Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-05-12 [p 11].band at the lesser art forms and prove their...

THE-:'IUS- IG WOELD. A Critical Beview of Messrs. Woods and Wales' Lion of Pern. ITS GOOD AXD ITS BAD JOISTS. A Description of the Great Oratorio to bo Heard This Week. GOSSIP GLEAXED IK MUSICAL CIECLES Since Friday's Dispatch rendered a special verdict upon the facts in re the pro- duction of the new opera, "The Lion of Pern," by Dr. E. A. "Wood and Mr. Leonard "Wales, a second performance has been heard and a hasty examination of the score had, both of which seem to justify the entry of critical judgment in favor of the pub- lic; that the plaintiffs hare not made out a strong enough case of opera to support the claim for public patronage. And yet, from one point of view, these claimants have equities in their favor. Neither of them pretends to have had pre- vious experience as librettist or opera com- poser; and it would lie unfair to expect from them the skill that can only be acquired by such experience. All writers and composers have had to creep before they learned to walk. But "the inflexible principle of artistic law is, or should be, that a writer or composer must not creeD in public; he must do that only in se- clusion, and stay there until he learns to walk. True, those who write and compose for the stage are under a disadvantage in this respect, inasmuch as dramas and oneras cannot be prac ticed at home, but most be experimented with in public Yet even tbey must first try their band at the lesser art forms and prove their skill and ability in these before claiming publio attention for the more pretentions dramatic or operatic experiments. The libretto of the "Lion of Pern" is clearly the wore of a writer possessing considerable literary knack. Borne of the lines and verses are really clever as reading matter. Bnt the book lacks the touch of the dram- atist. It Is diffuse in lync and descriptive por- tions, when much should be lett to the imag- ination and the music not encumbered with too many words. It is obscurely brief in narrative and dialogu: where the movement of the plot should be more clearly and fully displayed to the audience. Behind all this, the book lac Jf the backbone of dramatic continuity, strength and consistency. The music, while containing not a few pleasing passages an(j several entire numbers of some merit, is very far from constituting an opera. Hunderland'i song and the duet between Caserne and Walnole in act L contain some good ideas, though the latter is almost nnsingable for the tenor. The scene in Epping Forest contains three of the best num- bers of the work: the first duet and ensemble, the lullaby and the "Bird Matin" pleasing melodies, (especially the lullaby) in the simplest form. Perhaps the best bit of writing in the score is the duct in the last act, with its graceful accompaniments! figure first in the Violins and later taken by the soprano. The other individual numbers 'are either commonplace and reminiscent, or else, if one does chance to start with a promising phrase it is quickly lost in a maze of episod-aic- matter. There is practically no musical development of the themes chosen. The recitative and most of the con- versational cusemblesare hbpelesslyineffective and unskillful. There is very little indeed of dramatic characterization: the "Ghost Scene" is almost comical in its inappropriate levity, though offering the best opportunity for dra- matic treatment. Back of the objections to this score as opera music lie very serious obstacles to its being considered as music at all. Bad progres- sions, faulty modulations, clear violations of the first principles of harmony are matters that must be conquered before a vonng man ever thinks of writing an opera. The orches- tration was mostly hackwork," part having been hastily cone by the conductor of the troupe, and other parts by other persons on very short notice. As for the performance, little can be said bnt wholesale condemnation. Mile, do Lussan was the only one of the three or four leading char- acters who had thoroughly mastered her role. Mr. John Reed. Miss Claire and Mr. Miron earned a good word in their less grateful roles. The rest of the performance was not what the authors and the public had a right to expect. The following description of Mendelssohn's "Elijah." compiled from the "Worcester Fes-tt- rl Handbool:" of 18S7, mil doubtless be of Interna to those who intend hearing the excel- lent performanb'tif?1btsx2lt2ria promised by the Mozart Club this week: Musical critics disagree in regard to the com- parative merits of Mendelssohn's two oratorios. "Willie many claim for "St. Paul" excellencies sot fonnd in 'Elijah,'" the latter Is unmistakably the most popular, as evinced by its frequent per- formance at all the great festivals in furope and America. It is shorter and more dramatic than Handel's 'Messiah," less theological than Enohr's "Last Judgment," and less didactic and monotonous than the wondrons "Pas- sion Music" of Bach. Thus, while the subject matter of the 'Elijah" is full of the most stirring Incidents, Its artistic form is sufficiently brierto rivet the attention or even an uncultivated audience from the first recitation down to the last chorus. The words, selected from the Old Testament, contain elements of dramatic power and descrip- tive lmagervparttcularly suited to musical effects. The scene Is laid in bainarla during the wicked reign of Ahab, the seventh King of Israel. The oratorio opens with the startling prophecy of Elijah, that there would be "no rain or dew for three years, but according to my word." This is followed by an overture of great beauty of construction and depth of meanlnir. preparing the mind almost impercepti- bly lor the despairing cry of the people for succor, in the opening chorus, ""Help Lord.' The earnest cry for help in the duet and chorus, "Lord, bow Thine ear," is rollowed by the aria, "If with all vour hearts,'1 in which de- liverance Is promised if they will truly turn and seek the Lord. In the chorus, "i et doth the Lord see It not," the people are faithless in be- lieving their prayer would be answered, and tannt the Lord for mocking them in their great distress. The double quartet, I'For He shall give His angels charge over thee." Is replete with beautiful effects and comforting assurances of Divine protection. The waters of Cberith hav- ing dried up. Elijah is again directed to go to Zarepbath, where a certain widow would snstaln him. until the day the Lord would send rain npon the earth. The meeting with the woman, and the succeeding nlstory. relating to the barrel of meal and cruse of olL which did not waste or fall the raising her dead son to life by Elijah, and herjoy and bellerin God, as shown by Ills prophet, are graphically depicted in recita- tive and song, merging Into the chorus, "Blessed are the men who fear the Lord." At the end of three years Elijah slgnlfinles his intention to re- turn to Ahab. and that the Lord would then send rain upon the earth. Being taunted by the people for troubling Is- rael, Elijah says It Is AhaD and his father's bo'ise who have tronbled Israel in dlsobenng God's commands. The dramatic power and" ferrld elo- quence or the scenes subsequent to the test by lire to determine whose God Is the Lord-t- ue thrilling cry to Baal to heed their sacrifice the taunt of Elijah to "call him louder " and the final scenes recounting the prayer or Elijah for God to show the people that Be is God, are striking exemplifications of the great renins of Mendelssohn. The creat and cnrKtir, choral, "Cast Thy Burden on the Lord," is of Itself a tone poem of exaulslte beautv.hardlv mr. passed by any other composer. The earnest and importunate prayer of Elijah for rain, added to the fervent petitions of the (now) believing peo-- Die. receives i&,ai.,vt, MKBuvuBv bqu nearly inankslnthe great and Joyful chorus, "Thanks be to God." This closes the first part of the oratorio. The second part is in some respects finer than the first. It contains at least as many immortal numbers, while the great danger of monotony Is avoided by a variety or new and startling incidents woven Into an elaborate whole, which, lrit does not exceed the first part In beauty of arrangement, has evidently made greater demands npon the composer, and aston- ishes the listener by its sustained power and com- pleteness. It opens with words or comfort to Israel and assurances or protection from their enemies. "Hear ye Israel. "Is one or the most thrilling soprano songs ever written. Ike clear freshness ortbe key of B (S sharps) breaks npon us with an impetuous rush or words, "1, I am he that afraid; 1 am Thy God." In tbe course orthe song, all the most brilliant soprano effects which are calculated to express tbe con- fidence or a burning Impetuosity seem to nave WW ncii-uig- n excacstea. .Kut wo- - nsTo not yc uune wjm me exmting sentiment stated by the soprano. Tor we are now close npon what has been, notunjustly, considered the great- est or Mendelssohn's choruses. After a brier si- lence, the mighty "Be not afraid," with the whole power or the chorus, orchestra and organ, bursts with a crash upon tbe audience, already filled with the emotions or triumph In its more simple aong-ro- Abab being still rebellious and Jealous of Elijah, influences the people to cry out against him and tb seek his life. Elijah, being entreated by bis friends, files to the wilder-nes- a Twherein the agony or his soul he cries, "It is enosgh. " The great aria, in which the sorrow, orthe prophet are depicted. Is one or the most grand and pathetic compositions in the whole range of sacred son g. The angel trio, ".uutinine eyes," bas no parallel Tor exquisite uvyorcon-- strnetion and beauty or tone coloring. Nn other vocal trio with which we are acquainted equals this one lnperfectness of form and of harmony. This and the soothing mnslc of "He watches over Israel" will ever remain enshrined In tbe hearts or every lover or the chaste and beautiful. They prepare the mind almost imperceptibly for the exquisite air, "0 rest In the Lord," than which nothing ever written Is more expressive and full of meaning. The closing scenes are graphically delineated, culminating In tbe quar- tet, "O come, everyone that thlrsteth," and the chorus, "And then shall your light break forth." the whole forming an epic poem worthy the fame orthe great master. """ Crotchets ysuljlaavcrs. The ra wfU assist in th commencement exercises at Beaver i emate college on Meaday ana xuesaay even-lue-s of this week. . a C. UzLLWrMd Simeon BtaseU .. IsSbsJMMesT ; "lV" IHTi ra. 'WSH "? wmp& r Fag&GwnirF Hf- - J vh- - THE ExTTSBTJBGr 'DISPATOH, iSTJjmLY, MUDSflf 13. 189. 11 contributed organ selections to set off Prof Brashear's lecture at tbe East Liberty Presby. tenan Church lait Friday evening. Mr. Jons A. West, an organist of Chicago came to Pittsburg the other day to see Manager Foster, or the Boston Ideals, about the possible production ot an opera be has just written. Two thonsand dollars, pleasel Mb. W.S. Weeden is invharge of the old folks' concert to be given next Friday in Ma- sonic Hall, Allegheny, by the Choral Society of the Central Reformed Presbyterian Church, assisted by the Alpine Quartet. Everything looks auspicious for the popu- lar success of the May Festival. Nothing but the doors are left to make the sew Exposition building ready for its inauguration; indeed, it is likely that most of the five rehearsals to be held this week will take place in the new auditorium. Me. As. M. Foeestee'S Bomanze for violin and piano beads the list published by an East- ern musical journal of, the works by resident American composers that have been accented by the Examining Committee of the Music Teachers' .National Association. Score one for Pittsburg. A correspondent wishes to know why Miss RosaLinde (Schzarschmidt),the contralto so well known here, is not to sing at the May Festival, as at first announced. Kb other rea- son can be ascertained than the fact that some months ago Miss Undo severed ber connection with the Juch Concert Company, which formed the nucleus for the solo list of our festival. The sacred concert to be given by the Bos- ton Ideals at the Bijou Theater this evening should net a nice sum for the benefit of the So- ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Aged Persons. Mile, do Lussan, Mme. L'Allcmand, Miss Claire, Clievalier Scovel, Messrs. Baxter, Clark, Mertens and Bafnbridge will take part. Mr. Carl Better is to officiate as accompanist. I.Wr.Theodor Salmon, at his recital next Tuesday evening in the North Avenue II. E. Church, Allegheny (proceeds for charity), will play Beethoven's Sonata Patbetlque, Chopin's F minor Fanusie, Liszt's Sixth Rhapsodic ami other less Important pieces. Miss Belle Tomer, soprano, and a ladies' quartet will render vocal assistance to round out the interesting pro gramme. Mx.ee. de Z.VSSJLS last night took ber leave of the operatic stage in America, before com- mencing the three years' artistic compaign she expects to open in London and extend over the continent. Colonel Mapleson will be her Eu- ropean manager. Carmen, 'Marglierlta, Mig-"o- n, and --4tdu will be ber leading roles; with Cterubino ("Figaro's Hochzeit") and Leila ("Les Pecheurs de Perles") as subsidiary. It is quite fitting that this most promising of American prima donne should make her fare- well in the city which during ber first season most warmly welcomed her and will always follow ber career with especial interest. Tee enthusiastic praise of good judges' who heard Miss Johnson, of Chicago, sing last week at the New York Philharmonic CInb concert, has been clinched by the engagement of the gifted young soprano by the East Liberty Presbyterian Church at the very satisfactory salary of $2,000 a year,the largest ever paid here. Miss Johnson will sing two solos at each ser- vice, and the precentor, Mr. Boari, will still lead the congregational hymns, thus making a compromise between the choir and precentor factions, though it is difficult to see why they should not engage a contralto and a tenor, so as to bave a quartet for anthem work and still have the precentor lead the hymns. The Mozart Club's concerts, with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, at Old City Hall on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, are the events of the week. First night Mendelssohn's "Elijah," by Mrs. Georgl Henschel, Miss Ade- laide Forseman, Mr. Paul Zimmerman and Dr." Carl Martin, the Mozart Club, and tbe Boston Symphony Orchestra, Mr. J.P. McCollum, con- ductor. Second night The Boston Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Wilhelm Gericke, conductor, Mr. and Mrs. Georg Henschel and Mr. C. M. Loeffler, soloists. Mr. Loeffler has just been substituted for Mr. Adamowski, and will play a Fantasia for violin by Max Bruch. The rest ot the programme was given in this column last week. There is prospect that the attend- ance will be such as to justify the financial risk assumed by the Mozart Club in bringing here tbe finest orchestra in the country. Me. Wtxj.1 am Guextbeb has been an active factor in Pittsburg's musical life for about a score of years, and bas ever been ready to give his aid freely to all manner of benefit and charitable concerts. His friends hare good reason to count on the public's support in.ten-derin- g the favorite flautist his first testimonial concert, which is to take place at Old City Hall on the SIst of this month. Mr. Harry B. Brock- et! will on this occasion make his renfree upon the local etage after his two years' of study in Europe. Others who have promised their aid are Mrs. J. Sharp McDonald, Miss Auguste Guenther. Messrs. John and Charles Gernert and the Haydn Quartet. There will also be an orchestra of 40 selected players and a chorns of similar size and quality, directed by Mr. J. P. McCollum. Hans vos Buelow has gone back to Ger- many after a phenomenally successful five weeks on this sideA The clear 112,000 that be takes with him is a large sum for that brief period, but tbe artistic value received bas been greater than the American public usually gets from high-price- d exotics. Amontr the man? Sithy and epigrammatic sayings be has left him, one of the nest is this: "I find the great fault with pianists is that they do not learn to phrase properly. Every pianist should learn to sing and play the .violin; then their ears would hear more critically tbe sounds they produce, and thereby teach tbem bow to phrase. Bnt the average pianist plays by sight only, and has no ears. He sees the keys and tries to execute correctly, but the sound ha produces, the effect of his work, is not ap- parent to "him. My advice to Young pianists old ones won't take advice is to cnl tivate their ears and strive to obtain beauty and expression in what we term phrasing. It is the real beginning to greatness as a The one hundred and fiftieth reception of the Art Society wound np its current season" in an exceedingly pleasant manner. In addition to the regular programme, Chevalier Edward Scovel, of the Boston Ideals, who Was present as a guest, fairly delighted that most cultured and critical of Pittsburg audiences by singing an aria from Marquis D'lmy's opera, "Les Amants de Verone,"a song from Frederic Clay's cantata, "Lalla Bookb," and a ballad "Dawn," by Sir Frederic Somerset. Though the private character of these charming recep- tions forbids public criticism, mention should be made of the extraordinary pleasure mani- fested by the members and friends present in listening to.Mrs. Josiah Cohen's playing of tbe Schumann concerto all the more exceptional because at the end of so solid and rich a pro- gramme as the following: Concerto Mendelssohn Andante-Prest- o. Mrs. A Israel, Mrs. Josiah Cohen, Vocal Solo....... ...Mozart Ficaro's Hochzeit. Mrs. B. S. Trauerman. Piano Bi5Bercense. ....Grieg -- l Mazurka ..Godard Mrs. Enoch Bauh. IKTEIlMISSIOJf. Trio.. ..Barglel Andante. Allegro. y Mrs. E. Rauh, Mr. S. Ji'loersbelm,- - jir. .uarics vuuper. Vocal solo, BSft StreletxU Mrs. Trauerman. (L Bomanze Golterman 12. LledOhne YVorte Schroeder Mr. Charles Cooper. Concerto Schumann Allegro, Andantlno, Allegro. Vivace, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. IsraeL - Dr. F. H. Smith, Dentist. Painless extraction. AU'kinds of dental work at reasonable prices. 504 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours, 9 to 5 p. M. PROPOSALS. ENGINE AND BOILER MAKERS TO Office of light-hous- e engineer, ninth and eleventh districts, Detroit, Mich., April 29,1889. Proposals will be received at this office until 4 o'clock, P. x., on Thursday, the 6th day of June, 1SS9, for furnishing tbe boilers, machinery, etc-f- or steam fog signals for Presque Isle, Cheboy- gan, Old Mackinac Point. Simmons Reef, Beav-erlslan- Manistee, Point Iriqnols and Manltou, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Twin River Point and La Pointe, Wisconsin, and Two Harbors, Minnesota, Plans, specifications, forms of pro- posal and other information, may be obtained on application to the undersigned. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. WILLIAM LUDLOW, Major of Engineers, U. S. A, Light-Hous- e Engineer. myll-- 2 'TDEORUITING RENDEZVOUS, 915 PENN XV avenue, Pittsburg, Pa May JO, ISS9. Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to tha usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, June 10, 1889, and then opened, for furnishing cooked rations, three substantial meals daily, of good quality, and tbe allowance of soap and candles authorized to be issued to a soldier, to the recruiting party and recruits stationed at this Rendezvous, dur- ing the fiscal year commencing July L 1889, and endlngJune8u,1890L Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufact- ure, conditions of quality and price (including in the price of foreign productions or mann. factures the duty thereon) being equal. The Government reserves tbe right to refect any or all proposals. Forms of proposals and full In- formation will be furnished-o- n application to this office. Proposals for furnishing complete rations at a place objectionable for recruit. will nofbe considered. Envelopes coatalniBc 'pro-posa- ls should be marked, "Prapeaa-l- s for cooked ratloBS,'' and addressed to CAPTAIN RICH. ARD H5 Pratt avesfae, Pittsburg, Pa, , . f .,,-- , ., ,1 ry LKrrws?ir j. - - t- - pflStffll wwl " - -- ViTwtfi3 t Citizen How popular this Banner Bak- ing Powder has become. It raises old Ned. Uncle Sam Yes, It raises cakes better. 8TBAWBEBBY CASE. To the yolks of three eggs, beaten, add one cup white sugar, one-hai- r' enp butter, one-ha- lf cup sweet milk, two cups flour having in it one measure Baknee Baking Powder, the whites of three eggs, beaten stiff; bake in jelly-cak- e pans; when cold and just before eating, place in layers, cov- ering each one with strawberries which have previously been sugared, sxbawbebby shobt cake. Take one pound of flour; mix well through, it one and a half measures Banner 'Bak- ing Powder; add two teaspoonfuls salt; then rub in one-ha- lf pound shortening; add with, a spoon one-ha- lf pint sweet milk, bake in jelly-cak- e pans; when cold, and just before eating, place in layers, covering each one with strawberries which have previously been sugared. The "Banner" Powder is made from the highest test (99 per cent) pure cream tartar. It does not contain alum, ammonia or bene dust; therefore, it stands at the head of the list ior perfect purity. Many families have used the "Banner" Powder for 25 years. Order a pound can with the "Banner" Recipe Book from your grocer; if he cannot supply the book send your address to B. B. P. Co., P. O. Box 245, Pittsburg, Pa., and we will mail it. HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY. "Sconrene" to clean windows. "Scourene" to clean woodwork. "Scourene" to clean bath tubs. "Scourene" to clean tinware. "Scourene" only 6 cents a cake. Celling Papers, Embossed papers, plain gold papers, lacquer papers, mica papers, hand-printe- d papers, pressed leather papers, ingrain papers, tile papers, in fact every kind of wall papers, at John S. Boberts', 414 Wood street, Pitts- burg. Dbess Goods At 50 and 75o a yard we are showing some specially atttactive and desirable fabrics this week. MWPSU HUGTJS SB HACKS. Ladies, Don't Walk, Bnt telephone 1626 and Haugh & Keen an will send their wagon for your old, furniture needing repairing, retlnishing or upholster- ing. Office and factorv,33 and 31 Water at. KOYAL awnings, extra heavy,at Mamaux & Son's, 537 and 539 Penn ave. MEETlNGh. WILL BE A MEETING OF THE THERE ot the Pittsburg and Falrport Terminal Company held at theomceot the com- - Coal Exchange Building, corner Sany, and Water sts Pittsburg, Pa.. MONDAY, MAY 27, 18S9. 