Pilot Flashes March 2015

pilot flashes Franklin Central High School’s the VOLUME 97, ISSUE 5 March 20, 2015 Actions speak louder than words. PAGE 12 Two years later, Boston Bombing victims finally get closure. PAGE 4 Do you know the truth about sororities? PAGE 10 Feel refreshed this Spring break at this local must-see! PAGE 16



Transcript of Pilot Flashes March 2015

Page 1: Pilot Flashes March 2015

pilot flashesFranklin Central High School’s


VOLUME 97, ISSUE 5 March 20, 2015

Actions speak louder than words.


Two years later, Boston Bombing victims finally get

closure.PAGE 4

Do you know the truth about sororities?


Feel refreshed this Spring break

at this local must-see!


Page 2: Pilot Flashes March 2015

MarchHazy Actions A look into student hazing

in athleticsMallory Huxford



10 ways to give back Frank-lin Township can always use your help Madeline Robb

Behind the scenes See the PF team like never beforeCassidy Lawton

Poppin’ tags Rocket Fizz is an amazing candy wonderlandCydney Clouse





Yes, no, should we go? How should you ask that special someone to prom?Ashley Curry

Gaga hotel American Hor-ror Story analysisYareli Aguilar

Miss-conceptions Sorority myths bustedMolly Lambert



11 Editor-In-ChiefAudrey Smith

EditorsMallory HuxfordMolly LambertCassidy LawtonAudrey Osburn

ReportersYareli Aguilar

Lindsey BrashearKara ClementsCydney ClouseAshley CurryCindy Hodge

Lauren MilliganMadeline RobbSophia Watson

Mission StatementOur mission statement is to provide ac-curate and timely content that is relevant to the Franklin Central student body. We encourage you to respond to articles and submit suggestions through e-mail. Each reporter’s contact information will be listed at the beginning of his or her sto-ry. Your feedback is appreciated and will help improve the Pilot Flashes.

CorrectionsFront page- “Rose” should be “Roses”Page 2- “most-outspoken” doesn’t need a hyphen; in page 10 description, “the” should be capitalized; page 20 descrip-tion, no ‘w’ on athlete and “hill” needs to be capitalizedPage 8- 50 should be written outPage 11- “LBGT” in the info graphic should be “LGBT”Page 14- story is cut off


Now trending: organic pan-ic Organic food is now main-streamMolly LambertInReview: organic storesCassidy Lawton

The women in the east Prog-ress report on Saudi Arabian women’s rightsAudrey Osburn

Trial and terror Boston Marathon bombing trial progress reportAshley Curry








The last laugh April Fool’s Day pranks to raise browsLindsey Brashear

Life hacks: spring break editionAudrey Smith

9 Identity Crisis What’s you real zodiac sign?Audrey Osburn


What’s behind the curtain? College basketball’s funniest defense strategy revealedAudrey Osburn



22 Who’s your pick? The 2015 Final Four could be one for the booksMadeline Robb

23 Spicing up sports Try new ways to exercise this spring breakKara Clements

Athletes to look out for FC senior Bailey Bruce signedSophie Watson

The Halls Have Ears

“You look cute today!”

“Was I ugly yes-terday?”

Pawing their way into the community 4-Paw club gives backLauren Milligan

Your face is not a coloring book. Scale back the


I don’t hate her, but if she was on fire and I had wa-

ter, I’d drink it.

I don’t smash my alarm clock at 5 a.m. is because it’s my iPhone.


Page 3: Pilot Flashes March 2015

03-20-15 NEWS PAGE 3

From the newsroomMeet a few reporters of the 2014-2015 Pilot Flashes newsmagazine.

Yareli Aguilar, Reporter & Photographer-in-trainingJunior What do you hope to learn from being on staff?I hope to learn to write better and work well with others. Also, I would like to be more open and friendly.If you had to describe yourself as an emoji, which one would you be?Interesting fact about yourself in 3, 2, 1 GO! I am in love with Ed Sheeran’s music.

Lindsey Brashear, ReporterSophomoreWhy did you choose to join the Pilot Flashes?I enjoy writing and wanted to learn how to write in different styles. I also wanted to make new friends. These girls are the best!If you had to describe yourself as an emoji, which one would you be?Interesting fact about yourself in 3, 2, 1 GO! I was once in a parade in Disney World.

Kara Clements, Reporter & Copy EditorSeniorWhat has been your favorite part about being on staff so far?I have always loved out teamwork and consideration for one another.What’s your favorite TV show? NetflixWhat’s your favorite thing to drink? Sweet tea (:

Ashley Curry, Reporter and Copy Editor JuniorWhy do you hope to learn from being on staff?I hope to learn how to create a better page layout and work with Photoshop.If you had to describe yourself as an emoji, which one would you be?What’s your favorite TV show? Once Upon a Time

Madeline Robb, ReporterSenior Why did you choose to join the Pilot Flashes?I wanted to be a part of something through the school other than gymnastics.If you had to describe yourself as an emoji, which one would you be? What’s your favorite thing to drink? Coke- NOT pepsi!

Mallory Huxford

Page 4: Pilot Flashes March 2015

03-20-15 NEWS PAGE 4

T r i a l a n dt e r r o r

Fear, agony and panic. All these were feelings that took place on April 15, 2013. On that day, two bombs went off near the finish line during the Bos-ton Marathon. The bombs killed three spectators and wounded another 260 people.

It took four days to catch the two men who placed the bombs. Broth-ers, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19-years-old at the time, and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26-years-old, were found after a man hunt. During a car chase and police shoot-out, in which one police officer was killed, Tamerlan was shot and killed. Young Dzhokar was taken into custody to stand trial.

Almost two years later, the trial process has officially started and has taken over headlines. Dzhokhar, now 21-years-old, is charged with 30 crim-inal counts.

The judge order 3,000 people to the courthouse for a large jury pool, and problems arose. In order to be on the jury, the person has to be impar-tial and unbiased, but in this case it’s a struggle to find people that feel that way, especially with the death penalty on the table if convicted.

Potential jurors from the jury pool were being dismissed for various rea-sons. Two were dismissed because of close ties to law enforcement, which could be seen as being biased because Dzhokahr is facing a charge of mur-dering a police officer.

Another two jurors were dis-missed because they stated they would never vote for the death penal-ty no matter the case.

Another potential juror no. 333 stated, “I feel pretty strongly that he is guilty. It would be hard to find anything that could change my mind about that.”

