Pier Francesco Roggero, Michele Nardelli, Francesco Di Noto - PROOF THAT THE PRIMES OF WIEFERICH ARE...

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  • 7/29/2019 Pier Francesco Roggero, Michele Nardelli, Francesco Di Noto - PROOF THAT THE PRIMES OF WIEFERICH ARE FINITE






    Ing. Pier Francesco Roggero, Dott. Michele Nardelli, P.A. Francesco Di Noto


    In this paper we show that the primes of Wieferich are finite in number as they are finished in the other

    groups ap


  • 7/29/2019 Pier Francesco Roggero, Michele Nardelli, Francesco Di Noto - PROOF THAT THE PRIMES OF WIEFERICH ARE FINITE


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    Pagina 2 di 23


    1 Groupsp

    a b...................................................................................................................................... 3

    1.1 Improvement of the Fermat's little theorem and rule to find the divisors ofp

    a b ....... 4

    1.2 Divisors


    p of the groups


    a b........................................................................................ 91.3 Relation (

    pa - 1)*( pa + 1) = ( 2pa - 1) ................................................................................122 Wieferich primes................................................................................................................................13

    2.1 Existence of divisors 2p of Wieferich and non-existence of divisors p in the group p2 -

    1 .................................................................................................................................................16

    2.2 Other cases of prime numbers Wieferich in the groupspa b......................................17

    2.3 Divisor419 in the group

    1-p2819 ..................................................................................19

    2.4 Proof that the primes of Wieferich are finite in number as they are finished in the other

    groupspa b ............................................................................................................................20

    2.5 Exponents special p in the groupspa b similar to Wieferich primes ..........................21

  • 7/29/2019 Pier Francesco Roggero, Michele Nardelli, Francesco Di Noto - PROOF THAT THE PRIMES OF WIEFERICH ARE FINITE


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    Pagina 3 di 23

    1 Groupsp

    a b

    pa b

    p 1 integer

    a 2 integer also not prime

    b integer, we must choose for (p

    a b) give, at the beginning for p = 1, a prime number.

    It is therefore not necessary to have a and p prime, as it was for Mersenne numbers.

    Obviously, no one group can give more consecutive prime numbers.

    Let's see what are the dividersp

    a b

    As a first divisor d for p = 1 we have:

    d = a b

    It is divisible by all the exponents that are equal to:

    p = k(a+b-1)+1

    Chosen any s 2, the other divisors are:

    d =s

    a b

    Now if this number is prime its periodicity is given by:

    p = k(s

    a b 1) + s

    If instead the number is composed of the prime factors f1, f2, f3, ... fn, have given periodicity by:

    p = k(fn - 1) + s

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    Pagina 4 di 23

    1.1Improvement of the Fermat's little theorem and rule to find the divisors of pa b

    Given a generic groupp

    a b to find its divisors is performed as follows::

    - We choose a p, not even prime- We breaks down the number pa b into its prime factors and so are all divisors of pa b: d1,

    d2, ... dn

    Now the periodicity forp

    a b, instead, is given by:

    chosen for any s 1 fors

    a b

    p = k(s

    a b 1) + s

    and if it is true that dn is a divisor of p-1 we have:

    p = kdn + s


    p divisor ofskdn

    a + b; with dn divisor of p - 1

    This is more powerful than the Fermat's little theorem which states that1-p

    a b is divisible by p,

    because also dividers of p-1, as dn, may give rise todn

    a b divisible by p.

    When dn = p-1 coincides with the Fermat's little theorem.

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    Pagina 5 di 23


    p12 + 5

    For p = 1 is divisible by 17 and for all the exponents equal to:

    p = 16k+1


    12 + 5 = 171712 + 5 = 22186111067404369973312 + 5 = 4,101862702460022253364261035935e+354912 + 5 = 7,5836984583351248111063210627855e+52

    And so on

    Are all numbers divisible by 17.

