Picture People KylieW

1. http://www.thesartorialist.com/ Quietly, I watched the clouds change as life awoke from the golden dawn that rose over Volcano Aerthrima. An intricately woven spider-web sat against the corner of my hut, glistening from the new born sun. Mother Gaia’s creations began to dance around me; the billowing of the wind, the birds entrancing every being with their sweet sonnets, the petals of flowers gently opening up to her warmth. I stretched across the soft patch of moss that was twice my body length, yet only a foot long. My soft blonde hair fell around my shoulders and iridescent wings as I sat up. As I looked up through the trees above me, a drop of dew landed on my nose

Transcript of Picture People KylieW

1. http://www.thesartorialist.com/

Quietly, I watched the clouds change as life awoke from the golden dawn that rose over Volcano Aerthrima. An intricately woven spider-web sat against the corner of my hut, glistening from the new born sun. Mother Gaias creations began to dance around me; the billowing of the wind, the birds entrancing every being with their sweet sonnets, the petals of flowers gently opening up to her warmth. I stretched across the soft patch of moss that was twice my body length, yet only a foot long. My soft blonde hair fell around my shoulders and iridescent wings as I sat up. As I looked up through the trees above me, a drop of dew landed on my nose and ran down the bottom half of my face. I giggled and stuck my tongue out, savoring the fresh water. The ground started to shake and clouds filled the sky; more and more dew fell to the ground from the shake of the trees. My heart began to race as I watched all the animals flee to their homes from the field near Lake Ponthaeus. Instinctively, I flew up to the top of the closest tree to get a view of all the land. Our wonderful volcano had exploded with smoke! I sensed death and panic in the air, expecting lava to flow into the lake. My second instinct was to flee as soon as possible, but something beckoned me to stay, some deep feeling in the bottom of my soul. The anxiousness from my heart swam through my veins and soon my entire body was shaking. Tears welled in my eyes as I searched for help. A distinct mewing sound mixed with my name came from the base of the tree. I perked my ears up and sneakily floated to the sound of my name.Araeoon, they yelped, Araeoon!As I neared and landed, my green and blue eyes pierced through them with a sense of danger.Are you alright my dear? they asked. I looked back at the smoke ridden sky, I I am not quite fine. Who are you? I questioned.Pardon me, Araeoon, I am Langston, the door keeper of the Cat World. He sat on his hind legs and a Crystal Quartz pendent with an emerald green gem sat against his orange, tan, and white fur wrapped around his neck. I leaned in to get a better look, What is that thing on your neck? Langston looked down and pawed it to the side, Its nothing important. Anyways, arent you wondering why Im here?Well, yes I am. I am curious of this entire situation, honestly. Why are you looking for me?There is way more to the story then I have at this moment. I need you to come with me, back to the Cat World.My breath hitched in my throat, I have to leave my world? For how long? He sighed; I could tell he didnt have a sure answer. Okay, Ill go. Only if you explain as much to me as you I started, and before I could finish a bright light exploded into the air creating a portal about 4 feet tall. All the colors of the rainbow swirled together in a hypnotizing manner. Come on! Just walk through, you wont get hurt when you land, trust me. He mewed. I stepped into the void while holding my breath. I was pulled straight down and tumbled around through the many colors. Each color felt different; blue shot a cold breeze down my back giving my goose bumps, orange smelled of the apricots I sucked on in the cool summer breeze, green caressed my skin with my bed of moss. I was leaving home for who knew how long. The colors went away and all of my senses were stripped. A bright warm light shinned through my eyelids, and I realized my eyes had been closed the entire time. Within a few more seconds I landed on what felt like soft lumpy bumps. Araeoon, open your eyes my dear!I jolted up, not realizing what had just happened. For miles there were balls of yarn, and thousands of cats that were way larger and slightly more frightening than Langston. Get on my back so no one sees you, he whispered. I scrambled to my feet, trusting this stranger and climbing on his back. Where are we going now? I questioned. We are going to fly the castle! You shall meet the queen.With that, he took a running start before he jumped into the air, saying farewell to all the kittens on the ground.

To be continued