Pitch Analysis

Pitch Analysis Pitch Analysis

Transcript of Pitch Analysis

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Pitch AnalysisPitch Analysis

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• We started our pitch by telling our class who our target audience were and why we chose this age group. By telling our audience this information, they would be able to give us realistic feedback as to whether or not the target audience would be interested in what we’re including in our film. We also gave them information on our sub-genre and why we chose to create a promotional package with the psychological horror sub-genre.

• We went on to giving a detailed description of our film narrative to our target audience/class because we wanted them to know what will be happening in our film and whether or not they would be interested in watching the film. We also did this so our audience would be familiar with our sub-genre and how it links to our narrative. We told our audience what locations we’re planning to use to film our trailer, as this would allow them to understand the scenes more.

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• Next, we told our audience about the texts that have inspired the ideas for our narrative and promotional package. We used the film ‘Girl, Interrupted’ and showed the audience a short clip of Daisy’s suicide in the film. We also showed a clip from ‘Case 39’ of child abuse, linking to our film’s narrative, along with an image from ‘Black Swan’, a large inspiration to our film. We chose these films as they’re of the same sub-genre and reveal more to the target audience about our film and where the ideas came from. By showing audience’s these clips, they’ll understand our narrative more, and create a picture of it in their heads.

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• Technical ideas that we chose to show our class in our pitch mostly referred to our trailer as we described that we would include a montage at the end of our trailer full of fast cuts from our film. This is conventional and would draw the target in to our trailer more, making them want to watch the film. We also described the use of straps in our trailer and how we intend to present these.

• In terms of ancillary ideas, we showed our target audience a gif of a girl smashing a mirror as this is one idea we have for our poster front cover. We also told them about another idea of a noose hanging from a tree to hint to the audience that she hangs herself at the end of the film.

• We also told our audience about an idea for our magazine front cover, where we will have the main character looking directly at the camera, into the audience’s eyes.

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• From pitching our ideas to our class, we wanted to gain information on whether or not our target audience like our ideas, and whether they understood the narrative and the character that we introduced them to.

• At the end of our pitch, one question that a classmate asked was ‘what technical devices are you going to use to show your trailer is in the psychological horror subgenre?’. In answer to this, we explained more information about the montage and the music we would download in order to create a more scary effect to portray our protagonist’s mental instabilities. Another question asked was ‘have you changed anything about your narrative?’. In regards to this question, we explained how we won’t be using a train station as one of our locations anymore due to the problems of access. We also explained how, although our protagonist’s mental disorder is because of abuse, we won’t be showing it in the trailer as we decided to focus the trailer more on her alcohol and drug abuse.

• Through our pitch, we gained a deeper understanding of what our audience liked and disliked about our ideas and how we could improve it. Our peers encouraged us to think about the ideas we had for our film, and how we can develop them more into a more serious and professional production. After giving this pitch, we have decided to focus more on our editing skills as we believe it is a large part of the trailer.