
Planning & Regeneration Service Plan Performance Management Framework November 2005 PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL PLANNING & REGENERATION SERVICE



Transcript of Planning

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Planning & Regeneration Service Plan

Performance Management Framework

November 2005


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Planning & Regeneration Service Performance Management Framework 1.0 About the Planning & Regeneration Service. 1.1 The Department of Development has the following mission statement:

To make Plymouth the place to live, work, invest and visit.

Plymouth will be a regional centre of international repute with:

Places and places of real quality.

An excellent communications system.

An innovative and caring approach to service delivery.

A place to do business.

Where all communities have equal access, opportunity and a good quality of life.

1.2 Therefore the Planning & Regeneration Service has the following

mission statement:

To make Plymouth an exceptional city of quality and choice through modern, innovative and customer focused planning and regeneration services.

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2.0 Planning & Regeneration Service Planning and Performance Framework 2.1 The Service’s Management Team is committed to providing excellent

leadership and management within the Service to enable its planning and regeneration functions to be amongst the highest performing in the country. To achieve this, a clear articulation of Service planning and performance management is a pre-requisite. This framework needs to be nested in the Corporate framework as set out in Corporate Planning, Performance Framework and Medium Term Financial Plan.

2.2 The framework consists of:

An amplification of the City Council’s “principles” into a set of “values” as for the Service.

A description of Service planning and performance management framework as it applied particularly to Planning and Regeneration activity.

A Service planning and performance management cycle, to ensure that the Service is adequately supporting that defined corporately for the City Council.

Performance targets and indicators of the framework. 3.0 Planning & Regeneration Service Values 3.1 The City Council’s Corporate Plan 2004-2007 sets out the following

“principles” which lie at the heart of its Modernisation Programme:

Cares for all people. Listens to and involves communities. Respects diversity and tackles inequalities. Values its staff. Is open, honest and fair when making decisions. Prudently and responsibly manages taxpayers’ money and the

council budget. Ensuring that sustainability is at the core of all we do.

3.2 The Planning & Regeneration Service’s Management Team is

committed to driving through these “principles” in respect of what the Service does and how it does it. As an aid to this process, the following statement of Values for the Service has been devised (see box). We will promote and monitor these values through our Service performance review processes and – where appropriate - through the Individual Personal Appraisal scheme.

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1. Inclusion. We will aim to ensure that our planning and

regeneration activity to secure real quality of life improvements for all sectors of the community. This requires that we are well informed about community needs and are proactive in seeking to address disadvantages and deprivation where we have the power to do so.

2. Engagement. We do not believe that we can plan effectively for the city’s future and manage change in the environment without engaging with the people that live, work and invest here. We will seek to engage with local communities and key stakeholders, and where appropriate to work in partnerships to pool resources for the identification and delivery of sustainable quality solutions.

3. Sustainability. We aim to achieve high quality sustainable solutions that endure. This means a commitment to forward planning and to seeking high quality solutions that will survive the test of time. It also means a commitment to genuinely sustainable solutions that have regard not just for immediate needs but take account of the potential effects of development on future generations.

4. Deliverability. We aim to be grounded in reality and practicality. The plans and strategies that we produce and the programmes that we develop must be capable of delivery, and we will have regard to implementation requirements in the carrying out of our work.

5. Adding value. We will strive for integrated solutions that add value and support other objectives. We aim to ensure that our plans, strategies, programmes are consistent and self-supporting. We will support through our work the wider objectives of the Council and its partners, and add value through ensuring appropriate development planning, regeneration and design frameworks are in place.

6. Customer focus. We will strive to provide the highest standards of care for all of our customers. Our customers include the general public, developers and their agents, businesses and organisations in the city, councillors and council officials, and indeed any person or group who we relate to or have an effect on.

7. Staff focus. Our staff are fundamental to achieving our goals. We will invest in professional development for our staff. We will strive to ensure that each person has the opportunity to make a real differences in the workplace, and for this to be acknowledged and valued by management.

