PivotalCRM - CRM_for_home building and real estate

Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real Estate CRM That Fits Your Business


A Partner You Can Trust Pivotal CRM is a leading suite of customer relationship builders and other real estate businesses. Our end- management software applications, proven by more to-end suite of integrated sales, marketing, service, than a decade of customer success.

Transcript of PivotalCRM - CRM_for_home building and real estate

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Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real EstateCRM That Fits Your Business

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“With tighter integration to our ERP system, Pivotal CRM gives our marketers, salespeople, and customer care employees the comprehensive customer information they

need to provide great service—all from a single, easy-to-use system.” Diana Walker, CIO, WCI Communities

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Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real Estate 3

In response to economic challenges, firms in the real estate sector can’t rely on market demand alone to drive homebuyers their way. They need to become more sophisticated in their marketing efforts, utilizing cost-effective online channels to their advantage and stretching their marketing dollars further. Similarly, they need to be more diligent in their pursuit and qualification of the leads they receive, ensuring no lead falls through the cracks and placing more emphasis on low-cost nurturing strategies to maintain contact with leads over the long term. They need systems in place to methodically capture, qualify, and distribute leads to the sales force, and they need to establish structured sales processes to ensure sales personnel are using their time as productively as possible. In the wake of industry consolidation, they must also manage complex organizational structures with geographically dispersed divisions, uniting the entire enterprise in the pursuit of common goals, processes, and information-sharing across business lines.

As home building and real estate organizations look for growth in a more challenging economy, many are realizing that their most valuable assets are their existing customers. With the significantly lower cost of second and subsequent home sales, re-financings, and sales resulting from customer referrals compared to standard cost-of-sales, home builders and other real estate businesses are recognizing the quantifiable benefits of high customer satisfaction. As such, they are looking at strategies for maximizing the total lifetime value of their customers. Such an approach requires realignment toward customer-centric organizational goals. It requires a commitment to delivering outstanding post-sale customer care, to maintaining a relationship with customers throughout their lifetime, and to creating a seamless, branded, and finely tuned customer experience—from first contact though to repeat sale, and beyond.

To support new customer-centric business strategies, single- and multi-family home builders, property managers, and title and mortgage companies are turning

CRM That Fits Your Business

Firms in the home building and real estate sector are experiencing new pressures to increase efficiencies:

• Respondingtoongoingmarketchanges

• Consolidatingoperationsinthewake of mergers and acquisitions

• Incorporatingtheironlinechannels into their sales processes

• Integratingtheirsystemsandoperations enterprise-wide

In response, they are adopting new strategies to sustain revenue growth and achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction:

• Shiftingtowardacustomer-centricbusiness model to leverage lifetime value

• Streamliningsaleseffortsbyfollowing structured sales processes

• Automatingtime-consumingsales,marketing, and customer care tasks

• Creatingahighlyresponsiveandagilebusiness through enabling technologies

Companiesinthehomebuildingandrealestateindustrieshavebeenthrougharoller-coasteroverthelastfew years, from tremendous highs to challenging lows. The winners through these challenges have been the companies that understand the need for continual innovation, whether it’s to deal with skyrocketing demand or to survive cuts and leaner times. Forward-thinking firms are looking to strategic technologies such as customerrelationshipmanagement(CRM)tohelpthemrealizethebusinessefficienciesrequiredtocontinueto grow revenues in any market, recognizing that with market changes come true opportunities to excel.

tocustomerrelationshipmanagement(CRM)tobecomemore competitive in selling, marketing, and providing service to their customers. Whether they process 300 or30,000homesaleseachyear,PivotalCRMforHomeBuilding and Real Estate puts critical relationships at the core of their strategy. It offers comprehensive, integrated capabilities that increase insight into operational performance, streamline processes across the company, and improve responsiveness to customer demands. Whether a company is in the business of financing, building, selling, servicing, or managing residential or commercialproperty,PivotalCRMprovidesthesystemsand infrastructure needed to reduce costs, shorten sales cycles, and increase productivity, while helping create customers for life.

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4 Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real Estate

PivotalCRMisaleadingsuiteofcustomerrelationshipmanagement software applications, proven by more thanadecadeofcustomersuccess.PivotalCRMoffersrich functionality, a full application suite, and best-in-class customization abilities, all with a low total cost of ownership. Through our experiences implementing CRMsystemswithmorethan1,800customersinover35countries, we’ve learned how to help firms in the home buildingandrealestateindustrycraftandachieveaCRMstrategy that gets real, measurable results. We understand theindustry,andwedeliverCRMthatfitstheneedsofhome building and real estate businesses today—while offering the flexibility to help them seize the emerging business opportunities of tomorrow.

