Piu keeping up with accounting - spring 2010

Welcome to the Spring 2010 Professional Issues Update “A pioneer in using social media and Web 2.0 technologies in accounting, Hood (and his team at MACPA) has tapped his expertise to roll out one of the most extensive sets of resources in the country for helping CPAs handle the recession.” - Bill Carlino, Editor Accounting Today Magazine 1 An Exclusive Benefit For MACPA Members



Transcript of Piu keeping up with accounting - spring 2010

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Welcome to the Spring 2010

Professional Issues Update

“A pioneer in using social media and Web 2.0 technologies in accounting, Hood (and his team at MACPA) has tapped his expertise to roll out one of the most extensive sets of resources in the country for helping CPAs handle the recession.” - Bill Carlino, Editor Accounting Today Magazine 1

An Exclusive Benefit For MACPA Members

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Why we are here? Why we are here?


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CPA Professional 2.0

1. Learning & staying on the cutting edge

2. Managing my career 3. Doing my work 4. Interacting with

peers 5. Becoming a leader

in my field

Allen Blue – CEO of Linked In

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Are you an untouchable? A Washington lawyer friend recently told me about layoffs at his firm. I asked him who was getting axed. He said it was interesting: lawyers who were used to just showing up and having work handed to them were the first to go because with the bursting of the credit bubble, that flow of work just isn’t there. But those who have the ability to imagine new services, new opportunities and new ways to recruit work were being retained. They are the new untouchables.

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What is the # 1 reason leaders (and their organizations) fail?


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What is different? 

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Being in business today feels like being in permanent whitewater


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You feel overwhelmed by the rapid and turbulent pace of change and uncertainties in business today

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Photo: Pratt’s surfing page

You need new skills and new approaches to ride these waves of change

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You will learn to become a navigator of change using BLI's I2A - Insight to Action strategic thinking system

Sight  Insight  Create  Communicate  Inspire! 

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Five Qualities of Extraordinary Leaders 1. Sight - Ability to see emerging

patterns and shift perspective when necessary

2. Insight - Ability to learn faster than the rate of change in your industry

3. Create - Ability to think strategically and critically to gain insights that create new opportunities

4. Communicate - Ability to collaborate inside and outside your organization and to build and sustain social networks of people engaged in the work

5. Inspire – Ability to mobilize support and engage others to join you in ACTION

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It’s not what you look at that matters, it is what you see – Henry David Thoreau

“The faster you go, the further ahead you have to see.”

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Insights & Opportunities

“But a time of turbulence is also one of great opportunity for those who can understand, accept and exploit the new realities. It is above all a time of opportunity for leadership.”    ‐ Peter Drucker,      Managing in Turbulent Times 


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“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”            ‐ Peter Drucker,              Managing in Turbulent Times 



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Communicate Extraordinary leaders must be adept at network leadership – which is the building & sustaining of large social networks of people engaged in the work. 

Extraordinary leaders must be adept at network leadership – which is the building & sustaining of large social networks of people engaged in the work. 






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Inspire to Action

You must be able to reach the hearts and minds of the people doing the work. 


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Sight  Insight  Create  Communicate  Inspire! 

Today’s agenda • What we see ‐ trends & issues we  are watching 

• What do you see and what are your insights? – External environment – Internal environment – SCOT 

• Finding the strategic opportunities for you • Beginning of strategic planning process  

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Sight  Insight  Create  Communicate  Inspire! 

Trends & Issues 

• The economy • Connect – Protect – Achieve • The mega‐trends 

– Globalization – Workforce & Demographics – Technology 

• The Profession  

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The economy is still uncertain?

Source: Banham, R. (2010 Mar 1). The shape of things to come. CFO Magazine. 

Economists offer a wide range of predictions...

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The fact of the matter is, this is not a normal downturn, this is a …fundamental re-SET!

