PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI THE ROLE … · berupa rekam an suara guru dalam observasi...


Transcript of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI THE ROLE … · berupa rekam an suara guru dalam observasi...

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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Pramusinta Korniawati

Student number: 041214040





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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Pramusinta Korniawati Student number: 041214040






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Proverbs 23:18

For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be

cut off.

Philippians 4:6

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing

by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving

let your requests be made known unto God.

This thesis is dedicated to:

My late father Yohanes Sugito

My beloved mother Sutini

My lovely sister Yunita

All English Teachers



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First and foremost, I thank my Lord, Jesus Christ for His greatness and

love. I praise Him because of His blessing so that I can finish my thesis well.

My deepest and sincere gratitude goes to Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd.,

M.Hum., my thesis sponsor, for his willingness to read my thesis and patience to

guide me in writing my thesis. I really thank him for his support, advice and

guidance in helping me to finish my thesis.

I would like to express my gratitude to all of teachers and staff SMA

Negeri 1 Klaten, especially Drs. Widiyarto, M.Pd., Drs. H. Ridwan, Mrs. Etik,

Mr. Val Bambang and Mr. Tri Jatmiko who have allowed me to conduct the

observations. My gratitude also goes to Mr. Agus Djumadi who has given

recommendation to conduct the research in SMA Negeri 1 Klaten.

I would like to express my special gratitude to my beloved parents, my late

father Yohanes Sugito and my mother Sutini for their never ending love, support,

prayer, and understanding as well as patience in finishing my thesis. I also thank

my sister Mbak Yunita, my brother in law Mas Agus, my niece Dik Valerie and

all family members who have given encouragement, support and prayer for me.

I would also like to thank my best friends: Anas, Wulan, Wida, Lia,

Dias, Mita, Markus, Alit, Endang and Kresen for the wonderful friendship and

encouragement. I also thank all of my friends in PBI Sanata Dharma University

whose name could not be mentioned one by one for the friendship and cheerful

moment during my study in Sanata Dharma University. I would also like to thank



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Ms. Iin, Ms. Nikma, Mr. Herujiyanto, Yuni and all kids in Sanggar Plura

Talenta for giving me support and advice. I thank my friends in Asrama Putri

Brojowikalpo 1 for friendship that we have had for six month. My gratitude also

goes to ABDIEL crews and Sunday school family in GPdI Pesu (Nanto, Rita,

Abeth, Nita, Nike, Mia, Budi, Agus, Ida and Hana) for prayer and support.

Last but not least, my special gratitude goes to Ferry Wahyu Adhi for the

wonderful care, love, attention, help, encouragement as well as understanding

during my difficult time in finishing my thesis. May God bless all of them.

Pramusinta Korniawati



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TITLE PAGE............................................................................................... i

PAGE OF APPROVAL............................................................................... ii

PAGE OF ACCEPTANCE…………………………………………….… iii

STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY.......................................... iv

PAGE OF DEDICATION …...................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS......................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................. viii

LIST OF ABBREVIATION......................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES............................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT................................................................................................. xiii

ABSTRAK...................................................................................................... xiv


A. Research Background..................................................... 1

B. Problem Limitation......................................................... 5

C. Problem Formulation....................................................... 6

D. Research Objectives........................................................ 6

E. Research Benefits............................................................ 6

F. Definition of Terms.......................................................... 8


A. Theoretical Description.................................................. 10

1. Cognitive development.................................................... 10

2. Linguistic Development Stage.......................................... 14

a. First Language Acquisition.............................................. 14

b. Second / Foreign Language Acquisition......................... 14

3. Teacher’s Introductory Language.................................... 15

a. Characteristics of Teacher’s Introductory Language...... 18



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1) Language Used......................................................... 18

2) Speech Modifications............................................... 19

b. Purposes of Teacher’s Introductory Language.......... 20

1) Giving Explanation.................................................... 20

2) Asking Question........................................................ 21

3) Correcting Error ........................................................ 23

4) Providing Feedback................................................... 24

4. Communicative Language Teaching.............................. 25

B. Theoretical Framework.................................................. 26


A. Research Method............................................................... 30

B. Research Participants ....................................................... 31

C. Setting................................................................................. 32

D. Research Instruments......................................................... 32

E. Data Gathering Technique................................................... 33

F. Data Analysis...................................................................... 34


A. The teacher’s Introductory Language................................ 37

1. Indonesian........................................................................... 38

2. English................................................................................ 43

B. The Role of the Teacher’s Introductory Language............. 48

1. Giving Explanation............................................................ 49

2. Asking Questions............................................................... 50

3. Correcting Error................................................................. 53

4. Providing Feedback........................................................... 55

C. Other Findings..................................................................... 58


A. Conclusion……................................................................. 60

B. Suggestions……................................................................ 61



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1. Suggestions for English Teachers.................................... 62

2. Suggestions for Future Researchers................................. 62

REFERENCES............................................................................................... 63

APPENDICES................................................................................................ 65



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L1: First Language............................................................................... 14

L2 : Second Language......................................................................... 14

FL: Foreign Language......................................................................... 14

CLT : Communicative Language Teaching........................................ 25



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APPENDIX 1: The Request Letter to Conduct the Research.................... 65

APPENDIX 2: Interview Questions for the Teachers................................ 67

APPENDIX 3: Tape Script of Tenth Grade Teacher.................................. 68

APPENDIX 4: Tape Script of Eleventh Grade Teacher............................. 72

APPENDIX 5: Tape Script of Twelfth Grade Teacher.............................. 77

APPENDIX 6: Interview Tape Script of All Grades Teachers.................. 86



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ABSTRACT Korniawati, Pramusinta. 2009. The Role of Teacher’s Introductory Language in Teaching English to Senior High School Students. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University. The teacher’s introductory language is quite central in the roles of the teacher in teaching and learning activities. Therefore, considering the fact that teacher’s introductory language plays important roles, this research is conducted to answer the problems related to the teacher’s introductory language. The problems investigated are: (1) What is the language used mostly by the Senior High School teachers? (2) How is the role of teacher’s introductory language in teaching English to Senior High School students? The research gathered many books and electronic sources that have supported to answer the research problems. This research was a descriptive qualitative research in which the source of the data was gained in a natural setting. In addition, descriptive method was useful for getting problem variation which concern with educational and human behavior The source of the data was three English teachers of Senior High School from different grades. The data were taken using audio recordings and interviews. The audio data recordings from the observations and interviews were transcribed to analyze the language used mostly by the teachers and the role of the teacher’s introductory language. In addition, this research also employed classroom note to record all important things during the observations. The first result showed that the Senior High School teachers used English for almost in the teaching and learning activities, especially for the eleventh and twelfth grade teachers. However, the tenth grade teacher used Indonesian in teaching students. It showed that the tenth grade teacher perceived the students having a lower level than the other grades. In addition, the teacher combined the use of both English and Indonesian to make the students understand what was explained by the teachers. In the twelfth grade, the teacher sometimes combined the use of English and Indonesian because of certain reasons.

The second result showed that the role of teacher’s introductory language was categorized into four parts namely, to give explanation, ask questions, correct mistakes and provide feedback to the students. Therefore, it could be concluded that the role of teacher’s introductory language was a means to facilitate the students in speaking English, motivate the students to do better than they did before by providing a positive feedback and correcting error, prepare an English knowledge by giving explanation related to the lesson and maintain the classroom by asking question related to the lesson so that the students can study well.

This research give recommendation to the English teachers, especially Senior High School teachers to use the target language in teaching English to the students. In addition, this research also recommend to the future researchers to conduct the same research. The findings can be used for the additional data or it can be refused if the future researchers do not agree with the findings.



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Korniawati, Pramusinta. 2009. The Role of Teacher’s Introductory Language in Teaching English to Senior High School Students. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Aktivitas belajar mengajar masih berkaitan erat dengan peranan guru, khususnya peranan bahasa guru. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan fakta bahwa bahasa guru masih berperan penting dalam aktivitas belajar mengajar, adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan peranan bahasa guru di kelas bahasa Inggris. Masalah yang diteliti adalah (1) Bahasa apa yang paling sering digunakan oleh guru untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris? (2) Apa peranan bahasa guru dalam mengajar Inggris murid SMA? Penelitian ini menggunakan berbagai buku dan bahan dari internet yang telah mendukung untuk menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dimana datannya bersumber dari pengamatan yang natural. Tambahan pula, metode penelitian ini berguna untuk menjawab masalah yang diteliti yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan dan tingkah laku manusia. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga guru bahasa Inggris yang mengajar ditiga tingkatan kelas yang berbeda. Data yang diperoleh berupa rekaman suara guru dalam observasi dan wawancara. Data dan rekaman tersebut di transfer ke dalam bentuk tulisan untuk menganalisa bahasa yang sering digunakan oleh guru-guru dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris dan peranan bahasa guru dalam aktivitas belajar mengajar. Sebagai tambahan, penelitian ini menggunakan catatan kelas yang berperan untuk mencatat setiap hal penting yang tidak dapat terekam dengan alat perekam. Hasil pertama dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru SMA menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam proses belajar mengajar, khususnya guru kelas sebelas dan kelas duabelas. Mereka menggunakan bahasa Inggris karena bahasa Inggris merupakan target bahasa yang dipelajari. Namun, guru kelas sepuluh sering menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dalam mengajar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa guru menganggap murid kelas sepuluh berada di level yang lebih rendah daripada tingkat kelas yang lain. Guru juga terkadang menggabungkan pengunaan kedua bahasa supaya murid memahami apa yang dijelaskan oleh guru. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kelas duabelas, guru terkadang mengombinasikan penggunaan bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia karena alasan tertentu.

Hasil kedua menunjukkan bahwa peranan bahasa guru dikategorikan dalam 4 hal, yaitu untuk memberi penjelasan, pertanyaan, mengoreksi kesalahan murid dan memberi komentar yang membangun kepada murid. Meskipun demikian, peranan utama yang terdapat dalam bahasa guru SMA adalah alat untuk memasilitasi murid dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, memotivasi murid untuk melakukan hal yang lebih baik lagi dengan memberi umpan balik dan membetulkan kesalahan murid, menyediakan pengetahuan dalam berbahasa Inggris dengan memberikan penjelasan sesuai dengan pelajarannya dan mengatur



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kelas supaya kondusif dan terarah sesuai dengan pelajaran yang sedang dipelajari dengan memberi pertanyaan sesuai dengan pelajarannya. Penelitian ini memberi rekomendasi kepada guru bahasa Inggris, khususnya guru SMA untuk menggunakan target bahasa untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris. Tambahan pula, penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada peneliti yang mendatang untuk mengadakan penelitian tentang bahasa guru. Hasil temuan penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai data tambahan atau ditolak bila tidak sesuai dengan peneliti mendatang.



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This chapter presents research background, problem limitation and problem

formulation. In addition, this chapter also states research objectives, research

benefits and definition of the terms.

A. Research Background

The introductory language of the teacher is well-known as teacher’s talk.

According to Krashen (1985), the language that students have as comprehensible

input, is the language which students can understand the meaning of the language

spoken which is still on their own level of understanding. Therefore, the best input

in language teaching is from the teacher’s talk.

The teaching and learning activities are quite central in the roles of the

teacher. It is because the teacher plays an important role in delivering the

materials to the students. According to Hoyle (1969), the teacher has two main

roles in the classroom. The first role corresponds with the functions of instruction,

socialization and evaluation. Then, the second role concerns on motivating

students, maintaining control, and creating an environment for learning. The latest

curriculum in Indonesia requires the students to use English not only in written

but also in spoken. It means that the objective of the teaching and learning

activities is not only a matter of graduation but also the students’ ability in using

English as the medium of international communication. In other words,



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Indonesian’s school should not only think about how to make all the students pass

the final examination but also prepare them with a means of international

communication that is English.

A teacher is a person who is responsible for teaching and learning processes.

Even though the latest curriculum says that the teacher has less chance to talk in

class because it is a student-centered activities, the teacher still plays a vital role in

teaching English. Wattenberg (1951) in The Role of the Teacher also says that

there are many sub-roles of teacher in the classroom, one of which is as resource

of knowledge. it means that the teacher possesses knowledge and skill.

Consequently, as a teacher of foreign language in Indonesia, the teacher has to use

the target language so that the students would become more familiar to the target

language and they are used to using English in daily conversation in the


Teacher’s introductory language or teacher’s talk plays an important role in

conveying the lesson to the students. According to O’Neill (1994), the teacher’s

talk is a matter of what the teacher talks in the classroom. There is a controversy

whether the teacher’s talk is a good or bad thing. However, a language classroom

cannot be separated from teacher’s talk since this is the main source of teaching-

learning activities. Therefore, a teacher has to be able to assess the students with

English and transfer the knowledge to the students because the teacher is the only

person who can provide comprehensible input in the classroom.

Teacher’s talk is related to the language acquisition. Language acquisition

is divided into two parts, the first language or mother tongue and the target


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language or second language. The first language has been learned by the students

since they are babies, whereas, the second language or target language are

commonly learned in school. Therefore, the teacher has to work hard in teaching

English and make English become easier to be understood for the students. In the

processes of acquisition, teacher’s talk is the source of target language which will

be attained by the students. In this case, the students’ target language is English.

Teacher’s talk can be divided into two major parts. They are talk in the first

language or mother tongue and talk in the target language. The teacher may speak

in both languages, as in linguistics area is known as a code switching. The

purpose is to help the students acquire difficult vocabularies while studying

English. In fact, many teachers in Indonesia often use the first language that is

Indonesia rather than the target language in teaching. Code switching is often

made by the teacher to make his explanation clearer to the students.

Nunan (1989) says that teacher’s talk cannot be separated from speech

modifications made by the teachers. In a language classroom, teacher modifies the

speech to non-native speakers in different ways to make the language more

comprehensible. Therefore, his or her speech becomes more comprehensible. An

investigation done by Pica and Long (1986) says that the language which has been

modified by the teachers is meaningful and interesting to the students and can

help the students to acquire the target language. Besides, it can facilitate the

language acquisition process faced by the students.

Teacher’s introductory language in classroom includes the teacher’s

explanations, questions, feedbacks and error corrections. It cannot be ignored that


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the teacher’s talk is a valuable source in a language classroom. The teacher’s

questions aim to determine whether students know the basic information of

subject learned or not. Whereas, Chaudron (1991) shows that declaratives and

statements are used by teachers more than the use of questions in the language

classrooms. Declaratives and statements are often found in the teacher’s

explanation, feedback and error correction. Therefore, it is not surprising if

declarative sentences take a big part of teacher’s talk.

In this research, it refers to the teachers who teach Senior High School

students. Morever, the Senior High School students are included in adolescence

stage of psychological development Therefore, the teacher’s talk will be less

dominant than the students’ talk. According to O’Neil (1994), some lessons

maybe good if they are carefully organized in such a way that students do a good

deal of the talking and at the same time get a lot of feedback, both formally and

informally, from the teacher about their performance. It depends on one belief that

the teacher’s talk is a good or bad thing. It means that if the teacher thinks and

believes that the students can learn better by actually practicing in the target

language, the teacher could try to organize classroom activities so that the amount

of the students’ talk is increasing. On the other hand, if a teacher thinks that

teacher’s talk is a vital source or a comprehensible input, the teacher’s talk will be

more dominant.

Concerning the statement above, this research would investigate the

teacher’s introductory language and the role of teacher’s introductory language in

teaching English to Senior High School students. Senior High School students


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have already known English well, so that is not necessary for the teacher to talk

too much. However, not all students understand English well. Moreover, English

lesson becomes a terrifying lesson since it is considered as a difficult language.