The state prosecutor has accused the defendant’s team of lawyers of en-couraging a hung jury, which means the jury cannot reach a unanimous verdict and none of the jurors will change their vote. A hung jury would result in a mistrial, which is where a trial in rendered invalid through in error in the proceedings. This would mean both sides would have to begin a whole new trial.

Some newspapers have claimed that Dzhokahr’s attorney is planning on using his client’s age as the main

defense for the trial. He wants to stress that his client was only 19 and was unable to go against his brother at the time. He needs to find a group of jurors that could, or would, actual-ly take that defense into consideration for a non-guilty verdict.

The trial really got started in a be-ginning of March. After the opening statements, the testimony began.

Witness of the carjacking that fol-lowed the bombings testified in court early in the trial, as well as a video of the hijacking was seen.

Chief of Police MIT took the stand to talk about the death of police offi-cer Sean Collier and how they found him.

A third witness that spoke was the father of the eight-year-old boy who died during the bombing. Spectators cried as the heard him talk about how he knew his son wasn’t going to live.

The judge is speculating that the trial should last three or four months. More witnesses will take the stand and videos will be shown to try to prove that the defendant is guilty. Only time will reveal the truth.

ASHLEY CURRY, [email protected]

S u r v i v o r s : W h e r e a r e t h e y n o w ?

Celeste Corcoran lost both legs while waiting for her sister to cross the finish line. Since her sister wasn’t able to finish the race the first time, a year later Celeste and her daughter, Sydney, teamed up to finish the race with her the following year all together.

Over a year after the bombing, James Costello married Krista D’Agostino. He fell in love after being the hospital for sever-al weeks. She happened to be the nurse, who took care of him after he was seriously injured during the bombing.

Huffington PostToday

Page 5: Pilot Flashes March 2015

AUDREY OSBURN, [email protected]

In the United States, it’s commonplace to see women driv-ing with their hair blowing in the wind and wearing something tight and revealing. But in Saudi Arabia, this is rare and pun-ishable by law.

Saudi Arabia is a Muslim monarchy in the Middle East, known in America for its oil and the literal word of Islam gov-erning the land, or Shira Law.

Mrs. Susan Tomlinson spent 10 days in Saudi Arabia in 2006 and was able to experience Arabian life as well as converse with highly educated and upper level income Saudi women. She gives The Pilot Flashes a first-hand American view into Arabian society.

“While they would say that women are highly respected and protected and well cared for, I see it differently. From my opin-ion, they were/are limited in their freedom of movement and exercise of political power.”

Unlike women in Afghanistan, Saudi women are permitted to attend school (the very rich often travel to the United States for their education) and even have a career. Despite these ad-herents, Saudi women cannot hold a driver’s license. Saudi Ara-bia is the only country in the world to prohibit women -- Saudi citizens and foreigners -- from driving cars.

A Saudi Arabian historian, Saleh al-Saadoon spoke on a television interview about the driving ban, claiming that Sau-di women are treated like queens, because they are always be-ing driven around by male chauffeurs, most often their family members. But his biggest point, and the argument that is re-peated the most, is that a woman would be an easy rape target if her car breaks down.

Al-Saadoon also claimed that women who drive in coun-tries like the United States drive because getting raped is no big deal to them and don’t care about sexual violence.

But for upper class women, a drivers license is the least of their concerns.

“They [the women] laughed when we asked about the fact that they could not drive,” said Tomlinson, “The women we met with were from higher income levels and had drivers, so they

didn’t see being able to drive as their number one priority of gaining rights. They were more interested in getting political power.”

King Abdullah, who was known as a reformer, was the gleam of hope for women’s activists before his death in Janu-ary. In 2011, he promised to protect women’s rights and royally decreed that women would be allowed to participate in city and town elections in 2015, a huge step for Saudi women.

In 2009, King Abdullah appointed a female deputy minis-ter and opening a co-ed university, but Saudi’s clerics claimed his reforms as too progressive, complaining that women would ignore the household chores and focus too much on beautify-ing themselves. Despite these setbacks, in 2013 the Kingdom licensed its first four female lawyers.

The most shocking in comparison to the American way of life, and Western culture in general, is how women are treated in everyday life.

Public places, including stores, restaurants, and business-es, are segregated by sex. In crowds women are seated behind men, often obstructed from view by two way glass.

“The women were never allowed to go out without a male chaperone. In Riyadh, it is more strict than in other areas and several afternoons the women in my group had to stay in our hotel rooms.”

Women also have to be covered in public at all times. Aba-yas, a loose full-length garment worn over regular clothes, are required. Hijabs, large cloth veiling the face, are very common.

Life in Muslim countries may be hard for Americans to grasp, but life in Saudi Arabia, a very wealthy country, is most likely better than most Middle Eastern countries.

“We did not see or experience anything unpleasant or view poverty, want or conflict up close,” states Tomlinson. “We were guarded very closely and we could not freely explore. I do know that some of that was concern for our safety, however, it was also a result of a system where your movements, especially those of women, are limited.”

03-20-15 NEWS PAGE 5

The women in the east

: huffingtonpost.co.uk

Page 6: Pilot Flashes March 2015

03-20-15 NEWS PAGE 6

Since 2002, when the USDA (United Sates Depart-ment of Agriculture) released national standards for or-ganic products, America’s nutritional consumption strays from processed food more and more each year. This past year, the organic panic has settled in Indiana.

Not long after the grand opening of, not one, but two organic grocery stores in Greenwood, Fresh Thyme and EarthFare, the fever started to spread. For our commu-nity, it has become easier and cheaper to eat organically as well as all natural. On social media, it’s no longer long-time organic hipsters posting as other foodies merge into the mainstream.

Growing and eating organically isn’t a new taboo op-tion though. In all reality this mainstream way is actual-ly very conventional and traditional to our ancestors. Up until 1910, when products like Oreos and Marshmallow Fluff were born into the food industry, organic food was the only thing available to consume. It was only after the industrial revolution that processed and fast foods became an option.

Today, it’s a common assumption that organic and

all-natural food is one in the same. If a label declares the product is organic, it’s telling you that it was approved by the USDA and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to be made with no toxic synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, antibiotics and growth hormones.

If the label says it is all-natural, they are minimally processed and do not contain antibiotics, hormones or ar-tificial ingredients. There are no rules or regulations for specifically the creation or content of all-natural foods.