8. Excellence. We will strive for a culture of excellence (but not perfectionism) in what we do and how we do it. Our aim will be to provide high quality services and work, no matter how small or large the task. In this respect, customers can have a reasonable expectation that services provided to them will be well founded and properly co-ordinated within our teams and with those provided by others in the Council.

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4.0 Service Planning and Performance Management Framework 4.1 “Planning” within a service context in the Planning & Regeneration

Service takes place within a context set corporately and indeed in some respects nationally and regionally. An understanding of this framework is critical to effective service planning. The diagram below provides a summary of this framework.

Planning & Regeneration Service: Summary of Service Planning Framework National & Regional Planning Policy Statements Regional Spatial Strategy Regional Economic Strategy Other Government policy frameworks on planning and regeneration. Public Service Agreements (see Annex 1) Local Strategic Partnership City Strategy (Community Strategy) City Council: Cabinet, Corporate Management Corporate Plan Performance Plan Medium Term Financial Plan Human Resources Strategy Asset Management Development Department Business Plan Planning & Regeneration Service Service Plan Performance Reviews Service priorities, objectives, policies and standards Units Performance Reviews Unit Plans Unit priorities Teams Work Programmes Individuals

Individual Work Plan Personal Development Plans Performance Appraisal Career Grade Progression Scheme

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4.2 Performance management links strongly into this corporate and service planning framework, but it is far more than a series of plans or events. Performance management is a process of continuous performance improvement, with a focus not just on the achieving goals but also on the means by which these goals are achieved. The Audit Commission helpfully describes the elements of performance management in a flow chart (ref. Audit Commission in its 2002 paper “Performance Breakthroughs”).

4.3 Service planning and performance management operates at four levels

within the Planning & Regeneration Service: Service level Unit level Team level Individual level

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4.4 At a Service level, the key tasks of service planning and performance

management are:

Production of a Service Plan which (1) defines at a strategic level what needs to be done in the Service in order to deliver national, LSP, corporate and departmental objectives and priorities. (2) Sets out performance standards and targets against which delivery can be monitored.

Allocation of the resources and responsibilities at a Unit level to enable the Service Plan to be delivered.

Ongoing monitoring of delivery. Regular review, leading to adjustments in future Service

Plans and inputs to corporate planning process. Regularly seeking customer feedback in respect of all of the

services provided by Planning & Regeneration. 4.5 At Unit level, the key tasks of service planning and performance

management are:

Communicating Corporate and Service priorities and performance issues.

The establishment and communication to staff of Unit priorities to ensure that it plays its role in the delivery of Corporate and Service objectives.

The organisation, provision and allocation of resources across the Unit in order to ensure that these priorities are delivered efficiently and effectively.

The monitoring and review of performance indicators and targets in relation to the delivery of these priorities and the day to day operation of the Unit, measuring not just outputs and outcomes but also the management of inputs.

The production of an Improvement Plan for the Unit by which performance is assessed, problems evaluated and an action plan for improvement developed and implemented.

The establishment and defence of a culture of continuous performance improvement, including staff engagement in the direction of the Unit and investment in staff development.

Publishing a strategic work programme for the Unit, and ensuring that the work of the teams in the Units are joined up with one another and well connected with the work of the rest of the Council and its partners.

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4.6 At a Team-level, the key tasks of service planning and performance

management are:

Within the context of corporate and Unit priorities identification of work targets and priorities.

Setting teamwork programmes. The allocation of specific resources to deliver the

programme. Highlighting constraints to performance and resource issues

(input to the Improvement Plan). Monitoring overall progress. Holding weekly team meetings for management and

corporate issues debriefing, and regular team meetings for ongoing work planning and review.

Working as teams, not individuals, to provide coordinated services to our customers.

4.7 At an individual level, the key tasks of service planning and

performance management are: • Individual Performance Appraisal and Career Progression

interviews. • The setting of individual work plans arising from teamwork

programmes, and other personal objectives. • The regular monitoring of objectives / work plans / training and

development through One-to-One meetings with managers / supervisors.

