Physical Interaction Design - HAW Hamburgubicomp/...Sebastian Gregor – AW2 Motivation Emotional...

Physical Interaction Design Physical Interaction Design Sebastian Gregor INF-M3 – Anwendungen2 (WS 08/09) Department Informatik HAW Hamburg 03. Dezember 2008

Transcript of Physical Interaction Design - HAW Hamburgubicomp/...Sebastian Gregor – AW2 Motivation Emotional...

Page 1: Physical Interaction Design - HAW Hamburgubicomp/...Sebastian Gregor – AW2 Motivation Emotional Tent: - react on visitors - visitors make the organism come alive - diff t bdifferent

Physical Interaction DesignPhysical Interaction DesignSebastian Gregor

INF-M3 – Anwendungen2 (WS 08/09)

Department Informatik

HAW Hamburgg

03. Dezember 2008

Page 2: Physical Interaction Design - HAW Hamburgubicomp/...Sebastian Gregor – AW2 Motivation Emotional Tent: - react on visitors - visitors make the organism come alive - diff t bdifferent

Sebastian Gregor – AW2


MotivationPhidget d.toolsGainerArduino / WiringArduino / WiringSummary


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2


Pentiment Summer Course 2008▫ Wearable Computing / E-Textiles (Eyal Sheffer)

Cooperation Design Department▫ Master Project „Emotional Tent“aste oject „ ot o a e t


Page 4: Physical Interaction Design - HAW Hamburgubicomp/...Sebastian Gregor – AW2 Motivation Emotional Tent: - react on visitors - visitors make the organism come alive - diff t bdifferent

Sebastian Gregor – AW2

MotivationMotivationEmotional Tent:- react on visitors- visitors make the organism come alive

diff t b j t- different sub-projects:- Interactiv Skin- Tunnel- Cocoons- Five Senses- Swarm- Fluffy- LED Wall + Jacket


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2


artists have great ideas

whole different culturewhole different culturedifferent way of doing things and starting projectsmisunderstandings

need to assamble electronic parts to electronic circuitsfew have knowledge about electronics in generalfew have soldering experiences

need to integrate microcontroller gbut few can program a MCU


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

PhidgetPhidget„Physical widgets for prototyping physical user interfaces“„ y g p yp g p yresearch project in 2001 University of CalgaryS l G b d Ch t Fit h ttSaul Greenberg and Chester Fitchett

Phidgets, Inc. ( produces electronic components


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

PhidgetPhidgetUSB Moduls for sensing and controlgUSB API for Programminglibraries for:

Flash / FlexFlash / Flex

Max / Msp






Mi f R b i S diMicrosoft Robotics Studio



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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

d toolsd.toolsHCI Group at StanfordHCI Group at Stanforddeveloped 2005 by B. Hartmann, S. R. Klemmer, et al. was built to support design thinking rather than implementation tinkering.

hardware and software platform

pp g g p g[]

hardware and software platforminitial prototype with Flash and Phidgetsnow plug-in for Eclipse with its own h d l fhardware platformprototyping through statecharts


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2



several componentseach with own microcontroller

b h f master observes the presents of componentsinform PC through OpenSoundControl (OSC)


Page 10: Physical Interaction Design - HAW Hamburgubicomp/...Sebastian Gregor – AW2 Motivation Emotional Tent: - react on visitors - visitors make the organism come alive - diff t bdifferent

Sebastian Gregor – AW2



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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

d toolsd.toolsHCI Group at StanfordHCI Group at Stanforddeveloped 2005 by B. Hartmann, S. R. Klemmer, et al. was built to support design thinking rather than implementation tinkering.

hardware and software platform

pp g g p g[]

hardware and software platforminitial prototype with Flash and Phidgetsnow plug-in for Eclipse with its own h d l fhardware platformprototyping through statecharts


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2


Ref 5[]


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

d toolsd.toolsHCI Group at StanfordHCI Group at Stanforddeveloped 2005 by B. Hartmann, S. R. Klemmer, et al.

d tools was built to support design thinking rather than implementation

hardware and software platform was built to support design thinking rather than implementation tinkering. []

hardware and software platforminitial prototype with Flash and Phidgetsnow plug-in for Eclipse with its own h d l fhardware platformprototyping through statecharts


Page 14: Physical Interaction Design - HAW Hamburgubicomp/...Sebastian Gregor – AW2 Motivation Emotional Tent: - react on visitors - visitors make the organism come alive - diff t bdifferent

Sebastian Gregor – AW2



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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

GainerGainerproject launched 2005 in Japanproject launched 2005 in Japanteam leader Shigeru KOBAYASHIopen-source

O l fRef 6

IO – Platform:a PSoC microcontroller (CY8C29466, Cypress) a USB-to-UART bridge (FT232RL, FTDI)


an I/O module PCB board (original) resistors, capacitors, LEDs and so on

Software Libraries:Flash Max/MSP Processing


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

Arduino / WiringArduino / WiringWiring developed from Hernando Barragán 2003 (Interaction Design Institute Ivrea)small IO – Board based on Atmel MCUbased on Wiring the international Arduino Projekt was launchedbased on Wiring the international Arduino Projekt was launched


