Pirelli MSA Welsh Stage Rally Championship Regulation Booklet


Transcript of Pirelli MSA Welsh Stage Rally Championship Regulation Booklet

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Championship Winners 2014 Alex Allingham and Chris Williams



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1.1 The Welsh Association of Motor Clubs will promote the 2015 Pirelli MSA Welsh Stage RallyChampionship

1.2 The Championship is held under the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association(Incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and theseChampionship Regulations. The Championship Permit No. is 2015/5715

1.3 The championship is open to fully elected members of Clubs which are members of thefollowing associations:-Welsh Association of Motor Clubs, Association of South Western Motor Clubs Association of West Midland Motor Clubs, Association of North Western Motor Clubs

1.4 Events for the championship will be chosen by the Welsh Association of Motor Clubs,Competitions Committee and their decision will be final. As far as possible, events will be spread

evenly throughout the year. If there is a clash of dates, the Competitions Committee has the rightto choose the event to be included in the Championship. If through force majeure any of thequalifying events dates are altered or any event is cancelled, the promoters of the Championshipreserve the right to accept a change of date, cancel that particular round, or alter the number ofevents on which scores count. The championship registration from will contain a statement to thateffect which will be a condition of entering the championship. The total number of rounds in thechampionship will not be increased. Notification of any changes will be given to all Championshipcontenders.

The panel of three Stewards for the Championship will be chosen from the following: -Mike Sones, Esmor Jones, Dave Lucas & Phil Jones.

1.6 All protests, in respect of these regulations must be lodged in accordance with the GeneralRegulations of the MSA.

1.7 A list of Registered Championship contenders’ last notified name and address will be sentto organisers of events to assist with the issue of regulations. Championship registration does notguarantee an entry on any event which counts towards the championship. It is the responsibility ofthe championship contender to enter events in sufficient time. However, organisers of qualifyingevents retain the sole right to select and accept entries for their event and the Championshiporganisers cannot be held responsible for the refusal of an entry. Nevertheless organisers will

retain 20 places for Championship contenders up to 21 days before the closing date for entries.

1.7 The official medium for communicating to Registered Contenders, including Changes to, or Additions to, the championship regulations, notifications of additional awards, Newsletters andPoints tables will be via E-mail. A hard copy can be specifically requested by ticking the relevantbox in the Registration Form, please note there is a £5 surcharge on the registration fee forcontenders who require this facility.

1.8 The rules and regulations of the Championship may only be amended as per MSACompetitors and Officials Yearbook regulation D. 11.1

These rules are be read in conjunction with the Welsh Association of Motor Clubs Common Rules Applying to All Championships which can be found in the Welsh Association of Motor Clubs YearBook 2015 which is issued free to all Registered* Championship Contender

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2. Registration

2.1 The driver or co-driver may register as a championship contender at any time up until thecompletion of signing on for the 5th event in the championship. To register each competitor mustcomplete the official Registration form and return it to the Championship Secretary with theregistration fee. It is the responsibility of competitors to ensure their completed forms have beenreceived by the Championship Secretary.

2.2  A “Registration Card” will be issued to contenders and this should be shown at eventdocumentation. Contenders must state that they are championship entrants on the entryform of each event.

2.3 All Championship Contenders should sign on to confirm award and class eligibilities withthe Championship Secretary or their representative at event documentation before the start ofeach Championship event in order that they may claim Championship points for that round.This must be undertaken NOT LATER than ONE HOUR prior to the start time of the first car onthe event or by close of signing on whichever is the earlier.

2.4 Championship Contenders cannot claim points from events previously run before theirregistration for the Championship.

2.5 Eligible Contenders may also register in the Championship Junior section. Please refer toRegulation 5.2.5.for criteria

3. Vehicle Classes3.1 There will be eleven classes in the Championship: -Cars with forced induction engines will be subject to an equivalency factor of 1.7 times the cubiccapacity to determine their eligible class. All forced induction diesel engines will run at theirnominal capacity to determine their eligible class. Rotary engines will be subject to an equivalency

factor of 1.7 times the cubic capacity with a limit of two rotors and the capacity to be on a par witha 4 valve per cylinder engine to determine their eligibility class. All forced induction diesel enginecars will run at their normal capacity to determine their eligibility. Cylinder bores may be 60thousandths of an inch oversize without affecting class eligibility.Open Classes