Along with kicking toxins, hormones and antibiotics out of our food we are also trying to toss the GMO’s (Ge-netically Modified Organisms). Research has found that these new plants, animals and bacteria have the potential to introduce new allergens, increased toxicity, decreased nutrition and antibiotic resistance in humans.

America is one of few countries that don’t have high restrictions against GMO’s. Nations including the entire European Union, Japan and Australia have gone so far to even ban some of these mutations.

Eating organically is no longer a type of thing. It has become a healthy type of thing.

Now trending: organic panic

Going all organic isn’t cheap, so try just purchasing organic produce like the ones below!

The prodigious produce:

MOLLY LAMBERT, [email protected]

Cucumbers Grapes GrapefruitCorn ApplesBroccoli $1 each 4lbs. for $5 $0.88 per lb. $0.99 per lb.$1.49 per lb. 10 for $4

*Prices based on a collection of local grocery stores.

Page 7: Pilot Flashes March 2015

03-20-15 NEWS PAGE 7

Eating and buying organic food has been all the craze lately, but sometimes finding a quality store that is relatively priced can be difficult. What many don’t know is that there are three stores that sell organic and local food near Frank-lin Central. Those three are Earth Fare, Fresh Thyme and Pogue’s Run Grocer. All of the stores have their own individ-ual and unique qualities.

InReview:Organic stores

Location- 8750 U.S. Highway 31 Indianapolis, IN 46227


This store is huge and has many organic but cheap options. You can walk right in and you can see everything from produce to the “make your own peanut butter” stand. There is even a cute little walk up cafe where you can buy all organic pizza and sandwiches. Fresh Thyme has a vast variety of organic and non-organic foods, which is somewhat of a down side, considering that the store claims to have a majority of organic products when it is actually a generous mixture. Though, the fresh nut butter gives the store a leg up against its competitors. Go in and check out the store, the employees are friendly and helpful, if you are looking for anything in particular they would be more than happy to help you out.

Fresh Thyme

Location- 2828 E 10th Street Indianapolis, IN 46201


This store has all of the qualities of a home grown local grocer. Pogue’s Run is a little store that only sells natural, Indiana grown products. It also has a little deli inside where you can order delicious sandwiches. The store is quite small and hard to find but has the most potential. It is dimly lit, but something about that makes you feel welcomed and the people who work there are friendly. The only down side is that it is in a rough neighborhood. Due to this store being solely local food, the money that you spend stays in the Indiana economy helping the state as a whole. Anyone can shop here, but there is a membership option that you can get. Overall, this store is by far the best and if you are in the neighborhood stop on by.

Pogue’s Run Grocer

Location-2110 E. County Line Road Indianapolis (Greenwood), Indiana 46227


This store is great for finding strange healthy and reasonably priced foods. It is laid out in a convenient way. The prices may be higher than Walmart or Kroger, but for the quality of food… it’s worth it. Earth Fare promotes eating and shopping locally (they even mark products produced within 100 miles from that stores location). This store also has the most random foods you could find, like Coconut Flour or Ojai Pixie Tangerines. One downside is that the store is located in Greenwood, which may not be as close the five average grocery stores in Franklin Township, but if you are looking to change your lifestyle, then the next time you are near the dollar movies (Greenwood Cinemark 8) stop by and check it out.

Earth Fare

CASSIDY LAWTON, [email protected]

Page 8: Pilot Flashes March 2015


AUDREY SMITH, [email protected]


For all of you heading to the beach in a few days, let me first say I am jealous. But while I’m doing work in Baltimore, here are some helpful

tips for your fun in the sun.

#1 Hide your stuff

#2 Sand-be-gone

#3 Beach blockade

Clean out an old lotion bottle and put your phone, money, and keys in it for safe keeping at

the beach.

Stash a bottle of baby powder in your beach bag. This will remove the excess moisture from your skin and get all the clingy sand of your skin

in an easy wipe.

If you want to keep your bags and coolers sand-free, pack a fitted sheet for the beach. Use your things to

stretch it out and then everyday item becomes a

nice barrier.

Pintrest, hip4save.com, chesse-magnet.com, distirctlines.com


April Fool’s Day is right around the corner and falls perfectly over Spring Break. Use this opportunity to try out these pranks on your friends and family.

Cereal Switch-a-RooSupplies: Spoon Bowl Boxes of Cereal

Steps:1. Remove all the plastic bags of cereal for the boxes.2. Replace the bags into different boxes.3. Place a bowl and spoon nearby.4. Wait to see your victim’s face when they receive Cocoa Puffs instead of Lucky Charms.

last laugh

LINDSEY BRASHEAR, [email protected]

Cream and Salt?Supplies:

Sugar dispenserSaltNapkin

Steps:1. Open the sugar dispenser.2. Place a napkin over the open top.3. Pour the salt on top of the napkin.4. Screw the lid back on.5. Tear off the napkin that is exposed.6. Your work here is done.

Page 9: Pilot Flashes March 2015


IdentIty crIsIsAUDREY OSBURN, [email protected]

“What’s your sign?” A common conversation starter, but many have their zodiac signs wrong.Your zodiac sign is the constellation that was present in the sky when you were born. The use of astrology to predict

you character, behavior and fate dates back around 3,000 years in Mesopotamia. But that’s the problem. The dates that each constellation appear have changed, due to the Earth’s “wobble.” The Earth has shifted so much since the birth of astrology that the zodiac signs are nearly a month off and there is a whole new sign, called Ophiuchus (pronounced oh-FEW-cus) the Serpent Bearer.