Ref 7


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

Arduino / WiringArduino / WiringIO – Board complete open-sourcecan communicate with Flash, Processing, Max/MSP,…but also stand alone programming environment based on ProcessingProcessing


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

Arduino / WiringArduino / Wiringuser writes SketchesC like languageuploading to IO – Board by clicking on the upload buttonclicking on the upload buttonBoot loader on Atmel starts Sketchcommunication through USB –Serial converter

environment extendable by writing lib ilibraries


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

Arduino / WiringArduino / Wiringdevelopment environment runs on Windows, OS X and Linuxsimple and clear extensible (Shields)several sensors and actors availableseveral sensors and actors availablehuge community several tutorials and libraries

interesting related projects




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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

Arduino / WiringArduino / WiringLilyPad:

microcontroller board designed for wearablesdeveloped by Leah BuechleyUniverity of Colorado 2007Univerity of Colorado 2007can be sewn to fabricavailable as of October 2007 from Spark Funfully Arduino compatiblefully Arduino compatibleSpark Fun has developed a lot of different sensors


and actors



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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

Arduino / WiringArduino / WiringFritzing:

open-source initiativestarted October 2007 University of Applied Science y ppPotsdam

support designers and …support designers and artists to take the step from physical prototyping to actual productto actual product.



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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

SummarySummarya lot of different toolsPhidget hardware only / no programming environmentd.Tool no hardware available / graphical programming environment / testing and analyzing tools integratedenvironment / testing and analyzing tools integratedGainer complete open-source / libraries for Flash, Max / MSP, Processing / no programming environmentWiring / Arduino complete open-source/ programming environment / huge community and sub – project

Arduino most commonly used by artistsmissing graphical programming and simulation environment


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

Have a look atHave a look at

Emotional Tent: www.ambientawareness.orgPhidget Projekt: t I hid tPhidget Inc.: http://gainer.ccp //gWiring: d htt // b di it d / l h/Lil P d/i d ht lLilypad:


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

LiteratureLiterature[1] ARDUINO: Arduino Homepage. –

h // d i

[2] BUECHLEY, Leah: A Construction Kit for Electronic Textiles. In: 10th IEEE International

Symposium on Wearable Computers (2006), Oktober, S. 83 – 90Symposium on Wearable Computers (2006), Oktober, S. 83 90

[3] BUECHLEY, Leah ; EISENBERG, Michael: The LilyPad Arduino: Toward Wearable Engineering

for Everyone. In: Pervasive Computing, IEEE (2008), April, S. 12 – 15

[4] BUECHLEY, Leah ; ELUMEZE, Nwanua ; DODSON, Camille ; EISENBERG, Michael: Quilt

Snaps: A Fabric Based Computational Construction Kit. In: Proceedings of the 2005

IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education 2005IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2005


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Sebastian Gregor – AW2

LiteratureLiterature[5] EISENBERG, Michael ; EISENBERG, Ann ; BUECHLEY, Leah ; ELUMEZE, Nwanua: Invisibility

C id d H f l R i i i T di i l P i i l f Ubi i C i iConsidered Harmful: Revisiting Traditional Principles of Ubiquitous Computing in

the Context of Education. In: Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education

(2006), November, S. 103 – 110

[6] FITCHETT, Chester ; GREENBERG, Saul: The Phidget Architecture: Rapid Development

of Physical User Interfaces. In: Workshop ApplicationModels and Programming Tools

for Ubiquitous Computing, 2001

[7] FRITZING: Fritzing Homepage. –

[8] GAINER: Gainer Homepage. –


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[9] HARTMANN Björn ; KLEMMER Scott R ; BERNSTEIN Michael ; ABDULLA Leith ; BURR[9] HARTMANN, Björn ; KLEMMER, Scott R. ; BERNSTEIN, Michael ; ABDULLA, Leith ; BURR,Brandon ; ROBINSON-MOSHER, Avi ; GEE, Jennifer: Reflective Physical Prototypingthrough Integrated Design, Test, and Analysis. In: Proceedings of UIST, 2006

h l d l[10] HARTMANN, Björn ; KLEMMER, Scott R. ; BERNSTEIN, Michael ; MEHTA, Nirav: Prototyping Physical UIs through Statecharts. In: Extended Abstracts of UIST2005, 2005

[11] INC., Phidget: Phidget Homepage. –

[12] KLEMMER Scott R ; HARTMANN Bjoern ; TAKAYAMA Leila: How Bodies Matter: Five[12] KLEMMER, Scott R. ; HARTMANN, Bjoern ; TAKAYAMA, Leila: How Bodies Matter: FiveThemes for Interaction Design. In: Proceedings of DIS, 2006

[13] WIRING: Wiring Homepage. –htt // i i


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