placement papers

29 1. Fathers age 3years back is twice the son?s age.the sum of father?s and son?s age after 10 years from now is 66.what is father?s age? 2. 1 3 3 6 5 9 7 12__ __ __ 3. 3 8 27 112 __ ___ 4. There r 6 people named madhavi, pramod, praveen, asha, gopal, nisha . They are seated around the table. 1.madhavi and pramod always are left to a women. 2.asha and gopal are always opposite to a man. 3.something condition didn?t remember.(some reasoning type). 5. If a man had traveled 3km/hr faster he would have reached 40 min earlier, If he would have traveled 2 km/hr slower he would have reached 40 min late. What is distance he had traveled. 6. Jhon works for 60 days. for the day he is present he is paid 7.00/- and for the day he is absent he is paid 3.00/- per day. if he is paid 170/ many days he is present. 7. There are 4 gold chain. 1 has 5links, other has 4 links and the other 2 have 3 links. goldsmith takes 50 paise to open the link and 1.00/- to attach the link. what is least cost to bake whole bracelet. 8. A cyclist moves half the speed of tonga driver and tonga driver moves half the speed of man walking .If man walks at 3kms per hour what is the time that cyclist covers 27kms. 9. There are 600 pages. there is 1 error on average per page. what is the probability that there are n errors per page. 10. A square is of side 1 km. A man travels first 2 sides with the 30 mph and third side with 60 kmph. what is the speed that man has to travel the fourth side if the avg speed is 60kmph

Transcript of placement papers

Page 1: placement papers 1. Fathers age 3years back is twice the son?s age.the sum of father?s and son?s age after 10 years from now is 66.what is father?s age?2. 1 3 3 6 5 9 7 12__ __ __3. 3 8 27 112 __ ___4. There r 6 people named madhavi, pramod, praveen, asha, gopal, nisha . They are seated around the table.1.madhavi and pramod always are left to a women. 2.asha and gopal are always opposite to a man. 3.something condition didn?t remember.(some reasoning type). 5. If a man had traveled 3km/hr faster he would have reached 40 min earlier, If he would have traveled 2 km/hr slower he would have reached 40 min late. What is distance he had traveled.6. Jhon works for 60 days. for the day he is present he is paid 7.00/- and for the day he is absent he is paid 3.00/- per day. if he is paid 170/ many days he is present.7. There are 4 gold chain. 1 has 5links, other has 4 links and the other 2 have 3 links. goldsmith takes 50 paise to open the link and 1.00/- to attach the link. what is least cost to bake whole bracelet.8. A cyclist moves half the speed of tonga driver and tonga driver moves half the speed of man walking .If man walks at 3kms per hour what is the time that cyclist covers 27kms.9. There are 600 pages. there is 1 error on average per page. what is the probability that there are n errors per page.10. A square is of side 1 km. A man travels first 2 sides with the 30 mph and third side with 60 kmph. what is the speed that man has to travel the fourth side if the avg speed is 60kmph11. A Student got 78 marks in avg of 4 subjects. the avg of 5 subjects is 80. what is the marks he got in 5th subject.12.How many kg of salt at 42 paise per kg must a man mix with 25kg of salt at 24 paise per kg so that he may, on selling the mixture at 40 paise per kg gain 25% on the outlay?A)15 kg B)20 kg C)25 kg D)28 kg E)none of these 13.Find the least number which when divided by 20,25,30,36 and 48 leaves the remainders 15,20,25,31,43 respectively.A)3685 B)3585 C)3595 D)3535 E)None of these 14.Study the following table and answer the questions given below it.Country 1975 2030United States 141 382Japan 120 238France 67 164China 63 117Italy 18 61Germany 21 58