Therefore, teacher’s talk is still important to deliver the materials and explain the

lesson to the students. Through teacher’s talk, Senior High School teachers can

take advantage on songs, language games, role plays and problem solving tasks

(Larsen-Freeman, 2000) so that students will not be bored in studying English.

Consequently, they will be accustomed to spoken and written English.

B. Problem Limitation

According the latest curriculum implemented in Senior High School, the

method that is generally used in Senior High School is Communicative Language

Teaching. This method is considered relevant because English is seen as a means

of communication. Therefore, the teacher is also demanded to practice English in

the talk, especially in teaching the students.

Therefore, this research limits its investigation on two major problems.

They include the language used mostly by the teachers and the role of the

teachers’ introductory language in teaching English for Senior High School

students. Particularly this research explores the implementation of teachers’

introductory language in teaching all grades of Senior High School students.

These problems are discussed because this research would show how the teacher

still plays an important role in teaching and learning activities.


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C. Problem Formulation

Based on the research background and purposes, the researcher formulated

two major problems in this research. The questions to be solved in this research


1. What is the language mostly used by the teacher in teaching English?

2. How is the role of teacher’s introductory language in teaching English

to Senior High School students?

D. Research Objectives

This research is conducted to find out whether the teachers speak in English

or Indonesian in English classroom. It means that this research would find out

when the teachers talk in English and Indonesia in English class.

This research also aims to know the role of the teachers’ introductory

language in teaching Senior High School students. It can make this research clear

that the teacher’s introductory language still plays an important role in English


E. Research Benefits

This research is expected to give benefit to English teachers, especially

Senior High School teachers and the future researchers.


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1. English Teachers

The teacher will be more encouraged to use English in delivering the

lesson to the students. The teacher can become a facilitator for the students if

they want to practice English in daily conversation. Besides that, the teacher can

know that how important the teacher’s talk in the language classroom. This

research is also expected to encourage the teachers to use English as the medium

to transfer knowledge in the foreign language classroom and they can use the

appropriate language in classroom. Therefore, the students can practice English

not only in written but also in spoken remembering that the students will face

the university life or work life after the graduation which demands to use

English as the medium of international communication.

Even though, the curriculum in Indonesia tells that it should be students-

centered activity the teacher’s talk is still needed in the teaching learning

process. The teacher should become more creative in designing an English

material so that the students become enthusiastic in learning English.

2. Future Researchers

For the future researchers, this research is expected to encourage the

researchers to dig out deeper on teacher’s talk. It is hoped can bring any

information about teacher’s talk. Therefore, the next researchers are interested in

doing teachers’ talk research.


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F. Definition of Terms

This section describes all the key terms appear in this research. They are:

1. Teacher

A teacher is a person whose job is teaching. A teacher has a responsibility

to the whole teaching learning process in the classroom.

2. Teacher’s introductory language or teacher’s talk

The teacher’s introductory language which is known as teacher’s talk is

language used by the teacher in classroom to teach the students whose

complexity varies according to the level of the learners. Language is for

communication. It means that the teacher’s introductory language is a tool to

communicate between the teacher and students in the classroom. In addition,

according to Ellis (1985) teacher’s talk is a means to deliver the lesson and all

kinds related to the learning to the students Therefore, the teacher needs to

adjust the language he uses to the students level.

The teacher’s introductory language consists of all speeches of the teacher

which occur in the teaching and learning activities. In this research, the speeches

refer to the explanations, questions, error corrections, and giving feedback to the


3. Senior High School Students

Senior High School students are those young people between the ages of

15 and 18. They are included in the formal operational stage as proposed in the

cognitive development theory. They can be considered as independent learners

but they still need comprehensible input from their teacher. However, according


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to Harmer (2001), Senior High School students are adolescents who have

learned secondary school and they are called as teenagers.

4. The role of teacher’s introductory language

There are many roles of the teacher’s introductory language in teaching

English to Senior High School students. The role is to facilitate the teaching

learning activities. By teacher’s introductory language, the teacher can control

the classroom and the teacher can create conducive classroom because the

teacher adjusts the talk on students’ proficiency level. The other roles as said by

Nunan (1989) in Language Classroom, they are to organize the students and

classroom, assess the students using the target language, to provide the best

source of the target language since the students meet the teacher every day, to

explain the materials to the students, to give questions, to correct students’

mistakes and to provide feedback to the students


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This chapter discusses the theories related with the research. This chapter

is divided into two parts, the theoretical description and the theoretical

framework. The writer explores the theories that support the research from the

books, journals and articles downloaded from the internet. By finding out the

theories, it is expected to have strong base for the research. The theories explored

are the theories related with the theory of cognitive development and the theories

of language acquisition. In addition, this chapter also uses the theory of teacher’s

talk, theory of a teacher’s talk purposes, theory of language teaching methodology

and theory of discourse analysis.

A. Theoretical Description

1. Cognitive development

This theory will deliver to the understanding of children characteristics. As

stated by Piaget in electronic source, the Senior High School students are included

in Adolescence stage or in the formal operational stage. He also said that the

students at Senior High School are egocentric. It means that they create their own

environment which they do like. In this stage, they also try to find their goal of

life and their personality since in this stage their emotional are unstable.

Piaget as written by Suherman, et al (2003) adds that cognitive

development occurs to each individual since he is a boy until an adult. This theory



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also says that the thinking way of children is not same as adults. Cognitive

development stage or thinking ability of each person depends on the age. The

more a person is grown up the more the thinking ability increases.

As a teacher of young adults, the teacher has to consider the students’

emotional. Therefore, the teacher does not only play role as an educator but also

as a mediator or facilitator for the students. In this case, the teacher’s talk is not

only a medium for teaching but also a medium for facilitating the conversation

between the teacher and students. In other word, the students are used to using

English in daily conversation.

Piaget identifies four stages in cognitive development from each


a. Sensorimotor stage (Infancy, 0 to 2 years).

In this period, children still use their intelligence through motor activity

without using a language as used by adults. In the children concept, world is

limited but it is still developing because it is based on physical interactions or

experiences. Children at the age of seven month can use their mind to memorize

some objects. Motor activity which is done by children allows the children to

begin developing new intellectual abilities. They start to define some physical

object into symbols, for example they can imitate animal voice or car engine

sound. Some language abilities are developed at the end of this stage.

b. Pre-operational stage (Toddler and Early Childhood, 2 to 7 years).

In this period, children intelligence is demonstrated using language. This

stage is also called as the preparation of concrete operation stage. The operation


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in this stage means that cognitive actions, such as classifying object, arrange

objects position in sequence and counting. Their memory and imagination are

developed, but their thinking is done in a non-logical way because the children’

thought is based on concrete experience. Therefore, when children see different

objects they will also think it differently. In addition, the children in this stage

are egocentric.

c. Concrete operational stage (Elementary and early adolescence, 7 to 11 years).

In this stage, children start using their concrete thinking because

operational thinking develops. It means that the children can do mental action as

not done by children at lower stage. Intelligence is demonstrated through logical

and systematic manipulation of symbols related to concrete objects. Children’s

egocentric diminishes in this stage because they start socializing their life with

other children.

d. Formal operational stage (Adolescence and adulthood, from 11 through


This stage is the last stage as proposed by Piaget cited by W. Huitt and

Hummel, J. (2003). In this stage, intelligence is demonstrated through the

logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. Therefore, children in this

stage are not related to the existence of concrete objects but they are related to

thinking type. The Senior High School students whose age around 15-18 are

included in this stage. Early in the period, they return to egocentric thought.

Only 35% of high school graduates in industrialized countries obtain formal

operations; many people do not think formally during adulthood. They prefer


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entering non formal education or Vocational school because they will face work

field life. However in Indonesia, some adolescence prefer to enter vocational

school and the rest choose common Senior High School.

As in the cognitive development stages above, Senior High School

students are included in the stage of formal operational stage. In this stage, it can

be concluded that the children have already been mature and can be independent

in learning. In other word, unlike children the Senior High School students have

more creative and abstract thinking. In this stage, thinking becomes more

formalized and their thinking deals increasingly in abstractions. Senior High

School students are at a stage in life when they increasingly want to start taking

responsibility for their own lives, including forming views about their own

education, and the manner in which it is conducted as said by Ur (1996) cited at

Asian EFL journal.

In other word, the Senior High School students can learn the target language

in the classroom by themselves without being forced as children. Even though

they can learn by themselves, they still need an input from the teacher which is

believed as an influential input. Therefore, a foreign language teacher has more

complicated duty in teaching the lesson than kindergarten or elementary school

teacher has. In the Senior High School, the students have more chance in speaking

since it is a student-centered classroom. Thus, the teacher lets the students to be

more active and creative in English class but still in the teacher’s supervision.


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2. Linguistic Development Stage

a. First Language Acquisition (L1)

Language is the main instrument by which one knows about other people's

thoughts. Learning the first language is easy for children and they do it

successfully even without formal education because it is their mother tongue. In

the early age, children have learned and mastered their native language well. A

native language foundation can serve as a support for learning English as a second

language. Cummins (1984) as cited at Journal of Education says that it can make

the learning process easier and faster. Therefore, knowing how the students learn

their first language can help the teacher to teach them a foreign or second

language. The first language acquisition concerns on the development of language

in children.

All students, especially Senior High School students, can speak well at least

two languages. The first language, Indonesia or Bahasa, is their native language

which they have learned since their childhood. Consequently, the use of the first

language in the English classroom should be practiced less frequent considering

the demand of the recent curriculum.

b. Second or Foreign Language Acquisition (L2/FL)

Second Language Acquisition is the process by which people learn

languages in addition to their native language. The Second Language Acquisition

here is the language studied after the native language or mother tongue.

Lennerberg as cited in Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (Brown,

1987: 43) says, "Plasticity of the brain prior to the puberty enables children to


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acquire not only the first language but also the foreign language." It is clearly

explained that children can learn new language as they learn their first language.

English in Indonesian school is taught widely since kindergarten. Thus, Senior

High School students who learn English as second or foreign language have

already had good knowledge of the target language. The teacher has to realize that

each student has different characteristics. Therefore, the teacher can adjust his or

her talk to the background knowledge of the students in order to teach English as

second or foreign language.

There is a belief saying that the earlier children learn the second language

the better they master it. It is a true statement because according to it, brain of the

young learners is still elastic so they can easily learn the target language.

However, it is also not late for the adult learners, such as Senior High School

students, to learn the second language. The most affected facilitation to learn the

second or foreign language is a teacher’s talk. The teacher’s talk or the teacher’s

introductory language is believed as not only influential source for teaching and

learning activities but also it is an easy thing to get since the teacher and students

meet in the classroom and school environment regularly.

3. Teacher’s Introductory Language

The teacher’s introductory language which is known as teacher’s talk is the

language used by the teacher in classroom to teach the students whose complexity

varies according to the level of the learners. The theory of teacher’s talk is used to

find out the purpose of the teachers talk in both English and Indonesian in English


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classroom. Some kinds of the teacher’s talk according to some researchers are

bad. Other kinds of the teacher’s talk are good and essential in language

classroom. The teacher’s talk is perceived as a negative because there is a belief,

as stated by O’Neil (1994) says that the less the teacher talks and the more the

students talk the better the class goes. However, in order to achieve the goal of the

classroom management, i.e. to create a classroom atmosphere conducive to

interact in English in meaningful ways, the teacher need to talk in class. It is

through meaningful interaction that the students can make progress in learning


There are so many roles played by the teacher in language classroom as

written by Harmer (2001: 57). They have many roles such as a controller who

control the teaching learning activities or the teacher takes charge on the teaching

learning processes, as an organizer who organizes the class activities. In other

word, the teacher as an organizer acts to give the students information, tell them

how they are going to do an activity in classroom, put the students into pairs or in

groups and finally close the activity down when the time is up. Another role is as

an assessor who assesses the students which knowledge is vary, gives feedback to

the students and grade them in various ways according to the students’

performance. The teacher, overall, plays all those roles which are believed

providing comprehensible input in the language classroom.

Considering the statement, the teacher is the most influential input in

teaching-learning activity. The teacher’s talk is a means to deliver the lesson and

all kinds related to the learning to the students. In the teaching learning activities,


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the teacher’s talk plays an important role because it is essential in the organization

of the teaching learning processes in the classroom and the processes of second

language acquisition. The teacher’s introductory language can be used as a

determiner for the teacher failure or success in implementing his or her teaching

through the language. However, in the processes of acquisition, the teacher’s talk

is the main input or source of target language which will be gained by the


Not surprisingly, the classroom observations have found that the

teachers tend to do much of the talking.

In content has been found that teachers tend to talk for about two-thirds of the available class time, leaving just a third for the learners. In some language classrooms, it has been shown that teacher talks for up to 89 per cent of the available time. Nunan (1991: 26)

It is a good thing or not that the teacher’s talk is more dominant than the

students’ talk in the teaching learning activities depends on what one believes

about the role of the language input in acquisition. If a teacher believes that the

students learn best by actually practicing in the target language, the teacher

probably tries to manage classroom activities so that the amount of the students’

talk is increased. On the other hand, if a teacher believes that the teacher’s talk

is a valuable source or comprehensible input, the teacher will be much less

worried by the teacher dominance.


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a. Characteristics of Teacher’s Introductory Language

1) Language Used

The languages used by the teacher when he or she taught a foreign

language to Senior High School students are target language and mother

tongue. The teacher speaks both languages to deliver the lesson to the students.

The role of the target language is important in providing learners with the

only substantial live target language input which the students will learn. It is

expected that the teacher talks English in the classroom as the main language

for communication. The teacher should talk a lot in language classroom to

the students because the students need to practice English. The more English

the students hear, the more the students will learn.

Nevertheless, the teacher also uses mother tongue to teach the foreign

language to the Senior High school students. The use of mother tongue also helps

the teaching learning activities. According to Slattery and Willis (2001: 12), the

teacher uses the mother tongue to support when teaching a new activity or if

no one understands. The teacher also lets the students use their mother tongue

for communication because many Senior High School students often need to talk

it in order to learn the target language.

In English classroom, the teacher often switches the use of both

languages which is known as a code switching. Zilm (1989) states that code

switching is affected by the following factors:

• The nature of the activity in the classroom. It means that teacher should

realize how the class activity is going on.


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• The teacher's perception of how the students learn. It means that the

teacher has to recognize how the students learn the lesson, i.e. they have

full concentration on the lesson taught or not.

• The teacher's perception of the role and functions of the target and native

language. It means that the teacher should use the target and native

language wisely while he or she taught in the language classroom.

The switching of the languages is expected to make the students acquire the

target language easily.

2) Speech Modifications

A number of studies have shown that native speakers (teachers and non-

teachers alike) modify their speech to non-native speakers in a number of different

ways. These modifications are believed to make the language is easier to

comprehend and help the learners acquire the target language. Many investigators

have studied a wide range of speech phenomena, including modifications to

phonology, lexis, syntax and discourse. Chaudron as cited by Rod Ellis (1994) in The

Study of Second Language Acquisition summarizes the research on the teacher speech

in language classroom which shows that the following modifications occur:

• The teacher, like native speakers in general, slows down their rate of speech when

talking to the learners. The teacher usually speaks slowly in English to the

students in order to make the students get the main point of the teacher’s talk.

• The teacher often makes use of longer pauses when talking to the learners. The

teacher gives more time for the students to understand the lesson which

explained in the target language and think of the answer to the teacher’s


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questions. This is often called as a wait time.

• A lower type-token ratio of vocabulary used. The teacher often uses the most

familiar vocabulary in teaching English to Senior High School students so that

the students can understand easily.

