Pinchas Bmidbar Ministries Num.25.10 30.1

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Transcript of Pinchas Bmidbar Ministries Num.25.10 30.1

  • 8/12/2019 Pinchas Bmidbar Ministries Num.25.10 30.1



    Pinchas 6Just then, in the sight of Moshe and the whole community of Isra'el, as they were

    weeping at the entrance to the tent of meeting, a man from Isra'el came by,

    bringing to his family a woman from Midyan.

    7When Pinchasthe son of El'azar, the son of Aharon the cohen, saw it,he got up

    fr om the middle of the crowd, took a spear in his hand,

    8and pur suedthe man from Isra'el right into the inner part of the tent, where he

    thrust his spear through both of them- the man from Isra'el and the woman through

    her stomach. Thus was the plague among the people of Isra'el stopped;9

    nevertheless, 24,000 died in the plague.(Num 25:6-9 CJB)

    Where Hard-HeartedMeetsHardcoreShalom! What an opening scene for this weeks parsha! Scandal! Rebellion!

    Seduction! Betrayal! Murder! Justice!Whoever said Torah lacked passion needs to

    re-read this weeks portion, but before we can examine the scene we really need to

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    have this situation in proper context if we intend to explore some of the deeper

    meanings of the subtext. Just like we saw last week God oftentimes teaches us

    something spiritual through the natural. And so the title of this weeks parsha is

    Pinchas or as some translations renders it,Phinehas. So who was he, and why is

    his name elevated to the position of a title of one of our parshas? An attempt toprovide some balance after having endured the doggedly determined and stiff-

    necked Korach, is the LORD now showcasing someone on the other side of the

    pendulum perhaps?

    Allow me first to draw your attention though to a rampantly growing

    problem. Have you noticed as we continue making our way through the

    wilderness, despite the deathly consequences of their rebellion, more and more

    personalities and people within the camp of Israel are becoming, dare I say, defiant

    towards Elohim? Where has the pursuit of Holiness amongst the people gone?

    Where has the Holy reverence evaporated to? I cant help but have my memory

    drawn to Apostle Shauls pivotal reminder that worldly and empty chatter leads to

    further ungodliness, spreading like gangrene1.

    Pinchas is the son of Elazar who is the son of Aaron, Israels first Cohen

    Hagadol or High Priest. Ever examine names in Hebrew? A good Bible software

    program comes in handy, and there are websites if you have internet access that

    can provide excellent support, but I find it interestingnames tend to fit thesurrounding times an individual under observation is living in.Aaron, means

    Light-bringer. He is a foreshadowing of our Messiah the servant. In rabbinic

    commentary he was recognized as the peacemaker. Ever speaking the kind,

    encouraging word, Aaron had the type of spirit that was said to make folks want to

    live right.Elazar, Aarons son who stepped in the gap after Nadab and Abihu

    offered strange fire to Elohim means God is my helper.Pinchas, who we read in

    this portion, would become the next in line to become Israels High Priest, means

    mouth of brass. Isnt that just like a kick in the pants? Mouth of brass? So, weve

    descended from the illustrious Light-Bringer, to the mindful Godis my helper,

    and now to the not so regal-soundingMouth of Brass. In the western mindset


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    this type of meaning if taken out of context might become misconstrued when

    studying Pauls Lovechapter in 1Corinthians 132.

    But lets examine Pinchas name a little further. Havent we all been reading

    what some might describe as asuspiciousamount about Brass, Bronze & Copperas of late? Essentially the same figurative meanings, Brass and Bronze are one in

    the same, both being an amalgam of Copper mixed with a percentage of Tin, and

    when mixed, the metal became much, much harderable to be used in the

    construction of weaponry, shields and armor. But we also see Brass used in the

    construction of the censer of incensethe same kind used in the showdown

    between Aaron and Korach and his 250 men of renown3. Wesawit used again

    when the Israelites murmuredagainst Moshe and Aaron and God sent poisonous

    serpents who could overcome their deadly bite only if they were to physically

    lookupon that Brassserpenterected on a pole that Moshe stood up for all to

    lookupon4. So what we find in a very real sense is where the Israelite people

    demonstrated a hard-heart towards Gods covenant, Pinchas displayed a hard-core

    commitment to honoring it! Which category do we desire to be in? Right.