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UK 15 47Canada 5 17Switzerland 1.5 315. For china assuming a linear growth in LMVs population, extrapolate nearly, the year beyond 2030 when the growth in population will be 108%.A)2044 B)2032 C)2050 D)2038 E)None of these 16. A sheet of metal in the form of a sector of a circle of angle 90 degrees and radius 16cm is folded to form an open conical cup. The capacity of the cup isA)64 sqrt(15)cm3 B)64 sqrt(5/3)TTcm3 C) 64 sqrt(5)TT D) 64/3sqrt(15)cm3 E)None of these 17. A man distributes 0.375 of his money to his wife and 0.4 to his son. He has still Rs.3,375 left with him. How much did his wife get?A)4565 B)5625 C)4265 D)5265 E)None of these 18. Three faces of a fair die are Yellow, two faces red and one blue.The die is tossed three times. The probability that the colours, yellow, red and blue appear in the first, second and third tosses respectively is A)1/36 B)1/18 C)1/32 D)1/37 E)None of these 19. At the foot of a mountain the elevation of its summit is 45 degrees. After ascending one KM towards the mountain upon an incline of 30 degrees, the elevation changes to 60 degrees. Find the Height of the mountain? A)1.333Km B)1.366Km C)1.233Km D)1.266Km E)None of these 20. The average of a couple was 23Yrs when they were married 5Yrs ago.The avg age of the couple and a child, who was born during the interval, is 20Yrs now. How old is the child now ?A)2 Yrs B)4 Yrs C)3 Yrs D)1 Yrs E)None of these

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Page 3: placement papers Mahindra Satyam Placement papers GENERAL APTITUDE Directions: Each question given below consists of a word, followed by four words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in the question. ANTONYMS 1. Disregarded (a) heed (b) hopeful (c) evade (d) dense Ans. (a) 2. Obviate (a) becloud (b) necessitate (c) rationalize (d) execute Ans. (b) 3. Superficial (a) profound (b) exaggerated (c) subjective (d) spirited Ans. (a) 4. Abide (a) retract an offer (b) refuse to endure (c) shield from harm (d) exonerate Ans. (b) 5. Acerbity (a) noteworthiness (b) hypocrisy (c) mildness of temperament (d) lack of anxiety Ans. (c) Directions: Each question or group of questions is based on a passage or set of conditions. For each question, select the best answer choice given.Questions: 6-9 In a certain society, there are two marriage groups, Red and Brown. No marriage is permitted

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within a group. On marriage, males become part of their wife's group: women remain in their own group. Children belong to the same group as their parents. Widowers and divorced males revert to the group of their birth. Marriage to more than one person at the same time and marriage to a direct descendant are forbidden. 6. A Brown female could have had I. a grandfather born Red II. a grandmother born Red III. two grandfathers born Brown (a) I only (b) II only (c) I and II only (d) II and III only (e) I,II and III Ans. (c) 7. A male born into the Brown group may have (a) an uncle in either group (b) a Brown daughter (c) a Brown son (d) a son-in-law born into the Red group (e) a daughter-in-law in the Red group Ans. (a) 8. Which of the following is not permitted under the rules stated? (a) A Brown male marrying his father's sister (b) A Red female marrying her mother's brother (c) A man born Red, who is now a widower, marrying his brother's widow (d) A widower marrying his wife's sister (e) A widow marrying her divorced daughter's ex-husband Ans. (b) 9. If widowers and divorced males retained the group they had upon marrying, which of the following would have been permissible? (Assume no previous marriages occurred) (a) A woman marrying her dead sister's husband (b) A woman marrying her divorced daughter's ex-husband. (c) A widower marrying his brother's daughter (d) A woman marrying her mother's brother, who is a widower (e) A divorced male marrying his ex-wife's divorced sister Ans. (d) Questions 10-13 Tom wishes to enroll in Latin AA, Sanskrit A, Armenian Literature 221, and Celtic Literature 701. Latin AA meets five days a week, either from 9 to 11 A.M or from 2 to 4 P.M. Sanskrit A meets either Tuesday and Thursday from 12 noon to 3 P.M., or Monday, Wednesday,