• More declaratives and statements than questions are used in comparison to

natural discourse. The teacher usually produces declarative sentences and

statements in teaching English because the main function of the teacher

teaching is to explain the material learned. Therefore, the teacher often

produces those kinds of sentences rather than the questions.

Some of the teacher’s talk characteristics, such as shorter and simpler sentences,

slower and clearer speech are found while teaching second or foreign language

learners. They are often called as speech modification.

b. Purposes of Teacher’s Introductory Language

The introductory language of the teacher or teacher’s talk in classroom aims

to give explanations, questions, error correction, and feedback to the students.

1) Giving Explanation

Nunan (1989: 27) says that the major pedagogic function of teacher talk is to

provide explanation. By giving the explanation, the teacher gives information

about the lesson the students studied. The teacher gives explanation as detail as

possible. However, if the teacher gives long explanation, some students will get

bored and turn into passive condition. They accept English as a subject in which

the teacher’s teaches are beyond comprehension. They get bored and are not

enthusiastic to listen to the teacher’s explanation.


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In order to avoid students’ boredom, the teachers can use English

purposefully and selectively to answer students’ questions, give instruction,

explain homework assignments and explain new topic by relating to an amusing

story that students can comprehend. Moreover, the teachers can give modeling

when explaining. By modeling, the teacher can transfer the knowledge to the

students easily. It also strengthens what teacher means in his or her explanation.

2) Asking Questions

The teacher's questions have received quite a lot of attention. Gebhard (1996:

71) says, "My own observations show that EFL/ESL teachers also ask a lot of

questions." It implies that questioning behaviors can benefit ESL/EFL teachers who

want to provide chances for students to interact in English classroom in

meaningful ways. The way to focus on the questioning behaviors is to consider

the purposes of questions.

Gebhard (1996) also states that there are five types of teacher’s behavior in

asking questions. Those are display question, referential question, comprehensible

check, confirmation question, and clarification check.

Display question is a question in which the teacher already knows the

answer and requires the students to demonstrate the knowledge of something. For

example, "What is the title of our handout and what is about, Valerie?" The

teacher has already known of the title but he wants his student shares the

knowledge about what in the student’s mind when reading the title.

Referential question is a question in which the teacher does not know the

answer. This question does not aim to test the students' knowledge but it aims to


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communicate with the students, for example, the teacher forgot to use his

watch. Then, he asks the students, "What time is it now? or another example, "Who

has gone to Bali?" simply to know who has and who has not gone to Bali.

Referential question is the opposite of display question because it urges the

students to answer what the teacher does not know.

Comprehension question is a question to find out whether a student

understands the material taught or not. The teacher uses the comprehension

question such as, "Do you understand?" Sometimes the students reply "yes" if

they have already understood or “not yet” if they need more explanation.

Confirmation question is a question to verify what is said by the teacher.

For example: "We are going to have a test on Wednesday, right?" asks the

teacher to confirm something that he believes is true. Whereas, clarification check

is a question to further define or clarify. The clarification sentence such as, "I am

not sure. When are we going to have a test?" aims to clarify in what day the test

is going to be hold exactly.

The questions which are addressed to the students cannot be separated

from the wait time needed by the students to think about the answer. According to

Celce-Murcia (2001), wait time refers to the length of the pause which follows a

teacher's question to one student or to the whole class and this lasts until either the

student answers or the teacher adds a comment or asks another question. The wait time

can also be applied to the period between one student's answer to a question and

the response of the teacher or another student.


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The wait time is believed as an important thing for the students to have

sufficient time to think about the questions after they have been asked before

attempting to answer the questions. Some teachers never manage to extend their wait

time more than one or two seconds. However, wait time should be increased. It is

obviously important in language classroom, not only because of the greater

processing time required to comprehend and interpret questions in second or foreign

language but also because of the findings that acquisition will be maximally

facilitated when learners are pushed to the limit of their competent.

3) Correcting Error

A traditional belief says that a teacher should correct every student’s error,

while a more current view emphasizes the importance of the students obtaining

feedback when meaning the teacher wants to convey, is not understood. In fact,

the students need feedback in order to differentiate between acceptable and

unacceptable target language use.

Error correction is the classroom activity when most people think of as one

of the language teachers’ most important function. Nunan (1989) states that

second or foreign language students’ errors are not necessary to be corrected if the

errors are not fatal. In addition, according to Larsen & Freeman (2005), the

teacher must let the students speak in English on what they want to speak and

correct the students’ mistakes when they stop their speaking.

Errors of form are tolerated during fluency-based activities and are seen as a natural outcome of the development of communication skills... The teacher may note the errors during fluency-based activities and return to them later with an accuracy-based activity. Larsen-Freeman (2005:132)


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However, the students’ fatal errors should be corrected immediately. If it is not

corrected, it will fossilize. In other word, the errors seem not to change even after

extended exposure or instruction in the target language. It can become a habit for

the students.

4) Providing Feedback

Feedback from the teacher can be classified into positive and negative

feedbacks. A positive feedback is more effective than a negative feedback in

changing students’ behavior. According to Nunan (1991), positive feedback has

function to let students know that they have performed correctly and to increase

motivation through compliment. On the other hand, a feedback which conveys the

lack of understanding is known as a negative feedback. The teacher‘s feedback

often seems to be rather automatic. The positive short interjections which are often

used by the teachers are 'Good', 'All right', 'Right', `Excellent', 'Very good', 'Okay'.

The negative feedback consists of the teacher repeats of students' response

with a rising intonation. All students, although low proficiency students, have no

trouble in recognizing this as a mark that indicates students' answer is wrong. On

the other hand, the negative feedback will cause negative effects on the students'

performances. It causes students to have lack confidence. Therefore, the teachers

should praise their students when giving feedback.


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4. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

There are many teaching methodologies used by the teacher in teaching

English. One of them, which still relevant applied until nowadays is

Communicative Language Teaching. This methodology aims

“ apply theoretical perspective of the Communicative Approach by making communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication”. Larsen-Freeman (2005: 120)

In short, CLT requires communicative competence in teaching English. The

teacher has to use English as the vehicle of communication not only a matter of

object study. This means both the teacher and students communicate in the target

language in the classroom. Moreover, the communication is done in the target

langauge in order to make the students acquire the target langauge easily.

CLT focuses on the real language use and it emphasizes on the process of

communication rather than the mastery of language forms. The role of students is

more dominant according to CLT in which the teacher gives more opportunities to

the students in communication among them. Nonetheless, the teacher still plays an

important role as a facilitator of communication in the language classroom. The

teacher’s main responsibility is to establish good situations in the students’


Concerning to the theory of CLT, the classroom should be a student-

centered class. However, the task of the teacher cannot be ignored. According to

this methodology, the teacher is someone who acts as an adviser, answers to the

students’ questions and monitors the students’ performances. Therefore, the


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teacher also takes a big part on presenting some part of the lesson, such as when

facing with linguistic accuracy and evaluating the students’ performances.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section presents the theoretical framework used in this study. There are

four theories discussed to answer the research problem. Each theory supports the

other theories. Therefore, they complete each other because all theories have each

role in collecting the data to answer the questions formulated in problem


1. Teacher’s Introductory Language

The theory of teacher’s talk is related with the other theories. They are theory

of cognitive development by Piaget (2003)) and the theory of the teacher’s talk by

Nunan (1989). The Senior High School students as said by Piaget in Educational

Psychology Interactive cited by W, Huitt & Hummel (2003), are in the age of

around 15 above which are included in the stage of formal operational stage. In

this stage, they have an abstract thinking so they can understand the material

taught well. They actually can speak English but have a little understanding on

pronunciation, diction and grammar so they still need an English teacher who can

be the source of the knowledge. The teacher’s introductory language which is

known as the teacher’s talk is a language used by the teacher in classroom to teach

the students whose complexity varies according to the level of the learners. It

means that the teacher needs to adjust the language the teacher uses to the students

proficiency level.


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The theory of teacher’s talk by Nunan (1989) involves the way the

teacher organizes the teaching learning activities in the classroom and it is used to

know the role of the introductory language of the teacher. The teacher’s

introductory language characterizes of how the use of language in teaching English,

whether in the mother tongue or the target language. In addition, the teacher

sometimes modifies the speech in order to make the students understand what is

taught. Therefore, the theory of speech modification by Chaudron as cited by Rod

Ellis (1994) is used to find out the modification made by the teacher. The use of

each language in teaching Senior High School students depends on the perception

of how the teacher notices the students act to the lesson taught. Therefore, the

teacher should adjust the way the teacher speaks to the students’ cognitive

development. It will make the teacher easy to teach the lesson. In other word, as

proposed by Nunan the teacher should notice in what level the students are so that

the students can understand the lesson.

Moreover, the teacher’s introductory language in teaching English to Senior

High School students is not always using the target language but the teacher also

speaks in Indonesian, the mother tongue, because of certain reasons. This case is

called as code switching in which the teacher speaks both English and Indonesian.

The code switching can also be analyzed by knowing discourse analysis. Code

switching is a phenomenon where bilingual/multilingual individuals move from

one language to another within a single utterance and sometimes even within a

sentence because of certain reasons. In short, by combining the use of English and

Indonesian it is expected that the students can acquire the material taught.


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2. The Role of Teacher’s Introductory Language

The teacher speaks in classroom for certain reasons. The theory of teacher’s

talk which majored at purposes is divided into four main points. They are

explanation by Nunan (1989), questions by Gebhard (1996), error correction by

Nunan (1989) and Larsen-Freeman (2005) and providing feedback by Nunan

(1991). However, the questions are still divided into five major question types.

They include display question, referential question, comprehensible check,

confirmation question and clarification question.

The teacher’s introductory language has purposes on how the teacher asks

questions to know the students knowledge, gives feedback to make the students

become more confident and corrects the students' mistakes to let the students

know their mistakes and never repeat it, gives instruction and explanations to

keep the students focus on the lesson taught, and makes the target language

comprehensible to the students. The question types which are analyzed using

question theory by Gebhard (1996) can deliver to the understanding of the role of

the teacher’s introductory language.

3. The English Language Teaching

This theory has a relation with Language Acquisition and Communicative

Language Teaching Methodology by Larsen & Freeman (2005). There are two

language acquisition happened in students commonly, first language acquisition

theory by Cummins (1984) and second or foreign language acquisition theory by

Lennerberg as written by Brown (1987).


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According to the latest curriculum in Senior High School,

ommunicative Language Teaching methodology is the most relevant method

applied since the major purpose of teaching learning activities is a real

communication using the target language. The theory proposed by Larsen-

Freeman (2005) gives clear explanation that the teacher is demanded to apply a

real language to communicate between the teacher and students. In addition,

this theory is also employed to find out the role of the teacher’s introductory


In implementing this method, the teacher views the language acquisition

acquired by the students. It is noticed that Senior High School students have already

known the first language well. Therefore, the teacher gives more attention to the

second or foreign language acquisition. This can help the teacher to adjust the role

of the teacher’s introductory language and by applying this theory, the teacher can

teach the students according with the students’ proficiency level.

As a conclusion, by implementing all theories this research can find out

the language used by the teacher when she or he taught the Senior High School

students and describe the role of the teacher’s introductory language when the

teacher taught English to the Senior High School students.


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This chapter discusses the methodology used in this study. The discussion

includes the research method, research participants, setting, research instruments,

data gathering technique, and data analysis.

A. Research Method

In choosing the appropriate research method, the researcher has to see the

problem formulation in the chapter one first. The reason is that the research

method will provide the way to answer the research problems formulated.

According to Ary, Jacob, Razavieh (2002) the research methods refer to the

general strategy providing the data necessary for answering the research problem.

According to Nasution (1988: 5) qualitative research is a research method

which has the objective to see human being in their life, interact with them, and

try to understand their language and their interpretation about their life. On

particularly, this research aims to know what the language used by teacher in

teaching English to Senior High School students and the role of the teacher’s

introductory language in teaching English.

This kind of research method is usually employed to investigate

descriptive data. In this study, descriptive research will be employed to obtain the

data. According to Best (1982:119) descriptive research is a research method

which has objective to describe and interpret the data. This type of research is



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often called as non-experimental research, because the research is not meant to do

controlling and manipulating research variable. Generally, descriptive research

aims to describe the facts and characteristic of the research object or subject

studied systematically.

There some reasons which make many people do descriptive research.

These reasons also made the researcher do this type of research. The first reason

was that from empiric observation is found that most of research reports are

written in descriptive. Then, the second reason is that descriptive method useful

for getting problem variation which concern with educational and human

behavior. Another reason why descriptive research was employed to obtain the

data is because it is a simple research which easy to be understood without using a

complex statistic technique.

In addition, according to Arikunto (2000:310), descriptive qualitative

method does not mean to examine certain hypothesis but it only means to draw

real condition on certain variable, phenomena or circumstance. Therefore, the

researcher does not make a hypothesis for this research. In addition, the data

obtained from the teacher’s acts in teaching English was not in the form of

number or statistic data. The other reasons was that the data was collected in a

natural setting as said by Ary Jacob Razavieh (1979) the qualitative research was

a kind of research study which focuses on understanding social phenomena from

the perspective of human participants in the study. Therefore, the teacher as the

research participant of this research and the students were supposed to behave


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naturally during the study. In other words, it could be said that this study

investigated the subject naturally.

B. Research Participants

In order to find the data from the teacher’s introductory language or

teacher’s talk in English classroom, three teachers were used as the research

participants. The participants of this research were taken from three English

teachers of Senior High School of all graders.

C. Setting

The source of the data from this research was teachers of Senior High

School. It took place in SMA N 1 Klaten located on Jalan Merbabu, Klaten. Three

Senior High School teachers from different grades were chosen to obtain the data.

The direct observation was done in one week started from 14 – 16 April 2008. It

was conducted three times a week. Before conducting the observations, the

researcher made an observation in one week in the Senior High School to dig out

deeper about the teachers. After doing the classroom observations, the researcher

conducted interviews on October, 27 2008 to the three teachers used as the

research participants. SMAN 1 Klaten was chosen because this Senior High

School has already been an international-based school.


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C. Research Instruments

The instrument of this research is a direct observation and interview. Ary,

Jacobs, Razavieh (1979: 191) said that by using observation, the researcher

identified the behavior to identify, categorize and record in either a natural

situation. This research observed how the teacher taught English in classroom.

The observation was supported by using another instrument in getting the

data to solve the first research problem. This instrument was the audio recording

of the teacher’s talk in teaching English and the data was backed up by note-

taking. The data was recorded using MP3 player. In order to gain the result, the

data was transcribed to make it easier to analyze. These instruments helped to

obtain the valid data about the teacher’s introductory language. Implementing the

observations, this research could identify the language used by the teacher in the

classroom and the purposes of the teachers’ introductory language.

In collecting the data to answer the second research problem, the researcher

conducted the interviews with the teacher that served as the research participants.

The interview was used because this research needed supporting data to identify

the role of the teacher’s introductory language in teaching English directly. The

question for interviewing the teachers is provided in appendix 3. This instrument

was meant to support the data collected from the classroom observations. It served

as the additional data to the first data. This strengthened the data needed for this



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E. Data Gathering Technique

The research started with the several steps in data gathering techniques

conducted in this research:

• Formulating the research problems to solve through the research.

• Deciding what research method adopted to answer the research problems.

As stated above, this research employed a qualitative research in which the

data was in the form of descriptive data.

• Developing the suitable instruments used for this research. In order to

collect the data, direct observations and interviews were employed as the

research instruments. Either the observations or the interviews were

supported by the use of MP3 player to record the teachers’ talk in the

teaching learning processes. The data was obtained by observing the

teachers when they were teaching the students. The aim of doing the

observations and recording the lesson was to find out the language mostly

used by the teachers in teaching English to the students.

