Plank challenge in 30 days and belly fat will fly without wings

Plank challenge in 30 days and belly fat will fly without wings Do not take too much time, no fatigue, no special area and you do not need to come to the gym.With this plank moves, you can work anywhere and any time free, from the Office to come to bed.

Transcript of Plank challenge in 30 days and belly fat will fly without wings

Page 1: Plank challenge in 30 days and belly fat will fly without wings

Plank challenge in 30 days and

belly fat will fly without wings

Do not take too much time, no fatigue, no special area and you do

not need to come to the gym.With this plank moves, you can work

anywhere and any time free, from the Office to come to bed.

Page 2: Plank challenge in 30 days and belly fat will fly without wings

1. What is Plank?

Plank is putting static movements at home, improve the

comprehensive muscle abdominal muscles, the body horizontal,

oblique muscles at the same time increase your stamina for the

body. With the process would improve women's right plank was

round 2 of fat-filled just fallen in 30 days

2. Guide the correct standard home Plank

Plank maneuver very easy to implement. You just lie going, against

two perpendicular elbow just below the shoulder. Two toes on his

toes, lifting his body up and keep your back, hips and neck in a

straight line.

Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer, tighten abdominal

muscle and breathing are maintained.The most important thing is

the Planck time you hold, set out the challenges for themselves and

increasing time to impact more clearly on the body.

Plank exercise instruction for women:

Page 3: Plank challenge in 30 days and belly fat will fly without wings

- Step 1: Anti elbow to the ground or carpet cushion, forming a 90

degree angle with the shoulder.

- Step 2: Can lift up buttocks forming inverted V, however, should

not be raised too high. Beginners best when you should hold his

position as shown and hold within 20 seconds and gradually

increase the time of the next visit.

- Step 3: Hold the posture, tightened abdominal muscle and

breathing are maintained.

How Plank new right?

Plank exercises are very simple - only a person movement and

combat arms outstretched on the floor.You hold this position for as

long, burn fat effectively and demonstrate the higher your strength

increasing. However, pre-Plank, you should note the correct posture

adjustment and reasonable exercise plan for each day.

With beginners, Plank too long can lead to loss of power. Therefore,

you can refer to detailed training schedule within 30 days

following. Every day, you will have time to build a reasonable Plank

and every 7 days to stay 1 day, helps to regulate the body and

achieve the best effect.

Page 4: Plank challenge in 30 days and belly fat will fly without wings

Plank's see the process in 30 days for girls with a

waist "ant":

Page 5: Plank challenge in 30 days and belly fat will fly without wings

Note 3 common mistakes novice when Plank:

- Push the hips up too high. Note that, neck, back, and legs form a

straight line, you try to keep your buttocks in the allowed level.

- Put your hands too close together. Then act on the shoulder will

send effects.

- Hold your breath. Many people try to pay attention to proper

posture and keep long that they forget to breathe. Breathe evenly.

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