Our team has worked with the country’s top builders to develop a leading enterprise solution for home building and real estate that fits the unique requirements of the industry right out of the box, while also offering the flexibility to customize to individual companies’ needs. ThePivotalCRMteam,whichincludesaprofessional-services group dedicated specifically to home building and real estate, boasts unrivaled domain expertise and experience, extended even further through partnerships with leading firms such as integration specialists Pervasive Software and options-management solution Envision by NewHomeTechnologies.PivotalCRM’shomebuildingand real estate team members are recognized as subject matter experts within the industry, regularly called upon to offer expertise and best practices by industry publicationsandmedia;aPivotalCRMrepresentativealsoparticipates in the Technology Workgroup of the National AssociationofHomeBuildersBusinessManagementandTechnologyCommittee.

BychoosingPivotalCRM,homebuildingandrealestatefirms are assured of solutions that:

• Fit specific industry and business processes: Pivotal CRMcomprisesafullrangeofsoftwarethatdeliversbuilt-in best practices specific to the most pressing challenges faced by single- and multi-family home

builders and other real estate businesses. Our end-to-end suite of integrated sales, marketing, service, and partner applications is designed to make all customer-facing departments work in unison to attract, win, and retain profitable relationships. The result is less customization and integration, leading to lower implementation and maintenance costs.

• Fit unique customer strategies and imperatives: PivotalCRMistheindustry’smostflexible,scalable,easy-to-customizeCRMplatform.Builtonaninherentlyflexible three-tier architecture and metadata-driven design,PivotalCRMiseasytomodify,integrate,deploy,andmaintain.Theindustry-leadingPivotalCRMcustomization toolkit provides the ability to cost-effectively adjust processes, enabling home building and real estate firms to capitalize on unique business processes to reinforce competitive advantage.

• Fit each company’s timeline, budget, and expectations:OurcommitmenttoprovidingCRMextends far beyond our product offerings. We offer a continuum of services designed to help home building and real estate firms implement, maintain, use, and supportCRMatapacethatproducesreliableresultsata lower total cost of ownership.

In addition to helping companies put customers at the centeroftheiroperations,thePivotalCRMsuiteprovidespowerful productivity tools that produce measurable business benefits in terms of process efficiency, employee collaboration, data accuracy, sales effectiveness, streamlined communications, cost-effective marketing, and much more. Home building and real estate firms can deliver a first-class customer experience that distinguishes their company, attracts customers, and strengthens customer loyalty—while also reducing costs and increasing revenues.


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Pivotal CRMforHomeBuildingandRealEstate 5

PivotalCRM:TheSolutionofChoiceacrosstheHomeBuildingand Real Estate Industry

“Being a part of the Pivotal Homebuilder User Group has added tremendous value to our experience as a Pivotal CRM customer. The group allows us to interact and share

experiences with fellow users and industry peers, giving us new ideas and best practices to follow. Beyond that, providing a forum through which we can have a direct impact on the product roadmap proves that CDC Software is itself a truly customer-centric company.

” Toll Brothers

Developed in close collaboration with customers and partners,PivotalCRMforHomeBuildingandRealEstate is uniquely tailored to industry best practices. Forward-looking businesses are investing in technology strategically to support consistent, differentiated customer-facingactivities.PivotalCRMhashelpedcompanies across the home building and real estate industrydeployoptimalCRMprocesses,helpingthemrealize tangible and quantifiable results that improve operational effectiveness and customer loyalty.

Pivotal CRM Customers• S&AHomes• WCICommunities• WayneHomes• TheOlsonCompany• CaliforniaPacificHomes• CentexDestinationProperties• BocaDevelopers

• LoretoBayManagementCompany• TollBrothers• MercedesHomes• CMGMortgageInsuranceCompany• Savills• 20/20Properties• SchumacherHomes

• SouthernHomes• Intracorp• M/I Homes• TheBonitaBayGroup• ElliottHomes• NewlandCommunities• IrvineCompany

PivotalCRMwasawardedBest Sales, Marketing, & Customer Service Automation product and overall IT Product of the Year at the Innovative Housing Technology Awards

PivotalCRMhasalsobeenrecognizedforitsoutstandingabilitytoextendthevalueofMicrosofttechnologiesforcustomers,earningCDCSoftwarethe Partner of the Year Award for Information Worker Solutions Office Deployment on the strength of Pivotal CRM’sintegrationofMicrosoftsolutions.