• Transcribing the data obtained using the MP3 player into descriptive data

and analyzed the data on what language used mostly by teacher in teaching

English and its purposes.

• Conducting the interviews to investigate the role of the teacher’s

introductory language in teaching English to support the data obtained from

the observation. It strengthened the finding of the teacher’s role in teaching

English to Senior High School students. These data were combined with the


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notes taken during the teaching learning processes in order to get the detail


• Making conclusions based on the finding of the data collection. This

research later could determine what the language mostly used by the teacher

in teaching English and the role of the teacher’s introductory language in

teaching English to Senior High School students.

F. Data Analysis

The data from the observations in English classroom was transcribed into

written form. The researcher admitted that the recording had two weaknesses

which could make the data became not valid. The first weakness was the unclear

voice. The voice which was recorded in MP3 player sometimes was not clear.

Therefore, the researcher also employed note taking to make the data became

more reliable. The second weakness was the voice which often distracted by other

voices. The observations were sometimes distracted by the voice of car engines

and other people’s talk. Moreover, the school was near with the main road in the


Consequently, note taking was used to support the data. Therefore, the

researcher could write all important things from the classroom observations.

Moreover, the researcher could write some important circumstances happening

during the teaching learning activities, i.e. eye contact between the teacher and



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The first data analysis was classified into three parts. They were the

teacher’s talk in both English and Indonesian from each grade teacher. It also

included the code switching made by each grade and the teacher’s talk purposes in

teaching senior high school students. The data was classified from each grade

teacher so that the teachers’ talk could be analyzed from different grades.

The second data analysis was obtained by the interviews which were

conducted to have deeper findings from each grade teacher’s opinion about the

teacher’s talk role in teaching English to Senior High School students. Then, the

researcher combined these two kinds of instruments to obtain the final result. The

data taken from the observations which was strengthened by the interviews

determined the roles of the teacher’s introductory language in teaching English in

classroom. Finally, it could show the importance of the teacher’s introductory



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This chapter discusses the answers to the research problems. This chapter

is divided into three main parts, namely the teacher’s introductory language, the

role of the teacher’s introductory language in teaching Senior High School

students and the other findings. In the first part, the writer analyzes the language

used by the teachers while they were teaching in classroom and describes the code

switching made by the teachers. In the second part, the writer analyzes the role of

the teacher’s introductory language in teaching Senior High School students

which were the purpose of the teacher’s talk. Meanwhile, the last part reveals the

other findings from the data obtained. The analysis from each part, excluding the

last part, gives examples of the teacher’s talk taken from the data transcript which

is provided in the appendix


A. The Teacher’s Introductory Language

The teacher’s introductory language or the teacher’s talk could not be

separated from the language used. It included talk in Indonesian as mother tongue

and in English as the target language. However, the teacher also made code

switching when he or she taught the Senior High School students (see appendix 3-

5). In addition, in English as second or foreign language classroom, the teachers

modified their speech or talk in such a way so that the target language was easy to

acquire by the students. Therefore, this research discussed the language used both



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in English and Indonesian. In addition, it also discussed the speech modification

and the code switching made by the teachers.

1. Indonesian

The English teachers in Senior High School were demanded to use the

target language in teaching. However, the use of mother tongue, i.e. Indonesia still

existed in teaching the Senior High School students. This research found that the

mother tongue was used less dominant in teaching the Senior High School

students. The language used by the teacher depended on the teacher’s perception

of how the students learned the lesson. SMA N 1 Klaten, which had an

International standard, tried to limit the use of Indonesian in teaching English to

the students. However, the teacher sometimes used Indonesian when she or he

taught English in the classroom.

There were some reasons why the teachers used Indonesian in teaching

Senior High School students. According to Slattery and Willis (2001: 12), the

teachers used mother tongue to support when teaching a new activity or if no

one understood on the explanation. It also happened in the classrooms where

the research took place. Indonesian was used when the teacher taught a story

telling in which the students should translate it into English (see appendix 3). The

teacher corrected the students’ grammar mistakes or vocabulary mistakes in the

teaching learning activities. However, two of the three teachers observed had

practiced English well and one of them still used Indonesian when they taught



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The tenth grade teacher used Indonesian almost in the teaching learning

activities as their medium of communication. The teacher’s authority had been

ignored by his students. The students seemed not to respect the teacher. Moreover,

the tenth grade students used the local language when they asked questions to the

teacher. In this grade, the main reason the teacher used Indonesia was that the

teacher gave the students a task to translate the passage into English form.

However, this research found that the students were not used to using English to

communicate with their teacher. Therefore, the teaching learning processes almost

used Indonesian. The researcher found that the students were not accustomed to

English as their main medium in the learning process. It could also be seen in

Q.001, taken from appendix 3.

(001) t: “Okay, we will continue our story last week.” s: ”Opo kuwi pak? Sik alon-alon pak.”(exclaimed dishonour)

However, the students listened to the teacher’s story carefully when the

teacher started to tell the story in Indonesian form. The reason was that the

students had to rewrite the story in their notebook as seen in Q.002. The students

asked questions in the mother tongue if they faced difficult vocabulary or they

could not understand the teacher’s talk (Q.002). In addition, the students replied to

the teacher’s talk in Indonesian as in Q.003. It showed that the students at tenth

grade had less knowledge in English and the students could not answer the

teacher’s questions using English.

(002) t: “Ok. Diselamatkan atau Terselamatkan oleh Kejujuran.” s: “Apa pak?” (They asked the teacher to read the story slowly)

(003) t:“Ok, by. (ok, next line) Agus, sebenarnya aku tidak ingin menghukum kamu

(sebenarnya, what is in English?)” s: “apa pak?” the students did not know sebenarnya in English and the


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teacher asked me to help the students t: “(okay, other word.(after wait for severals second the teacher answered his own

question, In fact)” t: “...okay, berpura-pura what do you say it in English?” ss: “pura-pura....opo?” “Not to know” (answered in bad attitude) t: the teacher wrote the word pretend on the whiteboard(without waiting students answered s: “ooh... pretend”

The tenth grade teacher often practiced Indonesian because the teacher

would make the lesson became easier to the students. The other reason was that

the tenth grade students still adapted with a new level of school, from Junior High

School to Senior High School. The teacher also used Indonesian as in Q.004

because the teacher perceived the students were at the lower level than eleventh or

twelfth grade students and the students had minimum knowledge about

vocabularies. The students behaved as if they were still at the junior or even the

elementary level during the teaching learning processes. Therefore, the classroom

was so noisy when the teacher taught the lesson to the students. Moreover, the

students acts rude when there was a new person entered the classroom. These

following data which were taken from appendix 3 could explain the interaction

between the teacher and students.

(004) t: “...saved by. You may open the dictionary.” “You can use past tense.” s: “kalau kalimat langsung pak?” t: “ya, boleh pakai present.” s: “kok tadi pakai did not?” asked one of the students t: “o yeah, doesn’t kalau gitu” (the teacher smiled) s: (yelling dissapointed) t: “sekarang dikerjakan sampai bel berbunyi”

The eleventh and twelfth grade teachers used more English than

Indonesian in the teaching learning activities. The eleventh grade teacher even did

not use Indonesian during the teaching learning processes. The teacher used


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English all the time (see appendix 4). Consequently, speech modifications

occurred while the teacher was teaching the students. The teacher made his talk or

pronunciation in English slower to the students and the teacher often used past

tense when the teacher asked question to the students as in Q.005 – Q.007.

(005) t: “...But today, I would like to ask you some questions related with the previous one. How many actors you can find in the previous text The King Disease?”

s: “two.” (006) t: “..I would like to read the text to you and we are going to discuss the questions

about the text.” (007) t: “Ok, now there are the next steps. I would like you not to answer the questions

but you try to make questions related with the text.

The twelfth grade classroom was a very active classroom. Since they were

in the last year of Senior High School, the teacher gave more times to speak up in

the classroom. In this classroom, each student who was pointed by the teacher in

the previous week had to tell a story in front of the class. As told by the teacher,

the students always did it before they had begun the lesson. However, the teacher

sometimes used Indonesian when teaching English to Senior High School

students. The teacher used Indonesian because of certain reasons, i.e. to correct

student’s mistakes as provided in Q.008 and Q.009

(008) t: “Yeah, she is close to me means that you have good relationship. So, you may say she is close to me. And then, now until here, I think you want to say up to now sampai saat ini. One more thing that almost all the students forget is that when you say saya takut, saya senang. You always forget am here. You always say I happy, I angry, I afraid should be I am happy, I am angry, I am afraid”

(009) t: “...But, I think that when you say in my brain; so, you want to say dalam pikiran saya”

The teacher also used Indonesian when the teacher tried to explain the

lesson in which the students found it difficult as in Q.010. Indonesian was also

used when the teacher explained the lesson by modeling, as in Q.011 and Q.012


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which taken from appendix 5. The teacher gave example of what sentence could

not become a passive sentence.

(010) t: “...I mean that to differentiate whether we can add the -s/-es in verb or not. So, I think you are alright in making of that note. Jadi itu benar catatan kamu, kalau V0 kalau mengikuti to do karena tidak bias ditambah –s/-es, tapi kalau V1 bisa ditambah -s/-es. That’s to differentiate. Another, Ayu?”

(011) t:“For example, we want to say barang itu dibuat di Inggris oh no, misalnya Ayu membuat barang itu; the verb happened in the past but we can say Ayu makes a pair of shoes; the verb is really happened; kenyataan, daily activities”

(012) t:“Remember that there are some verbs that cannot be put into passive. Do you remember that? When you want to say; kamu ditunggu ibumu loh.”

The teacher also used the mother tongue when she gave a comment to the

students’ story then the teacher corrected it as in Q.013 and Q.014. By doing that,

the teacher let the students know the mistake made by themselves. In addtion, the

teacher also used Indonesian because it would make the student acquire the

teacher’s talk easily.

(013) t: “Thank you. One more think, yeah. When you want to say kamu ingin aku crita apa? You say you want…apa tadi ya. I forget it. But I think that you should say what do you want me to tell you about. What do you want me to tell you about, should be like that. Tadi kamu ngomongnya apa ya?saya lupa.”

s: “Do you want me to tell you about?” (014) t: “…Ok, write them down. Kamu tulis dulu. Next week, we will talk about it”

It could be concluded that Indonesian as mother tongue was still important

in teaching English to Senior High School students of all grades. It helped the

students to comprehend what the teacher talked to them. Moreover for the tenth

grade students, mostly the teacher used Indonesian because the lesson is a

translation lesson and the students still had minimum knowledge of English than

the eleventh or twelfth grade.


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2. English

The first research problem also discussed the use of English as the target

language in teaching Senior High School students. English was the major source

of the language input which the students learned. English as the target language

taught had been used widely often in order to make the students become more

familiar to the target language. It was proposed in the latest curriculum that the

students had to be able to use English in written and spoken. As shown in full

transcript in appendix 3 – 5, the teacher students’ activities almost practiced

English as their main vehicle of communication.

The teacher at tenth grade used English in simple way to make the

students understand English easily as in Q.016.

(016) t: “Morning. Today we have a new teacher and you can ask her to know anything about her.”

He often used English in giving students question. Sometimes, the teacher

answered his own question if the teacher waited too long for the students’ answer

as in Q.017.

(017) t:” What do say menginjak in English?”

s: “step...” (The students became so noisy) t: “Yeah, step on negeri ini lagi. (okay next line) ya Yang Mulia. Kemudian Agus

meninggalkan istana. Pagi berikutnya, Raja itu memerintahkan (what do you say the word of memerintahkan? order) kedua pengawalnya (what is the meaning of pengawal?)”

s: “guard.”

The teacher used mostly a sentence like “what do say in English?” or “What is

the meaning of…?” because the teacher tried to make the students understand the

questions asked by the teacher then the students could answer the questions in

English. In addition, those utterances were familiar with the students because the


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students could understand it easily. It was also called as speech modification in

which the teacher modified the speech or talk to make the students understood the

questions asked. Moreover, the teacher made some code switching by combining

the use of both English and Indonesian as in Q.018

(018) t: “sekarang dikerjakan sampai bel berbunyi I will come and if you have difficulties in translating you may ask your new teacher and collect it when you have finished.”

The tenth grade teacher used English mostly to asked questions to the students as

shown in appendix 3.

The situation was different with the eleventh grade teacher, the teacher

used almost English when the teacher taught English in the classroom. As

provided in appendix 4, the teacher always used English. However, the teacher

made his speech slower to the students since English was the target language. The

teacher and students activities were also done using English. As shown in Q.019,

the teacher was greeting in English and the students replied it using English.

(019) t: “ morning” s: “morning, Sir” t: “I will introduce you with our new student. You move here!” (Teacher pointed

one of the students who sat on the back.) t: “Okay, good morning everybody” s: “morning sir” t: “Is there anyone absent today?” s: “no one sir.” t: “Well, I will continue what we have discussed yesterday related with the King

Disease. But today, I would like to ask you some questions related with the previous one. How many actors you can find in the previous text The King Disease?”

Those showed that this classroom was a kind of a good English classroom which

implemented English as well. This classroom also used communicative language


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teaching method, because there were two direction communications and the use of

language between the teacher and students was real.

The teacher at twelfth grade used English to communicate with the

students. Before the teacher had started the lesson, the students had to perform a

story telling based on their experience or a fancy thought. It made the students

have more chance in speaking in classroom. The teacher talked in the classroom

to correct grammar mistakes, vocabulary mistakes, ask questions and give

feedback for the students. All of the language used could be seen in appendix 5.

The teacher used English almost for the whole process of teaching learning

activities. The teacher even communicated with the students using English as in

Q.020 and Q.021.

(020) t: “Ok. So, who get the turn now?” s: “Alif...” all students were screaming t: “Oh, you are the first today?” s: “Yes I come first, and the second comes before me” (smiled)

(021) t: “What about the story?” s: “I forget about the story.” (He laughed and so did the other students) t: “If you sing a song, so you just memorize the lyric?” s: “Yes” t: “But, I want you to use your own word.” s: “But, I translate it with my own word. This is an Indonesian song and I translate it into an English.”

The way the teacher communicated with the students was very fluently as if they

were using Indonesian. They used English fluently in communicating though

there were some vocabulary or pronunciation mistakes.

The teacher often used English in order to give the students positive

feedback, as shown in Q.022 and Q.023.

(022) t: “Good.” (023) t: “Anyway, thank you for doing your best. Hopefully, that next you will give us

more and a better voice. Ok, thank you. Have your sit.”


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The teacher also used English to explain the lesson to the students as in Q.024 –


(024) t: “The form of to be depends of the subject or the kind of to be depends of the subject. I mean that if the subject is singular you have to use is for he/she/it or am for I and if the subject is plural then you should use are. And then, the verb should be in the third form.”

(025) t: “I think that you are right if infinitive. I usually use that for telling you about infinitive and I will use verb one for telling you about simple present. Because according to me, if there is to do so there should be infinitive/CO but if there is no to do we should use first form the verb simple present. I mean that to differentiate whether we can add the -s/-es in verb or not”

(026) t: “As I say that there is no object so it’s difficult to put it into a passive one. I think that you know about impersonal it? Impersonal it, do you remember that? It’s important to have breakfast in the morning. It here has no meaning and it here is not marked as a pronoun but it minimum. But it needed to make this sentence and it here is impersonal. What do you think if we use it to make it sentence? So, how to use it?”

s: “We put it in front of the sentence.” t: “Yes, good. (Gave the students to write the sentence) For passive, you can also

omit the doer or someone who do it. t: “It can’t, we usually say your mom is waiting for you. More question about

simple present and passive? (The students kept silent) So, once again your homework is to make a list of adverb of time that we are usually used in simple present. And remember, when you have adverb of time like Fonda wrote in whiteboard there are other adverb time. For this one I’d like you to put it in order.”