2 P. K., to elect directors, vote upon thelease of tbe company's property to the Pittsburg, Falrport and Northwestern .Dock Company, and consider such other busi- ness as maV.be brought up. A J. THOMAS, C. a WIGHT, Setfy. President. , my 9 DIVIDENDS. Third National Bank. ( PlTTSBimG, May 9, 1889. J DIVIDEND NO. 50--A DIVIDEND OF CENT has been declared this day, out of tbe earnings of tbo last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. myll-a- t W. STEINMEYEB. Cashier. AUCTION SALES. T AUOTIO- N- AT AUCTION. CARPETS, CABPETS, CABPETS. TUESDAY, MAY U, At the rooms, 811 Market street, At 1 o'clock sharp. One hundred and twenty (120) rolls of tbe finest kinds of carpets, just fresh from the looms of the manufacturers, consigned to us for sale. Now is yonr opportunity to buy, at your price, as our orders are peremptory to close out entire lot regardless of cost. Also, atsamo place, at 10 o'clock in tbe morn- ing, six more, and tbe last, of those beautiful parlor suites from our Eastern consignor, in spun silk, silk and crushed plushes, English rug, damask, tapestries, brocatelle, rep and haircloth. Easy chairs, divans, lounges, fancy rockers, conches, cabinets, mirrors, book- cases, vases, ornaments, pictures, clocks, rugs, curtains; walnut, oak and cherry chamber suits, wardrobes, folding beds, hall racks, sideboards; extension tables, dressers, wasbstancs, bed- steads: decorated toilet, tea and dinner sets: bedding, kitchen goods, notions, wall paper, etc. HENRY AUCTION COMPANY, my!2-9- S Auctioneers. BY JAB. W. DRAPE & CO. FREE RIDE TO AUCTION SALE OF 35 BUILDIHG LOTS CLIFTON AVE., HIGHLAND AVE. AND CENTER ST., ALLEGHENY, Close to terminus of Pleasant Valley Car line, and on tbe route of the projected electrio cars, adjoining Clifton incline plane, only 4 cents fare to Pittsburg postofflce and intermediate point. These lots all lay nice on good streets and present some of tbe finest building sitesdn either city, being thoroughly in tbe country with pure air and no smoke and overlooking the city; natural and artificial gas all around; city water, shade and forest trees, etc- - etc. The" sale will take place on MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 13, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Title perfect. Free tickets on Pleasant Valley cars to the property can be obtained from JOHN H,Mc-CREER- 95 Fifth ave., or from JAB, W. DRAPE & CO.. Auctioneers, my9-- 3 129 Fourth ave- - Pittsburg. BY HENRY APCTION CO. AUCTION FINE HOUSEHOLD AT poods and carpets at the residence. No. 22 BRIGHTON PLACE, Allegheny City. THURSDAY, MayJ6,atl0o'clock sharp. Fine plush parlor suit, center table, curtains, shades, rugs, book case, clocks, ornaments, bedsteads, bureaus, wasbstands, wardrobes, H. C. lounge, picturestoilet ware, rockers, bedding, springs, ball rack, fine oak extension table, dining chairs, sideboard, dinner set, laundry furnish-ment- s, refrigerator, sewing machine, kitchen goods, Brussels and ingrain carpets on rooms, halls and stairs, etr, etc. 2IoBe open after 8 o'clock momiag of tbe sale. HENBY AUCTION CO.. LTM, Auctioneers. Ruction sale Grand closing out sale at Public Auction r entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, and everythJag In store, must be closed oat by May 18. Sib MMsMMelBg at 238 and 7SS9 v. ac " , JL HANNACH A BRO.; "safll., ji es, jv aaa at earn 1 aavertfienmat one dollar Jpr i BwarV, 'for one feserftori. 'AXamed 'tevirtlH-men- u on this page tuehca Womted,oirJSale, To iet, ete, ten cent per line for each inter-'(to- n, and none talon for lett than fifty cents; THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFXPES., For the accommodation of tha publio, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and othertransientadvertisementa will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser- tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Trus dis- patch. pittsbubo. THOMAS MCCAFFKEY. S5o4 Butler street. KM1L G. STUCKEY, 2ith street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY COWylIe ave. andFultonst. N. trrOKELY, fifth Avenue Market Housa. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenffs. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEE & SHE1BLEB, 5th av. Atwood St, sotrrnsiDE. JACOB BFOHN; Ko. J Carson street. CHAS. SCRWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAKltCUEK, S9 FederaVstrert. HJ. McBKIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FBED B. EGGEK3. 171 Ohio street. T. H. EGGEte ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVEN60N. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHEN BY, tfestern and Irwin ayes. G. VT. HUGHES. Pennsylvania arid Beaver aves. 1'EltRY M. GLEIM. Uebecoa and Alleghany ayes. WANTED. Male Heln. ANTED-O- NE HABNES3 MAKER. ATS335 w WAK3U.H BT 0. B. InJli-l- AMTED-TW- O GOOD HARNESS MAKERS. w Apply at 2648 JT.EH.N AVJ5. inyiZ-13- 9 1A.NTED-T- WO CA.KER1AGE TEIMMEK3. THUS. B. U.NE1L& CO., 6821 to 682a renn ave., E. E. myl2-3- 2 AT ONCE-KI- VE CARRIAGE WANTED L. GLESENKAMP ft SON, 828 Penn ave. myB-T- S -- A riBST-CLAS- S COAT AND pant maker. Apply to KELLY BROS., 3033 Penn ave. myK-2- 8 WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED BRUSH for drawedwork. Apply at No. S3 FqUBTHAVK. mylz-3- 3 TTANTKD-- A BOY TO LEARN THE TIN W business, at A. C. GAUGER'S.IW Monterey St., Allegheny. mylz-12-0 VrrANTED-EIAN- O PLAYER-GO- OD SING-- ER. for saloon. Apply to THOMAS OULLBN, Bellalre, O. myll-- 8 GOOD AGENTS FOR A GOOD vv paying Business, can at ma run a an.. from 9 A. Jf. Monday. mylJ-l- lI WANTED-GOOU.EXPERIENC- ED steward ror summer resort. AND Ad- dress HOTEL, Dispatch office. myl2-7- 4 ONOE- -S CARRIAGE PAINT- ERS, atF.'W. SAWERTftCO.'S, Carriage li'fr, 5917 to 6923 Penn ave., E.E., elty. my!2-l- COACHMAN FOR LIVERY; WANTED but experienced need apply. T. It. MORELAND, 6100 Penn ave., East End. my$-- NIGHT CLERK WANTEDPHARMACIST have satisfactory references. Address SODA, Dispatch office. myl2-U- 0 FIRST-CLAS- S BARBER AT WANTED-- A Hllberg's, Beaver Falls. Call at B. W. BLACK'S, 80 Diamond St., Monday, May 13. myl2-- 3 TTANTED ONE EXPERIENCED VISE VV hand and one good lathe hand. Address BRILLIANT GLASS VoRKS, Brilliant, Oblo.l myll-1- 4 WANTED-- A to city COACHMAN-O- NE driving; none need apply without reference. Address C. D., Dispatch office. myU-- s FIRST-CLAS- S BARBER WANTED-- A who is sober, genteel and jpollle. Apply afonce to L. 0. JONtS, Box 6S0, Union-tow- n. Pa. myll-5- 7 MULDERS AND WANTED-GREENSA- ND steady employment' to good men. Apply to JOHNSON FOUNDRY CO., Johnstown, Pa. myll-- DRUG CLEBK-O- KE WHO WANTED-- A certificate and comes well recommended. Address 8. H. VOGEL, Webster ave. and Roberts street, city. myl2-3- 0 TTTANTED--A FEW INTELLIGENT 8ALES-V-V MEN for city business: good pay and steady work ror tbe right men; reference required. P. F. COLLIER, 103SPenn ave. myl2-8- 1 WANTED-- A man PtJSmG.BELlABLE (cot under sofunemployed at present; must have executive ablllryjjtw weekly: A 1 references required. Address EXECUTIVE ABILITY, Dispatch office. myl2-7- B - YOUNG MAN 'AS WANTED and typewriter, with some knowledge or bookkeeping: must write a good band; answer stating experience, Dispatch office. myl2-l2- S BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S COLLEGE, 4 Sixth st. Penmanship, book- keeping, eclectic shorthand, typewriting, arith- metic thoroughly taught for 5 per mo.; Instruc- tion private for both sexes; open through summer, day and evening. mylO-TTS- DESIRE TO ESTABLISH A WANTED-W- E agency in Pittsburg or vicinity to control the sale of a staple article or dally con- sumption: any energetic man with small capital may secure a permanent, paying business. For particulars address GRLKNW1CH MANUFACT- URING gp.,S8Vesey st. , N. Y. myU- - WISH A FEW WANTED-SALESMEN-- WE sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturers in our line; Inclose stamp; wages 83 per day; permanent position; no postals answered; money advanced ror wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati Ohio. SELL AND WANTEO-AGENTS- TO to use Dr. O'Keefe's Liver PlUs, Cold or Catarrh Pills, Cough Pills, Diarrhea Pills, Dyspepsia Pills, Rheumatism Pills, Head- ache Pills, Skin Eruption Pills, Neuralgia Pills, Piles Pills, 25 cents: large bottles, 81; sent postage paid. DR. U'KEEFE ft CO.. Homeopathic Chem- ists. 34 Fifth ave. and 423.Penn ave. royl2-U- 2 VTT ANTED GENERAL ND LOCAL VV agents to handle entirely new chemical blotter,nercr before known to tbe public; sells at sight; everv writer needs the eraser: the blotter erases ink without abralding paper, and rapidly ass flash of electricity; 200 to 600 per cent profit: territory free: salary to good men; samples, 35c. For terms and full particulars ad- dress THE CHAMPION ERASER CO., Manu- facturers, La Crosse, Wis. my!2-C- 2 Female Help. ANTED TWENTY EXPERIENCED w salesladies. Apply Monday morning. DANZIQEK ft BERG. my!2-5- 6 PROTESTANT GIRL COOK. WANTED MRS. W. H. DAULER, Terrace ave. and Robinson St., Oakland, city. myl2-6- 0 BE A GOOD COOK WANTED-GIHL-MU- 8T no washing; small family- - Ap- - piycuiALUxijU.un avz,, xasi.uu. myiz-S- - A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WANTED light housework and help attend children. SMALLMAN ST., second door from Thirty-seven- th street. my!2-- 3l "TTTANTED WOMAN COOK FOB SMALL VV sommer hotel near city: good wages. Call at 43 FEDERAL ST.. Allegheny, Tuesday, from 10 to 12; none but experienced cook need apply. myt2-3- 8 GIRL FOR WANTRD-EXPERIENC- ED housework, in a small family in Al- legheny; best wages paid: "no Irish need apply:" also, a woman: on Mondays and Tuesdays, for laundry. LAMAR, Dispatch office. myl2-10- 8 Situations. ANTED-B- Y YOUNG MAW EMPLOY- MENT W as traveling servant or under but- ler, salary being no object. Address P. R.. DIs- - patch office. my!2-l2- 3 TaTANTED-- A POSITION BY AN AMANU-V- V iNBlSand shorthand writer: can operate a Callgraph or Remington: best of references fur- nished. Address O. NVBAMSEY, Greensburg, Pa. Bnalncsa Opportunities. WITH 11,800 WANTED-SUPKB1NTENDE- NT by himself): salary 1150. MERCHANT, 168 Fourth ave., New York. myl0-7- 4 Rooms. Houses. Etc fTTANTED-T- O HOUSE VV Ior summer, Oakland to East End. f40to 850 per month. Address W. S., Dispatch office. myl2-i- rr TTTANTED-SMA- LL FUBN1SHED HOUSE IN VV country, 'not over 10 miles from city, on line of railroad. Address, stating location and rent, NEHOC, Dlsjatch office. myl2-l2- 2 aTANTED-T-O PURCHASE A RESIDENCE W or a larre lot near Superior station, P., Ft, W. ft O. B. B.. suitable ror building a good house. AddresrT. M., Dispatch office, myll-- a FAMILY COMPOSED OF 3 VV wouldllke to take charge of a house during tbe owner's absence through the summer; first-cla- ss relercnce furnished. Address MRS. H., Dispatch office. mytt-- ? Boarding. TTTANTED-BOARD1- NG IN THE COUNTRY VV on line of railroad; state terms. Address W, A. L., Dispatch office. myl2-10- 5 TTTA.NTED-COUNT- RY BOARD FOR TWO W families: along the line or the P. B. R. pre- ferred. Address P. 0, BOXcW. myl2-12-0 TTANTED-KO- OH WITH BOARD, ABOUT 10 V V or 12 miles from elty, for young lady; with an old couple preferred. Address O. R... Dispatch , office. myl2-3- 7 ' AND BOARD IN WANTED-ROO- M not more tbaH v minutes' walk irvm cor. rena. aau Sixth sts.. by a young lady emnloycd dwiag Ibe'etayi private finally .fluitt -- .?dua4 T. ktVvifti cse.,,myli-- 7 ufVAXTED. Male and Pemale Help, TTTASTED-AGEN- m MEN OR WOMEN, TO V r sell Missouri steam Washer to families: In its favor nnmeroua.and.convlnclng: sales made without dlmcnltyr profits large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense if not satisfactory; write for Illustrated circular " terms, r, nusiii, otKuaau, a, Boarders and Lodgers. "VXT ANTE- D- BOARDERS - FURNISHED JV front room to let. with good board, on union ave.t reference exchanged. Address A. K., Dispatch office. mytt-i- H BOARDERS -- ELEGANT PAR- TY LORS faclnp park, with flrst-cU- ss board; also second-stor- y iront room facing lawn; refer- ence. lOJUEDAK AVE., Allegheny. myl2-H- 2 TTTANTED-OCCUPAN- T3 FOR TWO WELL .it tarnished connecting rooms; also large hack parlor, newly furnlshedwlth folding bed- stead; a few doors from East Park. Address PRIVATE FAMILY, Dispatch office. myl2-14-4 TTJANTfcO A FEW BOARDERS Ilf APRI-.V-V VATK family at East Springfield. ra near Lake Erie, on. the . ft P. Ry.;good. fishing and boating; use of horse and buggy if desired: cool lake winds; pleasant home for those wanting to spend the summer In the country: am stopping at present at 6209 bTA'flON STREET; write or call. CJ. W. D. myK-3- 3 Tlnnnciat. LOAN MONEY AT 4KB AND WANTED-T- O free or tax, W. a STEWART; 114 Fourth ave. JaM-2-s- u TTTANTED-GOO- D CITY MORTGAGES IN I V all amounts: money at low rates and small expense. O. H. LOVE, 03 Fourth avenue. myll-3- 1 W in sums to suit at AH. 6 and 6 percent. ALLES ft BAILEY, 1M Fourth ave. Tel. 1G7. api3-i- 4 TTTANTED-REN- TS COLLECTED PROM1T- - VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES ft BAILEY, 1M Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. TTTANTED-PABTI- ES TO EXAMINE IN VX3T-- MENT: no risk and at least 10C percent profit. Inquire or JAMES L. ORB, 140 Fifth aVc, Pittsburg. myl2-1- 4 TjrTANTED-fiOKTGAG- ES, IN LABGE OR VV small amounts, on improved city or Alleghe- ny county property, at lowest market rates. THOS. LIGGETT, No. lM Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1 TXTANTED-MOR- TG AGES-MON- EY TO LOAN VV at 45, B ando per cent on improved Pittsburg, Allegheny and suburban properties: amounts to suit. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 1OT Fourth ave. my!2-8- 8 VV on city add suburban properties at 4M, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and aajti- - cent counties at 6 per cent. X. JU. fAliivua at eisi, ii x carta avenue. ap7-- TTrANTED-O'- O LOAN MONEY-- WE HAVE VV over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at M per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on improved farms In y, Beaver. Fayette, Washington and West- moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans o rtmy amount. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. , Miscellaneous. TTrANTED-T- O MAKE BROMIDE PRINTS VV for artists and photographers. Send for price list. PITTSBURG CRAYON CO., 631 Smith-fie- ld st. myl2-i-u TO GET A BAKER'S WANTED-YO- U OS) or Stewart ft Co.'sflne cabinet photos for II, at SO and 82- - FEDERAL ST., Alle- gheny. TTTANTED-YOU- NG MEN TO LEARN THE VV art or ventriloquism, at a small cost. Call or address VENTRILOQUIST, 33 Besaca street, Allegheny City. mylO-7- 8 TTTANTED-SECOND-HA- ND UPRIGHT VV piano In good order: easy payments. Ad- dress, giving price, particulars, etc., S. II. M.. Dispatch office. myll--a TTTAN TED-LAD- IES TO KNOW HAUGH ft VV Kecnan repair, rettnlsh or npholster old furniture promptly and In tbe best possible man- ner. 33 AND it WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. my9-8- 2 MEN LEARN THE ART OF gentlemen's garment cutting; no trying on required: night sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 7 to 8 r. it., 614 Wood st. URLlNi ft SON. ap30.68 TTTANTED-EyERYB- OD Y TO GET ONE DOZ. VV fine cabinet pbotos for 89 cents at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY. SIS Market St., Pittsburg, Pa., for SO days only; elevator: come, ruuorsuine; oriag cuiarea. mys-- ui ANTKD-CUsTOM- FOB CASH w eilverirfe watches. S3. 87. 89: Elgin gold ladles? watches, KO, 823, 829: nickel per set. JOHNMITSCH, Jeweler. 130 Federal st. aplS-irwi- w ANTED-B- Y PEARSON, LEADING PHO- - dozen; pbotas delivered when promised; instau-taneo- process. mhl3m3 TTT ANTED MARRIED OR SINGLE MEN TO VV invest In building sites at Maplewood Park, Wllklnsburgtlots 40x110; 110 to 820 down, balance 81 to 3 per weekrsct quick before they are all gone; 70 sold in one week; call on the agents, who will pay your fare ahd take you to see the grounds. J. ft CO.. W7 Fovrth my3--TT- HOR SALE-IMPRO- VED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. TJIOR STREET; ROOMED brick dwelling: large, nice lot; easy terms. GEORGE BCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. - SALE 84,000; FORBES STREET; F)R brick dwelling house; good lot; a big bargain. GEORGE SCHMIDT. 167 Fourth avenue, SALE-THI- RD AVE.. NEAR POSTOF-FIC- E, brick heusc ot 9 rooms: good lot, side entrance, etc.; cheap and easy terms. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8- 8 NEAR ERIN ST.. FORSALE-VYLIEAV- E., brick house of 6 rooms, good cellar; nat. and art. gas: lot 22x110: price 48,600. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8-8 10B BALK-ON- LY ST., JL. nail square iruui itjub vc, ubh tiotuo bouse. 4 rooms, well finished, good lot. J. R. COOPER ft CO., J07 Fourth ave. my!2-3- 8 TJIOR SALE AVE., ABOVE JJ Try street: brick house or S rooms and attic; lot IJxlTo: rents ror 8120 peryear; terms easy, J, K. COOPKB ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myfe-8- 8 OR SALE-8- 5, 600 WILL BUY FOUR HOUSES, T each containing 4 rodcis. ess and water. and will rent so as to pay 10 per cent; lot 30x1(0, located on Gum street, W. C. STEW ART, lit Fourth ave. ap21-19-- ss 83, 000-F- INE BRICK FOBBALE-BLUFPS- T.: stone front, 12 rooms, with every modern convenience: elegantly finished and newly papered throughout: easy terms. ,T. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. my!2-8- 8 SALE CENTER AVE., NEAR ROBERTS FOR brick dwelling O rooms ahd storeroom; also brick dwelling In rear 6 rooms,' etc.; lot S4x 100 to alley; rental OT4 ycarly;price 83,000. ALLES ft BAILEY, lMFonrthave. Tel. 187; mi!2-- H SARAH ST., NEAR 'Twelfth St., brick dwelling 5 rooms and finished attic: both gases: lot 18x60 feet to alley: private side alley; bargain for quick buyer. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 187. myiz-6- 6 TJIOR STREET, 4? roomed brick dwelling house; batb, range, slate roof, slate mantels, natural gas, papered throughout; lot 22x128; nicely fenced up: terms reasonable. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. myl2-6- 2 SALE-O- N WASHINGTON ST., NEAR Wylle, lotaoxlW to an alley: good two-sto- ry brick or 6 rooms and attic: natural gas, slate roof, good sewerage, outside irashhouse: all In good condition; only 88,230. THOS, LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO.71 BALE-RO-W OF 8 BRICK FOB almost new; wellsltuited: pays 8 per cent: room ror 6 additional houses on rear or lot: It will then pay 12 per cent i street and alley paved and sewered: houses never Idle. Principals only inquire or MORRIS ft FLEMING, 110 Fourth ave. TJOR SALE-KOSET-TA ST.. NINETEENTH JD ward, frame house, 3 rooms: good water; lot tOxlOCL carfare, 5 cents to the city; price, S1.3W: alfin frmnhnnAi. lrnfllnL TlMrlv new lot 26x100: price, 81,000; cash, balance to suit. CHARLE3 SCHWAN, Station St. andP.R. R., East End. myl2-12- S TJiOR BALE-- E. J. BUGDEN'S BEAUTIFUL JD residence, No.m Fortieth st. ; a brick bouse ofhall, vestlbuleandJ21argerooms and finished attic, batb, range, double parlors, sliding doors, both gases, and In fact every modern convenience for a complete borne: lot 25x125 ft.; price 87. 600, d cash, bal. to suit; be sure and examine this property before buying elsewhere; any agent procuring me a purchaser for this and any other property that I Save for sale. I will divide the commission. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Untie st Telephone 6514, East End Residences. T710B H.C00 CASH. BAL-X- ? AN CE 825 a month a new, attractive and substantial Queen Anne brick dwelling, contain- ing 9 rooms, bath and all conveniences: is elega- ntly-finished and located in one orthe most de- sirable nelphhnrhnnris In tbe East 2nd. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19-- BALE THOUGHTFUL PERSONS IN buying a home will tako.lnto account the sur- roundings and probabilities or enhancement or value; convenience to good Improvements is a leading consideration; also rapid transit to and from the business part of the city: the quality of the houses in tbe neighborhood goes for a good deal: as to build or buy a handsome stone or brick residence and have Inferior houses go up after- ward on adjoining Jots detracts from tbe value of the first: to buy on a neatly paved street, with sewers, gas and Water already laid, is important; one then knows .what tbe whole cost Is, and bss not to worry about tbe cost of future grading and paving. All these items and many more are cov- ered at tbe handsome new dwellings on Oakland Square (formerly Linden Grove), which need only be seen to be appreciated. The price is 88,600 and and , 750. payable on easy terms, for .elegant, thoroughly well built and. commodious 'houses, standing apart, onlotiJ&xHO, and fitted with all the modern conveniences. All the houses front on asphaltum streets, and npon a handsome park piantea wun suaue trees; oia lores trees picuu-full- y shade the neighborhood. The cable cars are now but six minutes' distant, ana will be brought sua nearer, rjmee nouses are rapiaiy seuing, VO SALK IMPROVED RfeALfBSTATK. "- 1- an End Reaincseea. OB SALE-COKN- EB LAUREL AVENUE and Cedar street. Klnnmflclrt; lot 41x160, with 4 small houses? (rood investment, very cheap. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. , sa TTiOH 8ALE-MEYR- AN AVE., OAKLAND, JD only S3, 700 ror nice little home, B rooms, front and back porches, with lot 20x100 feet to an alley. SPENCER ft GLObSER, 419 Hmlthfleld st. TJIOR ELEGANT RESI .a. DENCE, deslrahlv Incited on anaved avenue. with good sewerage. In the heart of Sbadyslde; lot 114x400 feet. WV 0. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19-- MOO CASH. BAL- ANCE S100 the first year and S200 a year there- after will buy a 4 room house with z acres of round on Leamington avenue. W.C STEWART, 4 Fourth ave. ap21-)9-- SALE-3,80- O: BLEGANT brick dwelling bouse; bath, slats roor, slate mantels, natural gas, papered throughout; lot Ox 126. nicely fenced up; terms moderates GEO, SCHMIDT; 157 Fourth ave. , TTIOR 8 ALE-- A SUBSTANTIAL BRICK HOUSE JC or 7 rooms and all conveniences; lot40xl50; located on a paved street In Oakland, a minutes from cable cant price and W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. , iajZ-CfrB-n SALE-BOQU- ET ST. OAKLAND, ELE- GANT mansard brick .dwelling, 8 rooms, bath. Inside w, c. hot and cold water, etc: lot 21x175 ft.: price $0,000: terms reasonable. SPEN- CER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smithneld St." SALE-MEAD- ST., ,200, MODERN Queen Anne dwelling, eight rooms, recep- tion hall, bath, w. c.. rouge, Ti. and c. water, slate mantels, inside shutters, porches, etc.; lot 29x100. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth r TJIOR NEW X; and attractive brick residence of I2rooms.wlth large lot: nothing better ior the money in the East End: Is desirably located on one ortbe main avennes. Wi C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. U O'HABA ST., E. K, LOT 42 X130: elegant frame house of 8 rooms, bath, etc. ; slate mantels, nat. gas and all conveniences; this is a good property and in one or the most de- sirable neighborhoods. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. TJIOR TO BUTT PUR-- Jj CHASER, substantial new and attractive brick dwelling, having 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second. 3 attic rooms and all conveniences: well finished throughout: desirably located In Oakland. W, C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19-- TJIOR SALE-FRA- ME HOUSE NEARLY JD new, s rooms, finished attic, cellar, city water, porches, pantry; also house in rear or lot, near Hlland ave.; price, 83,000; hair cash, balance long time; look at this property. CHAS. 8CHWAN, Room 3, Schwan block, opposite East Liberty station. myl2-tt- 5 TJtOR SALE-SEVER-AL GOOD BABGA1NS AT X; Oakland in brick dwelling houses, near cable line, ranging In price from 84,000 to 80,000: are very desirable properties: tbey are on Fifth avenue, Forbes st., Meyran avenue. Dlthrldge. Fillmore and other good sts. : these properties are very desirable properties and are bound to sell; come and let us show them to you. C. H. LOVE, 83 Fourth ave. myll-3- 1 TJIOR TO SUIT PUR-J-D CHASER; new Queen Anne brick residence, having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second and 3 attlo rooms; well finished, nicely papered and has fine gas fixtures; good stable on premises; large lot; located on a paved avenue, in a well-li- a- roved and desirable neighborhood. W. C. TEW ART. 114 Fourth ave. U TJIOR 8ALE-O- N PENN AVENUE, NEABLIN-J- D DEN, fine lot 46x179, with good brick house: reception hall, parlor, library, dining room, kitch- en and large pantry on first floor: five good rooms, bath, etc., on second floor; large finished attic and cedar closet on third floor: electric bells, sneaking tubes, slate mantels, sliding doors between parlor andllbrary and reception hall and parlor; elegant rront porch, bay windows; an elegant neighbor- hood and very fine property in every respect. THOS. LIGGETT, lUFonrth ave. S ALE-N- O. 841 SOUTH HILAND AVE- NUE, East End, a modern built and mansard brick residence, wltn porches, etc., 10 rooms, all tbe modern conveniences, hot and cold water, lhkldo w. c, bathroom, etc., both gases, beater in cellar: lot Uxl40 to a ot alley, with good stable and carriage house1; all in perfect order: the location Is nnjurnassed by any in tbe East End, being on the line of the Pittsburg Trac- tion Co. and near Pa. R. R. and tbe Citizens' Traction Line; this is certainly the most destrable property now offering ror sale ; It must be seen to be fully appreciated: anyone desiring to look at it will be famished with a pass to look at It on ap- plication at onr office. C. H. LOVE, 83 Fourth avenue. myll-3- 1 Hozelsvood Residences. frame dwellings of 4 rooms, CHEAP fin- ished attic and cellars each: lots each 24x120; easy terms. J. R. COOPER &OO.,.107 Fourth ave. myl2-- 8 Allegheny Residences. ALLEGHENY RESI- DENCE, Federal St., near the parks; will exchange for first-cla- suburban property. A. J. PENTECOST, 411 Grant St. myU-4- 4 TJIOR ELEGANT NEW JD and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 8 rooms, batb, stationary wasbstands, laundry, cement collar and all Im- provements, located on Aekley St., head ot Monterey St. W. O. STEWART, U4 Fourth ave. ap21-19-- w Suburban Residences. BALC-O- N OHIO RIVER, FOUB MILES FOR Wellsvllle, 6 acres, frame house, four rooms, abundance or all kinds of fruit. Address 8. N. CRAWFORD, Ethel Landing, Pa. myl2-2- 8 TJIOR SALE AT BELLEVUE AN ELE-J-P GANT country home near to railroad and the proposed electric road: has all the modern lm- - water from a nover falling spring all firovemsnts; bonse: Inside w. c, bath, etc. C. H. LOVE, 83 Fourth avenue. myll-3- 1 IOB BRICK F residence, containing 12 rooms and all con veniences: lot 192x264; this property Is desirably located In Wilklnsburg; faces two good avenues, and tbe ground alone If laid off In lots will sell for tbe money: owner refused several years ago 823,-0- 00 cash. W. CbTEWABT, U4 Fourth ave. U TJiOR SALE FIFTEEN MINUTES' WALK JD from Sharpsbnrg station, on good road, brick bouse or7 large rooms and a small frame house. 