- Steve Ballmer – CEO Microsoft

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“As it relates to science and technology, the rate of change in the next decade, is likely to be 4 to7 times

faster than in the last decade. If it is 4x faster it would be like planning for 2010 in 1890, if it is 7x faster it

would be like planning for 2010 in 1670.” -Expert on Education Panel, The Aspen Institute, 2007

The Pace of Change is Accelerating Faster

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To your Profession To our community

To each other

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Connect • Chapters • Committees • Conferences • CPE events • NYPN • Educators • Students • Social Networks

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Despite a turbulent economy, learn how to make your business thrive

MACPA’s Business & Industry Conference

May 14 Turf Valley, Ellicott City Topics: • Annual Update • National & Local Professional Issues Update • Enterprise Risk Management • The Virtual Workplace • Strategic Planning • Professional/Career Development • Political & Social Changes in the Business Environment • Economic Update

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2010 Event Schedule www.macpa.org/events

2010 Event Schedule www.macpa.org/events

April 30 GNFP Conference May 14 Business and Industry June 7 Employee Benefit Plan Audit June 28-29 New! Maryland CPA Summit June 30- July 3 Annual Beach Retreat Sept 21 Government Contractors Sept 13 & 14 Technology/AccountingWeb Sept 27-28 Chesapeake Tax Oct 4 International Conference Oct 26 Practitioners’ Nov 1-5 Advanced Tax Institute Jan 2011 Educator’s Conference

April 30 GNFP Conference May 14 Business and Industry June 7 Employee Benefit Plan Audit June 28-29 New! Maryland CPA Summit June 30- July 3 Annual Beach Retreat Sept 21 Government Contractors Sept 13 & 14 Technology/AccountingWeb Sept 27-28 Chesapeake Tax Oct 4 International Conference Oct 26 Practitioners’ Nov 1-5 Advanced Tax Institute Jan 2011 Educator’s Conference

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“No man’s life, liberty, or happiness are safe when the legislature is in session” – Mark Twain

IRS 7216, FTC Red Flags, Sales Tax on Services, Tax Preparer regulations, Wall Street Reform Act, Sarbanes-Oxley Act…


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State CPA Statutes

police power of the states to protect their citizens vs commerce clause

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Where do major changes come from? Us – MACPA & AICPA



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An example of “us” - The 120/150 Hour CPA Exam Bill (HB 1137)

Changes the requirements to sit for the CPA exam to allow you to sit for the Exam upon completion of 120 hours (and the requirements of section 1 & 3) and get licensed upon completion of the final 30 credit hours (and the requirements in group 2)

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The A‐team! 

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A tale of two bills… 

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The clock runs out at midnight 

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CPAs swear oath to “protect the public interest”

June 28, 2010 At the MACPA Member Summit

Maryland DLLR Swearing-in of new CPAs

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Do the math! • 90 Days • 188 legislators • 2,500+ bills • House = 141 • Senate = 47 MACPA • Legislative Executive

Committee • PAC • State Tax Committee • Board of Directors

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State CPA Statutes

police power of the states to protect their citizens vs commerce clause

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Landscape of Financial Regulatory Reform

Financial Regulatory Reform 


House Financial Services Committee 


White House 


Industry Groups 


Senate Banking Committee 

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1. Promote robust supervision and regulation of financial firms

2. Establish comprehensive regulation of financial markets

3. Protect consumers and investors form financial abuse

4. Provide the government with the tools it needs to manage financial crisis

5. Raise international regulatory standards & improve international cooperation

Latest proposals -Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act - HR 4173


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Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act

• HR 4173 o Passed House floor vote (223‐202) o Combines CFPA Act & Investor Protection Act 

• Provisions o PCAOB authority to scope the regulation of audits for all broker‐dealers through rulemaking 

o Exempts non‐accelerated filers from SOX Section 404(b) • Progress 

o Recognizes CPAs’ valuable advice and counsel  o Excludes sales of securities or extension of credit 

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Senate Version Introduced

• Dodd introduced Senate bill March 15 • Passed Senate committee March  22 • Establishes Financial Stability Oversight Council • Grants greater powers to Federal Reserve 

o Break up large entities that pose a “grave threat” o Examine bank‐holding companies >$50 billion in assets o Create Consumer Financial Protection Agency within Fed 

• Includes version of Volcker Rule • Proposes transaction fee to establish fund for future financial 


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“Red Flags” Rule

• Requires written plan for identity verification for anyone who is a “creditor” 

• Defines “creditor” too broadly 

Fair and Accurate Credit 

Transaction Act 

• AICPA , state societies wrote letters urging delay of rules (enforcement delayed twice) 