The full data transcript (see appendix 5) showed that the teacher used English in

the teaching learning processes. The Senior High School teachers perceived the

students had higher knowledge of English than the students at the lower level,

such as Junior High School or Elementary School. Therefore, the teachers often

spoke English than Indonesian.

The language used could not be separated from code switching. The

teacher switched the use of both English and Indonesian for certain reasons. The

purpose of code switching was to make the language used by the teacher

comprehensible for the students so that they would have better understanding of

the teachers’ talk. The students could lose interest in following lesson if the


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language used by the teacher was not comprehensible. They sometimes turned

into passive or felt boredom. The reason why the teacher of tenth grade made code

switching was that the teacher meant to tell a story in which the students

translated it into English. The teacher often made code switching when he asked

questions related with the story. If the teacher did not combine the use of both

English and Indonesian, the students would not get the idea of the teacher’s talk as

in Q.027.

(027) t: “Yeah, Your Majesty” (Okay next line) “Ya, kamu telah menipuku tiga kali. menipu? You know the meaning of menipu?”

s: (Kept silent, then said) “cheat” t: “yeah, cheat. Other word? (waited students’ answer but he answered by himself)

Fool” s: “ooh fool...” t: “Ok, by. (ok, next line) Agus, sebenarnya aku tidak ingin menghukum kamu

(sebenarnya, what is in English?)” s: “apa pak?” the students did not know sebenarnya in English and the teacher

asked me to help the students o: “actually” t: “(okay, other word. In fact) t: “Tetapi lihatlah aku. Apakah aku menginjak tanah? Tidak, aku sedang

berenang. Agus menjawab lagi. (ok, next line) Pengawal itu tidak mampu berdebat dengan Agus (what is the word for tidak mampu?)”

s: (students kept silent)

Whereas, the eleventh grade teacher did not switch the use of both

language. He used English as the source language all the time he taught. Code

switching could be seen at twelfth grade classroom. The teacher at twelfth grade

switched the use of both languages to make the students get the main idea of what

the teacher spoke as in Q.028 – Q.30.

(028) t: “You translate kupu-kupu malam as” t: “When you want to say kamu ingin aku crita apa? You say you want…apa tadi

ya. I forget it. Tadi kamu ngomongnya apa ya? saya lupa.” (029) t: “For this one I’d like you to put it in order. Kamu urutkan mulai dari yang

selalu, semakin berkurang sampai yang tidak pernah. You know what I mean?” t: “Ok, write them down. Kamu tulis dulu. Next week, we will talk about it.”

(030) t: “Yeah, she is close to me means that you have good relationship. So, you


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may say she is close to me. And then, now until here, I think you want to say up to now sampai saat ini. One more thing that almost all the students forget is that when you say saya takut, saya senang. You always forget am here. You always say I happy, I angry, I afraid should be I am happy, I am angry, I am afraid”

s: “I think that I say I am” t: “No, no. I make a note of what you said. You forget the word am here.“ t: “No, no. ada juga tadi yang there are will be. Okay, it should be there will be or

if you want to use are just omit the word will

It could be concluded that the eleventh and twelfth grade teachers often

used English. However, the teacher of tenth grade often used Indonesian.

B. The Role of Teachers’ Introductory Language

The teachers had many roles in teaching English to the Senior High School

students. The teachers’ introductory language or often called as the teacher’s talk

also had important roles in teaching English to the Senior High School students.

The data transcript from the interviews of each teacher presented that the role of

the teacher’s introductory language was to facilitate the students in speaking

English (see appendix 2). The teacher’s talk was also a means to facilitate the

students in exploring more in English because the teacher explained difficult

vocabulary and grammar which the students did not know yet.

There were some purposes when the teacher spoke in the classroom.

Especially the teachers’ introductory language of Senior High School teachers, the

purposes were vary according to the lesson taught and the teachers’ perception of

the students’ knowledge on English. The teacher’s talk in teaching Senior High

School students aimed at giving explanation, asking questions, correcting

students’ mistakes and giving feedback to the students.


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1. Giving Explanation

The teacher at tenth grade spoke in the classroom to explain what the

students should do. The teacher explained the procedure how to do the translation

as in Q.031.

(031) t:”Yeah, that is the end of the story. Then, try to translate it in English. sekarang dikerjakan sampai bel berbunyi I will come and if you have difficulties in translating you may ask your new teacher and collect it when you have finished.”

The eleventh grade teacher’s talk aimed to explain the lesson. The teacher

explained the next step the students should do after they had finished listening and

reading the story. The teacher explained it with quiet slow rate voice to make the

students understand the main idea of the story. Therefore, the students knew what

the teacher’s talk as in Q.032.

(032) t: “The King, the Doctor and the Monk. Specially, you have told me that the King was turned to be a bad tempered King why many people didn’t like King and were afraid of King. Now, we are going to continue the next. The next part related with the story of the King disease. I would like to read the text to you and we are going to discuss the questions about the text.”

t: “Ok, now there are the next steps. I would like you not to answer the questions but you try to make questions related with the text”

t: “As I have told you that a question needs subject in interrogative and most of negative and interrogative in English needs auxiliary verb, they should have question word or auxiliary verb. Especially, those in present simple and past simple tense but for question asking for the subject. It should be treated differently. They do not need the auxiliary verb, like we have a question; for example Fox has done his work well. If we are going to ask the answer is “Fox”, we should use who has done the work well?” “We should replace the subject with the question word. So, the correct question for those question is what happened to the Monk after ate too much.”

The teacher at twelfth grade had more complicated duty on explaining.

The teacher explained the lesson which had been explained by her students. The

teacher allowed the student to give the explanation but the teacher still guided the

students. Therefore, if the students found difficulties the teacher helped the


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students directly as appeared in Q.033. The conversation taken from the data

transcript showed us that as soon as the student stopped explaining, the teacher

helped the student. The teacher answered another student’s question which could

not be explained by the student who was in front of the classroom. In addition, the

teacher also explained it with quite slow rate voice in order to make the

explanation clearer because the teacher used English during her explanation.

(033) t: “Ok, thank you Dera. Other students, maybe? You can ask her or give her information. Yup, ok Angga wanna say something? Oh, you first, yes”

s: “I want to ask about simple present tense in the use of passive voice?” t: “Wait, you ask about the passive voice of simple present tense. I think that it’s

better for one of other students to tell you about passive voice. Ok, Fonda thank you have your sit. (Every one gave applause for Fonda) Next, Angga it’s your turn now.”

s: (Explained about the passive voice of simple present tense and wrote it down in the board. The other students listened carefully at him. He suddenly stopped in the middle of his explanation because he was confused to say that his friend had already explained about passive voice and the teacher helped him.)

t: “So, you want to say that Fonda has already explained about simple present tense and how to make passive voice of the present. After the subject there should be to be and the form of to be depends of the subject.”

s: “Pardon?” t: “The form of to be depends of the subject or the kind of to be depends of the

subject. I mean that if the subject is singular you have to use is for he/she/it or am for I and if the subject is plural then you should use are. And then, the verb should be in the third form.”

2. Asking Question

The teacher of tenth grade often asked questions in which the teacher had

already known the answer. This was asked to allow the students demonstrate their

knowledge about the questions. It was called as a display question, as in Q.034


(034) t: “Okay, what do you say Yang Mulia in English?” s: “Your Majesty!!!” (screaming together) t: “Yeah, Your Majesty” t: “What is the meaning of penjara?” s: “Jail...”


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t: “yeah jail. Jika itu apa yang Anda inginkan, saya akan melakukan apa yang Anda katakan. (okay next line) Ingat mulai besok. Ok. What do you say in English mulai besok?”

s: “from tommorow..” t: “[Ok. Start from tomorrow.]” t: “yes, didn’t say anything. Agus benar-benar cerdas (ok, what is the meaning of

cerdas?)” s: “smart” t: “okay, you’re right. Smart.”

One of the purposes which appeared when the teacher of eleventh grade

taught was to ask question. The teacher asked almost all types of questions wisely.

The display question took more frequent part of the question types asked than the

other type of questions. This display question aimed to allow students share their

knowledge about something the teacher asked as in Q.035.

(035) t: “Well, I will continue what we have discussed yesterday related with the King Disease. But today, I would like to ask you some questions related with the previous one. How many actors you can find in the previous text The King Disease?”

s: “two.” t: “Two, who are they?” s: “the King and the Doctor.”

(036) t: “Okay, good morning everybody” s: “morning sir” t: “Is there anyone absent today?” s: “no one sir.” t: “...I will divide you into...How many of you?” s: “twenty seven”

In addition, the teacher also asked referential questions as shown in Q.036. The

teacher’s introductory language also aimed to communicate in simple way with

the students and the teacher had a purpose to ask question in which the teacher did

not know the answer.

Comprehension question was often asked by the eleventh grade teacher.

The teacher aimed to check whether the students already understood the material

taught or not as in Q.037 and Q.038.


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(037) t: “Ok, right any words you are not familiar with?” s: “cushion”

(038) t: “Yes, well how many actors are there in the second story? two, three, four? s: “two” t: “two, who are they?”

The eleventh grade teacher also asked question which called as

confirmation and clarification check. Confirmation question or check aimed to

verify the students’ statement and to confirm on what the teacher believed that it

was true as in Q.039. Moreover, clarification check was a question to clarify on

what the students told as in Q.040.

(039) t: “the Monk and the King, you’re right. Do you agree? “ s: “yes” t: “There are only two persons mention in the story but, in fact the Doctor

mentions by...” s: “Monk” (the students helped the teacher)

(040) t: “Well, Pak Dewa. You still have an opinion that there were only two actors?” s: “No, three.” s: “I think it should be, What did happen to the Monk after eating too much?” t: “Ok, good. So, you give the fourth proposal?” s: “Yes” (all smiled)

Even though the twelfth grade teacher gave more chance for the students to

speak, the teacher still spoke in the classroom. The teacher spoke to ask display

questions as in Q.041 and Q.042. However, Q.043 showed that referential

questions were asked because the teacher would test the student’s knowledge.

(041) t: “So, who get the turn now?” s: “s: “Alif...” all students screaming t: “So, who are the three students?” s: “Alif, Mita and Niko.” t: “So, who is the first?” ss: “Alif!” (all students answered together

(042) t: “Yeah, before you sing a song please tell us what is the song about? I mean it’s about someone who falls in love or…?”

s: “I do not know with what the story is about, but in Indonesian people call it as a kupu-kupu malam ketoke.” (The other students laughed at him)

(043) t: “O, yeah if there’s no verb so what about the pattern?” t: “So, if we use modal the verb followed by the modal should be in the form of



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Comprehension question aimed to check the students’ understanding of the lesson

learned or their friend’s explanation as in Q.045 and Q.046.

(045) t: “Have you ever read the sentence like this, that she was a singer said by them?” s: “Not yet.” t: “Oh, is it a good one or this is a strange one? What do you think?” s: “I think that’s a bit strange.” t: “Ok, so you have another sentence?”

(046) t: “What do you think if we use it to make it sentence? So, how to use it?” t: “Do you remember that? When you want to say; kamu ditunggu ibumu loh. Any

other questions?”

The teacher’s questions were also discussed below. The teacher asked this

question to confirm the students’ statement on what the students told. Therefore,

the teacher often ended the question with a word such as “right”. It functioned as a

confirmation check as the literature review proposed. This question type could be

seen in Q.047.

(047) t: “Verb one there is verb without to/s/es, right?” t: “You say that, right?” t: “...and then, there are will be, is it the right one?” t: “Oh, you are first today?” t:“Yes, em did I tell you to do that?” t:“O yeah, making a short conversation? Are you ready with your conversation?” t: “We have talked about it?” t: “It’s about simple present tense that I think that I told you to make the list of the

adverb time that usually used in a simple present tense. Ok, are you ready for it?”

3. Correcting Error / Mistake

In the teaching learning activities, the students could not ignore their

mistakes or error. The students’ mistakes or error would not be corrected

immediately. In the eleventh and twelfth grade classroom, the students had more

chance to explore their knowledge. Before the teacher corrected the students’

mistake or error, the teacher of eleventh grade had given the explanation to the

students and in the end of the explanation the teacher had corrected the student’s


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mistake as in Q.048. However, the tenth grade teacher corrected the student’s

mistakes of each vocabularies mistake as in Q.049.

(048) t: “Ok, what happened to the Monk after eating too much? Which one is correct and not correct question?”

s: “the first one.” t: “Ok, the first answer is the correct question. What do you think? Which one is

the best in your opinion?” s: “I think it should be, What did happen to the Monk after eating too much?” t: “Ok, good. So, you give the fourth proposal?” ss: “Yes” (all smiled) t: “It’s okay because it is democracy. Ok, which one is the best proposal?” (Then,

the teacher asked each group to judge which one the best question.) “As I have told you that a question needs subject in interrogative and most of

negative and interrogative in English needs auxiliary verb, they should have question word or auxiliary verb. Especially, those in present simple and past simple tense but for question asking for the subject. It should be treated differently. They do not need the auxiliary verb, like we have a question; for example Fox has done his work well. If we are going to ask the answer is “Fox”, we should use who has done the work well?” “We should replace the subject with the question word. So, the correct question for those question is what happened to the Monk after ate too much.”

(049) s: “come back..” t: the teacher corrected “went back.” Then, continued the story “kembali ke

istana untuk melaporkan apa yang telah dia saksikan.” (what do say it apa yang telah dia saksikan?)”

s: “ what they have see...” t: “(yeah what they have seen.)

In correcting the students’ mistakes, the teacher of twelfth grade

sometimes switched the use of English and Indonesian. The reason of the code

switching was that to make the students understand their mistake. However, the

teacher did not directly correct the students’ mistakes. The teacher let the students

finish the story then corrected the students’ mistakes after he or she finished as in


(050) t:“One more sentence that I remember is that, they are want. You should say they want or they wanted so you have to omit the word are here.”

t:“When you want to say kamu ingin aku crita apa? You say you want…apa tadi ya. I forget it. But I think that you should say what do you want me to tell you about. What do you want me to tell you about, should be like that.”

t:“Yeah, she is close to me means that you have good relationship. So, you may say she is close to me. And then, now until here, I think you want to say up to now


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sampai saat ini. One more thing that almost all the students forget is that when you say saya takut, saya senang. You always forget am here. You always say I happy, I angry, I afraid should be I am happy, I am angry, I am afraid”

4. Providing Feedback

Giving feedback to the student was important in the teaching learning

activities. The teacher’s purpose in giving feedback was to appreciate the

students’ effort. The teacher at tenth grade did not directly give the feedback as in

Q.051. The teacher only said “ok” when the students gave the right answer. It

showed that the teacher of tenth grade had less appreciation using a direct

compliment to the students.

(051) t: “okay, you’re right. “Smart. Yeah, that is the end of the story. Then, try to translate it in English”

The eleventh grade teacher gave appreciation after the students gave the

right answer and explanation, it was useful to encourage the students speak in

English. The teacher gave the positive feedback to make the students feel satisfied

with their effort in speaking English. In giving feedback to students, the eleventh

grade teacher used short interjection as seen in Q.052.