3 stables, VA acres of laud, large orchard, grapery, etc.; premises are connected with railroad by board walk and are unsurpassed In beauty and healthfulness of location. Inquire at DENTAL ROOM, No. 11 Wylle ave. FOR BALE FRAME HOUSE, RECEPTION parlor,ltbrary,dlning room, two pantries and kitchen on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second floor, finished attic, both gases, fine man- tels, tile hearths, double oven range, porches, electric bells, furnace, cemented cellar, perfectly sewered: this houBe Is double weatherboarded: lot 44x122; only 3 minutes from Wilklnsburg station; 37, 000; terms to suit. CHAS. BCHWAN, Station st. and T. R. R.. East End. myl2-12-5 FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. SALE 835 PER FRONT FOOT. ON Wylle ave. ; cable cars will pass this property; 360 feet frontage by 100 feet deep: perfectly level lots: big bargain. See plan nt ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. my9-9- 2 TJiOR SALE-- A CHANCE FOR SPECULATION, 1 one acre near Wylle ave. cable line In the Thirteenth ward, beautifully situated and will lay out In lots to advantage: a great bargain. J, B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8- 8 SALE-WY- LIE AVE.-LO- T3 FBOM S2M FOR 8350: terms, 810 cash: balance in small monthly payments; come quick and buy quick; these lots are bound to double In value on the completion of Central Traction road. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8- J "COB SALE-HE- RE IS AN INVESTMENT-8- 50 JD per front foot for graded lota 05 feet deep on good, wide, clean streets. In center of city: streets Saved and sewered, and all assessments (Including date) paid; ror building purposes or as an investment for ftiture Increase this property at low price offered will pay handsomely. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. myl2-6- 3 Hazelwood Lots. SALT-LO- TS! LOTS II LOTSIIt AT HA- ZELWOOD; choice lots. 26x130 each, fronting on 60 ft, streets: location unsurpassed: terms to suit buyers. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. ' myl2-S- s Alleahcnv Lots. DESIRE HEALTH, FOBBALE-YOUSAYY- OU pure water, beautiful scenery and rapid transit; locate on the Watson acre and H acre sites. Perrysvllle avenue. Tenth ward. Alle- gheny: Pittsburg office, A. J. PENTECOST. 413 Grant street. my!2-6- 4 Parma. GIVEN AWAY; EORSALE-FAKM-ALMO- ST aprlngst'near railroad station, for a bargain of JAMES L. ORB, 110 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. myl2-l- 4 TJOR SALE-FA- RM AT HOBOKEN-- 93 ACRES; Jj 2mlnutes walk from station; one of the best farms In the county. For particulars see J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-- 8 SALE-O- B EXCHANGE-KANSASFAE- M FOB 150 acres: Improved: worth 83,500; near a city or 12.000; country store would do. J. H. STEVENSON ft CO., 100 Fifth ave. myl2-40-v TJiOR BALE-ABO- UT 8 AClttS OF, GOOD land, boantlfllllv lneatK1. near Shields Sta tion, P. Ft. W. ft O. R. R., will seU at about hair tbe price asked for the same class of property near re C H. LOVE, 98 Fourth avenue. myll-3- 1 TJtOB BALE 147 ACRES SITUATE IN WEST- - Ardsra station, only 18 miles from Pittsburg; bas 39 acres of coal, is good wheat or stock farm ; well watered: bouse of 8 rooms, large bank barn: land Is rolling, and all under cultivation: price 510, OKI; inis is me Dest iarm tor toe money on wv jreiuts. B. B. W.C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap21-l-- TJiOR BALE-2-00 ACRES -- AT ARDABA STA-J- D TION, Pennsylvania Railroad. 18 miles from Pittsburg (as a whole orto salt purchaser), has a large sand stone quarry opened, a large sand bank and about ISO acres or level land suitable for man- ufacturing purposes; ,al)olBi Carnegie Bros, ft Co.. and only IvenMes from tbe' new Wtttbu-bdus- e Worts at WilsaersHBf. W.C. STEWART, iHrssnaiTtsw, m., - . Jpaps-sfs- ji - A POK SALE-LO- TS. East Ens! L'ltfs. OB SALEteo-CTNT- EB AVE. CORNER UBiiiin Hi - mrinvnn 81x170 feet. W. O. BTJ WART, U4 Fourth ave, BlJtOroil AL CHOICE LOTS DESIR- ABLY located on Fifth ave., Sbadyslde. W. C. STEWART, U4 .Fourth ave. ap21-l-S- U TflOR AVES UE, COR St., 110X170 rect. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth aprenue. mylZ-63-S- u T7K)RSALE-Sl750--SOxl- CS FEET. LOCATED IN X one bf the choicest neighborhoods In Shady-sid- e. W, C. SaHWART, U4 Fourth ave. my)2-6S-S- TiWK SALE-- A NUMBER OF THE CHOICEST Sj lots In the East End: will pay yon to see us berore buying. W. C STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. apa-19-- so TJIOR SALE -- AT A BABOAIN-- S LOTS ON A X1 good street at Oakland to a quick buyer: wilt take fS00 cash : this Is a bargain not often to be had. C. II. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. myll-3- 1 SALE Z LOTS FAIHMOUNT AVE., about flmlnn tea from cable line. Nineteenth ward: only $300 each; act qnlce. CHARLES BCHWaN, Station st. and P. It. B., East End. mjl2-12- S TJIOR HALE-O- N WALNUT ST., NEAR HI- - LAND ave,: lot 60x220 to Elwood st.: a beau- tiful location, good neighborhood, very conveni- ent; fa,K. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1 SALE LARGE LOTS NEAR SOUTH N Dave, size 49x141 feet to wide alley: price is very low, and extraordinary good terms can bo given. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt, 612 Bmitlrfield street. my CORNER SOUTH H1LAND FOB-bALE-O- and Walnut st.. beautiful Building Site. 1C8 ft. "front by 140 ft. deep, on good terms aud ottered below market price. THUS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1 TJIOR SALETHE LARGEST LOTS, THE BEST P Improvements, most convenient locations, lowest prices, easiest terms; can all be secured In TheBium Grove Plan," Negley ave. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt., tlZSmlthfield street. BALE-O- N IOWA ST., NEAR HEBRON FOR and terminus or Wylle ave.. one or the finest building lots In the Thirteenth ward, front- ing 250 ft. on Iowa st. bv 125 ft. deep, will be sold cheap. J. B, COOPER "ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8- 8 jWR BALE-CHOI- CE LOTH AT DALLAS BTA- - JD TION. P. R. K.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un- surpassed: price ranging from (40S to SG00. Inquire of D. c. NEGLEY, 8108 Penn ave.. East End. no23-y7- S TJIOB SALE-Q-X EDWIN 8T., WITHIN 3 JD minutes' walk or Fifth ave. cable cars: good building lot, 30x120 to sewered alley: both and elty water on the street; good nelghbor-oo- d: only 81,300, tCOOcasb, bal. in 3 years. THOS. LIGGETT, N o. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1 TTtOR BALE-TH- AT ELEGANT BUILDING JD site corner or Negley ave. and Marearetta St.. facinir cast 111x170: Maraaretta St. cared free of expense to purchaser: price for a short time, 870 foot front. CHAS. SCHWAN. Station St., and ?er R. R.. East End. Telephone 5133. myl2-12- S TJIOR? BALE-LO-TS 100x23) FEET, LOCATED JD on Filth avenue, Sbadyslde. facing Amber-so- n ave.: this is without donbt the choicest loca- tion In the East End: the ground lays in snch a manner that for very little money It can be graded and a handsome eflect produced In way of land- scape gardening. W. C. STEWART, 111 Fonrth avenue. myl2-66-s- u ELEGANT FOR site, 116x173 feet (as awbole or will sell half), located on Rebecca si., Shadyslde, between Centr ave. ana Penn ave., facing Baum Grove, is well elevated, level, has eastern exposure, fine residence on either side and In a neighborhood that will undoubtedly be strictly first-clas- s. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. my!25-S- u "TJIOR BALE-P-0, 000-- 10 ACRES OF GROUND, JD suitable for laying out In lots: is perfectly level, well elevated and desirably located' In the heart of the East End, In a neighborhood that will undoubtedly be strictly Is within 12 min- utes' walk or Fifth avenue cable cars: bas a front- age or 2, 800 feet: fine brick dwelllngof 8rooms and a frame ors rooms; terms 8iaro cash, balance to suit purchaser. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave- - myS-12-- Suburban Lots. SALE MAPLEWOOD PARK-LO- TS 40x FOB J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave.: TJIOR BALE - MAPLEWOOD PARK, WIL-J- D KINSBURG, laid out by Geo. 8. Martin; ele- gant building lots, 40x120 and 40x240:8160 to ftoo each; 810 to 820 down, balance SI to S3 per week: tbese are the most desirable lots on tbe market and are bound to double In value within the next 90 days; 63 trains each way daily; call on tbe Koufc, irno wiu pay your isre ana tase yoa w sec the grounds. H. IOOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. BHscenaneons. TJiOB LOTB In Second ward, Allegheny; all sizes; nrlrea. S4CO to SC2S. LOTS MeGuunlgle plan of lots at Chartlers; cneap; easy terms. LOTS Out Wylle ave., on line or nsw cable road; low prices; terms easy. W. W. McN EILL ft BRO., myll-4- 3 103 Fourth ave. VOB. SALE-BUSIN- ESS. Buslnts Chances. TJtOK SALE--A GOOD SALOON-WE- LL LO-J- D CATED, at So. 448 East Federal St., Youngs-tow- n, Ohio. MARY BAUL1NE. mylZ-T- O IOR SALE-GOO- D. PAYING BESTAURANT JD In good location In Allegeny W. W. MC- - t jiAfij Cb XfcU.t iio J ourta ave. myl2-6- 8 TJiOE RY STORE. IN A GOOD JD town, on B. R.: splended schools, etc.: will Invoice about 81000. A at once to J. H. STEVENSON ft Co., 100 F ;h ave. myl2-4- S BALE DRUGSTORE IN A GROWING F town on the P. It. R.: nonulatlon 2.000 no opposition: 3 physicians; goodjpreicrtptlon trade; will sell cheap, Address IPECAC, Dispatch office. myli-4- 7 CENTRAL doing splendid business: all for selling is bad health; have made money; only 8300. MAGA W ft GOFF, 145 Fourth ave. myl2.9 SALE-GO-OD PAYING BUSINESS FOR FOR that can sew for about 1.0U: neat little confectionery and Ice cream business, 8200: bakery with horse and wagon, woo; stores of all kinds; 100 business chances. BHEPARD ft CO.. 64 Fifth ave. my3 TJIOR BALE-- AT WASHINGTON, D. C.- -A first-cla- restaurant, with small hotel accom modation, locatea la ine near? ox me city, B- etween Capitol and Treasury: established eleven (11) years: present owner going to Europe. Ap- ply to JAM3 P. THOMPSON, Hotel Anderson. city. myl2-- 5l TJIOB SALE--AT CLEVELAND, O. SALOONS X? from 8400 to S3,CC0: restaurants from S650to 87,500: hotel, 83,000: livery stable, 34,000; tin shops, 81,(00 to 85, 000: stove stores and hardware stock from I,000 to 83,000: several valuable patents, which wilr bear Investigation; many of the best places In this city for money-makin- g are offered by me: 1 bave also some of tbe very finest real estate in all parts or this city on easy terms. WM. H. LAKOUNTAINE&CO., Agent, 219 Superior St., Cleveland, o. Beal estate and business ex- change. myu-1- 3 Business Stands. TO BUTT-O- NE FOB from Court House: business property; 6 brick dwellings; rental, 1.6ca per year; big bar- gain; enhancement sure. ALLES ft BAlLEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. T710 SALE BRICK WORKS FOR SALE IN Lec'.iDurg.i"a.:tne latest improved machinery In ittformaklnsr red brick and firebrick: also. 2 dwelling houses and two (2) acres of land for sale. Inquire or GEORGE HINYER, Leechburg. Pa. U SALE-8100.- 000 THE LARGEST AND Fie. located Dlece or oronertr suitable for retail trade in Plttsbnrg; owner bas been holding ror 3140,000, but will take the above price ir sold at once; particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWART, 111 Fourth ave. ap21-19.- SALE-SEVER-AL PIECES OF FOR on Fourth ave.: also a number of pieces on Penn ave., Hmlthfleld st. and other good streets: will take pleasure in giving full par- ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth are. apzi-19-- SALE-- A SMALL HOTEL-- 24 ROOMS; electric bells throughout the house: every- thing In good condition: 'tis a chance for a live man that understands his bnslnessr no agents; principals aeaiiwuu on ly. hkjixiU xixix.it. ho. 213 Pennsylvania ave., N. W., Washington. D. C. myil-- 4 IOB 8ALE-A- N INVESTMENT ON -- GOOD F street, within 5 minutes of Dostoffice: lot 40x125 to an alley: rour-sto- ry brick building; rented for 5 years, at 31,500 per rear, to good, re- sponsible tenant; pays overs per cent net on sell- ing price, and bound to Increase in value. THOS. LIGGETT, Ho. Ill Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1 SALE-- A FULLY EQUIPPED FOR glass works, located at Stoncboro. Pa., on L. b. ft JL S. and W.. N. Y. ft P. R. 3. ; every- thing in first-cla- ss condition, having been buut within the last year: works running full time on specialties: cheap fuel: excellent railroad facili- ties.. Particulars, address STOXEBORO SPE- CIALTY GLASS CO., Stoneboro, Pa. BALE-62X- 115 FEET, LOCATED IN THE heart of Pittsburg, within z minutes' walk of postofflce: is now renting for &5Coayear, and Improvements only cover half the ground; this Is without doubt the choicest piece or property In the city, and If properly improved would par 8 percent net on Investment; price f 120.000: full Particulars to principals only. V. C. STEWART, ave. myl2-65-s- a TJIOB SALE-BOTTL- WOBKS-T- HE BOT-J- D TLlNG works and business of J. ft K. Lang-do- n, togetberwlth the property on wblch it Is situated, in the thriving city of Youngstown, O., Is offered for sale. Owing to the fact that Mr. John Langdon has been a sufferer from lung trouble and was compelled to takecp his residence in Colorado, he Is unable to glvettie business his personal attention, end now ror tbe first time offers this lucrative business for sale. The busi- ness is well established with a magnificent trade and the goods manufactured command a higher price than those or any other establishment on ac- count of their superior quality. Aside from car Donating we manufacture bitters and cordials, that "meet with no opposition, and in wblch we cemaund a large trade in Ohio, Indiana and Illi- nois. Tbe plant bas all modern improvements, and everything connected with It Is in first-cla- ss eoadl Hon. The residence contains 7 large rooms, is la first-cla- ss condition and has all modern Im- provement. Tbe property and baHaew will be sold 'ebeas. Fer farther, tBfttfBuUOB, etc., J. X. LANUDON, Yeaagttews, 0. FSK SALE MISCKLLAIflWPS. nerses. Vehicle. Live Stock, efee. TjOB SALE-GO-OD BUGGY. CALL AT Ml JJ 1 PENN AVE. myE- - SALE-PA- IR OF LABGB BSMrjfTS mules. Inquire arNO. 1014 LIBERTY AY mji4--9 TJIOR SALE-S3- S0 WILL BUY A LABGEYOUN C horse- - 8 years old, and afraid of nothing, x er barouche In good repair, and a good set of harness. Address P. O. BOX 724, city. ap2I'19-S-u FOR SALE-FI- NE BROWN HOnSE. 8 YEAHS 15H hands hlgn: good saddler and driver; not afraid of steam or cable cars. Can be sees 8 T. B. MOBELAN ITS stable. 8103 Penn are- - E. E. TJOB SALE-VE- RY HANDSOME DAPPLED X- - gray horse, 8 years old. 1.160 pounds weighs, thoroughly broken, perfectly sound, ccoi roadster, ffll. A.SIPE, 93 Diamond St., Pitts- - burg. myl2-o- 8 TJIOB SALE--A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL BAY JU coach horses, 18 bands hlzb, 8 years old, perfectly sound and gentle: will be sold at a bar- gain. Can be seen at A. JACKMAN ft BON'S, Sto 538 Penn ave. myl2-- l OR SALE--A FIRST-CLAS- ALMOST NEW.' one-bor- wagon, m springs, hire seat, newly painted, weight between 800 and 900 lust the tblng for a butcher or grocer or founds: cost 8150; will sell for hair price; will trade ror groceries or heavier wagon, Ad dress DUQUESNE, Dispatch office. mylS-1- 3 . Machlnen and Metals. FOR SALE--WE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGO or No. i second-han- d engines anduollers, all sizes, from 2 b. p. np, taken In exchange for new; we got them cheap and they will go cheap: also new engines and boilers, every size and style, at rock bottom prices.HARME'3MACHlN.a DEPOT. 97 First ave. BHscenaneons. FOB SALE SODA WATER OENERATOB copper fountains in first class condition t wlU sell low for cash. Apply to J. P. URBEN, cor. Franklin and Fulton sts., Allegheny. myE-3- 9 f TO LET. Ailecheny Residences. TO LET-N- O. 85 LOCUST ST.. ALLEGHENY City, good brick dwelling, all modera Improvements: rent low to a good tenant. C. H, ,f b rmrth aw myii-- si Suburban Residences. LET-I-N 3EWI0KLEY--A COMPLETELY TO furnished brick residence on Btoad t 1 sq. from station; Immediate possession. Address ADAIR, P.O. box27, Sewlckley, Pa. mylS-f- T TO LET-- MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod- ern improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem- ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM.T, DUNN. mh9-- 3 Frtrma ONLY 85 CASH AND TO 85 in Improvement per month; near railroad station: fruit, spring house. Grooms and barn. Inquire if JAMBS L. ORB, HO Fifth ave., Pitts- burg. my!2-1- 4 Apnrtmenis. . mo LET-VE- RY DESIRABLE FURNISHED room: evervtblnir first claaa raroneortwo) gentlemen. 423 PENN AVENUE. myl3-U- 3 LET TO A GENTLEMAN-- A PLEASANT second story rront room, furnished: In family ortwo: on line or Pleasant Valley ears. Allegheny; references. Address X., Dispatch office- - myrZ-4- 3 fTTO HAVE TWO SUITES 1 or rooms on Dnqucsne way, connecting with, our cafe which we oner for rent either with or without board. KENNEDY, No. 2 Sixth St. myl2-- 4i LET FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATB TO house, suitable for one or two gentlemen: meals If desired; five minutes walk to both eabla roads andEast Liberty station. S. M., Dispatch, office. myts-11- 7- LET-- A LARGE SECOND STORY FRONT, TO roon, furnished or unfurnished, ror doctor or dentist or dressmaking: two rooms if desired; Penn are., between Ninth and Tenth sts. Ad- dress E. C., Dispatch office. myl2-11- 3 Offices, Desk Room, dfcc LET -- DESK BOOM IN OUB MAIN, TO office from 5 to 113 per month, with use of desk room, etc. C H. LOVE. 83 Fourth ave. myll-3- 1 Business Stands. ND BTORY: SUITABLE FOR TO most any business, with elevator. Apply as 108 riHKlPI'MT 1m7JTZTTin LET HOME UNFURNISHED BOOMS, 4 TO 8 room flats, suitable for housekeeping! three storerooms with dwellings. Inquire OX PREMISES, it Fourtb-st- . LET-- 93 WATER ST. OB US FIRST AVE., TO warehouse running throuzh fromst. tost,; each floor 20x109. with fine tile floor ; office on first and second floor: Inside w. c; wasbstands, new elevator:finehuslnes3)ocation;rentlow. JfcCrT, ft BAIHD. 95 Fourth ave. . --my-8 r PERSONAL. DIVORCES QUICKLY AND PERSONAL you desire a divorce for any csuso, state particulars: advice free: confidential. ROB- ERT WHITE, Attorney, 143 Broadway, N. Y. mj9-8- 9' WANTED-- IF YOU PERSONAL-BOOK- S worth 10 cents, or a library worth 81,000, let us know: wa wlU buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK BTOKE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-2-S DESTBTNO TO BUT PERSONAL-TH0- 3E gold and silver watches or fins clocks, and novelties In standard and fashionable jewelry, wiU find a grand assortment at very low esc prices as jaxuMAi ijuuubiiiu's. uuamiia field St. myl2-irwvs-u. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ON PERSONAL face, balr on the male race above the beard line destroyed forever without pain, scar, shock, trace or Injury, by the electric neeala by Dr. J. Van Uyck, electro surgeon. 40 North Eleventh st.. Philadelphia. Every lady with hair on ber race knows that depilatories, tbe tweezers, scissors or razor only make these hairs grow coarser, stiflVr and darker. Remember, the electric needle Is the only method In (be world by which the hairs can be destroyed: never fallsi book free. Dr. Van Dycfc visits Pittsburg severs! times a year, sud ladles who wish treatment should write at once to bis Philadelphia office. myll-10- 0 STRAYED. BAY E TO MY PREMISES, ST Scully Springs, P., C. ft Y. R. B., on May 3, 2 ponies, sorrel and bay. Owner can have sams by paying charges. ADAM MA Ya. myl;- - LOST. S T-- A SUM OF MONEY, BETWEEN1 LO Fourth ave. and Wood st. and tbe Fifth National Bank, on Sixth st. A liberal reward will be paid if returned to 404 FORBES ST. myl2.7 FOUND. AGAIN STTHEWORLD FOUND-TH2TKU- TH after 13 years intense suffering- - from diseases of tbe liver and kidneys by Remedies after laDure to obtain rellaf from physicians. See sworn testimony of Mr. J. S. Young. Allegheny City, and hundreds of others, at 301 to 307 Grant St., cor. Third, avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. A word to the wise: Go now; be cured; bring this with yon. mylS-13-7 NOTICES. rpEACHERS WANTED NOTICE DJ X hereby given that tbo Homestead School Board will elect 1 principal. 2 assistant nrinet- - pals, S primary, and 13 intermediate teachers, j .&U applicants man oo expenencea snu corns1 well recommended;salarles from HO to 1110 per month. Applications must be received before Jane 15,1639. ED. H. MORTON, President. ' A.J.KTJHy. Secretary. my OAKLAND SQUARE, $4,600 each, moderate cash payment, balancs) -- $500 per annum, elegant new two-sto- and mansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, ban, batb, laundry, slate mantels, art Sre places, tils hearths, sliding doors, wired for electriclight, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win- dows, eta; Oakland Square, nvo minutes from Fifth avenne cable line and directly on line of new cable loop wbicb is to be constructed this slimmer; a beautiful park (on which are sev- eral hundred beantlful shade trees!. th wbola surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with aspbaltnm;on each side of and facing tbe park are the above described dwell-ing- s; most destrable bouses yet offered; on cancement ot values surcu myu-o- KEATING HOUSE, PERBYSVILLE PLANK ROAD- - Cars of tbe new Electrio Road ran within, s mile of the house, from Alleehenv PostoflasCf! every 15 minutes, for terminus of the road, "a 3 LA8T CAR FOR CITY AT10SO P. M. -- 13 5rauppers to order. fia P. O.. WEST YIEW, Alleehenv county, Pa,j MJU-- J J ACuO..LaTI M, XT0pT,("i WALTER J. OSBOTTRNe. KICTfABOHABBOw & USrJOUJHNrJ "' BAtUlUWB JOB PRINTERS. to Diamond atreeVt ' Telnhnn TTo. glu SAVfigvirjauM 3 nrlTHEB LESSONS-PRIVATB-AN- 11 classes-civ- elj by Mr. HENRY HEKZ, 8" auuiianu. avenue, AJiegneny. uver xx yssvrs) teacher ot zither in tbe first music houses and schools in London: 'highest references. Mnsio arranged ior tup ziuier. mys.7 TiARIS VISITORS TNTENTHNft Tf RVal JT the Exposition should apaly now to $. H.. wlllan, 159 Rue Lafayette, who baa comfort- - able rooms and good board at bis Home Frees Homer"' prices moderate; good atteaelaneac. . .. w v n fr iu c?a -- . zr my5.1S-5,8,12;- l TO EUROPE ALL THE TOTVtAM steamers sallisetbis and next mnnfh ant rapidly filling np. AaBlV for bArtlui 1lHnlJ aeiay. Tie$wwtsw3"iser-.o- X cress aj N.Y. rates. JOX WMAJOWG.A'CO.? ISBSBPrttSSVSSl BV '". -- yuzfil

