Pizza Outline

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General goal: To demonstrate how to make pizza with homemade pizza dough.Specific goal: I want to demonstrate how to make pizza with homemade pizza dough in sequential order by going through the preparation and measuring of the ingredients, the mixing of it, and finally the execution.

Introduction:I. Attention Catcher: According to* the average American eats about 23 pounds of this food item each year. Can you guess what it is? Thats right, its pizza. After I show you how to make pizza from scratch, you might find yourself eating more than 23 pounds of pizza each year!II. Listener Relevance: This is a really simple recipe that is stress-free for those of you who dont have much cooking experience, and its quick to make for those of you who are busy. If you happen to not like pizza, this recipe can even be used to make breadsticks. Its also a great alternative to buying pizza since its cheaper and healthier.III. Speaker Credibility: I got this recipe and learned how to make it in a cooking class in high school. I have made this a countless number of times for my friends and family and its never failed me. Baking is one of my hobbies that I enjoy and Ive baked everything from snickerdoodle cookies to soft pretzels to Nutella brownies, to this pizza dough.IV. Thesis Statement/Preview: This is one of my favorite recipes to make and in this demonstration I will first show you how to prepare the ingredients for this recipe, then I will mix it all together, and finally, I will top the pizza.Body:I. First main point: For preparation we are going to separate the ingredients into a dry ingredients group and a wet ingredients group.a. Subpoint: First, well start out with the wet ingredients. In a small bowl warm up a cup of water in the microwave for 30 seconds. i. Sub-subpoint: Here, I have a thermos that has kept the water warm for me. The water should be warm, but not so hot that it burns to the touch. b. Subpoint: Then add in a teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of yeast.i. Sub-subpoint: What were doing here is activating the yeast, which will help the dough rise. You will know that its activated when you see it start to foam or see small bubbles on the surface. It usually takes about 5 minutes for it to get activated.c. Subpoint: In the meantime, we will prepare the dry ingredients. In a medium sized mixing bowl, measure out 1 cups of flour.d. Subpoint: Now, measure a teaspoon of salt and add it to the flour.e. Subpoint: Lastly, measure 1 Tablespoon of olive oil and set it aside for now.Transition: Now that we have all the ingredients measured out and separated into our two groups, we are ready to mix it all together.II. Second main point: Assembling the ingredients doesnt take long, but mixing it together takes a bit of time, especially if you do it by hand.a. Subpoint: Once the yeast is activated, add this and the olive oil to the dry ingredients.b. Subpoint: Now just mix it all together for at least 5 minutes. If you have a mixer for kneading dough you can use that, too. i. Sub-subpoint: I dont wear a glove when I mix the dough, but today I dont want my hands to get messy.c. Subpoint: After the dough looks smooth and is firm, keep it in the bowl, either cover it with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and leave it out in room temperature for about an hour for it to double in size.Transition: The ingredients have all been mixed together and now its time to flatten it out for our toppings.III. Third main point: Weve finally come to my favorite part of the process: rolling out the dough and topping it with everything.a. Subpoint: At this point, preheat the oven to 500F.b. Subpoint: With a rolling pin, flatten out the dough onto a pan or pizza board.c. Subpoint: Once its flattened out, add whatever sauce, cheese, and toppings you want. The great thing about pizza is that you can make it however you like!d. Here, Im using tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese to make a simple cheese pizza.e. Subpoint: When your pizza is all ready, pop it into the oven for 12 minutes.f. Subpoint: At the end, it will look like this!Conclusion:I. Main Point Summary: Just by measuring and separating the ingredients, mixing it all together, and finally putting the pizza together and baking it, you, too, can make delicious homemade pizza.II. Clincher: Now that youve seen the process, try it at home! This recipe will be soon become your favorite, too.