Pick a Suitcase This is Your Case Attacking only the lightly defended outposts while skipping others...


Transcript of Pick a Suitcase This is Your Case Attacking only the lightly defended outposts while skipping others...

Pick a Suitcase

This is Your Case

This is Your Case

Attacking only the lightly defended outposts while skipping others during the early part of WW2 was called..

Story Time

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Island Hopping

Collective name given to FDR’s plan to fix America during the Great Depression

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New Deal

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African American population shift from 1915 to 1925

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Great Migration

Grab Bag

Act passed during WW1 that made it criminal to speak out against the war…

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The Sedition Act

One Wish

Amendments passed under Wilson that changed American society

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18th (Prohibition)

19th (Women’s Suffrage)

½ block Gaskillympics

Spanish handling of Cuban civilians that sparked outrage in America

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Paper Clip

Term for nations under the political control of a more powerful nation

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Satellite Nation

½ a Paper Towel

Name 2 competitions between US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

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Arms Race


Space Race



These were published late in the Vietnam war, exposing many mistakes at the highest levels of government

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The Pentagon Papers


Nixon’s policy of turning the war back over to the people of Vietnam

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This was the LBJ policy of increasing the number of troops as the war went further along

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Large scale North Vietnamese military loss that proved to be a political victory for North Vietnam

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Tet Offensive

Piece of Gum

This gave President Johnson unlimited power to fight the war in Vietnam

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Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Bonus 4 Pt on binder

The main reason for building the Berlin Wall was to…

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Prevent Communists from

leaving East Berlin

Your choice of b/g pic until yr endsSchool appropriate obv.

This attempt to overthrow Castro ended miserably

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Bay of Pigs

One of Quinn’s Lego pieces

America took this measure to stop Russians from

shipping missiles to Cuba  

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Naval Blockade of Cuba

1 Penny

Name for the tactic used in the early years of Vietnam to locate and eliminate enemies

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Search and Destroy

High 5

Population explosion between the years of 1946 and 1964

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Baby Boom

Sticky Note

Televised Communist “Witch Hunts” in the government and Hollywood

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15 min class youtube clips

Idea put forth that if one nation fell to Communism, so too would its neighbors

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The Domino Theory

Ice Water Jug for All

Post WW2 plan to rebuild devastated nations and maybe earn some friends along the way

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Marshall Plan

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American plan to build a shield in space against missiles

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SDI- Strategic Defense Intiative

Perfect Binder Score

This couple was executed during the early years of the Cold War, (he was guilty she was not)

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Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

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When the Communist North attacked the Democratic South across the 38th parallel, the ______ began

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Korean War

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The first man made object to orbit the Earth

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Bonus 3 pts. On Test

This famous drill was carried out in schools across the country to protect us from nuclear attacks

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Duck and Cover

Choice of Seats

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