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“In our search for the hottest technologies available to homebuilders, we identifiedtwo key categories; new products that show great potential and products that are already

producing very compelling return on investment for forward-looking builders. Pivotal [CRM] is clearly in the latter category—having worked with the nation’s top builders to develop a system that is now making significant improvements in the way they operate

their businesses and create life-long relationships with their customers.”ConstructechMagazine

“We could probably staff the planned projects we have on the table at half the rate that we would

have in the past... Pivotal CRM has really helped in our ability to scale and grow.”

Boca Developers

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Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real Estate 7

Theaward-winningPivotalCRMsolutionsforhomebuilding and real estate are industry-specific solutions that enable single- and multi-family home builders, title and mortgage companies, commercial property managers, and real estate developers to better manage relationships throughout the customer lifecycle and across the enterprise. Designed in collaboration with the industry’s top builders and real estate companies, PivotalCRMsolutionsprovidefunctionalitythatreflectsthe business processes and data models used by the industry, right out of the box, offering a superior business fit.BuiltonthehighlyflexiblePivotalCRMenterpriseplatform,PivotalCRMsolutionscanalsobeeasilytailoredand customized to meet individual companies’ business requirements—and quickly adapted to evolving needs.

PivotalCRMforHomeBuildingandRealEstateistheonly comprehensive solution for managing front-office home building and real estate operations, empowering home builders and adjacent real estate businesses to deliver superior responsiveness and performance. Its flexible platform allows it to be seamlessly connected to the entire enterprise, including back-office enterprise resourceplanning(ERP),construction-management,andloanorigination(LOS)systems.Withtherighttechnologytools in place, home building and real estate firms can accelerate the return on their investment and lower their total cost of ownership.

PivotalCRMforHomeBuildingandRealEstateprovidestools that help firms:

• Attract and Manage High-Quality Leads: Empower your marketing team to launch sophisticated, multi-wave automated marketing campaigns and

manage incoming leads to ensure qualified prospects are promptly pursued and colder leads are cost-effectively nurtured.

• Streamline the Sales Process: Offer productivity tools that increase sales effectiveness and accelerate the sales cycle by supporting structured sales processes and centralizing prospect communications, quotes, and contracts.

• Deliver Outstanding Customer Care:Giveserviceteams the tools and information they need to log, track, and resolve service issues; maintain ongoing relationships with customers; and provide consistent, exceptional post-sales support, backed by a 360-degree view of the customer.

With an end-to-end suite of best-of-breed solutions for marketing and lead management, sales, and customer care and a proven commitment to home building and real estate,onlyPivotalCRMoffersthedepthoffunctionality,domain expertise, and flexibility that companies need to gain a competitive edge in the market. Adaptable to the needsandbudgetsofindividualfirms,PivotalCRMforHome Building and Real Estate can be implemented in phased, manageable steps or as discrete sales, marketing, and customer care suites. The combination of industry-tailored and custom components, along with the inherent flexibilityofthePivotalCRMplatform,enableshomebuilding and real estate firms to obtain a custom system without the high cost of in-house development.

Integrated, Comprehensive, and Highly Targeted to the Needs of the Home Building and Real Estate Industry

“Firms can cut their implementation length—and budget—by finding anindustry-specific edition that comes preconfigured with objects, fields, and reports that

they would have to customize in a generic product.”

LizHerbert,Forrester “TheForresterWave™:MidmarketSalesForceAutomation,Q42005,”November22,2005

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8Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real Estate

According to NAHB statistics, 70% of homebuyers use the web as their first resource when looking for a home. While most builders, recognizing the skyrocketing importance of the web to their operations, have established websites and begun advertising their properties through websites such as NewHomeSource and Homebuilder.com, the truth is that few have adequate systems in place to properly manage effective online campaigns—or to handle the massive influx of leads from online sources. This results in poorly qualified leads, inconsistent follow-through, and missed opportunities. Home builders and title and mortgage companies looking to get more out of their marketing budgets—and benefit from the full potential of theweb—areturningtoPivotalCRM.

Execute sophisticated, targeted online campaignsTake advantage of low-cost online communication vehicles to broaden marketing reach while also bringing more precision to marketing efforts, including print directmailcampaigns.PivotalCRMenablescompaniesto segment customers and prospects according to demographic criteria, interests, preferences, region, and other features, allowing them to target offers, communications, events, and messaging more effectively, bringing in higher-quality leads. It also provides tools that enable marketers to map out and execute complex multi-wave campaigns that reinforce efforts at multiple touch-points and automate follow-up and literature fulfillment.

