catalyst scheme intended to support projects in the areas of technical feasibility,

technical development and pre-commercial technology validation. The first round of

applications will close in November 2015.

Collaborate with the EPSRC to invest about £7 million in the Infrastructure for Offshore

Renewables Competition organized in December 2014 for demonstration projects that

reduce the cost of energy for offshore renewables industry. The three areas of focus

are electrical infrastructure, support structures, and sensors and monitoring.

Provide up to £5 million per year from 2013 to 2015 through an Energy Programme to

develop a UK offshore wind industry through technology transfer from parallel industries

such as the offshore oil and gas sector.

The Appendix E is summary of the ongoing demonstration projects (with grants above

£100,000 each) supported by the Technology Strategy Board.

4.2.3 Energy Technologies Institute

Energy Technologies Institute is a partnership between the UK Government and global

engineering companies – BP, Caterpillar, EDF, E.ON, Rolls-Royce and Shell [133]. The ETI

will invest about £60 million to develop the offshore wind industry with focus on floating

platforms for turbines, new turbine blade manufacturing technologies and demonstration

facilities for testing the reliability of large turbines [121].

In 2011, the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) and the EPSRC funded an Industrial

Doctorate Centre in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE) to train at least 10 PhD level wind

energy researchers per year over a five year intake period of the centre [121]. The centre is a

partnership between the University of Edinburgh, University of Strathclyde, University of

Exeter, the Scottish Association for Marine Science and HR-Wallingford [134]. The research

centre focuses on offshore wind farm optimisation, offshore operations and maintenance and

next generation turbine foundations [121].

4.2.4 Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem)

The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) provides up to £81 million per year to fund

an Electricity Network Innovation Competition (NIC). The Electricity NIC will enable electricity

network operators to develop and demonstrate new technologies with operating and

commercial arrangements in order to provide environmental benefits, cost reductions and

security of supply [135].

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At present, there are five Electricity NIC projects - two were awarded in 2013 and three were

awarded in 2014. Table 8 is a summary of the five Electricity NIC projects. The Enhanced

Frequency Control Capability project awarded in 2014 is now called SMART Frequency

Control Project. The project will investigate how newer technologies – such as wind farms,

solar photovoltaics, energy storage and demand-side response – can help to maintain system

frequency [136].

Table 8: Electricity Network Innovation Competition Projects (information taken from [136]–[138])

Project Company Name Concept Amount


(£ million)





Multi Terminal Test




Scottish Hydro



A collaborative centre to simulate

the impact of HVDC technology

on electricity network operation

and control [137].

11.3 2013 7

Visor Scottish Power


New techniques for operating and

planning the power system using

wide area monitoring systems


6.5 2013 4


Frequency Control


National Grid



To develop new techniques to

enhance National Grid’s capability

to control system frequency [138].

6.9 2014 3

Offshore Cable

Repair Vessel and

Universal Joint

TC Ormonde


To convert an existing telecom

cable repair vessel into a power

cable repair vessel and

demonstrate a new universal

cable jointing system [138].

9 2014 3.5

Modular Approach

to Substation


Scottish Hydro



To develop and trial modular

techniques in electrical substation

construction through innovation in

design and civil engineering [138].

2.8 2014 4.5

4.2.5 Carbon Trust

In 2008, Carbon Trust in collaboration with 9 offshore wind developers set up an Offshore

Wind Accelerator (OWA) project in order to reduce the cost of offshore wind by 10 per cent.

The industrial partners provide two-thirds of the fund for the OWA and Department of Energy

and Climate Change and the Scottish Government provide the counterpart funds. The five

research areas of the OWA are electrical systems, cable installations, foundations, access

and wakes and wind resources [139]. It is expected that the OWA project will extend until 2022

and new developers will have the opportunity to join the consortium by the end of 2016 [140].

4.2.6 The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

In 2011, DECC allocated up to £30 million to support offshore wind innovation projects through

its partnership with the Carbon Trust, Energy Technologies Institute, Research Councils UK,

and Technology Strategy Board. Also, DECC collaborates with Eurogia+ and the Technology

Strategy Board to encourage UK companies to participate in transnational and innovative

industrial research, development and demonstration projects for low carbon technologies


4.3 European

The European Union (EU) provides funding for research, development and demonstration of

offshore wind technologies and offshore electricity transmission grids.