    We note that 16 is a multiple of 8 and that this number is a Fibonaccis number and it is connectedwith the modes that correspond to the physical vibrations of a superstring by the following

    Ramanujan function:

    ( )































    . (1)

    Now consider for p = 4 the number:

    412 + 5 = 20741 = 7*2963

    In this case all the exponents:

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    Pagina 6 di 23

    p = 6k + 4 are divisible by 7p = 1481k + 4 are divisible by 2962


    p3 + 2

    For p = 1 is divisible by 5 and for all the exponents equal to:

    p = 4k+1


    3 + 2 = 55

    3 + 2 = 2459

    3 + 2 = 1968513

    3 + 2 = 1594325

    And so on

    Are all numbers divisible by 5.

    Consider now for p = 5 the number:

    53 + 2 = 245 = 5*7*7

    All the exponents:

    p = 6k + 5 are divisible by 7


    p2 + 1

    For p = 1 is divisible by 3 and for all the exponents equal to:

    p = 2k+1, or all for all odd exponents

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    Pagina 7 di 23


    2 + 132 + 152 + 172 + 1

    And so on

    Are all numbers divisible by 3.

    Consider now for p = 5 the number:

    52 + 1 = 33 = 3*11

    All the exponents:

    p = 10k + 5 are divisible by 11

    Now consider for p = 4 the number:

    42 + 1 = 17

    All the exponents:

    p = 16k + 4 are divisible by 17

    But beware! For p = 12 we rediscover the number 17:

    122 + 1 = 4097 = 17*241

    All the exponents:

    p = 16k + 12 are divisible by 17

    p = 240k + 12 are divisible by 241

    Then by combining the periodicity of two numbers 17, which has its effective periodicity is given by:

    p = 16k + 4 are divisible by 17

    p = 16k + 12 are divisible by 17

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    Pagina 8 di 23

    and we have:

    p = 8k + 4 because it repeats for p = 4, 12, 20, 28,

    This means that:

    48k2 + + 1 is divisible by 17 for the exponents 4, 12, 20, 28,

    Also here we note that there is the Fibonaccis number 8 that is also connected with the modes that

    correspond to the physical vibrations of a superstring by the following Ramanujan function:

    ( )































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    Versione 1.0


    Pagina 9 di 23

    1.2Divisors np of the groups pa b

    We have seen that the separate divisors of a group ofp

    a b are given by the following formula:

    p divisor ofsk(dn)

    a + b; with dn divisor of p - 1

    If p is a divisor of1-p

    a b then 2p is a divisor of1)-p(p

    a b.

    In general we have that np is a divisor of1)-(pp 1-n

    a b.

    If there exists dn a divisor of p - 1, the above formula can be simplified in this way:

    np is a divisor of)(p 1-na

    dn b

    In the specific case of 2p we have:


    p is a divisor of





    The periodicityp

    a b, instead, is given by:

    chosen for any s fors

    a b, as the divisor np we have

    p = k(s

    a b)n-1


    a b 1) + s

    and if exists dn a divisor of p -1 we have:

    p = k(p)n-1

    (dn) + s


    np divisor ofsdn +)(k(p)


    a b; with dn divisor ofi p - 1

    In the specific case of 2p we have:

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    Pagina 10 di 23

    2p divisor ofsdn +)(kpa b


    Each groupp

    a b does not contain NEVER all prime factors taken separately or higher at a power.

    This is because each group is only a subset of the set of natural numbers N.

    Its for this reason that, for example, in the group of Mersenne p2 - 1 never exist distinct prime factors

    in 1093 and 3511 but only their squares and respectively for p = 364k and for p = 1755k

    Even in the group of Fibonacci never exists factor 22 , but all other powers n2 with n = 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...

    are present including so obviously 2.

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    Pagina 11 di 23


    For the groupp

    3 - 2 we have that is divisible by 5 with periodicity p = 4k + 3 (in this case dn = p -1 =

    4 and s = 3)

    In fact:

    skdna + b

    With k=0 we have

    33 - 2 = 25 divisible by 5 but also for

    25 .

