Physics Module by SPM14CA




Transcript of Physics Module by SPM14CA





Acceleration Rate of change of velocity

Mass Amount of matter in an object

Free Fall When an object falls due to the force of gravity without any influence from any other ext force

Inertia Properties of object to resist any changes when the object is at rest or moving with constant velocity

Impulsive Force Rate of change of momentum

Gravitational Potential Energy

Energy possessed by object due to its higher position in the gravitational field

Buoyant Force Upward force produced by an object when it is partially or completely immersed in the fluids

Heat A form of energy that is transferred from a hot body to a cold body

Specific Latent Heat of Fusion

Amount of heat required to change 1kg of substance from solid to liquid phase without change in temperature

Refraction of Light Bending of light ray at the boundary of two medium as the light ray propagates from a medium to another

Critical Angle The angle of incidence when the angle of refraction is 90°

Focal Length Distance between the focal point and optical centre

Linear Magnification Ratios of size of image to the size of object

Damping Damping is an oscillating system occurs when the system losses energy to the surrounding

Interference Superposition of two coherent waves

Induced Current The current which is produced when there is relative motion of a conductor across a magnetic field

Electromagnetic Induction

Production of an electromagnetic force in a conductor when there is a relative motion between the conductor and the magnetic field

Thermionic Emission The emission of electrons from the surface of a heated metal

Doping A process of adding a small amount of impurities into semiconductors

Nuclear Fission Splitting of a heavy nucleus into two smaller nuclei with the release of energy





Water rocket / golf / javelin

o 45* : maximum horizontal distance

Arrow Competition

o Slightly higher than target : The path is curved downwards

due to gravitational force

Law of Reflection

o Incidence ray = Reflection angle

Incidence angle greater than critical angle (i > c)

o So that total internal reflection will occur

Smaller critical angle

o Higher refractive index

Shape / Structure

Aerodynamic / Aerofoil : Reduces air resistance

Streamline ( Ship ) : Reduce water resistance

Hydrodynamic ( Submarine ) : Reduce water resistance

Inverted Aerodynamic : Bigger downward force which will

make the vehicle more stable [ Ex : Racing car ]

Dome Shape : Improve acoustic

Cylinderical Shape : Provide uniform magnetic flux [ Ex :

Magnet ]

Sharp : To produce greater pressure [ Ex : Pile ]

Concave / Curved Shape : To produce radial magnetic flux

Hollow : To reduce the impulsive force


Surface / Colour

Soft : Less water resistance [ Ex : Sail boat ]

Shiny : Good light / heat reflector

White / Bright Colour : Good light / heat reflector

Black / Dark Colour : Good heat absorber

Lager Surface Area : Smaller pressure

o Ex. of advantages of larger surface area

Tractor tyre : Smaller pressure

Sailing boat : Can trap more air

Solar panel : Can absorb more heat

Cooling fins (car radiator) : Rate of heat released is faster


Bigger Size

Can displace more air which will produce a bigger buoyant

force ( hot air balloon )

Can displace more water which will produce a bigger buoyant

force ( water raft )

Can displace more water which will enable the hydrometer to

float ( hydrometer )

Blade for car radiator : Heat released faster

Combustion chamber in jet : More space for the fuel to be


Propeller : To produce greater forward thrust

Smaller Size Diameter

Bulb of thermometer : Rate of heat transfer is faster

Cooking pot : Rate of heat transfer is faster

Fibre optic : Does not occupy big space


Bunsen burner (nozzle) : Gas will flow with higher speed

which produce lower pressure region

Rocket (nozzle) : Hot gases can eject at a higher speed which

will produce the backward momentum

Capillary tube in thermometer : High expansion of mercury


Tyres : Produce low pressure on road / more stable




Strong / High strength : Does not damage easily

Light : Easier to carry / move faster / high acceleration

Low density : Lighter

High melting point : To withstand high temperature

High boiling point : Does not vaporize easily

Hard : Does not change shape

Low rate of rusting / Corroding : Long lasting

Heavier mass : Larger momentum / withstand high pressure

Low specific heat capacity : Heat transfer is faster

Poor heat conductor : Heat up slowly

Air tight : Less heat loss

High specific heat capacity : Can absorb more heat

Lower rate of oxidation : Long lasting

Soft material : Decrease impulsive force

High thermal conductivity : Transfer of heat better

High specific latent heat of vaporization : Absorb more heat

High elasticity : Bend easily

Thicker lens : High power / bigger magnification

Shorter focal length : Bigger magnification

High refractive index : Smaller critical angle

Bigger radius of curvature of mirror : Brighter image

Concave mirror : Can produce magnifies image

Convex mirror : Has wider view

Low resistance : Power loss can be reduced

Low rate of expansion : Lower resistance

Liquid state : Can flow easily

Solid state : Easier to handle

Low ionising power : Minimum damage to tissue / organ


Shorter half-life : Decay faster

Longer half-life : Long lasting

Lower centre of gravity : More stable

High viscosity : Less friction

Waterproof material : To prevent water entering

Low freezing point : Does not freeze easily

Low power : Longer focal length

Low resistivity : Increasing the conductivity

Rigid : Not easy to crack



Helmet (outer shell) : Fibre glass = Stronger / Lighter

Interior shell of helmet : Polystyrene = Reduce impulsive force

Body of vehicle : Carbon fibre = Strong / Lighter

Spring for baby cradle : Copper = Soft / Strong

Building material for ship : Titanium = Stronger / Lighter

Boat : Fibre composite = Lighter / Stonger

Hot air balloon / Parachute : Polyester = Air proof material

Hot air balloon (near the burner) : Nomex = Fire resistance

Kettle : Nichrome = Higher resistance

Electrical wire : Copper = Good conductor

Lamp / Bulb : Fluorescent = High efficiency

Fuse wire : Tin alloy = Low melting point

Transformer : Soft iron = Can be mag / demagnetized easily

Oil : Less air bubbles / Smaller specific heat capacity

Copper : Low resistance

Aluminium : Lighter / Stronger

Steel : Strong



F = ma

F/m = a [ Lower the mass, higher the acceleration ]