Your zodiac sign is wrong, and here’s why


Meaning: The RamFalse dates: Mar. 21- April 20true dates: April 19- May 14traits: Exciting, implusive


Meaning: The BalanceFalse dates: Sept. 23- Oct. 23true dates: Nov. 1- Nov. 23traits: Idealistic, unreliable


Meaning: The BullFalse dates: April 21-May 21true dates: May 15- June 21traits: Patient, stubborn

Meaning: The ScorpionFalse dates: Oct. 24- Nov. 22true dates: Nov. 24- Nov. 30traits: Passionate, obsessive


Meaning: The TwinsFalse dates: May 22- June 21true dates: June 22 - July 20traits: Energetic, superficial

Meaning: The ArcherFalse dates: Nov. 23- Dec. 22true dates: Dec. 19- Jan 19traits: Leader, unemotional


Meaning: The CrabFalse dates: June 22- July 22true dates: July 21- August 10traits: Caring, self-pitying

Meaning: The GoatFalse dates: Dec. 23- Jan. 20true dates: Jan. 20- Feb. 16traits: Responsible, conceited


Meaning: The LionFalse dates: July 23- Aug. 23true dates: Aug. 11- Sep. 16traits: Confident, vain

Meaning: The Water CarrierFalse dates: Jan. 21- Feb.19true dates: Feb. 17- March 11traits: Clever, rebellious


Meaning: The VirginFalse dates: Aug. 24- Sept. 22true dates: Sept. 17- Oct. 31traits: Analytical, inflexible

Meaning: The FishFalse dates: Feb. 20- March 20true dates: March 12- April 18traits: Accepting, indecisive

Meaning: The Serpent BearerFalse dates: N/Atrue dates: Dec. 1- Dec. 18traits: Open-minded, jealous







eLeMents KeyFIre




Source: ast.cam.ac.uk/~frosales/html/zodiac/

Each sign has an element that fits it’s personality. These are color coded with the key above.

Page 10: Pilot Flashes March 2015


Miss -ConceptionsMovies like “Legally Blonde,” “The Revenge of the

Nerds” and “House Bunny” give sororities a bad repu-tation, as they give off false impressions of not only the lifestyle the sisters live, but also about the sisters them-selves. Before I became a legacy (an immediate relative to a member) I will admit that I believed in all these miscon-ceptions about ditzy personalities and constant partying, but after having multiple interactions and experiences with the sisters, I know better.

“They are all bleach blonde twigs.”Everyone instantly pictures a ditzy bombshell blonde

when we reference the collegiate Greeks. Sorority girls ac-tually come in all shapes, sizes and colors. To the sisters, it doesn’t matter if you’re a size six or sixteen or if you’re a blonde, brunette or red head. They love and accept you just the same. We can almost blame this disgusting stereo-typical image from Elle Woods. Now wait a minute, didn’t Elle Woods become a stellar law student and attorney?

“They are all dumber than a box of rocks.”Sorority girls aren’t actually brainless dimwits as they

are portrayed to be. They also don’t take easy classes just so they can go to college. A majority of the members are majoring to become business women, teachers, doctors, scientists, lawmakers, therapists and so much more. What happens if they’re not making grades? They get placed on probation until they pick their grades up.

“They are practically paying for their friends.”

A factor of sorority life that a lot of parents speculate on is the dollar sign that is connected to it. I will agree that being a member is not cheap, but the money is never wast-ed. Member fees normally go towards their national and local philanthropies, fundraising events, member scholar-ships and other organizations and programs. It does how-ever, not go towards booze and wild parties or closets full of designer polos and pearls.

“All they do is party, party and party even more.”

This fallacy is one of my favorites! If by partying you mean hosting formal dances and events to promote sis-terhood, philanthropy and a connection with the commu-nity, then yes all they do is party. The girls’ time, in re-ality, is mostly spent between their studies, working jobs and internships, helping out their community through local projects, planning and carrying out fundraisers and events and building a bond with each other. They are so busy on positive activities to through wild parties.

I highly recommend any senior considering the Greek Life to check it out. Don’t let stereotypes hold you back from a house full of friends that soon becomes a home away from home.

MOLLY LAMBERT, [email protected]

The media makes us look like every sorority girl is rich and judgmental and constantly drinks. However, I can say that I am far from rich, I

try to be nice and accepting to everyone I meet and I have never had a drop of alcohol in my life. I love my Zeta Tau Alpha chapter.

-Jasmine Hunt, FC Alumni 2014






an L



My favorite part of greek life is how involved it can be. Each

sorority and fraternity hold special fundraising events

specific to their philanthropy, and all of campus participates. It's an amazing way to not only support important causes, but

to also bond and meet with new people that attend your

school. Katie Stancombe, FC Alumni


Katie Stancombe

Some people join because of the parties and the image it give you to be able to call yourself a "sorority girl," but those are the people that

don't last long in the sisterhood. One one my favorite quotes that really portrays what sorority life is like is "Here is to the nights that turned

into mornings, with friends that turned into family." These girls are not only my friends but my family.

Megan Lambert, FC Alumni 2013

Page 11: Pilot Flashes March 2015


After binge watching four seasons of Ryan Murphy’s “American Horror Story” (twice), I may have caught a few clues of how the wild seasons may be connected. Now that season four is over, the internet is swarming with AHS fans blood thirst to know, how are the four seasons connected and what’s next?

Murphy’s twitter account (@MrRPMurphy) keeps fans searching for clues. Murphy later went on to spark our inter-est when he interviewed with Entertainment Weekly saying, “This is the first years where we begin to tell you that season two is connected to season four which is connected to season one. People have started to write articles about that. A lot of their hypotheses have been completely right on. That’s the fun of the show. Hopefully by the end of the run, be it 10 years or 15 years, people will be able to stand back and be able to say, “Oh that was connected to x.”

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is the first casted for the AHS season five! Gaga’s fans, aka the little monsters are speculating further details about AHS Hotel. Other AHS fans are wondering if the pop star is up to the challenge of being a full time actor. That absolutely absurd because Germanotta was an actress before ever becoming the infamous singer she is now.

YARELI AGUILAR, [email protected]

Past cast members have com-mented on Gaga’s addition to sea-son five. Sarah Paulson exclaimed, “I think nothing in the world could be more exciting. Really … it’s Lady [explicit] Gaga! I mean, come on. It’s amazing.”

It’s rumored that multiple cast members in the former seasons will be coming back. Protagonists such as Angela Bassett and Taissa Far-miga are likely to be a part of sea-

son five as well as Evan Peters. Other essential members such as, Frances Conroy, Lily Rabe and Kathy Bates are also returning.

Here’s how the seasons intertwine. I think we all re-member berserk Dr. Montgomery from Murder House which has some connections to Madison Montgomery in present day 2013 in Coven. For all we know, they could be relatives.

Murder House, Asylum, Coven and Freak Show at some point all take place in Massachusetts but obviously at different time periods. Officer Det. Jack Colquitt was in season one looking for a missing patient and in Freak Show investigating Elsa and her “freaks”. I wouldn’t say that’s a coincidence, did he time travel or was it aliens from Asy-lum?

Also in Asylum Pepper, the most beloved pinhead made her first appearance in 1964 at Briarcliff Manor and

later appeared in Freak show, but the timeline suggest, Freak show came before Asylum. The old Life magazine at the end of Freak Show with Elsa on the cover when Pepper arrives at Briarcliff proves it. Season two is connected to Freak Show along with Pepper and Elsa.