(052) t: “Yes, you’re right”; “good”; “It’s okay because it is democracy.”; “Thanks for your attention and see you”

In addition, the twelfth grade teacher also made short interjection to

provide feedback to the students as in Q.053. Nonetheless, the twelfth grade

teacher besides gave feedback, the teacher also gave suggestion to the students.

(053) t: “Good” t: “Thank you (gave applause to the students who came in front)“ t: “Any way, you have done your best. When you tell a story to your friend, the

most important thing is that you have to make your friend enjoy the story.” t:“Thank you for doing your best. Hopefully, that next you will give us more and a

better voice. Ok, thank you. Have your sit.”


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t: “...if you have no more idea about what you want to say again. So, I think you can stop now. Thank you for your effort of being communicative to your friend”

t: “I think that you need to make your pronunciation better, so always practice it!” The twelfth grade teacher explained that in her classroom, it was always

begun with a storytelling before the teacher explained the main lesson. It aimed to

allow the students explored their language ability and knowledge about many

things which they shared in their story. The students usually made mistakes on

grammar and pronunciation. Therefore, the teacher always reminded the students

about their mistakes. Moreover, the teacher gave detail correction to the students’

mistakes. The reason of the correction was that the teacher would not let the

mistakes become fossilize in the students’ mind. Moreover, the twelfth grade

students were in the last level of school and they would face university life or

work life which demanded them to speak English either actively or passively.

Overall, the purposes of the teachers’ talk delivered to the roles of the

teacher’s introductory language. They appeared when the teachers taught the

students and these could be summarized in the following.

• The role of tenth grade teacher’s introductory language was mostly to

explain what the students had to do and give questions which were meant

to help the students in order to find difficult vocabularies in the story. The

teacher also corrected the students’ mistake as soon as they made it

without waiting. The role of tenth grade teacher’s introductory language

was focused on giving explanation, asking question and correcting

students’ error and mistakes. In other word, the tenth grade teacher helped


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the students because they were in the lowest level of Senior High School


• The roles of the eleventh grade teacher’s introductory language were to

explain, ask questions, correct mistakes or error and give feedback. The

teacher asked many questions but gave more time to the students to think

to answer and sometimes let the students know by themselves after the

teacher gave explanation. It showed that the teacher perceived the students

have already had problem solving knowledge. However, the teacher still

guided them to find the correct answers by giving the clue. In other word,

the eleventh grade students had higher knowledge than the tenth grade


• Then, the roles of the twelfth grade teacher’s introductory language were

also similar with the role of the eleventh grade teacher. However, the role

of twelfth grade teacher was mainly to assess the students talk in English.

The teacher always made conversation with the students and gave more

chance for the students to understand the lesson then shared it with their

friends. It showed that the teacher perceived the students as in the highest

level. The students could speak English quiet well in conversation with the

teacher and use English in the teaching learning activities.

• It could be concluded that the main role of the teachers’ introductory

language was a means to facilitate the students in speaking English, to

motivate the students to do better than they did before by providing a

positive feedback and correcting error, prepare an English knowledge by


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giving explanation related to the lesson and maintain the classroom by

asking question related to the lesson so that the students can study well

C. Other Findings

Other findings were data which found beyond the research problems. The

findings were based on what was heard and seen in the teaching learning activities

during the classroom observation which backed up using note taking. This part

contained the language used by the students in the classroom. These findings

supported the previous findings of the language used and the teachers’

introductory language role of the Senior High School teachers.

The other use of English was important to show the success of the teacher

taught English. However, the research also found that group discussion enable the

students get involved in teaching learning activities in a small group discussion.

a. Story Telling

In order to get the students attention on what the teacher’s talk, the teacher

chose an interesting topic to teach. The twelfth grade students were used to using

English in story telling. The teacher always asked three students to tell a story

which they have prepared in their home.

The language used by the students showed that the teacher succeeded to

teach English for the students. In other word, the students were success in

implementing English in real communication. Story telling was useful to interact

with the students.


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b. Group Discussion

The teacher made a group discussion to allow the students help each other.

The students would not be shy to ask questions if they asked it to their own friend.

The group discussion also helped the teacher in their way the teacher managed the

classroom. It was noted that in all grades, there were more than 20 students.

Therefore, the teacher could exhaust if they taught for the whole class.

In the group discussion, the teacher could also join in the discussion and

the teacher could explain it better than explain for the whole students. Sometimes,

a friend from the group discussion could motivate other friends to do the

instruction. Moreover, they were challenged with other groups so they would be

seen as the best group if they finished the job first. The group discussion also

allowed the students explain to each member if the teacher’s talk was not clear

and the student could ask his or her friend about what explained by the teacher to

them if the students felt shy to ask the teacher.


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This chapter is divided into two main parts. The first part is the conclusion

of the analysis which presents the answers of the two problems formulated in

chapter 1 briefly. The second part presents with the suggestions for English

teachers especially for Senior High School teachers and future researchers who

are interested in the teacher’s talk.

A. Conclusion

The research was conducted to find out the teacher’s introductory language

of Senior High School teachers. The teacher’s introductory language means that

language used by the teacher in classroom to teach the students whose complexity

varies according to the level of the learners. After analyzing and discussing the

research problems in the previous chapter, it could be concluded that the teachers

at Senior High School level used English well. However, Indonesian still took

function in teaching English especially for the tenth grade teacher. The teacher at

tenth grade used Indonesian often because the teacher perceived the students

having a lower level than the eleventh or twelfth graders.

English as the target language plays a means between the teacher and

students communication. The use of English make the students can acquire the

target language much better than the use of mother tongue. Therefore, the use of

Indonesian in teaching Senior High School students should be diminished because

the more the students hear English the more the students study English.



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Based on the analysis result, the teachers made a code switching in which

the teacher combined the use of both English and Indonesian. The teachers made

code switching in order to make their explanation or talk become comprehensible

for the students. Moreover, it could also be concluded that the role of the teacher’s

introductory language was mostly used in explanation and questions. In addition,

questions which were often asked to the students in the form of display and

referential questions. It meant that the teacher asked the questions to the students

to allow the students share their knowledge and aimed to communicate with the


The analysis result showed that the teacher of introductory language had

one main role that was a means to facilitate the students in acquiring the taregt

language. It could be concluded from different grade teachers that the role was to

motivate the students to do better than they did before by providing a positive

feedback and correcting error, prepare an English knowledge by giving

explanation related to the lesson and maintain the classroom by asking question

related to the lesson so that the students can study well. It implies that the

teacher’s introductory language plays important role in teaching learning


B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, there are two suggestions presented in this

research. The first suggestion goes to the English teachers, especially the Senior


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High School teachers. Then, the second suggestion is given to the future

researchers. The suggestions are presented as follows.

1. Suggestion for English Teachers

After concluding the result, it is suggested for the English teachers

especially Senior High School teacher to use their language in teaching English.

The use of Indonesian should be diminished because it is an English lesson.

Therefore, the students become more familiar with English and they perceive

English as an interesting lesson. The teacher should also practice more English to

make the better pronunciation and their voice is made louder in order to make the

students listen to the teachers’ explanation clearly. It is also important for the

teachers always give a positive feedback if the students have done their best


2. Suggestion for Future Researchers

Concerning to the findings, this research has still encountered some lacks

and problems which need an improvement. Therefore, it is suggested for the

future researchers who are interested in teacher’s introductory language of Senior

High School teachers to develop the same topic. The findings can be used for the

additional data or it can be refused if the future researchers do not agree with the



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Ary, D., L. C. Jacobs, and A. Razavieh. 1979. Introduction to Research in Education (2nd Edition). New York: Holt, Reinhart and Winston.

________. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education (6th Edition). Belmont:

Wadsworth Thomson Learning. Breines, T and Hinako. 2002. The Role of Teacher-talk in a Dual Language

Immersion Third Grade Classroom. University of New Mexico. (Available) Online accessed on September 26, 2007

Brown, H. D. 1994. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.

Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Regents. Celce-Murcia, M. C. 2001. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language

(3rd Edition). Boston: Heinle & Heinle. Ellis, R. 1988. Classroom Second Language Development. Hertfordshire:

Prentice Hall International, Ltd. Gebhard, J. G. 1996. Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language. Ann

Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. Harmer, J. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching (3rd Edition).

Cambridge: Longman. Hergenhahn B. R. and Matthew H. O. 1997. An Introduction to Theories of

Learning (5th Edition). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. Hoyle, E. 1969. The Role of the Teacher. New York: Humanities Press. Larsen D, F. 2005. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd

Edition). New York: Oxford University Press. Nunan, D. 1989. Understanding Language Classroom: a Guide for Teacher-

Initiated Action. Hertforshire: Prentice Hall, Ltd. Nunan, D. 1991. Language Teaching Methodology: a Textbook for Teachers.

London: Prentice Hall, Ltd. Nunan, D. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. New York: The

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


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Pham, L. Infant Dual Language Acquisition Revised; The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, v14 p. 185-210, Winter 1994. (Available) Online accessed on October 26, 2007

Pinker, S. Language Acquisition. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

(Available) Online accessed on Nov, 25 2008

Pullias, V. P and James D. Y. 1968. A Teacher is Many Things. New York:

Faweet Publication, Inc. Soehendro, B. 2006. Panduan Penyusunan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah. Jakarta: BSNP Sugiyono. 2005. Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Alfabeta Suherman, Erman., Turmudi., Didi Suryadi., Tatang Herman., Suhendra, Sufyani,

Nurjanah, Ade Rohayati. 2003. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer: Common Textbook (Revision Edition). Bandung: UPI

Sukardi. 2003. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan: Kompetensi dan Praktiknya,

(4th Edition). Yogyakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. Huitt., & Hummel, J. 2003. Piaget's theory of cognitive development: Educational

Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. (Available) Online accessed on September 21, 2007


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Interview Questions for the Teachers

1. Apakah peranan Guru dan Bahasa Guru dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

di SMA? 2. Apakah penjelasan dari Guru masih dibutuhkan murid-murid SMA? 3. Apakah murid-murid dibiarkan belajar dan mengerti pelajaran bahasa

Inggris? 4. Apakah pujian yang berupa kata-kata masih diperlukan dalam mengajar

murid SMA? 5. Bagaimana peran siswa SMA N 1 Klaten dalam pembelajaran bahasa



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1. Audio-tape transcript of teacher’s talk at tenth grade

t: teacher s: students o: observer

t: “Morning. Today we have a new teacher and you can ask her to know anything

about her.” Then, the teacher let the students asked some questions to me and the class

was so noisy. It took about 15 minutes in this session. The students asked many questions and this class was undirected because the students seemed to have less appreciation to the teacher. They somestimes insulted the teacher using local language(Javanese) but in bad expression. It was the most noise classroom in my observation. The students in that class acted as they were young learners. They were hard to be controlled even by their teacher who always dealt with them. One of them sometimes was screaming loudly and forgot that he was in formal classroom. However, the researcher knew that it was new situation for them so that they behaved as children.

t: “Okay, we will continue our story last week.” s: ”Opo kuwi pak? Sik alon-alon pak.” (exclaimed dishonour). (One student from

the back said “Biasane ra nganggo bahasa Inggris we pas ono mbake….) t: “The title of the story is Terselamatkan oleh…. (distraction from the students).

Yeah, what is that?” The teacher stopped for a while waiting the students to answer it

ss: “KEJUJURAN” t: “Ok. Diselamatkan atau Terselamatkan oleh Kejujuran.”

(It interrupted by the students. Then, the teacher continued his story and he spelled spilt slowly to students because they did not know it yet. The teacher asked the students to rewrite the story and changed it into English form in their book.)

s: “Apa pak?” They asked the teacher to read the story slowly. (The story went like this)

t “Raja ingin mengetes kecerdasan Agus. Dia memegang tali(fullstop). (Ok, next line) Kamu menginginkan aku Yang Mulia?” “Okay, what do you say Yang Mulia in English?”

s: “Your Majesty!!!” screaming together t: “Yeah, Your Majesty” (Okay next line) “Ya, kamu telah menipuku tiga kali.

menipu? You know the meaning of menipu?” s: (Kept silent, then said) “cheat”


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t: “yeah, cheat. Other word? (waited students’ answer but he answered by himself) Fool” s: “oh fool...” t: “tiga kali dan itu terlalu banyak. Aku ingin kamu meninggalkan negeriku.

Apabila tidak, aku akan membawamu ke penjara. “What is the meaning of penjara?”

ss: “Jail...” t: “yeah jail. Jika itu apa yang Anda inginkan, saya akan melakukan apa yang

Anda katakan. (okay next line) Ingat mulai besok. Ok. What do you say in English mulai besok?”

ss: “from tommorow..” t: “(Ok. Start from tomorrow.) Mulai besok kamu tidak boleh menginjak tanah

negeri ini lagi. What do say menginjak in English?” s: “step...” The students became so noisy t: “Yeah, step on negeri ini lagi. (okay next line) ya Yang Mulia. Kemudian Agus

meninggalkan istana. Pagi berikutnya, Raja itu memerintahkan (what do you say the word of memerintahkan? order) kedua pengawalnya (what is the meaning of pengawal?)”

s: “guard.” Students misspronounced the word guard and the teacher corrected it. The students were not serious.

t: “Mereka sangat terperanjak terkejut (fullstop). Agus masih disana (fullstop). Dia berenang-renang disebuah kolam kecil. (okay kolam kecil, what do you say it in English?)”

s: “pool..” t: “Ok little pool. (Ok nexline) Hei, Agus mengapa kamu belum meninggalkan

negeri ini? Raja memerintahkan kamu untuk tidak menginjak tanah negeri ini lagi. (tidak menginjak, what do say in English?)”

s: “ not to step on” t: “Ok, not to step on. (Ok next line) Tentu Agus menjawab dengan tenang. (Okay

tenang?)” s: “calmly.” t: “Tetapi lihatlah aku. Apakah aku menginjak tanah? Tidak, aku sedang

berenang. Agus menjawab lagi. (ok, next line) Pengawal itu tidak mampu berdebat dengan Agus (what is the word for tidak mampu?)”

s: kept silent t: “Okay, were not able to. Mereka lalu pergi dan kembali ke istana. (apa itu

kembali ke? What do say it in English?)” s: “come back..”


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t: the teacher corrected “went back.” Then, continued the story “kembali ke istana untuk melaporkan apa yang telah dia saksikan.” (what do say it apa yang telah dia saksikan?)”

s: “ what they have see...” t: “(yeah what they have seen.) Raja itu curiga terhadap alasan Agus tidak

meninggalkan negeri itu. (alasan? what do you say it in English?)” s: “ reason..” t: “another word? yang lain. Accuse.” s: “apa pak?” t: “(accuse). Oleh karena itu, dia memanggil Agus. (Memanggil is call) Agus

datang ke istana itu menggunakan engrang. (okay, what do you say memakai atau menggunakan?)

s: “by...” t: “Ok, by. (ok, next line) Agus, sebenarnya aku tidak ingin menghukum kamu

(sebenarnya, what is in English?)” s: “apa pak?” the students did not know sebenarnya in English and the teacher

asked me to help the students o: “actually” t: “(okay, other word. In fact) Aku tidak menghukum kamu karena kamu tidak

melakukan (you did not do) apa yang aku katakan dan sekarang lihatlah kamu (look at you), kamu berjalan dengan engrang seperti anak kecil. Apakah kamu gila? kata Raja berpura-pura marah. (okay, berpura-pura what do you say it in English?)

s: “pura-pura....opo?” “not to know” (answered in bad attitude) t: the teacher wrote the word pretend on the whiteboard s: “ooh... pretend” t: “(ok, next line) Aku ingat tepat apa yang Anda katakan Yang Mulia (tepat-

exactly), Agus menjawab. Pagi ini saya mandi di kolam sehingga saya tidak berdiri diatas tanah dan sejak kemarin aku berjalan di atas engrang. Jadi, aku tidak menginjak tanah negeri ini. Raja tidak dapat berkata apa-apa atau sesuatu (tidak berkata apa-apa, what do you say it in English?)”

s: “do not say anything” t: “yes, didn’t say anything. Agus benar-benar cerdas (ok, what is the meaning of

cerdas?)” s: “smart” t: “okay, you’re right. Smart. Yeah, that is the end of the story. Then, try to

translate it in English” s: the students seemed lazy to do what the teacher asked to them but they still did

the translation. One student asked, “Pak, terselamatkan ki opo?” t: “saved by. You may open the dictionary” “You can use past tense”


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s: “kalau kalimat langsung pak?” t: “ya, boleh pakai present.” s: “kok tadi pakai did not?” asked one of the students t: “o yeah, doesn’t kalau gitu” the teacher smiled s: (yelling dissapointed) t: “sekarang dikerjakan sampai bel berbunyi I will come and if you have

difficulties in translating you may ask your new teacher and collect it when you have finished.” Then, the teacher gave the responsibility of the class to me and the students did the translation so noisy.