Transcript of Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-05-12 [p 11].band at the lesser art forms and prove their...


    A Critical Beview of Messrs. Woods

    and Wales' Lion of Pern.


    A Description of the Great Oratorio to bo

    Heard This Week.


    Since Friday's Dispatch rendered aspecial verdict upon the facts in re the pro-duction of the new opera, "The Lion ofPern," by Dr. E. A. "Wood and Mr. Leonard"Wales, a second performance has been heardand a hasty examination of the score had,both of which seem to justify the entry ofcritical judgment in favor of the pub-lic; that the plaintiffs hare not made out astrong enough case of opera to support theclaim for public patronage.

    And yet, from one point of view, theseclaimants have equities in their favor.Neither of them pretends to have had pre-vious experience as librettist or opera com-poser; and it would lie unfair to expect fromthem the skill that can only be acquired bysuch experience. All writers and composershave had to creep before they learned to walk.

    But "the inflexible principle of artistic law is,or should be, that a writer or composer mustnot creeD in public; he must do that only in se-clusion, and stay there until he learns to walk.True, those who write and compose for thestage are under a disadvantage in this respect,inasmuch as dramas and oneras cannot be practiced at home, but most be experimented within public Yet even tbey must first try theirband at the lesser art forms and prove theirskill and ability in these before claiming publioattention for the more pretentions dramatic oroperatic experiments.