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and Friday from 10 A.M to 12 noon. Armenian Literature 221 meets either Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:30 to 2 P.M., or Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 A.M to 12:30 P.M Celtic Literature 701 meets by arrangement with the instructor, the only requirement being that it meet for one four-hour session or two two-hour sessions per week, between 9A.M and 4 P.M from Monday to Friday, beginning on the hour. 10. Which combination is impossible for Tom? (a) Latin in the morning, Sanskrit on Tuesday and Thursday, and Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (b) Latin in the afternoon and Sanskrit and Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. (c) Latin in the afternoon, Sanskrit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,and Armenian Literature on Tuesday and Thursday (d) Latin in the morning and Sanskrit and Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (e) Latin in the afternoon, Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesda and Friday, and Celtic Literature on Tuesday Ans. (d) 11. Which of the following gives the greatest number of alternatives for scheduling Celtic Literature, assuming that all other courses (a) Latin in the afternoon and Armenian Literature Monday, Wednesday and Friday (b) Sanskrit on Tuesday and Thursday and Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (c) Latin in the afternoon and Armenian Literature Tuesday and Thursday (d) Latin in the morning and Sanskrit on Tuesday and Thursday (e) Sanskrit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. and Armenian Literature on Tuesday and Thursday Ans. (a) 12. If the Celtic instructor insists on holding at least one session on Friday, in which of the following can Tom enroll? (I) Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (II) Sanskrit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (a) I only (b) II only (c) both I and II

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(d) I or II but not both (e) neither I nor II Ans. (d) 13. Which of the following additional courses, meeting as indicated, can Tom take? (a) Maths--Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10A.M to 12 noon (b) French--Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11A.M to 12:30 P.M (c) English--Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4 P.M (d) Japenese--Tuesday and Thursday from 1 to 3 P.M (e) Old Norse-Icelandic--Monday only from 12 to 3 P.M Ans. (b) Questions 14-18 (1) Ashland is north of East Liverpool and west of Coshocton (2) Bowling Green is north of Ashland and west of Fredericktown (3) Dover is south and east of Ashland (4) East Liverpool is north of Fredricktown and east of Dover (5) Fredricktown is north of Dover and west of Ashland (6) Coshocton is south of Fredricktown and west of Dover 14. Which of the towns mentioned is furthest to the northwest ? (a) Ashland (b) Bowling Green (c) Coshocton (d) East Liverpool (e) Fredericktown Ans. (b) 15. Which of the following must be both north and east of Fredericktown? (I) Ashland (II) Coshocton (III) East Liverpool (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and II (e) I and III Ans. (e) 16. Which of the following towns must be situated both south and west of at least one other town? (a) Ashland only (b) Ashland and Fredricktown (c) Dover and Fredricktown (d) Dover,Coshocton and Fredricktown (e) Dover,Coshocton and East Liverpool Ans. (d) 17. Which of the following statements, if true, would make the information in the numbered statements more specific?

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(a) Coshocton is north of Dover (b) East Liverpool is north of Dover (c) Ashland is east of Bowling Green (d) Coshocton is east of Fredericktown (e) Bowling Green is north of Fredericktown Ans. (a) 18. Which of the numbered statements gives information that can be deduced from one or more of the other statement? (a) (1) (b) (2) (c) (3) (d) (4) (e) (6) Ans. (c) Questions 19-22 Spelunkers International offers exploring tours in eight caves: Abbott, Benny, Caeser, Dangerfield, Ewell, Fields, Guinness, and Hope (1) Class 1 spelunkers may not attempt cave Ewell, Fields or Hope (2) Class 2 spelunkers may not attempt Hope (3) Class 3 spelunkers may attempt any cave (4) Cave Caesar may be attempted only by spelunkers who have previously explored cave Benny (5) Cave Fields may be attempted only by spelunkers who have previously explored cave Ewell (6) Only two of caves Benny, Caeser, Ewell, Fields, and Hope may be attempted by any explorer in a single tour 19. A class 2 spelunker who has previously explored cave Ewell may be restricted in choosing a tour by which rule(s)? (I) Rule(4) (II) Rule(5) (III) Rule(6) (a) I only (b) II only (c) I and III only (d) II and III only (e) I, II and III Ans. (c) 20. In how many different ways may a class 1 spelunker who has never explored any of the eightcaves before set up a tour of three caves, if she wishes to explore caves Abbott and Caesar? (a) 2 (b) 3