• The preparation by staff of Personal Development Plans. • Engagement in the Unit Improvement Planning process and

teamwork programmes. • Participating in 360o appraisal whereby staff appraise their


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5.0 The Service Planning and Performance Management Cycle

Month Corporate Service Unit Team Individual Every month

Review of Service’s key performance indicators & finances

Review of Unit’s key performance indicators & finances

Weekly team meeting for management feedback

Performance report communicated to staff through team meetings

One-to-One meeting with manager / supervisor Ongoing feedback from manager / supervisor

April Corporate Plan published

Quarterly review of BVPIs / LPIs

Review Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)

Comprehensive review of Unit’s performance indicators / targets

Individual work plans set and agreed

Performance Appraisal interviews

May Overview & Scrutiny Commission quarterly review of financial and performance information

Review / outturn report for previous financial year

Performance Appraisal interviews

June Best Value Performance Plan published

Public consultation commences on priorities for local community

Quarterly Service review of progress in implementing Corporate Plan

Quarterly financial review

Analysis of performance issues from previous financial year and consideration of options for improvement

Team Away Days to engage staff in review of progress, consideration of future priorities and preparation of Improvement Plan

360o appraisal of managers

July Quarterly review of BVPIs / LPIs

Quarterly review of Corporate Plan

Review MTFP

Service planning self assessment and priorities identified

Service Plan: Plans and resources for coming year reviewed

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Month Corporate Service Unit Team Individual August Overview &

Scrutiny Commission quarterly review of financial and performance information

Input to mid year monitoring of Service Plans

Plan Customer Surveys

Service Plan: Identification of draft strategic work programme, core work priorities and targets for next financial year

September Mid year monitoring of Service Plans through Overview & Scrutiny

Results of Best Value Reviews reported to Overview & Scrutiny

Quarterly Service review of progress in implementing Corporate Plan

Quarterly financial review

Review of Medium Term Financial issues for Service

Input to Fundamental Half-Year Review

Review of medium term financial issues

Service Plan completed

Prepare Personal Development Plan

October Fundamental half-year review

Quarterly review of BVPIs / LPIs

Mid year review of Corporate Plan, feed into MTFP

Mid year review of People Strategy Action Plan

Review MTFP & particularly policy principles

Prepare input for budget proposals

Undertake Customer surveys

Performance Appraisal

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Month Corporate Service Unit Team Individual

Produce draft budget options for next financial year

Feed in results of June public consultation

November Draft policy-led budget options

Overview & Scrutiny Commission quarterly review of financial and performance information

Performance Appraisal

December Confirm Government funding for following year and reflect in MTFP

Consultation with public on budget proposals for the following year

Quarterly Service review of progress in implementing Corporate Plan

Quarterly financial review

Receive results of Customer Surveys

January Review MTFP

Quarterly review of BVPIs / LPIs and Corporate Plan

Overview & Scrutiny of budget for following year

Amend budget proposals in light of public consultation

Prepare Service level input for Best Value Performance Plan

Input to P&R Service Plan

Prepare Unit level inputs for Best Value Performance Plan

Prepare PI reports and revised targets in relation to Best Value Performance Plan

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Month Corporate Service Unit Team Individual February Finalise

budget including Council Tax for next financial year at Cabinet

Overview & Scrutiny Commission quarterly review of financial and performance information

Managers Away Day to ensure joined up programmes for next year

Preparation of draft Team Work Programme

March Council budgets and Council tax approved by Full Council

Best Value Performance Public Summary published

Quarterly financial review

Service Performance Review

Approval of Team Work Programme

6.0 Management Framework Performance Indicators and Targets 6.1 The Planning & Regeneration Service is ultimately about delivering real

outcomes that improve quality of life for the people of Plymouth and deliver local, regional and national priorities. It uses a range of indicators for measuring its performance in relation to its goals. These are still evolving and are reported elsewhere. This Section rather highlights indicators and targets in relation to how we undertake our business. This is also important because it enables us to monitor our efficiency and effectiveness in managing the various resources given to deliver our goals.