    So if were going to start putting it all together weve got to look at Pinchas

    in the Hebraic alright? Lets break it down:

    H6372 pynechas,pee-nekh-aws'. Apparently fromH6310and avariation ofH5175; mouthofaserpent;Pinechas, the name of three Israelites: -


    H6310 Peh, peh. FromH6284; the mouth(as the means of blowing),whether literally or figuratively (particularlyspeech); specif ical ly edge,portionor

    side; adverbially (with preposition) accordingto: - accord (-ing as, -ing to), after,

    appointment, assent, collar, command (-ment), X eat, edge, end, entry, + file, hole,

    X in, mind, mouth, part, portion, X (should) say (-ing), sentence, skirt, sound,

    speech, X spoken, talk, tenor, X to, + two-edged, wish, word.


    3Numbers 16:17

    4Numbers 21:9

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    H6310 FromH6284

    Strongs #6310: AHLB#: 1373-A (N) 1373) ( PH)ac:Blow co:Mouth ab:?: Thepictographis a picture of the mouth. A mouth is the edge of anything such asthe place of the beard, a sword, a region. The edge or border, is often referr ing to

    all that is within the borders, the whole country.

    H6284 pa'ah, orpaw-aw'. A primitive root; topuff, that is, blowaway:- scatter into corners.


    Strongs #6284: AHLB#: 1373-D (V) 1373) ( PH)ac:Blow co:Mouthab: ?: The pictograph is a picture of the mouth. A mouth is the edge ofanything such as the place of the beard, a sword, a region. The edge or border, is

    often referring to all that is within the borders, the whole country. This parent rootis identical to bothand.

    H5175 nachash, naw-khawsh'. FromH5172; asnake(from its hiss): -serpent.

    H5172 nachash, naw-khash'. A primitive root; properly to hiss, that is,whispera (magic) spell; generally toprognosticate: - X certainly, divine,

    enchanter, (use) X enchantment, learn by experience, X indeed, dil igently observe.


    Strongs #5172: AHLB#: 2395 (V)

    2395) ( NHhSh)BronzeV) ( N-HhSh)- Divine: To learn something through divination.

    [Unknown connection to root;] [freq. 11] (vf: Piel) |kjv: enchantment, divine,

    enchanter, indeed, certainly, learn, experience, di li gently, observe| {str: 5172}

    H5172 nachashBDB (Brown-Driver-Briggs)Definition:1) to practicedivination, divine, observe signs, learn by experience, dil igently observe, practice

    fortunetelling, take as an omen;1a) (Piel)1a1) to practice divination; 1a2) to

    observe the signs or omens.Part of Speech: verb A Related Word by BDB/Strongs

    Number: a primitive root Same Word by TWOT Number: 1348

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    Peh the Power of the IncasAlright, so lets recap that: Pinchas is comprised essentially of two words

    which we shall discuss here. First, we begin with the Peh, and its significant

    because it speaks of a mouth. Remember, you may have heardbut its important to repeat for easy recall, the Hebrew

    language is just like electricity, the words and letters possess

    both a negative and a positive charge. Depending on the

    context youll discover words connote either a negative or

    positive meaning depending on the environment theyre

    couched in, alright?But here thePehis referring

    specifically to the edgeof something, or its borders (go back

    and read the Hebrew definitions again if you need to take a

    minute). Intriguing, hasnt much of the Israelitesjourney

    been learning that HaShems Torah, Regulations and Judgments have been borders

    to protect and preserve life for Israel? And havent we seen that part of Israels

    recent struggle was to push acrosspagan bordersto remove those contrary to

    Gods Word so that they could push into The Land of Promise? Originally Israel

    sought to tip-toeinto Canaan using the kings highway along the edgeof the

    borderof pagan territory. God told them No! You push throughI will drive them

    out!5Bordersand boundariesare important to God!