    The libretto of the "Lion of Pern" is clearlythe wore of a writer possessing considerableliterary knack. Borne of the lines and versesare really clever as reading matter. Bnt thebook lacks the touch of the dram-atist. It Is diffuse in lync and descriptive por-tions, when much should be lett to the imag-ination and the music not encumbered with toomany words. It is obscurely brief in narrativeand dialogu: where the movement of the plotshould be more clearly and fully displayed tothe audience. Behind all this, the book lac Jfthe backbone of dramatic continuity, strengthand consistency.

    The music, while containing not a fewpleasing passages an(j several entire numbersof some merit, is very far from constituting anopera. Hunderland'i song and the duetbetween Caserne and Walnole in act Lcontain some good ideas, though the latter isalmost nnsingable for the tenor. The scene inEpping Forest contains three of the best num-bers of the work: the first duet and ensemble,the lullaby and the "Bird Matin" pleasingmelodies, (especially the lullaby) in thesimplest form. Perhaps the best bit of writingin the score is the duct in the last act, with itsgraceful accompaniments! figure first in theViolins and later taken by the soprano.

    The other individual numbers 'are eithercommonplace and reminiscent, or else, if onedoes chance to start with a promising phrase itis quickly lost in a maze of episod-aic-

    matter. There is practically nomusical development of the themes chosen.The recitative and most of the con-versational cusemblesare hbpelesslyineffectiveand unskillful. There is very little indeed ofdramatic characterization: the "Ghost Scene"is almost comical in its inappropriate levity,though offering the best opportunity for dra-matic treatment.

    Back of the objections to this score as operamusic lie very serious obstacles to its beingconsidered as music at all. Bad progres-sions, faulty modulations, clear violationsof the first principles of harmony are mattersthat must be conquered before a vonng manever thinks of writing an opera. The orches-tration was mostly hackwork," part havingbeen hastily cone by the conductor of thetroupe, and other parts by other persons onvery short notice.

    As for the performance, little can be said bntwholesale condemnation. Mile, do Lussan wasthe only one of the three or four leading char-acters who had thoroughly mastered her role.Mr. John Reed. Miss Claire and Mr. Mironearned a good word in their less grateful roles.The rest of the performance was not what theauthors and the public had a right to expect.

    The following description of Mendelssohn's"Elijah." compiled from the "Worcester Fes-tt- rl

    Handbool:" of 18S7, mil doubtless be ofInterna to those who intend hearing the excel-lent performanb'tif?1btsx2lt2ria promised bythe Mozart Club this week:

    Musical critics disagree in regard to the com-parative merits of Mendelssohn's two oratorios."Willie many claim for "St. Paul" excellenciessot fonnd in 'Elijah,'" the latter Is unmistakablythe most popular, as evinced by its frequent per-formance at all the great festivals in furope andAmerica. It is shorter and more dramatic thanHandel's 'Messiah," less theological thanEnohr's "Last Judgment," and less didacticand monotonous than the wondrons "Pas-sion Music" of Bach. Thus, while thesubject matter of the 'Elijah" is full of the moststirring Incidents, Its artistic form is sufficientlybrierto rivet the attention or even an uncultivatedaudience from the first recitation down to the lastchorus.

    The words, selected from the Old Testament,contain elements of dramatic power and descrip-tive lmagervparttcularly suited to musical effects.The scene Is laid in bainarla during the wickedreign of Ahab, the seventh King of Israel. Theoratorio opens with the startling prophecy ofElijah, that there would be "no rain or dew forthree years, but according to my word." This isfollowed by an overture of great beautyof construction and depth of meanlnir.preparing the mind almost impercepti-bly lor the despairing cry of thepeople for succor, in the opening chorus, ""HelpLord.' The earnest cry for help in the duet andchorus, "Lord, bow Thine ear," is rollowed bythe aria, "If with all vour hearts,'1 in which de-liverance Is promised if they will truly turn andseek the Lord. In the chorus, "i et doth theLord see It not," the people are faithless in be-lieving their prayer would be answered, andtannt the Lord for mocking them in their greatdistress. The double quartet, I'For He shallgive His angels charge over thee." Is repletewith beautiful effects and comforting assurancesof Divine protection. The waters of Cberith hav-ing dried up. Elijah is again directed to go toZarepbath, where a certain widow would snstalnhim. until the day the Lord would send rain nponthe earth. The meeting with the woman, and thesucceeding nlstory. relating to the barrel ofmeal and cruse of olL which did not wasteor fall the raising her dead son to life byElijah, and herjoy and bellerin God, as shown byIlls prophet, are graphically depicted in recita-tive and song, merging Into the chorus, "Blessedare the men who fear the Lord." At the end ofthree years Elijah slgnlfinles his intention to re-turn to Ahab. and that the Lord would then sendrain upon the earth.

    Being taunted by the people for troubling Is-rael, Elijah says It Is AhaD and his father's bo'isewho have tronbled Israel in dlsobenng God'scommands. The dramatic power and" ferrld elo-quence or the scenes subsequent to the test by lireto determine whose God Is the Lord-t- ue thrillingcry to Baal to heed their sacrifice thetaunt of Elijah to "call him louder "and the final scenes recounting the prayeror Elijah for God to show the people that Be isGod, are striking exemplifications of the greatrenins of Mendelssohn. The creat and cnrKtir,choral, "Cast Thy Burden on the Lord," is ofItself a tone poem of exaulslte beautv.hardlv mr.passed by any other composer. The earnest andimportunate prayer of Elijah for rain, added tothe fervent petitions of the (now) believing peo--Die. receives i&,ai.,vt, MKBuvuBv bqu nearlyinankslnthe great and Joyful chorus, "Thanksbe to God."

    This closes the first part of the oratorio. Thesecond part is in some respects finer than the first.It contains at least as many immortal numbers,while the great danger of monotonyIs avoided by a variety or new andstartling incidents woven Into an elaboratewhole, which, lrit does not exceed the first partIn beauty of arrangement, has evidently madegreater demands npon the composer, and aston-ishes the listener by its sustained power and com-pleteness. It opens with words or comfort toIsrael and assurances or protection from theirenemies.

    "Hear ye Israel. "Is one or the most thrillingsoprano songs ever written. Ike clear freshnessortbe key ofB (S sharps) breaks npon us with animpetuous rush or words, "1, I am he thatafraid; 1 am Thy God." In tbecourse orthe song, all the most brilliant sopranoeffects which are calculated to express tbe con-fidence or a burning Impetuosity seem tonave WW ncii-uig- n excacstea. .Kut wo--nsTo not yc uune wjm me exmting sentimentstated by the soprano. Tor we are now close nponwhat has been, notunjustly, considered the great-est or Mendelssohn's choruses. After a brier si-lence, the mighty "Be not afraid," with thewhole power or the chorus, orchestra and organ,bursts with a crash upon tbe audience, alreadyfilled with the emotions or triumph In its moresimple aong-ro- Abab being still rebelliousand Jealous of Elijah, influences the people tocry out against him and tb seek his life. Elijah,being entreated by bis friends, files to the wilder-nes- a

    Twherein the agony or his soul he cries, "Itis enosgh. " The great aria, in which the sorrow,orthe prophet are depicted. Is one or the mostgrand and pathetic compositions in the wholerange of sacred son g. The angel trio, ".uutinineeyes," bas no parallel Tor exquisite uvyorcon--strnetion and beauty or tone coloring. Nn othervocal trio with which we are acquainted equalsthis one lnperfectness of form and of harmony.

    This and the soothing mnslc of "He watchesover Israel" will ever remain enshrined In tbehearts or every lover or the chaste and beautiful.They prepare the mind almost imperceptibly forthe exquisite air, "0 rest In the Lord," thanwhich nothing ever written Is more expressiveand full of meaning. The closing scenes aregraphically delineated, culminating In tbe quar-tet, "O come, everyone that thlrsteth," and thechorus, "And then shall your light break forth."the whole forming an epic poem worthy the fameorthe great master.


    Crotchets ysuljlaavcrs.The ra wfU assist

    in th commencement exercises at Beaveri emate college on Meaday ana xuesaay even-lue-sof this week.

    . a C. UzLLWrMd Simeon BtaseU.. IsSbsJMMesT ; "lV"

    IHTira. 'WSH "? wmp& r Fag&GwnirFHf- - J vh- -

    THE ExTTSBTJBGr 'DISPATOH, iSTJjmLY, MUDSflf 13. 189. 11

    contributed organ selections to set off ProfBrashear's lecture at tbe East Liberty Presby.tenan Church lait Friday evening.

    Mr. Jons A. West, an organist of Chicagocame to Pittsburg the other day to see ManagerFoster, or the Boston Ideals, about the possibleproduction ot an opera be has just written.Two thonsand dollars, pleasel

    Mb. W.S. Weeden is invharge of the oldfolks' concert to be given next Friday in Ma-sonic Hall, Allegheny, by the Choral Society ofthe Central Reformed Presbyterian Church,assisted by the Alpine Quartet.

    Everything looks auspicious for the popu-lar success of the May Festival. Nothing butthe doors are left to make the sew Expositionbuilding ready for its inauguration; indeed, itis likely that most of the five rehearsals to beheld this week will take place in the newauditorium.

    Me. As. M. Foeestee'S Bomanze for violinand piano beads the list published by an East-ern musical journal of, the works by residentAmerican composers that have been accentedby the Examining Committee of the MusicTeachers' .National Association. Score one forPittsburg.A correspondent wishes to know why

    Miss RosaLinde (Schzarschmidt),the contraltoso well known here, is not to sing at the MayFestival, as at first announced. Kb other rea-son can be ascertained than the fact that somemonths ago Miss Undo severed ber connectionwith the Juch Concert Company, which formedthe nucleus for the solo list of our festival.

    The sacred concert to be given by the Bos-ton Ideals at the Bijou Theater this eveningshould net a nice sum for the benefit of the So-ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Childrenand Aged Persons. Mile, do Lussan, Mme.L'Allcmand, Miss Claire, Clievalier Scovel,Messrs. Baxter, Clark, Mertens and Bafnbridgewill take part. Mr. Carl Better is to officiateas accompanist.I.Wr.Theodor Salmon, at his recital nextTuesday evening in the North Avenue II. E.Church, Allegheny (proceeds for charity), willplay Beethoven's Sonata Patbetlque, Chopin'sF minor Fanusie, Liszt's Sixth Rhapsodic amiother less Important pieces. Miss Belle Tomer,soprano, and a ladies' quartet will render vocalassistance to round out the interesting programme.

    Mx.ee. de Z.VSSJLS last night took ber leaveof the operatic stage in America, before com-mencing the three years' artistic compaign sheexpects to open in London and extend over thecontinent. Colonel Mapleson will be her Eu-ropean manager. Carmen, 'Marglierlta, Mig-"o- n,

    and --4tdu will be ber leading roles; withCterubino ("Figaro's Hochzeit") and Leila("Les Pecheurs de Perles") as subsidiary. Itis quite fitting that this most promising ofAmerican prima donne should make her fare-well in the city which during ber first seasonmost warmly welcomed her and will alwaysfollow ber career with especial interest.

    Tee enthusiastic praise of good judges' whoheard Miss Johnson, of Chicago, sing last weekat the New York Philharmonic CInb concert,has been clinched by the engagement of thegifted young soprano by the East LibertyPresbyterian Church at the very satisfactorysalary of $2,000 a year,the largest ever paid here.Miss Johnson will sing two solos at each ser-vice, and the precentor, Mr. Boari, will stilllead the congregational hymns, thus making acompromise between the choir and precentorfactions, though it is difficult to see why theyshould not engage a contralto and a tenor, soas to bave a quartet for anthem work and stillhave the precentor lead the hymns.

    The Mozart Club's concerts, with the BostonSymphony Orchestra, at Old City Hall onWednesday and Thursday evenings, are theevents of the week. First night Mendelssohn's"Elijah," by Mrs. Georgl Henschel, Miss Ade-laide Forseman, Mr. Paul Zimmerman and Dr."Carl Martin, the Mozart Club, and tbe BostonSymphony Orchestra, Mr. J.P. McCollum, con-ductor. Second night The Boston SymphonyOrchestra, Mr. Wilhelm Gericke, conductor,Mr. and Mrs. Georg Henschel and Mr. C. M.Loeffler, soloists. Mr. Loeffler has just beensubstituted for Mr. Adamowski, and will playa Fantasia for violin by Max Bruch. The restot the programme was given in this columnlast week. There is prospect that the attend-ance will be such as to justify the financialrisk assumed by the Mozart Club in bringinghere tbe finest orchestra in the country.

    Me. Wtxj.1 am Guextbeb has been an activefactor in Pittsburg's musical life for about ascore of years, and bas ever been ready to givehis aid freely to all manner of benefit andcharitable concerts. His friends hare goodreason to count on the public's support in.ten-derin- g

    the favorite flautist his first testimonialconcert, which is to take place at Old City Hallon the SIst of this month. Mr. HarryB. Brock-et! will on this occasion make his renfree uponthe local etage after his two years' of study inEurope. Others who have promised their aidare Mrs. J. Sharp McDonald, Miss AugusteGuenther. Messrs. John and Charles Gernertand the Haydn Quartet. There will also be anorchestra of 40 selected players and a chorns ofsimilar size and quality, directed by Mr. J. P.McCollum.

    Hans vos Buelow has gone back to Ger-many after a phenomenally successful fiveweeks on this sideA The clear 112,000 that betakes with him is a large sum for that briefperiod, but tbe artistic value received bas beengreater than the American public usually getsfrom high-price- d exotics. Amontr the man?Sithy and epigrammatic sayings be has lefthim, one of the nest is this: "I find thegreat fault with pianists is that they do notlearn to phrase properly. Every pianist shouldlearn to sing and play the .violin; then theirears would hear more critically tbe sounds theyproduce, and thereby teach tbem bow tophrase. Bnt the average pianist plays by sightonly, and has no ears. He sees the keys andtries to execute correctly, but the sound haproduces, the effect of his work, is not ap-parent to "him. My advice to Young pianists

    old ones won't take advice is to cnltivate their ears and strive to obtain beautyand expression in what we term phrasing. Itis the real beginning to greatness as a

    The one hundred and fiftieth reception ofthe Art Society wound np its current season" inan exceedingly pleasant manner. In additionto the regular programme, Chevalier EdwardScovel, of the Boston Ideals, who Was presentas a guest, fairly delighted that most culturedand critical of Pittsburg audiences by singingan aria from Marquis D'lmy's opera, "LesAmants de Verone,"a song from FredericClay's cantata, "Lalla Bookb," and a ballad"Dawn," by Sir Frederic Somerset. Thoughthe private character of these charming recep-tions forbids public criticism, mention shouldbe made of the extraordinary pleasure mani-fested by the members and friends present inlistening to.Mrs. Josiah Cohen's playing of tbeSchumann concerto all the more exceptionalbecause at the end of so solid and rich a pro-gramme as the following:Concerto Mendelssohn

    Andante-Prest- o.

    Mrs. A Israel, Mrs. Josiah Cohen,Vocal Solo....... ...MozartFicaro's Hochzeit.

    Mrs. B. S. Trauerman.Piano Bi5Bercense. ....Grieg-- l Mazurka ..Godard

    Mrs. Enoch Bauh.

    IKTEIlMISSIOJf.Trio.. ..Barglel

    Andante. Allegro.y Mrs. E. Rauh, Mr. S. Ji'loersbelm,- -

    jir. .uarics vuuper.Vocal solo, BSft StreletxU

    Mrs. Trauerman.(L Bomanze Golterman12. LledOhne YVorte Schroeder

    Mr. Charles Cooper.Concerto Schumann

    Allegro, Andantlno, Allegro. Vivace,Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. IsraeL

    - Dr. F. H. Smith, Dentist.Painless extraction. AU'kinds of dental

    work at reasonable prices. 504 Penn ave.,Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours, 9 to 5 p. M.

    PROPOSALS.ENGINE AND BOILER MAKERSTOOffice of light-hous- e engineer, ninth and

    eleventh districts, Detroit, Mich., April 29,1889.Proposals will be received at this office until 4o'clock, P. x., on Thursday, the 6th day of June,1SS9, for furnishing tbe boilers, machinery, etc-f- or

    steam fog signals for Presque Isle, Cheboy-gan, Old Mackinac Point. Simmons Reef, Beav-erlslan-

    Manistee, Point Iriqnols and Manltou,Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Twin River Pointand La Pointe, Wisconsin, and Two Harbors,Minnesota, Plans, specifications, forms of pro-posal and other information, may be obtainedon application to the undersigned. The rightis reserved to reject any or all bids and to waiveany defects. WILLIAM LUDLOW, Major ofEngineers, U. S. A, Light-Hous- e Engineer.

    myll-- 2

    'TDEORUITING RENDEZVOUS, 915 PENNXV avenue, Pittsburg, Pa May JO, ISS9.Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to thausual conditions, will be received at this officeuntil 12 o'clock noon, June 10, 1889, and thenopened, for furnishing cooked rations, threesubstantial meals daily, of good quality, andtbe allowance of soap and candles authorizedto be issued to a soldier, to the recruiting partyand recruits stationed at this Rendezvous, dur-ing the fiscal year commencing July L 1889, andendlngJune8u,1890L Preference will be givento articles of domestic production or manufact-ure, conditions of quality and price (includingin the price of foreign productions or mann.factures the duty thereon) being equal. TheGovernment reserves tbe right to refect any orall proposals. Forms of proposals and full In-formation will be furnished-o- n application tothis office. Proposals for furnishing completerations at a place objectionable for recruit. willnofbe considered. Envelopes coatalniBc 'pro-posa- ls

    should be marked, "Prapeaa-l- s for cookedratloBS,'' and addressed to CAPTAIN RICH.ARD H5 Prattavesfae, Pittsburg, Pa, , . f .,,--,

    ., ,1 ry LKrrws?ir j.- - t--


    wwl" - --ViTwtfi3t

    Citizen How popular this Banner Bak-ing Powder has become. It raises old Ned.

    Uncle Sam Yes, It raises cakes better.8TBAWBEBBY CASE.

    To the yolks of three eggs, beaten, addone cup white sugar, one-hai- r' enp butter,one-ha- lf cup sweet milk, two cups flourhaving in it one measure Baknee BakingPowder, the whites of three eggs, beatenstiff; bake in jelly-cak- e pans; when coldand just before eating, place in layers, cov-ering each one with strawberries which havepreviously been sugared,

    sxbawbebby shobt cake.Take one pound of flour; mix well through,

    it one and a half measures Banner 'Bak-ing Powder; add two teaspoonfuls salt; thenrub in one-ha- lf pound shortening; add with,a spoon one-ha- lf pint sweet milk, bake in

    jelly-cak- e pans; when cold, and just beforeeating, place in layers, covering each onewith strawberries which have previouslybeen sugared.

    The "Banner" Powder is made from thehighest test (99 per cent) pure cream tartar.It does not contain alum, ammonia or benedust; therefore, it stands at the head of thelist ior perfect purity. Many families haveused the "Banner" Powder for 25 years.

    Order a pound can with the "Banner"Recipe Book from your grocer; if he cannotsupply the book send your address to B. B.P. Co., P. O. Box 245, Pittsburg, Pa., andwe will mail it.

    HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY."Sconrene" to clean windows."Scourene" to clean woodwork."Scourene" to clean bath tubs."Scourene" to clean tinware."Scourene" only 6 cents a cake.

    Celling Papers,Embossed papers, plain gold papers, lacquerpapers, mica papers, hand-printe- d papers,pressed leather papers, ingrain papers, tilepapers, in fact every kind of wall papers, atJohn S. Boberts', 414 Wood street, Pitts-burg.

    Dbess Goods At 50 and 75o a yard weare showing some specially atttactive anddesirable fabrics this week.


    Ladies, Don't Walk,Bnt telephone 1626 and Haugh & Keen anwill send their wagon for your old, furnitureneeding repairing, retlnishing or upholster-ing. Office and factorv,33 and 31 Water at.

    KOYAL awnings, extra heavy,at Mamaux& Son's, 537 and 539 Penn ave.

    MEETlNGh.WILL BE A MEETING OF THETHERE ot the Pittsburg and Falrport

    Terminal Company held at theomceot the com- -Coal Exchange Building, cornerSany,and Water sts Pittsburg, Pa.. MONDAY,

    MAY 27, 18S9. 2 P. K., to elect directors, voteupon thelease of tbe company's property tothe Pittsburg, Falrport and Northwestern.Dock Company, and consider such other busi-ness as maV.be brought up. A J. THOMAS,

    C. a WIGHT, Setfy. President., my 9


    Third National Bank. (PlTTSBimG, May 9, 1889. J

    DIVIDEND NO. 50--A DIVIDEND OFCENT has been declared thisday, out of tbe earnings of tbo last six months,payable on demand, free of tax.

    myll-a- t W. STEINMEYEB. Cashier.


    T AUOTIO- N-





    At the rooms, 811 Market street,

    At 1 o'clock sharp.

    One hundred and twenty (120) rolls of tbefinest kinds of carpets, just fresh from thelooms of the manufacturers, consigned to usfor sale. Now is yonr opportunity to buy, atyour price, as our orders are peremptory toclose out entire lot regardless of cost.

    Also, atsamo place, at 10 o'clock in tbe morn-ing, six more, and tbe last, of those beautifulparlor suites from our Eastern consignor,

    in spun silk, silk and crushed plushes,English rug, damask, tapestries, brocatelle,rep and haircloth. Easy chairs, divans, lounges,fancy rockers, conches, cabinets, mirrors, book-cases, vases, ornaments, pictures, clocks, rugs,curtains; walnut, oak and cherry chamber suits,wardrobes, folding beds, hall racks, sideboards;extension tables, dressers, wasbstancs, bed-steads: decorated toilet, tea and dinner sets:bedding, kitchen goods, notions, wall paper, etc.

    HENRY AUCTION COMPANY,my!2-9- S Auctioneers.

    BY JAB. W. DRAPE & CO.





    Close to terminus of Pleasant Valley Car line,and on tbe route of the projected electrio cars,adjoining Clifton incline plane, only 4 centsfare to Pittsburg postofflce and intermediatepoint.

    These lots all lay nice on good streets andpresent some of tbe finest building sitesdneither city, being thoroughly in tbe countrywith pure air and no smoke and overlookingthe city; natural and artificial gas all around;city water, shade and forest trees, etc-- etc.

    The" sale will take place on MONDAYAFTERNOON, MAY 13, at 2 o'clock, on thepremises.

    Title perfect.Free tickets on Pleasant Valley cars to the

    property can be obtained from JOHN H,Mc-CREER-95 Fifth ave., or from

    JAB, W. DRAPE & CO.. Auctioneers,my9-- 3 129 Fourth ave-- Pittsburg.


    AUCTION FINE HOUSEHOLDAT poods and carpets at the residence. No.22 BRIGHTON PLACE, Allegheny City.THURSDAY, MayJ6,atl0o'clock sharp. Fineplush parlor suit, center table, curtains, shades,rugs, book case, clocks, ornaments, bedsteads,bureaus, wasbstands, wardrobes, H. C. lounge,picturestoilet ware, rockers, bedding, springs,ball rack, fine oak extension table, diningchairs, sideboard, dinner set, laundry furnish-ment- s,

    refrigerator, sewing machine, kitchengoods, Brussels and ingrain carpets on rooms,halls and stairs, etr, etc. 2IoBe open after 8o'clock momiag of tbe sale.

    HENBY AUCTION CO.. LTM,Auctioneers.

    Ruction saleGrand closing out sale at Public Auction r

    entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods,Hats, and everythJag In store, must be closedoat by May 18.

    Sib MMsMMelBg at 238 and 7SS9 v. ac ", JL HANNACH A BRO.;

    "safll., ji es, jv aaa at earn 1

    aavertfienmat one dollar JpriBwarV, 'for one feserftori. 'AXamed 'tevirtlH-men- u

    on this page tuehca Womted,oirJSale,To iet, ete, ten cent per line for each inter-'(to- n,

    and none talon for lett than fifty cents;


    For the accommodation of thapublio, Branch Offices have beenestablished at the following places,where Want, For Sale, To Let, andothertransientadvertisementa willbe received up to 9 P. M. for inser-tion next morning:

    Advertisements are to be prepaid except whereadvertisers already have accounts with Trus dis-patch.

    pittsbubo.THOMAS MCCAFFKEY. S5o4 Butler street.KM1L G. STUCKEY, 2ith street and Penn ave.E. G. STUCKEY COWylIe ave. andFultonst.N. trrOKELY, fifth Avenue Market Housa.


    J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenffs.OAKLAND.

    MCALLISTEE & SHE1BLEB, 5th av. Atwood St,sotrrnsiDE.

    JACOB BFOHN; Ko. J Carson street.CHAS. SCRWABM, 1707 Carson street.

    ALLEGHENY.A. J. KAKltCUEK, S9 FederaVstrert.HJ. McBKIDE, Federal and Ohio streets.FBED B. EGGEK3. 171 Ohio street.T. H. EGGEte ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts.J. F. STEVEN60N. Arch and Jackson streets.THOMAS McHEN BY, tfestern and Irwin ayes.G. VT. HUGHES. Pennsylvania arid Beaver aves.1'EltRY M. GLEIM. Uebecoa and Alleghany ayes.


    Male Heln.ANTED-O- NE HABNES3 MAKER. ATS335w WAK3U.H BT 0. B. InJli-l-AMTED-TW- O GOOD HARNESS MAKERS.w Apply at 2648 JT.EH.N AVJ5. inyiZ-13- 9

    1A.NTED-T- WO CA.KER1AGE TEIMMEK3.THUS. B. U.NE1L& CO., 6821 to 682a renn

    ave., E. E. myl2-3- 2AT ONCE-KI- VE CARRIAGEWANTED L. GLESENKAMP ft SON, 828

    Penn ave. myB-T- S-- A riBST-CLAS- S COAT AND

    pant maker. Apply to KELLY BROS.,3033 Penn ave. myK-2- 8

    WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED BRUSHfor drawedwork. Apply at No. S3FqUBTHAVK. mylz-3- 3

    TTANTKD-- A BOY TO LEARN THE TINW business, at A. C. GAUGER'S.IW MontereySt., Allegheny. mylz-12-0

    VrrANTED-EIAN- O PLAYER-GO-OD SING--ER. for saloon. Apply to THOMAS

    OULLBN, Bellalre, O. myll--8

    GOOD AGENTS FOR A GOODvv paying Business, can at ma run a an..

    from 9 A. Jf. Monday. mylJ-l- lI


    steward ror summer resort.AND

    Ad-dress HOTEL, Dispatch office. myl2-7- 4

    ONOE- -S CARRIAGE PAINT-ERS, atF.'W. SAWERTftCO.'S, Carriageli'fr, 5917 to 6923 Penn ave., E.E., elty. my!2-l-

    COACHMAN FOR LIVERY;WANTED but experienced need apply. T. It.MORELAND, 6100 Penn ave., East End. my$--

    NIGHT CLERKWANTEDPHARMACIST have satisfactoryreferences. Address SODA, Dispatch office.

    myl2-U- 0

    FIRST-CLAS- S BARBER ATWANTED-- AHllberg's, Beaver Falls. Call at B.W. BLACK'S, 80 Diamond St., Monday, May 13.

    myl2-- 3

    TTANTED ONE EXPERIENCED VISEVV hand and one good lathe hand. Address

    BRILLIANT GLASS VoRKS, Brilliant, Oblo.lmyll-1- 4

    WANTED-- A to cityCOACHMAN-O- NE

    driving; none need applywithout reference. Address C. D., Dispatchoffice. myU-- s

    FIRST-CLAS- S BARBERWANTED-- A who is sober, genteel and jpollle.Apply afonce to L. 0. JONtS, Box 6S0, Union-tow- n.

    Pa. myll-5- 7

    MULDERS ANDWANTED-GREENSA- ND steady employment' to goodmen. Apply to JOHNSON FOUNDRY CO.,Johnstown, Pa. myll--

    DRUG CLEBK-O- KE WHOWANTED-- A certificate and comes wellrecommended. Address 8. H. VOGEL, Websterave. and Roberts street, city. myl2-3- 0TTTANTED--A FEW INTELLIGENT 8ALES-V-V

    MEN for city business: good pay and steadywork ror tbe right men; reference required. P. F.COLLIER, 103SPenn ave. myl2-8- 1

    WANTED-- AmanPtJSmG.BELlABLE(cot under sofunemployed atpresent; must have executive ablllryjjtw weekly:A 1 references required. Address EXECUTIVEABILITY, Dispatch office. myl2-7- B

    - YOUNG MAN 'ASWANTED and typewriter, with someknowledge or bookkeeping: must write a goodband; answer stating experience,

    Dispatch office. myl2-l2- S

    BAD WRITERS AT SMART'SCOLLEGE, 4 Sixth st. Penmanship, book-

    keeping, eclectic shorthand, typewriting, arith-metic thoroughly taught for 5 per mo.; Instruc-tion private for both sexes; open through summer,day and evening. mylO-TTS-

    DESIRE TO ESTABLISH AWANTED-W- Eagency in Pittsburg or vicinity tocontrol the sale of a staple article or dally con-sumption: any energetic man with small capitalmay secure a permanent, paying business. Forparticulars address GRLKNW1CH MANUFACT-URING gp.,S8Vesey st. , N. Y. myU- -

    WISH A FEWWANTED-SALESMEN-- WEsell our goods by sample to thewholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturersin our line; Inclose stamp; wages 83 perday; permanent position; no postals answered;money advanced ror wages, advertising, etc.CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati Ohio.

    SELL ANDWANTEO-AGENTS- TOto use Dr. O'Keefe's Liver PlUs,Cold or Catarrh Pills, Cough Pills, DiarrheaPills, Dyspepsia Pills, Rheumatism Pills, Head-ache Pills, Skin Eruption Pills, Neuralgia Pills,Piles Pills, 25 cents: large bottles, 81; sent postagepaid. DR. U'KEEFE ft CO.. Homeopathic Chem-ists. 34 Fifth ave. and 423.Penn ave. royl2-U- 2VTT ANTED GENERAL ND LOCALVV agents to handle entirely new chemical

    blotter,nercr before known to tbe public;sells at sight; everv writer needs the eraser: theblotter erases ink without abralding paper, andrapidly ass flash of electricity; 200 to 600 per centprofit: territory free: salary to good men;samples, 35c. For terms and full particulars ad-dress THE CHAMPION ERASER CO., Manu-facturers, La Crosse, Wis. my!2-C- 2

    Female Help.ANTED TWENTY EXPERIENCEDw salesladies. Apply Monday morning.DANZIQEK ft BERG. my!2-5- 6

    PROTESTANT GIRL COOK.WANTED MRS. W. H. DAULER, Terrace ave.and Robinson St., Oakland, city. myl2-6- 0

    BE A GOOD COOKWANTED-GIHL-MU- 8T no washing; small family- - Ap- -piycuiALUxijU.un avz,, xasi.uu. myiz-S-- A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSISTWANTEDlight housework and help attendchildren. SMALLMAN ST., second door fromThirty-seven- th street. my!2-- 3l

    "TTTANTED WOMAN COOK FOB SMALLVV sommer hotel near city: good wages. Call

    at 43 FEDERAL ST.. Allegheny, Tuesday, from10 to 12; none but experienced cook need apply.

    myt2-3- 8

    GIRL FORWANTRD-EXPERIENC- EDhousework, in a small family in Al-

    legheny; best wages paid: "no Irish need apply:"also, a woman: on Mondays and Tuesdays, forlaundry. LAMAR, Dispatch office. myl2-10- 8


    MENTW as traveling servant or under but-ler, salary being no object. Address P. R.. DIs- -patch office. my!2-l2- 3TaTANTED-- A POSITION BY AN AMANU-V- V

    iNBlSand shorthand writer: can operatea Callgraph or Remington: best of references fur-nished. Address O. NVBAMSEY, Greensburg, Pa.

    Bnalncsa Opportunities.WITH 11,800


    by himself): salary 1150.MERCHANT, 168 Fourth ave., New York.

    myl0-7- 4

    Rooms. Houses. EtcfTTANTED-T- O HOUSEVV Ior summer, Oakland to East End. f40to

    850 per month. Address W. S., Dispatch office.myl2-i- rr

    TTTANTED-SMA- LL FUBN1SHED HOUSE INVV country, 'not over 10 miles from city, on line

    of railroad. Address, stating location and rent,NEHOC, Dlsjatch office. myl2-l2- 2

    aTANTED-T-O PURCHASE A RESIDENCEW or a larre lot near Superior station, P., Ft,

    W. ft O. B. B.. suitable ror building a goodhouse. AddresrT. M., Dispatch office, myll-- a

    FAMILY COMPOSED OF 3VV wouldllke to take charge of a house during

    tbe owner's absence through the summer; first-cla- ssrelercnce furnished. Address MRS. H.,

    Dispatch office. mytt-- ?


    VV on line of railroad; state terms. AddressW, A. L., Dispatch office. myl2-10-5TTTA.NTED-COUNT- RY BOARD FOR TWOW families: along the line or the P. B. R. pre-

    ferred. Address P. 0, BOXcW. myl2-12-0TTANTED-KO- OH WITH BOARD, ABOUT 10

    V V or 12 miles from elty, for young lady; withan old couple preferred. Address O. R... Dispatch ,office. myl2-3- 7 '

    AND BOARD INWANTED-ROO- M not more tbaH v minutes' walkirvm cor. rena. aau Sixth sts.. by a young ladyemnloycd dwiag Ibe'etayi private finally.fluitt -- .?dua4 T.ktVvifti cse.,,myli-- 7


    Male and Pemale Help,TTTASTED-AGEN- m MEN OR WOMEN, TO

    V r sell Missouri steam Washer to families:In its favor nnmeroua.and.convlnclng:

    sales made without dlmcnltyr profits large; senton two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expenseif not satisfactory; write for Illustrated circular" terms, r, nusiii, otKuaau, a,

    Boarders and Lodgers."VXT ANTE- D- BOARDERS - FURNISHEDJV front room to let. with good board, onunion ave.t reference exchanged. Address A.K., Dispatch office. mytt-i- H

    BOARDERS --ELEGANT PAR-TY LORS faclnp park, with flrst-cU- ss board;

    also second-stor- y iront room facing lawn; refer-ence. lOJUEDAK AVE., Allegheny. myl2-H- 2TTTANTED-OCCUPAN- T3 FOR TWO WELL.it tarnished connecting rooms; also largehack parlor, newly furnlshedwlth folding bed-stead; a few doors from East Park. AddressPRIVATE FAMILY, Dispatch office. myl2-14-4

    TTJANTfcO A FEW BOARDERS Ilf APRI-.V-VVATK family at East Springfield. ra near

    Lake Erie, on. the . ft P. Ry.;good. fishing andboating; use of horse and buggy if desired: coollake winds; pleasant home for those wanting tospend the summer In the country: am stopping atpresent at 6209 bTA'flON STREET; write or call.CJ. W. D. myK-3- 3

    Tlnnnciat.LOAN MONEY AT 4KB ANDWANTED-T- O free or tax, W. a STEWART;

    114 Fourth ave. JaM-2-s- uTTTANTED-GOO- D CITY MORTGAGES INI V all amounts: money at low rates and smallexpense. O. H. LOVE, 03 Fourth avenue.

    myll-3- 1

    W in sums to suit at AH. 6 and 6 percent.ALLES ft BAILEY, 1M Fourth ave. Tel. 1G7.

    api3-i- 4

    TTTANTED-REN- TS COLLECTED PROM1T- -VV LY; property managed with satisfaction.

    ALLES ft BAILEY, 1M Fourth avenue, Tel. 167.

    TTTANTED-PABTI- ES TO EXAMINE IN VX3T--MENT: no risk and at least 10C percent

    profit. Inquire or JAMES L. ORB, 140 Fifth aVc,Pittsburg. myl2-1- 4TjrTANTED-fiOKTGAG- ES, IN LABGE OR

    VV small amounts, on improved city or Alleghe-ny county property, at lowest market rates.THOS. LIGGETT, No. lM Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1TXTANTED-MOR- TG AGES-MON- EY TO LOAN

    VV at 45, B ando per cent on improvedPittsburg, Allegheny and suburban properties:amounts to suit. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 1OT Fourthave. my!2-8- 8

    VV on city add suburban properties at 4M, Sand6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and aajti--cent counties at 6 per cent. X. JU. fAliivua ateisi, ii x carta avenue. ap7--

    TTrANTED-O'- O LOAN MONEY--WE HAVEV V over one million dollars to loan on city and

    suburban property at M per cent; no tax: wewill also loan money on improved farms In y,

    Beaver. Fayette, Washington and West-moreland counties; any marketable security takenfor loans ortmy amount. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95Fourth ave. ,


    VV for artists and photographers. Send for pricelist. PITTSBURG CRAYON CO., 631 Smith-fie- ld

    st. myl2-i-uTO GET A BAKER'SWANTED-YO- UOS) or Stewart ft Co.'sflne cabinet

    photos for II, at SO and 82- - FEDERAL ST., Alle-gheny.TTTANTED-YOU- NG MEN TO LEARN THEVV art or ventriloquism, at a small cost. Call

    or address VENTRILOQUIST, 33 Besaca street,Allegheny City. mylO-7- 8

    TTTANTED-SECOND-HA- ND UPRIGHTVV piano In good order: easy payments. Ad-

    dress, giving price, particulars, etc., S. II. M..Dispatch office. myll--a

    TTTAN TED-LAD- IES TO KNOW HAUGH ftVV Kecnan repair, rettnlsh or npholster old

    furniture promptly and In tbe best possible man-ner. 33 AND it WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. my9-8-2

    MEN LEARN THE ART OFgentlemen's garment cutting; no trying

    on required: night sessions Monday, Wednesdayand Saturday, 7 to 8 r. it., 614 Wood st. URLlNift SON. ap30.68

    TTTANTED-EyERYB- OD Y TO GET ONE DOZ.VV fine cabinet pbotos for 89 cents at

    AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY. SIS Market St.,Pittsburg, Pa., for SO days only; elevator: come,ruuorsuine; oriag cuiarea. mys-- ui

    ANTKD-CUsTOM- FOB CASHw eilverirfe watches. S3. 87. 89:Elgin gold ladles? watches, KO, 823, 829: nickel

    per set. JOHNMITSCH, Jeweler. 130 Federal st.aplS-irwi-

    wANTED-B- Y PEARSON, LEADING PHO--dozen; pbotas delivered when promised; instau-taneo-

    process. mhl3m3

    TTTANTED MARRIED OR SINGLE MEN TOVV invest In building sites at Maplewood

    Park, Wllklnsburgtlots 40x110; 110 to 820 down,balance 81 to 3 per weekrsct quick before theyare all gone; 70 sold in one week; call on theagents, who will pay your fare ahd take you to seethe grounds. J. ft CO.. W7 Fovrth



    City Residences.TJIOR STREET;

    ROOMED brick dwelling: large, nice lot;easy terms. GEORGE BCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave.