1  2wd Up to 1200cc2  2wd 8 valve 1201cc to 1400cc3  2wd 16 valve 1201cc to 1400cc4  2wd 1401cc to 1600cc5  2wd 8 valve 1601cc to 2000cc6  2wd 16 valve 1601cc to 2000cc

7  Over 2000cc - excluding cars eligible for 8 below8  Four Wheel drive cars over 2000cc including FIA R4, except those eligible under

Class 9 (WRC) & Class 11 Group N4

9  WRC 1 World Rally Cars- Four wheel drive cars with a sequential gearbox. (This doesnot include mechanical bolt on kits that modify the gear change operation of an existing Hpattern gearbox, which can be returned to normal operation by the replacement of the kitwith the normal gear lever) plus FIA Super 2000 cars and FIA R5

Group ‘N’ Class Cars Vehicles in these classes must comply with the current specifications. Homologation papers

will be required and must be available at any time for inspection, before and after the event.10  N3 up to 2000cc11  N4 over 2000cc

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 4. Permitted Fuel

Competitors are permitted to use only fuel that conforms to the definitions of Pump Fuels in the2015 MSA Yearbook regulation J.5.13 or fuel that complies with FIA Appendix J, Article 252, Art 9.

5. Scoring5.1 The Pirelli MSA Welsh Stage Rally Championship will be made up of 8 qualifying eventswhich will be run under the National ‘B’ Status section of the event with the best 6 scores to count.

Should less than the maximum number of events be run then a sliding scale will be applied asfollows:No. of qualifying events run 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1Best scores to count 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1

Some events may run certain classes at the head of the field, with their running order being basedon anticipated performance. Please refer to individual event regulations.

5.2 There will be 5 classifications in which contenders could be awarded points based on their:

a. Overall finishing positions between all Championship contenders.b. Overall finishing positions between Group “N” contenders only. c. Finishing positions between Two Wheel Drive contenders.d. Class finishing positions between Championship contenders.e. Finishing positions between UNDER 25 drivers / co-drivers.No contender will be able to win more than one award other than the UNDER-25 driver / co-driver.

5.2.1 Overall Drivers and Co-Drivers Championship Points

Points will be awarded to the first 22 Registered drivers and co-drivers relative to their overall

finishing positions on each event as follows: -Points will be awarded to Registered Championship Drivers & Co-drivers relative to their OverallClassified Finishing Positions.

Highest placed Registered Championship Contender Driver/Co-driver 25 Points2nd, Highest placed Registered Championship Contender Driver/Co-driver 22 Points3rd, Highest placed Registered Championship Contender Driver/Co-driver 20 PointsPoints will then reduce by 1 point until all points are allocated.

In the event of more than 22 Registered Championship Drivers/Co-drivers being classified as afinisher, then a nominal 1-point will be awarded. There will only be an award for the highest placed

Driver & Co-driver respectively in this section of the Championship.

5.2.2 Group “N” Drivers and Co-Drivers A separate Class will be open to Registered drivers and co-drivers competing in Group ‘N’vehicles. Points will be awarded on the same basis as the overall Championship

5.2.3 Capacity Class ChampionshipThe best Championship Contender in each class on each event will receive 12 points, the next 10,then 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point for tenth position. If there are more finishers than these pointsallow for then every other finisher will be awarded a nominal one point. Only points betweenChampionship Contenders count. The same tie decider will be implemented with the Class

Championship Awards.


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 5.2.4 Two Wheel DrivePoints will be awarded to drivers and co-drivers using two wheel drive non-homologated vehicleson the same basis as the Overall Championship

5.2.5 UNDER 25 Drivers / Co-Drivers (junior)Junior Driver Co Drivers is defined as follows.a. Registered contenders who are UNDER 25 on 01/01/2015.b. Have not previously been Junior Champion

Points in this section will be awarded from the final overall positions on the event. The bestregistered championship contender in this award section on each event will receive 12 points, thenext 10, then 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 point for tenth position.

5.2.6 Additional points will be awarded to each Registered championship contender in both theOverall Championship, Group “N”, Capacity Class Championship, Under 25, and Two Wheel Drivein the following manner, 5 points for each event started from the first Main Control (out).

N.B. If there are more finishers than is provided for under these categories then every otherfinisher will be awarded a nominal one point.