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The EU’s support was provided through the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and the

Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme from 2007 to 2013. In 2014, the two funding

programmes were replaced with a Horizon 2020 programme [121].

4.3.1 7th Framework Programme (FP7)

The 7th Framework Programme is a funding instrument under the EU’s Strategic Energy

Technologies (SET) Plan. The major FP7 project related to the research, development and

demonstration of offshore grids are:

BEST PATHS – is a research and demonstration project carried out by 39 partners

from 11 countries in Europe and intend to develop five demos consisting of full scale

experiments and pilot projects to facilitate the development of multi-terminal HVDC

grids [114]. The demos will focus on: integration of offshore wind farms through

submarine HVDC electricity interconnections; operation of multi-vendor VSC-HVDC

systems; upgrading of multi-terminal HVDC systems using innovative components;

innovative repowering of AC transmission systems; and superconductor cables for

HVDC grids. The experimental results will be integrated into the European impact

analyses and form the basis for development of the proposed North Sea grid [115].

The European Commission will provide €35.5 million (i.e. 57%) out of the total project

budget of €63 million between 2014 and 2018.

MEDOW - is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network consisting of 11 partners (5

universities and 6 industrial organisations), intended to train early-stage researchers

across Europe in the area of DC grids and facilitate research, development and

demonstration of DC grids. A DC grid based on multi-terminal voltage source converter

technology is an emerging technology, which is suitable for integration of offshore wind

farms. The four research areas are connection of offshore wind power to DC grids,

investigation of voltage source converter for DC grids, relaying protection, and

interactions between AC/DC grids. The European Commission will provide €3.9 million

euros to the MEDOW project between 2013 and 2017 [141].

E-HIGHWAY 2050 - is a collaborative research and development project between

European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and

major industry and academic partners. The project is intended to plan a 2050 European

electricity transmission infrastructure that would facilitate transfer of renewable

electricity supply to consumers and encourage market integration between the

different countries. The European Commission will provide €8.9 million out of the total

project budget of €13 million between September 2012 and December 2015 [142],


TWENTIES - is a research and demonstration project carried out by 6 transmission

system operators (in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and

Spain), 2 generator companies, 5 manufacturers and research organisations. The

project demonstrated new technologies and innovative control strategies to facilitate

the integration of wind power and other renewable generation sources into electricity

grids. The European Commission provided €31.8 million out of the total project budget

of €56.8 million between April 2010 and September 2013 [144].

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REALISEGRID – is a research project carried out by 20 partners (including four

transmission system operators, an original equipment manufacturer, several research

centres and universities) from 9 countries in Europe. The project developed a set of

methods and tools to assess how the electricity transmission infrastructure should be

developed to achieve the EU’s renewable energy targets. The project had a total

budget of €4.3million and was partly funded by European Commission from September

2008 to May 2011 [145], [146].

4.3.2 Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme

The Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme was established by the European Agency for

Competitiveness and Innovation and provides research funds to address non-technical

barriers to the development of wind energy in Europe. The key IEE projects related to the

development of offshore grids are:

NorthSeaGrid – was led by 3E consultants in collaboration with 5 partners. The project

defined three case studies to represent building blocks for the development of an

offshore grid in the North Sea. These are: the German Blight (between the grids of

Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands), UK-Benelux (i.e. Belgium, the Netherlands,

and United Kingdom), and UK-Norway (i.e. Norway and United Kingdom). The three

cases were utilised to evaluate the risks and uncertainties of an offshore grid to the

different countries and propose solutions to address political barriers to the

development of offshore grids [147], [148]. The project started in May 2012 and ended

in April 2015 with a total budget of €1.4 million and the European Commission provided

75% of the project costs [149].

GridTech – is a research project carried out by 14 partners to develop different cost-

benefit methods to identify the most suitable technologies for the integration of large

renewable generation and storage systems into the European transmission grid. The

project started in May 2012 and ended in April 2015 with a total budget of €1.96 million

and the European Commission provided 75% of the project costs [150].

OffshoreGrid – is a techno-economic study of offshore grids in Northern Europe with

focus on the regions around the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the English Channel and

the Irish Sea. The OffshoreGrid consortium consisted of 8 industry and academic

partners. The project started in May 2009 and ended in October 2011 with a total

budget of €1.4 million and the European Commission contributed 75% of the project

costs [151].