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(c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 Ans. (b) 21. What is the maximum number of caves that a class 3 spelunker who has previously explored only cave Benny may include in a single tour? (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 (e) 8 Ans. (b) 22. If x + y = 3 and y/x= 2 then y = ? (a) 0 (b) 1/2 (c) 1 (d) 3/2 (e) 2 Ans. (e) 23. How many squares with sides 1/2 inch long are needed to cover a rectangle that is 4 ft long and 6 ft wide (a) 24 (b) 96 (c) 3456 (d) 13824 (e) 14266 24. If a=2/3b , b=2/3c, and c=2/3d what part of d is b/ (a) 8/27 (b) 4/9 (c) 2/3 (d) 75% (e) 4/3 Ans. (b) 25. Successive discounts of 20% and 15% are equal to a single discount of (a) 30% (b) 32% (c) 34% (d) 35% (e) 36 Ans. (b) 26. The petrol tank of an automobile can hold g liters. If a liters was removed when the tank was full, what part of the full tank was removed?

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(a)g-a (b)g/a (c) a/g (d) (g-a)/a (e) (g-a)/g Ans. (c) 27.If x/y=4 and y is not '0' what % of x is 2x-y (a)150% (b)175% (c)200% (d)250% Ans. (b) 28.If 2x-y=4 then 6x-3y=? (a)15 (b)12 (c)18 (d)10 Ans. (b) 29.Ifx=y=2z and xyz=256 then what is the value of x? (a)12 (b)8 (c)16 (d)6 Ans. (b) 30. (1/10)18 - (1/10)20 = ? (a) 99/1020 (b) 99/10 (c) 0.9 (d) none of these Ans. (a) 31. Pipe A can fill in 20 minutes and Pipe B in 30 mins and Pipe C can empty the same in 40 mins.If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank (a) 17 1/7 mins (b) 20 mins (c) 8 mins (d) none of these Ans. (a) 32. Thirty men take 20 days to complete a job working 9 hours a day.How many hour a day should 40 men work to complete the job? (a) 8 hrs (b) 7 1/2 hrs (c) 7 hrs (d) 9 hrs Ans. (b)

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33. Find the smallest number in a GP whose sum is 38 and product 1728 (a) 12 (b) 20 (c) 8 (d) none of these Ans. (c) 34. A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms downstream in 4 hrs.Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current? (a) 1/2 kmph (b) 7/12 kmph (c) 5 kmph (d) none of these Ans. (b) 35. A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m long.Find the area it can graze? (a) 38.5 sq.m (b) 155 sq.m (c) 144 sq.m (d) 19.25 sq.m Ans. (a) Visit 4r more placement papers & student Updates Mahindra Satyam Placement papers1. There were 6 persons a,b,d,e,k,p standing in a row. b is between d and p. e sits between a and k. k does not sit after d and a does not sit after p and d. Who were on the extreme ends of the row. 2. 24, 48, 30, 60, 36, ? , 42, 84. 3. 35, 25, 49, 35, 63, 45, ? , 55 4. A tin contains alcohol and water in the ratio 7:9. first 20% of the alcohol was removed and the tin is filled with water. again another 10% of alcohol was removed and the tin is filled with water. now how much more alcohol must me removed so that the resultant mixture is the ratio of 5:3