Qualify and distribute leads to the right sales agent efficientlyPut the right lead in the hands of the right sales agent attherighttime.PivotalCRMcaptureslead-qualifyinginformation from prospects and automatically distributes leads to the right salesperson based on pre-defined criteria, such as region, community, or expertise. The system classifies and prioritizes leads for the sales force, enabling them to focus their efforts more productively to increase revenues.

Focus sales agents on the most qualified buyersAutomate lead nurturing to reduce labour costs. Pivotal CRMallowsuserstodesignatethehottestleadsforfollow-up by the sales force, while channeling longer-term prospects into cost-effective—but still personalized—lead-nurture campaigns, automatically sending them ongoing communications to build relationships and bolster brand equity. These campaigns can incrementally qualify prospects until they are ready to be taken on by the sales team, while simultaneously educating the buyer, resulting in a shorter, lower-touch sales cycle down the road.

Tie marketing efforts more closely to sales resultsGaininsightintotherealcostandvalueofmarketingprojects.PivotalCRMoffersreportingtoolsthathelphome builders and real estate firms track costs and revenues on all projects and individual campaigns, generatingreturnoninvestment(ROI)reportsthatshedlight on the most effective use of marketing dollars. The system also tracks lead sources through the customer lifecycle, delivering insight into the full lifetime value ofcustomersrelativetoinitialleadcost.Marketerscanuse this information to hone their marketing efforts, increasing success rates and campaign value over time.

Attract and Manage High-Quality Leads

• Lowermarketingcostsbyusingonlinechannelsto their full potential with sophisticated multi-wave campaigns

• Focusthesalesteam’seffortsmoreprofitablyonbetter-qualified leads

• Automateongoingcommunicationswith longer-term prospects until they’re ready to buy

“Pivotal [CRM] provides some of the best marketing capabilities in the midmarket.”LizHerbert,Forrester,“MidmarketSalesForceAutomationScorecardSummary:Pivotal,”November22,2005

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Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real Estate 9

In a business such as real estate, where the products being sold are big-ticket items with longer sales cycles, sales productivity is critical. Home builders and real estate firms need to ensure that their sales personnel—whether internal sales agents or external brokers—have the structure and support they need to take the guesswork out of the sales process and focus their efforts on sales, not administration. The first step is supplying the sales force with high-quality prospects that are serious about buying. The next step is furnishing sales agents with the tools they need to manage their schedules, communications, and activities for the highest sales impact.

Give salespeople the information they need to close dealsEmpower sales agents by providing true insight into theirprospects.PivotalCRMmakesvaluableprospectinformation instantly accessible, including interests, preferences, financial data, and all previous contact with the organization, such as marketing touches and visits to other neighborhoods or divisions. This information leads to more focused, strategic sales efforts with better-qualifiedleads.Management,meanwhile,hasfullinsightinto revenue pipelines for forecasting.

Provide a personalized one-stop destination for all sales activityCentralizesalesoperationsaroundacriticalhubthatfitsthewaysalespeoplework.PivotalCRMgiveseachsales employee a fully customizable dashboard, packed with productivity tools. As the launching pad for daily sales operations, this dashboard can be personalized to list daily activities and task assignments, often-used links, hot prospects, and even third-party data feeds. This convenient tool improves user adoption, increases performance, and enhances salesperson loyalty.

Structure the sales process for consistent results Implement proven sales methodologies across the organization to ensure systematic adherence to best practices.PivotalCRMsupportsstructuredsalesmethodologies, allowing home builders to consistently implement the sales processes that have proven most effective.Modelingthesuccessofthemostproductivesales professionals maximizes revenue and improves the efficiency of the entire homebuyer lifecycle.

Maintain active relationships with buyers with less effortEnsure thorough follow-up by implementing sales action plans.PivotalCRMallowssalesagentstocreateaccount-specific action plans that automatically schedule regular, appropriate prospect contact. Additional features allow team members to assign each other action items and tasks, facilitating collaboration.

Streamline the Sales Process

• Increasesalesproductivityusingautomatedquote, contract, and home-configuration tools

• Reducesalescyclesandincreaseconversionrates by implementing proven, structured sales methodologies

• Gainbetterinsightintohomebuyerbehaviorsaswell as the sales pipeline

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10Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real Estate

Manage sales territories and assign the right sales teams to each accountAssign exactly the right salesperson or combination of teammemberstoeachprospectorproperty.PivotalCRMallows sales managers to customize sales assignments based on geography, division, specialty, community, orvirtuallyanyothercriteria.Complexterritoryconfigurations can be easily realigned in the wake of mergers, acquisitions, sales agent or broker departure, and consolidation.