    Here is why:

    It is divisible by2

    5 with periodicity p = 20k + 3 because

    p = k(dn+1)n-1

    dn + s = 5*4k + 3

    In fact:

    2p divisor ofsdn ++1)k(dna b

    With k=1 we have

    233 - 2 = 94143178825 divisible by 25

    It is noted, therefore, that in the group p3 - 2 exists before the divisor 25 for p = 3 and then the divider

    5 for p = 7.

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    Pagina 12 di 23

    1.3 Relation ( pa - 1)*(p

    a + 1) = (2p

    a - 1)

    A curious relationship, but very useful in the calculations is as follows:


    a - 1)*(p

    a + 1) = (2p

    a - 1)

    This means that to find, for example, the factorization of (p

    a + 1) is enough to knowthe factorization


    a - 1) and to removethat of(p

    a - 1).

    It can, of course, also find the factorization of(2p

    a - 1) knowing that of(p

    a - 1) and add tothat of(p


    + 1)


    ( 182 - 1) = 262143 = 33

    7 19 73

    ( 182 + 1) = 262145 = 5 13 37 109

    And then you get free factorization of:

    ( 362 - 1) = 68719476735 = 33

    5 7 13 19 37 73 109

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    Pagina 13 di 23

    2 Wieferich primes

    A prime of Wieferich is a prime number p such that 2p divides 1-p2 - 1.

    The only Wieferich primes are known 1093 e 3511.

    Apply the rule of paragraph 1.1 and we have:

    Consider the first prime 1093.

    1092 = 22

    3 7 13

    We take the divisor 364

    The periodicity of the exponents is given considering p2 - 1 by p = 364k

    364k2 - 1 is divisible by2


    Or for all the exponents 364, 728, 1092, 1456, 1820 is divisible by per2


    since exists 1092, 1093 is a Wieferich prime:

    10922 - 1 is divisible by2


    Mind you but already with exponent 364 we have that 3642 - 1 is divisible by2


    Also in paragraph 1.3 will have:

    ( 1822 - 1)*( 1822 + 1) = ( 3642 - 1)

    Since 21093 is a divisor of( 3642 - 1) it cannot be even of ( 1822 - 1) because it is not on the list ofexponents of 364k2 - 1.

    But then, inevitably,2

    1093 is a divisor of( 1822 + 1).

    It has, therefore, that for p2 + 1 the exponents p that allow the division by2

    1093 are:

    p = 364k+182

    Or for all the exponents 182, 546, 910, 1274, 1638. 2002

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    Pagina 14 di 23

    182364k2 + + 1 is divisible by 21093


    Let us now consider the second Wieferich prime 3511.

    3510= 2 33

    5 13

    We take the divisor 1755

    The periodicity of the exponents is given considering p2 - 1 by p = 1755k

    1755k2 - 1 is divisible by2


    Or for all the exponents 1755, 3510, 5265, 7020, is divisible by 23511

    since exists 3510, 3511 is a Wieferich prime:

    35102 - 1 is divisible by2


    Mind you but already with exponent 1755 we have that 17552 - 1 is divisible by2


    Also in paragraph 1.3 will have:

    ( 17552 - 1)*( 17552 + 1) = ( 35102 - 1)


    3511 is a divisor of( 17552 - 1) it cannot be even of ( 17552 + 1) because it is already of ( 35102 -


    In this case for p2 + 1 it doesnt EXIST a divisor as 3511, much less2

    3511 , that these two numbers

    never appear in the prime factors of that group because the periodicity for 1755k2 - 1 is 1755k, which is

    odd because 1755 is not divisible by 2.

    Since we have:

    Divisors of p2 - 1 of the form ak

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    Pagina 15 di 23

    Divisors of p2 + 1 of the form ak +2a

    now ifa = 1755,2

    acannot give an integer.