Hans Gruper, perhaps the most disgust-ing character created by Murphy, is my favor-ite connection. We all recall when Gruper cut off Shelley's legs and experiment on patients. In the first episode of Freak Show Elsa has a flashback to her own legs being cut off and who else but Hans Gruper for the job?

Along with that psychopath, Murphy’s deranged killers are all over AHS. First with Tate Langdon who lived out America’s night-mare when he murdered 15 classmates. The Santa Claus killer also went on a killing spree in 1962 and Bloody face skinned women. The theme of serial killers continued in Freak show with the genius duo of sociopath Twisty the clown and maniac Dandy Mott.

If you’re captivated by the lurid mysteries and death of the show, season five starts next year. Can’t wait? Neither can I. Murphy’s new shows, Scream Queens and American Crime Story premieres this fall, which are advertised to be just as disturbing.

Hotel Sign created by Diego Aguilar and Evan Peters Photo from Wiki.

Page 12: Pilot Flashes March 2015

Hazing: the imposition of stren-uous, often humiliating tasks as part of a program of rigorous physical training and initiation. This shame-ful act can happen anywhere; musical groups, college sororities/frats and most of all, sports teams.

Athletics are notorious for initia-tions of their new players but little do they know, 44 out of 50 states have Anti-Hazing laws (Indiana included).

One of the most common forms and oldest tricks of hazing is paddling. Paddling includes someone taking a flat board or a paddle and repeated-ly hitting the victim. This infliction of harm is often meant to “strengthen” the bonds between the victim and the group, but often it is just extremely harmful. In fact, many have gone to the hospital due to severe bodily harm from this violent act.

Not only are there violent acts of hazing, but hazing without physical contact exists too. Harassment such as name calling, threats, required “greeting” of mem-bers in a specific manner when seen on campus or personal servitude is considered “subtle” hazing but even if the duty is subtle, it’s still illegal.

Senior and member of the FC football team Devin Hunley com-ments, “There are some acts that are harmless and comedic, but there have been times when something was tak-

en way too far. It depends on the per-son’s intent on why he or she is doing it. If it’s to just mess with a buddy it’s fine, but if it is aimed toward some-one you know it will hurt, that’s not okay. ”

One recent event of hazing hap-pened Oct. of last year in Sayreville, New Jersey. The Sayreville High School football team was supposed to host a rival team in the homecom-ing game. However, instead of taking the field, seven of the team’s players were taken into custody, arrested and charged in flagrant sexual assaults on younger players. The incident is referred to as pervasive locker room hazing.

If it isn’t sick enough, these at-tacks upon the younger players hap-pened not only once but several times between Sept. and Oct.

Shortly after the incident in New Jersey, another hazing occurred in the Central Bucks School District in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The same accounts of sexual assault at-tacks happened to their younger play-ers. What was the consequence? The whole football season was cancelled and their coaches were suspended.

A few years ago in 2010, hazing happened fairly close to home at Car-mel High School. Four seniors of the Carmel High basketball team faced misdemeanor charges of battery and

criminal recklessness when they sex-ually assaulted a younger player on the bus to an away game. The victim and his family told the Department of Child Services that the incidents began in Nov. 2009 and continued through Jan. 2010, escalating in se-verity along the way. Their crimes were finally called to attention when the bus surveillance cameras caught the older players assaulting the vic-tim.

“There used to be a lot of dead leg-ging [kicking the back of someone’s knee] going on. It would usually hap-pen to the people who were unaware of their surroundings,” notes Hunley when regarding hazing he has wit-nessed.

“Hazing can cause emotional, physical and mental pain. It can be a form of bullying and people need to be aware of the problems they cause someone.

Hazing can take any form. Wheth-er it’s violent or uses no physical con-tact, no matter if it’s harmless or not, you could end up off the team and prosecuted for this so called “funny welcome.”

If you or anyone you know is or has been subject to hazing, don’t be afriad to speak up. You can call the national toll-free anti-hazing hotline at 1-888-NOT-HAZE (1-888-668-4293). Don’t be a bystander. Be empowered.


MALLORY HUXFORD, [email protected]

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More than halfof college students involved in clubs, teams and organizations experience hazing.

Of those who labeled their experiences as hazing, said they did not report the events to campus officials.

95% 9 out of 10

students experiencing hazing behaviors do not consider themselves to have been hazed.

Sillhouette: creepypasta.wikia.comSmoke: specialeffectsstock.com

ABUSEI’m scared

I can’t do this alone

When w

ill it stop?

But it’s tradition...

I want to be liked...

What will they think of me?

Why do I have to be the new guy?

This isn’t what I signed up for

Make it stop

What do I do?

Who do I tell? Should I?

Hazing =/ Team Unity

03-20-15 COVER STORY PAGE 13

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Y E S , N O , S H O U L D W E G O ?

Tux, check. Tie, check, again. Ride, check number three. Date? Yet to be decided.

One of the most important things to choose is a date. Either you go with a bunch of friends or decide to ask that special someone. First things first, decide who you want to spend the event with. Maybe it’s your girl-friend or the girl you’ve been crush-ing on for months. Just don’t go ask-ing that random pretty girl in one of your classes that you’ve only talked to once. It won’t end pretty for you.

When it comes to asking someone, it can be difficult.

But how will you get that yes?Let’s not do those overdone and

cheesy promposals. To me, flash mobs should just be out of the equa-tion. There has been way too many of them. Go on Youtube and you can see exactly how many promposal involve these synchronized dance routines. It’s not very creative any more.

You know what makes prompos-als great? Creativity. Not many want to see the same thing done numerous

times over. There is no fun in that. Step up your game and do something different!

You could go up to them and just ask, but how thoughtful is that? I’m not saying you have to do something extravagant or expensive; it’s not a marriage proposal, but put some thought into it before asking that per-son. Try finding something that fits into their personality and you could be well on your way to finding that special date.

If they are a bookworm, then worm your way to the dance floor with their favorite book. Buy them a book they’ve been wanting at a local bookstore. Write the question on a piece it paper and slip it into the book, making it into a bookmark. You could choose to put it into your favorite part of the book (if you read it first) or find a scene that fits this situation. Or maybe just write “Prom?” on a random page of the book. Make sure they start reading it as soon as possible.

