PINE VALLEY MOUNTAIN RIDERS July 2008 PREZ · PDF fileBoard of Directors Meeting was held June...

July 2008 Pine Valley Mountain Riders • P.O. Box 31 • Descanso, CA 91916 Calendar of Events (see more details inside) PINE VALLEY MOUNTAIN RIDERS PREZ SEZ Summer riding weather is here. Lots of talk about using the park for our weekends and enjoying the trails. Susan is sponsoring our July ride at Pioneer Mail. It sounds like she has put together a pretty good ride and I’m sure that everyone will have a great time. Please see her note for the ride inside this edition of the “Hoof Prints." I talked to Barbara Land about the August Beach Ride. Barbara and Cruz Maya are going to show you a fun time at the beach and the club will provide hot dogs and water after the ride. (Yes, I said hot dogs, not pastries.) We had a good representation at the Buckels’ house for the June meeting. I hope this is what we can expect throughout the summer. Joanie and Harry work hard in preparing for us, and it is nice to see that we show them how much we appreciate it by being there. Remember, all summer meetings are “pot luck” and start at 6:30 p.m.. Bring your own settings and drink, and also your favorite item to share. Jan Herrera sold all but one corral for “Horse Camp." Please contact Jan if you want it. Descanso Days is just around the corner. The Town Hall will need help and once again, PVMR will be there. Rene is getting the carne asada and I plan on helping with the cooking. Kitchen help and clearing the tables are also very important. Contact Nancy Schull and see what you can do to help out. I’ll see you at the next meeting so until then, please keep it safe! Gary Wednesday, July 9, 6:30 p.m. General Meeting & Potluck Buckels' Ranch Saturday, July 12: Descanso Parade Sunday, July 20: Day-Ride at Pioneer Mail Wednesday, Aug. 13, 6:30 p.m. General Meeting & Potluck Buckels' Ranch August 16 Day-Ride at Imperial Beach WELCOME NEW MEMBER! WELCOME NEW MEMBER! John "Jo" Daugherty 10314 Bosque Drive Lakeside, CA., 92040 619-417-2005 [email protected]

Transcript of PINE VALLEY MOUNTAIN RIDERS July 2008 PREZ · PDF fileBoard of Directors Meeting was held June...

July 2008

Pine Valley Mountain Riders • P.O. Box 31 • Descanso, CA 91916

Calendar of

Events (see more details inside)



Summer riding weather is here. Lots of talk about using the park for our weekends and enjoying the trails. Susan is sponsoring our July ride at Pioneer Mail. It sounds like she has put together a pretty good ride and I’m sure that everyone will have a great time. Please see her note for the ride inside this edition of the “Hoof Prints." I talked to Barbara Land about the August Beach Ride. Barbara and Cruz Maya are going to show you a fun time at the beach and the club will provide hot dogs and water after the ride. (Yes, I said hot dogs, not pastries.) We had a good representation at the Buckels’ house for the June meeting. I hope this is what we can expect throughout the summer. Joanie and Harry work hard in preparing for us, and it is nice to see that we show them how much

we appreciate it by being there. Remember, all summer meetings are “pot luck” and start at 6:30 p.m.. Bring your own settings and drink, and also your favorite item to share. Jan Herrera sold all but one corral for “Horse Camp." Please contact Jan if you want it. Descanso Days is just around the corner. The Town Hall will need help and once again, PVMR will be there. Rene is getting the carne asada and I plan on helping with the cooking. Kitchen help and clearing the tables are also very important. Contact Nancy Schull and see what you can do to help out. I’ll see you at the next meeting so until then, please keep it safe! Gary

Wednesday, July 9, 6:30 p.m.

General Meeting & Potluck Buckels' Ranch

Saturday, July 12: Descanso Parade

Sunday, July 20: Day-Ride at Pioneer Mail

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 6:30 p.m. General Meeting & Potluck

Buckels' Ranch

August 16 Day-Ride at Imperial Beach


John "Jo" Daugherty 10314 Bosque Drive Lakeside, CA., 92040 619-417-2005 [email protected]


Minutes From the June 11, 2008 PVMR General Meeting (respectfully submitted by our Secretary, Jody Carnevale)

The meeting was held at the Buckels’ Ranch and called to order at 7:20 PM. Adele led the Pledge of Allegiance. There were no new members or guests with us tonight.

