Pimping your AngelList profile - AngelPad

Pimping Your AngelList Profile Brendan Baker AngelPad – March 16, 2011 Brendan Baker

Transcript of Pimping your AngelList profile - AngelPad

Page 1: Pimping your AngelList profile - AngelPad

Pimping Your AngelList Profile"

Brendan Baker!AngelPad – March 16, 2011!

Brendan Baker!

Page 2: Pimping your AngelList profile - AngelPad

Your job is to capture their attention."

!Donʼt tell your life story. Focus on memorable highlights.!


Brendan Baker!

Page 3: Pimping your AngelList profile - AngelPad

Youʼre in a market for early stage funding."

Stand out. !Donʼt take is personally. !

Nobody cares about your problems.!


Brendan Baker!

Page 4: Pimping your AngelList profile - AngelPad

The best info, as concisely as possible."

Be focused. !Second draft = first draft – 25%. !Third draft = second draft – 25%.!


Brendan Baker!

Page 5: Pimping your AngelList profile - AngelPad

80/20: 80% what youʼve done, 20% where youʼre going."

Investors will extrapolate your past success to predict your future progress. This is different in other pitching contexts.!


Brendan Baker!

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Evidence trumps potential."Every time you call yourself a ʻvisionary,ʼ a puppy dies. Youʼre

not a gamechanger, seasoned professional, innovative, next generation, or any other overused catchphrase.!


Brendan Baker!

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Conviction convinces."Use present tense and strong wording. !

Avoid weak shit like ʻweʼre planning to…ʼ!


Brendan Baker!

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Associate yourself with success."

Capture the gold dust from your investors, past employers or startups, customers, etc.!


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ASM: Always Show Momentum."

Venture investors invest in momentum. !Set expectations: ʻweʼre still in private beta but…ʼ !

Use absolute and growth numbers.!


Brendan Baker!

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Geeks rule."AngelList is a technical community. Broadcast your geeks.!


Brendan Baker!

Page 11: Pimping your AngelList profile - AngelPad

Give them something to touch right away."

Provide a demo with login details or failing that, screenshots. Donʼt rely on a 2 minute demo video. Busy investors wonʼt

watch it.!


Brendan Baker!

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Get Help."Ask your advisors, investors and supporters to share your profile,

leave comments, vote it up, etc. Social proof is important, and everyone likes a winning team.!


Brendan Baker!

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Be Honest. Always."Misrepresenting information will damage your chances of

getting funding. And itʼs wrong.!


Brendan Baker!

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Thank you. "Thank you for building kick-ass companies.!

[email protected]!

Brendan Baker!