4.3.3 Horizon 2020 Programme

Horizon 2020 is the new EU funding instrument for research and innovation programmes, with

a budget of €5.9 billion for energy projects running from 2014 to 2020 [152]. A major Horizon

2020 projects related to the development of offshore HVDC grids is:

PROMOTioN – is a research project to develop and demonstrate three key

technologies for offshore grid networks. These are: (i) diode rectifier offshore

converters; (ii) multi-vendor high-voltage direct current grid protection system; and (iii)

full power testing of HVDC circuit breakers. The PROMOTioN consortium consists of

34 partners from 11 countries and is led by DNV-GL. The project is funded from

January 2016 to December 2019, with a total cost of €51.7 million, of which the EU

contribution is €39.3 million [153].

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5 Summary

The North Sea Grid is a concept that is intended to transfer the power generated from offshore

wind farms installed in the North Sea to land and interconnect the grids of adjacent countries.

HVDC will be the key technology for submarine electrical power transmission in the proposed

North Sea Grid. LCC-HVDC is mature and suitable interconnection of transmission girds of

different countries. VSC-HVDC is suitable for offshore wind power transmission. The major

components of the HVDC networks of the proposed North Sea Grid are offshore converter

platforms, submarine power cables and onshore converter stations.

5.1 Research Opportunities

The implementation of meshed HVDC offshore grids has been hindered by high cost of

offshore VSC platforms, lack of experience with HVDC protection systems, and absence of

interoperability and multi-vendor compatibility of equipment. Strategic development of the

proposed North Sea grid sets a number of research opportunities in the following technical


Diode rectifier concept – is a new concept that is intended to facilitate uni-directional

power transmission from offshore wind farms to onshore grids, using multiple diode

rectifier units connected through HVDC cables. The diode rectifier concept will occupy

less space, have lower transmission losses and reduced cost than offshore VSC

platforms with comparable power ratings [154]. A major limitation of this concept is in

the design of AC voltage control strategies for the offshore grid. Research projects are

required to demonstrate the ability of different wind turbine generator types to regulate

the offshore AC voltage for improved power transmission using the diode rectifier units.

Full scale testing of HVDC circuit breakers – will be required to demonstrate the

effectiveness of fault clearance equipment and protection systems in HVDC networks.

When a pole-to-pole fault occurs in a HVDC network, the DC voltage collapses in less

than 10 ms [155]. The short-circuit currents in the HVDC network will be influenced by

contributions from capacitors, charged cables, lighting impulses from overhead lines

and fault-current infeed from the AC side of HVDC converters. Full scale testing of

HVDC breakers will eliminate barriers to the interruption of DC fault currents in 5 ms.

Interoperability and multi-vendor compatibility of equipment – demonstration projects

are required to test the potential interactions between the control systems of HVDC

equipment supplied by different manufacturers. Also, research projects will be required

to test the effectiveness of meshed HVDC offshore grids with multiple HVDC

equipment, including VSCs, diode rectifier units, HVDC breakers, DC current flow

devices and DC/DC converters.

5.2 Conclusions

This HubNet Position Paper describes the proposed North Sea Grid, reviews the basic

principles of high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission, highlights the potential

opportunities for UK research and innovation and complements the technologies section of

National Grid’s Electricity Ten Year Statement. There is a strong regulatory encouragement

for UK participation in the North Sea Grid. HVDC converter controllers and modular multilevel

converter submodule designs were described to complement the technologies annex of

National Grid’s Electricity Ten Year Statement. The proposed North Sea Grid could help to

lower electricity supply prices, reduce the cost of delivering security of supply and support the

decarbonisation of electricity supplies in the EU.

Page 36: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid



A. Summary of concluded OFTO Tenders (information taken from [16]) Name Installed

Capacity (MW)

Transfer Value (£million)

Licence Granted (Year)

Name Installed Capacity (MW)

Transfer Value (£million)

Licence Granted (Year)

Barrow 90 33.6 2011 Walney 1


105.4 2011

Greater Gabbard

500 317 2013 Walney 2


109.8 2012

Gunfleet Sands 1&2

173 49.5 2011 Lincs 270

307.7 2014

Ormonde 150 103.9 2012 London Array


459 2013

Robin Rig East & West

180 65.5 2011 West of Duddon Sands


296.2 2014

Sheringham Shoal

315 193.1 2013 Gwnyt y Mor

574 352 2015


300 164 2014 Total 3942 2557 -

Page 37: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


B. Potential Interactions between HVAC and HVDC Systems In the UK, electricity is mainly generated and transmitted using alternating current (AC) [23].