• Nov. 1 implementation date delayed to June 1, 2010 • AICPA released guidance for CPAs on Oct. 16 


• AICPA continues to seek exemption for CPAs • ABA and subsequent AICPA lawsuits filed Advocacy 

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Tax Issues

Tax strategy patents 

Disclosure of uncertain tax positions 

Sec 7216  Regulation of preparers 

Health care  Estate tax  AMT   Tax reform 

Valuation discounts   LIFO  Workload 

compression Workforce mobility 

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Congress’ Concerns • High error rate associated with Earned Income Tax Credit • Consumer protection 

IRS Proposal • Registration of all paid tax return preparers; fee • Preparer Tax Identification Number; subject to Circular 230 • Non‐affiliated tax preparers must: • Pass “competency” exam • Complete 15 hours education annually 

Tax Preparer Registration

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Tax Preparer Penalty - 7216

• Temporary Regulations (12/29/09) o Can filter newsletters to specific clients o Can generally disclose scope of practice to potential clients  o Can disclose specific taxpayer information if required for qualify, peer 

or conflict reviews  • Rev Rul 2010‐4  (12/30/09) 

o No advance approval necessary to:    • Contact client regarding change in tax law or regulations • To use unrelated third party to create, publish and distribute newsletters 

• Rev Rul 2010‐5  o Generally permits disclosure of specific taxpayer information as 

necessary to the preparer’s professional liability insurance carrier 

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Estate Tax • House action 

o Proposed permanent extension of $3.5 million exemption, 45% rate o Republicans wanted $5 million exclusion and 35% rate, or, as 

an alternative, either total repeal or reducing the rate to that of long term capital gains 

• Meantime, total repeal o Total repeal as of 1/1/10 but carryover basis  

• Note – 1/1/10 not total carryover basis – get to step up 1.3 million of assets (as selected by  executor) and another 3 million if there is a surviving spouse 

• AICPA position  o Consistency important  o Index exemption to inflation  o Conform exemptions for estate, gift, generation skipping and special 

use valuation  o Portability of exemption between spouse so, if first to die, does not 

use full exemption; residual amount automatically carries over to the surviving spouse  

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Health Care and Taxes

• Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law March 23 • Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 signed into law 

March 30 • Numerous tax provisions within for individuals and employers, including: 

o Premium Assistance Credit o Small Business Tax Credit o Excise Tax on Uninsured Individuals o Medical Care Itemized Deduction Threshold o Additional Hospital Insurance Tax on High‐Income Taxpayers o Excise Tax on High Cost Employer‐Sponsored Coverage o Tax on HSA Distributions o Expansion of Adoption Credit, Adoption Assistance Programs o Information Reporting o Adult Dependent o Medicare Tax on Investment Income 

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Looking to the Future

• 2011  top rates go up  ‐ 36% and 39.6%  • Proposals not getting traction 

o Increase capital gains rate to 20% o Limit itemized deduction to 28% rate  

• Proposals getting traction o Taxing carried interest as ordinary income o Codification of economic substance doctrine  o Impose limits on family limited partnership valuations o LIFO repeal  o AMT “patch “ will happen  

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Standards Changes • AS 5 - PCAOB • IFRS – SEC International gets legs (again) • Fair Value Accounting • XBRL – SEC mandatory • Codification Project – FASB • Clarity Project – ASB

– Convergence with international • Reliability Project (comps & reviews) • DOL 403 (b) Plans • Internal Control – COSO • Fin 48 effective 2009 • Form 990 Changes • Fraud & Forensic SAS 99 • FASB – IASB Convergence Project

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Compilation and Review Standards

• SSARS No. 19 issued on December 30, 2009 • Represents the most significant changes to the compilation 

and review literature since 1978 • How SSARS 19 differs from the April 2009 exposure draft 

o SSARS 19 retains the concept of limited assurance rather than moderate assurance 

o Non‐independent review not part of SSARS 19 

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Clarity Project

• Convergence of auditing standards • ASB redrafting all of the auditing sections in Codification of 

Statements on Auditing Standards o Apply the clarity drafting conventions and converge the material with the ISAs 

• Effective date is expected to apply to audits of financial statements for periods beginning no earlier than December 15, 2010 

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Ethics and Independence Codification