    Now then, much like borders and boundaries, so are the corners and the

    opening of our mouth, because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

    yes?6 Another implicit lesson about man, or Adambeing the Adamah, or part of

    the Land, where Gods tent is, where He tabernacles, which is why He is so

    adamant about getting sin out of the campwhich is why He is constantly

    pleading for us to checkour heart, rendour heart, to cleanseour heart,purifyour

    heart, togive Him our heart! Because if theres uncleanness in the camp, it will

    infect everyone else if left untendedthus the sin ofLshon Hara. Is it really anywonder why when we read about the ashes of the Red Heifer that Torah told us if a

    man died in his tent, every vessel that did not have a coveringsecured on it was to

    be destroyed? Abba told us to button it upfor a reason! Evil speech is no minor



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    issue, for it is the death of many if left to skulk through the campthis is what

    happened with Korach, this is what happened with the people the day after Korach,

    and this is what happened with Israel by way ofBalaams counselthat word for

    counsel in Hebrew is the word dabar, or words. And it was Balaamsspoken

    words that would lead to the compromise of Israels borders!7

    The ncasSo weve addressed Peh, now the Incas. If you study out Pinchas name

    youll soon discover that the second root word is

    naw-khash'.Its the same root we found in

    week before lasts portion, Chukkat, or

    Regulationin regards to those fiery serpents. In

    Numbers 21:5 we read that the people began tospeak against God and Moses and so God sent

    fiery serpents to bite the people. Here in Pinchas

    we have the same root word and if you will turn back to page four of our study you

    will discover that it means among other thingsbronze, to observe signs, to learn

    by experience, and to diligently observe. It can also mean filthiness, lust, and

    harlotry8. In the positive sense, as observed in Pinchas we observe the 3-letter root

    word nachashagain. NunChetShin. Nun means son, life, or seed. Chet

    means divide, but in the positive sense it also means to protect, or fence-off.According to Rabbi Munk, The ,(shin) represents two Names of God: Shaddaithe All-Sufficient, Unlimited One, and Shalom, Peace. With that one word, shad

    (Shin-Dalet), enough, the Unlimited One fixed the measure of all objects,

    established the boundariesof all forces, and set the moral limitswithin which

    people are to live9. Just like Pinchas did, can you see him living up to his name?

    Pinchas was zealous for the boundariesGod established for Israel to live in.

    Pictographically strung together we now know that Pinchas name means he

    created a fence to protect life by diligently observing Gods boundaries!


    8Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament 1349a; Ezekiel 16:36, Brown-Driver-Briggs 639b

    9The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet, Rabbi Michael L. Munk, Chap.21 Shin, p.207

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    The Physics of BronzeWere observing this peculiar trait of

    Hebrew, how it can mean something so

    nefarious one minute, and in anotherscenario be used to describe an act of

    redemption. In the negative it suggests

    divination, fortune-telling, enchantment and

    casting spells. This is best observed the first

    time the word is actually used, all the way

    back in Beresheet with Adam and Chava.

    Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God

    had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eatfrom any tree of the garden '?" (Gen 3:1 NAS)

    Theserpent. The naw-kash.It whispered, used enchantment, it practiced

    the art of charming, likesnake-charming. It practiced the art offortune-telling.

    Through the use of diligent observation, andobserving signs, they can then tell

    you something about yourself that you supposedly have kept a mystery. Did God

    really say that Eve?All the serpent did was activateEves nature to rebel

    awakening the yetzer-hara, or evil inclination. All Balaam did was whisper into

    the ear of an all-too-willing Balak, just like the serpent in the garden. Tempt Israel

    with the lustof the flesh, and the lustof the eyes (daughters of Midian).

    Do you therefore set out the handsomest of such of your daughters as are

    most eminent for beauty, and proper to force and conquer the modesty of those that

    behold them, and these decked and trimmed to the highest degree you are able.

    Then do you send them to be near the Israelites camp and give them in charge,

    that when the young men of the Hebrews desire their company, they allow it them;

    and when they see that they are enamored of them, let them take their leaves; and ifthey entreat them to stay, let them not give their consent till they have persuaded

    them to leave off their obedience to their own laws and the worship of that God

    who establishes, and to worship the gods of the Midianites and Moabites; for by

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    this means God will be angry at them. Accordingly, when Balaam had suggested

    this counsel to them, he went his way10

    What did Adonai say?