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5. When n is divided by 2 it gives quotient of u and remainder 1. when the same number n is divided by 5 it gives quotient v and remainder 3. so which of the following is correct: a) 3n+4=3(equations with u,v and n) b) c) d) something like this 3 more options are given. we have to find the correct realtion between. 6. If jan 5th 2006 is Wednesday. What day does july 4th 1807. 8. A bag contains one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins in the ratio 2.5 : 3: 4., amounting to Rs. 210. find the number of coins of one rupee. 9. Multiples of 6 or 8 between 1 to 99. what is the probability that a number selected was a multiple. 11. A goat is tied to a rectagle with 12 * 8 mts long. and a goat is tied with a rope of length 10mts to one corner of the rectange. the goat cannot enter into rectangle. find out the area the goat can graze outside the rectangle 12. The average 10 members is 15665. If 2 members have 20000. then what is the average of remaining? 13. There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination.Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each maths problem as for each other question.How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems A.36 B.72 C.60 D.100 Ans.B14. In a group of 15,7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either.How many of these studied both Latin and Greek A.0 B.3 C.4 D.5 Ans.B15. In june a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average?

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A. 12 B. 20 C. 24 D. 30 Ans. CVisit 4r more placement papers & student Updates

thestudentdaily.comMahindra Satyam Placement papersLatest Sample Placement Paper Of Satyam For Year-2009-10 (Mathematic, English) 1.What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation? of 168 ? 15 ÷ 5 + ? = 549 ÷ 9 + 2351) 189 2) 107 3) 174 4) 296 5) None of these 2. Four of the following five parts numbered (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) are exactly equal.Which part is not equal to the other four parts? The number of that part is your answer.1) 2x (x + 5) + 12 2) 2x (x + 3) + 3 (x + 4) + x 3) (x + 3)2 + (x + 1) (x + 3) 4) (x + 1 ) (2x + 3) + 2 (x + 3) 5) 2 (x + 1) (x + 3) + 2 (x + 3) 3. 12 men can complete a piece of work in 4 days, while 15 women can complete the same work in 4 days. 6 men start working on the job and after working for two days, all of them stop working. How many women should be put on the jobto complete the remaining work, if it is to be completed in 3 days?1) 15 2) 22 3) 18 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these 4. A shopkeeper sells milk which contains 5% water. What quantity of pure milk should be added to 2 liters of milk (containing 5% water) so that proportion of water becomes 4%?1) 100 ml

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2) 250 ml 3) 400 ml 4) 350 ml 5) None of these 5. 'A' and 'B' started a business in partnership investing Rs 20000/- and Rs 15000/- respectively. After six months 'C' jointed them with Rs 20000/-. What will be B's share in the total profit of Rs 25000/- earned at the end of two years from the starting of the business? thestudentdaily.com1) Rs 9000/- 2) Rs 10000/- 3) Rs 7500/- 4) Rs 9500/- 5) Rs None of these Directions (Q.6-10): In each of the following questions, a number series is given. After the series, below it a number along with (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) is given. You have to complete the series following the same sequence as that of the given series. Then answer the question that follows. 6. 8 6 9 23 87 429 6 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What will come in place of (c)?1) 21 2) 11 3) 19 4) 17 5) None of these 7. 2 3 10 39 172 885 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What will come in place of (b)?1) 11 2) 7 3) 9 4) 8 5) None of these 8. 5 7 10 36 136 690 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What will come in place of (e)?1) 310 2) 330 3) 110 4) 64 5) None of these 9. 8 9 13 11.5 18 14 12 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