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2. Audio-tape transcript of teacher’s talk at eleventh grade t: teacher s: students o: observer t: “ morning” s: “morning, Sir” t: “I will introduce you with our new student. You move here!” (teacher pointed

one of the students who sat on the back.) t: “Okay, good morning everybody” s: “morning sir” t: “Is there anyone absent today?” s: “no one sir.” t: “Well, I will continue what we have discussed yesterday related with the King

Disease. But today, I would like to ask you some questions related with the previous one. How many actors you can find in the previous text The King Disease?”

s: “two.” t: “Two, who are they?” s: “the King and the Doctor.” t: “No one else?” the teacher repeated the questions twice s: “the monk” t: “ the Monk” The teacher corrected the students’ pronunciation of monk.”the

King, the Doctor and the Monk. Specially, you have told me that the King was turned to be a bad tempered King why many people didn’t like King and were afraid of King. Now, we are going to continue the next. The next part related with the story of the King disease. I would like to read the text to you and we are going to discuss the questions about the text.” Then, the teacher read the story to the class and students listened to it carefully. “Ok, the King Disease. The one old monk listened carefully to the doctor harm then he said “I understand your problem doctor. You can help the King, you can probably help him. You must let the King find out for himself why he is always ill.” “How can I do that?” the doctor asked. “I have a plan.” the old monk said. “Can you get me an invitation to breakfast at the palace? Yes, I can do that.” the doctor answered. The next morning, the old monk arrived at the palace. He looked very fat because he had cushion hidden under his clothes. “Come and sit next to me!” the King said to him. “You are old man and you must have the best food.” The Monk said next to the King. The Monk ate and ate and ate. “I like the man who can eat the lot,” the King said. A few minute after the meal, the monk suddenly fell to the floor. “oh..oh..oh..,” he cried. “My stomach, my


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head.. oh..oh..” “You have stomachache and headache too?” the king asked. “Always feel never this,” the old monk said and he walked carefully out of the room. On the next day of the month, the old monk went to the palace again. He looked sleep and healthy. “You look well!” The King said. “Come and eat with me!” “No, thank you.” The old monk said. “I eat only one meal, one meal a day.” “I saw your doctor is a very clever man and he told me that I eat and drink too much.” “You are right.” “Meal I do not eat very much and I’m healthy. I never have pain in stomach and head.That’s very interesting.” The King said. “ I’ll eat and drink fast, perhaps it will cure it and ofcourse it will.” That’s all.

“Ok, right any words you are not familiar with?” s: “cushion” t: “How do you spell it?” s & t: “c-u-s-h-i-o-n” t: “What is it?” “Let me read the sentence to you: The next morning, the old monk

arrived at the palace. He looked very fat because he had cushion hidden under his clothes. So, he needs something here (pointed at his stomach) under his clothes. So what is it? in order to make him look fat.”

s: “bantal” t. “Yes, you’re right. It is a kind of pillow so that he look big and fat. In fact, it’s

just a trick to tell something to the King. Ok cushion, what else? The other word you’re not familiar with?”

(Students kept silent) t: “Yes, well how many actors are there in the second story? two, three, four?” s: “two” t: “two, who are they?” s: “doctor and...” t: “pardon” the teacher asked the students to repeat their answer s: “Oh, the Monk and the King” t: “the Monk and the King, you’re right. Do you agree?“ s: “yes” t: “There are only two persons mention in the story but, in fact the Doctor

mentions by...” s: “Monk” the students helped the teacher t: “yes, by the Monk even though he is not in the text anymore, it just mention that

the doctor is really of the story...According to the Monk, the doctor is the clever man. Ok, let me read the story one again. This is the last.”

(The teacher read the story about the King Disease once more in beautiful way of reading that story.)

Well,Pak Dewa. You still have an opinion that there were only two actors?”


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s: “No, three.” The other students laughed at him. t: “Who are they?” s: “the Doctor, the Old Monk and the King” t: “Ok, now there are the next steps. I would like you not to answer the questions

but you try to make questions related with the text. I will divide you into...How many of you?”

s: “twenty seven” t: “Ok, twenty seven. I will divide you into groups and each group should contain

of 3 or 4 students, 4 at the most right. Ok, 3 students in a group so that there are 9 groups. The nine should give the questions to me. Ok, you start count the number!”

s: “0ne-two-three-four-five-six....” the student who said number six was too slowly then the teacher asked

t: “Have you got your breakfast?” the other students laughed. s: “six-seven-eight-nine-one...” (it went on counting until the last student) t: “Ok, the first should be with the first and the nine should be the nine! It should

be eight questions each” s: (The students started to move the chair and get close to each group. They did it

so noisy.) t: “The questions should be using question-wh questions, not in the form of yes/no

question. Eight questions!” (The students worked on their assignment quietly. The teacher waited while he

helped the students’ difficulties in making questions personally in each group.” t: “It is a competition, right. So, each group should write and compose the best

questions. So that, the questions can be given to the other group. The first will be with the ninth and the rest is so.”

(after 10 minutes waited) t: “finish?” s: “not yet.” t: “The first page should be four questions but all are eight questions.”

(The teacher went around the classroom and asked each group. Then, the bell was ringing)

t: “Ok, stop writing and would you give the questions to me! Would you like to write in a paper and give it to me? Ok, how many questions do you write?” asked to one of the group.

s: “Five” t: “Ok, have your break first. (bell was ringing) I will not interrupt your break.

The next hour will be using to discuss the questions. Ok have a break.” (Break for 15 minutes)


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t: “Would you like to submit and write number on the top of the paper to which group you belong to.”

(the classroom became so noisy) t: “Ok, the group number I write in the board is your opponent. The first is against

to nine (the teacher read the group and its opponent carefully.) Now, what I want you to do is to judge whether it is a correct question or not. If it is not a correct question, you should write the correct question on the paper. But if it is correct, you should answer it. Okay!”

t: “finish” (the teacher checked after 10 minutes students discussed the answer) s: “not yet” t: “Ok, five for minutes” s: “yahh...” (felt disappointed because many of them did not finish yet and they

were in hurry.) t: “Yeah, first of all you have to see whether the question is correct or not. As I

have told you that a question should be structurally correct and logical correct.” s: “We have to answer all the correct questions?” t: “Yes” t: “Yeah, I want to check first. Group one? (The group one came forward and

wrote the answer on the board and then followed by group three, five, etc.) Ok, I want you to submit your work, please! Yeah, this is just as I have told you that some days ago; there are two criteria on a good question mainly. Yes, I have told you that there are at least two criteria on a good question; that is structurally and logical correct. Let’s see some examples here.”

t: “number one: What did happen after the Monk ate too much? What did the Monk said to the Doctor? What did happened to the Monk after curing? Ok, now look at to those three sentences created on the board! Any comment on that questions?”

t: “Ok, Kurnia. What is your comment?” s: “What did happen after the Monk ate too much?” t: “Any other comment? Or opinion?” s: “What happened the Monk after eating too much?”

(Because his answer wasn’t clear then the teacher asked him to write it on the board)

t: “Ok, what happened to the Monk after eating too much? Which one is correct and not correct question?”

s: “the first one.” t: “Ok, the first answer is the correct question. What do you think? Which one is

the best in your opinion?” s: “I think it should be, What did happen to the Monk after eating too much?” t: “Ok, good. So, you give the fourth proposal?”


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s: “Yes” (all smiled) t: “It’s okay because it is democracy. Ok, which one is the best proposal?” (Then,

the teacher asked each group to judge which one the best question.) “As I have told you that a question needs subject in interrogative and most of negative and interrogative in English needs auxiliary verb, they should have question word or auxiliary verb. Especially, those in present simple and past simple tense but for question asking for the subject. It should be treated differently. They do not need the auxiliary verb, like we have a question; for example Fox has done his work well. If we are going to ask the answer is “Fox”, we should use who has done the work well?” “We should replace the subject with the question word. So, the correct question for those question is what happened to the Monk after ate too much.” (bell was ringing again to sign that the class is over)

t: “Ok, we have still to discuss this next day because we have very short period right. We only have 30 minutes. Ok, thanks for your attention and see you.”


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3. Audio-tape transcript of teacher’s talk at twelfth grade t: teacher s: students o: observer

t: “Ok. So, who get the turn now?” s: “Alif...” all students screaming t: “Oh, you are first today?” s: “Yes I come first, and the second comes before me” (he smiled avoiding to

come on the first turn.) s: “boo...” felt annoyed t: “So, who are the three students?” s: “Alif, Mita and Niko.” t: “So, who is the first?” s: “Alif!” all students answered together t: “Lif, come. (Alif came in front of the classroom) Yes, five minutes only. Ok.” s: “What?” t: “five minutes” s: “Yes. Asalamualaikum wr wb.” t&s: “Walaikumsalam wr wb” s: “But before I tell you something, I want to ask you some questions. Do you

want me to tell you a long story or short story?” s: “Long, very very long story.” Everybody laughed at him s: “O yeah, now, do you want I tell you a happy story or tragic story?” s: “Happy. boo..” (All students screamed because Alif did not start to tell story yet

but ask more questions) s: “Wait wait, may be three more questions. Do you like a religion story or history

story?” s: “History” s: “And then. (Boo... all students screamed) Do you like I tell you a story now or

do you like I ask you another question?” s: “Tell now!” s: “Wait, wait. But, let me ask you first. If you want I tell you a long story,

remember how smart somebody is determined by how thought did you read and how long did you something.”

s: “cie”(other students gave comment of his word) s: “And then about happy or tragic story, I think you are all happy now, hm. And

you are very look be happy happy. If you are too happy it’s not good for you. And let me ask you question.”

s: “Waaa...” (Disappointed)


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s: “Do you see I am a religious or not?” s: “Yes.” s: “I know you do not know about me.” (Smiled and the others smiled too.) t: “sstt...” the teacher asked the students to keep silent

(Then, Alif started to tell the story about a tragic story about night butterfly using his funny style. However, he forgot how the story went on then he stopped telling story)

s: “boo…” (The students who listened to him were disappointed because his story only short)

s: “I can sing you a song about this.” t: “What about the story?” s: “I forget about the story.” (He laughed and so did the other students) t: “If you sing a song, so you just memorize the lyric?” s: “Yes” t: “But, I want you to use your own word.” s: “But, I translate it with my own word. This is an Indonesian song and I translate

it into an English.” t: “Yes, what do you think then?” asked to the other students s: “that’s okay” t: “Any idea?” s: “But, maybe I can sing you a song now.” t: “Yeah, before you sing a song please tell us what is the song about? I mean it’s

about someone who falls in love or…?” s: “I do not know with what the story is about, but in Indonesian people call it as a

kupu-kupu malam ketoke.” (The other students laughed at him) t: “So, what the song tells about?” s: “The song tells us about the story of life eh tells about the life of night

butterfly.” t: “You translate kupu-kupu malam as?” s: “Night butterfly. B-u-t-t-e-r-f-l-y” t: “Yeah, ok. You may sing it.” (Alif sang the lyric of a night butterfly song but only a few rhymes.) s: “I think it’s little difficult and I think it’s enough” t: “Good. Ok, but wait. Maybe your friends will give you something or want to

say something about what you have given to them. Yes, please maybe from mbak Sinta” asked the observer to give comment

o: “I like people who have will to say something in English and I think you have done your best.” The students gave applause to Alif.

t: “Thank you. One more think, yeah. When you want to say kamu ingin aku crita apa? You say you want…apa tadi ya. I forget it. But I think that you should say


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what do you want me to tell you about. What do you want me to tell you about, should be like that. Tadi kamu ngomongnya apa ya?saya lupa.”

s: “Do you want me to tell you about?” t: “No, no. You did not say that. The right one is that. (Other students laughed)

Anyway, thank you for doing your best. Hopefully, that next you will give us more and a better voice. Ok, thank you. Have your sit.” (The students gave applause to Alif again)

t: “Ok, next is?” s: “Mita” t: “What number are you?” s: “Number fourteen” (she looked shiver) t: “fourteen.” s: “Good morning everybody.” t&s: “Morning” s: “I tell you about I don’t know. (Smiled) I should tell you about folktale but I

think it will be boring. So, I’ll tell you about my friends. I can tell you something and I can make you angry with me. I’ll just tell you a little story from yourself. Ok”

s: “Ok” s: (She told a story about her friends since Junior High School Anysa and Retha

but she didn’t tell more because she was afraid her two friends got angry with her. She laughed too much at her story telling. She also told a love story between Alif and Fonda but she stopped at the middle of the story because she had no more idea to tell.)

t: “Ok, if you have no more idea about what you want to say again. So, I think you can stop now. Thank you for your effort of being communicative to your friend. But, I think that when you say in my brain; so, you want to say dalam pikiran saya.”

s: “Yes” (Smiled) t: “It could be in my mind not in my brain. And then, when you want to say about

your friend’s next to you. You may call her as classmates or my classmate something like that. And you say at Junior High School, I think it’s better for you to say in Junior High School or during Junior High School and she is very near. You say that, right?”

s: “Yes” t: “What should she say?” s: “familiar.” t: “She is familiar, aha, another word?” s: “close”


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t: “Yeah, she is close to me means that you have good relationship. So, you may say she is close to me. And then, now until here, I think you want to say up to now sampai saat ini. One more thing that almost all the students forget is that when you say saya takut, saya senang. You always forget am here. You always say I happy, I angry, I afraid should be I am happy, I am angry, I am afraid”

s: “I think that I say I am” t: “No, no. I make a note of what you said. You forget the word am here.“ s: “Oh, ok.” t: “and then, there are will be, is it the right one?” s: “Yes, what?” t: “What should you say? There are will be. Is that the right one?” s: “There are mom” t: “No, no. ada juga tadi yang there are will be. Okay, it should be there will be or

if you want to use are just omit the word will. Any comment from mbak Sinta maybe?”

o: “I learn from my friend, he told me that whenever I make mistake it’s okay if I try to speak in English.”

t: “Ok, a good suggestion mbak Sinta, but here, if they make a mistake in grammar we want to make it good. Ok, the last one?”

s: “Morning friends” Niko came forward t&s: “Morning” s: “I want to tell you about Final Fantasy.” t: “Pardon?” s: “Final Fantasy. (His friends corrected his mispronunciation of Final) You know

Final Fantacy?” s: “No”

(Then, Niko told about Final Fantasy seventh adventure about 2000 years ago to his friends. In the middle of his story, the bell was ringing as a sign it had already of the half the lesson)

s: “Yes, that’s all. Thank you.” t: “Yeah, ok thank you. (His friends gave him applause) I think that you used to be

for almost all of your sentences. Like, the story is begin. What should you say?” s: “The story begins.” t: “Yeah, the story begins or began. I think that you need to omit the word is here.