Direct current (DC) is not so widely used and to date has been applied in a small number of

submarine electricity interconnections [116], [117]. It is anticipated that by 2020, more HVDC

systems would be connected to the UK electricity transmission system to form a mixed AC-

DC system [6], [26]. The two major types of mixed AC-DC systems are AC grids with parallel

AC and DC transmission systems and DC grids with separate AC systems [156].

B.1 Change in UK Generation Mix

Since 2011, 15 power plants with a total generation capacity of about 13 GW have been closed

or partially closed in the UK, due to environmental regulations, age, changing market

conditions and limited investments [157]. By 2020, it is expected that about 9 GW of new

electricity interconnection capacity and 4 GW of offshore wind generation capacity will be

connected through HVDC schemes to the UK’s transmission system to replace the

decommissioned power plants [21], [26], [117]. Figure B-1 shows the installed capacities of

generation sources in the Gone Green Scenario of the 2015 UK Future Energy Scenarios [14].

The dynamic operation of power systems depends on the type and amount of generation

connected to it, as well as the nature of demand taken from it [158]. In Figure B-1, the installed

offshore wind capacity is expected to increase to about 30 GW by 2030. Many of the offshore

wind farms will be connected to the UK electricity system through HVDC transmission.

B.2 Consequence of Change in UK Generation Mix

The change in the UK generation mix will result in a reduction of system strength and pose

risk to the operation and control of the power system. The strength of a power system is a

measure of its ability to maintain stable operation during a grid disturbances such as switching

events, faults on transmission lines, loss of generation or load. The two indicators of system

strength are system inertia and short-circuit level [118], [158].

Figure B-1: Installed generation capacities in the UK 2015 Gone Green Scenario [14].

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B.2.1 System Inertia

The inertia of a power system is a measure of the rotating mass of generating units and

electrical motors operating [158], [159]. It determines the response of the power system to

frequency disturbances due to a sudden loss of generation or load [160]. Variable speed wind

turbines and HVDC systems use power electronic converters to decouple the frequency of

adjacent AC systems and do not contribute to the mechanical inertia of AC systems. As more

renewable generation and electricity interconnections replace large synchronous generators,

the system inertia reduces [158].

During a frequency disturbance, a power system with low inertia will have a higher rate of

change of frequency (RoCoF) and require additional energy to contain the frequency within

operational limits than a system with high inertia. This increase in the RoCoF may result in

unintended trip of the loss of mains relay of distributed generators. Also, the actions required

to contain the frequency would need to take place more rapidly. Energy sources connected

through HVDC converters fitted with auxiliary frequency support controls are able to provide

additional power to AC systems with low-inertia, thereby increasing the system strength [158].

B.2.2 Short-Circuit Level

The short-circuit level of a power system is the maximum fault current that will flow in the

system during a three-phase fault. It is inversely proportional to the source impedance and

determines the response of the power system to switching events or faults on the transmission

system [118], [158]. The short circuit current contribution of variable speed wind turbines with

fully-rated converters and VSC-HVDC systems is limited by the rated capacity of their power

electronic converters. As more variable speed wind turbines and HVDC systems replace large

synchronous power plants, the short-circuit level reduces [158], [161].

During a grid disturbance, a system with low short-circuit level will experience larger voltage

dips and longer voltage recovery periods than a system with a high short-circuit level. The

reduction in short circuit level can change the type and level of harmonics on the system, result

in the incorrect operation of protection devices in the power system and increase the potential

of commutation failures in LCC-HVDC systems. VSC-HVDC systems may be controlled to

support AC systems with low short-circuit levels during AC faults [88], [162], [163].

B.3 AC Grids with Parallel AC and DC Transmission Systems

Figure B-2 shows two AC systems interconnected through an HVAC transmission line in

parallel with an HVDC transmission system. The AC frequency is the same in the two HVDC

stations and a power imbalance in one of the AC systems cannot be alleviated by HVDC

control since both ends of the HVDC circuit are in the same grid. However, this HVDC system

can mitigate an existing bottleneck on the AC side [164].

HVDC Cable

HVDC Cable


HVAC Transmission Line


System 1


System 2

V1∠δ1 V2∠δ2

Figure B-2: AC Grid with parallel HVAC and HVDC transmission system

Page 39: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


The principles applied in the parallel AC and DC configuration shown in Figure B-2 will be

used in the Western Link project in order to reinforce the UK electricity transmission system

by 2016 [165]. The Western Link will use LCC–HVDC technology together with underground

and submarine cables and have a rated capacity of 2200 MW at ± 600 kV [23], [166].