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What will come in place of (d)?1) 13.5 2) 19.5 3) 22 4) 18 5) None of these thestudentdaily.com10. 8 4 6 15 52.5 236.25 4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Which of the following will come in place of (d)?1) 36.25 2) 33.25 3) 26.75 4) 32.75 5) None of these Directions: In the following question, four of the five words are similar in meaning. Find out the word that is different. 11. 1) Haggard 2) Careworn 3) Gaunt 4) Hazard 5) Anxious 12. Arrange the letters of word AUCTION in such a way that the vowels always occur together. Find the number of ways.1) 576 2) 48 3) 144 4) 30 5) None of these 13. 2 metres broad pathway is to be constructed around a rectangular plot. The area of the plot is 96 sq.m. The cost of construction is Rs 50 per sq. metre. Then find the total cost of construction .1) Rs 4,800 2) Rs 4,000 3) Rs 2400 4) Rs Data inadequate 5) None of these 14.Mr. A lends 40% of a sum at 15% pa, 50% of the rest sum at 10% pa and the rest at 18% pa rate of interest. What would be the rate of interest if the interest is calculated on the whole sum?1) 13.4% pa 2) 14.33% pa 3) 14.4% pa 4) 13.33% pa 5) None of these

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15. A sum of Rs 5000/- amounts to Rs 6050/- in two years at compound interest. What is the thestudentdaily.comrate of interest?1) 15% pa 2) 13% pa 3) 11% pa 4) 21% pa 5) None of these Directions (Q. 16-20): Three statements follow below the question asked. How many statement (s) would be required to answer the question from the options given below? 16. By selling an article what is the profit percent gained? (A) 5% discount is given on list price. (B) If discount is not given 20% profit would be gained. ` (C) The cost price of the article is Rs 5000/- 1) Only A and B 2) Only A and C 3) Only B and C 4) All A, B and C together 5) None of these 17. What is the present age of father? (A) Difference in ages of father and son is 24 years. (B) Present age of son is of present age of father.(C) After 6 years from now, the age of son will be of father's age. 1) Only A and B 2) Only B and C 3) Only A and C 4) All A, B and C are together required 5) Any two of the statements are required to answer the question. 18. What is the cost of fencing a rectangular plot?(A) Length of the plot is twice its breadth. (B) Area of the plot is 288 square metres. (C) Cost of fencing is Rs 4/- per metre. 1) B and C only 2) A and C only 3) A and B only 4) All the three statements A, B and C are required to answer the question 5) Question cannot be answered even with all the three statements together 19. What is the length of the train? (A) The train crosses a signal pole in 18 seconds. (B) Train crosses a 200 m platform in 30 seconds. (C) Speed of the train is 60 kmph. 1) A and C only 2) B and C only thestudentdaily.com3) C and A or B only 4) A or B only

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5) None of these 20. What will be the compound interest earned on an amount of Rs 5000/- in two years? (A) The simple interest on the same amount at the same rate of interest in five years is Rs 2000/- (B) The compound interest and the simple interest earned in one year are the same. (C) The amount becomes more than double on compound interest in 10 years. 1) A and B only 2) A only 3) B and C only 4) A and C only 5) None of these Directions (Q. 21-25): Below is given a passage followed by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. Mark answer 1) if the inference is "definitely true", ie it properly follows from the statement of facts given. 2) if the inference is "probably true" though not "definitely true" in the light of the facts given 3) if the "data are inadequate", ie from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false. 4) if the inference is "probably false" though not "definitely false" in the light of the facts given.5) if the inference is "definitely false", ie it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts. Increase in import of crude oil has become a major problem for the country. Now, the Indian government is formulating a national policy to promote bio-fuels. A host of fiscal incentives are on the cards. The aim is to ensure sustainable production, conversion and application of biofuels. As per a proposal before the Cabinet by the ministry of new and renewable energy, a national bio-fuel development board will be set up. The board's mandate is to partly replace petrol and diesel for transport and other applications. The policy will lay emphasis on research and development (R&D) for production, processing and commercialisation of bio-fuels like ethanol and jatropha. To promote bio-fuel development the government is aiming at fiscal sops. The fiscal sops for the bio-fuel sector could include excise and sales tax/VAT exemption. There will be a plan of action to use waste and degraded