• Professional Ethics Executive Committee creating a single source of easy‐to‐use guidance on AICPA ethics and independence matters 

• Restructure AICPA Code of Professional Conduct  and combine with related guidance 

• Benefits o Topically organized; simpler, easier and more intuitive to use o Improved research capability o Reduced time and effort in identifying differences with IFAC 


• Scheduled for 3 years ( through 2011)  

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SEC Roadmap released Early adopters can file using

IFRS 2010

2011 Official SEC

decision point

Large Accelerated

Filers 2014

2015 Accelerated

filers – second wave

Small-caps 2016

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IASB/FASB Convergence • Hope to complete convergence by 2011 • Outstanding Issues:

– Revenue recognition – Financial statement presentation – Leases – Financial instruments – Liabilities and equity distinctions – Consolidations – Derecognition – Post-employment benefits


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Blue Ribbon Panel: Members

• Rick Anderson, Moss Adams, LLP (Chairman of BRP) 

• William Knese, Angus Industries  • Michael Menzies, Easton Bank and 

Trust Company  • Billy Atkinson, NASBA  • Kewsong Lee, Warburg Pincus  • David Morgan, Lattimore, Black, 

Morgan and Cain PC  • Daryl Buck, Reasor’s Holding 

Company, Inc.  • Paul Limbert, WesBanco, Inc.  

• Terri Polley, FAF  • Steve Feilmeier, Koch Industries  • Krista McMasters, Gunderson  • Dev Strischek, SunTrust Banks, Inc.  • Hubert Glover, REDE, Inc.  • Barry Melancon, AICPA  • Mark Vonnahme, Surety, Arch 

Insurance Group  • David Hirschmann, U.S. Chamber of 

Commerce  • Jason Mendelson, Foundry Group  • Teri Yohn, Indiana Univ. 

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Potential Versions of  Private Company IFRS 

Private Company  IFRS SME 

U.S. Adapted version of 

Private Entities (Dialect) 

IFRS with differential reporting (accent)  Separate U.S. 

Private Co. GAAP – Revised 


Separate U.S. GAAP‐ 

Maintained and Updated 

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5 Forces of Globalization

1. Growth of consumers in emerging economies 2. Technologies that empower consumers & 

communities 3. Increase in labor productivity in developed markets 4. Shift of economic activity between and within 

regions 5. Increasingly global markets for labor & talent 


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It is not either global or local, it is AND…


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Workforce / Pipeline

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Bright spot?

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AICPA - Accounting Doctoral Scholars

• $16.8 million contributed • 70 firms & 41 state societies • 39 universities • 99 complete applications • 60 selected for conference • 30 selected as ADS Scholars 


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Live First, Work Second

Digital Natives

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Generations Generation Gap? Or Generation Lap?

“In 1997, young people for the first time were recognized by adults as being authorities on something truly revolutionary – digital technology, interactive media, and collaboration.” – Don Tapscott “Growing Up Digital”

NGenophobia—the irrational and morbid fear of youth, especially with regards to

their use of the Internet

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What are baby boomers most “clueless about”?

• Mom does not know how to work the TV • Computers-

do not let Dad touch it • Technology in general • Certain forms of technology • Digital camera operation • Boomers think work is everything

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Gen X – Stuck beneath the boomer ceiling 10 ways to breakthrough

1. Play to your strengths 2. Build your brand 3. Collaborate – create the context

for your success 4. Raid the candy store – learning &

development 5. Change the rules 6. Influence the organization 7. Influence the Boomers 8. Take initiative 9. Honor your commitments 10. Build & leverage your network

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How to start the conversationThe eight Net Gen Norms 

1. Freedom – The freedom to work when and where you want 

2. Customization – My job my life 3. Scrutiny – I know what you did last night 4. Integrity – Be a good company to work for 5. Collaboration – Teamwork 6. Entertainment – Work should be fun 7. Speed – Let’s make things happen now! 8. Innovation – Let me invent 

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Bottom Line: How to keep your star talent • Engage your top performers • Coach tomorrow’s leaders • Manage your Millennials

Think A M P • Autonomy • Mastery • Purpose

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• Information Security Management

• Privacy Management • Secure Data File Storage,

Transmission and Exchange

• Business Process Improvement / Work Flow

• Mobile & Remote Computing

• Training & Competency • Identity & Access

Management • Improved Application &

Integration • Document, Forms, Content

& Knowledge Management • Electronic Data Retention


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The SEC Mandate

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By 2010, Millenials/Gen Y-ers will outnumber Baby Boomers.