B.3.1 Operation of a Parallel HVAC and HVDC System

Parallel HVAC and HVDC systems can use the dynamic response characteristics of their

HVDC systems to solve HVAC power system stability issues such as voltage and rotor angle

stability [6]. Assuming there are no power losses in the parallel AC-DC system shown in Figure

B-2, the steady-state active power, P, transferred between the two AC systems is [167]:

𝑃 = 𝑃𝐴𝐶 + 𝑃𝐷𝐶 (1)

where PDC is the active power flow through the HVDC circuit and PAC is the active power

through the HVAC transmission line. PAC is also written as:


𝑉1 ∙ 𝑉2 sin 𝛿

𝑋 (2)

where V1 the AC voltages of system 1, V2 is the AC voltage of system 2, X is the equivalent

impedance of the AC transmission line and δ is the difference between the phase angles of

bus voltages of the two AC systems.

For a given value of P, an increase in PDC will result in a reduction of both the PAC and the

phase angle difference δ, according to Equations (1) and (2). This reduction of phase angle

difference will improve the angle stability of the mixed AC-DC system, reduce the loading

capacity of the AC network components and minimise transmission constraints on the AC

system [167].

The reactive power Q1 at the terminals of the AC System 1 is:

𝑄1 =

𝑉1(𝑉1 − 𝑉2 cos𝛿)

𝑋 (3)

In addition to transferring real power between AC systems, VSC-HVDC schemes can also

operate as two separate advanced Static Var Compensators (STATCOM) when they have

some apparent power capacity. For example during an outage of the dc cable or transmission

line, VSCs can use their reactive power capability to support the AC voltage. This capability is

very important for AC voltage control in weak AC systems like offshore wind farms and will

help to maintain AC voltage stability during grid disturbances [168].

B.4 DC Grids with Separate AC Systems

A DC grid would facilitate the transfer of power generated from offshore wind farms to land

and interconnect the grids of separate AC systems. Figure B-3 shows a 3-terminal HVDC grid

which connects an offshore wind farm to a main AC grid and another AC system. Variable

speed wind turbines do not inherently contribute to the inertia of AC grids. The offshore AC

grid shown in Figure B-3 is an example of a system with low system inertia due to the lack of

directly connected motors or generators. Variable speed wind turbines fitted with auxiliary

control systems are capable of transferring additional active power to disturbed AC grids, using

the kinetic energy stored in their rotating mass. The VSCs of DC grids with separate AC

systems have the capability to provide voltage support services to the different AC grids [164].

Page 40: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


B.5 Frequency Support Characteristics of Mixed AC-DC Systems

Figure B-4 shows a typical frequency transient for the loss of a 1320 MW generation loss on

the GB power system [169]. The maximum rate of change of frequency defined by the National

Grid is 0.125 Hz/s and the maximum frequency deviations are +0.5Hz and -0.8Hz [170].

When multi-terminal HVDC schemes replace synchronous generators of main AC grids, the

level of inertia present in the AC system reduces. Low-inertia AC grids have a higher rate of

change of frequency (RoCoF), require a larger amount of additional power from individual

responding generation units and are less stable during a grid disturbance than AC systems

with high inertia [160], [165].

The HVDC grid show in Figure B-3 is connected to separate AC systems and has the capability

to mitigate the impact of changes in system inertia. This frequency support can be delivered

through synthetic inertia response, active power frequency response and damping of low

frequency power oscillations [165].

B.5.1 Synthetic Inertia Response

Synthetic inertia response uses rapid injection of power from the different energy sources of

mixed AC-DC systems to limit the rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) of main AC grids. The

additional power is taken from the kinetic energy in the rotating mass of wind turbines. If the

initial RoCoF is high enough, it will cause unintended operation of loss of mains protection

relays in the power system and result in cascaded tripping of distributed generators.