ASHLEY CURRY, [email protected]

Real Girls’ Dreams

“Honestly, just some flowers given to me at a really neat place...”

-Emily Crowel, 11

“Humorous promposals are the best! Shows how much you are relaxed around

each other.” - Rae Grey, 11

Mallory HuxfordHuffington PostPinterestStylecasterTimvandevall

“I would just like to be asked.” -Caitlin Polly, 12

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Let’s not forget, guys don’t have to be the one to ask the girls to a dance. Some guys are terrified of asking someone to prom. So, don’t always make them do it. If you have a guy that you want to go with to the dance, but he’s not catching the hints, wom-an up and ask him yourself.

Don’t forget, not every person likes the same things. Some teens don’t want anything big or special. Some people just want to be asked, so you can just go up and ask them if that’s what they want. Either way, find something that fits them. It prob-ably should just mean something. No

matter what, have fun with it and try not to embarrass them.

There are just some things you shouldn’t do if you are attempting to ask someone to prom. For one, don’t make the promposal too public. Don’t invite all your friends or their friends to watch you ask. This can put a lot of pressure on someone to say yes, even if they want to say no. Also, no cam-eras. Not everyone wants these things on Youtube or somewhere else. If you can’t resist putting it out there for the world to see then just ask your date’s permission first.

No matter who asks who, it’ll be

something they won’t forget. Don’t stress about it. If you think making a cute sign is perfect, then do that. Just be comfortable with it. Do not be afraid of going out on a limb because of rejection because you might just re-gret it.

In the strange case rejection does happen, forget about them. They clearly aren’t as special as you thought. You don’t actually need a date to enjoy prom. Grab a group of friends and have fun on prom night. Show that person what they are miss-ing out on.

If the girl is a food lover, you have a lot of op-tions. You can never go wrong with food. It’s how we survive. Who can say no to free food? No one, that’s who. You could make her homemade food like a pizza and spell out prom in her favorite pizza topping. Please don’t burn anything down while at-tempting to impress your crush. Choose the kind of food she enjoys. If she is a sweets person, then buy her a box of cookies and write it on the bottom of the box. A veggie person? Then bring her a plate full of her favorite vegetables. There are so many things you could do with this category that you can’t really go wrong. It is food, after all.

If she is adventurous, there’s always scavenger hunts. This one does take time to pull off. Set it up for her and it may take her some time to get through it. First off, get a dozen of something. It could be a dozen roses, cookies, or anything she likes. Then tie them to 11 clues that you have written out and place them in your chosen hiding spots. Give her the map and send her on her way. Maybe invite her friend along with her, so that friend can text you that she’s getting close to the final location. That way you not are standing or sitting in the same spot holding the rose for three hours. Then once she reaches the final destination, bam! Ask her and hand her the rose.

Key:Circle- Here you are Hexagon- Stops on the wayX- Final Destination

Page 16: Pilot Flashes March 2015

Many of you have been working hard in the gym to get that beach bod, but for those who are staying home this spring break, it is time to treat yourself. It’s not because you’ve been helpful around the house or because you got a promotion at work; it is time to treat yourself because you’ve made it this far into the school year and that is something to be proud of. You could buy yourself a nice massage, a delicious ice-cream cone from Mrs. Curls, or make your way to downtown Indy for some crazy tasting sodas (and treats) at Rocket Fizz.

If your taste buds crave an adven-ture and you don’t mind trying new things, Rocket Fizz is the place for you. Most teens run off soda, but after trying some of these crazy flavors, you might get tired of the same old soda sitting in your refrigerator.

Rocket Fizz has flavors rang-ing from cinnamon to gingerbread to even green apple jalapeño (if you crave spicy things, maybe you should give that a taste!) If you catch your-self missing fall, try the s’mores soda. If you’re looking for a blast of energy, take a gulp of the Rocket Fizz Rocket Fuel to keep you up and running all night long.

Here is where the flavors get sort of strange: Lester’s Fixins. Did you happen to skip breakfast? No worries! Rocket Fizz also has Bacon, Coffee and even Bacon with Chocolate fla-vored sodas. If you think that sounds appetizing, maybe you should take a sip of the Ranch Dressing and Sweet Corn soda to enhance the whole “I accidently skipped a meal and I’m go-ing to drink soda’s to make up for it” thing.

If you aren’t feeling a soda today, are you maybe up for some candy? Great! Rocket Fizz also sells tons of candy, some of which may not be very familiar. Honey sticks, Bacon mints, Hot Chocolate taffy and Jujubes, the edible berrylike fruit of a Eurasian plant, are some of the fascinating treats waiting for you. They even have some international chocolates like Chinese kit-kats , British choco-lates and CurlWurly’s! An entire list of all the candy at Rocket Fizz could not even give justice to the candy wonderland that it is. After slipping through the doorway, you are ensured a trip into another world, including the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, because at Rocket Fizz, HP jelly beans and slugs are also available.

03-20-15 FEATURE PAGE 16


[email protected]

But wait, theres more! This isn’t just a soda pop and candy shop. Rock-et Fizz also sells gag gifts and even little nerdy trinkets. Looking for fake vomit? Here. Mustaches? Also here. Underpants? Bingo! They have un-derpants for squirrels and even gloves that are underpants, what more could you possibly want?

Actions figures, cardboard cut-outs, slinkys and even Fart Putty are just among some of the silly things Rocket Fizz has to offer. They even sell old trading cards and tin lunch boxes that came out many years ago. Even parents or grandparents would feel like a kid again by walking around in this wonderland.

Located on Monument Circle in Downtown Indy, Rocket Fizz causes a lot of attention and has many wonder-ful customers that crowd the store all day long.

Still curious about the wonders hiding within the store? Their Insta-gram @RocketFizzIndy is the place to go to ease your wondering mind. During warm spring and summer days, the doors are open wide with music lingering out the doors just begging you to come inside. So if you aren’t busy, why don’t you?


Store hours:

Monday 10:00 am – 9:00 pm Tuesday 10:00 am – 9:00 pm Wednesday 10:00 am – 9:00

pm Thursday 10:00 am – 9:00 pm Friday 10:00 am – 11:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am – 11:00

pm Sunday 11:00 am – 8:00 pm

Address: 55 Monument Circle, #52, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone: (317) 822-3499

Instagram: @RocketFizzIndy

Twitter: @RocketFizzIndy

Page 17: Pilot Flashes March 2015

03-20-15 FEATURE PAGE 17

Behind the scenes: The Pilot Flashes Newspaper

It’s the Pilot Flashes like you have never seen them before. Here is a behind the scenes look at the newspaper staff and the process to the release day of your monthly newsmagazine.