Streamline the quote-to-contract processShorten the sales cycle by managing and storing optionsandquoteswithinthePivotalCRMsystemandprogressing them more smoothly to contract closure. PivotalCRMfeaturesabuilt-infinancialcalculatorthat helps sales agents calculate financial scenarios for homebuyers. The workflow templates help sales automatically distribute quotes and contracts to management for approval. This results in more accurate quoting and better management oversight, as well as a streamlined contract-creation process that saves valuable selling time, selling homes faster and more efficiently.

“Pivotal CRM tools are integral to ensuring Wayne Homes maintains market share and profitability in the long term. We have established an extremely cost-efficient automation system for our sales and marketing

efforts that will set us apart in a downturn when other companies are searching for ways to save money.

” Wayne Homes

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Pivotal CRMforHomeBuildingandRealEstate 11

The next battle in the home building and real estate sector is for customer loyalty. As fewer homebuyers enter the market, home builders and adjacent businesses must work harder to retain the customers they have, striving to earn follow-on sales, refinancings, and referrals. The customer experience in its entirety becomes a criticaldifferentiatorinsuchanenvironment.Customersatisfaction with post-sales service gains as much importance as sales technique, demanding that home builders refine their strategy for providing winning customer care.

Give service personnel a 360-degree view of the customerEnsure every customer receives informed, personalized service by putting comprehensive customer information at service agents’ fingertips. By creating a shared repository of customer information for sales, marketing, andcustomercareteams,PivotalCRMsuppliesmembersof each department with insight into customer history—and future predictors—for faster, more satisfying service, better-targeted post-sale communications, and timely up-selling and referral incentives. The ability to easily implement automated customer surveys helps monitor satisfaction and uncover new opportunities.

Manage service requests efficiently for high satisfactionFulfillservicerequestsrapidlyandseamlessly.PivotalCRMenables service agents to create detailed service requests, including requests that contain multiple service items and work orders, and then easily assign the appropriate tradesperson to the request, leading to quick resolution. When necessary, incident escalation to management is fluid and automated, and it generates a valuable audit trail that maintains a record of homesite history.

Administer home inspections and reduce warranty costsManagethehome-inspectionprocessconsistentlyusingcustomizable templates to create customer walkthroughs andqualityinspections.PivotalCRMenablesserviceagents to track itemized scores and follow-up service requests. Furthermore, it enables service personnel to manage service levels and control warranty costs.

Track and analyze service to understand causes and metricsGaininsightintothecost,value,andcausesofserviceandwarrantyactivities.PivotalCRMprovidesbuilt-inreportingtools that enable home builders and real estate firms to analyze root causes, vendor performance, service-request and work-order aging, defect and warranty trends, charge-backs and billable services, and inspection profiles. These analyses help home builders manage expenses and recover warranty costs from vendors and subcontractors, as well as spot and respond quickly to trends.

Deliver Outstanding Customer Care

• Increasereferralsandrepeatcustomersbyimproving customer satisfaction

• Increasecross-sellingpotentialwithbetterinsightinto homeowner profiles and homesite history

• Trackandmanageservicerequestsforrapidresolution, while generating audit trails to manage litigation risk

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Pivotal CRM for Home Building and Real EstateCreate Customers For Life

Copyright©CDCSoftware2010.Allrightsreserved. TheCDCSoftwarelogoandPivotalCRMlogoareregisteredtrademarksand/ortrademarksofCDCSoftware.

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Astheonlycomprehensive,enterprise-classCRMsystemdesigned specifically to meet the needs of the industry, PivotalCRMforHomeBuildingandRealEstateistheclear choice for single- and multi-family home builders and other real estate industry firms looking to increase operational efficiency, gain competitive advantage, and meet the challenges of a market slowdown.

By giving companies a 360-degree view of their customers,PivotalCRMforHomeBuildingandRealEstate enables them to achieve insight into customer preferences and behaviors that can inform and refine theirentirebusinessstrategy.PivotalCRMhelpsfirmsprecisely manage a consistent and personalized customer

experience that builds lasting relationships, from the initial lead through the entire customer lifecycle and into subsequent home sales, mortgages, and refinancing.

Smart home builders and real estate companies are taking immediate action to implement systems and processes that can help them meet the challenges of a moderating market and help them continue to thrive. With Pivotal CRM,companiescanmaximizecustomersatisfactionasthey derive economic value from every customer touch-point, building customer loyalty and creating customers for life.