Pizza Friday 189

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The top 10 spots of 2012, gifts that Bing, and a tiny printer top the pizza on this week's Pizza Friday.

Transcript of Pizza Friday 189

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Early Hours Yield a Promising Start

American shoppers in search of cheap toys and televisions raced to stores in high numbers

after Thanksgiving dinner, signaling that a gambit by big store chains to open at midnight

succeeded in drawing more customers.

But it's too early to tell whether the day's traffic spike will mean stronger holiday sales. It's

possible stores merely pulled forward sales that would have happened anyway. And economic

strains clearly prompted many shoppers to brave the midnight crowds in return for deep


From New York to Los Angeles, retailers such as Macy's Inc. and Toys "R" Us Inc. reported

strong customer visits, especially at stores that opened at midnight or earlier for the first time.

"The response last night was overwhelming," Best Buy Co. Chief Executive Brian Dunn said in

an interview Friday morning after stores opened at midnight. "The customer liked going out

after Thanksgiving dinner," he said.

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Twitter test self-serve ad platformby Laurie Sullivan

Twitter finally began rolling out what it calls "self-serve" ads earlier this

month with a handful of brands that can now set up and run their own

Promoted Products campaigns. The technology to power the platform

-- more than a year in the making -- has gone through several

iterations, but now works similar to Google AdWords. Advertisers

simply go online and buy ads with a credit card.

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Mashable: Pulitzer Prizes Go Digital

Let's face it: The future of journalism is online and digital. And now, as if that trend needed

any more confirmation, journalism's highest honor has gone digital too.

Beginning with the 2012 Pulitzer Prizes - recognizing work done during the calendar year

of 2011 - all entries will be submitted online only. The local breaking news category will

also now emphasize "real-time reporting" of breaking news events, according to the

Pulitzer Prize Board.

Under the new set of guidelines, "it would be disappointing if an event occurred at 8 a.m.

and the first item in an entry was drawn from the next day's newspaper," according to the


Entrants are also encouraged to include a timeline of coverage detailing the events in a

breaking news story and how those events were reported using text articles, infographics,

video, blogs and other journalistic tools.

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Google adds indoor maps to Google Maps for AndroidLooking for the nearest bathroom in a shopping mall, the men's shop in a department store or

the closest ATM at an airport? Consult your phone.

With today's launch of Google Maps for Android 6.0, Google is adding indoor mapping

capabilities, supplying stand-alone directories to your Android handset that are tied to airports,

malls, retail stores and transit stations in the U.S. and Japan. The company made the

announcement in a blog post.

In a multifloor store such as Macy's, which happens to be one of the initial launch partners on

the new maps feature, Google says the phone will be able to determine the actual floor you're

on, and serve up the appropriate directory. The directory on your phone will change as you go

from one floor to another.

Other retail launch partners include Bloomingdale's, Home Depot, Ikea and the Mall of America.

Google will have 18 airport partners at launch, as well, including airports in Atlanta, Chicago,

Houston, San Francisco and Seattle.

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Lululemon Athletica Combines Ayn Rand and Yoga

Lululemon Athletica, the retailer of yoga pants and hoodies, has long decorated

shopping bags with slogans that appear to have been lifted from self-help books. But

this month its bags have asked a question that some may find more provocative: "Who

is John Galt?"

The question is the opening line of "Atlas Shrugged," the novel by Ayn Rand that was

published in 1957. Followers of Rand's free market philosophy, which promotes the

idea of individuals living for their self-interest and dismisses altruism, sometimes use

the question to signal their allegiance.

Galt would not likely have proclaimed, as Lululemon's bags once did, that "what we do

to the earth, we do to ourselves." Nor does the online reaction to the campaign

suggest that many Lululemon shoppers are fans of Rand's philosophy, known as


"I was so shocked by being handed this bag today at your Portland, Ore., store that I

literally WALKED BACK to return this horrific bag," one customer wrote on Lululemon's

blog. "In this political and economic climate, I find it baffling that your company would

choose such an inflammatory and offensive statement."

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OF 2011

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Design studio BERG has created an adorable little printer that spits out results from "publications" you pick. Here's how it works: Hook up Little Printer to whatever publications you want it to check, using your smartphone. The little guy will check out RSS feeds, social networks and so on and then deliver them to you on little grocery store receipt sized pieces of paper. You can subscribe to puzzles, headlines, birthday reminders, etc. BERG's partners include The Guardian and Nike, as well as Google and Foursquare -- so you can get content from any of these partners on your printer. The product will go on sale next year.

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I got this email from Bing the other day (I will forward that to you in a sec) and it clicked over to this “Magical Holiday Calendar” they have developed. It’s pretty cool – apparently they will be having sweepstakes and giveaways on some days and provide free content and “gifts” on others. Day 1 is all that is available now, but it’s a pretty amazing video. Thought you might like to share.

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Pizza Friday is Numantra’s weekly venue for reviewing the

latest news, innovations and accomplishments taking place in our industry and the world at large.

Our founders each have spent decades working for some of the largest ad agencies in the world.  It was experience that was invaluable, ultimately, because it taught us that we just can’t keep following years of tradition if we want to have an

impact in today’s marketplace. 

So we got together for a lot of serendipitous reasons and formed Numantra.  Ka-boom! The forever-new marketing

braintrust that maximizes client resources with fresh insights, accountable solutions and kick-ass results was born.

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