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    Versione 1.0


    Pagina 16 di 23

    2.1Existence of divisors 2p of Wieferichand non-existence of divisors p in the group p2 - 1

    Considering the paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 we have:

    (1) p divisor of k(dn)2 - 1; with dn divisor of p - 1and

    (2) 2p divisor of )(kp2 dn - 1; with dn divisor of - 1

    For Wieferich primes we DONT HAVE divisor p but only the divisor 2p in the group p2 - 1

    and since 2p COINCIDES with p we have that:

    2p divisor of k(dn)2 - 1; with dn divisor of p - 1

    That is the rule (2) disappears and IS NOT MORE VALID.

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    Versione 1.0


    Pagina 17 di 23

    2.2 Other cases of prime numbers Wieferich in the groups pa b

    For the group1-p

    3 - 1

    It has that 2p divides it by p = 11 and p = 1006003

    We consider only the first number 11.

    10 = 2 5

    We take the divisor 5

    The periodicity of the exponents is given consideringp

    3 - 1 by p = 5k

    5k3 - 1 is divisible by 211

    Or for all the exponents 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 is divisible by 211

    Being present 10, 11 is a prime number of Wieferich of the group1-p

    3 - 1

    103 - 1 is divisible by 211

    Mind you but already with exponent 5 we have that5

    3 - 1 that is divisible by 211

    In the groupp

    3 - 1 there is NEVER a factor 11 taken individually.


    For the group1-p

    19 - 1

    It has that 2p divides it by p = 3, 7, 13, 43, 137, 63061489

    We consider only the first number 11 3.

    2 = 2 1

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    Pagina 18 di 23

    We take the only divisor 2

    The periodicity of the exponents is given consideringp

    19 - 1 by p = 2k

    2k19 - 1 is divisible by


    Or for all the exponents 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 is divisible by2


    Being present 2, 3 is a prime number of Wieferich of the group1-p

    19 - 1:

    219 - 1 is divisible by 23 (indeed 19 * 19 1 = 361 1 = 360; and 360/9 = 40)

    In the groupp

    19 - 1 there is NEVER a factor 3 taken individually.

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    Pagina 19 di 23

    2.3 Divisor4

    19 in the group1-p


    For the group1-p

    2819 - 1

    It has that 4p divides it by p = 19

    We consider prime number 19.

    18 = 2 3^2 (2 * 32)

    We take the divisor 3

    The periodicity of the exponents is given consideringp

    2819 - 1 by p = 3k

    3k2819 - 1 is divisible by 419

    Or for all the exponents 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 is divisible by 419

    Being present 18, 19 is a prime number of Wieferich of the group1-p

    2819 - 1

    182819 - 1 is divisible by 419

    Mind you but already with exponent 3 we have that3

    2819 - 1 that is divisible by 419

    In the groupp

    2819 - 1 there is NEVER a factor 19 taken individually. Even the factors 219 and319 cannot appear.

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    Versione 1.0


    Pagina 20 di 23

    2.4Proof that the primes of Wieferich are finite in number as they are finished in the other groupsp

    a b

    In all groupsp

    a b we have a factorization into prime factors for increasing p, but they are NOT all


    For example, in the group


    2 - 1 of Wieferich we have 2 divisor


    p that we know to be p = 1093 e3511.

    There arent the prime factors p = 1093 e 3511 taken individually in the group 1-p2 - 1.

    This is because the group p2 - 1 results in increasing numbers p for which, of course, only a subset of

    the entire set of natural numbers.

    It is true that the group 1-p2 - 1 or p2 - 1 contains all the factors and prime numbers but are NOT all


    This rule also applies to all other groups pa - 1 and more generally for the groups pa b, as we have

    seen in the previous examples.Rather, there are groups, such as

    1-p2819 - 1, which has as a divisor 419 and there are never any 19,

    219 e 319 .