5.3 Points will be awarded between championship registered contenders, who have signed onwith the Championship Secretary or their representative at the start of each championship event,and produced their registration card.Drivers / Co-drivers will be allowed to score points in one class only on any individual event.Drivers / Co-drivers may change their class at any time during the championship year but classpoints will NOT be transferred.

6. Display of Championship DecalsCompetitors in the championship must make available areas on each side of their car above thewheel arch line for the Official Championship Decals and one area on the rear of the car for theMotorsport Wales Decal. These must be attached prior to scrutineering and carried whilstcompeting on all championship rounds otherwise points will not be allocated for that round. Nocontenders may opt out of this requirement. The Championship will provide a maximum of 2 sets of Championship decals to each registeredDriver,1 set provided at their first event after registration, and a second set provided upon request. Any decals required further to this will be charged at £5 per set, and issued through the

Championship co‐ordinator.

 A championship screen strip may be supplied to be affixed to the top of the competing car’s

windscreen whilst competing on all championship rounds. Only the championship screen strip ispermitted on the windscreen and the only modification to the screen strip that is permitted is to trimits outer edge / ends to fit the vehicle’s windscreen. 

7 Results7.1. The Championship Secretary, who will also deal with any queries, will allocate points fromthe final results of each qualifying event. Overall and class positions will be e-mailed (preferredmethod) or posted to all registered contenders after each individual round. It will be the registeredchampionship contender’s responsibility to ensure that their contact details are correct on theRegistration Form, and that they advise the Championship Secretary of any changes in thesedetails. Registered contenders will have ten days after declared results to query points allocated. After ten days the results will stand and under no circumstances will be discussed. 


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7.2. In the event of a tie between two or more championship contenders the contender whogained most class wins will be deemed the winner. If still a tie then the most second classpositions and so on down through the class positions to decide the winner. If there is still a tie,then the times that were taken on the first common event that was entered by each of thecompetitors who have tied will be considered to determine the winner (e.g. on a stage rally, ifcompetitor A was faster than Competitor B on stage 1, then Competitor A would be declared thewinner. Each stage time would be considered until a winner is found by virtue of being the first tobeat the other competitor).

8. AWARDS: - The - MSA Welsh Stage Rally Championship Awards will be presented as follows:

1st Overall Driver The Steve Gregg National Cup1st Overall Co-Driver The WAMC National Cup1st Group “N” Overall Driver  Award

1st Group “N” Co-driver Award1st Two-Wheel Drive Driver (Non Homologated) Award1st Two Wheel Drive Co Driver (Non Homologated) Award1st Front Wheel Drive Driver (Non Homologated) Award1st Front Wheel Drive Co Driver (Non Homologated) Award1st Rear Wheel Drive Driver (Non Homologated) Award1st Rear Wheel Drive Co Driver (Non Homologated) Award1st Under 25 Driver The Speedsports Rosebowl1st Under 25 Co-Driver The Ed Morgan Cup1st Over 50 Driver Award1st Over 50 Co Driver Award

1st in each class Award2nd in each class (subject to 4 Eligible Contenders) Award3rd in each class (subject to 6 Eligible Contenders) Award

8.1 Contenders are advised that they must have started a minimum of four Championshipevents in the same class to qualify for any award in that class.No contender will be able to win more than one award other than those eligible for the Under 25and Over 50, Driver / Co-Driver.

8.2 All major award winners are expected to attend the Annual Dinner and AwardsPresentation.

8.3 The Overall Championship Driver, Overall Championship Co-Driver, the Overall Group NDriver and Overall Group N Co-Driver, the Two Wheel Drive Championship, including the FWDand RWD categories, Driver and Co-Driver not be eligible for Class Awards other than the UNDER25 Class Award. Details of additional awards may be announced during the year.

9. Any vehicle that has been / is being used in the Championship could at any time, for reasonsof eligibility, be stripped or sealed for examination by an MSA Scrutineer with all the costs ofstripping and rebuilding to be borne by the competitor. In the event of a vehicle being foundineligible for any reason or failure to agree to stripping / sealing or breaking of a seal will result inthe loss of points gained throughout the year, and / or penalty decided by the Stewards of the


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 10. In the event of a Registered contender of the championship being found guilty at an MSATribunal, that Registered contender will forfeit all points allocated and will be deemed not to haveentered the championship. The championship registration fee will be forfeited. This also applies toWAMC Constitution, Championship Rules & Regulations.