    12"Watch yourself that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land into

    which you are going, lest it become a snare in your midst.13"But rather, you are to tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars and

    cut down their Asherim14

    -- for you shall not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is

    Jealous, is a jealous God--15

    lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and they play the

    harlot with their gods, and sacrifice to their gods, and someone invite you to eat of

    his sacrifice;16

    and you take some of his daughters for your sons, and his daughters play the

    harlot with their gods, and cause your sons also to play the harlot with their gods.

    (Exo 34:12-16 NAS)

    Beloved, in Numbers 25:11 it says that Pinchas turned away the wrath of

    God because he was jealous with His (Elohims) jealousy.The word is kaw-naw',taken from Strongs #H7065.

    H7065: AHLB# (Ancient Heb. Lexicon, Benner Book):1428) ( QN)ac:Acquire co:Nest ab:Zealous: The pictographis a picture of thesun at the horizon and the gathering of the light, the is a picture of a seed.

    Combined these mean "gathering for the seeds". The parent birds go aboutgathering materials to build a nest where they will raise their seeds (eggs). (eng:

    coin - for purchasing)

    ( QNA)Zealous: The parent bird will guard over andprotect the nest and eggs from predators. Man can guard over the family, wife,

    possessions in a positive way (protect, from an enemy) or in a negative way (by

    not trusting or a desire to have anothers possessions).

    V) ( Q-NA)- Zealous: [freq. 33] (vf: Hiphil, Piel) |kjv: envy, jealous,

    zealous, zeal| {str: 7065}

    10The Works of Josephus, book four chapter 6, p.111

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    One of the absolute best

    demonstrations of this word aside

    from Phinehasdisplay can be seen in

    thestirringshow of the agitated small

    bird chasing down the raptor. Itcaptures the essence of what it means

    to be zealous or jealous for your

    family because this tiny bird thinks

    not for its own safety but for the

    preservation of its children. Qana' as shown in the Paleo-Hebrew graphic above is

    rooted in the two-letter word qen. The Quf-Nun

    connection means to gather for the seed, and to nest.

    When there is the threat of an outside predator destroyingthe family, this tiny bird demonstrates the most heroic

    behavior for the sake of the eggs. This is what Adonai

    does for us yes? Does He not desire to dwellamong us

    in our midst? Etz says One of thecommentatorssees Phinehasreplacing

    Aaron as part of a generational shift in leadership. Just as the stern and demanding

    Moses was balanced by Aaron, who avoided quarrels and confrontations, the more

    moderate Joshua will be balanced by the fervor of Phinehas as high priest. The

    tradition generally considers moral threats to be more dangerous for national

    survival than physical threats. We are told to wipe out the Midianites, however, for

    they tried to undermine Israels moral standing11


    Checking Plagues Making Atonement13

    and it shall be for him and his descendants after him, a covenant of a perpetual

    priesthood, because he was jealous for his God, and made atonement for the sons

    of Israel.'" (Num 25:13 NAS)

    11Etz Hayim Torah & Commentary, 25:11 p.918

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    Pinchas made atonement for the sons of

    Israel. How? Because in Numbers 25:8 we

    read that because of Pinchas actions the

    plague was checked. The word used in

    Hebrew there for checked is H6113 atsar, aw-tsar'and it means hold back; also

    to maintain, rule, assemble: - X be able, close

    up, detain, fast, keep (self close, still), prevail,

    recover, refrain, X reign, restrain, retain, shut

    (up), slack, stay, stop, withhold (self).His actions

    became a kapharor coveringfor the sons of Israel! Socan our actions atone

    for the sins of our brothers and sisters? Yes, they can! How? By being zealous for

    the boundariesof HaShem in the body of Messiah, by appointing God-fearingpeople to positions of leadership that will shepherd Israel safely in the Way of

    YHVH, and then by example show us how to walkin His Moedim, or Appointed

    Times by bringing the best offerings continually unto YHVH according to His

    Word. May we learn to be jealous for the boundaries of YHVH, may we like

    Pinchas check the plague and atone for our brothers and sisters through our

    accountability to one another, not with a heart of brass, but with the heart

    completely committed to the Way of The Father, so that we may continue to walk

    in His covenant of Shalom!