Technology & Web 2.0

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Here are five major benefits that The Economist report says that social media has created: 

1. Trusted online venues where real people can meet up using their real identities.

2. New ways for firms and organizations to reach their customers and those who influence them.

3. Reduced friction in labor markets by allowing employers and prospective employees to find each other and connect.

4. Faster information flow and communication inside companies and organizations.

5. A "free and immensely powerful set of communication and collaboration tools to everyone on Earth who has access to a broadband internet connection."

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Social media = social capitalreal world examples 

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Research says… 

In a social environment based on networked individualism, the internet’s capacity to maintain and cultivate social networks has real payoffs (in the workplace).”– “The Strength of Internet Ties” Report

"One day at work they took away our tools, like Facebook, Pandora, Bebo, NPR. Work is slow now, cold and boring." —STEVE RESSLER, 27, TAMPA, FLORIDA 

• To ban or not to ban? A recent University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the internet for personal reasons at work are about 9% more productive than those who do not. 

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Risk Management 

• Educate & train your staff • Set security & usage policies • Restrict Access during certain    times (if you have to) • Monitor – using search &    google alerts 

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MACPA social media efforts featured in J of A and win 3rd place in Mobbies, Top 75 Biz blogs & Top 50 Acctg blogs 

MACPA won 2 out of top 10 Biz blogs in MD 

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CPA Profession

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Top 10 Issues Facing CPAs 1. Economic Outlook  2. Tax  3. Business Operations  4. Implementation and Execution 

of Plans  5. New Business Development  6. Personal/Professional 

Development  7. Management and Leadership  8. Financial Regulatory Reform  9. Access to Financing and Credit  10 New Accounting Standards, 

IFRS Source: CPA Trendlines for AICPA Feb, 2010

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Top Ten Issues for MFG 1. Regulatory/Legislative (56) 2. Private Company Leadership (47) 3. Capital Markets Awareness / Recognition (34) 4. Rethinking Business Model (25) 5. Protect Audit/CPA Franchise (20) 6. Risk Management (Audit efficiencies) (20) 7. Leadership Development / Succession 

Planning (19) 8. Global / International (Clients / IFRS / 

Branding) (17) 9. Leveraging Technology & Social Media (17) 10. MFG Issues specific forums / focus groups (8) 


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PCPS/TSCPA MAP Survey 2009 Top Five Issues Facing Firms 21+ 

1. Client Retention 2. Marketing / Practice Growth 3. Tax Law Changes & Complexity 4. Keeping up with Regulations & 

Standards 5. Retaining Qualified Staff / 

Work/Life Balance 



For larger firms add Partner Accountability & Succession Planning


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1. Economic Recovery and the U.S. Fiscal Outlook 2. Health‐Care Reform 3. Employee Benefits 4. Financial Regulatory Reform 5. Global Convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS 6. Financial Instruments 7. Financial Statement Regulation 8. Revenue Recognition 9. Business Taxation 10. *XBRL 



Top Ten Issues for FEI 

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Business & Industry Responsibilities AICPA Core – 1/3 of B&I Responsibilities

Financial accounting Financial reporting Audit Tax

2/3 Additional

1/3 Core

AICPA non-Core – 2/3 of B&I Responsibilities

Strategic planning Sustainability Budgeting Financial operations management Risk management & internal controls Internal audit Governance HR & benefits IT, legal, purchasing

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Are you a value integrator? Efficiency, insight, integration

1.Scorekeeper 2.Disciplined operators 3.Constrained advisors 4.Value Integrators


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# 1 Gap is developing people in Finance

Source: 2010 IBM Global CFO study

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Image of the CPA

The future success of the CPA profession relies a great deal upon public perception of CPAs'

abilities & roles - CPA Vision Project

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So what does the future look like for CPAs?