Treasurer’s Report Bank Balance as of May 31, 2008: $6,818.45; Chuck Wagon Set-Aside Fund: $1,159.34; Discretionary: $5,659.11; Total Income for May 2008: $3,403.10; Total Expenses for May 2008: $1,898.31; Net Income for May 2008: $1,504.79. Carne Asada Dinner Report shows net earnings of $2,902.85. There were a total of 301 dinners served and 158 beverages.

Old Business The Howe Ranch ride went well considering the heat. There were 14 PVMR members helping at the Pancake Breakfast, thank you to all. Board of Directors Meeting was held June 6 at Marci’s house. Donations were decided and will be presented later in the meeting. Gary Brabant arrived at Harry Buckel’s house at 8 AM SHARP to help with a downed tree (Isn’t that a brag?).

New Business CEA gathering is this weekend. Some have already arrived and are setting up camp. Hope to see you all there. Our next day ride is Pioneer Mail, Susan will be our ride hostess. Barbara Land will be hosting our ride in IB in August although she is recovering from an injury, she should be all better by then. Backcountry Horsemen have invited us to join them at their camp at Sea Horse and would like to coordinate a ride with us. The Newsletter is now a link on our website and will no longer be emailed to members. Instead a link to the website will be emailed. 2008 Ride Calendar has a proposed change for November Daley Ranch. We propose to change it to Cuyamaca followed by a chili/corn bread lunch. Jan still has corrals so get signed up for Los Vaqueros before they’re all gone. We need to have a 2nd key made for the post office box.

Committee Reports Membership/T-Shirts: Mary Ann was not here tonight. Trails Committee: The Granite Springs water pump is not working, so plan accordingly. Trail Boss: Pioneer Mail ride is coming up and we’re going to do an ice cream sundae afterwards. Be sure you have your “Adventure Pass” to park or you will be ticketed. The ride will be on July 20 for about 4 hours. Sunshine Lady: was not here tonight. Winchester Widows: had nothing to report. Hole in the Wall Gang: had nothing to report. Funds to be donated this year are proposed and voted in as follows: $300 each to Backcountry Horsemen, CEA, CRSPIA, Horsemanship for the Handicapped and Emergency Animal Rescue. Walter advises that all donations to CRSPIA be clearly marked with the intended purpose of the funds.

Announcements Sharon Heineke announces that the Grand Ladies of the Old West pancake breakfast went really well. July 26th at JC Feed in Lakeside is the Day of the Cowboy celebration. There will be lots of fun for everyone. Contact JC Feed & Supply for more information. The Descanso Fair is on July 12. PVMR will be cooking carne asada for the Town Hall. We’re planning on riding in the parade and staging from Harry’s house. Contact Wendy Schoenle if you’re interested in riding the parade. Harry announces that the Carne Asada tickets need to be raised for next year to $8 or $8.50.

Brags Marty got a mule named (Marty’s) Mammoth Molly Ms. Milly. Say that 10 times fast! Marty and Terry’s wedding is on July 26, hope to see you all there. 50/50 of $22 was won by Wendy Schoenle. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.


The meeting was held at Marci Jones’ house. We enjoyed a delicious lasagna dinner and potluck. Prior to calling the meeting to order there was some discussion about the Carne Asada Dinner. Next year’s plans need to include an additional pan of rice and beans as well as an extra cake. We could probably cut back on the tortillas and sodas while increasing the margaritas. Next year’s event probably won’t need any Italian dressing as almost nobody wanted it. We also need to purchase a stock pot (24 qt) for next year’s rice cooking. The meeting was called to order at 7:50 PM with the agenda of deciding how much and to whom donations will be sent this year. Sharon Heineke motioned that we donate $1,500 to various entities in need. Susan Blackmon seconds the motion and all were in favor of the $1,500 donation figure. California Riding and Hiking Trail Association is possibly a candidate for receipt of donations for next year. Marty and Terri will research this possibility. Last year’s donation was $300 each to Backcountry Horsemen, CEA, Pacific Crest Trails (PCT), CRSPIA and Horsemanship for the Handicapped. Susan Blackmon would like to see some donations this year going to some sort of emergency animal rescue groups to focus more on the horses well-being, not just the people. Gary Brabant motions that we decide at this meeting on 5 groups to receive $300 each this year and at later meetings to also decide if any more groups will be included in additional donations. Marty seconds the motion and it stands. Sharon Heineke motions to remove PCT from the list of 5 groups and replace it with Emergency Animal Rescue. Based on majority vote, the following groups will receive $300 each for this year’s donations. Sharon will be sending the checks out. 1. Backcountry Horsemen 2. CEA 3. CRSPIA 4. Horsemanship for the Handicapped 5. Emergency Animal Rescue There is an addendum to the ride schedule. By popular decision, instead of doing the Daley Ranch this November, we will be doing something at Cuyamaca instead. More details to follow from Susan Blackmon. The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM.