CASSIDY LAWTON, [email protected]


- Cydney Clouse, Reporter

“Can I just ctrl-z my

life?” - Audrey Osburn, Editor

“I love getting to express our ideas in writing and

page design. It’s also fun being in

a student led class. It’s a nice break

from usual classes.” - Audrey Smith, Editor-in-Chief

The Pilot Flashes Staff

The staff may come across as a group of kids thrown together by their love of writing, page design and team-work but we are much more than that. The staff (names are all on page 2) is a huge family that has become ex-tremely close and work as a weird and awkward unit.

Newspaper is so much more than your average class. We are forced to work together, we have funny debates

and teach each other new things. There are many inside jokes that you will eventually understand if you are a part of the staff.

We are as close as family, debate like siblings, and love each other as if we have been best friends since birth. The Pilot Flashes Newspaper has so much more to it than what is seen.

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MADELINE ROBB, [email protected]

10 ways to give back Franklin Township can always use your help, helping

others around the community

Head to VolunteerMatch.org to find other ways to give back- This website has you put in your zip code and matches you with many volunteering options that fit to your requests.

Volunteer your time to help tutor kids after school or school in the township and helping kids with their home-work is a great way to help the kids in your community.

Donate Books and or extra school supplies to schools near you-- Notebooks, backpacks and writing utensils can help kids in your community who can’t afford to buy new supplies.

Volunteer your time at food drives, food pantries or homeless shelters in Indianapolis-- Helping people in need can not only make someone’s day better but it can improve their health due to hunger. -Meals on wheels: http://www.mowaa.org/ -Midwest food bank: http://www.midwestfoodbank.org/home -The Salvation Army family service center : http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/

GO green at the community garden-- Being eco-friendly can create less pollution and less harm to wildlife for your community. Also in the long run, it can help lessen health issues due to the environment. -Eagle Creek park gardens

Share your pet. Consider bringing them to a senior center, veterans club, or hospital to brighten someone’s day-Sharing your animal can brighten someone’s day that can’t take care of an animal but love pets. Being able to see that bundle of joy can really encourage someone to share the love.

Double your dessert-- When you’re making snacks for your friends, double the batch and bring it to your local fire house, homeless shelter, or senior center. This can make someone smile or just give them a treat they hav-en’t had in a while.

Promote local businesses by handing out flyers and talking to others around you about these specific places. Helping out local businesses and asking them what you can do for them is a great way to help them and may get you a job later down the road.

Get your team together and fundraise for a cause-- If you’re on a team or in a group for a certain cause, get ev-eryone together and go give back. Not only are you getting publicity for your group, you’re also helping people who really need it.

Participate in a fundraiser-- If you see local fundraisers, sign up! It looks great on college applications and helps out those in need.

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Pawing their way into the community

Seeing an animal on the side of the road or just roaming around the neighborhood isn’t a new occurrence. Yet, how many people can say that they’ve stopped and helped out an animal by giving them clean water, some leftover food from a greasy fast-food place, an old T-shirt to lay on or any other type of scrap that could be easily given away without any ounce of regret? Maybe one person has done that, maybe.

The Franklin Central 4-Paws club performs activities that give back in a similar way to the community. The club frequently meets throughout the month. The meetings consist of multi-ple different activities.

Just like the name, 4-Paws, the club is out to help both cats and dogs. The sponsor, Mrs. Debra Dicker-son, is a huge animal lover and will do practically anything to help an-other animal that’s not her own. Fre-quently, she talks about her two little dogs during her Chemistry classes

and club meetings.“I have two Bichon Frise sis-

ters named Bella and Zoe. They are 3-years-old. I have allergies and Bi-chons are one of the few dogs I can have in my house and not deal with constant allergy problems,” said Dick-erson.

Recently, the club has started working with the Johnson County An-imal Control, whose goal is to make blankets and toys for feral cats. The wild cats aren’t going to sit in a shel-ter where they don’t belong.

The cats will be placed in plac-es where they can still do what they do. For example, some could go to a farm and live a barn where they keep the mice population from overflowing and becoming an actual problem for the owners of the farm.

“They [Johnson County Animal Control] are piloting a program to be used nationally that shows how ani-mal control facilities can avoid euth-anizing so many dogs and cats,” said

Dickerson. “They have started a pro-gram to capture feral cats, spay/neu-ter them and tag them and put them back into their environment.”

The same animal control cen-ter that created this program has not euthanized a dog in eight years. Only more recently have they started keeping cats and kittens. The animal control has not euthanized a feline in over two years unless the animal was plagued by some type of health issue.

It’s not just the 4-Paws club that has gotten in touch with this program. Mrs. Kay Brown and her students have participated by sewing all of the blankets after the students cut and measured out the cloth for the blan-kets.

Getting involved in the commu-nity means giving back and that’s ex-actly what these two clubs are doing. Giving back to the community in just those little ways can make a great dif-ference in how smoothly things run.

Source: graphs.net

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SW: What school are you go-ing to?BB: Olney Central College.

SW: When did you officially sign with this school?BB Feb. 5

SW: Who has been the most influential person in your soft-ball career?BB: “My dad has been very influ-ential in my softball career. Even When I don’t want to practice he will always motivate me to practice and work harder.”

SW: How have your coaches and teammates prepared you for college level playing?BB: “My coaches always told me that the harder and try and the more I practice, the more success-ful I will be. My teammates help me have fun. We help each other stay positive and always give 100 percent even when its 100 degrees and sunny.”

SW: What do you believe it takes to be a good softball player?BB: “To be successful in anything it takes a lot of hard work and dedica-

Franklin Central seniors make their hard work pay off as they sign with college teams.

A t h l e t e s SOPHIE WATSON, [email protected]

tion. Being a pitcher takes a lot of prac-tice, so even when you aren’t in season you have to practice and go to lessons.”

SW: What was your most fond memory of softball?BB: “My most fond memory would be last summer when my team got third place in nations in South Carolina. Our team goal was to place in the top 10 and we surpassed that!”

SW: How old were you when you started playing?BB: “I started playing when I was five. I was hesitant but my family encouraged me to try something new.”