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land for cultivation of jatropha. In some states, large-scale jatropha cultivation has already begun. This will be expanded in scope by providing economy of scale. 21. The efforts made by the government will reduce he increasing and worrisome onus of crude oil imports on the fisc through gradual limited replacement of petroleum products with bio-fuels 22. Oil extracted from jatropha seed can be used as bio-diesel. 23. Many developed countries extensively use ethanol-blended petro fuels in the auto sector. 24. India's oil marketing companies have not shown interest in tapping the market for bio-fuels. thestudentdaily.com25. India has inexhaustible resource of crude oil. ANSWERS : 1. (2) 2. (4) 3. (1) 4. (5) 5. (3) 6. (2) 7. (4) 8. (2) 9. (3) 10. (5) 11. (4) 12. (1) 13. (4) 14. (3) 15. (5) 16. (1) 17. (5)18. (4) 19. (5) 20. (2) 21. (2) 22. (3) 23. (3) 24. (4) 25. (4)Visit 4r more placement papers & student Updates Mahindra Satyam Placement papersDirections: Each question given below consists of a word, followed by four words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in the question. ANTONYMS 1. Disregarded (a) heed (b) hopeful (c) evade (d) dense Ans. (a) 2.Obviate (a)becloud (b)necessitate (c)rationalize (d)execute Ans. (b) 3. Superficial (a) profound (b) exaggerated

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(c) subjective (d) spirited Ans. (a) 4. Abide (a) retract an offer (b) refuse to endure (c) shield from harm (d) exonerate Ans. (b) 5. Acerbity (a) noteworthiness (b) hypocrisy (c) mildness of temperament (d) lack of anxiety Ans. (c) Directions: Each question or group of questions is based on a passage or set of conditions. For each question, select the best answer choice Questions: 6-9 In a certain society, there are two marriage groups, Red and Brown. No marriage is permitted within a group. On marriage, males become part of their wife’s group: women remain in their own group. Children belong to the same group as their parents. Widowers and divorced males revert to the group of their birth. Marriage to more than one person at the same time and marriage to a direct descendant are forbidden. 6. A Brown female could have had I. a grandfather born Red II. a grandmother born Red III. two grandfathers born Brown (a) I only (b) II only (c) I and II only (d) II and III only (e) I,II and III Ans. (c) 7. A male born into the Brown group may have (a) an uncle in either group (b) a Brown daughter (c) a Brown son (d) a son-in-law born into the Red group (e) a daughter-in-law in the Red group Ans. (a) 8. Which of the following is not permitted under the rules stated? (a) A Brown male marrying his father’s sister

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(b) A Red female marrying her mother’s brother (c) A man born Red, who is now a widower, marrying his brother’s widow (d) A widower marrying his wife’s sister (e) A widow marrying her divorced daughter’s ex-husband Ans. (b) 9. If widowers and divorced males retained the group they had upon marrying, which of the following would have been permissible? (Assume no previous marriages occurred) (a) A woman marrying her dead sister’s husband (b) A woman marrying her divorced daughter’s ex-husband. (c) A widower marrying his brother’s daughter (d) A woman marrying her mother’s brother, who is a widower (e) A divorced male marrying his ex-wife’s divorced sister Ans. (d) Questions 10-13 Tom wishes to enroll in Latin AA, Sanskrit A, Armenian Literature 221, and Celtic Literature 701. Latin AA meets five days a week, either from 9 to 11 A.M or from 2 to 4 P.M. Sanskrit A meets either Tuesday and Thursday from 12 noon to 3 P.M., or Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 A.M to 12 noon. Armenian Literature 221 meets either Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:30 to 2 P.M., or Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 A.M to 12:30 P.M Celtic Literature 701 meets by arrangement with the instructor, the only requirement being that it meet for one four-hour session or two two-hour sessions per week, between 9A.M and 4 P.M from Monday to Friday, beginning on the hour. 10. Which combination is impossible for Tom? (a) Latin in the morning, Sanskrit on Tuesday and Thursday, and Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (b) Latin in the afternoon and Sanskrit and Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. (c) Latin in the afternoon, Sanskrit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,and Armenian Literature on Tuesday and Thursday (d) Latin in the morning and Sanskrit and Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (e) Latin in the afternoon, Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesda and Friday, and Celtic Literature on Tuesday Ans. (d)