Figure B-4: Frequency deviation following a loss of 1320 MW generation [169]

Wind Farm


Main AC



AC System

Offshore AC



Grid Side

Converter 1

Offshore OnshoreOffshore

Wind Turbine


Full Converter


Grid Side

Converter 2

DC cable



Figure B-3: A 3-Terminal HVDC Grid with separate AC systems

Page 41: Planning and Operation of the North Sea Grid


In Great Britain (GB), the Grid Code requires the protection relays of distributed generators

rated above 5 MW to have a threshold RoCoF setting of 0.125 Hz/s. This RoCoF setting will

be increased to 0.5 Hz/s for synchronous generators by 2018 in response to the anticipated

reduction in system inertia [158]. Mixed AC-DC systems are to use enhanced inertia response

controllers in their power electronic converters in order to limit the RoCoF of the AC grids

[106], [158], [171].

B.5.2 Active Power Frequency Response

Active power frequency response uses the fast control of the power output of the different

generation sources or loads of mixed AC-DC schemes to contain the system frequency

deviation. Frequency containment is a set of actions used to control system frequency to 50

Hz following a loss of generation or demand without exceeding operational limits [158]. HVDC

systems connected to separate AC grids transfer power from one AC system to another and

have the capability to exchange frequency support services between the AC grids.

The active power frequency response from individual responding generation units has to be

delivered quickly enough according to a minimum ramp rate of the generators. The GB Grid

Code requires generator’s active power response to have a maximum delay of 2s and a ramp

rate of 250MW/s following a maximum infeed loss of 1320MW [160]. This is set to increase to

400 MW/s due to anticipated maximum infeed loss of 1800 MW [160]. Furthermore, the

ENTSO-E has proposed a maximum delay of 0.5s for active power response from HVDC

connections [106].

B.5.3 Damping of Low Frequency Power Oscillations

Small disturbances such as changes in demand or voltage cause a change in the speed and

rotor angle of synchronous generators connected to the power system and result in oscillation

of the power flow on the transmission system. These oscillations may damage equipment on

the transmission system and are usually damped by synchronising and damping torques of

synchronous generators connected to the power system [165].

AC systems with low inertia typically have reduced damping capabilities and increased

amplitude of power oscillations than high-inertia systems. The HVDC converters of the

proposed North Sea grid would be required to damp power oscillations in connected AC

networks. The ENTSO-E grid code on operational security defines the network conditions and

frequency range of oscillations which the control schemes of the HVDC systems would

positively damp [106], [172].

B.6 Reactive Power Control and Voltage Support Capability

HVDC converter stations should have the capability to operate at their maximum current,

remain connected to the AC system during normal operation or transient fault conditions and

support the AC voltage during grid disturbances. Table B-1 shows the operational limits of AC

voltages (in per unit) and the minimum time periods for HVDC systems have to remain

connected to AC systems rated up to 400 kV for different synchronous areas of the proposed

North Sea Grid.

Large AC voltage deviations above or below the operational limits (shown in Table B-1) may

damage power transmission equipment [173]. HVDC converters have the capability to inject

reactive power at their connection point to return the AC voltage to nominal operating values.

During a grid disturbance, the two major parameters that determine the voltage support

characteristics of a VSC-HVDC converter are the U-Q/Pmax profile and reactive power control


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Table B-1: Operational limits of power systems rated up to 400 KV during normal operation



AC Voltage Range


Time Period for HVDC Converter




0.8500 – 1.0500 Unlimited

1.0500 – 1.0875 Greater than 60 minutes

1.0875 – 1.1000 60 minutes

Nordic 0.9000 – 1.0500 Unlimited

1.0500 – 1.1000 60 minutes

Great Britain 0.9000 – 1.0500 Unlimited

1.0500 – 1.1000 15 minutes

Continental Europe - Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands

Nordic – Norway, Denmark

B.6.1 U-Q/Pmax Profile

A U-Q/Pmax profile specifies the reactive power limits of a HVDC converter station during

operation at its maximum active power transmission capacity. The ENTSO-E draft network

code on HVDC connections describes the U-Q/Pmax profile of voltage source converters.

Figure B-5 shows the U-Q/Pmax profile of a HVDC converter station and Table B-2 shows the

AC voltage range and the range of Q/Pmax of the different synchronous areas of the proposed

North Sea grid.

The ENTSO-E expects that the HVDC converter stations would operate within the boundaries

of the inner envelope of the U-Q/Pmax profile shown in Figure B-5. The positon of this inner

envelope shall lie within the limits of the fixed outer envelope. The dimensions of the inner

envelope shown in Figure B-5 must be within the operational limits specified in the Table B-2.

Consumption (lead) Production (lag)

-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0-0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7







U (p.u.)