BUCKEL'S CHUCKLES (Compliments of Harry Buckel)

The other night I was invited out for a night with the 'girls'. I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, "I promise!" Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way to easily. Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got to the door, the cuckoo clock in the hallway started up and cuckooed 3 times. Quickly, I realizing my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution in order to escape a possible conflict with him. (Even when totally smashed...3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals = 12 cuckoos MIDNIGHT). The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, I told him "MIDNIGHT"...he didn't seem pissed off in the least. WHEW, I got away with that one! Then he said "We need a new cuckoo clock." When I asked why, he said, "Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said "oh crap." Cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another three times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the coffee table and farted."

Minutes From the June 6, 2008 PVMR Board of Directors Meeting (respectfully submitted by our Secretary, Jody Carnevale)


The Pioneer Mail Ride will be a good one! In fact, as I pre-rode it today with Bill I thought a lot about Ray and Luke. So much of the ground we traveled were trails I had ridden with them in the past. I think I will dedicate this ride to them. We can salute them in Horseman's Heaven with a beverage at the lunch stop. As you travel up Sunrise Highway from 8 East, you will go 5.8 miles to the Pioneer Mail staging area. It is on the right. (Watch for the 29 mile marker. That means it's coming up soon.) There is a restroom there and a table in the shade for us to enjoy our ice cream. I think there is plenty of parking, but I would like an RSVP so I have enough ice cream and toppings. My home number is (619) 579-8223. Leave a message if I'm out. The ride is approximately 5 1/2 hours including lunch; please bring a lunch and beverage. The ice cream with toppings will be back at the trail head. The riding is beautiful. You will see incredible desert vistas on your left and then we will go into the pines in the beautiful Laguna Mountains. We will be eating lunch by the lake and heading back to Pioneer Mail via Noble Canyon trail to Indian Creek to Pine Mountain. You will see a lot of country. There are still some flowers up there and there was a nice breeze today. The riding is not challenging, but you and your horse should be up to a 5 hour ride. Hoping to see a lot of you at this ride, I know I had a great time today. Susan Blackmon and her trusty steed, Stinky

PIONEER MAIL DAYPIONEER MAIL DAYPIONEER MAIL DAY---RIDE & ICE CREAM SOCIALRIDE & ICE CREAM SOCIALRIDE & ICE CREAM SOCIAL (July 20, 2008 (July 20, 2008 (July 20, 2008 --- in the saddle at 10:00 a.m.) in the saddle at 10:00 a.m.) in the saddle at 10:00 a.m.)

Our annual beach ride is planned for August 13th. Mark that date on your calendar and join us at Border Field State Park for a cool and refreshing ride to the Pacific Ocean through the lovely trails of the Tijuana River Valley. This year, PVMR and Back Country Horsemen are coming together for a ride to the beach with optional camping in the Tijuana River Valley for those of you that would like to stay overnight and enjoy a ride on Sunday before traveling home. Arrangements have been made for overnight camping at one of the local ranches with corrals available and room for your rig. Please RSVP to Barbara Land or Cruz Maya. Directions to the staging area will be published in the August edition of HoofPrints along with details of where the overnight is planned. Gary







JULY 25-27, 2008

75 Years of Mountain Adventure

Camp in Los Vaqueros Horse Camp Day Riders Welcome on the ride, July 27th Ride through Cuyamaca Rancho State Park

Delicious BBQ Dinner • Awesome Raffle Prizes

$$ Cash Prizes $$

Presented by the CRSP Mounted Assistance Unit for the benefit of Cuyamaca Rancho State Park Interpretive

Association (CRSPIA)

Registration opens June 1st Bonnie Slager • [email protected]