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11. Which of the following gives the greatest number of alternatives for scheduling Celtic Literature, assuming that all other courses (a) Latin in the afternoon and Armenian Literature Monday, Wednesday and Friday (b) Sanskrit on Tuesday and Thursday and Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (c) Latin in the afternoon and Armenian Literature Tuesday and Thursday (d) Latin in the morning and Sanskrit on Tuesday and Thursday (e) Sanskrit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. and Armenian Literature on Tuesday and Thursday Ans. (a) 12. If the Celtic instructor insists on holding at least one session on Friday, in which of the following can Tom enroll? (I) Armenian Literature on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (II) Sanskrit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (a) I only (b) II only (c) both I and II (d) I or II but not both (e) neither I nor II Ans. (d) 13. Which of the following additional courses, meeting as indicated, can Tom take? (a) Maths–Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10A.M to 12 noon (b) French–Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11A.M to 12:30 P.M (c) English–Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4 P.M (d) Japenese–Tuesday and Thursday from 1 to 3 P.M (e) Old Norse-Icelandic–Monday only from 12 to 3 P.M Ans. (b) Questions 14-18 (1) Ashland is north of East Liverpool and west of Coshocton (2) Bowling Green is north of Ashland and west of Fredericktown (3) Dover is south and east of Ashland (4) East Liverpool is north of Fredricktown and east of Dover (5) Fredricktown is north of Dover and west of Ashland (6) Coshocton is south of Fredricktown and west of Dover 14. Which of the towns mentioned is furthest to the northwest ? (a) Ashland (b) Bowling Green (c) Coshocton (d) East Liverpool (e) Fredericktown Ans. (b) 15. Which of the following must be both north and east of Fredericktown?

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(I) Ashland (II) Coshocton (III) East Liverpool (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and II (e) I and III Ans. (e) 16. Which of the following towns must be situated both south and west of at least one other town? (a) Ashland only (b) Ashland and Fredricktown (c) Dover and Fredricktown (d) Dover,Coshocton and Fredricktown (e) Dover,Coshocton and East Liverpool Ans. (d) 17. Which of the following statements, if true, would make the information in the numbered statements more specific? (a) Coshocton is north of Dover (b) East Liverpool is north of Dover (c) Ashland is east of Bowling Green (d) Coshocton is east of Fredericktown (e) Bowling Green is north of Fredericktown Ans. (a) 18. Which of the numbered statements gives information that can be deduced from one or more of the other statement? (a) (1) (b) (2) (c) (3) (d) (4) (e) (6) Ans. (c) Questions 19-22 Spelunkers International offers exploring tours in eight caves: Abbott, Benny, Caeser, Dangerfield, Ewell, Fields, Guinness, and Hope (1) Class 1 spelunkers may not attempt cave Ewell, Fields or Hope (2) Class 2 spelunkers may not attempt Hope (3) Class 3 spelunkers may attempt any cave (4) Cave Caesar may be attempted only by spelunkers who have previously explored cave Benny (5) Cave Fields may be attempted only by spelunkers who have previously explored cave Ewell

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(6) Only two of caves Benny, Caeser, Ewell, Fields, and Hope may be attempted by any explorer in a single tour 19. A class 2 spelunker who has previously explored cave Ewell may be restricted in choosing a tour by which rule(s)? (I) Rule(4) (II) Rule(5) (III) Rule(6) (a) I only (b) II only (c) I and III only (d) II and III only (e) I, II and III Ans. (c) 20. In how many different ways may a class 1 spelunker who has never explored any of the eight caves before set up a tour of three caves, if she wishes to explore caves Abbott and Caesar? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 Ans. (b) 21. What is the maximum number of caves that a class 3 spelunker who has previously explored only cave Benny may include in a single tour? (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 (e) 8 Ans. (b)

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