    SALE 84,000; FORBES STREET;F)R brick dwelling house; good lot; abig bargain. GEORGE SCHMIDT. 167 Fourthavenue,

    SALE-THI- RD AVE.. NEAR POSTOF-FIC- E,brick heusc ot 9 rooms: good lot, side

    entrance, etc.; cheap and easy terms. J. B.COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8- 8

    NEAR ERIN ST..FORSALE-VYLIEAV- E., brick house of 6 rooms, good cellar;nat. and art. gas: lot 22x110: price 48,600. J. R.COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8-8

    10B BALK-ON- LY ST.,JL. nail square iruui itjub vc, ubh tiotuobouse. 4 rooms, well finished, good lot. J. R.COOPER ft CO., J07 Fourth ave. my!2-3- 8TJIOR SALE AVE., ABOVEJJ Try street: brick house or S rooms and attic;lot IJxlTo: rents ror 8120 peryear; terms easy, J,K. COOPKB ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myfe-8- 8

    OR SALE-8-5, 600 WILL BUY FOUR HOUSES,T each containing 4 rodcis. ess and water.and will rent so as to pay 10 per cent;lot 30x1(0, located on Gum street, W. C. STEWART, lit Fourth ave. ap21-19-- ss



    stone front, 12 rooms, with everymodern convenience: elegantly finished andnewly papered throughout: easy terms. ,T. R.COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. my!2-8- 8

    SALE CENTER AVE., NEAR ROBERTSFOR brick dwelling O rooms ahd storeroom;also brick dwelling In rear 6 rooms,' etc.; lot S4x100 to alley; rental OT4 ycarly;price 83,000. ALLESft BAILEY, lMFonrthave. Tel. 187; mi!2-- H

    SARAH ST., NEAR'Twelfth St., brick dwelling 5 rooms

    and finished attic: both gases: lot 18x60 feet toalley: private side alley; bargain for quick buyer.ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 187.

    myiz-6- 6

    TJIOR STREET, 4?roomed brick dwelling house; batb, range,

    slate roof, slate mantels, natural gas, paperedthroughout; lot 22x128; nicely fenced up: termsreasonable. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave.

    myl2-6- 2

    SALE-O- N WASHINGTON ST., NEARWylle, lotaoxlW to an alley: good two-sto- ry

    brick or 6 rooms and attic: natural gas, slate roof,good sewerage, outside irashhouse: all In goodcondition; only 88,230. THOS, LIGGETT, No. 114Fourth ave. mylO.71

    BALE-RO-W OF 8 BRICKFOB almost new; wellsltuited: pays 8 percent: room ror 6 additional houses on rear or lot:It will then pay 12 per cent i street and alley pavedand sewered: houses never Idle. Principals onlyinquire or MORRIS ft FLEMING, 110 Fourth ave.

    TJOR SALE-KOSET-TA ST.. NINETEENTHJD ward, frame house, 3 rooms: good water; lottOxlOCL carfare, 5 cents to the city; price, S1.3W:alfin frmnhnnAi. lrnfllnL TlMrlv new lot 26x100:price, 81,000; cash, balance to suit.CHARLE3 SCHWAN, Station St. andP.R. R.,East End. myl2-12- S

    TJiOR BALE-- E. J. BUGDEN'S BEAUTIFULJD residence, No.m Fortieth st. ; a brick bouseofhall, vestlbuleandJ21argerooms and finishedattic, batb, range, double parlors, sliding doors,both gases, and In fact every modern conveniencefor a complete borne: lot 25x125 ft.; price 87. 600,

    d cash, bal. to suit; be sure and examinethis property before buying elsewhere; any agentprocuring me a purchaser for this and any otherproperty that I Save for sale. I will divide thecommission. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Untiest Telephone 6514,

    East End Residences.T710B H.C00 CASH. BAL-X- ?

    AN CE 825 a month a new, attractive andsubstantial Queen Anne brick dwelling, contain-ing 9 rooms, bath and all conveniences: is elega-ntly-finished and located in one orthe most de-sirable nelphhnrhnnris In tbe East 2nd. W. C.STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19--

    BALE THOUGHTFUL PERSONS INbuying a home will tako.lnto account the sur-

    roundings and probabilities or enhancement orvalue; convenience to good Improvements is aleading consideration; also rapid transit to andfrom the business part of the city: the quality ofthe houses in tbe neighborhood goes for a gooddeal: as to build or buy a handsome stone or brickresidence and have Inferior houses go up after-ward on adjoining Jots detracts from tbe value ofthe first: to buy on a neatly paved street, withsewers, gas and Water already laid, is important;one then knows .what tbe whole cost Is, and bssnot to worry about tbe cost of future grading andpaving. All these items and many more are cov-ered at tbe handsome new dwellings on OaklandSquare (formerly Linden Grove), which need onlybe seen to be appreciated. The price is 88,600 andand , 750. payable on easy terms, for .elegant,thoroughly well built and. commodious 'houses,standing apart, onlotiJ&xHO, and fitted with allthe modern conveniences. All the houses fronton asphaltum streets, and npon a handsome parkpiantea wun suaue trees; oia lores trees picuu-full- y

    shade the neighborhood. The cable cars arenow but six minutes' distant, ana will be broughtsua nearer, rjmee nouses are rapiaiy seuing,


    an End Reaincseea.OB SALE-COKN- EB LAUREL AVENUEand Cedar street. Klnnmflclrt; lot 41x160, with

    4 small houses? (rood investment, very cheap.GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. ,


    TTiOH 8ALE-MEYR- AN AVE., OAKLAND,JD only S3, 700 ror nice little home, B rooms, frontand back porches, with lot 20x100 feet to an alley.SPENCER ft GLObSER, 419 Hmlthfleld st.

    TJIOR ELEGANT RESI.a. DENCE, deslrahlv Incited on anaved avenue.with good sewerage. In the heart of Sbadyslde;lot 114x400 feet. WV 0. STEWART, 114 Fourthave. ap21-19--

    MOO CASH. BAL-ANCE S100 the first year and S200 a year there-

    after will buy a 4 room house with z acres ofround on Leamington avenue. W.C STEWART,4 Fourth ave. ap21-)9--

    SALE-3,80- O: BLEGANTbrick dwelling bouse; bath, slats roor, slate

    mantels, natural gas, papered throughout; lot Ox126. nicely fenced up; terms moderates GEO,SCHMIDT; 157 Fourth ave. ,TTIOR 8 ALE-- A SUBSTANTIAL BRICK HOUSEJC or 7 rooms and all conveniences; lot40xl50;located on a paved street In Oakland, a minutesfrom cable cant price and W.C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. , iajZ-CfrB-n

    SALE-BOQU- ET ST. OAKLAND, ELE-GANT mansard brick .dwelling, 8 rooms,

    bath. Inside w, c. hot and cold water, etc: lot21x175 ft.: price $0,000: terms reasonable. SPEN-CER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smithneld St."

    SALE-MEAD- ST., ,200, MODERNQueen Anne dwelling, eight rooms, recep-

    tion hall, bath, w. c.. rouge, Ti. and c. water,slate mantels, inside shutters, porches, etc.; lot29x100. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth

    rTJIOR NEWX; and attractive brick residence of I2rooms.wlthlarge lot: nothing better ior the money in theEast End: Is desirably located on one ortbe mainavennes. Wi C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave.


    O'HABA ST., E. K, LOT 42X130: elegant frame house of 8 rooms, bath,

    etc. ; slate mantels, nat. gas and all conveniences;this is a good property and in one or the most de-sirable neighborhoods. THOS. LIGGETT. 114Fourth ave.TJIOR TO BUTT PUR-- Jj

    CHASER, substantial new and attractivebrick dwelling, having 4 rooms on first floor, 4rooms and bath on second. 3 attic rooms and allconveniences: well finished throughout: desirablylocated In Oakland. W, C. STEWART. 114Fourth ave. ap21-19--

    TJIOR SALE-FRA- ME HOUSE NEARLYJD new, s rooms, finished attic, cellar, citywater, porches, pantry; also house in rearor lot, near Hlland ave.; price, 83,000; hair cash,balance long time; look at this property. CHAS.8CHWAN, Room 3, Schwan block, opposite EastLiberty station. myl2-tt- 5

    TJtOR SALE-SEVER-AL GOOD BABGA1NS ATX; Oakland in brick dwelling houses, near cableline, ranging In price from 84,000 to 80,000: arevery desirable properties: tbey are on Fifthavenue, Forbes st., Meyran avenue. Dlthrldge.Fillmore and other good sts. : these properties arevery desirable properties and are bound to sell;come and let us show them to you. C. H. LOVE,83 Fourth ave. myll-3- 1TJIOR TO SUIT PUR-J-D

    CHASER; new Queen Anne brick residence,having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on firstfloor, 4 rooms and bath on second and 3 attlorooms; well finished, nicely papered and hasfine gas fixtures; good stable on premises; largelot; located on a paved avenue, in a well-li- a-

    roved and desirable neighborhood. W. C.TEW ART. 114 Fourth ave. U

    TJIOR 8ALE-O- N PENN AVENUE, NEABLIN-J- DDEN, fine lot 46x179, with good brick house:

    reception hall, parlor, library, dining room, kitch-en and large pantry on first floor: five good rooms,bath, etc., on second floor; large finished attic andcedar closet on third floor: electric bells, sneakingtubes, slate mantels, sliding doors between parlorandllbrary and reception hall and parlor; elegantrront porch, bay windows; an elegant neighbor-hood and very fine property in every respect.THOS. LIGGETT, lUFonrth ave.

    S ALE-N- O. 841 SOUTH HILAND AVE-NUE, East End, a modern built and

    mansard brick residence, wltn porches, etc., 10rooms, all tbe modern conveniences, hot and coldwater, lhkldo w. c, bathroom, etc., both gases,beater in cellar: lot Uxl40 to a ot alley, withgood stable and carriage house1; all in perfectorder: the location Is nnjurnassed by any in tbeEast End, being on the line of the Pittsburg Trac-tion Co. and near Pa. R. R. and tbe Citizens'Traction Line; this is certainly the most destrableproperty now offering ror sale ; It must be seen tobe fully appreciated: anyone desiring to look at itwill be famished with a pass to look at It on ap-plication at onr office. C. H. LOVE, 83 Fourthavenue. myll-3- 1

    Hozelsvood Residences.

    frame dwellings of 4 rooms,CHEAP

    fin-ished attic and cellars each: lots each 24x120; easyterms. J. R. COOPER &OO.,.107 Fourth ave.

    myl2-- 8

    Allegheny Residences.ALLEGHENY RESI-

    DENCE, Federal St., near the parks; willexchange for first-cla- suburban property. A.J. PENTECOST, 411 Grant St. myU-4- 4TJIOR ELEGANT NEWJD and substantial press brick dwelling (neveroccupied), containing 8 rooms, batb, stationarywasbstands, laundry, cement collar and all Im-provements, located on Aekley St., head otMonterey St. W. O. STEWART, U4 Fourth ave.


    wSuburban Residences.

    BALC-O- N OHIO RIVER, FOUB MILESFOR Wellsvllle, 6 acres, frame house, fourrooms, abundance or all kinds of fruit. Address8. N. CRAWFORD, Ethel Landing, Pa.

    myl2-2- 8

    TJIOR SALE AT BELLEVUE AN ELE-J-PGANT country home near to railroad and

    the proposed electric road: has all the modern lm- -water from a nover falling spring allfirovemsnts; bonse: Inside w. c, bath, etc. C. H.

    LOVE, 83 Fourth avenue. myll-3- 1IOB BRICKF residence, containing 12 rooms and all conveniences: lot 192x264; this property Is desirably

    located In Wilklnsburg; faces two good avenues,and tbe ground alone If laid off In lots will sell fortbe money: owner refused several years ago 823,-0- 00

    cash. W. CbTEWABT, U4 Fourth ave.U

    TJiOR SALE FIFTEEN MINUTES' WALKJD from Sharpsbnrg station, on good road, brickbouse or7 large rooms and a small frame house. 3stables, VA acres of laud, large orchard, grapery,etc.; premises are connected with railroad byboard walk and are unsurpassed In beauty andhealthfulness of location. Inquire at DENTALROOM, No. 11 Wylle ave.

    FOR BALE FRAME HOUSE, RECEPTIONparlor,ltbrary,dlning room, two pantriesand kitchen on first floor, 4 rooms and bath onsecond floor, finished attic, both gases, fine man-tels, tile hearths, double oven range, porches,electric bells, furnace, cemented cellar, perfectlysewered: this houBe Is double weatherboarded: lot44x122; only 3 minutes from Wilklnsburg station;37, 000; terms to suit. CHAS. BCHWAN, Stationst. and T. R. R.. East End. myl2-12-5


    City Lots.SALE 835 PER FRONT FOOT. ON

    Wylle ave. ; cable cars will pass this property;360 feet frontage by 100 feet deep: perfectly levellots: big bargain. See plan nt ALLES ft BAILEY,164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. my9-9- 2

    TJiOR SALE-- A CHANCE FOR SPECULATION,1 one acre near Wylle ave. cable line In theThirteenth ward, beautifully situated and willlay out In lots to advantage: a great bargain. J,B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8- 8

    SALE-WY- LIE AVE.-LO- T3 FBOM S2MFOR 8350: terms, 810 cash: balance in smallmonthly payments; come quick and buy quick;these lots are bound to double In value on thecompletion of Central Traction road. J. R.COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-8- J

    "COB SALE-HE- RE IS AN INVESTMENT-8- 50JD per front foot for graded lota 05 feet deep ongood, wide, clean streets. In center of city: streetsSaved and sewered, and all assessments (Includingdate) paid; ror building purposes or as aninvestment for ftiture Increase this property atlow price offered will pay handsomely. C. H.LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. myl2-6- 3

    Hazelwood Lots.SALT-LO- TS! LOTS II LOTSIIt AT HA-

    ZELWOOD; choice lots. 26x130 each, frontingon 60 ft, streets: location unsurpassed: terms tosuit buyers. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourthave. ' myl2-S- s

    Alleahcnv Lots.DESIRE HEALTH,FOBBALE-YOUSAYY- OUpure water, beautiful scenery and

    rapid transit; locate on the Watson acre and Hacre sites. Perrysvllle avenue. Tenth ward. Alle-gheny: Pittsburg office, A. J. PENTECOST. 413Grant street. my!2-6- 4

    Parma.GIVEN AWAY;



    aprlngst'near railroad station,for a bargain of JAMES L. ORB,

    110 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. myl2-l- 4

    TJOR SALE-FA- RM AT HOBOKEN-- 93 ACRES;Jj 2mlnutes walk from station; one of the bestfarms In the county. For particulars see J. B.COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl2-- 8

    SALE-O- B EXCHANGE-KANSASFAE- MFOB 150 acres: Improved: worth 83,500; near acity or 12.000; country store would do. J. H.STEVENSON ft CO., 100 Fifth ave. myl2-40-v

    TJiOR BALE-ABO- UT 8 AClttS OF, GOODland, boantlfllllv lneatK1. near Shields Sta

    tion, P. Ft. W. ft O. R. R., will seU at about hairtbe price asked for the same class of propertynear re C H. LOVE, 98 Fourth avenue.

    myll-3- 1


    Ardsra station, only 18 miles from Pittsburg; bas39 acres of coal, is good wheat or stock farm ; wellwatered: bouse of 8 rooms, large bank barn: landIs rolling, and all under cultivation: price 510, OKI;inis is me Dest iarm tor toe money on wv jreiuts.B. B. W.C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave.


    TJiOR BALE-2-00 ACRES --AT ARDABA STA-J- DTION, Pennsylvania Railroad. 18 miles from

    Pittsburg (as a whole orto salt purchaser), has alarge sand stone quarry opened, a large sand bankand about ISO acres or level land suitable for man-ufacturing purposes; ,al)olBi Carnegie Bros, ftCo.. and only IvenMes from tbe' new Wtttbu-bdus- e

    Worts at WilsaersHBf. W.C. STEWART,iHrssnaiTtsw, m., - . Jpaps-sfs- ji -



    East Ens! L'ltfs.OB SALEteo-CTNT- EB AVE. CORNERUBiiiin Hi - mrinvnn 81x170 feet. W. O.

    BTJ WART, U4 Fourth ave, BlJtOroilAL CHOICE LOTS DESIR-

    ABLY located on Fifth ave., Sbadyslde. W.C. STEWART, U4.Fourth ave. ap21-l-S- U

    TflOR AVES UE, CORSt., 110X170 rect. W. C.

    STEWART, 114 Fourth aprenue. mylZ-63-S- uT7K)RSALE-Sl750--SOxl- CS FEET. LOCATED INX one bf the choicest neighborhoods In Shady-sid- e.

    W, C. SaHWART, U4 Fourth ave.my)2-6S-S-

    TiWK SALE-- A NUMBER OF THE CHOICESTSj lots In the East End: will payyon to see usberore buying. W. C STEWART. 114 Fourthave. apa-19-- soTJIOR SALE --AT A BABOAIN-- S LOTS ON AX1 good street at Oakland to a quick buyer:wilt take fS00 cash : this Is a bargain not often to behad. C. II. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. myll-3- 1

    SALE Z LOTS FAIHMOUNT AVE.,about flmlnn tea from cable line. Nineteenth

    ward: only $300 each; act qnlce. CHARLESBCHWaN, Station st. and P. It. B., East End.

    mjl2-12- S

    TJIOR HALE-O- N WALNUT ST., NEAR HI--LAND ave,: lot 60x220 to Elwood st.: a beau-

    tiful location, good neighborhood, very conveni-ent; fa,K. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourthave. mylO-7- 1

    SALE LARGE LOTS NEAR SOUTH NDave, size 49x141 feet to wide alley:

    price is very low, and extraordinary good termscan bo given. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt, 612Bmitlrfield street. my

    CORNER SOUTH H1LANDFOB-bALE-O- and Walnut st.. beautiful Building Site.1C8 ft. "front by 140 ft. deep, on good terms audottered below market price. THUS. LIGGETT,No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1

    TJIOR SALETHE LARGEST LOTS, THE BESTP Improvements, most convenient locations,lowest prices, easiest terms; can all be secured In

    TheBium Grove Plan," Negley ave. JOHNF. BAXTER, Agt., tlZSmlthfield street.