SW: What made you begin pitch-ing?BB: “My coaches always made fun of me being taller than the rest of the girls my age and said I should try pitching. For a while I would just go out in my backyard and pitch for fun, but after a while my parents put me in lessons to see how it would go. I loved it!”

SW: What are some of the goals you have for your college career? BB: “I want to help win my team win our conference championship, because the last three years they have placed second.

SW: Who do you believe to be your biggest supporter and why?BB: “My biggest supporters are my family. I don’t remember having a game that one of them weren’t there to support me. Even when I have a bad game they are still my biggest fans and help me learn from my mistakes.”

SW: What do you believe to be the turning point in your soft-ball career, which made you more competitive and have goals to play in college?BB: “The summer between my sophomore and junior year, and I remember thinking to myself ‘I only have 2 more years of this.’ I realized that I didn’t want it to be over with. Over all my years of playing softball I have met so many great friends and I can’t imagine passing up such a great opportunity. At this point I decided to start working even hard-er to get college offers. It was time consuming and stressful but I don’t regret a second of it. I couldn’t be happier to continue my softball career at Olney Central!”

Bailey BruceSport: Softball

Position: PitcherCommitted to: Olney Central


t o l o o k o u t f o r

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03-20-15 SPORTS PAGE 21

In one of your crazy, random dreams, you might go to a college basketball game and see a lumberjack and a bear fighting it out, a dancing Elvis and twerking farm animals. It sounds hilariously insane, but Arizona State’s student section has made your dreams into a reality.

In efforts to distract the opposing team’s free-throw shooters, ASU has introduced the Curtain of Distraction.

Just as the opposing team attempt to score, two stu-dents pull back a black curtain behind the goal post, un-veiling absurd and often hilarious antics in effort to make the shooter miss. And it works.

The Harvard College Sports Analysis Collective (HSAC) is an organization run by Harvard students to

apply math to analyze sports statistics. It determined that the Curtain of Distraction gains around 1.41 points a game.

Junior Harry Sidhu said, “I’m kinda surprised be-cause two points could be a big difference in a game. So, hey, that could be a game right there.”

HSAC’s analysis also shows that teams make 68.6 percent of their free throws in the first half and only 60.6 percent in the second half, while there’s no difference in free throw percentages between the first and second half nationally.Let’s see how many Curtain of Distraction knock-offs pop up during March Madness.

What’s behind the curtain?The Curtain of Distraction is college basketball’s funniest defense strategy

AUDREY OSBURN, [email protected]

Here is just a few snapshots of the she-nanigans taking place at ASU games.

: sports.yahoo.com, azcentral.com, thejock-itch.com, ncaa.com, houseofsparky.com

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Wh ‘s your pick?MADELINE ROBB, [email protected]

The 2015 games could be one for the books

Cut out this bracket, fill it out and challenges your friends!

When it comes to March Madness, every college basketball fan gets excited. Whether you are picking your favorite team to win or actually using the stats to win big bucks, March Madness is not only a stressful time, but an enjoyable time to hang out with friends and nervously watch game after game.

Last years winner, University of Kenntucky, are looking good, seeing they are ranked number one. But cer-tain teams this year might give them a run for their money.

First round of games start March 17 and 18 and will continue until the championship game on April 6. This year the championship will be held in Indianpolis at Bankers Life Fieldhouse.

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Spic ing

It’s time to throw your snow-cov-ered UGG boots in storage and dust-off your Nikes, because spring has finally arrived. Spring break starts tomorrow, and if you don’t have any plans to play some extreme, exciting sports on your vacation, I have you covered.

The beach is meant for more than just building sand castles and show-ing off your amazing bod; try boogie boarding or surfing. It’s a great way to have fun in the ocean while also hav-ing an extreme workout. Surfing takes a lot of practice, so hire a professional to show you the ropes (or the waves).

Many who try surfing become life-long addicts to the water. Drew Coalson, a lover and blogger of the tides, describes why he loves catching waves, “Because throughout the span of your life as a ‘surfer,’ it is an indi-vidual effort with no winner or loser and you only rely on yourself. Later in your surfing life, it becomes more about the act of surfing, being in the ocean, enjoying nature, getting away from technology and stressors that exists on land.”

If you’re reading this and think-ing, “The idea of literally standing on water isn’t appealing to me,” you should try some less-extreme sports.

Grab a few people your age who are just tanning and invite them to play beach volleyball. Nets are usual-ly set around the beach, so just join a team already playing. It’s a great way to meet new people while also getting your sport on.

Not everyone is heading to a per-fect beach vacation this spring break; some may even be going to a snow covered hill. Don’t ditch your only va-cation by sitting inside and go experi-ence life!

In wintery climates, hire a ski in-structor. They will walk you through all the steps and you’ll be racing your siblings to the bottom of the hill in no time (be careful on the ski lift!).

Also, try snowboarding! In your daily life, you can always buy a skate-board and ride down the street, but this is a new experience that you nev-er get the chance to try. Remember to #bundleupbuttercup and buy some protective gear.

Now, if you’re staying in Indiana, or heading to a state such as Ohio or Illinois, the climate is pretty much the same as it has been for the past month. You’re thinking, “How am I supposed to play a new sport while in my hometown?”

The answer’s simple: canoeing and kayaking. There are so many places around Indy or other moderate climates that offer boats for these ac-tivities. In safe waters, you can even challenge your friends to a duel: who-ever can tip the other boat wins. Don’t forget your life jackets!

You could also try the new sports trend, rock climbing. Grab some friends and head to Hosier Heights. It may not be Mt. Everest, but it’s cer-tainly an experience.

If you’re not into extreme sports or sports at all, try hiking. Find caves to explore or forests to discover.

Just don’t waste your spring break on the couch. Create new experienc-es and meet new friends. Whatever you do, make this a spring break one you’ll never forget.

KARA CLEMENTS,[email protected]

upspor ts

Cassidy Lawton

Page 24: Pilot Flashes March 2015

The Pilot Flashes will be sellingSENIOR SHOUT OUTS

April 13-17 for $1 each during lunch.

Say what you never said!

SENOR ISSUE is coming out May 15.Friends and family,

contact Audrey Osburn at 317.803.5559to place a

SHOUT OUT to your special

loved one.

Through May 4-8, the Pilot Flasheswill be sponsering

CLOWN WARS.Jars will be placed on

FIVE TEACHERS desks, and the teacher whose jar


All proceeds will fund your favorite Pilot Flashes.

raises the most money will have to dress as a