Inner envelope

Fixed outer envelope

Range of Q/Pmax

AC Voltage range

Figure B-5: The U-Q/Pmax profile of a VSC-HVDC converter station

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Table B-2: Range of Q/Pmax and AC voltage range of different synchronous areas [106]

Synchronous Area Range of Q/Pmax AC voltage range


Continental Europe 0.95 0.225

Nordic 0.95 0.150

Great Britain 0.95 0.100

Continental Europe - Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands

Nordic – Norway, Denmark

B.6.2 Reactive Power Control Modes

The short circuit current capability of VSC-HVDC schemes depends on their control mode,

operating point and control strategy [161]. The three control modes for AC voltage support

from the VSCs are AC voltage control, reactive power control and power factor control. VSCs

may operate using one or more of the three control modes [106].

AC voltage control enables the HVDC converter to maintain a set-point voltage at the AC

connection point within a specific operational limit through reactive power control. During a

step change in AC voltage, the HVDC converters would achieve 90 % of the change in reactive

power within a short time in the range of 0.1 – 10 seconds and settle at the new value of

reactive power within 60 seconds. Reactive power control mode enables transmission system

operators to specify a reactive power range in MVAr or in % of maximum reactive power for

the HVDC converters at any given time. In power factor control mode, the HVDC converters

regulate the power factor at their connection point to a target value [106].

B.7 Fault-Ride-Through Capability

HVDC converters are required to remain connected to the power system during a transient

AC fault and continue stable operation after the system has recovered from the fault. This

fault-ride-through capability limits the potential loss of more generation sources after a fault

on the power system and avoids more severe disturbances.

The fault-ride-through characteristics of an HVDC converter station is described using a

voltage-against-time profile. This profile represents the lower limit of the evolution of the

phase-to-phase AC voltages (in per unit) before, during and after the fault. Figure B-6 shows

the voltage-against-time profile of a HVDC converter station during a three-phase fault.



0 tclear trec1




trec2 t/sec


Figure B-6: Fault-Ride-Through profile of a HVDC converter station. Uret is the retained voltage at the connection point of the converter to the AC system during a fault. tclear is the duration of the fault. Urec1 and trec1 specify a point of lower limits of

the voltage recovery following fault clearance. Ublock is the blocking voltage at the connection point. The time values are measured from the instant the fault occurs [106].

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Transmission system operators may specify a blocking voltage (Ublock) for the HVDC converter

station to remain connected to the AC system with no active and reactive power contribution

for a very short time [106]. Table B-3 is a summary of the parameters of the voltage-against-

time profile shown in Figure B-6.

Table B-3: Parameters of the voltage-against-time profile [106]

Voltage parameters (pu) Time parameters (seconds)

Uret 0 – 0.3 tclear 0.14 – 0.25

Urec1 0.25 – 0.85 trec1 1.50 – 2.5

Urec2 0.85 – 0.90 trec2 trec1 – 10.0

The retained voltage (Uret) and fault clearance time (tclear) specified in Table B-3 affect the

design of protection schemes of HVDC converters. It is expected that the operation of the

protection schemes would not interfere with the fault ride through characteristics of the


B.8 HVDC System Robustness

According to the ENTSO-E draft network code on HVDC connections, HVDC, VSCs of mixed

AC and DC system are to have the capability to find stable operating points with a minimum

change in active power flow and voltage levels, during and after any planned or unplanned

changes in the network. The changes in the system may include loss of communication,

reconfiguration of HVDC or AC system, changes in load flow, changes of control mode, control

system failure, trip of one pole or converter etc.

When several HVDC converter stations and other plants and equipment are within close

electrical proximity, there must be no adverse interference with the operation of other HVDC

systems, power generation modules or any protection devices in the adjacent AC network.

During energization or synchronization of HVDC converters to AC networks or during the

connection of an energized HVDC converter to a DC grid, the HVDC converters are required

to limit voltage changes within 5 per cent of the pre-synchronization voltage. Also, the HVDC

converters shall be capable of contributing to electrical damping of sub-synchronous torsional

frequencies [106].

B.9 Infeed Loss Limit

The infeed loss limit of a power system is a measure of the amount of additional power which

transmission system operators will use to replace energy lost through a fault, either through

failure of a circuit or shut down of a power station. This additional power is obtained from

responding generation units, HVDC systems, energy storage plants and fast demand side

response [160]. Table B-4 shows the expected wind capacities and infeed loss limits of six


By 2020, the infeed loss limit in the UK will be 1.8 GW and that of Germany, Belgium and the

Netherlands will be 3 GW [174]. The infeed loss limits shown in the Table B-4 is a key

parameter which will affect the design of the HVDC networks of the proposed North Sea grid.