    BALE-O- N IOWA ST., NEAR HEBRONFOR and terminus or Wylle ave.. one or thefinest building lots In the Thirteenth ward, front-ing 250 ft. on Iowa st. bv 125 ft. deep, will be soldcheap. J. B, COOPER "ft CO., 107 Fourth ave.

    myl2-8- 8

    jWR BALE-CHOI- CE LOTH AT DALLAS BTA- -JD TION. P. R. K.. convenient to steam andstreet cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un-surpassed: price ranging from (40S to SG00. Inquireof D. c. NEGLEY, 8108 Penn ave.. East End.

    no23-y7- S

    TJIOB SALE-Q-X EDWIN 8T., WITHIN 3JD minutes' walk or Fifth ave. cable cars: goodbuilding lot, 30x120 to sewered alley: both

    and elty water on the street; good nelghbor-oo- d:only 81,300, tCOOcasb, bal. in 3 years. THOS.

    LIGGETT, N o. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1TTtOR BALE-TH- AT ELEGANT BUILDINGJD site corner or Negley ave. and MarearettaSt.. facinir cast 111x170: Maraaretta St. cared freeof expense to purchaser: price for a short time, 870

    foot front. CHAS. SCHWAN. Station St., and?erR. R.. East End. Telephone 5133. myl2-12- STJIOR? BALE-LO-TS 100x23) FEET, LOCATEDJD on Filth avenue, Sbadyslde. facing Amber-so- n

    ave.: this is without donbt the choicest loca-tion In the East End: the ground lays in snch amanner that for very little money It can be gradedand a handsome eflect produced In way of land-scape gardening. W. C. STEWART, 111 Fonrthavenue. myl2-66-s- u

    ELEGANTFOR site, 116x173 feet (as awbole or will sellhalf), located on Rebecca si., Shadyslde, betweenCentr ave. ana Penn ave., facing Baum Grove,is well elevated, level, has eastern exposure, fineresidence on either side and In a neighborhoodthat will undoubtedly be strictly first-clas- s. W.C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. my!25-S- u

    "TJIOR BALE-P-0, 000-- 10 ACRES OF GROUND,JD suitable for laying out In lots: is perfectlylevel, well elevated and desirably located' In theheart of the East End, In a neighborhood that willundoubtedly be strictly Is within 12 min-utes' walk or Fifth avenue cable cars: bas a front-age or 2, 800 feet: fine brick dwelllngof 8rooms anda frame ors rooms; terms 8iaro cash, balance tosuit purchaser. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourthave-- myS-12--

    Suburban Lots.SALE MAPLEWOOD PARK-LO- TS 40xFOB J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave.:

    TJIOR BALE - MAPLEWOOD PARK, WIL-J- DKINSBURG, laid out by Geo. 8. Martin; ele-gant building lots, 40x120 and 40x240:8160 to ftoo

    each; 810 to 820 down, balance SI to S3 per week:tbese are the most desirable lots on tbe marketand are bound to double In value within the next90 days; 63 trains each way daily; call on tbe

    Koufc, irno wiu pay your isre ana tase yoa w secthe grounds. H. IOOPER ft CO., 107 Fourthave.


    LOTB In Second ward, Allegheny; all sizes;nrlrea. S4CO to SC2S.

    LOTS MeGuunlgle plan of lots at Chartlers;cneap; easy terms.

    LOTS Out Wylle ave., on line or nsw cable road;low prices; terms easy.

    W. W. McN EILL ft BRO.,myll-4- 3 103 Fourth ave.


    Buslnts Chances.TJtOK SALE--A GOOD SALOON-WE- LL LO-J- D

    CATED, at So. 448 East Federal St., Youngs-tow- n,Ohio. MARY BAUL1NE. mylZ-T- O

    IOR SALE-GOO- D. PAYING BESTAURANTJD In good location In Allegeny W. W. MC--

    t jiAfij Cb XfcU.t iio J ourta ave. myl2-6- 8TJiOE RY STORE. IN A GOODJD town, on B. R.: splended schools, etc.: willInvoice about 81000. A at once to J. H.STEVENSON ft Co., 100 F ;h ave. myl2-4- S

    BALE DRUGSTORE IN A GROWINGF town on the P. It. R.: nonulatlon 2.000 noopposition: 3 physicians; goodjpreicrtptlon trade;will sell cheap, Address IPECAC, Dispatchoffice. myli-4- 7

    CENTRALdoing splendid business: all

    for selling is bad health;have made money; only 8300. MAGA W ft GOFF,145 Fourth ave. myl2.9

    SALE-GO-OD PAYING BUSINESS FORFOR that can sew for about 1.0U: neat littleconfectionery and Ice cream business, 8200: bakerywith horse and wagon, woo; stores of all kinds;100 business chances. BHEPARD ft CO.. 64 Fifthave. my3

    TJIOR BALE-- AT WASHINGTON, D. C.- -Afirst-cla- restaurant, with small hotel accom

    modation, locatea la ine near? ox me city, B-etween Capitol and Treasury: established eleven(11) years: present owner going to Europe. Ap-ply to JAM3 P. THOMPSON, Hotel Anderson.city. myl2-- 5l

    TJIOB SALE--AT CLEVELAND, O. SALOONSX? from 8400 to S3,CC0: restaurants from S650to87,500: hotel, 83,000: livery stable, 34,000; tin shops,81,(00 to 85, 000: stove stores and hardware stockfrom I,000 to 83,000: several valuable patents,which wilr bear Investigation; many of the bestplaces In this city for money-makin- g are offeredby me: 1 bave also some of tbe very finest realestate in all parts or this city on easy terms. WM.H. LAKOUNTAINE&CO., Agent, 219 SuperiorSt., Cleveland, o. Beal estate and business ex-change. myu-1- 3

    Business Stands.TO BUTT-O- NEFOB from Court House: business property;

    6 brick dwellings; rental, 1.6ca per year; big bar-gain; enhancement sure. ALLES ft BAlLEY,164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167.T710 SALE BRICK WORKS FOR SALE IN

    Lec'.iDurg.i"a.:tne latest improved machineryIn ittformaklnsr red brick and firebrick: also. 2dwelling houses and two (2) acres of land for sale.Inquire or GEORGE HINYER, Leechburg. Pa.


    SALE-8100.- 000 THE LARGEST ANDFie. located Dlece or oronertr suitable forretail trade in Plttsbnrg; owner bas been holdingror 3140,000, but will take the above price ir soldat once; particulars to principals only. W. C.STEWART, 111 Fourth ave. ap21-19.-

    SALE-SEVER-AL PIECES OFFOR on Fourth ave.: also a number ofpieces on Penn ave., Hmlthfleld st. and othergood streets: will take pleasure in giving full par-ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiringto purchase. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth are.


    SALE-- A SMALL HOTEL-- 24 ROOMS;electric bells throughout the house: every-

    thing In good condition: 'tis a chance for a liveman that understands his bnslnessr no agents;principals aeaiiwuu on ly. hkjixiU xixix.it. ho.213 Pennsylvania ave., N. W., Washington. D. C.

    myil-- 4

    IOB 8ALE-A- N INVESTMENT ON -- GOODF street, within 5 minutes of Dostoffice: lot40x125 to an alley: rour-sto- ry brick building;rented for 5 years, at 31,500 per rear, to good, re-sponsible tenant; pays overs per cent net on sell-ing price, and bound to Increase in value. THOS.LIGGETT, Ho. Ill Fourth ave. mylO-7- 1

    SALE-- A FULLY EQUIPPEDFOR glass works, located at Stoncboro. Pa.,on L. b. ft JL S. and W.. N. Y. ft P. R. 3. ; every-thing in first-cla- ss condition, having been buutwithin the last year: works running full time onspecialties: cheap fuel: excellent railroad facili-ties.. Particulars, address STOXEBORO SPE-CIALTY GLASS CO., Stoneboro, Pa.

    BALE-62X- 115 FEET, LOCATED IN THEheart of Pittsburg, within z minutes' walk

    of postofflce: is now renting for &5Coayear, andImprovements only cover half the ground; this Iswithout doubt the choicest piece or property Inthe city, and If properly improved would par 8percent net on Investment; price f 120.000: fullParticulars to principals only. V. C. STEWART,ave. myl2-65-s- a

    TJIOB SALE-BOTTL- WOBKS-T- HE BOT-J- DTLlNG works and business of J. ft K. Lang-do- n,togetberwlth the property on wblch it Is

    situated, in the thriving city of Youngstown, O.,Is offered for sale. Owing to the fact that Mr.John Langdon has been a sufferer from lungtrouble and was compelled to takecp his residencein Colorado, he Is unable to glvettie business hispersonal attention, end now ror tbe first timeoffers this lucrative business for sale. The busi-ness is well established with a magnificent tradeand the goods manufactured command a higherprice than those or any other establishment on ac-count of their superior quality. Aside from carDonating we manufacture bitters and cordials,that "meet with no opposition, and in wblch wecemaund a large trade in Ohio, Indiana and Illi-nois. Tbe plant bas all modern improvements,and everything connected with It Is in first-cla- sseoadl Hon. The residence contains 7 large rooms,is la first-cla- ss condition and has all modern Im-provement. Tbe property and baHaew will besold 'ebeas. Fer farther, tBfttfBuUOB, etc.,

    J. X. LANUDON, Yeaagttews, 0.

    FSK SALE MISCKLLAIflWPS.nerses. Vehicle. Live Stock, efee.


    SALE-PA- IR OF LABGB BSMrjfTSmules. Inquire arNO. 1014 LIBERTY AY


    TJIOR SALE-S3- S0 WILL BUY A LABGEYOUNC horse- - 8 years old, and afraid of nothing, xer barouche In good repair, and a

    good set of harness. Address P. O. BOX 724, city.ap2I'19-S-u

    FOR SALE-FI- NE BROWN HOnSE. 8 YEAHS15H hands hlgn: good saddler and driver;not afraid of steam or cable cars. Can be sees 8T. B. MOBELAN ITS stable. 8103 Penn are-- E. E.

    TJOB SALE-VE- RY HANDSOME DAPPLEDX-- gray horse, 8 years old. 1.160 pounds weighs,thoroughly broken, perfectly sound, ccoiroadster, ffll. A.SIPE, 93 Diamond St., Pitts--burg. myl2-o- 8TJIOB SALE--A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL BAYJU coach horses, 18 bands hlzb, 8 years old,perfectly sound and gentle: will be sold at a bar-gain. Can be seen at A. JACKMAN ft BON'S,Sto 538 Penn ave. myl2-- l

    OR SALE--A FIRST-CLAS- ALMOST NEW.'one-bor- wagon, m springs, hire

    seat, newly painted, weight between 800 and 900lust the tblng for a butcher or grocer orfounds: cost 8150; will sell for hair price;

    will trade ror groceries or heavier wagon, Address DUQUESNE, Dispatch office. mylS-1- 3 .

    Machlnen and Metals.FOR SALE--WE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGOor No. i second-han- d engines anduollers,all sizes, from 2 b. p. np, taken In exchange fornew; we got them cheap and they will go cheap:also new engines and boilers, every size andstyle, at rock bottom prices.HARME'3MACHlN.aDEPOT. 97 First ave.


    FOB SALE SODA WATER OENERATOBcopper fountains in first class condition twlU sell low for cash. Apply to J. P. URBEN,cor. Franklin and Fulton sts., Allegheny.

    myE-3- 9f

    TO LET.

    Ailecheny Residences.

    TO LET-N- O. 85 LOCUST ST.. ALLEGHENYCity, good brick dwelling, all moderaImprovements: rent low to a good tenant. C. H,,f b rmrth aw myii--si

    Suburban Residences.LET-I-N 3EWI0KLEY--A COMPLETELYTO furnished brick residence on Btoad t 1

    sq. from station; Immediate possession. AddressADAIR, P.O. box27, Sewlckley, Pa. mylS-f- T

    TO LET-- MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS,at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod-ern improvements, stable and carnage house, twoacres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem-ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM.T,DUNN. mh9--3

    FrtrmaONLY 85 CASH ANDTO 85 in Improvement per month; near railroad

    station: fruit, spring house. Grooms and barn.Inquire if JAMBS L. ORB, HO Fifth ave., Pitts-burg. my!2-1- 4


    room: evervtblnir first claaa raroneortwo)gentlemen. 423 PENN AVENUE. myl3-U- 3

    LET TO A GENTLEMAN-- A PLEASANTsecond story rront room, furnished: In family

    ortwo: on line or Pleasant Valley ears. Allegheny;references. Address X., Dispatch office- - myrZ-4- 3fTTO HAVE TWO SUITES

    1 or rooms on Dnqucsne way, connecting with,our cafe which we oner for rent either with orwithout board. KENNEDY, No. 2 Sixth St.

    myl2-- 4i

    LET FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATBTOhouse, suitable for one or two gentlemen:meals If desired; five minutes walk to both eablaroads andEast Liberty station. S. M., Dispatch,office. myts-11- 7-

    LET-- A LARGE SECOND STORY FRONT,TO roon, furnished or unfurnished, ror doctoror dentist or dressmaking: two rooms if desired;Penn are., between Ninth and Tenth sts. Ad-dress E. C., Dispatch office. myl2-11- 3

    Offices, Desk Room, dfccLET -- DESK BOOM IN OUB MAIN,TO office from 5 to 113 per month, with use of

    desk room, etc. C H. LOVE. 83 Fourth ave.myll-3-1

    Business Stands.ND BTORY: SUITABLE FORTO most any business, with elevator. Apply as

    108 riHKlPI'MT 1m7JTZTTinLET HOME UNFURNISHED BOOMS, 4TO 8 room flats, suitable for housekeeping!

    three storerooms with dwellings. Inquire OXPREMISES, it Fourtb-st- .

    LET-- 93 WATER ST. OB US FIRST AVE.,TO warehouse running throuzh fromst. tost,;each floor 20x109. with fine tile floor ; office on firstand second floor: Inside w. c; wasbstands, newelevator:finehuslnes3)ocation;rentlow. JfcCrT,ft BAIHD. 95 Fourth ave. . --my-8 r


    DIVORCES QUICKLY ANDPERSONAL you desire a divorce for any csuso,state particulars: advice free: confidential. ROB-ERT WHITE, Attorney, 143 Broadway, N. Y.

    mj9-8- 9'

    WANTED-- IF YOUPERSONAL-BOOK- S worth 10 cents, or a libraryworth 81,000, let us know: wa wlU buy one asquickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK BTOKE,Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-2-S

    DESTBTNO TO BUTPERSONAL-TH0- 3Egold and silver watches or finsclocks, and novelties In standard and fashionablejewelry, wiU find a grand assortment at very lowesc prices as jaxuMAi ijuuubiiiu's. uuamiiafield St. myl2-irwvs-u.

    SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ONPERSONAL face, balr on the male race abovethe beard line destroyed forever without pain,scar, shock, trace or Injury, by the electric neealaby Dr. J. Van Uyck, electro surgeon. 40 NorthEleventh st.. Philadelphia. Every lady with hairon ber race knows that depilatories, tbe tweezers,scissors or razor only make these hairs growcoarser, stiflVr and darker. Remember, theelectric needle Is the only method In (be world bywhich the hairs can be destroyed: never fallsibook free. Dr. Van Dycfc visits Pittsburg severs!times a year, sud ladles who wish treatmentshould write at once to bis Philadelphia office.

    myll-10- 0

    STRAYED.B A Y E TO MY PREMISES,STScully Springs, P., C. ft Y. R. B., on May 3,

    2 ponies, sorrel and bay. Owner can have samsby paying charges. ADAM MA Ya. myl;- -

    LOST.S T-- A SUM OF MONEY, BETWEEN1LOFourth ave. and Wood st. and tbe Fifth

    National Bank, on Sixth st. A liberal rewardwill be paid if returned to 404 FORBES ST.





    after 13 years intense suffering- - fromdiseases of tbe liver and kidneys byRemedies after laDure to obtain rellaf fromphysicians. See sworn testimony of Mr. J. S.Young. Allegheny City, and hundreds of others, at

    301 to 307 GrantSt., cor. Third, avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. A wordto the wise: Go now; be cured; bring this withyon. mylS-13-7

    NOTICES.rpEACHERS WANTED NOTICE DJX hereby given that tbo Homestead SchoolBoard will elect 1 principal. 2 assistant nrinet--pals, S primary, and 13 intermediate teachers, j.&U applicants man oo expenencea snu corns1well recommended;salarles from HO to 1110 permonth. Applications must be received beforeJane 15,1639. ED. H. MORTON, President.' A.J.KTJHy. Secretary. my

    OAKLAND SQUARE,$4,600 each, moderate cash payment, balancs) --$500 per annum, elegant new two-sto- andmansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, ban, batb,laundry, slate mantels, art Sre places, tilshearths, sliding doors, wired for electriclight,fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win-dows, eta; Oakland Square, nvo minutes fromFifth avenne cable line and directly on line ofnew cable loop wbicb is to be constructed thisslimmer; a beautiful park (on which are sev-eral hundred beantlful shade trees!. th wbolasurrounded by streets and sidewalks, seweredand paved with aspbaltnm;on each side of andfacing tbe park are the above described dwell-ing- s;

    most destrable bouses yet offered; oncancement ot values surcu myu-o-


    Cars of tbe new Electrio Road ran within, smile of the house, from Alleehenv PostoflasCf!every 15 minutes, for terminus of the road, "a 3

    LA8T CAR FOR CITY AT10SO P. M. -- 135rauppers to order. fia

    P. O.. WEST YIEW, Alleehenv county, Pa,jMJU-- J J ACuO..LaTI M, XT0pT,("i


    to Diamond atreeVt 'Telnhnn TTo. gluSAVfigvirjauM 3

    nrlTHEB LESSONS-PRIVATB-AN-11 classes-civ- elj by Mr. HENRY HEKZ, 8"auuiianu. avenue, AJiegneny. uver xx yssvrs)teacher ot zither in tbe first music houses andschools in London: 'highest references. Mnsioarranged ior tup ziuier. mys.7TiARIS VISITORS TNTENTHNft Tf RValJT the Exposition should apaly now to $. H..wlllan, 159 Rue Lafayette, who baa comfort- -able rooms and good board at bis Home FreesHomer"' prices moderate; good atteaelaneac.

    . ..w v n fr iu c?a --. zrmy5.1S-5,8,12;- l

    TO EUROPE ALL THE TOTVtAMsteamers sallisetbis and next mnnfh antrapidly filling np. AaBlV for bArtlui 1lHnlJaeiay. Tie$wwtsw3"iser-.o-X cress ajN.Y. rates. JOX WMAJOWG.A'CO.?ISBSBPrttSSVSSl BV

    '". -- yuzfil