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CPAs... Making sense of a changing and complex


CPAs... Making sense of a changing and complex


Our core purpose, our reason for being is

Here is what they said…

CPA re:Vision –the wisdom of the crowd

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Top 5 Competencies needed to ride the waves of change

• Communication & Leadership

• Strategic & Critical Thinking • Focus on the Customer,

Client, and Market • Interpretation of Converging

Information • Technologically adept

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Top 5 Attributes of CPAs

• Has integrity • Competent • Objective • Able to synthesize

information • Focused on client



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Bottom Five Attributes of CPAs

• Creative & innovative • Demonstrates leadership • Able to see the big picture • Communicates effectively • Technologically adept

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CLO Magazine Stephen Miles, vice chairman of Heidrick &

Struggles, an executive recruitment firm, said this: "The best CEOs in the world are a combination of CEO, COO and CFO. They are inspirational, financially literate and know the ins and outs of their business at a sophisticated level."

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Accounting is the quickest path to the corner office

1. Broader and longer line of sight (future focus)

2. Network leadership 3. Strong analysis skills

(financial and operational)

4. Communication skills 5. Global perspective Top 5 skills of the post-recession leader

– CLO Magazine

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Top 10 Opportunities for CPAs

1.Valuation 2.Forensics and fraud 3.Governmental –

State/local/NFP 4. International

(IFRS and tax) 5.Health care

6. Green / sustainability 7. XBRL 8. Tax planning 9. Enterprise Risk Management 10. Renewable energy

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How to increase your odds of roaring out of the recession from HBR

1. Focus on operational efficiency (smart spending and targeted headcount reduction for efficiency versus across-the-board headcount reductions).

2. Investment in developing new markets (leveraging your product / service mix into expanded markets -- geographic, new segments or niches).

3. Investments in enlarging the asset base. (In professional services, that is training and development and strategic staffing for new opportunities.) I call this placing careful bets on the future.


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Are you indispensable? Imagine an organization with an employee who can accurately see the truth, understand the situation, and understand the potential outcomes of various decisions. And now imagine that this person is also able to make something happen. This is our leader, our marketer, our linchpin!

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Tools for CPA Leaders

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The meta map of the I2A™Strategic Thinking System provides an architecture or framework to structure thinking and conversation as you engage. When talking about complex issues that aren’t completely understood, or debating solutions where there are multiple points of view, it is easy to get lost in the conversation and prematurely locked into a solution.

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CPA templates

to help you with...

Insight & Communicate 

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Insight & Communicate – Social Media Tools 


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Maryland Association of CPAs Business Learning Institute 

(443) 632‐2301 E‐mail [email protected] 

Web http://www.macpa.org Blog http://www.cpasuccess.com 

Blog http://www.bizlearningblog.com   

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MACPA resources • CPA Success, our daily blog www.CPASuccess.com 

•  CPA Spotlight, our weekly podcast www.macpa.org/podcast 

•  Other MACPA blogs: 

• www.CPALegislativeInsider.com 

• www.NewCPAs.com 

• www.Bizlearningblog.com 

• CPA Learning 2, a Web 2.0 playground by CPAs for CPAs www.CPALearning2.com 


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Tools • I2A – Insights to Action – a strategic thinking system 

– http://www.bizlearning.net/learningcenter/customizedtraining/event_detail_inHouse.cfm?eventid=09IASTS  

• CPA Vision project – http://www.cpavision.org 

 • Social media – How are CPAs using social media 

– http://www.cpasuccess.com/2009/09/how‐are‐cpas‐using‐social‐media.html – Social Media Quick Start Program – http://www.bizlearning.net/learningcenter/customizedtraining/event_detail_inHouse.cfm?eventid=09SOCMED 

 • XBRL  

– http://www.xbrl.org – Blog posts from CPA Success – http://www.cpasuccess.com/2009/06/xbrl‐and‐government‐a‐marriage‐made‐in‐nevada.html 

– http://www.cpasuccess.com/xbrl/  

• Mindmanager CPA edition – http://www.mindjet.com/cpas/mj.aspx 


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Professional Issues UpdateSpring, 2010 

 Tom Hood, CPA.CITP CEO & Executive Director 

Maryland Association of CPAs http://www.MACPA.org 

[email protected]  

• Follow me on:  Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/tomhood  LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tomhood  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thoodcpa  Plaxo: http://tomhood.myplaxo.com  Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/thoodcpa  Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/thoodcpa  Second Life avatar name: Rocky Maddaloni