The rated capacity of any single HVDC circuit shall not exceed the infeed loss limits of the

interconnected countries.

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Table B-4: Expected Wind Capacities and Infeed loss limits (information taken from [4], [174]])

Country Wind Capacity 2020

[4] (GW)

Wind Capacity 2030

[4] (GW)

Infeed Loss Limit

[174] (GW)

Great Britain 11.5 38.5 1.8

Belgium 2 4 3 Denmark 1 3.4 *1.36

The Netherlands 2 12 3 Germany 10 24 3

Norway 0 1 *1.36 Total 25.5 82.9

*Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark share frequency control reserve of 1.16 GW against infeed loss risk of 1.36 GW

B.10 Integration of Energy Storage Schemes through HVDC Systems

The major technology for transmission-connected energy storage schemes in the UK is

pumped hydro-electric systems. Pumped storage plants use excess electricity to pump water

from a lower reservoir to an upper reservoir, and operate as a generator during periods of

peak demand by reversing the flow of water.

By 2018, Gaelectric plans to build a 1500 MW pumped hydro plant in Glinsk, Ireland. The plant

is intended to have a daily storage capacity of 6 GWh and transfer power to the UK through

underground and submarine HVDC cables rated at 1.5 GW and ±500 kV [175]. Also, Norway

plans to develop about 18 GW of new hydro power generation and pumped installation

capacity by 2030 [176]. The transmission system operators of the UK (National Grid) and

Norway (Statnett) intend to install a 1400 MW submarine HVDC interconnector across the

North Sea, for energy balancing and trading between the two countries by 2020 [177], [178].

By 2020, the NordLink HVDC project will use VSC-HVDC technology for electricity

interconnection and trading between the grids of Germany and Norway. The HVDC scheme

will have a rated capacity of 1400 MW, operate at a DC voltage of ±525 kV and use about 516

km of mass impregnated cables for subsea power transmission [179]. These HVDC

transmission systems would facilitate the development of the proposed North Sea grid.

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C. Funding Landscape for the Proposed North Sea Grid

Figure C-1 illustrates how different organisations support the proposal to develop offshore

wind power and electricity transmission systems in the North across different technology readiness levels [120].

Figure C-1: Funding Landscape for the proposed North Sea Grid (adapted from [110])

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D. EPSRC-funded projects with work packages which are related grid connection of offshore wind farms through submarine power transmission

networks (with grant value above £100 K)

Title Lead Research Organisation Start Date

End Date Grant Value (£)

1 Mitigating the effect of low inertia and low short-circuit level in HVDC-rich AC grids Cardiff University Dec2014 Dec2017 295 K

2 HubNet: Research Leadership and Networking for Energy Networks Imperial College London June 2011 May 2016 4,746 K

3 Enhanced Renewable Integration through Flexible Transmission Options (ERIFT) Imperial College London Apr2013 Mar2016 880 K

4 MTVN: Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Networks - Grid Control The University of Manchester Oct2014 Oct2017 534 K

5 FCL/B: An Integrated VSC-HVDC Fault Current Limiter/Breaker The University of Manchester July2014 July2017 640 K

6 DC Networks with DC/DC Converters for Integration of Large Renewable Sources University of Aberdeen May2013 May2016 734 K

7 Towards Enhanced HVDC Cable Systems University of Southampton Oct 2014 Oct 2018 1,113 K

8 Supergen Wind Hub University of Strathclyde June 2014 June 2019 2,967 K

Total 11,909 K

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E. Technology Strategy Board (TSB)-funded projects with work packages which are related to grid connection of offshore wind farms through submarine power

transmission networks (with grant value above £100 K)

Title Lead Research Organisation Start Date End Date Grant Value (£)

1 TLPWIND UK: Driving the cost down of offshore wind in UK Waters Iberdrola Engineering and Construction UK Limited Sep 2014 Feb 2016 580 K

2 Neptune Offshore Access System Submarine Technology Limited Oct 2013 Mar 2015 248 K

3 Supply Design of High Efficiency, High Density DC Power Demonstrator Supply Design Limited Feb 2014 Aug 2015 168 K

Total 996 K

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