Championship Officials

Championship SecretaryDavid Evison21 Fernhill LaneGobowenOswestrySY11 3PPContact01691 67978607970 010770

E Mail: [email protected]

 Assistant SecretaryGwyn Reynolds-JonesContact07855 931344

E Mail: [email protected] 

Championship Eligibility Scrutineer

Mr. P. Loveridge,157 High Street,Cinderford, Glous.Contact07831 656472

Championship Website www.wnrc.wamc.org.uk The Championship official Twitter Page can be found @WnRC


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 Appendix A 

Championship and Sponsor Decals

Side View Dia 1

Position A  is position of Championship Decals (see CR5)

D d = position of Sponsors Decals as in dia 1 and 2 (see CR5)

E = Motorsport Wales sticker rear facing nearside left

Front Facing View Dia 2

Sponsor Decals must be positioned as in Point A or B as shown. 


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14 Feb Wyedean Forest Rally Forest of Dean M.C.

Contact  Phil Turley, Heathmount, Brookhollands Rd, Bream, Lydney.GL15 6NDTel: 01594 562767 (E) E-mail: [email protected] 


1 Mar Mid Wales Stages Newtown & Dist. A.C

Contact Chris Tomley, Cwm Cochen, Bettws, Newtown, Powys, SY16 3LQTel 01686 650430 (E) E-Mail [email protected] 


28 Mar   Rally North Wales Wolverhampton & South Staffs C.C.

 Contact: Richard Hinton, 6 Churchside, Harlaston, Nr Tamworth, B79 9HETel 07966 235172 E-mail : [email protected] 


16 May Plains Rally Knutsford & District M.C.

Contact:  Jeff Gray, 29 Broadway, Barnton, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 4LFTel 01606 77610 (H) E mail:  [email protected] 


30 May Severn Valley Rally Midland Manor M.C.

Contact:  Steven Tibbetts, 4 Whitefield Close, Westwood Heath, Coventry CV4 8GYTel 02476 694754 (E) E-Mail: [email protected] 


11 Jul Nicky Grist Stages Quinton M.C

Contact:  Neil Cross, 58 St John’s Rd, Pelsall, Walsall, West Mid WS3 4HA Tel 07767 773862 (M) Email: [email protected] 


5 Sep Woodpecker Stages Rally Sixty & Worcs M.C.

Contact: Roger Allan, Longfield, Upper Wick Lane Rushwick Worcs. WR2 5SUTel: 01905 424987 Email: [email protected] 


17 Oct. Cambrian Rally North Wales C.C.

Contact:  Dave V Thomas, 11 Maes Canol, Llandudno Junction. LL31 9UXTel: 01492 584872 Email: [email protected] 

www.cambrianrally.co.uk Reserve Event:- NB This event may replace any of the championship rounds should they not run

15 Aug Neath Valley Stages Three Counties C CDen Golding, Ty Deryn Nos, Maendy Uchaf, Lower Machen, Newport NP10 8GYTel 01633 440808 Email: [email protected] 


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  Previous Champions 


1990 Jon Ballinger Andy Morgan

1991 Phil Squires Charlie Husband

1992 Graham Standen Phil Mills

1993 Brian Bell Phil Mills

1994 Jon Bennett Evans Chris Jones

1995 Phil Squires Michael Squires

1996 Mark Perrott Michael Squires

1997 Richard Gough Eurig Evans

1998 Pete Littler Huw Lewis

1999 Mark Perrott Jason Brown

2000 Glyn Jones Andy Marchbank

2001 Bob Ceen Andy Marchbank

2002 Mark Perrott Garry Mansell

2003 Brian Bell Patrick Walsh

2004 Stuart Jones Kevin Savage

2005 Stuart Jones Vern Brown

2006 Wyn Humphries Mark Lewis

2007 Damian Cole Andy Morgan

2008 Damian Cole Andy Marchbank

2009 Michael O’Brien  Paul Spooner

2010 Alex Allingham Mark Glennerster

2011 Alex Allingham Mark Glennerster

2012 Matt Edwards Horace Saville

2013 Connor McCloskey Francis Regan

2014 Alex Allingham Chris Williams

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  Ultimate Lubrication Technology 

Less wear on components

  Discounts for Championship Contenders 

Prizes for class wins 

Cost effective oil analysis