Bargain Corral Bargain Corral

Ω 8-year old tri-color paint gelding ("Harley"); 15.2 hands and an exceptional trail horse. Does it all. Trailers, ties, and needs a good home. Asking $5,000. If interested, call Gary at (619) 445-7016. Ω 10-year old standardbred mare; does everything; outstanding trail horse; $2,800. If interested, contact Glen Morgan at 619-884-9758 or [email protected]. Ω Reg. Tenn. Walker; 15 hds; 20 yr gelding; lots of get up and go; needs someone who will ride him a lot and give him a lot of attention; very loveable and needs an experienced rider; has been vet checked and is in excellent health; has had all shots and wormed. $1000. Call 619-334-6910. Ω Home Needed for Project Horse. 6-yr old quarter horse gelding. Stands approx. 14.3 hands. Needs experienced rider with firm and consistent hand. Very sweet boy. Smooth and quiet to ride, but has not been ridden in the last year. Bought for daughter but it didn’t work out. Call Lisa at (619) 517-8662 for more information. $1200 or best offer. Ω Goats for Sale - - babies to adults, Pet, Milk, Meat, 4H, FFA. Several breeds - Pygmy, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Kinder, Boer, mixed. Purchase includes vaccination, disbudding, banding, and care sheet. Services available for your own goats available for a fee. If interested, call Brenda at (619) 445.2071. Ω Older (Antique) Massey Ferguson tractor. A great ranch work-horse. $3,500. If interested, call Walt at (619) 445-3555. Ω 2005 Troy Bilt Generator 3500; used once/in excellent condition; paid $550, asking $450 OBO. Call 619-334-6910. Ω "Sarge" - an 18-yr old appendix quarterhorse. Bomb proof trail horse. Very mellow, loves attention. $2500 or best offer. Contact Marci Jones at (619) 445-7016. Ω 1999 27' Wilderness house trailer by Fleetwood RV; under 5,000 miles; slide out; sleeps six adults; separate rear queen bed; two access doors; A/C; 3 exterior storage doors; 8 cuft three-way refrigerator with freezer; microwave; shower with bathtub; extra outside shower. If interested, call Dan or Judie at 619-659-3038. Ω Hott Wash Titanium Pro 4-gal hot water heater for bathing horses in winter. Sells new for $300 - selling used for $150. See for product details. If interested, call 619-246-7605. Ω Nice trail horse! 7 year old gray gelding; used for Polo but great on trail. Asking $2500. Has been kept at Hering Polo Ranch. For more info, contact Spike at (619) 990-6600. Ω Ride Cuyamaca Trails from Oakzanita Ranch. Openings to board in trail riding heaven. Variety of boarding options available. Contact: Bernie or Peggy Martin at (619) 445-1289 or Ω Standardbred Gelding - Free to Good Home - He is 8 years old and has arthritis in both knees from his racing career. He is the sweetest horse you will ever meet and I'm trying to find him a good job as a pasture pal. He needs inexpensive joint supplements and cannot be ridden due to his condition. Please contact Jody Carnevale at 619-445-7752 if you're interested in providing a caring home and displaying him in your pasture. Ω WANTED: Free or feed lease horse - to a good home in Descanso. Looking for a mature horse who has been there done that. Older horse OK as long as it can be handled safely and be able to carry grand kids in the arena. Contact Lynda Sterns at 659-3801 or [email protected].




(619) 445-5464 Fax 445-1596

Joe Benoit "In Beautiful Downtown Descanso" 25077 Viejas Blvd., Descanso, CA 91916








CALL-FAX-EMAIL FOR DELIVERIES FAX (619) 445-1596 [email protected]


Advertising Rates (Please Submit all Ads by 25th of month prior to Publication)

Business Card: $10/issue 1/2 Page: $25/issue 1/4 Page: $15/issue Full Page: $35/issue

Officers Gary Brabant (President): 619-445-7016 Jan Herrera (Vice-President): 619-445-1861 Jody Carnevale (Secretary): 619-445-7752 Sharon Heineke (Treasurer): 619-334-6910 Board Members Rene Hijar: 619-445-0928 Mary Ann Cummings: 619-445-3538 Gayla Robles: 619-749-4358 Susan Blackmon: 619-579-8223 Marty Jorgensen: 619-307-0276

Sunshine Lady Gayla Robles: 619-749-4358 [email protected] Membership Services Mary Ann Cummings: 619-445-3538 Trail Boss Susan Blackmon: 619-579-8223 Hoof Prints Editor Dianne Schweiner: 619-246-7605 [email protected]

~ How To Reach Us ~