P = m/v [ Lower the density, low the mass ]

P = mv [ Bigger mass, bigger the momentum ]

F = m (v-u)/t [Longer impact time, smaller impulsive force]

Ek = 1/2mv^2 [ Higher speed, higher kinetic energy ]

Eg = mgh [ Higher height, higher the grav. Potential

energy ]

Ee = 1/2Fx , 1/2 kx [ Thicker the spring, more higher the

elastic potential energy ]

Higher position : Higher speed

Moving any object faster : To transfer higher energy to

the object



Higher Power

Bulb : Brightness increases

Engine of car : Bigger forward thrust

Lens : Shorter focal length / Bigger magnification

Fan : Higher speed / Higher current

Lowe Power

Bulb : Safe cost

Heating element : Heat of slowly



#Rumours are saying that there is a slight change in paper 2 section b/c where they won’t be

providing us any characteristics, aspects & modification anymore which means we can choose any

suitable aspects and list it


1. A group of fishermen plan to go for deep sea fishing for three

months. The boat that they are using is not suitable and they

decided to make modifications to it. Using appropriate physics

concepts, suggest and explain the modifications that have to be

done to the boat.

Sample Answer

Shape - Streamline To reduce water resistance

Materials used must be strong So boat will not break on impact of water

Materials used - hard So boat does not change shape / balanced

Use sonar system for fish detector As sonar can be reflected back

Install a cooling compartment To lower fish temperature ensure they remain fresh

Smooth surface board Reduce friction towards water

Low density material Lighter

2. Modification for torchlight.

Sample Answer

Use concave share mirror Reflected ray is converging

Bulb at principal focus Reflected ray can form a parallel beam

Batteries connected in series Produce large current

Use copper connecting wire Low resistance

Use strong material such as aluminium alloy Last long

Torchlight must made of waterproof Unaffected by water

3. Design a rocket which can travel outer space with a higher



Sample Answer

Aerodynamic shape To reduce air resistance

Use low density material It will be lighter

Use liquid oxygen Boosting combustion

Has several stages that can be slip To decrease the mass of the rocket

Increase the size of the combustion chamber More space for fuel to be burnt

4. Explain the modification that should be done to a spring cradle to

support two babies placed at the same time.

Sample Answer

Arrangement of spring must be parallel Can support larger load

Smaller diameter of spring coil Can support larger load

Size of cradle must be large To support two babies at the same time

Spring should be made up of stiff material Can support larger load

Larger diameter of spring wire Higher stiffness of spring

5. Suitable hydraulic pump to raise cars in a motor workshop

Sample Answer

Type of liquid used is oil Oil is suitable because doesn’t evaporate easily

Size of cylinder under the car must be big To produce bigger force to lift the car

Amount of liquid must full Pressure can be transmitted efficiently

Type of material used is steel Rate of oxidation is slow

6. Features of the hot air balloon so that it can rise up fast and safe.

Sample Answer

Bigger size To produce bigger buoyant force

High temperature of air To produce less dense air

More number of burners To produce hot gasses in shorter period of time

Total mass is low Balloon move upward faster

Envelope made of synthetic nylon Strong / lighter

7. Using knowledge on reflection of light, explain the characteristics

of an anti-theft mirror that can be used to have a clearer view of


the shop’s interior.

Sample Answer

Convex mirror Wider view

Larger diameter More objects can be seen

Bigger curvature of mirror Wider view

Less thickness Avoid multiple image formed

Position: Top corner Can monitor easily by observer

8. Specification for the construction of an auditorium hall.

Sample Answer

Dome shape roof Improve acoustic

Sound proof materials for wall To avoid disturbance from outside

Soft materials for seat To absorb sound

Powerful speakers More louder

Floor covered with thick carpet To absorb sound

9. Specification of fuse wire to prevent damage to the electrical coil

due to overheating.

Sample Answer

Lower specific heat capacity Shorter time to heat and melt

Lower melting point Can melt easily when larger current flows

Smaller diameter of fuse wire High resistance

High resistivity More heat released

High thermal conductivity Transfer the heat better

10. Specification of cables for National Grid Network.

Sample Answer

Cables with bigger diameter Decrease resistance

Cables with small density Lighter

Cables with smaller rate of expansion The danger of the cable snapping is reduced

Cables with lower specific heat capacity Temperature rise will be lower

11. Design a loudspeaker which can produce a loud sound.

Sample Answer


Shape of magnet is cylindrical It will produce uniform magnetic field

The coil is placed surrounding the magnet To increase the effectiveness of counter react between the magnetic field

Cone is made of light material It can easily vibrate

A.C power supply is used Audio signal varies with the current

Material for body of loudspeaker is metal To ensure loudspeaker is strong

12. Determine transformer with the highest efficiency.

Sample Answer

Type of wire – copper wire Low resistance

Type of core - soft iron Can be mag / demagnetized easily

Design of core - laminated Reduce energy loss due to eddy current

Method of winding – wind the secondary coil on top of primary coil

Reduce flux leakage

13. As a factory engineer, you are required to determine the most

suitable radioisotopes that can be used by the system to ensure the

volume of guava juice is uniform.

Sample Answer

Has a long half life Can be used for a long time hence save cost

Emits beta Can penetrate box and liquid and less dangerous than gamma

Solid form Easy to handle

Low ionising power Does not change the state or taste of juice