    Only when we consider all groups pa b we have the whole set of natural numbers and then we have

    all the factors and prime numbers individually arising from the factorization.

    Each grouppa b therefore contains "anomalies" or numbers 2p , 3p , 4p . but inside they

    CANNOT EVER be present all the factors or primes individually.

    In addition, each groupp

    a b contains a finite number of dividers2

    p ,3

    p ,4

    p because, beinginfinite groups pa b, we can find all prime factors p of the set of natural numbers.

    If the group 1-p2 - 1 contains two primes divisor 2p , and the group1-p

    3 - 1 contains two other 2p

    and the group1-p

    19 - 1 contains six divisor 2p , then in the totality of all groups pa - 1 or better pa

    b means that having available ALL the natural numbers is also has the infinity of prime numbers or

    factors resulting.

    Its for this reason that within each group pa - 1 or pa b has only a finite number, for example, of2p and that lack primes p taken individually but that we find in other groups pa - 1 or pa b to

    complete the entire panorama of infinite factors or primes of all natural.

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    Versione 1.0


    Pagina 21 di 23

    If the divisors, for example, 2p were infinite in the group of Wieferich p2 - 1 we wouldnt find2p in the other groups pa b and this would be an absurd.

    2.5Exponents special p in the groupsp

    a bsimilar to Wieferich primes

    Consider the group:

    p3 - 2


    2p-3 - 2

    Is divisible by2

    5 with p = 5

    In fact:

    2-53 - 2 = 25 is divisible by


    The periodicity is given, considering the groupp

    3 - 2, by p = 20k+3:

    Or for all the exponents 3, 23, 43, is divisible by2

    5 .


    Consider the group:

    p3 + 2


    2p-3 + 2

    Is divisible by2

    7 with p =7

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    Pagina 22 di 23

    In fact:

    2-73 + 2 = 245 is divisible by


    The periodicity is given, considering the groupp

    3 + 2, by p = 42k+5:

    Or for all the exponents 5, 47, 89, is divisible by2

    7 .


    Consider the group:

    p2 + 1

    Is divisible by 23 with p = 3

    In fact:

    32 + 1 = 9 is divisible by 23

    The periodicity is given, considering the group p2 + 1, by p = 6k+3.

    Or for all the exponents 3, 9, 15, 21 is divisible by 23 .


    Consider also the group:

    p2 + 1

    And ask if it is divisible by 3p

    Is divisible by 33 with p = 23

    In fact:

    232 + 1 = 513 is divisible by 33

    The periodicity is given, considering the group p2 + 1, by p = 18k+9.

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    Pagina 23 di 23

    Or for all the exponents 9, 27, 45, 63 is divisible by 33 .

    Each group ap

    b therefore contains the "anomalies" or numbers divisors of the group p2, p

    3, p

    4, .... but

    inside they CAN NOT EVER be present all the factors or prime numbers p individually. This happens

    and it is intrinsic to all groups ap


    If in a group like the most famous 2^(p-1)-1 there are anomalies or irregularities, or there are two

    prime numbers that divide it only for p^2 and never for p, this could mean that in a string may also

    exist vibration modes that nobody imagined, for example with frequency quadratic but NOT as

    frequency SINGLE. These may give rise to strange particles.



    ALL THE OTHER NUMBERS ARE COMPOSITE.Pier Francesco Roggero, Michele

    Nardelli1,2, Francesco Di Noto

    2) Appunti sulla congettura abc

    Gruppo B. Riemann*

    *Gruppo amatoriale per la ricerca matematica sui numeri primi, sulle loro congetture e sulle

    loro connessioni con le teorie di stringaFrancesco Di Noto, Michele Nardelli

    3) Sul Problema di Brocard (versione estesa n!+k = m^2 quadrato perfetto)

    Gruppo B. RiemanFrancesco Di Noto, Michele Nardelli

    Tutti sul sito http://nardelli.xoom.it/virgiliowizard/