Nah, to take care of not to care of. One more sentence that I remember is that, they are want. You should say they want or they wanted so you have to omit the word are here. I think that you need to make your pronunciation better, so always practice it! Any way, you have done your best. When you tell a story to your friend, the most important thing is that you have to make your friend enjoy the story. Ok. Maybe, mbak Sinta wants to say something to you.”


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o: “Same with Bu Etik. I think it’s good because when I looked back at my SHS I didn’t do that. So, I very appreciate your effort to speak in English.”

t: “Yeah, ok. Thank you. So, this what we always do before we have the lesson as I told you that the students need to practice producing English especially in front of their friends not only in front of his or her friend but in front of their friends. Now, let’s continue what we have talked about last week. How many books?”

s: “twenty five” t: “twenty five only. What about me? (The students laughed at Mrs. Etik’s joke) It

means that you have to share with your classmates.” (the teacher gave time for the students to read again the book)

t: “What’s page now? Yah, Mita you can share the book with mbak Sinta.” s: “Thirty three” t: “Thirty three. O yeah, making a short conversation? Are you ready with your

conversation?” s: “No” t: “We have talked about it? O yeah, I remember now.” s: “Not yet.” t: “The next page, on page thirty five talks about grammar. It’s about simple

present tense that I think that I told you to make the list of the adverb time that usually used in a simple present tense. Ok, are you ready for it? (waited the students’ reaction on the task)

s: “Apa bu?” t: “Yes, em did I tell you to do that?” s: “Not yet.” t: “Not yet. Ok, now you may write down number one; you have to make a list of

the adverb time that you usually used in simple present tense and a sentence for each adverb of time. That is for your homework.”

s: “Oh..” t: ”It’s good for you to remember about the adverb of time that used in simple

present tense. It’s for your homework. Ok. Now, let’s see page thirty seven. Actually, I have a plan to give you a test (the students shocked) but you know that we have less time because we had flag ceremony this morning. And the teacher got the information or there are many information got from the Principal so I have to cancel this. So, sorry because I think you are waiting for the test. I think that you are always waiting for the test.”

s: “” laughed together. t: “Now, I want one of you to remind your friend about simple present tense

because this is the easiest one I think. One of you may remind your friend about simple present tense so that when you do your homework there won’t be


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difficulty in doing your homework. Right, now Fonda. Come in front Fonda! Remind your friend about simple present tense.”

s: “I will remind you about simple present tense. Simple present tense is kind of sentence that tells you about daily activity.(Write in the board) As the pattern is Subject + verb one + object, and verb one can be use for I, they, we, you and use verb one plus -s/-es when we use he, she and it. Simple present tense can use for daily activity, so the adverb like every day, always, usually…”

t: “Yes enough, let your friend find them themselves!” s: “Oh, that’s all and also Simple Present Tense use for reality. For example, we

want to say barang itu dibuat di Inggris oh no, misalnya Ayu membuat barang itu; the verb happened in the past but we can say Ayu makes a pair of shoes; the verb is really happened; kenyataan, daily activities”

t: “Ok, any question or more information about simple present tense? Yes” s: “Can we use simple past tense so that something really happened?” s: “Yes, we can use past tense verb if verb happened in past. But we can also use

simple present tense because this verb really happened. Like the; Mr Val calls you.”

t: “Okay, more questions maybe or more information please? Before she ask you, it’s better for you ask her or give more information about simple present tense. Okay, come on”

s: “I think that simple present tense usually tells about general truth. I find somewhere in this book”

t: “Maybe, she is still confused about what you say.” s: “Express general truth, in summary.” t: “Simple present tense can be used for general truth.” s: “We always use simple present tense to express general truth.” t: “You always use simple present for that. Thank you for giving more

information, ok, another student maybe? You keep silent, hah” s: “I think you should tell us about negative and interrogative pattern about simple

present tense.” s: (Wrote the pattern of negative simple present tense and explained what she had

written in the board.) t: “So, verb one there is verb without to/s/es, right?” s: “Yes” t: “Another student? Yeah, okay” s: “How if there is no verb so what is the pattern?” t: “O, yeah if there’s no verb so what about the pattern?” s: (wrote the pattern of no verb for simple present tense.) t: “Right, okay other student. Come on. Yes, Dera.”


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s: “What is the pattern if you use modal. S + modal + V1, infinitive without to we add modal there. Example; Dera will (waited for Dera think of her example) em, Dera can write.”

t: “So, if we use modal the verb followed by the modal should be in the form of infinitive?”

s: “Yes” t: “Ok, thank you Dera. Other students maybe? You can ask her or give her

information. Yup, ok Angga wanna say something? Oh, you first, yes” s: “I want to ask about simple present tense in the use of passive voice?” t: “Wait, you ask about the passive voice of simple present tense. I think that it’s

better for one of other students to tell you about passive voice. Ok, Fonda thank you have your sit. (Every one gave applause for Fonda) Next, Angga it’s your turn now.”

s: (Explained about the passive voice of simple present tense and wrote it down in the board. The other students listened carefully at him. He suddenly stopped in the middle of his explanation because he was confused to say that his friend had already explained about passive voice and the teacher helped him.)

t: “So, you want to say that Fonda has already explained about simple present tense and how to make passive voice of the present. After the subject there should be to be and the form of to be depends of the subject.”

s: “Pardon?” t: “The form of to be depends of the subject or the kind of to be depends of the

subject. I mean that if the subject is singular you have to use is for he/she/it or am for I and if the subject is plural then you should use are. And then, the verb should be in the third form. Who want to give him question?”

s: “Can you explain about the sentence pattern?” s: (He tried to explain his sentence pattern with his own word and he looked at his

own note. He was afraid in making mistake of his explanation so the teacher helped him.)

t: “I think that you are right if infinitive. I usually use that for telling you about infinitive and I will use verb one for telling you about simple present. Because according to me, if there is to do so there should be infinitive/CO but if there is no to do we should use first form the verb simple present. I mean that to differentiate whether we can add the -s/-es in verb or not. So, I think you are alright in making of that note. Jadi itu benar catatan kamu, kalau V0 kalau mengikuti to do karena tidak bias ditambah –s/-es, tapi kalau V1 bisa ditambah -s/-es. That’s to differentiate. Another,Ayu?”

s: “How about the sentence pattern of do sentence?” s: kept silent because he was also confused t: “Hello, any one wants to help.”


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s: “Any volunteer? Can we omit that?” (Everyone laughed) s: “No…” protested Angga t: “If you omit that you mean that there’s no question about that. Actually, we

often make the pattern of that sentence. We can see by the example; I do love you. That means I love you so much, we always do that to your mom maybe.”

s: “Yes, sometimes” smiled t: “Yeah, I do love you means that I love you so much. Ok, other students maybe

have different question? O yeah, the smallest student asks to the tallest one.” smiled

(Other students laughed) s: “Can you make this sentence into the passive voice?” s: “Yes, pardon?” s: “They say she is a singer.” t: “So, you want to put it into the passive one?” s: “Yes” t: “They say she is a singer.”

(Angga tried hard and he found it difficult to change the sentence into passive form.)

t: “Have you ever read the sentence like this, that she was a singer said by them?” s: “Not yet.” t: “Oh, is it a good one or this is a strange one? What do you think?” s: “I think that’s a bit strange.” t: “Ok, so you have another sentence?” s: “No (Other students laughed), because this sentence has no object so it is

difficult to change it.” t: “As I say that there is no object so it’s difficult to put it into a passive one. I

think that you know about impersonal it? Impersonal it, do you remember that? It’s important to have breakfast in the morning. It here has no meaning and it here is not marked as a pronoun but it minimum. But it needed to make this sentence and it here is impersonal. What do you think if we use it to make it sentence? So, how to use it?”

s: “We put it in front of the sentence.” t: “Yes, good. (Gave the students to write the sentence) For passive, you can also

omit the doer or someone who do it. Other students maybe.” t: “Remember that there are some verbs that cannot be put into passive. Do you

remember that? When you want to say; kamu ditunggu ibumu loh.” s: “You are waited by your mom?” t: “Have you ever heard that?” s: “Yes”


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t: “Yes, just now but it’s strange. (The students smiled) Can we use passive for this?”

s: “No” t: “It can’t, we usually say your mom is waiting for you. More question about

simple present and passive? (The students kept silent) So, once again your homework is to make a list of adverb of time that we are usually used in simple present. And remember, when you have adverb of time like Fonda wrote in whiteboard there are other adverb time. For this one I’d like you to put it in order. Kamu urutkan mulai dari yang selalu, semakin berkurang sampai yang tidak pernah. You know what I mean?”

s: “Yes” t: “And don’t forget to make it in sentences as the example but in different

sentences. Don’t just say; I don’t always have my breakfast. I sometimes have breakfast.

(The students just smiled) t: “ Any other questions?” s: “I want ask the question about passive voice using preposition verb?” (The bell

rang as a sign that the class was over) t: “The question is how can we make a passive sentence by using the verb like;

look for, look after, speak up and bring up. Ok, write them down. Kamu tulis dulu. Next week, we will talk about it. While waiting for next week, you have to find the answer because we have no time so sorry. (The teacher repeated the question once more). Next week, we will talk about the answer of the question. Yeah, time is up so it’s time for me to go to another class and you have to submit the book as usual. I want you put the back of the room. Thank you to Mbak Sinta too because shares the information to this class. What about the next week, who get the turn?”

s: “Dewi.” t: “Dewi-Dewi,ok. So, thank you for your attention and see you next two week.” s: “See you”


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4. Audio-transcript of Interviewing the Teachers • Interview Data transcript at tenth grade teacher

I: Interviewer T: Teacher

I: “Menurut bapak, apa peranan guru dan bahasa guru dalam kelas?” T: “Peranan guru dan bahasa guru bagi SMA 1 Klaten itu yang utama sebagai

fasilitator bukan sebagai pengajar secara totalitas, yaitu sekedar memfasilitasi siswa supaya bisa belajar dengan lebih baik. Karena siswa-siswa sudah belajar aktif dengan sendirinya. Bagi sekolah kami, peranannya untuk fasilitator utama bukan pengajar secara keseluruhan.”

I: “Apakah penjelasan masih diperlukan dalam pembelajaran atau siswa dibiarkan belajar dengan sendirinya dan bagaimana peran siswa dalam kelas?”

T: “Menurut situasinya, apabila siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam sesuatu hal dalam hal ini bahasa Inggris maka perlu diterangkan. Tapi keterangannya tidak begitu mendetail hanya pada poin-poin tertentu saja. Siswa disuruh untuk membaca dan mendalami pelajarannya sendiri. Mereka pada dasarnya adalah siswa yang aktif di kelas apalagi kami disini lebih mengutamakan siswa yang bisa mandiri.”

I: “Apakah murid masih perlu diberi pujian dalam bentuk kata-kata?” T: “Ya, kadangkala memang masih perlu karena walaupun anak-anak sudah besar,

anak-anak masih suka kalau diberi pujian-pujian atau penghargaan. Jadi kalau anak-anak melakukan sesuatu dengan baik, kita memberikan suatu bentuk pujian.”

I: “Terima kasih atas waktunya, Pak.”


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• Interview Data transcript at eleventh grade teacher I: Interviewer T: Teacher

I: “Menurut bapak, apa peranan guru dan bahasa guru dalam kelas?” T: “Peranan guru dan bahasa guru dalam kelas yaitu untuk memberi keterangan

kepada siswa tentang apa yang mereka pelajari. Namun, bagi SMAN 1 Klaten yang sudah menerapkan SBI guru dan bahasa guru lebih kepada fasilitator. Maka peranannya juga tidak untuk mengajar secara keseluruhan. Murid-murid diberikan banyak peluang untuk aktif dikelas dan guru tinggal mengawasi dan memfasilitasi.”

I: “Apakah penjelasan masih diperlukan dalam pembelajaran atau siswa dibiarkan belajar dengan sendirinya dan bagaimana peran siswa di kelas?”

T: “Sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan kepada murid-murid. Apabila siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam sesuatu pemahaman materi pembelajaran maka masih perlu dijelaskan apalagi dalam hal Bahasa Inggris. Pada umumnya, keaktifan siswa yang lebih diutamakan sehingga sebelum mereka masuk kekelas dengan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris misalnya, siswa sudah menyiapkan materi dengan sendirinya. Dan untuk peran siswa, siswa di tuntut untuk lebih akti dalam kelas. Mereka biasanya sudah smempersiapkan pelajaran untuk hari ini jadi Guru tinggal mengulang apa yang telah mereka pelajari.”

I: “Apakah murid masih perlu diberi pujian dalam bentuk kata-kata?” T: “Ya, tentu saja karena perhatian dari guru yang berupa kata-kata yang

membangun seperti itu bisa mendorong siswa untuk belajar lebih baik lagi dan merasa dihargai ketika aktif dalam aktivitas belajar megajar dikelas.”

I: “Terima kasih atas waktunya.”


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• Interview Data transcript at twelfth grade teacher I: Interviewer T: Teacher

I: “Menurut ibu, apa peranan guru dan bahasa guru dalam kelas?” T: “Menurut saya, peranan guru dengan bahasa guru didalam kelas itu untuk

memberi fasilitas kepada siswa untuk bisa saling berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Menurut saya sama saja peranannya dikelas manapun karena kami disini menerapkan bahwa siswa harus aktif dengan sendirinya didalam kelas, dalam berdiskusi maupun yang lainnya. Maka dari itu, didalam kelas saya anak-anak biasanya saya beri kesempatan untuk menceritakan semua hal berdasarkan apa yang mereka alami atau tentang tokoh-tokoh setiap sebelum dimulai pelajaran intinya. Disini, mereka berlatih untuk bercerita dalam bahasa Inggris dan mereka bisa memberi informasi bagi teman-temannya sekelas. Sehingga mereka nantinya akan terbiasa dengan penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari termasuk dikelas.”

I: “Apakah penjelasan masih diperlukan dalam pembelajaran atau siswa dibiarkan belajar dengan sendirinya dan bagaimana peran siswa di kelas?”

T: “Menurut saya masih karena kadang-kadang siswa masih membutuhkan penjelasan dalam pelajaran dengan tema atau topik yang sulit. Nah, biasanya peran guru terlihat dalam hal ini. Tapi saya juga menegaskan kepada mereka agar membaca pelajaran sebelum masuk ke kelas dengan demikian mereka sudah siap materi dari rumah dan lagi saya juga terkadang memberi PR agar mereka tetap ingat pelajaran yang mereka pelajari hari ini. Para siswa di kelas bahasa Inggris lebih diutamakan untuk bisa berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dan mereka diarahkan untuk bisa berbicara dalam konteks yang benar. Terlebih di kelas ini mereka dituntut untuk bisa bercerita dalam bahasa Inggris kepada teman-teman sekelas. Hal itu untuk melatih penggunaan bahasa Inggris sendiri.”

I: “Apakah murid masih perlu diberi pujian dalam bentuk kata-kata?” T: “Masih perlu karena mereka kalau diberi pujian misalnya ‘Good atau Very

Good’ walaupun mereka melakukan kesalahan maka mereka terlihat puas. Dengan demikian akan semakin mendorong mereka agar belajar bahasa Inggris lebih baik lagi dan mereka merasa bahwa saya menghargai usaha mereka.”

I: “Terima kasih atas waktunya, Bu.