6.2 The proposed indicators and targets fit into 5 categories:

What needs to be done Who it needs to be done for How it is done Why and how well it is being done Staff enablement

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Aspect of performance

Indicator Target

What needs to be done.

Delivery of work programme as informed by Corporate & Service Plan.

1. Achievement of all “prioritised” work programme items on time. (“Prioritised” refers to work critical to the delivery of Corporate and Service priorities).

Who it needs to be done for.

Extent to which customer focus targets are achieved (including measures of customer satisfaction).

2. Achievement of all targets as set out in Service Customer Charter.

3. Achievement of targets in relation to Best Value Performance Indicator (BVPI) 205 on quality of planning service

How it is done.

The efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the management of resources.

4. Non-salaries related expenditure of the teams’ budgets to be within 95% of profiled estimate at each quarter.

5. Percentage of third tier managers and above achieving a minimum level of Health & Safety training.

6. Trained risk assessors identified for DSE, Manual Handling and Violence & Aggression for all parts of Service.

7. Proportion of working days lost to sickness to be less than that identified as Corporate target for 2005/06 (BVPI 12).

8. 70% of staff time (min) to be spent on “prioritised” work programme.

Why and how well it is being done (i.e. outcomes)

Extent to which outcome targets are achieved.

9. BVPI 200. Targets on progress towards achievement of the Local Development Framework. At least 80 % of new homes built on previously developed land (BVPI 106).

10. BVPI 219. Targets relating to designation and management of conservation areas.

11. BVPI 109. x% major, minor and other applications determined within 13 weeks.

12. BVPI 204. Planning appeals performance. In addition, a systematic process of monitoring planning policy outputs will be developed in the Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report.

Staff enablement.

Extent to which staff enablement is delivered

13. All staff to have performance appraisal once / year, with 6 monthly review and at least 8 monthly 1-1 meetings with their manager / supervisor.

14. Implementation of training priorities identified through IPA (100% of delivery of 1st priority training identified through IPA).

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ANNEX 1: SOME ELEMENTS OF SERVICE PLANNING & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Weekly team meetings The primary purpose of these meetings is to provide feedback to staff on corporate and management issues. However, it is important that these meetings also enable issues to be fed back up the management chain. Once a month these meetings should focus specifically on performance issues, with the Unit’s Performance report being discussed at the meeting. Quarterly One-to-One meetings Managers or supervisors should have One-to-One meetings with their staff monthly. These meetings will enable progress on delivering objectives agreed at IPA to be monitored and enable other issues to be discussed, depending on the time of year that the meeting takes place. As soon as possible after the teamwork programme is set, a One-to-One meeting should be held with each team member to agree Personal Work Plans. This meeting could also consider any “capability” issues relating to work plan, including training needs. At all meetings, it should be possible to discuss things that are going well and not so well from both the manager’s and staff member’s perspective. An opportunity should also be provided for health & safety issues / concerns to be identified at these meetings. One-to-One meetings should not be seen as an alternative to managers providing ongoing feedback to their team members. Both managers and their staff have a responsibility to communicate well with one another on an ongoing basis. Personal Development Plan Whereas training and professional development needs will be one of the areas of focus in the Performance Appraisal and Career Progression Schemes (see below), staff should be proactive in considering their own development needs prior to these meetings. Staff will be provided with a template to help them produce their Personal Development Plan. Individual Performance Appraisal This is a corporate scheme of staff appraisal. Each member of staff should undergo Performance Appraisal twice a year. Through the scheme issues relating to performance will be able to be discussed and action plans for further development and improvement set.

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Career Grade Scheme This progression scheme is specific to the Planning & Regeneration Service. Some of the posts within the Service are on a career scale, and progression depends on the achievement of certain criteria. Career Grade interviews will take place once a year, in tandem with one of the Individual Performance Appraisal interviews. 360o Appraisal This is a survey based appraisal methodology whereby team members may appraise their managers, and may peer group colleagues. This can be done anonymously if preferred. The aim is to help inform managers of their strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of their staff and to set their own personal improvement plans in response. The results of the 360o appraisal, and the improvement plan resulting, should be discussed with the managers own line manager.